Vinnytsia National Medical University im m i Pirogov VNMU. Vinnytsia Medical Institute of Zabutiy Navchalny Rik

Vinnytsia National Medical University IM. M. Pirogova (VNMU) - supplementary information about the initial mortgage

General information

Vinnytsia National Medical University in 1921

In 1960, the initial mortgage was assigned to the name of N.I. Pirogov, in 1984 the university was awarded the Order of the Sign of Poshani. Since 1994, the Vinnytsia Medical Institute of attestations and accreditation for the IV level of accreditation was given the status of the University.

The national status of the university was given to the university in 2002, and in most cases it was awarded with honorary diplomas to the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine and Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine.

The Vinnytsia National Medical University has one of the most important central pledges of Ukraine for the protection of victories with scientific steps and education. Mayzhe kozhen shosti vicladach to the university - doctor of sciences, professor. Students navchayut 100 doctors of sciences, 424 candidates of sciences.

The Vinnytsia National Medical University has 6 Honored Doctors of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 4 Honored Workers vishoi schools and Ukrainian Education, 2 Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12 Honored Likars of Ukraine, 6 Laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Bilorus.

For the last 13 years at the Vinnytsia National Medical University, the organization of the stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, training for five new specialties. Absentee training in pharmacy is organized by the Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Graduate Education, which functions on the basis of medical facilities in Zhitomir.

Infection at the Vinnytsia National Medical University functions of the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Medicine No. 1,
  • Faculty of Medicine No. 2,
  • Faculty of Dentistry,
  • Pharmaceutical Faculty,
  • Educational faculty for earthy hulks,
  • Faculty of diploma education.

The Vinnytsia National Medical University has 12 scientific schools.

International links of Vinnytsia National Medical University

The Vinnytsia National Medical University is trained in creative communication and education with the medical faculties of universities in 19 foreign countries (including the USA, Nimechchini, France, England, Russia). Tisnі links can be found in clinical departments with 28 foreign pharmaceutical companies. Vikladachi departments of the vicinities of 62 international projects.

The initial process and management of the university is widely used in computer technologies. Functions 26 computer classes, vikoristovuyutsya 4 channels of internet, access to all students, graduate students and victories without a school.

Vinnytsia National Medical University has a thorough material-technical and initial-methodical base.

At the university svoreny centri - novikh information technologies, Naukovo-prel_dniy, diagnostics; medical and psychological clinic, nauchno-virobnichesky complex - stomatologic clinic. The stench is equipped with a daily possession, which is necessary for the preparation of the initial process. medical aid populate.

Vinnytsia National Medical University Bouv of the dates in 1921 roci.

The name of M.I. Pirogov was appropriated to the initial mortgage in 1960 by the Russian Federation. In 1984 he was awarded the Order of the Sign of Possession.

Vinnytsia Medical Institute of attestations and accreditation for the IV rivne of accreditation and since 1994 the status of the University was given. In 2002, the University of Ukraine renounced its national status and, in general, was awarded honorary diplomas to the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Sake of Ukraine.

At the university there is one of the most important, middle-sized pledges of Ukraine, the level of safety with viclades with scientific steps and links. Students navchayut 120 doctors of sciences and 554 candidates of sciences. At the University of Science and Technology 6 Honored Doctors of Science and Technology of the State of Ukraine, 4 Honored Workers of the School and Education of Ukraine, 2 Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12 Honors of the Ukrainian State Prize, 6 Laureates of the Ukrainian State Prize.

The University of Spіvpratsyu and Educational Links with the medical faculties of the Universities of 19 foreign countries, the Clinical Departments, there are technical links with 28 foreign pharmaceutical companies. Vikladachi departments of the vicinities of 72 international projects.

Rector of the University - Moroz Vasil Maksimovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honors of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine.



Faculty of Medicine №1

The structures of the faculty have 38 departments, incl. 23 clinical and 15 theoretical.

Among the departments - 5 fundamental profiles, 4 humanities and socially-economical profiles and 31 professional-oriented ones.

Faculty of Medicine number 2

At the Faculty of Medicine No. 2, the preparation of faculty members for the specialties "Pediatrics" and "Medical Psychology" for the educational and qualified level of "specialties" is being prepared.

Department faculty:

    Department of children's ailments №1

    Department of child ailments №2

    Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of software

    Department of Therapy, Medical Faculty No. 2

    Department of surgery of the medical faculty No. 2

    Department of Child Surgery

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Dentistry of the Bureau of Investigations in 1994.

Professional departments:

pharmaceutical faculty

The Faculty of Pharmacy is prepared for specialties: "pharmacy" (denna and absentee form of science) and "clinical pharmacy" (denna form of navchannya).

At the end of the five-year term, the graduates will be assigned the qualification "provizor" or "clerical provizor" with a second diploma preparation from the same international course.

At the faculty of work there are more than 100 victories, which are highly qualified people.

Professional departments:


    clinical pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical chemistry

Preparatory faculty for earthy hulks

Faculty of diploma education

Department of Vinnytsia FPO:

    childish surgery

    nerve ailments


    Orthopedics and Traumatology



    Anesthesiology and reanimation






    Organization of health protection management


Department of theoretical profile

    Department of Biochemistry and Foreign Chemistry

    Department of Histology

    Department of Foreign Health and Ecology

    Department of Earthmovs

    Department of Microbiology

    Department of Disaster Medicine and Medicine

    Department of Medical Biology

    Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Apparatus

    Department of Human Anatomy

    Department of Normal Physiology

    Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

    Department of Pathological Physiology

    Department of Natural Sciences

    Department of Social Medicine and Health Protection

    Department of Ukrainian Studies

    Department of Physics

    Department of Philosophy and Suspension Sciences

    Department of Pharmacology

    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    Department of Pharmacy

Department of clinical profile

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2

    Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty No. 2

    Department of Internal Medicine №1

    Department of Internal Medicine №2

    Department of Internal Medicine №3

    Department of Internal and Family Medicine

    Department of Children's Infectious Diseases

    Department of Child Surgery

    Department of Endocrinology

    Department of Foreign Surgery

    Department of infectious diseases

    Department of Pathological Anatomy, Ship Medicine and Law

    Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology

    Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry

    Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Medical and Social Expertise

    Department of Nervous Disorders with the Course of Neurosurgery

    Department of Oncology, Promenade Diagnostics and Promenade Therapy

    Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology

    Department of Prosthetic Dentistry

    Department of Otorhinolaryngology

    Department of full-time ailments

    Department of Pediatrics No. 1

    Department of Pediatrics No. 2

    Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine

    Department of propedeutics of children ill

    Department of Psychiatry

    Department of Dentistry for Children

    Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

    Department of Phthisiology

    Department of surgery of the medical faculty No. 2

    Department of surgery №1

    Department of surgery №2

    Department of Surgery Dentistry

    Department of venereal ailments

diagnostic center

Structural support or diagnostic center:

    Hepatology Center (based on MCL No. 1)

    bacteriological laboratory

    Office of spinal computer tomography

    Cabinet of Clinical Vertebrology

    Center for Reproductive Medicine

Likuvalno-advisory robot

Likuvalno-advisory robot to work at the Vinnytsia National Medical University at 35 departments. There are 340 victories for a clinical robot, among them - 68 professors, 126 associate professors, 121 candidates of medical sciences.

Clinical bases of the Vinnytsia National Medical University in the territory of three regions: Vinnytsia, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyrs. There are 42 medical and preventive health care provisions.

The out-of-pocket storehouse fund of key bases 15371 odinitsa. It is common practice to follow and consult about 200 thousand ailments at the clinical departments.

Professorsko-vikladatsky warehouse of 21 departments will give extra medical assistance to the towns and villages.

With the dermal rock, the sportsmen of the clinical departments are increasingly actively involved in the implementation of the development of new clinical drugs.

The sportsmen of the clinical departments take an active part in the visits to the students with complex programs:

    National program for the prevention of HIV infection, help and prevention of HIV infection and ailments at SNID

    State program "Oncology"

    Program for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension

    Complex program "Cukroviy diabet"

    National program for the fight against tuberculosis

On the basis of the departments of the university, 10 special laboratories and centers successfully function:

    Bacteriological laboratory (Department of Microbiology)

    Scientific-dosl_dnitska clinical-diagnostic laboratory

    Ultrasonic diagnostics cabinet

    Computer tomography office

    Clinical-diagnostic allergological laboratory

    Clinical diagnostic gastroenterological laboratory

    Hepatological center (persha miska likarnya)

    Center for pidshlunkovoy zalozi

    Center for Reproductive Medicine

    Medical-psychological center (Altmedcenter)

At the clinical bases of the university, 23 ultrasound devices, a spinal computer tomograph, 2 computer tomography, are available for conducting laparoscopic tests on the organs of the black emptying.

The university's spirits at the university are involved in the development of mortgages and pharmaceuticals from 13 foreign countries from 9 international and 13 state programs.

Proceed to the University for the implementation of contracts with foreign land mortgages.

General information

Vinnytsia National Medical University IM. M. Pirogova (VNMU) - supplementary information about the initial mortgage

General information

Vinnytsia National Medical University in 1921

In 1960, the initial mortgage was assigned to the name of N.I. Pirogov, in 1984 the university was awarded the Order of the Sign of Poshani. Since 1994, the Vinnytsia Medical Institute of attestations and accreditation for the IV level of accreditation was given the status of the University.

The national status of the university was given to the university in 2002, and in most cases it was awarded with honorary diplomas to the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine and Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine.

The Vinnytsia National Medical University has one of the most important central pledges of Ukraine for the protection of victories with scientific steps and education. Mayzhe kozhen shosti vicladach to the university - doctor of sciences, professor. Students navchayut 100 doctors of sciences, 424 candidates of sciences.

At the Vinnytsia National Medical University of Ukraine, 6 Honors of the State University of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 4 Honors of the Institute of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 2 Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, 12 Awards of the Ukrainian State

For the last 13 years at the Vinnytsia National Medical University, the organization of the stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, training for five new specialties. Absentee training in pharmacy is organized by the Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Graduate Education, which functions on the basis of medical facilities in Zhitomir.

Infection at the Vinnytsia National Medical University functions of the following faculties:

Faculty of Medicine No. 1, Faculty of Medicine No. 2, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Education for Earthlings, Faculty of Diploma Education.

The Vinnytsia National Medical University has 12 scientific schools.

International links of Vinnytsia National Medical University

The Vinnytsia National Medical University is trained in creative communication and education with the medical faculties of universities in 19 foreign countries (including the USA, Nimechchini, France, England, Russia). Tisnі links can be found in clinical departments with 28 foreign pharmaceutical companies. Vikladachi departments of the vicinities of 62 international projects.

The initial process and management of the university is widely used in computer technologies. Functions 26 computer classes, vikoristovuyutsya 4 channels of internet, access to all students, graduate students and victories without a school.

Vinnytsia National Medical University has a thorough material-technical and initial-methodical base.

At the university center there are new information technologies, science-pre-past, diagnostics; medical and psychological clinic, nauchno-virobnichesky complex - stomatologic clinic. The stench is equipped with daily possessions, so that the initial process of providing medical assistance to the population is taken into account.