Tips for divorced parents: how to raise a child after the collapse of the family. Cooperative learning

In modern economic and social conditions, many women continue to work shortly after giving birth. The more difficult it becomes to combine work responsibilities to no less responsible and hard work in raising a child. Therefore, it is especially important that couples can share educational work among themselves.

Women are no longer obliged to conform to the Soviet concept of a “working mother,” which implies a double, even triple burden on women. Raising a child requires practical steps that will help to fairly share responsibilities and responsibilities.

1. Learn about the decree for both parents

Traditionally, the leave to care for a child after his birth is taken by a woman - regardless of how convenient and profitable it is. At the same time, in Russia the opportunity to go on such leave exists for men, but only 2% of fathers use it.

A man as well as a woman is given one and a half years of parental leave. If this time is not enough, the man can extend the "vacation" to three years. The maximum amount of childcare allowance in 2017 is no more than 23,120.66 rubles. per month. If desired, the father can interrupt the leave at any time and go to work, and the child’s mother has the opportunity to arrange the rest of the leave for herself.

To obtain a “decree”, a man must write an application for the provision of parental leave and payment of benefits, as well as receive a certificate from the mother’s place of work that this allowance was not paid to her. You will also need documents confirming the relationship with the child, and it is not necessary to be married.

It is important that only one parent or relative can be on vacation at a time. It is possible to alternate periods of vacation with a partner, but it is better to foresee these moments in advance — an application in the name of the employer is required for each child’s leave.

2. Separate areas of responsibility, not tasks.

One way to rethink domestic obligations is to divide by areas of responsibility. For example, one of the partners can take on everything related to health care and be responsible for finding doctors, receiving appointments, vaccinations and all such questions. This will help avoid unnecessary work and confusion.

3. Swap places

After you share the responsibilities of the house, select those that do not require special knowledge and set a schedule according to which you will change with each other. This will make it possible to switch from one task to another and protect against burnout. For example, cooking dinner does not require special skills and supernatural skill, but it takes a lot of time and preparation. It is difficult to understand until you cook dinner or lunch on your own - so sharing roles will help improve mutual understanding and relieve each other.

4. Trust each other or a professional.

As in work, in parenting it is important to be able to delegate, and not to stand over a partner in fear that he will incorrectly put a diaper on the child. Make instructions for the questions in which each of you is the best, and follow them. If there are no time left for any domestic tasks (for example, cleaning), then think about engaging specialists. Cleaner, coming once a month, will allow you to maintain not perfect, but still clean. The time you would have spent on cleaning can be used for something more valuable - even if you just get enough sleep, it will help you recuperate and do more.

  Evgenia Firsova
  "We bring up together." Modern forms of interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents

« Bring up together»

I want to tell about modern forms of interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents  children preschool age. After all, today for a preschool institution, the problem of further deepening the existing ideas about the family in the light of modern approaches, expanding ideas about content, forms and methods of interaction  with the family and develop an individual approach to it.

As we all know, preschool childhood  - this is a unique period in a person’s life when is formed  health and personal development is carried out. At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents and teachers. Has long been there is a disputewhat's more important in becoming personalities: family or community education? Some great teachers were inclined in favor of the family, others gave palm to public institutions. The study of historical experience allows you to learn and implement interesting ideas, creative discoveries, learn from the mistakes of others. Meanwhile modern science has numerous data indicating that, without prejudice to the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon the family educationbecause its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified kindergarten education.

Pre-school child development plays an important role: here he gets his first knowledge, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, learns to organize his own activities. However, how effectively the child will master these skills depends on the attitude of the family to the preschool institution. The harmonious development of preschoolers without the active participation of his parents  in the educational process is hardly possible.

The main feature of the family education  recognizes a special emotional microclimate, due to which the child self-attitudethat defines his sense of self-worth. Another important role of marital education  - the impact on value orientations, the worldview of the child as a whole, his behavior in various spheres of public life. Known exactly parents, their personal qualities largely determine the effectiveness family educational function. It is in the family that the foundations are laid. educationand depends on her how a person will grow up and what traits of character will form his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in perception of reality, is accustomed to be aware of itself as a full representative of society.

Thus, from the above, I can conclude that parenting interaction with parents, this:

First, it is a positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents  should be sure that preschool  It does not hurt, because they will take into account the views of the family and suggestions for interaction with the child. Teachers, in turn, are confident in the support of parentswho understand the need to solve problems in the group.

Secondly, it is of course the consideration of the child’s individuality. Keeping in touch with the family, educator  in turn learns the features, habits of his pupil  and takes them into account when working.

thirdly, it is strengthening within family ties, which is also a problematic issue in pedagogy today.

fourth, it is the possibility of implementing a single program education  and child development in preschool and in the family.

Of course, the success of cooperation depends largely on mutual installations of family and kindergarten. Do not forget that they will be optimally formed if both parties realize the need for a targeted impact on the child and trust each other. Same parentsIn turn, they must be sure of the teacher’s good attitude to the child. Therefore, we, as teachers, need to develop "kind look"  on baby: to see in its development, personalities, above all, positive features, create conditions for their manifestation, consolidation, draw attention to them parents. In conversations with parents  one should not make hasty conclusions about the development of a child, rush to assessments, use expressions "your child", "Your Sasha"emphasizing the alienation, detachment of the teacher from the baby.

First, find out what is the basis of trust parents to the teacher? On respect for the experience, knowledge, competence of the teacher in matters educationbut, most importantly, on trust in him due to his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity).

Based on my personal teaching practice, I can confidently say that the need for mutual  assistance is experienced by both parties - both preschool and family. However, this need is often unconscious, and the motives family and kindergarten interactions do not always coincide. Parents  appeal to the teacher with advice, suggestions, requests for any current events. For example, do not feed the child by force, trace how he dresses for a walk, etc. Teachers are interested in the family, first of all, as a source of knowledge about child: is the day regime observed at home, is the child accustomed to independence, what kind of food, does he prefer at home, etc.

As we know, today there are main directions family interactions:

Study needs parents  in educational services;

Education parents  in order to increase their legal and pedagogical culture.

Proceeding from these directions, the work on interaction  with preschool families through a variety of forms.

To date, an analysis of the practice of DOW has identified two types collaboration forms:

1. joint  teacher activities and parentswhich include parent meetings, conferences, consultations, conversations, evenings for parentsmugs for parents, thematic exhibitions, debates, pedagogical councils, a board of trustees, meetings with the administration, a school for parentsvisiting family at home parental committee.

2. joint  events teachers, parents and children, which include open days, tournaments connoisseurs, clubs, KVN, quizzes, holidays, family competitions, newspaper, watching movies, concerts, group decoration, competitions, improvement of the DOE and the territory.

After analyzing your teaching experience DOW with parentsI can safely say that interaction  DOW with family is effective provided modern forms of cooperation, as a result of the introduction of which position, as parentsso and educators  getting more flexible: they are actively involved in various activities, and parents  feel more competent in parenting.

Hardly anyone among the Soviet teachers is now in doubt about the question of the joint education of the sexes. If the inert part of Western pedagogy (Hall, Foerster, and others) is still afraid of consistency in panic, the Soviet educator, of course, has outlived his fluctuations in this area. The earlier both sexes are combined in joint educational work, the more common interests, friendly actions, partnership, social and creative affinity develop in their earlier years, the more beneficial it is for their healthy sexual development. This also includes joint physical training with early addiction to the appearance of naked bodies. Healthy and early consistency makes it easier and simpler to assimilate information about sexuality, without add-ons that are dirty to them, makes a cynical, lustful approach to the object of a comradely adhesion impossible, removes excess weight from early sexual romance, in a word, it disrupts modern sexually ill children a number of layers generated by ugly social and pedagogical influences.

Unfortunately, childbirth, no matter how brilliantly it accompanies consistency, is far from being an exhaustive factor in the field of sex education, and the healthy, valuable things that can be created by well-established general pedagogical work are often frustrated by family and social environment in its wider environment. To an even greater misfortune, not all the institutions are well implemented and the very principle of consistency. That is why practically in this issue there is still a partial discussion.

In any case, undesirable sexual systems are the least in those institutions where they first started to work together, and the carriers of unwanted sex material are usually not children of the institution, but outsiders who are already relatively young in the group and have not received on time useful skills for consistency. Of course, than to start later joint educationthe less results it gives, but at a later age its usefulness is much greater than the possible harm that we see at least in higher educational institutions where the joint educational and social work of students of both sexes did not dismiss, but on the contrary, softened sexuality.

All measures for the sexual rehabilitation of the institution, all methods for the best organization of the most responsible parts of general educational work are always developed with particular vigor if children of both sexes participate in this work, of course, since the synergy of their work is well directed and organized. The variety of additional elements introduced by both sexes in their life together, adds additional wealth, originality to the content of children's activity, to the impressions they receive and, ultimately, is an indispensable socio-creative material that is not there where there is no joint education. Similarly, individual cases of sexual deviations in the institution dissipate more quickly, without complications, if the fight against them occurs on a joint basis.

Of course, there are limits to this compatibility. The older children become, the more narrow these boundaries are. However, the more sexually healthier children are, the longer the experience of their joint stay, the deeper their consistency is used, the calmer and slower these borders are compressed. It is clear that joint bedrooms, joint bathing after 8–10 years are already undesirable in the majority, since questions about the anatomical and physiological difference between the sexes can sometimes be sexually pointed to by children, but even here wider age possibilities are acceptable provided that the institution has a completely healthy sexual atmosphere .

It is more difficult to raise the issue of consistency in relation to children with difficult children in special institutions. If we take into account that pedagogical difficulty comes to light most often in a transitional one, that is, in the sexually most vulnerable age, if this difficulty in its overwhelming part is due to difficult, ugly social and pedagogical conditions (street, ruined family, deformities of upbringing, etc. .) - it is clear that such a mass material, first collected on the same territory in later agefor compatibility is not very suitable. It is best, if possible, to leave the “laborer” in the former school where he was before, as she reorganizes him easier than the new institution. If this is not feasible (if it is necessary to isolate or narrowly special pedagogical approaches), placing him and his like newcomers from the outside in a special school makes it difficult, of course, to implement consistency in the latter. No matter how sad it is in principle, one should clearly understand in such cases the possible harm of consistency and do everything to avoid it.

Least of all is the danger of consistency for mnimotrudnyh  children, for many of the former homeless environment, voluntarily placed in conditions of healthy work and an active community. With a good organization of a labor colony for such children, consistency enhances the mores of children and is one of the best incentives for their overall self-re-education. It is only necessary to ensure that sexual organizers do not seize influence in the labor union, but this moment is also a warning in all so-called normal child-care centers. If a heavy criminal structure in such a labor colony does not predominate, is single, compatibility is quite possible and obligatory. If the criminal core is too influential, the problem of consistency requires precautions and watchful waiting. In any case, all institutions of this type are fundamentally obliged to focus on further full compatibility and must take all measures to ensure a more and more harmless final realization of this compatibility: carefully moving closer to healthy joint institutions, organizing episodic and longer teamwork, excursions, etc. .

In particular, for the most difficult male institution, in which compatibility is now completely impracticable, it is necessary to carry out the principle of servicing female teaching and technical staff (not only female, but to a large extent). The fears of a number of psychiatrists at the beginning of the 20th century that the female staff in male psychiatric hospitals was dangerous, not only did not materialize, but were smashed to pieces by the opposite material, the most useful therapeutic and rehabilitative effect of female influence. Even more ridiculous are similar concerns with regard to difficult institutions for boys, since boys are sexually less dangerous than adult mentally ill patients.

There is less panic in the question of joint education, more healthy optimism, of course, with the obligatory consideration of all possible hazards and with the early organization of all the necessary preventive measures!

  Isaykina Svetlana Petrovna
Position:  educator
Educational institution:  MADOU kindergarten №65
Locality:  Balakovo, Saratov region
Name of material:  methodical development
Theme: "Kindergarten  and family: joint upbringing of the child "
Publication date: 24.02.2017
Section:  preschool education

“Kindergarten and family: joint upbringing of a child”

Goal and tasks:

To interest parents in the topic of the role of raising a child in kindergarten and in

Learn to analyze their educational activities in relation to the child.

Give parents the opportunity to reflect on the problems of parenting.

Stimulate the study of parents of their children, the desire to understand them.

Preliminary work:

To arrange in the parent's corner a consultation on the topic: “Parenting based

on love, not on fear ";

to introduce




by literature


to cook



(questions, suggestions, tips) and put it in the parent corner;

Make a medal “Loving parent” with children;

Prepare leaflets with invitations for parents to dispute;

Produce reminders for parents "9 commandments of raising a child."

Parent meeting:

Educator:  - Good evening, our dear parents! Very happy to see you

all together. Today, we will discuss your questions about

parenting, how to behave in some situations. Our "postal

the box is never empty, which makes us very happy. This suggests that






nurture and loving their children.

(The door abruptly enters the group and enters the outraged Freken Bock).

Freken Bock:  - Oh, that's where my buns! (points to the table with food and


Educator: -  Hello, Freken Bock! What are you talking about? On the tables

we have sweets that our mothers made with their own hands, and in my opinion, you forgot

say hello to us!

Freken Bock:  - Did you happen to be an educator? I myself know how to educate!

I have been going for an hour, looking for prankster Tiny, and here and buns someone without asking




it tastes, of course, Carlson, even the children know it. Well, since you can too

to educate, tell us, please, what is in your concept - education?

Freken Bock:  - Education is strict discipline and complete submission.

for adults. I am convinced that only home education is a model.


will agree

present Sit down, please, Freken Bock, to our table to drink

Educator:  - Value family education  impossible to overestimate.

It was the family that started the beginnings.

in a little man rendering like




it is an exaggeration to say that fulfilling this duty brings a person

than an incomparable feeling of joy and satisfaction: all parents want to see

your children happy.

Raising children is one of the eternal problems of mankind. Parenting -

brings up, and those who bring up.

Each institution of education - family and kindergarten - has its own special






get acquainted with a part of the generalized scheme of advantages and disadvantages of these institutions (for

the basis is taken by the work of V. M. Ivanova, 2000).

Kindergarten - disadvantages

Family Benefits

1. Relative Regulatory

day regimen.

1. Moving day mode.





by methods


2. Constancy and duration of communication,

ne p e p e n i n

h a rt

w and z ne,


plans of father and mother, other members

3. Preferential communication with children

the same age.


about i am



children, relatives of different generations.

Kindergarten - benefits

Family - disadvantages


of programs





teachers, manuals.

Lack of








pedagogical literature.


x a rat

education and training of children.





use of




purposeful education.

3. Application


adequate age features  and

preschool opportunities, understanding

n with and x and h e with to and x

d u x o in n y s


N e of about and n and e

for the sake of it

about a s about a b

d o sh kol'n i ko v;

representation of them as diminished1





bring up as it is, misunderstanding

spiritual needs of a child.

Thus, the social experience gained by a preschooler in kindergarten and

family, different: in a family a child is an object of adoration, pliability and forgiveness,

kindergarten - an equal member of a social group. In this dissimilarity laid

the main point of cooperation and interaction. It follows that only

harmonious complementarity kindergarten and family, recognizing their differences and

similarities, disadvantages and advantages can achieve intended results in


Child education! It is associated not only with joy, but also with many

limitations and problems. Do we build our relationships with children? What kind

will they grow up? Will we answer with love?

Sometimes we think of upbringing as a business simple, even elementary:

you just need to have patience and not lose hope - everything else will come by itself

by myself. Other times, the upbringing seems to us inconceivably complex art.

Concern for the fate of the child remains in all cases.

let's turn




● “Unconscious education of the child’s personality never passes without

serious consequences and sometimes it responds to all his later life "

P.F. Lesgaft.

● “Almost everyone recognizes that education requires patience; some think

that it requires innate ability and skill, that is, skill; but rather

few have come to believe that besides patience, innate ability and

skill also requires special knowledge "

KD Ushinsky

● “... Who wants his son to respect him and his instructions,

he himself must respect his son ... you must not do in his





John locke

Dear parents, what do you think means upbringing?

(Parents express their opinion).

Freken Bock (dreamily):  It would have listened to you! I'm good to you

went in, learn a lot!

your questions from the "mailbox" we were looking for answers in the literature on psychology

and pedagogy, based on personal examples of experienced educators. But we are very

interested in your opinion. The most active parents, in the discussion of issues

will receive medals made by the hands of children - "A loving parent."

So, the first question: "What if the child swears and teases?"

(I call those who wish to play the role: two children, an educator, a parent.

small scene. The action is discussed by all parents).


sort out,

to attract the attention of an adult or other children. Then you need to completely

ignore his words. A few minutes later, calmly talk to him about

inadmissibility of the use of such words.

If a child utters swear words automatically or in imitation

adults, intervene instantly, but very calmly. Tell him that these words

may offend others.

Question two: “How to deal with a child if he fights?” (We listen

opinion of parents).

Educator:  - Help your child understand their behavior. As often as possible,

when the child is calm, let him know that his behavior is improving: “See,

without fists, you can explain to others what you want, and the children accept your ideas.

You must be proud of yourself now. ”

If a child selects toys and things from others, use the logical method.

consequences: “If you take away a toy, what could happen next? ".





action movies and TV shows if you can’t eliminate them completely. Give the child


of natural



run around, ride a bike and roller skates.

the question is “me


of character

to be? ”(Parents' answers to the question).

Educator:  - First, remember your childhood. All your parents

did you like it? What they were doing? What did you feel? How did you feel about that?

Think about exactly what features you don't like. Try to look at these.

traits that do not suit you otherwise. "The downside" can be


are compensated

features of the child.

"The character of a person is most of all formed in the first years of his life, and

what lies in this character in these first years, lays down firmly, becomes the second

a kind person ... everything that a person subsequently learns never has

the depth, which is different all learned in childhood "

KD Ushinsky

The most important thing: try to see the best personality traits of your child.

Realize their importance and value. Watching the development of the child, do not

hasty conclusions. Wanting to “correct” certain traits of a child’s character,

strive to "break them."

Freken Bock:  - Oh, something I got excited! How much should adults know about



I suggest


relax. (Tea time).

Freken Bock:  - Rest - then rest! But I would like to know something about

discipline and obedience of children! After all, there are rules that children should

follow, the requirements they must surely fulfill, and the commandments

parenting for parents!

Educator: -  It is impossible to disagree. Of course, such rules and

there are requirements. I'll start with one secret that some parents can

seem unexpected. Children not only need order and rules of behavior, they

want and wait for them. It makes their lives understandable and predictable, creates a feeling

security. The same rules and commandments of upbringing exist for parents,

by which

to enjoy.


check out

the following

the commandments of parenting:

If the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

If a child lives in enmity, he learn aggression.

If a child is ridiculed, it becomes withdrawn.

If a child grows in reproaches, he learns to live with a sense of guilt.

If a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others.

If the child is encouraged, he learns to believe in himself.

If the child is praised, he learns to be grateful.

If a child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair.

If a child lives in safety, he learns to believe in people.

Many parents may know these commandments. How do you understand?

(Parents exchange opinions).




protected in the conditions of routine and certain rules of conduct,

then why do they strive to violate these orders and rules?

Educator:  - What do you think, parents, how to find the path to conflict-free

child's discipline?

(Parents exchange experiences, opinions).

Educator:  - From adults surrounding a child in childhood (parents,

teachers), will largely depend on how a person he grows up, how will

his relationship with people around him. Referring to the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky,

who noted that:

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for the future

life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how it went

childhood who led the child by the hand during childhood, which entered his mind and heart from

the world around it - it depends to a decisive degree on what kind of person it will become

today's baby. "

Therefore, it is very important to combine the efforts of parents and educators to

provide emotional comfort, meaningful and interesting life  baby

in kindergarten and at home.

At this, our small dispute can be completed and continue to tea.





Educator:  - We give medals to all parents, as they are not only

actively participated in the discussion of issues of parenting, but also with dignity

may be the title of "loving parent." And we are all present

we give reminders "9 commandments of raising a child."


Arnautova E.P. Visiting the director. Moscow, 2004

Glebova S.V. Kindergarten - family: aspects of interaction. Voronezh, 2007

Gray John Children - from heaven. Parenting lessons. Sofia, 2007

Zhurova L.E., Komarova TS Preschooler Moscow, 1989






by institution Part II. Rostov - on - Don, 2002


