How to breastfeed. How to breastfeed and make contact with the baby? Do I need to take a special position for proper breastfeeding

Young moms try to do everything so that their babies are strong and healthy, so the question of how to properly feed the newborn breast milk   - considered very important. Many women have difficulties with lactation, too early to refuse breastfeeding. Experts say that this is due to the misbehavior of the parturient women, so it is important to understand this problem.

8 rules of the first feeding

After giving birth, a woman gets colostrum (a thick yellow liquid), which turns into milk in 3-4 days.

The first feeding of the newborn is carried out in the hospital. The baby is applied to the breast after childbirth so that it receives a portion of colostrum. The first meal provides complete protection of the infant against bacteria, strengthens the immune system..

The mode of feeding the newborn is currently irrelevant. The baby needs to be fed on demand, given the breast when it starts to worry. Put the child to the chest every 1.5 hours, including at night.

How to apply a newborn when feeding? Mother needs to follow 8 feeding rules:

  1. Take a comfortable position, turn the child to her whole body.
  2. Position the newborn so that its head and neck are in a straight line.. This is the position that allows milk to enter the stomach without obstruction.
  3. Bring the baby’s mouth to the nipple. Baby himself opens his lips after the smell of milk.
  4. Proper attachment of a newborn when breastfeeding   does not bring mother pain. The tongue of the child protrudes slightly from the mouth, “hugging” the nipple and the areola at the bottom.
  5. The nipple is placed in the mouth so that the upper part of the areola (dark circle of the skin surrounding the nipple) is visible. It is important to ensure that the newborn captures both the nipple and the areola, the lower part of which fits completely into the baby’s mouth.

  4 signs of proper breast attachment
  1. If the child does not open his mouth, gently touch his lips with the lower part of the areola. It is not worth doing the manipulation of the nipple, because the child is able to capture his tip. Even a short, improper sucking leads to nipple injury.
  2. If the child begins to choke during feeding, you should carefully release his jaw with a finger and suspend the process. Hold the crumb upright in your hands until a belching appears.
  3. It is not recommended to take the baby’s breast until it leaves it. Breast feeding a newborn causes pain sensations   in the nipples. No need to endure the discomfort that is caused by improper bust. In this case, the nipple is gently removed from the child's mouth and again placed according to the rules described.

If necessary, see how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk in this video:

  The health of the mammary glands depends on the correctness of the manipulation.

In some cases, premature is required. We must not forget that it will harm the baby and the mother.

Think about the situation and wean the child from the chest only when absolutely necessary. Experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Lactation stops naturally: the number of feedings decreases, food changes. The gradual cessation of milk production will help avoid the development of diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Hormonal drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor, self-selection of drugs can harm the body.
  Breastfeeding is a natural process that creates a protective barrier to the health of your baby.
  1. Early termination of feeding is conducted under the guidance of a specialist who will find a safe method.
  2. The chest does not need to be tied up. It does not affect milk production, but it leads to the development of mastitis and the inflammatory process..
  3. The use of liquid cannot be reduced, it negatively affects the health of the young mother.
  4. Frequent expression of milk supports its production, preventing lactation from stopping.

Feeding a newborn with breast milk cannot be stopped without a reason.. To suppress the formation of milk are used. They have contraindications and side effects. Prescribes their doctor. The most common are:

  • Bromocriptine. Available in tablet form, the dosage depends on the intensity of lactation. Treatment lasts 3-14 days. When nausea, headaches, vomiting, medication continues.
  • Cabergolin. Tablets of 0.5 mg are taken for 2 days, every 12 hours.

6 poses for the correct feeding of the child

During lactation, the proportion of the mammary gland, which is aimed at the baby's chin, is emptied faster. For a complete suction, postures for feeding newborns need to be changed.

How to feed a newborn baby milk? The procedure is carried out in positions that are comfortable for the mother and baby: in a sitting, lying or standing position. The time of feeding a newborn varies from 20 to 50 minutes.

  1. Lying on the side. The mother turns the child to face her. First, the baby sucks the breast, which is located below, then the woman leans forward and offers the second breast.
  2. Reclining in the chair. The child lies on top and eats exactly as much as he needs. The method is suitable for mothers with increased milk production.
  3. Lying with a jack. A woman and a baby are placed on a bed or a couch with their heads to each other, with their legs in opposite directions. How to feed a newborn with breast milk? At night, it is more convenient - in the “lying on your side” position, in the daytime - use both poses.
  4. Sitting. The woman takes a sitting position, lays the child on her knees and holds it with a bent arm. To get the baby to the chest, a pillow is placed on his knees.
  5. From under the arm. Feeding a newborn baby with breast milk is carried out on the sofa with the use of a bulk pillow. Crumble put on a pillow at chest level. A woman sits on the surface of the sofa and holds the baby as if “from under the arm”.
  6. Sitting. The option is convenient for use on the street, while walking with a sling.

The three poses for feeding in this video are most clearly shown:

  How to keep a newborn after feeding? The best position is considered a "column". The head of the baby is located on the shoulder of the mother and is supported by the hand.

  This position allows a woman to stand, sit and walk around the house.. The position of the column is useful for babies, helps them to burp air, calm down, get rid of excess milk, fall asleep. Later, you will understand, and how to eliminate the cause of poor sleep.

Nutritional rate for babies

How much should a newborn eat at one feeding and per day? Children are individual, so they eat differently. If the baby was born large, then he will eat more.

On the basis of averages, a table is constructed. The information presented in it is not a strict, but a landmark.

The rate of feeding a newborn to breastfeeding increases 10 times compared with the first day of life, which allows you to normalize the correct mode with a certain time interval.

Many young moms try to comply with the mode of feeding a newborn baby by the hour. In this case, the baby eats with an interval of 3-3.5 hours, at least 6 times a day.. Schooling is done gradually.

5 common problems

Even when properly attached to the chest and following a certain regimen, problems sometimes arise. What is their reason and how to deal with them?

Consultation with a specialist who will tell you what to do in such a situation will be required. There are several rules:

  Point your child in the right direction, so that he captures the chest
  • do not use pacifiers and nipples (in the next article you will learn without tears, if it is tightly embedded in the life of the crumbs);
  • more often give the baby a breast;
  • if the crumb does not want to wrap his nipples with his lips, squeeze a few drops of milk into his mouth.

Crying while feeding

Why does a newborn cry during feeding? In most cases, colic and cramps are the cause.

Stop feeding for a few minutes, hold the baby upright, pressing his belly to him. Stroke your belly in a clockwise direction..

If all else fails, you'll have to use a vapor tube. How to use it, see.

When crying while feeding occurs regularly, try putting the baby to the breast more often, which will reduce food arousal. Sometimes children cry at the end of feeding, this is accompanied by throwing and greedy grabbing nipples. Most likely, the baby is trying to show the mother that he was not full.

Falling asleep while feeding

If a newborn falls asleep during feeding, this happens due to the tiredness of the baby, the effect of drugs that are administered to the woman during childbirth.

Should I wake the newborn for feeding? If drowsiness does not pass after a few days, you will have to express the milk and give it through a syringe or with a finger. Babies are awakened in 2–3 hours during the day and 4–5 at night..


This process is due to the ingestion of air when sucking the breast, so it is important to monitor the correctness of the attachment.

  After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position, so that excess air comes out of the stomach.. If abundant and occurs frequently, consult a doctor.


Toddlers hiccup due to contraction of the diaphragm. Often it appears before regurgitation. When the child burp, pass. Factors that cause hiccups:

  • The hasty use of milk with the ingestion of air;
  • Binge eating;
  • Frequent manifestations of intestinal colic.

6 feeding rules

  1. Breastfeeding is recommended to continue up to 2 years and older. There is no need to talk about the benefits of breast milk, there is no analogue to this natural substance.
  2. Frequent attachment to the chest will help.
  3. Breast sucking in the first 6 months of life is a necessity that will help protect children's body   from diseases.
  From the first birthday, the baby must be applied to the chest. It doesn't matter if you can't do it right away right away - you can learn
  1. Additional feeding up to six months is not required. The exception is living in a hot climate.
  2. The optimal style of feeding children up to the year will be latching to the breast on demand, but not more often than after 2 hours.
  3. Expanded milk does not lose when properly stored useful properties . How much breast milk is stored and how it is stored.

Mammalian females feed their young with their own milk, as they know that in this way they provide their babies with health and proper development. Since ancient times, it turned out that a woman also has the ability to independently breastfeed her baby. It is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity, since breast milk has several advantages over the same cow or goat milk. And no matter how hard scientists struggled with this problem, no one has yet been able to create a formula that would be exactly like mother's milk in composition. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that each mom's taste is different. This is due to what products the woman eats herself. It is also desirable that the feeding process takes place correctly. Feeding rules will be discussed below.

Breast Milk Composition

Breast milk of women adapted to the body of the baby. It has the amount of fat that can perceive the child's stomach. In addition, the composition of breast milk includes useful vitamins and trace elements that can not be recreated in the laboratory: taurine, living cells, polyamines, hormones, carnitine, immune factors, fatty acids, biological age regulators and other useful substances. Each of the substances involved in the implementation of its unique function: the development nervous system, retinal formation, providing an acidic intestinal environment and many other functions. That is why in the first days of the life of the baby mom should be fed by the child that nature gave her. In addition, breast milk enhances the baby’s immunity, which makes it more susceptible to illness than a newborn who is fed through various mixtures.

The composition of breast milk changes with the age of the child, his state of health and mood of the toddler. In addition, breastfeeding forms a psycho-emotional relationship between mother and child. It is the proper maternal feeding that is a strong stimulus in the process of the formation of the mental functions of the child. Breast milk is so unique in its composition that, in the case of mother feeding two babies, each mammary gland adjusts exactly to the child who eats from it.

The benefits of breastfeeding

Have breast feeding   There are advantages over mixtures and milk of animal origin. Here are some of them:

  • prevention of intestinal infections and dysbiosis;
  • pledge of rapid physical development of the baby;
  • adjustment of the biological maturation of the crumbs;
  • development of the nervous system, intelligence in the newborn;
  • formed maxillofacial skeleton, speech, hearing;
  • establishes the mental connection of mother and child.

Just as for babies, breastfeeding has its advantages for moms:

  • setting an emotional connection with your baby;
  • prevention of breast cancer;
  • ease of use: always at hand, milk adapts to the mood and health of the child;
  • medicine for the newborn from certain diseases: pain in the abdomen, painkiller when cutting in the teeth, increased immunity.

Feeding rules

At the very first stage of breastfeeding of a newborn, mom should first properly prepare her breast.

The most important thing in the diet of a child is sterility.

No matter how clean her mother's breasts seem, even the smallest number of microbes will not be in favor of the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your breasts with soap twice a day (in the morning and in the evening), and also before each feeding of the newborn, but without using soap. The towel should be special for wiping the breast, it should be changed regularly.

The second main condition is feeding on the demand of the newborn. The child can express the desire in different ways: it can open its mouth, twist its head, try to suck the handle or the thing for which it has grasped. Mommy needs to respond to these urges, putting the baby to the breast. The fact is that up to half a year a newborn is not able to withstand different periods of time in feeding, and often mothers start feeding when the child enters a hungry cry.   Skipping some of the requirements of the baby in feeding inhibit the development of its growth and the accumulation of the desired mass.   It is also necessary to abandon the frequent use of the nipple at times when there is no time to feed the newborn child. Frequent use of the nipple subsequently deforms the child’s correct grip on the mother’s nipple.

The following condition proper feeding   - the mother should be in a position that is convenient for her, so that when feeding, the extremities do not become numb and there was an opportunity to keep the newborn near the breast for the entire time of the child's meal.

After you need to properly take the baby in your arms. The child should turn to face the chest. You need to feed from a distance close enough that the baby does not have to reach for food. The head and torso are located on the same straight line, it is necessary to hold the newborn with tenderness and accuracy, but at the same time, firmly enough. The nose of the baby, as a rule, is flush with the nipple, the head is slightly turned to the side.

With properly organized feeding the child needs to capture not only the nipple of the breast, but also the halo around it. This will allow the mother to avoid additional cracks on the nipple and reduce pain. Therefore, if the child fails to capture the nipple, a caring mom will properly insert the nipple into the mouth of the crumbs. It is enough to just hold the nipple around the crumbs several times so that it opens its mouth wider and captures the nipple with the halo.

  Fingers need to hold the chest so that it does not block the breath of the baby.

A newborn, provided that it is fed properly, should independently release the nipple from the mouth. Sucking milk should be unlimited, until such time as the tot does not feel satiety in the body.

After the baby has taken the food, it is necessary to hold it in a horizontal position for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the air that has got into the baby’s stomach during feeding. After you need to lay the newborn on its side, which will allow him to freely regurgitate, and will avoid falling into the airways of milk.

Sometimes the breasts may harden from frequent feeding, and the milk will run out. Therefore, mothers should be decanted after each feeding. If you do not carry out this procedure or postpone it for later, milk stagnation can occur, which is harmful for the mother, as there can be problems with health and breast milk, as it can turn into crystallized.

From time to time it happens that the baby, having caught that he is given the opportunity to suck his chest every time, as soon as he opens his mouth, he can indulge and ask to eat almost every ten minutes. At the same time, he sticks in for just a couple of minutes and immediately drops his nipple, or just falls asleep on his chest. In such cases, there is a need for the mother to show firmness and increase the intervals between application. The kid will understand that you can not indulge and will eat right.

To breastfeed a baby is quite comfortable and very useful for both mother and baby. Therefore, caring mom will do everything so that she has a lot of milk: to eat right, to preserve the usefulness and taste of her natural food for the baby, and also to follow all the rules of breastfeeding.

The appearance of the baby is a miracle. During this period, the main thing is to do everything so that the baby can more easily and comfortably adapt to new conditions for him. It is important that there is always a mother around. After all, this is the most native to him man. Do not forget about breastfeeding. All pediatricians unanimously say it is necessary. Mom's milk has no analogues. No mixture can reliably reproduce the composition, because it is scientifically proven that it changes during the day. But recently, more and more women are faced with the problem of lactation. The article will look at how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, whether to put a baby on demand or on a schedule. Highlight the basic rules that must be strictly followed.

Step-by-Step Chest Attaching Technique

To breastfeed a newborn is from the first day of its birth. Only in this case, we can talk about successful lactation. A few days after giving birth, young mothers note that instead of milk a clear liquid flows. This is a normal physiological process. The body is prepared for breastfeeding and colostrum appears. The digestive system of the child is still so weak that a couple of drops of this liquid will be enough for him to eat.

But it is in the colostrum that are the important components that are responsible for the immunity of the baby. For 3-4 days milk must arrive. Do not worry if this period will be accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. This is a natural process.

To adjust the process of lactation, it is important to know how to breastfeed properly, or rather to put the baby. Experts suggest to consider the following scheme:

  • Take a comfortable posture, as the process can take quite a long time;
  • Make sure that the child was turned to your belly. The first months the baby can not hold the head, so it is worth holding, but not fixed rigidly. He should be able to independently adjust the position of the nipple;
  • Spout crumbs should be as close as possible to the chest, but not to rest on it, otherwise the child will choke;
  • Do not put the nipple in the baby's mouth, let him do it himself. Only in this case, you can achieve the right bite;
  • If the child took only the tip and the mother is in pain, press the center of the baby's chin, he will immediately release the breast;
  • In the mouth of the baby should be not only the nipple, but also a halo. This will prevent the mother from cracks and wounds in the chest.

Choose the desired position

Effective and proper breastfeeding depends largely on the well-chosen posture. Pediatricians distinguish the following positions:

  1. Lying on the side. You can control the baby, it will be convenient for him to grab the nipple, there is no way to choke. Also a plus is that you can take a nap and rest. And this is very important for moms;
  2. Sitting. You can hold the baby on your hands or put a pillow. Make sure that the height for the child is comfortable, and he easily reached the chest;
  3. Standing Position not quite comfortable for moms. In the process of feeding is the pressure on the spine. But if you feed the baby without motion sickness fails, this is a great option.

Above it was described how to breastfeed properly. Use the tips and problems with lactation you definitely will not occur.

By mode or first request?

Many young mothers are wondering: “Feed baby   need a schedule or first request? ". In Soviet times, doctors had a clear regimen. Feeding was carried out every 3 hours and lasted no more than 20 minutes.

Over time, pediatricians around the world came to the consensus that such a position is fundamentally wrong. Modern science suggests that you need to feed the children on the first squeak. This is a guarantee of good and long lactation.

Tune in to the fact that feedings can be up to 15-18 times a day. And if the baby was born restless, then more. Do not worry, it will last only the first few months. Over time, the regime will develop itself. The quantity will decrease to 6-8 times.

An important role in lactation is played by night feeding. At this time of day, the most milk is produced.

Eliminate problems while maintaining lactation

Before you figure out how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, many mothers face serious problems. Below we consider how to solve them, while maintaining lactation:

  1. The child is hungry, constantly crying. This happens because of the inexperience of the mother. Newborn babies sleep about 80% of the time. For a woman, this is a resting hour and an opportunity to relax. Often there are situations when the baby eats no more than 10 minutes and falls asleep. Pediatricians recommend in this case to wake him up. Since the milk is initially not fat. To get the necessary minerals and vitamins, you need 20-25 minutes of active sucking;
  2. The kid does not want to eat, badly takes a breast. This can occur for several reasons. First, not the right attachment to the chest. This problem can be eliminated by reading the information described above. Secondly, the introduction of water in the diet. Pediatricians argue that this is not worth doing. Milk contains 80% water. This is especially true of fluid that is released in the first 5-7 minutes. You should not think about getting a bottle baby, this is a sure way to complete lactation ahead of time;
  3. Cracks and nipple wounds. The problem is quite common for a nursing mother. To get rid of it, you need to properly care for the breast. After each feeding, it is imperative to perform hygienic procedures. After that, handle the nipples and halo cream or ointment. Well suited "Bepanten." The tool can not rinse, it is completely safe for kids;
  4. Retracted nipple, baby is not possible to properly feed. If in the olden days it was a real problem, and many women had to refuse to breastfeed using mixtures, now the problem is solved by buying a special silicone nozzle. The cost is not high, ranges from 300-500 rubles;
  5. Lactostasis. This is a surplus of milk in the breast. Occurs due to improperly adjusted lactation. The process is rather unpleasant. The mammary gland coarsens, puffiness appears, the temperature rises. In this case, the help will help. If you can not cope on your own, it is better to contact the clinic. It is impossible to delay, otherwise mastitis may occur. The case will end with surgery;
  6. Lack of milk. Often it is possible to hear from women that in a certain period they have a drastically reduced amount of milk produced. This is a physiological process. So the body adapts to new conditions. Doctors call the problem lactation crisis. It happens in 1, 3, 6 months after the birth of the crumbs. You can not stop feeding. At this time it is necessary to eat well, rest, constantly put the baby to the chest.

Knowing how to eliminate mistakes, a woman will continue breastfeeding without any problems.

It is scientifically proven that the composition of breast milk can not replace any one mixture. Its benefits for the baby is huge. How to breastfeed a child was described in the article. Pay attention to the technique and basic postures. Be patient, the process may seem difficult at first. Over time, you will realize that it is not. Try to avoid mistakes, and if they arise, know the algorithm for their elimination.

Breastmilk is the most suitable food for the newborn, which has no analogues. Having decided to breastfeed the newborn baby, mother gives the baby not much food, but much more. Uncertainty in the first attempts to feed the baby soon passes, especially if you learn more about the intricacies of breastfeeding during pregnancy.


We do not need to wash our breasts before feeding with soap, as our mothers once advised. For breast hygiene, just a daily shower is enough. It is also not recommended to treat the nipples with any antiseptics.

Choose a calm place to feed at your convenience. Well, if at this time no one will disturb you.

About 15 minutes before you start feeding the baby, drink a glass of liquid. Due to this lactation will increase.

   Drinking liquid before feeding will help strengthen the production of breast milk.

Proper attachment and grip

Proper attachment is one of the main factors contributing to the successful experience of breastfeeding. For the course of the entire period of feeding babies with female milk, it is very important how the first attachment of the infant occurred. In most maternity hospitals, breastfeeding is supported by providing the newborn baby with attachment to the mother’s breast immediately after delivery.

A comfortable posture is also important for proper application. Feeding, especially at first, lasts quite a long time, so it is important that mom not get tired. The baby should grab the nipple on its own, but if it did it wrong (it captured only the tip), the mother should press the baby's chin a little and release the breast.

   Proper attachment of the child will save you from problems with the breast, and the child from health problems.


After washing your hands, it is worth expressing a few drops of milk and rub them nipples. This will make the nipple softer so that the baby can easily grab it. Now you need to get comfortable and start feeding:

  1. Having seized a breast with fingers, without touching an areola, direct a nipple to the face of the baby. To help the baby find the nipple, stroke the child on the cheek. If this does not help, you can squeeze out a little milk on the baby's lips.
  2. Make sure the baby grasps the nipple correctly. His mouth should be open fairly wide, and his chin pressed against his mother's chest. In the mouth of the baby should be not only the nipple, but also part of the areola.
  3. If the milk starts to flow from the corner of the baby’s mouth, you need to raise the baby’s head and place the index finger under the baby’s lower lip.
  4. When the baby sucks very sluggishly, help the crumbs to become more vigorous. To do this, you can pat the crumbs on the head, pat for the cheek or ear.
  5. When the little tot begins to fall asleep at the breast or sucks more slowly, the mother can interrupt sucking by gently placing her index finger between the breast and the corner of the baby’s mouth.
  6. Do not rush to dress immediately after feeding. Let the milk on the nipple dry out a bit. Also, do not rush to put the baby in the crib. The infant must burp air that has entered the stomach with milk. To do this, hold the toddler with a “column”, placing a napkin on the shoulder with caution, since a small portion of milk may also come out with the air.

   Everything is difficult only at first glance, with practice you can do everything on an intuitive level.

Comfortable position

For feeding the baby, the mother selects a recumbent, sedentary, or any other position in which it is convenient for her and the baby to stay. Feed your baby in a relaxed state.

If the mother is weakened after giving birth, suffered cesarean section   or stitching in the crotch area, it will be more convenient for her to feed lying on her side. Turning to face the baby, you need to put the child so that the head of the crumbs located in the elbow bend of my mother's hand. By supporting the baby under the back, you can gently stroke the baby.

   The most common position for breastfeeding at night and after childbirth - in the supine position

Also one of the most comfortable feeding positions is sedentary. Mom can sit in a chair or on a chair, but it is more convenient if her hand rests on the armrest or on the pillow, and one leg is on a small stool. The child should be supported under the back so that its head is located on the fold of the mother's elbow. The belly of the crumbs should touch the mother's belly.

   After recovering from birth, the most common position is sitting. In this position, communication with the child is maximum.

Other possible postures and positions

Feeding the crumbs can be carried out in the position from behind. For such a position, mother sits on the couch and places a regular pillow next to her. The mother puts the baby on the pillow so that the body of the baby is located along her body at hand. This situation is very convenient for mothers who feed twins. So mom can feed both babies at once.

Mom can also feed, sitting on the floor and with her legs crossed "in Turkish." In this position, it is convenient to feed a baby who already knows how to crawl or walk.

You can see the correct feeding technique in the next video.

How to understand that everything is going right?

If the baby captured the breast correctly, then:

  • Both the nipple and areola (most of it) will be in the baby’s mouth, and the baby’s lips will be turned out.
  • The baby's nose will be pressed to the breast, but will not be buried in it.
  • Mom will not hear any other sounds than swallowing milk.
  • Mom doesn’t have discomfort during sucking.

   While feeding, monitor the position of the baby’s mouth and nose and listen to your feelings.

Outside home

A nursing mother receives such an important advantage as the opportunity to give the baby food at any time when the pussy gets hungry. Imperceptibly, you can feed the baby in many places. To do this, the mother should think over their clothes, putting on things that are easily unbuttoned or lifted. You can also bring along a shawl or shawl to cover yourself during feeding.

Recently, feeding places for babies began to appear in stores. If the mother with the newborn is visiting, do not hesitate to ask to be alone with the baby in another room. Any adequate person will meet you.


How often should a newborn be applied to the breast?

How much should a newborn breast feed?

Most babies suck in one attachment for about 15 minutes, but there are babies who need longer sucking (up to 40 minutes). If you take the crumbs off your chest before they empty their breasts, the child may receive less milk from the back, in which there is a large proportion of fat. Due to long sucking nipple cracks are possible, therefore it is recommended to feed the baby from 10-15 to 40 minutes.

How to understand that the child is full?

   Monthly weighing and urination will tell you if your baby has enough breast milk.

Can I breastfeed a baby?

Indeed, at first, the little one eats milk in abundance, because he is not familiar with the feeling of satiety, since he received constant nutrition in utero. But it is not necessary to worry, all the extra crumbs will burp, and overfeeding his breast milk cannot damage his health.

Will milk have time to digest, if the child asks the breast often?

About this you can not worry, because my mother's milk is a perfectly balanced food for a newborn, digested without a large expenditure of effort. Breast milk almost immediately enters the children's intestines and is quickly digested in it.

How to give a breast to a crying baby?

If a crying baby   can not grab the breast, calm the baby first. Hold him close to you, talk to your child gently, shake on your arms. If a baby’s cry is related to the fact that he cannot take a breast, touch the baby’s cheek or lips with a nipple.

Is it necessary to feed at night?

Night feeds are very important for long-term and successful lactation, because it is during these feedings that the production of hormones important for milk production is stimulated. In addition, the newborn has not yet established the mode of day and night, so the time of day does not affect his feeling of hunger.

   Night feeding is mandatory for lactation, the health of the child and his mother

  • Remember that due to the early attachment of the infant to the breast, on-demand feeding, and complete emptying of the breast, you will stimulate the production of milk in the glands. If you feed the baby rarely and limit the time of feeding, there is a high probability of reducing lactation.
  • If the mother takes any medications, it is important to find out if such medications penetrate into the milk and can affect the health of the child.
  • If mom drank alcohol, then for three hours should not feed the baby. Alcohol very quickly penetrates human milk in the same concentration as it is found in the mother’s blood.
  • It is impossible to smoke during breastfeeding, because nicotine very easily gets into the milk. Also, nursing mothers should not be in a smoke-filled room.
  • Milk in the first months of lactation often leaks from the breast between feedings, so it is convenient to use liners in the bra.
  • You should not buy a bottle and the mixture "just in case" and do not need to give up if the first feeding experience is unsuccessful. The art of breastfeeding needs to be trained, like any other skill, but, having mastered it, you will get much more advantages than from the transition to feeding with mixtures.

Possible problems

Irregular nipple shape

The nipples at the mother's breast can be retracted or flat, and the baby can hardly capture such nipples. In this case, in the first weeks of feeding, before giving the baby breast, the mother should pull out the nipple with the areola (by hand or with the help of a breast pump). You can also resort to the use of special linings. If stretching the nipple and the lining does not help, you will have to feed the baby with expressed milk.

   The type of nipple depends on the ease of its capture by the mouth of the child. If the type is extended, there should be no problems

Cracked nipples

This is a frequent problem of the first days of feeding, causing great discomfort for the mother. Usually the cause of the cracks is too long sucking of the breast by the baby, as well as improper grip. And therefore, to prevent the occurrence of cracks, it is necessary to monitor the seizure of the breast, as well as the duration of feeding. If the cracks have already appeared, the baby needs to start feeding from a healthy gland or use the lining. With severe pains   you can express the breast and give the baby expressed milk.

   Special linings will help not only women with retracted or flat nipples, but also to those who have cracks on them

Strong milk rush

If the breast is too much filled with milk and becomes so dense that the crumb can not properly grab the nipple and suck the milk, you should slightly move the breast before feeding (until soft), limit fluid intake, and attach something to the breast for 5-7 minutes cold (for example, an ice pack).


With this problem, the breast becomes very dense and the mother feels a painful spread in her. There is no need to stop feeding the baby, on the contrary, it should be applied to the breast more often. In this case, the mother is recommended to limit the fluid and lightly massage the hardened areas of the breast, podtsezhivaya milk until soft.


This inflammatory disease is common problem   in the second to fourth week after delivery. It is manifested by the appearance of seals that cause a woman pain. Also, the nursing mother often rises in temperature. If you suspect that a woman develops mastitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will confirm the diagnosis, prescribe treatment and be able to tell whether it is worth continuing to breastfeed.


So called the production of milk in quantities less than required by the baby. Ensuring that there is a shortage of milk will help counting wet diapers (there are normally more than 10) and monthly weighing (normally, the baby should gain at least 0.5 kg). But do not hurry with the supplement mix, because it can be a lactation crisis. Put crumbs to your chest more often, review your diet and daily regimen, and consult with your doctor about lactogonic agents, and milk can be returned. About what to do if the baby lacks breast milk, read another article.

During breastfeeding, not only the child’s hunger is quenched, but the first important contact between him and the mother is established. This process helps the baby to properly adapt to the new conditions of life for him. Breastfeeding of newborns is a necessary condition for healthy growth and development of children. Every mother should know the rules according to which the baby should be fed.

First breastfeeding

It is bad if the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the baby for an hour after delivery. At this time, the baby should receive valuable drops of colostrum - the forerunner of milk. This substance is produced little, but it gives the child the necessary immunity, and also provides nutrition. In this case, you need to help the baby to take the breast correctly. Even if for the first time the baby eats little, it will be a successful beginning of his life.


Parents, especially inexperienced, are interested in how long it is necessary to feed the baby with breast milk? How to understand that he was full? According to the WHO recommendation, the newborn does not need to be weaned before it releases the nipple. There is no need to establish a schedule and feed the baby, observing a certain time.

The child should spend as much time with the breast as he wishes, but not less than 25 minutes. During this period, he manages to get front watery milk and later - more fat.

No need to remove the nipple from the baby's mouth, if he falls asleep, you should continue to feed, making sure that the child does not choke. Sucking in a dream, the newborn eats the most milk-rich milk and protein. You need to worry if the baby who is one month old eats little (for 10 minutes) and then refuses breastfeeding.

The duration of feeding depends on the age of the infant. The older he is, the faster and less often he eats. At 3 months, the baby becomes strong enough to suck a large amount of milk. In addition, at this age, he is less acutely experiencing psycho-emotional discomfort and the need for calming down.

Milk volume

In order for a child to gain weight correctly, it is necessary to provide him with a sufficient amount of nutrition. No need to worry that the baby overeat: breast milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body, no matter how much he ate. It is more likely that he will not have enough food. How to find out how much breast milk a baby needs? This can be done in 3 ways:

Meal at night

To maintain full lactation, daily feedings are few. At 3 o'clock in the morning there is a strong production of milk, so sucking the baby's breasts at this time is very important. A schedule should be made so that the newborn can eat at will during the day and night.

To ensure a good sleep for herself and the baby, a woman needs to sleep with the child. If the child is fed up, he calmly falls asleep, and the mother does not have to get up to feed him, and then to rock him. An infant can eat breast milk up to 6 times per night - and rightly so. If a newborn bites a woman by the nipple, when she falls asleep, you need to gently release the breast from his mouth.

Possible problems

A nursing mother may experience an unusual behavior of the infant when feeding. What if the baby falls asleep, bites, chokes, or chokes while sucking the breast?

In the first month of life, the newborn easily gets tired while feeding, so often falls asleep at the breast. Baby, especially born weak or ahead of time, need help to continue sucking milk. If the child falls asleep during feeding, you should call him swallowing reflex, squeezing a drop of milk in his mouth. You can easily shake baby by the heel or cheek and continue to feed.

The baby, whose teeth have cut through, often painfully bites the mother during breastfeeding. Wean him from this need to gently, but to do it persistently: you must strictly say "you can not" and take away the breast so that the infant connects his behavior with the completion of feeding. The child sometimes bites the nipple strongly if he falls asleep at the end of the meal. To prevent this from happening, the baby should be moved away from the breast as soon as the movements of his mouth are weakened.

If a baby chokes or chokes in a month when feeding, it may mean that he is unable to cope with a strong rush of milk. In this case, it will be right to express a little chest. To prevent the baby from choking, a change of position will help. A newborn who is usually choked with breast milk when he eats should be placed face down on his mother’s belly.

  1. Do not wash the breasts before and after feeding. In this procedure, the protective fat layer is washed off the nipples, which leads to the appearance of cracks. Enough daily hygienic shower. Only a few times a month you can wash your breasts with the use of cosmetics;
  2. Up to 6 months (for medical reasons up to 5) a newborn must be fed only with mother's milk. If the baby is hot, you should often apply it to the chest. Numerous studies have made it clear that a child can be exclusively breastfed for up to 12 months without compromising his health;
  3. It is necessary to completely abandon the bottles and pacifiers. Supplementation, water, necessary medications should be given only from a spoon. Babies easily get used to the nipple, which has a bad effect on the duration and quality of breastfeeding;
  4. It is important to avoid decanting after each feeding. A month after giving birth, a woman begins to produce exactly as much breast milk as is required to feed a newborn. It is necessary to strain in exceptional cases: in case of forced separation from the child, during the treatment of mastitis, for the formation of lactation in the first month, if there is not enough milk produced;
  5. If the child falls asleep only with the breast, it is not necessary to deprive him of such pleasure. Long sucking will help keep lactation, as well as give mom the opportunity to relax with the baby, if at other times it does not work well.

General rules for breastfeeding will help maintain lactation for a long time. If the child eats mother's milk and after a year, it should not be weaned. Cessation of feeding against the will of the newborn is badly reflected both in his condition and in the mother's state of health.