Which zodiac sign is a good friend. Best friend by zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign can reveal more about you than you think, including how good a friend or lover you are. If you are curious about what the stars say about you and which friend they recommend, this horoscope is for you:

If you are an Aries, you are probably thinking outside the box. Aries are thinkers full of creativity, spontaneity and emotion. Aries is also known for its ambition. However, sometimes this urge turns into impatience, which means that they may react recklessly to some questions.

Best friend: Libra

Since Aries are passionate, it's important that they find a friend who has no problem keeping them in check. Whenever you are driven by impulse or are about to overreact when you shouldn't, your Libra best friend will keep you out of this mistake.

Taurus are known for being stubborn. And while their determination can be problematic when it comes to contacting certain people, it also makes them some of the most stubborn workers out there. Purposeful Taurus are distinguished by their extraordinary willpower.

Best friend: Pisces

One of the most peaceful and least confrontational signs, Pisces are loyal, selfless friends. Due to their peaceful nature, Pisces are unlikely to fight Taurus over their irrational opinions.

Gemini are creative, compassionate people. They can get a little cranky - partly due to the "dual" nature of their personality - but they tend to be flexible people who get away with it all.

Best friend: Aquarius

Since both of these signs are very calm, they are more likely to enjoy simple things together. When a Gemini falls into one of their regular "moods", Aquarius will back off and give them room to maneuver.

Cancers are couch potatoes. They don't crave everyone's attention and usually enjoy simple things in life, like family and good friends.

Lonely times are extremely important for Cancers, and when they are forced to be without it for too long, they can appear angry. But this is only the result of their reserved nature.

Best friend: Sagittarius

Since Cancers tend to be introverted by nature, they will almost always enjoy the company of a Sagittarius, as they also use introspective thinking.

Sagittarius is known to be very philosophy-oriented, which will undoubtedly give Cancer food for the mind.

Leo is the dominant sign of the zodiac. Like the lion, which serves as its symbol, Leo seeks to win power and respect, and is usually the dominant person among his friends.

Leo is determined, he is usually very charismatic and quick-witted in expressing his own opinion.

Best friend: Capricorn

While Leo can be very selfish and aspiring to be the star of the show, Capricorn is a selfless friend who will help balance Leo's pompous nature.

Virgos are famous for their charm and excellent communication skills. They oppose the abuse of all people, especially those who are weaker than others.

Best friend: Aries

Since Virgos are known for their passion for whimsical conversations, they undoubtedly enjoy the company of Aries - one of the most creative signs of the zodiac.

Libra is a sign of balance. They value beauty and exquisite taste.

Best friend: Leo

Because of Libra's inherent admiration for beauty, it's only natural that they will enjoy spending time with Leo, a sign prone to power and greatness.

Scorpios are one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. They are very brave, but they don't like to show it to the world. They lead a secretive lifestyle and are very vindictive.

Best friend: Aquarius

Scorpios don't like to be brave too often, but they like to surround themselves with brave people. That is why they best converge with Aquarius, known for their closed, unobtrusive manner of communication.

Sagittarius are known for their intensity and concentration. Usually, a goal-oriented and career-oriented Sagittarius has no time for idleness and frivolous people. He is strong and agile, recovering quickly from setbacks, even when problems are substantial.

Best friend: Capricorn

A Sagittarius will certainly get along with a Capricorn, who values \u200b\u200bcareful planning and the pursuit of order.

Capricorns are known for their out-of-the-box thinking and education. He is systematic, an excellent organizer who maintains perfect order. While Capricorns generally don't take criticism to heart, they are compassionate, selfless, and willing to tackle other people's problems with their own.

Best friend: Sagittarius

Due to their systematic lifestyle, Capricorns will undoubtedly appreciate the high-intensity rhythm of Sagittarius. Capricorns have no problem helping their friends when they are in trouble, so these two signs will benefit each other in the long run.

Aquarius is very reserved. It doesn't require much care or attention to stay satisfied. Aquarius has a reserved temperament. At the same time, this aspect of Aquarius's personality is one of his shortcomings, as it provokes laziness when Aquarius has no inspiration for a long time.

Best friend: Taurus

Since Aquarius is light-hearted, he will most likely enjoy the company of a Taurus, who, despite his tenacity, is very friendly.

Pisces is one of the most mysterious signs. Although they may seem simple and humble, Pisces usually carries with them a great body of wisdom. They are simple, selfless friends who can be called for help at any time of the day or night. One of their disadvantages is that their benevolence and helpfulness can encourage others to use them.

Best friend: Scorpio

Although Pisces are usually calm, carefree people, the problem appears when these qualities turn into carelessness. Having made friends with Scorpio, they will maintain vigilance.

The perfect best friend for every zodiac sign

Many people are surprised by the fact that friendship with one person can be very strong, but with another, the relationship does not stick at all. This seems especially strange if the last person is pleasant to you, but there is absolutely no connection with him. So why do we choose some people as our friends and reject others? Worth looking at this problem from an astrological point of view. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristic featuresthat have a lot of influence on relationships between people.

Compatibility table of all zodiac signs

A clear and simple diagram of the compatibility of signs in friendship.

Let's consider each zodiac sign in more detail, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses in friendship.


He will be a good friend because of his honesty and willingness to help. He will not creep into your soul, eliciting the innermost.

Until you talk about your difficulties, he will be cheerful and carefree, not noticing your depression. However, as soon as he finds out about the troubles of his comrade, he will immediately rise to the defense, taking responsibility for himself.

He wants to prove that he is a leader and a winner, but because of this desire, the life of Aries himself often sinks to the bottom. You should not use the help and trust of an Aries friend too often without a good reason.

Aries is a friend who loves to entertain himself and to entertain others, he will do anything for the sake of making him and his comrades interesting and fun. If you refuse to participate in the fun initiated by him several times, you can turn into a bore and boring person in the eyes of Aries.

What Aries will definitely not like is advice and morality, especially if they seem to be better than his initiatives. He is confident that he knows best what, how and when to do. Accept it as it is.

Aries considers friendship, first of all, to divide the points of view of each other. You must love those whom he loves, and sincerely hates those to whom he is hostile.

Aries hate liars and always say what they think, that is, the truth. If he notices that such a truth offended you, he will immediately rush to apologize, and then everything will be repeated.

Aries helps everyone around him, there is no self-interest in him, but in return, friends should also be ready at any time to come to his aid. If Aries notices that friendship has become more like using it for selfish purposes, expect a scandal.

Most compatible in friendship with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.


Taurus is a great and reliable companion, to whom others are drawn, especially those who are anxious and nervous, who want to enjoy the calmness and confidence of such a friend. Taurus, on the other hand, loves to be friends with creative people, those who are fundamentally different from himself.

Many people consider Taurus as their friends without asking for their opinion. But Taurus himself is in no hurry to let anyone very close to him. He is rather distrustful and strong friendships with him will not work out in a short time.

If he recognized you as his friend, you can safely rely on him. He will help with advice, action and money, although there may be a hitch with the last aspect, which is not so much the fault of Taurus's stinginess as some of his frugality in terms of finances.

If you want to make your friendship with Taurus strong and lasting, learn diplomacy. There is no need to try to argue with such a friend, it is better to find a compromise.

Taurus loves intimate conversation, they do not like talkers who speak solely on emotions.

Perhaps the most unusual manifestation of friendship with Taurus is jealousy. A Taurus may well consider you as personal property. He will not tolerate competition and will not share you with someone else.

Most compatible in friendship with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.


- the person is very sociable and the social circle can be infinitely wide. But at the same time, Gemini can rarely name more than one or two bosom friends, since communication and friendship are different things. In order to strike up a friendship with Gemini, you need to endure their desire to always attract the attention of others.

Gemini is selfless in friendship. Often they are friends with people who are modest and even gray - either in order to stand out from their background, or to help them free themselves from the constraints of communication.

Most compatible in friendship with Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius.


He is closest friends with people he has known since childhood or adolescence. He is strongly attached to the past, so nostalgic memories can be the basis for a lasting and warm friendship. Cancers are very fond of memories.

Cancer friends sometimes find it difficult, because he believes that friendship exists primarily so that he has someone to discuss his problems with.

No one would argue with this if it were not for Cancer's desire to make drama and tragedy out of every little thing. Listening to his complaints is endlessly impossible. Cancer has few friends, but each of them has truly angelic patience.

Cancer considers friends to be family. He will always feed them deliciously and help with finances, listen and give good advice. The only thing that he will not succeed in is friendship on equal terms. Cancer wants to dominate everything.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo.

a lion

Want to be friends with? Become successful and self-sufficient, but no more than himself. Those who are equal to him, he will consider competitors, and the lowest in status - unworthy to be brought closer to his person.

Leo should not be criticized, especially in public: revenge can follow immediately.

Lions treat passive and squeezed people badly; they also dislike lack of spirituality and aggression.

Leo dominates friendship. If he considers you a friend, you can be sure of his patronage, but if you disappoint him, you can not even think about forgiveness.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.


Overly cautious people rarely trust strangers.If we talk about friendship, they always notice the shortcomings of even the closest people. This kind of character does not allow Virgos to have too many friends.

Virgo is indispensable as an advisor: she will always show and tell, explain everything to the smallest detail.

Virgo is a great partner for visiting various entertainment venues. Restrained and closed in life, she reveals herself when watching a dramatic film, for example, and besides, you can have a great time with her at the bowling alley. Just don't go with Virgo to the races or to the casino - such an attitude towards money will definitely not please her.

However, Virgo is an energetic sign, she loves changes, receiving new information, loves to gossip. Its main goal is to turn any chaos into absolute order. Virgo will support a friend, but definitely not harming herself. Do not abuse her help.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo.


full of charm, sociable and love to have fun. Such a person can become a great friend, but friendship is much more than a simple friendship, the basis of which is joint entertainment. Libra is completely uncharacteristic of a deep and pure soulfulness, not associated with reason.

Even friendship with a person, they will always appreciate him.Friendship is an impartial thing, there should be no room for noticing the slightest weaknesses of a loved one in it. Your friendship with Libra will always be formal and reasonable, it will not work otherwise.

Libras are able to leverage their charisma and charisma to achieve their own goals. They will not lie or pretend, however, there is always a degree of manipulation in such a relationship.

Libra will not leave a friend without useful advice... They value moral principles and do not like to devote loved ones to their problems, preferring to understand them on their own. They have one very valuable talent - the ability to bring harmony, peace and serenity to the soul.

Most compatible in friendship with Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo and Libra.


are very individual, so making friends with them is difficult, and even maintaining it is doubly difficult. Communication with Scorpio is subject to such a person who will recognize him as a leader and will not criticize the despotic and eccentric behavior of a friend.

Such a friendship can be described as a union of people, one of whom is always looking up, and the other - down.

In addition, a Scorpio's friend must be a very calm and level-headed person, otherwise the Scorpio's behavior can hurt a lot.

For someone who fully meets the above criteria, Scorpio will become a reliable companion, always able to help, and also a very interesting companion.

Scorpios love loyal people, and their real friends will be loved and respected.

Most compatible in friendship with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.


For friendship is very important. He perceives friends as family and trusts them, even if they once let him down. Sagittarius is sociable, so his social circle is wide, he has many friends. People around him like his sociability and charm, but excessive honesty can make Sagittarius quarrel with someone, because people really do not like it when they shoot the truth right in the face.

Those who communicate closely with Sagittarius may argue that he never wants to offend anyone. If you hate familiarity, you definitely don't need a Sagittarius friend. But if there is such a friendship, be always ready to hear a lot of interesting things about yourself. If in return you are also frank, earn Sagittarius's unconditional respect.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


prefers to keep in a circle of people with power and influence. However, he was used to not confusing true friendship with the desire to be closer to the "powerful of this world."

By nature, these people are loners, so they usually have only one real friend in their life.

They know how to keep other people's secrets and understand friendship, as a willingness to come to the rescue at any moment. They will spare nothing for family and friends. Friendship is very important for Capricorns.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.


Everyone is for pals! It does not matter to him what race, nationality or religion his new acquaintance belongs to. Aquarius is ready to be friends with the whole world. The most favorite words of Aquarius are “friend” and “buddy”, however, Aquarius will not call just anyone the best friend.

And although Aquarius himself is as open as possible to new acquaintances, he can become his best friend only to equally “light” signs.

Most compatible in friendship with Aries, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius.


- friendly people who communicate well with everyone who treats them well. If they cannot communicate with a friend for a long time, they begin to get bored and yearned, along the way looking for a friend in everyone they meet.

Pisces really need to be needed, they love to receive approval and attention.

These people are very compassionate, which is often used by not very conscientious "friends" who use Pisces as a vest in which to cry.

Pisces will not be offended by a friend, even if he is wrong a hundred times. Those who appreciate it are the true friends of Pisces.

Most compatible in friendship with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio.

What signs have the worst compatibility

  • Aries - Taurus.
  • Taurus - Aquarius.
  • Gemini - Cancer.
  • Cancer - Aquarius.
  • Leo - Taurus.
  • Virgo is Libra.
  • Libra - Virgo.
  • Scorpio - Aries.
  • Sagittarius - Pisces.
  • Capricorn - Leo.
  • Aquarius - Aquarius.
  • Pisces is Virgo.

Which signs have the best compatibility

  • Aries - Sagittarius.
  • Taurus - Capricorn.
  • Gemini - Leo.
  • Cancer - Scorpio.
  • Leo - Libra.
  • Virgo is Taurus.
  • Libra - Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio - Capricorn.
  • Sagittarius - Aries.
  • Capricorn - Pisces.
  • Aquarius - Sagittarius.
  • Pisces is Capricorn.

Friendly Compatibility Chart

In order to determine the degree of compatibility between people, a special table created by astrologers is used.

How to use it

The number at the intersection of two signs is the level of their compatibility. The larger the number, the higher it is:

  • From 1 to 10 - the lowest rate, misunderstanding and disrespect between partners.
  • 11 to 20 - low level, relationship problems are frequent.
  • From 21 to 30 - average compatibility, conflicts and indifference between people are possible.
  • Between 31 and 40 is not a bad level. The union will be strong with concessions.
  • 41 to 50 is high. Good rapport.
  • 51 to 60 is very high. Trust and common interests.
  • From 61 to 70 - almost perfect compatibility... Complete understanding and harmony.
  • 71 to 80 is perfect. A rare combination.

In this world, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Some people may smile at you and compliment you, but after a while they will speak behind your back and will be ready to revile you with their last words.

On the other hand, you can stumble upon a person who will directly and in a rude form point out to you your shortcomings and mistakes, but will help you correct them.

How can you tell real friends from fake ones?

Your friend's zodiac sign will tell you this.

The most sincere people by zodiac sign

Aries prefers to live in their own world and not merge with the crowd. As a rule, they are very selective in the choice of friends, and in which case they would prefer to tell you the bitter truth.

They try to maintain a friendly tone at work and do not want to offend anyone, but sometimes it is too difficult for Aries to hold back.

On the other hand, you can trust Aries, as he will never hold a stone in his bosom.

Since Virgos are very critical, they always weigh the pros and cons before making any decision. This trait helps them choose the right way and to confront any person, directly pointing out his unseemly actions.

If you ask Virgo to honestly express your opinion, you will get it, and you may not like what you hear. They can be called true friends, as they will always help you develop as a person and correct your mistakes.


Many consider Scorpios to be very cunning, able to turn the situation in their favor. But the truth is that once you've won the loyalty of Scorpio, no one will be as honest with you as this zodiac sign.

Moreover, Scorpios hate liars and pretenders, even if there was a good reason for lying. They prefer to immediately know all the ins and outs, and not discover it at an unexpected moment.

Ultimately, their honesty will make you a much better person.

If you think that Sagittarius is humble and courteous, you are greatly mistaken. They have the courage to come face to face with you and say whatever they think.

If your behavior is unacceptable, you will hear from them the whole truth without embellishment.

Sagittarius can find it difficult to hold back when they are annoyed, or someone tries to provoke them, but luckily they do not let off steam as often.

Taurus can be rude and arrogant. He does not like to play around and invent something. If he needs to tell the truth, he will tell it, even if he does not see support from other people.

This zodiac sign is quite easy to communicate and you will always get what you expect from it.

Taurus are reliable friends, and with their help, your character will only get better over time.

The most fake people by zodiac sign

As a rule, Cancer will compliment you, even if you do something wrong, in order to always be a good friend in your eyes.

However, this same person will criticize you and your actions in front of others and can spoil your reputation overnight.

Since this sign is very sensitive and rarely acts straightforwardly, it often tries to find workarounds to repay the person for the insult.

Pisces love to live in their imaginary world and they enjoy making stories about other people.

If you happen to become the subject of their tales, you are likely to become famous. They are able to lie so much that your image in the eyes of others will be forever spoiled.

In addition, Pisces really does not like quarrels and showdowns. They are more likely to agree with you and then lie to get out of an unpleasant situation.

It is vitally important for Libras to please other people, and they will never admit that they are annoyed by someone.

Often those born under this zodiac sign cannot make a decision. The constant fluctuations of Libra lead to the fact that they can speak completely different information to different people.


We all know how many faces Gemini can be. The desire to be good in the eyes of everyone and the duality of this zodiac sign makes them cave in under any circumstances.

They may swear that they will keep your secret, but they will immediately go and spread rumors about you. That is why people rarely trust them, and if they are sincere with them, they may very much regret it in the future.

Diplomatic signs of the zodiac

Due to their bright and incendiary personality, Leos are often considered fake, although, in fact, they just tend to be the center of attention. Although Leos are quite confident in themselves, they do not like to expose their flaws to the public.

This zodiac sign does not tend to hide anything, and can be quite sincere. He wants everyone to be happy, and in this case he can cheat a little.

Capricorns are quite calculating and try to be diplomatic at work. Others may view this behavior as not being very sincere.

If, in order to get what he wants, Capricorn has to please someone, he is ready to go for it. For the rest, they can be called a fairly truthful sign of the Zodiac, which knows what remorse is.

Aquarius can be called a little detached. In other words, they are, by and large, too indifferent to pretend. On the other hand, they can accept a person for who he is, and if Aquarians say that they like someone, they mean it.

This zodiac sign doesn't like wasting time writing lies or saying what the other person wants to hear. People either love them or not, and they do not obey any norms of society

Ideal friends for Leo, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Since this is a sign from the fiery squad, representatives of this sign are very hot-tempered and strive to become leaders. They are ready to support a friend at any time, but sometimes they can neglect the spiritual and go on about the material.


They are good friends with Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus has a clear line between family and friendship that no one has the right to cross. You can always turn to representatives of this sign for help, and if they are truly friends with someone, they will not regret anything for a friend.


They are great friends with Leo, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. A highly developed communication skill ensures a large number of friends. Gemini are good at listening and talking. What they value most in friends is intelligence.


They are friends with Virgos, Pisces, Scorpions and Taurus. They are not inclined to make new acquaintances, so they always try to maintain old relationships. They will be loyal in friendship until the moment when you undermine their trust.

a lion

Friendships with Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini are ideal. Real leaders demanding everyone's attention. Despite this, it is quite difficult for them to make friends with anyone. From the outside, Leo looks like an impregnable fortress, but in fact they are very sensitive and afraid to let people approach them. Even in friendship, they try to be the first.


They are friends with Taurus, Capricorns, Scorpions and Cancers. They are almost always inside, and rarely open to the world. They are not very confident in themselves, and it is quite difficult for them to make friends with someone. If you find yourself in the circle of their friendship, you can always count on advice and support. Virgos never betray their friends.


They are friends with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius. People of this sign belong to the element of Air. They are idealists by nature. They do not want to be absolute leaders, but they strive to control everything in their lives. Libra attracts people to itself. They are proficient in advising others. It is easy for them to identify all the pros and cons of the current situation. Libras cannot stand loneliness and are constantly looking for contact with society.


Most often they are friends with Capricorns, Virgos, Pisces and Cancers. Scorpios prefer to be hidden, so they have a rather narrow social circle. Be careful in friendship with representatives of this sign - one wrong step, and from the best friends you can turn into the worst enemies. The secret to a long and lasting friendship is caring, respect and loyalty.


They are friends with Libra, Aquarius, Aries and Leo. This is a representative of the Fire element. They have excellent communication skills and are very good friends in their own right. Sagittarius are open minded and enjoy adventures with friends. It's easy to make friends with them because they are adorable and will never dictate their terms. In matters of friendship, Sagittarius is very courageous and decisive.


They are friends with Scorpions, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. A sign ruled by the elements of the Earth. They have hidden leadership qualities that they prefer to hide. Capricorns are loyal to friends and are ready to take care of them. They prefer stable and long-term friendships. There are no hidden implications in their desire to help; they do everything with pure intentions for their friends.


Aries, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius are ideal friends. Aquarians very rarely establish a close relationship with someone due to the abundance of acquaintances. Love of freedom denies the imposition of someone's opinion, this is not done by the Aquarius themselves. The only thing that can serve as the basis for friendship is intelligence.


They are friends with Capricorns, Taurus, Cancers and Scorpions. The element that controls this sign is Water. When communicating with people, Pisces is helped by a creative mind and communication skills. By their nature, they are quite secretive people. Nevertheless, Pisces are generous and helpful friends. They know how to listen and analyze incoming information. Friendship with them is very reliable.

Look at your friends under the Zodiac Signs microscope

A friend is our guide to physical and mental comfort. A friend is loose ears and a favorite vest. In the life of friends, we choose ourselves and then walk alongside them for many years. Friends are our quiet haven, our comfort zone and a happy pastime.

We do not choose friends by the sign of the zodiac, we choose them for their spiritual comfort and warmth. But today we propose to make an exception and look at your friends under the Zodiac Signs microscope.

Aries in friendship

In friendship Aries loyal and sympathetic. He gets used to people and feels pain when they leave his life. He will stand up with his chest to protect his friend, but do not expect that he will pry into your soul with questions.

He will not torment you with interrogations, he will give you time to tell him everything yourself. FROM Aries it is easy to look for adventure, because they do not sit still and always get into different troubles. Such serious cranks.

Taurus in friendship

Taurus - loyal and reliable friends, but to get into their close circle you need to try especially hard. Taurus do not let people who have not been tested by time and circumstances into their comfort zone. The art of diplomacy is an important tool in friendly relations with them. He will not forgive deception, silently leave and forget about your existence.

For him, warm and frank conversations are important. And all this gives him the right to sometimes be jealous of friends, since any emotional connection for him is extremely important and dear.

Twins in friendship

Twin avoids "problem people" who take advantage of his "free ears" and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely gets new people close enough. They have a lot of new acquaintances, but few real friends. But if Twin nevertheless, let someone close, then then it is very difficult for him to say goodbye to this person forever.

He is constantly trying to solve the problem, find a way to cope with the conflict situation, because "attachment" to people is not an empty phrase for him, but the norm of life.

A feature of a quarrel with Gemini is his lightning quick temper and instant appeasement. He will not be afraid to come up first and he will need half the time than you to cool off after the conflict.

Cancers in friendship

Crayfish - faithful friends. Usually they have been friends since childhood, and are not looking for a replacement for everything they know. Often Crayfish for many years they live on the memories of the happy moments of the past, while losing the sense of reality.

Crayfish friendship - a stone wall and a reliable rear for friends. Representatives of this sign will always listen in difficult times, give good advice and help financially. Friends are not empty words for them. For "his" he will move mountains.

Lions in friendship

a lion always strives to be the first, so do not demand equal or partnerships from him. If you are ready to constantly praise, encourage, then a lion will become an excellent, loyal and reliable friend for you. You will definitely be satisfied when a lion will want to thank you for your patience and humble service to him, because in his gratitude he is generous and original.

Virgo in friendship

Representatives of this sign do not need advisers, they know exactly what they want and where they are going. Therefore, they look at friends as a source of entertainment. Virgo sometimes relaxation is needed and with friends they let off steam in full. Also Virgo from time to time you want to be smart, and here the free "ears" of a friend will also be useful. Here are the true reasons for maintaining close relationships with friends for this zodiac sign.

Virgin love sincere and noble people, as they value honesty in relationships. They don't have many friends, as they are more loners than the noisy soul of the campaign. One best friend and a couple of acquaintances - this is the perfect compilation of friends for Virgin.

Libra in friendship

Libra in friendship they are always very cold-blooded. They will not give up at a difficult moment, but you should not expect their round-the-clock support. They will not borrow you money at a difficult moment, but they will provide you with the opportunity to earn this money on your own. Their advice is always prudent and full of sobriety. Their view of the problem is as sharp and pragmatic as possible.

They look at the root of the problem, so their recommendations are expensive. Positive quality Libra is their wonderful sense of humor, cheerful spirit and ability to "survive" in any campaign. They can cheer you up even on the hardest day.

Scorpios in friendship

Scorpions value and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other sign of the zodiac. In his presence, one cannot even say a bad word about his friend, Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender to protect his honor.

He rarely opens up to the end, but friends know everything about him that he can tell loved ones, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio - a great friend, wise counselor and cheerful conversationalist.

Sagittarius in friendship

Representatives of this sign are some of the best friends in the world. They will not dissemble, but will come up with a real way to help. Sagittarius they will lend you money, but they will immediately figure out where and how you earn money, so as not only to repay the debt to them, but also to earn good money themselves.

Sagittarius reaches out to more successful people, he likes to develop, although he is sometimes lazy. Sagittarius you can trust, because they simply do not know how to betray and fail.

Capricorns in friendship

Capricorns cannot be the first to take a step towards new acquaintances. They do not respect other people, considering them unworthy of their attention, At least until strangers prove otherwise. Capricorns only those who are recognized in society or have a solid bank account are respected. To such people Capricorns just like that and "stick".

If a new person could win attention Capricorn then Capricorn will demand attention, care and respect in their direction. For their part, the representatives of this sign will always tell their friends in person how they should live, what they should not do, and “shower” them with their advice.

To be friends with Capricorn difficult, because they do not know the stop during quarrels, always have only one correct view of the problem and get what they want by any means. But the main plus Capricorn is that they are always extremely honest and will always help their friends. Though the ways are used by wayward.

Aquarians in friendship

Have Vodoleev many friends, they are ready to shelter everyone, help everyone, warm everyone. They are kind to people, so people think they are nice little ones. Aquarians they do not like conflicts, therefore, in rare cases, they will defend their point of view too firmly.

They know measure in everything, although sometimes this sense of proportion is too high for them. Aquarians do not have close friends, but they have a lot of friends, acquaintances and comrades. Aquarius - always one of his own.

Pisces in friendship

Have Pisces few friends, but they are all real. Representatives of this sign value honesty and loyalty. They do not forgive cheating, therefore, in friendship and in love, they are very demanding.

Fish ready for self-sacrifice, if their friend needs it. Their main disappointment in friendship is the fact that friends begin to consider them an always available "vest" or "free ears", but this period does not last long, since Fish know how to explain in an accessible way that they are worth more