What do you need to say, if you start robiti prayer. Wash, necessary for the prayer

Orthodox Muslims are guilty of obov'yazkovo obanuvati reading namaz. How about a buti team, who ever wants to learn what occupation? On the back, you can start reading namaz, like a prayer without doing the important rules of this rite.

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Namaz for people

In order to read the prayer, you will need to do the following:

  • to prepare clothes and body before the first rite (namaz is performed only in pure clothes);
  • remember to remember the sura, which is called "Al-Fatiha";
  • stand for an hour to pray to the faces of that bik, where Mecca is known.

Prayer for women

Zhіntsi it is important to specify whether you can pray prayer. On that slope there is no fence for women. You can read a prayer while sitting and navit lying down, as the vaginess runs hard. A woman in the period of menstruation, to a post-student camp in case of gynecological illnesses, which are accompanied by bleeding, it is necessary to carry out the rite. In such situations, the woman becomes unclean.

Before the rite, the woman needs to wear a small wash of the guise, up to the ankles and hands to the elbows, and also wipe off the varnish from the nails. Women are allowed to pray at the mosque, at the special hall for women, and also at home. The order of reading the prayer is identical for women, and for men.

How to learn robiti prayer?

Who, having only accepted the Muslim faith, can learn to practice prayer, guarding how other Muslims should shy away. Through the years, the reading of prayer can be brought to automatism. If you learn to read namaz at the mosque, then it is not obligatory to repeat all the words of prayer for other Muslims. For whom it is enough to repeat the word “Amen” for example.

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Sleep in a better position

  1. It is necessary to stand before Mecca and for an hour to read prayers, repeat all the surah Al-Fatiha. It is important to read out loud, almost to yourself. Literi sura is required to be spoken without the least of the conspiracies.
  2. Tim, who has already recited the surah Al-Fatiha and knows to remember one surah, you need to repeat її kіlka razіv. It is not necessary, so that such a person obliges the text, as if for an hour of reading, the voice of Suri will be heard.
  3. If you still couldn’t learn and read the sura according to all the rules, then at the hour of the prayer you can read one of the parts behind the Holy Quran. At the same time, the urivka cannot be less than 156 letters.
  4. For namaz without knowing the sura "Al-Fatiha" and parts of the Holy Quran, you can only say the words victorious for the remembrance of Allah. They are also called dhikri. As an option, you can move forward dhikri: “Subhana-llah, wa-l-hamdu-li-llah, wa la ilaha illa-llah, wa-llahu Akbar.” At the translation, it should sound like this: Allah is almighty, there is no god, there is no cream, Praise be to Allah.
  5. On that vipadok, if you can’t read a reminder of anything from an overhauled place, then you can simply say “Allahu Akbar” 20 times. Tim, who can’t read anything, you can stand up for that hour that you need to read Surah Al Fatiha.

In the middle of the novice, they go to the wedding prayer from one to two days. What hour is enough, at a calm pace, read the Surah Al-Fatiha. It is very rich to see the difficulties in reading namaz at the cob stage.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that you will read the whole sprat of dhikr to Allah from the beginning. With the right approach, before the wedding, the sura already a month in advance, you will read the prayer without hesitation.

Learn to work prayers to help you come forward video.

Namaz is the order of Allah Almighty. The Holy Qur'an has to think a hundred times about the obligation to pray. The Qur'an and hadith-i sharifs say about the obligatory prayer for Muslims, who are wise and have come of age. 17 and 18 ayati suri " Room» « Praise God for the evening of that lie. Praise to Yomu in heaven and on earth, when the night comes and the night falls". Sura " Bakara» 239 ayat « Vikouyte holy prayers, mid-prayer”(So do not interrupt the prayer). The tafsirs of the Qur'an say, what ayati, where to go about remembering and exalting, guessing about namaz. At 114 ayati suri " Hoody"It is said:" Prayer on the cob and for example of the day and at the present night, to that one, do good to banish evil. Tse is a divination for those who are silent.”

Having said our prophet (sallalahu alayhi wassalam) “Almighty Allah, having prayed the five-time prayer for his slaves with a farz. For the correct thorough washing, hand (explanation of uklin), and sajda (earthly uklin), for the hour of prayer, Almighty Allah gives forgiveness and enlightenment.

Five daily prayers, including 32 rak'ahs. 17 of them are in the category of farz. 3 wajibi. 12 sunnati rak'ahs.

1-Rank prayer: (Salat-ul Fajr) 4 rakats. First 2 rak'ats sunnah. Let's have 2 rak'ats farza. 2 raku sunni of the ranking prayer is even more important. Є vcheni, yakі seem, scho є wadzhibom.

2nd midday prayer. (Salat-ul-Zuhr) It is made up of 10 rak'ahs. On the back, 4 rakats of the first sunnis are given, then 4 rakats of the farza, and 2 rakats of the sunnis.

3-Namaz before the evening (Іkindі, salat-ul Asr). Usogo 4 rakats. There are 4 rakats farzu.

4th Evening Prayer (Aksham, salat-ul Maghrib). 5 rakats. The first 3 rakats are farz, then we add 2 rakats sunni.

5-Night prayer (Yatsi, salat-ul Isha). It is made up of 9 rak'ahs. On the back, 4 rakats of farza are taken. Behind him are 2 rakats sunni. I nareshti, 3 rakats Morning prayer.

Sunnati of the night and night prayers from the order Gair-i muakkada. Tse means: at the first sitting, after Attahiyata be read Allahumma salli,Allahuma barik and all Dua. Let's get up on the third rak'ah, read "Subhanaka..". First sunnah of midday prayer є " Muakkada". But the sunnah is strong, so yak is given a rich sauaba. It is read just like a farzi, in the first sitting in the morning, after reading the attahiyat, it is necessary to get up, to start the third rak'ah. Rising to your feet, we continue the prayer, chanting from the bіsmilya, and al-Fatih.

For example, the sunnah of the ranking prayer is read as follows:

1 - Accept namir (Niyyet)
2 - Introductory (Іftіtah) takbіr

The woman may be covered from head to toe, so that the figure does not show up. Vіdkritimi zalishayutsya only the appearances and dolons. Do not lift your hands up to the vuh like a man. Hands rise to the level of the breasts, fight for us, fight for takbir, put your hands on your chest. Begin prayer. Pass through the heart “Mayu Namir, for the sake of Allah, raise two sunni cancers of today’s ranking prayer, at the Bik Qibli.” Let's keep moving takbir Allahu Akbar" Women fold their arms, do not wrap the fingers of their right hand around their left wrist, but put their hands on their chest, raising the palm of their right hand on their left hand. Z'ednavshi hands on breasts.

Qiyam, standing at prayer. I will not look at the place of application of the chola at the court, a) read "Subhanaka.." b) after "Auzu .., bismilla .." read Fatihu. c) after Fatihi, without bіsmіlla a short sura (zamm-i sura) is read, for example, a sura "Fil".


After the zamm-i sura, having promoted " Allahu Akbar»Get your hand out. Women get sick less than men. The knee is slightly bent. The fingers of the hands do not hobble (as in the case of choloviks) the knee. Rozkrі doloni are put to the beast of the kolіn.

Vimoviti trichi " Subhana Rabiyal Azim". Vimovlyaetsya five times this time.

Get up with words "Sami'allahu firth hamidah" "Rabbana Lakal Hamd". Parking lot of whom to name "kaumu".

Earthly corner (sujud)

"Allahu Akbar". With whom, put in order: a) To the right of the knee, then to the left, to the right of the bottom, then to the left, to the forehead. b) The fingers are folded at the side of the Qibla. c) The head is placed side by side with the hands. d) The fingers are clenched. e) All parts of the body are squeezed one to one and to the sublog e) In which position it is less than three times "Subhana Rabiyal a'la".

Three words "Allahu Akbar" legs are folded in knees and straightened right-handed in front of you. The dolons lie on the quilt, the fingers are in a free position.

"Allahakbar""Subhana Rabbiyal a'la". (Sidinnya mizh is called sujuds "jalse").

Another rak'ah is called, so it's the first one.

Judgment has at least three vimoviti "Subhana Rabiyal-a'la" i zі words "Allahu Akbar" get on your feet. Under the hour of getting up, do not look at the earth, and do not collapse with your feet. Vіd pіdlogi vіdnіmaєyutsya vіdnіmaєyut: Forehead, potіm nіs, vіdnіmayutsya lіva, potіm right hand, potіm vіdnіmayutsya lіve kolіno potim pravom.

Standing on your feet after the Fatiha is read, then the Deputy Sura.

Posted by "Allahu Akbar" vіdbuєtsya ruku'u. Under an hour, the hands slightly heal forward. Do not blow your eyes into the air, trychi vimoviti Subhana Rabiyal Azim».

Get up with words "Sami'allahu firth hamidah", eyes to marvel at the place of sujud. With a new twist, say "Rabbana Lakal Hamd".

Earthly corner (sujud)

Not hovering on your feet, go to sujud with words "Allahu Akbar" With whom, put in order: a) To the right of the knee, then to the left, to the right of the bottom, then to the left, to the forehead. b) The fingers are folded at the side of the Qibla. c) The head is placed side by side with the hands. d) The fingers are clenched. e) All parts of the body are squeezed one to one and to the sublog e) In which position it is less than three times "Subhana Rabbiyal a'la".

Three words "Allahu Akbar" legs are folded in knees and straightened right-handed in front of you. The dolons lie on the quilt, the fingers are in a free position. (Sidinnya mizh is called sujuds "jalse")

After a short sitting with words "Allahakbar" drink for another sujud. In this position, the least trich has to be "Subhana Rabbiyal a'la".


Women with sitting (tashahuddi), legs, folded in knees, direct back right-handed to yourself. The fingers on the knees are pressed one to one.

After reading "Attahiyata", "Allahumma barik.."і "Rabbana Atina ..", give blessings (salaam) back to the right "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatula" potim levoruch "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatula"

Send salamu, move "Allahumma antassalam wa minkasalam tabarakta ya zal-jalali wal-ikram". Dali needed to be carried out and, without changing the words, the obov'yazkovy (farz) rankovy prayer. (For that reason, rozmove the sunnah and the farz, if you don’t disturb the prayer, but change the number of sauabiv). How many times will it be necessary to pray Namir for two rak'ahs of the rank prayer: "Mav Namir, for the sake of Allah, raise 2 rak'ahs of this day's rank prayer, which is obov'yazkovym for me, at the Bik Qibli."

After prayer, vimoviti trichi "Astaghfirullah" then read "Ayatul-Kursi"(255 verses of Suri " Bakara”), read 33 tasbih ( Subhanalah), 33 times tahmid ( Alhamdulillah), 33 times takbir ( Allahu Akbar). Let's read “La ilaha ilalah wahdahu la shikalyakh, lyakhul mulku wa lyahul hamdu wa hua ala kulli shayin kadir”. Everyone wants to be quiet. Vimovlyat їkh vocally bіd'at.

Then Dua fights. For which man, hands stretch out on the rib of the breasts, the hands are not guilty, but be bent on the elbows. Yak for namaz Qibla є Ka'ba, for dua Qibla є sky. After the dua is read, the ayat "Subhanarabbika.." and the valleys are carried out according to the guise.

In chotirioh rakatah sunnahs or farzah, it is necessary to stand up after reading another rakatah "attahiyat". At the sunnah prayer, at the third and fourth rak'ahs, the sub-surah after the Fatiha is read. At obov'azkovih (farz) prayers, the third and fourth rak'ahs of the deputy sura are not read. It also reads "Maghrib" namaz, at the third rak'ah zamm-i sura is not read. At prayer in the morning, at all three rak'ahs, after Fatihi, a deputy sura is read. Then we move the takbir, and the hands are lifted to the riven vuh, and put back lower by the navel, then the dua is read "Kunut". In sunnatah gairi muakkada (sunnah asr and first sunnah ishaa namaziv) in the first sydine after Attakhiyat, read also "Allahumma salli.."і "..barik.."

Why does the prayer of women resonate with the prayers of men

Vidminnist in such provisions:

1- When entering before prayer, women raise their hands to the level of their shoulders. Then, folding your arms, do not stink with the fingers of your right hand at the wrist of your left, but put your hands on your chest, raising the palm of your right hand on your left hand.

2- Not zsuvayut legs at once for an hour of transition to the position of the waist bow (rukuu). Less heeling on the hand, slightly bending legs in knees and not virіvnyuyuchi back and head in a horizontal position. Doloni just put on knees, not hoarsely with their fingers.

3- When bowing to the ground (sujud), put your hands on the pidlog at once from the elbows and closer to the stomach. With all the body they press to the stegon and to the pidlog.

4- When sitting (tashahuddi), legs, folded in knees, direct the right-hander back to yourself. The fingers on the knees are pressed one to one.

5- When you are sent to the Almighty Allah (prayer, Dua), rush to open the arms at once and trim them from the frail position in front of the guise.

7- Pong do not read the prayer in a voice. At holy days after obov'yazkovyh (fard) prayers, Tashrik Takbir is silently, to himself.

["Hashiyatu ala-d-Durru-l-Mukhtar", "Reddu'l-Mukhtar ... »].

What is required in order to rozpochat vikonannya prayer

For whom it is necessary to remember and remember from memory in the next sequence:

[¹WAKE UP! When writing Arabic words and religious terms, as well as prayers and ayativ vikoristan letters of the Russian alphabet. Wikoristan transliteration gives only an approximate reading of the Arabic words, but does not reflect the phonetics of the Arabic language. For the correct language, it is necessary to turn for help to the teacher of the Arabic language, and if it is impossible to write audio or video materials].

After promoting the introductory takbir (Allahu Akbar), you need to remember:

1 ) « Subhanaka... ": [i] - "Subhanaka Allahhumma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa Taala jadduka wa la ilaha gairuk" - (Glory to You, my Allah and praise to You, and blessed your name, And there is no other God for You!).

2 ) « A'uzu…BismilLyah…»:

“A'zuzubil Lahi minnash-shaitanir-rajim. BismilLyahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim!” -

(I go to the zahistu of Allah like the accursed (stoned) shaitan. In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful!).

3 ) Sura No. 1 - “ Fatiha»:

“AlhamdulilLyahi Rabbi-l-Alamyin! Ar-Rahmani-r-Rahim! Maliki yauvmiddin. Iyaka na'budu wa yyaka nasta'in. Іhdі-on-with-Sirat-al-Mustakim. Sirat-al-lyazin an 'amta 'alaihim. Gayri-l-magdubi 'aleihim va lyaddaaa-lіїїn'.

— (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Lights! Merciful, Merciful, King on the Day of Judgment. We bow to you and ask you to help us! .

4) One more short sura chi be three verses of similar size.

For example, short suri:

a) “Inna a'tayna kel-kausar. Fasalli Rabbika vankhar. Inna shaniaku huva-l-abtar ". - Verily, Mi gave you generous! Pray to the Lord to your own and kill! Aje hater of yours is vin kutsiy (tailless vine; a man without offspring (Sura 108 - “Kausar”)).

b) “K'yul Huvallahu ahad. Allahu Samad. Lam yalid wa lam yulyad, wa lam yakullahu kufuvan ahad". - Say: “Win ​​- Allah is one, Allah is eternal; not giving birth and not being born, and not being equal to Yomu! (Sura 112 - “Ikhlyas).

It is also necessary to remember and remember in prayer:

  1. At the Belt Bow (Ruku'u) trichі vimoviti: "Subhana Rabі-al-Azim"

(Glory to my Lord the Great!).

  1. During the Bowing to the Earth (sujud) trichi vimoviti: "Subhana Rabi-al-A'lya"

(Glory to my Lord the Greatest!).

  1. When sitting at prayer:

a) « At-Tahiyyatu…” — “At-tahiyyatu lilLyahi vassalyavatu vattaibat. As-salamu aleytsi ayyuhanabiya rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Assalamu alayna wa alaaa 'ibadіLlahі-s-salihіyn. Ashhadu allaaa ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abdu-Khu wa rasulukh ”- (Greetings to Allah and prayers and best words. Peace be upon you about the prophet and mercy, and blessings of Allah. Peace be upon us and the righteous servants of Allah! that Muhammad Yogo is a slave and Yogo is a messenger).

b) « Allahumma salli…»:

“Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammad kema sallayaita 'ala Ibrahim wa 'ala ali Ibrahim inaka Hamidun, Majid" -

- (O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, like having blessed Ty Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Truly, You are Worthy, Glorious!).

in) « Allahuma barik…»:

"Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammad kema baraktu 'ala Ibrahim wa 'ala ali Ibrahim inaka Hamidun Majid" -

(O Allah! Give kindness to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as if giving goodness to You to Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Truly You are Worthy, Glorious!).

G) « Rabbana atinaa …»:

“Rabbanaa atinaa fiddunyaa hasanatan va fі-l-akhirati hasanatan va kina azab-an-nar” - “Our Lord! Grant us goodness in our near life, and in sweat, and protect us from the fire.” (2:201)

d) « Rabbanagfirli…»

"Rabbanagfirli va livalidaya va lil mu'minina yauma yakumul-hisaab".

- (Our Lord, forgive us on the Day of Judgment. Probach is also my mother, my father and all believers).

f) "As-salamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah"- (Holy to you is that mercy of Allah)

[i] The hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) says: “The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon you) uttered a prayer after the introductory takbir to the glorifications: “Subhanaka…”.

[Tirmizi - Salat 179 (243); Abu Dawud - Salat 122 (776); Іbnu Maja - Іkamatі-s-Salyat 1 (804)].

In the hadith of Ibnu Mas'ud, it is narrated: “The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon you) having punished us: “If any of you zdiisnuє Explanation Uklin (ruku'u), let him say three times: “Subhana Rabbi-al-Azim.” І tse least quantity. When you make the Earthly Bow (sujudah), let it be said so trichi: "Subhana Rabi-al-A'lya." It’s just not enough.”

[Abu Dawud - Salat 154 (886); Tirmizi – Salat 194 (261)]

Prayer is one of the obligations of the language of the Islamic religion. Yogo maє vykonuvati kozhen is a true believer. Prayer strengthens the mind, calms the soul, and cleanses the mind. Namaz is a fivefold prayer, as it helps Muslims to turn to the Lord and cope with important situations. Ale, to read namaz correctly, it is necessary to follow the current rules and vikonuvat namaz song hour day and night.

Name the hour of prayer

Leather prayer includes sprats of rakats, sequences of diy. The stench is composed of reading the verses of the Qur'an in a standing position and two kinds of bows: a belt and the earth.

  • Rank prayer is called Fajr and consists of two rak'ahs. It is counted from the moment when the first signs of the Svitanka appeared, and until the rest of the sun. Namaz is prayed, if the sun starts to come out from behind the line of the horizon.
  • Obidniy - Zuhr - 4 rak'ahs. Starts after a sprat of whilin after noon.
  • Afternoon - Asr - 4 rakats. Zdіysnyuєtsya for a couple of years before sunset. It is important to finish praying before the sun disappears beyond the horizon line.
  • Vechirniy - Maghreb - 3 rakats. Vikonuetsya in the wake of the fact that the sun has gone down, and yet more, the docks did not rise in the evening.
  • Night - Isha - 4 rakats. Rush late in the evening. An hour for prayer - until the very Svitanka. However, it is better not to call and perform prayers at the hour.

Krim of the main diy, є bazhan namaz, for vikonnannya such Allah wine to make believers. Pochatkivtsy, obviously, I’ll have enough time to remember the main part of the ritual and call before the regular schedule of five times prayer. And then, after that, as you see it to the sound, it’s best to add another sunnat prayer.

Preparing for prayer

Before Tim, as a prayer of prayer, it is necessary:

  • Purify the body: do a little washing, voodoo. For the consumption of a believer, you can make a ghusl.
  • Dress up in a clean and ohayny robe: Muslim women are guilty of covering the awra, but the stench can not hide their appearance, feet and hands. With whom hair can be buried under clothes. There is no need for people to turn their heads.
  • Dorimati the hour of the next prayer.
  • Turn to the qibla, the shrine of the Kaaba, which is in Saudi Arabia, Mecca.
  • Lay out a prayer kilimok, a clean towel, otherwise it was stretched.
  • Get into a pose. The women are to blame to stand straight, the legs are known at once, and the hands are the height of the coat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, freely lower your hands, and look straight ahead.
  • Thoughts to hang namir at the heart, read namaz. The skin of a Muslim is guilty of zі shirіstyu and pogogo to start such an important right and z povno vіdpovidalnіstyu come to us zdіysnyuvat namaz for the pleasure of the Almighty Lord.

Just like all the fortune-telling points of vikonan, the believer can proceed to prayer.

How to read namaz correctly

As soon as we think thoughts, then everything else - introductory takbir, dua, suri to the Koran, is promoted in a voice. Neobov'yazkovo in a loud voice, whispers are possible, even if the situation does not take place, it will be completely unanimous.

  1. From the position, in a standing position, raise the palms of your hands to your shoulders and sing out loud the viraz “Allah Akbar!”. Tse i will be the entering takbir. Follow the awrah: the sleeves are not guilty to go down. Otherwise, prayer will not be performed.
  2. Fold your arms across your chest. I'll give the right to the beast. Read Surah Al-Fatiha.
  3. Lean down to the waist. Remember, the men of guilt bow down below the women, and it is necessary to look down on your feet. Put your hands on your knees, but don't slander them.
  4. Turn to the cob pose.
  5. Explore the earthly angle and wash the phrase “Allahu Akbar” at once. For whom, to fall on a knee, then to lean on the valleys and volks and to touch the earth with your nose and neck. With whom, stick your fingers down to the ground.
  6. With these very words, go to the seated camp and say the phrase “Subhanallah”.
  7. I’ll start working on the earth again and at the same time wash the phrase “Allahu Akbar”.
  8. Turn around at the exit position in order to raise another rak'ah.
  1. Reply, like on the very cob, from the reading of Surah Al-Fahita. You can choose the words of dhikr, read yakus a small sura.
  2. Now to build a corner at the waist and into the ground, like it was at the first rak'ah.
  3. Sit down on your feet so that your legs are on your knees, and your offended legs are flared right-handed. In this rank, you will not sit on your feet, but on a pidlog. In this position, say Dua Attahiyat. After that, as you pray the Fajr prayer, promo the end of the prayer.

If you read a prayer, which consists of three, four rakats, then after the dua, remember the position: rise, stand up straight and raise the feet of the rakats. Then Muslims can turn to the Almighty Allah in a free form, be it my own with blessings and prohanny about the special officer. The Lord obov'azkovo will feel you after prayers for help.

22:12 2014

The Messenger of Allah (Hai Allah bless you and wita) said: “Pray, for they were praying for me to pray.”(Bukhara)

Below we have selected for you the initial video that report description the whole prayer from the cob to the end. Bring this material to the Muslims.

Briefly start prayer. For those who want to learn, but don't know why.

The skin of a Muslim is guilty of the nobility, who accepts yoga by Allah Almighty to lie in the wake of his advancing two minds: First, later, may be more generous and less for the sake of Allah Almighty. In case of this, zdiyasnyuuch tse diyannya, a Muslim is guilty of fearing only Allah, loving Yogo the most and relying less on Yogo's mercy. In a different way, a Muslim is guilty of zdіysnyuvati those chi іnshe deіyannya so itself, like yogo repairing the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon you, that bless Allah, tobto. vodpovidno to yoga Sunnah.

It is the day of one of these minds to rob the rite of worship to the undying, whether it be prayer, washing, pist, zakat, etc. To that, pragnuchi put an end to razbіzhnosti and incomprehensible, pov'yazam with prayer and cleansing, we especially spiraled when writing tsієї statti on the ayat of the Holy Quran that authentic hadith is the messenger of Allah, peace be upon you, that blessing of Allah.


1. People, as they manage natural needs, are guilty of choosing such a place, where people could not її bachit, could not slightly sound at the hour of sight of gases and smell the smell of excrement.

2. Bazhano in front of the entrance to the toilet, read the following words: “Allahumma inn a’uzu bika mina-l-hubusi va-l-habais!” (“O Allah! I give myself up to You in the form of vile devils of a human being and a woman’s status!”).

3. A person, as a rule of nature, is not guilty of any of them, to speak words of welcome and to respond to someone’s call without the need.

4. A person, as if overpowering natural needs, is not guilty of turning her back to the sacred Kaabi.

5. It is necessary to carry excrement (feces and cuts) on the body and clothes.

6. It is necessary to uniquely manage the natural needs of the places where people walk around.

7. A person is not guilty of correcting natural needs by stagnant water, or by the water, bathing in it.

8. It is not necessary to start cutting while standing. Tse it is possible to work less for the obviousness of two minds:

a. yakscho є vpevnіnіst in that, scho not to spend on the body chi robes;

b. like a person is enthralled, that no one can shake the rubbish of the stingy mischief.

9. It is necessary to clean the offense by passing it with water, or with stones, paper, etc. However, purification with water is the best.

10. It is necessary to cleanse insults with your left hand.

11. After leaving the toilet, bazhano remember the following words: "Gufranak!" (“I ask for your forgiveness, Lord!”)

12. Bazhano enter the toilet from the left leg and exit from the new one from the right.


Almighty Allah said: “O you who believed! If you stand up for prayer, then press your face and your hands to your lips, wipe your heads and press your feet to the ankles” (al-Maida, 6).

Wash the innocence of a small obmivannya

Lyudina, as a small omit, is guilty:

1. be a Muslim;

2. be povnolіtnіm (at the thought of some scientists);

3. do not be mentally ill;

4. mothers with clean water;

5. mother namіr robiti small obmivannya;

6. see everything that causes water to get on the washing organs (farba, lacquer, etc.), and also, if there is less washing, do not dry out a part of the washing organs;

7. cleanse the body from impurities;

8. look at the kalu and section.

Dії, yakі to shy small washing of the undying

1. Excrement that comes out of the anterior and anus, such as slashing, feces, sik in front of the follicle, gas, bleeding thinly.

2. deep sleep what a waste of information.

3. Vzhivannya in zhu camel.

4. Bezposrednіy dotik to the organ of the state or anal opening (at the thought of the judges).

Dії, yakі not to shy away the small washing of the undying

1. Everything that is seen from the body of a person, behind a little excrement, that comes out of the back and front passages.

2. Dotik to the woman.

3. Vzhivannya їzhi, cooked on the fire.

4. Summing up the truth of a small wash.

5. Smіh chi regіt.

6. Dotik to the dead.

8. Drowsiness.

9. Dotik to sewage. (Dotorknuvshis to sewage to milk the snake with water).

The procedure for introducing a small obmivannya

A person, like a small bath, is guilty in the soul of trying to do yoga. However, it is not necessary to shout out loud to us, for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon you of Allah, not to shout loudly to us before washing, praying, and worshiping other rites. Little by little, it is necessary to remember: "Bi-smі-llah!" (“For the names of Allah!”). Let's sweat three times and remember the hands. Then, it is necessary to rinse your mouth and nose and three times, to look like one in the ear until the last and in the month of hair growth until the end of the slit (or beard). Then let's try to avoid hurtful hands from the tips of the fingers to the licks, inclusive, starting from the right hand. Then we need to wet the palms and wipe our heads with them. Wiping your head, it is necessary to run your hands over it from the end of the chola to the cob, and then straight ahead at the turn. Then, it is necessary to insert the fingers of your hands near the ear, open it and rub the outer ring with your great fingers. Then it is necessary to move the legs from the tips of the fingers to the ankles inclusive, starting from the right leg. It is necessary to remember the pats between the fingers and give respect to the fact that the water has reached the feet. After the end of the day, the bathing of the bazhano remembrance: “Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la kulki lyakh, va-ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa-rasulukh, allahumma-j'alni mina-t-tavvabina wa-j'alni mina-l! "("I swear that there are no deities, the crim of the only Allah, who has no comrades, and I swear that Muhammad is Yogo's slave and messenger! O Allah!


Vipadki, for yaki Velek obmivannya staє obov'yazykovym

1. After the statutory extortion (navit yakscho not vydbulosya sim'yaviporskuvannya), as well as after the polutsiy or sim'yaviporskuvannya, which happened as a result of biased cravings.

2. After the end of menstruation and post-mortem bleeding.

3. For the purpose of the Friday prayer.

4. After death: next embrace a dead Muslim, as if he were not a martyr, we will lay down on the path of Allah.

5. When accepting Islam.

Vipadki, for some great obmivannya є bazhanim

1. Great is the washing of the people who washed the sky.

2. Before entering at the camp іkhromu for zdіysnennya hajju chi die, as well as before entering Mecca.

3. To re-enter before the statute act.

4. Zhіntsi, scho may khronіchnі bleeding, babzhan robit big obmivannya before the skin prayer.

The order of the creation of the great obmivannya

After that, as a person can nurture a great obmivannya, he is guilty of vimovit: “Bi-smі-l-lyakh!” (“For the Names of Allah!”) And keep your hands on your hands. Then we are to blame for the state organs and the anal opening, and then we add a little washing. Then it is necessary to shed water on the head, rozchisuyuchi with his hair with his hands, so that the water reaches the roots of the hair. We need to remember all the parts of the body that have been lost. Let's remember the next three feet. (So ​​having repaired the great obmivannya the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon you, the blessing of Allah).

If a medical bandage or gypsum is applied to any organ of the body, then, if the babies are small or large, it is necessary to imitate healthy bodies of the body, and wipe the bandage or gypsum with a wet hand. As if wiping the bandage with a wet hand, or the gypsum will harm the damaged organ, then in the same vein, it will follow the squealing.


Washing with squeak is allowed to be done, for example:

1. water is daily, otherwise it is not enough for the initiation of a small or a great washing;

2. if the sickness of a person is wounded, they are afraid that after a small or a great wash, one’s camp will be hurt, or one’s sickness will continue;

3. it’s already cold, and a person can’t win water for a small or a big wash (pіdіrіti, etc.) and be afraid that the water will be a waste of time;

4. water little and more than enough for drinking, preparing it for other necessary purposes;

5. it’s impossible to reach the water, for example, like a thief, or a creature’s hut does not give the opportunity to get close to the water, or like a person is afraid for their life, honor, or mine, or like a thief in a wounded, or like that, it’s not possible to draw water from clinics, etc.

Dії, yakі roam the bathing with undying piss

Everything that robs small and great is washed by the undying, about which it was said earlier, to work by the undying and the great is washed. As soon as the water was washed with squeak, otherwise it became possible to beat it, then the squeak was also unrealistic. Lyudina, as if she had performed the prayer after that, as if the wine had been washed with a squeak, she is not guilty of a new prayer, because she knows the water. The end of the term tієї chi іnshої namaz to rob the obmivannya with the undying squeak.

The procedure for setting up squeaking

After that, as a person may want to sing, he is guilty of vimovity: “Bi-smі-l-lyakh!” (“For the Names of Allah!”), and then once we put the dolons on the plate, lined for washing with squeak. Then we need to clean the valleys from the sand, blowing on them, or splashing them one on one. Let's wipe the next line with palms and hands.

Blowing with a squeak is allowed to sound only with a clean squeak, or with speeches similar to it.

It is not possible to work with a squeak for the presence of water, the shards should supersede Shariah, and in this way of thorough prayer, it is not necessary to pray. That is why it is not possible to wash the water with a squeak for the obviousness of the water, to bring the hour of prayer to the end of the day: it is necessary to do a little or a big wash with water, and then we will start the prayer.


Almighty Allah said: “And it was punished for him to bow down to Allah, serving him generously, like monotheists, pray and pay zakat. Vera is right” (al-Bayina, 98:5).

Malik ibn al-Khuwayris, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, recognizing that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, saying: “Say the prayer as I pray.”

Wash, necessary for the prayer

Prayer of goiter and zdіysnyuvati the skin of a full-fledged Muslim, who is in a healthy mind. For the purpose of prayer, the presence of advancing minds is necessary:

1. cleansing, tobto. it is necessary to grow small (or else it is necessary, great) washing, but I will replace it with a squeak, as it is necessary;

2. zdіysnyuvat namaz at strictly appointed youmu hour;

3. the body and clothes of the one who prays, as well as the place of the prayer of the guilty, but cleansed from filth;

4. covering parts of the body, as a shariat punishment, cover the hour of the prayer;

5. Animals near the sacred Kaabi.

6. namir (at the soul) to work that chi and other prayer.

Dії, like to shy away the prayer of the undying

1. Virovidstupnitstvo (God save us Almighty Allah for all!);

2. navmisne nevikonannya, be it a stupa, obov'yazkovo ї dії chi wash prayer;

3. to navmislyat the words that dії, that they do not bring before prayer;

4. navmisno add zayvі explain chi earthly bow, standing chi sidinnya;

5. Navmisne creation of sounds of chi words, chi change the order of verses under the hour of reading koranіch suras, shards should supersede the order, to whom Allah sent tribute suri;

6. navmisna hedgehog drink;

7. smіh chi smіkh (become a chuckle);

8. navmisne remembrance of stovpiv and obov'yazkovyh zikrіv, which are moved during the hour of prayer in the soul, not collapsing with my prayer;

9. Significance of the water after washing with a squeak.

Dії, infliction of such nebazhane under the hour of prayer

1. marvel at the mountain;

2. for no reason to turn your head ubik;

3. marvel at the speech, as if they speak in prayer;

4. put your hands on your belt;

5. put the lectures on the ground for an hour of prostration;

6. flatten your eyes;

7. For no reason, zayvi ruhi, so as not to shy away the prayer of the undying (shout, hitatisya, etc.);

8. robiti prayer, as already served;

10. get up for prayer, streaming the slash, kal chi gasi;

11. Zdiyasnyuvat namaz, having rolled up the sleeves of the jacket and shirt;

12. zdіysnyuvati namaz іz vіdkritimi shoulder;

13. perform namaz in odeas from the images of living things (creatures, people are skinny), and also perform namaz on similar images, or turn to them with their faces;

14. do not put your own crosscode;

15. vivolyat namіr robiti namaz tongue;

16. do not bend your back and arms when making bows;

17. not virіvnyuvannya ranks of those praying and the presence in the ranks of the uncompleted mіsts pіd hour of the group prayer;

18. close the head strongly to the knee and press the elbows to the coat for the hour of prostration;

19. viperedzhati imam pіd hour zdіysnennya group prayer;

20. Reading the Quran for the hour of explanatory prostration;

21. Start praying prayerfully at the mosque for one and the same place.

Mіstsya, in which zdіysnyuvat namaz are hindered

1. defiled place;

2. on the zvintari, and also on the grave, or turning back to the faces before it (vinyatok to make a funeral prayer);

3. near the bathroom and toilets;

4. at the place of the camel's teeth, or at the camel's paddock.


"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 4 times;

"Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa-l-lah!" (“I will witness that there are no deities, the Crimea of ​​Allah!”) - 2 times;

"Ashkhadu anna Muhammad-r-rasulu-l-lah" ("I will confirm that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!") - 2 times;

Haya Ala-s-salaah! (“Hurry up for prayer!”) - 2 times;

Haya ala-l-falyah! (“Hurry up to success!”) - 2 times;


"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 2 times;

"Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa-l-lah!" (“I will witness that there are no deities, the Crimea of ​​Allah!”) - 1 time;

"Ashhadu anna Muhammada-r-rasulu-l-lah" ("I will confirm that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!") - 1 time;

Haya Ala-s-salaah! (“Hurry up for prayer!”) - 1 time;

Haya ala-l-falyah! (“Hurry up to success!”) - 1 time;

“Kad kamati-z-salakh!” (“Namaz has already begun!”) - 2 times;

"Allahu Akbar!" (“Allah is great!”) - 2 times;

“La ilaha illya-l-lah” (“No deities, Crimea of ​​Allah!”) - 1 time.


A person who prays prayer is guilty with all his body to turn to the sacred Kaabi, which is found in Mezzi. Let's sweat vin maє namir at the soul to grow that chi іnshiy prayer. We are guilty of guilt, raising our hands on equal shoulders, or vuh, remembrance: Alahu akbar! (“Allah is great!”). Tsey pochatkovy takbir is called the Arabic “takbirat al-ihram” (lit. “fenced takbir”), shards after yogo vimovi people, as they began to zdiyasnyuvat namaz, deaks dey are hindered, as if the posture is allowed by namaz (rove, etc.). ). Then I am guilty of laying the palm of my right hand on my left hand and placing my offending hands on my chest. Then let us begin the prayer: “Subhanaka-llahumma va bі-hamdika va tabaraka-smuka va ta’ala jadduka va la ilaha gairuk!” (“Pure Thee, O Allah! Praise be to Thee! Blessed be Thy name! Thy great temple!

Let's sweat to the one who prays, we are guilty of vimoviti: "A'uzu bі-l-lyakhi mina-sh-sheitani-r-rajim!" (“I go to Allah in the face of the accursed Satan!”) Potim vin is guilty of reading the sura “al-Fatiha” (“Revealing the Koran”):


1. “Al-hamdu lі-lehi rabbi-l-alamin!”

2. "Ar-rahmani-r-rahim!"

3. "Malіki yaumі-d-din!"

4. "Iyaka na'budu wa yyaka nasta'in!"

5. “Ikhdina-z-sirata-l-mustagim!”

6. "Sirata-l-lyazina an'amta aleihim!"

7. “Gayri-l-magdubі aleihim va la-d-dallin!”

(“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

1. Praise be to Allah, Lord of Lights,

2. Gracious, Merciful,

3. Volodar of the Day of Payment!

4. We worship you alone, and we pray to you alone for help.

5. Lead us in a straight path,

6. the path is quiet, whom you have blessed,

7. not quiet, on whom they fell into anger, and they did not go astray").

Potim vin is guilty to say: "Amen!" (“Lord! In our prayers!”). Potim vin is guilty of reading whether the sura (abo suri) of the Koran, yaku vin know to remember.

Then I am guilty of raising my hands on equal shoulders and, mimicking the words: "Allahu akbar!" Bazhano, sob vіn prostav back and head in parallel to the pіdlogi and laying the palms on the knees of the cup, raising the fingers of the hands. Perebuvayusche in a waist bow, vіn trichі is guilty of vimoviti: “Subhana rabbia-l-azim!” (“Holy is my great Lord!”) Bazhano add to the first word: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma rabbana va bi-hamdik! Allahumma-gfirli! (“Pure Ty, O Allah, our Lord! Praise be to You! O Allah! Probach me!”).

Potim vіn may rise from the waist bow. Rising, vin is guilty of vimoviti: “Sami'a-l-lahu estuary hamidah!” (“Let Allah smell the one who wagged Yogo!”) and raise your hands on equal shoulders. After standing up, vin is guilty to say: Rabbana wa-laka-l-hamd! (“Our Lord! Praise be to You!”) or: “Rabbana wa laka-l-hamdu hamdan kasiran tayiban mubarakan fih, mil'a-s-samavatі va-mil'a-l-ardi wa-mila ma shi' ta min shi'in ba'd!"

Let's sweat vin maє zі humility before Allah and pogogo to the new earthly slope. Going down, vin is guilty of vimoviti: "Allahu akbar!". Zdiysnyuyuchi earthly slope, guilt is guilty of laying on the ground forehead and nis, hurting the shoulders, hurting the knee and the toes of the fingers of both legs, in the distance of the lungs in the tub and do not put them on the ground, point the fingertips of the hands in the bik of Mecca, indokremiti one knee in one 'Just stop nig. To whom the position of the wines may trichi vimoviti: "Subhana rabbiya-l-a'lya!" (“Most pure my Vishish Lord!”) Bazhano add to the first word: “Subhanaka-l-lahumma rabbana va bi-hamdik! Allahumma-ghfir!”

Potim vin is guilty of raising his head from the earthly bow, seeming with whom Allah akbar! If you are guilty of sitting on your left foot, put your right foot vertically, pointing the fingers of your right foot to the beak of the Kaabi, put your right palm on the right quiltedly, opening it with your fingers, and lay the lion flank just like that on the left quilted. Perebuvayuschie in this position, vin is guilty of vimoviti: “Rabbi-gfir chi, va-rhamni, va-hdіni, va-rzukni, va-jburni, va-afіnі!” (“Lord! Vibach me! Have mercy on me! Step me on a straight path! Grant me a recession! Correct me! Make me healthy!”) But he is guilty of saying: “Che slave-gfir! Rabbi-gfir!” (“Lord, vibach me! Lord, forgive me!”)

Let's be guilty of humility before Allah and lead to New and with the words "Allahu Akbar!" create another earthly angle the same way, as if you created the first one, moving along with your own words. On which ends the first cancer of namatu. Potim vin is guilty of standing on his feet, vimovlyayuchi with whom "Allahu akbar!" Having risen, he is guilty of growing in another rak'aty everything that he has grown guilty from the first one, for a wink of introductory prayer. Having completed another rak’at, vin maє zі with the words “Allahu akbar!” raise your head from the bow of the earth and sit like that, as if sitting between two earthly bows, but you are guilty of pressing the ring finger and little finger of your right hand to the arm, the middle one great finger, and send your request to Bik Kaabi. Win maє read the prayers "Tashakhhud", "Salyavat" and "Isti'aza".

Tashakhhud: “At-tahiyyatu lі-lekhi wa-z-salavatu va-t-tayyibat! As-salamu aleyka eyyuha-n-nabiyyu wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh! As-salamu aleyna wa ala ibadi-llahi-s-salihin! Ashkhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, wa-ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulukh! (“All vіtannya is to Allah, all prayers are those righteous days! Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah is Yogo blessed! Peace be upon us and all the righteous servants of Allah! slave and messenger!")

Salavat: “Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama salleyta ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim! Innaka hamidun majid! Barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kama baraktu ala Ibrahim wa ala ali Ibrahim! Innaka hamidun majid! (“O Allah! They praised Muhammad ta yogo rd so itself, as if you praised Ibrahim ta yogo rd! Verily, You are worthy, glorious! praiseworthy, glorious!")

Istia’za: “Allahumma ini a’uzu bika min azabi-l-kabr, wa min azabi jahannam, wa min fitnati-l-makhya wa-l-mamat, wa min sharri fitnati-l-masihi-d-dajjal!” (“O Allah! Verily, I go before You in the torment at the grave, and in the torment in hell, and in peace for life and after death, and in the peace of the Antichrist!”)

If you ask for a wine, you can ask Allah if it’s good for the worldly, so it’s good for you. Potim vin is guilty to turn his head to the right and say: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatu-l-lah!” (“Light be upon you and the mercy of Allah!”) Pom vіn is guilty just like that, turn your head to the left hand and say it yourself.

If the prayer is composed of three or four rak’ativ, then we are guilty of reading “Tashakhhud” until the words: “Ashkhadu alla ilaha ila-llah, ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu va-rasulukh!”, And then with the words “Allahu akbar!” get on your feet and raise your hands to the level of your shoulders. Then we are guilty of rak'ati namaz as it is, as if we had created another rak'at, with less difference, that in the coming rak'ats it is not necessary to read the sura after the suri "al-Fatiha". Having completed the rest of the rak'ah, the one who prays is guilty of the system like before, as if he had sat earlier, with this less margin, he is guilty of laying the foot of his left foot under the right homilka and sitting on the seat. Then I’m guilty of reading the entire “Tashahhud” until the end, turning my head right-handed and left-handed, say offendedly: “As-salamu alaikum wa-rahmatu-llah!”.

ZIKRI who pray

3 times: "Astaghfiru-llah!" (“I ask Allah for forgiveness!”)

“Allahumma anta-z-salamu wa minka-z-salaam! Tabarakta ya for-l-jalali va-l-ikram! (“O Allah! Ty is peace, and I see peace to You! Blessed Ty, O She Who can be great and magnanimous!”)

“La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la kulki lyah, lahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-hamdu wa huva ala kuli shiy'in kadir! Allahhumma la mani'a lima a'tait, wa la mu'tiya lima mana't, wa la yanfa'u za-l-jaddi minka-l-jadd!" (“There is no deity, the only Allah, there are no comrades! He has power and praise! Vіn building for every richness! O Allah! "Bazhaesh! O great Volodar! Do not lie to anyone, this greatness is in your sight!")

“La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la kulki lyakh, lahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu wa huva ala kulli shiy'in kadir! La howla wa la kuvvata illya bі-llah! La ilaha illa-llahu wa la na'budu illa yyah! Lahu-n-nі'matu wa-lyahu-l-fadlu wa-lyahu-z-sana'u-l-hasan! La ilaha illa-llahu mukhlisina lahu-d-dina wa lau karikha-l-kafirun!” (“There is no deity, the crim of Allah alone, Yakoy has no comrades! He has power and praise! Vіn building for every richness! "Yomu be blessed, bestiality and beautiful praise! There is no deity, the cream of Allah! We worship only Yom alone, to inspire it is not befitting the unbelievable!")

33 times: "Subhana-llah!" ("Pure Allah!")

33 times: "Al-hamdu li-llah!" ("Praise be to Allah!")

33 times: "Allahu Akbar!" ("Allah is great!")

І for example 1 time: “La ilaha illya-l-lahu wahdahu la sacks lyakh, lyahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu wa-huva ala kulli shiy’in kadir!” (“There is no deity, the only God, who has no comrades! He deserves power and praise! The wine of the building, be it rich!”)

Bazhano read after the skin prayer “Ayat al-Kursi” (“Ayat about the Throne”): “Allahu la ilaha illya huva-l-hayyu-l-kayyum, la ta’huzuhu sinatun wa la naum, lahu ma fі-s-samavatі wa ma fі-l-ard, man za-l-lyazi yashfa'u indahu illa bі-znіkh, ya'lamu ma beyna eidihim va ma halfahum, va la yuhіtuna bі shey'іn min іlmіkhi іllа bі-ma sha, vasi' and kursіyyuhu-z-samavatі va-l-arda va-la ya'uduhu hіfzuhuma, va-huva-l-alіyyu-l-azim! (“Allah is not a deity, the Crem of the New, the Living, the Almighty. We can’t resist neither drowsiness, nor a dream. You should lay down those who are in heaven, and those who are on earth. Who will intercede before Him without Yogo? the future and the past, even as the stench touches Yogo's knowledge, only those that Vіn zabazhaє, Yogo Throne (lower Throne) embrace heaven and earth, and do not tighten Yogo's guardian їх. 255). Tim for an hour, whoever reads the prayer after the ayat, and we stand more than death.

Bazhano also read after prayer the sura “al-Ikhlas” (Shirist): “Bi-smі-llahі-r-rahmani-r-rahim! Kul huva-llahu ahad! Allahu-z-samad! Lam yalid wa lam yulyad! Wa lam yaku-l-lahu kufuvan ahad! (“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Say: “Vin is the One Allah, Allah is Self-sufficient. Vin is not born and not a nation, and there is no equal Yomu””).

Sura "al-Falyak" ("Svitanok"): "Bi-smі-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim!" Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-l-falyak! Min sharri ma halyak! min sharri gasikin z wakab! Wa min sharri-n-nafasati fі-l-ukad! I have min sharri hasidin iz hasad! ”(“ In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Say: “I give in to the Lord’s christian svitanka in the face of the evil that I created, in the form of evil trouble, on the vuzli, from the evil of the zadrіsnik, what to zazdrit the wines "").

Sura an-Nas (People): Bі-smі-llahi-r-rahmanі-r-rahim! Kul a'uzu bi-rabbi-n-us! Maliki-n-us! Ilyahi-n-us! Min sharri-l-vasvasi-l-hannas! Al-lyazі yuvasvіu fі suduri-n-us! Mina-l-jinnati va-n-us!” (“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Say: “I go to the zahist of the Lord of people, the King of people, the God of people, in the face of the evil of a companion I enter (or squeeze) in the presence of Allah, who sings in the breasts of people and bova z jiniv that people ””)).

10 times to repeat the song after the Svitank and Zahid prayers: “La ilaha illya-l-lahu wahdakhu la kulki lyakh, lyahu-l-mulku wa-lyahu-l-hamdu yuhyi va-yumit, wa-huva ala kulli shey’in kadir!” (“There is no deity, the only God, I have no comrades! He deserves power and praise! Vіn gives life and death! Vіn building for every river!”)

Bazhano also prays after the Svitanka prayer: “Allahumma inn as’aluka ilman nafi’a, va rizkan tayiba, wa amalyan mutakabbala!” (“O Allah! I ask You for a good knowledge, a wonderful share and a day, for You to accept!”)

For help, as a person, we conducted a dialogue with the All-Vesish. Reading її, a Muslim vіddaє danina voddanostі Allah. Initiation of prayer and obov'yazkovim for all believers. Without a new person, we make a connection with God, rob sin, for which, according to the canons of Islam, there will be severe punishments on the Day of Judgment.

It is necessary to read namaz five times for doba in the interims for the new hour. If a person didn’t know, what if she didn’t get busy, pray out of the goiter to zdіyzniti. Particularly respectful Fajr, as Muslims call him, has great strength. Yogo vikonannya is equally prayerful, like a person would read all the night.

What is the hour to pray the ranking prayer?

Vikonuvat fajr-prayer should be done early, if there is a smug on the horizon, and the sun has not yet risen. Itself in this interval of time, the right Muslims pray to Allah. Bazhano, that the person started the sacred action 20-30 minutes before sundown. In Muslim countries, people can follow the azan, which comes from the mosque. People, like living in other places, folding. How to recognize, if it is necessary to vikonuvat fajr prayer? The hour of this day can be assigned to a special calendar or a layout, which is called a sign.

Deyakі Moslems vikoristovuyut for tsogo mobile program, for example "Hour of prayer ® Muslim Toolbox". It will help you to recognize, if it is necessary to say a prayer, and to appoint someone who knows the sacred Kaaba.

Behind the polar stake, de day and nothing is done more, lower, obviously, people are more inclined by the hour, at some next prayer. Fajr, however, is necessary. Muslims recommend focusing on the hour at Mezzi or in the adjacent countryside, the change of day and night follows the great rhythm. The rest option is shorter.

What gives the power of Fajr prayer?

People who regularly pray to Allah until the next sun will show more patience and true faith. Aje, for the sake of the fajr, it is necessary to wake up until the day of the day, and not sleep a sweet sleep, relying on the shaitan's influence. Tse first test, as if preparing people for wounds, and it was necessary to go through it properly.

People, yakі do not succumb to shaitan, yakі read namaz every hour, All-Vishishniy is protected from negativity and problems right up to the coming day. In addition, the stink to achieve success in eternal life, even if you do not pray for everyone, will be healed on the Day of Judgment.

This prayer in Islam has great power, the angels of the night instructed the people to know the angels of the night, which are passing, and the coming day, as they respectfully watch over him. Allah then sleeps with them, which the Yogo slave did. The angels of the night will give evidence that, while walking, they were chasing Yogo, that they should pray, and the angels of the coming day will say that they also caught Yogo at prayer.

History of tsukrіv, scho zrobili rankovy prayer against usom

Fajr vimaga unskilled dotrimannya, even if bi yakі obstavini folded in life. In those distant hours, when the prophet Mohammed was still alive, people performed just deeds in their faith. The stinks vikonuval namaz popri all.

Sahabis, companions of the messenger of the Almighty, beat the rank fajr, being wounded. A misfortune could not help them. So, the prominent sovereign fiend Umar ibn al-Khattab, reciting a prayer, spitting blood after a new swing. Win and without thinking, move into the service of Allah.

And the companion of the Prophet Muhammad Abbad was struck by an arrow in his prayer. Vіn vityag її zі svogo tіla i continued to pray. The enemy streaked at the new cheek of the fish, but the ale did not ring out Abbad.

Sadu ibn Rabі, who had also taken off the gravely wounded, died, zdiyasnyuchi namaz at the name, specially appointed for the sacred action.

Preparing for prayer: washing

Prayer in Islam requires singing preparation. The first step is to step over to any kind of prayer, chi then fajr, zuhr, asr, maghrib chi isha, a Muslim is punished with ritual washing. In Islam, voodoo is called.

A right-wing Muslim holds out his hands (penzl), disguise, pester his mouth and nіs. To skin the skin of the vins to rob the trichs. Then the believer washed the skin of the hand to the elbow with water: on the right hand, then on the left. The next time you rub your head. With a bare hand, a Muslim is to carry out on nіy vіd chola to politsi. Daly vin wipe the ear in the middle of that ring. Having washed his feet to the ankles, the believer should complete the washing with the words of remembrance of Allah.

At the beginning of the hour of zdiyasnennya namaz, Islam is punishing people with obov'yazkovo to cover the body from the navel to the knee. Rules for women suvorishi. Vaughn can be completely covered. Vignatkom є less than a denunciation of those hands. At the same time, it is not possible to dress a tight-fitting or brudny robe. The body of a person, її vbrannya that place of zdіysnennya prayer may be clean. Likewise, voodoo is not enough, it is necessary to work on the outside of the body (ghusl).

Fajr: rak'ahs and terms

Leather from five prayers is folded into rakats. This is the name of one cycle of prayer, which is repeated for two to four times. Kіlkіst lie down in order, which is the same prayer to rob a Muslim. Leather rakat includes the following sequence. Fallow in the sight of prayer, you can change.

Let's look at what the fajr is made up of, how many rakativ follow the vikonati to the believer and how to work correctly. Rank prayer consists of two consecutive cycles of prayer.

Deyakі dії, scho enter before them, mayyut specific names, scho came to us from the Arabic language. Below is a list of the most necessary to understand, if you know how to believe:

  • niyat - namir zdiisniti namaz;
  • takbir - the exaltation of Allah (the words "Allahu Akbar", which means "Allah the Great");
  • qiyam - perebuvannya at the standing position;
  • sajda - uklinna pose or earthly uklin;
  • Dua - prayer;
  • taslіm - vіtannya, the final part of the prayer.

Now we can look at the offense of the cycle of namaz fajr. How to read a prayer, ask people, how did they recently accept Islam? Okrim dotrimannya sledovnosti diy, it is necessary to follow the vimova word. Of course, a right Muslim promotes them correctly, and invests his soul in them.

First rak'ah of Fajr prayer

The first cycle of prayer begins with nyati in the position of qiyam. Namir, who believes, contemplates thoughts, guessing at the new name of prayer.

Let's let the Muslim follow his hands on the river vuh, stick his big fingers on the earlobes and direct the palms of the qibla. Perebuvayuchi in such a position, vіn may vimoviti takbіr. It is necessary to promote yoga in a loud voice, moreover, it is not necessary to shy away from the voice. In Islam, one can magnify Allah with whispers, but so, so that a believer feels himself.

Then, with the palm of the right hand, bending the lion, circling the wrist with the little finger and thumb, lowering the hands of the troch below the navel and reading the first sura of the Koran "Al-Fatiha". Behind the bajans, a Muslim can promote one more portion of the Holy Letter.

Let's follow the explanation of the uklin, straightening out that sajda. Farther, the Muslim stretches his back, stays in a stubborn position, once again falls down before Allah and straightens up again. On which vikonannya the rakah will end.

Another rak'ah of Fajr prayer

The cycles that enter before the ranking prayer (fajr) are celebrated differently. It is not necessary for another rakat to promote niyat. The Muslim stands in a qiyam position, clasping his hands on his chest, like at the first cycle, and begins to proclaim the surah Al-Fatiha.

Let's sweat two earthly bows and sit on our feet, destroying the right hand. In such a position, it is necessary to say the dua “At-takhiyat”.

After the end, we promote taslim. Yogo wins the girls, turning their heads backwards at the back of the right shoulder, then the left.

On which prayer ends. Fajr is celebrated by both men and women. However, the stench of yoga is different.

How to win the ranking prayer of a woman?

When vikonannі the first rak'ah, the woman is guilty of trimming her hands on equal shoulders, just like a person raises them to the vuh.

Explanation uklin won't be robbed not so deep, like a man, and hands for an hour of reading the suri "Al-Fatiha" won't be folded on the chest, and not below the navel.

The rules of vikonannya prayers of the troch are revisited by people. Krіm them, a Muslim woman of nobility, scho її zaboronet zdіysnyuvat pіd hіd menstruatsії (khaid) аbо pіslyalogovої bleeding (nіfas). Only having cleansed yourself from filth, you can vikonat prayer correctly, otherwise the woman will become a sinner.

Why work people, how did you miss the ranking prayer?

Varto hits another important meal. What should Muslims do if they missed the ranking prayer? In such a situation, the cause should be healed, through the yak of wines, allowing a similar pardon. In addition, chi is important, chi ni, to lay aside some people. For example, like a Muslim setting an alarm clock, deliberately violating sleep earlier, but in spite of all his deeds having overslept, vikonati his shoes in front of the Almighty wine, maybe free hour oskіlki, in fact, wine is not guilty.

However, if the reason was unimportant, then the rules are different. Fajr prayer is due to buti vikonana yaknaishvidshe, but not in those timings, if the prayer is suvoro blocked.

When prayer robiti is not possible?

For the good of a kіlka of such promizhkіv, it is not necessary to pray for such protyazh in the region. Periods can be seen before them

  • after the reading of the rankovy prayer that until the descent of the sun;
  • with a stretch of 15 hvilin after the svitanka, until the light rose in the sky to the height of one write-off;
  • if it is at the zenith;
  • after reading asra (after midday prayer) before sunset.

At some other hour, you can blow the prayer, but rather do not swear by the sacred action, even if the prayer before the Svetanka is read at the hour, the people put their heart and soul into it, as the prophet Muhammad said, more beautifully, lower light, more important for everything that yoga reminds you of. A Muslim who robs Fajr at the gathering will not spend in the heat, but will be rewarded with great rewards, which Allah will give him.