Increased hemoglobin for children food. How to raise a low level of hemoglobin in a child: which products increase it and why indicators fall

October 22, 2014

Quite often, parents hear that the child has lowered hemoglobin levels in the blood, or in other words, iron-deficiency anemia. Such a state worsens the baby’s well-being, makes him defenseless against infectious diseases, slows down physical and intellectual development. The first step is to establish the cause of anemia. If it is one of the signs of any disease, the doctor prescribes an appropriate treatment. There are cases when anemia develops due to improper feeding of the baby. How to increase hemoglobin in a child? Consider the main ways to treat this disease.

How to raise hemoglobin in an infant?

With the development of anemia in an infant who is on breastfeeding, no special treatment is usually given. In this case, all that is required is the proper diet of the nursing mother. In its menu must be present in a sufficient amount of iron-containing foods, such as beef, veal, liver and offal, buckwheat, pomegranate, green vegetables, beets, nuts.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child who is on artificial nutrition? For such a baby is selected a special adapted infant formula containing an increased amount of iron. However, you need to know that only a pediatrician and a nutritionist can pick up this mixture. In no case, parents should not do this on their own, so as not to harm the child.

When the time comes to introduce complementary foods to a child with low hemoglobin in the blood, the doctor will advise you to start with vegetables containing iron, such as Brussels sprouts. Buckwheat will be a good first. The first meat supplements are usually made from beef, turkey and chicken.

In addition, it is recommended to offer the baby a decoction of wild rose and compote of dried fruit, which also contain a lot of iron. Children who are not prone to allergies can be given pomegranate juice. It can be given 50 ml three times a day.

Recommendations of doctors how to raise hemoglobin nursing baby, usually include tips on the correct mode of the day. Such a baby should walk in the fresh air at least 4-6 hours a day so that his body does not feel an oxygen deficiency. The baby needs to sleep in a well-ventilated room. The use of hardening methods and special gymnastics will be effective, of course, after consulting with a specialist.

Products that increase hemoglobin

As already mentioned, most often to increase hemoglobin it is enough to eat foods rich in iron. This method is suitable for children from two years who are already eating almost everything that adults.

What products to increase hemoglobin to a child in 2 years and older? The leader not only in iron content, but also in its digestibility, is beef. After it comes veal, rabbit meat, pork and lamb. In this situation, offal is very effective, especially the liver and tongue. Also recommended fish, iron, which is well absorbed by the body.

Here is a list of other products that increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood:

  • buckwheat, rye, lentils, beans, soybeans;
  • green vegetables, beets, pumpkin, spinach, parsley, new potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions;
  • apples, persimmon, quince, apricots, peaches, pears, pomegranates, plums;
  • black currants, cranberries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries;
  • juices from red fruits, carrot and beetroot;
  • seafood, caviar, egg yolk, dried fruits.

Considering what products to increase hemoglobin to a child, one should pay attention not only to iron-containing food, but also to that which contains a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin contributes to a more complete absorption of iron by the human body. These products include citrus fruits, kiwi, and Bulgarian pepper. You can make fresh juices from fruits and vegetables and give them to your baby.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child by folk methods?

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that help increase the hemoglobin of a child 2 years and older. Consider the most popular ones:

  • Peeled walnuts (1 cup) and buckwheat (1 cup) are passed through a meat grinder, honey is added (1 cup), preferably buckwheat or may. All mix well and put in the refrigerator. Give the child one teaspoon in the morning and evening.
  • Take equal amounts of peeled walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, one lemon with the skin and all carefully crushed. Honey (200 ml) is added to the treatment mixture, mixed and placed in a refrigerator. Give the child 1-2 teaspoons in the morning and evening.
  • Rosehip berries (tablespoon) pour boiling water (200 ml) in a thermos and leave for 2-3 hours. Then filter, add a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon. The child should drink this infusion in two doses in the morning and afternoon.
  • Apple juice (100 ml), beet juice (50 ml) and carrot juice (50 ml) are mixed. The child is given to eat a spoonful of sour cream, and then immediately drink a glass of such a mixture of juices. Usually juice is taken once a day, at lunch. But if it is difficult for the baby to drink this volume at once, you can divide it into two doses.

Drugs to increase hemoglobin in children

Any medication for treating anemia should be prescribed only by a doctor. Many of them have a large number of contraindications and side effectsthat may harm the baby’s health.

All medicamentous iron-containing drugs are divided into drugs of short and prolonged action. Short-acting drugs are iron gluconate, iron fumarate, iron sulfate. The prolonged action drugs include Ferrum-lek, Ferrogradumet, Heferol, Ferogradrad, Fefol, Irovit, Tardiferon-retard. As a rule, the treatment with such remedies is about a month.

The child is probably the most common pathological condition of the body. Kids become lethargic, drowsy. How to increase hemoglobin in children? About this and talk.


In order not to worry in vain, it is necessary to know the indicators of blood hemoglobin, which doctors take as the norm. A newborn child in the first three days of life may experience a maximum of iron-containing protein - 225 g / liter. Then begins a gradual decline. A child aged 0 to 1 year, this figure varies in the range of 117-140 g / liter. For a child from one to two years, numbers from 105 to 140 g / liter become the norm.

Now that you know the guidelines, you can talk about how to increase hemoglobin in children.


Low hemoglobin levels nursing babies  - a fairly common phenomenon. The factors affecting the level of iron-containing protein at this age are vast. These are iron deficiency anemia suffered by the mother during the period of childbirth, and intrauterine infection.

In babies who are already three months old, abnormalities may not be caused proper nutrition  moms if he is breastfed. Otherwise, the wrong mixture becomes the cause of violations.

There are no obvious signs of iron deficiency in babies. Of course, symptoms such as drowsiness, errors in the digestive tract, excessive dryness of the skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth can appear. But similar symptoms are characteristic of other diseases. Most often, the diagnosis is made after the next routine blood test.

Norms for babies

The rate in infants varies with age. After birth, as already mentioned, rates reach a peak of 225 g / liter. For a two-week-old baby, this is already 120–205 g / liter. The lowest rate is observed in two-month babies, it is equal to 90 g / liter and even lower, but it is considered the norm. Then the protein level should increase steadily.

How to increase hemoglobin level in babies?

The question of how to increase hemoglobin in an infant should be dealt with exclusively by a pediatrician observing it. Self-medication can only harm the baby.

Low rates in children who eat exclusively mother's milk are adjusted by changing her diet. After all, the lack of iron in a child speaks of his lack of his mother. That is why the daily diet of women must be supplemented with products that include a lot of iron.

Well, if the period of treatment came in the summer. Seasonal vegetables and fruits will help in solving the problem. You can eat almost all the berries: raspberries, black currants, pears, apricots, etc. Of vegetables it is useful to include in the diet new potatoes, baked directly in the peel, tomatoes, parsley and spinach.

In winter, salvation will be beetroot and carrot juices, which can not only cure anemia, but also normalize the processes of digestion. In addition, they are guaranteed to eliminate problems with the chair. The menu must certainly contain meat. The by-products are also very rich in iron.

If the baby already receives supplements, hemoglobin can be increased to a child under one year of age by introducing the following products into his diet:

  • poultry meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • fresh apple;
  • carrot and apple juice.

For better iron absorption child's body  Vitamin C is also needed, so add sour berries too. If the baby is not allergic to citrus fruits, then oranges should also be present in the diet.

What is dangerous low hemoglobin?

Lowering the level of iron-containing protein causes anemia in a child. The disease is dangerous in that it can provoke a delay in mental and mental development  baby

In addition, the body during this period is not able to resist disease. Even the common cold can cause serious complications.

In children over the age of one year, the development of iron deficiency anemia can be assumed based on the following signs:

  • the baby is always pale;
  • painful cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, which may not heal for a long time;
  • baby's hair becomes brittle and starts to fall out;
  • the baby quickly gets tired, sleeps a long time during the day and plays a little.

How to increase hemoglobin in children: nutrition

If a child has a lack of hemoglobin, then he will certainly be prescribed medications that will help stabilize the indicators. In addition to receiving medicines, the mother’s task will be to amend the baby’s diet.

Increase hemoglobin to a child (1 year old and older) will help porridge. Millet, buckwheat and oatmeal is an excellent source of iron. Best to eat it in the morning. The lunch menu should include food rich in vitamins and calcium. This combination will help the gland to be better absorbed by the child's body.

How to increase hemoglobin in children? The daily menu should include meat. It can be veal, beef, any bird and liver. Also in the diet of the baby should include vegetable dishes. Especially useful will be broccoli, carrots, legumes. Ideally, they should be served with meat. Rich in iron black caviar. The child's menu should contain fresh fruits and juices, best of all those squeezed by mom.

Fruits (kiwi, black currants, apples, apricots, persimmon) contain a huge amount of iron. By the way, persimmon in this sense is almost the absolute leader: there is ten times more iron in it than in a green apple.

Excellent increase hemoglobin pomegranate and carrot juices.

How to increase hemoglobin: child 2 years

Many children at this age stubbornly refuse to eat healthy food. Here will come to the rescue folk recipes. We have selected the most effective, and most importantly, delicious products. So:

  • Take in equal parts dried apricots, walnut kernel, raisins and honey. Chop the dry ingredients thoroughly, then mix and pour over the honey. You need to give one spoonful once a day. The child receives not only a portion of iron, but also many substances useful to his body.
  • Grate the apple and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Give a treat at bedtime.

Elevated hemoglobin

Elevated hemoglobin in children (the reasons may be different) is also a deviation. This significantly increases the number of red cells, which prevents normal blood circulation. Excessively high rates are a clear sign of health problems.

And if we consider elevated hemoglobin  in children, the causes may be as follows:

  • blood disease;
  • intestinal problems, in particular obstruction;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • oncology.

When a child is sick, the body mobilizes all its internal potential, directing it to eliminate the source. Blood corpuscles in this case forcefully supply the damaged organ with oxygen, improving its working capacity. For example, a severe burn also provokes the growth of hemoglobin. In this case, oxygen is necessary for the speedy healing of wounds. Excessive physical exertion also increases. In such a situation, the growth of numbers will be the norm.

Signs of high hemoglobin

This may indicate:

  • fast fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • redness or, on the contrary, pallor of the skin.

Symptoms are also characteristic of low hemoglobin levels. Therefore, if the child’s condition is disturbing, it is necessary to show it to the doctor. The analysis will help determine the cause.

Low hemoglobin in children infancy  - a fairly common phenomenon. The causes of the development of iron deficiency anemia are many, these include - features of development inside the womb, hereditary pathology, surgeries, immune or infectious diseases, anemia in the mother.

Low hemoglobin poses a serious danger  for physical development and the general condition of the crumbs, so parents should know how to get rid of this disease.

How to raise a baby breastfed?

To get the baby out of anemia, breast feeding moms should   eat fully and efficiently. In its menu on an ongoing basis should be present:

  1. fish and meat, beef tongue and offal, poultry;
  2. fruits (strawberries, cranberries, currants, strawberries and blueberries), seasonal berries (peaches, plums, persimmons, bananas, quinces), vegetables (greens, potatoes, onions, spinach, green vegetables, beets, tomatoes);
  3. cereals and grains - buckwheat, lentils and other legumes (if the child does not have problems with the tummy), rye, rice.

Increases the level of hemoglobin in the baby contributes inclusion in the parent menu fresh juices from carrots, pomegranates or beets. You should also regularly eat eggs, seafood, dried fruits, caviar, mushrooms (in small quantities), walnuts, hematogen, and bitter chocolate.


For children with iron deficiency anemia who are on bottle feedingdeveloped by special adapted mixturesin which the iron content is increased.

But, you should not choose such food for a child by yourself - the mixture can be purchased only on the recommendation of a pediatrician or children's nutritionist and only after passing the necessary tests and examinations.

Complementary food for children with anemia is recommended to start with those vegetables in which the iron content is maximum, but at the same time they can normal baby digest- for example, you can start to feed the baby Brussels sprouts, and buckwheat is ideal for cereals.

When the child is older and the turn comes to meat complementary foods, it is advisable to prepare for him mashed turkey, beef or chicken. Well helps to increase hemoglobin decoction of wild rose and brewed compote from various dried fruits.

If the child does not have a manifestation of allergy, then he can be given pomegranate juice in small quantities three times a day.

Increase hemoglobin folk remedies

Before referring to traditional medicine recipes, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of these methods.

Since many formulations include allergenic products, it is impossible to immediately include them in the child’s menu in large quantities. Such dishes and drinks   can mommy herselfIf breastfeeding a baby, through the milk, the baby will get everything necessary.

The most popular and effective recipes are:

  1. Juice blend  - 2 parts of apple and one part of juice from carrots and beets. The mixture must be prepared only, otherwise there will be no vitamins and other useful substances in it. Drink should be no more than 2 times a day.
  2. Dried apricots, peeled walnuts and raisins are mixed in equal proportions, the mixture is twisted in a meat grinder. This amount of honey is added to the finished mass to make a mushy mixture. Per day is permissible   eat up to 3 big spoonstasty and amazing home remedy for anemia.
  3. For moms who are breastfeeding and seeking to lose weight, there is amazing recipe - in the evening you should pour half a cup of buckwheat with a full cup of kefir, cover the container and leave it warm until morning. Such a dish helps to compensate for iron deficiency, to establish metabolic processes and, as a bonus, to get rid of constipation.
  4. For baby you can make a decoction  from half a liter of milk 0.5 cups of oats. The mixture is boiled over a minimum heat of about 25-35 minutes, filtered, mixed with butter and honey (if the child does not have allergies to these products). Broth at room temperature is allowed to drink crumbs in a small spoon up to 6 times per day. It is important - this broth can not be stored for more than a day, you should cook fresh daily.

In order for iron to be better absorbed, foods that contain large amounts of vitamin C. These include citruses, sweet peppers, tomatoes. Such products will help the body absorb the incoming iron and rather cope with anemia.

Komarovsky about how to increase hemoglobin in children

Dear doctor recommends to feed your baby for successful struggle with childhood anemia. breast milk  and carry with the baby at least 4 hours a day  in the fresh air.

He believes that Mommy should follow a reasonable diet, in no way excluding animal and vegetable products from food, and besides, the child should be given meat and fruit foods in time, not postponing if there are no specific indications.

To raise hemoglobin to a normal level only with proper nutrition is unlikely to succeed, especially if its level is extremely low.

For this reason, it is required to take   special drugs, which should lead the baby to the pediatrician. As a rule, the course of treatment takes at least 3 months - the first two are needed by the body to set the rate of iron, and another one - to create a small supply. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to control the situation - with low hemoglobin it is necessary to donate blood for analysis every 2-2.5 weeks.

With the right, consistent with the doctor and a rational approach to the treatment of low hemoglobin in baby  from the problem you can   get rid of in a few months.  After undergoing a course of treatment, which is acceptable to combine with folk methods  and it is necessary - with good nutrition, the baby will delight you with excellent mood, activity and rapid development.


An important indicator of a child's health is the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This complex protein, the basis of red blood cells, is needed to transport oxygen to organs and tissues. It depends on him the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, it is important to control the composition of blood from birth. And every mother needs to know how to raise hemoglobin to a child without drugs. After all, the majority of drugs have many side effects and especially adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Low hemoglobin in a baby

After birth, hemoglobin in a child is usually normal. Stocks received from the mother during pregnancy, enough for about half a year. But hemoglobin levels may begin to decline even earlier. This happens if, during pregnancy, the mother did not treat iron deficiency anemia, often suffered from colds. To learn that it is necessary to raise the hemoglobin of the child in the first year of life, you can on the following symptoms:

  • the baby’s muscles are weak, he is lagging behind in physical development, later begins to lift the head, sit down;
  • skin dries, cracks, hair and nails grow poorly;
  • the digestive system is impaired, appetite decreases, diarrhea, stomatitis, thrush develop;
  • if anemia is not treated, then after 1 year mental retardation is noticeable;
  • the kid suffers from frequent colds.

The hemoglobin rates in a child under 1 year of age fluctuate depending on the age. If at birth the lower limit may be about 140 g / l, then after two months, a condition below 110 g / l is considered critical. By regularly donating blood, you can track all the necessary indicators. If the values ​​do not correspond to the norm, the doctor should suggest how to increase hemoglobin in the infant. Depending on the severity of the condition, the treatment will be different.

If a child under 1 year old has a hemoglobin level below 100 g / l, it should be treated under medical supervision with special medications. Indicators over this figure can be increased independently with the help of power correction. To prevent an emergency, every mother should know how to raise hemoglobin in infants.

Nutrition for hemoglobin correction

If anemia in a child under 1 is only beginning to develop, and the condition does not threaten his health, it is better not to resort immediately to drugs. You can find out from the doctor how to increase hemoglobin in an infant with home remedies. And here it all depends on the way the baby feeds. A breastfed baby gets all the necessary trace elements to produce hemoglobin from mother's milk. Therefore, you need to adjust the nutrition of a nursing woman. Mom needs to eat more:

  • meat products, especially liver;
  • buckwheat, rye bread, lentils;
  • legumes;
  • egg yolks;
  • seafood;
  • greens - parsley, spinach, celery;
  • vegetables, especially beets, carrots, broccoli;
  • berries - blueberries, cranberries;
  • drink pomegranate or carrot juice.
In a bottle-fed baby, the iron from the food is absorbed worse, so it is better to choose special adapted mixtures.

Signs of anemia are not immediately noticed, since after birth the baby’s hemoglobin is usually elevated. After about 6 months, iron stores are reduced, and if there is not enough of it with food, anemia develops. Therefore, at this age, both babies and artificially children are recommended to be given complementary foods. It is better to use products that increase hemoglobin in children, it is recommended to start with them:

  • brussels sprouts;
  • beef or chicken;
  • buckwheat;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • dogrose decoction;
  • diluted pomegranate juice.

  Meat, fish and vegetables are mashed, pastes, and when the baby is 1 year old, you can boil them, bake them. Fruits and berries are best given to the child fresh or cook from them kissels, fruit drinks, make juices. Well the usual buckwheat porridge sprinkled with green onions helps. Pomegranate, quince, persimmon, dried fruit, cauliflower and fish are also useful.

In order to increase the hemoglobin of a child with food, it is necessary to know in which case its production can slow down.

Even with a large amount of foods rich in iron, hemoglobin can be reduced due to the fact that iron is not absorbed.

This can occur under the influence of soy proteins, calcium, polyphenols, which are contained in tea and legumes. In children under one year old cow's milk is poorly absorbed, in addition, it also reduces iron absorption. Low levels of hemoglobin may also be due to a lack of folic acid, vitamin B12, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk recipes

Previously, many mothers knew how to increase hemoglobin to a child up to a year without medication. Therefore, anemia in infants was rare. There are many time-tested recipes that help to increase hemoglobin well and children really like it. But they can not be used until 7-8 months of age, paying attention to the presence of an allergic reaction to the baby or individual intolerance. The advantage of these tools is their availability and ease of preparation.

How to raise hemoglobin in a child without the use of drugs?

There is another effective recipe in traditional medicine. It fits even very small children with anemia. . How to quickly raise the hemoglobin of the child? You need to make a decoction of natural oats in milk. A glass of grains need a liter of milk. It should be cooked on very low heat for at least an hour. Then cool and strain. Give the kid this liquid in a teaspoon. Older children can drink it instead of tea.

How else to raise hemoglobin

In addition to food, a very important lifestyle, which leads a child under 1 year. To maintain a high level of hemoglobin, you need to properly care for your baby. Massage, special gymnastics, daily walks of at least 4 hours in the fresh air are required. It is easier to do this in the summer, because anemia is more often diagnosed in babies during the cold season.

The question of how to raise hemoglobin to a child of 3 years, many parents ask. Most often, it is at this age that children begin to attend pre-school institutions. One of the main indicators that are taken into account by health workers when receiving a child in kindergartenis the hemoglobin level. A child with a normal hemoglobin index has a high working capacity, well-being and mood.

Symptoms of anemia in children

Child health is largely dependent on the content of iron-containing protein in the blood, which provides nutrition and the functioning of the vital organs of the baby.

The hemoglobin rate in a child of three years is from 115 to 145 g / l. As a result of a lack of iron-containing protein in the blood, a child may develop a pathology called anemia.

Symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency in children can be determined even by external manifestations.

The child has:

  • Constant fatigue and general weakness.
  • Apathy and lethargy.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Disruption of digestion.
  • Blue lips.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Brittleness of nails and hair.
  • Pallor and peeling of the skin.
  • Irritability.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakening of immunity and frequent catarrhal diseases.

To determine the level of iron in the blood, you must pass a laboratory study. If anemia is suspected in a child, the attending physician prescribes a clinical blood test (general). To control the level of hemoglobin, you need to pass tests with a certain frequency.

Hemoglobin increase with the help of products

If the baby is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, then the doctor prescribes medication. There are modern drugs that can increase. It is possible to treat anemia in children not only with medical drugs. In addition to drugs, the doctor will help to adjust the diet of the baby.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child with the help of a balanced diet, it is necessary to know each parent. Certain foods tend to raise hemoglobin levels. There are many of them, and you can make a special diet, suitable for the child, taking into account his taste preferences.

For anemia, you must eat the following meat and offal:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • beef and chicken livers;
  • a heart;
  • boiled beef tongue;
  • the kidneys.

Summer is the perfect time to increase hemoglobin with fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.

The table below shows the products that help increase the iron content in the children's body:

Product group Varieties Way to use
Cereals and cereals Buckwheat, oat, wheat, rye, pea, lentil, oatmeal, rye It is advisable to cook porridge for the child in the morning. Porridges are the richest source of iron.
Vegetables Carrots, broccoli, beans, legumes, spinach, beets, potatoes, tomatoes, onions As a side dish or soups
Fruits Apricot, apple, persimmon, quince Fresh or in juice
Berries Kiwi, blueberries, black and red currants, pomegranate, cranberries In-kind or squeezed juice, frozen with sugar
Seafood Red, black caviar In its pure form, sandwiches, add to salads
Greenery Turnip greens, parsley, green onions, dandelion leaves Fresh or add to salads
Other Dried fruits, dried mushrooms, walnuts, egg yolk, hematogen and dark chocolate Use natural

It is recommended to refuse dairy products. This is due to the property of calcium to worsen the absorption of iron. In the impossibility of giving up yoghurt or milk, iron-containing and calcium-containing products must be eaten separately.

Folk remedies

In the fight against childhood anemia, simple folk recipes help:

  1. Juice from beets, carrots and radishes. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from each vegetable separately. Then mix the juice in equal proportions. Eat 1 teaspoon before eating. The treatment course to continue for 2 months.
  2. Infusion of Hypericum, nettle, chamomile and blackberry leaves. Shredded raw materials mix in proportion: 3 tbsp. spoons / 2 tbsp. spoons / 3 tbsp. spoons / 3 tbsp. spoons. Put the mixture in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist at least 2 hours. Use warm half a cup 3 times a day.
  3. Rose hip tea. Rose hips chop. 4 tbsp. spoon pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist at least 12 hours. Drink instead of drinking during the day.

It is important to remember that any folk remedies  can be used after consulting with your doctor, especially if the sick - young children.

An important factor in the recovery and increase of hemoglobin levels in children is the adjustment of lifestyle. Children should be on the street for a long time, preferably walking with them in parks or woods. It is necessary to rest with children in places remote from cities and highways.

You can do sports with your child or do morning exercises, but exercise stress  should be moderate. It is better to play outdoor and active games in the fresh air.

Struggling with hemoglobin deficiency in children, one should not forget that its excess is no less serious pathology. When the first symptoms of anemia appear in a child, it is necessary to seek medical help, as well as adjust the diet and lifestyle.