What laxative can be taken by children before and after the year? Laxative for children. List of effective and safe drugs from birth

Constipation in children is a fairly frequent phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the baby's digestive system and intestines, like many other organs and systems, are not yet fully formed. The intestinal microflora of the newborn is far from ideal. She will have to improve in the next few years, and no one will give you any guarantees that this development will be easy.

   Constipation in children is a common problem.

Let's try together to figure out how to help your child overcome physiological problems with the intestines. How to relieve his condition with constipation? What pharmaceutical laxatives can come to the aid of parents and whether they have folk analogues?

Norm and pathology

In case of constipation, the baby often complains of abdominal pain, cannot empty the intestines on its own, becomes capricious, cries more often, it shows signs of intoxication of the body - weakness, lethargy, headaches.

Everyone goes to the toilet differently - some children more often, others less often, and in order to judge constipation as an illness, one needs to know the average norms of stool frequency at different ages. And they are:

  • Newborns. Kids from 0 to 4 months can go to the toilet “big” up to 8 times a day. And the norm will be considered if the child pokes once, and if he does this 8 times. Fecal matter not formed, quite liquid
  • Children under 2 years.  At this age, it is considered normal if the child empties the intestines 1 to 3 times a day. The feces form, already has a denser consistency, a specific odor appears.
  • Children aged 2 to 4 years.Such babies should ideally be 1-2 times a day. Fecal masses are fully decorated, the process of formation of bowel function is almost complete.
  • Children from 4 to 6 years.  At this age, boys and girls can go to the toilet "big" as 1-2 times a day, and 1 time in two days. Both that, and another will be considered as norm variants.

Thus, it is possible to talk about constipation if the frequency of a child’s stool differs from the norm by at least a day — two.

About the causes of constipation in children and methods of their elimination are described in the video by Dr. E.O. Komarovsky:

The reasons

Constipation in children can occur for various reasons. The most innocuous of them - especially the food crumbs. Unfortunately, difficulties with defecation sometimes indicate more serious violations -  abnormalities of the intestinal structure, dysbacteriosis, metabolic disorders, acute inflammatory processes, problems requiring surgical intervention by experienced surgeons.

For this reason, with repeated constipation, you must show the child to the doctor.

Remember that "alarm bells" are often recurring constipation, painful sensations during defecation, sharp unpleasant smell  feces, the presence of impurities in them - pus, blood, pieces of unprocessed food, nausea and vomiting.

Operating principle

Laxatives for children can be of two types - these are synthetic medicines or phytopreparations,designed to eliminate intestinal disorders. They are not at all harmless, although they are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. Laxative drugs have their own indications and contraindications.

Laxatives on the principle of action can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines that irritate the intestinal mucosa.  These drugs begin to operate a maximum of 2 hours after taking the pill. They stimulate the output of feces accumulated in the intestine.
  • Drugs that perform the function of fillers.  Once in the intestine, they increase in volume, saturate the digestive tract with fluid, and as a result, feces leave the body faster.
  • Medicines that retain water in the intestines.  Through the intestinal wall, these drugs draw water from the body and accumulate it in the intestine. Liquid softens the fecal masses and promotes bowel movements.
  • Drugs acting in the small intestine.They, as a rule, contain oil (petrolatum, fennel, liquid paraffin, etc.). These substances provide an increase in the sliding of the intestinal contents to the exit. Operate 3-5 hours after administration.


Ideal baby laxative should be non-toxic, acting most gently, preferably of plant origin.

The remedy for constipation for children should not be addictive and contribute to the development of the syndrome of "lazy bowel", when, with frequent use, the child stops emptying at all, without medication. This syndrome can significantly complicate the situation, as degenerative changes in intestinal receptors can begin.

Under the description of laxatives recommended for children, drugs that soften fecal masses and products based on natural oils are the best suited. Lactose-based drugs are recommended for infants and toddlers who are barely 1 year old. In addition to solving the main problem, they contribute to the formation of their own normal intestinal microflora, which will allow the child to forget about such a delicate problem as constipation in the future.

Children's forms of laxative medicines are almost indistinguishable from adults — drops, syrups, rectal suppositories, tablets and powders. The solid form of the drug implies a higher age of the child. Babies under 4–5 years old should preferably be given a laxative in the form of syrup, drops, and candles. The tablet form of the drug - for children 7-9 years. Starting from 10-12 years, the child can be given capsules.

   Constipation is often accompanied by abdominal pain in the baby.

Consider that the candles act faster than the pills, so if you need to achieve a quick effect, it is better to give preference to topical preparations. If the choice is between a syrup or a tablet, the syrup will have a faster effect.

Laxatives should not be given to a child if his constipation is caused by acute intestinal diseases, sometimes requiring surgery (appendicitis, for example). Another important detail: all laxatives eliminate only the effect, but do not cure the cause of constipation.  That is why it is important to inspect the baby, and if necessary, begin a comprehensive treatment.

You can learn about the causes of constipation in children by looking at the recording of the webinar conducted by Valery Favorikovsky, Ph.D., head of the abdominal pathology department of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children":

The list of drugs and instructions for use


It is a transparent and very viscous syrup created from fillers based on real dietary fiber. Lactulose acts in the large intestine, improving its motility, retaining water and increasing the volume of fecal masses, simultaneously softening them. Helps to restore the intestinal microflora, to resist dysbiosis. Appointed even to newborns and infants. The drug is practically not absorbed into the body, quickly reaches the intestines and excreted. Contraindications - intestinal obstruction, and in some cases diabetes. The syrup should be given to the child once a day, preferably in the morning with meals.

Sodium sulfate

Like all salt laxatives, sodium sulfate must be approved by a doctor, otherwise it may end up sad. Salt quite aggressively acts on the receptors inside the intestine, pulling water out of the body and accumulating it in the intestine. Due to this, softening of the fecal masses is achieved. In young children with uncontrolled intake may occur dehydration. Unlike herbal preparations, the sodium salt of sulfuric acid cleanses the intestines throughout its length. Children dosage is calculated according to the formula "1 gram of salt for 1 year of life." Then it is diluted with warm water and allowed to drink. The effect is expected in about 5 hours. Contraindications - inflammatory processes in the intestine (appendicitis), inflammation of the peritoneum.

   Sodium sulfate is diluted with warm water and taken orally

Magnesium sulfate

With the magnesium salt of sulfuric acid the situation is the same as with the sodium one described above. This is a laxative that should only be used as directed by the doctor. Magnesia is a fairly fast agent. Its action occurs 2-3 hours after ingestion. Take the powder, diluted with warm water on an empty stomach, in the morning, once a day. Long-term use of saline laxatives is not provided, they are “quick response” drugs intended for one-time use. In chronic constipation, this powder can be used in enemas.Magnesia is not recommended for children under 6 years old. From 6 to 12 years old - a single single dose - 5-10 gr. Powder. From 12 to 15 years old, it can be increased to 15 grams.


A mild laxative based on lactulose with the additional function of probiotics - Normase stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli, bifidobacteria in the intestine. Thanks to them, feces become softer and constipation stops. Contraindications: intestinal obstruction and inflammatory processes in it. The drug is in conflict with antibiotics that can reduce its effect, so you should not take "Normaz" simultaneously with antimicrobial agents.

Syrup "Normaze" - a safe child remedy, reviews of which are extremely positive.  Ideal for newborns. Dose for children under 1 year-5 ml. Of syrup per day. Babies from 1 to 6 years old dose is increased to 5-10 ml. From 6 years old and older, the medicine can be given at a dosage of 10-15 ml. “Normase” is permissible to mix with compote or juice, its effectiveness from such “masking” will not change.


It is a laxative that acts as a filler. In the intestine, the drug swells, increases in volume. The intestine reacts to this by increased peristalsis, this allows in short time  solve the problem of constipation. The medicine is sold in the form of powders with delicious fruit flavors. At home, a solution for drinking is easily prepared from such powders. Among the contraindications - intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the tract, suspected pathology, which must be surgically removed. The drug can not be taken to children under 8 years. Children over 8 years old are prescribed 10 grams per day. Powder, with the ineffectiveness of such a dose is allowed to increase it to 20 grams.

Helping laxative

It is a syrup designed specifically for the easy solution of delicate children's problems. It contains lactulose, fennel fruits, strawberry leaves, anise, cumin and cherry fruits. Additionally, the basic vitamins C, groups B and PP essential for the child’s body have been introduced into the composition. The drug is intended for children over 3 years. For babies from 3 to 7 years old, a dose of 15 ml is recommended, from 7 to 14 years old - 20 ml. The drug can be taken in a course of up to two weeks.  The syrup is delicious, perfectly mixed with drinks - juice, water, tea. Therefore, they can easily and simply give to drink even a very capricious baby, who categorically refuses to take medicine. There are not many syrup contraindications, since it is a natural remedy.


This laxative drug is available in small capsules with a solution for rectal use. Liquid with sorbitol inside the capsules effectively dilutes fecal masses, promotes quick and soft bowel movement. Since the contraindications of "Mikrolaks" are practically absent, so microclysters can be made to children from birth. They act already 10-15 minutes after the microcapsule is carefully injected into the rectum and squeezes its contents. In order not to be mistaken with the dosage, on the tip of the microcapsule there is a special mark, to which you need to introduce a capsule. Three-year-olds and older, it is administered entirely, children younger - to the marked mark.


A soft laxative that comes in the form of oral fluid for adults, for children “Prelax-baby” and in the form of powder for preparation of the “Prelax-Light” solution. Children's form of medicine can be given to children from birth. The initial dose for babies up to 1 year is 10 ml. Children from 1 year to 6 years old give 15 ml. solution, children from 6 years-25-30 ml. In the first days of taking the drug, gas may be increased, the discomfort will pass and no additional treatment is required. The drug should not be given to a child if constipation is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Antibiotics reduce the effect of Prelax, so taking them at the same time as this laxative is not recommended.


A drug that irritates the intestinal wall. Due to this, a contraction of the tract occurs, and constipation can be overcome. After taking the medicine the desired effect can be achieved after 10-12 hours. In pharmacies sold in the form of drops and cubes for chewing. The initial dose for children from 4 years old is 4-8 drops. Cubes are designed for children over 12 years old and adults. For children under 4 years old, Regulax is not assigned.


A preparation containing glycerol in the form of rectal suppositories. Glycerin has a mild effect on the intestinal wall, dilutes the feces. The maximum dose is 1 rectal suppository per day. You can use the drug from birth. For the youngest patients, the physician should determine the dosage. For constant use candles "Glycerol" is not suitable, they are recommended to be used to relieve the condition in acute constipation.


It is a medicine acting at the level of the small intestine. Available in tablets, dragees and rectal suppositories. Children are recommended from the age of two, once a day. The dose for children from 2 to 7 years is one tablet per day or half a rectal suppository. From 2 to 14 years old, children are given either 2 tablets, or they inject a whole candle rectally. The drug is not intended for long-term and systematic use.


These are inexpensive laxative pills that are made from the leaves of the Norway Catholic senna. Such tablets can be used for a rather long time, they refer to non-addictive drugs.. Operate approximately 7 hours after administration. Recommended for children over 6 years old. Quite rarely, but still sometimes assigned to children from 3 to 6 years. This decision is made solely by the doctor. The dose for children from 6 to 12 years is half a tablet per day. If there is no desired effect, the dose can be increased by another half a pill. Children over 12 years old starting dose will be 1 tablet, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets. They should be taken once a day.


Enema is good only as an “ambulance”, doing this procedure daily is a real crime against the health of the baby, since such a forced way of defecation is very detrimental to the ability of the child to go to the toilet on their own.

   Enema for constipation in crumbs should be used only in extreme cases.

Folk remedies

Before resorting to laxative medications, you can try to help your child cope with constipation with folk remedies. They act quite effectively, and in most cases, after taking herbal remedies, the need for tablets and syrups is eliminated.

The most famous "fighter with constipation" is common and affordable dill.  You can make a decoction from it and give it to the child in the form of herbal tea. The effect should come in about 5-6 hours.   If the child has already learned to eat solid food himself, invite him to eat 3-4 pieces of prunes.  This is a mild natural laxative, after which the baby will have to wait 4-6 hours for relief.

To achieve a faster effect, you can give your baby a spoonful of castor oil. Of course, it is disgusting, but it works flawlessly - checked by generations!

   Prunes - a delicious delicacy that helps to cope with constipation


If the child is prone to constipation, parents need to reconsider their diet. If we are talking about breastfed babies, you need to make sure that mom feeds properly, does not eat dishes that promote the consolidation of feces. Such "insidious" products include confectionery, white bread, potatoes, cabbage. A young mother should stop her attention on cereals, vegetable stews, baked apples  (in a small amount), it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, the dosage and proportions of the adapted milk formula should be carefully observed. If constipation occurs frequently, despite the fact that the food is prepared correctly, you can add a little less than the prescribed amount of the dry mixture to the bottle, and additionally more often water the baby with drinking water.

   Beets in the diet of the child will help to avoid problems with constipation

In the diet of children from 3 years should not be foods that contribute to constipation - a lot of chocolate, pastries, carbonated drinks, rice, meat, chicken eggs. Constipation contribute to pasta, pears, pomegranate, smoked meats. And if constipation occurs frequently, you need to give your child fruits and vegetables with a laxative effect - cabbage, pumpkin, beets and beet juice, zucchini, bran, plum, peach.

Food for constipation should not be plentiful, fat.It is better to feed the child in smaller portions, but in two approaches than to feed him a whole plate of porridge or stew. In the diet of a child with a tendency to constipation must be fermented milk products, dried fruit compotes, rose hips, herbal tea.

Excellent prevention of constipation in a child will be not only a proper and balanced diet, but also a mobile lifestyle. Children who walk a lot and go in for sports have much less bowel problems.

Constipation is the absence of stool for several days or difficulty with stool. In children, this problem is most often observed in early age, because immediately after birth, the digestive system of babies continues to improve. What should be the stool frequency in children under 3 years of age? It is considered normal for babies to empty 5 or more times a day with the feces of a watery consistency. By the 6th month of life, the feces are compacted and take a certain form, and they stand out less often than in month child. In 2 years, the stability of defecation is indicated if emptying occurs up to 3 times a day. From 2 to 3 years feces are fully formed. The frequency of their evacuation - 1 time per day.

Medications for constipation in newborns

For prolonged constipation, which cannot be overcome by changes in nutrition, massage, increased physical activity and other activities, pediatricians offer laxatives:

  • Creon;
  • Linex;
  • Plantex;
  • Atsipol;
  • Normase;
  • Espumizan;
  • Lactulose;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

All medicines act differently. For example, Creon is prescribed to support the activities of the developing gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the breakdown of nutrients in infants. If constipation is associated with an imbalance of microflora, the doctor will suggest Linex, Bifidumbacterin or Acipol for parents to treat a newborn.

Laxative preparations for children under 3 years of age do not cause intestinal addiction. Fecal accumulations soften the preparations Duphalac, Bisacodil, Prelax, Acipol, Normase.

The mildest laxative that is suitable for eliminating constipation in children under the age of 1 year is Dufalac in the form of a syrup. It is allowed to use it from the first days of a baby’s life, but without abuse. Otherwise, the medication will make the intestines lazy, and the body will no longer make efforts for natural emptying.

The acts of defecation in children under the age of one year well stimulate laxative suppositories, for example, glycerol. Children's suppositories are administered in the amount of 1 pc. for the procedure. The drug with an adult dosage of glycerol is cut lengthwise and insert one half into the anus of the baby. Candles irritate the intestinal wall and soften stagnant feces.

Often parents ask if laxative or enema is better? Pediatricians respond: a wide range of modern laxatives allows you to manage defecation quickly and safely. Therefore, the enema can be abandoned, it remained a relic of the past. But if mothers do not want to give laxatives to babies up to a year, and pediatricians do not insist on the use of drugs, parents can alleviate the suffering of a laxative enema unsuccessfully forcing children.

How to improve defecation in infants

From the 2nd month of life babies are called babies. And from constipation, pediatricians prescribe them drugs based on lacto-and bifidobacteria. They improve the composition of the intestinal microflora, which naturally improves the regular excretion of feces.

To increase and soften the intestinal contents of infants watered lactulose. Medicines Creon and Pancreatin are given to babies in order to normalize digestive processes, the unstable course of which caused constipation. Until the year to accelerate the evacuation of feces, you can continue to use glycerin candles.

The children's version of Forlax to eliminate constipation in children is used from 6 months. Before reaching the age of 1, babies are given 1 sachet of products per day. The dosage for small patients under the age of 3 years is 1 - 2 sachets per day.

A laxative called Prelaks at an initial dose of up to 1 year is given to babies at 10 ml / day. For maintenance therapy, the daily amount is halved. From one year to three years, the dosage changes - the initial amount is 15 ml, the supporting amount is 10 ml. The correct amount improves intestinal activity for 2 - 5 days of use of the drug. Prolonged use of this children's laxative is not addictive and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.

If drugs from the pharmacy do not help, the only way out is to set up an enema. The syringe is filled with cool water or herbal decoction  (40 ml) and make a cleansing procedure. Warm water is not used, because it is absorbed by the rectum.

How to treat constipation in children 2 - 3 years?

The doctor may prescribe Bisacodyl to the two-year-old child to speed up the bowel movement. Crumb it give 5 mg for an hour before breakfast or before bedtime. This laxative is sold in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Candles are also used from 2 years. A single dosage until 3 years old - 5 mg. It is impossible to exceed the specified amount, otherwise constipation will be replaced by indomitable diarrhea, or colic, hypotension, allergies, weakness will join him.

Rapid emptying of the tract in children is easy to achieve with vaseline oil. Up to 12 months product give a dosage of 0.5 tsp. By the age of 3, the one-time amount is gradually increased to 1 - 2 tsp. Parents who choose drugs against constipation should pay attention to Guttalaks. From 2 years old it is recommended to drip into water or food intended for a child (2-5 drops). Guttalax is a fast-acting medication, so the baby should not be let out of the house on the day of treatment. Emptying can happen at any time.

Diet to improve bowel movement

In order not to stuff children from an early age with medications, some mothers try to solve a delicate problem by adjusting the diet of the crumbs. What kind of food makes emptying easier? Experts put fermented milk products on the first place, but yogurts and cottage cheese are better prepared by yourself - the store goods do not contain live bacteria. Fresh squeezed juices follow:

  1. beetroot;
  2. carrot;
  3. grape

To speed up the evacuation of feces children can be given applesauce  and juice (from savory fruits). But in large quantities apple products harm the gastrointestinal mucosa, so moderation is important in dietary nutrition.

Grapes have a good laxative effect. However, most babies swallow them whole without chewing, which makes the treatment of constipation meaningless. For this reason, the guys should drink grape juice.

Such products as peaches, figs, and prunes also contribute to softening and soft conclusion of feces. To feed the child with whole prunes is not worth it - from it you need to cook compote. From vegetables, the benefits of digestion will bring cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and cabbage. Children who are prone to allergies, to get involved in eating tomatoes is not recommended. Pears for constipation are excluded from the diet completely, because they exacerbate the problem.

For the preparation of cereals take wholemeal products. Dietary bran is added to the oatmeal, yogurt, and pastries. From 1 tsp. their number is gradually adjusted to 2 - 3 tbsp. l per day. Digestive processes without medication allows you to establish drinking ordinary water.

Children's laxatives: medicine for constipation for a 3-year-old child - expert opinion

Often you have to answer the question of how to choose a laxative for a child of 3 years? What cures for constipation can be called childish and safe, and which are categorically inappropriate for children of this age,  says our expert - pediatrician Maria Gulyaeva.

“3 years is a kind of milestone in the life of a little person. The period of early childhood ends and preschool begins. Some children already have persistent constipation, the prerequisites are the features of development at this age.

Factors contributing to the formation of constipation in children 3 years

If we consider the state of the digestive system in 3 years, we can note the following:

    • all milk teeth are available, the act of chewing is already quite effective, a child of 3 years goes for eating solid food;
  • all the anatomical structures of the small intestine are already formed, but the colon compartments are still growing, and the structure characteristic of an adult person is formed only by school age;
  • the development of the nervous system of the intestine is not yet complete, and can continue up to 5 years.

The mental life of a three-year-old is also eventful:

  • the process of socialization of the child begins, he is more and more aware of the differences between himself and other people, the first fears appear;
  • the child begins to go to kindergarten, faced with a new daily routine, an unusual feeding regime and the ritual of planting on the pot.

All this makes it possible to single out a 3-year-old age as a critical period for the occurrence of habitual functional constipation.

Definition and species

The frequency of bowel movements after 3 years of life should be at least 3-4 times a week. Ideal if there is a daily morning stool. Signs of constipation are too dense fecal masses (in the form of stools with small peas - "sheep"), which are expelled too rarely, too hard and painful.

The persistent course of constipation is accompanied by deterioration of the general condition. A child may complain of:

  • Nausea, weakness, lack of appetite, perhaps a slight increase in temperature.
  • The main manifestation of constipation is the sealing of the contents due to its dehydration in the intestines. This happens when the body loses water (hot climate, diseases with high fever), or because of the delay in the movement of food through the colon, where water is actively absorbed.
  • Content in the intestine is delayed in violation of its motility (functional constipation) or mechanical obstruction (organic constipation).

And he and the other may arise acutely or exist for a long time. Chronic is constipation lasting more than 3 months.

  • Acute constipation is most often transient, associated with dietary disturbances or of a psychological nature (for example, the absence of a stool on a trip).
  • Can develop against the background of poisoning and medication: adsorbents (activated carbon, smect), antacids, anticonvulsants, antispasmodics, antibiotics.
  • Antibiotics cause stool delay indirectly. They inhibit the normal microflora of the large intestine, which is responsible for gas formation and softening of the contents in the intestine.

Acute constipation accompanies serious problems - the development of intestinal obstruction (for example, twisting intestinal loops) or inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. In case of severe pain syndrome and deterioration of the general condition, such a situation requires immediate consultation of a doctor!

  • Long-term constipation can be associated with Hirschsprung's disease (congenital absence of nerve endings in the intestinal wall), dolichosigmoma (congenital elongated sigmoid colon), anorectal malformations, or a growing tumor. These conditions are treated by surgery.
  • Some diseases (for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, myasthenia, worms) also occur with delayed stool.

All of these diseases are rare, but they are very serious and require intervention, so any child with chronic constipation is consulted by a pediatrician!
The 3-year-old child also has psychological reasons for the lack of a stool associated with the start of going to kindergarten. Early rise and morning rush may prevent the child from asking for “potty” at home. With the volitional suppression of the urge to bowel movement the intestine overflows, the stool is compacted. Subsequent urge to occur with further increase in stool volume. It will become more difficult to expel it, peristalsis will intensify, spasms will appear and constipation will worsen. Refusing a homemade breakfast is also harmful, since bowel emptying is reflexively stimulated by the ingestion of food into the stomach.
  If the shy child did not go to the pot at home, in an unusual situation kindergarten  it will be more difficult to do. Delayed defecation contributes to the formation of painful cracks, in which both the "fear of the pot" and the spasm of the urge increase.


First aid for constipation in a child 3 years

  • As a quick help for constipation, a 3-year-old child can be given a good old medicine - liquid paraffin or famous castor oil through the mouth (1.5–2 teaspoons). The effect will come in a few hours.
  • Faster stools can be called up by local means: insert a candle with glycerin into the anus or microlax ready microclysmic.
  • In the absence of them - put the usual cleansing enema.
      It will require approximately 300 ml of boiled water (1.5 cups), which must be collected in a enema bottle. The tip of the enema - thickly oiled (you can sunflower) and enter all the contents into the anus. The patient should be put on the left side and bring the legs bent at the knees to the stomach. After the introduction of an enema - for some time, squeeze the buttocks with your hands so that everything does not flow back. Let the child lie down until the urge to defecate.

For the treatment of chronic constipation will require a systemic approach, laxatives and other drugs here play far from the first role.

Diet treatment

First, an adequate diet is selected, the day regimen is normalized, and psychogenic factors are excluded. If there is no effect, medications are prescribed.

Foods that contain simple carbohydrates contribute to constipation. These include: pastries, pasta, porridge from white cereals (especially “mash”), potatoes, jelly. Cause constipation and foods rich in protein and animal fats (broth, pureed soups, smoked meats, fatty meats, legumes, chocolate). Strengthen due to astringent properties: blueberry, pear, quince, pomegranate.
  It is desirable that the meal takes place at the same time, “snacking” flour and sweet is unacceptable.

Psychological factors

Planting on the pot is best done at one time, while the child can not be scolded. The pot itself should like, be warm and comfortable. Moving games also help to eliminate constipation.

Drug therapy

In addition to laxatives, especially with psychogenic constipation, drug therapy may include antispasmodics and sedatives. Cleansing enemas are systematically used only in very severe cases, for example, before surgery for Hirschsprung's disease.

Laxatives for children

Attention! Laxative drugs can not be used for acute constipation, if surgical diseases in the abdominal cavity (intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis and others) are not excluded.

Drug treatment of constipation in a young child should be safe. Permanent drug therapy must be prescribed by a doctor! In the case of "transient" constipation, you can give your child a laxative, but there are a number of drugs that should not be given independently.

A single classification of laxative drugs does not exist. Most often they are divided into groups according to the mechanism of the action or the similarity of the chemical composition. Here are considered only common drugs.

What medicines can be given for constipation in a child of 3 years

Laxatives, valid for one-time use  in small children:

  • Vaseline oil (liquid paraffin derived from oil) is a completely inert substance that facilitates the movement of intestinal contents.
  • Castor oil (in the intestine breaks down into active ingredients) - castor oil, has a mild effect, increasing the amount of feces and facilitating their promotion.
  • Unabsorbable polysaccharides: lactulose (Duphalac, Normase, Lactusan), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are prebiotics. they provide nutrition to normal intestinal bacteria. Lactulose is the basis of many popular drugs, significantly increases the amount of feces, retains water in the intestine. GOS and FOS (inulin and others) - natural polysaccharides, which have a mild sedative effect, but require large doses of administration. They are included in the composition of enriched baby products (cereals, cookies, teas).
  • Polyhydric alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol) are hygroscopic, increase the volume of feces, retain water in the intestine. Act gently.
  • Remedies for local use - candles with glycerin and microlens Mikrolaks. They give only a one-time local effect, facilitate the discharge of a chair, relieve the fear of defecation with anal fissures.

Drugs that can not be used in young children alone

  • Saline laxatives (magnesia and sodium sulfate) - pull the water through the wall into the intestinal lumen, increasing the volume of its contents and stimulating motility. The danger is in dehydration, because the drugs are very active. Read about the deadly effects of the powder of magnesia introduced in miniclism.
  • Diphenols (phenolphthalein (Purgen), isafenin (Isaman), Guttalax. Bisacodil) - irritate the intestinal mucosa, block the absorption of sodium and water, and partly enter the blood. It can cause side effects in the form of dehydration, respiratory disorders, cardiac activity, kidney function and allergic reactions.
  • Plants containing antraglycosides (rhizome root and rhizome, senna leaves and buckthorn bark and their preparations - Regulaks, Agiolax). The substances contained in them directly affect the intestinal wall and increase its motility. The use of these laxatives can lead to bowel atrophy and aggravate constipation.
  • Medicines - prokinetics (itopride (Primer, Ganaton, Itomed), trimebutin (Trimedat, Neobutin), tegaserod - all these agents act on nervous system  intestines, activating or weakening peristalsis. They are studied insufficiently, often restricted or prohibited for use in children. However, trimedat is approved for use in children from 3 years.
  • Macrogol (Forlax) - a laxative that increases the amount of intestinal contents, can be used in children from 8 years.

More information

Not only food, but also the timely emptying of the child must pay close attention. Constipation in children 2 years or less, unfortunately, not uncommon. It is necessary to monitor the child’s chair and try to avoid its delay. Constipation in a newborn and an older child is accompanied by discomfort, bad mood, and contributes to the appearance of pain. For infants is characterized by complete absorption of breast milk, bowel movements fluctuations within 1-2 days are permissible. But if there is no stool for an older child for more than a day, it is time to take action.

Diagnosis of constipation

Determination of stool in a child can be determined by its consistency, as well as the number of bowel movements. For babies up to half a year, a mushy and semi-shaped chair is typical, but for a child over two years old it is time to have a decorated chair. Difficult defecation in children 2–3 years of age and older can also be identified by lengthening the process and intensified straining during emptying. The delay of the stool in older children for 1-2 days is an alarming signal.

Regular problems with defecation, rare emptying, hard stools and so-called “sheep feces” are all symptoms of chronic constipation.

What to do if the baby first appeared constipated? To help the child, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease, and only then take steps to eliminate it.

Possible reasons

The causes of constipation in infants a lot. First, you need to consider heredity. The probability of developing the disease in infants whose parents suffer from its chronic form reaches 50%.

Secondly, delayed stool may be associated with a pathological course of pregnancy and difficult childbirth, insufficient fluid intake. Constipation may occur when switching to bottle feeding, with the introduction of complementary foods or the replacement of the mixture, in the absence of motor activity, with a lack of fiber in food, as well as from excessive consumption of antibiotics.


It is necessary to start treatment of constipation in a child immediately so that the disease does not turn into chronic form. Among the consequences are:

  • constant intoxication of the body,
  • reduced performance of the baby,
  • absent-mindedness
  • general deterioration of well-being.

The child becomes irritable, lethargic, quickly tired, schoolchildren's performance deteriorates. There are signs of hypovitaminosis: dryness and paleness of the skin, peeling, sticky hair, nails and other symptoms.

Proper nutrition

The success of treating constipation in a newborn who is breastfeeding, often associated with maternal nutrition. Therefore, a correct and balanced diet is necessary not only for the baby. Dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables should be included in the nutrition of a more adult child. When weakening the motor function of the intestine, bile pigments, sugary substances, cold foods, fiber should be present in the diet.

Infants need to enter into the diet a natural laxative for children - fruit puree: apple, apricot, peach, prune puree, as well as to ensure sufficient fluid intake.

It happens, a violation of digestion associated with milk intolerance. In this case, the child may need to transfer to artificial feeding. For simple constipation in children, you can use a mixture of "Frisovom", "Bifilis". In children older than one year with short stool delays, wheat bran may be added to the diet.

Constipation medicine

The problem must be solved individually: it all depends on the cause of the delay and its duration. An elementary diet and an increase in activity are often saved from short-term constipation: proper nutrition, ingestion of a sufficient amount of fluid, a change in lifestyle - quickly normalize digestion and provoke regular emptying. In most cases, diet and physical activity - the best medicine.

It is better not to use irritants as a child’s laxative.

Soft Baby Laxative

  The active ingredient in Prelax is lactulose. For more than half a century, pediatricians have been using it in the treatment of childhood constipation.

Numerous clinical studies show that lactulose does not have any negative effects on the child's body.

That is why syrup is suitable for the prevention and treatment of children of any age. Prelaks can be used as a laxative for newborns. Using Prelax is not addictive, does not develop lazy bowel syndrome.

Under the influence of Prelaks, the normal intestinal microflora is also being formed, thus laying the foundation for a stable and long-term health of the child.


When using Prelax in the treatment of chronic constipation in infants and older children, it is very important to choose an individual dosage. Assign lactulose in a dose of 5 to 30 ml 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.

For children under the age of 1, the initial dose is 10 ml per day, the maintenance dose is 5 ml per day, from 1 to 6 years old the initial dose is 15 ml, the maintenance dose is 10 ml, at 7-14 years the initial dose is 25-30 ml, supporting - 20 ml. Positive dynamics in children with properly selected dosage is observed on the second or fifth day.

Prolonged use of the drug is completely harmless: Prelax does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, does not cause addiction and does not require an increase in dose. On the contrary, as the intestinal function normalizes, the dose of the drug is reduced.



Laxatives for children

Laxatives for children are medicinal and natural products to eliminate intestinal dysfunction, which causes problems with defecation, pain and constipation in children. Consider the main indications for the use of such drugs, effective and safe means, the principle of their action and other features of the application.

Constipation is a condition in which the acts of defecation below the age norm. Due to intestinal dysfunction, the child cannot empty himself, becomes irritated and weeping, there is general weakness and pain in the abdomen. In order to find out if your baby has a predisposition to constipation, we present the age norms for stool frequency:

  • Toddlers under the age of 4 months - normal stool frequency 1-7 times per day.
  • Children from 4 months to 2 years - 1-3 cancer per day.
  • Children over 2 years old - from 1-2 times in 1-2 days.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that problems with defecation in young children, as a rule, are associated with intestinal diseases. This may be a banal dysbiosis, lactase deficiency or intestinal abnormalities. For treatment use laxatives, in combination with a diet. But parents should remember that the drugs do not treat the cause of constipation, but only facilitate the excretion of feces. That is, laxative drugs can be called a short-term solution.

All laxatives for children have the following classification:

  1. Medication, irritating receptors of the intestinal mucosa. Increase the rate of removal of fecal masses, after 1-2 hours comes complete emptying of the intestine. This category contains castor oil, buckthorn bark, Kafiol and Bisacodil plant-based preparations. But not all products from this group are recommended for use for children, so parents should carefully read the instructions.
  2. Fillers and weakening agents that get inside and swell, that is, contribute to an increase in fluid in the intestines. This speeds up the process of peristalsis and leads to rapid emptying. As a rule, these are herbal preparations that include agar-agar, bran, seaweed. Can be used to treat constipation in very young patients.
  3. Means with osmotic properties retain water in the intestine, which contributes to the softening of the contents and its removal. In this category Duphalac, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, Normase, Lactolus. Such tools are absolutely safe for children.
  4. Drugs, softening fecal masses. This contributes to the sliding of the contents of the intestine and its rapid withdrawal.

Indications for the use of laxatives for children

Indications for the use of laxatives for children - episodic constipation after eating food, fastening the chair. If a child suffers from frequent constipation, then his diet should not contain eggs, bananas, dairy products, white rice, apple puree. In some cases, long-term treatment of diarrhea and taking antidiarrheal drugs can cause constipation. That is, this is another case in which the use of laxatives is indicated. The drug restores normal intestinal motility, softens the fecal masses, makes their removal less difficult and painful.

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand if their child has constipation, since the number of acts of defecation is different for everyone. But if defecation becomes the cause pain sensationsthen you must use the appropriate medication. If the infant did not empty the intestines for more than 24 hours, then this is a sign of constipation. In older children, a bowel movement should take place at least once every two days, if this does not happen, then the child has constipation.

Constipation can be acute and chronic. Chronic proceeds more than three months, that is, during this period the child less and less goes to the toilet. In addition, every attempt to empty the intestines cause pain, tension, fecal masses have a fetid odor and dense structure. In acute constipation, the stool is hard and looks like beans, defecation occurs 1-2 times a week. All laxatives for children should be chosen by the pediatrician, after examining the baby and finding out the cause of constipation.

Release form

The form of release of drugs from constipation is chosen individually for each child and depends on his age. So, it is impossible for babies to give pills or any unpleasant, bitter-tasting means. Therefore, they are suitable drugs in the form of drinking, rectal suppositories and microclysters.

If a child is from one to four years old, then laxatives can be used from drops, syrups, and candles. When choosing a medicine, special attention should be paid to ensure that the drug does not have a sharp smell and has a pleasant taste. As a rule, such funds can be mixed with juices or food. If the kid has already learned how to chew food thoroughly, then Regulax can be used. The tool has a minimum of contraindications, gently acting and is well tolerated by children.

For children over six years old, the release form of a laxative drug can be any. Suitable as tablets, or capsules, and candles, syrups, drops, powders for dilution. Sodium picosulphate drops are well proven, they can be added to food or diluted with juice. If the child has chronic constipation, then it is better to use Senadeksin, Nutrolax or Senade tablets.

Another dosage form to normalize the work of the intestine is an enema. If problems with emptying are caused by inflammatory bowel disease, then the child is given an oil enema.

Pharmacodynamics of laxatives for children

Consider the pharmacodynamics of laxatives for children on the example of the drug Bisacodil.

  • Medicine  has a laxative effect, well softens and dilutes the fecal masses.
  • The laxative effect is due to an increase in the amount of water in the intestine and a decrease in its absorption. This improves intestinal motility.
  • The mechanism of action of the drug is the splitting of its active substances in the alkaline environment of the intestine. This contributes to the formation of substances that irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Pharmacokinetics of laxatives for children

The pharmacokinetics of laxatives for children are represented by the processes of absorption, distribution and excretion. Almost all means for restoring normal intestinal peristalsis are not completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and the systemic circulation. The active ingredients are broken down in the colon, forming active metabolites.

Depending on the composition of the drug, the active ingredients have a therapeutic effect within 1-4 hours after application. Preparations of the intestine are derived about 90% and partly by the kidneys in the form of inactive polymers. The remaining part is absorbed, bioavailability is about 5%.

Contraindications to the use of laxatives for children

Contraindications to the use of laxatives for children depend entirely on the composition medicinal product  and the child’s age (some medications are prohibited for children infancy  and kids up to 6 years). Consider the main contraindications to the use of drugs for the treatment of constipation and improve peristalsis in children.

  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease).
  • Cystitis.
  • Spastic constipation.
  • Violations of water and electrolyte metabolism.
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Abdominal pain of obscure origin.
  • Lactase deficiency.

With extreme caution, laxatives are prescribed for patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as after abdominal operations. In any case, before taking the medication, you should consult with your doctor.

Side effects of laxatives for children

Side effects  laxatives for children occur when there are contraindications to taking the drug or if the dosage and rules of use are not followed. Children may experience intestinal cramps, slight aching pain in the stomach. In rare cases, there is a feeling of thirst and dry mouth. If the instructions are not followed, diarrhea and fever may occur.

Folk laxatives for children

Folk laxatives for children are always popular. Since these drugs can effectively and safely eliminate constipation and other problems with the act of defecation. Consider basic laxatives that can be used for children.

  • Dried fruits

If your child suffers from constipation, and you do not want to resort to medication, use dried fruits. If the child is very small, you can make compote, for older children, fruits are suitable as a delicacy. The prunes, dates, and figs have laxative properties. Wash the fruit thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 6-8 hours. The resulting infusion can be drunk, and fruit boldly eaten. Such a laxative does not require special preparation and does not adversely affect the functioning of the child’s body.

One of the most popular folk laxatives. Aloe leaves have a positive effect on the intestines and the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the medicine, take a couple of leaves of the plant and put them in the refrigerator for 14 days (this is necessary for biostimulation). After that, aloe need to squeeze out the juice, mix with honey 1: 1 and take every morning on an empty stomach. After 2-3 days, the intestines and stomach will work without problems.

  • Rowan

For the preparation of a laxative, you need rowan berries and sugar. Wash berries thoroughly, add sugar and put them in a warm place to form a syrup. After that, the fruits of mountain ash must be squeezed out, add 20-25 g of alcohol to the syrup and take a teaspoon to improve bowel emptying. This tool is suitable for children of adolescence, but it is contraindicated to give to babies, as alcohol is a part of a folk remedy.

  • Carrot

Freshly squeezed carrot juice is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of constipation in both children and adults. A glass of juice before bedtime or in the morning, will adjust the intestines to normal operation.

  • Burdock

Thorns (turnips) of burdock possess laxative properties. A handful of thorns need to pour boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. The resulting infusion filter and take a tablespoon before bedtime.

  • Plantain

One of the most popular and effective folk remedies. To prepare the medicine, take 10 g of psyllium seed, pour 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 6-8 hours. All the resulting infusion should be drunk at a time, preferably in the morning.

  • Rhubarb

If the child suffers from constipation, syrup or rhubarb decoction will help to cope with this problem. Thoroughly rinse the plant, pour boiling water on it and let it stand for a couple of hours or support in a water bath. The medicine will quickly eliminate problems with defecation and improve the bowels.

  • Oil and honey

The simplest and most accessible remedy for treating problems with bowel movements. Take equal quantities of vegetable oil and honey, mix these ingredients thoroughly and give the child 2-3 spoons in the morning on an empty stomach. After a couple of days, problems with constipation will pass.

  • Horse sorrel

From this plant you can prepare a safe and effective laxative for the child. Two tablespoons of sorrel pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes in a water bath. The medicine must be taken a glass before bedtime.

  • Pumpkin

For very young children suffering from constipation, you can cook pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin is a light diuretic and laxative, gently acting on the intestines.

  • Lingonberry and snapdragon

Infusions of cranberries and snapdragons work as folk remedies  to improve bowel movement and eliminate constipation. Lingonberry need to pour boiling water and insist for 6-8 hours. Insist strain and take in the morning and before bedtime. According to the same recipe, you can prepare medicine from snapdragon.

  • Almond oil

One or two tablespoons of almond oil before each meal is the simplest remedy for treating defecation problems in children. Oil is recommended to use no more than three times a day.

  • Peach leaves

This recipe helps to get rid not only of constipation, but also from worms. This is an alternative to medical drugs from worms for children. Take 50 g of dried peach leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water and put in a warm place for the night. In the morning, boil the medicine 2-3 times, strain it thoroughly and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Infusion take 3-4 spoons before each meal.

Natural laxatives for children

Natural laxatives for children are a series of medicinal products that gently act on the children's body and do not have side effects. As a rule, constipation in children associated with the style of nutrition of the family. In the diet of the child should be foods that have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestine. Cabbage, pumpkin, beets, dried apricots, plums, figs, zucchini, bran and many other products have laxative properties. They should be included in the diet of the child to ensure normal bowel movement.

Consider a few recipes for natural laxatives for children that can be prepared by yourself at home.

  • Broth to improve intestinal motility

If your baby has difficulty emptying the bowel, then this decoction for oral administration will help eliminate constipation. You will need a vegetable collection of buckthorn bark, rowan and cumin, in a ratio of 8: 4: 1. All ingredients must be thoroughly crushed, add water and boil in a water bath. After this, the agent should cool down and infuse for an hour. Filter infusion through a thick layer of gauze.

For children aged 2-3 years old, give a teaspoonful twice a day in the morning and before bedtime. For children 4-7 years old, one dessert spoon twice a day, and for older children, a tablespoon, observing the dosage described above. Decoction improves intestinal motility, regulates stool. The course of treatment should not exceed 2-3 days.

  • Infusion for the treatment and prevention of constipation

This recipe is suitable for children suffering from increased gas formation and frequent constipation. To prepare the infusion, take the buckthorn bark, calamus root and licorice root, in a ratio of 3: 1.5: 1. All ingredients thoroughly chop, pour boiling water and hold on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. After this medicine you need to wrap a towel and insist for 1-2 hours. Strain through several layers of the brand, so that the remnants of raw materials do not fall into the infusion. The dosage is fully consistent with the above recipe. The infusion normalizes stools and prevents gas formation in the intestines.

Dosage and administration

The method of administration and doses of any drugs, including laxatives, are selected individually for each patient. In drawing up the required dosage for children, it is necessary to consider the form of release of the drug and the age of the child.

As a rule, tablets are prescribed in the morning and before bedtime, and suspensions, drops and various powders to improve intestinal motility up to three times a day. Rectal suppositories are best to put the child an hour before bedtime or in the morning. Please note that if the drug is taken at night, then its effect occurs after 6-12 hours, and if in the morning, then after 2-4 hours. This principle of action in many laxative medicines.


Overdose of laxative drugs in children may occur if the dosage is not followed or due to prolonged treatment. Most often, taking a high dose causes diarrhea, muscle weakness, vomiting, arterial hypotension. In severe cases, local or generalized convulsions are possible.

For the treatment of symptoms of overdose, you must stop giving the child a laxative, gastric lavage or an enema. Be sure to seek medical attention. If necessary, doctors will restore the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, and in convulsive syndrome prescribe anticonvulsant drugs.

Interactions laxatives for children with other drugs

The interaction of laxatives for children with other drugs is possible only under medical supervision and after the permission of the doctor. Independently giving a child several drugs at the same time is dangerous, since this can lead to uncontrollable adverse reactions in the children's body.

Consider the possibility of the interaction of the drug Bisacodil with other medicines. The drug is not recommended to take simultaneously with antacids, milk or alkaline mineral water. Since this leads to the destruction of the shell of the drug is still in the stomach and not in the intestine, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. Because of this, the child may complain of nausea, epigastric pain and vomiting.

Storage conditions laxatives for children

Storage conditions for laxatives for children are no different from the principle of storage of other medicines. First of all, all preparations must be stored in the original packaging, observing the temperature regime (usually not higher than 25 o C). Storage must be protected from sunlight and not accessible to children. Parents should ensure that the child does not take the drug on his own and pay special attention to the dosage and compliance with the rules of use of the drug.

Shelf life

The shelf life of laxatives for children depends on the form of release. On average, drugs for constipation and to improve intestinal motility are stored for no longer than 24 months. After the expiration date or when the drug is spoiled before it ends, the medication must be disposed of. It is strictly forbidden to give children expired medicines.

Laxatives for children are represented by a wide group of drugs for the treatment and prevention of constipation and problems with bowel movements. Natural remedies and methods of traditional medicine, which are based only on herbal, safe for child's body  ingredients. You can only give laxatives to children only after consulting a doctor, who will select an effective remedy that will quickly eliminate intestinal problems.

The names of laxatives for children help parents navigate the choice of a safe and effective drug for their children. Consider drugs to improve intestinal motility:


Laxative drug with a carminative action, accelerates intestinal peristalsis. The effect of the drug occurs a couple of hours after application. The drug is effective in constipation, for the regulation of stool in patients with hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It is used in preparation for operations, radiological or instrumental examinations.

  • Bisacodil is approved for use in pediatric patients. So, for children between the ages of 2-8 years, give 5 mg of the drug, from 8-14 to 10 mg, for adults and adolescents to 5-15 mg. The drug is recommended to take at night or in the morning for an hour before meals. The drug is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of rectal suppositories. Suppositories are prescribed for children from 2 years, the dosage is as follows: 2-7 years - 5 mg, 8-15 years - 10 mg, adults and adolescents in 10-20 mg.
  • Laxatives are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug components, hernia, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, cystitis, fever, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs.
  • If the dosage and instructions for use of the drug are not followed, side effects are possible. Bisacodil causes colic in the intestinal area, diarrhea, hypotension, general weakness, allergic reactions. Prolonged use of tablets causes colon melanosis, hypokalemia, colitis. The drug is contraindicated to take simultaneously with antacids.

It is released without a prescription, but before use it is recommended to consult a doctor.


The drug for the treatment and prevention of constipation, stimulates intestinal peristalsis. The active components of the drug reduce the pH in the lumen of the large intestine and stimulate the production of lactic acid microorganisms. This significantly increases the volume of feces and promotes effective bowel movement. Let out in bottles, in the form of syrup and in the form of powder.

  • As a rule, this drug is prescribed to adolescents at a dosage of 20-30 mg 3-4 times a day. For young children, it is recommended to use Lactulose syrup at a dose of 7.5 ml once a day.
  • The drug is contraindicated to take in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, intestinal obstruction. It is forbidden to use for pains in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting.
  • Side effects occur with prolonged use of the drug and manifest as flatulence, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance. If the medicine is taken simultaneously with antacids, then this reduces the effect of the laxative.

Sodium picosulphate

A remedy with a laxative effect of contact action. The drug does not cause cramps, and with prolonged use of addiction. If the drug is prescribed to infants, its effectiveness is reduced due to the insignificant amount of bacterial flora. Available in the form of drops and tablets.

  • The main indications for use: constipation due to sluggish peristalsis of the colon, the regulation of defecation with hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Tablets facilitate bowel emptying with inoperable hernias, severe arterial hypertension.
  • If the drug is prescribed for adolescents and adults, then it is recommended to use both drops of 10 drops and tablets. For children over 4 years old - 5-8 drops. Depending on the effect of the drug on the body, the dosage may increase or, on the contrary, decrease. Sodium picosulphate is taken before bedtime, since the effect occurs after about 6-8 hours.
  • It is contraindicated for use in intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, hernias, spastic constipation, and for patients younger than 4 years.
  • With prolonged use causes diarrhea, which causes electrolyte imbalance and contributes to the appearance of seizures. The drug is not recommended for longer than 10 days without medical supervision.


Laxative drug that increases the volume of feces. The tool is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of solutions. The active ingredient Normakola - natural glass glue, that is, plant mucus with hydrophilic properties. The drug is not metabolized and is not absorbed in the digestive tract, improves peristalsis.

  • The tool is used for the treatment and prevention of constipation. The dosage is selected individually for each patient. As a rule, 1-4 sachets are administered orally per day after meals.
  • Normakol is contraindicated for use in acute abdomen and intestinal obstruction. When the dosage is not properly selected, the drug causes an accumulation of gas in the intestines and disrupts the absorption of drugs used simultaneously with the laxative. Therefore, the interval between the use of different drugs should be at least 60 minutes.

Vaseline oil

Not absorbed and effectively softens the fecal masses. The tool significantly increases the volume of the intestine and stimulates its rapid emptying. Vaseline oil is prescribed to pediatric patients for the treatment of conditioned reflex constipation. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days, dosage 1-2 tablespoons per day between meals.

Vaseline oil is contraindicated for use in gastric ulcers, hemorrhoids, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs. Increased dosages can cause nausea, digestive disorders. In rare cases, itching and irritation in the anus.

Castor oil

Herbal medicine from castor bean seeds. After application, it is broken down in the small intestine and increases peristalsis. The laxative effect occurs after 5-6 hours. Castor oil is recommended for the treatment of constipation. Children are prescribed 5-15 gelatin capsules of the drug, adolescents to 15-30 capsules.

A laxative is contraindicated for use in acute diseases of the abdominal organs, that is, peritonitis, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis. In case of non-compliance with the dosage or long-term use, the drug causes nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen.

In addition to the above laxatives, for the treatment of constipation and bowel problems in children, you can use these drugs:

  • Duphalac, Lactusan, Prelax - drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora, softening the feces and contribute to its soft removal. The drugs are produced in the form of a suspension, so it is convenient to give it to even the smallest patients.
  • Mebeverin, Buscopan - effectively treat intestinal spasms and facilitate the excretion of feces. Available in the form of rectal suppositories and capsules for oral administration.
  • Macrogol, Tranzipeg, Forlax (for children) - drugs to soften the feces and their smooth excretion. The preparations are produced in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in a small amount of water. Laxative effect occurs within 1-2 days after ingestion.

Laxatives for children should be chosen by the doctor. Parents should be careful when selecting drugs for their babies. Be sure to carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor.