Spaghetti with mussels by the chairs. Midi with spaghetti and cuttlefish ink

Midi is more savory, rich in food. Near the warehouse of seafood majestic number vitamins and microelements that give the body strength and energy. Mіdії can be prepared different ways: bake, butter, simmer Seafood is especially served with different sauces. In our article, we'll talk about it. That with mussels under fragrant dressing?

How to choose?

Before the cob of recipes, let's talk about the selection of mussels.

Otzhe, more of our spivvіtchiznikіv vvazhayut for better bathing frozen products. Therefore, in this situation, it is easy to understand what a good product is. Fresh mussels may smell more like the sea. Everyday third-party aromas are not to blame. They gave a trace of respect to the sink: the stench may be buti strongly closed. If you shake the mussel, then nothing is to blame in the middle. Vibir broken? Todi can start before cooking.

Pasta with mussels in top sauce

For this recipe, we need the following ingredients:

  • midi - 600 g;
  • spaghetti - 500 g;
  • tomato stigli - 2 pcs.;
  • tops of fat - 300 ml;
  • chasnik - 2-3 cloves;
  • parmesan for sippanna;
  • basil, chalking red pepper, strong.

Let's start cooking

If seafood is frozen, then it’s better to defrost it. For whom, we put mussels in a bowl with warm water, or vikoristovuymo mikrokhvilovu pich, having installed a special program. After defrosting, we relatively promièmo seafood under running water.

We put the frying pan on the stove and pour it on. Kinemo media. We will extinguish them in the middle fire, until the whole country is boiled away.

Tomati is rubbed on the third or finely blended. Dodaemo їх to medіy. Salmon, pepper, seasoned with basil. The watchmaker is passed through the watchmaker's vice and thrown into the pan. Ready 5 more quills.

Potim dodaemo tops, brought to a boil, quenched sprat whilin. Let's try. If you don’t hang out, dodaemo.

Spaghetti in salted water and served on a plate. Let's rub our parmesan cheese on top.

Pasta is ready. Enjoy!

Pasta with sour cream sauce with mussels

To prepare a bunch of aromatic herbs, we will need the following products:

  • midi - 500 g;
  • spaghetti - 400 g;
  • great cibulina;
  • sour cream fat 200 g;
  • hard cheese, for example, parmesan, - 100 g;
  • silt, pepper, dried basil;
  • crop greens.

Let's get ready

Mіdії defrost and wash under running water. Tsibulya is cleaned and cleaned with pivkiltsy. The frying pan is watered with olive oil and we throw in the wool of the vegetable. Smazhimo doti, doki vіn not nabude golden vіdtinku. We throw it to the new mussel, salt, pepper, sip on basil. Let's move on. Covered with a stretch of 5 quills.

Greens are crushed and mixed with sour cream. We introduce the sum in the frying pan, bring it to a boil, change the gas and let it extinguish 2-3 chills with a draw. It is no longer necessary, otherwise the mussels will become gum.

Spaghetti cooked in salted water (better choose a variety of coarse pomelo), served on a masher and served on a plate. Top with seafood and sip parmesan. Pasta with mussels is ready. Have a great appetite!

Pasta with chasnikov sauce with mussels

What do we need to prepare the strain? Tse:

  • midi - 400 g;
  • pasta - 300 g;
  • gherkins - 6-7 pieces;
  • parmesan - 80 g;
  • chasnik - 2-3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 40-50 ml;
  • strength, chalking black pepper, spices;
  • parsley - sprat sprat.

Let's start cooking

Let’s defrost, wash with water and throw in boiling salted water for 2-3 hvilin (no more, so that our seafood didn’t make a chew). The gherkins are rіzhemo wives.

Parsley is finely minced. At the blender bowl, place grated syrah and parsley. Let's check it out. If you don't have a blender, you can blend with a fork. Golovna, that these two products were angry in the same goal, and they gave us a pleasant aroma that we need.

The watchmaker is passed through the watchmaker's vice and zmіshuєmo yoga with olive oil. Pepper.

Pasta is boiled in salted water, we put it on mashlyak. In the surroundings, we mix gherkins, boil mussels and pasta. Dali watered and sipped parmesan from parsley.

Pasta with mussels in chasnikov sauce is ready. Enjoy the wonderful relish and aroma!

Pasta with tomato dressing with mussels

In this way, italian pasta, the recipes for which we report in our article, may be in the form of curls. Such a vibrator miraculously wipes out the gas station and gives our country a pleasant, splendid look.

To pasture with mussels, we need the following products:

  • midi - 400 g;
  • pasta - 400 g;
  • tomato stigli - 5 pcs.;
  • black chalky basil, mediterranean herbs, muscat mountain;
  • tsukor - pinch;
  • parmesan for sip.

Get ready for the recipe

We cook pasta by the salty water. After boiling, add mediterranean herbs. Looks like a drushlyak.

Tomatoes are sprinkled with dill and we take the peel. Cleaned tomatoes are placed in a blender.

We heat the frying pan and enter olive oil. We smear tomatoes, salt, pepper, sip on nutmeg peas (zowshim troshki). So that our dressing was filled with sour licorice, adding a pinch of zucru. You can do more.

Curve the pan with a lid and quench with a stretch of 15 quills. Do not forget to periodically stir.

Mіdії razmorozhuєmo, rinsing under the water and adding it to our tomatoes. Mix and quench close to 5-6 quills. Golovne - do not digest.

Pasta with mussels and sips of parmesan is served on a plate.


Pasta with shrimps and mussels under honey dressing

We need the following products:

  • midi - 300 g;
  • shrimp - 300 g;
  • tomato stigli - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pasta (spaghetti) - 300 g;
  • parmesan - 200 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 5 ml;
  • oregano, dried thyme, cinnamon, cilantro, black pepper, bay leaf.

Let's get ready

For the cob, we cook shrimp in salted water with additional bay leaves. After boiling, the fire is changed and the lady is boiled with a stretch of 1 hvilin. After reaching the seafood, we will clean it.

We put the frying pan on the stove, water it with olive oil and cover the shrimp. Vkladaemo on paper towel, sob ol_ya sklo.

Tomati is watered with dill, cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grated. Put the masu on the frying pan and smear it. Seasoned with pepper, silla, thyme. Two khvilin will be enough.

Medії defrost, washed under water, sippy oregano, cinnamon, poured with soy sauce and smeared. Add honey, mix it up. Lubricate 2 more hvilin.

The pasta is boiled in salted water, served on a drushlyak and served on a plate. On the edges there are shrimp with tomato sauce, at the center - mussels with honey. Italian for any relish proponated in our article).


Pasta with mussels is served with different sauces. Everything is at the discretion of the lord. It will be a miracle, as if in the kitchen there are a couple of fragrant ones. Without them, the country will not follow the traditional. Those themselves stand and graze. More shortly, if there is a hard broom, it is not smooth.

The first crock is a brew of spaghetti.

Pour hot water into a saucepan or saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Pour in three drops of olive oil, so that the spaghetti does not stick together during the cooking process and cook about 10-15 strands of fallow wheat, for which the stink is cooked. Remember that spaghetti is to blame buti Al dente - trochs are zhorstky, and not boiled like porridge.

Helping them, you can roughly guess the steps of cooking Al dente and quickly throw spaghetti at the same time on the mashlyak. Then it is necessary to put them on a plate, without adding a few inches, even if the stink becomes a side dish to mussels, as if they will be cooked at the tops.

The first step is to start before preparing the mussels, they need to be thawed on the head, as you can beat the product for freezing. You can just leave them at the refrigerator for nothing, or place water near the heat for 10-15 minutes. Ale, do not defrost at the micro-furnace. The best and best will be cooked, filling chilled seafood. Before speech, such a recipe can easily be prepared with calamari or shrimp, but everything is to your liking. In a stewpan, which is on the fire, we pour in tops and trochs of salt. Potim promyvaemo krip and dribno narizaemo yogo. Vsipayemo podrobneniy krip at the top. Everything is brought to a boil and extinguished with a stretch of 5-8 whilins.

We bring everything to a boil, add mussels and quench with a stretch of 5-8 strands.

We clean the clove of the watchmaker and see yoga in inches through the watchmaker. Peremіshuєmo that vimikaєmo fire.

Let the trochi sauce infuse and add yogo to spaghetti. It is not necessary to embellish with anything - the dishes have greens. Call your household and rejoice with the miraculous herb at the supper.

I have a miracle idea for an exotic and corian evening!

As you can see, the inhabitants of the sea coasts are closer to home colds. In their diet, seafood is more important, as it improves immunity, and the great amount of iodine in them is beneficially added to the work of the thyroid gland, which in its lineage is blamed for nerve disorders.

The recipe has mussels. I have long fallen in love with this kind of mollusks for their savory taste and ease of preparation, and for the amount of protein the stench turns the yalovichina and the fish! I learned that mussels are a unique natural aphrodisiac! So why not have a family treasury recipe!

And yet not all! Mіdії we will prepare black spaghetti!

The pasta is prepared with adding cuttlefish ink, rich in vitamins and minerals, and adding a special light shrimp flavor to the pasta. Also, they drank on the shelves of macaroni stores with the name SPAGHETTI AL NERO DI SEPPIA- stink yourself, with cuttlefish ink! "Sepia" - the secret of the cuttlefish's ink vein, star and name.

Also, recipe: Midi with spaghetti from cuttlefish ink with Gorgonzola sauce.

To prepare, we need:

  • Medії (fresh chi frozen) 500 g
  • Spaghetti (with rosemary 55 g dry pasta for 1 person)
  • Cibulya 2 middle heads
  • 4 large cloves for the watchmaker
  • Vershkov oil 50 g
  • Tops 150 ml
  • Seasonings for shrimp or seafood 1h. a spoon
  • 2-3 spices of thyme
  • fresh basil

Black pepper a couple of pinches

For sauce:

  • 50 ml cups
  • Sir Gorgonzola 120 g

Vershkov oil | oil | 1 st. a spoon

The recipe is clumsy and swishy, ​​you won’t take a rich hour for that. For the cob, it is necessary to defrost mussels. Let's call one more secret! The medii are sold frozen, which means that they were already cooked in front, and then they were frozen with a "shock" freezing method, so the likelihood that the product of zipping is already low. But all the same, varto turn respect for the color of midi. Їx farbuvannya can be creamy or erysipelas with a light orange color. Even if the m'yaso midi is pale, and even more greenish, then boldly throw out their kills: more for all the colors of the midi were stale and can sip the relish of the passion.

In an hour, at the stewpan or casserole, melt tops of butter, add wild thyme and cloves to the teapot, cut into sprats. If the chapel is chuffed, you can get away, and in the oliya you can sip the cibula with pivkiltsy. After that, like a cibula, a transparent color when smeared, dodamo midi. Season with seasoning for shrimp and seafood, lightly salt. Cover the dishes with a lid and grease on a medium fire 10 min. Let's mix it up and pour in the tops, taste the taste and, as it is necessary, add salt. Bring it to a boil and let it boil, leaving the lid on.

Now cook the spaghetti. Remember that for 1 liter of water you need 6g. salt! I boil the water and boil the pasta in a few portions. Cook on a great fire for a strong boil 8 min!

Gotuemo sauce: in a small stewpan, melt butter. I took 20 g. The last spoon. Oskіlki syr to finish a fat product, those mussels were cooked in a full inch of oil with an addition of 1 inch, but it was not necessary. Pour the tops and dices into Ser Gorgonzola. I left the sprat of cubes in the top, so that later I could add the prepared sauce.

Stir the sauce until the syrup is fully melted. The sauce is to blame for being uniform, not thicker, so do not trim it for a long time on the fire, so that the wine does not evaporate.

Spaghetti with mussels - the grass is already delicious, but on the other hand, you won’t be disappointed. Cook them with fresh mussels, and you have a budget version with tortoiseshells, cook them frozen - take away the most expensive grass with sea protein and possible ones.

I have one on my website already, now I need another one, maybe similar? Maizhe, we don’t call her. How often do we add spicy sauce with pepper, the spiciness of which will effectively taste the relish of seafood, and the sauce itself will be richer on the floor, so you can see it, so that a savory-looking pasta could fit a little taste. One word, if you happen to grow up with fresh mussels, I recommend preparing the pasta yourself for this recipe.

Spaghetti with mussels in piquant sauce


30 hwilin


2 servings

200 r. spaghetti chi linguine

600 r. fresh mussels at the shells

1 small cibulina

2 teaspoon cloves

1 st. cut tomatoes

sprat parsley

1 dried hot pepper

50ml white wine

1/2 lemon

1 st. inches of butter

As if the mussels are not given to you too clean, as if to wipe them with a brush and wipe the “beards” from algae, and if you see mussels, as if they do not react to dots, just wake up. After that, dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water and add mussels to this water: these mollusks pass water through themselves, and actively drain, so that after 1-2 years the stink will be cleared from the brud, which is left in the middle of the sand. Finished with the peeled mussels, proceed to prepare the sauce.

Melt the vershkov in a frying pan and on a small fire, smear, help, trim the cibula, the watchmaker and the hot pepper. The rest of the trace should be cut thinly, having spared us today, and carefully dosing it to the top of the head, so that the sauce is not too wily too warm. After a couple of quills, add chopped tomatoes (in the season, fresh tomatoes can be peeled, chopped with a knife, and canned at the hour) and, stirring, simmer on a fire lower than the average, until the sauce becomes thick.

Plіsnіt stіlki at the casserole of wine, so that it would no more crook its bottom, put it on a strong fire, bring it to a boil, cover the mussels and close it with a lid. After 2-3 quills, the mussels will open up, releasing a little chimal. Keep an eye on the situation and wiggle the mussels that have grown up until only the motherland is left in the kastrula. Remove most of the mussels from the turtles, leaving the sprats of the most attractive ones for decoration, and boil the motherland to a volume of about 100 ml. Pour it into tomato sauce and mix: the consistency of the sauce can be thin, but not thick.

Try spaghetti, linguine, capelin or other pasta in 2 liters of salted water according to the instructions on the package (start trying the pasta 2 weeks before the end assigned term and pour out the water in a jar, as it will be), after which pour out the water, and turn the boiled pasta around the pan. Then add spicy sauce, mussels, finely chopped parsley, drizzle with lemon juice, season with freshly ground black pepper and mix well, then serve without calling.

Pasta with mussels tse, obviously, the traditional country of Italy. Ale and in Russia in our hour, there is a lot of someone who has fallen in love with this savory pasta with mussels. Sea mollusks are obviously a unique product. Despite the fact that the stench is even low-calorie, they contain just a great amount of protein, magnesium, calcium, iodine and vitamins. From them you can cook everything that your soul amazes. Start with light salads and finish with fresh soups.

Well, do you want to know how the pasta with mussels is prepared?

Pasta with mussels and sauce


  • Frozen mussels - 200 gr.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • 150ml top fat 20%;
  • Strength for relish;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • penne;

for the pesto sauce:

  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • 25 gr. parsley;
  • 15 gr. cleansing hairy peas;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • 15 gr. parmesan cheese;
  • 25 gr. basil leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash your midi under running water. Add some salt, black ground pepper and lemon juice to the olive oil. Put mussels in the marinade and leave them for 10 minutes.
  2. Pinne visipati in boiling salted water and boil 13 min. Look at the drushlyak.
  3. Prepare the sauce. Clean the clock. Dry the basil and parsley. At the blender, add basil, parsley, chasnik, pea hairs and sir. Pour in the olive oil with a thin circle and beat the sauce at maximum speed, 10 sec.
  4. Transfer the sauce to the pan, pour in the tops, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Salt, pepper.
  5. In otrimanu, mix pasta together, stir it up shvidko.
  6. Add pasta with sauce | add | medії, mix and warm up the troch.
  7. Serve immediately before the table, decorating the leaves of basil and parsley. Read also:

Spaghetti with mussels in top sauce

This recipe will please all lovers of pasta and seafood. Mіdії mаut impersonal brown authorities, and also to take away vitamins of the B group and the most abundant proteins. Spaghetti with mussels in a thick sauce looks even more blue and savory. Pikantnіst tsіy stravі nadayut red chalking pimento, chasnik and tomato.


  • Spaghetti 300 g
  • Medії fresh-frozen 400 g
  • Tops 30% 200 ml
  • Tomato 1pc.
  • Clockmaker 2 teeth
  • Strength and chalking red pepper for relish
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking spaghetti with mussels:

  1. For the cob, defrost mussels at room temperature. Let's wash them with warm water. Pour into the pan Sonyashnikova Oliya that vikladaemo midi. Obsmazhuєmo mussels p'yat khvilin.
  2. While the midi are smeared, we wash the tomato, take it from the new skin and cut it into cubes.
  3. Cooking time: fresh tomato can be easily replaced with tomato juice. For refining more ingredients, 1/3 bottle of juice is required.
  4. Dribno cut the watchmaker. Dodaemo tomato and chasnik to mussels. Salt and pepper for relish. Under the hour of preparation, we try it for relish, as if salt and pepper are not enough, we add it. Gasimo three hvilini.
  5. Potim dodaemo to mussel tops. It is necessary to take a yakomog fatter. As thick as tops, add a couple of tablespoons of boiled water to them, mix it in a frying pan. Gasimo shche khvilini 3-4 and znimaєmo from the fire.
  6. We cook spaghetti until ready in salted water 5-10 chills. Vіdtsіdzhuєmo, rinsing with cold water, that vikladaєmo at deep єmnіst.
  7. Add ready mussels in top sauce to spaghetti and mix it up.
  8. We put it on plates, decorate greenery and serve it to the table. For spaghetti with mussels, you can sip grated cheese until you relish it, for more savory taste.
  9. Even better until the tsiєї stravi pіdіyde dry white wine.

Pasta with mussels in top sauce

A set of products for 2 servings:

  • Spaghetti dry wag - 250 -300 gr;
  • Fresh and frozen mussels in shells - about 30-35 pieces;
  • Chasnik - 3-4 teeth;
  • Oliya olive - 20 gr;
  • White dry wine - 100-150 g;
  • Tops, fat content of 15%, ideally 30% - 100-150;
  • Sir Parmesan tertiary - 40-50 g;
  • Sil, black pepper chalking, dried thyme, dried oregano - to relish;

Recipe for pasta with mussels in topping sauce:

  1. Cook the spaghetti until al dente, so if the spaghetti is no longer hard, it is still not soft.
  2. Fresh mussels in shells should be thoroughly washed under running water, frozen mussels should be thawed in front, put on a frying pan, boiled water from them, add olive oil, finely chopped with a knife and extinguish the troch, approximately 5-7 hvilin, as if the smell of a chapel flasks of white wine, warm it up with wine, let the wine evaporate a little, about half the volume of the wine, as the midi are all closed, then in the process of warming up the wine, the stink of the wine will be broken, if the midi is not broken - it’s better to boil it, then add it to the spat well tops, pepper, salt, dried oregano and thyme, all at once warm up, stirring, like tops thicker, you can add a little water, spaghetti was cooked in it.
  3. Arrange hot spaghetti with mussels in topping sauce on plates and don’t forget to sip grated parmesan.

Pasta with mussels


  • Licorice red onion 1 piece
  • Chasnik 6 cloves
  • White dry wine 1 bottle
  • Cherry tomatoes 250 g
  • Details of tomatoes in wet juice 400 g
  • Pasta fettuccine 500 g
  • Frozen mussels 400 g
  • Mussels for turtles 20 pieces
  • Basil 1 bunch
  • Olive oil 4 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper for relish
  • Force for taste

Cooking crumbs:

  1. Medії zalishte at room temperature, so that the stench of the trochs defrost.
  2. The cibula is sharply cut, the clockwork is cleaned and crushed with the flat side of the knife.
  3. Grill the olive oil in a deep frying pan and brush the cibula with a bowl until clear. Pour white wine and vip yoga on the right fire.
  4. Place whole cherry tomatoes in the frying pan, cover with a lid and simmer on the right fire without stirring 5-10 chills.
  5. Add pureed tomatoes, stir, salt and pepper to taste. Cook on medium fire 10 minutes.
  6. Put in the fettuccine.
  7. For an hour, add mussels without stools to the sauce, mix, and then add them to the animal and lightly drown the mussels by the stools in the sauce. Close the lid and roll 5 quills.
  8. Vityagnіt іz sauce mussels at the stools, tі, scho not v_dkrilis, ruthlessly throw away. Place the plate in a warm place (you can simply put it in a micro-hibernation bag for 1 whilin with minimal tension).
  9. Pour the pasta into a masher, add water, but do not rinse, put it in the pan to the sauce and mix well.
  10. Arrange on plates, place mussels in chairs for the beast, decorate with basil.

Pasta with mussels

To prepare pasta with mussels, we need (for 4 servings):

  • midi boiled-frozen - 400 grams;
  • sour cream 15% fat - 2 tbsp. (20 grams);
  • gіrchitsya - 1 tbsp. (10 grams);
  • cibulya ripchasta - 100 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp (5 grams);
  • whole grain spaghetti - 240 grams.


  1. Clean the cibula rіpchast and cut it into pieces.
  2. Medії lightly defrost and see their tails (or viї) - the stench is similar to hairs, often you can get stuck in a pisok. It is also necessary to check the skin of the mussel for the presence of shells.
  3. Wash the mussels in cold water.
  4. In a frying pan with the addition of one teaspoon of olive oil, brush the cibula.
  5. Then add a wash of midi, brush 3-5 quills.
  6. Add sour cream, mustard, strength and spices, mix it up.
  7. Gasimo 2 more hvilin. It is not necessary to quench it for a long time, for that mussels can become "humic" for relish.
  8. In a trio of salted water, whole-grain spaghetti is brewed.
  9. We wash spaghetti by cold water.
  10. Whole grain spaghetti served on a plate.
  11. On top we add mussels to the sour cream-musk sauce. Read also:

Pasta with mussels is ready! Savory!

Pasta with mussels


  • 450 gr. spaghetti,
  • 6-8 heads of shallots (I take marinated),
  • 2-3 cloves of the watchmaker,
  • 500 gr. boiled-frozen mussels,
  • 1 bottle of dry white wine
  • 3-4 stole tomatoes,
  • sik half a lemon,
  • olive ole extra virgin,
  • basil (you can take parsley).

Cooking method:

  1. Frost mussels fill with dill, add | add | lemon juice, salt and bring to a boil. Make the water angry and put the mussels on an okrem plate.
  2. Crush the chasnik, sprinkle tomatoes with dill, peel the skins and cut them into cubes. Cut the cibula finely, chop the greens.
  3. Put water under the spaghetti. In a frying pan, add olive oil and with a stretch of 1-2 strands, brush the teapot and vinny yogo, add the cibula, midi and brush їx on the stretch 2 quills, pour in the wine and change the fire, extinguish the docks, do not boil the alcohol. Add to mussel tomatoes, mix it up and stop stewing.
  4. Cook spaghetti until al dente (for which you need to choose 1-2 quills, according to the hour of preparation indicated on the package). Add greens to the sauce, salt and pepper.
  5. Anger the water with spaghetti and add it to the sauce with mussels, mix it and warm it up. Serve pasta s | iz | we drink dry wine.
