What a fetus in 12 weeks. The algorithm of action in case of poisoning is simple. In cases where help is urgently needed, you can apply

In the 12th week of pregnancy, the unborn child turns 10 weeks from the moment of fertilization. The first trimester of pregnancy comes to an end, by this time all organs and systems are already formed in the fetus, they continue to develop and differentiate.

Fetal changes

The size of the fetus at the 12th week of gestation is up to 6-7 cm in length, its weight reaches 12-14 g. It looks like the future baby is thin and disproportionate - the size of the head still makes up most of its length.

On this term, ultrasound solves a whole range of tasks.

And remember: long before the birth, the child already exists in the head and heart of the family. And this in itself is already a small reason to celebrate. By the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby is considered a fetus. Exposing the baby during the 9th week of pregnancy is described in more detail below.

The eyes are larger, more distinct and may have pigment. The mouth and tongue can also be seen, and very small taste buds are present. Hands grow and bend can be seen in the elbows. Feet and arms develop, with current ridges where the toes and toes will grow.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the work of the nervous and muscular systems is well coordinated - the fetus performs various movements in the womb. For example, when it collides with the wall of the uterus, it repels itself from it, makes grimaces, compresses fists and sucks fingers of hands. The mother does not feel these gestures, because the future child is still too small.

How does the uterus react in the twelfth week of pregnancy?

At this stage, the child may have reached 200 mm in length. By the 10th week, the baby’s head has become more rounded and starts from one neck to form. The eyelids can now be closed to protect the developing eyes, and the ears begin to develop. The upper lip and nostrils are visible, and the milk teeth are already present in the jaw.

The heart is fully formed and cuts about 180 beats per minute, and the movements of the child can be observed with ultrasound scanning. At the beginning of week 11, the baby’s head is still very large, covering about half the length, although the body will soon grow, reaching over the next few weeks.

The senses are developing intensively - the fetus at 12 weeks of gestation is able to respond to light (turns away from bright sources), to feel the taste of the amniotic fluid.

The bones begin to stiffen and become hard, there are no membranes on the fingers. A skin pattern begins to form on the fingers, which in the future will determine the uniqueness of human fingerprints.

The eyes of the child are now clearly separated, the facial bones are formed, and the ears are low. The liver now begins to form red blood cells, and by the end of the 11th week, the child’s genitals will begin to develop. Now the child weighs about 8 lawns. After 12 weeks, the child forms the nails, and the face now looks human. The fruit is formed completely with all its organs that are improved.

A child may be about 60 mm long and weigh about 14 lawns. The baby is moving, although the womb cannot yet feel it. The cartilaginous child has now developed, begins to turn into bone. Between 9 and 12 weeks of gestation, the breast of the uterus will be enlarged and possibly softened.

In the blood cells of a person in the 12th week of pregnancy, there appear, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes responsible for immunity and tissue healing.

An ultrasound scan at the 12th week of pregnancy will show how the heart chambers and the sex of the fetus are reduced. True, the future baby does not always show his genitals during the study, crossing the legs together.

He may have also tried to change his emotions, feeling satisfaction at one moment, but dissatisfied with the next, although these emotions should begin to calm down. Pregnant women were required to participate in the first prenatal care for 12 weeks and should contact their doctor or maternity team member if they have not done so.

The first ultrasound scan is offered somewhere between 8 and 14 weeks of gestation. During the first prenatal appointment, the woman is offered several tests and tests to monitor her health and identify any potential difficulties.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is rapidly increasing. If at week 10 it was only 30 ml, then in 2 weeks their number will increase almost 2 times. Amniotic fluid performs a number of important functions to maintain the balance of metabolism and gas exchange of the fetus. Since the formation of the placenta, the main part of the water is the filtrate of the plasma from the maternal blood.

The prenatal team will also discuss with the parent all the options as to where you would like to have a child. This is almost the end of your third month of pregnancy, your breasts will continue to thicken, and your stomach will be rounded, your baby's face will be in order, and his organs will work. Do not forget to send a statement about pregnancy.

Your third month of pregnancy is over, your breasts continue to thicken, and your belly is rounded. Fatigue is still often present, but soon you will feel much better! Your body continues to change. The big novelty of the week is your breasts, which continue to grow. Some women find them more sensitive or even more painful. To make it easier for you, think about the right size. If necessary, you can also wear it at night, provided that you choose it without frame, it is more convenient to lie down.

Changes in the body of a woman in the 12th week of pregnancy

Since the period of 12 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of a woman is constantly increasing. Until that time, the normal total weight gain should not exceed 3.5 kg.

The load on the cardiovascular system and the kidneys of the pregnant woman continues to increase.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the phenomena of early toxicosis are normal, and the state of health improves significantly.

You can also put the toilet gloves soaked in cold water on your chest, it will bring you the greatest benefit. Your stomach also continues to grow smoothly. On a scale you should have taken from 1, 5 to 2 kg. Do not panic, because every woman is unique. But do not hesitate to seek advice from a doctor or gynecologist to take good reflexes.

Keep taking care of yourself. The good news: if they have not yet disappeared, they should gradually begin to disappear. If you feel tired, just one word of order: take a break, ask for help around you, for example, ask a housekeeper to help you with housekeeping if you can. Also watch what you eat, and remember to moisturize yourself enough, drink all day.

An itch in the chest, thigh and abdomen area can be added to the new sensations. The first pigment spots and spider veins may appear on the skin of the face, which will disappear after childbirth.

The stomach on the 12th week of pregnancy begins to increase in size. This increase is more intense in the case of multiple pregnancy. The uterus gradually emerges from the pelvic cavity, reaching the pubic joint. A pregnant woman is less likely to suffer from constipation and frequent urination.

Your third month of pregnancy ends at your own pace. Your child continues to grow, and his face is transformed. Now his organs are fine. Now you can clearly determine the sex of your child. Your child’s face is human.

Your child's face continues to improve more and more, his eyelids grow, his eyes and ears occupy the last place, his jaw changes, and even his hair begins to slowly grow. very thin, it now covers your baby’s entire body: it has a mission to protect its skin and fall naturally before birth or immediately afterwards.

Pain in the 12th week of pregnancy is less worried, the placenta works in full force and the risk of miscarriage while observing the doctor’s recommendations is minimal. But in the case of bleeding in the 12th week of pregnancy, the probability of its interruption is high.

Examination at the 12th week of pregnancy

On the ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy, you can set the sex of the unborn baby. True, this requires a survey on modern and high-precision equipment. In addition, an ultrasound examines the duration of pregnancy, reveals gross malformations. A blood test for alpha-fetoprotein, which shows the possibility of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, is timed to this examination. Especially it is necessary to conduct it in women over the age of 35-40 years.

How does the fetus develop

His organs are functioning. At this stage of development, all organs of your child are trained. They all begin to function normally. Him nervous system   and his muscles are now active: now we can say that your child moves voluntarily, even if you don’t feel it yet. Your child’s genitals are also being trained. In the little girl, the ovary is lowered. A little boy has a prostate gland. If you are expecting a little boy, his penis is now there: if you did an ultrasound now, you could see it clearly.

Also during a regular visit to the doctor, a pregnant woman passes a general urine test.

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12 weeks gestation is the third month or 1 trimester

The structure of the brain of a child is similar to the brain of an adult, only in a reduced size. He has not yet learned to control his body and moves spontaneously, but the muscle tissue is strengthened with each movement. The umbilical cord is detached from the intestine, but the nutrients continue to be ingested by the child. The liver and gall bladder are involved in the work, contributing to the absorption of fat in the digestive tract of the crumbs.

You are about to end your third month of pregnancy. You start around you. Do not forget about some administrative and medical formalities. Do not forget about your statement about pregnancy. If you have not yet submitted a statement about pregnancy, this time or never. To exercise your rights, you must submit them by the end of next week. To remind you, the pink component should be sent to your health insurance, and the two blue components to your family benefits fund. This will allow you, among other things, to take advantage of the 100% coverage of the so-called mandatory medical examinations throughout pregnancy, but also after that .

The genitals are already formed, so the doctor will be able to determine the sex of the child, if the angle allows, by an ultrasound. Compared with the previous weeks, the fetus behaves more actively, which may cause the mother to feel some discomfort.

The placenta produces hormones that contribute to the preservation of pregnancy and the course of it without complications. Toxicosis by this time comes to naught, the woman again feels energetic and cheerful. The size of the uterus gradually increases, its width reaches 10 cm. The uterus rises above, since it no longer fits in the pelvis. Due to the acceleration of blood circulation, the heart of a pregnant woman works more actively than before.

Sign up for a consultation for the fourth month. By the end of the third month of pregnancy, you can make an appointment for the fourth month of the consultation. This is the second of the seven mandatory visits, after you were at the very beginning of pregnancy, and now you will need one every month before birth. These visits, which you can do with a gynecologist or midwife, are an opportunity to undergo a full medical examination and assess the course of your pregnancy.

Food poisoning - how to be?

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The end of the first trimester

The long-awaited 12th week of pregnancy began, marking the end of the first trimester. Usually, a woman's health by this time is significantly improved if she has suffered from toxemia in previous weeks. The nausea and vomiting that have plagued a pregnant woman for 11 weeks cease. Now the function of life support fetus takes over the placenta. Unfortunately, with multiple pregnancies, the symptoms of toxemia can last a little longer, accompanied by irritability, nervousness, and mood swings. All this can be explained by the serious hormonal alteration of the body.

This week you may feel a little better from chronic fatigue and nausea. Other women may have to wait a few more weeks. Your stomach may begin to increase, especially if you are not pregnant. Around this week, placental hormone production becomes more substantial and stable. If you suffer from yellow corpuscles from the ovary, it may disappear. The risk of miscarriage decreases more and more.

Even if your baby’s brain is not the same as at birth, it already has the same structure. He already has his own reflexes and is practiced with movements of the whole body. All this is to prepare for superhuman life well. The risk of spontaneous abortion is significantly reduced compared with previous weeks! If you are using a fetal heartbeat detector, you may already be able to hear the beating of your baby. In any case, this is an exciting sound to listen to!

If toxicosis led to weight loss in the first trimester of pregnancy, then, starting from week 12, gains will necessarily be regular. Now the rate of weight gain is calculated at 500 grams per week. The organism of the future mother is fully adapted to the development of the growing baby, all the organs and systems work at the limit of possibilities.

In cases where help is urgently needed, you can apply

Listen to the rhythm of the baby after 12 weeks. He hits about 160 beats per minute. Your uterus can become more than a mother with one child. This may be one of the first cases when we begin to suspect that they are two, and not one. Also consider joining a support group for dad! There is a group of online groups dedicated to future popes. These groups can be a haven for you to discuss your feelings, from beautiful to ugly and any joy or disappointment that you feel during this period.

The heart beats more often, overtaking a greater volume of circulating blood, and the lungs and kidneys are activated more actively. In comparison with the beginning of pregnancy, urination is normalized - the frequency of urging decreases, especially at night. At the same time, the growth of the uterus can provoke a slowdown of the intestinal function and, as a result, lead to constipation.

Each pregnancy is different, so if you have any questions, consult your doctor. Now fatigue and nausea begin to pass, but can get a headache. This is due to an increase in circulating blood volume. Dizziness and pressure drop may recur: take all precautions.

Tell your doctor, gynecologist, any symptoms, fear, anxiety or doubts that you have. The uterus begins to move forward and will therefore press less on the bladder. It is, however, only until the third quarter, when the uterus and baby are so grown by pressing the same again.

Already, a woman may notice that her stomach is slightly rounded, and the waist is smoothed. In fact, during the first pregnancy, the abdomen begins to increase somewhat later, and by the 12th week its circumference almost does not change. A pregnant woman can continue to wear her usual clothes, feeling comfortable in her. With repeated pregnancy, the abdominal circumference may increase by the end of the first trimester, prompting the expectant mother to choose clothes of a more free cut.

Now the placenta has begun producing pregnancy hormones at full capacity, and this will also have a beneficial effect on your mood. Your energy is increasing, and the best time to start is if you have not completed the course or just on foot. The activity that has begun will bring your body back into shape immediately after birth.

The nipples and your halos are darker, and finally your appetite returns. On your belly you can appear Nigro line or line of sunrise, which crosses the stomach vertically through the navel. The continuous development of nerves also allows the fetus to sense certain types of pain.

As the size of the abdomen increases, itching may occur. Its appearance suggests the need to use special moisturizing and nourishing products in order to avoid the formation of stretch marks. In addition to the abdomen, stretch marks can appear on the thighs, chest, side surfaces of the body. Show love to yourself while caring for your skin. Also on the stomach you can see pigment spots and a dark strip coming from the navel down. These phenomena are temporary, not dangerous, and will disappear after the birth of the child.

Hair and nails grow, hair follicles form, and tiny tooth buds form in the mouth, starting approximately 5-6 months after birth. The bones of the limbs ossify. A baby's heart pumps a lot of blood in a day. Blood circulates through the umbilical cord, which brings nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to the fetus and waste from the fetus to the placenta.

Genitalia are clearly visible, and therefore a hypothesis can be put forward from one. But confidence comes from consecutive ultrasounds, precisely with this. Some movements begin spontaneously, but for you it is still too little. He smiles, opens and closes his hands, turns his ankles and wrists, frowns, tightens his lips, in short, busy that the whole body begins to act and moves a lot, as you saw on the ultrasound.

The growth of the abdomen, of course, is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, which, having reached a width of 10 cm, rises into the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity. Now and further in the course of pregnancy, a woman can independently feel and assess how much the womb has become larger.

Ultrasound on week 12

At this time, the gynecologist directs the woman to the first ultrasound examination. At this time, the size of the fetus and the estimated date of delivery are determined. For the first time, the future mother sees her baby, a little man, whom she will soon press to her breast. Also, the first ultrasound tracks more important indicators.

The size of the uterus and its tone, the condition and location of the placenta are assessed, the presence or absence of an ectopic pregnancy, as well as the exact number of fetuses in the woman's uterus are specified. During the study future mom first sees his child. It is still too small, and without the help of a doctor it is difficult to understand exactly what is shown on the screen. Therefore, ask questions without hesitation, you can ask to show a little face. You will not “see” until the next screening, so catch precious moments, remember how tiny it is.

The values ​​of the parameters set by the doctor during the ultrasound scan are compared with the data in the table of normal values. Such a comparison provides information on whether pregnancy is proceeding normally. Later, the results of the first ultrasound scan will be used during repeated ultrasound examinations to compare, track changes and prevent deviations.

Sometimes the first ultrasound diagnostics presents an unpleasant “surprise” to the pregnant woman and her family members - detection of congenital malformations of the fetus or chromosomal abnormalities. At the present stage of development of medicine, it is impossible to cure such diseases, therefore, in the near future, parents will have to make a difficult choice, decide whether to terminate the pregnancy or leave the baby.

A more informative way to detect congenital developmental abnormalities is not just an ultrasound scan, but screening at week 12. The first screening, or double test, is a comprehensive study and includes an ultrasound and a biochemical analysis of the blood of a pregnant woman. The analysis shows the content in the blood of a pregnant two markers - free b-hCG (free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPP-A (plasma protein A associated with pregnancy).

Ultrasound on week 12


For the entire period of pregnancy, screenings are carried out 3 times, the first of which falls between 11 and 13 weeks. Special attention at this period is paid to ultrasound examination of the collar zone of the fetus, the state of which indicates the presence or absence of gross malformations and anomalies that are incompatible with life. The collar zone is the space in the neck between the skin and underlying tissues, in which free fluid can accumulate. This is a non-permanent marker, the collar space and the norms of its research change as the fetus develops, so it is extremely important to undergo the first screening on time. It is also important that the analysis of the neck area was carried out by a highly qualified specialist who is able to accurately diagnose.

Hormonal studies conducted in the framework of the first screening, allow you to determine the degree of risk of developing a baby certain deviations. Thus, the increase in the values ​​of free b-hCG on average doubles the suspicion in the fetus of the presence of trisomy 21 chromosomes (Down syndrome), and its decrease suggests trisomy 18 chromosomes (Edwards syndrome). Despite the high degree of informativeness of the first screening, it, while identifying some deviations from the norm, is not the final analysis. It is aimed only at identifying the degree of risk and determining the likelihood of developing defects. Also, the first screening is able to detect a defect in the fetal neural tube. According to the results of its holding, if there are grounds, the doctor sends the pregnant woman for a consultation to the genetics who conducts further research.

At week 12, in addition to biochemical blood tests and ultrasound examinations, the gynecologist can prescribe a pregnant woman for other tests. For example, in case of a late appeal to a maternity clinic, a mandatory delivery of routine tests is performed. Or the condition of the future mother requires additional research.

Photos tummy on week 12

Week 12 tests

The following blood tests are obligatory for delivery at this stage of pregnancy: for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, blood type and Rh factor, glucose level, and also biochemical blood test. As mentioned earlier, biochemical analysis is included in the first screening and shows the level of hCG in the pregnant woman’s body. If you suspect a gynecologist about the presence of specific diseases, you may need additional blood donation for hormones and a smear test for urogenital infections.

Conducting the necessary research in time allows you to monitor the state of health of the pregnant woman, as well as monitor the rate of growth and development of the fetus. The future baby on obstetric period of 12 weeks weighs an average of 14 grams, and the length of his calf from crown to coccyx can be from 6 to 9 cm. Further, to determine the development of the child’s doctors, the length of growth rate will be more important than the weight of the fetus.

By the 12th week the fetus is almost completely formed, all the organs and systems of the child are involved in the active work, continuing to improve as they grow. The fingers and toes are already divided, a unique pattern appears on the pads, and tiny nails are already growing on the tips of the fingers. The skin of the baby is constantly updated, where subsequently eyebrows and eyelashes grow, the first down appears. Chin and space above the upper lip are also covered with downy hair.

At this time, your baby may already grimace, open or close his mouth, take a finger in his mouth and suck it. His movements are very active, although not controlled. He moves his arms and legs, turns over and tumbles, moves freely in his mother's stomach, where there is still a lot of space at his disposal.

By the age of 12 weeks, all the internal organs of the child were formed and joined in the work, continuing to develop as the baby grew. The kidneys and the nervous system function well, the heart beats often - often, the pituitary and thyroid glands produce their own hormones and iodine. Bone tissue matures and strengthens, muscles become stronger from each movement. The intestine has already fallen into place, its contractions occur systematically, and the small liver secretes bile. The immune system continues to improve, now in the composition of the baby’s blood there are not only red blood cells, but also white blood cells.

Pain for 12 weeks

Everything that happens in the mother's belly is normally not accompanied by the appearance of painful sensations. A slight slight intensity of pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of which is explained by the tension of the ligaments holding the enlarged and heavier uterus, is permissible. There may also be back pain associated, according to doctors, with a change in the center of gravity due to the gradual growth of the tummy. In addition, progesterone produced in large quantities to support pregnancy leads to some softening of the vertebral discs and supporting ligaments.

A very different character has back pain due to the presence of a urinary tract infection. It can be acute or pulling, painful, giving to the pubis and genitals. In the presence of such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. Consultation of a gynecologist is also required if at the 12th week of pregnancy the pulling, aching pains in the lower abdomen of the expectant mother are periodic, lasting 2-3 hours without a break. This type of pain, accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, can cost your child's life. Avoid premature termination of pregnancy, or miscarriage, will only attentive to yourself and timely response to the onset of threatening symptoms. Ask for help immediately and save the life of the baby.


At week 12, any discharge with an admixture of blood should alert the future mother. Accompanied by specific abdominal pains, they talk about the risk of spontaneous abortion. Appeared after intercourse or bimanual examination, bleeding indicates the presence of cervical erosion. Erosion requires additional research through colposcopy and mandatory treatment.

Normal in the 12th week of pregnancy are moderate discharge, colorless or milky, homogeneous in texture, with a slightly sourish odor or no odor at all. Vaginal discharge with impurities of pus, mucus, heterogeneous consistency, having a yellow or green tint, with a sharp unpleasant smell, indicate the presence of a mother infection of the genitals. So the main symptoms of trichomoniasis, thrush and chlamydia are changes in the color and consistency of secretions. All sexually transmitted infections should be treated immediately in order to avoid further spread of microorganisms and damage to the ovum.

There is a popular belief that bleeding of a different nature on early terms   Pregnancy - a common phenomenon and almost normal. However, doctors refute this point of view, stating that bleeding for a period of 12 weeks is a prerequisite for a mandatory appeal for help. Bleeding can be a harbinger of spontaneous abortion. Is it worth risking the life of your own child, hoping at random !?

The most dangerous are bleeding, accompanied by cramping or prolonged pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as painful sensations in the lumbar region. In addition to the possible termination of pregnancy (miscarriage), they may indicate that the woman has a pathological and difficult - ectopic pregnancy.

With her presence to save the life of the baby, unfortunately, is not possible. She also carries a threat to the life and health of women. The twelfth week ends the first trimester of pregnancy, the most critically dangerous period. After its completion, most of the anomalies and malformations of the child are not threatened, but it is still worth taking care of the pregnant woman. Even a banal cold at this time is best avoided.


Early cold is extremely undesirable, it can lead to serious troubles, like placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, an increase in the risk of miscarriage. Colds at 12 weeks can lead to the development of defects in the development of the baby, sometimes incompatible with life. Let it be a very negative scenario, but it can end up with a spontaneous abortion.

The main problem in case of a cold is its treatment in a pregnant woman. Gestational age is still too small, and the use of conservative drug therapy is unacceptable, since drugs   pass through the transplacental barrier and cause harm to the fetus. It is necessary to limit treatment using folk remedies   and herbal drugs, but their use requires prior consultation with the attending physician.

If the cold has not bypassed you, provide yourself peace of mind, and better, stick to bed rest. Plentiful warm drink will relieve the symptoms of intoxication, will have a warming and distracting effect. For pregnant women recommended decoctions of wild rose, berry fruit drinks from lingonberries, raspberries, currants, herbal soothing teas. In small quantities and in the absence of allergies, you can add to the drinks (warm milk or tea) natural honey. Warm milk mixed with Borjomi mineral water will help calm the cough. Also in the treatment of cough, it is permissible to use lozenges and syrup "Doctor MOM", anti-cough medicine "Gedeliks" or mixture with altey.

If cold symptoms do not leave a pregnant woman for 3-4 days, they are aggravated, accompanied by intense headaches, temperature rises up to 38 degrees and above, copious discharge from the nose and painful cough, you should consult a doctor again and discuss further treatment.

Also in some situations, a woman can fix periodic temperature rises up to 37 - 37.5 degrees in the absence of symptoms of a cold. One of the reasons may be the specific reaction of the pregnant woman’s body to the increased level of the hormone progesterone. Another reason may be a disease that occurs in erased form. To identify such a disease, it is worth donating blood for a general analysis, where the indicators of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and leukocyte levels indicate the presence or absence of an inflammatory process. With normal values ​​of these indicators and well-being, minor rises in body temperature over a period of 12 weeks can be regarded as a feature of the body's response to pregnancy.

A rise in body temperature to high numbers may be accompanied by various diseases that a pregnant woman is also prone to. Exposure to high temperatures is dangerous for the child and can lead to a fading pregnancy. How to reduce the temperature in conditions where the use of most antipyretic drugs is prohibited? (Only Paracetamol can be prescribed as a febrifuge by a doctor).

To reduce the temperature, use folk methods: wiping with cool water and vinegar (not only alcohol, the vapors of which act on the fetus!), cold compresses on the wrists and ankles, cool showers and, most importantly, plenty of drink to relieve intoxication. Do not hesitate to call the doctor on the house. He will be able to assess the degree of danger high temperature   for mom and her baby, prescribe an adequate dosage of “Paracetamol” and, if necessary, offer hospitalization.


At week 12, you should refrain from consuming any doses of alcohol if you, the expectant mother, want the baby to be born healthy.

The brain of the child continues to be formed and how disastrous the alcohol intake of the pregnant woman will be can only be assumed. Ethyl alcohol can negatively affect brain cells, destroy them, the consequences can be sad and unpredictable. In more serious cases, alcohol leads to physical deformities in the fetus, as it affects the development of bone and muscle tissue.

Large amounts of alcohol, penetrating through the placenta, have a toxic effect on the child, which can eventually cause miscarriage.

Sex 12 week

Having sex at this stage of pregnancy is not forbidden if the woman feels good and there are no contraindications: multiple pregnancy, low location or placenta previa, the threat of miscarriage.

At the same time try to avoid squeezing the abdomen and track the sensations after intercourse. Normally, short seizures may occur. However, if they continue for a long time, increase and are accompanied by bleeding, immediately seek medical attention.


Nutrition of a pregnant woman at any time should be complete and balanced. In the early stages it is especially important, because the miracles that take place in your tummy require more and more resources. Prefer products such as meat and fish, milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, a variety of cereals. Important and method of cooking. Roasting, boiling or stewing can be a good alternative to frying. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten fresh, the fiber obtained in this way will save you from possible constipation.

Even if you have not had breakfast before, now you should choose a full breakfast. A good lunch option would be a serving of soup and a protein product. Dinner should be as light as possible. Fractional nutrition in small portions will help avoid overeating and heartburn. You can always find an alternative to products you dislike: replace meat with poultry or fish, bake boiled fish, etc. Food, forcibly eaten, not giving you pleasure, will not bring the desired benefit, no matter what wonderful properties it would have. Eat on health and with joy.

Useful information

On the belly from the navel to the pubis, a dark strip may appear. This is a temporary, non-hazardous phenomenon. In time, it will disappear.

Hazards in week 12

  • at week 12, many pregnant women develop pigmentation spots on different parts of the body: on the neck, abdomen, face, etc. You can not worry, they will also disappear after the birth of the baby;
  • spider veins may appear on the legs during this period, especially on the back surfaces of the legs and thighs. With successful development, after childbirth, they will pass;
  • do not force yourself to endure an abdominal pain! It can be dangerous for you and the child, seek medical help immediately;
  • now heartburn may appear, an unpleasant phenomenon, but tolerable.

If you have not undergone an ultrasound, do it now. Otherwise, if there are some congenital defects in a child, their correction may be ineffective or impossible.

A pledge of your well-being and full development of your baby will be a balanced diet, a relaxed lifestyle, weight control, avoidance of infections and bad habits.

Twins at week 12

With a standard gynecological examination, the doctor determines that multiple pregnancies are already at the 9th week of the term, and at 12th week the parents are already accurately informed that their family will soon be replenished not for one, but for two babies.

A later diagnosis of multiple pregnancy occurs only in two cases: when women are late for registration and undergo all examinations at 4-5 months of pregnancy, or when the first examinations were performed too early, the number of embryos could not be determined and the pregnant woman was no longer examined.

Miscarriage at this time is rare. For kids, there is no longer the danger that is observed in the early stages of development. Each fruit reaches a length of about 5-6 cm, the first reflexes appear. Chances are high that the gender of twins will be diagnosed on ultrasound, their external genitals have already reached a certain size.