What can be taken to a child to improve memory. Noopept: medicine for the memory of the elderly. What to do with the deterioration of memory in old age? What is the best medicine to improve memory?

Have you suddenly noticed that you have become absent-minded, forgetfulness has appeared, the names of acquaintances, phone numbers are hardly remembered? As a rule, such problems first arise from the fourth to fifth decades of life. Age, you say, and you will be right, but only in part. Memory impairment is a symptom of many diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, and even endocrine systems, and it is imperative to go to the doctor at the first signs of memory impairment.

Scientists are studying the structural characteristics of this body in many people, including twins, relatives and unrelated people. By analyzing these brains using magnetic resonance imaging and comparing differences, researchers can determine which areas of the brain are most affected by genes. These studies began only four or five years ago. Genetics hope that as soon as they identify the regions most affected by heredity, they will be able to find out which genes are responsible for them.

Thanks to this reverse mapping, experts should be able to learn more about the genetics of intelligence. Genetics and neurobiotics seem to agree on the following: genes that affect intelligence may be responsible for coding the structures and functions of certain areas of the brain that underlie the Spearman gene. A more detailed study showed that the amount of gray matter, consisting mainly of the cellular bodies of neurons, in the frontal lobes varies greatly depending on the differences in performance indicators on tests of intelligence.

But the question "how to improve memory?" May become relevant in a younger age. Such important events in the life of students as exams, when it is necessary to remember large amounts of information, also place high demands on the functional resources of the brain and, in particular, on its ability to memorize. What, besides regular workouts, can improve memory?

What synthetic drugs improve memory?

Indeed, John Duncan and his colleagues at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge, England, who subdued intensely intense tasks to intellectual volunteers, discovered that the lateral side of the frontal lobe, both left and right, can be a place where the general intelligence is concentrated. After undergoing positron emission tomography, Duncan's volunteers selectively activated the frontal lateral cortex during various intelligence tests. Some researchers are skeptical about the importance of Duncan's research, stating that it is, at best, suggestive, since we do not know exactly what the frontal lobe does.

In this case, there is a special group of drugs, with a diverse mechanism of action - nootropes (“noos” - thought, mind, “tropos” - direction). The effect of these drugs is not instantaneous, but cumulative, on average, develops after 1 month from the start of treatment.

A large number of products of this group are presented on the pharmaceutical market, but not all of them can be recommended for admission without consulting a doctor, a number of drugs with unreasonable use can cause significant harm instead of the expected benefits.

When to take nootropic drugs?

But his conclusions confirm the fact that we are entering a new era in scientific history - an era that allows neurotics to explore individual differences in intelligence, so far the field occupied only by psychologists. Because of this, the scientific literature on the neural differences in intelligence is quite significant. They also have a deficiency of so-called fluid intelligence, which decreases with age and includes abstract reasoning, processing speed, accurate responses under temporary pressure and the use of new materials.

Memory pills

Consider drugs that you can buy in a pharmacy without a prescription:

Bilobil  (tanakan, memoplant, gingogink, bilobil forte, ginkgo biloba). 40 mg Capsules
This is a herbal preparation of complex action - extract from the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant, containing substances that can affect mainly the vascular system of the brain, improve blood flow in the smallest vessels that feed the blood nerve cells. The drug has a light anti-depressive effect, increases the ability to memorize.
Recommended in old age, with age-related changes in cerebral circulation, manifested by dizziness, memory loss, sleep disturbances, anxiety, tinnitus, with the consequences of head injuries, after a stroke. At a young age - with increased fatigue, decreased concentration.

Smarter or faster? We isolate the gene involved in intelligence, and others will come. We also know some of the neurochemicals involved in learning and memory. With this knowledge, we understand that you need to manipulate to increase the intelligence of people who were not gifted in their genes or increased the intelligence of those who were. Gene therapy can insert, remove, bind, or close genes that we know are associated with intelligence.

Opportunities for improving mental state exist in abundance. "Intellectual" describes how well a person processes information and understands tasks. Having understood something, we have to do a lot of work to reach our decision, and even the most intelligent people rarely say that the task is simple. They worked hard to achieve results and solutions.

The multiplicity of taking 1 capsule 3 times a day. Reception duration - 3 months. Possible repeated courses prescribed by a doctor.
- tendency to increased bleeding
- age under 18
- acute gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer
- acute myocardial infarction
- gastric erosion
- acute cerebrovascular accident

- pregnancy and breastfeeding
Special instructions: Ginkgo biloba drugs should not be taken without consulting a doctor to patients who are constantly taking blood thinning medications (aspirin, warfarin, etc.), antidepressants, diuretic groups of thiazides, gentamicin, anticonvulsants.

Children's drugs for the brain

Therefore, we can all quickly understand new problems, but we are not sure what it means to be smarter. “Smarter” too often is just another installation “faster.” Regardless of what happens, we can be sure that medicines that will improve our cognitive abilities will be developed and that they will be used - good and bad. However, just as most people prefer not to change their mood through Prozac, and we all face the ruins of our lives in the face of endless opportunities to change our understanding of what a normal society is, will include new drugs from memory in accordance with each philosophy man and the concept of their place in the world.

Glycine 100 mg.  Tablets sublingual. This is the most safe drugbecause is involved in the metabolic processes of brain cells like a natural molecule of the body (the amino acid glycine). It is easily excreted from the body, does not accumulate in the tissues, does not cause addiction.
You can take glycine not only for diseases, but also for healthy people in situations of increased mental and mental stress, emotional instability, prolonged stress, sleep disorders, students during the exam period.
Reduces the toxic effect of alcohol.
Healthy adults, children and adolescents can take glycine to improve mental performance, improve memory, attention 1 tablet 2-3 times a day from 2 weeks to 1 month.
For diseases of the nervous system with sleep disturbance, excessive mental irritability, children up to 3 years old should be prescribed ½ tablet 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks, then ½ tablet 1 time a day for 7-10 days .
Adults and children over 3 years old 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
The course of treatment can be extended to 1 month, if necessary, repeat after 1 month.
For sleep disorders, take ½ tablet or 1 tablet just before bedtime or 20 minutes before bedtime.
- intolerance to the components of the drug

Few people who want to change the state of perception will find the means, and those who do not want to change the concept of who they are will ignore these drugs. The government should stay away from this, allowing the morality and ethics of each of us to lead us through these new areas of improvement.

Howard Gardner. The main books "Smart Drugs": do they work? Gazzanika is the director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth College and is a member of the Presidential Council on Bioethics. This article has been adapted, with your permission, from your new book, The Ethical Brain.

Aminalon  (250 mg tablets). Gamma-aminobutyric acid. It affects the metabolic processes in brain cells, promotes the absorption of glucose - a source of energy for nerve cells. It improves memory, thinking, helps to restore impaired functions after a stroke.
It is used in the prevention of motion sickness in transport, with alcoholic lesions of the nervous system, with residual effects after head injuries, in complex treatment of hypertensive disease due to a slight hypotensive effect.
Reception: inside, 30 minutes before meals.
Children: 1-3 years old 1-2 g per day, 4-6 years 2-3 g per day. From 7 years and older 3 g per day.
Adults 3-3,75 g per day
The daily dose divided into 3 doses.
The course of treatment: 2-3 weeks - 2-4 months.

You often forget where you left your keys, who you are going to call, or why did you get up from the chair? Do you have problems with the retention of important information, do not you remember the data that you use daily, or is it very difficult to remember?

What to drink to improve memory in adults?

Not only do older people suffer from problems to remember things, but young and adults have more and more inconveniences to remember. From bag to name, through content learned the day before awaiting appointments on the agenda. If you have recently suffered from poor memory, there may be several reasons such as job requirements and personal life as well. But, in addition, there are other reasons why our memory fails.

Prevention and treatment of motion sickness syndrome:
Children 250 mg 3 times daily.
Adults 500 mg 3 times a day.
The course is 3-4 days.

Toning agents

Extract of Eleutherococcus  (pills, liquid extract)
Appointed with fatigue, after infectious diseases, restores physical and mental performance, increases the adaptive capacity of the body.
Admission frequency for adults 20-40 drops of extract 2 times a day half an hour before meals
or tablets of 100-200 mg 2 times a day.
Children from 12 years old, 1 drop of extract for 1 year of life.
Course: 2 weeks.

Some drugs, such as antihistamines, anesthetics, weight loss pills, and blood pressure drugs, have the ability to stun the brain, which causes the memory to lose its details. They may occur due to pregnancy, menopause, or other hormonal changes, but this is normal.

List of pills for improving brain activity and memory

When we do not get enough rest, we may notice certain problems in the preservation of information, as well as changes in memory and reflexes. You have to be careful, pay attention if we sleep less than six hours a day, if we wake up every day before dawn, etc.

Contraindications: You can not take children under 12 years old, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in acute infectious diseases, in myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, insomnia, high blood pressure, vascular diseases of the brain.

People with high blood pressure are more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment and memory problems at the age of 45. This is due to the fact that the small cerebral arteries become more fragile. If you have problems remembering some things, pay attention to the following methods of home memory processing.

On the first day, six units and an increase to reach fifteen nuts on the last day; Add fresh to your dishes, such as salads, soups, creams, sauces, etc. It can also be consumed in teas. Pay attention to the quantity, as in some cases this root can increase blood pressure. Eat a red apple without peeling every day, consume one tablespoon of beer yeast mixed with one teaspoon of pollen and one tablespoon of soy lecithin, mix one tablespoon of sugar, one of royal jelly and a teaspoon of pollen into a cup of soy milk. Mix well and drink in the morning, warm or cold, make a delicious juice for storage with 125 grams of date, 250 grams of fig and 3 carrots. When you get a homogeneous mixture in a blender, strain and drink, perhaps in the morning and fasting. Prepare a vitamin with a cup of water, two peeled, orange juice, three nuts and strawberry juice. Drink every night after dinner and before bedtime, repeating the procedure for two weeks in a row. Add a quart of water and add seven teaspoons of anise. Reduce heat to low and boil until the contents are reduced to approximately 700 ml. Peel the artichoke and place in a jar, cover with water, close and place in a pot of boiling water. Put everything in a blender and whisk. Drink one day and one day, but most often before taking a test or something else. It is a nutrient rich remedy that improves memory and is ideal when you need to learn, because it allows you to better fix the content.

  • Inhale the sage daily, drink sweetened rosemary tea with honey.
  • Eat three dried apricots, three prunes and three almonds a day.
  • Consume a dose of nuts for nine consecutive days.
  • Every morning, be all together and have a drink.
  • Put in a saucepan with a cup of water and let it boil for a few minutes.
  • Stop for fifteen days and repeat the treatment.
  • Give it a boil for two hours.
  • Drink every night before bed to save memory.
  • Remove the juice from grapefruit and orange.
  • Peel and slice the apple.
Thus, it becomes necessary to pay attention to what products we consume daily, so we will give priority to those whose composition is the root cause in order to contribute to the good functioning of neurons, and we will add to this familiar practice, in which curiosity, interest in learning and the beginning of new projects are always present.

Long-term use of Eleutherococcus leads to exhaustion of the cardiovascular and nervous system, so it can only be taken after examination and consultation with a doctor.

Recipes of traditional medicine to improve memory

Clover flowers infusion. Collect heads from flowering plants, dried, poured into a thermos 2 tbsp. crushed flowers, add 2 cups of hot water and infuse for 2 hours. Strain, take 1/3 cup 30 minutes before eating 3 months.

What foods are bad for memory?

Saturated fats and fatty acids: directly affect our vascular and cerebral health. It is important to consider this; exquisite: causes states of nervousness and hyperactivity that do not affect the functioning of memory and concentration ;: It is very serious damage to our nervous system, we cannot concentrate, and we have no neural connections that are fundamental to remember: proteins: mostly those that are made from red meat and cured cheeses, produce tryptophan and serotonin, was nervous.

Tips for improving brain and memory

  Cases of hypoglycemia, for example, are very harmful for our concentration, we have to start the day by ingesting the basic nutrients that will give us the energy necessary for the functioning of our brain, remember: although it makes up only 2% of our body mass, the brain consumes 20% of our entire body. energy; Practice sports and light physical exercise, rest, sleep at least eight hours a day.

Some vitamins to improve memory

  Then we present the recipes of three excellent, nutritious and energetic vitamins.

Broth from the bark of mountain ash. 1 tbsp. l dry chopped mountain ash bark pour 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Insist 6 hours, take 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day for a month. The course is repeated 3 times a year.

Young pine buds. In the spring, eat 3-4 buds of pine 2-3 times a day before meals.

Drugs that can be taken only after consulting a doctor

This group of drugs is available on prescription and is prescribed by a doctor only for any diseases, because the drugs are not harmless and have contraindications and side effects.

Piracetam (lucetam, memotropil, nootropil, cerebril, escotropil, noocetam, stamina).
The classic representative of nootropic drugs, is available in capsules for oral administration and ampoules with a solution for parenteral administration. The course of treatment in the range from 2-3 weeks to 3-6 months. Dosed individually depending on the evidence. In chronic conditions, treatments should be repeated.
It has a high dose of psychostimulating effect. Contraindicated in severe kidney disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hemorrhagic stroke, chorea, depression with mental stimulation, allergies to the drug.

Encephabol (pyritinol). Available in tablets for oral and suspension. Widely used in pediatric practice from the 3rd day after birth with congenital abnormalities of the brain, as well as a delay mental development. In adults, in cases of impaired cognitive functions of various origins. Reception duration is from 8 to 12 weeks. If necessary, the courses are repeated as prescribed by the doctor.
Contraindicated in severe disorders of liver and kidney function, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions to the drug.

Phenotropil. Pills. A pronounced effect on memory functions, speed of thinking, concentration of attention, as well as a general tonic and moderate psychostimulatory effect with an increase in the ability to work and resistance to stressful influences.
Prescribe with brain diseases, proceeding with a violation of mental performance, memory, attention, increased mental exhaustion due to traumatic brain injury, stroke, neurosis, as well as a means of increasing the body's functionality in extreme conditions.
Contraindicated in children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in severe lesions of the liver and kidneys, high blood pressure, acute psychosis, panic attacks, and individual intolerance.

And finally, it is impossible not to warn that even a seemingly harmless symptom, like forgetfulness and poor memory, can be a symptom of a serious illness. It is with memory impairment that Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia begin, so brain tumors can appear, some mental disorders - depression, neurosis, so it is important to consult a neurologist in time for him to carry out the necessary examination. Especially should be alarmed by a sudden deterioration of memory. Now doctors have special tests and questionnaires that reveal the severity of disorders of higher brain functions and help to establish a timely diagnosis.

Doctor therapist S.E.V.

The human brain is the key and one of the most important in the system of human organs. If it has disorders, then almost all systems of the body suffer, because they are controlled to some extent by the brain: it is he who regulates the level of hormones, the amount of incoming substances produced by the body, and allows the organs to adequately respond to all processes.

Therefore, any violation in the brain activity should attract a lot of attention of doctors.

Causes of memory impairment

One of the most common symptoms of brain impairment is memory impairment. Today, medicine is able to deal with this symptom with the help of drugs that improve memory.

However, their effect is indirect, and the medicines are directed to the treatment of what caused the breakdown of the brain. Finding the cause of bad memory is the first and main step in treatment.

Consider the main causes of memory impairment:

  1. Brain injury  may cause a gradual deterioration in memory.
  2. State of persistent depression. It contributes to the development of apathy, and the brain, on the background of an intense mental and psychological state, begins to “save energy”, which is manifested, including, memory deterioration, poor concentration and reduced attention.
  3. Diet  is another common cause of memory impairment. A person may intend to limit himself in getting good nutrition, or not be able to eat a wholesome, varied food due to busy schedules (when the main ration becomes semi-finished products - high-calorie, but absolutely useless for the body's cells).

So, knowing the main cause of memory impairment, it is first necessary to eliminate it: to adjust the diet, if it is defective, to cure depression. If memory impairment is caused by injury, then you need to take supporting drugs, among which the most common are vitamins. Of course, brain injury is not cured with vitamins, but they will help the body recover more quickly.

A healthy person who wants to improve the already normal memory, these drugs are contraindicated. Everyone else who has memory problems, ranging from 7-year-old children, and ending with the elderly, these medicines can be prescribed in different dosages.

What natural preparations improve memory?

Before stimulating memory with serious synthetic medicines, it is worth trying medications  to improve the memory of natural origin - herbs and tinctures, as well as the usual natural juices.

When bad memory can help root in the decoction or tincture. However, it is contraindicated in hypertensive patients. Another natural remedy for memory and attention is sage. It inhibits the production of amino acids, which in some cases cause poor memory.

Also, to improve memory, you need to drink half a glass of grape juice daily - it is equipped to help cope with depression, strengthen the nervous system and the walls of blood vessels.

What synthetic drugs improve memory?

Preparations for the brain and memory of synthetic origin should be taken only as directed by the attending physician. As with drug intolerance or overdose, the opposite effect may occur.