Increase hemoglobin in a child. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. The main signs of low hemoglobin

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The level of hemoglobin depends on good nutrition of all vital organs and cells of the baby’s body. This health, and the ability to work, and mood, and general well-being.

Iron deficiency, leading to anemia, occurs in approximately 40% of children under 3 years of age and in 30% of adolescents. It is impossible to ignore this problem, because it negatively affects not only physical, but also mental development.

In the first two months of life, a marked decrease in hemoglobin concentration is observed, with the lowest values ​​ranging from six to eight weeks, and in parallel, an increase in the mobilization of iron reserves. This autumn is known as the physiological anemia of the infant, which is not prevented by any preventive measures or is not accompanied by any anomaly.

Iron stores from birth to six months, when the baby receives only breast milk, are engaged physiological needs  a child, without requiring any form of supplementation or solid product administration. This is due to the high bioavailability of iron in human milk, while about 50% of its iron is absorbed, which compensates for its low concentration. However, this bioavailability can be reduced to 80% when a child eats other foods. Therefore, the early introduction of additional foods is considered a factor of high risk of iron deficiency anemia.

You will need:


Already in appearance, you can determine the lack of this protein:

  • lethargy;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • poor growth of hair and nails, their fragility, loss;
  • the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • disturbed emotional tone.

A child under one year also has: dry skin, dry mucous membranes, stomatitis and thrush, impaired stool. The kid does not raise his head in a timely manner, and later begins to roll over and crawl.

Beginning at six months, iron stores are depleted, and food begins to play a dominant role in meeting the needs of this nutrient. It is necessary that the consumption of iron was sufficient and required for this age group. From 6-12 months, iron needs a very large body weight, and the weight of a child at the end of the first year of life has tripled in relation to its weight at birth. Approximately 30% of the iron needed for erythropoiesis should be obtained from food intake, because due to its rapid growth and dependence on food as a source of this mineral, the child becomes quite susceptible to falling into negative iron balance.

If anemia is not detected in time, it can lead to mental as the brain suffers from prolonged oxygen deprivation.

Hemoglobin norm in children

You will need to do a general blood test. Try to periodically monitor your results and check monthly.

Adopt generally accepted standards for blood hemoglobin levels:

This situation is different for an adult who processes about 95% of the iron needed for lysing red blood cells, and only 5% of this comes from the diet. Initially, requirements are determined by the need for absorption of iron. After that, they are converted to assess the needs for dietary iron, taking into account their bioavailability. Consumption of absorbed iron is 0. 96 mg for children from 3 months to 1 year; 0, 61 mg, from 1 to 2 years; and 0, 70 mg, from 2 to 6 years.

For some time it was believed that iron intake within or above the recommendations would be sufficient to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, several studies have failed to link total iron intake with the organic status of iron. However, taking into account the bioavailability studies of nutrients, it is recognized that it is more important than meeting the needs, attention should be paid to the amount of bioavailable iron, which is associated with stimulants and inhibitors of its use, which are present in the same meal.

  • Up to 2 weeks - 135-200 g / l.
  • From 2 weeks to 1 month - 115-180.
  • 1-2 months - 90-130.
  • 2-6 months - 95-140.
  • 6-12 months - 105-140.
  • From 1 to 5 - 110-140.
  • From 5 to 10 - 115-145.
  • From 10 to 12 - 120-150.

After 12 years, the rate for girls and boys is different. So, for the former, it is in the range of 112-152 to 15 years and 115-153 to 18 years. The guys - 120-160 and 117-160, respectively.

In infants up to 6 months of age, a decrease in hemoglobin is often observed. This is due to the fact that intrauterine development  the iron was consumed, and the arrival of a new portion is possible only with breast milk  or mixtures. Therefore, mothers should eat more foods that contain iron. Mixtures, of course, must also be balanced.

Iron is present in food in two forms: heme and non-heme. Bile iron present in meat and veins has very high bioavailability and is not susceptible to inhibitory factors. The meat contains about 4 mg of iron per 100 g of food, absorbs about 40% of this nutrient.

Non-iron iron contained in cereals and vegetables, unlike animal iron, is absorbed by only 10% of the body. Absorption is not hemic form strongly depends on the various components of the diet. Therefore, limited feeding in meat, usually more common in lower income groups, therefore leads to a lower biological utilization of iron.


Revealed anemia requires urgent action. The pediatrician is obliged to establish its cause and prescribe the correct treatment. Often, you can get by adjusting the diet, but in difficult cases this will not be enough.

Drug treatment consists of taking iron-containing drugs with prolonged or short-acting.

Evaluating the diet of children in relation to the quality and quantity of iron consumed, it is noted that there is a greater intake of iron of plant origin than of animal origin, and that a large proportion of the inadequacy of consumption of all iron is among those less than twenty-four months.

When energy and iron intake is analyzed, iron deficiency in the diet, as shown, is not associated with a calorie deficit, but with a certain dietary inadequacy in relation to the mineral. A wide variety of factors are known that facilitate and inhibit the absorption of iron. Various animal tissues, including beef, chicken, fish, goat, liver and pork, increase iron status, ensuring high availability of iron and iron. Iron absorption is not gay.

Oral medication is prescribed to children - their effect comes a few days later than after injections, but has virtually no side effects.

Injections are allowed only in exceptional cases, with serious bowel disease.

The course of taking drugs lasts 3 months. It can not be interrupted even after the elimination of iron deficiency. Thus, there is a restocking of the trace element, which prevents the re-development of anemia.

  Medicines for children are safe, well tolerated, come in a convenient form for all ages and have a pleasant taste. It can be drops, syrup, chewable tablets. A noticeable result from the treatment comes in a month.

When ascorbic acid is added to food, the rapid effect on the percentage of iron absorption is remarkable. On the other hand, phytates, tannins, calcium, phosphates, eggs and other products have an inhibitory effect, because they form precipitates that are insoluble with iron, which complicates their absorption. By itself, the fiber does not affect the absorption of iron. The inhibitory effect of whole grains is also associated with the content of phytate. The inhibitory effect of calcium on iron absorption is of significant nutritional importance.

Studies on the nutritional components of food products have shown that milk supplied by milk strongly inhibits the absorption of heme iron and iron without heme. However, the mechanism of direct effects of calcium on iron absorption is still unknown. There will probably be some kind of competitive inhibition between calcium and iron with the final transfer of the intestinal mucosa to the plasma, which is done for both iron and iron without heme. The inhibitory effect of cow's milk on iron may also be due to the presence of phosphoproteins.

If no effect is observed, the dose may have been selected incorrectly or an erroneous diagnosis was made.

Do not self-medicate! Excess dosages can lead to complications, including vomiting, dermatitis and allergies. Many parents try to cure anemia with hematogen alone, forgetting that it is just a dietary supplement, not a drug.

In egg, the phosphoproteins contained in both the yolk and white have this inhibitory effect. Although the absorption of dietary iron depends on a number of factors, such as the type of iron, organic reserves of the mineral and the combination of foods in the same food, it is possible to predict the nutrient absorption potential in each of the dishes that make up the daily diet, using the equation developed by Monsen and Balintti. This equation takes into account the iron content and potentiating factors of its absorption, present in the composition of each meal.


In addition to the prescribed medications you need to enter a balanced diet. Iron is better absorbed from animal products, while they improve its absorbability from plant foods while consumed at the same time. If the baby does not like meat or fish, give him ascorbic acid, which also contributes to the absorption of iron from fruits, vegetables and cereals.

The sum of the values ​​found in different meals corresponds to the daily amount of iron bioavailability under normal physiological conditions. Using the equation of Monsen and Balint, Osirio confirmed the low bioavailability of iron in children 6–59 months in all age groups and geographical areas of the state of Pernambuco.

It is clear that the adequacy of energy is not necessarily a guarantee of the adequacy of iron consumption. It should also be noted that a quantitative assessment of iron consumption does not specify the adequacy of its consumption. The use of iron has a qualitative connection with the overall consumption of the diet, since specific products are necessary for its better use by the body. Thus, the study of specific dietary factors associated with iron absorption is extremely important for understanding the epidemiological picture of the problem.

Best to start with breakfast cereal. Will benefit, oatmeal,. And after lunch you can give food rich in calcium and vitamins.

In the daily diet, be sure to include:

  • veal;
  • beef;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey;
  • white chicken meat;
  • beef tongue;
  • liver, kidney, heart;
  • yolk;
  • any fish;
  • black caviar.

From these products you can cook any boiled and baked dishes, patties, pates. For children under 2 years old, they are added in ground form to cereals and vegetables.

  From vegetable products we recommend:

Prenatal care and delivery must be effective in preventing and correcting the main health and nutritional problems of a pregnant woman, which can lead to weight loss and prematurity. Similarly, in the postpartum period, monitoring the growth and development of a baby with proper guidance on breastfeeding and complementary feeding can significantly reduce the risk of developing anemia.

There are examples, for example, in Australia and the United States, where iron deficiency is no longer a public health problem in children. preschool age, and in recent years, the level of iron deficiency has decreased, perhaps due to the improvement of the child’s health care system, increasing breastfeeding improving nutritional status and introducing adequate eating habits.

  • mushrooms, especially dry (but they should not be given to children under 6 years old);
  • uncooked and baked potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • beetroot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower, broccoli;
  • tomatoes;
  • peas, beans, lentils;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • greenery.

Important in the diet of the child are fruits, berries and juices.

Kiwi, peach, apricots, pears, plums, pomegranates, apples, persimmon, quince, bananas, black currants, rosehips, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, and sweet cherries are excellent and tasty sources of iron.

  In addition, you can purchase a juicer and then you will definitely win double! Pomegranate, beet and carrot juice can significantly increase hemoglobin in children. You can also cook compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, and both from fresh fruit and dried.

Therefore, the lack of proper care, which prevents anemia and early detection of children with iron deficiency, is considered inadequate. To this end, it is necessary for medical services to regularly integrate nutritional assistance to pregnant women and children through nutritional status assessments and food education activities, while at the same time performing laboratory diagnostics of anemia and receiving supplements to drugs  for treatment.

It is known that anemia in a pregnant woman, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, increases the risk of birth of premature and underweight children. Low birth weight, as an indicator of malnutrition at birth, is considered the determinant of anemia, especially in children in the first year of life. Thus, stocks are depleted earlier, which makes them more dependent on foreign sources and thus facilitates the installation of anemia. On the other hand, Monteiro and Sarfark believed that low birth weight would not fully explain the early onset of anemia in the Sao Paulo municipality, since the population’s low birth weight rate was small.


At about 5-6 months, supplements are administered to the children, which contributes to the elevation of hemoglobin. And a small organism can synthesize it independently only by one year after the launch of important biochemical processes.

  Start with fruit puree, vegetables and buckwheat porridge. The first meat is made from chicken, turkey or beef. Gradually add cottage cheese, yolk, milk porridge, vegetable and butter. Fish puree is given from 8 months, as well as milk, dairy products and bread.

The same reasoning can be applied to the state of Pernambuco, where, although there is a relationship between hemoglobin level and birth weight, this variable alone does not explain the high prevalence of anemia, especially in rural areas, where the lowest incidence is low birth weight and higher prevalence anemia among the children of the state.

Malnourished children are mostly anemic. Protein deficiency in protein-energy malnutrition leads to a decrease in hemoglobin level by 20%, which, apparently, is an adaptation of the organism to a decrease in muscle tissue. However, despite the presence of a significant reduction in malnutrition among children in Brazil, the epidemiological picture of iron deficiency anemia does not show the same trend.

Small children in the first year of life are often prone to anemia, which is the result of an insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is quite dangerous for the child, as it leads to a decrease in immunity and body resistance and slows the development of the child. Its level can usually be recognized by the results of routine blood tests. A low-level pediatrician is often advised to start taking special medications in order to increase hemoglobin in children in the blood.

Vitamin A is believed to affect iron metabolism, but this mechanism has not yet been fully clarified. It is possible that vitamin A does not directly affect the absorption of iron through the intestinal tract, but rather by mobilizing available iron reserves and using iron to form hemoglobin. Another possible mechanism is that vitamin A deficiency reduces the level of transferrin and, therefore, reduces iron transfer.

In areas where vitamin A deficiency is endemic, vitamin A supplementation or enrichment programs can help increase the organic iron content of the population. The literature on the association between iron deficiency and infections is controversial. Some authors believe that any iron deficiency suppresses immune function and increases the risk of infection, while others argue that immune status favors a weak iron deficiency. Changes caused by inflammation and infections in iron metabolism are important mixing factors when assessing the state of iron.

However, in many cases, this measure is extreme, and not every mother wants to stuff her child with medicines from an early age. It is often possible to increase hemoglobin in children in the blood by adding to the children's diet natural products that stimulate its production.

Products that can increase hemoglobin in children.

  • all cereals, except for manna, especially buckwheat (a record holder in iron content) and all legumes (lentils, beans);
  • white chicken meat, beef liver, heart, tongue;
  • red fruits - apples, red varieties of plums, pomegranates, pears, peaches, raw and dried apricots, quince, persimmon;
  • onions, all fresh green vegetables, tomatoes, new potatoes with spinach peel, pumpkin and, of course, beets;
  • bright red and black berries: strawberries, blueberries, cranberries (even frozen store mix will do);
  • all kinds of freshly squeezed natural juices from red vegetables and fruits - beetroot, carrot, pumpkin, pomegranate;
  • a lot of iron is found in egg yolk, caviar, seafood, red raisins, dried fruits like dried apricots or dates. You can give the child hematogen, but in this case it is worth choosing not modern tiles-sweets, but a natural product with a minimum of supplements and sweeteners. All these tools can successfully replace traditional medicines and increase hemoglobin in children to the desired level.

When choosing for a child foods high in iron and vitamins, it is worth remembering that you should not offer him those that cause allergies.

Like a child using folk remedies:

Recipe 1: take 1 cup (250 ml) of rosehip infusion, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of natural honey (if there is no allergy). Such a useful vitamin drink contains a huge amount of hemoglobin and vitamin C. It should be drunk on an empty stomach, a half-cup is enough for a child;

Recipe 2: Take walnuts, dried apricots, natural honey, large sweet raisins (1: 1: 1: 1 ratio), grind in a blender, mix into porridge and give the child several spoons of the mixture every day. In addition to raising the level of hemoglobin in the blood, such a cocktail of dried fruits also nourishes the baby’s body with all necessary vitamins.

Recipe 3: 1/2 cup of fresh apple juice (preferably from red apples), 1/4 cup and 1/4 cup carrot juice. Juices mix and give the child a drink half an hour before feeding. Before that, you need to give the child a spoonful of sour cream or baby cream, since fat is necessary for proper absorption. This juice can not be stored, therefore, these standards need to be broken into a day.

Recipe 4: grind a cup of walnuts in a blender and a glass of raw thoroughly washed buckwheat, add to the mixture 1 cup of natural honey, mix everything. Every day, give the baby 1 tablespoon of the mixture. It can also be consumed by a nursing mother - it perfectly supports the heart and stimulates lactation. Children need to eat 1 tablespoon daily.

As you can see, if the situation is not critical, then it is quite possible to increase hemoglobin in children with simple, useful and natural products, which, moreover, will still be sources of energy and vitamins for growing organism.

Means to increase hemoglobin in a child's blood are extremely diverse - it is only necessary to choose the one that suits your baby.