Meat mash baby how to cook. How to cook meat puree at home. The benefits of meat products for the body baby

Is it possible to count meat puree   exclusively baby food? In fact, such a dish is prepared for a short time, has a delicate structure and taste, and will delight tasty lovers at any age. To babies, starting from the second half of the year of life, meat puree is simply necessary to avoid anemia. Meat contains proteins and essential amino acids, and therefore be sure to use it as a complementary food.

Baby food manufacturers offer young parents many kinds of mashed potatoes, a jar of which costs a lot, while preparing such a dish is possible for any housewife. In addition, you can not be sure what exactly is contained in a jar with baby puree, while a dish prepared by yourself will meet all quality standards - you are completely in control of the process.

Meat puree - preparation of products and dishes

What types of meat is best to cook meat puree? If you cook it for your baby, then give preference to low-fat varieties such as beef, rabbit, chicken fillet. You can use beef tongue. If you want to pamper your family with such an unusual dish, you can use any type of meat.

The first and most important rule in the preparation of meat puree for the baby - it must be prepared from fresh meat. Do not buy fresh frozen product or if you have any doubts about the smell or color, you only need fresh meat!

Meat puree can be prepared both in pure form and with the addition of vegetables. Most often potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots are added to meat purée. Vegetables need to boil until soft in a separate saucepan.

Cool the boiled meat and turn it into a puree using a blender, adding a little salt and butter to it.

Dilute the finished meat puree with milk if you prepare it for a child, or cream, if the treat is intended for adults.

Meat Puree Recipes

Recipe 1: Meat Puree

Prepare meat puree for baby. Keep in mind that this dish will be very satisfying for the child. Do not mash a lot, it is best to prepare it for single feeding. If you get more, then store the dish in the refrigerator in a closed container for no more than a day. Salt and oil can not add. Meat puree can feed your baby from eight months.

Ingredients Required:

  • Beef 100 grams
  • Milk 50 ml
  • Butter

Cooking method:

  1. Put the boiled beef on the fire to softness. When the meat is ready, cool it a little, remove the films and streaks.
  2. Cut the warm beef into pieces and chop into a puree with a blender.
  3. Add a little milk to puree to make it more rare, a little salt and butter.

Recipe 2: Meat of rabbit with carrots

Delicious mashed potatoes that can be given to both children and adapted for adults. Rabbit meat is not only very tender, but also not fat and low-calorie.

Ingredients Required:

  • Rabbit meat 100 grams
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Butter
  • Milk 4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Put the rabbit meat otvarivatsya - it will be ready in about 35-30 minutes.
  2. Boil peeled and washed carrots in a separate saucepan for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Let the products cooked cool slightly, cut them into pieces.
  4. Blend the meat and carrots in a mashed potatoes, gradually adding milk to make the mashed potatoes more rare. Salt and add a little butter.

Recipe 3: Meat Puree with Broccoli

A very delicate to taste dish that is nutritious, but not high in calories and not fat.

Ingredients Required:

  • Broccoli cabbage 100 grams
  • Beef 100 grams
  • Milk 4 tablespoons
  • Butter

Cooking method:

  1. Broccoli cabbage well wash and disassemble hands on large inflorescences. Place in a saucepan filled with water for 10 minutes. When the cabbage is ready, take it out and cool it a little.
  2. Wash beef and boil until tender. Cool the prepared meat, remove the veins and cut into pieces.
  3. Crush meat and cabbage in a bowl of a blender to a puree-like state, gradually spreading the gruel with milk.
  4. In the finished mashed potatoes, put a piece of butter and salt it.

Recipe 4: Meat with Cauliflower and Cheese

This recipe can be called "adult", because the kids it does not fit. Serve the ready dish as the main one, it will be surely enjoyed by your home.

Ingredients Required:

  • Pork 300 grams
  • Cauliflower 300 grams
  • Cream 100 grams (not more than 20% fat)
  • Seasonings
  • Garlic 2 prong
  • Hard cheese
  • Butter

Cooking method:

  1. Wash cauliflower and disassemble into florets. Boil it in a saucepan filled with water for 10 minutes. Remove the finished vegetable from the water and cool.
  2. Pork wash, cut into cubes.
  3. Garlic peel and cut each tooth into 2-3 pieces.
  4. Grease a hot frying pan with a piece of butter, put the garlic and fry it for 2-3 minutes. When you feel a pleasant aroma, take out the garlic and put pork in the oil. Salt the meat and simmer it for about 15 minutes with the lid closed.
  5. Dip the cooked meat with cabbage into the bowl of the blender and grind to a mushy state. Gradually add cream, turning the ingredients into puree.
  6. Hard cheese grate.
  7. The resulting meat puree with cauliflower, season with butter and sprinkle with cheese.

Recipe 5: Chicken Meat with Mushrooms

If you like the combination of mushrooms with chicken, then such mashed potatoes will definitely come to your taste. For this dish you can use any varieties of mushrooms.

Ingredients Required:

  • Chicken fillet 400 grams
  • Cream fat content up to 20% 100 ml
  • Bow 1 piece
  • Mushrooms 400 grams
  • Butter
  • Hard cheese 150 grams (salty of any kind)
  • Seasonings

Cooking method:

  1. Place the boiled chicken fillet in a saucepan filled with water. Boil the meat for about 15 minutes after the water boils. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and let it cool.
  2. Peel the onion and chop it finely.
  3. Wash the mushrooms and also chop them finely.
  4. Grease a heated pan with a piece of butter, fry the onion until golden brown and add mushrooms to it. Simmer the vegetable mixture until the mushrooms halve in volume.
  5. Put the chicken and a mixture of onions and mushrooms in a blender bowl, chop into puree. Add cream and butter to the mass.
  6. Grate hard cheese.
  7. Sprinkle the mashed grated cheese and can serve.
  1. Meat can not boil, and cook for a couple - but this is the case if you are preparing mashed potatoes for adults, and not for kids.
  2. If you are cooking meat puree with vegetables for yourself, instead of milk, dilute it with cream or meat broth.
  3. In the meat puree in addition to vegetables, you can also add cereals. Best of all with all kinds of meat combined oatmeal and buckwheat. Boil the cereal until cooked, and then combine with meat with a blender.

When it is possible to give meat to the baby and in what portions, so that the product can be assimilated in the best way, your pediatrician will tell Experienced consultants of the online store "Daughters-son" will acquaint you with an assortment of baby food made from meat.

At what age can meat be given to babies?

Adult food is offered to children from 5 months with bottle feeding   and from 6 months - when feeding with breast milk. The first dishes are easily digested cereals, vegetables and fruit puree. Meat - baby food, with the processing of which the gastrointestinal tract of the child is ready to cope in 1-1.5 months after the introduction of vegetable or fruit mashed potatoes in the menu. This means that meat puree should be fed to children from 6.5-7 months, depending on the type of feeding.

When to start giving meat to babies:

  • if 5-7 weeks have passed from the day of the first feeding;
  • the baby began to cut teeth;
  • there is a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • there are indications for the infant to gain mass.

The introduction of meat to the infant at 7 months is beneficial for the tissues of muscles and bones, and helps strengthen the chewing apparatus. Babies who are fed infant formula from birth are recommended to administer meat puree a little earlier, from about 6 months.


It is not difficult to determine the time when meat should be given to infants if they are lured by the prescribed menu on time and in compliance with the rules. An incomplete ration of complementary foods from 5 months can lead to the need to prematurely add meat to the menu in order to avoid rachitis and anemia.

How to make mashed meat for babies

Mashed potatoes are made from meat, thoroughly cleaned of bones, veins and fat. It is crushed to the consistency of minced meat, then it is well boiled in boiling water over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Before you cook meat baby, you should decide on the grade of this product. It is recommended to begin meat lure with low-fat and anti-allergenic rabbit or turkey meat.

Table 1. Features of meat varieties recommended for baby feeding
Meat variety The content of nutrients Special features
Rabbit The highest concentration of iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2 among other meats Low-calorie diet food product
easily absorbed by the child's body
Turkey Phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamins of group B and A It activates the heart muscles and vascular function.
improves appetite
does not cause allergies, improves immunity
Veal Contains a lot of carotene, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus It helps strengthen the musculoskeletal tissue
develops vision
Hen Enriched with a complex of amino acids and iron Inserted into the diet with caution, because in large quantities can cause allergies
Pork High fat content Must be entered carefully, may serve as an allergen
subject to more thorough preparation for cooking.

We offer the following recipe for cooking meat for babies:

  • boil 30 grams of minced meat;
  • crumble 2-3 pieces of boiled zucchini, cauliflower;
  • mix the minced meat with vegetables and beat until puree;
  • add блюд boiled and chopped egg yolk to the dish.

How to grind meat for babies? First, you should chop the product into pieces, then mince it several times through a meat grinder. After cooking, be sure to place the blender to impart the desired consistency. Add salt and spices can not.

How much meat to give to the baby depends on the age of the baby. Starting meat lure at 7 months is better with a minimum portion - 0.5 tsp (2.5 g) per day. If there is no allergy and the baby likes the dish, it is possible to increase the daily volume with each day to the final 10-30 g. For the complete introduction of meat puree in the menu, it will take about 10 days. A child’s daily need for meat between the ages of 7 and 12 months looks like this:

  • 7 months - 10-30 g;
  • 8 months - 50-60 g;
  • 9-12 months - 60-70 g.

How often to give meat to the baby depends on the type of product. Low-fat rabbit and veal can be fed every day, and chicken, turkey or pork - no more than 2-3 times a week.

Expert opinion

“It is better not to offer meat of the same variety every day, as it is fraught with allergies. Monotonous food does not contribute to the saturation of the body with a complex of useful substances. To cook a lamb dish is contraindicated, this kind of meat contains hard to digest fat.

In our online market you can buy various ready-made mashed potatoes for baby foods: Heinz tender rabbit, veal, Hipp tender vegetables with veal, chicken, Frutnyanya pork. We offer baby food made using different types of meat. "

Specialist online store "Daughters-son"
Antonova Catherine


Does meat give to babies? Introducing meat supplements recommended not earlier than 6.5-7 months. For making mashed potatoes, the most useful types of meat are turkey, rabbit meat, veal, chicken and horse meat. At 7 months, the daily portion of the meat dish reaches about 30 g, at 9 months it increases to 70 g.

To learn how to enter the meat baby in the diet, you need to consult with a pediatrician. Dosage and timing of input of meat foods may vary depending on the health of the baby and the characteristics of the development of the child's body.

Introducing the first lure - very hard work. It is necessary to think carefully about the first dishes of the baby, to monitor their quality. Meat is a product that contains one of the main building elements, namely protein.

How to choose meat for the first feeding, from what age to introduce meat puree? Our article is devoted to this and many other issues.

  1. Baby meat is the main source of animal protein. Moreover, vegetable protein is much inferior to the animal in its qualitative characteristics.
  2. This lure is rich in trace elements - phosphorus, copper, iodine. Important! Iron from meat dishes is absorbed much better thanfrom vegetable.
  3. When the teeth appear, it is important for the baby to develop chewing skills, therefore meat is the main helper in this.
  4. Important is the high content of vitamins B, PP, E.

After the first six months of life, the child needs additional trace elements and protein. Of course, breast milk   contains all of the above nutrients, but with the growth of the body, the baby requires more than just milk.

The introduction of meat in the supplement perfectly complements the diet and covers the increased energy costs.

Meat supplements should be started between 6-8 months. This is exactly the age when to inject meat into complementary foods is physiologically justified. Remember that a newborn baby does not need meat.

This is due to the fact that meat for children under one year old is not the first dish, but follows vegetables. As a rule, two months after the vegetables and meat is introduced.

Accordingly, at 8 months, meat should be given to children who received the first complementary foods at 6 months. In six months, the meat can begin to give, if the first lure happened in 4 months.

If a child has low hemoglobin, then this interval can be reduced.

Meat puree for babies up to 6 months is contraindicated for several reasons.

  • Immaturity of the digestive system. Enzymes can not digest enough heavy meat protein. As a result, its digestibility is very low.
  • Small children's kidneys will not be able to withstand the protein load too strong for them.
  • The risk of allergic reactions.

How to enter the meat?

  1. Should start with a half teaspoon, preferably before lunch, before breastfeeding.
  2. The amount of meat puree increase gradually, a teaspoon per day.
  3. The quality of the meat dish should be excellent: the current shelf life, serve in the form of heat, preferably cooked on the day of serving. Important! Up to 9 months, while the child still has few teeth, should be given a homogeneous meat puree.
  4. You can start exploring meat delicacies by adding them to vegetable dishes or diluting with breast milk.

How often and how much meat should a child give?

  • From six months to 7 months - up to 20 grams per day.
  • From 10 months to 70 grams (about 15 teaspoons).
  • After a year, you can give your child one steam patty or meatball.

Meat dishes should not be present in the menu of the child every day, 4-5 times a week, 1 time a day is enough.

From what meat to start feeding?

  1. Beef.   Rich in protein and iron. Sufficient low-fat meat. By price criteria available to many families. Of course, it is better to start feeding with it. Important! If the child is allergic, it is better not to start with beef, a rabbit or a turkey come to the rescue.
  2. Rabbit, turkey.   They are distinguished by low calorie content, low fat content, and practically do not cause allergies. But they have a fairly high cost, up to 400-500 rubles per kilogram. And rabbit meat is quite difficult to buy in its natural form.
  3. Hen. Important! If a child is allergic to the protein of chicken eggs, then we never start feeding with chicken. It has a fairly low calorie (in particular, breast), but not less allergenic.
  4. Pork,   It is known to have sufficient fat content and is suitable for babies after a year. Interesting! Allergists in recent years, advised to start feeding children with allergies from pork.
  5. Horsemeat.   Rich in protein, but it is very difficult to find on the market. Suitable for hypoallergenic menu.
  6. Mutton.   Very fatty meat, recommended after 10 months.
  7. Goose and duck.   These meat dishes contain refractory fats that child's body   difficult to digest. For this reason, up to three years of goose and duck are excluded.

How to cook meat yourself?

Cooking meat to a baby is   difficult, but quite doable task.

  • To begin, choose the type of meat. It is better to buy meat in proven markets, in stores, or to buy homemade meat from reliable suppliers. It should not be weathered or have odors.
  • Meat should be washed under running water, remove the film, cartilage, excess fat.
  • Place in an enamel bowl and boil until cooked. On average, beef pork is boiled for 2 hours, goose, duck - up to 4 hours.
  • Boiled meat mince.

Boiled meat must be passed through a blender, and then through a sieve. In fact, the algorithm is the same as in the preparation of minced meat, only mashed potatoes should be more uniform in mass.

Up to 10 months meat puree should be homogeneous.

In the finished homemade meat puree, you must add ½-1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

For children older than 10 months, you can cook meatballs or cutlets for a couple - after a year. Ready stuffing is possible to freeze in the freezer.

Boiled meat for baby food more than a day in the refrigerator is not recommended.

What to choose meat mash for complementary foods?

Baby food store has several advantages.

  • Quality control of baby food.
  • Lack of preservatives, dyes.
  • The composition of trace elements meets age needs.

Popular brands of meat puree for baby

  • "Grandma's basket" has a relatively low price compared to others. There are multi-component mashed potatoes.
  • Heinz, "Agusha", "Frutonyanya" - many brands that are available on the market, differ only in price. On qualitative structure they undergo careful processing and control.

Meat mash for the first complementary foods to choose only the mother and baby. For the first time, rabbit puree is perfect for baby Heinz.

Meat broth, offal

Meat broth contains extractives, nitrogenous compounds, glucose, lactic acid. Thanks to these substances, the appetite improves and the pancreas is activated. Also, the broth has a beneficial effect on the development nervous system   baby

But it should be well remembered that the early introduction of broth in the baby feeding (up to 1 year)   can lead to the following troubles:

  • the development of allergic reactions;
  • purine compounds can lead to over-stimulation of the nervous system;
  • uric acid after its cleavage can settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys, joints.

Beef broth should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with ½ tsp, then adjusted to 100 ml. Meat broths   can be given at lunch, as a variant of the first dish, but no more than 1-2 times a week.

The by-products (heart, liver, tongue) have a rather rich trace element. In the liver, especially beef, a lot of vitamin A, B, iron. Liver is better to enter after the first birthday, give no more than once a week. Before cooking liver pate, it is better to soak the liver in milk, remove the skin and boil it.

In the heart of a lot of vitamins of group B, iron. Heart can be given from 9 months of age.

If you are allergic to offal, it is better to give up to 2 years of age.

Meat diet includes a large selection of dishes. And the baby, no doubt, enjoy the taste of meat puree, and then the meat cutlets. Proper heat treatment will preserve a healthy digestive system of the baby, thereby ensuring proper growth and development.

From the age of four months, a caring mother begins to give complementary foods (ground vegetables, fruits) to each infant. Require the presence of animal protein small body will start only from the time when it is no longer in need of mother's milk. But it’s very early to start including meat in the baby’s diet. Meat, in order of introduction to the baby’s menu, is in third or even fourth place after vegetable and fruit mixes, cereals and juices. Ideally, the meat can begin to enter the child’s menu from the age of six months. The first intake of animal protein should be limited to 10 grams of the product, gradually increasing the portion, which should be 70 grams per year.

Meat is undoubtedly one of the most important products in the human diet, and the baby’s growing body especially needs it. The animal protein contains a large amount of vitamins, phosphorus and calcium. And all this wealth will enter a small body if mom is able to properly prepare the product.

Another important condition is the choice of good and quality meat. For the first feeding it is better to use lean meats (chicken or turkey). Purchase of meat should be carried out only in stores that have proven themselves on the good side and have all the relevant documents, including sanitary, for the sale of this product. Do not buy meat from the tables on the market or in dubious shops. A poor-quality product may adversely affect the health of the baby and not bring him any benefit.

Good meat has a pink color and should be juicy without a dry crust (this suggests that the meat is not fresh). You can freeze meat for cooking meat puree only once, so don’t buy a large piece right away, it’s better to be limited to a couple of small ones.

Let's take a closer look at the recipe for the preparation of healthy meat puree for a six-month old child.

We wash a small piece of meat well under running cold water. The next step is to remove all the veins, films, peels and fat from it. If there are bones, they must also be cut. Cut the meat into small pieces, put it in a saucepan and fill it with cold water. After the water begins to boil, you need to drain, wash the meat and collect new water. Meat is cooked on low heat. After it is ready we interrupt several pieces in a blender to a puree state. After the gruel has cooled, see if it is too thick. If you think you need to dilute it, add a little broth in which the meat is cooked. No seasonings (even salt) can be added to the puree!

Starting to give such a puree is better not even from 6, but from 7 months of age. The first time will be enough and half a teaspoon. Gradually, one-time portion should be increased. To make such a heavy product easier to digest and is well understood all the vitamins and trace elements it is better to give the child meat at lunchtime. To the main product, you can add your child’s favorite vegetables (carrots or cabbage) before boiling them and grinding them in mashed potatoes.

Types of finished meat purees for babies

Each pediatrician advises young mothers not to engage in such a tedious business as the choice of meat and its preparation. You can use ready-made meat purees, which make the world-famous global manufacturers of baby food. After all, if you do not choose the right meat or not to cook it, you can even poison the baby.

Another advantage of baby food in jars is the confidence that it was made from the meat of healthy animals and prepared according to the technology. This will give confidence to the mother, who cannot be completely confident in the quality of meat purchased in a store or on the market.

Except the meat itself finished mashed potatoes   can be added: broth, vegetable oil, vegetables or some cereals. All of these points should be recorded on the label of the product in the "Composition" column. When buying mashed potatoes, pay attention to the fact that it is designed for a certain age category. Mashed potatoes for a child of 6 months will be chopped up very finely, and the older the age designation on the label, the larger the cut.

Let's look at some types of meat puree, which are popular among young mothers today.

1. Tyoma.

This meat puree from the manufacturer of the world-famous company Unimilk, which is a part of the huge Unimilk-Danone concern, can be noted for its high quality, wide assortment and reasonable prices. Meat mashed potatoes of this trademark are designed for babies, starting at the age of six months.

2. Agusha.

The considered “Agusha” baby meat purees can be noted for natural raw materials and affordable prices. In 2009, 2010 and 2011, this brand was awarded prizes at the international forum "Meat Industry". Many young mothers trust this manufacturer because of its untainted reputation and the use of only natural ingredients when creating their products.

3. Grandmother's basket.

This brand can boast of the broadest choice of one-component and multicomponent children's meat, fish pore and mashed chicken. Can be purchased as a pure meat product, and with vegetable additives at the request of the mother. The manufacturer also uses only natural raw materials, and if we add to this that the consistency of mashed potatoes is very light and tender, then it becomes clear why the majority of Russian mothers chose the Grandma's Bag.

4. FrutoNyanya

Meat mashed potatoes of this brand also have a wide range of products of any type (both single-component and multicomponent) for babies from six months. According to research mashed potatoes, no additives have been added, except for a small amount of rice flour, which plays the role of a thickener.

5. Heinz

Heinz has a large selection of meat, meat and vegetable, and fish and vegetable purees. The packaging is small, which is also very convenient. The formulation of the product is strictly designed to meet each standard and GOST for the production of food for children. Toddlers love Heinz purees very much, and moms trust, considering it one of the best ones in the direction of baby food.

6. Hipp

Baby meat mashed potatoes Hipp also designed with love. Only here you will find such unusual recipes of mashed potatoes such as, for example, a rabbit with potatoes and fennel. Additionally, each puree is enriched. necessary vitamins   and trace elements that captivates moms. And unusual tastes are very popular with all children, without exception.

7. Semper

The Semper brand produces for its young consumers not only meat and vegetable-and-vegetable purees, but also meatballs, which are made from natural products and are manufactured under the strictest control. They do not add salt, gluten, or any other artificial additives. For meat products use environmentally-friendly raw materials of the highest quality, which does not contain excess fat.

8. Hame

Czech baby food producer Hame also produces baby meat purees. If other manufacturers prefer glass containers, in this case tin cans are used. They help to preserve the bright taste of the product, and the naturalness of the composition captivates young mothers. Mashed potatoes are presented in stores in a fairly wide range, so that each customer must choose something based on their preferences.

  1. Before putting the pieces of veal in the pot, they should be thoroughly rinsed with water. By its nature, veal is young meat, because it, and even more so for children, should not be marinated. We set the pot of water on the fire in advance so that it can boil while the veal is washed and cut. Already in boiling water, veal is put neatly and in small portions. In this case, the boiling should not stop, and the water should not pour out of the pan. As the boil will form a small amount of fat on the surface of the boiling liquid - it must be carefully removed from the pan with a spoon.
  2. Due to the fact that veal is not pre-marinated, for taste, you can add chopped carrots and a bit of onions to the pan for cooking. On low heat, the pan with boiling water and veal should remain at least 30-40 minutes. After that, you can already check the readiness of the product with a fork. If the product is easily punctured and only clear broth is released, then the product is ready. If the veal is not ready yet, you can continue cooking the veal for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces and their quantity, periodically (1 time in 5-10 minutes) checking for readiness.
  3. Ready boiled veal should “stand up” a little in broth, which is slightly cooled, served on slices decorated with greens or ground in mashed potatoes for younger children.

How to cook veal for a child in a slow cooker - 40-60 minutes.

  1. Carefully washed veal flesh is placed in a multicooker container. Veal is tender and tasty meat and, even when cooked for children, does not require pre-marinating or seasoning. To add some flavor to the taste of the finished boiled veal, add a small amount of onions and large, possibly longitudinally, chopped carrots to the pan. Vegetables and veal are poured with water, so that they must be fully covered.
  2. After closing the lid of the multicooker, set the program “Quenching” for 60 minutes. And after the end of the workflow, we will not open the lid for another ten minutes. Ready boiled veal can be ground together with vegetables in mashed potatoes or served to the table in this form.

How to cook veal for a child in a double boiler - 60 minutes

  Without a doubt, steamed veal will retain all the nutrients for the baby. Stew veal in two ways: “in juice” (carefully wrapped in foil) or simply by placing the washed pieces of veal in the lowest basket of the steamer. The main thing is not to forget to pour enough water into a special container of a double boiler. Further, the double boiler is turned on for 60 minutes and after them it is already possible, just in case, to check the readiness of the veal with a sharp device. After cooking the veal is ground in mashed potatoes or given to children in chopped form, depending on age.