Smachni recipes for sacred. Recipes for Svyatkovy style: recipes from photos

Svyatkovі salads - the theme for rosemary. I can especially talk with my girlfriends on the Internet for years and over the phone with recipes for salads on Christmas Day, and I will always write down recipes for savory Christmas salads at guests. Salads on Svyatkovy stil - tse okrema philosophy for the skin master, adzhe salit - first, what to serve on the stil, and the salad itself sets the tone for the entire table.

As the saying goes in the wise saying: “Stupid olive is better for the richest memory”, that was the reason why all your beloved brothers and sisters turned over the recipes of Christmas salads in one place.

Shchob vіdkriti in front of the saints aside - and all the salads on the svіtkovy stіl in one mіstsі, you only have to choose a fresh salad, and send a person to the supermarket for groceries. Friends, I’m sure that my salads on the Svyatkov’s stele are definitely suitable for you!

Salad kupki "Eralash"

The salad is prepared in jumbles of "Yeralash" even more shvidko, the ingredients are simple and accessible, and the original design allows you to serve the salad in cups on a flat surface on a Christmas style. Recipe z pokrokovimi photo marvel.

Salad with squid, egg and ogirk

The recipe for salad with squid, egg and scallop is one of my favorites. Cooking yoga is just that quick, special ingredients and culinary skills for which you don’t need. Recipe with cover photos to marvel at.

Salad with crab sticks and carrots

I want to introduce your respect savory salad with crab sticks and carrots. A girlfriend shared this recipe with me, if I once got sick of it, that I can’t know what a new cicada salad is - such that it was easy to prepare, and looked appetizing, and it was savory and lower. How to cook, marvel.

Salad "Triska liver under a fur coat"

Ready-to-cooked cod liver salad comes out especially at the bottom. My friends' mustaches have long ago rewritten this recipe to their cookbooks and obov'yazkovo prepare yogo on the Christmas table. I bet you can enjoy the appetizing salad with canned cod liver. You can marvel at how to cook the salad "Trіsk liver under a fur coat"

Salad with prunes and chicken "Venice"

Even savory salad with chicken and prunes I cook practically for all family holy. We will come out with a blue, with a piquant note, like we put on grass prune and oiled stoves. A classic meal of boiled chicken fillet, syrah and mushrooms, supplemented with a fresh ogirok, roblyachi salad is juiced and fresh. Recipe from the photo to marvel.

Even a savory salad on the Svyatkovskiy stіl with mlints, Korean carrots, Chinese cabbage, shank and chicken. Your guests will be at the capture! Recipe with cover photos to marvel at.

Savory salad with canned kvassole and croutons

Well, even a savory salad with canned kvassole, crackers, cowbass and fresh ogirk! All the ingredients are miraculously "friends" with each other, and the mayonnaise dressing with a teapot will make this salad a favorite of our guests. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken "Mosaic"

Savory salad with smoked chicken, cheese and fresh vegetables, take a special place on your Christmas table. Recipe with cover photos to marvel at.

Lettuce with sardines

You can marvel at how to prepare a savory and simple leafy salad with sardines.

Chicken breast salad "Povitryaniy"

This salad is really more savory, regardless of those that are prepared easily and quickly and with a number of available ingredients. For me, as a gentleman, such a salad with chicken breast is also suitable - a simple recipe, and the result is more appetizing and cicavia, it is entirely suitable for a splendid evening, and for a Christmas table. We marvel at the recipe from the photo.

Salad with crab sticks and tomatoes

Who wants a simple and savory recipe for savory, but at the same time to finish an affordable salad from the most important ingredients? I have this one - a salad with crab sticks and tomatoes. Wine is right to come out more savory, yaskravy and appetizing. Recipe.

Salad with chicken and pineapples "Pikantny"

The recipe for salad with chicken and pineapples "Pikantniy", you can marvel.

You can marvel at how to prepare Nasoloda salad

If you joke about a simple, but savory salad on Christmas day, then I think you are worthy of this recipe with a funny name “Mushrooms under a fur coat”. Do not varto draw an analogy with the salad “Oseledets under a fur coat” - which recipe will not have beetroots and osseledtsiv. Then there will be mushrooms and hard cheese, salty sturgeons and green cibula: so, let’s go out later, we’ll savory it, and the appetizer will be sieve. Recipe with pokrokovimi photos

Salad with chicken and prunes "Birthday"

You can marvel at how to prepare a salad with prunes and a “birthday man” chicken

If you are looking for a good and simple recipe for a salad on Christmas Day, “Kucheryashka” will be a wonderful option. This salad with chicken and beetroot suits me with simplicity of preparation, it’s enough to cook beetroot and chicken fillet in the morning, and then we’ll be left with more details and ingredients and weed them with balls. How to prepare a salad with beetroot and curly cheese, I wrote.

Salad Chervone More with tomatoes, licorice peppers, cheese and crab sticks. Let's take a bite of the ingredients, let's go farther away, then the relish of the strain will definitely suit you. And the salad is prepared simply and quickly, before that it looks bright and appetizing. Recipe with pokrokovimi photos

I’m going to tell you to try and prepare even simpler that savory salad with sprats and crackers, which has already caught the fancy of all my guests. Regardless of those who don’t have fresh vegetables in the salad, I don’t see the picture. Mushrooms with sprats and crackers will definitely be eaten, and for those who like piquancy, you can add a cup of tea! You can marvel at how to prepare a salad with sprats and crackers .

Salad with croutons and shank "Carmen"

Even more savory is the original salad with croutons, chicken and shank with adjika dressing and mayonnaise. Your guests will be filled with satisfaction. How to prepare a salad?

Salad with mushrooms, chicken and peas "Lisovik"


  • 1 PC. chicken breast,
  • 400 g bakery,
  • 2 pcs. cibuli,
  • 3 pcs. boiled eggs,
  • 100 g solid syrah,
  • 0.5 tbsp of small hairy peas,
  • mayonnaise.


Pecheritsa, tarry the cibula, anoint the okremo.

Cut the breast into cubes, boil the eggs, rub on the big third, rub the cheese on the big third, add peas, season with mayonnaise, mix.

Put a flask or a flask in the center on a flat grass, put the lettuce and troch press down on the yogo. Let's then carefully twist the bottle and decorate it.

We decorate our salad with greens and olives.

Salad with squid, mushrooms and peas "Kievskiy"

How to cook salad "Kievskiy"

Salad with chicken and mushrooms "Zastіlniy"


  • boiled eggs 5 pcs
  • smoked chicken breast 200g
  • marinated mushrooms 200g
  • sir 100-150gr
  • greenery for decoration
  • mayonnaise chi sour cream.


Vіdokremiti proteins vіd zhovtkіv. Grate okremo.

M'yaso and mushrooms are crushed.

Grate the cheese on a dry tertz. Season m'yaso with mayonnaise.

Burn down with balls from the bottom: meat, mushrooms, mayonnaise, squirrels, mayonnaise, sir, mayonnaise. chewing gum. Decorate the green.

Salad with tomatoes and croutons "Astra"

Astra salad recipe, you can marvel.

Salad "Lick your fingers"


  • 300 g cabbage
  • 200 g boiled meat (pork chi yalovichina)
  • 3 small beetles
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 medium cibulin
  • 4-5 maps
  • 2 teaspoon cloves
  • 1 stump
  • 2 tomatoes
  • firm sire
  • mayonnaise
  • soy sauce
  • roslinna oliya


Carrot (one), the beetroots that m'yaso vіdvariti i okremo cut into strips. Cut the potatoes into strips, then brush them (chop the potatoes - fries). Cabbage and ogirok - straws.

1 ball - cabbage (salt, lightly wedge and pepper, mayonnaise);

2 - carrot (1 fresh + 1 boiled, soy sauce and mayonnaise);

3 - beetroot + chasnik and mayonnaise;

4 - m'yaso + mayonnaise;

5 - cibula is ribbed;

6 - potatoes + mayonnaise.

Top with tomatoes, sliced ​​with circles, salt, put mayonnaise in the troch, sip with grated syrup and decorate with greenery.

Salad with cheese, pineapple and chasnik

Spicy salad made with cheese and pineapples and chasnik is especially suitable for women, even if it comes out delicious and inexpensive. Another plus for this recipe is that for this recipe it is not necessary to cook the vegetables or eggs for a long time, to add all the ingredients and add them with balls. Everything is simple. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken and fresh vegetables "Versai"

You can marvel at how to prepare Versai salad

Salad with crab sticks and cheese "Nizhniy"

Lettuce is really even lower and repeated. It's easy to get ready for shvidko. Wonderful budget option for a salad on the holy!


  • 200 g crab sticks
  • 200 g syrah (not good varieties)
  • 6 eggs jam
  • 30 g olive oil
  • mayonnaise


Lettuce is decorated with balls.

First ball - grate frozen crab sticks on the great third, spread with mayonnaise.

The attacking ball of the third sir, the advancing third white, then rub it on the dry third of the yellow. And grate 30 grams of butter to the animal.

Leather ball smeared with mayonnaise. Stop filling up.

Recipe with cover photos to marvel at.

Salad with crackers and red ribboy "Peak of Bliss"

Get ready salad zovsіm shvidko and simple, but even more savory.

Dedicated to all the shanuvalniks of the red riba!


  • 200 g salted red ribeye (I have trout)
  • a small head of Chinese cabbage
  • 100 g of white (!!!) crackers (recommended "klinsk", but I didn't know)
  • mayonnaise.


Rіzhemo small wives ribka, shaky cabbage, mix.

Add mayonnaise, mix it up and add croutons.

Once again we change it - you can eat. You can have a salad after standing for ten minutes and the croutons are slightly softened. Delicious and so!

Salad with smoked stegens "Na Ura!"

Even the original salad with a slick warehouse. Usі іngredієnti good podnuyutsya. If you don't like seler, replace it with ogir.


  • Short smoked pcs.
  • Celera (stems) 100 gr.
  • Tomato 1pc.
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 2 table.
  • Sour cream 1 table.
  • Trochy watch.


Kurku, selera, tomato and eggs are cut into cubes + sauce (mayonnaise + sour cream + chasnik).


Salad with canned mackerel

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Why do you think the head of the splendid table looks like the Svyatkovo one? Leather say: a great kіlkіstyu saladіv and yaskravim decorating. Dodamo is the same: I am not an ordinary, cicava, “key” hot grass, like a “flower program”. Svyatkovі hot stravi - tse whole mystekstvo, opanuvat like varto skin gentlemen. Get ready for the holy day, be like a gentleman, start praying, like she will have a hot herb on the holy table, and then let's have salads, drink it and that's it. Be creative with salads. Aje navit zvichaynі salads can be filled with new farbs, so go to them out of fantasy. The zastosuvannya of new ingredients can change your fear for the holy day to the point of unknowing. Recipes for Christmas herbs allow you to experiment with products, combinations and concoctions. Not less than a Christmas salad, but be a friend of a strava on the Christmas stele, obov'yazkovo may be a bright one. Do not be stingy with the lack of food, try to eat more ingredients of different colors. Just marvel at the illustrations of the right Christmas holidays! Enchant photos of these masterpieces! Call on obov'yazkovo to the dosvid kulinarіv, as if they were already preparing stravi for the svіtkovy stіl. Recipes with photos of their creations can seriously ease your task.

Savory Christmas season - not obov'yazkovo Christmas meat season. Aje rich meat is not to be eaten, but to love vegetables and fruits more. It is not possible to entertain the guests of the saint, to sing for them the songs of the Svyatkovs, the retelling of them is also great. Aje is a smut here, how to issue that tax. Carved vegetables and fruits, original triplets of boiled eggs and carrots, beautiful flowers and spice mushroom galavini - your fantasy can be boundless.

Well, m'yasnі stravi before the Christmas table, no one is happy. It is necessary for us to add special respect in order to try to wow the guests, to create a right Christmas atmosphere. The very Svyatkovі stravi z'yasa, at the same time we'll specialize with the svyatkovskiy cake, we can become the "flower of the program" itself. A special design is to be celebrated on the feast of the people's day. Here are ancient garni writings, little ones, figurines thin. Ale smut, schob tse were savory stravi. Do not put varto on the Svyatkovskiy stele of rows of snacks. So, how not to suit and zovsіm forgive me on the holy stele. Aje tse is holy, it is necessary to divuvati and please the guests. Recipes for Christmas stews are spiced up with special relish and special decorations. For this reason, when preparing for the holy day, cook those holy days, recipes from photos of which you will find on the site and which are especially suitable for you at a glance.

And also a sprig of “Svyatkovyh” joys: - add an hour to decorate the table. Tse navіt duzhe tsіkavo. The guests appreciate your efforts, and you yourself take away the miraculous mood. We will help you to change the number of products for the design of the country:

Tomato, crane, licorice pepper give a red color;

Rozhevy, raspberry - sik buryakiv, crane;

Orange - carrot, bell pepper, tomato;

Biliy - rice, egg whites, sir, sour cream;

Buzkovy, blakitny - tertiary egg white, rice, fermented with red cabbage juice;

Burgundy - beetroot;

Zhovtiy - scrambled eggs, corn, lemon;

Violet - egg whites, puffed with red cabbage or cabbage itself;

It is necessary to decorate the salad just before serving it on the table, so that the products do not flow and look fresh and appetizing;

Soak different salads and give different colors to the din;

Stravi on the Svyatkovy style are served in different ways and ways. Originally - salads on rolls of bread, rolled into pita bread, in portioned bowls.

We love to chat with guests. Prote guests are different: relatives, friends, with children without them, dovgoochіkuvani chi raptov. I bring for zustrіchі may be different - it is great holy, family supper, friendly gatherings, girl's evening is thin.

We suggest to your respect the menu for guests on any occasion of life:

Products on the lists are covered by 6 osіb, but they can easily be repaid for any other number of people.

Menu for family guests

To represent your relatives older than the generation. For them, we have created a menu that includes traditional dishes. A well-known salad, an appetizing chicken, fragrant potatoes and a bagatma charlotte are in love with gusto and allow a little nostalgia for the past hours.


Plan dіy:

2 days before zustrich cook eggs and vegetables for salad.

Forward zustrіchі robimo salad and put it in the refrigerator. We put the trigger on the jar.

At the day of zustrіchi, bake charlotte from the wound. Before the guests arrive, cook potatoes with spices, roast the chicken and curl it on the table.

Product List:

Egg ─ 4 pcs.
Oseledets ─ 250 g
Trigger ─ 1 pc.
Potatoes ─ about 2 kg
Tsibulya ─ 1 small tsibulina
Carrot ─ 1 large
Buryak ─ 1 great
Tomato ─ 3 pcs. (you can replace 1.5 tablespoons of tomato paste)
Parsley - 1 large bunch
Chasnik ─ 3-4 cloves
Apple ─ 3 pcs.
Mayonnaise ─ 150 g
Sour cream ─ 100 g
Beer ─ 0.5 l
Oliya - for obsmazhuvannya
Boroshno ─ 120 g
Zukor - 120 g (for dough) + 1-3 tbsp. spoons (for stuffing)
Cinnamon - for relish
Strength ─ for relish
Ginger - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Curry ─ 1.5 teaspoons
Black pepper - for relish
Hot pepper - 1.5 teaspoons
Kmin - 1.5 teaspoons
Coriander ─ 1.5 teaspoons

Menu for the youth company

If the juveniles are requested, then you can experiment a little - prepare non-primary, maybe, instill exotic passions. Our menu includes tsikavі poednannya - cock and grapes, meat and licorice sauce.


Plan dіy:

For a few days before the dawn, And maybe for the day, robimo chocolate truffles. The stinks miraculously save themselves to finish the trival hour.

Forward zustrіchі cook meat in Chinese and add chicken breasts for salad.

On the day of zustrіchi from the wound, we soak moles for salad. If the wine is ready, robimo salad. We cook rice for a side dish, roast meat, curl it on the table and check for guests.

Product List:

Pork ─ 600g
Chicken breast (buttered or baked) ─ 240 g
Egg ─ 1 pc.
Salad (mix) ─ 3 large meals
Cibulya Chervona ─ 45 g
Bulgarian pepper - 2 small peppers
Grapes (without tassels) ─ 240 g
Pineapple (canned) ─ 375 g
Rice - 2 bottles
Rodzinki ─ 3 women
Oliya - 900 g
Oliya Vershkove ─ 50 g
Tops (33%) ─ 0.5 bottles
Rum ─ 3 tbsp. spoons
Cognac ─ 30 ml
Dark chocolate (40-50% cocoa) ─ 200 g
Hot chocolate (70-75% cocoa) ─ 100 g
Cocoa powder ─ 1/3 bottle
Soy sauce ─ 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Tarragon (leaves) ─ 3 tbsp. spoons
Grape ocet - 4.5 teaspoons
Ketchup ─ 3 tbsp. spoons
Estimate of tables - 2 tbsp. spoons
Zukor - about 50 g
Spices (for example, Provence) - for relish
Strength ─ for relish
Root ginger ─ 1 piece (about 3 cm)
Cinnamon (melena) ─ 0.5 tsp
Starch ─ 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Chili pepper (chalking) ─ ¼ teaspoon

Menu for guests with children

At vipadki, if the guests plan to come with children, it is necessary to tell about the child's style. The wine also includes an appetizer, hot with garnish and dessert, but also richly rich things.


Plan dіy:

The cream of the child’s table is crooked for the grown-ups, so the preparation of the children’s fears is to optimize the troch, so that you don’t cook everything in one day, falling out of nowhere. Prote vrakhovuєmo that for children can be the best. Without a doubt, it is relevant and for grown-ups, but for a child eating, the rule is especially important.

2 days before zustrich freezing cold. Itself sumish get ready quickly, but it will be close to 12 years old. At the freezer, it is also frosty, you can stay close to the day.

Forward zustrіchі in the evening get the pate and go to the refrigerator.

At the day of zustrіchі robimo hotter that garnish. We put potatoes on the fire. While the wines are being cooked, the meatballs are cooked.

Product List:

Indian - 600 g
Chicken liver ─ 450 g
Eggs ─ 4 pcs.
Milk - about 300 g
Curdled milk ─ 0.5 l
Tops ─ 375 g
Carrot ─ 1 pc.
Tsibulya ripchasta ─ 3 tsibulini
Parsley - 1 bunch
Spinach ─ 150 g
Chasnik ─ 2 small cloves
Lemon ─ 1 pc.
Potatoes ─ 10 pcs.
Oliya - 30 g
Oliya Vershkove ─ 200 g
Tsukrova powder ─ 250 g
Gorіh nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
Strength ─ for relish
Pepper - for relish
Baton ─ 6 small pieces

Menu for the Christmas holiday

As a drive for zustrichi, it has become a great holy or important occasion, the menu can be special. Tsіkava appetizer, hot spring and hot, savory cake will definitely fall to your guests' taste.


Plan dіy:

Before the great festivities, we begin to prepare far ahead.

5 days before the urochistas it is necessary to prepare a gander. Vipotroshimo yoga and put it in the cold for a few days, to cool it down to the need.

2 days before urochisty vipkaєmo cake layers. Such cakes can be saved in the cold for a few days.

Ahead of the urochisty marinated goose and let it be used for production in the cold. Vіdvaryuєmo shrimp and potatoes for salad. Robimo cream and take the cake. We take it to the refrigerator.

At the day of urochistiye from the wound, it’s a good ingredient for a salad, we take a salad and fix it in the cold, so that it seeps well (enough bet for a year). We stuff the gander and put it in the oven. Together with the bird, we prepare a side dish.

Product List:

Gander ─ 1 pc.
Smoked salmon ─ 225 g
Eggs ─ 12 pcs.
Shrimp ─ 225 g
Avocado ─ 3 large pcs.
Tomato ─ 7 pcs.
Potatoes ─ 9 pcs.
Creep ─ 1.5 teaspoons
Parsley - for garnish
Lemon ─ 1 pc.
Lime ─ 3 pcs.
Pomegranate ─ 1 pc.
Apple ─ 5-7 pcs. (3-4 for stuffing and 2-3 for garnish)
Prune ─ 150 g
Hazelnuts (chalking non-oiled) ─ ¾ bottles
Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
Ketchup ─ 3 tbsp. spoons
Apple juice - 3 l
Sour cream ─ 100 g
Honey ─ 50 g
Olive oil ─ 50 g
Oliya Vershkove ─ 680 g
Borosno ─ ¼ bottle
Chocolate ─ 250 g
Zukor ─ 735 g
Kava rozchinna ─ 2 tbsp. spoons
Strength - about 100 g
Coriander ─ 1 tbsp. a spoon
Sumish peppers - 1 tbsp. a spoon
Vanilin ─ 1 teaspoon

Menu for a girl's evening

Our menu is chosen according to the fact that for the girls there are straws, swedes at the prepared lungs for the slug.


Plan dіy:

Tsіkavі girls' evenings, if the girls are taken by a company, so that they can cook it savory at once, and then we can make a puff of light wine that heartily rozmovu. I pronounce to conduct myself taku. It’s too late to buy more food and drink from the necessary quantity.

Product List:

Squid ─ 1.5 kg
Feta ─ 400 g
Parmesan (grated) - 4 tbsp. spoons
Sour cream ─ 1 kg
Milk ─ 600 g
Tops (33%) ─ 450 ml
Rice - 2 bottles
Oliya olive ─ 100 g
Crackers (melen) ─ 2 tbsp. spoons
Baguette ─ for serving
Chasnik ─ 16 cloves
Oregano (fresh) ─ 2 tbsp. spoons
Chebrets (fresh) ─ 2 tbsp. spoons
Basil - 2 great stones
Creep - for gusto
Parsley - for relish
Strength ─ for relish
Hot chocolate ─ 300 g
Natural kava (melena) ─ 45 g (6 teaspoons)
Cocoa powder ─ for embellishment

Plan dіy:

You did not check anyone, but the guests tinkled at the door. On the whole vapadok is a brown-haired mother, a strategic stock in the kitchen - a sheet of paper, a briquette of frost is thin.

While the guests are rozzuvayutsya, mit your hands and go to the room, shvidko vmikaєmo oven at 220 degrees, take a sheet of dough from the freezer and defrost yogo in a micro-furnace oven on the “Frost” mode. At the same hour, we rub syrah for crispy sticks. We twist the spirals from the front cut dough, sip on the syrup and sesame seeds and put it in the oven for 10 quills.

It's time to bake vicorist sticks to clean and cut the potatoes. We put it into the frying pan and put it on the stove. And now the appetizer is ready. While the person is robbing the guests, she treats them with sirami sticks, we butter the fish in batter. The whole process takes 20 credits. In an hour, potatoes are already ready. Curve style and request friends. Savory!

If everyone has found it, try the dessert from the freezer, which is prepared literally with a sprat of khvilin.

Product List:

Eggs ─ 2 pcs.
Ribi fillet ─ 6 pcs.
Sir hard (tert) - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Frost ─ 600 g
Potatoes ─ about 2 kg
Lemon ─ 1 pc.
Kivi ─ 6 pcs.
Sesame - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Seasoning "For Ribi" - for relish
Mint ─ for embellishment
Tisto leaflet ─ 375 g (1.5 arkush)
Boroshno ─ 300 g
Oliya - close to 200 g
Soda ─ 2/3 tsp
Strength ─ for relish
Chocolate ─ 1 bar

Hurry up with proponing the menu and, if there were no guests - young or at the party, planned unscheduled, the stench of obov'yazkovo will blow around you, and you will be satisfied.

Nacriti svyatkovy stіl - on the right to finish the invoice. Let's talk about different options for budget, blue and savory herbs.

On the back of the head, we take the practice of planning. Vivechaemo produce in nayavnosti, we try to vicorate them at the Christmas holidays. We write a list of goods with a warehouse and a list for purchase in a store.

Proponuemo apply options for savory and not expensive strains with a short description.

Salads, appetizers

Envelopes / tubules with cheese and mushrooms. Zagortaemo in a thin pita bread or cream lubricated with mushrooms with grated syrup, roasted in a frying pan with olive oil from two sides, sob spreading the cheese. You can serve both hot and cold.

Salad with mushrooms. Warehouse: red kvassola boiled -100 gr., Mushrooms smeared in topsoil - 100 gr., 2 boiled eggs, chasnik, sil, sour cream or mayonnaise. Mix everything up.

Settled under a fur coat. Warehouse: 0.5 cibulini, 1 sedentary, grated potato, grated carrot, egg, beetroot, mayonnaise or sour cream)

Sandwich s cold. Rubbed on a rubbed 2 melted sirks like "Nadiya", "Misky", 2 rubbed eggs on a rubbed, chasnik, sour cream or mayonnaise, mix. Fork of the sirn gloom on bread, which wiyshla, you can add stubs and sprats.


Shvidka salad. We mix 1 jar of green canned peas 0.5 minced cibulini with sour cream or mayonnaise, plus sil, pepper for relish. It's just that it's delicious to go out.

Gostra carrot. Tse variations on the theme of "Korean carrots". Three on the top of a carrot with a bowl and black pepper, coriander, in. with piquant hot spices, seasoned with sour cream or olive oil.

Radish with carrots. Three grated radishes with carrots, salt and dressing with sour cream.

Avocado with cheese and teapot. Triom on the third 1-2 medium avocados, 150 gr. syrah, 2-3 cloves of a teapot, salt, seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Available narration options: cheese, cowbass, cider, tomato, licorice pepper.

Mlintsі with different "economical" stuffing. In thin mlints, the filling is richly baked: friedly sliced ​​or grated boiled eggs, rice from smeared with tsibulei; liver with cibulei and eggs; mashed potatoes with mushrooms and smeared with tsibulei; cheese with mushrooms; narizana cooked sausage with mushrooms and cheese.

Salad from oven "Ribki". It’s served with balls: oven “fish”, smeared with mayonnaise, grated smoked syr (“Kovbasniy”), chopped chicken breast from green cibulae, 3 finely grated eggs, a ball of mayonnaise. It’s better to let it brew in the refrigerator for 2-3 years, so that the oven gets wet.

Salad with fresh vegetables and greens:
Option 1: cabbage is young, ogirok, krip, green cibula, sour cream, sil.
Option 2: ogirok, radish, 2 diced eggs, rich greens, strong, sour cream.
Option 3: ogirok, tomato, licorice pepper, sir, cibulya, greens, sil, sour cream.
Option 4: chicken breast or shank, cheese, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, salt, chalking pepper, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Tomatoes with cheese and tea. Tomatoes are spiced with calves, we give the beast a tert sir with chasnik and mayonnaise.

Bakery plates. Robimo liver pate: 0.5 kg of liver cooked or lubricated, 1 carrot, 1 cibulin, 0.5 pack of plums. olії, strength and spices for relish. Scroll the liver with vegetables at the meat cutter, all zmishati. Potim viklasti on wheat platters, tartlets or bread.

Salo. Salo can be beaten up like a narizka, so you can make your own appetizer, adding yogo at once with a bowl and pepper in meat rubs. Potim tsyu sumish vykladaemo on bread. It is especially tasty to go out, as if sandwiches are lightly puffed up over bagats on grats.

It is more economical to come out with a large number of seasonal ingredients: for the presence of freshly picked or canned, frozen mushrooms - you should try them, in the season of a large number of fresh vegetables - to the maximum, etc.


Chicken breast pancakes. Dribno narizaemo sir chicken breast, 1 cibulin, silt, pepper, mixed with mayonnaise and smeared in a frying pan.

Chicken cutlets. Roll chicken breasts, add a small piece of lard or pork, 2 eggs, silt, pepper, milk crumbs, bread or potatoes. Relatively change and lubricate.

Cookie pancakes. 0.5 kg chicken liver details in meat grinders and blenders, 1-2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, cibulin, 100-200 gr. boroshn. Relatively mix until I become thick sour cream and put the pancakes on the frying pan.

Fish in sauce. Inventory: 3 large mints, 1 carrot, 1 cibulin, 100 gr. milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt | salt |, pepper. Put the fish on a hot frying pan, cover it from two sides, add carrots and cibula, quench 5 quilin, add milk, sour cream, seasoning, quench 5-10 more quilin.

Potatoes are lubricated with qibulei.

Mushrooms smeared with tsibuleya and sour cream.

Ribni cutlets.

Cooking rice with lubricated mushrooms. Okremo varimo rice and smear mushrooms with cibulei, then mix it up, or we add mushrooms to the animal rice.

Chicken krillts, baked in the oven. A few years before roasting, we soak chicken krillts in sauces: sour cream or mayonnaise, silt, pepper, gostra seasoning. Let's put it on the sheet and sip it until we get a crispy quickness.

Potato casserole. Zagortaemo in a thin pita bread, pouring into balls: mashed potatoes, minced meat or stew, smeared with cibula, sir, sour cream.

Warm meat salad. Obsmazhuemo okremo: friedly sliced ​​chicken breast, troch yalovichini and vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, cibula. We put hot water on a plate, serve it short.

Potato pancakes with sour cream and mushrooms.

Pancakes with zucchini and sauce(mayonnaise, sour cream and chasnik)

Before tea

Homemade vipіchka come out richly cheaper and natural for the purchase.

Biscuit pie with apples. Zbivaemo 5-6 eggs and 150-200 gr. tsukru, add 100 gr. boroshna, neatly maє buti, like rare sour cream. Narіzaєmo in the form for vypіkannya 2 medium apples, vikladaєmo dough and vipіkaєmo 30 hvilin.

Cake based on a pie. On the basis of this pie, you can make a cake. Rozryzaemo pie for sprat cakes, smeared with cream, add soaked dried fruits, marmalade, berries, poured with chocolate icing.

Mlintsі abo thin mlintsі with jams, condensed milk, chocolate

Homemade oven and waffles

Frost with jams or sliced ​​bananas

Zephyr and oven

Sirniki before tea with varennyam and sour cream

Syrah cake. We serve with balls: oven for “Juveleyne”, “Tsukrov”, a bowl of syrah with sour cream, a ball of thinly sliced ​​marmalade, a bowl of oven, a bowl of syrah with sour cream, a bowl of marmalade, a bowl of syrah and pour chocolate icing.
For chocolate icing, melt it in 100g of milk 2 tsp. cocoa powder, 4-5 cups of hot chocolate, 1-2 tablespoons of zucru.


Vykoristanya exotic fruit significantly more expensive Christmas style, you can Vykoristuvat more available fruits: apples, pears, bananas, oranges. In season - kavun, dingu.

The song is holy

Buvaє, that a lot of products are being overwhelmed by the holy day. So, with vegetable and cowbass you can make soup-hodgepodge, add your own sauce to a side dish, with a side dish, which is too much, and hot - cook a casserole. If you have a lot of products after urochisty, then part of it can be frozen in the refrigerator, for example, chicken, meatballs, cowbass, pancakes and syrniki, riba and іn. So the stench is saved fresh and it’s significant to pass the hour on cooking zhі nadal, it’s enough to get away and make them.

Submit a list. What are the options for savory and not expensive strains, do you get ready for the holy day?

In order to put together the Christmas menu, we need not obov'yazkovo stained glass and name plates. Strawy from affordable products, prepared with a trick, "rodzinka", will please your guests and at the same time not threaten your family budget. Be-yakіy sіm'ї unchangingly є like your ї vyatkovі stravi, zvichni that koristuyutsya constant success. Might as well have an appetizer, which will go with a bang to the burner, or the crown of the grand-exit weed, as if it’s ready once or twice on the river ... Ale, life does not stand on the spot, and on our Christmas table, more and more often, there are unseen meals, new forms Stravi, prepared shvidko, just delicious.

600 g Chinese cabbage,
200 g crabmeat
4 eggs
6 art. soy sauce,
4 tbsp. rose oil,
2 th. more sesame,
2 tsp tsukru,
red chalking pepper - for relish.

Beat the eggs s | iz | 2 tbsp soy sauce. Pour trochs of olive oil into the frying pan, pour the eggs and grease the omelet with 3-4 quills from the skin side on a weak fire. Ready omelet znіmіt zі frying pans, sip sesame seeds and crushed red pepper and brush 1-2 quills with a stretch until the aroma appears. Combine sesame seeds, soy sauce, olive oil and zukor and mix until the zukra is completely mixed. Cabbage, scrambled eggs and crab meat are cut with thin husks and seasoned with sauce.


2 boiled beetroots,
4-5 cloves in a bowl,
200-250 g of hard syrup,
I harvest hairy peas or prunes,
mayonnaise, sil - for relish.

Grate the boiled beetroot on the great third, salt, add 2-3 cloves of the teaspoon, passed through the press, and mix with 2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise. Mayonnaise for snacks can be mixed with sour cream and tops. Add dribno|milko| sliced ​​peas or prunes. Grate the cheese on the middle third, add a cup and mayonnaise, which is overflowing. Lay the grass on a flat surface with balls, drawing a sir and a beet (the top ball is a beet). Embellish with trimmed peas and greenery.


400 g boiled yalovichini or veal,
4 cibulini,
200 g of hard syrup,
6% apple ocet,
mayonnaise, mixed with sour cream at a ratio of 1:1.

Cut the cibula with quarters and soak for 15 minutes | minutes | in oct. Meat is called thin husbands, sir that egg is grated on a great third. Lay in balls, watering the skin ball with mayonnaise, mix with sour cream: cibula (without otstu) - m'yaso - eggs - sir. Decorate the greenery.


500 g yalovichi liver,
4 cibulini,
2 carrots
1 egg
2 tbsp. flour,
½ cl. milk,
mayonnaise, sil, black pepper, greens - for relish.

Clean the liver with a spit and a duct, wash it well and cut it with small pieces. Add a liver and one cibulin in a blender, then pour in milk, add | add | egg and flour | borosno | and beat until uniform. In a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm, bake liver milk, brushing them on both sides on olives, 2-3 quills. Cool down. Grate the carrots on the great third, call the cibula pivkiltsy. Smear okremo tsibula and carrots on olives, place at the bowl and mix with mayonnaise. Pick up a cake, laying out balls: liver mlynets - carrot - mlynets - tsibula, and so on. The upper ball can be buti z ovochіv. Leave it for seepage in a cold place for nothing. When serving, sip greens.

8 squid carcasses (preferably unpeeled ones),
4 eggs
200 g syrah
40 pcs. pickled ovens,
½ tsp salt,
½ tsp dried thyme.

Wash the squids and boil them one by one in boiling salted water for 15-20 seconds. It is impossible to cook squid longer, the stench will become gum. Dip the squids in cold water, clean the skins and guts and rinse. Shave the parts of the squids that will stand out, without messing up the carcass, cut into small cubes and mix with eggs and cheese, also cut into cubes. Add strength and thyme and mix. Stuff the squid carcasses and put them in the oven, heated to 220 ° C, for 10 strands. Ready squids can be served as a hot appetizer or cooled and cut into circles.

300 g slightly salted trout or salmon,
250 g peeled boiled shrimp,
100 g crab meat (imitation),
½ avocado
3 boiled eggs
1 tomato,
1 ogirok,
½ lemon (sik),
strength, black pepper, mayonnaise - for relish,
red caviar, soft vershkovy syr - for embellishment.

Crab meat is cut into small cubes. Peel the boiled eggs, cream the whites from the zhovtkiv and dryly cut. Cut the avocado into cubes and drizzle with lemon juice. Tomato and ogirok are also cut into cubes. Cut the trout into thin slices for the help of a sharp knife (ceramic knives miraculously cope with this task). Wrap the salad in balls, smearing the skin with mayonnaise and sipping pepper: crab meat - ogirok - shrimp - squirrels - chewing gums - tomatoes - avocado. The upper ball is also smeared with mayonnaise and salt. Then cover the whole salad with trout dresses. Beat soft butter for the help of the mixer, transfer it to the cornet and decorate the top of the “cake”, adding viseruns for the bajans. Decorate with red caviar.

Ingredients for 6 molds with a diameter of 15 cm:
700 g minced pork
1 large cibulina,
250 g hard syrah
2-3 cards,
mayonnaise, sil, pepper, herbs - for relish.

Pass the minced meat through the meat grinder again, salt, pepper and beat well. Dice the cibula with small cubes, syrah potato and rub the cheese on the great third, chop the greens. At the molds, smeared with olive oil, lay prepared products with balls: minced meat, cibula, potatoes, sir, pour mayonnaise and sip greens. Place a zap_kat at a temperature of 190 ° C with a stretch of 30 strands. Serve directly at the forms.

A hot meal for the Christmas table is the crown number of the gentleman, the smut for the guests.

1 kg of yalovichi virizka,
1 egg
500 g ready-made yeast leaf dough,
strength, pepper - for relish.
For sauce:
200 ml tops,
1 st. gіrchitsі,
1 cibulin.

Cut the meat with large shmatki with a thickness of 4-5 cm and brush on the olives 2-3 strands from the skin side. Put on a plate, sip sill and pepper on the sides of the mouth and let the guts cool. Divide the dough into shmatochki, equal the amount of meat shmatkіv, rozkotіt at the female with a width of 4-5 cm and 0.5 cm zucchini. Spread smugs with an egg, put meat on them and light them up. The top of the dough is also smeared with an egg and put the pieces on the deco. Place the sheet in an oven heated to 180°C for 10-15 minutes and bake until the dough is ready. Prepare the sauce for an hour: add some cibulin and brush it on olive oil until it becomes clear, pour in the tops, bring to a boil, add mustard, salt and pepper for relish and boil the trochs on a moderate fire until thickened.

1 kg smoked brisket (choose the one with more meat, less fat),
2 packages of ready-made yeast dough (approx. 1 kg),
8-10 buds of cloves,
2 tsp Georgian adjika,
½ cl. tomato ketchup.

Store the defrosted layers of dough and cut them into a layer of such a size, in which the brisket pieces can be placed. Mix ketchup with adjika and seriously rub the brisket from the sides. Insert a clove. Transfer the brisket to a dough, burn the edges and pinch the seams, so that the sik, which is seen when baked, is not shrill. Place a baking dish, smeared with olive oil, and put it in the oven, heat up to 180 ° C for 15-20 quills. Quietly may well zarum'yanitisya. Serve with hot, fresh vegetables and sour cream sauce.


1 cock (eggplant chilled)
150 g shank,
150 g hard syrah
2 eggs
2 licorice red peppers,
1 bunch of greens
1 tsp dried rosemary,
50 breadcrumbs,
sil | salt |, black chalking pepper.

Take the skin from the carcass of the chicken, trying to tear it through. Znіmayuchi shkіru, zalishte nezaymanimy homіlki and krilltsya, vіdrіzayuchi їх on sglobu. Take all the meat out of the brushes and pass it through the meat grinder. Sire, cut the shank and licorice pepper into small cubes and eat with minced meat. Add fresh greens, breadcrumbs and eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Sew or close with toothpicks the opening at the neck on the collar, stuff the collar with minced meat and sew up the collar. Lay on a deco sheet. Mix the rosemary with rosemary and rub it on the surface of the chicken. Put the zapkatisya at a temperature of 180 ° C for 1.5 years, watering the trigger with juice, you can see 20 thin skins.

For roasting, take the meaty part of the hind leg of the pig, cut out the fat, after pouring a thin ball and for the help of a disposable syringe with a thick needle, inject meat into the meat of mіtsniya salty roses - scald. Put the meat in a frying pan smeared with mayonnaise, salt, pepper and brush with mayonnaise. Mіstsya, de fat was lost, it is not necessary to smear. Place in the oven, heat up to 200-220 ° C, bake until ready. Verify the readiness, piercing the meat with a thin long knife - as if it were seen, prozory, the meat is ready. Take the pan out of the oven, put the meat on a plate and clean the mayonnaise. Cover the meat with foil and let cool.

8 pieces of loin,
4 oranges
2 lemons,
1 st. rare honey,
2 tbsp. dry mustard,

See the juice from oranges and lemons. Chunks of meat to chop in a few places and put in a sum of citrus juices for 12 years. Zmіshayte gіrchitsa, honey and 4 tbsp. drive. Meat in the marinade, rub with honey-musk sum and brush on baked olives on both sides until ruddy. Put in a casserole dish, sip sill and pepper and pour marinade. Cover the form with foil and put it in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 40 quills. Let's roll up the foil and brown the meat with a stretch of 10 quills.

8 fillets of tilapia,
1 st. coriander beans,
1 st. rose oil,
2 lemons (sik),

Silt and grains of coriander in a mortar and grind, then add 1 tbsp. mix the olive oil. Grate the fillet of tilapia with the stripped sum and put it in the form, smeared with olive. Place in a preheated oven to 180°C and bake 20 strands. At the hour of serving, pour over lemon juice. Garnish - mixed rice or mashed potatoes and rich fresh vegetables.

900 g salmon steaks (3 large pieces),
150 ml soy sauce
3 art. tsukru,
3 tsp sesame seed,
3-4 cloves of the watchmaker,
1 tsp red pepper milling.

Spread the salmon steaks along the ridge and remove the whiskers. Lay the fish with the skin down at the sleeve for baking, let it go again and tie the ends, sealing 15 cm from both sides. Put the sleeve on the sheet and put it in the oven, heat up to 200 ° C, for 10 quills. Prepare the sauce for an hour: pour soy sauce into the pan, add zukor, red pepper, sesame and teaspoon, crush with a knife, mix, bring to a boil and boil with a stretch of 5-7 strands until thickened. Pass the finished sauce through a sieve. Serve salmon with sauce. For garnish, cook steamed broccoli and boiled rice.

1 kg fillet be-like white ribi,
400 ml 35% tops,
2 eggs
200 g hard solid syrah,
strong, black chalking pepper - for relish.

Put the ribeye fillet into shape, smeared with olive oil, salt and pepper. Beat the tops with eggs, add grating on the dry third of the cheese and pour the fish in the form. Set to zapіkat at a temperature of 180 ° C with a stretch of 20 strands.

I, zreshtoyu, dessert!


250 g boroshn,
tsp rozpushuvacha,
4 tbsp. cocoa powder
115 g zucru,
2 eggs
150 ml dewy oli, odorless,
150ml milk.
1 tsp pink kawi,
1 st. drive,
300 ml 35% caps,
2 tbsp. tsukrovy powder.

Boroshno ask in a bowl, add cocoa powder, fluff, tsukor, eggs, milk and oliyu. Mix for the help of a mixer and divide into 2 parts. Pour the dough into 2 molds and place in the oven heated to 170 ° C for 5-7 chills (for example, the oven is small or there is only one mold, boil the cakes according to the crust). Cool down. For the cream, dissolve the kava near the water. Beat the vershoks z|іz| zukrovoy powder until thick, pour in kava and beat some more. Lay the first cake on the flat grass, lay half of the tops on the new one, put another cake and cover with tops that are left out. Let's rub some chocolate on the big tertz and put the refrigerator on the night. On the coming day, may all the tops get into the cakes, turning the cake on the lowest pastry.


Larisa Shuftaykina