Preparations for improving mental activity. Tablets and drugs to increase brain activity

To improve memory and stimulate brain activity, you can use certain vitamins and minerals. The required amount of them is almost impossible to get with food, even if it is perfectly balanced. Therefore, people have a need to take vitamin complexes.

Vitamins-stimulants of brain activity

Such drugs have a positive effect on the quality of thought processes, help strengthen memory, activate blood circulation in the brain, so that the cells of the body receive an adequate amount of oxygen and other important substances. Vitamins, in addition, contribute to the exacerbation of attention, make a person less irritable, calm. This effect is ensured by the dependence of brain activity on the timely renewal of the tissues of the organ, its active blood supply. Vitamin complexes help to adjust these processes.

B vitamins

These substances are considered essential for the functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins for the brain play a key role, as they have a great influence on a person’s thinking and memory. These substances stimulate the normal functioning of nerve cells, prevent premature aging, protect against brain overload and stress. Vitamin B deficiency leads to serious disorders of the nervous system, deterioration of the brain, memory loss.


This substance increases the person's tone, reducing fatigue and providing a long-lasting feeling of cheerfulness. Vitamin B1 helps to strengthen memory, normalizes sleep, helps to cope with depression and stress. He is also involved in providing the brain with glucose. With a lack of thiamine, you can notice the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • memory impairment;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • development of pathologies of blood vessels and the heart (in severe cases).


The main objective of vitamin B2 is to provide the body with energy, improve brain function. The substance is involved in the synthesis of nerve cells. With a deficiency of riboflavin, physical exertion quickly brings fatigue. The following signs indicate a lack of B2:

  • drowsiness;
  • headaches;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • sores on the corners of the lips;
  • weakness, apathy.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin B3 is involved in the synthesis of enzymes, therefore it is a very important component for the human body. In addition, nicotinic acid helps extract energy from food and can improve brain function. With a shortage of B3, a person feels:

  • fatigue;
  • depression, depression;
  • difficulty concentrating.

Pantothenic acid

Helps transfer information between the nerve cells of the brain (responsible for long-term memory). Vitamin B5 produces antibodies that can fight the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine. Previously, the deficiency of this substance was considered impossible, since B5 is in the overwhelming number of products, but later it turned out that pantothenic acid is destroyed during cooking or during long-term storage of food. Its disadvantage is manifested:

  • bad sleep;
  • memory impairment;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • leaking limbs;
  • muscle, headaches;
  • depressed.


It helps to increase intellectual abilities, accelerates human thought processes. Vitamin is actively created directly by the body, but for this it is important to adhere to a healthy diet. With a deficiency of pyridoxine observed:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • depression, depression;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • slowing down the thinking process.

Folic acid

It has a beneficial effect on memory, calms nervous system, provides the body with vitality. A pronounced lack of vitamin B9 is felt by people who have bad habits: alcohol or nicotine addiction. Folic acid deficiency is manifested by:

  • memory loss;
  • loss of interest in what is happening;
  • insomnia;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • fatigue.


The vitamin B12 for the brain is directly involved in the transition of the brain from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. The higher the level of cyanocobalamin in the body, the easier it is to rise in the morning and adapt to other time zones. Signs of a vitamin deficiency are:

  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, depression;
  • deterioration of the thinking process;
  • irritability;
  • loss or deterioration of memory.

Vitamin C

This natural antioxidant helps the absorption of vitamins B, protects the body from mental and physical overload. The substance is necessary to maintain neurotransmitters in the brain. With a deficiency of vitamin C, a person feels:

  • constant fatigue, bad mood;
  • fatigue, depression;
  • drowsiness.

Tocopherol acetate

Vitamin E for the brain prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects the body from various destructive processes. This substance is an effective antioxidant, removing toxins, slags and other decomposition products. A lack of tocopherol acetate leads to:

  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • inability to adequately perceive information.


It prevents the development of brain cancers, prolongs the youth of the organs of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin D, in addition, prevents oxidative processes. Calciferol deficiency leads to:

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • impaired vision;
  • development of skin diseases.


These substances prevent hemorrhages in the brain, stop the development of capillary fragility. Vitamin P, as well as ascorbic acid, does not allow the implementation of oxidative processes. Lack of bioflavonoids manifests itself:

  • bleeding from the nose, gums;
  • bruises on the skin;
  • fatigue, low energy potential.

Drugs to improve brain function

Vitamins for the brain provide the opportunity to live a full life, maintaining mental function in the normal state even in old age. Different medicines have a number of differences: some are universal and suitable for all age categories, others are specifically designed for children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc. Drinking vitamins is recommended after consulting a doctor, since some drugs have a serious effect on blood circulation in the tissues, and this can entail negative consequences.

For adults

Tablets for brain activity have a positive effect on the quality of the thinking process, contribute to sharpening attention, improve memory. After taking such vitamins a person becomes balanced and calm. For older people, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes are important because of their properties to tone the tissue and restore elasticity to the vessels. Common:

  1. Ginkgovit Aviton. The tool contains 12 vitamins, a huge amount of minerals and amino acids that are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin complex is indicated in violation of the blood circulation of the brain, to improve vision / hearing, reduce blood viscosity, with hypertension and venous insufficiency. The remedy helps strengthen brain activity and speed up thinking. The minus of the drug is a large list of contraindications, including: pregnancy, childhood, hemophilia, allergies, etc.
  2. Active day (for men). Designed to restore brain activity. In addition to a set of vitamins and minerals, they contain herbal extracts of cayenne pepper, hawthorn, echinacea, cola nuts, green tea, ginger root - all of which provide energy for the brain.
  3. Orthol Mental. These vitamins are able to quickly increase brain activity, in addition, they are useful for the nervous system. Thanks to the intake of the drug, sleep is improving, the person becomes more balanced. Vitamin complex increases the rate of formation of neural connections, adaptive functions of the brain (reaction to changing situations). Ortomol Mental contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin, biotin, magnesium and many other minerals.
  4. Glycine. These vitamins for the brain are manufactured by Evalar and help restore normal brain function and improve memory. The increased content of the main component of the drug normalizes the activity of the cerebral cortex, reduces nervous excitability, and prevents stress. It is necessary to take the drug with reduced mental performance, to overcome stressful situations, prevent ischemic stroke.
  5. Brain-o-flex. Includes vitamin E, beta-carotene, essential flavonoids and amino acids that protect the brain from overload. The drug is shown as a dietary supplement (BAA) in the period of avitaminosis.
  6. Rivienne. Vitamin complex improves brain activity by activating blood circulation in the body. With the help of the drug increases mental and physical potential, is chronic fatigue. The main purpose of vitamins is to help overcome depression, to stabilize the emotional state. Drink pills recommended exclusively for adults.

For kids

In childhood, there is an active development of the brain, which requires additional support in the form of vitamins. Schoolchildren's mental activity is enhanced, so any teenager needs not only to eat a balanced diet, but also to drink vitamin complexes in order to maintain the possibility of hyperactive brain activity. Suitable preparations for the child are:

  1. Pikovit children. The tool is available in the form of syrup and lozenges. Vitamin and mineral complex helps to improve attention, perception, memorization of information. The drug is shown to prevent overwork in schoolchildren, with increased neuropsychic and physical exertion, during recovery from past illnesses.
  2. Vitrum Baby. The product contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. Vitamins for high brain activity, in addition to their primary purpose, they are designed to prevent infection by infectious diseases as a result of reduced immunity.
  3. Alphabet schoolboy. Vitamins for normal brain function contain the full range of essential substances for growing children. It is recommended to take the drug during off-season avitaminosis, with intense physical, mental stress, during the period of illness and after them.

Products for brain and memory

For normal operation, the brain needs the entire set of vitamins. This is the only way to count on its normal functioning. The human diet should contain the following products:

  • oatmeal - almost all the vitamins of group B, E;
  •   The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. Article materials do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and advise on treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Substances that change the bio-energetic and metabolic processes in brain cells have been known since ancient times, when they began to be used in various practices aimed at the expansion of consciousness. The task of scientists from the beginning of the 20th century was to make these changes aimed and controlled. And after the preparations for improvement became available to schoolchildren and students, the task of modern researchers became even more complicated: it became necessary to increase efficiency without increasing the risks to harm to health.

As a result, all means for improvement were conditionally divided into more effective and dangerous and less dangerous, but with slow (weakly expressed) action. Between them there is a large group of drugs that could increase or decrease these parameters depending on the conditions of use:

  • dosage
  • frequency of use
  • combinations with other nootropics or substances ingested with food,
  • individual reactions to components, etc.

In an effort to quickly improve their intellectual level and improve brain performance after the first encouraging tests, some experimenters often go to extreme experiments, making a number of mistakes.

  5 mistakes in taking pills to improve brain function

  1. Idle work. This situation arises when it works as it should, but the drug is waited for the impossible - what everyone does for a person: learn the material, solve the problem, write the course. Having taken the drug, such a person sits down to watch TV or play computer games in the hope that it will overshadow. Indeed, sometimes, if the theme of the television story echoes the theme of the everyday problem, the activated brain may find the unexpected and effective solution  tasks. But more often, all the energy and brain activity must be spent on memorizing a kaleidoscope of news or on passing levels in a game. Therefore, when taking the drug during the period of activity, it is necessary to use your brain to solve target problems, without wasting energy on idle.
  2. Ignoring contraindications.

    This error is most often made by two categories of people:

    • those who consider themselves healthy, not knowing about pathologies (for example, before the manifestation of pronounced symptoms, not knowing about problems with the liver and kidneys).
    • those who neglect, at first glance, "insignificant" restrictions.

    In the first case, a preliminary examination by a doctor in order to detect the limitations specified in the instructions for the pills to improve brain activity will help to prevent a mistake. This list is almost always indicated age limit, pregnancy, kidney disease, serious cardiovascular disease. In the second case, the “insignificant” restrictions are considered, for example, a ban on the use of tablets in the case of lactose intolerance (when taking Neopept, Phenibut, Nootropil). As a result, neglecting them, get gastrointestinal disorders and the absence of the expected nootropic effect.

  3. The use of pills.

    In everyday healthy life  the use of a super-stimulator, which is sharply, as a rule, not necessary. Modafinil-type drugs are used in the army under real combat conditions, in police missions, during rescue operations, on board the ISS, when maximum physical and mental stress is required for a limited time. Thus, the use of Modafinil made it possible for helicopter pilots to maintain combat readiness for 88 hours. However, even during controlled experiments, different side effects were observed by varying the dosages and frequency of administration in different regimens.

    Potent drugs such as "Adderol", "Ritalina" are prescribed only for medical reasons, such as priarleksii and attention deficit disorder (ADD) with hyperactivity.

  4. Illiterate combination of funds.

    It is believed that the inclusion of neurotransmitters and activity is simplified in the case of competent combination of various drugs or supplements. So the experience of those who visited the course shows that “Piracetam” in combination with lecithin and vitamins demonstrates a more stable effect during long-term use, manifested in increased mental endurance and concentration. Piracetam itself in combination with antidepressants increases the effectiveness of the latter, which can both simplify the solution of a medical problem, and vice versa - create unexpected problems. The most popular combination of "Piracetam + Choline" also implies prior consultation with the doctor.

    Caffeine itself is generally not considered to be any effective stimulator of cognitive processes, but with L-tyanine, caffeine gives a more stable and lasting effect, manifested in the exacerbation of short-term memory and the ability to concentrate on tasks.

    In some supplements, the optimal combination of active ingredients is already provided by the manufacturer, and it is not necessary to experiment with health risks. This mainly concerns multi-component preparations, in which plant extracts act as elements (HeadBooster, Optimentis).

  5. Excess Dosage.

    This is an obvious mistake, which, nevertheless, is made even by experienced “nootropists” when relying on their previous experience without reading instructions, or when they want to increase the stimulating effects contrary to the recommendations. As a result, several types of reactions may occur:

    • In rare cases, with a slight excess of the dose, specific predisposition and individual reactions, the effect may increase without noticeable negative consequences.
    • When the dosage is exceeded once, the opposite effect occurs. For example, when taking DMAA (geranium extract) in a volume of 150-200 mg, instead of stimulation, an inhibition reaction occurs, the remedy begins to act as a hypnotic, suppressing brain activity.
    • If you exceed the dose in adverse conditions (in the presence of contraindications, joint intake with alcohol, etc.) there may be cerebral hemorrhage, severe headaches, nausea.

  Overview of popular pills to improve brain activity: 5x5

The task of stimulating the cognitive functions of the brain is medically indicated in the case of manifestations of age-related diseases and conditions, in the case of developmental disorders in children (for example, in ADHD and problems with concentration). As well as the need to stimulate their intellectual abilities constantly or in a certain period (session, interview, etc.). In the treatment of complex pathologies and diseases often stop at neurometabolic stimulants synthesized in laboratories. While striving to expand their intellectual abilities on an ongoing basis, they often turn to safer natural pills to improve brain activity.

  Synthetic stimulants group

  Group of natural stimulants

The components, combined with each other, produce a synergistic effect, multiplying the effect of pills on the brain.

  The best pills for the brain: the definition of the components

In order to understand which drugs improve memory and increase intellectual endurance better than others, it is advisable to first determine the preferred components - those that I would like to see in the preparation - and then select the nootrope containing these components.

So among the most proven - that is, effective and, in the recommended dosages, safe - elements giving the nootropic result is most often called the Ginkgo Biloba plant, Asian ginseng, any of the substances containing Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of group B. When it comes to relieving stress and tension, then motherwort, peppermint, lemon balm are most often mentioned. Less often - pumpkin, hop, chamomile.

  • Ginkgo Biloba extract can be found in the mono-component nootrope of the same name and in the multi-component preparations HeadBooster and Optimentis.
  • Asian ginseng, which is used to increase energy levels, improve cognitive abilities and enhance the action of vitamins, as a component is found in “HeadBooster” and “Optimentis”.
  • Omega-3 can most often be found in natural seafood (in fish oil capsules), in flax seed, pumpkin, in walnut. Of the above-mentioned drugs, only “HeadBooster” contains seafood (for example, squid meat, shark liver), walnuts, and pumpkin seeds as a source of Omega-3.
  • B vitamins are best represented in the preparations “BrainRush” and “Optimentis”, which, among other vitamins, contains pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism in tissues, and tocopherol (E), which improves the supply of cerebral vessels.
  • Anti-stress components are more represented in the “BrainRush” preparation (for example, motherwort), where glycine is responsible for the nootropic effect, and sage and licorice root are responsible for the work of the immune and nervous systems.

If you systematize all the data, then in the informal competition of pills for memory and brain activity, the greatest potential for "", however, the final choice of the drug depends on the entire set of tasks that is put before the nootrope.

It is known that when working at a computer, the brain of a programmer spends more energy than the brain of other people. The programmer, as an employee of mental labor, must monitor his nutrition and health in order to maintain his brain in a state of high performance. In addition, the programmer must be in excellent intellectual form, develop high creative activity and think about preventing age-related memory impairments.

In this publication, we will look at how to eat properly for the life support of the brain and how to disperse it with nootropics (if necessary, if necessary).

So, 26% of the energy of the basal metabolism is spent on maintaining muscle tone, 25% on the functioning of the liver, and about 18% on brain activity.

To improve brain activity in several ways:

  • improving the conduct of nerve impulses (synaptic transmissions) by providing a sufficient number of neurotransmitters (substances that transmit impulses from the nerve cell);
  • improvement of blood supply to the brain, normalization of blood pressure;
  • brain power support (energy supply, especially glucose);
  • control of hormonal background (especially for the hormones of "happiness").

Consider some of the ways to achieve all this.

Corrective nutrition

Scientists argue that for the normal functioning of the brain, it is necessary to regularly eat foods high in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins.

This table, in descending order of effects on the brain, lists the most significant products.

Sea fish (especially salmon, tuna, herring) Contains the greatest amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Phosphorus is also important for the brain.
Spinach, broccoli and beans   Sources of folic acid and beta-carotene, which helps to improve cognitive abilities
Walnut Omega-3 acids, vitamins B2, B12, E
Milk and dairy products Vitamins B, Calcium, Phosphorus
Chicken eggs A valuable source of iron, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Also contains choline (a neurotransmitter that increases the performance of the brain)
Dark chocolate A set of bioflavonoids, antioxidants, the hormone phenylethylamine, uplifting and enhancing clarity of mind. Excellent stimulation of the brain and enhancing human cognitive abilities. Avoid sweetened dark chocolate! Chocolate norm 50 - 200 gr. during the day.
Carrot Contains luteolin. Helps reduce age-related memory and inflammation in the brain
Oatmeal Zinc and Vitamins E and Group B
Bilberries and strawberries Flavonoids - anthocyanidins and polyphenols protect brain cells from aging
Green tea It maintains water-salt balance in the body, including in brain cells, increasing metabolism and improving memory.
Pumpkin seeds Contains lots of tryptophan (produces serotonin)
Tomatoes The source of lycopene is the protection of brain cells from damaging effects.
Beet B vitamins
Apples They contain catechins - substances that protect brain cells from harmful chemicals.


For those who are not able to fill the desired set of trace elements with a diet, there are combined multivitamin preparations, such as Balansin, Gotu Kola, Doppelgerts Active, Intelamin, Memori Rice, Memostrong, NeuroBright, Secretagog. Let me remind you that all these drugs are not drugs and are registered as dietary supplements. Also, almost all of them are Western-made and have a high price.


DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol)

It stimulates brain function, enhances memory, concentration, creative abilities and improves mood. Significantly improves the energy status of the body, and therefore universally used by athletes. Significantly improves blood properties. DMAE helps remove cellular debris (lipofuscin). Of the minuses - the high price.


It is an acid involved in the energy metabolism of nerve cells. Creatine - very effective remedy  to improve memory and sustain attention. Norm - from 5000 mg per day.

Caffeine + L-Theanine

By itself, caffeine is not able to significantly improve mental abilities. However, the combination of caffeine and L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea leaves, is indeed capable of creating a lasting positive effect, including improving working memory, speeding up the processing of visual information, and especially switching attention. It is optimal to take 50 mg of caffeine (approximately a cup of coffee) and 100 mg of L-Theanine (a cup of green tea contains only about 5–8 mg of this substance.

Herbal preparations

Small leaf bakopa

It has properties to improve memory and cognitive abilities. A daily intake of 150 mg supplement is considered optimal.

Ginkgo biloba

This supplement is obtained from the leaves of the rarest ginkgo biloba tree. It causes an improvement in memory and concentration. Dosage of 240-360 mg per day.


Helps to improve working memory, concentration, beneficial effect on mood. Take 500 mg twice a day.

Rhodiola rosea

Promotes the production of dopamine and serotonin, which naturally affects the mood. It is recommended to take 100-1000 mg, which should be divided into two equal parts.

Sage spanish

Contains acetylcholine, which is responsible for the speed of thought processes. Dosage - 300 mg in dry leaves once a day.

Let's go over nutrition again.

Every day we should eat:

  • "Slow" carbohydrates, which are gradually absorbed, without causing a sharp rise in blood glucose levels. They are best eaten for breakfast. Then for a long time there is a feeling of fullness, a good mood, the brain is supplied with glucose, which is used to produce energy;
  • sufficient amount of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12);
  • vitamin C (the main water-soluble antioxidant and catalyst for many processes);
  • magnesium - the main anti-stress mineral that protects against insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, mood swings, which is necessary for active mental and physical activity;
  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are included in the membranes of neurons and improve the performance of nerve impulses, because they stimulate the synthesis, secretion and activity of neurotransmitters;
  • dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), which enhances the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and exhibits pronounced antioxidant properties;
  • highly absorbable iron. It is the lack of iron that is often associated with loss of physical strength and endurance, deterioration in the ability to learn, and increased fatigue;
  • organic iodine. With its shortage, the production of thyroid hormones is suppressed and the brain's ability to produce energy dramatically decreases;
  • proteins rich in amino acids. Thus, the amino acid tyrosine is a precursor of norepinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine (responsible for energy production); tryptophan-serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Hormones - the main neurotransmitters

Serotonin  - One of the most important neurotransmitters, which, as you know, so strongly affects mood that sometimes it is even called the “pleasure hormone”. Serotonin itself is produced by the body from the amino acid tryptophan. Thus, consuming more products with tryptophan, we will add the pleasure hormone to ourselves. By decreasing tryptophan, it is necessary to consume cheese, meat, fish and peas.

Oxytocin  - A complex hormone associated with satisfaction and sex. It is released in the blood when a person gets pleasure from communication. Oxytocin causes a feeling of satisfaction, a decrease in anxiety and a sense of calm. Intimacy, affection, pleasant communication - all this contributes to its development. Lack of oxytocin leads to sociopathy.

Dopamine (dopamine)  - hormone of joy. It gives confidence, dedication and goodwill, and also helps to adapt. Indecision and shyness is usually a manifestation of dopamine deficiency. Dopamine causes a feeling of satisfaction, affects the motivation and learning process. It is produced during sex, eating delicious food, pleasant bodily sensations, memories of something pleasant. Dopamine production is affected by drugs, nicotine and alcohol.

Endorphin ("the hormone of joy"). The chemical structure is close to opiates. Developed by the body in the neurons of the brain and affect the emotional state. Safest and effective method  develop endorphins - playing sports.

Thyroxine ("energy hormone")  - produced by the thyroid gland. Affects metabolism, slimness, appetite, vigor, activity, performance, cheerfulness. For health of the thyroid gland and the production of thyroxine should be used iodine-containing products: walnuts, algae, seaweed.

Medicinal methods of brain promotion

Perhaps there is only to talk about nootropics. Nootropics are used in disorders of cerebral circulation, sleep deprivation, fatigue, asthenic and depressive states after traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections. Nootropics are also good because they are suitable for both treatment and prophylaxis with the aim of improving mental performance. In general, nootropic drugs are characterized by relatively low toxicity and a minimum of side effects.

Nootropization is the most effective modern method of “buildup” of the brain and is recommended for use only in specific periods - exam, deadline, interview.

Nootropics enhance the supply of blood to the brain, which means glucose and oxygen, improve the "communication" between each other as individual brain cells, as well as its individual parts and hemispheres. As a result, memory, concentration, intelligence, etc. are improved.

An important feature of nootropics is their ability to improve the activity of the hypothalamus, which is called the conductor of the entire hormonal system.

Classification of drugs with nootropic action (Voronin and Seredenin)

Pyrrolidone derivatives (racetam)   Piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, oxiracetam, etiracetam, nefiracetam, fenotropil.
Drugs that enhance cholinergic processes Ipidacrine, Amiridin, takrin, gliatilin
GABA-ergic drugs Gamma-aminobutyric acid, pantogam, picamilon, phenibut, sodium hydroxybutyrate
Glutamatergic drugs Glycine, memantine
Neuropeptides and their analogues Semax, Cerebrolysin
Antioxidants and Membrane Protectors Meklofenoxate, Mexidol, Pyritinol
Ginkgo biloba preparations Bilobil, tanakan, memenoplant
Calcium channel blockers Nimodipine, cinnarizine
Cerebral Vasodilators   Vinpocetine, nicergolin, instenon


One of the most famous drugs of this group of nootropics is piracetam.
  It is one of the very first nootropic drugs. Shown in the first place, with any irregularities in the brain.
  Piracetam preparations - Nootropil, Fenotropil, it is desirable to take in the course with cinarizine (improves blood supply to the brain, thereby enhancing the effect of nootropics).


At the moment, it is considered the most powerful allowed nootropic in Russia. Phenotropil is a powerful neurometabolic with psychogogic activity. I personally apply it myself on business trips when active conversations in English are required. I feel a big difference. In particular, there is an increase in mental and physical performance, as well as a marked reduction in fatigue and drowsiness. Naturally, for the best effect with fenotropilom together need to use vitamins of group B and something from the vasodilator. Of the side effects may be raising the threshold of intoxication.

The most unpleasant factor in the use of Phenotropil is its high price of about 900 rubles for 30 tablets.

Cholinergic enhancers

Preparations of this group directly stimulate excitation in nerve fibers and synaptic transmission in neuromuscular endings.

GABA-ergic drugs

All drugs are derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This acid is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the CNS. GABA preparations cause an increase in the energy processes in the brain. Also one of the most popular and cheapest of nootropics. GABA is very well tolerated and has a minimum of side effects.
  The most well-known drugs on the basis of GABA are Aminalon, Gammalon, Picamilon, Pantogam (hopantenic acid), Pantocalcin.
  Separately worth mentioning very effective drug  - Phenibut, developed in the USSR, which was even included in the astronaut's first-aid kit.

Glutamatergic drugs

The glutamatergic system is the part of the brain that is responsible for learning processes and memory functions. In this group is the cult glycine. It is well tolerated and almost devoid of side effects.


Semax is popular in this group. This is a serious drug that has a multifactorial neuroprotective effect. It has no side effects.

Cerebrolysin is a complex of neuropeptides and trace elements derived from the brain of young pigs. For over 20 years, it has been used as a neuroprotector and nootropic. The drug increases the intensity of energy metabolism, protein synthesis in the brain, improves cerebral blood flow. Causes a tangible effect on the brain during the day. Performance dramatically increased. It is pricked by courses for 10 days. The disadvantage is a very powerful tool, more often than not every six months.

Antioxidants and Membrane Protectors

Mexidol has pronounced nootropic and neuroprotective activity. Increases the intensity of cerebral blood flow.

Pyritinol (pyriditol, encephabol) exhibits pronounced nootropic properties in combination with antidepressant and sedative effects, being a low-toxic drug.

Ginkgo biloba preparations

Standardized extracts of the relict plant ginkgo biloba (bilobil, memoplant, tanakan, etc.) contain a composition of flavonoids. These drugs have a complex of pharmacological properties, providing an antioxidant effect, increasing energy metabolism in the brain, improving blood rheology and microcirculation.

Calcium channel blockers

By affecting the intracellular calcium concentration, cerebral blood flow can be significantly improved. One of the best are nimodipine and cinnarizine.
  Cinnarizine (stugeron) is a popular drug that improves cerebral circulation and has nootropic properties.

Cerebral Vasodilators

Preparations of this group expand the capillaries of the brain.
  The most famous is Cavinton (Vinpocetine).
  Cavinton and his analogs have proven to be quite effective in the treatment of thinking disorders associated with defects in the blood circulation of the brain in the elderly, for example, due to atherosclerosis. It is recommended to take in combination with nootropics. Vinpocetine (cavinton), obtained from the small periwinkle, has been used for about 30 years. It almost does not cause side effects.
  Instenon, which is a combination of three components - hexobandin, etamivan and etofillin, has recently attracted attention not only as a corrector of cerebral circulation, but also as a drug with actually nootropic properties.

Prohibited drugs in Russia

Modafinil is an analeptic. Banned in Russia. More used as a psychostimulant to suppress drowsiness. The action is based on reducing one of the dopamine reuptake mechanisms. It has no side effects and is not addictive. It is, along with ritalin, one of the most powerful smart dredgs.

Ritalin is a psychostimulant, but it has a powerful nootropic effect. In the US, children are stuffed with this drug from the age of 12. Upon termination of the action, as well as any psychostimulant, causes severe fatigue, depression and irritation. Causes psychological dependence.

Energetic for neurons

Another useful addition to true nootropics are compounds that increase the "energy" of neurons.
The human brain is very demanding of energy and absorbs up to 50% of all oxygen consumed by the body, using for its needs about 20% of the total energy production of the body.
  Under physiological conditions, without starvation, the brain uses a single type of "fuel" - glucose. Thus, sugar is not just a source of energy for the functioning of neurons, but also a kind of weak "semi-nootropic".

Also increases the energy of neurons L-acetylcarnitine and nicotinamide (vitamin PP).

A few simple tips to improve your brain.

1. Solve puzzles and puzzles.
  2. Pay attention to ambiguity and ambiguity. Learn to love paradoxes and optical illusions.
  3. Develop creative thinking.
  4. Transpose Reality. Always ask yourself: "What if? .."
  5. Learn the logic. Solve logical problems.
  6. Exercise.
  7. Observe posture.
  8. Listen to classical music.
  9. Get rid of procrastination (the eternal postponement of cases for later).
  10. Play chess, checkers, backgammon ...
  11. Develop a sense of humor. Make up your jokes.
  12. Develop observation.
  13. Learn a foreign language.
  14. Say long words the other way around.
  15. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  16. Try to mentally evaluate the passage of time.
  17. Perform arithmetic calculations in your mind.
  18. Do not watch TV. It slows down the mind.
  19. Put yourself in a strange place. Imagine how other people would solve your problems.
  20. Take time for solitude and relaxation.
  21. Make a commitment to constantly learn something new.
  22. Take a trip abroad. Learn about different lifestyles.
  23. Communicate with those who are close to your interests.
  24. Read the classics.
  25. Develop self-awareness.
  26. Engage in introspection (analysis of your actions and actions)
  26. Do not be nervous

Finally, some physiology

Sleep. To fully restore brain function, it is enough to sleep for at least 7 hours. Do not think that a chronic lack of sleep can be compensated by increased sleep time on weekends. Human studies have shown that attention concentration and other cognitive functions cannot fully recover even after three days of a full night of sleep, which raises the question of the severity of abnormalities in the brain.

Sport. Minimum 30 minutes every day or replace with a walk - from 1 hour or more. Sport contributes to endorphin production. Endorphins - the most important component of happiness.

Alcohol. The outstanding Soviet theoretical physicist Lev Landau said: "... a drunk New Year's glass of champagne deprives me of creative activity for a whole month." It has been proven that even insignificant use of alcohol significantly reduces skills and brain activity. According to Spanish scientists, three beers per week can dull the brain activity by 20%. However, small doses of alcohol were found to stimulate creative activity (but not mental !!!).

Problems with memory, concentration, loss of clarity of thinking come not only with age. Stress, overwork, illness cause a breakdown in the nervous system. Preparations for improving memory and brain function activate learning abilities. Taking pills for the brain and memory, in parallel, do mnemonic exercises. Comprehensive treatment will increase the chances of success.

Types of drugs to improve memory and cerebral circulation

The appointment of drugs to improve memory and brain function is a specialist. If you take them wrong, probably worsening state of health. There are vitamin complexes that cause improvement of the brain. For the prevention of disorders, light preparations for the work of the brain, herbal, and homeopathic remedies are indicated.


Psychomotor stimulants act on the cerebral cortex. Such as amphetamine or Ritalin in some countries are equal to drugs. Permitted stimulants are sold by prescription. Common pills to improve brain stimulating action:

  1. "Adamantyphenylamine" ("Ladasten"), is prescribed for depletion of the nervous system, asthenic conditions. You can not take pregnant, children under 18. Increases the activity of the nervous system. Side effects  - Sleep disorder, possible allergies. The drug is drunk during the day, 100-200 mg for 2 doses.
  2. "Sydnokarb" ("Mesocarb", "Dimetkarb") - stimulates the activity of the nervous system, without causing addiction. Indications: asthenic conditions, head injury, lethargy. Contraindications: atherosclerosis, excitability, hypertension of the 3rd stage. Take 1-2 times before meals, always before the evening. Possible side effects: irritability, anxiety.
  3. Taurine (Dibicor) is a component of energy drinks and an amino acid to stimulate the brain. Helps to quickly relieve fatigue, increases concentration. When taking improves brain function. Sensitivity to taurine can cause allergies. Drink 20 min. before meals, 1 capsule per day (maximum 2).
  4. Caffeine - improves performance. Recommended for diseases that inhibit the function of the central nervous system. Caffeine is a way to increase mental tone, which is used by students before the exam. Banned for insomnia, heart disease. Side effects include tremor heartbeat. Per day take no more than 1.5 g.
  5. Succinic acid. It improves cellular nutrition, promotes the synthesis of ATP. Normalizes the work of the central nervous system, enhances the ability to withstand stress, increases endurance. Indications: the need to stimulate the brain, poor memory. Contraindications: violations of the digestive tract, ischemia, kidney disease. Take the drug on 1 tablet, after meals, 3 times a day.


The leaders among the drugs to improve memory and brain function are nootropic drugs. All of them activate the blood circulation of the brain, contribute to the restoration of its functions. These medicines are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating. Drugs that have the most positive reviews:

  1. "Piracetam" ("Nootropil"). Indicated for dizziness, Alzheimer's disease, reduced attention, impaired cerebral circulation. These pills are used to improve memory. Possible side effect: lethargy, headache, nervousness. Take 8 weeks, 150 mg / kg per day, for 2-4 times.
  2. Fezam. It is recommended if intellectual functions are reduced. This is a remedy for memory improvement. Take one capsule twice daily for up to 8 weeks. Allergies are possible.
  3. "Cerebrolysin" - ampoules. Shown with delay mental development  people with brain damage. Injections should be done intravenously or intramuscularly, 10-20 days. Contraindications: epilepsy, renal failure. Side effects: insomnia, loss of appetite.
  4. "Cavinton" - improves brain metabolism. Discharged in violation of the blood circulation of the brain. This medicine for memory is drunk three times a day, 5-10 mg, a course of up to 3 months. May cause allergies.
  5. "Picamilon". Reception by a long course, till 3 months, improves memory and attention. It is prescribed for depression, head injury, neuroinfection, circulatory disorders of the brain, contraindication - renal failure. Take one pill 2-3 times a day, nausea, dizziness, and allergies are sometimes noted.


Drugs that improve memory, of natural origin, are effective with prolonged use. Among the components of dietary supplements, Omega-3, fatty acids and creatine are distinguished. Omega-3 is called “brain food”, a natural source is fish oil. Creatine, a dietary supplement for strengthening cells, including the brain, helps maintain energy balance in it. Most of the supplements are not recommended for pregnant. Among dietary supplements on a plant basis are known:

  1. "Ginkgo biloba" - containing the extract of the leaves of the tree of the same name. It is recommended for people with decreased memory and attention. Dosage: on the capsule 2 times a day, 6-8 weeks. Sometimes it causes allergies.
  2. “Ostrum” - in addition to ginkgo biloba contains a vitamin complex, which includes choline, the main “intellect vitamin”. Indications: the need to stimulate mental activity, improve memory. It is taken once a day.
  3. "Mnemonic" - ginkgo and ginseng root. Improves memorization of large amounts of information, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and performance. Take the capsule twice a day. Not recommended for high blood pressure, insomnia.
  4. “Aykyuvit” - the components of this dietary supplement slow down brain aging. Assign means after a stroke or TBI to people complaining of memory. Drink one capsule at breakfast.
  5. "Vazoleptin" - contains about 100 components, all of natural origin. It is used in atherosclerosis, disorders of cerebral circulation. Dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times.

Over-the-counter tablets

Light nootropic drugs are sold without a prescription. The popular means include "Glycine", it soothes and improves mental performance. For over-the-counter drugs is "Intellan", recommended for mental disorders. The same testimony from Bilobil. From homeopathy known "Edas-138" and "Cerebralik", they are used to improve memory.


The complexes that support the nervous system often include vitamins of group B, supplements in the form of plant components, amino acids and trace elements. The following memory vitamins are recommended:

  1. "Neuromultivitis" - prescribed for the optimization of nervous activity, B-group vitamins.
  2. "Memofem" - a drug for women with lecithin and choline batartrate, contains extracts of Gotu Cola and Eleutherococcus.
  3. Vitrum Memori is a vitamin complex and ginkgo biloba.
  4. "" - improves memory and stress resistance.
  5. "Undevit" - vitamins for the elderly, strengthen the nervous system.

What drugs to take

Psychotropic drugs are prescribed for confirmed severe dementia based on a diagnosis made by a psychiatrist. In other cases, prescribe nootropics, maintenance therapy. Babies preferably prescribe means in the form of a syrup. Homeopathic remedies are allowed to take on the instructions themselves. Consultation with a homeopath is desirable.

For children

Nootropics often prescribed to children:

  • "Encephabol" (syrup);
  • Pantogam (syrup, tablets);
  • "Tenoten children" - pills, it is allowed to dissolve or give in crushed form;
  • "Intellan" (syrup, capsules) - with mental retardation.

For adults

In old age, most people need medication stimulation of intellectual activity. After 50 years, cerebral circulation deteriorates, nerve cells die with age, all this causes memory impairment. The peak of the process is observed after 60, accounts for 65-70 years. Dates and events are harder to memorize. People with memory impairment are prescribed vitamin complexes and nootropics.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. Article materials do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and advise on treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

AT modern world  the brain gets used to work in an accelerated mode, with frequent changes in mental activity and doing more than 2 cases at a time. Without nutrition and proper maintenance of brain cells, mental capacity will certainly begin to decline. To prevent this, think about your diet, lifestyle and enough physical activity in your life. It is extremely necessary not only to provide nutrition for the brain, but also the use of specially designed preparations based on substances that can improve memory, thinking and speed up the work of the brain as a whole. Consider how to improve memory by taking substances that stimulate the brain.

How to improve memory and speed up the brain: what to look for

In medicine, there is the concept of nootropics - tools that have a stimulating effect on brain tissue. They can improve performance, improve memory, facilitate memorization and learning, stimulate cognitive functions. In addition, taking nootropics provides clarity of mind in the most extreme conditions.

The basis of nootropics are not products of the chemical industry, but substances extracted from organic minerals.

Before you start using any means, you should consult with a specialist and consider the following important points:

  • how to take drugs, in what quantity and for how long - is set strictly individually. The dose and course of treatment is determined by the age of the person, the characteristics of the organism, the state of health, the presence of associated diseases;
  • do not think that dietary supplements or plant extracts are completely harmless and will not harm health: even they can cause an allergic reaction, have a number of contraindications and side effects;
  • to understand whether there are shifts in development and mental work, track your condition with the help of tests, observations and special exercises;
  • you can not take the means of one spectrum of action: to choose the right, you should alternate the nootropics and watch your body. This will identify the substance that is right for you and activates the brain in your case!

10 substances to improve memory and improve performance

  1. Dark chocolate and flavonols

If the mood is sharply reduced, the first thing I want to do is eat a chocolate bar. Especially in dark chocolate there are flavonols in abundance - substances that activate the production of the hormone of joy, happiness and pleasure - endorphin.

Also, flavonols accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses, which allows you to maintain vigor and brain activity for a long time. Not all chocolates available on store shelves provide a similar effect. Only high-quality chocolate with a capacity of cocoa above 80% is able to elevate mood and accelerate brain activity.

  1. Lecithin

More than a third of the brain consists of lecithin. Yes, and in every cell of the human body there are components of this phospholipid. Lecithin is involved in the production of enzymes and hormones, as well as mediators.

With the participation of vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid, the phospholipid lecithin is converted into acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter, which accelerates the flow of nerve reactions, and, as a result, affects the memory, concentration of attention and the positive work of most mental abilities.

For the first year of life, the baby gets a huge amount of lecithin from breast milk. The interesting thing is that breast milk  contains 100 times more lecithin than the circulatory system of a nursing mother.

The more a child receives lecithin in the first years of life, the faster he will learn to speak, he will be able to better resist stresses and adapt to new social conditions.

To increase the level of lecithin in the body should not only people working with ultra-precise calculations, but also in any other areas. If you use lecithin in necessary quantities, you will not feel tired, and nervousness and irritability will recede, memory will also improve, and efficiency will increase.

Lecithin is abundant in:

  • eggs;
  • beef or chicken livers;
  • very fatty fish;
  • legumes;
  • seeds and nuts.

How to improve memory and brain function by taking lecithin preparations? To get a really pronounced effect, you should take the tool for more than 3 months. This is the time during which the brain can adapt to new conditions and nutrition.

  1. Piracetam and Choline

Nootrop Piracetam is also known as Lutset and Nootropil, it is prescribed for schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. It is also acceptable to assign healthy people to increase mental work, to improve memory and increase concentration.

But, this drug cannot be taken independently even by absolutely healthy people. Reception Piracetami may be accompanied by headaches, which should be controlled. Often the drug is prescribed with choline. This will save the patient from severe headaches that occur when using the drug for a long time.

  1. Caffeine and L-tianin

What to choose: coffee or green tea to focus, increase labor productivity and make your brain work?

Green tea also contains caffeine, but it is combined with L-tianin. Such a compound can save the brain from damaging over-stimulation after consuming caffeine. Amino acid L-thianin prolongs the active work of the brain and helps to increase productivity without a subsequent decrease in activity.

As observations show, after drinking 1 cup of coffee and 2 cups of green tea, attentiveness becomes more acute, mental abilities increase, and visual information processing speeds up.

  1. Creatine

How to improve brain function by taking a biological creatine supplement? The substance helps to conserve energy reserves in the brain. This allows you to quickly memorize and save data in memory for a long time. In addition, creatine accelerates analytical thinking. To do this, it is recommended to take creatine 5 g daily (after approval of the attending physician).

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids

In today's fashionable direction - neurodietology - it is considered that for health it is extremely important to use preparations containing Omega-3 fatty acids or to diversify your menu as much as possible with fatty varieties of ocean fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

For the brain, it is useful to get daily omega-3: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids are necessary for cell renewal, accelerating the reaction between organoids.

What this means: the specific components of fish oil can improve memory, protect against depression and stress, speed up the brain, protect the brain from destructive senile processes.

  1. L-tyrosine

L-tyrosine is an amino acid included in the protein composition of tissues and organs. Without it, the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, neurotransmitter - dopamine. This substance can increase the threshold of fatigue and protect against uncontrolled release of stress hormone in the blood. It is shown to use drugs containing an amino acid, people who need to constantly focus their attention and make the most of your brain. Food rich in L-tyrosine, or a dietary supplement is the prevention of the development of problems with the endocrine system, protects against disorders of the pituitary, adrenal glands.