Fetal size at 12 obstetric week. The twelfth week of pregnancy: abdomen, fetal photo, ultrasound

The first trimester of pregnancy (week 1-12) is coming to an end, and nausea and dizziness begin to recede. The baby in the womb has grown up and this is already visible on the slightly rounded tummy. The twelfth week of pregnancy - the optimal time for the first. The child already has genitals, but an ultrasound can not always show his gender.

Fetus twelfth week

The baby weighs about 14 grams, and its size reaches up to 12.5 centimeters in length. During this period, the chin and the head of the fetus are gradually straightened. Chin gradually begins to rise from the chest. The crumb tries to breathe thanks to the amniotic fluid, which is necessary for strengthening and full development of his lungs. To find out what a baby looks like at 12 weeks of pregnancy will help the photo above.

The fetus starts the work of the digestive system. From week 12, the baby becomes sensitive to pain. His leisure time in my mother's tummy is as follows: active finger sucking, reflex movements, reaction to various stimuli (noise, light). The child acquires more defined features, continues to grow and develop in the womb.

Ultrasound pictures:

Mandatory examination

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then spend the first. On the screen, parents can see their future baby. It is possible to determine the sex of the child. The doctor takes into account all the parameters of the child, indicates certain diseases, if any. If there are deviations, the doctor sends for additional examination. He must fix the size of the uterus and its position, determine the place, the condition of the future placenta. The doctor must listen to the baby's heartbeat. Violation of heartbeats can be a sign of abnormalities in the development of the heart. With the help of research in the twelfth week of pregnancy, the doctor identifies the state of the amniotic fluid,. If everything is normal, the next examination is appointed by a specialist already at 20. If there are deviations, then re-ultrasound is carried out even earlier. There may be a frozen pregnancy, which can be suspected due to intense pain in the lower abdomen, as well as bloody discharge. These signs are considered in the complex under the supervision of a physician. To accurately know the developmental standards of the baby, it is necessary to make an analysis for hCG or ultrasound.

Condition and sensations of a woman

What happened to the baby at the 12th week of pregnancy, we found out, it now remains to find out what the expectant mother should expect from this period. The threat is reduced, but to take care of yourself, to be less nervous and more need to relax a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Walking in the fresh air and positive emotions are now very important for the crumbs. Urination is not as frequent (this applies to more than 50% of pregnant women).Blood volume increases, so mild tachycardia may be of concern.The effect of hormones still affects the emotional state. future momtherefore, mood swings, nervousness, tearfulness - this is an indicator of the norm.
By the third month, the size of the uterus changes in a big way, it is already rising to the abdominal cavity, which affects the volume of the abdomen.

The stomach at 12 weeks increases slowly (1 centimeter per week is added).All the same pregnancy hormones often have a positive effect on the appearance of the woman, the condition of the face and hair is noticeably improving. Skin color becomes fresh and hair shiny.

The action of hormones is not always happy, for example, the appearance of heartburn gives a considerable sense of discomfort to the future mom. It is rather difficult to get rid of this problem, if heartburn is very disturbing, it is better to consult with someone who will recommend the best means to alleviate the condition.
Usually, pigmentation appears in this period, they darken noticeably. Brown spots on the face and neck, which will disappear after the birth of the child, are also not excluded.Not rarely hormonal changes provoke a metabolic disorder, which is manifested by the appearance of acne, which can be not only on the face, but also on the back, chest.

Discharges in the twelfth week of pregnancy are white, yellow, moderate. In the case of admixture of blood in them, as well as a sharp increase in their number, itching, burning, unpleasant smell, you should definitely visit the gynecologist unscheduled.

Carefully follow the diet, the best friends now - porridge, pasta durum wheat, vegetables, fruits. Exclude from the menu you need drinks that contain caffeine and carbonated, citrus juices, as well as all too spicy, spicy and salty.It is better to eat more often and slowly, the portions should be small, the food should be chewed thoroughly.

Before you go to bed, you should not get enough.From the hot shower and bath is better to give up, this water is very dry skin.The ideal sleeping posture is on the side or on the back, but not on the stomach.

Stomach in the 12th week of pregnancy - photo:

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital organs, is over. Now the child’s doctor can already be seen in the uterine cavity not only with the help of the intravaginal ultrasound method, but also in the traditional way. With the arrival of week 12, a particularly pleasant period comes for a woman: toxicosis makes it less and less common, the size of the abdomen still allows you to lead a normal life and move actively, and experiences about the correct development of the baby are no longer so disturbing for objective reasons.

What happens to the mother and what feelings she feels in the 12th week of pregnancy?

The woman’s well-being improves, and previously unknown sensations appear:

  • toxicosis recedes;
  • less pronounced drowsiness and irritability;
  • there is a good appetite. Scales at this time will most likely show the first tangible weight gain;
  • psychologically, a woman already realizes that she is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if the pregnancy is not the first, the first movements of the fetus can be felt (for the first pregnancy, this date will come a little later).

Changes in the mother's body at the 12th week of pregnancy

From now on, not only the woman herself, but also those around her can notice obvious transformations in her:

  • the uterus has grown approximately 10 cm wide, and now it does not fit in the hip area, but gradually occupies the abdominal cavity: now you can see a small tummy;
  • load on the kidneys, heart and liver increases, therefore exacerbations of chronic diseases in these areas are likely;
  • bowel motility decreases, which is the cause of constipation;
  • amniotic fluid is updated every day, approximately now there are already 50 ml;
  • the volume of circulating blood has increased: the heart beats more often, the pressure increases;
  • a light band appears below the abdomen, which by birth usually becomes thicker and darker, and disappears in the first year after delivery;
  • the frequent urge to urinate ceases to disturb a woman until the last months of pregnancy;
  • pigmentation may occur;
  • much chest is poured.

What happens to the baby in the 12th week of pregnancy. Fetus.

Gynecologists of the unborn child are no longer called the embryo, but the fetus. He is visually very similar to a person, although his head is still not proportional to the body, and it can be considered with ultrasound diagnostics.

  • Fetal development in the 12th week of pregnancy
  • In length, the fetus is already growing to 6-9 cm. From now on, its growth will steadily increase, which is an important criterion for proper intrauterine development for doctors.

    All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to develop. The fruit is actively moving. His mimicry comes to life. At this stage it is already possible to determine gender.

    By week 12, the fruit weighs about 14 grams. The woman usually still does not feel his movements due to the small weight, but he is already actively moving in the amniotic fluid. From now on, the gynecologist will especially monitor the weight gain of the mother and the dynamics of the growth of the uterus - factors that indicate the growth of the child and his weight gain.

What's new?

  • fingers on hands and legs were divided, marigolds began to appear;
  • a unique and unique imprint is formed on the finger pads;
  • a fluff appears on the face in the region of the eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • the child actively grimaces, opens his mouth, closes his eyes;
  • chest rises during an impromptu breath.

External development of the fetus

The head of the child is still much larger than the body itself. Already pronounced external genitals, by which an experienced diagnostician can determine the sex. The baby moves his fingers, can suck a finger. Outwardly, his figure is absolutely similar to an adult. The face already has pronounced features. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart. A neck appeared.

Internal fetal development

By week 12, all the systems of the body have already been laid and are actively being improved:

  • circulatory system: in addition to red blood cells, white blood cells begin to appear, which form the prototype of the immune system;
  • digestive tract: the intestine is strongly drawn out in length, its shape is similar to a loop; bile is already being produced; intestinal motility is manifested; child swallows;
  • nervous system: reflexes are already working: the child turns away from the sensor of the ultrasound device, reacts to pressure on the mother's abdomen; there is such an important sucking reflex: the child squeezes and unclenches the cams;
  • respiratory system: impromptu respiratory movements are manifested: the infant's chest is lifted when inhaling. Such training for the remaining months will allow the baby to breathe on its own immediately after birth.

Weight gain in the 12th week of pregnancy

By the end of the first trimester, the weight of a woman increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. A reference point for the normal course of pregnancy is considered a weekly weight gain in the range of 400-500 grams. The shortage may indicate that the child does not develop according to his age and lacks the nutrients that he should receive from the mother’s blood.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: it can affect both the general health of the expectant mother and the weight of the child itself, which will significantly complicate the process of childbirth.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at week 12

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • breast augmentation and its special sensitivity;
  • may appear the first discharge from the breast on the type of colostrum;
  • weight gain;
  • the manifestation of the pigment strip in the lower abdomen;
  • improvement of appetite and manifestation of unusual taste preferences;
  • fatigue, distracted attention, difficulty in its concentration;
  • first nagging pains in the back and lower back;
  • brittle nails, hair;
  • increased pressure may be observed;
  • swelling of limbs, especially after walking.

Is it possible to go in for sports during pregnancy, because the baby needs a healthy mother who can stay near him 24 hours a day and at the same time not feel like an old ruin.

Sooner or later, one way or another, but every expectant mother is faced with the question of how to sleep during pregnancy. The most comfortable posture for sleep can be found here!

What happens to the stomach in the 12th week of pregnancy

The belly of a first-time woman by the 12th week is usually not increased by as much as to cause discomfort in her usual clothes. For those who have a pregnancy is not the first, characterized by an earlier growth of the abdomen. A typical phenomenon is also considered the appearance of the pigment band from the navel down. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman that it is time to get the means for stretch marks and start using them actively (if you do it only in recent months, the effect will be insignificant).


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in breadth by about 10 cm. It can no longer be in the hip part due to its size, and therefore it begins to gradually animate the abdominal cavity. This gives a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in waist circumference.

The cervix at this stage should be tightly closed. If for any reason its discovery begins, in the hospital a woman is sutured, which prevents premature delivery.


With a favorable course of pregnancy by week 12 as such pain sensations  a woman should not be tested. We can feel weak pulling pains in the lower abdomen, caused by the tension of the ligaments supporting the growing uterus. Changing the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen, can also serve as the root cause of pain. Severe severe pain may be caused by a bladder infection, cervical dilatation and other pathologies, therefore, if it occurs, a woman should immediately seek advice and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Discharge in the 12th week of pregnancy

Discharge at this stage of pregnancy is scanty or moderate, fairly light, uniform, with a sour odor. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman. Often they can appear after an examination in a chair or intercourse, which is usually associated with existing cervical erosion or infection. Abundant secretions are caused by thrush or chlamydia. The treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out sparingly, since the infections themselves and their therapy can harm the fetus.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

By the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman should be registered at a local clinic. Before this period, she usually undergoes an examination by a general practitioner and specialized specialists, regularly passes urine for protein, complete blood count and Hiv test.

  • Uzi, analyzes, etc.
  • At 12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound examination is performed and, if the patient so desires, screening for the identification of fetal developmental pathologies of a genetic nature (a blood test from a vein). On ultrasound, the doctor assesses the proportions of the child’s body, analyzes its weight, identifies reflexes, and can determine the gender. From other studies at this stage it is recommended:

  • smear on infection;
  • complete blood count in dynamics;
  • measuring the circumference of the abdomen of the mother, monitoring her weight and pressure.


Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as a taboo during pregnancy. By week 12, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester for the fetus is over, so intimacy is the place to be. An exception may be cases with a low attached placenta or multiple pregnancies.

For sex, positions are selected at which no pressure is exerted on the woman's abdomen. Especially carefully it is necessary during this period to refer to the hygiene of a man in order not to become a carrier of infection and not to infect a pregnant partner.


A growing body requires proper and balanced nutrition. A woman should refuse heavy food, fast food, alcohol. Be sure to have breakfast. At lunch, a woman should eat the first course to avoid constipation. If during pregnancy there are unpleasant associations with a particular product, it is worth giving it up. It is useful for the future mother to consume a lot of dairy products, since they are rich in calcium, and during pregnancy is coming  a lot on the development of the fetus. From fruits and vegetables should choose seasonal positions.

What to do this week

  • sign up for ultrasound;
  • examine information about courses for future parents;
  • start using stretch mark creams;
  • start a weight gain schedule;
  • inform the authorities about your decree;
  • buy a bra new size;
  • begin to engage in special exercises for pregnant women, enroll in the pool;
  • visit the dentist.

Dangers and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, a number of hazards can still appear at this stage:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • the risk of premature cervical dilatation;
  • the probability of injury due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • the possibility of hypothermia;
  • danger when driving because of scattered attention;
  • the likelihood of motion sickness in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.
  1. Eat properly and fully; consume a lot of dairy products.
  2. Complete the ultrasound. Take the first photo of your baby.
  3. Begin to prepare for the addition. Sign in to courses for future parents.
  4. Watch your weight.
  5. Take good care of your health, minimize contact with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a remedy for stretch marks.
  7. Less nervous and more walking.
  12 week of pregnancy

What's happening

14 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is an important time for a woman. Gradually, it increases the volume of the anterior pituitary gland. This is necessary so that already at week 12 from conception a sufficient amount of prolactin accumulates in the woman's body. It is he who is more responsible for the enlargement of the mammary glands during pregnancy. In the future, the production of this hormone will contribute to the formation of milk, necessary for feeding the child after childbirth.


12 week of pregnancy is accompanied by positive feelings. Many mothers say that they already feel a baby growing inside. However, this phenomenon is psychological. The movement of the fetus in the 12th week of pregnancy is not yet observed.


Discharge at 12 weeks gestation remains the same. It is important to evaluate their color, quantity, smell. Discharge should not be accompanied by discomfort or drawing pain. Women need to continue to monitor their blood pressure and temperature. The pressure should be below your normal numbers, and the temperature should be normal or subfebrile, but not exceed 37.5 ° C.

Stomach in the 12th week of pregnancy

The belly is rounded, visible to others, if a woman does not wear loose clothing. Already at this time skin stretch marks (striae) may appear. In order to avoid them, you must use special cosmetics or oils. The uterus is palpated above the womb.

Fetus at 12 weeks gestation: size, development

The size of the fetus in this period is about 9 cm. It is actively moving, it can activate the facial muscles of the face, while the embryo is practically immobile. Fetal development is closely related to the second wave of cytotrophoblast invasion (cells in the placenta), which synthesize substances of the protein structure. Blood supply of the child increases, resistance to a blood-groove decreases even more. Consequently, the child receives more nutrients and oxygen, necessary for its intensive growth.

In the kidneys of the child begins to function the loop of Henle, responsible for filtering urine. Necessary substances are reabsorbed in the tubule of the loop, unnecessary substances are excreted with urine into the amniotic fluid. At the 12th week of pregnancy, a special peritoneal bulge is formed in the male fetus - the vaginal process. In the future, he is involved in the process of lowering the testicle from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. Violations at this stage lead to cryptorchidism - a condition in which the testicles are not descended into the scrotum.

The bone system continues to develop, ribs are formed. The child breathes by swallowing amniotic waters.


Analyzes in the 12th week of pregnancy will show an increase in placental lactogen to approximately 1550 ng / ml, an increase in fibrinogen level on the coagulogram. Also during this period, there is a peak amount of? -Fetoprotein in the amniotic fluid (about 23 mg / l).

Ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy

This is a crucial and turning point for mothers who had any pathology on the first ultrasound. For example, indirect signs of hereditary diseases. In this case, at week 12, the fetal collar space is re-evaluated. When identifying chromosomal abnormalities or severe malformations, the doctor may suggest an abortion. When the question is about such a serious manipulation, the ultrasound scan must necessarily be confirmed by amniocentesis - by taking the amniotic fluid for biochemical, immunological, hormonal and genetic research. Decoding results indicates the status of the fetus.

Pain in the 12th week of pregnancy

Diseases in the 12th week of pregnancy are not as dangerous as in the first trimester. However, viral diseases such as rubella or herpes can cause various types of pathologies, such as splitting of the hard palate. Colds are best treated with bed rest and warm drinking, avoiding antibiotics. If your back hurts, and there are no other symptoms of the disease, then try to choose comfortable shoes for yourself, rest more often. If your work involves long standing on your feet (hairdresser, seller, etc.), then it is best to take a vacation at your own expense. Increased load on the back muscles is manifested by pain. Muscle pain is not a disease, but is associated with pregnancy.


If nothing bothers you and sexual desire arises, you can satisfy it. However, if after sex there were discomfort, then you should contact a gynecologist, and then refrain from intimacy. Power mode should not be changed. Do not be hard and limit yourself to food. If you want to eat something - eat it. The main thing is not to abuse such desires and continue to control your weight. Remember about the necessary use of foods containing enough iron.

12 week of pregnancy

The first third of the way is passed - the 12th week of pregnancy has come. She is expected with special impatience - at this time the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan, which will show the sex of the baby. Toxicosis retreated, life began to play with new colors, very little was left to wait.


Already left behind the first trimester, one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy, and now you can breathe a sigh of relief. "Early" toxicosis almost passed, in the morning nausea and vomiting attacks do not hurt. The risk of spontaneous abortion has decreased, since miscarriage often happens when the gestational age is not so long.

It is noticeable to others that the character of the future mother has become calmer and softer, nervousness, irritability and violent emotional outbursts have passed. The mammary glands swell and increase in size, they prepare for lactation.

At this time, possible problems with the teeth, which begin to crumble, and the gums ache and swell, which is due to lack of calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements in the body. To replenish them, the doctor develops a special diet and prescribes vitamin complexes. This is important because the fetus, not receiving the necessary nutrition from the mother, begins to “take” it from its own seeds and organs.

A woman's body weight increases, its gain is about five hundred grams per week. Developing fetus  requires that the mother's body supplies everything necessary for him, so all the organs of the female body are working more actively.


At the 12th week of pregnancy, the tummy is still quite small, it can even be called comfortable, but it is already beginning to be noticeably rounded.

Skin color on the abdomen changes, a strip of dark color appears. This is the chloasma of pregnant women - one of the types of pigmentation that disappears without a trace after childbirth.

At this time, the woman normalizes urination - the urge to run down “in a small way” is not so frequent.


In the twelfth week of pregnancy, the uterus has increased in size, it is already crowded in the pelvic region, it grows upwards, moving into the abdominal cavity. During this period, the size of the uterus is commensurate with the head of a newborn baby, its length is almost 12 centimeters, and its width is not less than 10 centimeters.


What is ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy? This is a mom's acquaintance with her baby - for the first time she will see him on a computer monitor. On the first ultrasound, the doctor can determine the size of the fetus and give an approximate date of delivery. The survey provides answers to questions about the correct location of the placenta, the state of the uterus, its tone, eliminates the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy.

The obtained data correlate with the indicators of special tables, a conclusion is made about how the pregnancy proceeds, whether everything is in order in the baby. The results of this first study will be compared with subsequent ones, which will provide an opportunity to monitor how the fetus is developing throughout pregnancy.

The 12th week from conception is a very important stage in the life of a pregnant woman and a future baby. An early diagnosis carried out at this time will help the doctor leading the pregnancy to suggest whether the fetus has any congenital defects or chromosomal changes.


One of the survey methods, which gives the maximum information about the course of pregnancy and the state of the fetus, is screening. With it, you can identify serious pathology of the fetus associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

Types of screening: ultrasound and biochemical. They are carried out in each trimester, but the first - often in the 12th week of pregnancy.

The result of the biochemical analysis of blood makes it possible to determine the likelihood of the development of the fetus's Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) or Edwards (trisomy 18).

The ultrasound method is used to examine the fetus "collar" area. The study of this area helps to identify serious, sometimes abnormal abnormalities of fetal development, often incompatible with life.

Please be aware that screening is not a final verdict. This study only suggests that the fetus has trisomy 18 and 21 and a neural tube defect. To be sure of this finally, it is necessary to conduct additional tests in genetic counseling with the help of special tests.


The future mommy has no time to be bored, because during the pregnancy she passes a large number of different tests and undergoes the necessary examinations. They can not do without them, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of possible complications in both the unborn child and the pregnant woman.

The main analyzes that must be submitted on a mandatory basis include:

  • for blood type
  • to determine the Rh factor,
  • biochemistry.

In addition to ultrasound and blood tests for biochemistry, the doctor may prescribe other tests on the 12th week of pregnancy. They are required if you suspect the presence of any disease.


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby was fully formed in the tummy. He cannot be called fatty yet, he is thin and disproportionate, but he can do a lot:

  • reacts to the light, although the eyes are closed;
  • sucks her fingers, clenches her fists, makes a funny face because muscular and nervous systems  well formed;
  • feels the taste of the waters that surround it;
  • reacts to external stimuli, such as touch and light;
  • performs respiratory movements;
  • can swallow and drink amniotic fluid;
  • actively moving from the walls of the uterus;
  • kidneys work, baby can urinate.

At this time, the fetus is actively gaining weight, the final formation of organs and vital systems is completed: the intestine has moved into the abdominal cavity and is functioning, its cuts are aimed at promoting food.

The size of the fruit is twelve centimeters, and the weight is about fifty grams. The bones of the child become more durable: a bone substance is formed, the membranes between the fingers have disappeared, marigolds grow. The small heart has two ventricles and two atria. At twelve weeks of pregnancy it is already possible, albeit with difficulty, to determine the sex of the baby.

This is the final stage of the first trimester and the beginning of the second.

Most likely, the problem of toxicosis is a thing of the past, and now you are happy to consume huge portions of food.

be careful! If you gain too much weight, you may experience complications during childbirth.

By the way, with the first trimester ended a rather dangerous period, at which miscarriages often occur.

Signs and sensations on the 12th week of pregnancy

Now you can relax a bit and enjoy your condition.

The tummy slightly increased in size, and you can gently stroke it with your palm. If you put your hand on the lower abdomen and listen carefully to your feelings, you can even feel the rhythmic beat of a tiny heart.

True, according to statistics, the number of spontaneous abortions after 12 weeks is much less.

The mammary glands are extremely painful. Chest significantly increased.

Appearance became calm, you started to move more slowly and carefully. Emotional tantrums calmed down.

The fruit is actively developing and you need proper diet  for pregnant women, which includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. There is a constant lack of calcium.
   Your teeth may start to deteriorate.

Most of the 12 weeks of pregnancy continue to gain their own weight, do not consider the fetus and amniotic fluid.

The child constantly needs to be fed with nutrients, therefore, your body also wants to make some kind of reserve.

The stomach is not too big, but quite noticeable to others.

The uterus constantly presses on the bladder, which is why you so often began to go to the toilet.
   Chloasma is clearly visible.
This is a vertical band of a darkish color, which indicates skin pigmentation. Over time, after childbirth, it almost disappears.

Filling the entire space of the pelvis, the uterus smoothly begins to rise and grow up the abdomen. Now its dimensions are approximately 10 x 10 cm.
   Most likely, you have already done ultrasound and you know the sex of the child. If not, you have a chance now.

Now the doctor determines how much the tone of the uterus exists, and whether there is any pathology in the course of pregnancy.

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics and necessary tests, doctors determine possible abnormalities in the child’s brain and the likelihood of pathological diseases, in particular, Down syndrome.

Determine the correct functioning of the heart, the presence and functioning of all internal organs.

If we talk about discharge, they are present almost throughout the pregnancy.

12 week of pregnancy is no exception, but you should constantly monitor them.
   Discharges should not be much, especially bloody. In such cases, immediately call a doctor. And there should not be a strong smell. The presence of specific odors (like acetone, etc.) speaks of an infectious disease like Thrush, Chlamydia, and several others.

In most cases, the placenta tightly closes from infection from the outside, therefore, it can get in a high probability from the husband. Therefore, both partners must adhere to the elementary rules of hygiene.

There may also be a red discharge indicating cervical erosion.

Be sure to constantly consult a doctor. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, sex is allowed, but after consulting a doctor.

Viruses and colds how to be treated?

Anything happens and you are not immune from viral illnesses or colds, especially if you are pregnant during a period of increased likelihood of infections.

Undoubtedly, it is early spring and autumn. In winter, in cold weather, as a rule, apart from the common cold, viral infections are less common.

Treatment during pregnancy is quite complicated. Most of the drugs are contraindicated, so the tiny fetus does not yet have its immunity and uses the mother's, and a significant overdose of the body of a pregnant woman affects the development of the brain, the work of the heart and all other organs.

Preference is given to folk and natural remedies, tea with raspberries for temperature, rosehip and a number of other infusions, honey. Also use compresses.

But still, the temperature above 38-39 degrees causes hypoxia in the child.
   This is very dangerous pathologyassociated with the work of the brain.
   After 2-3 years, similar symptoms appear in the absence, or poorly developed speech. A child mentally lags behind his peers, reacts poorly to objects, does not always hear parents.

Therefore, if at 12 weeks of pregnancy the body temperature is above 38 degrees, immediately call a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe a drug treatment with approved drugs in your position.

What happens to the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby continues to develop gradually, and the size of his body fluctuates within 6 cm.
   His brain is almost fully formed and very similar to the brain tissue of an adult. Microscopically, the nails appear on the fingers, and the body is covered with tiny hairs.

The child has a good functioning thyroid gland, which is responsible for the metabolism, produces the necessary hormones and monitors the formation of muscles and tissues. The baby gradually accumulates bone substance, which later turns into a skeleton.

12 week of pregnancy is accompanied by such signs:

  • The baby clearly distinguishes night and day, reacts to the sun's rays, and heat.
  • Feels cold, while inside the placenta with eyes closed.
  • That is why there is nothing surprising when some older people demonstrate phenomenal abilities. They just got their feelings back from the past.
  • Go ahead, the face, the eyes of the lips, the nose are fairly well formed.
  • Now a favorite activity is finger sucking.
  • Pens freely bent and unbend in brushes. The kid can already compress the cams.
  • I learned to drink amniotic fluid, can close my mouth if necessary.
  • Even earlier, the baby has a fully developed urinary system.

Bye fruit small size, he moves freely, but will soon begin to take a stable correct position. But we'll talk about it in the next weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the floor is easily determined using ultrasound diagnostics.

One of the methods for determining the pathologies of the brain and the presence of extra chromosomes is called screening. Do not give it up. it painless procedure.

Also do not miss all routine analyzes. Control over the course of pregnancy is very important, and the main thing in time to detect and prevent abnormalities.

Alcohol and tobacco adversely affect the fetus and will definitely affect the child after 2-3 years. Refrain from this. Nowadays, the majority of megacities do not meet the ecology of world standards and the extra cigarette will have an extremely negative impact on the child.

Acceptance of alcohol may subsequently provoke a reduced immunity or allergic reactions. Fetal development is very slow. The child will constantly be sick with complications with a simple cold.

Mom's nutrition in the 12th week of pregnancy

Expectant mother should be very attentive to her diet at 12 weeks of gestation.

If during this period the baby does not have enough nutrients, then all the reserves will go to the brain, where a very important process occurs - the formation of neurons.

For this reason, there may be a risk of abnormal development of the body and head of the baby, the risk of cardiovascular disease, that is, the cardiovascular system.

In order for the nervous system of the child to develop normally in the mother's diet, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins of group B, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc and other elements that are rich in fatty acids, as well as carbohydrates rich in protein, must be present.

Eat dairy products, cereals, meat products, fish, vegetables and fruits. Give preference to baked or steamed products, eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is also worth paying attention to vitamin A, it is responsible for the process of formation of visual pigments.

Vitamin A can be scooped in fish oil, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, butter, egg yolk, beef liver, vegetables, berries, fruits, painted in orange-red color. It is found in greens: watercress, dill, parsley.

In place of the eyelashes and eyebrows, a fluff is already emerging. Fingers on the arms and legs are covered with nails, skin pattern is formed - a fingerprint.

This is what your baby looks like at week 12

Despite the fact that by this time all the bodies are formed, they still continue their further development. The intestines took their place, moreover, it periodically decreases.

The thyroid gland and pituitary gland produce iodine and hormones, the liver produces bile, besides red blood cells, leukocytes appear in the blood, muscles strengthen, the nervous system and kidneys work, bone tissue matures.

The baby is actively growing, and at the moment the most important indicator is its length, not weight. The amount of amniotic fluid also increases, and reaches 50 ml. The uterus grows at a rather high rate. The crumb is constantly in motion, but so far mom does not feel it, the baby tumbles, waves hands and legs, opens and closes the mouth, and even sucks a finger.

The brain continues its development, during this period the cerebral cortex ripens. Fetal movements are more conscious, the baby reacts to the touch of the tummy, moreover, it can move in motion when coughing and sneezing.

The placenta has completely assumed the hormonal function of maintaining pregnancy. It produces estradiol in the 5 - 10 times its amount in the absence of pregnancy. Estradiol stimulates the growth of the uterus, and also supports its contractile ability.

Progesterone protects the fetus and reduces uterine contractility.

Ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy

In the twelfth week of pregnancy, ultrasound is mandatory for all pregnant women. At this time, all organs and systems have already been formed, it is possible to evaluate their usefulness, to identify any deviations from the norm.

With ultrasound, in addition to the length of the fetus, the size of its head is measured, the structure of the brain, the symmetry of the hemispheres are evaluated. Normally, the fetal brain should look like a butterfly. The humeral, radial, elbow, femoral, fibular and tibial bones of the fetus are also measured, the symmetry of the limbs and their motor assessment are evaluated.

At the twelfth week, the transverse size and abdominal circumference of the fetus is measured, and the presence of the heart and stomach in typical places is noted.

At this stage of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination can be suspected of having heart defects.

In addition to the above measurements with ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy, screening of chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus is carried out. Most chromosomal abnormalities are accompanied by an increase in collar space, which is located in the neck of the fetus. This feature is caused by the fact that in the presence of chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, the skin has a high folding. Under it accumulates fluid that helps to visualize the thickening of the neck area. With chromosomal abnormalities, the thickness of the neck area is increased by 2.5 mm or more, compared to the average value for this period of gestation in a normally developing fetus.

If necessary, after the ultrasound prescribed additional blood tests to exclude congenital abnormalities.

What happens in your body at week 12?

Most of the future mummies stop being tormented by morning sickness and vomiting. The uterus, which is still in the pubic area, is enlarged, and now its upper part is located above the pubic area. The growth of the uterus strains the blood vessels of the pelvis, as a result, the woman may notice a significant expansion of the veins.

In the presence of varicose veins, the future mom should wear specialized pantyhose, or bandage her legs in bandages, which in turn will prevent overflow of the veins of the legs.

Due to an increase in blood flow, headaches and dizziness may occur.

A slight swelling of the face may occur, triggered by fluid retention. If externally the changes are still barely noticeable, then the internal organism is fully prepared for the bearing of the fetus and the forthcoming birth, but at the same time, it will still continue to change.

Your feelings on week 12

By the twelfth week, the symptoms of toxemia gradually disappear, although in case of multiple pregnancy, toxicosis will still be felt for a certain amount of time.

You have already begun to go less often to the toilet, this is due to the fact that the uterus rises in the abdominal region, and therefore does not put pressure on the bladder.

Your internal organs are working in a heightened mode, because of the increased blood flow, you may feel a more rapid heartbeat.

The uterus is steadily increasing in size, but this does not affect the volume of the abdomen, however, a small hint of your pregnancy may appear, in the form of a slightly bulging tummy.

Under the action of prolactin, the breast is increasingly poured, the mammary glands are actively preparing for lactation.

It's time to do the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks, this will help you special creams that are sold in pharmacies.

Heartburn is quite possible, although this symptom is characteristic for later periods. The cause of heartburn is the weakening of the septum between the esophagus and the stomach, as a result of which the gastric juice moves into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Relaxation of the septum occurs under the influence of progesterone.

Discharge from the genital tract

The 12th week of gestation is characterized by light milk secretions; they should be of a uniform consistency without a pronounced smell. If atypical discharge occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

The signal for immediate medical attention should be bloody or brown discharge, accompanied by pain.

Photos of tummies at week 12

Risks in the 12th week of pregnancy

Despite the fact that the first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, there are still risks. Therefore, even with minor bleeding or pain in the lower abdomen, it is imperative to consult a doctor for help.

12 week surveys

Biochemical prenatal screening.

Important on week 12

Beware of colds. As before, it is worth refusing alcohol intake and smoking. Pressure on the abdomen should be avoided. Having sex in the absence of contraindications is not prohibited.

If you have not purchased a special bra for pregnant women, then it is worth doing.

Do not forget about taking vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women, they will help restore the condition of hair, nails, as well as allow the baby to develop properly.

Food at week 12

Meals should be complete and balanced. Eat better food more often, but in small portions. Focus on vegetables and fruits, as your body needs fiber more than ever before. Moreover, fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in natural vitamins and minerals.

Discard the juices in the boxes and mineral water. And about fast foods, chips and other hazards, you must forget at least before delivery.


The future mom should lead a quiet life, not be nervous, avoid various stressful situations. Walking in the fresh air will only benefit.

You can already begin to engage in gymnastics for pregnant women.

Your pregnancy calendar

  • Tips and tricks

Signs on the 12th week of pregnancy

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital organs, is over. Now the child’s doctor can already be seen in the uterine cavity not only with the help of the intravaginal ultrasound method, but also in the traditional way. With the arrival of week 12, a particularly pleasant period comes for a woman: toxicosis makes it less and less common, the size of the abdomen still allows you to lead a normal life and move actively, and experiences about the correct development of the baby are no longer so disturbing for objective reasons.

What happens to the mother and what feelings she feels in the 12th week of pregnancy?

The woman’s well-being improves, and previously unknown sensations appear:

  • toxicosis recedes;
  • less pronounced drowsiness and irritability;
  • there is a good appetite. Scales at this time will most likely show the first tangible weight gain;
  • psychologically, a woman already realizes that she is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if the pregnancy is not the first, the first movements of the fetus can be felt (for the first pregnancy, this date will come a little later).

Changes in the mother's body at the 12th week of pregnancy

From now on, not only the woman herself, but also those around her can notice obvious transformations in her:

  • the uterus has grown approximately 10 cm wide, and now it does not fit in the hip area, but gradually occupies the abdominal cavity: now you can see a small tummy;
  • load on the kidneys, heart and liver increases, therefore exacerbations of chronic diseases in these areas are likely;
  • bowel motility decreases, which is the cause of constipation;
  • amniotic fluid is updated every day, approximately now there are already 50 ml;
  • the volume of circulating blood has increased: the heart beats more often, the pressure increases;
  • a light band appears below the abdomen, which by birth usually becomes thicker and darker, and disappears in the first year after delivery;
  • the frequent urge to urinate ceases to disturb a woman until the last months of pregnancy;
  • pigmentation may occur;
  • much chest is poured.

What happens to the baby in the 12th week of pregnancy. Fetus.

Gynecologists of the unborn child are no longer called the embryo, but the fetus. He is visually very similar to a person, although his head is still not proportional to the body, and it can be considered with ultrasound diagnostics.

  • Fetal development in the 12th week of pregnancy
  • In length, the fetus is already growing to 6-9 cm. From now on, its growth will steadily increase, which is an important criterion for proper intrauterine development for doctors.

    All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to develop. The fruit is actively moving. His mimicry comes to life. At this stage it is already possible to determine gender.

    By week 12, the fruit weighs about 14 grams. The woman usually still does not feel his movements due to the small weight, but he is already actively moving in the amniotic fluid. From now on, the gynecologist will especially monitor the weight gain of the mother and the dynamics of the growth of the uterus - factors that indicate the growth of the child and his weight gain.

What's new?

  • fingers on hands and legs were divided, marigolds began to appear;
  • a unique and unique imprint is formed on the finger pads;
  • a fluff appears on the face in the region of the eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • the child actively grimaces, opens his mouth, closes his eyes;
  • chest rises during an impromptu breath.

External development of the fetus

The head of the child is still much larger than the body itself. Already pronounced external genitals, by which an experienced diagnostician can determine the sex. The baby moves his fingers, can suck a finger. Outwardly, his figure is absolutely similar to an adult. The face already has pronounced features. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart. A neck appeared.

Internal fetal development

By week 12, all the systems of the body have already been laid and are actively being improved:

  • circulatory system: in addition to red blood cells, white blood cells begin to appear, which form the prototype of the immune system;
  • digestive tract: the intestine is strongly drawn out in length, its shape is similar to a loop; bile is already being produced; intestinal motility is manifested; child swallows;
  • nervous system: reflexes are already working: the child turns away from the sensor of the ultrasound device, reacts to pressure on the mother's abdomen; there is such an important sucking reflex: the child squeezes and unclenches the cams;
  • respiratory system: impromptu respiratory movements are manifested: the infant's chest is lifted when inhaling. Such training for the remaining months will allow the baby to breathe on its own immediately after birth.

Weight gain in the 12th week of pregnancy

By the end of the first trimester, the weight of a woman increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. A reference point for the normal course of pregnancy is considered a weekly weight gain in the range of 400-500 grams. The shortage may indicate that the child does not develop according to his age and lacks the nutrients that he should receive from the mother’s blood.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: it can affect both the general health of the expectant mother and the weight of the child itself, which will significantly complicate the process of childbirth.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at week 12

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • breast augmentation and its special sensitivity;
  • may appear the first discharge from the breast on the type of colostrum;
  • weight gain;
  • the manifestation of the pigment strip in the lower abdomen;
  • improvement of appetite and manifestation of unusual taste preferences;
  • fatigue, distracted attention, difficulty in its concentration;
  • first nagging pains in the back and lower back;
  • brittle nails, hair;
  • increased pressure may be observed;
  • swelling of limbs, especially after walking.

Is it possible to go in for sports during pregnancy, because the baby needs a healthy mother who can stay near him 24 hours a day and at the same time not feel like an old ruin.

Sooner or later, one way or another, but every expectant mother is faced with the question of how to sleep during pregnancy. The most comfortable posture for sleep can be found here!

What happens to the stomach in the 12th week of pregnancy

The belly of a first-time woman by the 12th week is usually not increased by as much as to cause discomfort in her usual clothes. For those who have a pregnancy is not the first, characterized by an earlier growth of the abdomen. A typical phenomenon is also considered the appearance of the pigment band from the navel down. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman that it is time to get the means for stretch marks and start using them actively (if you do it only in recent months, the effect will be insignificant).


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in breadth by about 10 cm. It can no longer be in the hip part due to its size, and therefore it begins to gradually animate the abdominal cavity. This gives a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in waist circumference.

The cervix at this stage should be tightly closed. If for any reason its discovery begins, in the hospital a woman is sutured, which prevents premature delivery.


With a favorable course of pregnancy by the 12th week, the woman should not experience pain per se. We can feel weak pulling pains in the lower abdomen, caused by the tension of the ligaments supporting the growing uterus. Changing the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen, can also serve as the root cause of pain. Severe severe pain may be caused by a bladder infection, cervical dilatation and other pathologies, therefore, if it occurs, a woman should immediately seek advice and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Discharge in the 12th week of pregnancy

Discharge at this stage of pregnancy is scanty or moderate, fairly light, uniform, with a sour odor. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman. Often they can appear after an examination in a chair or intercourse, which is usually associated with existing cervical erosion or infection. Abundant secretions are caused by thrush or chlamydia. The treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out sparingly, since the infections themselves and their therapy can harm the fetus.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

By the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman should be registered at a local clinic. Before this period, she usually undergoes an examination by a general practitioner and specialized specialists, regularly passes urine for protein, complete blood count and Hiv test.

  • Uzi, analyzes, etc.
  • At 12 weeks, the first planned ultrasound examination is performed and, if the patient so desires, screening for the identification of fetal developmental pathologies of a genetic nature (a blood test from a vein). On ultrasound, the doctor assesses the proportions of the child’s body, analyzes its weight, identifies reflexes, and can determine the gender. From other studies at this stage it is recommended:

  • smear on infection;
  • complete blood count in dynamics;
  • measuring the circumference of the abdomen of the mother, monitoring her weight and pressure.


Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as a taboo during pregnancy. By week 12, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester for the fetus is over, so intimacy is the place to be. An exception may be cases with a low attached placenta or multiple pregnancies.

For sex, positions are selected at which no pressure is exerted on the woman's abdomen. Especially carefully it is necessary during this period to refer to the hygiene of a man in order not to become a carrier of infection and not to infect a pregnant partner.


A growing body requires proper and balanced nutrition. A woman should refuse heavy food, fast food, alcohol. Be sure to have breakfast. At lunch, a woman should eat the first course to avoid constipation. If during pregnancy there are unpleasant associations with a particular product, it is worth giving it up. It is useful for the expectant mother to consume a lot of dairy products, as they are rich in calcium, and during pregnancy, a lot of it goes to the development of the fetus. From fruits and vegetables should choose seasonal positions.

What to do this week

  • sign up for ultrasound;
  • examine information about courses for future parents;
  • start using stretch mark creams;
  • start a weight gain schedule;
  • inform the authorities about your decree;
  • buy a bra new size;
  • begin to engage in special exercises for pregnant women, enroll in the pool;
  • visit the dentist.

Dangers and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, a number of hazards can still appear at this stage:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • the risk of premature cervical dilatation;
  • the probability of injury due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • the possibility of hypothermia;
  • danger when driving because of scattered attention;
  • the likelihood of motion sickness in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.
  1. Eat properly and fully; consume a lot of dairy products.
  2. Complete the ultrasound. Take the first photo of your baby.
  3. Begin to prepare for the addition. Sign in to courses for future parents.
  4. Watch your weight.
  5. Take good care of your health, minimize contact with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a remedy for stretch marks.
  7. Less nervous and more walking.
  12 week of pregnancy

12 week of pregnancy

The first third of the way is passed - the 12th week of pregnancy has come. She is expected with special impatience - at this time the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan, which will show the sex of the baby. Toxicosis retreated, life began to play with new colors, very little was left to wait.


Already left behind the first trimester, one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy, and now you can breathe a sigh of relief. "Early" toxicosis almost passed, in the morning nausea and vomiting attacks do not hurt. The risk of spontaneous abortion has decreased, since miscarriage often happens when the gestational age is not so long.

It is noticeable to others that the character of the future mother has become calmer and softer, nervousness, irritability and violent emotional outbursts have passed. The mammary glands swell and increase in size, they prepare for lactation.

At this time, possible problems with the teeth, which begin to crumble, and the gums ache and swell, which is due to lack of calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements in the body. To replenish them, the doctor develops a special diet and prescribes vitamin complexes. This is important because the fetus, not receiving the necessary nutrition from the mother, begins to “take” it from its own seeds and organs.

A woman's body weight increases, its gain is about five hundred grams per week. The developing fetus requires that the mother's body supplies everything necessary for it, so all the organs of the female body are working more actively.


At the 12th week of pregnancy, the tummy is still quite small, it can even be called comfortable, but it is already beginning to be noticeably rounded.

Skin color on the abdomen changes, a strip of dark color appears. This is the chloasma of pregnant women - one of the types of pigmentation that disappears without a trace after childbirth.

At this time, the woman normalizes urination - the urge to run down “in a small way” is not so frequent.


In the twelfth week of pregnancy, the uterus has increased in size, it is already crowded in the pelvic region, it grows upwards, moving into the abdominal cavity. During this period, the size of the uterus is commensurate with the head of a newborn baby, its length is almost 12 centimeters, and its width is not less than 10 centimeters.


What is ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy? This is a mom's acquaintance with her baby - for the first time she will see him on a computer monitor. On the first ultrasound, the doctor can determine the size of the fetus and give an approximate date of delivery. The survey provides answers to questions about the correct location of the placenta, the state of the uterus, its tone, eliminates the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy.

The obtained data correlate with the indicators of special tables, a conclusion is made about how the pregnancy proceeds, whether everything is in order in the baby. The results of this first study will be compared with subsequent ones, which will provide an opportunity to monitor how the fetus is developing throughout pregnancy.

The 12th week from conception is a very important stage in the life of a pregnant woman and a future baby. An early diagnosis carried out at this time will help the doctor leading the pregnancy to suggest whether the fetus has any congenital defects or chromosomal changes.


One of the survey methods, which gives the maximum information about the course of pregnancy and the state of the fetus, is screening. With it, you can identify serious pathology of the fetus associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

Types of screening: ultrasound and biochemical. They are carried out in each trimester, but the first - often in the 12th week of pregnancy.

The result of the biochemical analysis of blood makes it possible to determine the likelihood of the development of the fetus's Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) or Edwards (trisomy 18).

The ultrasound method is used to examine the fetus "collar" area. The study of this area helps to identify serious, sometimes abnormal abnormalities of fetal development, often incompatible with life.

Please be aware that screening is not a final verdict. This study only suggests that the fetus has trisomy 18 and 21 and a neural tube defect. To be sure of this finally, it is necessary to conduct additional tests in genetic counseling with the help of special tests.


The future mommy has no time to be bored, because during the pregnancy she passes a large number of different tests and undergoes the necessary examinations. They can not do without them, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of possible complications in both the unborn child and the pregnant woman.

The main analyzes that must be submitted on a mandatory basis include:

  • for blood type
  • to determine the Rh factor,
  • biochemistry.

In addition to ultrasound and blood tests for biochemistry, the doctor may prescribe other tests on the 12th week of pregnancy. They are required if you suspect the presence of any disease.


By the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby was fully formed in the tummy. He cannot be called fatty yet, he is thin and disproportionate, but he can do a lot:

  • reacts to the light, although the eyes are closed;
  • sucks her fingers, clenches her fists, makes funny faces because of the fact that the muscular and nervous systems are well formed;
  • feels the taste of the waters that surround it;
  • reacts to external stimuli, such as touch and light;
  • performs respiratory movements;
  • can swallow and drink amniotic fluid;
  • actively moving from the walls of the uterus;
  • kidneys work, baby can urinate.

At this time, the fetus is actively gaining weight, the final formation of organs and vital systems is completed: the intestine has moved into the abdominal cavity and is functioning, its cuts are aimed at promoting food.

The size of the fruit is twelve centimeters, and the weight is about fifty grams. The bones of the child become more durable: a bone substance is formed, the membranes between the fingers have disappeared, marigolds grow. The small heart has two ventricles and two atria. At twelve weeks of pregnancy it is already possible, albeit with difficulty, to determine the sex of the baby.