Acceptable color of the skin mark of zodiac. Zodiakalny horoscope of a ram Yakiy kolir to love a ram

Aries astrostyle

People who were born under the sign of Aries are not satisfied with other roles, the stench is ready to fight for the persistence of us with accessible ways, including the powerful callous viglyad. There are many beautiful representatives of the Zodiac sign of straightening more than one flood of a cholovy glance, the odor of stench may sound indivisible, funny and smiles, and not only at the same time

The likeness of Aries in dress and bloom

The main principle of choosing a wardrobe for a large Awn is comfort. The stench of love to dress up in a sporty style, scho we give freedom to do. At women-Ovniv we are not very fond of the cholovich style: shirts, space for light, T-shirts, jeans (all the price is not without form), sneakers.

However, understanding the comfort of everyone, the one that doesn’t come to the general principle.

Aries see an addiction to natural fabrics - bavovny, lion, outside. Often wear a monochromatic dressing without a baby, a little weakness to a large number of chisels, emblems, patches, laces, buttons, etc. Special mention is made of the cohannia of women of this sign to boots, rough chereviks with a cord.

Love color Aries

Aries make-up

Unimportant to those who are rich in women in the sign of Zodiac, they may have a cholovik-like image, their cosmetic bag will be filled to the brim with all kinds of ladies' "things". In maqiyazhі women-Ovni, they fall into extreme conditions: the stench, if not to be frowned upon with cosmetics, for there may be clearly sinister things. I’m not really a problem for a day's make-up, I’ll use the entire cosmetic bag at once and create an image, which is just the same way to see biological injuries, in the listening environment. Ale navi with such zuhvalim makiyazh women-Aries to be smart not to look vulgar - mabut, like a boy with a warlike spirit.

Aries' procurement

Aries, among which the representatives of the excellent stati, often give the haircut to even short haircuts. Vlasnytsi of all hair should be worn, or we will release them, or put them in such a rank, so that they will not be covered with vuh. Tsі women still love farbuvati hairs at yaskravі kolori. As soon as we shot the girls on the street with the release, we will lay it down for the hairs of the yaskravo ore or baking colora - shvidshe for everything, won the people under the sign of Aries.

Aries manicure

Women-Aries do not conceal the internal consumption of mothers and mothers. As soon as the stench and navazhuyutsya їх growth or growth, then deprive the tribute of modi or sacrifice beauty. With short nails the stench smells more comfortable and more comfortable. It’s even more vivid to use cosmetics and hair for hair, women in the region are quite vicious and bright to color varnish for nigtiv - shvidshi, viddat change to neutral tones, or French manicure.

Names of facts

Do you know what color will you go best for the sign of Zodiac?

In our skin we have є loves of colors that we are comfortable with. Color may sound energy, the stench can press us in the spirit of that strength, calm chi nadikhati.

The skin sign of Zodiac is known to be the intercessor of the planet, as a sign of your far away color. Tsei kolіr viyavlya your most beautiful rice and be sure to see you.

Є Also, colori, as varto unicati, so the stench does not reflect your energy to the sign of the Zodiac.

Yakiy kolіr to follow the sign of Zodiac

Aries: Chervoniy

The first sign of the Zodiac sign Aries is found under the keruvans of Mars. Happy color of Aries є red color.

Chervoniy kolіr sponuka Aries to dії, according to the passion, energy and innovation of the sign. The color of passion and excitement in oneself, so that the active nature and love of Aries should go even further. Chervony needs respect, but Aries does not love, if you ignore him.

In the menshy world, albeit also coming up there will be biliy and zhovty kolori.

Aries are the least likely to go blue, black and green.

Taurus: Zeleniy

Tiltsyam visit the planet of beauty Venus. Green color symbolizes nature, and that is the most beautiful for the earth sign Taurus.

Tiltsi, as nature itself is stable, chicks and always keep going through the process of growth. The whole color will help you to get rid of all the old and unnecessary ones and will help you to crumble forward.

You will also go to the zaspookilivy rzuby and biliy colir. Kolori, which are varto unikati - chains and chervonii.

Bliznyuki: Zhovtiy

The eccentric and double sign of Bliznyuk is located under the cherubs of the planet of the mercury spilkuvannya. Zhovty kolіr is the most beautiful to go to your living and nonvigamous nature. Winning your artwork and making you think of it.

We live in the sleepy light to bring joy and happiness. This also stimulates the process of communication and additional assistance to the senses of the Zodiac sign.

Biliy that horny will also be far away for Bliznyuk.

And the axis of blue and red is varto unikati.

Cancer: Biliy and Syriy

The fourth sign of Zodiac is known as the intercessor of Misyats. Biliy that gray color help Cancers to listen to their intuition and to cleanse their mind and feel as if they are not needed.

Tsi kolori, as a frivolous surface of water, or a representation of Misyatsya, will provide the vitality and purity of your sign. The stench will make you feel sensitive and intelligent, in addition to helping you to see kokhannya on a clay pile.

Cancers can also go to the list of creams of color.

Їm varto unique dark colors.

Colori, do you follow the sign of Zodiac

Leo: Golden

Levu will intercede for the Sonce itself. Vvazhaєshim, the best color for Lev є gold. A bright golden positive attitude and symbolism of a good heart sign.

The golden color will become a symbol of power, the prestige of that high class. It is not surprising for him that he should bring good luck to the Levs.

Golden additional help to screw up respect, which is so necessary for Levs, and also to approach the Zodiac sign with a generous and benevolent nature. Burgundy and orange is also far away for Lviv.

Finding newcomers in all types of events.

Diva: Green and Brown

There is one sign of the Zodiac, which is found under the cherubs of Mercury. Classic green and brown designs bring good luck to Divas.

Tsi colori additionally help you to trim on your feet and get ready for permanent development.

Brown symbolism of stability and protection and methodical development to life, the power of Divas. Zeleniy kolіr - colіr growth, and I will more beautifully allow you to lastly praise Dіv to self-improvement.

Happy for Divs can also be called blue, light-colored and biliy colori.

Nimensh is in the distance for them chervonia.

Wagi: Rozheviy and Blakitny

Terezi is another sign of Zodiac, which is known to be the intercessor of Venus. Erythematous and light pinky reflects the visibility and charm of this sign.

Coloring colors open the most beautiful tereziv rice, such as friendliness, meatiness and calmness. The black symbolism is a light cool breeze, the clarity and vidchutty of the tereziv are enlightening, and the horny rhyme grows sweet and loving the nature of Tereziv.

Bіli and yaskravі kolori also vvazhayutsya happy for the whole sign of the Zodiac, ale it is necessary to unicate the red kolor.

Scorpion: Chorniy

The mysterious Scorpion is known as the intercessor of Pluto.

The dark color pricks the depth of the soul sign of Zodiac, capturing thither from the obstinate eyes, but he also gives the other building to get to the bottom of the day.

Chorniy pidkreslyu the supplementary rose of Scorpio that yogo vmіnnya perevtіlyuvatis. In the Western culture, the black ones associate with death and birth, the building of this sign will be overturned.

Strelts: Fioletoviy

Strelts is the ninth sign of the Zodiac, which is perebuva under the keruvans of the planet Jupiter. Fioletoviy is a color of spirituality that is revealed to the mind of a ruin with a philosophical look of Strelts.

There is also a color of prosperity and good luck. I will increase the natural luck of the positive nature of the sign of the Zodiac, additionally helping him to gradually expand his horizons.

Stretchlings need to wear a violet color, so that they can be more positive about their character, as well as the inadequacy of the perception of the others.

Dark-colored and orange-colored ones can also be swept in the distance for the Zodiac sign, at that time it is not blue.

Captain: Brown and Syrian

Capricorn is the earthly sign of Zodiac, kerovanim Saturn. Landings of gray and brown color help Capricorns to know the best and most practical experience in life.

At such a sign zodiac yak Aries dominates "I". People, the patron saint of such suzir'ya, see themselves as straightforward, singing in their own, charisma and energy. With the power of the authorities, enticed by the tsim persons, they are associated with the Aries quits, ordered by a special horoscope. And about them it is possible to give three reports.

Quote horoscope

All in all, that Ovny is proud of himself, he should be like perebuvati at the center of zalous uvagi. So, the growth of the given zodiac is far from being the smallest size.

It is even larger, often on the same kind of meaty stems with thorns. They have oranges, oranges, burgundy and chervoni vidtinki. The stench symbolizes the special and kar'erniy success, and also demonstrates success and solidity.

Chervoniy vidtinok perevazhaє. Neridko, before the speech, the male of the colors of love among the Aries. This is the meaning of a new type. Chervoniy kolіr uosoblyuє magnitude, power, rebellion, struggle, fire, sexuality, aggressiveness and life. And all the qualities of that world are in power to Aries.

Roslin and їkh meaning

Now you can concretize. According to the horoscope, the Aries queen is a trojand, lily and violet. As a rule, the stench befits the representatives of the zodiac sign.

Also, with roses, there are strains, convoys and tulips. Tilki bazhano, bunch of blue, chervoni chi zhovtі vidtinki in the bouquet.

What do you mean by qity Aries? uosoblyuyuyut addiction and fairness, strong, unquestioning love. As soon as Feng Shui is violated, it stinks to increase the energy of the people.

Konvalii, at their own cherga, symbolize love and vitality. Trojandi are very addicted to addiction, povagu, monostainism and drowning. And the axis of the violet speaks about the sense of the virginity.

Naytsіkavіshe value in the lilia of the red color. The stench symbolizes pride and wealth, and a bouquet of qtykh quotes, gifts from a cholovik of children, twists and turns with a passionate bazhannya to her that incomparable interest. Tiger's lilia otosoblyu prosperity, prosperity and success.

Gardeners "representatives"

Tsikavo, scho є such kits, which add to Aries the psychoenergetic center in his thin til - chakra. The stench is gardening. Before them, woeful chervoni Trojandi and violets, as well as glaciers (burgundy vidtinkiv), hairs, and stocked peas are brought before them.

The redistributable quotation has even more tsikave meaning. Vіtrenytsya is one of the Chaklun herbs. Vvazhayut, a bouquet of anemones symbolizing the same happiness. The card is tied to the goddess Kokhannya, and let him serve Tsikavo from the peels, but the number of narcotic speech is insignificant at the warehouse, and I will not have a zest-sick effect. That anemone stagnates in the spirits.

Cornflowers, before speech, symbolize simplicity, beauty, truth of life, dovira, cheerfulness and vitality.

"Cholovicha" Quote

Representatives of the strong half of the people may not be happy to give bouquets of quiet drives, in honor of the cleanliness. Tse can be dorechny. Yak kiti daruvati Aries-cholovikam?

Definitely smooth. The stench vvazhayutsya "cholovich" and the gentry. In Old Rome, the gladiolus has a lot of gladiators. Win associating with the sword, so as its name resembles Latin gladius, which is shifted as “sword”. In Ancient Greece, the letter was called Xiphion, which also meant "sword". However, it’s not marvelous, even at a given dewline a leaf, which is 0.8 meters in reach, has a sword-like shape.

So it’s a quotation for nobility, friendship, overcoming, stability and steel. Azhe is all priced by the Aries-people the most.

For luck

Varto pererahuvati і those growths, as it is good to bring success to people, as it was born with such a sign, as Aries.

Kvіti according to the horoscope є even tighter talismanom. Tom, if he wants to get good luck, to plant the spurge in his house. Vvazhaєya, wіn calm, seize іn idiocy, and also direct the energy of Aries on conceived.

It is still possible to virostiti ekhmei blissfully. Vona oberig of the housewives from the evil-minded, but even if they can, see the generosity of Aries.

Azalea, my own charm, overcame the implementation of creative projects. And the garden geranium will relieve stress and relieve it.

Until then, it’s natural to see all the changes in the growth, and yet, wonderfully, it’s wonderful to get used to all the Aries. Yaki, before the speech, love utrimuvati in the home of the apartment.

Yak gift

There are a lot of people who want to astrology, be missed: what kind of people will grow up like Aries? Quite a few of the sign of boule pererakhovanі vishche, ale now varto reports about bouquets, as they will be appraised by the representative of the sign of fire zodiac. And the options can be buty.

Requests for Aries-women are guilty of giving of hard energy and special features. Jorginie to demonstrate the friendship with a feeling of that povaga. Lilia go as a gift for an important cleanup. The amalgamation of tulips symbolizes the awakening of life, and the gerberies will bring to the openness and generosity of the country.

A fair gift to the camp of an orchid, who is as close to a mound of hundreds of addictions. Ale the most beautiful vinta of a broccoli on a high, tall stems, showing off in the center of the composition of herbs. And it’s even more beautiful, as it will be with the housekeeper. Mother of God sign to love living quarters. It’s wonderful, ale to see the zirvana, perebayuyu in this booth, do not fade.

What kind of zapam'yatati?

Pererakhovanі vische roslini - tse is far from all, perhaps from an astrological point of view, please such a man, like Aries. How many people can we meet? To lay over a decade.

Aries, who were born in the period from 21 to 31 birch trees, had time to bring digitalis (digitalis). Tse їkhnya dominant roslina. Visoka, elegant, yaskrave, scho hanging over the sieve - it’s hard not to want it with beauty!

Magnolia, at his own cherga, will be drunk by Aries of another decade (we will be a nation from 1 to 10 April). The stench is uosoblyuyut the arrogance, the lightness and the gentry. And according to feng shui magnolia symbolizes charm, spring, value and beauty.

Aries of the third decade (from 11 to 20 April) bring good luck hydrangea. Tsya divovizna quitka assotiyuєtsya izddanistyu, with great respect, nіzhnіstu and love.

Until the speech, the Ovniv has "his" tree. As soon as it is true to the horoscope, then it’s happiness to bring plum, grove, olive, oak, pine, and l_shchina. Ale dominant is unambiguously maple. Vіn uoblyu non-overlap, energy, quality and activity. Even the same tsі qualities characterize the bagatokh Ovnіv yak specialties. The skin of a lyudin, we know it from the people, it’s a sign, it’s a good idea to confirm it.

Element: fire
Symbols: ram, deer, chervono-zhovtі and green squares
Quests: glid, anemone, stock peas, violet, hair
Metal: zalizo, steel
Talisman: hammer, gold fleece
Nice numbers: 4, 7, whichever numbers go by 9, 11
Happy days: vіvtorok, notіlya
Nearby days: Friday, Saturday

Zagalny characteristic to the sign

The planet-ruler of Aries is Mars, I will direct people, who were born with the sign of Zodiac on an active life, and gradually replenished their stock living energy and the timid ones are carefree, ambitious and not gamified. Aries want to be first, and in all areas. By itself, Aries - to finish hisistic sign, as he knows clearly what he wants to see from life. Similar to the yogo astrological symbol vin yde right up to its mark, do not shrink and do not admit to others.

So like Aries is a sign of fire, it is very much more active, and Mars is positively infused into the new one, the timid Aries sing, strong and important. Tim is not mensh, in the specialty of Aries, it’s very young, because it’s one to bring you a lot of love at life. The rams are impatient and want to do it, they were afraid, and often, after asking for a job, they threw a stench on the robot, giving them the ability to finish reading it.

Aries often needs to be happy with the side of the quiet and intelligent people, the stench itself is idealistic and romantic, and for an hour it is simply not possible to see the news, to see the problems. It’s a pity, Ovny shvidko zabuvaє svіy dosvіd, and when the bagatokh failures continue to step on the same rake. Aries thrive in professionals who are tied with special contact with people: in trade, insurance, robots with personnel, just the smell of pure extravert.

In Aries, originality is very important, so that it helps to achieve success. Aries is a schiry and a loyal sign, which often fights for the best for the best. Aries value and oberigє their independence, fix the opir in the minds of other people to impose their own way of misrepresentation. The main distinction of this sign is the quality of "it was", unaffected by all the images. If you are screeching and tortured, the stench is quick to forget about the inappropriateness of the coming day. Iakshho Aries will fall back in the position of being seen, it’s not an hour to think about it and report all the people who have been accepted here. People who sign to Zodiac still love buvati among young companies and vlashtovuvati parties. Stink good gentlemen, if you see a stink you can't cope, stink, not complex, ask your friends to replace them. The stench is seen before all the vulgar, before the Aries are unprincipled at the sight of their glances, and do not stream their emotions.

Decade sign

First decade: from 21 to 31 birch. At the end of the period there is a light of the age of Mars - solid, manly, and only one more aggressive people. Often in the whole decade there will be the most straightforward, stubborn Aries, ready to go to their mark, unaffected by them, changing all the ears. The stench is even more lovable, more than an hour of his being at his kohanna.

Another decade: from 1 to 11 April. People of the Years of the Decade Aries will be able to drink in the Sontsya. Sleepy Aries are noble and ambitious leaders, who are strongly attached to close people, who are in power with generosity and vision. I don’t know the vernacular, because in the stink of the cohann - the most requested partner.

Third decade: from 12 to 20 April. In the whole period there are romantic and passionate signs, whose patron saint is Venus. Stink even love creativity that mystery, especially musical. Tsim Aries for an hour is dominated by impulsiveness and impatience, which appears at the hasty and thoughtless vchinki.

Sign colori

Your color is chervonia. Due to the nature of the leader, and you need to create and stimulate your quality. Chervoniy kolіr, how to get involved, tied with aggression and energy. But not all of them: the symbolism of unpretentious optimism and the straightforwardness of the Aries are the most beautiful qualities. Chervoniy kolіr will help you become smilіі, bashful, optimistic, bring success both on robots, and on a special front. And yet, even better, pouring into health, like Aries and not so depleted.

In case of ailments, stress, misfortunes and problems, try not to ominous worm color. Replace it with big blue and violet colors and old colors. Smell help you to relax and calm down. And even if you are wounded - physical and mental, you will be covered, you can boldly turn around to the heart.

The insha on the right is apathy, depression. At Tsі Perіody Chervoniy kolіr navpaki will help you. Moreover, be sure not to wear a rug of a ruby ​​color. It’s wonderful for you to go and healthy food products. Vegetables, fruits, such as tomato, red pepper, apple will help you to renew energy. The stench will turn your life around, and you will once again become a kind, active, life-like Aries to old people.

Krym perakhovanih vishche koloriv, ​​you still have to go black and biliy. The stench is also happy for the zodiac sign.

Aries stone

Korisne stone for Aries: Rubin, which stimulates rozumovu activity; citrine, zircon and diamond, which add to the purity of the mind and the hardness of the character; agate, which will help you to understand the new knowledge; Labrador, so yes, she is in her power and amethyst, she positively infuses the character of Aries. For cholovikiv shche pіdіyde garnet is a ruby, and for women a red jasper and cut diamond is a diamond. You can read a report about the stone of Aries on the side of the stone of Aries.

Plus sign

Aries is a charming sign. People of the whole sign of dbailivi and chuyni, remember to remember the days of the people of friends and love to look after the cohana people. Stink eagerly ready to come to help and proponuvat your support that all. The ravens are generous and kind, the stench cannot be brought back to the pre-morbidity, as when someone becomes unhappy. If I want Aries of Trochi naїvni, it smells like a noble person and ready to live as many feats as possible in my life.

Minusi sign

The sheep often scurry about their strength and power at all directly at once, the smell of sticks and temperaments. Hourly I should calm down and reliably take care of everything, first of all appreciate the more important decision. Aries is quick to reflect, and to think about his behavior, protest against reaching his centric and hisistic. People of the same sign often have problems with those on the right, as they require sitting and concentration.

Talismani for the sign of Zodiac Aries needs to be selected from the urahuvannya plus and minus, the peculiarities of the misconception of the fire cardinal sign.

Also, symbols, colors, and stones of amulets, talismanov and amulets, which are chosen for people, as born under the sign of Aries (from 20 birch to 19 April) may come up with positive aspects and neutralize disharmony.

There is little astrological evidence for that.

Yakosti and character

The Misia of Aries - loves to see and see to itself, without the middle through the diy. Through the story of Aries stverdzhu: I Є!

The sign of Aries by the victorious artist Josephine Wall

It’s like this - Aries turns on from the idea, as it left before it started the collapse of energy. Winning an internal impulse, poroving, pidyom, bazhannya, natchnenya and initiation of the action.

Head plus sign:

  • be sure to adjust yourself, for your own sake;
  • leave іnshі think, win dіє, vikoristovuchi with his strong energy;
  • win against the nadihati of those people with his energy, from downright infecting it;
  • win the shiry, quick-witted and unfamiliar, the power of manhood and nobility, both on the right and on the side;
  • Docks win on their right and on their own, win overheads and burn up.

The main minusi of Aries:

  • the power to go ahead, disregard for the dibs and the nuances, without any energy to implement it, it’s going to be more difficult, and behind it the earth itself is covered;
  • not to love self-confinement and discipline, not to the point of self-control, not to criticism, but also often to rob him of his vitra of energy less profitable.

Aries is a symbol for amulets, talisman and talisman.

Into the fire- like the image that symbol of the outward and inner energy of the YAN. Help Aries cheruvati with your energetics for the help of will. This symbol is necessary to be accurate, and an excess of fire in the body, energy, activity can be enchanted.

This symbol is good for siloviki, operatives, strong and powerful magicians (the Tarot card of Aries is not trivial - 1 lasso Magician). We took that energy into account in important situations.

It is also garnished for the promotion of pracezdatnost and sexuality.

List of Sword- The number of symbols to activate the energy of the planet Mars for the people and women. Let the bazhanna Awn declare about yourself, readiness to fight, to untidy efficiency, to good luck.

A negative option is a symbol of ruin, a positive option is a symbol of ruinousness. Come to these people, who are pragmatic for the sake of lightness, pratsyuvati for the good, work more beautifully.

Likewise, the list and the sword are false symbols, symbols of sexuality, the founders of life.

Sokil, raven, eye - the image of a hijack by a zalny zmist, which is powerful and knowledgeable, which additionally helps to correct it. Good for business, it helps in situations of strong competition - to reach their goals, do not miss the necessary moment for the business.

- a symbol of the singing gentry and the vindication of your game, for absolutely independence from the society, society. Ever means the manifestation of the singing idea in the people, as you vibrate with your totem Vovka.

From the side - to go and be the same, Tim, but for some reason you don’t know, or if I’ve lost my pair, or if I’m playing my own (Vovk-the same).

Staff- a tse symbol for the spokyinish, і mature Aries. Tse is no longer the sword of Aries-warrior. The club is to wear a peaceful Aries, who is ready to fight, but if he does not attack, he will not be able to attack. Vin already knows that energy needs to be appreciated and partly done with pure respect, and not with love.

The staff is є a fiery suit in the Tarot cards, in them the primary idea is to live the mind and energy of the people. To that, the Staff is the nose of magic in the fire, ideas, how to create light. The energy of the magician will pass through the club, so I will burn all evil to light.

Ptah Fenix- Pidtrimu change of ideas and impulses, on which Aries live. One idea in the world, people will come to life. Between them, Aries can feel even more calm, absorbing the sense of life.

Fenix ​​supplemented Aries with the famous depressions, singing through the pure power of the Fire element.

І nareshty, astrological Aries icon- a loop of heaven, symbolizing directly the energy of Aries, Mars, Magician - from top to bottom, to earth. Rejection of the divine idea-energy and realization of the material light.

The astrological sign of Aries (horns with a loop) and a list (Marsian, cholovichy symbol) have been added to the design embellishment.

A good sign for quiet Aries, who feel like a creator and a creator, who were born in a whole world for the great beasts.

Aries sign colori

Zrozumіlo, tse vognyanі kolori - zhovtiy, chervonia, oranges. Tse kolori Mars - ruler of the sign Aries and Sontsya, yake in Aries exaltu.

Pam'yataєte - yak is the strength of the bull at the red-headed warrens of the SRCP? Infected China with the color of the sovereign symbolism obganyaє at the bends of the country.

Z zim wormonim color scho being born under the sign of Aries is easy to do with the power of energy, being reminded of the idea. Chervoniy doesn’t give Aries greatness, he’s not tired, he’s healthy.

Orange color talk about the implementation of Aries from partners, family members additional help vibudovuvati guys sound more harmoniously. Adzhe sonyachna energy gives the representatives of this sign a boisterous temperament, strong sexual bazhannya.

Zhovty ta golden colori orієntuyut Aries on the finances of reaching, take a penny exchange. Likewise, as Aries inclusions before social implementation, then Zhovty kolіr dopomagay to reach more high levels of power.

Kamenі-talismani to the sign of Zodiac Aries

For the color characteristic of Aries, go to all chervony, orange and gold expensive stones and self-color.

One of the smashing stones, like Aries was recommended by old astrologers, є Rubin... The same stone harmonizes all the pluses and minuses of the Aries sign, robbing your more calm and stable energetics, so that you will be good for your health, and will turn the heart-court system.

Pink ruby ​​- ring for Aries

Only a little on uvaz, what a ruby, like Aries himself is a maximalist, I can't get along with those stones. As long as you wear Rubin, you are not guilty of any kind of stone on you.

Analogous behind the inflow on Aries, at the plan of judgment and giving more wisdom to hot little heads-Aries yes zhovty sapphire.

Kilce with zhovtym sapphire

And for the zmіst and energetics, the uncompromising idealist Aries is the most beautiful to follow Diamond... So-so, make friends divchat-Ovniv - tse diamanti!

It is only necessary to give a clear view of that strong stone, so that it is necessary to bring one's own nose to the point of being able to live.

Ring with diamants.

If you can't afford to let your diamants, then I respect you on such stones, yak citrineі zircon.

Kіlce with wormonim with zircon

3 stones, viklyuchno "ovnivskih", ale inexpensive, recommend to Aries to wear agate, as you can help to practice self-discipline and health to concentrate and respect. Agati is kindly worn by young Aries, especially at the beginning of the day.

Pendant from orange agate - for Aries

Aries is NOT fooled by the rules of choosing stones for decades of the sign Aries. Just listen to yourself and choose that stone, which is close to you, which you really want.

So also Aries go jasper, carnelian, tiger's eye, burshtin and sardonyx- warm vidtink_v, zhovtoy, orange, chervony kolor_v.

Metal sign Aries- for more signs of fire, gold and all alloys of golden types are shown.

Just know - like gold is injected into the energy of the people: “” and then pick up the information for the good.