Women who have given birth to a second child up to 35 years. Late pregnancy and childbirth - pros and cons

Pregnancy is coming to its logical conclusion, and you are increasingly remembering your first birth. In such a situation, compare and try to predict how everything will be quite normal this time. The second and subsequent genera have a number of features: they begin and pass in a different way and are transferred by women in labor easier than the first ones. How are the second births, how long they last, how they proceed, and what is dangerous about childbirth after 35 years - you will learn about all this from this article.

How long does the second birth start

The stories of people with repeated experiences convince women that the second, third, and subsequent births are much easier for the first and last several hours less. This scenario is highly likely, but not always true. The number of completed pregnancies in the past does not affect the period of childbearing, nor does it affect the interval between births. And no matter how much time has passed - 2, 5, 10 or 12 years. A child will be born when it is ready for it.

In 80% of cases, the second birth begins earlier than the first. This usually happens on the 38th week of pregnancy, at birth of twins - at 35-37 weeks, while the first birth begins at 39-40, at birth twins - even earlier - at 35 weeks. First of all, this is due to the high sensitivity of the uterus to hormonal changes during repeated pregnancy.

How long do the second birth

According to doctors, this is confirmed by the stories of women in labor who became mothers a second time, the second birth is easier and starts earlier than the first. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that the female body "remembers" previous genera, even if they were 7-10 years ago. So, the birth of the first child takes about 10-12 hours, at the birth of the second child this time is reduced - the delivery lasts 7-8 hours. But if a woman has decided on a second birth after 10-12 years or more, in most cases the second birth begins within the stipulated time, lasts as many hours and flows the same way as the first, ie the same 10-12 hours.

It's easier to give birth the second time, or how true are women's stories

Second births are much faster, and this is typical for all three periods of labor. So, contractions begin and grow much more active than it was during the first birth. Each woman in labor, they last at different times. And no doctor can predict how many hours the first period will take. After the cervix is ​​open to 10-12 centimeters (10-12 fingers in professional medical jargon), attempts begin. The woman giving birth is already familiar with this process and can control it. She has a lighter period, and the baby can be born within a few minutes after they start.

The third period of birth - the birth of the afterbirth - begins a few minutes after the appearance of the crumbs into the world. The total duration of this period is usually no more than 10-12 minutes. The postpartum contractions are more easily tolerated by the mother than during the first birth.

Mom second time after 35

There are precedents when childbirth can take longer. We are talking about cases when moms become after 35 years. This is especially true if after the first birth 10-12 years have passed. Doctors attribute this to a decrease in the sensitivity of the muscles of the uterus to oxytocin - it is he who is responsible for the frequency of uterine contractions and their strength. Lack of this hormone causes weak generic activity. This complication is especially characteristic of women after 35. During pregnancy, chronic diseases that you have forgotten to think about may become aggravated, and also those that have been in the latent latent phase until this time will manifest themselves. The risk of genetic diseases in the fetus also increases after 35 years.

My second pregnancy and childbirth. Revelations. Part 2

You can find a thousand reasons to give birth in adulthood - after 30-35 years. Mature women are a more responsible approach to the process of planning and carrying a child. Even before the onset of pregnancy, “exemplary” 35-year-old future mothers try to correct their own health and cure all existing diseases, and they, unlike the young girls, carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations. However, doctors still insist that women become mothers much earlier - between 20-35 years, because it is the most favorable from the point of view of physiology.

Second births - the psychological aspect

The second pregnancy is usually conscious, and the woman is more prepared for what awaits her in nine months. But this is not always the case. Both the second and subsequent pregnancies can be both planned and random. In each of these cases, there may be some nuances, and the woman will have to go through the painful process of childbirth. Sometimes a woman postpones re-pregnancy for 10 or more years due to subconscious fear of childbirth. This is especially true in a situation if she had a complicated or premature birth, miscarriage. Even tales of hard labor can leave an indelible mark on a woman’s soul. How long it will take a woman to overcome her own fears, and after how many years she decides to get pregnant again, is not known. Only the support of a loving spouse and timely psychological help will help a woman get through this and overcome all the barriers she has erected around herself. And do not believe in these scary stories! All fears are only in your head. Your task is not to lose heart, get together and take a step towards a new one, bold and energetic. For you to start others better times. Just believe that your baby will be born healthy and strong.

Second birth after cesarean section

Physicians are especially attentive to those women in labor who gave birth for the first time with a cesarean section. After the operation, at least two years must pass before the woman can become pregnant a second time. During the entire period of gestation, the doctor carefully observes his patient and monitors her well-being. Give birth a second time naturally  It is possible, but it will depend on how the pregnancy proceeded, as well as on the condition of the suture. In the absence of complications and the condition that the fetus is not large, and that the female pelvis is wide enough, doctors can allow independent deliveries. How long do they last? This will depend on the length of time that has passed since the first birth. If 10-12 years have passed since the first birth, the second birth usually lasts 10-12 hours. If the woman produced her first baby relatively recently, they last 7-8 hours.

years of the last century. During this time, the number of parturient women among women aged 35-39 increased by 90%, and mothers giving birth at 40 and later became 87% more.

Partly the “fashion” for late childbirth came to Russia from the West - from Europe and America, where it is customary to marry after 30 years, and still later give birth to the first child. This is explained by the fact that a woman should find herself in life, make a career, fully realize her potentials, and only then come with full responsibility to the moment of birth of the baby.

Over the past ten years, in Russia, the number of women who want to first get a decent education, make a career, and only then give birth to a child has increased. In this case, the mother can devote more time to him, it is better to provide him with everything necessary, regardless of anyone in this matter. This choice seems controversial to many, but it is worthy of respect, because the mother is driven by the feeling of responsibility towards the future baby.

However, the reasons for late delivery is not only this. There are less and less healthy women who can get pregnant and have a baby without problems.

It often happens that by making one or even several abortionsUnfortunately, by the number of which we are “ahead of the rest,” a woman cannot become pregnant by the age of 25 and should be treated for infertility. Often, such treatment lasts for more than one year, and in reality a pregnancy occurs after 30 years — it may have been difficult, but even more desirable.

It happens in a different way. Having given birth to the first child in her youth, and then, devoting herself to work, at the age of 35-40 a woman provides herself with a decent standard of living and gives birth to another baby.

Often a woman goes to a late childbirth of a second child when she remarries and wants to give birth to a baby in common with her husband.

Sometimes situations are more sad. For example, there are many cases when a late child was given birth to the mothers of those killed in Afghanistan, and later in Chechnya, sons.

It is possible and the situation in which a woman simply does not want to give birth to a child from a man with whom is not going to bind his life, and is waiting for a worthy father for the future of the crumbs.

One way or another, the number of late deliveries in Russia is growing. There is no consensus among doctors about whether this is good or bad. On the one hand, a lot is said that the older a woman becomes, the harder it is for her to give birth. healthy baby. On the other hand, it is clear that for the most part, older mothers have a much more responsible approach to both pregnancy planning and maternityand to raising a child. Consider the pros and cons of late delivery in more detail.

As for the advantages of late birth, it is important to recognize that, after 30-35 years of age, the child, as a rule, is raised not only by the mother, but also by the father.

On the one hand, this is due to the fact that a man after 35 years is much more attached to the family. On the other hand, understanding and appreciating an adult woman who is an established personality, has a job and a certain position, the husband most likely will not think that after giving birth to a child, she should immediately give up everything and only be engaged in home and child.

As for the woman herself, the child after 30 years is born, as a rule, as a result of a planned pregnancy.

A woman of this age treats the desired crumbs not as a burden, but as a tremendous joy, giving her much more attention, time and energy. Then, when the child grows and grows up, this mother, due to her experience and wisdom, will be more patient, able to distinguish the most important from the secondary.

By the way, many psychologists believe that the conventional idea that late children are more talented and gifted than early ones is associated not so much with children, as with the attitude of parents towards them. After all, it is clear that the more time a mom or dad spends with a baby, the more they do it, the better a crumb develops, and the more likely it is for him to reveal all the talents inherent in him.

It has also been proved that if a physiologically optimal period for childbirth occurs at about the age of 22 years, then psychologically and emotionally a woman becomes ready for motherhood about ten years later, that is, at thirty-thirty-five years. Perhaps this is why women who become pregnant and have given birth to a child after 30-35 years perceive their condition more positively, less often fall into depression, pay more attention to the bearing and nurturing of the crumbs.

Mature women take seriously and responsibly not only the child, but also pregnancy and childbirth. They plan pregnancy, constantly visit the doctor and carry out all his recommendations.

There is an opinion that late pregnancy and late childbirth rejuvenates a woman. On the one hand, this is true. And the reason for this - in the production of hormones "pregnancy", mainly estrogentoning muscle tissues, giving them elasticity, strengthening bones and reducing the risk hypertension.

Pregnancy and lactation the late child is really, even physiologically, the time of the second youth of a woman. Psychologically, a woman who gave birth to a late child can also feel younger than her peers - after all, in her 40 years she is not a grandmother, but a young mother, and this status also contributes to psychological youth. However, this medal has two sides.

Pregnancy and childbirth - it is always stress for the woman's body. Therefore, after childbirth and the cessation of breastfeeding, after the decline of hormonal activity, the age of the “adult young mother” still makes itself felt. Although, let us emphasize, a woman of 35 years old who is healthy and leading a correct lifestyle is a young woman and she has the strength to raise a desired child no less than that of a 25-year-old mother.

In later birth there are other advantages. After them it is easier menopause, the climacter can come later, the aging process is less painful.

In addition, late labor can lower cholesterol, reduce the risk stroke  or osteoporosis. Late moms, as a rule, do not have problems with hearing and appear less frequently. urinary infectionsways.

But, unfortunately, late births are not only advantages. And it is not by chance that the increase in the number of late-growing women with whom we are dealing now is disturbing doctors.

First of all, this is due to the fact that, as we said, late delivery does not pose a problem for a healthy woman, and unfortunately, healthy women at the age of 35-40 become less and less. By the age of forty, a woman usually has several chronic diseases, in her “luggage” there are usually one or two sexually transmitted diseases.

Smoking and even alcohol abuse, unfortunately, is not uncommon among women of this age. And to give up bad habits in 40 years is already difficult.

The problem is that the egg is very sensitive to all changes from the outside, and it accumulates all the information about the diseases suffered during the life. So if a woman suffers from hypertension, diabetesShe has problems with thyroid glandthen she cannot become pregnant without first consulting a doctor - the risk may be higher than the probability of having a healthy baby.

In addition, as you know, after 35-40 years the risk increases ectopic pregnancy, the risk of hereditary diseases, fetal chromosomal abnormalities becomes higher.

According to statistics, for example, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome for an age mother increases several times: it is known that almost 70% of all children with Down syndrome are born to women over 35 years old.

These are serious indicators that should not be dismissed, especially since the probability of developing genetically determined and chromosomal diseases after 35 years does not depend on what kind of pregnancy is tolerated by a woman. Down syndrome can occur in both the first late child and the fifth child in the family born by the mother after 35-40 years.

During late pregnancy and late birth more often than at a younger age, a variety of complications arise. This is due to inadequate hormone production, severe pregnancy, and tissue changes.

Among the most frequent complications: premature or post-term pregnancy, toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy ( preeclampsia), premature discharge of amniotic fluid, weakness of labor.

A serious condition such as fetal hypoxia (i.e., lack of oxygen in a baby during labor), which in most cases requires the use of cesarean section, in age primiparous people, it occurs 7 times more often than in young ones.

amount indications for cesarean section  at age primiparous generally higher. This is due to the fact that by the age of forty the tissues of the female body change, they become less elastic. Moreover, it is not only the soft tissues of the vagina or perineum, but also the uterine muscle tissue, which begins to work less intensively as a muscular organ. Older, non-elastic tissues do not allow for the complete opening of the birth canal, in particular, the cervix - the head squeezes the umbilical cord, there is a risk of asphyxiation and death of the fetus during the final moment of labor.

Therefore, late childbirth, especially in primiparous women, is most often performed by caesarean section. Even if the pregnancy proceeded normally, and the woman gives birth herself, childbirth can still be more difficult and prolonged due to the fact that the elasticity of the muscles and the elasticity of the joints decrease.

In addition, late mothers are much more likely to have problems in postpartum period: bleeding, infection. There are also difficulties with lactation and adjustment. breastfeeding: Many babies from the first months of life are transferred to artificial nutrition.

Yet the question of whether to give birth or not to have a child after 35 years, each family must decide for itself. If the choice is made in favor of late maternity, then the woman should approach the planning of the pregnancy and her run byand to childbirth.

By the time of conception of the child's mother must come healthy. Therefore, late pregnancy must be planned.

2-3 months before its occurrence, all possible illnesses should be treated, having undergone a full medical examination. You should not even leave such seemingly trifles as unhealed teeth or frequent colds.

Recall that all the major organs and systems of the fetus are formed in the first12 weeks gestationtherefore, the treatment of chronic diseases should also be carried out before the onset of pregnancy, otherwise all maternal diseases can be inherited by the baby.

Approximately six months before the pregnancy, bad habits must be abandoned - mother’s smoking affects the fetus especially badly. We repeat that to part with a cigarette is necessary not with the onset of pregnancy, but long before it, so that toxic substances can be completely removed from the body.

Before pregnancy, it is important to normalize weight and begin to train the body to physical exertion  - both during pregnancy and after childbirth, there will be plenty of them.

Even before pregnancy, it is important for late mother to find a good one. gynecologistwho will lead the pregnancy. He will advise which vitamins and mineral preparations the future parents need to take before conception, what to drink to the mother during pregnancy, how to eat properly, what kind of regimen to follow.

It is very important that the chosen gynecologist treats the couple’s desire to have a late child with understanding and does not consider late pregnancy and late birth as a pathology. Then the expectant mother will be able to calmly and frankly share with the doctor her fears, anxieties, and experiences that are necessary for a pregnant woman. You should also carefully consider the choice of the hospital.

Pregnancy in late moms should be, firstly, active (swimming and gymnastics are necessary in order to give the tissues elasticity lost to this age), and secondly - under constant medical supervision.

Currently, the possibilities of medicine are very great. For example, a special program of prenatal diagnosis has been adopted, which helps to significantly reduce the risk of unwanted complications and bring the pregnancy to a satisfactory resolution. This program includes ultrasound ( Ultrasound), which are carried out three times during pregnancy, and also a study of placental tissues recommended by geneticists between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy - a test for chorionic villi (PVC), which can be used to determine whether the embryo has chromosomal abnormalities.

Between 14 - 20 weeks  should undergo additional examination - amniocentesis, that is, the study of amniotic fluid. It gives a complete picture of the development of the fetus and possible deviations in this development.

Chromosomal diseases of the fetus can be identified by analyzing the serum of the mother for the presence of alphafetoprotein, this study is carried out on 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

And most importantly - those who decided to give birth later, never have to doubt the correctness of their choice. Each is ready to become a mother no sooner than it is ready. Therefore, there should be no remorse about the fact that the child was not born earlier, no doubt that he should give birth now.

Adult women, as a rule, become much more responsible and patient mothers than very young girls. And if the planned pregnancy, the woman is healthy and full of strength and desire to give life to her baby, then the late pregnancy and the late birth will be fine and leave only happy memories of themselves.

AT medical center "Euromedprestizh»Preparation for the birth of a child begins long before the birth itself. During pregnancy, obstetricians and gynecologists in detail tell future parents about the development of the baby, about the health of the mother, about nutrition, lifestyle, the need to communicate with the baby.

Also in the medical center "Euromedprestige" obstetrician-gynecologists  prepare the future mother's body for the upcoming loads during labor, determine the approximate date of birth, take care of the choice of the hospital, based on your individual wishes and requirements.

With the help of a doctor, you will be able to choose a way in which medical monitoring necessary for your safety does not prevent you from enjoying the most exciting moment of life.

We remind you that no article or website will be able to make a correct diagnosis. Need a doctor's advice!

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Today, more and more women give birth after 30-35 years, or even later. Someone, like a lady in Western Europe, is building a career for housing, looking for the one who wants to give birth to the desired child, others cannot become pregnant due to health problems. On the pros and cons of childbirth after 35 years, tell gynecologists, psychologists and mothers who have kids in such an adult age.

Late delivery - when a woman gives birth after 35 years. The optimal age for the birth of a child is within 18 - 35 years. During this period, the woman's body is fully prepared for the birth of the baby.

Dice. It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of “late obstetric birth”, when a woman gives birth to a first-born child after 27 years, and “a late age of a woman” (after 35 years) for birth, regardless of whether it is the first, second or third child.

What do psychologists think about this?

Psychologists say that the physiological physiology necessary for the birth of a baby appears before the age of 25, but psychological only after 8-10 years. It turns out that only in 30-35 years a woman is completely ready to be a mother on a psychological level and to accept with a positive attitude various difficulties that can arise during pregnancy and childbirth. A middle-aged woman with the onset of motherhood blooms. Fatherhood at this age is conscious.

Mom has a great life experience, and if this is not her first child, then she also has the experience of raising a baby. She tries to give him as much time as possible, to catch up on what, perhaps because of employment or material problems, she could not give to her first child. Moms entirely devote themselves to the child, since it is in the first place for them, because they no longer want to dance in nightclubs or sit with friends at the bar until the morning. Moreover, psychologists say that at this age, children really want men who can already provide for the family and are ready to devote time to posterity as much as women.

Pluses of late pregnancy and childbirth

(according to the observations of the doctors and the moms themselves)

- in 30-40 years old - this is usually a well-planned and prepared step. Parents are already financially independent and morally ready to raise their offspring. For this reason, later children are mostly more developed, clever and talented than their peers, they are given more time and attention.

Moms at that age are much more attentive to their own health, they follow all the recommendations of the doctor. And they have a very rare postpartum, and menopause occurs later. And in general, they often feel much younger, more active than their peers.

After a late birth, a woman passes menopause more easily, and the aging process is not perceived as painful. In addition, childbirth at an older age reduces the risk of osteoporosis or, as well as reduces the level of cholesterol in the body. Late mothers rarely have urinary tract infections and problems with the hearing analyzer.

Cons of childbirth after 35 years

The percentage of chronic diseases among women who become pregnant after 35 years of age is much higher than among young people.

Ovum, which is laid in the body in the embryonic period of development, over the years undergo processes "". The older the expectant mother, the greater the chance that the development of the fetus will go with these or other abnormalities. Often, late children are diagnosed with genetic disorders - mutations that lead to various developmental abnormalities.

Fetal bearing and childbirth require considerable physical strength from a woman. And, having gone through such a powerful stress, the body is greatly weakened. If the mother already has a chronic illness, they can worsen or progress.

Late moms are more likely to have complications: a premature or post-born baby, fetal hypoxia, etc. .

As a rule, due to the fact that the muscles are not so elastic, the woman during labor is given cesarean section.

Women who have given birth after 35 years, problems after childbirth occur much more often, for example, bleeding, infections. There may be difficulties with lactation and breastfeeding.

However, sometimes there are some problems of a psychological nature. Mothers take care of children too much; others, on the contrary, are afraid that the child will grow up very pampered, therefore they are rather restrained in feelings. In any case, excessive hyper-care or restraint both physically and psychologically harm the child. There are other problems associated with late pregnancy. Parents are afraid that they will not have enough time or ability to raise a child, put him on his feet.

Numeral.Now almost 20% of women around the world give birth to their firstborn after 35 years.

The number of mothers after 40 is constantly increasing

In many countries, including Ukraine, there are now special programs aimed specifically at working with women who give birth late.

In general, the biggest problem that occurs at this age is the risk that the child will get chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome). Therefore, these women undergo a lot of additional examinations, except for ultrasound. And those who become pregnant after 40 years, are also invasive prenatal diagnosis. It allows to estimate the probability of a genetic in a fetus. Diagnostic tests can be done before conception or during pregnancy.

The number of women giving birth after the age of 35 is increasing every year (1.5% over the past 3 years). And these are mostly pregnant 40 years and older.

Even when future mom  20 years old, and father, for example, 45, they already fall into the high risk group. But even if the parents are young, but there were problems with previous pregnancies, they are sent to the CMG (Medical Genetics Center). In particular, such problems include: premature infants, missed pregnancies, miscarriages (if there were more than 2), stillborn children, congenital malformations in first children, hereditary diseases.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that at the stage of pregnancy it is possible to diagnose diseases that lead to early disability, then parents should decide whether to give birth to this child or not. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when the disadvantages of the unborn child are incompatible with life or very difficult, then doctors recommend abortion.

reference. If a woman gives birth to 35 years old, the risk of having a child with defects and diseases is 5%, after 35 - 10-11%.

Doctors advise women not to be afraid of late childbirth, because a healthy child will be born or not, mainly depends not only on the age of the mother, but on her responsibility.

The main thing is to register on time (up to 12 weeks), follow the recommendations of the doctors and go through all the examinations sent by the pregnant gynecologist and the geneticist. Then even if doctors find any abnormalities in the fetus, they can be cured in time. The main thing is that the child at any age was desired and planned.

Dice.The optimal age for conceiving a child for a man is from 18 to 40 years old.

Life stories

Ukrainian woman gave birth to a healthy child thanks to the online advice of a Canadian doctor.

Nadezhda gave birth to her second son at the age of 38. It was a desirable, planned and long-awaited pregnancy. Prior to this, the woman had to endure two frozen pregnancies, the last girl froze already at the 5th month after stress at work.

Therefore, when I became pregnant for the third time, I decided not to go to work, I was constantly on sick leave. I no longer trusted our gynecologists, because they "put" me on hormones and antibiotics. And the Canadian doctor Elena Berezvska, whom I contacted via the Internet (she consults for free), did not advise me to take them. I listened to her in everything, and in the antenatal clinic I had to pretend that I was drinking this crap, which they attributed to me, ”says Nadezhda about her experience. - Pregnancy at this age, as a rule, proceeds well, if you tune in positively. Of course, after the experience I was more difficult than others, but I held on as best I could. When it was time to give birth, she herself could not because of the weak labor activity. I had to go through a cesarean section. But everything ended well, now my son is a year and 4 months old.

World War II - the cause of late childbirth

In the post-war years, it was difficult for a woman to find a couple and give birth, since there were practically no men of childbearing age - the war took all of them. Among the living were only older men and very young guys 12-14 years. A peer of a 20-25-year-old girl was very rarely found. Therefore, the girls remained unmarried or agreed to unequal marriages.

Marriage with a difference of five years in favor of a woman was a common thing. Well, there were no couples for 20-year-old girls, so you had to wait for the younger generation to grow up. Therefore, they got married late and gave birth to children, ”says Olga, a 78-year-old grandmother. - And there was a kind of separation between the girls - 24-year-olds were “picked up” by brides who were over 30 years old, and we, the younger ones, were left 20-year-olds. I have a difference with my husband for eight years. She married at 29, her husband was only 21 years old. She gave birth to our first son at 30, the second at 38. But this did not prevent us from happily living our whole life.

Young mothers who have given birth to a second child up to 35 years old, in addition to payments of maternity capital, which is 453 thousand rubles, will receive a surcharge of 250 thousand rubles. This money can be spent on any purpose, reports. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets instructed the Ministry of Labor and Labor, together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, to draft such a bill. The increase will appear presumably from 2018.

Deputies of the State Duma offered the opportunity to spend this money to buy a car for the family, but certainly domestic. You can sell it only after 3 years.

250 thousand for the second child up to 35 years old bill: possible extension of the program until 2023

The maternity capital program appeared in 2007 in order to stimulate childbearing in the country. According to the Pension Fund, 6.6 million Russian mothers have already received payments from the program. In 2015, it was reported that the program is going to be extended until 2018. Now the government intends to extend the program until 2023.

In addition to the additional payment of 250 thousand rubles, the Ministry of Labor will probably be working on the idea of ​​large benefits. Those who have given birth to two children under 25 will be given the opportunity to receive an allowance for each child each month until the child is one and a half years old. The allowance will be one living wage, that is, 9.3 thousand rubles.250 thousand for the second child up to 35 years old bill: doubts about the stability of the maternity capital program

Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Institute of Civil Service and Management Lyubov Hrapylina doubts about the stability of the maternity capital program. As she says, the situation with the parent capital is unstable: the program is constantly trying to either cancel, change, then make not one big payment, but break it up into months and pay it monthly. Khrapylina considers such manipulations about the program completely inappropriate and incomprehensible.

According to the lawyer and founder of the “Rights of the Parents” public movement, Victoria Dergunova matkapital was created to send this money to children, reports. Therefore, it is inappropriate and wrong to spend them for other purposes, for example, in order to repay a loan or invest in business. Parents also try to circumvent the law and spend money for other purposes. For example, there is such a fraud, when parents buy an apartment in order to improve their living conditions, but they sell it soon. In her opinion, if the money is not spent on children, the maternity capital will lose its meaning.