Filming of Russian explorers of the Chinese pyramids. Chinese pyramids

Most are familiar with the pyramids in China, have read scraps of information about them, have seen some photographs. But the details about their study, some kind of archaeological excavations - this is nothing. China keeps an information curtain about them. Or maybe this is an amicable agreement? There is no need for the layman to know too much. So that there are no unnecessary questions. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photographic material and official information on the appearance of these pyramidal mounds.

Original taken from maximus101 in the Pyramids of China

The name "pyramid" stuck behind the burial mounds of the Chinese emperors and their dignitaries. This is largely justified, since these burial mounds were shaped like a truncated pyramid, although there were other options for burials of the Chinese nobility. Chinese earthen mounds were built using a special technology that allowed them to keep the shape of these structures for a long time. During the construction of the pyramids, the earth was not just poured - it was carefully tamped, so the earthen structure was close to concrete in strength. This made it possible to maintain clear edges of structures even after millennia. This time-tested technology was used to build not only pyramids. In China, most of the buildings were built, in fact, from the earth - and palaces, and pagodas, and houses of ordinary people. The Great Wall of China, for its greater extent, was also made of tamped earth, only in later times, it began to be erected from stone and burnt bricks.

I have already touched on the topic of the Chinese pyramids, in the story about the tomb of the First Chinese Emperor - Qin Shihuang. This is a continuation, here we will talk about the imperial mausoleums of the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD)
Elderly Chinese women gaze at the tombs of their great ancestors.

The Qin Burial Mound is the starting point for the construction of the pyramids in China. His pyramid was not only the very first, but also the largest. The pyramids of subsequent emperors, primarily of the Han state, approached in size to the tomb of Qin Shihuang, but no one managed to surpass it.

First, you need to make a small excursion into the history of Chinese burials. Although Qin Shi Huang Ti was the builder of the largest pyramid, he did not designate the very idea of \u200b\u200berecting giant earth mounds over the graves in China. It is worth noting that most scholars are inclined to think that the "barrow theme" was not originally characteristic of the Chinese. The burials of the ancient Chinese Shang-Yin dynasties did not have any impressive ground structures; the Zhou dynasty that replaced them did not try very hard in this direction either. Most likely, the idea of \u200b\u200bburial mounds came to China from the North, from numerous nomadic tribes.

In the entire belt of the steppe zone, from the Crimea to Altai, everything was in order with the mounds, the nomads - Scythians, Saki, erected them in considerable quantities. It is especially worth noting here, the huge mounds of the Tagar culture of the 5-6 centuries BC in modern Khakassia. Outwardly, they are very similar to the Chinese earthen pyramids.

Probably the first earthen structure of its kind in China was a very impressive burial mound of the 4th century BC. principality Zhongshan, which is located just south of Beijing. Zhongshan for the Chinese was a barbaric kingdom, for it was based on the so-called "white di", tribes with a currently unknown ethnicity, perhaps they were Indo-Europeans and were related to the Yuechzha and Tochars. I posted pictures somehow chinese mummies from Tarim, among them there were many people of Indo-European origin.

One way or another, but it was the Chinese who brought the idea of \u200b\u200bKurgan building to complete perfection, having built countless burial pyramids for their nobility.

This story is mainly devoted to the pyramids of the Han dynasty, located near the ancient city of Xi'an.
Burial map around Xi'an.

Han burials are marked with blue-gray "mounds".

Burials of the Tang era, respectively - red badges.

You can see that the Han pyramids arc from West to East along the Weihe River. Each mausoleum had its own huge burial city - lin and, approximately the same in terms of like the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum.

Many people lived in such a city, during the time of the Han the emperors, sometimes forcibly, resettled there many aristocrats with their servants. This was done in order to control the latter by the imperial power, plus, they had to take care of the mausoleums of the former Han rulers. Warriors, artisans and wives of the deceased emperor, the entire harem were moved there. In ancient times, they would all be buried alive along with the deceased master, but since the Han dynasty, human sacrifices have become rare, of course, a couple of beloved concubines still dug in where to go. But the entire imperial harem and servants continued to live, only this time next to the pyramid of their master. Sometimes the number of the burial city could reach 50,000 people, like the emperor Wu-di in the Maolin mausoleum.

And this "city of the dead" had fortress walls, and the most real ones. Each mausoleum is a separate fortress, judging by the map, the burial cities formed a real belt of defense, the fortress walls of large and small mausoleums closed together, forming a protective arc covering the capital - the city of Chang'an from the North. It was from the northern steppes that the invaders of the Huns came to China. The dead emperors continued to defend their capital, both symbolically, influencing the imagination of the nomads with their gigantic pyramids, and in fact, covering the entire surrounding metropolitan area with walls of mausoleums.

I did not have the opportunity to visit all the pyramids at once, since there are a great many of them and they are located at a very decent distance from each other.
Therefore, I chose two large burial complexes for a cursory examination - this is the complex of the Emperor Jing-di - Yangling (there will be a separate post about it), and the field of the pyramids of the Emperor Xuan-di - Dulin.
I caught a few large pyramids in the lens by accident, I filmed them while driving by on a bus. First of all, it is worth noting the largest Han pyramid - Maoling Mausoleum of Emperor Wu Di (141 BC to 87 BC), this mausoleum was worth visiting on purpose, if only for its size.

Maolin pyramid.

The Maolin Pyramid has a base of 240 meters by 240 meters and an approximate height of 50 meters. It is the largest burial mound after Qin Shihuang burial mound. She can be seen from tens of kilometers away, but of course it is better to come closer, especially since her burial city has the largest number of accompanying burials, something about 175.

Pyramid of Emperor Jing-di, its base is 160 by 160 meters.

And almost the same, in size, the empress's pyramid in the Jing-di complex.

A very mysterious two-stage Kanlin pyramid.

It seems to have been intended for the juvenile emperor Ping-di (ruled from 1 BC to 5 AD) Only 6 years! At the age of 14, Pin-di had already died, or he was helped in this. The pyramid is huge - the base is 220 by 233 meters, the upper platform of the pyramid is 50 by 60 meters.
A monstrous mound literally hangs over the suburb of Sanyang.

The beginning of our era is the reign of Wang Man - the great "temporary worker" and reformer, who founded his own Xin dynasty, which really ended on him. He was credited, and not without reason, with the poisoning of the juvenile emperor Ping-di. Perhaps Wang Man decided to make amends by building a huge tomb for Ping-di, or maybe he was preparing it for himself. Who knows…

The Dulin complex of Emperor Xuan-di, which I decided to visit on purpose, is located outside the main "protective" line of Han burials, which runs to the north. It lies south of modern Xi'an, but not very far, almost immediately behind the ring road, so getting to Dulin is easier than to all the other Han pyramids.
Now, on the territory of the burial city of Doolin, a park has been set up for Chinese workers, there is even an entrance fee of 5 yuan.

From a distance, the pyramid looks impressive, but coming closer, it is difficult to find it in dense plantings. The park here rises in ledges up from north to south. The pyramid stands at the top of the plateau. It is not clear how natural the surrounding terrain is, perhaps the base of the pyramid is also man-made. Sometimes it's hard to look for Chinese mounds overgrown with trees - it's like in a fairy tale with sailors who landed on the back of a huge whale, believing that this is an island. Here is the same thing, you are looking for a burial mound, not realizing that you have been wandering along its overgrown slopes for a long time, since such large-scale objects are poorly perceived up close.

The mound itself is devoid of vegetation and has a distinct truncated pyramid shape.

View of the park from the top of the pyramid. Below there are steles erected by the later Chinese emperors as a sign of respect for Xuan-di.

The Xuan-di pyramid has a base of 168 by 168 meters, which is much smaller than in Maolin and Kangling. By the way, I wonder why ... After all, Xuan-di was a very powerful emperor, under him the Han state reached its heyday.

The view from the height of the emperor's pyramid, in the distance the stepped pyramid of his wife is visible.

The pyramid of Xuan-di's wife is much more interesting than the mound of the emperor himself, although it is somewhat smaller (base 150 by 140), it looks more spectacular thanks to the steps well-preserved in shape. Step pyramid of the Empress.

Way up.

The steps are clearly visible even after thousands of years ...

On the edge of the upper platform, during my stay there, a funny person constantly walked. Apparently, he was performing some kind of ritual known to him alone. This is how he walked and walked, in a square, and he was there a decent 48 by 43 meters. At the same time he mumbled something to himself a tray - apparently, there are enough "moved" on the pyramids in China itself. The trash at the top indicates that the Chinese like to have picnics here.

This is not a feather-grass steppe, but the top of a stepped pyramid.

The crane is a small ant compared to the huge burial mound.

Doolin pyramid field. Numerous relatives, concubines and dignitaries of the emperor are buried here.

Pyramids of the burial complex extending beyond the horizon.

Round mound in the Doolin complex.

And these are the ruins of one of the fortress towers of the burial city of Doolin. Like all Han emperors, the ling and (burial city) Xuan-di was surrounded by many kilometers of fortress walls and had a large population serving the funeral temples of the former ruler and his family members.

The Empress's Pyramid.

The Doolin complex includes another large pyramid. This is the burial place of the beloved wife of Emperor Xuan-di Queen Xu. She was poisoned during childbirth, and most likely, not without the help of the last empress, whose pyramid rises next to the Xuan-di mound. That is why the pyramid of Queen Xu is located at a decent distance from the main complex, somewhere 6.5 kilometers to the southeast. Apparently, the acting empress did not allow Xu to be buried in the main complex. I had no way to get to the Xu pyramid, it was already getting dark, and I got a little tired by that time, or rather I almost could not walk.
Therefore, I will use the pictures of Chinese photographers. 子午 谷

You can see that the Xu pyramid has a very interesting shape, it is almost a Babylonian ziggurat. It has three large main steps, which, in turn, bear relatively small steps.

And the pyramid is large in size - the base is 136 by 120 meters and the height is more than 20 meters. Although the mound stands aside from the main burial city, it is clear that the emperor spared no effort to build a mausoleum for his beloved wife ...

View from the top step of Queen Xu's pyramid.

To the west of the Doolin burial complex there are several burials dating back to the 14th century, during the Ming dynasty. They are smaller in size than the Han giants, this is understandable, the emperors during the Ming era lived in Beijing and Nanjing, there they were buried. In Xi'an, only relatives of the rulers and local nobility could be buried.

In all the burials of the Ming era, there are many stone statues - these are the so-called "spirit alleys" of Shendao. I filmed the figures of the nearest tomb already in the approaching darkness.

One Minsk mound has a very interesting shape, it is round at the base, and at the same time it is stepped. It's a shame that because of the darkness I never got to it.

This burial place has an impressive "alley of spirits" and is worthy of a separate visit. All Chinese pyramids are located in the countryside, therefore, while searching for burials, you can get acquainted with local settlements such as this.

Locals often visit the graves of their great ancestors, so you are unlikely to explore the pyramids alone.

The robbers are present in full. The large imperial mounds are still being watched, although I have not examined everything. And the small ones are almost all dug, just in the small mound the diggers' holes are more noticeable. These holes are almost everywhere.
I saw a pyramid on a peasant plot, so he adapted it for a shed, dug a cave in it, such that it is possible to enter without bending and stores various belongings there - rakes, bags of fertilizers. Naturally, it is almost impossible to control what he is still digging there.

: Thank you for the tip of Sergey Izofatov for this article. He told the version that the soil for the construction of these pyramids was delivered by supremacy during excavation. On the one hand, the volume of soil that was used to build the canal, which is 2000 km long, is too small compared to the volume of the pyramids. And the distances are enormous. But on the other hand - where did you get even this volume of soil for the pyramids? My guess is that this soil was removed from the surface. It is possible that this is clay after the cataclysm. She was removed from this territory, because previously there were fertile fields. They were restored and they are still in use. The volume is colossal! Perhaps even according to the version that the Gods did it: they took the metals from the soil and stacked the recycled soil into pyramids.

In many ways, the Chinese pyramids are superior to the others that have ever been found on our planet. They are higher in height than Egyptian ones, in terms of quantity - Mexican ones. Chinese ancient buildings, or rather most of them, are classified objects, on the territory of which ordinary tourists are not allowed. In addition, it is not so easy for archaeologists from Europe to get to the Chinese pyramids, since there are military installations of China where they are located. Thus, China legally ensured the integrity and safety of its most valuable relics. Perhaps the Chinese have long solved the riddles of their pyramids. That is why they protect them so much from strangers.

The most famous Chinese pyramid is the Great White

According to some sources, the height of the Great Pyramid of China is 300 meters, which is twice the height of the Cheops pyramid. Her other neighbors are less tall, but no less interesting. Tourists are not allowed to visit the White Pyramid at all, since a classified Chinese military facility is located in the immediate vicinity of it. That is why it is impossible to see it on satellites. Recently, this structure has been hidden especially carefully.

The discovery of the American pilot was the most informative, but they preferred to classify it

In 1945, a United States Air Force pilot, named James Kaufman, flew over China on a reconnaissance flight. Above the Qinling ridge near his plane, the engine began to junk. The pilot had to lower the altitude to avoid a possible fall. Flying over the valley, James saw an interesting structure that immediately attracted his attention with its size.

Later, the pilot drew up a report describing the pyramid:

Having flown around the hill, I got to a wide plain. Descending, I noticed on its territory a strange structure resembling a pyramid. It seemed to me that it was made of a certain metal alloy, which shone a little in the sun, emitting a pleasant light. At the top of this structure was a flat sheet, probably metallic, resembling a precious stone in color.

James's plane had a camera that was considered modern and quite powerful at the time. With the help of this apparatus, the pilot took several pictures, which he attached to the above report. Experts - Pentagon employees, having read the report, decided to classify it. It was only known that the height of the pyramid reaches 300 m, and the length of its base is almost 500 meters.

By the way, the height of the Cheops pyramid does not exceed 150 meters. The length of its base, or rather one of the sides of the base, reaches only 230 meters. Previously, it was this structure that was considered the largest pyramid, but now this will have to be questioned.

A merchant from Australia was also lucky enough to accidentally meet the Chinese pyramids.

In 1963, a certain Bruce Kagi was able to find the manuscripts of an Australian nomadic merchant, which described the Chinese pyramids. This manuscript was compiled in 1912 and has long been considered lost. By the way, the author's name was Mayer Schroder.

Schroder once walked with his friend along the ancient capital of China, which is now the city of Xi'an. At a certain moment, he noticed a huge structure that outwardly resembles a mountain. Getting closer to it, the merchant noticed that it has geometrically regular edges and a flat top. After that he stumbled upon other pyramids, the purpose of which he could not even imagine. These buildings were located "under the nose" of people, but, despite this, no one knew about their existence.

The merchant noted that the sides of the pyramids are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The oldest Chinese structures were faced with slabs made of clay or similar material. In the past, steps were located on their edges. Almost all the tops of the pyramids were flat, than they resembled Mexican similar structures.

In modern times, the Chinese pyramids do not have such a clear outline, as they were greatly influenced by time. The slopes of some buildings are overgrown with trees, which perfectly disguises them. The sharp corners of almost all pyramids have smoothed out, making them look more like mountains.

A friend of the merchant, who, by the way, was a monk, told him that the age of the Chinese pyramids cannot be measured with modern numbers. In the most ancient Chinese books, written about 5 thousand years ago, it was said that these pyramids were built by an even more ancient emperor, who flew to our planet from the constellation "Leo". To be more precise, one of the first pyramids was built by the emperor Huangdi, who flew in from the above constellation. He allegedly ruled for hundreds of years, after which he flew back.

Why do the Chinese hide their pyramids

As mentioned earlier, there are classified military facilities near the Chinese pyramids, for example, a cosmodrome. The government has the right to conceal such objects on a legal basis. The strangest thing is that some of the images taken with the help of satellites show a direct connection between the Chinese cosmodrome and one of the pyramids. Perhaps the Chinese engineers have learned to somehow use the energy of these buildings.

Another version is based on the fact that the above-described pyramids do not belong to the Chinese, so they will not be able to answer all the questions regarding their origin. In some myths, it is described that these structures were built by an ancient tribe of Dinlin, who arrived from the north. Representatives of this tribe were tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed. According to the description, they are quite similar to the Russians. Moreover, in old burial grounds in China, the remains of people belonging to the light race were often found. In one of the burial grounds, they found a curious symbol - a circle of ocher, inside which were placed two fish, supposedly swimming towards each other. This is an ancient Slavic symbol, which later turned into Chinese "yin and yang".

As you know, there are many mysterious monuments of bygone civilizations in the world, the purpose of which can hardly be fully explained in terms of rational concepts we are accustomed to. The most intriguing among them are the pyramids erected in various parts of the planet. Of particular interest is the Great White, discovered only a few decades ago and practically unexplored.

A vision of a mysterious pyramid

Traditionally, the image of the pyramids in our minds is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bAncient Egypt. Meanwhile, a significant number of them have been discovered and studied in Central America. However, the reports that appeared in the media in the 80s of the XX century became a real world sensation.

They cited the report of the American pilot D. Gausman, submitted to his command in March 1945. This message continues to be a sensation today. According to the pilot, while returning from a mission, he was flying thirty kilometers from the Chinese city of Xian, his plane suddenly began to lose altitude for some unknown reason. When it dropped so much that it was below the clouds that covered the earth, the astonished American was presented with a truly fantastic sight.

Directly below him lay a giant white pyramid, shrouded in a strange glow. One got the impression that it was made of some kind of silvery stone or even metal. After flying around the mysterious colossus several times and taking a series of photographs, the pilot continued on his way, and as he moved away from the pyramid, his car again began to gain altitude.


The report he presented did not arouse the confidence of scientists and, along with the accompanying photographs, lay in the archive for forty years. The story of the pilot seemed too incredible, and the photographs he had taken in general raised doubts about their authenticity.

According to the calculations made on their basis, the height of the structure reached 300 m, and the length of the side of the base was no less than 230 m, which was exactly twice the size of the largest structure in the world - the Cheops pyramid. Nevertheless, it is this structure previously unknown to world science - the Great White Pyramid in China, the photo of which is presented in the article - that became one of the main mysteries of the past century. As it turned out later, she was not alone.

For many years, the Chinese authorities, for some unknown reason, carefully concealed the presence of pyramids on their country's territory. They succeeded, since satellites did not exist at that time, and it was impossible to see anything from space. However, the pyramids turned out to be that awl, which was very difficult to hide.

Enthusiast from New Zealand

Following the American pilot, Bruce Katy, an aviator from New Zealand, told the world about them, who in the 60s also discovered the Great White Pyramid during the flight. In China, as he later found out, at the beginning of the 20th century, two Australian merchants traveled and described in their diaries the structure they saw, but not one, but more than fifteen. Finding an opportunity to familiarize himself with their records and having managed to obtain the appropriate permission from the local authorities, Bruce Katie made a trip to the area indicated by them. There he made sketches, as well as photographs of 16 of which were the White Pyramid.

In China, oddly enough, the locations of these ancient monuments were closed for visits not only to foreigners, but also to their own citizens. What is used in other countries to attract tourists and generate profit was included here among the secret objects.

The beginning of the study of the Chinese pyramids

Only in 1994, some relief was made for the Austrian archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff. As a result, in the Tsiyanyan region - a vast and sparsely populated area - he discovered a whole valley of the pyramids, numbering more than a hundred of these ancient structures. All of them had the correct geometric shape and, despite the fact that they were smaller than the tallest - the White Pyramid (in China), a photo of which the American pilot presented in his report, still reached forty meters.

The official recognition by the authorities of the Celestial Empire of the presence of pyramids on their territory followed only in 2000, and the admission of archaeologists to them was very limited on the grounds that they are all in close proximity to military facilities. But nevertheless, even this made it possible to carry out certain studies.

A valley full of mysteries

The place where the largest number of these historical monuments is located is called the Valley of the Pyramids. More than four hundred of them are concentrated here. Unlike the Egyptian, the Chinese and those found in Central America have a truncated top, forming a flat horizontal platform. In China, they are made from a local clay rock called loess.

It is important to note the following fact: despite their impressive dimensions, reaching 50 meters in height and more, all of them, with rare exceptions, are monolithic and, accordingly, cannot be tombs, since they do not have internal cavities. Why, then, were these colossi built?

Among them, a group of 20 structures, located in a regular square, whose sides are precisely oriented to the cardinal points, stands out. It is established that the oldest pyramid of this valley was built in 1032 BC.

Victims of an unknown weapon

Most interesting object archaeological research has become the White Pyramid. In China, the coordinates of this structure (34 ° 26 "05" "N and 108 ° 52" 12 "" E) have not been a secret since D. Gausman made them public in 1945 in his report. The excavations have shown that it is the tomb of one of the emperors of the Qin dynasty - Gao-tsong. It was also established that at least 700 thousand people died during its erection, the remains of which were then placed in the walls of the pyramid and densely compacted with layers of soil. This event dates back to 200 BC.

Such a barbaric custom was not news to archaeologists; something else struck them. The fact is that the bones of all the victims were randomly mixed among themselves, as if people were torn to pieces by an unknown force before death.

The wrath of mysterious forces

A more detailed study made some adjustments to the overall picture, but added some riddles. It became obvious that the dead were not builders, but the army of the emperor's servants, intended to accompany him in the afterlife, but they were killed with the help of hi-tech weapons unknown to us, the traces of which could not be found.

Another interesting fact has been established. As it turned out, the burial of the emperor was carried out at his request in a pyramid, built almost a thousand years earlier and had no internal cavity. Apparently, the current channel leading into its bowels was pierced specifically for burial. Was not the death of so many imperial servants a reaction of unknown forces to penetration into the forbidden zone?

Unknown anomalies

In the area where the White Pyramid is located, a large number of anomalous phenomena that cannot be explained have also been recorded. There were, for example, cases of mysterious disappearances of people and unprovoked plane crashes. In addition, very often people who come to this area stop navigating in space and have

Bearers of ancient knowledge

In this regard, the recordings of two Austrian merchants who visited the area at the beginning of the 20th century (they were discussed above) acquired new meaning. In their diaries, they describe a meeting with a Buddhist monk, who told them that the White Pyramid in China was built by the emperor - a descendant of the "sons of heaven." An ancient legend tells of how his ancestors flew on iron fire-breathing dragons and gave people some secret knowledge.

These words are, if not direct, then indirect confirmation. For example, the Chinese professor Wang Shiping made an interesting discovery related to the place where the White Pyramid is located. In China, the geometrical center of all parts of the world is located, and, as it turned out, the pyramid is located exactly at this point, which, of course, proves the knowledge of the ancient builders about the spherical shape of the Earth, as well as the shape and location of the continents.

If we assume that the “sons of heaven” had real prototypes, then who could have been if not aliens from outer space? The white pyramid in China, the photo of which caused the bewilderment of scientists back in 1945, is surrounded by so many inexplicable, but documented phenomena and facts that one involuntarily creates the feeling that some extraterrestrial force is erecting barriers, preventing modern people from entering them.

Unexpected and daring conclusions

After spending comparative analysis The peculiarities of the construction of the pyramids located on different continents and distant from each other by thousands of kilometers, scientists have found in them such a number of common features that one involuntarily suggests the conclusion that they are all the creations of some kind of highly developed civilization. For example, the White Pyramid in China is largely identical to similar structures in the American continent and North Africa.

It is also curious to note that in many photographs transmitted to Earth from the surface of Mars, elevations are clearly visible, resembling in their outlines a pyramid, subjected to the influence of time and natural erosion. If this is really then, undoubtedly, they are the work of the same builders, whose will was also the White Pyramid in China. Unfortunately, history does not always provide exhaustive answers and sometimes forces scientists to be content with only hypotheses. However, they also stimulate the inexhaustible enthusiasm of researchers.

What the White Pyramid looks like in China from a satellite

And in conclusion, about one more interesting observation made by scientists in recent years. As you know, researchers have at their disposal the most modern technology, thanks to which the monuments of ancient civilizations, including the White Pyramid in China, are being studied. A satellite photo flying over the place where it is located displayed a completely unexpected picture.

It turned out that it is the basis in a group of pyramids, in its location exactly corresponding to the position of the stars of the constellation Cygnus, which personifies eternal life in Chinese mythology. Previously, they did not know about this, since the general picture could only be seen from space. Hence the question: who and why needed to create this giant symbol?

The key to the dream

It is very possible that the reason why the Chinese have kept their pyramids secret from the rest of the world for a long time lies in some secret knowledge, the key to which they are. And it is not excluded that the solution to this "eighth wonder of the world" can raise the world civilization to a qualitatively new level, opening up hitherto unknown opportunities for people and realizing their dream of immortality.

December 8th, 2013

White pyramids, pointed and flat, were erected in China, the Middle Empire, long before the Egyptian tomb pyramids. Only a small part of the Chinese pyramids has been explored. Many were discovered only in the XX century.

It was 1945. The end of World War II was approaching in faraway Asia. A US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft inspected the Qinling Ridge area southwest of Xi'an City. Suddenly, the pilot noticed something incomprehensible under the wing: a huge pyramid towered in the middle of a high-mountain valley.

Can not be! Are pyramids not only in Egypt and Latin America?

The photo of the “white pyramid” of 1947.

The report, written by the pilot after landing, is still perceived as a sensation: “I flew around the mountain and reached a flat valley. There was a giant white lying right under me
a pyramid shrouded in an almost unreal, light glow. It seemed to me that it was made of metal or stone of a very special breed. I have flown over the silvery white colossus several times. The most remarkable thing about it is the top: a large piece of metal that resembles a precious stone. "

According to American experts, the pyramid rushed into the heavens at a height of 300 m, the length of the side of its base was 490 m. For comparison: the height of the Cheops pyramid initially reached "only" 146.94 m, and the length of the base side - 230.38 m. that the most monumental pyramid in the world is in China!

China has more pyramids than Egypt. There are several hundred of them only between the major cities of Xian and Xianyang. Only gradually the world learns about the innumerable archaeological treasures of the Celestial Empire. Even in China itself, few people know about the existence of the pyramids, since they are located in restricted military zones or hard-to-reach places.

In 1991, many pyramids were discovered near the city of Xi'an while searching for a location for a new airfield. These tombs rise up 40 m above the surrounding fields. Like many of the pyramids of Central America, they do not end with a sharp top, but a flat area. The pyramids in the Xianyang region even reach a height of 50 m. Often they are located in groups of 4-5 structures. Since no excavations have been carried out until now, one can only guess that large cavities are hidden in their depths. This is indicated, for example, by carved terraces. Some pyramids were built during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD).

They became tombs for the founder of the dynasty, Emperor Liu Bang, and eleven subsequent rulers of the Han. The two pyramids were created during the Zhou dynasty (1027-256 / 249 BC). Even older is the pyramid of Emperor Shao-Khao, a descendant of the legendary Huang-di ("Yellow Emperor"), who ruled the Middle Empire around 2600 BC. e. Near the city of Qufu (Shandong province), in the middle of a vast park, a pyramidal stone structure 18 m high and 28 m wide with a flat top sparkles. This symbolic tomb is crowned with a small temple-tower, inside which the emperor Shao-Khao sits like a pharaoh, who considered himself, like the Egyptian rulers, the son of the gods.

Archaeologist Professor Wang Shipin found that one of the pyramids discovered 30 km from the city of Xi'an, in the restricted military zone, is located at the geometric focus of all parts of the world. It turns out that unknown builders had deep knowledge about the spherical shape of the Earth and the distribution of land masses. Professor Wang also shares the view that the pyramids are star-oriented. If so, then their location is consistent with the ancient teachings of feng shui, sacred geomancy. Perhaps the pyramids of Egypt, the stone monuments of Northern Europe and Greece were built according to the same principles. If these relationships are confirmed, great discoveries await us regarding the knowledge of ancient peoples.

Was there an exchange of ideas and values \u200b\u200bbetween ancient cultures? Qufu, the name of the capital of the Shao-Khao empire, is consonant with one of the variants of the name of Pharaoh Cheops - Khufu. It is also possible that already 2000 years ago the Great Silk Road with a length of 6500 km connected the Han state with the Roman Empire, which bought silk in exchange for gold and glass. In any case, such contacts do not seem incredible at all. But the final proof of this fact is the task of future research.

As we already said, for the first time about the Chinese pyramids in the West, it became widely known back in 1947, when they were accidentally discovered by American pilots flying over the area. Several pictures were taken, they were placed in newspapers, then a similar photo appeared in 1957 in Life magazine ...

And then scientists tried to forget about the giant structures, which should be located somewhere in Egypt or Central America. But, naturally, not everyone forgot. There is a category of eccentrics who do not feed with bread, but let me unearth some unknown secret of history. They are absolutely convinced that in our past everything was far from what they write about it in textbooks.

And these beliefs are not built on someone's idle speculation or their own imagination that does not know the boundaries, but on numerous artifacts of antiquity, stubbornly refusing to fit into the generally accepted concept of the historical development of mankind. The German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff, who is persistently engaged in the search for traces of ancient legendary civilizations such as Atlantis or Mu, by publishing evidence of alien visits to Earth and other similar "doubtful" things, belongs to this category of people. You can treat the activities of people like Hausdorff as you like, but it was he who in 1994 managed to penetrate into a closed area of \u200b\u200bShaanxi province and make a photo reportage there about the pyramids, which have not been studied by historians at all. It is clear that these structures are absolutely not characteristic of the known periods in the history of Chinese culture, stretching for millennia. The age of the pyramids is unknown, and the locals, naturally, cannot tell anything intelligible about this.

True, Hausdorff managed to find the diaries of two Australian merchants who climbed into Shaanxi in 1912. Then they happened to meet an old Buddhist monk, who reported that these pyramids were mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they descended from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons” ...

FROMclones of some pyramids are planted with small conifers. There is an opinion that for many years the Chinese have been disguising these structures as natural hills, planting them with fast-growing shrubs and trees. Oddly enough, Chinese archaeologists do not open these pyramids and do not conduct any research.

For some reason, the Chinese government categorically forbade researchers from other countries to touch these places. US writer George Hunt Williamson, through his links with the US Air Force, obtained a photocopy of a topographic map of Xi'an. The map was made on the basis of photographs received from satellites. And not far from the city of Xi'an, the location of sixteen pyramids was indicated. New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi tracked down Schroder's diaries and 1912 article in 1963. Fred Mayer Schroder was a trader from Australia and led caravans from the Great Wall of China inland. Once he was driving along the Mongol-Chinese border with the Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdykhan, and he said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China Xian Fu (on the modern map it is Xian). "

“After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something looming on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but when we drove closer, we saw that it was a structure with four correctly beveled edges and a flat top. "

Schroder felt a respectful surprise at the most magnificent creation of human hands that he had seen in his life. He was shocked by the thought that the people who possessed the knowledge that allowed them to plan and build such a structure now completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

“We approached them from the east, writes Schroder, and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids gradually decreased in size to the smallest in the south. They stretched six or eight miles across the plain, towering over cultivated land and villages. They were under people's noses and remained completely unknown to the Western world. The Great Pyramid was about a thousand feet in height (about three hundred meters, that is, almost twice as high as the pyramid of Cheops) and almost fifteen hundred feet at the base of 500 meters, that is, twice more pyramid Cheops). The four sides of the Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented according to the compass points. Each face of the pyramid was a different color: black meant north, green-blue east, red south, and white west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth.

Once on the sides of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were heaped up with fragments of stones falling from above. Below, there were rough-hewn wild stone steps (each stone about three square feet).

The pyramid itself, like most buildings in China, was adobe. Huge troughs the size of mountain canyons ran along its walls. They, too, were covered with stones. Trees and bushes grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to a natural object. This magnificent sight took my breath away.

We drove around the pyramids in search of an entrance, but found nothing. " When Schroder asked Bogdykhan about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were more than five thousand years old. When asked why he thinks so, Bogdykhan replied: "In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient."

Schroder was one of the very few Europeans who were lucky enough to see the Shanxi pyramid complex, and it remains to be hoped that the Chinese authorities will remove the veil of secrecy in the future and allow outsiders here.

“The main thing that interested me, writes the American researcher Vance Tied, is the geographic coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian. This suggests that the same ancient builders who belonged to the same civilization had a hand in their construction. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids had a specific function and that there was some geometric correspondence between the pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world.

If the Egyptian complex is at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 degrees. I think that one day many different relationships between the coordinates of the Giza and Chansey plains will be calculated, Williamson pointed out in a letter to Tiedu that the Chancy pyramid, indicated by number four on the map, was in all likelihood the same structure that was photographed in 1947. “According to my preliminary calculations, V. Tied further writes, there could have been a connection between it and the great pyramid of Cheops, since both are based on the number 16944. The computer pointed to pyramid 6 as the most interesting in the group.

The distance in a circle drawn between pyramid No. 6 in Shanxi and the Great Egyptian one turned out to be 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude or nautical miles (plus or minus one hundred feet). This is equal to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, is 16944430 harmonic mass equivalent.

22.10.2015 16.08.2016 - admin

White pyramid

The USA researcher V. Tied, studying the Chinese pyramids, voiced an entertaining story about an unknown pyramid, which later received the name of the White, and in some places the Great White Pyramid. These reflections of Tieda were published only in Western countries, while in Russia they were translated in 1991 only by the Vladivostok newspaper "Nature and Anomalous Phenomena", a joint publication with the international ufological organization ICUFON.

I will give it shortly.

“During World War II, US Air Force pilots made many flights across the Himalayas between India and China, supplying the Chinese army with provisions and ammunition. During one of these flights through a place called "Death Valley", one of the pilots named James Gausman began to junk the engine, one of the engines almost stalled, and this was a nightmare in a country where normal weather conditions are: if you fly over mountain peaks, then you get into the area eternal ice, but if below between the mountains you are surrounded by thick fog and clouds. When the fuel began to freeze, Gausmann decided to go lower, although it was very dangerous. The plane went in strange zigzags over the tops of the mountains towards the base, which was in the Indian state of Assam. Gausman flew over the valley. And suddenly, right below, he saw a giant white pyramid! It was made of white shiny material. It could be metal or some kind of stone. She was pure white on all sides. At its top was a huge crystal, sparkling like a jewel. It could also be an artificial crystal. The crew was amazed at the enormous size of the pyramid. There was no way to land near her. Gausman circled the pyramid three times. Then he saw the Brahmaputra river under his wing and flew to his base. He is confident that if this pyramid is discovered, it will amaze the whole world. "

Today on the Web you can find a lot of fabrications about the message given by Tied, up to such gems:

“In 1945, US Air Force pilot James Gausman flew through central China. His memories looked absolutely incredible: “Having flown through the mountains, I turned left and found myself above a flat valley, in the middle of which was a giant white pyramid. It looked like something indescribable from a fairy tale, as it reflected a very bright white light. It could be metal or a special kind of stone that emits pure white light from all directions. We didn't want to fly anywhere else anymore, we wanted to land right there. ”

“While it is safe to say that the pyramids surround the city of Xi'an from all sides, moreover, they exist even within the city limits. In the northern outskirts of the neighboring city of Xian, there is a huge valley of the pyramids! Stretching 50 km from east to west, the valley resembles the Milky Way. But this is not all: to the northwest of Xi'an and Sanyang there is another valley of pyramids, more interesting, ancient, high and completely unknown to the world. It is there that the legendary White Pyramid is located. "

You can also give similar examples, but I think these are enough.

Yes, in, near Xian, the capital city of Shaanxi province, up to 2 hundred pyramids have been discovered, the height of which ranges from 25 to 100 meters. The only exception is one, which is located to the north of the others, in the valley of the Jia Lin River. This is the so-called Great White Pyramid. It is huge, the height of this structure is approximately 300 meters, which is twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza! She may well be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids.

So the main thing that the interested world came to is the conviction that the White Pyramid seen by the pilot and the Great White Pyramid are one and the same object. And therefore, in all imaginable information sources, her black and white photograph is also given - in my article it is placed next to the lines of the story about Gausman, with a reference to his authorship as a photographer and the date of shooting - 1947!

In my own research, I have long been accustomed to be suspicious of the statements of various authors - on the subject of the truth of judgments, giving preference only to photographic material. So it was here, I was struck by the fact that the image of the pyramid in the photograph did not match its description: in the photograph the pyramid does not have a top, it is truncated in shape, while the description says: “At its top there was a huge crystal, sparkling, like a gem. It could have been an artificial crystal. ”

So this absence of the summit pyramidion not only confirmed the fidelity of the proverb “Trust but verify!”, But also logically flowed into the thought: “The pyramid seen by Gausman is in another place, it still needs to be found”!


As someone who has devoted more than 35 years to aviation, I was interested in the route of Gausmann's flight.

So, let's figure it out. It was 1947, the Second World War was already over, but there was a civil war in China. Before the defeat of Japan, the then leader of Kuomintang China, Chiang Kai-shek, was helped by everyone - both the USA and the USSR, supplying him with weapons, ammunition, food and money. But then Chiang Kai-shek, squeezed by communist troops in the south of the country (Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu provinces - note that Shaanxi province with its center Xi'an is not on the list, A.M.), there was only one supplier - USA.

But back to Chied's story, our main primary source.

The direct and return flight routes of the USA planes were laid “through the Himalayas between India and China”. Let us turn to the map, from the consideration of which it follows that the closest route from India to China passes through the northern Indian states - Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

And here it is obvious that the USA-ts were supposed to deliver military supplies by sea to the port of Dhaka, and then - up the Brahmaputra River - to the air base in the north of the Indian state of Assam. Where Brahmaputra, starting almost from the foot of Kailash and breaking a thousand-kilometer path to the east, turns south and breaks out of the stone sack of the Himalayas into the plains. This place is the final point of the Gausmann route (KPM). Need confirmation? - we read again: "The plane was heading towards the base, which was in the Indian state of Assam ... Then he saw the Brahmaputra river under his wing and flew to his base."

Now it is important to find, if not the starting point of the route (IPM), then at least one of the intermediate (PPM). And there is an indication of such a PPM in the text of Tieda: “During one of such flights through a place called“ Death Valley ”, one of the pilots, named James Gausman, began to junk the engine”. So, we have a new landmark - Death Valley! But this is a well-known anomalous place - the Sichuan Basin, stretching 180 km east of Chengdu! In Chinese, the valley is called Heizhu, but the translation means “Death Valley”. Since ancient times, this place was notorious, and it was considered by the locals and the gateway to the underworld of the dead, and just a very gloomy and dangerous place.

Here are some cases.

1949 year. The Kuomintang is defeated on all fronts. A small detachment of 30 people, lagging behind the retreating army of the Kuomintang General Hu Zongnan, enters the Heizhu Valley. Nobody heard more about this small detachment.

A little later, three scouts of the People's Liberation Army of China headed from the city of Ganlo towards Heizhu. Only one came out of the valley. He said that he had lagged behind his comrades and tried to catch up with them all the way, but their trace was gone.

The saddest known case occurred in 1966, and since then not a single year has passed without a group of people disappearing without a trace. And in 1966, it was a group of military topographers - people with plans for all the surrounding areas, who spent half their lives in the forest and were perfectly able to move around in it - all disappeared. In 1976, in the same way, a group of foresters disappeared without a trace. The same rare people who managed to get out of this cursed valley, also called the "Valley of the Black Bamboo", from ancient times told that the fog instantly spread, which made you lose the sense of time and made very strange sounds.

Attempts by Chinese scientists to explain the phenomenon of the disappearance of people have led nowhere, and we also have absolutely no reason to assume that, perhaps, in this place there is a junction of parallel worlds of the planet. For our topic, it is more important to single out two points as possible PPMs: one at the western end of the basin (Chengdu), the other at the eastern end, thus obtaining a swept corridor in which the true Gausmann route was supposed to lie.

Let's calculate the corridor of the probable flight:

route point coordinates routes

Now it is absolutely clear - in what framework the desired flight route could lie, and where the White Pyramid could potentially be. It is clear that due to the imperfection of the then onboard navigation technology, as well as the maneuvering of the aircraft due to technical engine failures, some deviations from the defined framework are possible. But this is no longer such a difficult task - to investigate the entire route from the air in detail, especially since the scope of the flight corridor narrows when approaching the control station, thereby reducing the absolute value of the possible error of the true route.

At the same time, I want to provide the known coordinates of the Great White Pyramid (φ \u003d 34.43472, λ \u003d 108.87000 deg.), Calculations according to which show that only from Chengdu to it you need to fly to the northeast, to the Xi'an region (the historical course is 47 deg.) , another 600 km! Those. only this one provision already fully confirms the opinion put forward: "The pyramid seen by Gausman is not the Great White Pyramid of China"!

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