Real kvitki og z khimії. Demonstration options for ODE in chemistry (grade 9)

Axis and it is approaching the next time - the hour to lay down and sleep, in the light of which the future of the schoolboy lies. What new things have been introduced before the ODE in chemistry, what kind of examining worker and chi vzagali vzagali to write a hundred points for the outstanding schoolboy? Dumko, how to get ready. At once, we will sort out in the structure of the robot itself and swear that nothing terrible supranatural is fed there.

In ODE 2017, fate is equal to past fates, changes are not planned. Two examination models are being promoted. Vybіr realizovuє body vikonavchoї RF, zdіysnyuє upravlіnnya in the field of education.

When choosing an examination model 1, chemistry students cannot be present on the test. Such a fence, of course, is grounded: it can be honest for all participants, the ability to help from the side of people competent in the subject, who is given, is guilty but is completely turned off.

And the axis with the choice of model 2, one of the leaders of the future will be practical work, preparation and type of laboratory kits for specialists in chemistry. How to evaluate the work of such a time? Experts, how to evaluate the vikonannya, will be asked to the room, specially created for practical work.

Examination work can be done in three stages: basic (68% of all exams), advanced (18%), folding (14%). Otzhe, like a child first, was known on the materials of the paragraphs, all the tasks are gone. If science is given to you, it’s not given, but if the stress of the wine has been severely ruined in sleep, then if you want to set the basic level, everything is the same - and їх, like Bachimo, more than half.

The rich fathers tell the children that the meta ODE is to “fill up” the unfortunate school, to bring that they don’t know anything, they don’t understand. For this, tricky meals, over-folding tasks are seen. Nothing of the sort. Knowledge, intelligence, beginners are reviewed, taken away from the course of a given subject for two years (!) - in 8th and 9th grades. I respect that chemistry is not an obligatory subject for building. Why don't you know anything, why don't you understand anything? Old men zmushuyut, more bachelor child a medical practitioner? It is necessary for mothers and tatam to be put up to the point of vikonannya of their zabaganok: initial rock dodatkovo explain to children by those who are learning, write down yoga on the top course, hire tutors. It is the child's responsibility to understand the subject, which he himself (!) or, for the help of the great fathers, having chosen the examination. For mothers and tatam, it’s good to guess what they want, swear and care for their own, and children really happen to put together and sleep from the subject, which wine, it’s possible, just to hate.

For the task, it is reasonable to turn the subject to those who are interested in chemistry, plan to continue learning from the top profile 10th class or the first mortgage, where the balls are one of the last ones. In this mood, I will sleep with a reverberation of obvious equal knowledge, a litmus paprika, which gives I the ability to objectively reveal the strength of that weak sides training. And three months of summer vacations allow you to open clearings in knowledge.

The examination work is made up of two parts. Like the frontal rocks of the skin, the step is more folded than the front, so the folding from the front to the front of the growth.

Usy zavdan 22 (for model 2 - 23), їх іz short variance as one digit of the th th sequence (two or three digits without gaps) - 19, z razgornuty - 3 (4). According to the level of folding, the leaders are divided in the following order: 15 leaders change the presence of basic knowledge, chotiri - by the zavdannya advanced folding, and three (chotiri in model 2) - high folding.

Part 2 is the most foldable and foldable in three (examination model 1) or chotiriox (examination model 2) a high level of folding with a flared wind. The method їh vikonannya fallow od ekzamenatsіynoї modelі TER rіznі: at pershіy zavdannya 22 vimagaє uyavnogo eksperimentu that perevіryaєtsya vmіnnya planuvati Venue of eksperimentu vihodyachi of vlastivostey zaproponovanih rechovin, napisati Find our perebіgu hіmіchnih reaktsіy, sklasti molecular rіvnyannya reaktsіy that skorochene іonne rіvnyannya, while drugіy modelі zavdannya 22 that 23 demonstrate the conduct of real laboratory work, demonstrate how to safely behave with laboratory possessions and proponated chemical speeches, and correctly conduct an experiment and write down the whiskers.

Managers are misinterpreted as knowledge of theory, and demonstrating practical skills, mind you. To this, the preparation of the experimental, practical part needs to be given due respect: thoroughly examine the sequence of the laboratory work, understand the logic of the experiment, respectfully read the instructions about the safety of its conduct. Dії may be but logically true, sensible, show the sensible purpose of the experiment.

I sleep three times 120 minutes (examination model 1) or 140 (model 2). A practical way is to determine the optimal distribution of the given hour: the leather part of part 1 should be wound approximately in 3 to 8 strands, the task of part 2 - in 12 to 17 strands on the skin. Approximately 20 fibers are optimally seen on a laboratory robot. The hour, like a bachimo, is not so rich, that like a child has forgotten, like a task is over, it is necessary to move on to the next one. Then you can turn to the troubled ones and calmly dim them.

The re-verification of part 1 is to be done by the computer experts, and the task is 20-23, then part 2 is the subject commission.

The maximum first score is 34 or 38, depending on the fact that the exam model has passed the graduate - I tell my friend.

On yak_ tips (tobto additive materials that obladnannya) can be repaid on your own? There is a periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendelev, a table of salts, acids and bases in water; electrochemical series of metal voltages. With good victories, materials will help the building to a high ball. What rank? It is simply necessary to take as a rule the skin of the paragraph to begin, spiraling on them. Then for the graduate there will be not empty icons and letters, but real tips.

It is also allowed to not program a calculator, to quickly speed up the hour of rozrakhunkivs, to conjure up, and to allow them to include pardons in them, or if they want to minimize their number.

To go back with sleep to the “vіdmіnno”, it is necessary to report chimalo zusil. You can, obviously, deal with it independently or with tutors, but at some point in the preparation to go through without an optimal plan, which is good for everyone. It is better to trust the initial mortgage, which has positively recommended itself. supplementary education, de podіbna pіdgotovka successfully zdіysnyuєtsya vzhe rich rokіv. Then all the material will be repeated, practiced on the demo version and examination options of the past years, under the certification of additional evidence of vikladachiv-experts ODE and ED.

The choice of primary discipline for the development of sleep is the most serious, significant moment that requires universal deliberation. Guilty buti is primed with a request for food: “Now am I going to ask you? With what method? For what? "Just like this every day, more briefly, singsongly, choose a more sensible subject.

Part 1 to commemorate the 19th day with a short break, including the 15th day of the basic level of folding (sequential numbers of these days: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 15) and 4th day promoted equal folding (sequential numbers of the order: 16, 17, 18, 19). With all their authority, the instructions are partly similar to the fact that the difference to the skin is recorded briefly in one digit or a sequence of digits (two or three). The sequence of digits is written down to the form of confirmations without gaps and other additional symbols.

Part 2 in the fallow in the KIM model should be 3 or 4 in the high level of folding with a roared wind. Validity of examination models 1 and 2 is subject to examination and examination until the end of the remaining examination options:

Examination model on 1st task 22, which passes the examination of the "dumkovy experiment";

Examination model to be held on 2nd day 22 and 23, which is passed on to the laboratory work (real chemical experiment).

The scale for transferring points to marks:

"2"– type 0 to 8

"3"– from 9 to 17

"4"– from 18 to 26

"5"– type 27 to 34

Assessment system

Virne vykonannya dermal іz zavdan 1–15 is estimated by 1 point. Virne vykonannya dermal іz zavdan 16–19 is maximally estimated by 2 points. Days 16 and 17 are considered correct, as for the skin one, two options are correctly selected. For the wrong answer - one of two points is correctly named, or three points are named, for any two answers - 1 point is given. Other options are considered incorrect and rated 0 points. Days 18 and 19 are respected by them correctly, since three identities are correctly established. Often the correct vіdpovіd vіdpovіd, yakіy has two vіdpovіdnostі z trioh; wine is evaluated by 1 point. Other options are considered incorrect and rated 0 points.

The revision of the head of part 2 (20-23) is subject to the subject committee. The maximum score for correctly vikonan zavdannya: for zavdannya 20 and 21 - 3 balls each; for model 1 for task 22 - 5 points; for model 2 for task 22 - 4 points, for task 23 - 5 points.

At the end of the examination work, 120 quilins are introduced up to model 1; valid up to model 2 – 140 quills

control materials
for the 2017 rocі
main sovereignty

1. Appointment of KIM for ODE- Evaluate the rіven of global lighting training in chemistry for graduating students of the IX class of global lighting organizations with the method of state-sponsored attestation of graduates. The results of the test can be tested when taking students from a specialized class of a secondary school.

ODE is carried out according to the Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation".

2. Documents to be issued by KIM

3. Come to the selection of a change, a breakdown of the KIM structure

The development of KIM for ODE in chemistry was designed to improve the offensive positions.

  • КІМ is oriented to the re-verification of the acquired system of knowledge, which is considered as an invariant core of the same developing programs in chemistry for the main school. At the Federal component of the state lighting standard in chemistry, the system of knowledge is presented as a help before the preparation of graduates.
  • КІМ call to ensure the possibility of a differentiated assessment of the training of graduates. For this reason, the re-verification of the mastered basic elements of the chemistry course in VIII-IX classes is based on three levels of folding: basic, advanced and high.
  • The initial material, the basis of which will be the task, is chosen as a sign of its significance for the global education of graduates of the basic school. At the same time, special respect is given to these elements of knowledge, as if they are gaining their development in the course of chemistry X-XI classes.

4. Connection of the examination model ODE with KIM EDI

The most important principle, which is covered during the development of KIM for ODE, is the advancement of KIM EDI, as it is conditioned by the same approaches to the assessment of primary achievements in chemistry in basic and secondary schools.

The implementation of this principle is ensured: I can only, as they are presented to the choice of the council, which are revised by the ODE; similarity of structures of examination options of KIM for ODE and EDDI; vikoristannyam analogous models zavdan, as well as the identity of systems for estimating zavdan similar types, which vikoristovuyutsya like in OGE, so in ЄДІ.

5. Characteristics of the structure of KIM 1

In 2017 on the choice of authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as a matter of control in the field of education, two models of examination work are promoted, for their structure, that task, which is included before it, is similar to the models of examination work 2014

The leather version of the examination work is made up of two parts.

part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, in the middle of them the 15th day of the basic folding level (sequential numbers of these days: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 15) and the 4th day of the advanced level of folding (the sequence numbers of these days: 16, 17, 18 , nineteen). With all their authority, the instructions are partly similar to the fact that the difference to the skin is recorded briefly in one digit or a sequence of digits (two or three). The sequence of digits is written down to the form of confirmations without gaps and other additional symbols.

part 2 in the fallow in the KIM model to take 3 or 4 heads of high level of folding, with a roaring wind. Validity of examination models 1 and 2 is subject to examination and examination until the end of the remaining examination options:

  • exam model 1 to avenge the task 22, which is passing the vikonanny of the "misfortunate experiment";
  • exam model 2 to avenge tasks on 22 and 23, which are passed on to a real chemical experiment.

The task of roztashovanі according to the principle of step-by-step growth of equal їхної folding. A part of the order of the basic, advanced and high level of folding was folded in robots 68, 18 and 14% in good condition.
A general statement about the number of tasks in the skin part of the examination robot models 1 and 2 is given in Table 1.


1 Models 1 (M1) valid for demo #1; model 2 (M2) - demonstration option No. 2.

Training test for preparation to ODE - 2017 in chemistry at grade 9

Prepared by:

Tribunska Olena Zhanovna,

teacher of chemistry MAOU ZOSH №7

m.Balakovo, Sarativ region


1) repeat the twisted material

2) learn about the structure of the examination work

3) help learners prepare for ODE.

Instructions for vikonannya roboti

2 years (120 minutes) are added to the vikonannya roboti. The work consists of 2 parts, which include 22 tasks. Part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, part 2 to avenge the 3rd day with a fired break.

Dates before date 1-15 are recorded as one digit, which confirms the number of the correct date.

Dates until the date 16-19 are recorded as a sequence of numbers.

Until 20-22 tomorrow, the next date is to reopen the rounded opinion, which includes the necessary equal reactions and problem solving.

For victorious work, you can speed up with the Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeliev, a table of salts, acids and bases in water, an electrochemical series of metal voltages and an unprogrammed calculator.

Vikoristanі assistants and the Internet - resources :
O.S Gabrielyan "Chemistry grade 9". M., Bustard. 2013 rec.
O.S.Gabrielyan "Chemistry 8th grade". M., Bustard. 2013 rec.
Vіdkritiy BANK head of chemistry ODE

part 1

1. Three electron balls and one electron in the outer electron ball correspond to the atom:

1) chlorine; 3) sodium;

2) lithium; 4) water.


2. In this row, the metal power of simple speeches is cited:

1) beryllium - magnesium - calcium;

2) fluorine - bromine - chlorine;

3) sirka - kissen - selenium;

4) coal - lead - silicon.


3. Z'ednannyami with covalent polar and covalent non-polar bond is obvious

1) RbClіCl 2 3) O 3 іH 2 S

2) HBrіN 2 4) NH 3 іH 2 O


4 .Oxidation stage +5 phosphorus

1) P 2 O 3 3) Na 3 P

2) PH 3 4) Mg(H 2 PO 4 ) 2


5. Speech, formulas yakih -BeOіBaO, є apparently:

1) basic oxide and acid oxide

2) amphoteric oxide and basic oxide

3) acidic oxide and basic oxide

4) basic oxide and amphoteric oxide


6. Reaction, similar to that 2Rb+2 H 2 O=2 RbOH+ H 2 add up to reactions:

1) substitution, exothermic;

2) laying out, exothermic;

3) arrival, endothermic;

4) exchange, endothermic.


7 . ІoniSO 3 2- utvoryuyuyutsya with dissociation from the water difference:

1) potassium sulfide; 3) potassium sulfate;

2) sulfuric acid; 4) potassium sulfite.


8. Gas is seen when interacting:

1) zinc hydroxide and hydrochloric acid; 3) hydroxide midi(II) that nitric acid;

2) sulfide midi and hydrochloric acid 4) potassium oxide and nitric acid.


9. Calcium interaction with dermal speech, formulas for such resurfacing in the group:

1) Before,O 2 , HCl; 3) O 2 , H 2 O, N 2 ;

2) Cu, O 2 , N 2; 4)H 2 OBeforeOH, S.


10 .Oxide beryllium reacts with skin s two speeches:

1) NaіH 2 O 3) HClіO 2

2) H 2 OіHNO 3 4) KOHіH 2 SO 4


11 . The development of nitric acid and skin reaction with two speeches:

1) AgіRbOH;

2) N 2 OіCO 2 ;

3) NiOіHCI;

4) Ba(NO) 3 ) 2 іNH 3 .


12. Middle speech: sodium chloride, sodium sulfide, sodium sulfate - reaction with midi nitrate (II) enter (-ute)

1) two speeches; 3) one speech;

2) three speeches; 4) a common speech.


13. What do you think?

A. Drinking alcohol in water is possible for help.

B. Aqueous salt and credit can be divided for additional filtration

1) probably less than A; 3) vіrnі insults judgment;

2) more likely than B; 4) insulting judgment is wrong.


14. Ammiac is oxidizing in the reaction scheme as follows:

1) N 2 +H 2 →NH 3 ; 3) NH 3 +CuO→Cu+ N 2 +H 2 O;

2) NH 3 +O 2 →N 2 +H 2 O; 4) NH 3 +K→KNH 2 +H 2 .


15 . On the diagram, did you place the masses of the elements in a similar way to ammonium phosphate?

1) 3)

2) 4)


part 2

16. In a number of chemical elementsCl - S- R

1) the changing charge of the nuclei of atoms;

2) increase the acid power of their oxides;

3) the lower stage of oxidation changes;

4) the radius of the atoms changes;

5) non-metal characteristics are enhanced.


17. For carbohydrate C 2 H 6 characteristic:

1) substitution reaction;

2) dehydrogenation reaction;

3) bromine water poisoning;

4) isomerization reaction;

5) reaction with water.


18. Set the distinction between two speeches and a reagent, for the help of which it is possible to distinguish between two speeches

Speech: Reactive:

a)NaIіNaClO 3 1) Ca( Oh) 2

B)HFіRb 2 SO 4 2) AgNO 3

At) CO 2 іCaC 2 3) phenolphthalein

4) Ba(NO) 3 ) 2


19. Set the speech between words and reagents, with which speech can be interchanged.



A) zinc oxide 1)K 2 O, Na

B) carbon dioxide 2) SO 2 , H 2 O

B) sulfuric acid 3)Ca( Oh) 2 , H 2 O

4) HBr, Ca( Oh) 2


part 2

20. Vykoristovuyuchi method of electronic balance, rozstavte koefіtsієnti іvnyannya іvnyannya ії, scheme yakoї

H 2 O 2 + NH 3 N 2 + H 2 O

Vznachte okislyuvach and vіdnovnik.

21. Carbon dioxide gas was passed through the calcium hydroxide. 648 r calcium bicarbonate was dissolved with a mass fraction of 1%. Calculate the amount of gas that has reacted

22. Dani speech: Ve,NaNO 3 , KOH, H 2 SO 4 , Na 2 SO 4 , MgO. Vicorist water and necessary speech only from this list, remove beryllium hydroxide from two stages. Describe the signs of reactions that are carried out. For an ion exchange reaction, write a short ion equal reaction.

System for evaluating test work in chemistry

Vіrne vykonannya dermal іz zavdanparts 1 the basic level of folding (1-15) is estimated at 1 point.

Vіrne vykonane skin іz zavdanparts 1 progression of foldedness (16–19) is estimated at the most by 2 points. Tasks 16 and 17 are considered to be correct, as in the skin of them two options were correctly selected. For an incompetent statement - one of two points is correctly named, or three points are named, for which two points are correct - 1 point is awarded. Other options are considered invalid and are evaluated at 0 points.

Days 18 and 19 are respected by them correctly, since three identities are correctly established. Often the correct vіdpovіd vіdpovіd, yakіy has two vіdpovіdnostі z trioh; wine is evaluated by 1 point. Other options are considered incorrect and rated at 0 points.

part 1

part 2

20. Vikoristovuyuchi method of electronic balance, rozstavte coefficients of equal reactions, the scheme is:

H 2 O 2 + NH 3 N 2 + H 2 O

Indicate an oxidizing agent.

Elementi vіdpovіdі

1. The electronic balance has been stored.

3 │2О -1 + 2? → 2O -2

1 │2 N -3 - 6ē →N 2 0

2. Distribution of coefficients for equal reactions:

3 H 2 O 2 + 2 NH 3 N 2 + 6 H 2 O

3. It is indicated that the leader isN -3 , but oxidizing -1

Evaluation criteria


At Vidpovidi, pardon was allowed only in one of the elements

Pardons allowed for two elements

Maximum score

21. Through the opening of calcium hydroxide, carbon dioxide was passed through. 648 r calcium bicarbonate was dissolved with a mass fraction of 1%. Calculate the amount of gas that has reacted


(Other formulations are allowed if they do not support it)

1) Stacked equal reaction 2CO 2 + Ca( Oh) 2 = Ca( HCO 3)2

2) The mass and amount of speech to potassium bicarbonate, taken as a result of the reaction, was reimbursed:

mclean.Ca( HCO 3)2 ) = mr-ra (Ca(HCO 3)2 ) * w (Ca(HCO 3)2 )= 648 * 0.01 = 6.48g.

M(Ca(HCO 3)2 )=164g/mol

n(Ca(HCO 3)2 ) = 6.48 g / 164 g / mol = 0.04 mol

3) Reliable commitmentCO 2

n(CO 2 )=2 n(Ca(HCO 3)2 )=2 * 0.04 = 0.08 mol

V(CO 2 )=n * V m = 0,08 * 22,4 = 1.8l.

Evaluation criteria


The statement is correct and true, including all the names of the elements


Correctly spelled 2 elements from the names of more


Correctly records 1 element from the names of the second (the first or the other)


All elements must be entered incorrectly


Maximum score


22. Dani speeches: Ve, NaNO 3 , KOH, H 2 SO 4 , Na 2 SO 4 , MgO.Vicorist water and necessary speech only from this list, remove beryllium hydroxide from two stages. Describe the signs of reactions that are carried out. For an ion exchange reaction, write a short ion equal reaction.


(Other formulations are allowed if they do not support it)

    1) Folded lancet fold:

ve veSO 4 Ve(Oh) 2

There are two equal reactions:

2) Ve+H 2 SO 4 = VeSO 4 +H 2

3) VeSO 4 + 2KOH = Ve(OH) 2 ↓+ K 2 SO 4

4) Describe the signs of a reaction overrun:

for the first reaction: zinc is dispersed, a barless gas is seen;

for another reaction: falling under the siege of the white color.

5) Compiled quickly and not equal to another reaction:

Ve 2 + + 2 Oh - = Ve(OH) 2

Evaluation criteria


The statement is correct and true, including all the names of the elements


Correctly spelled chotiri elements vіdpovіdі


Correctly written three elements of vіdpovіdі


Correctly written two elements of vіdpovіdі


One element vіdpovіdі is written correctly


All elements must be entered incorrectly


Maximum score


control materials
for the 2017 rocі
main sovereignty

1. Appointment of KIM for ODE- Evaluate the rіven of global lighting training in chemistry for graduating students of the IX class of global lighting organizations with the method of state-sponsored attestation of graduates. The results of the test can be tested when taking students from a specialized class of a secondary school.

ODE is carried out according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents to be issued by KIM

3. Come to the selection of a change, a breakdown of the KIM structure

The development of KIM for ODE in chemistry was designed to improve the offensive positions.

  • КІМ is oriented to the re-verification of the acquired system of knowledge, which is considered as an invariant core of the same developing programs in chemistry for the main school. At the Federal component of the state lighting standard in chemistry, the system of knowledge is presented as a help before the preparation of graduates.
  • КІМ call to ensure the possibility of a differentiated assessment of the training of graduates. For this reason, the re-verification of the mastered basic elements of the chemistry course in VIII-IX classes is based on three levels of folding: basic, advanced and high.
  • The initial material, the basis of which will be the task, is chosen as a sign of its significance for the global education of graduates of the basic school. At the same time, special respect is given to these elements of knowledge, as if they are gaining their development in the course of chemistry X-XI classes.

4. Connection of the examination model ODE with KIM EDI

The most important principle, which is covered during the development of KIM for ODE, is the advancement of KIM EDI, as it is conditioned by the same approaches to the assessment of primary achievements in chemistry in basic and secondary schools.

The implementation of this principle is ensured: I can only, as they are presented to the choice of the council, which are revised by the ODE; similarity of structures of examination options of KIM for ODE and EDDI; vikoristannyam analogous models zavdan, as well as the identity of systems for estimating zavdan similar types, which vikoristovuyutsya like in OGE, so in ЄДІ.

5. Characteristics of the structure of KIM 1

In 2017 on the choice of authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as a matter of control in the field of education, two models of examination work are promoted, for their structure, that task, which is included before it, is similar to the models of examination work 2014

The leather version of the examination work is made up of two parts.

part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, in the middle of them the 15th day of the basic folding level (sequential numbers of these days: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 15) and the 4th day of the advanced level of folding (the sequence numbers of these days: 16, 17, 18 , nineteen). With all their authority, the instructions are partly similar to the fact that the difference to the skin is recorded briefly in one digit or a sequence of digits (two or three). The sequence of digits is written down to the form of confirmations without gaps and other additional symbols.

part 2 in the fallow in the KIM model to take 3 or 4 heads of high level of folding, with a roaring wind. Validity of examination models 1 and 2 is subject to examination and examination until the end of the remaining examination options:

  • exam model 1 to avenge the task 22, which is passing the vikonanny of the "misfortunate experiment";
  • exam model 2 to avenge tasks on 22 and 23, which are passed on to a real chemical experiment.

The task of roztashovanі according to the principle of step-by-step growth of equal їхної folding. A part of the order of the basic, advanced and high level of folding was folded in robots 68, 18 and 14% in good condition.
A general statement about the number of tasks in the skin part of the examination robot models 1 and 2 is given in Table 1.


1 Models 1 (M1) valid for demo #1; model 2 (M2) - demonstration option No. 2.