31 week what is the weight of the child. Changes in the children's body. The results of the Doppler study

All women have a gestation period in different ways. Feelings in women in the third trimester, after 6 months, are especially different. By this time, expectant mothers have a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. We have to adapt to the clumsiness and the ever-changing figure. Most pregnant women develop weakness and fatigue. This is the reason for the design maternity leave   at this time, because now it is already difficult for a woman to perform the required amount of work.

31 week of pregnancy   - mid 8 obstetric month. There is not much time left before the birth of the baby. For each woman, the term of childbearing is individual. The onset of labor for 15–20 days earlier than the established period relates to the normal course of events. always approximate.

Fetal development at this time.

Now the baby is growing and developing intensively. By week 31, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1600 grams, and the height is about 41 cm. It is already difficult for the baby to move in the womb. In search of a comfortable posture, the baby occupies a certain position. Usually, this is a “kalachik” pose, with the head crossed and the legs down, which can be seen on a planned ultrasound scan. For many babies, this position becomes permanent and does not change until birth.

Every day, the child changes a little, grows up. The face acquires a subtle shape, the nose becomes correct form, the auricles and neck continue to develop, becoming more dense. Eyes can react to bright light, the child blinks, opens and closes eyes, he has the ability to focus the eye. In addition, the baby develops a corneal reflex, i.e. accidentally touching the eye causes a defensive reaction, the baby squints.

The brain develops intensively, its convolutions form. The work of the nervous system is constantly being improved. Lung and lung tissues become more mature, the production of surfactant begins, due to this, the child makes his first breaths of air after birth. At this stage of development, liver bile begins to be produced, so the liver is preparing to cleanse the body of harmful substances, i.e. perform its main function. The work of the pancreas becomes more perfect, it begins to produce insulin.

At week 31, the fetus acquires the features of a formed infant: the proportions of the body change, the face is stretched and acquires refined features. At 31 weeks, the child becomes viable, that is, during early childbirth, the baby will complete its development outside the womb of the mother.

The skin of the fruit is still wrinkled with a red tinge. Due to the fact that the skin is very thin blood vessels appear through the skin. Active growth of the nail plate is noted, in the near future the nails will cover the entire surface of the nail bed. Just from the third trimester of pregnancy, the unborn child begins a noticeable and rapid weight gain. An increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat contributes to the correct regulation of heat exchange processes after the baby leaves the womb.

Vital activity of the future child at week 31

Some babies already have a daily routine; a woman can notice moments during the day when the child becomes active, moves and calms down, falls asleep. The child moves more, delivering serious discomfort to the expectant mother, even causing pain. The baby actively moves its arms and legs, hitting the uterus. Excessively active movements at week 31 may indicate oxygen starvation   fetus, or to signal that the mother's position causes the baby discomfort.

During pregnancy, it is necessary with particular attention to the movement of the fetus. If a woman does not notice the movements of the child for a long time, an urgent need to contact the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy, perhaps, to undergo an extraordinary ultrasound. Normally, the fetus must at least 10 times in 12 hours remind of itself by active movements.

  At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother can periodically feel the movements of the baby in the tummy. It is necessary to be very attentive to this indicator: if the fetus does not give signals about its movements for a long time, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist - possibly a fading pregnancy

Ultrasound procedure

Usually at the 31st week of pregnancy is carried out, the purpose of which is to monitor the development of the child, the assessment of the compliance indicators of the norm. This ultrasound allows you to assess the degree of development of the brain and other internal organs. If an ultrasound scan at week 31 is performed in or in the format, you can clearly see all the outlines of the child’s face. The poor visualization of a clear image on ultrasound may be due to several reasons:

  • an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer of women;
  • small amount of amniotic fluid;
  • the fetus is in an uncomfortable position to study.

It is very difficult to get high-quality photographs and video recordings of ultrasound in late pregnancy. Determining the sex of the baby is carried out on, but the formation of the genitals continues today. In this period in male children, the omission of the testicles has not yet occurred, and the future girls have open lips.

Regulatory ultrasound indicators

The main task of the ultrasound scan at week 31 is to eliminate the lag in the child’s development. This is done using fetometrii. - procedure for measuring bone length and evaluation of the main structural characteristics.

The standard size of the fetus by ultrasound at week 31:

  1. biparietal size (BPR): 73 - 87 mm;
  2. frontal occipital size (LB): 93–109 mm;
  3. head circumference (OG): 273 - 215 mm .;
  4. girth of the abdomen (AJ): 247 - 301 mm.

Normally, the length of the main bones measured by ultrasound correspond to the following values:

  1. thigh: 55 - 65 mm .;
  2. shoulder: 50 - 60 mm .;
  3. forearm: 45 to 53 mm;
  4. shin: 50 - 60 mm.

At week 31, the norm of values ​​is as follows:

  1. vascular resistance of the placenta: 0.34 - 0.61;
  2. umbilical artery resistance index: 0.53 - 0.76;
  3. systolic-diastolic ratio of the speed of blood flow in the umbilical artery: 2.88 - 2.96;
  4. systolic-diastolic ratio of the speed of blood flow in the cerebral artery of the fetus: above 4.4;
  5. fetal cerebral artery resistance index: 0.8;
  6. iCA resistance index: 0.8 - 0.85.

  In addition to the usual ultrasound, dopplerometry is used according to the indications - checking the speed and direction of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cords - the data obtained allow us to determine whether the mother’s body receives sufficient nutrition for the fetus

Possible complications of pregnancy

From week 31 begins the main stage of fetal growth. In this regard, a pregnant woman should pay special attention to their health and weight gain. Normal weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. in 7 days. If body weight increases significantly more intensively than recommended, you should contact your gynecologist. Intensively increasing weight while maintaining a healthy diet indicates a possible development of edema.

This period of pregnancy is characterized by the development of various complications. Knowing the symptoms will make it possible to take timely measures to prevent the development of critical complications.

The reason for the urgent treatment to the doctor are the following symptoms:

  • Ripple sensation before eyes. This is a symptom of high blood pressure or the development of internal edema.
  • Constant swelling of the limbs. The persistent swelling of the legs indicates possible disorders of the kidneys.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness and seizures. Signs of late toxicosis.
  • Headache, dizzy spells - adverse signs of unstable pressure or the development of preeclampsia.
  • Symptoms of polyhydramnios or low water in the third trimester of pregnancy are usually detected with the help of ultrasound diagnostics.
  • The consequence of acute respiratory diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy can be a variety of complications.
  • Disorder of the intestine in a pregnant woman occurs as a result of hormonal adjustment in the body. However, attention is paid to such symptoms, since diarrhea sometimes indicates a possible intestinal infectious disease.

By the thirty-first week of pregnancy, the baby’s reflexes are already quite well developed, and in the brain, the structure of the departments responsible for personality and intelligence becomes more complex. The child has a noticeably increased energy - this can be seen from the strength of the jolts in your stomach. The future mother, on the contrary, feels increasingly tired, clumsy, because of hormones and constant experiences her memory, concentration of attention, sleep worsens.

Week 31 is how much?

    Thirty-one weeks of obstetric gestational age is 29 weeks of embryonic duration (from the moment of conception).

    Thirty-one weeks of fetal time is 33 weeks of obstetric time.

You are pregnant for six months and three weeks.

What happens to the child?

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby’s body reaches the size of a coconut. In the third trimester, its weight increases faster than body length. The height of the child is 41 cm, weight - 1.5 kg. At 31 weeks of gestation on the head, some children already have a rather lush head of hair, while others are still bald.

All five feelings of your unborn child are already working and are quite well developed. His pupils react to light. He can turn his head left and right, make a variety of movements with arms and legs, suck thumb, swallow, breathe. The fetus is in the “fetal position”, head down. This position is called the head previa. If the buttocks are attached to the exit of the uterus, they talk about breech presentation.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the boys' testicles are approximately at the level of the inguinal canal - very soon they will finally descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is fully formed.

What happens to the future mother?

By week 31, the normal woman is gaining 9.5-12.2 kg. Because of the growing tummy, it is becoming more and more difficult to handle many things. Gait is becoming more clumsy, "waddling." It’s impossible to find a comfortable position in bed, because of this (and also due to hormones and frequent experiences) many expectant mothers have trouble sleeping, often feel tired and overwhelmed.

As the uterus grows, the load on the spine increases, while the hormone progesterone relaxes the ligaments - this is how it prepares the body for childbirth. As a result, there are pains in the back, legs. If they are very strong, you need to visit a doctor.

The uterus compresses the bladder and rectum, displaces the organs of the abdomen up. Because of this, the expectant mother is experiencing heartburn, constipation, and urination are becoming more frequent. Increased pressure in the veins around the rectum leads to hemorrhoids. These symptoms will have to endure until the birth - then they will pass.

The nails on the hands and feet grow quickly, but become brittle and dry. The mammary glands increase even more, they produce colostrum, a nutrient fluid that in the first days of life will replace the baby with “real” breast milk.

Periodically there are training bouts Braxton-Hicks. They manifest themselves in the form of pulling sensations in the stomach and lower back. Training fights should not last very long, cause pain.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, every woman feels like a mother. The stomach is visible to the naked eye and the baby is very often kicking. If the pregnancy happens in the expected time, it will happen in exactly 10 weeks.

Feelings at 31 weeks gestation

Now the woman's body gets tired much more and faster. It becomes harder to breathe due to the fact that the child becomes more and more, thus not allowing enough air to fill the lungs. Shortness of breath occurs especially after exercise, so it is recommended to walk more slowly, monitor posture and relax more.

Mom's movements are clumsy and there is a growing likelihood that she may fall. Hair and skin in excellent condition. The figure is getting rounder and the future mother is the very embodiment of femininity.

On this period, the metabolism increases, so the mother is very hot and she sweats a lot. And at any air temperature.

The fetus puts a lot of pressure on the diaphragm and stomach, and in this connection, heaviness can be felt in the lower abdomen. There is already colostrum in the chest, and some of it have a lot of it at that time, while others do not appear at all. Whether or not there is colostrum at this time does not affect the breastfeeding process.

Changes in the mother's body at the 31st week of pregnancy

The abdomen increases every day and supports the internal organs, causing heartburn, shortness of breath, nausea, and constipation. The weight gain weekly from this point should not exceed 300 grams. The future mother should be alerted by too much weight gain or, conversely, his weak set.

The bottom of the uterus is determined 10-11 cm above the navel and 31 cm above the pubic symphysis. Increasingly, the mother feels false training contractions. So the muscles get ready for generic activity. You can begin to perform daily kegel exercises - they will prevent breaks during childbirth and make the process of delivery less painful and easier.

There may be pain in the lumbar and sacral spine. The reason for this is the displacement of the center of gravity and the softening of the ligaments under the influence of hormones. In some cases, can ache and swollen feet. And if by the morning the swelling of the legs does not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

For a period of 31 weeks, the expectant mother may notice that in the supine position, her head begins to feel dizzy. This occurs as a result of squeezing the enlarged uterus of the inferior vena cava. Therefore, it is recommended to sleep and lie on the right or left side.

The breast of the woman becomes more and by 31 weeks increases by about a size two. Colostrum, the forerunner of breast milk, is released from the breast.

Baby on the 31st week

The future child continues his active development. The brain develops very quickly, the work of its centers differentiates. Its mass is 1/4 of the mass of the brain of an adult.

A child at this period accumulates subcutaneous fat, increases skin tone, forms natural folds in the joints. Subcutaneous fat will complement the imperfection of the thermoregulation system and maintain a constant temperature in the newborn.

The iris of the eyes gradually accumulates pigment, the hair becomes darker. The process is quite long. Most babies are born with blue or gray-blue eyes. Closer to the year, the color of the eyes becomes final, such as it is laid genetically.

The kid is already able to see, but so far only light and darkness. Immediately after birth, he will begin to distinguish colors. But while the pupil only reacts to the light, its size changes and the baby squeezes his eyes shut.

All the organs of the child grow: heart, lungs, kidneys, liver. The pancreas is already able to provide the body with insulin.

Starting this week, the baby will add 200 grams weekly. Now his weight is about 1500 grams, and height - 41 cm. The diameter of the head is approximately 78 cm. By this time, the child is already located in the position in which he is to be born.

What's new?

At week 31, new manifestations of pregnancy appeared:

  • the woman's body began to produce the hormone relaxin, which promotes relaxation in the joints of the pelvic bones (due to the hormone, the woman’s gait resembles the duck);
  • after 30-31 weeks, late toxicosis - gestosis may develop;
  • persistent heartburn may occur;
  • the pupils of the baby are already reacting to light and darkness;
  • the marigolds are almost grown to the tips of the fingers.

Preeclampsia is characterized by nausea, increased blood pressure, edema, and sometimes the appearance of protein in the urine. Against this background, significant weight gain is possible (more than 400 grams per week).

External development of the fetus

TO external signs   development of a child for a period of 31 weeks include the following phenomena:

  • the iris of the eye accumulates pigment and darkens;
  • at a bright light, the kid squints his eyes;
  • darken hair;
  • the nails are almost grown to the tips of the fingers;
  • skin folds are formed.

Internal fetal development

The internal events of the development of the fetus at week 31 include the following events:

  • there is an intensive growth of the brain, its weight is now 25% of the weight of the brain of an adult;
  • the muscles of the eyelids are formed;
  • the liver segments are almost completely formed, bile is produced;
  • pancreatic cells produce insulin.

Weight gain at 31 weeks gestation

Weight gain for each pregnant woman is individual. It depends on the mother’s body, on the propensity to be overweight, on the size of the unborn child and on a number of other physiological factors.

In this period, a woman with a normal body weight should gain about 250-300 grams weekly. By the end of 31 weeks, the expectant mother, as a rule, gains about 8-11 kg in her weight. Until the end of pregnancy, she can gain up to 15 kg.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at week 31

The stomach grows by leaps and bounds. Many women at this stage are disturbed by discomfort in the pelvic and breast area. This is natural, as the fruit grows, demanding more and more space every day. All organs are compressed, resulting in heartburn, shortness of breath, frequent urination and intestinal upset.

The mammary glands are poured and swell, increasing 1.5-2 times. Thick colostrum, the forerunner of breast milk, can be released from the breast.

What happens to the stomach at the 31st week of pregnancy

Because of the large belly, the mother becomes clumsy. The dark line on the abdomen becomes more and more noticeable, the navel becomes flat due to its stretching. Closer to the birth of the navel will be convex.

The skin on the abdomen due to its stretching can often itch. To reduce itching and prevent the effects of stretching, you can use a special moisturizer. Olive oil is also good.

Many mothers can feel the rhythmic twitching of the abdomen - this is the baby hiccups. In addition, it is already possible to find out by what parts of the body the baby kicks the mother in the stomach. Usually, by 31-32 weeks, the child fits completely in a certain position in the uterus.


On the 31 week period, the cervix descends at the foot of the vagina. Slightly moves in the direction of the sacrum. The uterus rises above the navel by 7.5-10.5 cm.


With the growth of the uterus, an increase in the body mass of the expectant mother also occurs. This increases the load on the legs and back, all internal organs are working at full power. Back pain to week 31 increases, as the center of gravity shifts and the load on it increases.

May appear pain sensations   in the area of ​​the perineum and sacrum - this is due to the softening of the pelvic bones and their divergence. The body thus prepares the woman for the upcoming delivery.

If it hurts in the pubic area, it rather speaks of the development of a symphysis. The intestine is compressed by the growing uterus and, as a result, pregnant women often have constipation. And this can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Pain in the anus can foreshadow its onset.

Discharge at 31 weeks gestation

Normally, vaginal discharge at week 31 should have a light gray or light milky shade. The consistency - the selection is homogeneous and odorless. The amount of discharge on this period may increase, due to the maximum blood filling of the genitals.

In the case of the appearance of yellow, green, purulent discharge, with flakes or resembling cottage cheese, and even with unpleasant smellshould immediately go to the doctor for examination. Often, pregnant women exacerbated thrush, which must necessarily be treated so as not to harm the baby. The child may be infected with the infection in the womb or when moving through the birth canal.

It is very dangerous discharge with blood, brown smearing or scarlet - this may indicate the beginning of preterm labor, placental abruption or its presentation. Even if the blood flow is insignificant, help is needed, since at any moment the bleeding may intensify.

Discharge liquid with a yellowish tint is likely to indicate the discharge of amniotic fluid. An ambulance should be called, as premature labor is about to begin. Even if there is a feeling of high humidity, in any case it is better to see a doctor. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the membranes, the baby is more likely to catch a serious infection.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

At 31 weeks, the last third scheduled ultrasound scan is usually prescribed. They will provide full information about ongoing pregnancy and fetal development. On examination, the doctor will be able to determine the presence or absence of malformations and developmental pathologies.

The doctor will correlate the necessary measurements of the fetus with the gestational age, establish its location in the uterus, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, establish the expected date of birth. In addition, all organs of the baby will be examined and the blood supply system will be assessed, it will be established whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The doctor will measure the parameters of the uterus, determine the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.

Before you visit the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman should undergo clinical blood and urine tests. At the doctor’s appointment, the woman will be measured for blood pressure, height at the bottom of the uterus, and abdominal circumference.


A lot of married couples stop sex at this time. A man may be afraid to harm the woman and child, or the woman herself is worried about this.

If the expectant mother does not complain about the state of health and there are no contraindications, and besides, the doctor does not prohibit having sex, you can completely have sex in the period of 31 weeks. The child in this case is not in danger, as it is protected by the uterus and the fetal bladder.

Contraction of the uterus during orgasm trains the muscles, thereby preparing the vagina for the upcoming delivery. Sex postures should be comfortable and safe. Pressure on the abdomen should be minimal. The most comfortable position when the partner is in the back. So he can control the depth of penetration.


Due to the fact that the expectant mother is now on maternity leave and stays at home, it is harder for her to restrain herself in the diet. Therefore, the amount of food consumed should be limited in order to preserve the health of the child and his own. It is better to eat in small portions. It is desirable to remove cakes, buns and other muffins altogether from the diet or to minimize. For any period of pregnancy, the rule should be followed: the diet of the expectant mother should resemble the children's menu.

It is recommended to use as many fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht on vegetable broth as possible. Drink better compotes, weak tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. You can not eat foods that cause allergies: chocolate, exotic fruits, nuts and citrus in large quantities, seafood. You should not eat fried and smoked dishes, canned food. Prefer preferably milk and dairy products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat and other healthy foods.

Do not sit at home all the time, thinking about food. It is better to plan the whole day so that it is time to take a walk in the fresh air, attend a maternity clinic and maternity courses, go shopping.

What to do this week

  • at the end of this week, you should do the next routine ultrasound;
  • if the expectant mother has not yet attended courses for pregnant women, then it’s time to do it;
  • despite the fact that there is still about 10 weeks before delivery, you can slowly collect things at the maternity hospital (shopping becomes more difficult every week).

Dangers and complications

The following complications may occur at 31 weeks gestation:

  • delay intrauterine development   fetus;
  • preeclampsia, toxicosis, which are characterized by hypertension, headaches and protein in the urine;
  • bleeding from the vagina (placental abruption or its presentation);
  • premature birth.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy is anemia in the expectant mother, kidney disease and the vascular system, as well as smoking during pregnancy, too much weight gain or, conversely, malnutrition.

Weight at 31 weeks should be carefully controlled, the maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. A large weight gain can cause toxicosis or preeclampsia. You should also control the amount of drunk and processed liquid. The difference should not be less than 300ml. If an imbalance is detected, the doctor should be told about this.

When the above complications of pregnancy appear, you should quickly consult a doctor. Most likely you will have to go to the inpatient department or maternity hospital.

The longer the period of pregnancy, the more they give advice and recommendations. The most important are:

  • timely visit the doctor who leads the pregnancy;
  • blood pressure control;
  • delivery of all necessary analyzes;
  • a clinical analysis of blood and urine 1 time Ile;
  • regular weight control;
  • routine ultrasound and other necessary examinations;
  • control the amount of fetal movement per day.

Expectant mother should regularly visit the doctor. On examination, the doctor determines the height of the uterus, the size of the fetus and its location, examines the limbs of a woman in order to identify swelling and varicose veins.

During this period, Mommy is gaining weight very quickly, so it is better for her to eliminate all sweet, fat and flour from her diet, reduce animal fats and give preference to fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to engage in such physical activities as yoga, swimming and water aerobics. A woman's body will get stronger and make it more resilient, especially since the long-awaited birth is not far off. In the courses of future parents, mothers should teach proper breathing.

Indian dances and fitball exercises are also considered useful. Daily walks in the park will help fill the blood of the mother and her child with the necessary amount of oxygen.

And most importantly - a psychological attitude. Pregnancy is a great time for a woman when she is given maximum attention, given flowers and just loved. All discomfort will soon be left behind. After all, the most important thing is not to forget about why this is all happening.

This week, the woman already feels like a mother. The kid quite often kicks and the stomach is already visible to the naked eye. In addition to all the positive things, this week there are problems, for example, with sleep and pain in the abdomen and back.

Week 31 - seven and a half months of pregnancy. If you give birth exactly in the DA (the expected date of birth), then exactly 10 weeks are left before this momentous moment. About 40% of women with a cycle of up to 30 days give birth before the date of the PDR or exactly on this day. 30% of women in labor with the same cycle meet their babies after the da. If you look at the statistics of pregnant women who have had a cycle for more than 30 days, then 20% gave birth before the DA or on time, and after - 10%. We see that the term of labor very strongly depends on the duration of the cycle of a woman and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Fetal development (child gender)

The kid at this time begins to actively gain weight. Now the weight of the child is about 1.4-1.6 kg, but the figures may vary. Its height is about 35-45 cm.

The brain is currently working and developing very quickly, the connections between nerve cells grow at a febrile rate. Now the child actively watches everything that surrounds him, he processes informational signals of all 5 existing feelings. He reacts especially to light. Smells, he would also feel, but this is hampered by the amniotic fluid, in which he is now immersed. The wakefulness periods of the crumbs are already quite long, you can notice this by the activity of the perturbations. What is he doing? It makes faces, hiccups, swallows water, breathes, pushes hands and legs of the uterus wall, sucks its cam or thumb.

Your body and sensations

Most likely, these days it has become very difficult for you to breathe. The diaphragm is propped up by a rather large uterus and this prevents you from taking a full breath. This condition will disappear as soon as the belly sinks before giving birth. This could happen the day before the DA, and a month.

The uterus is now 10 cm above the navel. This means that she has displaced all internal organs in order to give the child more room for development.

    To reduce an attack, try to spend 15-20 minutes in a quiet room. If you are at work, then close your eyes and try to relax for a few minutes. It is advisable to take a painkiller only as a last resort and after consultation with your gynecologist.

    The growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels. Along with elevated pressure and an increase in blood volume, this leads to ideal conditions for the development of varicose veins. Special exercises and stockings will help.

    A large abdomen leads to a shift in the center of gravity, and this will invariably cause pain in the back and lower back. If you have not done so, now is the time for special exercises for pregnant women or yoga. Exercises will reduce the load on the back. Many also helps prenatal bandage.

    As a rule, the baby begins to turn its head down from 28 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. But the chances that the baby will turn upside down are pretty great right up to the birth. There are ways that can stimulate your baby to coup: exercise, swimming in a pool or in another pond. Many mothers note the effectiveness of music, headphones with a melodic melody need to be applied to the very lower abdomen, so that the child would head there.

    The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, making it less and less room to preserve urine. You can not tolerate for a long time, try not to take any distant trips and walks, where there is no toilet nearby.

    Try to eat less salty, smoked, fried, sour and spicy dishes. Include in your diet meat, fish, dairy products, more vegetables and fruits of our latitudes. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but for edema with fluid, be careful.

    Increased hormonal level leads to swollen nasal passages. It is quite difficult to breathe when the diaphragm props up the stomach and the nose is stuffed up, but be patient. About 2 months left and you will feel better. You can use a salt spray to facilitate breathing, but various potent nose drops are better to put off until later.

    The most common trouble in the third trimester of pregnancy. What prevents to fall asleep? Yes, almost everything: heartburn, pain in the back and abdomen, leg cramps, frequent urging to the toilet, anxiety and many other reasons. How to help yourself? A warm soothing bath before bedtime, the support of loved ones will help. If insomnia simply debilitates you, then consult with your doctor about taking sedatives (for example, Novo Passit or Persen).

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The third trimester of pregnancy (from 26 to 39 weeks) for each woman proceeds individually. Future mothers by this time are already accustomed to the constant feeling of heaviness and slowness, adapt to new forms. 31 weeks of pregnancy in many people is accompanied by severe fatigue and fatigue. That is why maternity leave is made out after 30 weeks of pregnancy, when a woman can no longer do the necessary work.

Maternity leave

31 week of pregnancy is the first week of the legal rest of the future mother. Many women have already taken maternity leave. Having received a well-deserved rest, they enjoy the last months of their freedom. Some prefer to free time   walk more in the fresh air, follow a healthy diet and do the necessary physical exercise. But more often, future mothers, due to constant fatigue, spend a lot of time lying in bed or on the couch, trying not to burden their tired backs. Despite this, we should not forget that physical activity is necessary for pregnant women to prepare the body for the difficult process of childbirth.

Pregnancy: 30-31 weeks, changes in the body

The body of a pregnant woman in this period is undergoing major changes. Due to hormonal adjustment, all the muscle tissues of the body relax. As a result, such an unpleasant phenomenon as varicose veins may occur. By this time, the minimum weight gain for a woman should be 8 kilograms, which seriously affects all functions of the body. Weight at 31 weeks of pregnancy can begin to increase dramatically due to various disorders in a woman’s body, so you should carefully follow the diet, keep healthy way   of life.

Due to the growth of the fetus, the uterus increases in size and rises higher, which can provoke regular heartburn, especially its symptoms occur when a woman is in a lying position. In addition, the rapidly growing uterus creates a serious pressure on all internal organs of the female body, which hampers their natural work. Pregnancy (30-31 weeks) is accompanied by the adaptation of all body systems to the new regime, which can significantly worsen the woman’s well-being. The main discomfort of the future mother causes regular shortness of breath. It is caused by a lack of oxygen, since the squeezed lungs cannot work at full capacity. For prevention, you should walk more often in the open air, away from polluted and dusty city streets.

To get rid of heartburn is necessary to establish proper nutrition. To do this, eat small meals, but often enough (up to 6 times a day). The volume of food consumed at a time should not exceed 200 grams. Thanks to this nutritional system, it will be easier for the digestive tract to cope with its function, and the woman’s well-being will improve significantly.

31 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother has been carrying a baby for 7.5 months. About 10 weeks until delivery, but this is conditional. Not every woman bears a child for exactly 9 months: labor can also begin at 37 weeks - this is also considered the norm. Everything here is approximately, in each case, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Woman's well-being

Most expectant mothers noted the appearance of pain in the hip joints. The hormone relaxin secreted by the body to prepare the bone and ligament apparatus for the approaching labor, relaxes the hip bones, which provokes pain. The increased weight of the woman also affects the condition of the bone apparatus. As a result, she experiences discomfort and pain. Sometimes these symptoms can develop so much that it becomes difficult for a woman to get up from a sitting position and also difficult to move. So, there is 31 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the child is constantly increasing, so at the same time mother’s well-being will deteriorate. Do not worry, these symptoms are quite natural and will continue until the end of pregnancy and even in the postpartum period.

Some women note the increasing pain in the perineum and in the pubic bone. These symptoms must be told to the doctor. Headaches can also become more frequent, there are many reasons for their frequent appearance, and in most cases this is not a pathology. The exception is made only by sharp attacks with deterioration in sight and darkening in eyes.

Also one of the most common troubles on this term   is insomnia. It is at this stage that various sleep interruptions can occur. This may be due to fetal regimen and is not a pathology.

The period after 31 weeks of pregnancy is associated with large psychological experiences. The future mother begins to think more often about the approaching labor, she has fear and fear for their normal course. You should not give these fears a place; you should calm yourself with reflections about happy motherhood.

To escape from unpleasant thoughts, you should occupy yourself with interesting things. Many women are waiting for maternity leave to go shopping. It is necessary to collect the bag in the maternity hospital, to buy everything you need before the baby is born. You can also do the arrangement of the children's room or corner. This work is creative, it requires a lot of effort, so this pastime will help to forget about bad health and vain fears.

It must be remembered that a pregnant woman should not be nervous, because the baby already feels very sensitively about the psychological state of the mother, it is not necessary to cause discomfort to the child by restless behavior.

Female consultation at week 31

At the next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, pregnant women need to measure weight, blood pressure, as well as donate a vaginal smear. Analyzes should be carried out to prevent any health problems. Many women develop an unpleasant disease, thrush, due to reduced immunity. If pathogens are detected in the smear, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, since this disease should be treated without fail before the onset of labor.

You should consult with your doctor about wearing a bandage: it will greatly facilitate your life, helping to maintain a voluminous belly. In the case of improper prenatal location of the child you will be advised to perform some exercises that contribute to its change.

31 weeks of pregnancy is the time when a woman is given an exchange card. This is the main document for admission to the hospital. It contains all the information about the course of your pregnancy, test results, weight, and ultrasound results. It is advisable to put the exchange card in the generic bag. In case of premature onset of labor, it will be in the right place. In addition, during this period, you should receive a birth certificate necessary to improve the quality of medical care.

Alarming symptoms

The fetus at the 31st week of pregnancy enters the main stage of growth, so the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her own weight gain, which should be no more than 300 grams per week. If during normal and healthy nutrition the weight increases more than this norm, it is necessary to check with the doctor in the antenatal clinic, because the rapid weight gain may indicate internal edema.

At this time there may be various complications of pregnancy. They need to be sure to warn in time. It is necessary to see a doctor if:

  • There is a ripple in the eyes, which may indicate increased pressure or the development of internal edema.
  • Swelling in the legs does not go away in the morning, which indicates kidney problems or gestosis.
  • There is a constant severe fatigue, indicating late toxicosis.
  • Convulsions that may indicate late toxicosis.
  • Headaches are also a symptom of either preeclampsia or high blood pressure.
  • Dizziness is an unfavorable sign of an increase / decrease in blood pressure or gestosis.
  • Water diffusion and water scarcity occurring for a period of 30–31 weeks can be detected by ultrasound.
  • Acute respiratory diseases of the mother - can affect various problems during pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea in women - may occur due to serious hormonal changes in the body, but you should carefully consider this phenomenon, as it may indicate a variety of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A very attentive attitude requires a period of 31 weeks gestation from a woman. Allocations should be normal, you should carefully monitor even their minor changes. Wary of should, if there is a leakage of amniotic fluid. Norm - if their number is no more than the volume of a tablespoon. Also watch carefully for changes in the color of the discharge. Even minor traces of blood may indicate a threat to the health of the baby. Also should alert the symptoms of thrush (cheesy, mucous discharge, having a specific smell).

Fetal condition

During this period, an intensive growth of the fetus begins, and its development continues. When the 31st week of pregnancy comes, the weight of the fetus increases (it reaches 1,600 g and grows up to 41 cm). The baby becomes crowded in the mother's belly; trying to adapt to new conditions, the child assumes a certain position that is convenient for him: a collapsed position with crossing limbs. Many babies in this period take a constant prenatal position - head down, which normally should be maintained until the onset of labor.

Every day the fruit grows, the features of its face become thinner, the nose takes on a certain shape, the cartilaginous tissue of the auricles and neck thickens. Eyes develop - a child at 31 weeks of pregnancy can distinguish between light and darkness, open and close his eyes, focus his gaze, as well as blink. In addition, the child at this time manifests the so-called corneal reflex: if the eyes are accidentally touched, the baby reacts by squinting them.

Actively working nervous system   fetus: brain convolutions continue to form, lung tissue becomes more mature, surfactant is released - thanks to this, after birth, the baby can take its first breath. The liver at this age begins to secrete bile, preparing for its main function - cleansing the body of toxins. The pancreas also begins to work, producing insulin.

The baby’s skin is still rather shriveled, has a red tint. Blood capillaries shine through the skin, as it is still rather thin. Baby marigolds are actively growing, by the end of the week they will reach the end of the fingers. Starting from the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight begins to noticeably and quickly increase due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for proper heat exchange after birth.

Some babies already have their own sleep and wakefulness regime. You can celebrate how the child begins to move more actively and subside in certain time   days. The movements become stronger, sometimes causing the future mother considerable painful sensations. The child pulls the arms and legs, falling in different directions of the maternal tummy. As a result, you can feel serious discomfort. Too active movement   fetus at this time can be a signal of lack of oxygen to the baby or talk about the uncomfortable position of the mother, causing him discomfort.

You should carefully listen to the behavior of the baby: if the child does not move for several hours, you should immediately consult a doctor. Norm - if the child makes at least 10 perturbations within 12 hours.


The sex of the child can be accurately determined from the 20th week of pregnancy. Nevertheless, for a period of 31 weeks, the genitals of babies continue to take shape. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. The labia of the girls also remain open.

Twin pregnancy

Maternity leave for a woman who is pregnant with twins should be issued already at week 28. This is due to the double burden on the female body, because the increased weight of the woman complements the feeling of discomfort. The length of each of the twins is already about 40 cm, and weight - about 1500 grams. Since the two are closely enough in the mother’s belly, their mobility is limited. Nevertheless, it is necessary to listen carefully to the behavior of the babies, to monitor their movements. Future mummies of wonderful twins should follow all the recommendations of the doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, rest, lead a moderately active lifestyle.

31 weeks of pregnancy with twins is accompanied by increased fatigue of the mother. It is necessary to suffer this state, because two small miracles will soon appear on the light!


As a rule, at such a period as 31 weeks of pregnancy, another ultrasound examination is scheduled. Its purpose is to make sure that the development of the baby is normal. On ultrasound in this period shows the active formation of the brain, iris of the eye. The physician should analyze the following developmental parameters.

31 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound, norms:

  • biparietal size (not less than 73 mm, not more than 87);
  • head circumference (280 to 300 mm);
  • abdominal circumference should be from 247 to 301 mm;
  • length of the humerus (50 - 60 mm);
  • frontal-occipital size (273 to 315 mm);
  • the length of the femur (54 - 64 mm);
  • the length of the forearm (44-52 mm);
  • length of the tibia (51-59 mm);
  • 31 weeks gestation, fetal weight is about 1,500 g;
  • height - 40 cm

If any abnormalities are detected during an ultrasound scan at the 31st week of pregnancy, the doctor will individually select the necessary treatment. It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic in time to monitor the condition of the fetus, its development and their own health.

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31 weeks of pregnancy

31 weeks of pregnancy

Description of the fetus. Pregnancy 31 32 weeks

Your baby continues to grow. On 31 weeks gestation omr. has already become plump, under the skin no longer translucent blood vessels.

The baby weighs about 1.6-1.7 kg. His height is 40-41 cm. White adipose tissue is deposited under the skin, so the skin itself takes on a pink color (previously it was red). The nails almost reach the tips of the fingers.

What to do. Pregnancy 31 32 weeks

After 30 weeks you should visit the gynecologist every two weeks. Then the doctor will give you an exchange card in which the results of all tests and examinations fit. From now on, with this card she must go everywhere, since childbirth can happen at any time, and without an exchange card, doctors can take a laboring woman only in a specialized maternity hospital where women with no fixed abode, without tests, nonresident, etc. go .

Nutrition. Pregnancy 31 32 weeks

Experts say they are pregnant, starting with 31 weeks of pregnancy   you need to eat often, but in small portions, and rightly so. Do not forget that gaining weight is easier than throwing it off and you have to take care of it while you are pregnant.

By the way, nutrition plays a significant role during labor. And the prevention of anemia, various complications and abnormalities will depend on your diet. And this week of pregnancy you should reconsider the nutrition.

General dietary advice related to diet is quite diverse. They argue that it is necessary to eat foods and vitamins in accordance with the gestational age. Remember, during the formation of organs, especially with 31 weeks of pregnancy   It is very important to use nutrients that will play the role of building material   for the organs, the skin of your baby.

The concept of rational nutrition includes a set of various foods that need to be consumed in accordance with the gestational age, as well as proper distribution of foods throughout the day. From now on, you are not just eating, now your diet is the building blocks that your body uses to build a new organism. You should also be aware that during pregnancy the metabolism becomes more intense, respectively, the energy costs increase.

Vitamins on 31 weeks of pregnancy   play a very important role in shaping the body of the baby and in the health of the mother herself. It is very important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, because they contain enough amounts of various vitamins that will positively affect both the expectant mother and her baby.

On 31 weeks of pregnancy You will need proteins, as well as essential amino acids. They, in turn, are in milk, cheese, meat and other products. Weight gain should be controlled by your doctor, but in any case you will not be able to sit on rigid diets. In no case you can not eat a variety of exotic fruits that are brought from abroad, you should not also eat chocolate in large quantities, drink coffee, strong tea and so on.

In general, you need to ask a specialist what kind of food you should have at the 31st week of pregnancy, because for each woman everything is individual

Every day on an empty stomach, you can drink a tablespoon olive oil   Extra Virgin "Minerva Kalamata". It has a lot of nutrients. And it can help with constipation.

State of health. Pregnancy 31 32 weeks

Your stomach continues to increase in volume. The uterus is higher than the navel by 11 cm! She has already filled most of your belly.

Discomfort in the chest and pelvic region. This is natural, since a growing fruit requires more and more space for itself.

Some women have 31 weeks of pregnancy   persistent heartburn appears (before it could be episodic).

The reason for this is still the same - the increasing uterus displaces other internal organs from the usual places, while creating some difficulties for the stomach to work. Try to eat less, but more often.

Semi-posture after eating sometimes also allows you to cope with heartburn.

One of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy is back pain.

They can occur at almost any time, and sometimes they persecute women for several months after giving birth. To relieve these pains help correct posture and physical exercise. Do not forget, by the way, to remind the husband that stroking your back is his daily duty!

The body of a pregnant woman produces a special hormone - relaxin.

This substance causes the weakening of the joints in your pelvis, making the pelvic ring seem to be more "stretchable."

For this, your baby would certainly tell you a "thank you" if you could speak immediately after giving birth. The more pliable the pelvic ring of the mother, the less difficulty for the child during his birth. However, for a pregnant woman, the work of relaxin is another trouble. Your walk may resemble a "duck". But do not worry - after birth it will quickly disappear.

Some women will go through this phase of pregnancy without much discomfort. That, of course, does not mean at all that their body is not preparing for childbirth. After all, all of the above unpleasant sensations depend on very many features of the body of each particular woman. For example, individual pain sensitivity, or level of physical fitness, etc. So, if you belong to this category of pregnant women, then you can only envy!


З1st week of pregnancy - the end of the 7th obstetric month and the fetus is already 29 weeks old. Up to this point, a normal gain in weight is 8-12 kg.

Every day your feelings are getting stronger as the birth approaches and the baby becomes more and more active. At week 31, the child already weighs about 1.6 kg, and its growth is close to 40 cm.

  What happens at week 31

Remember that now the main task of a woman is monitor your health, follow all the recommendations of the doctor, eat right, walk in the fresh air and enjoy your position. The future mommy can feel light tapping in the stomach, no need to worry, your baby hiccups.

Due to the increase in the uterus, the internal organs become more and more crowded. Which in turn provokes a feeling of discomfort in a woman, as well as she may have some problems in the work of the stomach and intestines. It provokes the appearance of heartburn, which, basically, torments future mom   in the evening, and all because of late dinners. To get rid of her many helps that they eat half-sitting food.

The term is already quite large, so every woman should know about ancestral harbingers. If you have the following symptoms, then you need to call an ambulance as a matter of urgency:

  • thick mucous or watery discharge;
  • sharp nagging pains;
  • crushing feeling in the crotch area.

Read more about generic precursors.

This week may have a strong shortness of breath, which increases during the vigorous activity. So try to relax more.

During this period, a woman may notice how her appearance has changed, the condition of her nails has improved, her hair has become thick and beautiful.

Possible risks

  1.   . The reason for this may be, as well as problems with the vessels and kidneys.
  2. If a woman has a small weight gain, for example, using different diets, there may be a risk.

The possibility of childbirth at 31 weeks gestation is not excluded.

If suddenly there are any signs, it is very important to respond instantly, as there is a chance to save the pregnancy. It is important to understand that if a baby wants to be born so early, it means that something is wrong. But if this happens, do not get upset, if you make every effort the child will surely survive, and be healthy.

At this time, many women may experience late toxicosis (preeclampsia). Most often, it worries those who are overweight, hypertension, and diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart.

Complications of preeclampsia can cause cramps, swelling, reduced vision and even death. It can also provoke sharp jumps in weight, for a week you can gain more than 400g. Late toxicosis, most often appears in mummies:

  • if the woman is pregnant for the first time;
  • if a woman is pregnant with twins;
  • if you become pregnant after 35 years;
  • if a woman has dystonia, diabetes, hypertension.

You can read more about late toxicosis.

  Feelings women 31 week

During this period, due to the growing abdomen, a woman may experience discomfort in the chest and pelvis area. At this time, pressing on the stomach can provoke the appearance of pain in the baby and this will cause him to move.

Possible physical sensations

Births are getting closer, so the female body begins to prepare for them and changes both externally and internally:

  1. Stomach. During this period, the belly grows very quickly. Daily weight gain is about 300 g and it is made up of the placenta, the fetus, amniotic fluid, blood in the vessels and the uterus.
  2. Chest. During this period, a thick liquid begins to emit from the breast, which has a salty taste, it is called colostrum. It contains substances that are useful for the child, in the future this liquid will become milk. At the moment, it stands out because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands of the baby. If in the evening you experience discomfort in your chest, then sleep in a special bra. The nipples are getting a little bigger and rougher, and the mammary glands are also poured.
  3. Uterus. It rises above the pubic joint by more than 30 cm, which is why it is strongly protruding forward, and the distance to the navel is 11 cm.
  4. Pains. Almost all pregnant women this week feel pain in the back, as it is quite strongly arched in the back. Pain in the pelvic region can occur due to the action of the hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments of the pubic joint. This is necessary for more free exit of the baby during childbirth. If you experience prolonged pulling pain, it may mean that it is increased and this may be the cause.
  5. Weight. In general, the weight should increase by 10-12 kg. But if it is much more, you do not need to lose weight and limit yourself in nutrition, as this can cause serious health problems for the baby. If the weight increases gradually, then there is nothing terrible about it.
  6. Thrush. Due to a weakened immunity, the chance of thrush, which is characterized by the appearance of cheesy discharge, increases. And this is the first signal that an urgent need to consult a doctor. Read more about thrush during pregnancy.
  7. Edema. At this time, almost every woman appears. They need to be monitored, so consultation with a doctor is mandatory.
  8. Insomnia. Constant heaviness in the lower back and cramps prevent sleep. In addition, quite impressive size of the abdomen does not make it possible to take at least some comfortable posture. Do not forget that sleeping on the back is prohibited. In addition, as soon as you fall asleep, you will have to get up to go to the toilet. In this case, the only advice is to be patient.
  9. Movement of the fetus. The woman is less likely to feel the movements of the baby, as they are not as active due to cramping. But everything is felt distinctly. During this period, the child develops his own sleep pattern and active life. On the need to monitor the movements of the child read
  10. Allotment. This week may increase the amount that should be light gray, milky, homogeneous and with a sour smell.
  11. Urine excretion. Often, during this period, urine may flow, for example, during laughter, coughing, sneezing, etc. The reason for this is that the uterus has increased, and it puts pressure on the bladder. Try during this period to completely empty the urinary, for this lean a little forward. Teach yourself to go to the toilet every half hour. Every day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of fluid.

Possible emotional experiences

Do not panic, because during this period the baby shares all the experiences and emotions of his mother.

Therefore, talk to your child every day, sing songs to him, do everything possible to make both him and you feel good.

  Reviews of women about week 31

During this period, women have not only new changes in the body, but also new emotions, this is what future moms say about week 31:

Inessa: “Went 31 weeks, the baby is very mobile. The ultrasound showed that our position is correct, I feel better, but because of this, I feel constant pain in the sides and ribs. Well, it's all the little things compared to how you feel your child. ”

Svetlana: “Yesterday I was at the doctor’s office and they told us that due to the incorrect position of the child and others, it would be very scary for Caesarean to do serious problems. I pray to God that all is well. "

Valeria: “I could not resist and in 31 weeks I bought almost all the necessary things for my girl. Next week we go for 3 ultrasounds. The baby is very active, especially at night, probably preparing me for future sleepless nights. As for weight, I gained only a total of 7.5 kg. Heartburn hurts only if we eat at night, and everything is fine, no swelling, no back pain. ”

Eve: “Today the doctor told me that the fetus is located very low, and this increases the risk that it will be born prematurely. Now I sit crying and worry. "

Valentine: “My son turned over for me, of course, I myself felt that he had started kicking on top of his ribs. Today, the doctor confirmed my assumptions, so we are preparing for the future birth. "

Angelina: "I gained only 6 kg, because I try to eat only what is useful for the child."

Karina: “I feel good at week 31. As I like to be on maternity leave, I do what I want, I have found a hobby for myself, now I am realizing myself in a completely new field. ”

Albina: “The pain in my back was tortured, it is very difficult to walk, as I gained 20 kg. Now I watch my diet more carefully. ”

Yuliya: “My daughter is growing very fast. Everything is good, we are developing according to plan, gained 8 kg, so that everything is in the norms of decent. Heartburn does not hurt, because in the evenings I try not to eat. ”

  Fetal development in the 31st week of pregnancy

The baby already reaches a length of almost 40 cm, and its weight is about 1.6 kg.

The child begins to form a sucking reflex.

The baby continues to darken the iris of the eye. He already perfectly reacts to light and darkness. On the ultrasound, you can see that when the child touches the pen to his eyes immediately blink, as he already formed corneal reflex.

During this period, the child continues to increase the size of adipose tissue. Due to the fact that under the skin white fat layer is formed, the blood vessels are no longer visible. The skin begins to change color from red to pink.

On the fingers already fully formed nails. In addition to white fat, the baby has brown adipose tissue, which is located between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, along the spine and near the kidneys. It is necessary in order to maintain body temperature at the required level, thereby preventing the fetus from overcooling. The amount of brown adipose tissue is only 8%, from the time it turns into white fat, and its purpose is to conserve energy and water.

Thanks to kidneyswork well and very actively, urine is constantly excreted from the body of the child in the amniotic fluid.

As for sleep, in most cases it is represented by a phase fast sleep, precisely in such a period man able to dream.

The brain of the child continues to grow, as the number of convolutions increases. Nerve cells at this time are already actively functioning and forming new connections. On the nerve fibers begin to form protective membranes. Due to the fact that nerve impulses are transmitted at high speed, the baby begins   assimilate information.

The lungs have already formed quite well thanks to the surfactant, which helps to straighten the lungs, in case of birthbaby can breathe   on their own.

Is actively increasing   pancreaswhich, after birth, will produce enzymes that will be involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, at this time, she fully provides the child with the necessary insulin.

Livercontinues to grow, the lobules that are responsible for cleansing the blood, almost formed. The liver also produces bile.

The process of formation of the auditory system comes to an end. The receptors hearing   hidden deep in the cochlea of ​​the inner ear.

Signs that distinguish an unborn baby from a newborn:

  • boys have testicles in the abdominal cavity;
  • the lungs are not mature enough;
  • the navel is below the position;
  • outwardly, the child looks a little thin.

  Photo ultrasound fetus

Photo 3D fetal ultrasound for a period of 31 weeks:

To ease the load on your back, do not be afraid to use the bandage. But if the position of the child, then it is better not to use it, since the child can still roll over. To to choose the right bandage   Use the following tips:

  1. Measure the circumference of your abdomen at the level of the navel.
  2. To the resulting number, add 5 cm, and you determine the required size.

Remember to wear it in the supine position. Read more about the rules of wearing prenatal brace read.

No need to sit at home in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Go for a walk, attend various cultural events, listen to music. Remember that the child hears everything perfectly, so sing him the songs and include your favorite songs.

Power Rules

During this period, special attention must be paid calorie content   daily menu. A woman should understand that gaining weight in such a state is very easy, and then dropping it will be very difficult.

Stand your diet in such a way as not to feel hunger. To do this, eat often, but in small portions. Fully recommended at week 31 give up   of use salt, sahara, fried, smoked, pickled   and other harmful products.

Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, as they contain the necessary vitamins for both mother and child.

Also this week, make sure that your diet contains healthy proteins and amino acids. To do this, add to the daily menu of fermented milk products.

Just remember - no diet, the baby should receive all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins.

Important nutritional advice:

  • do not indulge yourself sweet as a means of lifting the mood;
  • you need to eat only when you feel hunger;
  • to constantly think about food, find a hobby to get distracted;
  • to satisfy hunger, use berries and fruits;
  • give up on sweet and fatty.

Sure to watch the amount of fluid you drink   and excreted urine. The difference between them should be less than 200 g. If the difference is larger, it means the fluid is retained in the body, which in turn can trigger the appearance of edema and impaired kidney and heart function.

Remember to get rid of back pain   perfect exercise and massages, especially if it makes a beloved man. At this time, it is necessary to develop a correct posture, not to walk for a long time, not to sit on chairs without a back.

At this time, if you do not believe in signs, you can begin to choose things for the baby and collect the necessary things in the hospital. The list of things necessary for the hospital you will find

Very important during this period followfor, normally it should be 120/70 mm Hg. If there are sharp jumps, then you need to consult a doctor.

Intimate relationships

Starting this week, both partners can begin to avoid intimate relationships. A woman because desire decreases, and a man because she fears. But if a pregnant woman has no contraindications, and the doctor does not prohibit sex, then you should not limit yourself.

The main thing - be careful   and there will be no harm. The best posture in this period is behind. Penetration should be smooth and not deep. Read about safe for pregnant sexual positions

Physical exercise

Of course, 31 weeks is not the time for intensive training, but still, there are loads that are simply necessary for a pregnant woman.

Properly selected exercises will only benefit, help get rid of pain.

Women who played sports during pregnancy are recovering much faster after pregnancy.

  1. .   The safest way to keep fit. In addition, water has a calming effect, so that a woman can get rid of stress and feelings. Exercises in the water have a positive effect on the respiratory system and blood flow. Also, water will help get rid of pain in the back.
  2. Walking. Another method to keep fit. Take a long walk, but if you feel any discomfort, relax for a while.
  3.   A great way to reduce unpleasant sensation during childbirth. Various exercises are aimed at reducing pain, learn to breathe correctly, get rid of psychological problems and gain strength.

What can you do at this time of pregnancy?

  1. Listen to music, just remember that the baby hears everything, so give preference to calm melodies.
  2. Begin to learn cooking, because after the birth of a child you will need to follow a special diet.
  3. Needlework is not only a wonderful occupation to diversify your life, but also a chance to create something exclusive for your child, for example, tie something for him.
  4. Read books, but not only those devoted to pregnancy and future motherhood. The time has come to read what the hands did not reach before.

31 week gestation exam

During the next visit to the doctor be sure to ask how exactly is the baby.   For safe delivery, the baby should be placed head down. Read more about the position of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman has, but once a week it is imperative that you take a blood test to control glucose levels.

Because immunity at this time   of pregnancy weakened, various infections may appear in the body. In this case, it is imperative to take it Since, the sooner the problem is detected, the faster it can be eliminated.

On this term the doctor may prescribe 3 scheduled ultrasounds. This is necessary so that the doctor determines whether the baby has abnormalities and health problems, measures the size, listens to his heartbeat, examines his internal organs, in general, concludes how the development of the fetus occurs.

Read more about the third planned ultrasound read

  Video about 31 week of pregnancy