The secret of eternal youth: recipes, sources, commandments and reviews. Rejuvenating Facial Techniques Male Rejuvenation Practices

It is advisable to perform Taoist practice for facial rejuvenation at the same time every day (for example, in the morning or before bedtime).

The Taoist complex "Returning the appearance of youth" consists of 14 exercises. It is recommended that you do all 14 exercises of this Taoist practice, observing specified order.

Despite the large amount of exercise, the entire practice takes only 10 minutes. No special physical training is required to perform this Taoist facial rejuvenation practice.

During the practice for face rejuvenation, it is advisable to smile and present yourself as young. Smiling affects the nerve endings on your face, which send a signal to your brain that you are doing well. Thus, smiling changes the emotional state. By smiling and imagining ourselves young, we amplify the rejuvenating effects of Taoist practice.

1. Taoist practice: "To three stars"

  • Take the starting position standing: legs together, hands freely lower on the sides. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly (Fig. 1).
  • Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up, to a position above your head (Fig. 2). Raise your arms and breathe in as much fresh air as possible.
  • Turn palms up, fingers towards each other, as shown in fig. 3, and raise your heels slightly.
  • Return your palms to their previous position and slowly lower your hands (Fig. 4). Lowering your hands, exhale.

Repeat this exercise 3 times. The first raise of hands is called "to the star of Happiness", the second - "to the star of well-being", and the third - "to the star of Longevity."

The effect of Taoist practice: When the palms are directed downward, the energy of the earth (Yin) is absorbed through the biologically active points in the centers of the palms. When the palms are facing up, the energy of the sky (Yang) is absorbed. This practice increases vital energy and balances the yin and yang energies. Strengthens blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition is improved, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: "Sharpening the eagle's claw"

  • Return to the starting position described in the Three Stars exercise.
  • Fold your hands with palms together and place between your knees, slightly bending your knees. Squeeze your palms firmly with your knees (Fig. 5).
  • Raise and lower the left and right heels alternately. In this case, the palms clamped between the knees should rub against each other (Fig. 6, 7).

Raise and lower each heel 8 times (total 16 movements - rubbing the palms).

Effect of Taoist Practice: This is a key exercise in this practice. 4 biologically active points on the palms and 9 points on the legs are stimulated. The nerve endings of the spine are stimulated. Due to the complex effect on several biologically active points at once (when rubbing the palms and when raising and lowering the heels), the condition and rejuvenation of the whole body are improved. In particular, this practice stimulates the secretion of sex hormones and improves the elasticity of the joints. The regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which, as a result, takes on a fresh and youthful appearance.

This practice is especially useful for women with gynecological diseases and men with prostatitis. For these diseases, as well as for pain or cramps in the legs, it is recommended to do this Taoist practice more often.

3. Taoist practice: "Slide of the three phoenixes"

  • Raise your palms to your face at the level of your nose and cover your eyes (Fig. 8). After the previous exercise, the palms should be warm.
  • Press lightly with your palms 8 times on your closed eyes.
  • Move your palms slightly and open your eyes (Fig. 9).
  • Rotate your eyes 8 times counterclockwise, 8 times rotate clockwise.
  • Attention! Rotations should be performed slowly, carefully ensuring that the gaze alternately turns out to be at all extreme points - we look up, to the upper right corner, to the right, to the lower right corner, down, to the lower left corner, to the left, to the upper left corner. We don't cut corners!
  • Perform 8 eye movements up and down.
  • Perform 8 eye movements to the right and left.

Effect of Taoist practice: Pressing on the eyes stimulates biologically active points, and movements train the muscles of the eyes. This practice is beneficial for eye health and improves vision. In combination with the following exercise ("Moving the heavens") - removes eye swelling.

4. Taoist Practice: "Moving the Heavens"

With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows ("third eye") to the temples.

Also massage the forehead 8 times (Fig. 10).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates age-related wrinkles. This practice also helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, and nervous eye tics.

5. Taoist practice: "Drawing the tail of the phoenix"

8 times draw the bumps on the palms from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples (Fig. 11).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates crow's feet and tones the entire face. Helps with migraines. Complements the practice "Glide of the three phoenixes" for eye health.

6. Taoist practice: "Outlining the cheeks"

Run your hands 8 times on your cheeks - from the cheekbones down (Fig. 12).

The effect of Taoist practice: Moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

7. Taoist Practice: "Pressure on the Yin Pantry"

Bend your left arm at the elbow and raise it up. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm, and with a pad thumb clamp the left nostril. The other 4 fingers should be on the right cheek. Press your right hand to your chin, folding your palm into a “cup” (Fig. 13).

Move your hands 8 times clockwise, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe with the right nostril). Simultaneously make 8 circular movements with the tongue in the same direction.

Repeat on the other side (fig. 14).

Effect of Taoist practice: Improves lip contour, lip fullness, anti-wrinkle around lips.

8. Taoist practice: "Showing the tongue"

  • Cover your mouth and nose with your hands, index fingers, and press on the indentations on both sides of the nose. Press lightly on the cheeks with your thumbs, and put the remaining 3 fingers on the nose, leaving a small space for the mouth (Fig. 15).
  • Opening your mouth, stick out your tongue 8 times, twist your tongue 8 times.
  • Tap your teeth 8 times with your tongue.

The effect of Taoist practice: Rejuvenates the skin of the face and improves the condition of the teeth.

9. Taoist practice: "Soaking up the jade liquid"

  • Leave your hands in the same position as in the previous exercise ("Showing the tongue") - fig. sixteen.
  • Move your closed lips to the right and left 8 times.
  • Move your closed lips up and down 8 times.
  • Then close your lips tightly and pull into your mouth.
  • Repeat all 3 times.

Effect of Taoist Practice: The main effect of this practice is to stimulate the salivary glands to improve digestion and therefore skin condition. It also improves the fullness of the lips.

10. Taoist practice: "Punching the dragon in the face"

Tap the entire face with your fingertips for one minute (Fig. 17).

The effect of Taoist practice: Revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation by acting on nerve endings, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face, the impact on which in the process of this practice contributes to the improvement of the functioning and rejuvenation of the whole organism.

11. Taoist practice: "A sensitive ear"

  • Rub the ears back and forth 8 times (rub harder backward) - fig. 18.
  • With the middle fingers, bend the ears slightly forward, put the index fingers on the middle fingers and knock 8 times (this practice is called "Striking the Heavenly Drum") - fig. nineteen.

The effect of Taoist practice: During this practice, the effect on 170 biologically active points located on the ear is carried out. Taoist practice improves hearing and, together with the exercises "Sliding the Three Phoenixes", "Moving the Heavens", and "Drawing the Phoenix Tail" helps to improve vision.

12. Taoist Practice: "Scratching the Dragon's Head"

Comb the hair 20 times with your fingers from the forehead to the back of the head (fig. 20).

Effect of Taoist Practice: Soothes nervous system and improves hair growth.

13. Taoist practice: "Caring for a heavenly reservoir"

8 times with your left hand (right to left) rub and squeeze the neck from behind - fig. 21.

Repeat 8 times with the right hand (left to right) fig. 22.

The effect of Taoist practice: Relaxes muscles and improves blood flow to the head and face.

14. Taoist Practice: "Great Success"

  • Rub the backs of the hands - 8 times (fig. 23).
  • Rub your wrists - 8 times (fig. 24).
  • Rub your hands from hands to elbows - 8 times (Fig. 25).

The Effect of Taoist Practice: The Final Exercise of Taoist Practice for Facial Rejuvenation "Return the Face of Youth". Promotes rejuvenation of the skin of the hands and the whole body.

From Sofia Sturchak's book "The Return of Spring: How to Restore the Look of Youth Using Traditional Oriental Medicine"

In the Taoist practice of immortality, one of the most important factors is maintaining the health and youth of the physical body. This is necessary in order to have time to complete certain practices that take a lot of time and to accumulate the necessary energy.

And one of the most important on this path is the practice of washing the bones with light.

Interestingly, modern scholars confirm the fidelity of the mystical insights of the Taoists. After all, stem cells produced by the bone marrow are the basis for the renewal of cells in the human body.

Hematopoietic bone marrow is found mainly in the spongy substance of the pelvic bones and ribs. It is also found inside the tubular bones and vertebrae, but less.

And these are the only places from where we take stem cells to renew our body. This is where the secret of rejuvenation lies.

When a baby is born, his bone marrow is “red”. But starting from the first year of life, the “red” bone marrow begins to be replaced by the “fat” one. By the age of 14, the replacement process slows down, but by the age of 50-55 it intensifies again and ... old age sets in.

Whether the Taoists knew about the physiology of hematopoiesis, whether they could see the processes taking place in the body, or whether the emergence of the practice was intuitive is unknown. But perhaps “washing the bones with light” is precisely the practice that allows you to rejuvenate due to the renewal of blood cells that carry nutrition to every organ and system of our body.

But that is not all. It turned out that our DNA absorbs light, which then stores it in the form of a spiral.

So the puzzles of the ancient practice were formed: stem cells for renewal in bones + light for DNA \u003d the Taoist practice of washing bones with light for rejuvenation.

And now the practice itself. It can be performed in two versions depending on your level of training.

  1. In the form of meditation.

Practice relaxation practice. And then imagine how white light washes all your bones in a light, pleasant stream. Perform for about 5 minutes.

After meditation, gently slap the body.

  1. In the form of a call, light.

This practice is suitable for those who are good at sensing and working with mental images, which can stay and work without feeding attention.

Get into the adoration position and invoke white light into the bone to kick-start the rejuvenation process.

I draw your attention to the fact that the main stream of light goes to the rib bones and pelvic bones - the main factory for the production of stem cells. By the way, now I think it is clear to you why the practices like "orgasm like a burst of light" are rejuvenating. They just work to fill the pelvic area with light.

The practice is performed in the morning from 7 am to 9 am.

It is advisable after the morning practice, in the evening to perform the "lymph cleansing" practice.

However, recent scientific studies have shown that increased serotonin levels (it is associated with light) and other factors can

If you are a woman and take care of yourself and your face, love to take care of yourself, follow new trends in the beauty industry, you have already seen and paid attention to new techniquewhich is gaining popularity among women different ages... This technique involves applying anti-aging techniques at home for a youthful and beautiful face.

The technique consists of 5 parts:

  • Diagnostics of the types of age-related changes.
  • Home rejuvenating facial skin care.
  • Author's gymnastics for the face.
  • Self-massage to eliminate edema and improve facial skin tone.
  • Rejuvenating breathing technique.

And I want to draw your attention, this technique is designed for home use. Every woman, having mastered these techniques, applies them at home herself. She takes care of her own face and gets wonderful results. Do you think it's long and boring? My answer is no. It is very pleasant, exciting, because we ourselves can make ourselves pleasant and useful. Improve your mood and set yourself up to be positive. This becomes easy when positive changes are visible in the mirror every day. When you can see how the color and tone of the skin of the face improves, when swelling and dark circles around the eyes disappear, when creases and wrinkles become less pronounced and noticeable, the eyes shine and, more often, a charming smile appears on the face. Agree how pleasant it is to look at such a woman. And how nice it is to hear compliments addressed to you, I'll tell you.

I'll tell you more about face gymnastics and why it helps to tighten and improve the face of every woman.

Facial gymnastics is a set of exercises for all facial muscles.

Our face, as well as the whole body, consists of a bone frame, muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin, which packs and protects all of this (the main function of the skin as an organ of our body).

I'll tell you a little about the muscles of the face, see photo.

There are many of them, and they are all intertwined with each other, and if any of the muscles begins to lose tone and sag, then it inevitably begins to pull other muscles along with it. And there is also a feature, the muscles of our cheeks are fixed in a special way. At one end they are attached to the skull near the auricle, and at the other end are woven into the nasolabial fold, which is why this fold manifests itself in all of us over time and becomes very noticeable.

And this is not at all because of a smile and laughter, laughing is very useful! Emotions and facial expressions are both gymnastics and training. But to prevent wrinkles from forming, you need to use the entire daily complex of facial care.

Facial gymnastics consists of basic exercises and additional exercises for a specific muscle group or problem. By doing the exercises, we train the muscles, this is exactly the same as pumping the press, for example. If you do it regularly, every day 25-30 times each exercise, at a good pace and rhythm, if you need to tighten and adjust, then it takes about 5-10 minutes. If you need volume, then we do it slowly. Necessarily! there should be a cream or serum on the face, you cannot do exercises on a "naked" face, otherwise we will harm, ie increase or provoke new wrinkles.

For a pronounced result, you can do the complex 2 and 3 times a day, this is at your discretion or desire. And to supplement the care with a lifting mask, the skin will thank us for our attention and care.

Facial gymnastics is an effective and simple way to preserve youthfulness and beauty of the face at any age. What tasks do face exercises solve?

  • Modeling the oval of the face,
  • shaping young facial contours,
  • maintaining the tone of the neck and chin,
  • creating voluminous lips and smoothing wrinkles around the lips,
  • smoothing of nasolabial folds,
  • modeling the shape of the nose,
  • creation of young rounded cheeks,
  • strengthening the eyelids, enlarging the eyes.

The exercises are simple and affordable. They do not take long, and the results will not be long in coming. Checked by me!

Dear women, pay attention to yourself, if you no longer like your reflection in the mirror, then start to act urgently. Start with home facials. But just do it regularly and consciously. And let your reflection in the mirror only make you happy.

Take care of yourself with love!

The Taoist practice "Returning the appearance of youth" is intended mainly for facial rejuvenation, but it has an effect on the entire body as a whole. Prolonged regular practice will leave the skin soft, tender and smooth. Reduce wrinkles, remove age spots and prevent acne.

It is advisable to perform Taoist practice for facial rejuvenation at the same time every day (for example, in the morning or before bedtime).

Taoist complex "Returning the appearance of youth" consists of 14 exercises. It is recommended that all 14 exercises of this Taoist practice be performed in the order indicated. Despite the large amount of exercise, the entire practice takes only 10 minutes. No special physical training is required to perform this Taoist facial rejuvenation practice.

During the practice for face rejuvenation, it is advisable to smile and present yourself as young. Smiling affects the nerve endings on your face, which send a signal to your brain that you are doing well. Thus, smiling changes the emotional state. By smiling and imagining ourselves young, we amplify the rejuvenating effects of Taoist practice.

Taoist practice of rejuvenation:

1. Taoist practice: "To the three stars".

  1. Take the starting position standing: legs together, hands freely lower on the sides. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly (Fig. 1).
  2. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up, to a position above your head (Fig. 2). Raise your arms and breathe in as much fresh air as possible.
  3. Turn palms up, fingers towards each other, as shown in fig. 3, and raise your heels slightly.
  4. Return your palms to their previous position and slowly lower your hands (Fig. 4). Lowering your hands, exhale.

Repeat this exercise 3 times. The first raise of hands is called "to the star of Happiness", the second - "to the star of well-being", and the third - "to the star of Longevity."

The effect of Taoist practice: When the palms are directed downward, the energy of the earth (Yin) is absorbed through the biologically active points in the centers of the palms. When the palms are facing up, the energy of the sky (Yang) is absorbed. This practice increases vital energy and balances the yin and yang energies. Strengthens blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition is improved, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: "Sharpening the eagle's claw".

Raise and lower each heel 8 times (total 16 movements - rubbing the palms).

The effect of Taoist practice: This is the key exercise in this practice. 4 biologically active points on the palms and 9 points on the legs are stimulated. The nerve endings of the spine are stimulated. As a result of the complex effect on several biologically active points at once (when rubbing the palms and when raising and lowering the heels), the condition and rejuvenation of the whole body are improved. In particular, this practice stimulates the secretion of sex hormones and improves the elasticity of the joints. The regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which, as a result, takes on a fresh and youthful appearance.

This practice is especially useful for women with gynecological diseases and men with prostatitis. With these diseases, as well as pain or cramps in the legs, it is recommended to do this Taoist practice more often.

3. Taoist practice: "Slide of the three phoenixes".

  1. Raise your palms to your face at the level of your nose and cover your eyes (Fig. 8). After the previous exercise, the palms should be warm.
  2. Press lightly with your palms 8 times on your closed eyes.
  3. Move your palms slightly and open your eyes (Fig. 9).
  4. Rotate your eyes 8 times counterclockwise, 8 times rotate clockwise.
    Attention! Rotations should be performed slowly, carefully ensuring that the gaze alternately turns out to be at all extreme points - we look up, to the upper right corner, to the right, to the lower right corner, down, to the lower left corner, to the left, to the upper left corner. Don't cut corners!
  5. Perform 8 eye movements up and down.
  6. Perform 8 eye movements to the right and left.

The effect of Taoist practice: Pressing on the eyes stimulates biologically active points, and movements train the eye muscles. This practice is beneficial for eye health and improves vision. In combination with the following exercise () - removes eye swelling.

4. Taoist practice: "Moving heaven".

  1. With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows ("third eye") to the temples.
  2. Also massage the forehead 8 times (Fig. 10).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates age wrinkles. This practice also helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, and nervous eye tics.

5. Taoist practice: "Drawing the tail of the phoenix."

8 times draw the bumps on the palms from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples (Fig. 11).

The effect of Taoist practice: Eliminates crow's feet and tones the entire face. Helps with migraines. Complements the practice for eye health.

6. Taoist practice: "Outlining the cheeks".

Run your hands 8 times on your cheeks - from the cheekbones down (Fig. 12).

The effect of Taoist practice: Moisturizes skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

7. Taoist practice: "Pressure on the Yin storeroom."

  1. Bend your left arm at the elbow and raise it up. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm, and pinch the left nostril with the pad of your thumb. The other 4 fingers should be on the right cheek. Press the right hand to the chin, cupping the palm of the hand (Fig. 13).
  2. Move your hands 8 times clockwise, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of the nose (breathe with the right nostril). Simultaneously make 8 circular movements with the tongue in the same direction.
  3. Repeat on the other side (fig. 14).

The effect of Taoist practice: Improves lip contour, lip fullness, anti-wrinkle around lips.

8. Taoist practice: "Showing the tongue."

  1. Cover your mouth and nose with your hands, index fingers, press on the notches on both sides of the nose. Press lightly on the cheeks with your thumbs, and put the remaining 3 fingers on the nose, leaving a small space for the mouth (Fig. 15).
  2. Opening your mouth, stick out your tongue 8 times, twist your tongue 8 times.
  3. Tap your teeth 8 times with your tongue.

The effect of Taoist practice: Rejuvenates facial skin and improves dental health.

9. Taoist practice: "Soaking up the jade fluid."

The effect of Taoist practice: The main effect of this practice is to stimulate the salivary glands to improve digestion and therefore skin condition. Moreover, this practice improves the fullness of the lips.

10. Taoist practice: "Beats of the dragon in the face."

Tap the entire face with your fingertips for one minute (Fig. 17).

The effect of Taoist practice: Revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation by acting on nerve endings, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face, the impact on which in the process of this practice contributes to the improvement of the functioning and rejuvenation of the whole organism.

Be that as it may, until now humanity is looking for a "magic" pill that gives, if not eternal life, then at least a very long one.

The quest for immortality

The first to look for an opportunity to live happily ever after were the Sumerians. This is stated in the oldest known epic on Earth about Gilgamesh. When the main character of the epic was struck by the death of his friend, he decided that he did not want such a fate, and went in search of the flower of immortality.

Every nation on the planet has its own legends about daredevils who found the secret of eternal youth and became like gods. For example, in the epic of the ancient Hindus "Mahabharata" is the sap of an unknown tree, which gives a person the opportunity to live for 10,000 years.

Legends about "living" water exist among many peoples, including the ancient Slavs, who "placed" a mysterious source on the unknown in the middle of the ocean. The inhabitants of the islands, on the contrary, send the daredevils to the distant mainland, where rejuvenating rivers flow.

Since they have been looking for eternal youth for more than 2000 years, it means that there is some grain of truth in all these myths and legends. Today, most often the conversation about this is associated with the Tibetan monks, who supposedly found, and sacredly guard the secret of their longevity.

Tibetan secrets

Tibet remains mysterious to this day. Closed to the world, and today they are very reluctant to share their knowledge with others.

Their medicine is available exclusively to a select few who have reached a certain level of enlightenment and purification of consciousness. No wonder the average life expectancy of these people is 90-100 years.

The source of eternal youth of Tibetan monks is not any stream with rejuvenating water, but is a human body, in which all 3 basic elements in the body are harmoniously developed:

  • wind is the process of breathing and lungs, the element responsible for the psychological state of a person, his intellectual level and the activity of all processes in the body;
  • bile is a symbol of fire, which is responsible for the energy that fills the body and affects digestion;
  • mucus is the element of water and earth that balances all the internal systems of the body.

Thus, the monks realized that the cause of eternal youth can be the combination of a calm spirit with healthy way life and proper nutrition... To achieve this, they have developed their own longevity system for thousands of years.

Tibetan longevity system

Since the energy in the vital organs decreases with age, the monks have developed recipes to help avoid this.

Yin energy is associated with cold, which causes diseases such as hypertension, cancer, heart attack, atherosclerosis and many others. To counter this, the yang energy should be increased in the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen with pancreas.

Eternal youth recipes for internal organs very simple, but if they are used, then the aging of the body can be stopped indefinitely:

  • pour 50 g of rice and 25 g of sesame seeds in a glass of water and cook for 15 minutes, consume once a day for a week;
  • chop 100 g of St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds and chamomile, before going to bed, brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture in half a liter of water, let it brew, strain through a cloth and drink half with a teaspoon of honey in the evening, and the rest 20 minutes before breakfast;
  • Pass 400 g of peeled garlic through a garlic, pour juice from 24 lemons, take after meals 1 teaspoon of the mixture, diluted in a glass of water and previously stirred in a vessel.

Tibetan monks have many more secret methods of rejuvenation, which they carefully keep from outsiders. These recipes were found in one of the monasteries, scrawled on clay tablets in the 6th century BC. e.

A modern approach to the concept of immortality

Today, rejuvenation, eternal youth is a whole industry, which includes cosmetic companies, plastic surgery, technologies for working with the subconscious and manufacturers of dietary supplements.

Today, it is not heroes of legends or alchemists who are in search of immortality, but scientists with microscopes, psychologists with various techniques for working with the subconscious, and the health food industry. This is logical, since, having substantiated all the achievements of mankind over the past thousand years, scientists have come to the conclusion that longevity is based on "three pillars":

  • physical activity;
  • spiritual harmony;
  • proper nutrition.

So any inhabitant of the planet can choose for himself the best practices in all three directions in order to either significantly slow down aging, or return the body to its former youth.

Obstacles to longevity

As practice shows, only death can prevent eternal youth, since even age and the presence of diseases are not a hindrance to this.

After in medicine, for ease of treatment, the patient was "divided" into organs, thus narrowly focused medical specialties appeared, mortality in the world increased significantly. Today, medicine is beginning to return to what was known to the shamans in the ancient tribes. Man is an interconnected spiritual, physical and subconscious system. When all three indicators are at a high level of development, a person lives for a long time, and the decrepitude of the body begins very late.

The first "whale of longevity"

Everyone chooses physical activity based on their own preferences, but the cardiovascular system is of the greatest importance for longevity. It is her doctors who recommend to support, for which it is necessary to engage in race walking or swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter.

In modern gyms, there are simulators with the definition of cardio loads, and experienced trainers can create an individual exercise program taking into account the age, weight and physical fitness of the client.

Caring for the condition of the joints should not be neglected. In order to keep them flexible and mobile as long as possible, experts recommend yoga classes or exercises for flexibility and stretching.

Breathing exercises

It should be noted that any physical exercise if breathing is wrong, they will not give the desired result, so those who want to live a long and fulfilling life will need to learn to breathe again.

Psychologists note that a harmonious and happy personality is distinguished by deep breathing with a full breath and the same, "from the heart", exhalation. Most people breathe shallowly, without using the entire volume of the lungs and the abdominal cavity.

It is especially useful to develop the breathing skills adopted in yoga exercises - pranayama. To obtain the desired result, do the following:

  • relax;
  • inhale with your stomach, counting to three;
  • exhalation is performed by the stomach in the same way with a count of up to three;
  • exercise abdominal breathing according to the 3: 3 scheme until it becomes natural.

After such breathing does not require conscious control, you can proceed to the following scheme:

  • leaving the inhalation with the stomach for a duration equal to three, we lengthen the exhalation first to 4, then to 5 and so on to ten;
  • the next stage is the reverse sequence from 10 to three, until inhalation and exhalation from the stomach are equal to 3 to 3.

During these exercises, it is necessary to track all changes in the physical and emotional state... This type of breathing activates energy and "turns on" all the cells of the body in work. At the same time, it is intensively cleansed, which rejuvenates the body and returns the energy characteristic of youth.

Harmonious state

The commandments of eternal youth and beauty, voiced by modern scientists, argue that it is impossible to live long without having peace of mind. The law of acceptance is one of the fundamental laws in the universe.

It is very important to remember a simple truth: everything in this world is perfect and good. Everything that does not correspond to these categories is the assessments of people who “make” in their minds the surrounding reality hostile and wretched.

The key to eternal youth (especially for women) is love and gratitude. Love yourself and the world, to thank all events (good and bad) for the opportunity for spiritual growth, to say "yes" to life and to receive joy from being, this is the element without which the elixir of eternal youth will not be effective.

You can only achieve full acceptance of yourself and the environment without evaluation, but calmly and with a smile. This skill, which has been inherent in Eastern philosophy for several millennia, is only beginning to reach the West. Psychologists advise using relaxation exercises and meditation practices.

The power of reason

There is no point in reminding that modern man constantly in a state of stress, most often over trifles. Disturbance of the mind that tibetan monks called poison, destroys the body with the same force as bad habits.

If people pay attention to what they think about during the day, they will be amazed. More than 90% of the most powerful force in the Universe - thoughts - is spent on negativity and concentration on the absence of anything (no money, no health, no love, etc.).

The wisdom of life is that a person always gets what he focuses on. Everyone knows about it, but only 5% of people on the planet put it into practice, they own 90% of all money, and there is no mystery about it. Man is attracted by eternal youth as an achieved result, but at the same time he is afraid of death and thinks about it.

Meditation as a source of youth

Thought is the strongest emotional vibration to which the sensitive Universe always reacts. Anyone can develop concentration skills, but meditation is perceived by many people as something inaccessible and incredibly difficult.

In fact, meditation is about focusing on what gives you joy and makes you happy. It can be an event from the past that fills you with a feeling of joy, or focusing on what you want to have in the near future.

5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes before bedtime, devoted to focusing on the desired result (recovery, meeting with love, career growth etc.), will "force" the Universe to create the necessary happy events in reality, just as it creates problems, illness and poverty when a person focuses on the negative. An important rule of meditation is to drive away "left" thoughts that are not related to the main topic. There will be a lot of them at first, but regular concentration practice will completely remove them.

Live food

Nutrition is a source of vitality or lack thereof, if it is wrong. To live long, you must follow several dietary rules:

  • it should be moderate, without overeating;
  • the main food source should be vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains;
  • food must be properly cooked (not undercooked, overcooked, etc.);
  • regularly use spices and fresh herbs.

One of the most important factors in nutrition is being in the moment here and now, in order to feel every bite of food and get pleasure from it.

Recipes that prolong youth

Many people do not understand that longevity is work, like eternal youth. The recipe for eternal youth is a combination of all the factors that affect the state of the human body. Among them are the daily consumption of food, which gives cleansing and renewal of the body:

  • 50g wheat or barley to sprout and eat before breakfast (or instead of it);
  • steamed and infused 2 tbsp. tablespoons of bran in a glass of boiling water give saturation and remove toxins and toxins from the body;
  • rejuvenation occurs with the regular use of a decoction of 1 glass of oats, boiled in 1 liter of water (the liquid should evaporate by a quarter), drink half a glass 3 times a day.

There are many recipes for rejuvenating the body, everyone can choose any one according to their taste and ease of preparation.

Rejuvenation drinks

In addition to products, very important for longevity is the drink of eternal youth - pure water. It removes toxins, cleanses the body at the cellular level and gives energy. You can make your own "silver" water, which has antibacterial properties.

To do this, the silver object must be heated, lowered into a vessel with water and insisted for a day. It is this water that is called "living", as it forms neural connections between cells, activates the brain.

Everlasting youth from Sudanese rose, drunk daily, cleanses the body and restores skin elasticity, restoring its radiance.