What does pink mean. What does pink mean? How to understand pink in psychology? Pink is its meaning

Probably, this has already become a stereotype that only teenage girls who have not played enough with dolls of a famous brand, usually dressed in such tones, prefer pink color. Hence the bias towards this color, and often we think that the color pink means, first of all, childishness, frivolity and hovering in the clouds. Is it really? And what does pink mean in certain manifestations of our life?

What does this color symbolize?

Pink is very pleasing to the eye. We are pleased to admire pink flowers or a girl in a pink dress. The first rays of the sun that appear at morning sunrise paint the skies pink and give us hope. At the sight of this color, many people lose their aggressive attitude and irritability goes away. First of all, it is the color of tenderness, as well as femininity, beauty, gentleness and care. Pink color is intended to pacify, tune in to friendliness and positiveness.

Pink is based on two colors - white and red. At its core, white is neutral and should be combined with any color. Red, on the other hand, carries powerful energy, love, passion and activity. Combined in pink, white softens the effect of red with its purity and innocence, makes it more delicate.

Pink in psychology

Psychologists consider pink as a color that carries in itself feminine, which with its softness can smooth out conflicts and sharp corners. In psychology, this color is widely used in color therapy, and its positive effect has been proven. It helps in those cases when a person needs to relax, relieve irritability and nervousness.

It has also been proven by doctors that if you look at delicate pink shades, then a person's heart rate normalizes, blood pressure decreases and fatigue goes away.

Contemplating pictures with a predominance of objects of this delicate color, a person tunes in a positive mood, black thoughts leave by themselves. Psychologists recommend using pink tones more often in interiors or clothes during the autumn-winter period or if you are prone to frequent depression.

Pink in character

And what does pink mean in human psychology? From a psychological point of view, we can say about people who prefer this color in clothes that they do not accept cruelty, value lightness and comfort, often invented by themselves, they also have talents and do not have ambition.

However, as you know, everything should be in moderation, and too much love for pink, from a psychological point of view, can tell us about a too frivolous, irresponsible person and the inconstancy of his character, but at the same time a very vulnerable person. Women of a certain age who go overboard with this color in their clothes are most likely either trying to look younger or to attract attention.

If a person does not accept the color pink in any form and he is disgusted with him, we can say about his excessive irritability. Often such a person is conservative by nature, or he just needs a good rest.

Pink dreams

Having dealt with what this color means in the mind of a person, let's figure out what it can mean during an unconscious action - during sleep.

If you have already noticed what color something was in your dream, then we can say that your dream was really bright. After all, usually people do not dream of colored dreams and only emotional experiences allow us to think that the dream was colored.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account many features of what you saw in a dream, with a good or bad feeling you woke up after a dream. However, the usually seen pink color in a dream means something kind and light. The color in a dream promises possible love and happiness, but it may indicate that you often create illusions for yourself and live in them. Also, this color can often be dreamed of by individuals with a rich imagination, who should come down from heaven to earth.

Pink glasses

Often in the address of many people you can hear that they see the world through rose-colored glasses or see life in pink. What this means remains a question for many. Of course, you should not take these phrases literally, they are just phraseological units.

These phraseological units are used in relation to people who live in their own world, do not want to relate to the surrounding reality objectively and often embellish reality. It would seem, why should this be bad? We can say that such a person is optimistic, and that's not a bad thing. But we are not talking about optimism, but about the naivety of a person and finding him in his illusory world. Even in his actions, such a person does not notice anything negative.

Phraseologism has a disapproving connotation, with irony and regret, directed at the person, about whom they say that he sees life in pink colors.

Although sometimes it is possible and even necessary to "put on rose-colored glasses" in certain life situations. After all, a positive attitude towards life is very important, and you need to find positive moments in everything. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Beautiful flowers

In nature, you can often find flowers of pink shades. And this is not surprising, because the main mission of flowers in nature is to attract bees to pollinate their species. Pink color copes with this task perfectly, it is perfectly visible among the green mass of grass and leaves.

People have been giving each other flowers for several centuries, and the color of the presented bouquet can say without words about the feelings of the one who presents this bouquet. What does pink mean in a bouquet? First of all, he expresses the sincere admiration of the donor, high, pure, platonic tender feelings. But this is not about love, but so far only about admiration and expectation of reciprocal sympathy.

It is not customary to give pink bouquets to men, since it means admiration for a pretty girl or woman. But for a beloved mother, lady of heart or for a friend, a bouquet of pink flowers will be appropriate and tell about your sympathies for her.

Pink rose. Value

Rose has long been recognized as the queen of flowers. She has a wonderful view and a delicious smell. In our time, there are several dozen varieties and types of roses. The color of the rose can be varied, with recent rose colors such as exotic blue, black or green. But the delicate pink rose that has come down to us in its original, natural color will always be relevant and loved.

Like any flowers, roses carry a message of certain information. The pink color of the rose means a symbol of high taste, elegance and sophistication. Unlike the red rose, which expresses love, passion and ardor, the pink rose expresses calmer, just emerging feelings and emotions. Also, a pink rose can be presented as an expression of pride and gratitude.

Rose tongue

There is an unspoken language of flowers, and if you know it, you can express much more feelings with a presented bouquet than words. With its variety of shades of pink, from light pink buds to dark cherry blossoms, pink roses are bestowed on a variety of occasions. Delicate pink roses in the language of flowers mean that they express sincere sympathy for you, especially if the buds have not yet opened. Bright pink, right up to rich cherry color, help to express gratitude to the person who gives them.

When accepting classic pink roses as a gift, you need to believe that a bright feeling and admiration for you arises in the heart of the one who gives them. Pink roses can symbolize the beginning of a warm relationship, but you should not think about love, as long as these are only tender, friendly emotions.

It is also worth paying attention to the degree of opening of the rose. Light pink buds of roses that have not opened at all are usually given when they want to express many compliments to a young girl. More open rosebuds are given to girls, wanting to say that their beauty is in full bloom, and their intelligence and talents are admired.

Pink around

When applying pink color in the interior, some peculiarities must be taken into account. Light pink shades of the walls expand the space very well, make it light.

A shade of pink can be either warm, if red pigments predominate, or cold - all lilac tones with a predominance of blue pigment. Warm tones of pink wallpaper are best used for rooms facing north or with little sunlight. Cool shades are suitable for the southern, sun-drenched side and small rooms that need to be visually expanded.

Does the soft pink color mean that it can only be used for a children's girl's room? Now this is not necessary at all. Pink is well suited for interiors of rooms such as a bedroom, dressing room and even a kitchen. The bedroom can have relaxing tones such as coral or a subtle salmon shade that don't look childish and can heighten sensuality. In the kitchen, it is possible to use an elegant fuchsia or Parnassian rose. These shades slightly increase appetite and create a positive attitude.

However, do not get carried away by the abundance of pink in the interior, an overabundance of this color can cause apathy. Avoid making a large pink box out of the ceiling, walls, and floor. It is enough if furniture or interior decorations are pink.

Pink image

If you like shades of pink, but are afraid to use them in clothes, since pink is considered the color of little girls, then you should not blindly believe this stereotype. The palette of pink shades and tones is so diverse that you can definitely choose the right shade of this color for any age.

It's important to find a pink that matches your skin tone. You can do this if you follow the golden rule - warm pink tones go well with a warm skin tone, that is, golden, peach skin. For colder skin tones with pallor and transparency, cool shades of pink work well.

Love for pink can also be recognized through accessories, bright accents, pink jewelry or makeup. If everything is used in moderation, then a pink bracelet, shoes or a bag will be a great addition to your look.

Pink in the male world

Due to the well-established stereotype that pink is intended only for the female population of the planet, many brutal and not very men are sickened by this color. However, stereotypes are often destroyed by life itself and time.

Now it is not considered shameful for a man to have pink things, and this is not an indicator of his weakness or femininity. What does soft pink mean in a man's wardrobe? The presence of pink in a men's wardrobe means that its owner is following fashion trends. Pink suits men the same way as women.

But we must remember that a man's shirts and shirts can be pink. A men's jacket and even a suit can be pink, especially if a man is a creative person, a presenter or a showman. Shades can be different: light pink, coral, peach, lilac, dark pink and others. But it is not customary to wear pink men's T-shirts. An exception may be polo pink shades.

Different colors evoke different emotions. Pink adjusts to a romantic mood, blue pacifies, red makes you act, green disposes to itself. Each person has his own native color. Further, about what character traits are possessed by those to whom the pink tint is especially lovely. Psychology has closely intertwined the color and character of a person.

But first, let's see how human psychology is related to pink relatives - red, burgundy, yellow, as well as its opposites - blue and turquoise (aquamarine).

Who loves red: psychology

Red is primarily passion. Lovers of this color always want to do everything faster, higher, stronger. Be ahead of others. They are born athletes, politicians, careerists. However, impatience, reckless courage, excessive stubbornness often prevent them from achieving anything meaningful in life. Life on the principle of "all or nothing" often ends badly for lovers of red.

Who loves yellow - psychology

Lovers of yellow are sanguine by nature. Difficulties are experienced easily, do not lose heart. They love creativity (especially acting), noisy companies. Those who respect yellow are generous, sincere. Love

Burgundy color - meaning in psychology

A dark shade of red (burgundy) is preferred by pragmatists and conservatives. Such individuals adore everything in particular. Emotions are usually not liked - they are associated with burgundy lovers with female impracticality, empty chatter without specific deeds. The burgundy color in psychology belongs to ambitious personalities. They have real goals in front of themselves, achieve them by real means. Without fanaticism. Such rationality favorably distinguishes burgundy from "red", who are ready for rash actions in order to achieve their goal.

Who loves blue: psychology

Blue is the color of calmness, confidence. Lovers of blue prefer to spend time alone with themselves. Such personalities are non-conflicting, it is very important for them to have a good attitude towards them from others. People who love the color blue, in their psychology, will always prefer a bad world to a “good” war.

Turquoise color - meaning in psychology

The greenish-blue hue of the oceans-seas is called turquoise (aka aquamarine). Turquoise color in psychology is preferred by individuals who are phlegmatic in nature. These are calm, strong-willed natures, doing everything "quietly", gradually moving confidently towards the goal. This is what turquoise means in psychology.

What does pink mean?

Girls and young girls. Cute and very feminine is the first thing pink is associated with. But it is here, in the West. But in other cultures (in the same Japan), this color, on the contrary, personifies the masculine principle. Although aggressive "machismo" in pink is difficult to find. Here is faith, hope, love in him more than enough. No wonder the first rays of the sun, dispelling the darkness - "hopelessness" are just pinkish.

What does pink mean in psychology - the feminine

For a very long time, pink has been associated with girls. Especially kind, naive. This soft shade is associated with the ability to find compromises, avoid conflicts. Lovers of this shade are often devoid of ambition, preferring to give more than take. Such individuals respect the freedom of others, therefore, they are unobtrusive, tactful.

But there is a negative side to all this femininity. Pink color in psychology belongs to rather fickle individuals, easily carried away by new ones, looking at things too superficially. Yesterday, it seemed, completely devoted to the cause, to the person, and today they are interested in others.

In addition, because of their daydreaming, impracticality, lovers of a "feminine" shade tend to greatly exaggerate their own capabilities. Therefore, they often promise what they will not fulfill. And there is no boasting here. It's just that such individuals naively believe that whoever is “right is also strong,” since inwardly they are alien to “the right of the strong,” in general, any injustice.

Tender love

Where there is naivety, there is romance and tender love. No wonder greeting Cards for Valentine's Day is just pink. If red personifies passion, pressure, then a calm cousin is associated with tenderness, devotion, care. In the love of individuals who prefer pink, there is a lot of sacrifice, chastity, and correctness. Flirting, courtship, courtesies, gifts of flowers, vows of loyalty, secret dates - this old-fashioned naivete is very close to those who adore pink.


But even more admirers of this shade love home coziness, spiritual comfort, when everything around is their own - dear, thornless, kind.

They love to take care of others - to feed their beloved cat, to clean up for prankster children. And no special reward is expected. It is just important for them that their loved ones need them, be there.

Pink, of course, touchy, but easy-going, absolutely unforgettable. Therefore, we are ready to forgive even the most vile, base deeds on the part of loved ones. The main thing is that they "correct themselves" and return to their arms.


The color pink in psychology is also optimism. Which is quite logical, because while you are still young, we believe in a better tomorrow, we hope, we wait. Until we sank into the sediment on the sinful earth, we soar in transcendental distances, it seems: "normal flight."

Then we fall into the first air pockets. The "tin" of real life begins. A little time passes, and the pink color begins to give way (though not without fights) to various shades of gray reality.

Sentimentality and sophistication

Pink individuals are often overly sentimental and vulnerable. They love to talk heart to heart, sincerely rejoice in someone else's happiness, cry over someone else's grief from a love story.

Admirers of this color adore refinement and perfection. They like things that make others yawn. They can get aesthetic pleasure from ballet, enjoy the sophistication of the tea ceremony performed by Japanese geisha. In all this they see not banality, kitsch, but primordial beauty, the Garden of Eden before the human fall.

Idealism with Altruism

Lovers of pinkish shades are by nature very gullible. Suffering from a kind of emotional claustrophobia, such individuals do not notice the shortcomings of others, they can misinterpret other people's motives. Therefore, they are easy enough to deceive, they often become victims

Selflessness, idealism brings amateurs to public organizations, where they can:

  • serve some idea;
  • fight the government for the rights of stray dogs;
  • try to wrest playgrounds out of the clutches of developers.

However, they are not enough for a long time, because no complaints to higher authorities, exhortations help. The power of the dogs continues to poison, developers methodically seize playgrounds.

They say that goodness should be with fists. But pinkish pacifists accept this with great difficulty. They are cowardly relaxed hippies, not desperate hysterical punks. Therefore, they quickly give up. Well, if the case starts to smell like fried, then they generally run away.


The main thing with which most people associate pink is the carefree, innocent period of childhood. No wonder toys for babies, children's clothing styles (especially pajamas), and sweets very often have just a pinkish tint.

Those who love this color, like children, adore living in an invented world, are prone to "magical thinking", naively believe that their own feelings and objective reality are identical things.

Individuals prefer pink, whose psychology is structured like this: it seems that it is enough just to want something badly - it will be. Therefore, the reality hits the pink ones especially painfully, they just turn out to be not ready to meet her. Fortunately for themselves, they are easy-going. Like children, they cried and forgot. Admirers quickly recover from the painful blows of fate, "glue" the broken rose-colored glasses and again plunge headlong into the illusory world.

Yes, they certainly want to grow up. They are especially attracted by their close relative, the red alpha male (or alpha female). The pink ones often try to act like they are red. But it turns out badly. Internally, they remain children.

But babies are far from angels. And those who love a pinkish shade have no wings behind their backs. Whatever they imagine, they are far from real angels. Such individuals are prone to ill-considered actions, if "the heart tells it so", are not strong in planning, live beyond their means, litter money if they think that they are going "for a good cause."

The other side of childhood - the meaning of pink in psychology

In childhood, lovers of pink are very bashful, sentimental. Often they passively obey the will of the “leader” —the parent or more emotionally mature, strong peer friends. They join the company easily. Their inherent conformism helps to "catch" the mood of others, to quickly adapt to it. Girls who love pink are such a vest in which friends can always cry. They bring a little kindness to even very aggressive children's groups.

Who doesn't like pink

Pink color in psychology means sentimentality and gullibility, therefore it annoys realists, pragmatists. The shade is associated with the inability to defend one's own interests due to weakness of character. Pink realists remind blissful fools who cannot objectively look at things, and because of naivety, gullibility, they constantly step on the same rake.

Color tranquilizer - color therapy

Pink is in many ways the opposite of aggressive, exciting red. Although inextricably linked with him. After all, it is from a mixture of passionate red and neutral white that pink is obtained. The shade pacifies, removes anger, "injects" a good dose of positive. Therefore, it is often used in color therapy. In the West, in some high-security prisons, the walls are painted just pinkish, as it calms even murderers and rapists a little.

For many, the contemplation of this color (even just on the monitor screen) helps to calm the increased heart rate, lower blood pressure. Pink (in clothes, interiors) is especially useful in winter - it dilutes the cold grayness, dispels winter depression.

However, this ability to relax has another side of the coin. In pink, weakness, vulnerability is clearly felt. Therefore, if you want relaxation, you should not overdo it with a shade (in the same interior). When there is too much pink, it sometimes begins to irritate (especially men), to cause persistent associations with weakness, even spinelessness.

By the way, that is why in the West the attitude towards painting the prison walls pinkish is far from unambiguous. Some studies suggest that this color only calms repeat offenders at first. Gradually, this effect disappears, and pink in its effect begins to resemble red - to cause emotional excitement among hardened criminals.

Colors and character of a person in psychology are interconnected. The truth of such a statement can be easily verified on close people and on oneself.

Pink - symbolizes romance, kindness, love and passion. He is nourished by an aura of innocence and purity.

Pink is a mixture of white and red. Tenderness, masculinity, lightness, inspiration, strength, stability and self-love "live" in this color.

This color is the most passive of all in psychology. It reduces external and internal aggressiveness and provokes affability. Its violet (red-violet) shade indicates that it is most often chosen by people who do not recognize slavery (their motto is freedom in everything).

Pink is soothing

Why, from a psychological point of view, is pink considered soothing and calming? The thing is that the contemplation of this color can bring to life even the most irritable person, since pink dulls aggression and nervousness. (Example: a soccer team. Their coaches paint the walls in the dressing room pink to reduce the aggressiveness of the players on the pitch). In this regard, pink is often used in prisons and correctional homes to raise disadvantaged children.

This color always attracts the attention of others. Therefore, it is not surprising that, as a rule, packaging of goods (especially for children and women) is produced in pink. Pink is the "native" color of Barbie dolls and ribbons (for girls) from the hospital.

For example, people who get irritated very quickly and recover for a very long time after that. Pink color can calm nervous system and make people more restrained and much calmer.

Naturally, you are aware that "pink" in English sounds like "pink". It is with this word that they denote something perfect and sublime. And before that they called beautiful people and any representative of the elite.

Psychologists have proventhat pink color in psychology helps to get rid of stress, has a miraculous effect on the psyche (shattered), and takes part in emotional balance.

Pink color is limitless, but it has a drawback: it is quite rare in everyday life. Yes, this color cannot be called universal. But in combination with white, it looks more than wonderful: white makes it softer, more romantic and delicate.

Chromotherapy advises pink for those who find it difficult to calm down. Those who love pink are always in a dream world, soft, and sincerely believe in miracles. Admirers of the pink color dream of sublime and endless love, strive to create home coziness and comfort. They are gentle and relaxed, "meeting" with reality is quite difficult to endure, as they live in "pink glasses". The “pinkies”, unfortunately, tend to let people down, even those they really value. They, almost always, overestimate their capabilities, their promises are usually just an illusion (they promise much more than they can do). Fans of pink are extraordinarily lucky: they say that they live to a ripe old age.

Favorite color - pink

If you love pink, you do not tolerate cruelty and violence (in any form). You are talented, refined, but you have no ambition. Pink is your favorite color.

Those who love pink are fickle. It is also disappointing that a “pink” person is capable of getting upset and upset for absolutely any reason. Lovers of pink are sensitive personalities. This is their pink psychology of color.

Pink is contradictory: at the same time, it can relax, create a sense of comfort and disperse (mentally). What is the secret of this color's charm? - He has the ability to be very different.

Pink is the color of life (and in general of all living things). Bright pink is more lively, because more red is hidden in it. Moderately saturated looks pretty funny, fun. Generally, pink is the same color as baby's skin. Hence, in fact, associations about childhood and infancy are born.

Remember emo. They "appropriated" this color to their subculture and, we see, how vulnerable and infantile pink can be.

Pink color in clothes

Became considered fashionable in the 30s of the twentieth century. This fashion was "invented" by Elsa Schiaparelli (a famous and gifted fashion designer). She started using bright neon pink for her clothing collection. And by the way, she called this color "shocking pink". Interesting name, isn't it?

We all know very well that, thanks to the well-established stereotypes, it is dangerous to trust a woman driver to drive the wheel. Of course, it is unfair on the part of men, but the fact remains. Men, by their behavior, try in every possible way to prove that a woman behind the wheel is not a place. For example, in Switzerland, men park in places designed specifically for women. Noticing such discrimination, the authorities decided to scare off the men. What, what did they do? They gave the order to paint the "female" parking lot pink and plant a flower garden nearby. And the main goal was to, at least somehow scare off men. So, remember that pink is far from the best option for meeting the opposite sex.

Why is the color of "rose-colored glasses" useful?

It improves digestion, lowers heart rate and pulse rate, normalizes sleep, and greatly improves appetite. It's all pink psychology.

Regardless of everything, pink and its shades can improve your mood. Let us verify this based on the results of one experiment. The authorities of Aurangabad (Indian city), just a couple of years ago, decided to repaint all houses and buildings in the city pink. Thus, they wanted to significantly improve the mood of all residents of the city, who are tired of enduring crime "roaming" in their vicinity. It is safe to say that the huge amount of money that was allocated specifically for the experiment was not wasted in vain: expectations were justified.

Pink is the last light shade of red

However, the pink color manages to maintain the activity of red, therefore, there is no place for either anger or jealousy in it. Be careful when dealing with people who love this color: they are very touchy (but forgive quickly).

IN psychologyevery color, pink- not an exception.

It is used not only in clothing, interior design, but also therapy to harmonize mood.

What does it mean in psychology?

Pink is a mixture of red and white.

It has many shades, sometimes with a touch of gray, lilac.

Passive color, unobtrusive, does not cause aggression, excessive emotions, strong irritation.

Considered more feminine than masculine. The peculiarity of pink is that it can be warm, soft or contain a cold spectrum, becoming sharper, more defiant.

There is a stereotype that teenagers prefer this color more, so it associated with infantility, youth, immaturity... In fact this is not true.

People of all ages can wear pink, but it is important to choose the right shade.

Basic meanings:

  • youth;
  • freshness;
  • the origin of life;
  • novelty;
  • romance;
  • tenderness;
  • friendliness;
  • femininity;

As you can see, this calm, moderate color that awakens positive emotions.

What does pink mean in psychology? Learn from the video:

What does it represent?

What do you imagine when they tell you about the color pink?

First thought - tenderness, calmness, serenity.

Pink combines white, the color of freedom, and red, the color of action.

He is associated with in the spring, the birth of a new life, transformation. In ancient Rome, pink was associated with Venus, the goddess of beauty and love.

It is associated with childhood, sentimentality.


The presence of pink gives feeling of calmness, freshness... The pink room is filled with romance, innocence, airiness.

Rose therapy used when:

  • you need to take a break from mental work;
  • neutralize;
  • create a feeling of romance, celebration.

This color dulls aggression, calms the nervous system, and harmonizes the internal state.

What is it used for in advertising?

Since this is the color tenderness and innocence, then pink is used in advertising products for young people and women.

Often a dye is added to cosmetics so that the creams have a pleasant pink tint.

Jars of this color also look more attractive, speaking of purity, youth, beauty.

Colour calm, intimate, therefore, it can be used to advertise lingerie.

Children love him too. Deep pink toy packaging is eye-catching.

Physiological and psychological impact

Pink color able to calm even the most irritable person.

It softens the effects of other colors. Has a beneficial effect on health, promotes recovery, faster recovery from illness.

If a small child too excited, subject to fears, it is useful for him to be in the pink room. A bedroom in this color promotes a good and restful sleep.

It also has a beneficial effect on mental activity, since the composition contains a red spectrum, but white softens it, without causing excessive irritation and at the same time stimulating thinking.

How to use pink vibrations:

Why is pink glasses useful?

Pink glasses are capable improve mood. The color reduces the pulse rate, heart rate, therefore it is useful for stress, chronic or recurrent. Moreover, it improves appetite.

Everyone has heard the expression “to see everything as in pink glasses” - it means not to notice some negative moments in life, to be naive, too joyful.

Physical glasses with glasses of this color, of course, will not change the quality of life perceptionbut will help relieve stress and significantly improve mood.

If it's a gray day outside, it will become brighter and more attractive, and gloomy people will appear in a different color.

What can you say about the person who likes him?

People who prefer pink do not tolerate cruelty, violence in any form is unacceptable for them.

A person who loves this color is fickle and emotional. He can get upset about almost any reason.

An excess of this color indicates protection needs... People who love pink tend to go into fantasy, fairy tales from the real world.

He gives women femininity, lovers of pink look gentle and innocent, they want to be taken under protection, patronized. They are kind of grown-up children.

This color is associated with talent, creativity, the ability to create something new and extraordinary. Pink people are hardworking, it is difficult for them to switch to rest, they have a developed habit of achieving their plans, completing tasks.

People prefer it sociable, extrovertswho are easy to contact and make friends.

They are drawn to such personalities, they radiate joy and positive, boldly go through life, trying to look for positive in everything.

If there is too much pink in life, clothes, this may signal overconfidence, increased emotionality and at the same time compliance.

5 reasons why pink is the color for real men:

What does aversion to color mean?

If a person does not tolerate pink, this speaks of his irritability, conservatism... It can also indicate fatigue, physical or mental.

Rejection of pink is also a denial of romance, an overly strict view of the world, a lack of spontaneity.

Those who do not like this color are afraid to show their emotions, they are secretive, keep even joyful feelings to themselves... It is difficult for them to express love, affection, surround a partner with tenderness.

Pink doesn't suit everyone. More suitable for innocent girls of short stature. Pale pink is preferred for blondes, while rich tones will do brunettes.


Fashion for pink was in the 30s of the last century.

Designers use it now, but in combination with other colors.

It has many shades, which makes it beneficial for creating casual wear, festive and even business.

In summer look especially good bright colors, in winter calmer shades are preferable.

If you use pink in a business meeting, then add to it, otherwise there is a chance to seem overly frivolous.

The color will work great for a romantic datewalking in nature or going to a restaurant. Beautiful and unusually pink wedding Dressas a symbol of the bride's innocence.

Combines with white and black. Clothes with pink and are interesting. Green and pink looks bright and fresh in summer. The color goes well with gold and silver.

Pink lingerie adjusts to romance, symbolizes tenderness and attractiveness.

The man in pinklooks romantic and bold. Suitable for summer and resort wear.


Pink bedroom - the abode of a young girl.

Delicate shades create a feeling of romance, youth, freshness.

It is desirable to use light and soft shadesso that they do not tire the eyesight and over time do not cause irritation.

You shouldn't make a room in only one color. It is better to dilute it with white, beige, add elements of black or.

For living room deep saturated colors are suitable - fuchsia, light cherry, dark pink, purple and quieter - ash pink, flamingos.