Primary school: how to read with expression. Snowball - "how and what to read to children."

We educate children through a fairy tale

“Our children are our old age.

Proper education -

this is our happy old age

bad Education -

this is our future grief

these are our tears.

It's our fault

in front of other people. ”

In our difficult times, each person tries to maintain peace and quiet in his home, to protect children from evil, cruelty and aggression of the world around.

Currently, Russia is experiencing one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual values, so children’s ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. Children are distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity.

Analyzing work experience and age features  children preschool ageWe concluded that the most effective form of moral education for children of preschool age is a fairy tale.

Fairy tales provide rich material for the moral education of children. No wonder they are part of the texts in which children comprehend the diversity of the world.

The great Russian educator KD Ushinsky was about fairy tales so highly regarded that he included them in his pedagogical system, considering that the simplicity and immediacy of folk art correspond to the same properties of child psychology. V. A. Sukhomlinsky theoretically substantiated and confirmed by practice that “a fairy tale is inseparable from beauty, contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which the nobility of the soul, heart sensitivity to human misfortune, sorrow, and suffering are inconceivable. Thanks to the tale, the child knows the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. ” In his opinion, the tale is a fertile and irreplaceable source of education for love of the Motherland.

In the dispute of the national hero with a negative character, the question of the triumph of good and the punishment of evil is resolved. The tale provokes protest against the existing reality, teaches to dream, makes you think creatively and love the future of humanity

In many tales, resourcefulness, mutual aid and friendship are praised. Fairy tales inspire confidence in the triumph of truth, in the victory of good over evil. The optimism of fairy tales is especially liked by children and enhances the educational value of this tool.

Imagery is an important feature of fairy tales, which facilitates their perception by children who are not yet capable of abstract thinking. In the hero, the main character traits are usually quite vividly shown, which bring him closer to the national character of the people: bravery, hard work, wit, etc.

A child, listening to a fairy tale, repeats on a real (everyday) material that fantastic path that a fairy tale character traverses during a fairy tale.

A fairy tale, its composition, a vivid opposition of good and evil, fantastic and moral images, expressive language, dynamics of events, special causal relationships and phenomena that can be understood by a preschooler - all this makes a fairy tale an indispensable tool for the formation of a morally healthy child.

I would like to end with the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let the images in which the Motherland embodies be forever preserved in his heart and in his memory”.

Read children fairy tales! Foster a healthy personality!

  "The role of the book in the speech development of children"

  Literature for children is not only a source of joy, but also a source of comprehensive education, including speech development. She introduces the world around her, enriching children's ideas about human relationships, good and evil, truth and justice. But the love of the book, the ability to use in life the knowledge derived from it does not come to the child by themselves. In preschool years, the child is an active listener, and his way to the book is through adults. It is difficult to imagine a more fertile ground for family communication than reading together. It can be fun, entertaining, thoughtful, serious, and with skillful selection, the book has a profound educational effect on the child. At preschool age, a child depends most of all on his closest environment, on his family. Literature for the youngest has its own characteristics, and parents, becoming intermediaries between the child and the book, should understand this.

Distinguish the age of interest of children in the book from 5-6 months to 1 year.

Children between the ages of 8 months and 2-2.5 years old can listen to the reading for 5–20 minutes, between the ages of 2.5 and 3 years, usually 1 hour or more.

When reading a book, it is not important for some children to see pictures. It is important to listen to the text. The “recognition” of images in many children occurs only after 1 year - 1 year and 2 months, and then words begin to appear in their vocabulary, the source of which are books. At this stage, “didactic” books are relevant for children - a collection of pictures with and without captions. Viewing and commenting on pictures in a book, shared with an adult or independent, is a special kind of “reading”, meaningful for a young child. It is very important exactly what items are depicted in these books, how much their “lexicon” corresponds to the initial lexicon of the child. A set of specific concepts is acquired by a child from such subject books. Adjacent to such books are split pictures that children like to recognize, name, compare.

By the age of 2, quotes from favorite books appear in the children's speech. First, these are separate words, later - quotes, representing two-, three-word statements, as well as words and expressions with which the child is found only in fairy tales and verses: they lived, were, prowled, hushed, scythe, roar. At this age, children often remember a lot of poems and insert suitable rhymes during pauses while reading. Appear the first attempt to "dramatize" with the participation of adults.

Reading teaches children to hear, understand, and use artistic speech. The fifth year of life is very favorable for the development of language intuition, but for this, an adult needs to select bright words and phrases when reading. At the same time, it must be remembered that they will become the property of the child’s speech if he has the opportunity to speak them. When answering questions, children will have the opportunity to pronounce them (the stove is burning hotly; speech has lost).

Reading books to children, it is necessary to teach them to compare, to single out the general and different in the character of the characters of one work of art, and also to compare the type of characters, their actions from two different works.

Comparing, for example, fairy tales, children need to pay attention to what they have in common: good fights against evil and always wins; the heroes share great trials; in the tale are fantastic characters. The role of a fairy tale is to give images in which the feelings of children express and feed. The closer the plot of the tale is to the child’s own experience, the more emotional response it finds in his soul. The role of the fairy tale increases as the child masters the speech. Observations show that for children words have a deep and mysterious connection with things whose names are. Favorite for the child is the fairy tale, the plot of which is closest to the world of his inner experiences. After five years, when a child has a sufficiently large stock of knowledge about the world around him, he begins to invent, compose with pleasure, showing creativity.

A good book is a source of joyful experiences of children, has a huge impact on mental and verbal development.

  reader interest in children

  • Instill in your child an interest in reading from early childhood.
  • Buy books, choose books that are bright in design and interesting in content.
  • Read the child systematically. This will form his habit of daily communication with the book.
  • Discuss a read book among your family members.
  • Tell your child about the author of the read book.
  • If you are reading a book to a child, try to interrupt reading at the most exciting episode.
  • Remembering with the child the content of the previously read, intentionally distort it to check how he remembered the previously read text.
  • Recommend your child the books of your childhood, share your childhood impressions from reading this or that book, match yours and his impressions.
  • Arrange home discussions on read books.
  • Buy, whenever possible, books of authors beloved by the child, make out his personal library.
  • Foster respect for the book, demonstrating the book's relics of your family.
  • Give a child with a dedication, warm wishes. Over the years, this will be a happy reminder of his home, his traditions, dear and close people.

"The book in the life of a child"

Ten " why"   Children need to read books.

1. Thanks to reading develops speech  child and his vocabulary increases, the book teaches a little man to express his thoughts and understand what others have said.

2. Reading develops thinking. From books a child learns abstract concepts and expands the horizons of his world. The book explains his life to him and helps to see the connection of one phenomenon with another.

3. Work with the book stimulates creative imagination, allows fantasy to work and teaches children to think in images.

4. Reading develops cognitive interests and expands horizon. From the books, the child learns about other countries and other lifestyles, about nature, technology, history and everything that interests him.

5. Books help the child know yourself. For self-esteem, it is very important to know what other people think, feel and react in the same way as he does.

6. Books help children understand others. Reading books written by writers of other cultures from other eras, and seeing that their thoughts and feelings are similar to ours, children better understand them and get rid of prejudices.

7. A good children's book can be read aloud to a child. The process of sharing reading contributes to spiritual communicationparents and children, to establish mutual understanding, intimacy, trust. The book unites generations.

8. Books - parents helpers  in solving educational problems. They teach children ethics, make them think about good and evil, develop the ability to empathize, help them learn to enter into the position of other people.

9. Books attach strength and inspiration. They are fun and entertain. They make children and adults laugh and cry. They bring comfort and indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

10. Reading - the most affordable and useful  for the intellectual and emotional-mental development of the child's occupation.

When do you need to learn reading technique? Only when the child is already fluent in conversational speech and is free to listen to the text of children's books, corresponding to his age. And, preferably, when the preschool child shows the need for reading books. This need wakes up gradually, it is cultivated by reading together with adults. The kid receives double pleasure: from communication with an adult during their joint reading activity and from the plot of a literary work. Thus, the book begins to be associated not only with the source of new information, but also with positive emotions. A persistent negative attitude towards reading and the book in general can arise when the child is taught to read, but he is hardly read at all. And such, unfortunately, is the current situation.

So, in preschool childhood, it is important not to teach children reading techniques, but to form the need for them to read books. Then, at a younger school age, the child will quite easily and quickly master the ability to read.

A tale for beginners to read .

We offer you a fairy tale for beginners to read. Many parents complain that there are not so many such tales. Everything is old and beaten. And supposedly nobody writes new tales. They write! And here's an example! A tale for beginners to read "How the Rooster stopped fighting" was written by a children's writer Irina Gurina.

Print this story on a white sheet of paper in large print! Do not let the child read the text from the computer monitor!

How the Rooster stopped fighting.

He lived and was in the same village pugnacious Rooster.

He offended everyone: ducks, rabbits, and even a turkey-cock.

- I am the strongest here! - he crowed from the fence.

Once this Rooster looked into the neighbor's yard.

I saw a fighter dog house, went inside and shouted:

- My house!

Suddenly, in the darkness, someone twisted and two terrible eyes lit up.

- Monster, dragon! Help me! - Rooster yelled.

Help, attack!
  Do not give up on eating!

Frightened, poor, jumped out and hid in a haystack.

Hears the Rooster - all around laugh.

He looked out of the stack and saw a little Puppy at the booth.

“Oh, you coward,” the Puppy laughed.

Since then, no one was afraid of the cowardly Rooster, but the Rooster stopped fighting and sang a cheerful song every morning:

- I have friends everywhere,
  I will not fight again!

Here is such a wonderful tale for beginners to read!

Good luck learning to read!

Books for children 5 - 6 years

This article will discuss the recommendations of books for children 5-6 years.

Many parents ask themselves what children should read at this or that age. There are a lot of opinions on this score. Somewhere they are similar, somewhere they diverge. There are programs for reading, prepared by teachers. But they differ among themselves. I can not say it is bad or good. In my opinion, it would be correct for parents to ask the caregiver in kindergarten  allow to get acquainted with the program of the children's institution and make a list of recommended literature. Next, read books from the proposed list and slightly supplement it with books at its discretion.

In general, at the age of 5-6 years old, in the reading program they certainly include works that the children were familiar with earlier. There must be books of different genres, including folklore. At the same time, for children of the Russian Federation, emphasis is placed on the creativity of the Russian people and additionally small nations. So, in addition to Russian folk tales, in Chuvashia children are introduced to Chuvash folk tales. The program includes the work of foreign writers. Before reading and at the end of it, children’s attention should be focused on the author and the genre of the work, so that the little ones begin to navigate the sea of ​​literature. At this age, children may already have favorite authors and preferred genres. Programs for reading include works to be memorized and recited by role. According to teachers, by the age of 7 children should be able to: understand the genres of works of art (poems, prose, songs and spells, folk tales and writers and poets, stories), name the favorite writer, the name of a favorite fairy tale or story, know 2 - 3 poems by heart (with a reminder of the first lines), be able to dramatize fairy tales and express the emotions of the main characters in a voice, be able to read roles.

The following books can be recommended for reading by roles for children 5-6 years old:

V. Vladimirov  "Freaks"
S. Gorodetsky"Kitty"
V. Orlov"You tell me, little river ..."
E. Uspensky  "The rout"

  From the folklore, one of the programs recommends songs such as:

"Like a thin ice ..."
  "Nikolai gusachok ..."
  "You, my-rose, frost, frost ..."
  "Rain, rain, fun"

From Russian folk tales you can advise:

"Hare bravado", "Fox and jug"in the treatment of O. Kapitsa
"Winged, hairy and oil"in the treatment of I. Karnaukhova
"The Frog Princess", "Siv-ka-Burka"  in the treatment of M. Bulatov
"Finist - Clear Falcon"in the treatment of A. Platonov
"Havroshechka"  in the treatment of A. N. Tolstoy
"Rhymes"b. Shergin's retelling
"Nikita Kozhemyaka"in the treatment of A. N. Afanasyev
"Dull tales"

"Washed buckwheat"in the treatment of Yu. Grigoriev in translation from Lithuanian
"Friend for friend"  (recommended for reading in an abbreviated version) in the treatment of N. Grebnev translated from Tajik
"Vesnyanka"in the processing of G. Litvak translated from Ukrainian
"The house that Jack built", "The Old Woman",translated by S. Marshak from English
"Bon Voyage!"in the treatment of I. Tokmakova translated from Golansky
"Splyashem"in the treatment of I. Tokmakova translated from Scottish
"Cuckoo"  in the treatment of K. Shavrov in German
"How the father's treasure brothers found"  in the treatment of M. Bulatov from Moldavian
"Forest Maiden"translated from Czech by B. Petrova
"Yellow Stork"  translated from Chinese by F. Yarilin
"About the little mouse that was a cat, dog and tiger"in translation from Indian N. Hodzy
"Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek"and fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa translated by O. Kustovoy and V. Andreev
"Goldilocks"  Translated from Czech K. Paustovsky
"Three golden hairs of Grandfather-Vseved"translated from Czech N. Arosieva

The following books for children of 5-6 years old can be taken into service from poems:

"Lullaby"  V. Bryusov
"First snow»I. Bunin
"Kitty"S. Gorodetsky
"Birch", "Prunus"  S. Yesenin
"Summer rain"  A. Maykov
Green Noise  (in abbreviated version) N.Nekrasov
"Meeting of winter"  I. Nikitin
"Winter evening"  (abbreviated version), excerpt from the poem"Eugene Onegin" "Already the sky was breathing in the autumn ...»A.S. Pushkin
"My garden»A. Plescheev
"Autumn, all our poor garden is being sprinkled ..."  (in abbreviated version) A.T. Tolstoy
"Sparrow"  I.Turgenev
"Winter is no wonder angry"  F. Tyutchev
"The cat sings, eyes coming down ..."  A. Fet
"At the crib"M. Tsvetaeva
"Wolf"C. Black
"Greedy"  Ya.Akim
"Rope"A. Barto
"About catfish", "Dog grief", "Pleasant meeting"  B. Zakhoder
"Chest", "Horse"  V. Levin
"Poodle", "Mail"  S. Marshak
"Merry Chizhi", "Already, I ran, ran, ran ..."D. Harms
  "House with a pipe" J. Moritz
  “Endless Poems”, “Council” R. Sef
  “Peaceful Count” M. Yasnov

From poems that children could memorize, teachers recommend the following:

"You'll knock on the little oak ..."  (Russian folk song)
"Spring State»I. Belousov
"Sit in silence"E. Blaginina
"Mother's day"G. Vieru translated from Moldavians. Ya Akim
"Five little puppies"  S. Gorodetsky
“Go over the seas and oceans”  M. Isakovsky
"Peace Counts"  M. Karem translated from French. Berestova
  excerpt from the poem
  “Ruslan and Lyudmila” “The green oak is near the комukomorie”  A.Pushkin
“Autumn has come.. "A. Plescheev
"Here is my village"I. Surikov

From the stories and chapters from the stories you can suggest the following list:

chapters from"Kid and Bug"  V. Dmitrieva
"Lion and Dog", "Jump", "Stone"L. Tolstoy
"Cat on a bicycle"  C. Black
"Little Top"  B. Al-Mazov
"Do not offend Zhakonya"M. Borisova
and "Chuck and Huck"  A. Gaidar
"I saved Santa Claus"S. Georgiev
"Friend of childhood", "Top down, diagonally"  V. Dragunsky
"How I caught men", "White House"  B. Zhitkov
"Greedy Chick and Vaska the Cat"Y. Kazakov
"Baby"  M. Moskvina
"Living hat»N. Nosov
  chapter out
“Stories about Belochka and Tamarochka” “Big wash”, “Letter“ you ”L. Panteleev
"Cat-thief»K. Paustovsky
"To the Sea", "Penguin Beach", "Brave Penguin"G. Snegirev

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty warrior, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful tsar-jealous Swan"A. Pushkin
"Krupenichka"  N. Teleshov
  Chapters from a fairy tale
"Brownie Kuzka"  T. Alexandrova
"Silver Hoof"  P. Bazho
"Owl»V. Bianki
  Chapters from a fairy tale
  "The Wizard of Oz"  A. Volkov
"Gray Star"  B. Zakhoder
“Flower-seven-color”  V.Kataev
"The Tale of the Three Pirates»A. Mityaev
"The cat who could sing"  L. Petrushevskaya
“Like a frog was sold”, “Nebylitsy in faces”, “Laughter”G. Sapgir

Books for children 5-6 years old poets and writers of foreign countries

"On the Horizon Islands"  J. Brzehva in translation from Polish B. Zakhoder
"The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich"A. Miln, translated from English by S. Marshak
"Noisy Babah"  J. Reeves in English from M. Boroditskaya
“Letter to my children for one very important matter”  Y. Tuvi in ​​translation from Polish S. Michal-Kova
"About the flying core

Narrator:   On a winter day, the queen sat by the window. Large snow fell on the street, and the queen admired it and embroidered it. Looking at the flight of white snow, as if artfully cut out of paper, the queen inadvertently pricked a needle with a needle. Her blood fell in snow like snow. The queen took her eyes aside and thought: “How can I walk a snow-white, ruddy and black-haired child so that the color of his skin is comparable to the whiteness of snow, the blush is the color of blood, and the hair color was similar to the color of the wings of a raven!” And her wish came true . The queen gave birth to a girl: she was snow-white, ruddy and black-haired. And the name of the newborn gave - Snow White.

The king could not get enough of his daughter. But as in life it happens: misfortune roams along with joy and happiness, and with the birth of Snow White came the death of the Queen Mother.

A year has passed, the king married again. The second wife was famous for the whole kingdom for its unique beauty, but she was extremely arrogant and proud, considering herself the most charming woman in the world.


There is no more beautiful me in the world!

Tender hands will not meet my king!

Like the sun I: like a ray of light,

But do not overshadow the sun and my face!

In the beauty of my doubts can not be!

Here is a mirror: there is no truth to him.

It will open your eyes to help

To whom there is no trust in me!

Queen   refers to the mirror:


Your marvelous image is similar to Spring!

Narrator:   So the days of the queen passed. And Snow White, meanwhile, grew and prettier. She was only eight years old, and her appearance could be compared to a full-blown rose bud.

Once the queen turned back to the mirror to console her pride:

Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


Narrator:   The queen was incredibly angry at the news: she was beside herself with rage. What the mirror said to her tormented the queen's soul day and night. One day, she called her looner.


Psar, my slave, lead the girl into the forest!

There, in a deaf, forgotten by all more often

Make the girl come to an end!

Bring me her lungs and liver!

Narrator:   Psar dutifully bowed to the Queen and went for Snow White. He found a girl in the yard playing peacefully with flowers. Grabbing the little one by the hand, the psar dragged her into the forest.

Do not kill me, serving man!

You let me go free, free!

Believe me, I will not return to the big palace,

And I will live in a forest like a beggar!

Narrator:   Psar looked at the poor baby and felt sorry for her. He let the girl go to the forest, and he slaughtered a wild hog, took out his lungs and liver, brought the queen as proof that her request was fulfilled.

And the little girl was alone in a dense forest, which was full of wild animals. For a long time she ran through the forest, stumbling over old stones, clawing at thorny bushes, and wild animals constantly ran alongside Snow White, without causing little damage to the baby.

Snow White ran until dawn, until she met a little hut on her way. Overjoyed, the girl entered her and saw that all the furniture in her was tiny, close-fitting. There were seven small plates on a small table, small spoons, little knobs and forks lay next to the plates, and a small glass stood next to each device. Not far from the table were small cots: there were exactly seven of them, and they were covered with snow-white blankets.

Snow White is very hungry, so she ate some food from each cup, and drank some water from each cup. She ate from each plate a little bit because she was afraid to eat everything from one person, and only a little bit of some water drank from each glass so that everyone could get some water.

Snowed up, Snow White decided to lie down to rest. She tried to lie on all the beds, but only one of them came in time - the seventh. It was not too long, not too wide and not as tall as the rest. Snow White fell asleep.

It got dark. The owners came to the hut - the dwarves. There were exactly seven of them: exactly as many as the plates and kitchen appliances on the table, exactly as many as the little beds in the hut. They lit all seven of their wax candles, and each of them was outraged.

The first gnome:

Who's on my chair

Squat this afternoon?

The second gnome:

From the plate who is mine

Ate some vegetables?

The third gnome:

Who is from the loaf on the table

Break off a piece of yourself?

The fourth dwarf:

Who tasted the food,

What stood for me?

Fifth Dwarf:

And who is my fork?

Took without asking, I do not understand?

The sixth gnome:

And who took my knife?

Its probably lost?

The Seventh Dwarf:

Who drank from the glass,

Permission not asked?

Narrator:   The seventh gnome looked into his bed and saw a sleeping girl in her. He quietly called the rest of the gnomes, the gnomes lit the sleeping girl with seven candles and gasped: “Oh, how pretty the girl is! How beautiful! How tender! ”The gnomes tilted their heads in a tightness and did not interfere with Snow White's sleep.

In the morning, Snow White awoke, and when she saw the seven dwarfs, she was frightened. But the gnomes were gentle and harmless.


What is your name, dear girl?

Snow White is my name.

I found your house by accident:

He covered me up more often at night.

I ran yesterday to sunset

From the whims of my stepmother wicked.

My queen wanted

Be the most beautiful on earth.

Did not tolerate me, did not regret,

Closed me from people.

I would just breathe, enjoying

Whispering wind in the shade

With a bird of paradise sometimes playing

I so want to live!

The gnomes   tilted their heads and answered Snow White:

You live better with us, dear!

Stay with us forever!

We will help you dear

Avoid the royal evil!

Narrator:   And Snow White stayed with seven dwarfs. She tried to keep the house of the gnomes in perfect order: she cleaned, washed and cooked delicious food for the household. In the morning, the gnomes ran into the forest, went far into the mountains to get copper and gold, and in the evening they came back. Snow White has always met them with a fresh dinner and a friendly word.

The only thing that upset the gnomes is that Snow White remained alone in the house all day. They worried about the girl, and, each time she left, they punished her: “Be careful, dear child, the evil stepmother is cunning and clever! Soon find out where you are hiding. Keep your doors shut! ”

Meanwhile, the queen stepmother calmed down a bit. She again took out her magic mirror from the trunk and asked him:

Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


I looked everywhere, believe me

All the beauty in your Snow White.

Narrator:   The queen was again scared again. The mirror always told only the truth. The queen began to make deceitful plans for how to lime a girl. Envy choked the queen. The beauty of Snow White gave her no rest.

And in the head of the queen matured cunning plan. Dressing up in an old tradeswoman, dyeing her hair and changing her face, she went to the hut of the seven dwarfs. It was a beautiful sunny day when she came to the door of a small house covered with century-old pines.


I sell different goods:

The best and not dangerous!

All useful goods in the home,

Choose a good will help you!

Snow White, looking out the window, said:

What are you selling, trader forest?

What kind of goods? From where From Paradise?


I sell expensive ribbons,

Any different laces and rims.

All at an affordable, good price!

You choose, everything suits you!

Narrator:   Snow White thought a little about herself and decided to let the vendor into the house. The girl chose the most beautiful lace.


How beautiful you are, holy child,

Sin does not help: String you!

Narrator:   And the queen attacked Snow White, laced it so tight that the girl could not breathe anymore. Young beauty dead fell to the floor.


So your beauty has disappeared!

Narrator:   Evening came, and seven happy gnomes returned home. What was their surprise when they saw Snow White, lying dead on the floor. They untied the tight ribbon on her dress, and the girl began to breathe again.

She sold me a string, and then

So tightly they bound me tightly,

That I choked, fell to the floor.


Narrator:   Meanwhile, the queen returned home. Before she could enter her wards, she took a mirror in her hands.


Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


I looked everywhere, believe me

All the beauty in your Snow White.

In the house of the dwarves, she took refuge,

Together with the beauty of the visor!

Narrator:   The queen's wrath knew no bounds. She understood that Snow White came to life again. The queen began to make sinister plans. She made a poisonous comb with the help of witchcraft charms, dressed in an old woman and set off on her way back to the house of the dwarfs.


I sell wonderful products!

Products are the best! Goods for sale!

  , slightly opening the window, answered the saleswoman:

Pass better by,

Do not let anyone in!

I'm waiting for the owners, I love

My gnomes home!


Look better at the comb,

What I brought with me!

There is no more beautiful in the world,

It is made of silver!

Narrator:   Snow White saw the scallop, and she liked it so much that without fear the girl let the vendor into the house.


How beautiful the hair is!

They are like a crow wing!

Let me bite you

With all my heart, my dear, I will brush my hair!

Narrator:   As soon as the evil Queen Mother began to brush Snow White, she lost consciousness from the poisonous properties of the comb. The queen ran out of the house of the dwarves.

Well, that events in the house of the dwarves took place in the late afternoon. The hardworking owners of the hut were returning home. They saw the wide open doors of the house and realized that trouble had happened again. Seeing Snow White lying on the floor, the dwarves put it on the bed and pulled the comb out of the hair. Snow White began to rebound.

A stranger woman came to me

She sold me a wonderful scallop.

She brushed me lightly

And I got lost, fell to the floor.


The trader was your stepmother angry,

She very slyly entered our house!

You don't let her in anymore, dear

Who knows what might happen next!

Narrator:   While Snow White came to herself in the house of the dwarfs, the queen returned to the palace. She wrapped her arms around the magic mirror.


Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


I looked everywhere, believe me

All the beauty in your Snow White.

In the house of the dwarves, she took refuge,

Together with the beauty of the visor!

Narrator:   The queen trembled with rabies from what she heard. Taking himself in hand, the evil stepmother went into the room, hidden from human eyes, and cooked an apple filled with poison. The apple looked miraculous, liquid. His ruddy sides attracted the fruit to taste. But in the apple itself a deadly poison was hidden.

Having prepared the deadly fruit, the queen put on the peasant's outfit and went back to the hut of the seven dwarfs.


I knock at your door!

Open it soon!

I brought wonderful apples

And dishes for dinner different!

Pass better by,

Do not let anyone in!

I'm waiting for the owners, I love

Wonderful gnomes for a long time!


Look at my apples,

There is no price for such fruits!

Cut you half, the second - eat myself.

Then she herself will see that my fruit is without harm!

Narrator:   The apple was cooked by the queen skillfully: only one half of the fruit was poisoned, so the queen had a bite to the other half without fear or fear. Snow White, seeing how the peasant woman calmly enjoyed the taste of the wonderful apple, also wanted to try it. She stretched out her hand from the window for the first half of the apple, so ruddy and so juicy! But only the girl bit off a small piece of the coveted fruit, as she immediately fell dead on the floor.


In vain on earth you survived!

So your beauty has disappeared!

You're finally, baby, dead!

Dwarfs can't breathe life into you!

Narrator:   The queen returned to the palace and first grabbed a mirror.


Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


No, queen, you are more beautiful,

I looked at all the shores.

You are so Beautiful! Eclipsed the moon!

Your wonderful image is like spring!

Narrator:   And only after these words, the stepmother calmed down.

And in the evening the gnomes returned to the hut. They saw Snow White, who was lying dead on the floor. The gnomes put the girl on a bed and tried to find the cause of the young beauty's death: they carefully untied the girl's dress, brushed her hair and washed her with key water with wine. But all their attempts to revive Snow White did not bring results: the girl was dead.

The gnomes made a crystal coffin for the beauty they loved. They put a girl in him and mourned her death for three days. The dwarfs wanted to bury Snow White in a damp ground, but they could not do it: the girl lay in a coffin as if alive, she just did not breathe, and her eyes were closed, and on her cheeks still played a bright blush, her hands were filled with endless whiteness, and her hair glistened and developed over the shoulders like the wings of a black crow.

Gnomes placed a coffin on top of a mountain. Birds flew to him, animals came from a thick forest thicket to look at a beautiful girl and cry that she no longer sang cheerful songs, did not play with flowers in the meadow.

Snow White in the coffin remained as beautiful as in life.

Once I drove into a forest inhabited by gnomes, a foreign prince. He visited the dwarf hut and listened to their story about beautiful girlthat was killed by an envious stepmother. Korolevich decided to look at the crystal coffin in which the girl rested. Seeing Snow White, he could not help but open the lid of the coffin and not kiss the peacefully sleeping beauty. Suddenly Snow White woke up. She opened her amazing blue eyes, framed by black velvet eyelashes, and asked: "Where am I?" Korolevich gently answered her: "You are the prettiest of all in the world! In my heart look yours! Become my princess! Take you with me! ”

Snow White gave her consent and went with the prince to his magnificent palace. They set up a wedding day and invited guests from different kingdoms.

Among the invited guests was an evil stepmother. She was delighted with the new holiday: she began to dress up in front of a mirror and show off.


Mirror, honey, tell me,

Is there any other beauty in the world?


I see the sunset, I am your beauty:

A newlywed shines like a day

Its image overshadows April:

The wind stirs the most wonderful hair

The lakes are hidden in beautiful eyes,

Happiness drunken trembles on the lips.

Narrator: The Queen was stained with anger, fear and envy. But she had to go to the wedding. Upon entering the palace and seeing the young queen, the evil queen-stepmother turned gray: she recognized Snow White in the newlywed bride. The heart of the evil queen could not stand it, and she fell dead on the floor of a luxurious palace.

And Snow White married a beautiful prince and lived with him happily.

“Literature also needs talented readers, like talented writers.”
Samuel Marshak

Dear readers of the Bookcase! You often ask how to instill in the child a love of reading? Recently in the magazine "Malyshok" my next article on this topic was published. Let's share the secrets of how to grow a real reader.

Many modern pedagogical prenatologists advise reading the baby before birth. Starting from birth, you can read, by book or by memory, always and everywhere: on a walk, during swaddling, dressing, massage, bathing and putting to bed. The crumb may not yet understand the words you utter, but he feels your intonation, sees gestures and feels her mother's touch, accompanied by reading and a smile. All this causes him a lot of positive emotions. In the first months of life, reading books perfectly trains the hearing of a newborn, teaches him to recognize your voice, introduces the melody of his native speech and the intonations of the language.
Children from birth to three years perceive rhymed works better. Therefore, the smallest fit poteshki, pestushki, jokes, lullabies and fairy tales in verse. No wonder they are called maternal poetry. Short game poems "Ladushki", "Goat Horned Goes" and "Forty Crow" help to master simple movements and skills in playing form, create mood and rhythm.
From the moment when the baby learns to hold the head and focus, you can acquaint him with the first book illustrations. From 5-6 months, the child begins to explore the world through touch: he likes to touch various objects and try them "to the tooth." Therefore, you can introduce your child to help develop tactile memory and fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates the development of speech.

Attitude to books is formed in a child gradually, but there are some secrets that will help you to raise interest in books and reading:
Home library. For children to read books, they must grow surrounded by books. Space saving requirements, high mobility and the rapid spread of electronic media have crowded out heavy volumes, which have recently been queued. Meanwhile, in the house with a bookcase in which you can delve at least secretly, undoubtedly, a reading child will grow up. According to research by scientists, having a good home library affects the future level of education of the child even more than the education of the parents.
Personal example.   The child is brought up not by words, but by deeds. Read for yourself, quote, share what you read and discuss books, go to bookstores and libraries together, make up your home library. A child who sees you with a book in his hands, perceives this as the norm of everyday life. First, he will imitate, and after himself he will be carried away by reading.
Time.   Start reading to children from birth or even earlier. Choose the right time to read. Do not read by force if the child wants to play and run. Read the child when he is not tired and he is in a good mood. Reading new books set aside for a while when the baby is active and alert.
A place.   Highlight a special place for reading, a cozy and secluded corner. It should be quiet, comfortable, with good lighting. Often children read lying on the carpet, and it is not harmful if the baby is lying on the stomach, there is enough light, and the distance to the book is about 30 cm. But reading on the back and on the side is harmful to the eyes. While reading, do not be distracted by yourself and try to remove objects that distract the child - bright new toys, etc.
Reading technique. Reading the child out loud is not an easy task. Read slowly and expressively, speaking all sounds well, vary the text (for example, insert the child’s name in the poems about the children), change the intonation and voice depending on what character speaks, sound like, read the singing verses. Read to the child even when he learns to read himself, by this you define for him the zone of proximal development: what he is not able to read today himself, but perceives in your reading, and after a while he will return to the book on his own.
Storage.   Let everything related to reading be attractive to the baby. Select a separate shelf for storing children's books and beautifully decorate it, do not forget to ask your main reader for advice. Make sure the shelf is comfortable and easily accessible to your baby.
Discuss and write. Talk about the heroes of the books you read and their actions, express your attitude. Teach your child to write stories, fantasize, retell old tales on new fret, ascribe incredible actions to the heroes, invent their future fate and their plot development options. Add something new to familiar stories, let the kid come up with characters and names for them, determine the finals of stories, etc. With this you will create a creative imagination in a child. Compose fairy tales together, draw illustrations and present self-made books to friends and grandparents. The child himself can be the hero of the book, his own fairy tale can help him solve a problem, overcome fear, or teach something new.
Interactivity . Revive the book, read the roles, play scenes in their faces, put on performances based on famous book stories. Let the child fulfill one of the roles and be inside the book. Such dramatization allows unobtrusively to convey and consolidate thoughts that are otherwise assimilated with difficulty. There are many options for home theater: costumed, finger, magnetic, shadow theater, paper, puppet, etc. Set up real performances at home on read books, paste posters and issue tickets. After two years, you can take the kid to the puppet theater and watch the setting of your favorite fairy tale. Draw the heroes of the books, sculpt them from plasticine and natural materials, and play stories. You can create your own cartoon-comic. Let the child with your help remember and sketch out the main scenes, and then, relying on the pictures, try to voice the “cartoon”. Write letters to your favorite characters (here, you may have to send answers from them). Show your baby the filmstrips from the fairy tales you read. They are perceived more easily than cartoons, their eyes are less tired, moreover, filmstrips only help to understand the text of the book, and do not replace it with action.
Ritual. Regular reading at the same time is a ritual that has a calming effect on the child, being a sign of stability and support in life. You can read at breakfast or even when the baby is sitting on the pot. But it is best to do a soothing traditional reading before bedtime. This will not only be deposited in the child’s subconscious, but also provide additional intimacy and warmth of communication with the baby, creating a special confidential atmosphere between you and the child. Choose to read the time-tested, already familiar to the child stories, this will help him to relax before going to bed.
Tradition. Highlight a special day and time for family reading in a circle, although it is not just with today's pace of life. Such reading can not only entertain, but also comfort and support the child, give him new knowledge and inspire. Emotional “reading-communication”, the period of “close attention”, is very important for children, because this is the time when mom and dad put all their affairs aside, put him on his knees, hug his shoulders and start reading.
Reiteration. Read the same book as many times as the child asks. Repetition is important for kids because they want to learn. Soon you will notice that he already remembers his favorite passages by heart and tries to use key phrases in his speech. In addition, re-reading your favorite book for the nth time creates a comfort situation for a child, he knows all the plot twists in advance, so he draws attention to individual words and phrases, notices new semantic nuances.
Measure. Stop until the child is bored. It is better to read less, but regularly.
Matching age.   Choose books by age that are complex enough so that they can capture the attention of the child, and at the same time are simple enough so that he can follow the development of events. It is not scary if something in the reading will be unclear, anticipatory reading is also useful, but the plot in such books should be available at different levels. If there are several children of preschool age at home, do not make a distinction in reading between the younger and the elder, the older ones usually actively discuss and pronounce works for children, which is useful to everyone.
Relevance.   Do not equal others, choose what your child perceives with pleasure. Vulnerable and impressionable children are afraid of adventure stories, unlike adventure seekers. Offer current books, according to the interests and hobbies of the child at the moment. Ideally, read to the child those books that interest both of you. Try to read in advance what you are going to introduce the child to. Remember the thematic variety of works and the seasonal principle in the selection of literature.
Illustrations.   Encourage child interest in pictures. In time, he will begin not only to turn the pages, but also to listen. Teach your child to pay attention to the details of the illustrations, to the color scheme, to the way the artist conveys the mood of the characters. Retelling a fragment of a work from a picture, the kid develops his speech and learns to recreate a verbal image on the basis of the visual.
Questions Answer the questions that the baby asks in the course of reading, explain incomprehensible words and sentences as requested. Ask questions yourself, do not go on long monologues, ask the child to retell small passages, discuss the read together. Together, look for answers to the child’s questions in the books. Along with art books for children early age  There is also a teaching literature for familiarization with the outside world, broadening the horizons, developing attention and memory. A special place is occupied by the reading of dictionaries, encyclopedias and popular science literature.
Joint campaign.   Make it a tradition to go to a bookstore and library together, and let your child choose his own.
Value.   Cultivate the attitude to the book, as to something valuable. Give books to your child for every holiday along with other gifts. When a child goes to visit someone, include the book in a children's gift, as something special. Foster respect for books, explain that they can not be thrown on the floor, draw in them, crumple or tear pages. After reading them, be sure to put them in place. If you are consciously trying to spoil a book, put it in the closet, and explain why you did it.

There are also little tricks that will help to interest even the most restless and active kid to be interested in reading.
Temptation. Choose a book that may be of interest to your child, sit at a distance and begin to loudly expressively read it to yourself. If the child does not join, cover the page with your hand, as if reading something super-secret.
Audio Recording   Buy a book with a CD. Teach your child to use the player so that he can turn on the record himself, listen to it and at the same time flip through the illustrations. Go further and try the tape recording method. Write down several books yourself, and then ask your child to write down a fairy tale for a friend or relative, with artistic reading — dog bark, creaking doors, and other attributes. But do not get carried away, listening to the discs will not replace the live mother's voice and discussion of the read.
Subscription.   Subscribe to interesting magazines for his child in his name, for this, go to the post office.
Magical appearance. Beat the appearance in the house of a new book. "Mail" can come by mail, "Treasure Island" can be searched along the route on a pirate map, etc. Entering the house with the Encyclopedia of the Dwarves, tell me that you just received this book from the dwarves, and they asked you to read it to the baby. Get a "magic chest", in which sometimes books will appear on the most relevant topics for the child.
Intrigue.   While reading with the kids, make small pauses at the most interesting places. With older children, reading the same book for several days, break in the intriguing moments of chapters. Such reading with continuation not only supports interest, but also promotes the development of memory and attentiveness.
Old books.   Read with your child your old children's books, tell us how their grandparents read them.
Own books. Make your own books. Make up stories about the kid himself and draw illustrations, or make a book of baby photos with captions.
Drawing. If the child is difficult to concentrate on the plot of the book, invite him to draw while you are reading. While reading, children usually draw and paint over simple shapes, performing mechanical work that does not require concentration and inspiration. Restless hands are busy and do not interfere with the mind to perceive what they hear. If difficulties remain, try background reading.

Reading is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a significant step towards the development of your child's figurative thinking and intelligence, the formation of competent speech and writing, facilitation of the learning process and receiving new impressions. After all, with each book you read, your little man becomes richer for the whole world of another person.

Where do needles grow in the forest?

The child grows ...
  We grow with it. Learn to fall, walk, hold a spoon, know the world. Changing methods of communication with the child, the form. Other toys, other clothes, other food and other books.
  We were bored with short tales of “Turnip”, “Kolobok” and “Chicken Ryaba”. We read “Teremok”, “Snow Maiden”. We turn to the detective genre: “Three Little Pigs”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Wolf and Seven Little Kids”. And avidly we read “The Wizard of the Emerald City” and fairy tales by G. H. Andersen. Excitedly - more for us adults, because not everything was read by us in childhood. We read by roles, with the character of the characters in the voice, we learn to improvise.
How easy it is to communicate with a child, if the dialogue is built on trust, if you have enough mental strength, patience and understanding, if you love your child. This love does not need to be hidden. The child must know that you love him, but love reasonably, love demandingly. It's so easy - before going to bed, kiss the baby on the nose and say:
  “Though you are not very good with me, but I love you anyway.” I love the way you are. Whatever happens to you, always come to me and tell about all your troubles, about all problems. We will decide together how to proceed.

How difficult it is to feed the baby porridge or soup. We already have lunch (mode), but the baby still does not want to eat. Or do you offer him something that he does not like at all. It is useless to intimidate or punish, otherwise the child’s food intake will be associated with unpleasant memories for a long time.
  We need positive emotions (almost according to Pavlov). We have to use ingenuity.
  Play the air battle. And your plane (a spoon with porridge) will hide from an enemy fighter in a big cloud (mouth). And the adults themselves are not averse to playing.
  At one time, we transported a lot of porridge on airplanes with our children. If your children prefer soups, then you can specialize in sea battles and the struggle with the elements. Here is an exciting story about how a small boat is attacked by sharks, falls into a storm. But you save him. Eat all the sharks and harbor the boat in his native harbor. And you can think up a funny song:

Sailing, sailing ship
  By the fabulous river.
  Running, running ship
  From home far away.
  White ship.
  Brave captain.
  I love you, boat
  Storm will not give up.

Two red cats

Two red cats put on boots.

Put the boots on the red legs.

Two red cats put on boots

Let's go, ran for a walk along the path.


Bunny carrot water from a watering can.

But, tired, sat down on the bench.

Sadly looks at the big garden:

Who will water the carrot today?


One, two, three, four, five.

Bunny went for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out.

Again the girl thinks ...

He does not want to run out.

He does not want to be cruel.

He does not want to kill ...

Three green chicken.

Three green chicken

Ran down the street.

And behind them the tra - ta - ta -

Two dogs without a tail.

Still the same ...

Still the same!
  We grow like poppies.
  Roses - roses - roses!
  We run like goats.
  Spoons - spoons - spoons!
  Slap your palms!
  Never Too bad.
  We are jumping through the puddles.

I'm not daddy ...

I'm not daddy, I'm not my mother's.
  My eyes are my berries.
Cheeks - my apples.
  I am a poor girl
  Garden girl.
  I'm not my mother's, I'm not my daddy.
  I grew up on the garden.
  I bloomed in the sun.
  The breeze dried me up
  Frequent rain drenched.
  I'm not daddy, I'm not my mother's ...

Santa Claus

The boys and I were blind
  And do not forget to decorate
  Santa Claus in the yard
  To fun kids.
  They say on New Year's Eve
  Santa Claus our come to life.
  And he will come to our tree
  And the gifts will bring.

Cat Vasily

We have a moustached cat,
  Angry cat Basil.
  Grandma came to live with us
  I had to bring Vaska.
  And now lives with us
  Mustache cat - Basil.
  They brought him in a basket,
  They made a bed.
  Now Vasily maybe
  Namoet us guests.
  He washes his ears, feet, tail.
  Tell me, who do you call?
  Whom, Vasily, are you waiting for a visit?
  But washing, silent
  And says nothing
  Mustache cat Basil,
  Angry cat Basil.

Chupa Chups

Daughter mother dressed up.
  Something covered her head -
  Cape, like a veil ...
  Says more: - Wait.
  Sash tying throat.
  Now it seems great!
  Mom brings to the mirror,
  Holds the hand and walks
  Her circle says:
  - Good. What hurts
  Head? Or not much?
  Do not turn around, wait attention.
  Mom asks her daughter
  Looking in the slit peephole:
  - Who am I now? Bride?
  Whose costume? What dough?
  Daughter mother answered
  Head besides shook:
  - You hit your foot in the soup, sir,
  You are a candy! Chupa Chups!


Walking down the street cow
  And beautiful and healthy
  Or even healthy.
  She walked and stood at the yard.
  The cat says to the cow,
  What sat at the window:
  - What are you, a cow,
  And beautiful and healthy.
  The cow answers her:
  - I rather not healthy
  A little healthy.
  All this is grass.
  I chew grass all day.
  I give milk from it.
  From the grass I am healthy
  I am getting stronger and fuller.
  It has all the strength and health,
  And the dignity of a cow.
  For a cow, the best friend is
  This is a kind, juicy meadow,
  This is a pure river.
  Milk cow will give,
  Kohl nestle their sides.
  And now goodbye, bye.

We care about mom

You are from sea to sea
  Go around the whole world.
  But families are friendlier than ours,
  I will say no.
  We care about mom.
  Eat soup until the end.
  We are not afraid of manna porridge.
  Quickly wash away the dirt from the face.
  Only mom is over the threshold,
  We are more for business.
  We make a festive cake.
  I wish my mom would see!
  Everything will go - shampoo and cream,
  Marmalade and marshmallow.
  How will he please everyone
  Table decoration.
  Razrisu we wallpaper.
  What a sour tone!
  Here is a gorilla in Africa
  Leads a yellow elephant.
  Here are playing hares
  On the forest lawn.
  Drink jelly from a mug
  Blue frogs.
  And Grandma Yaga
  Come pies.
  Only suddenly - the bell.
Mom on the threshold.
  Something reluctant
  Serve the cake.

I got angry today

I got angry today
  And bit a bit
  Naughty kitty,
  That he did not misbehave
  And on the curtains did not ride,
  And did not climb in the dirty paws
  Where my mother did not order.
   And I got angry
  And seriously scolded
  Naughty dog,
  So as not to bark in vain,
  To not a broom dragged,
  And so as not to scare
   Naughty kitty
  And I drove away
  Naughty crow,
  What was sitting on the fence
  What teased all the time
  Naughty dog.
  The one that barked in vain
  And dragged the old broom,
  And scared with a loud bark
  Naughty kitty.
  So, in fear that kitten
  Climbed up in dirty paws
  On the sofa and on the pillows.
  And with a fright at the kitten
  It turned out a terrible famine.
  So that kitty is poor
  I ate with fright all sour cream.
  I was nervous all day.

Green grasshoppers

Green grasshoppers
  Put on hangers
  Green violin
   And the songs are sung.
  And butterflies - beauties
  Their wings touch
  And on the flowers swing,
  And drink flower juice.
  Colors thick curls
  Weave under the windows
  Under the windows high
  "Broken hearts".
  And tiger lilies,
  And the lilies are purple,
  And fire lilies
   At our porch.
  And let in the garden carefully
  Buzzing bee - nurse
  And let ezhata - brothers
  Hurry to go home.
  And let the crows caw,
  They have a flying lesson.
  And let all the cats from the street
  Run to play with me.
  Me boredom - loneliness
  The absurdities are more absurd,
  I have no time in the sun
  To lie on the grass.
  I need to investigate everything
  Understand, help and ask,
  I need everything in the world
  See and find out.
  Green grasshoppers
  Laid on hangers ...

Walking on the lake eccentric

He was walking on the lake eccentric.
  Barefoot and just like that.
  He did not know that by the water
  It is impossible to pass anywhere.
  He climbed the meadow,
   Made a horn.
  On the horn, he played.
  All the animals around gathered.
  Gathered around him
  Hares, squirrels, badgers.
  And they arranged
  Round dance around the river.
  And the frogs are good -
  Have fun from the heart.
  And laugh, and sing,
  And wow distribute.
  Kwa - to the left, Kwa - forward.
  Kwa also - turn.
  Kva-kva-kva and kva-kva-kva
  And you can hear it until the morning.
  Walking on the lake eccentric
  Barefoot and just like that.
  It was an eccentric and humming.
  The stars in the sky counted.

Hero brave

A little bird sings a song.
  Yellow titmouse sprig pecks.
  Our hero is a brave guard carries.
  And the boy important on the bench is lying:
  - I'm not afraid of the shark, I'm not afraid of the whale,
  Polar bear, black cat.
  Today I am a boy, tomorrow I am a cowboy.
  Do you want me to fight you on daggers?
  I can swim, climb and dive.
I can become a pirate captain.
  I am a brave sailor, I care nothing.
  I hold a huge stone shoulder.
  - You are a brave hero, do not believe the talker.
  You listen to mom, opening the door.
  You grow up fearless, kind and big.
  And to seem important is to be funny.

Funny company.

Thought guys
  Catch the forest animals.
  And so, went around the world
  And met friends.
  They will not chain them
  And in the cage you will not forbid
  And wild beasts
  Already you will not name.
  This one is a clumsy bear,
  Very kind and funny.
  He is cheerful and good.
  We will take it with us.
  - Teddy, teddy bear,
  You do not scratch us with a paw,
  Do not bite us teeth
  We treat you to medcom.
  And this is a wolf puffed up
  And stupid and funny.
  And we are such a wolf
   We will not take with you.
  And this one is very sad
  Sad old dog.
  And on him guys
  You can not look without tears.
  We'll regret the dog
  Take her with you.
  And the dog will be cheerful
  And the dog will be alive.
  Here is a duck with a red bow
  Sighs and groans.
  And can not quack,
  But only all puffing.
  Come with us, duck.
  We teach you to sing.
  Teach you to quack
  And to watch cartoons.
  And these two little mice -
  Good friends.
  And like the guys
  Their games and scuffling.
  Funny ideas
  And noisy dance.
  Pranksters guys
  Do not put your finger in your mouth.
  Chasing each other
  Ready all day.
  But clean up
  Do not like.
  Here they are lazy
  And here is the team assembled.
  Let's go hiking.
  And waiting for us at the pier
  Our white steamer.
  Received tickets.
  Marked places.
  And here comes the landing.
  At the ladder vanity.
  We sail soon
  In the distant lands!
  By sign of captain
  Removed anchors.
  We go, we go, we go -
  Merry friends.
  Good neighbors -
  And you, and he, and me.


Here comes the evening.
  The sun is setting.
  All the guys sleep a long time.
  Only we can not sleep.

  Even a little bug
  Turned on the flank.
  Sleeps sweetly and sniffs
  Little bug.
  Even in the mink worm
  Turned on the flank.
  Sleeping on a sweet leaf
  In the mink worm.
  Bunny sleeps under the mug,
  Scratches foot after ear (2 times)

Sleeping dog in a kennel.
  Sleeping kids in the yard.
  Kittens sleep with mom - cat
  In a warm old basket.
  Sleep colored cubes.
  Dresses are sleeping and slippers.
  Cubes and balls,
  Girls and boys.
* * *
  Grandpa Forest,
  Do not sleep under the pine.
  Do not go under the trees,
  Do not rustle needles.
  Do not lie under the aspen.
  Show us the mushrooms.
  We are in the forest
  Not for a walk here.
  Show us
  Where mushrooms grow.

Cat, cat,
  Why you
  From the table
  Sausages ate?
  Eyes lowered.
  -I'm in the kitchen
  Did not go.

Untidy, old and rude.
  Because gray and stupid.
He knows a lot about piglets.
  Did you find out? It...

The tailor lives in the forest.
  In needles all shirt.

In the summer and winter walks.
  Only furs change everything.
  He knocks on the trees.
  All sores cure.

Where do needles grow in the forest?
  You thought? On...

The ability to read does not always imply a love of literature and reading. Modern children get acquainted with books even earlier than their peers in the twentieth century, but for some reason they read them much less. And at school they often do it only under the lash. And it is useless to tell them that reading develops imagination, speech, memory, and many other necessary qualities. How, then, to cause interest in reading a child?

Are books good?

What are we for small child  children's books, what benefits do they bring to a tiny listener? A competently selected book is the first step towards the development of intelligence and the expansion of horizons. The baby does not yet know very much, his knowledge base is still too small. Listening to the magic stories and fairy tales in my mother's performance, the children learn something new, experience the most different situations in which the fairy-tale characters find themselves.

We also read about how fairy tales affect the development of a child.

Also, the child is rapidly developing speech, he easily remembers new words, understands their meaning. And he also learns such important feelings as compassion, pitying the unfortunate abandoned hare, and courage, becoming bolder with Gray Neck.

If reading in your family becomes an important nightly ritual, it will bring a certain stability to your childhood. The tender voice of his beloved mother, the feeling of comfort form the basic confidence in the vast world of a baby. That is why in more adult age the book becomes the good friend of the reading person.

Forcing and haste are major parental mistakes

Sometimes parents, trying to make love of reading at any cost, make many mistakes.

  1. The older generation often tries to instill a love of books, forcing children to read. However, in such situations, violence has the opposite effect. Excessive obsession and perseverance, in the end, can generally discourage children from literature.
  2. Early development and learning to read today is becoming very fashionable. Some particularly advanced mothers begin to teach kids reading when they don’t even know how to walk and just want to play. True, one more extreme thing should be avoided - show books only before school.
  3. Another common mistake is buying children books that are not suitable for them by age. A three-year-old child will not enjoy Alice in Wonderland, and a 12-year-old teenager is not yet able to understand the meaning of classical works.

How to introduce a child to reading?

If you are upset that your child's eyes do not burn when he looks at the next volume, you will have to awaken interest in reading with the help of proven methods.

  •   Show a good example

Show your own positive example by reading a lot and regularly. Kids love to copy and copy parenting habits. And if you say to a child “Immediately read a book!” And you yourself prefer to sit at the computer or watch endless series, then you simply shake the air. He, looking at you, will go for a walk or also buried in the monitor.

  •   Introduce books from a very early age.

Already the baby can be presented with books, though not quite real yet: from fabric or with laminated pages. The kid can break, crush, gnaw these books, because until he perceives them as a source of knowledge. Forget about respect for a while - all this will come later. Play along with your child, showing pictures and telling who is depicted on them.

  •   Pick a book by age and interest

For one year old child  the best literature would be a big book with bright believable illustrations and a minimum of text. Preschoolers fit books with large print. Do not worry if the student chooses comics, not world classics. Let him better read what he is interested in, and not throw your gift in a pile of equally uninteresting editions.

  •   Read by roles

Pick up such a fable, a fairy tale or a short poem with dialogs that can be read by roles. Speak your words emotionally, showing a genuine reaction: humor, fear, interest, etc. Better yet - make fairytale characters out of paper or old gloves, make a screen out of old sheets. Your home theater is ready, it remains only to invite your friends or relatives to the performance.

  •   Repeat stories

Children of any age love to read their favorite books. If the three-year-old peanut again drags you a pretty shabby book that you already know by heart, do not be annoyed. For sure your offer to read something else today, you will receive not just a rejection, but tears. Satisfy his request, just make "random" mistakes. The child will surely correct you, demonstrating a wonderful memory.

  • Take a break at the most interesting place

Extend the pleasure of the book for several evenings. An impatient child will definitely want to hear what happens to his favorite hero next. But do not rush to satisfy his curiosity. Give unobtrusively understand that if he wants to quickly learn the twists and turns of the plot, let him learn to read.

  •   Maintain children's interest in reading

For example, after reading a folk tale about Masha and the bear, go to the zoo - let the child look at the clubfoot. Is there a Cinderella in your home library? Buy tickets for the play of the same name in the puppet or drama theater. And, on the contrary, after the Thumbelina cartoon, have the children read the Andersen's fairy tale. Also transfer fabulous characters with whom the child met on paper pages into games: draw, sculpt from plasticine, play performances, write short letters to them.

  •   Take on audiobooks and interactive fairy tales

Does a child look away from traditional paper books? You will come to the aid of "high technology". The best samples of domestic and foreign literature are now available in audiobooks. Recently, so-called interactive fairy tales have become popular, where your baby can become the main character of the work. Such colorful stories will surely cause sincere interest in paper texts. About interactive tales  we wrote

  •   Do not rush to extremes

Do not get hung up on books, considering them best remedy  for child development. Not only literary works should be present in the life of a small child, but also ordinary children's activities: scuffling with friends, noisy games on the street, trips to nature and summer cottages, trips to the zoo, circus, theater.

Yes, today, all kinds of gadgets are increasingly overshadowing the "static" literature, but they will not be able to completely oust it from our list of addictions. Reading is a special ritual with its unique atmosphere, which generates a play of imagination and a flight of fancy. Read books every day, treat them reverently, and in this case, your child himself, without bullying, will take up the coveted volume with a fairy tale or poems.