If the child does not sleep well plot. Conspiracies and rituals of sleep disorders and insomnia. Folk prayer method

Everyone knows that young children have a very unstable psyche. Therefore, various external factors can cause restless sleep. Conspiracy of the baby to sleep will help calm the child.

Effective rituals

As a rule, ceremonies do not differ in complexity and are held at the baby’s bed. Additional attributes used in this case are placed on a chair or on a changing table. Any conspiracy of a baby to sleep belongs to white magic, therefore it cannot harm.

At sunset

Despite the fact that the grandmothers are not advised to put the child to sleep at sunset, the plot of the baby to sleep is read at sunset. To do this, you need to take the baby in your arms, go to the window and look at the sunset, say the magic words. They sound like this:

  “Insomnia is restless, do not ruin the sleep of my child and do not wake him. If you intend to wander all night, then find a dense owl in the forest, a nightingale in the forest or into the intoxicating forest. Go to the forest, look for them, walk with them all night and play, and do not disturb my child's sleep. With a motherly strong word, I drive you away. ”

Environment and sleeping environment. The early work of John Bowlby noted that a pair of mother and child who were constantly together would have reliable affection. It is believed that the emotional safety of the child benefits from skin contact with the skin during the night. A study on early childhood neighbors Hayes, Roberts and Stowe found that babies and children who were single sleepers had a much stronger attachment to the safety object and were most likely worried about the lack of this object than their constellations.

After these words, the baby must sleep soundly and sleep calmly all night.

Strong plot

A strong conspiracy to help put a child to sleep is read on Friday, just at the time when the kid begins to fall asleep. First you need to prepare for the ritual a bundle of sleep-grass, which will need to be tied with a red wool thread. At the beginning of the ceremony it is necessary to cross the child three times. And then say these magic words:

“I baptize my child the Slave of God (name) with a holy cross and then lay it to sleep. Sleep, my baby, firmly, do not be afraid, and wake up - you will have fun from the heart. Amen".

The extraordinary benefits of sleeping are not limited to mother and child, and fathers also report that they get extra time to communicate with the child, which is a direct result of sharing the sleeping area. Fathers who share a family bed are likely to have a less disturbing sleep, since children should not be fully awake and cry to satisfy their needs.

Anthropological evidence of competing societies is abundant. Examples of cultures included in the studies were Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Eskimo,! Kung San in Africa and natives of Okinawa. In the description of Indian culture Okinawa, observations were included as neighbors in parent child   up to six years old and unlimited breastfeedingas well as adult behaviors that are very consistent with safe attachment histories. An interesting contrast to the abundant anthropological evidence of mating is the Israeli kibbutz practice of communal nurseries.

You can pronounce a conspiracy aimed at deep sleep   baby, to contact his Guardian Angel, as well as the Holy One, in whose honor the baby was baptized. For the ceremony it is better to use the icon. It should be sent to the child and utter the following conspiracy:

  “The guardian angel and the Holy One (the name of the Holy One), I’m addressing you my child’s advocates. Come and give advice, how to make the Slave of God (the baby's name) sleep sound and calm. Gently swing the bed of my baby, cross your wings and fingers so that he sleeps soundly all night, and did not know any troubles in a dream. The key and lock to the words maternal reliable and sturdy. Amen".

In the traditional Israeli kibbut communities, babies are raised to sleep in communal nurseries since the age of six. In a study on the effects of such a sleeping device on the attachment of infant mothers Sagi, van Eisendorn, Avizer, Donnell and Meyesnach found that the rate of safe attachment was significantly reduced in infants sleeping in kibbutz orphanages and not in their parents' homes. In a study of 48 healthy babies All babies spent nine hours a day, six days a week in small groups with a professional educator.

During feeding

In order for the baby to fall asleep during the feeding, you can say these magic words. They sound like this:

“Sleep, my sweetheart, in the corner there is a branch that has grown from a sick stump. I will send all your daily restlessness to her, so she will not sleep, and you will sleep and sleep soundly. Only in this way and not otherwise. Amen".

The kibbutz babies with home sleep then spent the night at the care of their parents, while the communal sleeping kibbutz babies returned to orphanages to sleep, and two women watched several children from the center and they were responsible for 50 children from 6 weeks to 12 years old. These "female observers" were members of the kibbutz community who served in this capacity for one week every six months on a rotational basis and therefore were never familiar with babies.

Baseline data on the quality of day care, levels of job satisfaction of mothers, “biographical characteristics, mothers” and characteristics of infants in both groups were considered essentially the same. The only different test was a kibbutz sleep device.

If the magic words are pronounced calmly in a balanced state, then the positive energy of the mother is transmitted to the baby, and he calmly and soundly falls asleep. But if during three days, while reading the plots, you cannot stabilize the sleep of the child, then it is necessary to examine him at a medical institution.

The conspiracy to sleep is one of the most useful in the daily life of the magical rites. He is not associated with dramatic events and strong passions, such as pointing or removing damage or love magic. However, no one person can do without sleep, and if he does not sleep at night, it badly affects his mood, health, and, ultimately, his career and personal life. After all, it is difficult for a person, tortured by sleepless nights, to work well or communicate with close people.

In infants living in a kibbutz home, 80% were classified as having strong affection relationships with their mothers, while among infants with a total sleep only 48% demonstrated strong affection relationships with their mothers. Parents must follow the safety rules for sucking, just as they do for picking a crib.

Plot from Baba Maria

Safety, while sleeping, is of paramount importance. Parents should take very seriously to ensure a safe sleeping environment for children. There are many recommendations, most of which are common sense. To begin with the bed should be arranged in such a way as to exclude the possibility of a child falling out. This can be done using a mesh fence, a special bed for the mower, or by pressing the bed against the wall, making sure that there are no cracks that can catch the child.

Variants of rituals for sound sleep

Special plots on healthy sleep   can help to avoid insomnia, nightmares and other problems associated with night rest, to return the joy of life and self-reliance.

After waking up at night

The conspiracy to sleep described below is described in those cases where you woke up late at night and could not fall asleep again. Lying on your back, place your right hand on the solar plexus and close your eyes.

Then, in the first months, parents must put the child next to the mother, and not between the parents, because fathers usually do not know about their babies, like mothers at first. They should avoid using heavy babies or pillows near the infant. You should not change clothes, because the warmth of the mother will be shared with the child. Babies who are asleep usually breastfeed all night, this should be encouraged. Water beds, sofas and other soft surfaces should not be a place for drowsiness.

It is important that parents should not sleep if they are seriously deprived of sleep or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Unlike these studies, James McKenna, a medical anthropologist, conducted several studies on mother and infant drowsiness. McKenna suggested that the physiology of infant sleep develops in the context of drowsiness and that infant sleep cannot be fully understood without studying the infant in its normative coaxiality environment.

“Dear sleep went, but did not come to an end.
  I wish to reach the end, I call for sleep again. ”

With milk and honey

The Kuban Cossacks for a long time there is a special conspiracy for insomnia. To enhance it, they used milk and honey. Milk boiled and placed next to the bed.

While it was cooling down, it was necessary to repeat several times:

Using established recording polysomnographic guidelines, McKenna recorded sleep, breathing, and arousal patterns of mothers and their children aged two to four months who slept in the lab, and also recorded the same information for babies and mothers who slept alone in neighboring rooms for two nights and then sleep together on the third night. The preliminary results of the sucking study showed that drowsy mothers and babies had a significantly higher level of obsessive interaction and synchronous sleep.

"Milk cools, insomnia flies away."

When the milk is cold enough to be drunk, you need to put a spoonful of honey in it, mix it and drink it in slow sips.

Before each sip, repeating:

"Insomnia goes away, healthy sleep comes."

From prolonged insomnia

This rite is held if a person suffers from prolonged insomnia. As a rule, this happens in cases when a person has been defaced or has been put under the evil eye.

Hell from insomnia in a child

The authors note that this may be due to the increased stimulation that babies receive as a result of the practice of Asian baby care. These methods include accompanying, portable and other activities that are associated with the child more in everyday life.

Benefits of an attendant nursing couple include increased access to nursing with less sleep disturbance for the mother and infant. According to sleep studies, sleeping mothers are in fact more likely to feed their children throughout the night, but after waking up in the morning they don’t remember much about those interactions. Despite frequent awakenings during sleeping sessions, mothers reported that they slept more sleepy than they slept separately from their children.

For the ceremony, you must first prepare the seven church candles. The ritual is held in a separate room at midnight. Candles should be installed on the table, so that they form a circle. Then you should sit comfortably at the table and light the installed candles. It is necessary to look intently, without looking away, at the flame of candles. In the process, you need to fully focus on wanting to get rid of insomnia that has tormented you. When to get rid of the whole world you need to start repeating the conspiracy in a whisper until they burn out the candles.

Many neighbors defenders also believe that sleep, as a component of natural or affection, education ultimately leads to more confident and independent children. Pediatric experts over the past decades have described children who have been sleeping in the “parental bed” as having serious negative consequences for both parents and children. Authors and child care experts, such as Dr. Ferber, warned parents that they would create negative habits or sleep disorders in their children, and strengthen unhealthy dependence on children, and that sucking would be harmful for parents of “marriages ". the irregular custom of contemplation from birth, compared with the reactive use of mating to solve problems with older children, seems to underlie these contradictory provisions.

“Let the Day Slave (s) of God (s) (own name) walk and walk, and at night let rest await him. I wish the dark night would cover me with a soft and warm slumber, so that all my thoughts would not circle black crows over my head. Let my thoughts take the night to me, and give me a strong sleep. And if the enemy or foe tried, but sent damage to me, so let him wait for his evil finale. He will cry like wax candles. If done to me, then he will return a hundred times. As soon as the candles go out, so dark all the evil will disappear into life captivity. I will get rid of insomnia severe and angry. Become like a baby, sleep well at night. Everything that I said will come true. Amen".

Reactive mating studies have found correlations between sleepy and childhood sleep disorders and family stress, but cultural differences in black and white and Latin American family nightmares were significant. The frequency of registered sleep problems for white child rescuers was three times higher than that of single sleepers, but the opposite was true for black neighbors who had lower sleep speed problems than black single sleepers. The results of these studies did not reveal a causal relationship between sleepiness and sleep disorders.

After the candles go out, you should leave and go to bed. If everything went well, then you should fall asleep very quickly. The next morning you need to collect in the package of candle ends and take out away from the house, where to bury. This ceremony can be held as many times as you like, until you completely get rid of insomnia.

Although serious, peer-reviewed studies, non-reactive spall studies are not yet available, anthropological data and studies by both Sears doctors seem to confirm the validity of sucking as a worthy custom, especially if the mother and baby are breastfed. His wife, who slept with her parents and feeds her son, intuitively wants to sleep. However, the author feels more comfortable following the snow specialists. After months of sleep deprivation and many attempts to teach the child to sleep alone, the father relents.

Ceremonies for babies

A special kind of conspiracy for insomnia is conspiracy to a healthy sleep a child. Both babies and older children often cannot sleep for a long time, tormenting themselves and torturing their parents.

Method number 1

To help your baby sleep soundly, utter a special plot above his crib.

It sounds like this:

A conspiracy for a peaceful sleep

After that, the father begins to realize that the main reasons that most experts give for their antisolar positions are parental convenience and an uncertain idea of ​​the importance of children's independence. Ball, Hooker and Kelly conducted a study in the United Kingdom to determine the base level of independent sleep among British parents. It was believed that, although competition is not part of the mainstream of parenting ideology in the UK or America, and although the literature in this area is a jumble of reactive and cross-cultural comparisons, this study will open the door for proper discussion of attitudes and practices of night education.

“Sleep sweet, sleep healthy!
  My little one, (baby's name) put it down,
  In sleepy mansion carry.
  To sleep tightly baby
  So that his soul rested. "

When pronouncing this plot, gently rub your palm over the child's closed eyes.

Method number 2

  You can also use another plot that will allow your child to fall asleep faster. It is noteworthy that such a magical act will lead the child to see bright fairy dreams and wake up the next morning easily, without whims and in a good mood. To do this, after the child lies in the crib, sit next to him, gently stroke his face with his fingers and be sure to keep his eyes closed. At the same time say these words:

“Guardians of my baby are your true heavenly warriors. Come and stand at the head of the Slave of God (the name of the child), be sure to stand on the right side, be sure to become on the side of the left to reliably protect the sleep of my baby. Hail him sweet dreams and guard the dream of a servant of God (baby name). Guard, Guardian Angels, my child from evil spirits, from the black word of evil people. Go to sleep my baby and sleep a good and calm sleep in the morning. Amen".

Before every sip repeating

The study was conducted by attracting future parents to the economically depressed community in Northern England. Parents were interviewed about the expectations of infant care before birth, and then about the actual methods of care for babies, when the child was supposed to be between two and four months old. Forty families completed both interviews. Were interviewed both new and experienced parents. None of the new parents expected to sleep with a child, although in fact 70% of them did indeed sleep with their babies at least occasionally.

Plots for babies

  As it is known, very often for various reasons, it is babies who are restless in a dream. The reason for this often serves precisely fright. Therefore, there is a huge number of conspiracies through which you can calm the child and lull the crumbs.

At sunset

  One of the effective conspiracies is read for three days at sunset. Optimally to enhance the magical effect of looking at the sun, descending beyond the horizon. The child during the reading of the plot should be kept on hand. The magic words are as follows:

"You, insomnia is unkind, don't be good around, don't wake up my baby.
  If you feel like sleeplessness, fornicating, go to the birds,
  owl or nightingale, or go to any hop head.
  How much do you want to walk with them, but do not bother with my child.
  I am strong and drive you away, and my words will not overcome you. Amen".

Mothers who were interviewed after childbirth often indicated ease of breastfeeding, lying in bed, and ease of child care during scraping. Not surprisingly, experienced parents were more realistic in their expectations, 35% expected to sleep and 59% actually participated in sleeping rest. The overwhelming majority of pioneering mothers who flew in and all experienced mothers who escaped also breastfed their children. The study showed that, despite the prejudice to drowsiness as a dangerous and rare practice, these main British parents consider it an effective method of caring for babies and usually participate in it.

During breastfeeding

  You can also talk baby from insomnia during breastfeeding. The magic words in this case must be pronounced in a whisper. They sound like this:

“Sleep, my baby, sweet and beloved. In the corner stands a branch from a dry tree, from a sick stump.
  I’ll send a restless day to that branch, but your baby will be left at night.
  Let that branch dry suffer, and my baby calmly rests. Amen".

Before lulling

Each time, putting a small child to sleep, it is possible to pronounce the following words:

“Grandfather Toptun, an evil screamer, take your screamer under the capon's large wing.
  Calm him and put him to rest, and my child shall rest the peace. Amen".

To remove the night owl

  In infancy age it often happens that the child confuses day and night. That is, during the day the baby sleeps, and at night he is awake. This condition is called the midnight bird, and it can be removed using special plots. Remember that this is a must-do, as the night owl can provoke nervous disorders   and in general will adversely affect the health of the baby in the future. For the ceremony you will need:
    Deep bowl; Holy pod; Sharp objects, for example, forks or knives.
  Cooked sharp objects should be placed under the pillow to the child, and the bowl filled with holy water and placed under the bed. After that, these magic words should be spoken very firmly and confidently:

“I order you, night owl. Here I give you a lake so that you can drown in it. Yes, I give a sharp knife in addition, so that you stabbed them. So that you will forever turn away from my child, God's Slave (baby's name). ”

Water and sharp attributes should be left until morning. Early in the morning the next day, sharp attributes need to be removed from under the pillow, and water should be taken out of the house and thrown out at the nearest intersection. In no case should water be poured into the toilet or sink. On the same day, you will need to change the child's mattress and blanket, as well as the entire bed. The room must be thoroughly ventilated and cleaned of the negative, passing with a lit church candle around the perimeter of the room. Speaking any conspiracy for a good full sleep, you need to believe that this particular rite will help you. In addition, it is very important to understand that a positive and benevolent attitude towards the world around you will help to cope with insomnia.