Mlintsі pies with various fillings. Mlynets - recipe with cheese

Mlintsі pies, or how else to call them , milk pies- a miracle alternative to the zvichnym mlints on Maslyana.

Mlintsі pies are prepared from the back of sintered thin, yeast-free mlntsiv: the more balls, the richer and stronger the grass will be ready.

The technology of preparing mulled pies is very simple: put the milts near dishes with a flat bottom (it is better to use a sallow saucepan), drawing fillings with balls.

By the way, the stuffing for such pies can be - in the form of juices, leaking sauce and chibula meat and fish minced meat to licorice homemade confiture. To lie further according to your imagination - you can either bake the milk in the oven, or else “bring it” to readiness in the cold.

pancake pie

ingredients: - 2 flasks of boroshn - 2 flasks of milk - 3 eggs - 100 g of butter - 1 flask of vershokiv - 1/2 st. spoons of tsukru - sіl For lezon: - 1 egg - 1 stіl. a spoonful of water - 1 tbsp. spoon borosna


Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous dough, without breasts. In a large frying pan, boil thin milk. Take the shape of a large frying pan with high edges, coat the bottom with olive oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Lay the mlints one on top, generously overfilling them, the upper ball is to be seen as a mlints. So that your cake does not fall apart at the hour of serving on the table, the month of the day is to cover the milk with egg ice. Spread sour cream on top of the pie and boil it in hot oven until the establishment of the rum'yanoy skorinka. When the pie is ready, throw the yogo onto a dish so that the bottom milky line will appear to the beast. This pie in the fall with the filling and your bazhanya will become an appetizer and a dessert.
Like minced meat, you can vikoristovuvati sir, mashed with zukr, condensed milk or jams; meat of boiled chicken, passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with lubricated cibulia and greens; unsalted breeze, minced with finely chopped greens and lean shreds.

Pancake pie with minced meat

ingredients: - fresh milk - 10 pcs. - boiled meat - 350 g - ripchasta cibula - 1 head - boiled eggs - 2 pcs. that sire - 1 pc. - Vershkov oil - 2 tbsp. spoons - bread crumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons - meat broth - 400 g - strong - pepper


Pass the meat through the meat grinder at once from the cubule. Add chopped eggs, salt and pepper. Spread the frying pan with olive oil and sip breadcrumbs. Cover the bottom of that wall with mlins in one row, put a ball of minced meat. Cover again with mlints and so on. Spread the top of the pie with a beaten egg, sip with breadcrumbs, drizzle with butter and put in the oven for 30-40 quills. Put the finished pie on a dish. Give Okremo m'yasny broth at the cups.

Pancake pie - an old-fashioned recipe

Prepare 3 minced meat: 1) meat, yak for cakes, only juice, 2) chopped hard-boiled eggs 3) manna porridge: 3 bottles of water, 1/2 f. oliї boil, boil 1 1/2 f. semolina, cook on a medium fire 30 chills, sob thickened. 2 flasks of boroshna, 6 eggs and 4 flasks of milk zmishati, so that there were no breasts, and from this dough pect thin milk.

On a saute pan covered with breadcrumbs, put mlintsі, narіzani strіchki, then qіlі mlintsі. Turn the back of the head with meat minced meat, then with eggs, then with semolina, close the stitches to the beast, then put in the cilantro, brush with butter, sip with breadcrumbs and put in a rosigrita up to 180 gr. oven for 1/2 year.

Pancake pie with smoked piksha

ingredients: - 140 g of simple boroshn - 5 eggs - 600 ml of milk - 5 tbsp. l. sonyashnikova olії– 340 g smoked haddock – 4 feathers of green cibula, finely pored – lettuce leaves for decoration


Mlyntsi: Ask for flour|boroshno| into a bowl and add | add | a whisper of salt Add 1 egg and 300 ml of milk, beat until it comes out uniformly. Grease the oil in a small frying pan, heat it up, pour in a bit of dough, smear it to a ruddy color, turn it over from the other side. Guilty to stay close to 8 mln.
Filling: Milk, which has run out, pour into a saucepan, add fish and parsley. Heat up and heat up the troch until the milk boils. Boil on a low fire for 5 mins, then turn off the gas and run out for 15 mins. Take the riba, take the milk, then clean it from the skins and rake them into small pieces. Crack cool 4 eggs. Heat the oven up to 190 gr. C. In a frying pan, melt 30 g of butter | oil |, add 30 g of borosna. Step by step pour in the milk, yakomu was cooking fish. Bring to a boil, constantly simmering, give a boil near the whilini, never stop stirring and taking out of the fire. Narizat eggs and mix with sauce, add fish, cibula and parsley. Season to taste.

Storage: Put one of the tiles on the bottom of the ceramic mold. Equally smear yogo with the filling. Repeat with the other eyelets, the top ball may have a eyelet. Melt the oil that is left out and cover it with a million beasts. Zapikati 20 min. Punch on the chastochki, like a cake, and serve with a green salad.


Prince's milk pie

For the dough: - Borosno 2 bottles - Milk 3 bottles - Egg 1 pc. – Strong, zukor to taste – Soda 1/4 tsp – Ocet
For the filling: - Oliya vershkove 50 g - caviar red or black 2 jars


From the proponated products of the mixing of tito milk. (You can try the mlintsi for any other recipe, which one suits you, or whichever you turn over, just don’t work the mlintsi over it). On a baked frying pan, the spectacles of the middle tovshchina are mlints (not too thin). Let's put the milk on a dish, brush it with butter and lay the caviar (you want stilki, skіlki). І in such a way to form a cake.

Pancake pie with cheese and spinach

For milk: - wheat borosno 200 g - eggs 3 pcs - milk 250 ml - mineral water 125 ml - strong - clarified butter
For the filling: - fresh frozen spinach 600 g - cibulini 2 pcs. - chasnik 1 chastochka - vershkov oil | oil | 1 st. l. - sil - pepper - nasіnnya dormouse 3 tbsp. l. - Sir 150 g


Boroshno zm_shati z | iz | eggs, milk, mineral water and salt | until the end of a homogeneous mass and leave the dough for 30 minutes. Rotate the spinach. Clean the cibula and cut it finely. Clean the clock. Spread the oil in a wide pan and lightly grease it on a new cibul. The watchmaker crushed and added to the tsibula. Put the spinach in a saucepan and bring it to readiness. Salt and pepper.

Smear the last dormouse in a frying pan with non-stick coating without adding olive oil to a golden color.

Grate the cheese on a dry tertz. Deco with a special paper for the wine. Rozіrіti in a frying pan with melted butter | oil | і specti on nymu po cherzі 8 mlintsіv.

Put the first milk on a leaf, spread it with spinach and sip it on the dormouse and cheese, put another milk on the beast, spread it with spinach, etc.

The upper millennium is sippy.

Mlynets pie with seafood

ingredients: - 1 package of cooked seafood - 100 g smoked red ribi - 200 g syrah (cream cheese) with savor chasnik ta krip, or add to savor yourself - 1 pack of non-licorice tops - 2-3 cloves of chasnik


Prepare fresh milk. At the frying pan on the olive oil, there is a watchmaker. Viklasti seafood, lightly brushed. Add tops and stew, until the whole country is boiled down and the mass is not thickened. Viklasti first milk.

According to the count of viklasti mlintsі like this: Make the mlynets sir. Viklasti the beast with red fish. Hit with a stepping mlints. Viklasti masu from seafood. Hit with a stepping mlints. I know to cover the sire with a sir, and make one more ball with a red ribboy. Hit with a stepping mlints. Turn the buns down, which hang in the middle, turn the pie over onto another plate (so, so that the bottom becomes the top). Smear the bells with syrup, embellish those taxes on the table.

Mlynets pie with mushrooms

ingredients: - 1.5 bottles of boroshn - 450 g of milk - 2 eggs - silt - 60 g of butter - 200 ml of tops - 75 g of grated parmesan - pepper - a pinch of grated nutmeg - cayenne pepper - 1 cibulin - 200 g of tomatoes - 2 Art. l. olії - 125 g mozzarella


Boroshno (1 flask with hot water) zamisiti z|іz| 150 ml warm milk and 2 eggs. Salt the paste and add 30 quills. Dissolve half an inch of butter and mix yogo with boar, which is left out. Pour, help, 1.5 bottles of milk and tops. Bring the sauce to a boil and cook 5 quills. Add parmesan, salt, pepper, slather with nutmeg and cayenne pepper. Dissolve the topsoil, which is left in the frying pan. Cut the cibula into cubes and extinguish. Add sliced ​​mushrooms. Take the skin of tomatoes, cut the pulp into cubes, add to the mushrooms and extinguish 10 chills.

Salt, pepper and season the vegetables with cayenne pepper.
On the olії spekti mlintsi. Heat up the oven to 180 degrees.

Slice the mozzarella with skewers. The shape of the viklasti ball of mlints is smeared with fat. Spread 1/3 of the tomato-mushroom filling on the new one and mozzarella, pour over the sauce and cover with another ball of mlints. Prodovzhuvati resharovuvat mlintsі, docks do not run out of filling, and zapіkat in the oven 25 khvilin. Serve the pie on the lettuce leaves.

Mlynets pie with vegetables

ingredients: - 200 g of boroshn - 400 ml of milk - 2 eggs - sop - 1 tbsp. l. chopped green cibules - 300 g pecherits - 300 g carrots - 1 cibulin - 30 g melted butter - chalking black pepper - 300 ml tops - 2 tsp. chopped chasnik, mashed with chopped parsley - 80 g grated syrah


Prepare dough for the milk, mixing well, milk, eggs and green cibula. Salt lightly. Mushrooms and vegetables should be killed, cleaned, and cut with skewers. On melted butter, 8 thin mlins and put them in a warm place. Brush the vegetables with mushrooms in the same olive. Pour in the tops, add a bowl of parsley and quench 10 khvilin. Heat up the oven to 200 degrees. Mushrooms and vegetables come out of the sauce, weaklasty on mlints, burn them with tubules and put them in a greased form. Drizzle with vegetable sauce, sip on syrup and zapіkati 30 quills.

Childish toffee pie

Taste at the pie with a lot of chіkuvany - you know the skin, yakі for the gusto of milk and butterscotch. But it’s even more important to win good iris - with the right relish. Otherwise, the rotten risks will cover the whole pie.

ingredients: - 8-10 mlntsiv, - 500g іrisok ("Kіs-kis", "Golden Key", "Vershkovі", "Krigolam" toshcho), - vershkov butter, - 2/3 bottles of milk or vershkіv


Vipecti mlintsi. Mlyntsi is better than robiti tovstі - on drizhdzhakh chi sour milk. At a small pot, bring the tops to a boil, put the olive and the back of the wine from candy wrappers іriski. For a quiet boil, bring the iris to the level. Cool the masa. Fold the milk in a glass, watering the skin of the milk with a risky mass. Dates of the pirogue leak out 30-60 min.
NOTE. Zamіst vershkіv z іriskami іk sproochennya vykorystovuvat varne (near jar) і pіdіgіte condensed milk until rozdzhennya. Never buy cans, on which the name "Condensed milk" is written "Condensed milk" - a non-condensed product based on emulsion of rosemary olea.

Pancake pie with cheese-pea filling


for mlintsiv: - Boroshno - 2 bottles; - milk - 2.5 bottles; - tsukor - 1 tsp; - sіl - on the tip of a knife; - an egg - 2 pcs.; - Vershkov oil - 50 g; - dry yeast - 2 tsp; – oliya roslinna for smearing;

for the filling: - sir - 600g; - pea hairs - 1/3 bottle; - tsukor - 3 tbsp. l.; - Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.; - vanilla tsukor - for relish;

for a rare test:- egg - 1 pc.; - Boroshno; - Milk.


Vipekti a stack of mlintsіv for any recipe. For the filling, trim the peas. Sir rozterti z | iz | zucr and vanilla (or vanilla zukr), add peas, put sour cream and mix everything well. Before speech, you can choose the filling to your liking. For example, mushrooms, ribny chi and minced sheep are smeared with cibulei. Spread the stuffing on the skin with no less than 5 mm thick stuffing and place them one on one in a glass. З|із| Eggs, boroshn, milk should be prepared sparsely and smeared with milk. Zapikati in a hot oven until a ruddy note appears. Can be served hot or cold.

Pancake pie with apricot jam

ingredients: – Apricot jam 100 g – Cocoa powder 50 g – Zucrova powder 30 g


Cooking pea filling
For filling: 50 g of rum, 40 g of raisins, 20 g of candied orange zest, 180 g of chalky chickpeas, 100 g of tops, 120 g of zucru, melena cinnamon (for bazhannyam).
Anterior to the day of the rodinka and evenly cut the zest soaked in rum in a well-closed bowl. The next day, boil the tops, boil in them pomelenі peas, tsukor, cinnamon troch, vinnyatі rodzinki z rum and zest and cook 1-2 hvilini (as it is necessary, having added troch of milk), until we have puree like masa. If the puree is trohi okholone, add half of the rum to the new one, which was left out during soaking.

Ready sirnu stuffing
For filling: 30 g raisins, 50 g rum, 400 g syrah, 2 eggs, 120 g zucru, 30 g vanilla zucru, 50-100 g sour cream, lemon peel. For a day ahead, soak the rodinka in rum in a closed glassware. On the coming day, sir. Beat the squirrels at a cool kick. Zhovtki zbiti z | iz | tsukrom, add | add | before them vanilla tsukor, sour cream, grated lemon zest, mix well, then put sir and wine z|іz| rum izum and mix it all together once again. For example, carefully put beaten whites into the mass. The filling is ready. Let's lubricate all the blues.
Grease the grass around the firebox with oil, put one round ml on the bottom, on the first part of the pea filling, then another ml - on the new part of the cheese filling, the third ml sip cocoa with zukrovy powder, smear the fourth with apricot jam. The leather ball is lightly zbrizkati melted with butter (for the whole pie 80 g). Repeat everything in the same order. The top layer is filled without filling.

We put the pie in the oven and sip it on the dead fire of chills 5-10. Proteins 4-5 eggs are beaten with zucr (100 g) and apricot jam (50 g) at the mince pina. With a pinch, we smear the top milk and put the cake at the oven for 3 again, the docks of the whites are not rummaged.

Serving on the table, we soak the pie in warm water with a knife on tricot shmatki, like a cake, and sip on sucrose powder.

Mlynets pie with shrimps

ingredients: - 300 ml of milk - 150 g of boroshn - 1 egg - 25 g of butter - 1 tsp. tsukru - 50 ml rosemary olії - strong
for the filling: - 400 g shrimp - 1 cibulin - 2 tomatoes - 2 red licorice peppers - 2 tbsp. l. spicy greens - 150 g mayonnaise - pepper, salt


Vіdokremiti zhovtok vіd belka, raspіt yogo іz сіllu, сukrо and olієyu, step by step pour in warm milk, and then add it boroughly with steady stirring. The protein is beaten and carefully mixed with dough. Vipecti thin mlnci with a diameter of 15 cm, smearing 1-2 strands from the skin side. Cleanse the cibulin, rub it on the great third and smear it on the olive with a stretch of 5 strands. Peel and cut the shrimp. Tomatoes vimiti, viterti, cut into cubes. Peppers should be minified, peeled from the stalks and nasinnya, cut into cubes. Mix shrimps, cibula, tomatoes, peppers and chopped greens, salt, pepper, cover with grub and put in the refrigerator for 30 chills.
On the dish, lay the milk, put the filling on the beast, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, cover with a stepping cream and lightly press yoga. So just go through 4-5 mlints. Shave the skin portion on an okremіy plate. Sprinkle the top of the milk with mayonnaise, then mix it up and spread the filling.

Mlynets pie with oranges

ingredients: - 20 wheat mules with a diameter of 20 cm - 300 g of fatty syrah - 100 g of hairy peas - 100 g of prunes without tassels - 100 g of fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. honey - 200 g cherry jam - 1 sachet of fruit jelly - 1 orange - berries for decoration


Dried prunes and pea hairs are added to the blender. Vidsipati 2 tbsp. l. peas for embellishment. Syrah, sour cream, prunes, pea hairs and good honey. Pore ​​an orange on a thin kitchen. The round shape of a larger, lower mln, diameter is vistelite in the middle with a grub plіvkoy.

Along the edges of the form, along the stake, there is a lint, so that approximately 1/3 of the lint went beyond the side of the form. Viklasti mlynets on the bottom of the form. Then, according to the new, evenly spread the filling of syrah, cover it with mlints, spread it with cherry confiture.

In this rank, vikladati shari to the top form, cherguyuchi fillings. Finish the confiture with a ball. Close the cake with the edges of the side molds, cover the molds with the edges of the plivka. Put in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) for 2-3 years.

Prepare jelly before serving. Pirіg vynyati z|іz| form, turn and viklasti on a dish. Spread the jelly on the beast, pickle the oranges and berries, and sprinkle with peas.

Mlynets pie with lemon cream

ingredients: - 12 fresh mlints ( div.), - 3 eggs, - 3 lemons, - 200 g zucru, - 75 g of butter; - for sippannya - tsukrova powder.


Prepare lemon cream: grind eggs with zucr, lemon juice and grated lemon zest, put sumish on a low fire and, stirring, heat until thickened. Grease a round sheet (of the same diameter with mlins) with topping oil, lay on a new mlins, probing the skin with a prepared cream. Put the pie on 20 chills|minutes| in a warm oven. Having cooled, transfer the yogo to a dish and sip with the zukrovy powder, adding a little bit of vanilla.

Mlynets pie with chicken liver

A pancake pie is one of the main pastries for butter. You can’t cook them with some kind of fillings! Licorice milk pies are served for dessert, and a pie with a non-licorice filling can become an independent grass.
For mlints:
250 wheat boar
2 ½ bottles of milk
3 eggs
½ st. l. tsukru
tsp salt
30 g olive oil for coating
For filling:
400 g chicken liver
1 egg
100 g carrots
50 g butter
Strength, spices

1. Mix eggs with sill, zukr, pour in bottles of warm milk, mix everything.
2. Vsipati borosno, scho ask, and vimіsity it isto, so that there were no breasts.
3. Let's make some dough with milk, which is gone.
4. Kindly heat the pan, grease it with olive oil.
5. Pouring the dough into the pan, steal it from the side to the side so that the dough spreads in an even thin ball all over the pan.
6. Mlintsі obsmazhuvati from one side, znіmati zі frying pans and put a cup on the doshtsі or on the dishes.

1. On the olive, brush the liver, salt in the end, add spices for relish.
2. Peel the carrots and grate, add to the liver and mix.
3. Liver with carrots, add it to the blender.
4. Add topping butter to the filling, mix it up.
5. Coat the mold for brewing with olive oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
6. Cover the bottom of the form with one row of molds.
7. Put a ball of stuffing, cover with її mlints. Place another ball of stuffing and again cover it with a flour and so on until the very top of the mold.
8. Cover the top with a beaten egg, sip with breadcrumbs and sprinkle with olive oil.
9. Pirіg vipіkati at the spirits 30-40 hvilin.

BEFORE THE SPEECH: the top milk can be garnished with tomato sauce and syrah after the bajannyam. Before the pie, you can serve chicken broth by the bowl.

3 recipes PANCAKE PIE with apples

2. Peel the apple, cut it into quarters and remove the core.

3. Put the apple in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 bottles of water. Prepare under the roof of the middle fire 10 min. Add tsukor, cinnamon and sour cream, mix and cook on a strong fire without a crust for 3-4 minutes. Get out of the fire and let it cool down.

4. Cover a rectangular shape with a plaid. Lay 2 mlints so that the bottom was covered, and the edges of the mlints hung from the side of the name. Lay on the bottom 1-2 ml, folded in 2 or 3 times in fallow in form. Sprinkle some of the apple filling on top.

5. Prodovzhuvati lay the mlins in the form, alternating the leather ball with the filling.

6. Cover the rest of the milk with the hanging edges of the milk and spitting. Pom_stiti pіd gnіt, put in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, cut the pie with 3 div wide pieces.

Mlynets pie with apples(Recipe 2)


For mlints:- 3 flasks (with top) boroshn, - 3 eggs, - 1 tablespoon of melted butter, - 2 flasks of milk, - 2 tablespoons of zucru, - sil, - 1 1/4 tablespoons of butter.

For filling:- 10 apples - 1 1/2 bottles of zucru - 1/2 bottle of sour cream - 2 eggs.


Zhovtki rubbed іz tsukrom i sіllu, add milk, and then, kindly rozmіshuyuchi, pour in rosemary tops oil. Qiu sumish is poured in borosno, constantly stirring, so that there are no breasts. In the rest of the circle, inject beaten into the squirrel pin.
Bake mlints, put them in a saucepan, smearing the skin with butter, shifting it with finely chopped apples, and sip the zucr.
Eggs are filled with zucr and sour cream. The whole summish is poured over to the beast and pidrum'yanyuyut a pie at the oven.

Mlynets pie with apples(Recipe 3)

Tse charming pie. Soft, lower. You look straight ahead at the sight. Apple in the filling of sour-licorice, soft, ale did not fall apart. Zukor needs to be put fallow in the form of apples - for sour apples or sour licorice, then 1 year is needed. a spoonful of zucru on one apple.

Like a licorice apple, zucru is needed much less. Ale for the best relish, it’s still better to take an apple of sour varieties. M'yakush apples are guilty of being firm and succulent. The softness and grains of the apple do not retain their shape when quenched and turn into puree.

Mlyntsi can be prepared in advance, in the evening. To make a pie for a short time - khvilin 15-20, including peeling and cutting apples.

ingredients: - 5 fresh mlints ( div.), - 5 white apples (700-800g), - 40g of butter, - 5 year spoons of zucru.


Prepare fresh milk. As if the milk is prepared for a long time, it is necessary to cover the beast with foil and tighten the grub plіvkoy, at the time of the milk it becomes soft and plastic.
Peel the apple and virіzati nasіnnya. Cut into squares with a side of 1-1.5 cm.

In a frying pan on a great fire, melt top oil|butter|, boil the zukor and bring the zukra to a crisp and caramelized (brown) zukra.
Vsipati apple and extinguish 3-4 mins, doti, how to vape with what you saw. At the bottom of the form put a sprat of small pieces of butter | oil | and viklasti the first millennium. (It’s necessary to make it with the front side down, so that we’ll see this side to the beast.)
Spread a not so thick ball of stewed apples on the mlynets.
So zrobiti 4 balls, cherguyuchi mlintsі that apple. Let's close the beast with five drops of milk, trochs strengthen the pie. On top put a sprat of small pieces of butter | oil | and put in rose heat up to 180-200°С for 5-7 chills|minutes|.
Ready pirig vyynyati and throw (upside down) on a dish.
Serve hot or warm with sour cream.

The cuisine of Russia is also rich in recipes from different herbs, including mlints. And the right symbol of the Russian vipіchka is milk pies. And as before, such a grass was prepared mainly for saints, then at once it became commonplace. Adzhe does not have any problems with the availability of ingredients. What is such a pie? This is a bakery type of closed type that contains licorice filling. Roblyat and fillings of another plan, for example, salted, succulent. Irrespective of those who have access to the classics, there are a lot of such recipes.

How did you prepare this grass earlier?

Because of this, why the mlints were named so themselves, everything made sense. In a first way, the shape of a stake, in a different way, a similar old look, in a third way, the main storage boule was the milk itself. At the same time, the name was lost, and the form and warehouses could be different. Previously, according to the classic recipe, grass was cooked in a Russian oven from dough and fillings. Vymishuvali for the cob dough, as it was formed from milk, boar, salt and chicken eggs. Then, after yogo, we started preparing the stuffing. As її the most victorious were seasonal fruits and їх sіk: apple, cherry, raspberry.

Cherries and raspberries could be mashed in front of the porridge, they could be put into the filling as a whole, apples - in small cubes. Such fillings were even more popular, because they gave a special relish to the dough and did not throw it away. We put the dough on the sheet ready, the beast - the stuffing - and they covered it again with dough, rozkochenim. Fallen from the filling for a long time, the milk boiled in the oven. Zvajayuchi on those that the country was mostly svyatkovoy, її embellished with ornaments the same way from the sheet at the sight of leaves or pussies. The ready-made pie was brushed with a beaten egg, giving a blush.

How do they cook pies from mlints at once?

At this hour, milk pies classic recipes few people want to, even if they do. But more to slay for the sake of it: vicorist is most often not licorice stuffing and stuffing, but milk and wheat warehouse. Dani virobi, to the point of speech, may be the same, and the recipe, they vip far behind, shards of stench are the basis of stravy. We are going to mix dough with eggs, milk, butter, boar, salt and chicken pisku. Warehouse zalezhno vіd stuffing can change. The skin of the mill after the vipіchka is smeared with top oil.

What about stuffing? Won vzagalі maybe nothing sleepy not mother s classic and buti s minced meat, mushrooms, cock i, spicy, licorice. For the rest of the vicorist, there are already more ingredients: midnight, blackberry, raspberry, plum jam, etc. The preparation procedure is on the way: prepare the mlints, start preparing it earlier, on top of it, or draw it. All vіdbuvaєtsya on deck. Potim at the oven's refrigerator to bring the strain to readiness.

Ready-made milk pie with cheese filling

Today we tell you another cicada recipe. Cooking syrny pie. Vіn add deaku raznomanіtnіst іn your stravi z mlintsіv. If you don’t appreciate the hour that has been stained on them, then everything else will be shy. Ingredients: 9% sir - pivkilogram, three eggs, 100 ml 20% tops, two tablespoons of cucrum.

Let's anoint us before us. Zrobimo tse on frying pans with a large diameter for the convenience of a distant laying in the form. Then we prepare the filling. At the cup, we poured sir, poured out a sour pisok (two spoons) and broke an egg. Peremіshuєmo and, before speech, you can add candied fruits and dried fruits. Ready. Now shvidenko robimo pouring. We break two eggs into our cup, which are left out, sour pisok and tops. Vіnochkom relatively zbivaemo. On the roaring milk, we sir and burn it with a roll. We cover the whole bottom of the mold with rolls for zapіkannya and fill the beast.

Let's put it on 30-40 chills in the oven, the temperature can become 170-180 degrees. Ready-made milk pie with cheese filling is removed from the oven, let it be. Narіzaєmo on shmatochki that podaєmo to the table.

Gotuemo pie with mushrooms

To prepare tsієї stravi we need:

  • on mlints: eggs - three pieces, boar wheat - one bottle, milk - pivlitra, sap of tsukrovy - two spoons and a pinch of salt;
  • for the filling: pecheritsa - 300 grams, one cibulina, vershkove oil - 50 grams, pepper, sil, hard cheese - 300 grams;
  • for the sauce: sour cream - 100 grams, eggs - three pieces, fresh greens.

Mlints prepared with mushrooms can be eaten both cold and hot. Otzhe, the recipe is prepared. Let's lubricate the shoulder with milk. We beat eggs with a boar, pour milk into the offal, add strength, drіbku, and olіya roslinna. Relatively peremіshuєmo. As a result, it may be similar, rare and without breasts. Vipіkaєmo mlintsі on the good rosіgrіtіy frying pan.

Filling, sauce and final stage

For the stuffing, we clean the cibula, wash it, dry it with a pinch of oil and brush it with butter until golden. So we wash the mushrooms under running cold water, we cut them with skewers, we add them to the tsibuli and 10 quills are smeared. After which we quenched khvilin 20, having crooked a krishkoy. Pepper, salt. On the great third we rub the sir. For the sauce, beat three eggs, add a pinch of salt, sour cream, trimmed greens and thoroughly mix.

Final stage. Put on a glass of milk, on the other side of the mushrooms and trochs of grated syrah, twisted with a tube. Then we put the tubules in a spiral into an oiled form from the edge to the middle. After which, evenly and relatively, we pour the milk pie with the filling sauce and put it in the oven on the fire, roast it in front to 190 degrees. You can serve the ready-to-eat grass on the table like a hot one, or a cold one.

Recipe for mlints with meat

As we have already written, there are many ways to prepare milk. Recipes can vary greatly. But we won’t be able to look closely. Prepare meat pie. Ingredients: minced meat, for example, yalovichi - 800 grams, one tsibulits and carrots each, tops - one bottle, hard cheese - 100 grams, olea roslinna and vershkove, greens, pepper, strength, ready-made milk - 12 pieces.

Cooking recipe. Tsibulu dribno narizaemo, on the third three carrots. Let's sweat the cibula until golden color, sip on carrots and five more quills are ready. We add the minced meat, smear it all at once, with which the meat is smashed with a spatula, so that there are no breasts.

We change the fire and extinguish it for the first time, after which we add tops and check for it. When you need it, the filling is ready. Do not forget to pepper and salt. The shape is smeared with top-heavy oil and three pieces of mlints are overlapped, closing the bottom. We add a third of the filling and add a quarter of the grated syrah. We repeat two more, and the top of the pie, covered with cream, crushed with syrup, which is overflowing, and baked at 180 degrees in the oven about 30 whips.

Mlynets with black caviar

Nasamkinets made a recipe for the national Russian hedgehog. Cooking a pie with caviar. Before we speak, our recipe is black, but you can replace it with red, or you can beat both. Ingredients: three bottles of milk, two - boroshna, one egg, tsukor, sil, oliya, slaked soda, two jars of caviar, top oil. Now we are starting to prepare the milky pie.

The photo of the finished piece only confirms the correctness of our choice. According to the standard recipe, we pour milk and put it in a glass. The skin of them is smeared with topsoil and laid on new caviar with a thin ball. On top of the bazhannya, you can decorate with thick mayonnaise or greens. Savory!

for 4 servings:
200 g boroshn, 0.5 l of water, 4 eggs, strong
750 g tomatoes, 125 g Mozzarelli,1 st. olive oil, 0.5 bottles of vegetable or meat broth,150 g minced meat, 1 large cibulina, strong, white pepper
Cream of that:
olive oil for greasing, 1 tsp of basil for garnish
1. Mix the dough with water, salt and boroshna and fill it with yogo under the cover for the 30th century. Znіmіt z pomіdоіv shkіrku i nіzhte їkh cubes, vydalіt nasіnnya. Clean the cibula, chop finely. Dice Mozzarella.
2. Coat the cibula until it is clear. Add to the new meat and, stirring, grease until ready. Put tomatoes and stew on a small fire.
3. Add the broth and, stirring, cook over medium heat until the filling thickens. Salt and pepper to taste.
4. Put an egg at the dough and mix well. Grill trochs of olive oil in a frying pan and smear 12 ml, just enough to add trochs of fat. Heat the oven up to 160 degrees.
5. Put the mlins in a cup one on one, smearing them with the prepared stuffing. Place the pie on the bottom plate of the oven and bake until about 15 min. Garnish with basil before serving.
Porada: put the first milk on the heat plate and evenly cover it with stuffing. After you smear Yogo with the filling, sip the beast with Mozzarelli cubes. Put another one on top of the first one, brush with the filling and sip Mozzarella. So fix it yourself and with mlints that you have lost Potim put the pie in the oven.

Mlynets with mushrooms - grass, you can eat both hot and cold.


  1. Beat eggs z|іz| flour | boroshnoy |, step by step doyuchi milk.
  2. Then add a pinch of salt and oil. Mix it up.
  3. Quite can be rare, uniform and without breasts.
  4. Mlintsі vipіkati on a dry frying pan in front.


  1. Clean the cibula, wash it with water, cut it into pieces and brush it with a pinch of butter until golden color.
  2. Mushrooms should be washed under a stream of cold running water, cut with skewers, weeded to the cibula, brushed with a stretch of 10 strands. Let's cover it with a lid and extinguish with a stretch of 20 quills.
  3. Salt and pepper the mushrooms ready.
  4. Sir rub on the great tertz.

Sauce. Beat the eggs, add sour cream, a pinch of salt, trim the greens and mix.

On the edge of the mlintsya, mushrooms and trochs of grated sirah were sprinkled.

Twist the milk with a tube.

Weak the tubes at the oiled form in a spiral (from the edge of the form to the middle).

Mlynets with mushrooms pour the sauce evenly.

Place the form with the pie in the oven up to 190 ° C for 30-35 minutes.

Ingredients: 800 g minced meat (I have minced meat); 1 cibulin; 1 carrot; 1 bottle of vershkiv; 100 g. syrah; oliya; top oil; strength; pepper; greens (parsley, krip); mlintsi - 12 pieces, ale with rosemary 500 ml. milk.

1. Rizhemo dribno tsibula, three carrots on the third.

2. We smear the qibula to a golden color, we add carrots, we smear more hvilin.

3. Add the minced meat, cover it all at once, smashing the minced meat with a spatula so that there is no breast.

4. Robimo a small fire and extinguish all the whilin at once 20-30.

5. Add a few inches and check on a small fire, if the stench dies out (khvilin after 10). Don't forget the salt and pepper. The filling is ready.

6. We smear the form with top oil and put it in the mlins (I put 3 mlins), the trochs overlap, so that the bottom is closed.

7. Now ide 1/3 of the filling. Її sippaemo grated cheese (1/4).

8. Let's repeat the ball again.

9. The top of the pie is crooked with cream, sipped with cheese, which is overflowing and everything is baked in the oven at about 180 C.

Mlynets with a liver does not only look original, but it is similarly lower for relish. Do not let yourselves be pleased with this savory pie.


For test:Milk - 400 ml Eggs - 3 pcs. Boroshno - 200 g Zukor - 1 tbsp Sil - 1/2 tsp Roslinna oliya - 2 tbsp

For filling:Chicken liver - 0.5 kg Carrot - 1 pc. Vershkov butter - 30 g Egg - 1 pc. Strong pepper

For covering:Sour cream - 100 ml, ketchup, greens


Beat eggs with zucr ta sillAdd olive oil and milk.Step by step, boil the flour, stirring all the time, so that there is no breast.Thinner thicker, lower for thin creams. Ale, it’s so guilty, but tovstish mlints will look better.

Mlintsі obsmazhiti іz dvoh storіn.

The skin of the frying pan is lightly smeared with topsoil and stacked in a pile.

Sort the liver, having removed all the veins, kindly wash it and grease it on a small amount of oli until ready (10-15 quills)

5 minutes before the end of serving the liver, salt, pepper, add grated carrots to it.

I’m ready to cook a liver with carrots visipati in a drushlyak, so that excess olives drain.Let's twist it on meat cutters.Z'єdnati rozm'yakshene vershkov oil|mastilo| z|iz| liver and mix well2 mlints vydklasti ubik, we need the stink later.

Make a path from the liver and burn the milk

Cover the form with foil, smeared with olive oil.Put 1 mlinets on the bottom of the mold, and stuffed mlints for the animal

Water the mlints with a beaten egg, curl the ends of the lower mln, which protrude, onto the sides of the pie.

Cover the top with the rest of the milk, cover the top and sides with sour cream and ketchup.We adjust the cake at the oven to 180 degrees.

After 20 minutes, the milky pie from the liver will be ready.

To be deprived of less narizati on portion shmatki and you can enjoy yoga with relish.Savory!

Mlynets with meat and mushrooms

For mlints: two eggs 250 ml kefir250 ml of milkHalf a teaspoon of soda 200 grams of borosh 50 milliliters of dewy oliveSugar - one tablespoon Dribka salt

For filling:

Two cibulini300 grams of boiled chickenBlack pepper200 grams of bakery Strength

For pouring:

one eggFive tablespoons of sour cream

How to prepare a recipe

Prepare on the cob to milk thin milk. For whom you can make soda in kefir, trochs bud. Let's change milk and kefir. Eggs garnenko beat at once from sill and zukr, zmishati with milk sum. Postupovo visipati at qiu sumish borosno. Add oliya, mix everything well. Tisto vyyde dosit uniformly, not zovsіm thicker. Lubricate the milk on a frying pan without adding olive oil. Milk should be done thinly. Tsibulyu and mushrooms are chopped. On the olives, grease them all at once, pepper and salt the trochs. Pass the meat grinder through the blender while cooking meat, mix yogo with mushrooms smeared at once with cibulei. I prepared the stuffing for the skin of the preparations of the mlynets and carefully rolled up the mlynets. Prepare sprats of similar rolls fallow according to your shape

For pouring, you need to beat the eggs, add sour cream to them and mix everything well. The mold for the vip_chka was made with prepared mlints on both sides, so that the edges of the mlints troch hung between the molds. Let's pick up the rolls from the prepared mlints. Bazhano, so that the dozhina of the rolls was rolled up from the dozha of the mold. You can put them in two balls of three rolls. Lubricate the leather ball with the prepared fill. Accurately cover such a Christmas pie with the edges of the molds that hang. Two mllints are cut into slugs with a width of approximately one centimeter. Three husbands have to finish a beautiful braid. Cover the top of such a savory pie with the prepared filling and put the whole pie near the oven to simmer a little or a little less. Up to 180 degrees heat the oven. Vipіkati pirig is necessary before yoga zarum'yanyuvannya. To prepare the milk with meat and mushrooms, it is necessary to cool the troch right at your mould. Let's gently win yoga from the form and serve until Christmas table. Best of luck to you!

Mlynets with yalovichina and stoves

Proponuyu prepare a milky pie with mushrooms and meat, as an alternative to the best milkshakes with meat filling. Such a pie will come out even more savory, zavdyaki of the lower bay, and looking original and awry.


2 eggs; 250 ml kefir; 250 ml of milk; 0.5 tsp sodi; 1 st. l. tsukru;
a pinch of salt; 200 g boroshen; 100 ml rosemary oli.


300 g of boiled yalovichini; 200 g oven; 2 cibulini; sil, black chalking pepper.


2 eggs; 150 ml sour cream. Mlinna frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm;mold for vaping 10x20 cm.


Prepare thin mlints. For whom, in kefir, make soda, check the day's hour. Let's drink kefir and milk. Beat eggs z|іz| tsukrom i sillu | salt |, z'ednati s milk sum. Postupovo visipati borosno. Add olіyu, mix everything relatively. The thickness is uniform, not thicker. Lubricate the mlins in the frying pan without adding oil from both sides. Mlintsі vinnі become thin and elastic. For which pie I needed 18 mlints.

Dribno cut the cibula and mushrooms.On the olive, brush the cibula and mushrooms, salt and pepper.

After cooking, pass the meat through a meat grinder and blender; If the filling is too dry, you can add 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

I’m preparing the filling for vikladati on a mlynets and zgortati mlynets with a roll.To fill the eggs lightly beat, add | add | sour cream and mix.

The mold for the vipіchka was made with mlints from both sides so that the edges of the mlints hung behind the interforms. They gave me rolls of rolls from mlints, I had three rows of chotiri mlints.

Pour in the fill, spilling the skin of the mlintsevy ball.Cover the pie with the edges of the molds that hang. Brush with a thin fill ball.Two mullets are cut with 1x1 cm males and add a decorative weave on the surface of the mullet with mushrooms and meat.Fill with filling and put in the oven up to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.Ready-made milk with mushrooms and meat to cool the troch in the form.

Potіm viynyati z|іz| form and submit.Good appetite, please your loved ones!

Mlynets with chicken and mushrooms

For yoga preparation we need
12 thin mlintsiv for a recipe, which you love and mlntsі vinni but about the same size, like a form, in a kind of stench you will fall.
For stuffing take
1 chicken breast (boiled or buttered)
mayonnaise or even better sour cream
Tertium hard syr (about 150-200 g)
1 qibule
oil for lubrication
Vipkaєmo mlintsi. Prepare a form for baking - lightly smeared with butter.
Let's cook two toppings
1 filling of the whole chicken is cooked - dribly rіzhemo and zmіshuєmo with sour cream, silly, pepper. You can add some mayonnaise.
2 filling - mushrooms smeared with tsibulei.
After preparing the fillings, we choose a pie.
At the form we put the first layer on the bottom. Potim 3 mlints vykladaemo so that the edges hung from the sides of the form. Then we begin to pour balls of pershu stuffing with a cock, we sip it with cheese. Then we put one more milk and the beast - stuffing with mushrooms and again we add cheese. So robimo kіlka razіv - weide 5-6 balls.
The edges of the mlints yak dangle to raise and close the pie with them. On top put a sprat of shmatochkiv butter and a trifle of sour cream. It is baked in a hot oven for about 20 quills, until the cheese is melted.
Then we curve the shape of the cake with a plate and neatly, but quickly turn the cake over on it. A pie with chicken and mushrooms is served on the table.


For the diversity of taste and the sight of the liver, I brought you such a milky cake. Incredibly tasty and beautiful. I befit you.

Mill ready-14 pcs
- chicken liver-350g.
- Vershkov oil
-cibulya ripchasta
- roslinne oil
I smoke a liver remite, clean the air,
boil in salted water.
Let them cool down, brush on olive oil, clean and cut the cibula with pivkiltsy.
Pass the liver and cibula at once through a meat grinder, add vershkove oil, salt and pepper to taste, thoroughly mix.

Make up 8 ml pate and roll it into a tube.

Rose the shape, smeared with margarine or olive oil, cover the trom with beans.

Wet the skin tube near the egg and lay it in the form.

The first ball is 4 mlntsі and the other 4 mlntsі.

Cover everything with mlintsy, spread with mayonnaise and rub it with sir

that vіdpraviti to the oven for 25 min.

On Vіdmіn Vіd Mlintsya, Tsy Pirig Z Mlnotsіv z sirnoye to enter the nіzhnin's shirt, neither Naitonshі Mlyntsі, Naitonshі Mlylnzі (Sayimo, Nor_trynі Krepi, and Shvіlnі Mlyntsі on Kefіrі - Want to brother і kіpsu , but rather navpak). The great vіdsotok gorіkhіv at the "kremі" guarantees that you won't be left hungry after one piece, and the structure of the casserole will allow you not only to eat at home, but take it with you - let's say, at an uncut look at the picnic, or else at the same time. - to work.

It is important: from the designations of the ingredients, the cake or the cake will come out really great, in a great company. Well, if it’s for the sake of this chotir’s man, then go ahead and strike for the evening, and for the snidanok, who comes after him.

Pancake pie recipe with cheese and peas

Pokrokovy photo cooking recipe


  • 10-12 mlntsiv (be it),
  • 500-600 g of syrah (rather than low-fat),
  • 0.5 bottles of mountains (ideally - hairy),
  • 3 table spoons of zucru,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla zucru,
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream (and if dry sir - then 4 tablespoons),
  • 1 egg
  • 1-2 spoons of borosna,
  • vanillin,
  • 3 table spoons of milk.

Cooking process:

Vipіkati, you can catch a glimpse of the options for mlintsya from the rubric of mlintsіv and pancakes on our website.

You better lubricate the back, then you won’t have a lot of trouble with the preparation of casseroles.

Gorikhi detail. Ideally - for a little one (although not in a boar, but with a bit of frills). If you don’t have such a mlin, you can hit it with a knife.

Z'ednati sir, sour cream, tsukor and vanilla, as well as peas.

Use a fork to grind the filling for the creamy pie. And even more beautiful - a zanyuvalnym blender.

Grease a mold with a high side of the troch with topsoil. Shift here mlintsi. It’s better to take no roses (if you want, in the photo itself it’s like that), because it’s watering in the oven.

Beat an egg with a small amount of milk. Fill in our stack of mlintsiv with cheese.

Vipіkati mlintsevy pirіg duvtsі on medium fire from 15 to 20 hvilin|minutes|. Just like a beast of a milk pie, a ruddy streak appeared - wine is ready!

Cool the milk, yogo can be cut - the wine will not fall apart!

It’s even lighter and it’s important to bring in the trochs, so that when you serve yogo, you can lighten the trochs. Let’s say, stick with berries (you can take them frozen - in the photo, black raspberries are fresh from the refrigerator), or pour them with low-fat yogurt.