Meat puree from 6 months. Meat broth, offal. When is it time to give the baby meat

Meat puree injected into the diet of the baby after the development of vegetable and fruit mixtures. When a baby is 7 or 8 months old, his body needs additional sources of calcium and phosphorus, iron and animal protein.

Unfortunately, breast milk can not always provide a crumb important elements  nutrition, so meat lure is vital for a growing body. How to make meat puree  for baby at home?

There is no consensus on this score among pediatricians.

Someone advises to introduce meat puree not earlier than nine months of life of the baby, someone already half a year old eats myas. It all depends on the individual development of the digestive system of the crumbs and its features.

  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • the child has globulin lowered;
  • the baby is in dire need of B vitamins.

If you need early meat feeding, it is better to use baby canned food: manufacturers withstand acceptable norms of fat and sterility of preparation. Babies from 9-10 months can cook myasko and at home.

From the list of meat products allowed for the baby, you can prepare a recipe for a dish from:

  1. beef;
  2. turkeys;
  3. rabbit meat;
  4. veal.

The chicken meat recipe for babies is not suitable due to possible allergic reactions to its constituents. Pork is very fat, so cook pork dishes preferably after two years. However, this recommendation of pediatricians is general: it all depends on the sustainability of the digestive system of the crumbs.

Meat puree, like vegetable mixes, must be introduced gradually in small portions. First, offer the baby a coffee spoon of the product, then increase the portion, gradually bringing the volume to 60-70 grams. By the year the baby can cook beef and turkey meat in the amount of 70-80 grams of daily ration.

Preparation of beef for cooking

What meat can be cooked baby? The choice of meat products must comply with special rules:

  • the piece should not be “suspicious”;
  • meat should not be fat;
  • the cut of the meat piece must have smooth edges;
  • meat color should be pink.

To prepare the baby’s mashed potatoes at home, the piece should be washed under running water, all veins should be removed and cleaned from the film. Next, the piece must be cut into small squares 10x10 mm and put the required amount in a saucepan with cold water.

The recipe for cooking meat to infants does not differ in basis from the culinary processing of meat products for adults. However, the first water after boiling must be drained: this will remove excess fat from the broth. Excess fat impedes digestion of the baby. Fill the meat with fresh water and cook for about two hours. Salt and spices in the recipe for babies are not included.

Cooking beef mousse

Next, the recipe for making mashed potatoes consists of grinding the cooked pieces with a meat grinder and a blender. To make pureed mass, you need to add a little vegetable broth or milk mixture to the minced meat. Then the resulting mass must be boiled for a moment, cool and offer the baby.

Important!  Meat broth is not recommended for babies.

So that the baby does not reject the meat puree the first time, mix it with the already familiar vegetable side dish, which can be cooked for lunch or heated frozen ready portion.

The first meat feed should consist of one coffee spoon of turkey meat or beef. The recipe for meat dishes may include vegetable garnish.

Turkey meat pate

The recipe for making turkey meat mousse consists of preparing the carcass filet for cooking. Cooking turkey can be steamed, in water or a slow cooker for about 40 minutes. Boiled pieces of meat cut into pieces and grind blender.

Turkey meat is dry, so you need to add a little broth to the mincemeat from boiling vegetables, breast milk or milk formula. Serve the meat mashed turkey to be served with vegetable garnish.

Meat with vegetables

To prepare this dish, you need products:

  • fillet - 60 grams;
  • squash - 90-100 grams;
  • carrots - 40-50 grams;
  • green peas (fresh) - 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a teaspoon.

Meat is better to take turkey or rabbit - cooked faster. If you decide to cook in a slow cooker for a couple, cut all the ingredients smaller. If you cook the dish in water, lay the vegetables in boiling water for 15 minutes, and fillets in the cold for 45 minutes.

Important! Green pea  you need to cook no more than 3-4 minutes, so put it last.

When the ingredients are cooked, you can prepare a mousse of them. To do this, cooled vegetables and fillets grind in a blender. The finished mass is diluted with vegetable broth and boiled for a minute or two. Before feeding add vegetable oil.

How much to store meat?

Important!  Meat products can be thawed only once. Repeated freezing and thawing increases the amount of harmful bacteria.

How to get rid of postpartum hemorrhoids?

  1. According to statistics, each “birch” from the second trimester increases the risk of developing an unpleasant disease.
  2. Hemorrhoids suffer from half of pregnant women, the disease develops quickly and most often women already treat the consequences, but do not do prophylaxis.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) - at the age of 31-40 years.
  4. Doctors recommend treating hemorrhoids in time, as well as carrying out its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But effective remedy  from hemorrhoids is! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of the disease ...

The benefits of meat for children

Among young parents, disputes are often enough about the need to feed their children with meat. Also, the type of recipe that should be used to prepare a meat dish is often disputed. Parents who adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition, believe that meat contains many useful substances for the child, such as animal protein and amino acids necessary for the development of the child. Other parents express the opinion that there is also cholesterol and a huge amount of fat in the meat, which are harmful to the children's body.

However, even in prehistoric times, people actively fed on meat and at the same time there were no significant deviations in their bodies. True, today the meat is not as useful in its properties as it was in those times, so it depends a lot on how it will be cooked. In addition, the varieties of meat vary in the degree of their usefulness to the child's body. For a child, it is best to use meat that does not contain too much fat for cooking. This may be young pork, veal or lamb.

If possible, it is recommended not to buy meat in grocery supermarkets, it is best to buy home-made products. It will definitely not cause significant harm to the body of the child, but it will enrich its body with a variety of nutrients. It is impossible to say this about shop meat, since it is confirmed that antibiotics or various food additives are used in its manufacture. The latter include growth hormone. When choosing meat on the market, you should take a piece with a minimum amount of fatty layers. When cooking this fat from meat must be removed.

If we talk about heat treatment of meat, the most useful meat is cooked on an open fire. True, not everyone can apply this method. People living in the city can only cook meat, fry it or bake it in the oven. The best garnish for meat are fresh vegetables. In any case, for children this is the most useful combination. The most useful meat for children and adults is chicken.

Start feeding meat

Starting baby feeding with meat is quite a difficult and crucial step. Meat should be selected in such a way that it does not harm the infant. Therefore, the choice must be made, following certain caution. It is also important to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of meat it is to begin the introduction of complementary foods, when to start it and why it should be done that way.

When to introduce meat in the feed?

Introduce meat as a complementary food for the baby should be after it is already fed vegetable puree  and cereals. According to statistics, the most optimal age of the child for the introduction of complementary foods is about eight months. In this case, from the moment when the first complementary feeding was introduced to the child, at least one and a half months should pass. This is necessary so that the child has enough time for the full development of its gastrointestinal tract. Then the child's body will already be able to digest heavier foods.

With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the child’s blood or in the development of rickets in him, one can start to feed him with meat before. In special cases, if you have the appropriate medical indications, you can begin feeding the child with meat from six months of age. Similar can be attributed to children who reside on artificial feeding. They may lack nutrients in the body.

From what meat to start feeding?

It is best to start feeding the child with meat by giving him fresh rabbit meat. As a rule, rabbit meat does not cause allergic reactions in children, and is also well absorbed. Rabbit meat contains in its composition a large amount of vitamins and mineral elements than any other kind of meat. In particular, it contains a lot of iron. Since there is little fat in rabbit meat, it can be attributed to dietary nutritional products.

In addition, there are recommendations from doctors that, in addition to rabbit meat, you can start feeding with fresh beef. Like rabbit meat, this product is digested quite well. Chicken or veal meat should be treated with sufficient caution, since these varieties of meat can cause an allergic reaction in a child. This is possible if the child suffers from individual intolerance to milk protein or protein contained in chicken meat. Choosing meat to start feeding baby, it is recommended to be guided by the following principles:

  • track the minimum amount of flavorings in meat. This means that if parents ate, they buy meat packaged in cans; it should not be too salty, sweet, or contain spices. By the same principle should be selected meat, cooked at home;
  • the ability of meat to cause an allergic reaction in a child, as mentioned above;
  • luring should begin with one type of meat and enter it in small portions. This is necessary in order to be able to immediately determine the cause of the allergic reaction, if it manifests itself. Doctors recommend feeding the child with the selected meat for two weeks, and then introducing other types of complementary foods.

As noted above, you should start feeding the baby with meat with rabbit meat. Fresh beef is also suitable. In that case, if the children's body normally copes with the meat and there are no allergic and other negative reactions, the meat range can be gradually expanded.

After the mentioned meat varieties, the next meat recommended for use for baby feeding is turkey meat. It has not yet been noted after its introduction of cases of allergic rashes on the skin of the child. Its fibers contribute to the revitalization of the vessels, as well as the muscles of the heart. An increase in the appetite of the child is also noted, and its immunity increases. Turkey is a diet food. A healthy and nutritious dish for babies is turkey puree.

The third about the line of products for feeding baby is pork. Since it is likely that the reception of such meat will provoke an allergic reaction in the child, it should be administered quite carefully with her.

Veal is on the fourth place in the list of foods for feeding a child. It contains a lot of iron, as well as sodium, zinc, phosphorus. In addition, a lot of carotene. The product is also capable of causing allergic reactions in the baby, therefore, it should be introduced into the supplements in a small, careful manner.

The last in the list is chicken. It contains in its composition a variety of amino acids and vitamins that are useful for the child’s body. However, they are only contained in fresh meat, when frozen it loses its beneficial properties. Chicken meat is the most dangerous in terms of its ability to cause allergies in a child, so as a complementary food it should be introduced at the very last.

Lamb meat should not be given to children until they are one year old. This is due to the large amount of fat in it.

How much meat do babies give?

Complementing the meat to the child should be introduced, starting with half a teaspoon. In some cases, it is recommended to first chew this meat by yourself, then put it on the spoon for the baby. Every day, you should increase the dose of complementary foods by the same amount, bringing the rate of complementary foods to 30 grams, if we are talking about a seven-month-old child. If he is eight months old, the daily dose should be 40 grams. Meat should first be given in a separate portion. After the child has become accustomed enough, it should be mixed with cereals or vegetable puree. No need to salt the meat or supply it with spices. With high fat content of meat you should definitely pour the first broth.

Since one feed should be administered on average for three weeks, This will occur approximately in the seventh and eighth months of the baby's life. The result will be a child getting a daily dose of 40 grams of meat by the ninth month of life. In this case, the children's body will already burn fully perceive this amount of meat.

How to cook meat for the first feeding?

You can try this method of cooking meat for the first feeding of an infant.

Minced meat in the amount of ten grams is placed in water and boiled soft for half an hour before it softens. After this, it is necessary to drain the broth through a sieve. Then the stuffing that remains at the bottom of the sieve, you need to shift into a bowl, add the mixture or breast milk, then thoroughly beat with a blender. The resulting puree should again be passed through a sieve to avoid the formation of lumps in it. Do not keep the resulting puree in the refrigerator. The baby should be fed only fresh mashed potatoes.

After the child gets used to the taste of ground meat, you can add fresh vegetables, cereals. You can add a little salt, as well as a pinch of boiled chicken yolk. The result will be delicious and healthy soup, which will certainly have to taste the baby.

Meat dishes for babies

Ground meat

For cooking, you need meat in the amount of 50 grams, half a teaspoon of butter, the same amount of onions, 50 grams of low-fat broth, and salt to taste.

The meat is boiled and passed through a meat grinder. Butter is melted, it is soaked with lx and meat, after which everything is sprinkled with flour and mixed. After adding salt should add broth and cover with a lid. Then stew in the oven. The stew is ground through a sieve and butter is added to it in a volume of 3 grams.

Ground meat can be given to a child only as a sandwich with vegetable puree or porridge. You can give with broth.

Liver mashed potatoes

Includes 80 grams of calf or beef liver, half a teaspoon of butter, 50 grams of nonfat broth. Salt is added to taste.

The liver is washed and the films and tubules removed. Water is poured at the bottom of the pot and the liver is stewed in it. To create a steam bath you need to place the pot with the liver in a pot of boiling water. After softening the liver, it is passed through a meat grinder and rubbed through a sieve. The broth, in which the liver was quenched, is filtered and poured into the previously frayed liver. In a puree, add half a teaspoon of butter and salt to taste.

Introducing the first lure - very hard work. It is necessary to think carefully about the first dishes of the baby, to monitor their quality. Meat is a product that contains one of the main building elements, namely protein.

How to choose meat for the first feeding, from what age to introduce meat puree? Our article is devoted to this and many other issues.

  1. Baby meat is the main source of animal protein. Moreover, vegetable protein is much inferior to the animal in its qualitative characteristics.
  2. This lure is rich in trace elements - phosphorus, copper, iodine. Important! Iron from meat dishes is absorbed much better thanfrom vegetable.
  3. When the teeth appear, it is important for the baby to develop chewing skills, therefore meat is the main helper in this.
  4. Important is the high content of vitamins B, PP, E.

After the first six months of life, the child needs additional trace elements and protein. Of course, breast milk contains all of the above nutrients, but with the growth of the body, the baby requires more than just milk.

The introduction of meat in the supplement perfectly complements the diet and covers the increased energy costs.

Meat supplements should be started between 6-8 months. This is exactly the age when to inject meat into complementary foods is physiologically justified. Remember that a newborn baby does not need meat.

This is due to the fact that meat for children under one year old is not the first dish, but follows vegetables. As a rule, two months after the vegetables and meat is introduced.

Accordingly, at 8 months, meat should be given to children who received the first complementary foods at 6 months. In six months, the meat can begin to give, if the first lure happened in 4 months.

If a child has low hemoglobin, then this interval can be reduced.

Meat puree for babies up to 6 months is contraindicated for several reasons.

  • Immaturity of the digestive system. Enzymes can not digest enough heavy meat protein. As a result, its digestibility is very low.
  • Small children's kidneys will not be able to withstand the protein load too strong for them.
  • The risk of allergic reactions.

How to enter the meat?

  1. Should start with a half teaspoon, preferably before lunch, before breastfeeding.
  2. The amount of meat puree increase gradually, a teaspoon per day.
  3. The quality of the meat dish should be excellent: the current shelf life, serve in the form of heat, preferably cooked on the day of serving. Important! Up to 9 months, while the child still has few teeth, should be given a homogeneous meat puree.
  4. You can start exploring meat delicacies by adding them to vegetable dishes or diluting with breast milk.

How often and how much meat should a child give?

  • From six months to 7 months - up to 20 grams per day.
  • From 10 months to 70 grams (about 15 teaspoons).
  • After a year, you can give your child one steam patty or meatball.

Meat dishes should not be present in the menu of the child every day, 4-5 times a week, 1 time a day is enough.

From what meat to start feeding?

  1. Beef.  Rich in protein and iron. Sufficient low-fat meat. By price criteria available to many families. Of course, it is better to start feeding with it. Important! If the child is allergic, it is better not to start with beef, a rabbit or a turkey come to the rescue.
  2. Rabbit, turkey. They are distinguished by low calorie content, low fat content, and practically do not cause allergies. But they have a fairly high cost, up to 400-500 rubles per kilogram. And rabbit meat is quite difficult to buy in its natural form.
  3. Hen. Important! If a child is allergic to the protein of chicken eggs, then we never start feeding with chicken. It has a fairly low calorie (in particular, breast), but not less allergenic.
  4. Pork,  It is known to have sufficient fat content and is suitable for babies after a year. Interesting! Allergists in recent years, advised to start feeding children with allergies from pork.
  5. Horsemeat.  Rich in protein, but it is very difficult to find on the market. Suitable for hypoallergenic menu.
  6. Mutton.  Very fatty meat, recommended after 10 months.
  7. Goose and duck.  These meat dishes contain refractory fats that are difficult for a child’s body to digest. For this reason, up to three years of goose and duck are excluded.

How to cook meat yourself?

Cooking meat to a baby is   difficult, but quite doable task.

  • To begin, choose the type of meat. It is better to buy meat in proven markets, in stores, or to buy homemade meat from reliable suppliers. It should not be weathered or have odors.
  • Meat should be washed under running water, remove the film, cartilage, excess fat.
  • Place in an enamel bowl and boil until cooked. On average, beef pork is boiled for 2 hours, goose, duck - up to 4 hours.
  • Boiled meat mince.

  Boiled meat must be passed through a blender, and then through a sieve. In fact, the algorithm is the same as in the preparation of minced meat, only mashed potatoes should be more uniform in mass.

Up to 10 months meat puree should be homogeneous.

In the finished homemade meat puree, you must add ½-1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

For children older than 10 months, you can cook meatballs or cutlets for a couple - after a year. Ready stuffing is possible to freeze in the freezer.

Boiled meat for baby food more than a day in the refrigerator is not recommended.

What to choose meat mash for complementary foods?

Baby food store has several advantages.

  • Quality control of baby food.
  • Lack of preservatives, dyes.
  • The composition of trace elements meets age needs.

Popular brands of meat puree for baby

  • "Grandma's basket" has a relatively low price compared to others. There are multi-component mashed potatoes.
  • Heinz, "Agusha", "Frutonyanya" - many brands that are available on the market, differ only in price. On qualitative structure they undergo careful processing and control.

Meat mash for the first complementary foods to choose only the mother and baby. For the first time, rabbit puree is perfect for baby Heinz.

Meat broth, offal

Meat broth contains extractives, nitrogenous compounds, glucose, lactic acid. Thanks to these substances, the appetite improves and the pancreas is activated. Also, the broth has a beneficial effect on the development nervous system  baby

But it should be well remembered that the early introduction of broth in the baby feeding (up to 1 year)   can lead to the following troubles:

  • the development of allergic reactions;
  • purine compounds can lead to over-stimulation of the nervous system;
  • uric acid after its cleavage can settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys, joints.

Beef broth should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with ½ tsp, then adjusted to 100 ml. Meat broths can be given at lunch, as a variant of the first dish, but no more than 1-2 times a week.

The by-products (heart, liver, tongue) have a rather rich trace element. In the liver, especially beef, a lot of vitamin A, B, iron. Liver is better to enter after the first birthday, give no more than once a week. Before cooking liver pate, it is better to soak the liver in milk, remove the skin and boil it.

In the heart of a lot of vitamins of group B, iron. Heart can be given from 9 months of age.

If you are allergic to offal, it is better to give up to 2 years of age.

Meat diet includes a large selection of dishes. And the baby, no doubt, enjoy the taste of meat puree, and then the meat cutlets. Proper heat treatment will preserve a healthy digestive system of the baby, thereby ensuring proper growth and development.

The importance of meat foods for the health of the baby is determined primarily by the fact that with this product the baby can get many of the substances that he needs for normal development. Only cereals and vegetables cannot cope with this task. Let's first understand why a baby meat? Of all the components, iron has the greatest value. Approximately at the age of six months, the baby’s reserves, created in the prenatal period, are gradually depleted. Of course, a crumb continues to receive a certain amount of this element with breast milk and at an older age, but such an amount without the additional introduction of iron into his body will no longer be enough.

Those children who feed on mixtures get the iron and vitamins introduced into the mixtures during their industrial production. But such components from the mixture are absorbed worse than breast milk. That's because for children who are on bottle feeding, the risk of anemia is greater compared with infants.

Meat lure provides the child with the so-called heme iron. With cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, the baby can get non-heme iron, which is much worse absorbed by the body. The process of assimilation of a non-heme iron by the human body is very labile, and therefore an infant who does not receive enough iron from the diet can eventually develop anemia, that is, his red blood cell and hemoglobin levels will decrease. This state is manifested by lethargy and a decrease in the activity of the crumbs, bad appetite  and insufficient weight gain.

The zinc and vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6 and B12) that are part of the meat dish contribute to the adequate development of the crumbs, increase its ability to resist various infections, forming the immune defense of the baby. Electrolytes calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium provide physiological processes at the cellular level, being vital for humans.

That is why the timely introduction of meat lures is of such importance for a child of the first year of life.

What kind of meat is better for babies?

What is the most valuable meat for babies? Low-fat beef, pork, poultry, rabbit - these are the traditionally recommended varieties of meat that can be used to cook meat complementary foods.

There are some more features. So, the nutritional properties of beef is a very valuable product. But in the case of allergic manifestations in the crumbs with her, you need to be careful: there can be a cross-reaction to the protein of beef meat in those babies who are allergic to cow's milk protein. Veal and chicken meat, despite its tenderness, ease of assimilation, can cause the same problem.

Pork is a more fatty variety of meat, but if you are allergic to a baby’s beef and chicken, it can be offered to the baby as a substitute for these products.

One of the most valuable dietary varieties of meat is rabbit meat, which contains a lot of iron, salts, and microelements.

Turkey meat is also considered suitable for baby food. Its protein is well absorbed, and this product is hypoallergenic.

Lamb is one of the most fatty meats, it is not recommended to be introduced into the baby’s diet early.

Offal (liver, tongue, heart) are introduced into the child's diet later. This usually happens after a year.

These types of meat are rich in protein and minerals, however, their use is often not welcome. The by-products contain a large amount of extractive substances that can cause excessive for the baby the release of digestive juice, irritating the intestinal mucosa.

Rules for the introduction of complementary meat

To the full amount of meat puree baby gradually taught. Begins the acquaintance of the child with a new product with an incomplete teaspoon. Gradually, over the course of two weeks, the volume of complementary meat will be adjusted to 30 g per day, and by the end of the 9th month the child should receive 50 g of meat puree daily.

Like any supplements, meat puree is offered to the baby before the dairy food (breast milk or formula), since after the usual diet the baby will most likely not want to try something unfamiliar, and even savory.

The introduction of meat food into the child’s diet is not combined in time with the introduction of other new products, so that if there is a reaction to a new type of food (for example, an allergic rash), it is easier to recognize the reason for this. Meat puree is usually mixed with vegetables. In this form, the crumb perceives it more eagerly.

You can offer steam cakes and meatballs to an older child.

Companionable Meat: Canned Food or Cooked Meat?

Of course, everything that is used to feed the crumbs should be safe for his health. Meat mashed potatoes of industrial production are prepared only from high-quality meat that has passed strict hygienic control, and meet all the standards for children's food.

But if the mother decided to cook meat puree for the crumbs herself, then you need to very carefully consider the choice of meat. In this case, she must be sure of the freshness of the purchased product and its safety from the point of view of sanitary standards. If there is no such confidence, then it is still better to offer crumbs of industrial products.

In addition, canned meat and homemade food  usually differ in the degree of grinding of the product. Meat mashed potatoes of industrial production are prepared taking into account all features of a children's organism. For each age group mash has a certain degree of grinding. Products for the smallest are usually homogenized mashed potatoes that are easily digested. As the crumbs mature, he can be offered meat puree with larger dietary fibers, which prepares the child for the subsequent digestion and assimilation of solid food. Choosing canned meat products, you should pay attention to the shelf life, the presence of additional components in the composition of canned food and the recommended age of the baby at the time of introduction of the product (indicated on the jar). Ideally, there is nothing “superfluous” other than meat and water in the industrial production of canned food. So, preservatives, genetically modified foods, soy protein - absolutely not suitable components for feeding the baby. It should be borne in mind that some manufacturers use rice flour and starch as thickeners.

At home, it is more difficult to grind meat to a completely homogeneous state, so the kid usually needs more effort to digest it. Here is a brief step-by-step instruction  for cooking meat puree at home:

  • rinse fresh meat thoroughly under running cold water;
  • remove fat and tendons;
  • put the meat in cold water and cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling water, after which the water is drained and fresh cold water is poured (it is better to use filtered or bottled in the baby’s food);
  • cook until ready (cooking time depends on the type of meat; beef and veal cook about two hours, chicken and turkey will be ready in 40-60 minutes);
  • cut the finished meat into pieces and grind in a blender.

It is important to remember that for cooking meat puree for up to a year it is not recommended to use salt.

Heme and non-heme iron: what is the difference?

Heme iron:

  • Contained in meat and fish.
  • It is absorbed better than non-heme iron (the average absorption of heme iron from meat is about 25%).
  • Other components of the diet have very little effect on the absorption of heme iron.

Non-heme iron:

  • Contained in all other products and makes up most of the dietary iron.
  • Absorption of non-heme iron is much lower than heme (8-10%).
  • Absorption of non-heme iron depends on its solubility in the intestines, and this, in turn, is determined by the composition eaten at one meal.

It is important to understand that the products of carriers of non-heme iron cannot by their bioavailability (the ability to be absorbed in the body of a child) be compared with meat products.

When is it time to give the baby meat?

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, at the present time, the child of the first year of life, regardless of the type of feeding, breast or artificial, recommends the introduction of complementary foods from 6 months of age. So if acquaintance with the first meals of complementary foods began at 6 months, by 8–9 months, the crumb has already managed to adapt to vegetables and cereals. Now the baby's diet can be expanded by introducing meat.

Mono and multicomponent meat mashed potatoes

At the very beginning of the introduction of meat lures, one type of meat is usually used. In this case, the baby is offered a product, as already mentioned, the maximum degree of grinding.

Meat-vegetable and meat-cereal mash can be offered to the grown-up baby, which can already assimilate less homogeneous food. In the first, meat is combined with zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes and other vegetables, secondly meat product  added cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat).

The composition of the "complex" canned for grown crumbs may include leafy vegetables, such as parsley or dill.

Without meat, a complete diet of a healthy person is impossible. Children's organism  is in the process of formation, it needs a protein that is used to build new cells and tissues, synthesize hormones and enzymes, and also to produce antibodies of the immune system. Meat fights excellent iron deficiency in the body, which is important for anemia. Meat lure is an important part of the nutrition of infants.

What are the varieties of meat


Veal contains minerals and amino acids essential for the body. For complementary foods worth introducing low-fat beef. Gently give the children mashed veal in case lactose intolerance has already been identified. Cow protein is not recommended for the first feeding.


Pork can be used in the children's diet, but only tenderloin. There is an opinion that pork is fatty meat. But in the tenderloin only about 10% fat and two times more valuable protein. Pork can contain about 60-80% fat, which is harmful to the baby.

Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is suitable for the very first feeding. Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic, rich in vitamins, trace elements and iron. Due to the minimal likelihood of allergic reactions, rabbit meat is useful and safe. This is important for the immature immune system of the infant.

Chicken and Turkey

And meat is easily digested, thanks to proteins that have an optimal set of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Fat birds contains Omega 3. However, chicken can cause allergies in infants.  Be careful when eating eggs. Turkey has a hypoallergenic composition. These varieties of meat are one of the most common options for feeding.


Horsemeat is also almost safe for babies. By its properties is not inferior to veal. It has a lot of minerals and high-grade proteins. But her taste may not like the child.

Meat of veal is one of the most popular for complementary feeding, therefore we will dwell on it in more detail.

What is included

Veal - meat of a young cow or bull. The most tender and most expensive meat is considered calves, which are fed exclusively with milk.  They are called "dairy calves". It has a pinkish shade, dense, fibrous structure, exudes a pleasant aroma, causing increased salivation. Due to its taste, veal is considered a delicacy. It is a low calorie and fat diet product. Cholesterol in veal is less than in the meat of an adult animal or sheep.

You can see for yourself how much one hundred grams of this product contains useful elements:

  • Almost all B vitamins: from folic acid to pyridoxine;
  • Micro and macronutrients: from iodine to nickel.

What is useful veal

The amino acids that make up this product are easily absorbed by the child's body. The meat of a young calf is considered one of the most useful, due to the presence of full fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Doctors strongly recommend eating veal. This is especially important for people with weakened immunity, after a long illness, as well as the elderly. Boiled veal should be an integral part of the diet for those who suffer from high blood pressure, problems with the digestive tract, diabetes, overweight. Diet for a speedy recovery, as well as recovery should include veal meat dishes. The rich composition of veal contributes to the regulation of glucose in the blood. Gelatin contained in it improves blood clotting.

People leading healthy way, athletes accustomed to grueling workouts, try to choose a heat treatment that does not deprive the veal useful properties, for example, cooking in a double boiler.

Introduction to the diet of veal - is the prevention of heart attack and urolithiasis. Veal is indicated for anemia. It is excellent for iron deficiency. But in order for it to be better absorbed, it must be consumed with products containing vitamin C, for example, with sauerkraut.

Eat with caution

Like any product, mashed meat of young cows and steers has a number of contraindications. There are cases of individual intolerance, which every year is increasingly common in infants.

Patients suffering from gout and arthritis should keep an eye on how much animal protein they eat. The salts of uric acid formed during the processing of meat by the body, adversely affect the body. Protein often causes allergic reactions in infants.

Children's menu

Veal can be introduced into the diet from eight months, but only if there is no lactose deficiency. Many parents wonder how much to start giving? At the initial stage, only half a teaspoon is offered. Even small children can chew veal.

Use only fresh meat for cooking; give preference to chilled rather than frozen. Freezing affects the quality and taste.

Incomplete satisfaction of the body's need for vitamins, as well as anemia contribute to an earlier start of feeding, you can enter it in six months.

Acquire, homogenized baby food, the process by which all ingredients are thoroughly ground and mixed. Make such meat puree at home will not work. Such mashed potatoes are easier for children to digest, as muscle cells that are difficult to digest are destroyed.

For baby food for infants SanPin puts forward strict requirements. These are high-quality and certified products manufactured with observance of the production technology, having undergone special processing.

Organic veal: is it worth overpaying?

The fashion for organic matter and the desire for all natural touched and baby food. Organic meat puree appeared in the stores. Allegedly cows, whose meat is now in a miniature jar, grazed on alpine meadows, absorbed only fresh greens that were not treated with pesticides and chemicals, and almost classical music played in the barn.

This is most likely a marketing move. Such meat food is not much different from the usual. Only the cost of jars varies significantly. No matter how much the product costs, it does not mean its quality. Baby puree  - is a food product, the production of which eliminates the use of flavors, preservatives, dyes.

When do they give veal to babies?

Gradually, the consistency of the dishes should change. After 2 months, when the child grows up, you can make meat puree yourself. A suitable recipe can be found either in the cookbook, or on the Internet. Lure can be in the form of boiled meat or mashed potatoes, cooked in a blender.

Closer to the year, the digestion will be completely formed, and the child will be able to digest the heavy writing. After a year, when the first teeth are cut, the meat can be given in the form of small pieces or meatballs. In three years, veal is given in portions. To cook meat dishes, use a steamer or oven.

Cooking yourself

Home cooking recipe choose many mothers. Parents do not trust store products. You can choose a suitable recipe for you from the following:

Recipe 1

  1. Meat must be cooked until soft;
  2. Peeled carrots are also cooked;
  3. Connect both products, mince a couple of times;
  4. Milk add to flour;
  5. Add a mixture of flour and milk to meat with carrots, put to cook on low heat for about five minutes.

This recipe is suitable for the first feeding.

Recipe 2


  1. Wash meat, cut, grind in a blender;
  2. In the resulting mince add the egg and the loaf, the latter soak beforehand in water;
  3. Then give the mincemeat a patty, roll each in flour, fry in vegetable oil for about two minutes;
  4. Separately, lightly fry carrots and celery;
  5. Place the cutlets in a frying pan with high edges, sprinkle with celery and carrots, add a little water and herbs and let them cook for half an hour.

This recipe will please the child, as it has a pronounced taste. The dish is suitable for children from three years.

Recipe 3

Braised veal:

  1. Place the veal cut into small pieces in a saucepan, add water and a pinch of salt;
  2. Cook meat should be about half an hour, until it becomes soft;
  3. Chopped carrots, chopped onions and grated carrots add to the pan;
  4. Cook vegetables and meat on low heat under the lid for about an hour.
  5. How to lose weight after giving birth?

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