Necessary first aid kit for a child. Home first aid kit for children

Going on vacation, we dream about how we will climb the mountains, splash in the sea, walk in the woods or sunbathe on the beach. And we don’t want to think at all that this vacation can darken the disease. And it is right! It’s not worth thinking about illnesses, but being fully armed is important. Therefore, for trips to rest with the children first-aid kit must be assembled in advance.

Handbag or box

For starters, stock up with a handy handbag or a box with several compartments into which you can conveniently sort the drugs.

Remedies for injuries, wounds and cuts

For scratches, wounds and abrasions, prepare a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, iodine and brilliant green. Use cotton swabs and discs, sterile and elastic bandages, a patch for fixation. I also recommend taking a plaster with a pad for small wounds. Do not forget the little scissors, tweezers and hemostat. If a child has bruises and bruises, then Heparin ointment or Venoruton and Troxevasin gels can help.

Burn remedies

Burns require immediate assistance. To relieve feelings of pain and burning, you can use sprays "Olazol" or "Panthenol". In the future, so that the wound does not inflame, and the skin is restored, you need to use the pre-stored anti-microbial cream Silvederm or Dermazin.

Remedies for pain and heat

The first thing to do is put a thermometer in the first-aid kit. Currently, you can purchase an electronic version and not be afraid that it will break on the road. You can also grab a spare set of batteries for it.

As for means to reduce fever and relieve pain, children are allowed to use paracetamol or ibuprofen-based products (Cfefecon candles, Tylenol drops, Panadol or Efferalgan syrup, Nurofen syrups - tablets, syrup or candles). It is important to take different forms of the drug, tablets and syrup are used if there is no vomiting. With nausea and vomiting, antipyretic suppositories are prescribed.

For cramps with pain, you can use such a well-known antispasmodic, as "no-shpa." For children older than 2-3 years, you can use a number of drugs: "Spazgan", "Baralgin", "Pentalgin". Preparations should be taken in the form of tablets and ampoules for intramuscular administration (they will require disposable syringes and alcohol wipes).

Remedies for stomach problems

From the unusual food or even new water, climate change and any infection in the child may have problems with the stomach. Therefore, we must pre-stock all options of drugs that may be needed in this case.

Intestinal antiseptic Enterofuril in the form of capsules or syrup, depending on the age of the child. It is used in intestinal infections,.

Enzymes (Creon, Mezim or Abomin) - are necessary for poisoning, overeating, feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Be sure to grab enterosorbents, Smektu or Enterosgel. They carry on themselves bacteria and toxins from the child’s body in case of poisoning and contribute to the consolidation of the chair.

In diarrhea, the baby loses a large amount of fluid and electrolytes, this requires restoration not only with clean water, but also with specialized solutions such as Trisol, Enterodez, or Gastrolit, which need to be put in the first-aid kit in advance. After an infection, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, so it is very important that the drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacteria, Normospectrum, Bifiform are on hand.

Among the violations of the chair may be not only diarrhea, but Duphalac for prolonged use.

To relieve pain when abdominal distention is used Espumizan in the form of syrup.

Cough drops

If space permits, take a nebulizer with you - a very useful and effective device in the treatment of cough. It needs ampoules with saline, Berodual and hormonal agents, for example, Dexamethasone (it is used when a laryngeal stenosis occurs, a frequent complication of laryngitis).

When coughing, as a rule, funds are needed to dilute the sputum and improve its discharge, for example, ACC, Lasolvan, Bromhexin. The most common treatment for cough in babies is Stodal syrup. You can take mustard plasters or dry mustard with you — soar your feet, but remember that such procedures can only be done.

Remedies for inflammation and sore throat

In this case, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic throat sprays may be required, such as, for example, Miramistin and Hexoral. For older kids, you can grab the rinse solution “Iodinol” or “Chlorhexidine”, filter sachets.

Remedies for the treatment of rhinitis

It also makes sense to take antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drops on the road. Vibrocil, Isofra anti-bacterial spray and Prolidex hormonal remedy. You can still equip the first aid kit Rinofluimutsilom - this effective remedy to combat nasal congestion and the first manifestations of sinusitis. It makes sense to take and vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nazol baby, which facilitate nasal breathing.

Remedies for pain in the ears and eyes

In the first aid kit should be Otipaks - anti-inflammatory and painkillers. You can grab cotton wool and boric alcohol to make your baby a compress.

If eyes are inflamed, they can be washed with furatsilin solution (1 tablet per cup of boiled water). Also in the first aid kit must be a drop of "Albucid" or "Sofradex."

Allergy Remedies

From allergies you need to stock up with drugs that are taken orally, for example, Zyrtec drops or Erius syrup, and, without fail, means for external use, for example, Fenistil gel: its use is especially important after insect bites.

Antibacterial agents

Of course, prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs of the doctor, but at hand such funds should always be, especially abroad or in the country, when to get a prescription from a doctor or simply get to buy medicine is not so easy. Take Makropen or Sumamed with you, along with annotations to the application.

I wish you a good rest and unpacked baby kit!

The first-aid kit for the child of 1 3 years for travel across Russia:

2. Sterile bandage

4. Bactericidal plaster
5. Wet Wipes

7. Alcohol wipes
8. Syringes 2 and 5 ml (of which it is also convenient to give drugs)
9. Pipette
10. Earsticks
11. Avia-More (it is possible even for children from the 1st year), or Dramina - from motion sickness. Can Zerukal - it is more versatile, suitable for vomiting and poisoning.
12. Hygiene packages (if the child will be sick)
13. Solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) (you can pencil)
14. Iodine (after all, iodine is not only a valuable antiseptic, but also three, four decimeters of iodine net). (Can pencil)
15. Nurofen Syrup - Antipyretic
16. Nise tablets 50 mg (strong antipyretic, with the ineffectiveness of other drugs and the inability to make an injection)
17. Chamomile in filter bags No. 10 - antiseptic for treating skin, rinsing of the pharynx, in case of poisoning
18. Hydrovit - for poisoning and diarrhea
19. Kipferon candles and vials in vials - antiviral, with viral gastroenteritis, vomiting - must be transported together with cold elements, preferably in a small cooler bag (cold elements should be at least 4 (better 6) to cover the drug from all sides). In extreme cases, you can use a thermos in which to put ice, frozen in the fingertips or in eggs from under the kinder surprise, then depends on the fantasy. THESE PREPARATIONS MUST BE TAKEN!
20. Thermometer (for water at will and normal (it can be infrared, it measures everything: water, air and body temperature))
21. Nazivin 0.025% - dripping into the nose
22. Ointment Rescuer - from bruises, sprains, abrasions (or Troxevasin - only from bruises)
23. Suprastin - antiallergenic
24. Fenistil gel - antiallergenic, local for insect bites and allergies.
25. Bepanten - with inflammatory changes in the skin
26. Panthenol aerosol - for sun and other burns
27. No-shpa with abdominal pain
28. Ampoule with ammonia (or vial) - with fainting and heat stroke
29. Ampoule Analgin, Suprastin, No-shpy, Prednisolone - in case of emergency.

The first-aid kit for the child of 1 3 years for travel abroad:

1. Sterile wadding (small package)
2. Sterile bandage
3. Sterile gauze wipes
4. Bactericidal plaster
5. Wet Wipes
6. Hydrogen peroxide solution 3%
7. Alcohol wipes
8. Syringes 2 and 5 ml (of which it is convenient to give drugs)
9. Pipette
10. Earsticks
11. Hygiene packages (if the child is sick)
12. Avia-More (it is possible even for children from the 1st year), or Dramina - from rocking
13. Reglan in tablets - with vomiting.
14. Solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) (you can pencil)
15. Iodine (after all, iodine is not only a valuable antiseptic, but also three, four decimeters of iodine net). (Can pencil)
16. Efferalgan in syrup and in candles (better Nurofen syrup and Tsefekon syrup (from 6 months), since it is more universal by age) - antipyretic
17. Nise tablets 50 mg (strong antipyretic, with the ineffectiveness of other drugs and the inability to make an injection)
18. Candles with analginum - antipyretic, analgesic
19. Paracetamol tablets - antipyretic
20. Chamomile in filter bags No. 10 is an antiseptic for treating skin, rinsing the pharynx, in case of poisoning
21. Thermometer (for water at will and normal (it can be infrared, it measures everything: water, air and body temperature))
22. Nazivin 0.025% (again, it is better to put a more versatile Vibrocil or both, or Tizin, or Otrivin 0.025%)
23. Ointment Rescuer - from bruises, sprains, abrasions (or Troxevasin)
24. Suprastin - antiallergenic
25. Fenistil gel - antiallergenic, local with insect bites and allergies.
26. Otipaks, Anauran - with otitis
27. Boric alcohol - for otitis
28. Polydex or Isofra - for purulent rhinitis
29. Regidron - in case of poisoning and vomiting.
30. Hydrovit - for poisoning and diarrhea
31. Smecta - in case of poisoning, dilution of the stool
32. Enterol - capsules for stool disorder
33. Linex (or several bags of Bifidum-Forte) - when the stool is diluted, dysbacteriosis
34. Mezim-forte (or Creon 10.000) - for poisoning, fermentopathy
35. Furazolidone (Ersefuril is softer and works better) - in case of bacterial poisoning
36. Bepanten - with inflammatory changes in the skin
37. Cream with a sun protection factor (factor of at least 40, a good cream from Mustella))
38. Ampoule with ammonia (or vial) - with fainting and heat stroke
39. Panthenol aerosol - with solar and other burns
40. Albucid - with conjunctivitis
41. 0,25% chloramphenicol eye drops - with conjunctivitis, purulent rhinitis
42. Furacilin - antiseptic for treating wounds, rinsing throat
43. Kipferon candles and vials in vials — antiviral, with viral gastroenteritis, vomiting — must be transported with cold elements, preferably in a small cooler bag (there should be at least 4 cold elements (6) to cover the drug from all sides). In extreme cases, you can use a thermos in which to put ice, frozen in the fingertips or in eggs from under the kinder surprise, then depends on the fantasy. THESE PREPARATIONS MUST BE TAKEN!
44. Aflubin or any of his analogs (Anaferon) - a homeopathic remedy for ARVI
45. Antibiotic Flemoksin-Solyutab 125 mg and Sumamed-Forte-suspension - only on prescription
46. ​​Furagin - with urinary tract infection, cystitis
47. Hexoral spray - irrigate pharyngeal pharyngitis (antiseptic)
48. Tantum Verde - irrigate pharyngeal pharyngitis (anti-inflammatory and analgesic)
49. Lizobakt dissolve when pharyngitis, to improve immunity
50. Cough syrup (dry cough syrup in sachets, Lasolvan tablets, Ascoril) - cough
51. Derinat (you can grippferon, because it is suitable for adults) - increases antiviral immunity
52. No-shpa with abdominal pain
53. Ampoule Analgin, Suprastin, No-shpy, Prednisolone - in case of emergency.
54. Valocordin - with marked arousal of the child (3 drops, diluted in water)
55. Remedies for mosquitoes (you can company Moustidose, they have preparations for children up to a year)

ATTENTION! If an adult or a child in a family suffers from a chronic disease that requires constant drug therapy, be sure to take the necessary drugs with you to rest. (for example, Nebulizer with drugs to it, if the child suffers from Bronchial asthma, frequent laryngitis or bronchitis)

  • Drugs should always be stored in a dry, cool and inaccessible place for children. It is desirable that the drugs are locked with a key or a small padlock.
  • ALWAYS READ CONDITIONS OF STORAGE OF PREPARATIONS (otherwise, in the best version of the medicine you get a "dummy", in the worst poison)
  • Means intended for children should be kept separate from “adult” drugs in order not to accidentally confuse these drugs.
  • It is necessary to monitor expiration dates. drugs, cannot use expired products.
  • Tablets and capsules must be squeezed out of the package, and not torn off (so that the name of the drug and the shelf life can be read)
  • Do not throw out annotations to medicines.
  • To ensure that the preparations do not take up much space, they can be taken out of the carton packs before the trip and must be packed in plain paper, where you can put in a summary of the preparation, carefully seal the stapler and sign the name of the preparation on paper, its shelf life. Stapler is advisable to take with you on a trip.

When people are going to have a child, they try to prepare for it as best they can. And behind diapers, toys, books and rattles, parents often forget about the home first aid kit, which should already be home from the very birth of a baby.

All children are sick, regardless of the efforts of parents. The only difference is in frequency and consequences. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and get advice and appointments for the diagnosis. Giving medicines should start on the first day. And in case of an unexpected sudden rise in temperature above 38 ° C, vomiting or allergies, you should help the child independently before the arrival of the doctor. In such situations, you need to call an emergency room, describe the symptoms and follow the recommendations before the doctor arrives.

So, we will pay attention to the main elements of the home pediatric first-aid kit. It is enough to have one drug from each item in each group.


  • Antipyretic drugs. Analgin and no-shpa pills.
      Ibuprofen (children's forms - ibufen, nurofen in syrups).
      Candles Analdim, Tsefekon (follow the terms and conditions of storage).
  • Preparations with paracetomol (Panadol, Efferalgan).
  • Drugs for poisoning, violations of the chair.
      Leveling fluids: Regidron, HUMANA Electrolyte, glucose.
      Detoxification: Atoxyl, Smecta, Enteros-Gel, Activated Carbon.
  • Antiviral drugs.
      For children up to three years old - Laferobion (candles and drops), Viferon (candles), Otsillococcinum, Engistol, Aflubin.
      For children over three years old - Anaferon, Arbidol, Groprinosin.
      Prevention: oxolinic ointment, saline 0.9% or sea salt solution (Humer, Marimer) for washing the nose.
  • Drugs for sore throat of different nature:
      Solutions and sprays: Chlorophyllipt (oil for children up to 3 years, alcohol-free - from 2 years, alcohol after 3 years), Orasept, Ingallipt, Angileks.
      Herbs: sage, chamomile, fennel for rinsing.
      Lotion and tablets: Septefril, Lysobact, Faringosept.
  • Antiallergic drugs:
      For children up to the year: Fenistil (drops and gel).
      From 3 years old: Loratadine (syrup and tablets).
  • Antitussive and expectorant drugs:
      From dry cough: plantain syrup, Ascoril, Prospan.
      From wet: syrups Mukolvan, Ambroxol, Lasolvan, powder ACC.
  • Vasoconstrictor (nasal obstruction): Nazivin baby, otrivin.
  • First aid:
      With stenosis and bronchospasm - candles Rektodelt, spray Salbutamol.
      In acute allergic reactions - Dimedrol, dexamethasone.
  • Antiseptics:
      antibacterial hand gel;
      cleansing wet wipes;
      solutions of iodine, brilliant green and fukartsina;
      alcohol or analogue;
      furatsilina tablets;
      hydrogen peroxide.

Attention! The information is for informational purposes only. Before using the drugs, consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions. Self-medication may have consequences.

Tools and equipment

  1. Thermometers (rectal for infants and mercury for older children).
  2. Tonometer.
  3. Rubber pear 5 ml and a set of pears from 15 to 500 ml.
  4. Sterile syringes (1, 2, 5 ml).
  5. Spleotsos and gas outlet tube.
  6. Dressings.
  7. Plastic or a set of wooden sight spatulas.
  8. Pipette.
  9. Containers for collecting urine and feces.
  10. A set of test strips for measuring the level of acetone in the urine.
  11. Rubber hot water bottle.
  12. A set of disposable masks and boot covers.

All this is designed to make your life easier and prepare for possible and inevitable problems. All medicines and instruments should be kept in proper conditions. All of the above should be available at any time to all adults in the house, arranged for the purpose and have a normal shelf life. For this fit a tightly closed drawer or box. The main thing - to protect children from accidental use of the contents.

You also need to write a list of drugs and separately indicate the dosage for emergency drugs - antipyretic, drugs for vomiting and diarrhea (restoring water balance), drugs for bronchospasm and obstruction, stenosis. You can find out the dosage from the pediatrician or independently according to the instructions for the preparation.

If the weight of the child differs from the generally accepted age norms, the child has specific chronic diseases or has a tendency to drug allergies - before you give the drug, you should consult with your doctor.

A small child requires constant care. All means for this should contain a first-aid kit for babies. It is necessary to form it before the baby is born - many components of the first-aid kit will be needed from the first days of life.

baby first aid kit

The composition of the first aid kit must include:

  • hygiene products;
  • antiseptics for disinfection in the first days of life and for disinfecting the skin of a baby with wounds;
  • necessary medical supplies for medical procedures;
  • medications for emergency aid to a sick child.

Hygiene Care Products

  1. Baby bathing soap. For convenience, you can purchase a liquid dispenser.
  2. Children's cream for lubrication of folds.
  3. Diaper Rash Cream - Bepanten, Purelan, Zindol or D-panthenol (). These creams will help mom during the treatment.
  4. Powder is used to prevent diaper rash before dressing diapers. Do not use it simultaneously with the cream.
  5. Baby massage oil.
  6.   for wetting cotton flagella when processing the nose and ears.
  7. Cotton wool for cleaning the ears and nose. To do this, roll small flagella and clean the ear and nasal passages.
  8. Cotton swabs will be useful for the treatment of antiseptic umbilical wounds, pimples, bites.
  9. Cotton swabs, equipped with a limiter to clean the ear.
  10. Cotton pads for hygiene. Cotton wool can be used instead, but it leaves cotton particles on the skin.
  11. Wipes for quick care in case of an emergency.

Care accessories

  1. Small nail scissors with rounded ends and a protective cap.
  2. Alcohol thermometer will help to measure the temperature of the water while bathing.
  3. Nasal aspirator to remove nasal discharge ().

Medical instruments

  1. Thermometer for temperature measurement. It is safer to use an electronic thermometer, although the mercury gives more correct readings. ()
  2. The syringe No. 1 on 25 ml for carrying out enemas. ()
  3. Vent tube number 1 for the discharge of gases in intestinal colic. ()
  4. Warmer to relieve abdominal pain.
  5. Pipette with a rounded end in a case (2 pcs.) For instillation of drugs in the ears and nose.
  6. Bandage 2 pcs., One sterile, for dressings.
  7. Sterile wipes will be needed in the early days for the treatment of the umbilical wound.
  8. A syringe dispenser or a spoon with a dispenser for administering drugs.


  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  2. Brilliant green solution 1% 10 ml or chlorofillipta alcohol solution. The second option is characterized by the absence of a burning sensation during the treatment of wounds, unlike green brilliant.
  3. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is needed to treat wounds: in the first days of the umbilical, then any other. It is better to purchase it in a dry form and make a 5% solution at home: dissolve 5 g in warm water (100 ml) and strain through gauze in three layers. Store the solution for 10 days. In the first month of a child's life, it is better to bathe in water with the addition of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. This powerful disinfectant disinfects baby’s delicate skin.
  4. Alcohol iodine solution 5%, 1 ml.
  5. Medical alcohol for disinfection.
  6. Bactericidal plaster is used when skin is damaged.

the composition of the first-aid kit for a newborn


  1. Vitamin D solution (Akvadetrim or Vigantol) for the prevention of rickets.
  2. Antipyretic agent based on paracetamol in suppositories or in liquid form (Efferalgan, Panadol, or Ibuprofen). It will take a sharp increase in temperature. ()
  3. Antihistamine: Suprastin, Fenistil, Tavegil, Telfas or Claritin. Needed when an allergic reaction occurs.
  4. Remedy for intestinal colic (Espumizan, Plantex). In children in the first months of life, the occurrence of intestinal colic is very common. ()
  5. Activated carbon (sorbent) in capsules.
  6. The remedy for diarrhea (diarrhea) - Smekta, Linex.
  7. Constipation medication -.
  8. Drops from a cold in the form of a spray (Nazivin, Aquamaris).
  9. Eye drops Albucid.
  10. Furacilin tablets. His solution will be needed in the event of conjunctivitis for washing the eyes and for washing the genitals of girls. ()
  11. Interferon powder to strengthen the baby's immunity during a flu epidemic.
  12. Gel to relieve pain when teething - Dentol, Kamistad, Calgel.

It is possible to add herbal preparations to the children's first-aid kit for newborns. The infusion of the series and chamomile is useful to add to the water when bathing (). They have a beneficial effect on the delicate skin of babies and relieve irritation. A decoction of dill or fennel seed will help to relieve intestinal colic.

It is necessary to use all medicines only in emergency cases, strictly according to the instructions. Take the minimum dose and carefully observe the reaction of the baby. Further treatment should be prescribed by the treating pediatrician.

Storing first aid kit

  We divide the ready first-aid kit of the baby into two parts. First, for everyday use, keep handy in a place easily accessible to parents. The other for emergency cases should be stored separately in a dark and dry place. Candles and ointments should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Be sure to keep all instructions to drugswhich contains information about their purpose, expiration dates and release date. Every three months, you need to see everything that is included in the first-aid kit of the newborn.  Throw out those drugs that have expired. See the cash of all necessary and, if necessary, to purchase.

The easiest way to go to the pharmacy, and buy a ready-made kit for the care of a newborn. True, such a kit may not meet all the needs of child care. Some funds you may not need, and the missing will have to buy separately. Therefore, it is best to make a list of everything you need yourself and go to the pharmacy for a purchase. Of course, not all medicines are useful to a child, but they must be purchased in case of unforeseen situations.

  Download and print the full list of first-aid kits

View the full composition of the first aid kit

1. "Cefikon D" or any candles containing paracetamol, on temperature and pain.

2. Children's "Nurofen".

3. Candles "Viferon" - increase immunity, are prescribed for colds, infections.

4. Candles "Viburkol" - a homeopathic remedy for high temperatureAre appointed when teeth are cut.

5. Furacilin - antibacterial tablets for rinsing, washing.

6. Dry baby cough syrup.

7. “Physiomer” or “Aquamaris”, or “Aqualor” - sea water solutions for washing the spout.

8. Aspirator.

9. Nazivin for babies - a vasoconstrictor from a cold.

For skin

10. Hydrogen peroxide (handle navels, scratches, etc.).

11. Zelenka (for processing the navel in the liquid form, for scratches, etc. - Lekker pencil).

12. Chlorophyllipt (lubricate pimples, inflammation, add to the bath when bathing).

13. Potassium permanganate - bathe the child in the first days after the hospital.

14. Ointment "Bepanten" - lubricate cracks, irritation, dry skin.

15. Ointment "Dropalen" - in case of irritation, prickly heat, diaper rash.

16. Zinc paste - remarkably fights pottery.

17. Calendula tincture / calendula ointment - lubricate scratches, irritations.

18. "Fenistil" gel - from allergic skin manifestations, insect bites.

19. Salvation Ointment - bruises, burns, scratches, bites, etc.

20. Ointment "Arnica" - bruises, hematomas, bruises.

21. Alcohol wipes.

22. Napkins styptic.

For tummy

23. “Baby Calm” - drops from colic-gazik (on the grass).

24. "Sab Simplex" - drops from colic-gazik (active ingredient - smectin).

25. Tea "Plantex" (attention: very few people read the instructions, but this tea cannot be given to babies with lactose deficiency!)

26. Enemas with a soft tip No. 1 and No. 2 (release gases, use instead of an aspirator and directly for enemas).

27. Glycerin candles - use for constipation (for babies - 1/7 part, well cut by thread).

28. "Microlax" - microclysmose, very convenient to use, also used for constipation (half a tube is introduced for babies).

29. “Duphalac” - from constipation, can be taken from birth.

30. "Regidron" - restores the body's need for fluid with diarrhea and vomiting.

31. "Smekta" - with diarrhea, indigestion.

32. Vapor tube - for "prokukivaniya" (difficult to get).

For eyes

33. Ointment tetracycline eye.

34. Drops of chloramphenicol ophthalmic (these two options are just from the category of "penny" drugs, which may not be in the nearest pharmacies).


35. Chamomile - anti-inflammatory agent, relieves spasms, applied inside and outwardly (baths, washing).

36. Mint - relieves nausea.

37. Calendula - an external anti-inflammatory agent.

38. A succession - antiallergic weed, for internal use and baths.

39. Motherwort - a sedative, you can add to the bath.

40. Bay leaf - as well as a series, fights against allergic manifestations.


41. "Fenistil" drops - antiallergic (if not needed in the current mode, it will be required for vaccinations).

42. "Kalgel" - gel with lidocaine, reduces the pain from teething.

43. Thermometer in the room, a thermometer in the bath, a thermometer to measure body temperature. Now very convenient infrared thermometers are being sold, which measure very accurately the temperature of both the body and the air in the room.


Video: First aid kit for newborn. What you need to buy first?

The composition of the kit from Mom Lara:

  • Where to store?

  • How to choose the optimal composition of the first-aid kit?

  • What drugs are needed primarily for children 3 years and older?

  • We will try in this article to answer these and other questions, as well as to collect a children's first aid kit for a child from 3 years old, with their own hands. If you need to assemble a first-aid kit for a child under 3 years old, follow the link:

    Let us examine the basic tools, which should always be “at hand” with the parents.

    • Disinfectants (antiseptic)

      Alcohol iodine solution 5%, brilliant green solution (brilliant green) and hydrogen peroxide 3%. Apply iodine solution should be carefully. Soak a small cotton swab with the solution, (sometimes it is enough with a cotton swab), and then, without touching the wound surface, treat the area around the wound.

    • Wound Healing Ointment

      In the first aid kit can be one of the following: Pantestin, Bepanten or Actovegin (aka Solcoseryl). The ointment is usually applied under a sterile dressing, 2-3 times a day. If the wound begins to "get wet", you should use pounded streptocide tablets, or streptocid ready-made powder (you can also use Baneocin powder).

    • Dressings

      Required: Vata or cotton pads, cotton swabs, sterile bandage, bactericidal adhesive plasters and one adhesive plaster per roll.

    • Remedy for increased body temperature

      A child from 3 years old can take almost any antipyretic syrups: (Ibuprofen), and Efferalgan (Pracetamol). Just as an alternative to syrups, you can use candles with the same active ingredients: Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, or homeopathic candles Viburcol.

    • Cold remedy

      First of all, it is necessary to use preparations containing a weak salt solution (usually isotonic solution can be used) or preparations with sea water: Aquamaris. Further, if necessary, it is possible to apply vasoconstrictor agents: children's forms of such drugs as Naphthyzinum, Farmazolin, Nazivin, etc. It should be remembered that the use of these vasoconstrictor drugs is limited - no more than a week, since they can cause addiction and drying of the mucous membrane.

    • Cough drops

      Of course, only the attending physician can prescribe the correct remedy. Usually used externally: Pulmex Baby ointment, Eucalyptus balsam, Eucabal ointment. Inside: vegetable syrups - Eucabalus, plantain syrup, Gerbion, Prospan or mucolytic agents: Lasolvan, Ambrobene, ACC.

    • Throat treatment

      A child from 3 years suitable Lizobakt, spray Tantum Verde.

    • Antiallergic

      Inside use only as prescribed by a doctor. And from the external means, the gel Fenistil is useful or - will help with insect bites, and from various irritations on the skin, with allergies.

    • Drugs used in indigestion, vomiting and poisoning

      Before treating an upset stomach, you should make sure that there is no needing immediate, qualified medical attention. Sorbents are shown: activated charcoal, Smekta is better for children. Also in the kindergarten kit can put saline solutions to restore the water-salt balance: Regidron or Humana electrolyte. Antibacterial agents may be prescribed only by the attending physician: Nifuroksazid syrup.

    • Thermometer

    • Syringe

    • Baby cream

    • When teething teeth, if necessary - Dentol baby.

    • Pipette

    List of first-aid kit. Table with a description and application for the child

    The tool and its composition Indications Application and dosage Contraindications Side effects
    1 Yoda alcohol 5% Prevention is infectious. infections with wounds, scratches and abrasions The solution near the wound surface is treated with iodine solution with cotton wool. Individual intolerance to iodine When applied incorrectly
      skin rashes skin burns
    2 Levomekol (Lev-mycetin, methyl uracil) Wound healing Apply a thin layer on the wound surface Individual intolerance, age up to 1 year Redness, itching
    3 Nurofen syrup (ibuprofen) At elevated temperature 5 mg per kg of body weight (1 ml of syrup contains 20 mg of the substance) In case of hypersensitivity to ibuprofen, children up to 3 months Gastrointestinal disorders, in rare cases severe allergic reactions
    4 Aquamaris (Seawater) Different types of rhinitis, dryness of the nasal mucosa One to two injections into each nostril 4 times a day for two weeks or a month Aquamaris spray is not used for children under 1 year of age In very rare cases, there may be an increased sensitivity to Aquamaris.
    5 Lasolvan syrup (Ambroxol) Respiratory diseases, cough syrup 15mg / 5ml for children from 2 to 6 years old at 2.5ml - 3 times a day for one week Individual intolerance Gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions
    6 Lizobakt (Lysozyme Pyridoxine) I slept. diseases of the throat and mouth The tablet should be absorbed. Children from 3 to 7 years old on 1 tab. 3 times a day, children from 7 to 12 years, 1 tab. 4 times a day Contraindicated in children under 3 years, as well as congenital lactose intolerance Seldom: allergic reactions
    7 Psilo-Balsam (Diphen-hydramine) Relieving itching for insect bites, burns, allergic diseases Apply a thin layer, excluding mucous membranes Increased sensitivity to components, DO NOT apply a thin layer In rare cases, allergic reactions are possible.
    8 Smecta (Smectite Diocta-Edric) In case of poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea. Binds and removes toxins from the body The bag is dissolved on the floor of a glass of boiled water. Children up to a year ready solution is divided into 5 receptions per day, from year to 2 - on the floor of the bag 3 times a day, from 2 years on 1 sachet -2-3 times a day Increased sensitivity to components In rare cases - constipation, hypersensitivity reactions.
    9 Regidron (Sodium chloride 3.5 g, sodium citrate 2.9 g, potassium chloride 2.5 g, dextrose 10 g) Poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea. Restore water-salt balance of the body Package for 1 liter of boiled water. The finished solution is taken 10 ml / kg body weight per hour, while improving the condition of 5 ml / kg. That is, if the child weighs 20 kg, then in the first hour you should drink 200 ml of the solution. Contraindicated in violation of the kidneys, with diabetes Subject to the rules of application, the appearance of any side effects  unlikely
    10 Nifuro-xazid Infectious stomach upset from 2 months to 6 months - 2.5 ml 3 times a day, from 6 months to 6 years - 5 ml 3 times a day, from 6 years - 5 ml 4 times a day Children up to 2 months, with hypersensitivity to the drug In rare cases, increased stomach upset, stomach pain, allergic reactions
    11 Thermometer
    12 Syringe
    13 Baby cream
    14 Pipette