Pochatkova training of ryatuvalniks: medical training. First help medical preparation for the fire pit

II. Professional training

Zrazkovy initial plan

Items for training
third another first international
Medical training
Anti-burn preparation
Psychological training
Special (technical) training
Radiation, chemical and biological protection
Preparing a call
Tactical-special training
Physical training
English language

Organization vocational training ryatuvalnikov MNS Russia

1. Professional training of employees of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia is organized and carried out on the basis of the Federal Law No. 151-ФЗ “On emergency services and the status of employees”, decreed by the Order of the Russian Federation, instructions, order of the Ministry of Taxes and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia and Programs.

2. Self-sufficient professional preparation of ryatuvalnikov is organized by the head of the poshukovo-ryatuvalny molding (PSF), the commander of the viysk ryatuvalny molding of constant readiness to be carried out every hour at the warehouse of chergovy zamіn PSF (theoretical employment) or the first hour of the training-training. Before the event, you can get the most preparation of fakhivtsі and ryatuvals, so that the qualifications of the varsity are not lower than another class, you can methodically learn and have practical information about the conduct of shukovo-ryatuvalny robits, as well as on a contractual basis of vikladach lighting installations, other organizations with a different profile

Initially, the beginning of the year may become 3-4 years old, with a stretch of one year, and not less than 24 years per month.

Trivality of the beginning of the year - 45 khvilin.

To prepare to the chergovy to take, to fix the twisted material, to win the right to take the standards from the day, to take two years for independent work.

3. Heading river it is composed of two initial periods: grass-grass, lime-leaf fall.

4. Okremі those z tsikh obtіv vіdpratsovuyutsya at the places of dislocation, with the improvement of the obvious possibilities of the initial-material base (UMB) and technical equipment.

5. After the end of the initial period of study, the students lay down the grades for the subjects of training, as well as the standards for physical training for the obov'yazkovym assessments. Withdrawal of marks is refunded for the upcoming assessment.

6. For the sake of the best qualifications, the graduates are guilty of:

"ryativnik of the third class" - trioma; "ryativnik of another class" - five; "Ryativnik of the first class" - sіm'yu; "Ryativnik of the international" class - the most advanced professions.

7. For the protection of geographic, economic and other features of the place, dislocation of the PSF and laying on them, the right has been given:

to the chiefs of the PSF, osvіtnіh statutes, to clarify the number of initial years from the subjects of training, often that money is about the same to take without changing the total number of years.

The chiefs of the PSF, the commanders of the military formations of the permanent readiness of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia, are organizing and methodically maintaining the professional training of the military officers and organizing control over these activities.

8. When planning professional training in the management of the PSF, the following are expanded:

a plan for retraining and promotion of the qualifications of recruiters for two years;

vocational training plan for rіk (for periods of training);

plan-schedule of conducting the initial gatherings, navchan, zmagan;

rіchny plan rozpodіlu hour s subjects and months of training;

thematic plan and layout to take for a month.

Medical training

No. topics Topic names Number of years for classes
third another first international
Occupation number Number of years Occupation number Number of years Occupation number Number of years occupancy number Number of years
The first help is free, obsyag, organizing and legal ambush, legal principles of nadanny 1,3
Koshti for help first aid 1,2
Terminal stations and the basis of resuscitation
Persha help with injuries 1-4
First aid for bleeding
Persha help with fractures and vivikhs
First aid for traumatic shocі
First help with the syndrome of thrive pressure 1,2
First aid in case of opika and frostbite 1,2
First aid for asphyxia, drowning, electrical injury 1-3
Persha dopomog in case of damage by blasted speeches 2,3
First aid in case of radiation damage - -
First aid in case of combined and combined injuries
Persha help with raptov ailments 1,2 3,4 5,6
First aid for infectious diseases - -
First help pіd pologіv - -
Emergency psychological assistance to the injured in over-the-top situations
Medical sorting. Appointed and conducted procedure 1,2 - -
Transportation of victims
Fundamentals of medical rehabilitation 1,2

Head of training

nobility the main provisions of the core documents from the nutrition of the first medical aid to the injured in the most extreme situations, the order and obligation of the first aid, signs of life and death, the legal basis for the first aid; Koshti nadanny first help; The method that priyomi nadannya pershoї Relief with wounding, krovotech, fractures, traumatic shotsі, sindromі trivalogo zdavlyuvannya, opіkah i frostbite asfіksії, utoplennі that elektrotravmі, urazhennyah otruynimi rechovinami, radіatsіynih urazhennyah, naybіlsh often zustrіchayutsya raptovih zahvoryuvannyah, іnfektsіynih zahvoryuvannyah, basis medichnogo sortuvannya , transportation of the injured and medical rehabilitation, safety rules during the first medical aid;

remember zastosovuvat otrimani knowledge in practice, signify the camp of the victim, signs of life and death; vikoristovuvati report card mayo for recognition; correctly put on all kinds of bandages, conduct a timchasovy zupinka of bleeding, zdiyasnyuvati immobilization of fractures and vivihiv z vikoristannya service and manual zasobiv; win the simplest anti-shock come in; zastosovuvat priyomi piece ventilation legenie and indirect massage of the heart, transferred to the transport of the victim by one or two ruffs; accept that way of sigrіvannya of the victim; possess points for the selection of victims.

nobility in addition, the main aggravated injuries, bleeding, fractures, opikіv and їх prophylaxis; accept that method of first aid in case of vivice; especially the first help for children with various diseases and illnesses; the main signs of the beginning of the birth process and the basis of the caregiver;

remember wink, come in, direct to the front of the fold, push the perch to help with viviha, canopies, children with various injuries that

ailments, signify the stages of life of kintsivka with a crippling squeeze, carry out medical sorting of the injured in the process of first aid, stop the process of self-regulation and struggle with stress.

Ryatuvalnik of the first class is guilty:

nobility Wimoga Volodіti Navichki, Scho prednamed to an echativannik 2 class, kimm, medical and tactful characteristic of the risniy supervisory situations, organіzazіinі bases of the primary dophers, the basic principles of Prshoy Dopers 'єktsіy lіkarskih zasobіv, nadannya pershoї Relief, in addition chislі antidotіv, fundamentals ekstrenoї psihologіchnoї Relief postrazhdalim at Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіyah, conduct sanіtarno-protiepіdemіchnih zahodіv in areas Masov іnfektsіynih zahvoryuvan, observatsії that quarantine sanіtarno-gіgієnіchnі vimogi to rozmіschennya, harchuvannya, vodopostachannya in sexual minds;

remember otsіnyuvati medichnu situation in rayonі nadzvichaynoї situatsії, organіzuvati robot ryatuvalnikіv of rozshuku postrazhdalih that nadannya pershoї Relief, nadavati Perche Relief at rіznih poєdnanih that kombіnovanih urazhennyah, provoditi pіdshkіrnі that vnutrіshnom'yazovі іn'єktsії, viznachati neobhіdnіst nakladannya dzhguta at vivіlnennі kіntsіvki od trivalogo zdavlyuvannya, know. , carry out disinfection, deratization and disinfection visits.

Ryatuvalnik international class maє:

nobility help and volunteers, who hang up to the class 1 ryativnik, the crime of that norm of international law for the first aid to the victims in supra-extreme situations, especially the first medical aid to the sufferers in the country with different religions; medical equipment of military personnel in the main foreign powers, including the krai SND, the main endemic infectious diseases, and also come in for their prevention;

remember to give aid to those who suffered from the relief of their faith, tradition and vdacha, to help the sufferers come in for the prevention of endemic infectious diseases, to cooperate with the supporters of foreign powers.

Methodical statements

Classes for medical training are carried out by specialists of the medical service at the primary classes and at the primary maidanchiks, equipped with primary aids, simulators, dummies, etc. with a selection of films and video materials, filmstrip, slides, photographs and other similar materials, as well as service records and assistance for the first medical assistance.

On the cob of skin practical occupation, the clerk explains that showing the sequence of the first step to help with the work of the personnel and handicrafts, and then we will practice yoga with the teachings.

For practical application, all scholars are divided into two subgroups (in practice, accept and statisticians) and according to their needs, count. In practical terms, priyomіv priylyaєtsya less than 70% of the initial hour.

Beginners in the conduct of heart-legal resuscitation and vicarious syringe-tube are trained on mannequins and simulators.

Employment is responsible for taking care of the initial mine no less than 50% of students.

Otrimani on occupations from medical training, knowledge and practical skills will be improved in the course of taking from tactical and special training.

Topic 1

Activity 1. Theoretically - 1 year. The manager, the judge, the legal basis and the principles of the first help.

Activity 2. Theoretically - 2 years. International norms of food aid for the first aid to those who suffered, especially the aid for the first aid to those who suffered in the countries with different religions, different and different.

Busy 3. Theoretically - 2 years. Vrazhayuchi chinniki porazki for raznyh nadzvychaynyh situatsiiah that yogo characteristic, the main type of porazok, caused by its impact on the body of a person. The way to soobi medical infection against the infusion of hostile factors and to reduce the severity of the injury.

Busy 4. Theoretically - 2 years. Medico-tactful characteristics of supra-level situations. Sanitary and hygienic situation in the areas of catastrophes. Methods for revealing the main officials of the situation and that assessment. Organization and management of the medical investigation of the zone of the epidemiological situation. Ways to accept the suffering of the victims, the sign of the misery of the victims, as if they require medical help.

Busy 5. Practically - 2 years. The rules of the order of the cracked (Vernaya dike za'anka Sezya, Zajanka Dichannya, twist kіstok), psychologist NATOVPU TU RULES OF THE RULES OF DOPGIST DOPLYUVASNIVIVIVA, CRIMII PІDBERA DOPLINE POMOCHNIKIV TA ORGANIZAYA DOGOBERS, SPOSTINE PLAYNY help. Safety rules for the first hour of help.

Topic 2

Busy 1. Practically - 2 years. Warehouse, recognized by the order of the medical lane, which was given a report card of equipping ryatuvalnikov. The order of choosing the laying of a medical dresser, sanitary burdens, an individual dressing bag, an individual anti-inflammatory package, an individual first-aid kit (AI-1).

Busy 2. Theoretically - 2 years. Classification of medicinal properties. Understanding about medicinal forms, one-time additional dose. Name the term for the applicability of medicinal properties. The fallowing of di ї lіkarskih zabіv vіd i will become the organism of the victim and vіd the method of stosuvannya. Medical care, which are beaten with bellows for the first aid to the injured, can be aggravated with their warring. Rules for the collection of medicinal products.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Methods for introducing medicinal products (calling, taking internally through the mouth, burying in the lower eye and eye, subcutaneous and internal language injections). Technique of vikonannya subshkirnyh and vnutrishnyom'yazovyh іn'єktsіy z vikoristannyam syringe-tube, syringe. Rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the introduction of liquids. Dії ryatuvalnik after the delivery of medical speeches to the victim.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Appearance, saving and revitalization of the medical lane of ryatuvalniks. The order of appearance, write-off and refilling of the stained-glassed medical lane under the hour of liquidation of the above-mentioned situations. Wimoga medical lane. Dzherela medical postachannya ryatuvalnikov.

Topic 3. Terminal stations and the basis of resuscitation

Busy 1 and 2. Practical - 2 years. Understanding about clinical and biological death, signs of a rapt lesion of dichal and cardiac activity, clinical death, the role of primary heart-legal resuscitation for an injured person (precardiac stroke, indirect heart massage, mechanical ventilation). Methods for carrying out piece ventilation of the leg and indirect massage of the heart, the rules for conducting a complex of heart-legal resuscitation with one, two or three with rattles. Techniques for carrying out primary heart-legal resuscitation. Signs of the effectiveness of resuscitation. Dії ryatuvalnik after the remembrance of the heart activity and dihannia in the victim.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Peculiarities of heart-legal resuscitation for children.

Topic 4

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding about the wound process, aggravation of wounds. Come in to prevent the development of infection in the wound. Rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Influx of climatic minds into the camp of the victim and the nature of the first aid in case of injury.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. The main types of dressings are the rules of their application. Wimogi before bandages, control over the correct application of bandages. Opіkova bandage.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Bandages and kosinkovі bandages on the head, neck and chest, the technique of their overlay. Sling-like bandage. Bandages on the right and the left eye, on the offending eyes.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Bandage, kosinkovі, contour bandages on the living and crotch. Rules for applying a bandage for penetrating wounds of the breasts with severe and valvular pneumothorax.

Busy 5. Practically - 2 years. Bandages, braids, contour and tubular bandages on the upper and lower ends, the rules of their application.

Topic 5

Busy 1. Practically - 2 years. See the bleeding. Criteria for the selection of optimal methods for the thymus bleed in rare bleeding. Consequence of bleeding from the bleed. The order of application is to press and blood spinal tourniquet (twisting). Can be folded after applying a blood spinal tourniquet (twisting). The main signs of internal bleeding. Tactics of the ryatum in case of first aid in case of internal bleeding.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. The peculiarities of the first help suffered from bleeding in cold and hot climatic minds. Ways to protect the victims, win the service cats. Obladnannya ptіv vіgrіvu.

Topic 6

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding about fractures and vivihi. You see the signs of fractures and vivihiv. Persha help with fractures and vivikhs. Prevention of complication of fractures and reviving under the hour of evacuation. See transport tires. Vykoristannya pіdruchnyh zabіv іmmobilіlіzії іn fractures іstok. Peculiarities of fractures in children for the first time, their infusion get the first help. Peculiarities of immobilization in case of vivices.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya priyomіv i voprostіv nadanny nadanny first dopomogi at fractures and vivihas of kіstok kіntsivok.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya priyomіv i svodіv nadanny nadanny first dopomogi in case of fractures of the bones of the base of the skull, ribs, ridge and pelvis. Methods of transportation for various fractures.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Signs of vivihіv, on vіdmіnu vіd fractures. Rules of the first aid in case of vivice. Features of immobilization.

Theme 7 . First aid for traumatic shocі

Busy 1. Practically - 2 years. Understanding about traumatic shock, causes, signs, prevention. Help me first, order її nadannya.

Particularly in viyavu shock in children. Factories that can take a tight shock. Persha helped with shocі. Zupinka bleeding, prevention of pain relief, immobilization of fractures, replenishment of blood loss, warming up of the injured. Features of the first to help children.

Topic 8

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment, cause of guilt, degree of severity and signs of the syndrome of trivial squeezing. Compression periods: early, intermediate, late. The degree of severity of the syndrome depending on the hour and localization (chest, abdomen, pelvis, hand, front of the shoulder, foot, homilk, steno) compression. Viyavu peculiarities in children.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Significant stage of ischemia. Significant vitality of the crushed part of the body. Rules for wilting the crushed kіntsіvka. Harness overlay, control of the correctness and dotality of the yogo overlay, bandaging of the injured wound. Features of the first to help children.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Tactics of the rattling in the case of squashed rupture and then stale stagnation in the stage of tissue ischemia (compensated, non-compensated and non-negotiable). Bandaging, immobilization and cooling of the crushed kіntsіvka with victories of the personnel and handicrafts. Zіgrіvannya injured. Preparing that dacha for the victim of a puddle drink. The order of medical evacuation.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Appointment of docileness of the binding of the bundle after the termination of the pimple. Cooling of crushed pimples. Dopomoga when squeezing kintsivka, which is impossible. Vimushen amputation of kіntsіvok.

Topic 9

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. See that degree of severity of opikiv and frostbite. Peculiarities of the attack at an hour later, the guards of the upper wild roads. The first dopomog in case of opikah and frostbite.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya priyomіv i priyomіv priyomі v pomogi pri opіka i vіmorozhneniyah. The main characteristic pardons for the first hour of help.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Chemical and promenev opiki, causes, signs of fallow in degree of severity, especially overrun. Opki eyes. Peculiarities of the first aid in case of chemical and promeneutic opiates.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Overcooling and freezing. Ways of zіgіvannya organіzmu, mozhlivі oskladnennya їх їх prededzhennya.

Topic. 10. First aid for asphyxia, drowning, electrical injury

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment, causes of asphyxia and signs of asphyxia. Drowned. Understand about white and blue asphyxia. Injury by an electric strum and a bliskavka, signs of an injury. The first help with asphyxia, drowned and injured by an electric jet. The main pardons for the first hour of help.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Tipi and see third-party bodies that they drank at the upper dyhalnі way. Causes of death when a third-party body hits the upper dical channels (mechanical asphyxia, traumatic swelling, spasm of vocal cords, swelling of the brain). Understanding about asphyxia, signs. First help. Understanding about emergency cricotomy, modern ways of examining third-party bodies from dyhal passages.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Vіdpraktsiuvannya svojdіv і priyomіv nadanny nadanny first aid іn urazhennі elektrichnі strumom, asfiksії, drowning, teploіmі soniachnoy strokes, vratі vіdomostі і komі. Training in the simplest resuscitation visits.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Medico-tactful characteristic of fire. You see the nature of the people's shocks, combine and combine the shocks. Destroyed by mountain products and prevention. The order is the way to solve the victims and help them first. Peculiarities of the first aid during the opikah and the destruction of the products of the furnace. Evacuation of the injured from unsafe areas.

Busy 5. Practically - 2 years. Dії ryatuvalnik shkodo vyyavlennya and assessment of the medical situation pіd pozhezh. Investigation of the victims and their evacuation from unsafe areas. Ways to defend against the destruction of the products of the mountain. Take that first aid method in case of opika and illnesses with the products of the furnace. Zastosuvannya of antidotes in case of poisoning with fumes. Pardons for the first hour of help.

Topic 11

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Classification of scribbled speeches should be poured into the body of a person. Understanding about rubbish speech. Damage signs. Steps of importance. Nadanny first help. Attached to the access of the brittle speeches to the body of the victim. Methods for the removal of bruised speeches from the body. Antidotes. Prevention is a bad idea. Save the zakhist. Peculiarities of the disorder in children and that first aid help them.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Persha helped with rubbing with blasted speeches. Vicoristannya of the service and handy zabiv zahist. Washing the hose in the simplest ways. Antidotes and methods of their introduction. Inhalation sour. Chastkova degassing with the help of an individual anti-microbial package and manual measures. Prevention of poisoning in ryatuvalniks.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Medico-tactful characterization of the middle of the wound with blasted speeches. The nature and peculiarity of people's stagnation is stale when they see blasted speeches. Combined strikes. Washing the hose with an additional probe. Ways to usunennya nabryaku legenіv, scho pochinaєєtsya.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Iyavlennya that assessment of the medical situation in the middle of the wound with blasted speeches. Rozshuk razhenih and їх guilt (vivezennya) at the safe place. Choose a place for the throating of points for the collection of victims and their possessions. Defender of those who suffered from the wounds with blasted speeches for victories of service and handicrafts. Medical sorting of the wounded.

Topic 12

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Enemy officials during radiation accidents. Penetrating radiation that її having poured into the body of a person. Ways for the introduction of radioactive speeches into the body. The concept of promenev's ailment. The severity of the severity of the disease in terms of the dose of the change. Pochatkovi signs of acute promenev ailment. Features of radiation damage in children. First help. Prevention of promenevyh uzhen.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Ways to ease the radiation. The first dopomog in case of ingestion of radioactive speeches into the body of the victim and with cob signs of promeneutic ailment. Features of the first to help children. Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic enter the accident zone, their role is different. Prevention of promeneutic lesions in ryatuvalniks. Preventive care. Dose control of the damage. Individual dosimetry and the order in which they are covered.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Dії ryatuvalnik shkodo vyavlennya and assessment of the medical situation in the zones of radioactive zabrudnennya. The first dopomog in case of ingestion of radioactive speeches into the body of the victim and with cob signs of promeneutic ailment. Obladnannya points for the selection of the victims. The order of evacuation of victims to safe areas. Organization and conduct of private sanitary processing. Sanitary and hygienic assistance to the organization of work, accommodation, living and water supply in areas of radioactive contamination. Instead of anti-epidemic entries near the zone of brooding with radioactive speeches and the order of their disappearance.

Topic 13

Busy 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Understanding about the combination of damage, the main signs and features of the crossing. Help first in case of combined and combined injuries.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya priyomіv i priyomіv v shoі ї podopoči pri poddnânih kobіvanih urazhennyah, sledovnі nadannya prišoy ї podopoĭ.

Topic 14

Busy 1. Practically - 2 years. Deep understanding about allergies and allergies. The role of medicinal products, like vicarious rattling, in the development of allergic reactions in the victims. Show an allergic reaction (allergic undead, hanging that sverbіzh shkіri, swollen povіk, lips that shiї, allergic shock), you can aggravate that result. Zagalni ambush nadanny to help the injured. Medicinal care, which vikoristovuyutsya for first aid help, that way of stosuvannya. The choice of a cold compress on the injection site (otstu, contact with an allergen), the instillation of drops (glazolina) in the nose, the use of service records for the first aid, the careless I will become a victim, such as I am in the Komi camp.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Designated to cause signs of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Possible aggravation (cardiogenic shock, swelling of the leg, fibrillation of the tubes). Principles of first aid in angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Usunennya pain syndrome. Zastosuvannya sudorozshiryuvalnyh zabiv (nitroglycerin, sustak). Indications for conducting legenev-heart resuscitation in case of myocardial infarction, indicators of effectiveness. order of medical evacuation of the sick.

Busy 3. Practically - 2 years. Stroke, injury, causes, signs of that aggravation. Understanding epilepsy and epileptic attack, small forms of epilepsy. Signs of an epileptic attack. Understand about the hysterical attack, show it why. The first dopopoga with stroke, epileptic and hysterical attacks. Created by a calm patient, wrapping heads with bulbs with ice, cloth, soaked in cold water. Zastosuvannya zaspokiylivyh (valerian tincture) and hypotensive (dibazol, papaverine) zabiv. Control over breathing, carrying out visits to prevent asphyxia in the aftermath of the onset of movement and vomiting. Ways of attacking hysteria. order of medical evacuation of the sick.

Busy 4. Practically - 2 years. Understanding about legen's mess, yogo cause that signs. Development mechanism. Ways to zapobіgannya rozvitku nabryu legen. Help me to get the first medical help in case of a bad leg. Reinforcing the passage of the wild ways. Inhalation sour. Make sure that you reduce the stubborn sputum, that is the way to stop them. Ways to reduce blood pressure in the leg. Zastosuvannya sechoginnyh and hypotensive zasobiv for usunennya nabryaku legen. You can pardon for an hour of help first aid. The order of medical evacuation of sick people.

Busy 5. Practically - 2 years. Appointment, cause vindication, those signs of circulatory diabetes. Understanding about rhubarb tsukra in the blood and mechanisms of yogo regulation, hyperglycemic coma. Characteristic signs Hypo- and hyperglycemic Komi, today's recovery in other comatose states. Tactics of the rattler should be first aid to the ailing in a coma. Ways to prevent asphyxia. Glucose intake (tsukri toshcho) for the use of a comatose state. Rules for transporting sick people.

Busy 6. Practically - 2 years. The reasons for that are the main signs of the nir’s ring and the zatrimka of the section. Principles of first aid help. The experience of the skarg of the ailing with the nir's ring and the sharp siege. Introduction of painkillers and spasmolytics. Take that method of keeping the sick. Sick transport rules

Busy 7. Practically - 2 years. Appointment, cause blame, signs of insomnia and Komi. Principal vіdmіnnostі innocence of comatose state. Causes of death of the injured Evaluation of the victim in the camp of insomnia and comi (character of breathlessness, presence of a pulse on the carotid artery, presence of arterial or venous bleeding, fractures of the cysts of the kіntsіvok and pelvis). Help me to get the first help. Preceding the strangulation of the injured with my hair and after aspirating in the place of the drain, the blood of the drain. Dії with raptovіy denticles of the heart that dihannya. Signs of swelling of the brain and massive blood loss with arterial bleeding. Characteristic tactful pardons for the first hour of help at home, like bringing the victims to death. Prevention of insomnia and coma. Rules for transporting the victim in a coma.

Topic 15

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Classification of infectious diseases. Understanding the epidemic process. Methods for the manifestation of ailments. Quarantine and observation, rules of conduct in the zones of observation and quarantine. This particularity of the first help in case of various infectious diseases. Disease prevention. The procedure for carrying out sanitary and lighting work among the population in the middle of mass infectious diseases has been replaced.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. The main signs of infectious diseases (colds, gostrih slutkovo-intestinal, transmissive, ovnіshnіh malformations, especially unsafe ones). Vimiryuvannya body temperature, ovnіshnіy glance ill. Methods of keeping sick. Understanding about antipyretic diseases and methods of congestion. Rules for dealing with infectious diseases and keeping an eye on them.

Activity 3. Practically -2 years. Dії ryatuvalnik shkodo vyyavlennya and assessment of the medical situation in the midst of mass infectious disease. Organization and conduction of visits at any time, isolation and hospitalization of ailments. Protiepidemіchnі come in and order їх conducted. Methods and methods of disinfection, disinsection and deratization. Designated mission for the care of the sick. Rules for the transportation of infectious diseases.

Topic 16

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding about the physiological canopies. Provisniki slopes, signs of the cob and the period of generic activity. Trivality is the main complication of slopes. First help pіd hour pologіv posture hospital.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. The procedure for the training of the breed and the preparation of the її to the slopes. The first help with the little things and the people's children. Obrobka hands ryatuvalnik, which I hope to help. Tactics of the rattlesnake after the birth of a child (removing the mucus from the mouth of a child, cutting and cutting the umbilical cord, wiping that throat of a child). Methods of first aid in case of flattened slopes (tissue tears, bleeding). The procedure for transporting a parent with a child to a likuval pledge.

Topic 17

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Stress and mental trauma. Causes, signs, possible consequences. Revealing the victims of mental trauma. The main manifestations of severe mental disorders in the affected supra-evolutionary situations, especially in children. Zmіst that rules of nadannya first help. Features of the first medical aid for children. The role of the methods of self-regulation in the activity of the worker and in the nadna will suffer the first help.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. The main principles of the method of preventing stressful states and fighting with stress, removing the victims from stress. Methods for the selection of individual approaches to combat stress, praised by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Busy 3 and 4. Practical - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya that zakrіplennya priyomіv priyomіv nadanny first aid to the victims of mental trauma, teaching the victims the methods of self-regulation. Pіdbіr іndivіdualnyh priyom_v samoregulії, sbortі zі stresom za tekhniki, laudable by the Ministry of Health of Russia. Rules for the transportation of victims of mental disorders.

Topic 18. Medical sorting. Appointed and conducted procedure

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. The role, goals and organization of ambush of medical sorting of the victims. See the medical sorting out and the order of yoga. Understanding about evacuation and transport sorting. The main criteria for sorting the victims for various injuries.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Organization and carrying out of medical sorting of the injured with injuries, opikami, attacks with blast and radioactive speeches, with combined and combined injuries. Rules for the roaring and possession of sorting maidanchiks. Understand about sorting marks. Nadanny first help the injured under the hour of sorting.

Topic 19. Transportation of victims

Busy 1. Practically - 2 years. Ways of transferring the injured: on the arms, on the back, on the shoulders, on the burdens. The camp of the victim on burdens is stale in view of the blow and the severity of the state. Peculiarities of the transference of the injured person during the first hour of the descent. Rules for shifting the injured person from the earth on burdens, transferring the injured person to soft, standard and improvised burdens.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Preparation of the injured before evacuation, choice of means of transporting the injured, fallow in the situation. Zavantazhennya affected transport costs. Evacuation place of transport facilities. Support transport from the victims. The order of control over the camp of the injured was changed for the hour of evacuation, and the first aid was given to them. Vidpovіdnіst organіv governіnnya i posadovіh osіb for organіzіyu i conducted medіnії evakuatsії.

Topic 20. Fundamentals of medical rehabilitation of workers

Activity 1. Theoretically - 2 years. The concept of medical rehabilitation of workers. Indicated before the medical rehabilitation of the first hour of liquidation of epidemiological situations. Change signs. Form and method of medical rehabilitation. Legal framework. Report cards for conducting medical rehabilitation and rules for their zastosuvannya.

Busy 2. Practically - 2 years. Methods and methods of medical rehabilitation. Vitamins, non-specific adaptogens, the significance of that method of stosuvannya. Methods for improving the efficiency, resistance of the body to unacceptable effusions.

Anti-burn preparation

I. Fire-tactical training

Zrazkovy initial-thematic plan

No. topics Topic names Number of years for classes
third another first international
Occupation number Number of hours occupancy number Number of years Occupation number Number of years Occupation number Number of years
Zagalni vіdomosti pro gorіnnya. Pozhezha that її development. Ways to attach the mountain - - - - - -
Pozhozhna tactics that її zavdannya. Rozvіdka pozhozhі Dії ryatіvnika pіd poryatunku people. Come in safe - - - - - -
Burn the carcass. Dії ryatuvalnik pіd hаїnnya pozhezhі 1,2 - - - - - -
Peculiarities of extinguishing fire in different minds - - - - - -
Budіvelni materials and their behavior for the minds of the mind. Main life materials, final assessment - - - - - -
Classification budіvel that spores for equal їх vognestіynostі - - - - - -
Pozhezhna nebezpeka speeches, scho zastosovuyutsya at promyslovostі - - - - - -
Together... - - - - -

Head of training

The ryatuvalnik of the third class is guilty:

nobility deep understanding about the process of fire, ways to attach fire and fire, come in safely at the order of people for an hour later, mothers understand about the consequences of fire;

remember children at the warehouse of the fire train, pick up the bindings of one of the numbers in the combat rozrahunka.

The ryatuvalnik of another class is guilty:

nobility in addition, the order of the main everyday materials in the minds of the future, the classification of the future spores beyond the stage of their innocence, the assessment of the speeches, which will stop at the industry;

remember fire extinguishing robots from various special units, mechanisms and insulating devices, wrapping the bindings of all numbers in the combat rozrahunka.

Ryatuvalniks of the first and international class of guilt:

nobility vymogi to ryativnik 2nd class, krіm moreover, novіtnі reach in galuzі tactic extinguishing pozhozh that accumulated dosvіdu bortbi z them;

remember zastosovuvat practically new achievements in the field of fire extinguishing tactics.

Methodical statements

Classes are held at the classroom or on the primary training ground with specially equipped primary maidanchiks. The main tasks of the fire tactics, as well as the development of food about the process of burning different speeches, I will burn that її development in class. Rozvіdka pozhezhі, dії when ryatuvannya people and the basis of the organization of extinguishment for different minds to learn how to take practical hours on the first maidanchiks of the protipozhezhny polygon.

For the sake of accuracy, you should read the first posters, diagrams, layouts, movies and video films.

Topic 1 Pozhezha that її development. Ways to attach the mountain

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Zagalni vіdomosti about the process of burning, I'll wait for that її development. Short notes about the nature of the mountain of the widest combustible rivers: wood, peat, light-burning (LZR) and combustible (GR) rіdin, gas, lacquer and farb, paper, polymeric and fibrous materials, resins, combustible sums of steam, gas and saw from repeat. It’s better to understand about fire that short description of the phenomena that are seen on fire. Ways to attach the mountain. Classification and general information about the main fire hazards: see, a short description, areas and minds of the congestion.

Topic 2. Fire tactics are the same. Rozvіdka pozhezhі Dії ryatuvalnik pіd hour ryatuvannya people. Come in safe

Activity 1. Group - 2 years old. Pozhozhna tactics that її zavdannya. The role of that zagalnі obov'yazki ryatuvalnikіv pіd hіkonannya vykonannya main combat plant on the fire. See the combat actions. Pardons are characteristic, which are allowed under the hour of warfare. I’ll understand about the exploration later, I’ll take that task. How to carry out reconnaissance, search for people in smoke-filled places. Dії with the ryatuvannya of people that evacuation of the lane on the fire. Rules for the evacuation of people and material values. Designated ways of evacuation. Roztin designs for the creation of minds evacuation. Come in safely at the hour of discovery, and wait for that ryatuvannya of people.

Topic 3. Extinguishing fire. Dії ryatuvalnik pіd hаїnnya pozhezhі

Activity 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding about localization and liquidation later. The nature of the fighting for the skin stage. Peculiarities of combat actions in case of shortage of forces and benefits. The peculiarities of the work in the smoke-filled premises and come in safely.

Activity 2. Practically - 2 years. The designation of fighting pits on fire, methods of supplying fire extinguishing supplies (water, fire and powder barrels) and working with them. Methods for supplying fire-extinguishing supplies to the fire for cooling (zahist) structures. The creation of water curtains for the protection of a special warehouse from the changeable warmth. Methods for supplying the pinnacles of the stems (pushing, empty overlappings and partitions, on the burning surface of the LZR and GR). Come in safely for an hour of work with stovburs. Ways and ways of laying sleeve lines.

Topic 4. Features of fire extinguishing in different minds

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Peculiarities of fighting fires during gassing fires during non-stagnant water, at low temperatures, in an unsuitable medium for breathing, in underground and mountainous places; extinguishing the fire of oil products

Topic 5 Main life materials, final assessment

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. The power of everyday materials. Influx of temperature on the volatility and the materiality of the budding materials and structures. Groups and indicators of the borrowing capacity of future materials. Budіvelnі materials that don't burn, burn and burn very importantly. The simplest fireworks summish.

Topic 6

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. See budіvel and yogo main elements. The concept of the innocence of future constructions and future. Foundations, walls, internal supports and partitions. Protipozhzhzhni pereshkodi at budinki. Evacuation routes.

Topic 7

Busy 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Pozhezhna nebezpeka rіdin. Pozhezhna nebezpeka technical gases. Pozhezhna nebezpeka flammable speeches. Classification of diseases according to vibukhovo, vibuho-fire and fire ailments.

II. Fire-technical training

Zrazkovy initial-thematic plan

No. topics Topic names Number of years for classes
Third Other pershy International
Occupation number Number of years occupancy number Number of years Occupation number Number of years Occupation number Number of years
Primary fire extinguishing - - - - - -
Pozhezhnikh avtomobilіv zagalny recognition. Їhnya classification, main tactical and technical characteristics (TTX) 1,2 - - - - - -
Fire-technical construction of a fire-fighting vehicle. Placement of fire equipment on a car 1,2 - - - - - -
Burn motor pumps. TTX of the burnt motor pumps. Technical capacity of fire motor pump - - 1,2 - - - -
Fire cars of a special purpose. Main types of performance characteristics - - - -
Together - - - -

Head of training

Ryatuvalnik 3 class is guilty:

nobility the first order of fire extinguishing, fire equipment of a burning recognition, as if rebuying on equipment of fire engines, as well as the operating rules and regulations;

remember practical vikoristovuvat pozhozhzhnu tekhnіko zagalnogo prichenennya ta obladnannya і rіznih NS.

Ryatuvalnik 2nd class is guilty:

nobility up to the 3rd class ryatuvalnik, moreover, fire motor-pumps, the rules of their use and exploitation;

remember practical vikoristovuvat pozhozhzhnu tekhnіko zagalnogo prichenenya and motopompi in different NS.

Ryatuvalniks of the 1st and international class of guilt:

nobility moreover, up to the 2nd class ryatuvalnik, in addition, fire cars of special recognition, the rules for their implication and exploitation;

remember practical vikoristovuvat pozhozhzhnu tekhnіko spetsial'nogo prichenenya і raznyh NS.

Methodical statements

Classes are held in the classroom or without intermediary on the fire technique and installation. Appliances and design of units, fittings and fittings are based on their principles and layouts. The principles of the work of aggregates, having attached that possession, are twisted on the material part of the way, showing and explaining the recognition and power of their main parts for an hour of work.

The main respect is attached to the power of technically competent operation of the burning machines, having that morning in constant readiness.

The knots and mechanisms are shown in more detail, yak, with technical maintenance, they are sorted out and regulated.

For the sake of accuracy, you should read the first posters, diagrams, layouts, movies and video films. Theoretical knowledge and practical novice, otrimany shdo that fire-technical training, will be improved in the employment of tactical-special training.

Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia

Department of military civil defense training

and other moldings


cob preparation of ryatuvalniks

Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia

m. Moscow - 1999

The program regulates the initial training of ryatuvalniks from the subjects of training.

They have: - organization of post training of ryatuvalniks; rozrahunok of the anniversary of the subjects of education; the head of training; methodical instructions from the subjects of study; thematic rozrahunki years, naming topics and zmіst to take; kіlkіst years z їkhnої vvchennya, kerіvnitstva (literature).

The program was distributed by the Department for the preparation of the military civil defense and other formations jointly with other departments of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia.

Organization of cob preparation .............................................................. ......................................... 3

ryatuvalnikov ............................................... ................................................. ................................................. ................. 3

Rozrahunok of the anniversary of the subject of training for the preparation of ryatuvalnikov 5

MEDICAL TRAINING ............................................... ................................................. ................................. 6

PROTIPOZHZHENAYA PREPARATION .............................................................. ................................................. .................. fourteen

Psychological training .............................................................. ................................................. ................. 17

Radiation, chemical, biological protection .............................................................. ................. 24

Call preparation ............................................................... .. ................................................ .. .............................. 25

Topography .................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ............... 27

Organization of cob preparation


Pochatkova preparation of ryatuvalnikіv zdіysnyuєtsya vіdpovіdno until the Basic Regulations for the attestation of emergency and rituvalnyh services, emergency and ryatuvalny molding and ryatuvalnikov, approved by the decree of the Order of the Russian Federation on 01.01.2001. No. 000.

Pochatkov preparation for admission to the primary attestation of the worker is carried out in two stages:

Individual training;


Individual training osіb, yakі vpershe accepted before the PSF for the planting of the rytuvalnik, is carried out for the month of the future work, starting from the day the candidate for the planting was recognized.

The instruction is based on the instructions for the rules of the protection of practice in accordance with the normative documents.

At the same time, it is necessary to turn on the school to the warehouse of the black change and win for participation in the visits and robots, in which case you can blame the connection with professional unpreparedness, a threat to your life and health.

The training is carried out under the supervision of one of the intercessors of the head of the PSF, or the most prepared for this specialty by a specialist (instructor), which are assigned by order of the senior chief, and it is carried out for two days for a week for 6 years. In addition, one day to take two years for independent work.

Before the maintenance of hydraulic electrical installations, students are allowed after passing through the advanced training.

coursework ryatuvalnikov for the first program, it is organized to be carried out at the primary and methodological centers or other initial pledges on a contractual basis, which is appointed by the body, specifically upholding the civil defense task force, the task of zapobobіgannya that liquor.

Internship studies are organized during the individual preparation of the trivality 3 rounds (for special work with a change mode) or 10 days (for special and other categories).

At the end of the course preparation, the students add up to sleep.

Evaluation of the results of the coursework and individual training, as well as the characteristics of the head of the PSF, in which student passed the test term (acceptance for work), as well as other documents are submitted to the territorial attestation commission.

After a positive decision of the attestation commission, the sergeant is allowed by the order of the senior officer to sue the shoes behind the plantation.

The management bodies of powder-and-roll molding, within the limits of their competence, organize and methodically prepare the preparation of molds and control the work carried out.

The maintenance of the training of the ryatuvalniks may be specific and safe outside the same way of planning and the programs of the first training.

Vono polygaє:

at the thoughtful planning of the cob preparation;

to take a steady thorough professional knowledge and methodical mastery of the kerіvnikіv;

for the purpose of systematic monitoring of the course of the initial process and the need for constant help;

svoєchasne that ob'ektivne pіdbitya pіdbags;

effective selection of initial-training aids and initial fittings for training hours;

to a post-implemented thorough learning of the material and technical base; at the training, uzgalnennі and vprovadzhennі vіtchiznіany and foreign advanced dosvіdu practіkіv navchannya svočnogo warehouse.

The planning of the initial preparation of the PSF is determined by the head of the poshukovo-ryatuval molding at the right time for the trial term, which was established by the persons adopted by the PSF.

When planning the post-training to the PSF, the following is expanded:

individual training;

course preparation;


The shape of the results of post-training and training is carried out in journals on the shape of the study and training programs.

Commanders (chiefs) on the cob to take an hour of work with equipment, small mechanization, electrical installations, come in safely, at their own time bring the numbers of help to the right level, try to take over their deep acquisition of a special warehouse; under an hour to take up work with technology to control their vikonannya.

Rozrahunok of the Year of the Year with the subjects of training for the pochatkov preparation of ryatuvalniks

Individual training


Items for training



All year



Medical training

Anti-burn preparation

Psychological training

Special (technical) training

Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Preparing a call


Tactical-special training

Note: * the clerk has a number of years for training, the bannerman has a number of years for the hall.


Training task:

vmіti nadavati pershu medical aid to the injured in various suprapersonal situations, in the course of training to mold into the training psychological stability to the stressful injection of factors in various NS;

to pinch newbies, to develop the zdіbnosti of managing your psychological state.

Methodical statements

Employed with direct preparations to be carried out by the Fakhivtsi of the Medical Services in the inaccurate classes on the inaccinations of Maudaniki, equipped with on-bankers, simulators, dickens of Tischivans KinovіdaMaterіvіv, Diafіlmіv, Slidiv, photographer TA IN., And Tajor Taji Tajki Podrichniy Dop's Person.

On the cob of the skin occupation, the clerk explains that showing the sequence of the first medical aid to the staff of the personnel and handicrafts, and then we will practice it in practice.

For practical application, all scientists are divided into two groups and they are divided. In practical terms, priyomіv priёdіlyaetsya less than 80% of the initial hour.

The beginnings of the vikoristanny of the syringe-tube are being practiced on mannequins.

Occupation is the responsibility of taking care of the initial mine for 50% of the learning from the cost of practical work on the introduction of an hour.

Otrimani on occupations from medical training, knowledge and practical skills will be improved in the course of taking from tactical and special training.

After the completion of the training, a hall is held.



Occupation number

Number of years

Affecting factors that are blamed for accidents, disasters, natural disasters, etc. current benefits oh amazing

Persha is a medical helper. Legal planting rights and obov'yazkіv ryatuvalnikіv at її nadanny

Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology

Get the first medical help

Persha is medical aid for injuries

Persha is a medical aid for bleeding

First medical aid for traumatic shocі

Persha is a medical aid for gostry ailments

The first medical aid for vivices and fractures of the bones

Fundamentals of heart-legal resuscitation

The first medical aid for the syndrome of thrive pressure

The first medical aid in case of opikah and frostbite

Persha is a medical aid in case of unfortunate fluctuations

The first medical aid in case of attacks by bruises and emergency chemically unsafe speeches (AHOV)

First medical aid for radiation injuries

First medical assistance to those who suffered from hostile mental disorders

Fundamentals of hygiene knowledge

Fundamentals of epidemiology

The fault of the transport of the enemy from the fires of the enemy

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Enemy officials: mechanical, thermal, chemical, radiation, biological, psychogenic. Їхні medico-tactical characteristics. Sanitary expenses: the value and structure of їх.

2. Persha is medical help. Legal planting rights and obov'yazkіv ryatuvalnikіv at її nadanny

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. See medical assistance. The head of the office went to the first medical aid. Obov'yazki ryatuvalnik shdo nadannya first medical help. Legal ambush rights and obov'yazkіv ryatuvalnik z nadannya first medical assistance. Understanding about medical sorting, evacuation.

Topic 3. Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology

Occupation 1-4. Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Busy 2-4. Practical - 2 years. Understanding about the anatomy and physiology of a person. Understanding about organs, systems of the body. Skeleton and yoga functions. Head, tip, pelvis, ridge, thoracic cage, upper and lower tips. M'yazova system, tendon.

Organize blood circulation. The concept of blood circulation. The amount of blood in the body of a person, laryngeal її. Significance of spontaneous bleeding.

Organs of blood circulation: heart, sudini, schnya budova. Robotic heart.

Naygolovnіshі arteries of the upper and lower kintsіkov, carotid artery. The appointed place of pressing the most important arteries.

Topic 4

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Appointed, budovu that rules coristuvannya first-aid kit іndivіdualnoy, package bandaging іndivіdualnym, sanitary bag, іndivіdualny protihіm_chny package, bandaging material. Individual dressing package, yoga attachment, warehouse, distribution rules. Overlay of occlusive dressings for additional IPP. First aid kit is individual. Warehouse, rules of koristuvannya. Vykoristannya instead of the first-aid kit individually: for pain relief, with acute FOV, for the prevention of intermenual lesions, with the primary reaction of ARS, for the prevention of infectious diseases. Sanitary bag, budova, warehouse, rules of corystuvannya.

Topic 5

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. More understanding about the closure and vіdkritі ushkodzhennya. Understanding about the wound, not being injured (bleeding, wound zabrudnennya, loss of life of important organs). Penetrating injury to the skull, chest, abdomen. Symptoms of the first medical help. The concept of asepsis. Rules for using sterile material. Understand about the antiseptic. Type of dressing material: gauze, bandages, leghin, braids, individual dressing material, servettes. Primary bandage.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Bandages on the head of that neck, on the eyes, forehead, ear, hairy part of the head, lower slit, chin. Putting on bandages in order is self-help. Sitcho-tubular bandages.

Lesson 3. Practical - 2 years. Bandages on the chest, that crotch lives. Peculiarities of first aid and application of occlusive dressing in case of penetrating wounds of the chest with open pneumothorax and abdomen. Putting on bandages in order is self-help.

Lesson 4. Practical - 2 years. Bandage of the upper and lower ends. Bandage of the upper ends: the area of ​​the shoulder suglom, shoulder, ulnar suglom, hand, fingers.

Lesson 5. Practical - 2 years. Bandage of the lower ends: on the inguinal region, the upper part of the stegna, the pelvic loam, the middle part of the stegna, the knee loam, the homilk, the homilk-foot loam, the foot.

Features of the application of bandages for collection. Putting on bandages in order is self-help.

Topic 6

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Bleeding that її see, the ways of the timchasovy zupinki bleeding: digital artery pressing, bandaging, pressing, twisting the tourniquet. Maximum zginannya kіntsіvki. The correctness of the application of the harness. Preparation of yoga from handicrafts. First aid for bleeding internal organs.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Training ryatuvalnikov at patch bandages, tourniquet, first medical aid for internal bleeding.

Topic 7

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Understanding about traumatic shock, yoga signs, causes, prevention. The first medical aid for shocі.

Topic 8

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Gostra coronary insufficiency. Angina. Myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock. Gostra ship's insufficiency. Asphyxia (mechanical). Nirkov ring. Acute cerebrovascular accident. Become comatose. Symptoms. Persha is a medical helper.

Topic 9

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Causes, signs of the first medical aid in case of clogged missions, stretching and viviha. Clogged soft tissues in patients with fractures of the bones.

Lesson 2. Theoretically - 1 year. Breakthrough concept. You see the signs of fractures. See transport tires, help yourself. Methods of first medical aid in case of fractures of the bones of the ends.

Lesson 3 and 4. Practical - 2 years each. Methods of first medical aid in case of vivices, fractures of the ends, ribs, bones of the skull, spine and pelvis. Methods of transportation for various fractures.

Topic 10. Fundamentals of heart-legal resuscitation

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. The concept of resuscitation. Terminal stations, a sign of clinical and biological death. Appointment obyagu and sequence of resuscitation visits.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Carrying out piece-by-piece breathing by the methods of "mouth by mouth", "mouth by nose" for the assistance of a guide. Methods of elementary heart-legal resuscitation with one and two rattans.

Topic 11

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Understanding the syndrome of treacherous pressure. Type of compression (crushing, direct squeezing, positional squeezing), localization, softening of soft tissues, softening, degree of severity, periods of compression, combinations with other lesions; classification of compressive syndrome of Ischemia of terminations, classification; necrosis of the tip. Clinical signs of ischemia. Forecast. Appointment of combinirovaniyakh razheni kіntsivok. Peculiarities of the first medical aid, the rules for the relief of the injured from the ruins. Prevention is more difficult.

Topic 12

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years of Opika, their causes, signs, you see that classification.

Frostbite, causes, signs, you see that classification. Prevention of opikiv and frostbite. The first medical aid for opikah. Opki in the form of aggressive mediums.

The first medical aid in case of frostbite. Severe cooling, especially the first medical aid for the new one.

Topic 13

Lesson 1 Practical - 2 years. First medical aid for the hour of drowning. There was that blue asphyxia. First help in case of electric shock and glare. Prevention of heat and sony stroke. First help. Training ryatuvalnikov for the first medical aid in case of unfortunate fluctuations.

Topic 14

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Otruyni and emergency chemical unsafe speeches, their classification for the influx on the human body. Damage signs. Antidotes. Save the zakhist. First medical help. Peculiarities of nadanny help in case of tormented products of the mountain. Vykoristannya first-aid kits іndivіdualnoї, antidote therapy.

Topic 15

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Promeneva ailment, pochatkovі її signs. First medical help. Prophylactically come in, sho priyat zbіlshennyu opіrnostі organіzmu ryatuvalnik to infusion of penetrating radiation near the follicle. Peculiarities of the first medical aid to help defeat in the stray mass. Vicoristannya first aid kits іndivіdualnoї.

Topic 16

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Signs of mental disorder in the victims in the middle of the epidemiological situations. The first medical help, especially the tribute. Rules for sightseeing and transportation.

Topic 17. Fundamentals of hygiene knowledge

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. The special hygiene of that її value in the preservation of the health of the ratuvalnik. Knowledge of special hygiene at the entrances of people from radioactive, blasted speeches and bacterial diseases. Hygiene clothes, vzuttya, order. Come in to protect the products from the contaminants, zabrudnennya, infection. Designation of contamination of containers, products.

Lesson 2. Practical - 1 year. Vimogi to the power of water, the need for її for the body. Bring individual infection in flasks for help pins.

Placement at the sex minds, choose a place. Ways of insulation, scorching, ventilation, and tidying up the premises, in which the pits are located. Vlashtuvannya that obladnannya vbiralen.

Topic 18. Fundamentals of epidemiology

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Infectious disease, dzherela, causes, ways of rozpovsudzhennya. Awakeners of infectious diseases. Routes of infection: contact, grub, water, nettle-pilovy, transmissive. Understanding about especially unsafe infections, epidemics. Peculiarities of the work of the rattler in the pits of especially unsafe infections.

Topic 19

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Placement of a typical sanitary facility with transport facilities (near railcars, motor ships, light trucks, buses, cars) for the transportation of the injured. Navantazhennya and accommodation of the affected middle transport workers. Wear, see їх, straps, їх vikoristannya. The guilt of those who suffered from the victorious assistants, on their hands, backs. The transfer of the victims by one or two rytuvals.

After the completion of the beginning of the ryatuvalnik may:

1. Head of the obsyag of the first medical aid (PMP)

1. Recognize the signs of death

2. Legal ambush in case of first medical assistance

3. Reliable signs of clinical and biological death

3. Properly establish the main needs for the provision of the first medical aid

4. Costs for the first medical aid

4. Give first medical aid in case of injuries of different localization

5. See the wounds, aggravated wounded. Understanding about aseptics and antiseptics

5. Take the pimples of the normal bleeding

6. See the bleeding. Ways to bleed

6. Recognize signs of internal bleeding

7. Know the signs of internal bleeding

7. Conduct the easiest anti-shock visits

8. Signs of vivihu, stretching of links

8. Volodymy in the ways of the first medical aid in case of vivices, stretching of ligaments and clogged places.

9. See the fractures and their complications

9. Vykoristovuvaty reports and handbooks for immobilization in case of first medical aid in case of fractures

10. Features of the first medical aid for fractures of different localization

10. Volodymyr in different ways of transferring and transporting the injured with one or two rytuvals

11. Features of the methods of transferring and transporting the injured

11. Determine the level of life of the clinic and give adequate first medical help

12. Signs of the syndrome of trembling squeezing. Consequence at the first medical aid

12. Determine the conduct of the wound when combined and the last ushkodzhennya and give the first medical help in the necessary sequence

13. See the old, combined damage and the sequence in the first medical aid

13. Give the first medical help, walk out of the step of the guard (frost-freeze)

14. Signs of guardianship, frostbite and methods of first medical assistance

14. Use various methods of piece breathing and methods of indirect massage of the heart

15. Take the first medical aid in case of hypothermia

15. Give an antidote. Koristuvatisya with an individual protihіmіchny package, an individual first-aid kit, put on a gas mask on the victim, coristuvatsya with the help of an individual defense

16. Accept the simplest resuscitation calls

16. Give the first medical help on the infected territory

17. Classification of unsafe chemical speeches. Signs of injury and methods of first medical assistance

17. Give the first medical help in case of acute mental disorders

18. Limiting allowable doses of change and equal radiation on the mass

18. Disinfect

19. The first signs of a promeneutic ailment and її prevention

20. Peculiarities of the first medical aid in acute mental disorders

21. Rules for the maintenance of special hygiene for an hour of work in various over-the-top situations

22. Signs of various infectious diseases and preventive measures

23. Rules for the work of the rytuvalnik under the hour of quarantine and observation


1. Primary help for nurses "Nadnya first medical aid, selection and evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield."

2. Assistant for sanitary instructors.

3. Instructions for indispensable help for acute illnesses, injuries and disorders, part 1, M, 1992.

4. Handyman of the rattler, Ministry of Taxes of Russia, 1997

5. Petrovskaya medical assistance. The most popular encyclopedia. M. Nauk. view. "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 1994.

6. Population Potapov received medical assistance. M. Medicine, 1983.


Training task:

nobility zagalnі obov'yazki ryatuvalnikіv pіd h vykonannya combat zavdannya on the fire; galnі v_domosti about the process of burning, I'll burn that її development; incandescent reports about the main flammable speeches; galnі vіdomostі about pozhozhno-tehnіchne obladnannya; come in safely for an hour of order of people, evacuation of the lane and vikonannya of special robots on the fire;

remember correctly when fire is detected, to stop the fire extinguishing, to win manual mechanization and non-mechanization tools for the hour of ryatuvalnyh robots.

Methodical statements

Classes for fire tactics, the first fire extinguishing activities are carried out at a specially equipped class, and from fire cars at the park. Learn to learn from the fireworks about the processes of the furnace, I will burn that її development, with fire-extinguishing speeches, which are vicorated at the first fire-extinguishing facilities, as well as from the fire-fighting technique. The method that priyomi gasіnnya pozhezh robot of pozhezhnimi converge ryatuvalnimi Motuzko, mehanіzovanim that elektrifіkovanim іnstrumentom vivchayutsya on spetsіalno obladnanih The Teaching Development Center, de uchnyam demonstruyutsya mozhlivі reasons viniknennya pozhezh, methods їh lіkvіdatsії, pokazuyutsya priyomi poryatunku people and takozh priyomi robot іnstrumentom, ryatuvalnoї Motuzko the same after the gatherings.

At the beginning of the hour, the beginnings of the posters, schemes, layouts, video films, films are being made.

After the completion of the study of the subject, a closing is carried out.

Themed birthday celebration

I. Fire-tactical training

Topic 1. Fire tactics are the same. Zagalni vіdomosti about the process of burning, I'll wait for that її development

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Pozhozhna tactics that її zavdannya. The role of that zagalnі obov'yazki ryatuvalnikіv pіd hіkonannya vykonannya main combat plant on the fire. See the combat actions. Pardons are characteristic, which are allowed under the hour of warfare.

Zagalni vіdomosti about the process of burning, I'll wait for that її development. Short notes about the nature of the mountain of the widest combustible rivers: wood, peat, light-burning (LZR) and combustible (GR) rіdin, gas, lacquer and farb, paper, polymeric and fibrous materials, resins, combustible sums of steam, gas and saw from repeat.

A deep understanding of the fire is a short description of the phenomena that are seen on the fire. Ways to attach the mountain.

Classification and general information about the main fire hazards: see, a short description, areas and minds of the congestion.

Topic 2: Exploration later. Dії ryatuvalnik under the hour of order of people

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. I’ll understand about the exploration later, I’ll take that task. Dії ryatuvalnik under the hour of reconnaissance, seeing people at the smoke-filled places, ordering people that evacuation lane on the fire. Rules for making doors at the tent. Rules for the evacuation of people and material values. Designated ways of evacuation. Roztin designs for the creation of minds evacuation.

Come in safely for an hour of reconnaissance and wait for that order of people.

Topic 3. Extinguishing fire. Dії ryatuvalnik pіd hаїnnya pozhezhі

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding about localization and liquidation later. The nature of the fighting for the skin stage.

Peculiarities of combat actions in case of shortage of forces and benefits. The designation of fighting pits on fire, methods of supplying fire extinguishing supplies (water, fire and powder barrels) and working with them. Methods for supplying fire-extinguishing supplies to the fire for cooling (zahist) structures. The creation of water curtains for the protection of a special warehouse from the changeable warmth. Methods for supplying the pinnacles of the stems (pushing, empty overlappings and partitions, on the burning surface of the LZR and GR). Come in safely for an hour of work with stovburs.

The peculiarities of the work in the smoke-filled premises and come in safely. Come in safely for an hour of extinguishing that sorting out of constructions. Methods for laying sleeve lines.

Lesson 2 and 3. Practical - 2 years each. Accept that method of deciphering and deciphering designs on fire.

II. Fire equipment

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment and tactical and technical characteristics of fire tankers, sleeve cars, cars of fire and powder fire extinguishing. Schemes of combat larynx.

Appointment and tactical and technical characteristics of the fire motor pumps. Schemes of combat larynx.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Occupation on the fire cistern by showing the main units, vuzlov, obladnannya. Їx roztashuvannya and recognition.

Topic 2

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment of the lower sleeves, sleeves and trunks.

Manual non-mechanization and mechanization tools. Hydraulic tool and pneumatic tool.

Make sure that you protect yourself from high temperatures and thermal insulation: thermal protection, thermal insulation suits and their operation.

Safety equipment for an hour of work with fire and emergency equipment.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Priyomi work with mechanization and non-mechanization, electrification and pneumatic tools. Come safe.

Topic 3. Fire extinguishers

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Appointed, you see, the sphere of stagnation, the warehouse of flammable speech, the marking of flammables, the terms of recharging.

Lesson 2. Practical - 1 year. Bringing fire extinguishers to the day, come in safely.

III. Fire-building training

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Laying of sleeve lines with a sleeve coil. Picking up sleeve lines. Lifting the sleeve line on the heights behind the auxiliary rattling skein and the lower descents. Extension of the sleeve line. Robots with dead trunks are standing, kneeling, lying down, maneuvering trunks. Features of work with sleeves with tastovburs when supplying water in the winter hour.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Right with manual fire gatherings (removing, transferring, installing and packing on a car). The selection of hand-made fire drabins, as an additional possession at the time of the ryatuvanni of people, that the selection of others works for the hour of extinguishing. Come safe. Command. Signal keruvannya.

Topic 2

Busy 1-3. Practical - 2 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya priyomіv i sposobіv ryatuvannya people pozhezhі. Knitting of a single and underwire ryatuval loop, without pulling on and pulling on the "suffered". The guard of the victim from the top of the head veil. Poryatunok that evacuation of people, yakі took away injuries. A samoporyatunok on top of the head veil behind an additional rattling skein. Come safe. Command. Signal keruvannya.


1. Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated March 5, 1998. N 152

2. A methodological guide for tactical and special training of fire pilots of the Military Civil Defense of the Russian Federation, M., 1997

3. Help for technical training for fire and pipeline pipelines of the Military Civil Defense, M, 1991

4. Pdruchnik "Fire-preventive training", M. Voenizdat, 1984

5. Assistant "Fire-technical training", M. Military Publishing House, 1984.

6. Fighting statute of fire protection, M., 1985

7. Anti-fire training of fire extinguishers of civil defense, M., Voenizdat, 1976

8. Fire tactics, M., Budvidav, 1976

Psychological training

Training task:

To know: psychological help to the profession of a warrior, one’s own individual psychological characteristics, the peculiarity of the psychological impact of the situation for the overarching situations, methods and techniques for managing the power camp;

Vmіti: vrahovuvati svoї іndivіdualnі psihologіchnі osoblivostі at vedennі ryatuvalnih robіt that koriguvati їh, zastosovuvati on praktitsі knowledge vmіnnya that navichki pіdtrimki psihologіchnoї gotovnostі to Act reasonably have Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіyah, kontrolyuvati svіy psihіchny mill that zastosovuvati priyomi upravlіnnya him rozvivati zdіbnostі to shvidkoї vnutrіshnoї mobіlіzatsії at dіyah in the minds of a risk for life, support for effective internal group interaction.

Methodical statements

Within the framework of the program, testing is carried out, on the basis of which the visnovka is spun about the individual psychological characteristics of the ryativnik.

Psychological preparation of personnel is carried out in accordance with the state of emergency up to the directive and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Taxation, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation on the basis of nutrition and improvement of the situation characteristic of the state.

Before the program is completed, psychologists, medical practitioners, vikladachs, the command and control warehouse of the emergency response services of the Russian Federation, who have been trained at the instructional and methodological gatherings and seminars, are involved in the program.

To ensure an effective conduct, take from the psychological preparation of the workers from qualified primary centers(preparation points) a modern initial and material base is being created, including:

special classes (offices), equipped with modern technical tools for learning and controlling knowledge, equipment for controlling the psychological state of the student, and for individual protection;

specially equipped maydanchiks, smugs, psychological training workshops, simulators, emergency situation simulators that enter the warehouse of training bases;

cinema and video equipment, sets of initial and thematic plans, initial aids, methodological materials, cinema of video films, posters, slides, tests for assessing the professionally important qualities of ryatuvalniks.

The education of the subject is completed by the under-bag activities (zalіk).

Themed birthday celebration



Occupation number

Moral-psychological ambush of the professional status of a ryativnik in a household

Professionally important as a ryativnik

Psychological peculiarities of the behavior of the population in epidemiological situations

Psychological preparation of ryatuvalniks to work in supra-extreme situations

Methods for managing the psychic state of the rattler during the first hour of the day in supra-extreme situations

See self-regulation and psychological rehabilitation

Podsumkove occupied (Zalіk)

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. The order of people is the sensory-creating basis of the life of a ryativnik, which dominates the motive of the profession. Professional development of a ryativnik. The role of a moral officer, apply independent actions during the hour of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in other supernatural situations.

The history of ritualistic reference in Russia, professional traditions, and the role of molding the special features of ritualists. Demonstration of documentary films.

The increase in the social significance of the profession of a laborer is connected with the increase in the number of accidents and catastrophes of man-made and natural character in modern minds.

Carrying out a test with a method of revealing the peculiarities of the motivation of the students-ratuvalnikov.

Topic 2

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Understanding the professionally important qualities, their role in the security of the success of the activity of the ryativnik.

special characteristics (emotional stamina in extreme minds, mutual style at the paddock, readiness to take risks, discipline, arrogance and purposefulness in the conduct of ritual work);

statistical and dynamic characteristics of mental processes: zonal and auditory spontaneity, spacious manifestation, spatial orientation, respect, memory, thought in extreme minds of functioning;

zdіbnosti up to the management of the power plant and practice, to the mobilization of the mental and physical reserves of the body, to the surge in other rallies in a critical situation, creative organization of activity in the minds of non-insignificance.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Carrying out testing of students with the method of revealing the level of development of the necessary professionally important qualities, reduce that skill.

Rozmov and discussed the results of testing within the framework of individual psychological consultation. Familiarization of students with their individual features, recommendations for ways to correct their appearance.

Topic 3. Psychological features of the behavior of the population in epic situations

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Psychological impact of the situation in case of supra-event situations of technogenic and natural character. Factors that give a traumatic impact on the psyche of a person: the scale of the undertaking, the speed of development, the need for life, the loss of loved ones, the loss of material values sharp change I will arrange life, the presence of mass victims, the lack of information, the loss of management.

Demonstration of documentary films, comments and discussions on the results of their review.

Individual vigilance in the nature of reactions to the supra-divine situation: saving self-control, building up to active duty; short-term changes in the mental state; pathological disorders of mental activity

Practical knowledge of the clinical picture of psychogenic disorders that are to blame for the above-mentioned situations. Demonstration of basic films for the training of psychiatrists (psychotherapists).

Individual and collective forms of panic reactions in epidemiological situations. Wash away your guilt, methods of delaying and pinning for the hour of carrying out ritual work. Receive a bit of antidote. Analysis of specific situations based on the results of the investigation of the ritual work.

Topic 4

Lesson 1. Practical - 4 years (To be carried out during the course of the lesson from tactical and special training).

The concept of psychological readiness to deal with the supra-divine situation.

The main direct molding of psychological readiness: the development of a little more confidence in the vikonnі service obov'yazku; nabuttya that postiyne doskonalennya dosvіdu dіy in real supremacy situations (earthquakes, vibuhi, fires, fires, accidents on chemically and radiation-unsafe objects, epidemics and others); implementation of processes according to their models; development of building capacity to endure intensive emergencies and trials of physical challenge; accumulated wealth of good emotional infusions for an hour of work with the wounded, dead; development of oxen yakos; operational mission training

Lesson 2. Practical - 4 years. (To be carried out during the course of a tactical-special training).

Methods of psychological preparation to work in supra-extreme situations: creation of models of supra-extreme situations; conducting training in extreme weather and climate conditions, on the initial training bases from the combined influx of factors of fire, smoke, height, water transitions, chemically unsafe speech; the creation of important situations in order to deal with the damage (dummies) of the blockages for the obvious tanning; extinguishing fire on mannequins; podannya water transfers at a special order; training how to deal with the task of stopping videocomputer simulators of accident situations at chemically and radiationally unsafe facilities; priynyattya decision for the minds of insignificance, shortage of time, rapt change of the situation; psychological zagartuvannya; showing the mortuary, the anatomical theater, the demonstration of the first films from the training of traumatologists.

Topic 5

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Psychological preparation, dosvid diy in supra-extreme situations, individual features - factors that signify the psychological stability of the ryativnik.

Replacing the in-line work of ryatuvalnikov in the course of work in the minds of a risk, unsafe for life, non-significance, a limit to the hour, thrive and intense physical pressures, warm emotional infusions (a robot with wounded, dead). Subjective and operational signs of becoming overexcited, apathy, combat readiness. Fear, yogo viyavi.

Understand about the physical and psychological reserves of the body, mind their mobilization. Managing the camp of the ryatuvalnik and improving the efficiency of ryatuvalnykh robit, saving the health of ryatulnikov.

Lesson 2. Practical - 4 years. Methodi keruvannya camp. Autogenous training, technique carried out. Dikhalny that physically right. Accept mental self-regulation. Ways to see the victim from unobtrusive stands.

Priyomy rational organization of practice and reparation for an hour works.

Topic 6. Fundamentals of self-regulation and psychological rehabilitation

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Stress, tension, vtom, revtom, nervous vision, depression. Renewal methods. Vidpochinok. Likuvannya. Preventive visits: eating, autogenous training, active recovery, functional calm, functional music. Fundamentals of renewal of practice. Pathological and non-pathological changes in the body.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Molding of practical skills from vibration resistance to stress.

Appointment at ryatuvalniks equal to the global physical practice and tightness. Appointment of individually acceptable preferences for ryatuvalniks. The appointed hour is the meal and the equal caloric content of the eating of the ryatuvalniks, necessary for the current swedish renewal after the working needs. The purpose of rehabilitation and jubilant visits for ryatuvalniks, as if they were working in the minds of various factors of overarching situations. Carrying out active methods of repair.

Lesson 3 and 4. Practical - 2 years each. Formation of practical autogenous training skills.

Navchannya is right for carrying out autogenic training. Mastering the methods of conducting training. Mastering the methods of becoming a human being. Molding of practical skills of Swedish innovation, znyattya in that pain.


1. Social psychology. Vydavnitstvo of political literature. M., 1975.

2. Accept mental self-regulation (practical help). M., PAVS, 1992

3. From the nature of the vіch-na-vіch (Adaptation and survival in extreme minds) - M., Voenizdat, 1989.

4. On the borders of the risk (Vision in extreme minds) - M., Dumka, 1986.

5. Bakharev. - M., Knowledge, 1992.

6. Andrew's psychology. - M., view. MDU, 1980.

7., Maksimov people to extreme minds. - L., Nauka, 1988.

1. "Against the fiery elements". SHGO SRSR.

2. "Zemletrus near Tashkent". SHGO SRSR.

3. "At the time of the accident at the nuclear power plant." SHGO SRSR.

4. "Dії in the zone of quarantine." SHGO SRSR.

5. "Mid life and death." NDI global reanimatology.

6. "Ti, scho came in the year of bidi." SHGO SRSR.

7. "Come in safely for an hour of carrying out ryatuvalnyh and other inconvenient work." SHGO SRSR.

8. "Poshukovo-ryatuvalny robots in the mountains." State GA.

9. "Poshukovo-ryatuvalny robots near the water". State GA.

10. "Hurricane".

Special (technical) training

Training task:

to know the recognition, technical characteristics of regular technical zasobіv and the possession, which should be carried out at the hour of the emergency operations (ACR), the rules of their protection and protection;

Vmіti prepare staff technical skills to work, properly operate them;

be aware of the attachments, watch out for the joke of the victims, intelligence.

Methodical statements

The training of ryatuvalniks in the knowledge of staff technical skills, which is carried out at the first hour of the ACP, is carried out at the possessing technical classes, the initial maidanchiks chi srazkah. Particular respect is attached to the construction of the outbuilding, the robotic mechanisms and aggregates, the installation of them in different NS. In all practical activities, the beginners will be able to carry out a good look around, a good technical service, as well as a safe visit when working with them. The formation of new skills at zastosuvanni tekhnіchnyh zabіv, іnstrumentа і іѕ obladnannya carried out іn practical lessons іn primary places аbо іn primary maidanchiks with vykonanny priyomіv, scho nachayutsya, that sposobіv pіdgotovki їх to work and work with them.

Themed birthday celebration

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment, main technical characteristics of regular emergency tools: mechanized, non-mechanized, electrical, pneumatic hydraulic, special and equipped. Safety equipment for an hour of work with a different tool.

Lesson 2. Practical - 4 years. Molding of cob buds in preparation for robot and operation of tools, outbuildings, outbuildings, mechanisms, and that control, which should be put in place at the hour of ATS maintenance.

Lesson 3. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment, technical characteristics of mechanisms: vantazhopidyomnih, transport, blocking and other.

Attachment of all types and modifications.

Lesson 4. Theoretically - 2 years. The possession that wins in the National Assembly in the fallow in its nature and scale. Rechecking, preparation for work. Organization of savings and services. Familiarize yourself with the accessories by searching and reconnaissance.

Busy 5-12. Practical - 2 years. Obladnannya, scho zastosovuєtsya pіd hour of carrying out emergency and ryatuvalnyh robіt. Molding practical skills for yoga operation.

Preparation, revision, transportation, installation, connection, adjustment, maintenance, repair. Vіdpratsyuvannya practical novichok ekspluatatsії znaryad prіzі raznyh umovah і modes of work. Vіdpratsyuvannya practical novice vykonannya group robіt and novice vzaєmodії. Nabuttya is a beginner robot and mechanized and non-mechanized tool. Use of robotic tools with different energy sources (hydraulic, electric, pneumatic). Vіdpratsyuvannya novice exploitation znaryad prіznіh working poses, in obmezheniya minds, for the minds of loftiness, with additional help of an individual defense. Nabuttya is a beginner of a safe robot.


1. Security guards for the hour of liquidation of the aftermath of natural disasters and accidents. - M. Vishcha school, 1979.

2. GOST 12.4.107-82. SSBT. Life. Rope insurance. Zagalni vimogi.

3. GOST 12.3.033-84. SSBT. Budivelnі machines. Zagalnі vimogi bezpeka pіd hour ekspluatatsії.

4. GOST R 22.9.01-95. Bezpeka in supra-extreme situations. Emergency tool and tool. Zagalni vimogi.

5. Loshchakіv bezpeki pіd hour ekspluatatsії vantazhopіdіymalnykh machines. - M. Budvidav, 1975.

6. Dovіdnik ryatuvalnik. Ministry of Taxation of Russia, 1997.

Radiation, chemical, biological protection

Training task:

know the students with the main emergency chemically unsafe speeches (AHOV), their dominance, hostile factors and ways of defending them;

learn to greet yourself with the help of an individual zakhist, children in the minds of an infected person and a mass.

Methodical statements

Classes for the AHOV training and methods of defense against them are held at a specially equipped class with a demonstration of cinema, video films, slides, posters, diagrams and other primary material.

With the training of coronation with the help of individual protection, special respect is given to the correctness of their pretension.

Themed birthday celebration

Topic 1. Emergency chemical speeches

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Physico-chemical power of the main groups of AHIV. Vibukhi that pozhezzhonebezpeka. Influx of AHIV on the human body. ways to defend against different groups of AHOV.

Topic 2

Lesson 2. Theoretically - 2 years. The appointment of that authority filtering industrial protigas and respirators.

Pidbir of the front part. Folding, rechecking the reference, putting the protigas and the repeater in the bag. Zapobіgannya glasses of eyepieces in the form of fogging and freezing. Rules for corying with a protigas and a respirator. Vdyagannya protigazu on the victim.

the peculiarities of corystuvannya protigas in the minds of AHOV in case of accidents at chemically unsafe objects and types of radioactive speeches in the case of work in the minds of radioactive contamination.

Lesson 2. Theoretically - 1 year. Recognized, attached and the principle of dividing the insulating protigas. Preparing the protigas before the victoria. Saving that saving protigas.

Lesson 3. Practical - 2 years. Training in corystuvannya with insulating protigas.

Lesson 4. Practical - 2 years. Appointment, warehouse, putting on, signing that transfer of a special robe. Training at the coristuvanni with a robe.

Topic3. Diya ryatuvalnik on infected mistsevosti

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Preparing the ryatulnik to the point of infection. Dії ryatuvalnik for minds infected with chemically unsafe speeches. Yogo dії after leaving the area of ​​infection.


1. Ryativnik's assistant. Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia, 1997

2. Maksimov in the form of strong-smelling bruises, Energoatomizdat. - M., 1993.

3. Hromadyan's defense. Head helper. - M., Prosvitnitstvo, 1991

Preparing a call

Training task:

to know the standard technique of communication, and the most important documents to ensure the safety of the communication;

to independently and technically competently operate the standard communication equipment in all modes of operation, to ensure a stable communication with different minds, to provide services for the communication;

but we will know from the means of radio communication of vicorists in the military to and in the governing bodies of the right GONS of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Methodical statements.

The main form of training in a special warehouse is communication - practical employment in the regular technical communication, in the course of such headaches, nutritional training is added to work, setting up and operating the communication in different modes.

Pochatkove navchannya work on zasoba vyazku be carried out at the class on the dіyuchіy (regular) equipment, then on the navchalnyh fields at the move of the complex to take.

At the end of the hour, exercisers are widely vikoristovuyutsya, crying and other scientific aids. To work on the zasoba sv'yazku uchnі pripuskayutsya after registration, could be safe and discipline zv'yazku and otrimannya hard skills at the reception and transmission of radiotelephonograms with the rules of exchange.

Themed birthday celebration

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Technique of safety during throating, operation and technical maintenance of staff services.

Topic 2. Found a link

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Significance of management and communication of the hour of preparation and conduct of the RPS. Get control and communication: service, stationary, mobile, portable, special, non-traditional. Telephony, telefax, pagers.

The concept of a line and a link channel. Methods for organizing radio communication, transmission and short radio communication. Classification of radio waves. Discipline zv'yazku and її vymogi. The concept of safety communication. Rules for setting up radio communication and conducting exchange in radiotelephone mode.

Topic 3

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Hot phone. The procedure for rechecking the practicality of the device, including the device to the line. Tactical-technical data, global attachment, warehouse for a set of P-193 commutator

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Tactical and technical data and wild attachments of the radio stations of the UKH range, wash your mind. The procedure for preparing for work, setting up a radio station.

Lesson 3. Practical - 2 years. Tactical-technical data and wild attachments of HF radio stations The order of preparation before the robot and the adjustment of the radio station in different modes of work.

Topic 4

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Razgortannya radio stations HF and UKH range. Rotting of a portable radio station on a service antenna near the NS area. Adjustment of the radio station on the given frequency is available to radio data, the input of calls from the correspondent. Work at the radio station, zdiisnennya vzaimodii between ryatuvalnikami under the hour of the ACP.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Rozgortannya figurative radio stations of low intensity HF (UHF) range across all types of antennas to work at home. Installed radio communication in the radio area and radio direction. A connection was established with the correspondent at the hour of the operation of the radio station in Russia. Transmission and reception of notification signals. Service and operational radio exchange.

Topic 5. Signals and control signs

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Vyvchennya that practical molding navychok zastosuvannya umovnyh signs, signals, receiving transmissions of information by signal ensigns, hands. Giving signals for additional sound and light signaling.

Lesson 2. Practical - 2 years. Training at zastosuvanni umovnyh signs. signaling the reception and transmission of information by signal ensigns, hands, for additional sound and light signaling


1. Handyman of the rattler of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia 1997

2. Nastanov s radio communication. Part II.

3. Technical descriptions of radio stations, okremikh zrazkіv technics zv'yazku.

4. Assistance for technical support of communication and automated control systems.

5. Methodological aids from the okremikh zrazkіv technics zv'yazku.


Training task:

mindful of focusing on the mass, vitrimuvat tasks directly without a card and on the card at the end of the day, day and night, signify your mission on the unknown mass.

Methodical statements

Practical activities are carried out white. Reading topographic maps and designating them for them, the archeologists are looking for topographic maps at a scale of 1:50.000 and 1:100.000.

The passage of the route is estimated by a map of the city district at a scale of 1:50.000.

The beginners, who are eliminated in topography jobs, will be perfected in other jobs at the sex minds.

Themed birthday celebration

Topic 1. Bill orientation

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Orientation on the territory without a map: behind a compass, celestial bodies, scientific objects, natural signs. Peculiarities of orientation for the minds of the intersected mass, under the earth, under the water, around.

Topic 2. Topographic maps. Appointment according to the card

Lesson 1. Practical - 2 years. Topographic maps in scales 1:50.000, 1:100.000. Clever signs of artistic objects and forms of relief. Check the map with the misfortune. Appointed by the card. Map orientation.


1. Handyman. Viysk topography.

2. Topographic preparation technique.

3. Smart signs of topographic maps.

4. A set of posters about topography.

5. Sokolіv karta ta mіstsevіst – M. Vid. DTSAAF, 1974.

6. Melikhіv topography and orientation of the field. Tourist companion. - M. Physical culture and sport, 1969.

Tactical-special training

Training task:

know obov'yazki, rights and legal vіdpov_dalnіst ryatuvalnik, the main provisions of the legislation on the nutrition of the organization of poshukovo-ryatuvalnyh robіt, normative-technical and legal documents that regulate the activity of the PSF, obv'yazki rytuvalnika at the given molding at the readiness to vykonannya zavdannya , accidents, catastrophes, their consequences, in order to ensure safety during the hour of poshukovo-ryatovalnyh robots, the potential capacity of the National Assembly near the zone of reliability, the recognition, the number, the task and the capacity of the PSF;

vmіti lead poshukovo-ryatuvalnі robot at lіkvіdatsії naslіdkіv avarіy, catastrophes that stihіynih lih, vikonuvati insurance that lanyard, nadavati postrazhdalim Perche medichnu that psihologіchnu Relief, volodіti priyomami vizhivannya that pіdtrimannya zhittєdіyalnostі, provoditi rozvіdku NA area, usvіdomlyuvati stupіn riziku pid hour vikonannya velikі fіzichnі that moral-psychological advancement, to work on the order of your own and strong support creatures, food, material values;

but we are aware of the fact that foreign authorities have conducted emergency and emergency work in emergency situations, from the heads of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia, zastosovuvannym technologies of emergency and emergency work, directly the full technology of emergency and emergency operations,

Methodical statements

The training of ryatuvalniks from tactical and special training is carried out on the own maidanchiks of the initial field, on the objects of the economy or on the mock-ups of the field.

At work, the situation can be complicated, which characterizes the supra-primary situation (NS), with the help of the imitators, as it allowed to viklikat in the physical education and Rozum’s work, showing initiative, effective victory of the staff of the mechanics.

The main forms of the training of the ratuvalnik are theoretical, practical group occupations, and navit tactical and drill occupations.

Theoretical employment (lecture, explanation) Mayut on a date to systematize the basics of knowledge about the Russian System for the advancement and liquidation of the National Assembly, the structure, and the task of shukovo-ryatuvalny molding (PSF).

Group classes are carried out with the method of destroying theoretical knowledge and practicing practical methods of conducting emergency operations (AVR) in various emergency situations (NS).

Until the beginning of the ryatuvalniks, they rush at once from the instructor’s vikladatsky warehouse. Skin busyness can be formed from theoretical and practical parts. At the theoretical part of the occupation, there are theoretical supplies for zastosuvannya emergency equipment, tools, accessories and attachments.

The practical part of the group occupation consists of vykonannya priyomіv (sposib) from the preparation of technical skills to the work and training of zastosuvannya in different over-the-top situations.

Tactical construction activitiesє the first step of the tactful viuchka of the ryatuvalniks and the blessing of pіdrozdіlіv (chergovyh zmin, corrals) of the PSF. On the tactical and construction occupations, the technique of vikonannya priyomіv and methods of diy ryatuvalnikovyv in case of vyrishennyh spetsialnyh zavdan z likvіdatsiї naslіdkіv nadzvychaynoї situatsії, zdіisnyuєtsya pochatkovu zlagodzhennya pіdrozdіlіv y

At the lessons, the worker shows the students how to use and methods, how to perform training, after which to carry out the training of workers.

In the course of the training, the ker_vnik is busy moving to the offensive approach, or to the method of the other only if you change it, or the way of the advance, or the way of learning, is correct and vikonuetsya clearly that nicely.

Before carrying out practical and tactical and construction work, to take a vikladach to be instructed by the students from the safety entrances.

On practical tasks (in a situation promoted riskik) obov'yazkova the presence of a medical practitioner, and at the order of the clerk, you can take a transport zasib.

Themed birthday celebration






Number of years

Organization of the ritual meeting in Russia

Organization of all-round activities

Classification of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters. Causes and consequences

Vidpovіdalnostі zone poshukovo-ryatuvalny molding

Wimogi Bezpeki

Dії ryatuvalnik under the hour of bringing the black change, poshukovo-ryatuvalny molding at the readiness to vykonannya zavdan

Fundamentals of survival in various over-the-top situations

Dії ryatuvalnik under the hour of emergency and ryatovalny robіt in overhead situations

Topic 1

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia. The only state system for the prevention and liquidation of the legacy of super-extreme situations (RSNS). The forces of the RSChS, the head, what do they need.

Regional poshukovo-ryatuvalny molding, organizational structure, rozv'yazuvany zavdannya, personnel warehouse.

Lesson 2 and 3. Group lessons - 2 years each. Social and legal aspects of labor activity of employees; normative-legal base of pratsi ryatuvalnikov; wimogi before them; professional choice; obov'yazki and the rights of ryatuvalnikov; specialties, necessary for the worker for efficient work; wash the pratsі ryatuvalnikov; organization and conduct of medical examinations; attestation of ryatuvalniks; equal professional growth.

Topic 2

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 1 year. Documents that regulate the activities of the PSF. Statute of the poshukovo-ryatuval service. Schedule of work and professional training of recruiters. The sheet of technical possession. Organization of notification, communication and management. Obov'yazki ryatuvalnik when drawing a phone at home. Selecting and choosing a ryatuvalnik on the National Assembly.

Lesson 2. Practical - 4 years. Vyvchennya documents that regulate the daily activities of the PSF. Mastering the practical skills of organizing and carrying out the reception-task of the drawing. Vivchennya the order of the call to the National Assembly. Vіdpratsyuvannya zboru and viїzdu on the National Assembly. Familiarization with the personnel equipment of the PSF.

Topic 3. Classification of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters. Causes and consequences

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Appointment of the National Assembly of a natural character. The reason for blaming the supra-event situation. The essence of processes and phenomena that lie at the basis of the National Assembly, especially the transition. Territory protection, geographic coordinates. Wash the mind of people in the National Assembly of a natural character.

Lesson 2. Theoretically - 2 years. The designation of the National Assembly is of a man-caused nature. Ecological catastrophes, biological NS. Cause blame, especially the break, wash a bunch of people.

Topic 4

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Zagalna characteristic zone of vidpovidalnosti. Geographical location. Climatic and meteorological minds. The number and occupation of the population. The mission of mass recovery. Tourist routes. Cultural and historical objects. Ecological situation, natural and industrial objects. Vidpovidalnosti zone.

Lesson 2 and 3. Theoretical - 2 years each. Characteristics of zones and objects of unsafe movement. Zones and objects of the natural environment. Features of the zones and objects of the natural environment at different times of the year, their impact on the vinification of the National Assembly. Unsafe objects of the economy. Organization of activities of the PSF near the zone of viability.

Place of dislocation of other PSF. Organization of mutual relations between them. Possible types and potential supra-vice situations for the region. Variation of transport routes (cars and zaliznitsi, water transport, roztashuvannya aerodromіv). Interaction with the ritual moldings of other ministries and departments. Carrying out preventive visits with a method of reducing the potential problem of NS in the region for the rest of the hour. The introduction of ryatuvalniks at the liquidation of nasledkіv nadzvychaynyh situations.

Lesson 4. Group lesson - 2 years. The study of specific epidemiological situations in the zone of evidence.

Knowing with statistical data about supra-divine situations for the rest of the years. Cause. Results. Efficiency of conducting emergency work, the hour of arrival at the National Assembly from the moment of the 1st vindication, the sequence of actions, pardons allowed, analysis of the situation.

Topic 5. Wimogi Security

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour of emergency and ryatuvalnyh robіt. Injury statistics in poshukovo-ryatuvalnyh mouldings. Causes of injury: special; technical; organizational. Types of injuries of ryatuvalniks Prevention of injuries. Injury safety and hardship factors of labor activity of workers. Safely wash your hands. Awareness of the level of risk. Professional illness ryatuvalnikov.

Normative-technical and legal framework for the protection of practice. Instructions. Standards.

Topic 6

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Obov'yazki ryatuvalnik at otrimanni signal vyniknenny NS. The order of taking information, її z'yasuvannya, assessment of the situation, making a decision. Preparing for the implementation of emergency and repair robots (instruments, mechanisms, outbuildings, fixtures, equipment of the repairer).

Lesson 2. Practical - 3 years. The order of bringing a special warehouse of chergovoi zmini, shukovo-ryatuvalny molding from readiness to vykonannya zavdannya. Assessment of the situation. Accept decision. Announcement, assigned to the hour of that month of collection. The designation of the amount and nomenclature of the possession necessary for the management of the cleaning and rationing work, the preparation of transport facilities, the aid of small mechanization, the adjustment of control, the aid of protection, life security, foodstuffs, medicines. Procurement of transport costs (land, water, repeat transport). Vyznachennya route vysuvannya.

Topic 7. Fundamentals of survival in various epidural situations

Lesson 1. Theoretically - 2 years. Fundamentals of survival. Optimal and extreme mind the life of a person. The threshold of life of a person (wash, an hour, the ability to turn to life). Physiological aspects of human survival. Possible traces for the body of a person, as if they were in extreme minds.

Extremely wash that їх having poured into the people (speck, cold, wind, drank, wash the cold, height, promotions rivna clarification and noise, vibration, dim, drop the vise and in.)

Vizhivannya in the natural environment. Organization of living, hiding, eating, protecting. The appointed place of significance. Giving signals. Zahist vіd creatures. Relocation to the natural environment.

Lesson 2. Theoretically - 2 years. Survival near the technogenic environment: in case of transport accidents; with chemical and radiation infection; when moving in ruynovanyh budinki and spores in the minds of a possible viknenny vibukhiv, pozzhezh, shkidlivih vykidiv and іn.

Survival for the minds of the epidemic. Behavior of a warrior of the midst of a panicky chi socially stressed on the enemy, in the minds of combative deeds, terrorism, criminal middle ground. Masové bogeville in hallucinations. Survival in non-traditional situations.

Lesson 3 and 4. Practical - 6 years each. Formation of practical skills for choosing a place for growing a camp and organizing life. Features of the organization of the timcha camp in day time fate. The installation (preparation) of the timchas' life with the improvement of the peculiarities of the mass, climate, work, organization of food, zv'yazku, vіdpochinku, burying, sanitary and hygienic minds. Vіdpratsyuvannya navychok rozvedennya bag, otrimannya that pіdtrimki fire. Purification of drinking water. Food storage rules. Razgortannya timchasovogo medical point. Placement that brought to readiness for life safety, zahistu, znezarazhennya, zv'yazka, first help help.

Topic 8

Busy 1-3. Theoretical - 1 year each. Peculiarities of diy ryatuvalnik for the hour of emergency and ryatovalnyh work in particular minds: in areas of social tension; near the area of ​​fighting; in the minds of chemical, radiation and biological contamination.

Lesson 4. Theoretically - 1 year. Organization of notification, communication and management. The choice of ryatuvalnikov with the withdrawal of the signal of the vindication of the National Assembly. The order of taking information, її z'yasuvannya, assessment of the situation, making a decision. Preparation for emergency work (ACR). Carrying out a survey of the month of conducting the ACP. Significance of the presence and equalness of the invading factors. Designation of routes for the exit of equipment on the job site.

Lesson 5. Theoretically - 1 year. Preparation of tools, mechanisms, attachments, fittings necessary for carrying out the work. The appointed place of the possible rebuking of the victims. The organization that was carried out for the sake of the victims. Visual look. Testimony of eyewitnesses. Poshukovi roboti z vikoristannym tehnіchnih zasobіv i poshukovyh dogs. Vuluchennya suffered. I will become the appointed executor. First medical help. Transportation of the injured at a safe place.

Lesson 6. Practical - 4 years. Vіdpratsyuvannya main zasobіv poshku suffered in the minds of the National Assembly: visual; auditory (sound); prokіsuvannya mistevnosti; probing; search for traces; the experience of eyewitnesses. Knowing these ways of asking those who suffered for additional help and using the help of cynologists.

Lesson 7. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya for the victims of the accident on the objects of the economy. Preparing for vikonannya. Visunennya works until the month. Investigation of the place of the accident; assigned to the destination of the victims on the object. Poshuk victims in a different way. Violence of the injured z-pіd obstructions for additional help of small mechanization. I will become the victim of suffering. Nadanny suffered the first medical help. Vіdpratsyuvannya raznomanіtnykh priyomіv transportovannya suffered. Zavantazhennya affected by transport and evacuation of them to likuvalny mortgages. Come in safely for an hour of emergency work.

Lesson 8. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya on the order of the victims from the upper surfaces of life. Preparing for vikonannya. Visunennya works until the month. The designated place for the relief of the injured, in the practice of methods for the recovery of the injured from the upper surfaces of life. I will be appointed, given the first medical assistance, practicing various methods of transporting the victims, arranging for transport, evacuating to liqual mortgages. Come safe. Dopovіd about vikonannya zavdannya.

Lesson 9. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya on the order of the victims for the hour of snow. Preparing for vikonannya. Visunennya until the month of work. Seek the victims of the path of visual inspection of the masses, transport facilities, where people can be. Interaction with cynological roses. I will become the victim of the victims, the first medical help for the hour of freezing. Vіdpratsyuvannya rіznyh zasobіv transportovannya suffered. Evacuation of the injured. Come safe. Dopovіd about vikonannya zavdannya.

Lesson 10. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya line of people, like stooped by the water. Preparing for vikonannya. Visunennya works until the month. Vіdpratsyuvannya rіznіh vіdіv іn order іn people who stumbled аt thе water. I will become the victim of the victims, the first medical help. Evacuation of the injured. Come in safely for an hour of work on the water.

Lesson 11. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya on the order of people, yakі stumbled in the minds of smoked that pozzhezh. Preparing for the vikonannya zavdannya. Poshuk suffered in the minds of the smoker that burn. The appointed place of the possible rebuking of the victims. Removal (vindication) of the injured from the unsafe zone, their transportation in various ways. First medical help. Come in safe with the robots in the minds of the smoke that burns.

Lesson 12. Tactical construction - 4 years. Otrimannya zavdannya ordering people from gorges and cracks. Preparing for the vikonannya zavdannya. Vyznachennya method of poryatunku suffered. Poryatunok suffered, on the first medical aid. Transportation of the injured in a different way fallow from the wound. Come safe.

Lesson 13. Practical - 4 years. Molding newcomers to work and ryatuvalnikov when moving and underlaying transitions in different NS. Moving horizontal, sickly, vertical, spherical surfaces. Podolannya pereshkod (water membranes, overwhelmed mіstsevit, skelnі dilyanki, obstruction, unstable constructions and іn.)

Moving that undershirt with different vestments in the hands, on the back, on the burdens. Features of moving at night time. Vіdpratsyuvannya raznyh voprosіv remіshchennya. Organization of insurance and self-insurance.

Lesson 14. Practical - 3 years. We suffered for the minds of various supra-evolutionary situations of water, foodstuffs, information, medicines, clothes, and food.

Topic 9

Lesson 1. Group lesson - 2 years. Characteristics of the region, area of ​​responsibility. Potentially unsafe technogenic and natural factors. Possible reasons that legacy of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters. The solution of problematic tasks during the day of emergency work in emergency situations. Razbіr diy and pardon ryatuvalnikov.

Lesson 2. Group lesson - 2 years. The solution of problematic tasks during the day of emergency work in emergency situations. Razbіr diy and pardon ryatuvalnikov.


1. Ryativnik's assistant. Ministry of Taxation of Russia, 1997.

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 p. "About the defense of the population and the territory of the National Assembly of natural and man-made nature."

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On emergency response services and the status of a rescuer".

4. Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 1995. No. 000 “About the Single State System of the Progress and Liquidation of the National Assembly”.

5. Decree to the Council of the Russian Federation dated 3.8.1996. No. 000 “For the strength of that support for the Unified State System of the Progress and Liquidation of the National Assembly”.

6. Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 1996. No. 000 "On the classification of supra-extreme situations of natural and man-made nature."

7. Decree to the Council of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 p. No. 000 "About the certification of emergency repair services, emergency repair molding and repair".

8. Methodological guide for tactical and special training of military personnel of the Viysk Civil Defense of the Russian Federation. M. 1997. For the editorial board of Colonel General

9. Security guards for the hour of liquidation of the aftermath of natural disasters and accidents. M. Vidavnitstvo, 1984.


Organization of preparation of ryatuvalniks .............................................................. ...

Medical training .................................................................. ....................

Anti-burning preparation .................................................................. ...........

Psychological training .............................................................. .............

Special (technical) training ...............................................

Radiation, chemical and biological protection .......................

Call preparation ............................................................... .. ............................

Topography .................................................. ................................................

Tactical-special training ............................................................... ........

Injuries are called skin folds and mucous membranes. Formally, before the early it is possible to freeze and term_chn_ ushkodzhennya (opіki, frostbite).

Wounded can be single and multiple, penetrating (near empty) or impenetrable, superficial (shkodzhena is less than skin) and deep (shkodzhenі pіdshkіrnі fabrics). At the wounded, the entrance is open and may be out, so the wounded may be sharp and deaf. Abo dotichnymi.

For hikes, the injured are divided into:

1) Rizani. Inflicted with a forged fleece of a thin sharp object. They are characterized by smooth edges, a small deep hole (superficial wound). Most often, it's quick and easy.

2) Rublenі. Inflicted with an important hospitality item. The edges are even, the wound is more deep (up to full amputation of the tip, ushkodzhennya of the internal organs, brushes), the wound is "open" (the edges of the wound are opened).

3) scalping. Let's renovate, or may we renovate the clapta shkiri. Most of the time it's not so early.

4) Koloti. Apply with a long object with a small transverse cut. The wound canal is long, the wound, which often penetrates, from deep inside the internal organs. Unsafe infection in the clay canal.

5) Zabiti. Blamed afterward on the object with the fenced (stone) or uncircumcised (earth) surface that strikes. As a rule, wounds are not severe. Mayut uneven edges are characterized by hematomas, ruptures of the subcutaneous fat ball or ulcers, from blood stasis in the intestines and stasis. They often fester, make scars.

6) Ragged. They blame the overstretching of the twisting of the skinny curves, the blow with a blunt important object. The edges of the wound are uneven. Often they do not separate the lacerations and the slaughtered wounds, along with them in the torn-slaughtered ones.

7) Bitten. The mechanism is similar to a lacerated wound, but on contact with the same it is possible to introduce an infection, infected on a tale. It is necessary to go to the doctor for admission to the course of injections in the tale. Vіm, yakscho through tizhden or pіznіshe you have treated the creature that has tasted you, and there is no sign of a tale from her, the course can be taken (if the weather is better with a doctor).

8) Fire injury. Dіlyatsya on culovі and minno-vibuhovі. The bag is permanently non-sterile and, passing through the tissue, carrying infection. Creating a wound channel, shoveling fabrics, dodatkovo ear-drinking їх. Entrance and exit openings are far from known to be one opposite one. They can be accompanied by fractures of the folds of the bones of the cysts, damage to the internal organs. Practically festering and solemnly piddayutsya likuvannya, crying out aggravated.

Minno-vibukhovi blame afterward the drive of vibukhovo speech in the hard hostile shell or without it, with the hostile element or without them. They can be accompanied by contusions, ruptures and internal organs, blown by powder gases.

Be it as if you were injured, you can suppurate. Rotten is a product of the processing of dead tissues. In case of cuts and other superficial wounds, pus does not go anywhere and is easy to overcome. If the cassock is loose and the fabrics are laid out richly, then the fault is wide suppuration.

With deep wounds (including clogged ones), rot can accumulate in internal empty spaces, intestines. In such a mood

toxic speech and decay products are soaked into the body and exude inflammation. Qi of speech can expand the air of m'yaziv, under the skin and destroy the whole kіntsіvka (phlegmon). If these products get into the bloodstream, sepsis (blood poisoning) can develop. Sepsis is characterized by inflammation over one specific organ, and by inflammation over the whole organism.

Dopomoga in case of injuries to lead to bleeding and prevention of possible complications. For prevention, it is necessary to overcome two tasks: to ensure the disinfection of the wound and to turn off the possibility of a distant infection in the wound. For disinfection, the wound is covered with an antiseptic. Before antiseptics one can see: iodine powder, diamond green powder, water peroxide powder, alcohol powder, potassium permanganate powder, furacilin (4 tablets per vial of water), chlorhexidine hydrochloride.

Furatsilin, chlorhexidine, 3% (do not stray from 6%!) can be injected directly into the wound with water peroxide. The reshta is too aggressive for someone, and they can only make a shkir for a short time, otherwise you can take away the chemical opik, which only destroy the camp. You can wash the wound with sterile (recently boiled) water. Rinse in the following way in a flowing-stretching way, so that the homeland is guilty of vilno vitikati from the wound. You can't wash the wounded. Bleeding itself on its own and garnimy promyvannyam і in a row of vipadkіv її not a trace of negaino zupinyat. After washing the edge of the wound, it is covered with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile dressing (bandage). The bandage is not guilty of being tight (as it is not a bandage, to press, to bleed). Vaughn can allow the wound to "dihati", but to reshuffle the penetration of the infection.

At the time of the inflamedness, the “toilet is wounded” roar. Step procedure:

1) Obrobiti hands before opening the bandages.

2) Moisten the bandage with an antiseptic or sterile water for softening.

3) Gently cut or unroll the bandage (if you need a bandage, you can pratit and twist again).

4) Vidality (wichistiti) visible rotting behind additional servets soaked in antiseptics. For consumption, you can use a syringe under a vice to clean the wound or expel rot.

5) Increased hypertonic variances (an increase in saline variances on boiled water). Such a rozchin, which, having seeped through the bandage, vytyagaє from the wound of rot (that іnshі rіdini). If so, then you can use ointments on a water-dissolving (not fatty!) basis (Levosin, Levorin, Levomikol) or atraumatic dressings (voscopran, activetex and others).

6) The bandage is not guilty of squeezing the wound. The bandages need to be changed according to the periodicity of the year, focusing on the camp of the napryak.

7) You can give antibiotics (amoxicillin).

If it’s too early to wash a third-party object and if it’s under suspicion, if it’s deeply wounded, then there’s no trace of it. Often the subject can serve as a “cork” and this hero can provoke a great storm and internal bleeding, as it can be very foldable (or impossible) to improve the posture of the operating room. the object to be washed is left in the wound, treated with an antiseptic, covered with bandages and fixed with a bandage.

When the chest is injured, the empty pleural cavity is swallowed again (pneumothorax). At the same time, the blood will be bubbling up in the wound, in the air the wound will blow up again, and soon the wound will be widened in a snag. The main task is to hermetically close the wound. At the first stage, you can just grind. Tse allow me to play an hour to assess the situation and prepare materials for applying an occlusive dressing. The procedure for applying an occlusive (hermetic) dressing is: coat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic, cover the wound with a small servlet, apply some kind of ointment around the perimeter of the servlet (for tightness), put a piece of polyethylene on the animal (packaging type IPP). After which bandage is fixed.

Penetration of wounded abdomen is sometimes accompanied by falling of intestinal loops and omentum. The insides, which have been expelled, are not treated with an antiseptic (in the extreme case, wash with water or furatsilin) ​​and do not move back (the intestines may be swelled, peritonitis may develop). Vipav intestines are covered with bandages or other clean cloth. It is necessary to shape the guts like a donut. If the wound is covered with a loose bandage, then the injured person is transported to the hospital. Patients may lie down. You can't eat and drink.

Sewn up wounds in the minds of the sexes, most often bring more shkodi, lower coriste. Small, shallow wounds do not need to be sutured. It's not good for you to get angry yourself. Glibokі rani competently sew up the lace for everything is not vide. Tighten the skins of the curve, and in the depths there will be empty, in which the infection will accumulate. Definitely, it is not possible to sew up torn-clogged wounds, because festering in them is time for any kind of depression. The wounds are sutured in the minds of the operating room, the stench is cloaked in advance, in the wound, non-living fabrics and third-party objects are seen, the wound is disinfected. In the minds of the sexes, it is most often impossible to work. That rot accumulates at the closed wound, which can lead to grave consequences, described more.

P.S. The information was taken from the lectures on the medical training of the workers of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

Classes for first aid are carried out at the primary classes and at the primary maidanchiks, equipped with primary aids, simulators, dummies, etc. with a selection of films and video materials, filmstrip, slides, photographs and other similar materials, as well as service records and assistance for first aid.

For practical application, all scholars are divided into two subgroups (in practice, accept and statisticians) and according to their needs, count.

Otrimani in the lessons of knowledge and practical skills will be improved during the course of the exercise to take up the tasks of fire-tactful tasks, fire-tactful training and practical skills to take from fire-tactical training from the first steps.

Topic N 1 "First assistance: zmіst, obsyag, organization and legal ambush, legal principles of giving"
Topic N 2 "Koshti nadanny first help"
Topic N 3 "Fundamentals of heart-legal resuscitation. Asphyxia, drowning, electrical trauma"
Topic N 4 "First aid in case of injuries"
Topic N 5 "First Help for Bleeding"
Topic N 6 "First Help for Fractures and Vivihs"
Topic N 7 "Traumatic shock"
Topic N 8 "Syndrome of trival squeezing"
Topic N 9
Topic N 10 "Transportation of victims"
Abstract topics

at branch: 17 articles

Anatomy and physiology of a human being. Psychological state of people in extreme situations

Heart, blood-bearing judges, legends, nirks - all the organs and parts of the body victorious in a different function

The first medical aid in case of attacks by bruises and unsafe chemical speeches.

Vrakhovuyuchi highly toxic and dryness of some of the most effective chemical products, which can cause secondary causes of chemical damage, the first medical aid to the damage can be given at the maximum style of the term.

Psychological camp of people in extreme situations.

Pratsya pozhozhnih pov'zana z great emotion mindful features of their activity: - uninterrupted neuro-psychological tension, which is called by a systematic work in an invisible medium (due to high temperature, strong concentration of smoke, obzhezhennaya) ...

Death is that pozhavlennya

Death-disintegration of a whole organism, damage to the interdependence of parts among themselves, damage to it interdependence with dovkіllya that zvіlnennya parts of the body due to the coordinating flow of the central nervous system.

Topic No. 1 First help: money, obsyag, organization and legal ambush, legal principles of law
Topic #10

After the removal of information about the accident, the change of ryatuvalniks is directed to the liquidation of the heritage of the National Assembly.

Theme number 2

Warehouse, recognized by the order of the selection of a medical lane, transferred by a report card. The order of choosing the packing of medical, sanitary burdens, a package of bandaging individual, an individual protihimic package, a first-aid kit of an individual

Topic №3 Zovnishnіy (indirect) massage of the heart

For the presence in the affected pulse of the vitality of the body (for the restoration of blood circulation), it is necessary, regardless of the reason that called for the heart’s work, one hour with a piece of breath (breathing after blowing) conduct an external massage of the heart.

Topic No. 3 First help for fractures, opika, shotsі, insomnia and damage by electric jet

Break the brushes can become after a strong blow, falling too thin. Open closed fractures, if the cyst is broken, but the roof of the house is not broken, and fractures are opened, as there is a wound in the region of the fracture.

Topic No. 3 Basic rules for conducting piecework and heart massage

The bite of an organism affected by an electric strum can be done in a number of ways. Usі stinks are grounded on the conduct of piecework.

Topic №3 Fundamentals of heart-legal resuscitation. Asphyxia, drowning, electrical trauma.

The first help is the whole complex of visits, directing to saving the life and health of the injured, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya by non-medical practitioners and sufferers themselves.

Topic No. 4 Rules for the provision of first medical assistance in case of injuries

There are such types of bleeding: capillary, arterial and venous.

Topic No. 5 See the bleeding and the ways of the teeth

Under the bleeding, the blood flowing from the poshkozhenikh vessels rises. Most of the bleeding is due to trauma. When the blood is finished through the wound, the shkiri is called to speak about the bleeding.

It seems that the life of the body can only be drained by the replenishment of energy, as it is constantly stained. Your body's energy balance is cured by the fluctuations in energy, as it works during the oxidation of living speeches, and for the safety of oxidizing processes, it is necessary to supply acid. However, during oxidative processes, decomposition products are dissolved, carbon dioxide gas is in front of us, which may be excreted from the body. These functions affect the organs of breathing and blood circulation.

Cranio-cerebral injuries. Ushkodzhennya ridge and pelvic organs. Vіdriv kіntsivok.

The one who gives help is guilty of knowing the nature and severity of the injury, bandaging the wound, knowing the rules of transportation.

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1. MEDICAL AND TACTICAL CHARACTERISTICS of the average accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters

1.1 Accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters - dzherela of supernatural situations

Mostly in Russia, in other lands on other territories (objects), a situation is developing that is characterized by human sacrifices, poor health of people and the superfluous natural environment, significant material losses and destruction of the minds of people's life.

Such a situation, according to the Federal Law "On the protection of the population and territories in the supra-extreme situations of natural and man-made nature" is called the supra-primary situation (NS), and the territory, on the basis of the vinicla of the supra-primary situation, is called the zone of the supra-primary situation.

In the zone of the supra-evidence situation, it is possible to blame the fires of the wounded. In the middle of the defence, the territory within the borders of the NS zone was bordered, within the framework of which, without any intermediary influx of hostile factors, the mass death and destruction of people, strong subdar creatures and roslin, roiling and poshkodzhenі budіvlі budіvlі budіvlі sporudi, as well as the master of the natural navkodi.

Supervisory situations give a signifi- cantly unfriendly sigh to the life and health of the population of Russia. So, the Russian Federation has less than 1999. there were 1600 epidemiological situations, in which over 10 thousand suffered. osib, 1621 of them perished. Material squabbles accumulated 5.7 billion rubles.

The reasons for blaming (dzherelami) supernatural situations are accidents, catastrophes, unsafe natural phenomena, the spread of infectious ailments of people, strong living creatures and growths, and the hour of war, moreover, is the enemy’s stagnation of current damage.

An accident is an unsafe technogenic impact that creates a threat to the life and health of people on the object, a clean territory, to bring to ruin the life, spores, damage, transport benefits, damage to the transport process, as well as damage to health people that navkolishnyu natural middle ground.

A great accident, as a rule, with human casualties, is called a catastrophe.

The lack of virobnichoї diyalnostі for the populace and the navkolyshny natural environment is manifested in the industry, energy and communal state large number of chemically, radiation-, fire- and vibrationally insecure productions and technologies. Russia has close to 100 thousand. A serious problem is the security of the safe operation of such potentially unsafe machines and technologies, and the high level of the possession of other mechanisms and machines on these machines.

The biggest concern for the population is chemical and radiation-unsafe objects, as well as vibuho-, possibly unsafe industrial objects.

The area of ​​the territory of Russia, de-rotting chemically unsafe objects, to become close to 300 yew. km2, and there are close to 60 million people living near New.

In Russia, there are less than 1 million people living in the 30-kilometer zone of nine nuclear power plants (AES); the area of ​​the territory, which can be slender to radioactive zabrudnennya, should become over 80 yew. km2. With this, practically all the AES of Russia are roztashovanny in the densely populated European part of the country.

In the event of a chemical accident, there will be a breakdown of technological processes in the production, a collapse of pipelines, capacities, gatherings, transport facilities in the event of a temporary transportation, etc. creature. Chemically unsafe facilities are: chemical, pulp-and-paper and naphtho-processing plants, backwaters of mineral additives, black and color metallurgy, as well as refrigeration plants, breweries, confectionery factories, vegetable farms, water supply stations. Leather from these objects has a stock of chlorine and ammonia in a sprat of hundreds of tons. The first great chemical accident with the release of chlorine at the chemical plant was 1917. in the American town of Windott. Todi died 1 person. The largest accident (Bhopal, India, 1984) took over 3,000 lives.

Traces of accidents at chemically unsafe facilities are characterized by the scale (the amount of chemically hazardous substances released into the atmosphere, by the space-hour distribution), the severity and the degree of unsafe chemical contamination.

In the event of an accident at a chemically unsafe object, it is possible to be chemically infected with mist, again, and the posture of the object - infected with dovkill. The biggest poisoning of people with chlorine and ammonia. In addition, these accidents can be accompanied by fires, vibes.

A radiation accident is a violation of the rules for the operation of a nuclear power plant, possessing either an attachment, for any use of radioactive products, or an ionizing industrialization for the transfer of a project of inter-safety operation, which would lead to the construction of a population. Radioactive viprominyuvannya do not smell, color of others ominous sign. Їхнє manifestation is possible only for the help of special fittings. Radіoaktivne infected viklikaєtsya vplivom alpha, beta, gamma i іonіzuyuchih vipromіnyuvan i obumovlyuєtsya vidіlennyam at avarії neproreagovanih elementіv i produktіv podіlu yadernoї reaktsії (radіoaktivny slag, drink, pieces of nuclear product in dzherelі avarії) and takozh utvorennyam rіznih radіoaktivnih materіalіv that predmetіv ґruntu) in the results of their review (indicated activity).

Lyudina, as if she were wandering on the zabrudneniy territoriya, poddaetsya:

zvnіshny oprominennia z radioactive gloom, scho to pass, and radioactive speeches, scho osіl on mіstsevist;

contact prominennia skіrnih pokryvіv in case of falling on them of radioactive speeches;

inhalation of the inhalation of the fermented meal and the ingestion of the fermented products of the ingestion of water.

In a number of vibrations, accidents are accompanied by vibrations and fires.

Vibuh - a great amount of energy in the exchanged bond for a short period of time.

Pozhezha is an uncontrollable process of fire, which is accompanied by a decrease in values ​​and creates a problem for the life of people.

Vibuh to produce until the expansion of that wideness with the supersonic swish of the vibukhovo percussion whistle, which puts a mechanical action (twist, roiling) on ​​the shock of the body. At the end of the day, the vibrations are collapsing and deforming, arguably possessing, blaming later, getting out of harmony with the utility and energy systems, people from among the service personnel are injured, and sometimes die.

The purchase of vibrationally unsafe gases in a closed space with insufficient safety standards often leads to a vibration and a further burn with catastrophic consequences.

Along with accidents and catastrophes in Russia, there is a great number of unsafe natural phenomena and processes, which are generated by the forces of nature or together with them that activity of people; tse us before the elemental dashing.

Spontaneous dashes are unsafe natural phenomena, which are like wildfires of supernatural situations of natural character. Earthquakes, windstorms, tornadoes, typhoons (hurricanes), mudflows, snow avalanches, forest fires can be heard to the elemental dashes, which are most often seen in Russia.

Zemtrus - subterranean colivannya and postshtovhi, called by seismic winds and destruction of earthly measles singing yards. Having manifested: shattering the earth, fixing cracks, collapse, zsuvi ґruntu, strength, etc. Earthworkers occupy the first place in the ranks of natural dashing for human sacrifices and slaughter.

Under the hour of an earthworker in the city of Naftogorsk, the Sakhalin region (1995), under the snares of a ruined place, nearly 2 yew perished. osib.

The main problems for the life and health of people under the hour of the earthworm are created:

in the aftermath of the ruination (falling down) of the future constructions of the future;

in case of failures at potentially unsafe facilities, oil products gas pipelines;

at breaks of the earth's measles;

when approved blockages;

under the hour of ruining the systems of life security.

Povіn - tse flooding with water of mist as a result of angry, trival rains (snowfalls), turbulent tannennia snow, wind surge of water on the sea coast and other things that lead to material problems, which lead to the death of people.

The rainy wind, the wind, the evil fall calls for a significant increase in the savings, which will lead to the ruination of the future and the dispute, the expansion of the railway and automobile roads, accidents on the utility and energy lines, the deprivation of the population, and the victims of the growth of the earth.

After the recession, the waters will prosіdat budіvlі that land, the sound of suvi and collapse will begin.

Until late, they can cause congestion and sunk on the rivers.

The congestion is settled at the hour of the ice drift. The stench is crying out under equal water, the water is more miserable for the ice.

Zazhori - the accumulation of inland water and bottom ice in the riverbed.

The stench is trimmed for a long time and is responsible for the great material shkoda.

Hurricanes, tornadoes (typhoons) are seen as windy meteorological phenomena.

Hurricane - wind of constant directing, swidkistyu over 35 m/sec.

A tornado is a liiko-like whirlwind. The diameter of the virvi is from a few meters to two kilometers. Overhead speed (anti-godinnikov arrow) up to 100 m/sec. Movement speed 35 - 60 km/year. Hour іsnuvannya tornado from a few quills to a few years, hurricanes - up to a few dozen days.

Tornadoes and hurricanes shave darts, see dahas, throw over trees, telephone poles, empty fields, destroy roads, bridges, upper surfaces of budvels. Under the hour of a tornado, people suffer injuries mainly in the form of blows to objects that fly, more likely - under the tricks of life, more likely - being abandoned by the streams to the wind. Tornadoes, hurricanes, as a rule, are accompanied by storms, which lead to the flooding of the lower reaches and watering at the same time from the crop of the native ball of the soil.

A typhoon is a hurricane of majestic ruinous force that settles in the ocean and is accompanied by evil. Typhoons destroy ports, seaside settlements, shipwrecks at the sea and ports.

Strength is a stream of riverbed flow, which is formed from the sum of the water, the earth and the ulamkiv in the mountainous porid, which is raptly blamed for the pools of the mountain rivers. It is characterized by a sharp rise in the water, a short duration of action and a significant ruinous effect.

A snow avalanche is a snow mass that is thrown off from the skies of the gir under a surge of gravity.

The main threat of mudflows and snow avalanches is to form for small settlements, spreading near the zone of the cone of guilt of their streams. The hostile winds of mudflows and snow avalanches appear at the sight of an uninterrupted impact infusion of them on people and crossings (waiting, sporuding, life safety systems).

Lipnya 2000 r. in Russia, there are large mudflows in small places in Kabardino-Balkaria in the area of ​​the Tirnauz metro station and on about. Sakhalin. As a result, the Tirnauz cape was flooded, it was damaged by rich overhead boudins, and motor roads. Dekіlka people perished, and close to 20 disappeared without a trace.

Massive fires in forests and on peat bogs are blamed for screeching and dry weather due to blows of glare, careless fire, cleansing of the surface of the earth with dry grass and other reasons. Most often, in forest massifs, the lower ones are blamed; In a dry period, under the hour of the wind, the upper fires can be blamed, if the fire expands also along the crowns of trees, more important than coniferous trees. The width of the lower one is up to 3 meters per second (up to 180 meters per flute), and the upper one is up to 1.5 meters per second (100 meters per flute) in the straight wind.

When the peat is mountainous, that root of the roslin can vyniknut underground fire, which expands in different sides. Peat can be self-employed and burn without access to air and wind under water. Above the peat bog, to burn, it is possible to set up “one hundred and fifty whirlwinds” of hot ash and peat saw, to burn, like in a strong wind, can be transferred to great vistas and viklikati new fires.

Pozhezhі can cause borrowing budіvel from settlements, wooden bridges, power lines and a link on wooden stovpakh, warehouses of petroleum products and other burning materials, as well as damage to people and creatures.

Let's face accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters in Russia, there may be a lot of epidemiological sleeps, which are characterized by one-hour guilt in people on the singing territory of infectious diseases, connected with a cold dzherel and infections or transmissions.

1.2 Enemy officials of the dzherel over-the-top situation. Spend the population in the supra-divine situation

Accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters are accompanied by unsafe processes, which, as it was meant to be, can negatively affect the life and health of people, strong creatures and roslins, objects of the people's state and the middle ground.

Warehouses of unsafe processes, which are characterized by physical, chemical, biological and other effects and manifestations, are called factors that affect the underlying situation (hereinafter referred to as hostile factors).

Poshkodzhuє influx of factors that oppose people, which manifest themselves in their death or damage to health, are called astonishment.

Lyudina, who, as a result of an unmediated and indirect injection of adverse factors on her, caused damage to her health, is called an injury in a supra-divine situation.

Mustaches of people, as if the population recognized the supra-evolutionary situation, it is customary to call them gross expenses. The stench falls on irrevocable and sanitary expenses. Before irreversible losses, they are dead at the moment of vindication of the supra-event situation, they died before entering the first stage of medical evacuation (that is, before entering the medical mortgage) and the resulting annihilation. Under the sanitary expenses, they understand the wounded (who lost their lives) and ailments in the case of a guilty epidemiological situation, or after an epidemiological situation.

With the help of medical aid to the emergency situation, the knowledge of the structure of sanitary expenses is of great importance.

The structure of sanitary expenses is divided into sanitary expenses according to different signs: categories (wounded, scorched, sick and in); degree of severity of injury, illness (mild, moderate, severe, extremely severe); the nature of that place (localization) of injuries, opik; the nature of the illness is too thin.

In the designated structure of sanitary expenses, there is a great significance for combinations and multiple injuries (injuries, injuries).

Striking, viklikanі vplivam different factors that oppose, are called combinations. Injuries to decal anatomical areas (organs) of the body with one object, which to injure, can last until the next injury. Damage to two or more organs (areas of the body), caused by the same factors that affect, or one of the hostile factors of one and the same NS, is taken up to multiple. Combinations, combined with multiple injuries, sound very important and often aggravated by shock, infection of the wound and other. Often blamed for the sighting of a major (main) battle. Such a shock is carried out by us, as it can in the shortest term lead to the most unacceptable result, which at the moment means the first medical aid, more folding and trivial glee. With certain combinations of lesions, there may be a syndrome of mutual tension (for example, the manifestation of a radiation injury worsens a mechanical and thermal injury).

Before the factors that affect, one can see: mechanical, thermal, chemical, radiation, psychogenic.

A mechanical enemy is a mechanical (dynamic and static) injection of an unsafe process on the tissue of the human body, which calls for the destruction of its integrity and functions, tobto. ushkodzhennya (injuries).

One of the main mechanical factors that oppose, is a shock wave, which is blamed for vibes. Povіtryana percussion whil is enchanted by the vision of the majestic amount of energy under the hour of vibration. Having poured in a blown-out shock wind on a person, it flows directly and indirectly.

Directly hitting a person with a shock whine is blamed, if the shock is wilting, collapsing with a great whip, weeping at the person at the sight of a blow. Fallow due to the size of the excess pressure at the front of the shock wave, it is possible for the body to suffer from different severity. With an overworld pressure of 10-20 kPa (0.1 - 0.2 kg / cm2), the victim is blamed for incomprehensibility without wasting practice; at a pressure of 20-30 kPa, it is possible to open the drums in some people from the second practice. At a pressure of 30-50 kPa, injuries are blamed, which are often accompanied by bleeding from the throat, nasopharynx, short-term intercourse, and other minor cysts. Possible fatal deaths. The pressure of 50-80 kPa is caused by severe injuries in the visual ruptures of the internal organs, the rupture of the middle ear, contusions with a trival second bridge, small points of hemorrhage in the organs and tissues, and a high level of lethal outcomes. Injecting a vice of 80-100 kPa (8-10 kg / cm2) and more sound to cause extremely serious and fatal injuries.

It is a great concern for a person to become an indirect infusion of shocked beat.

Indirectly struck by the bells and whistles of life, spores, trees and other objects that fall and scatter, as if under the blown shock of the wind, they collapse with great wind and can attack people like metal, rіzhuchі and prickly harmony. In addition, indirectly blame the blame for the trivial perebuvannya people pіd ulamki budіvel, sporud in the minds of restlessness and static infusion (vice) on the chins or the chest clitin tsikh ulamkіv.

In the event of an earthquake, a mechanically damaging factor is seismic wind, which calls for ruin and pokodzhennya budіvel, spores and shock of people, which are in them or instruct them.

With rapt earthworms, great human losses are blamed, moreover, it is possible to endure the suvor of relief between irrevocable and outrageous expenses. Tse vіdnoshennya dorivnyuє 1:3 and zalishaєtsya nezmennym nezalezhnom vіd zemtretrusu and population density (Table 1.1.).

Table 1.1

Spend the population for the great earth cowards

It’s quiet in the middle, who, having survived after the earthworm, is moved by people with poor kіntsіvok, head, shii, ridge, chest, abdomen and pelvis, yakі require first medical assistance, so qualified and specialized medical assistance. In case of a fracture of the ridge, multiple fractures add up to 20% of all damage, strong pressure and tissue damage - up to 45%.

In the hour of war, the mechanical factor, which is hostile, manifests itself in the influx of sacks, fragments, shells, bombs on people, as well as increased shock damage when ammunition is fired (mines, shells, bombs), etc.

Thermal hostile factor - a surge of high temperature per person. high temperature you can be enchanted by half-minds, steam, hot motherland (okrop), light vibrations of nuclear vibes and others.

As a result, people blame the thermal opik of the skin's curves, eyes, mucous membranes of the windy paths. Stupin ushkodzhennya lie down depending on the temperature of the influencing factor, the volatility of the inflow, the physical state (half-light, steam, hot springs), on the location of the battle (localization) and the square of the opik.

At the same time, the opium is manifested in the appearance of reddening and bulbar on the shkir, scalding of the shkir, m'yaziv, tendon, brush.

The wider and deeper the poshkodzhennya with thermal opik, the more trouble it will be to become life. Opik 1/3 of the surface of the body often ends in death.

The chemical agent of the enemy is the toxicity (destruction) of unsafe chemical speeches (OHV), tobto. chemical speeches, a direct chi of mediation, having poured in such people at people, you can viklikati їhnє illness or death.

According to the method of injection into a person, OHV is subdivided into three groups: through the organs of the respiratory system (inhalation diia), through the intestinal tract (peroral diia), through the skin cover (shkirno-resorptive diia).

Depending on the nature of the injection on the body, they distinguish the OHV of the nerve-paralytic, teasing, sticky, suffocating infusion, skinny-narive, speech, toxic, narcotic.

The most effective remedy in case of accidents at chemical enterprises is poisoning people with chlorine and ammonia.

In case of chlorine poisoning, it is observed: a sharp pain in the breasts, a sharp pain in the eyes, lacrimation, back pain, dry cough, vomit, impaired coordination of the hands and the appearance of bulbs on the skin.

Signs of poisoning with ammonia: frequent heartbeat and pulse, awakening, possible judgement, poison, pain in the eyes, lacrimation, undead, cough, reddening and fluttering of the skin.

Singing minds have a deadly result for the destruction.

Radiation factor, which is hostile, is radioactively viprominuvannya (ionizuyuche viprominyuvannya), which accompanies mimic transformation of the nuclei of atoms in radioactive elements.

Under the influx of ionizing viruses in the body of a person, biological processes are blamed, which lead to the destruction of the vital functions of various organs (the main rank of the organs of bleeding, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, etc.) and the development of the disease.

Promeneva ailment is a severe disease of the body, which develops in the wake of ionizing addiction. Fallow in the dose of viprominyuvannya vinikaє promeneva ailments of different degrees of severity - in the form of an easy stage, which will end in wear, to a severe and very severe stage of severity, with such fatal consequences, greater morbidity may occur.

The biological hostile factor is the influx on the human body of disease-causing organisms - microbes, which can lead to infectious (contagious) diseases (plague, cholera, anthrax, natural flu and other). Deyakі z mikrobіv zbudnіkіv іnfektsiynyh khvorob (bacterії) vyroblyayut toxins - strong otіyuchі wipe off, scho call such infectious disease, like botulism, diphtheria and іn.

One of the peculiarities of the biological aggravating factor is those that a lot of infectious diseases can be transmitted from the sick to the healthy - for the singing minds, you can bring it to astonishment great masses people and a wide (epidemic) spread of infection.

Rosemary of possible sanitary wastes to lie ahead of the terminology of health alarms near the NA zone (infestation hole), timely notification of the population about the threat of infection, depending on the degree of safety of the population due to infection, and also due to the stoppage of preventive measures. Whenever possible, primary and secondary sanitary expenses.

Under the first sanitary expenses due to the influx of a biological influencing factor, the number of ailments on infectious diseases during the period of restoring the health workers at the ovnishy middle (water, povіtry, saw, food products and other.). Under the secondary sanitary expenses, it is clear how many people have fallen ill as a result of their infection in the ailments (the first sanitary expenses), if the environment does not become a great ailment. The lower stage of the unsafety of the first sanitary vtrat should be deposited also, depending on the timing of the visit, when you enter the fire of the fire, disinfection, and the sanitary treatment of the population. Secondary sanitary expenses can reach 25% of the uninfected and unprotected population, which is lost.

The psychogenic damaging factor is the psyche of a person, which appears to be an objective picture of the supra-eternal situation and information about it, which is injected into the mental state of the supra-divine situation.

Natomist mental state characterizes the behavior of people with singing minds, and under the hour of specific tasks. The main indicators of the mental state will be people's experience, spontaneous, psychophysiological signs, and the results of behavior and activity in specific life situations. There is a lot to lie here in the form of special features of a person.

In a concrete supra-divine situation, one person can unleash a will, act boldly and boldly, and otherwise, on the other hand, transform into a ruined individual, which is aggressively and ruinously, in spite of the interests of the collective.

Panic (unexplained zhah) - sum'yattya, ruination, fear, which slander people or faceless people in front of real or obvious insecurity, which is growing in the process of mutual infection and blocking the building of a correct assessment of the situation, the mobilization of non-volitional resources and the organization of security. Blame the panic on the mutual transmission of anxiety and the presence of specific information about the threat.

1.3 Understanding the medical-tactical characteristics of the cavity of the wound

Wandering emergency and ryatuvalny robots at the fire of the wound, the guards of the guilty mother were clearly aware of that situation, in the stench of the zdiyasnyuvatimut a joke that the order of the injured, giving them medical assistance, conduct other visits of the likuval-evacuation safety of the fire. Vіdomostі about tsyu situation add up zmіst medico-tactical characteristics of the cavity of the wounded.

The medical-tactical characteristic of the cavity of the wound includes:

information about the place and the hour of the vindication of the epic situation and the її dzherelo (dzherela);

naming that place of significance in the middle of the strike, in which rytuvalniks vikonuvatimut emergency-ryatuvalny robots;

a change of factors, which are hostile, which have been brought to the death of the foyer of the population;

change of hostile factors, yakі prodovzhuvatimut influx on the population and ryatuvalnikov pіd hour of emergency and ryatuvalnyh robіt;

vіdomosti about the nature of the ruined budіvel, sporud in the middle of the strike;

the nature of the people's damage and peredbachuvana the structure of the high and sanitary losses of the population;

vіdomosti about the possibility of grouping (mіstsya perebuvannya) of those who suffered in the middle of the blow;

information about the sanitary and hygienic situation in the middle of the strike;

information about the health care of those closest to the middle of the injury of medical institutions and their ability to help the injured people;

possible ways of evacuation of the victims from the outcrops of the slaughter, as well as the nature and camp of the most natural environment in the middle of the slaughter on the ways of evacuation.



A retrospective analysis of medical records of natural disasters in Vrmenia, Arzamas, Ufa and others. having confirmed in person that, in the event of one’s own suffering, the first medical and precarious assistance, the number of untrue irrevocable losses is significantly reduced.

The main causes of death of the victim in the middle of the catastrophe or natural disaster are, first for everything, severe mechanical trauma, shock, bleeding and impaired functions of the organs of the respiratory system, and a significant part of the victims (about 30%) is the first; 60% - after 3 years; And if the help is taken for 6 years, then the guinea is already 90% seriously injured.

The importance of the factor is added to the hour, even if, on the middle of the day, yak, they took the first medical help with a stretch of 30 hvilin after an injury, aggravated by 2 times more, lower at the osib, which kind of help was given better.

2.1 See medical assistance. The head of the office asked for medical help.

The organization of emergency medical assistance in NS is closely related to the phasic development of processes in the district. So, in the period of the phase of isolation, which lasts from many years to many years, the first medical help can be given only by the victims themselves in the order of self-help. For this reason, it is obvious that the preparation of the population to an adequate behavior and the provision of PMP in case of disasters is of paramount importance.

Vykoristannya suffered by the population of the first medical aid to the personnel medical benefits, sound, turn off. Therefore, the population needs to learn the first medical help with handy tools. Only the emergency molding, which pribuvayut at the bottom of the National Assembly, to repair the PMP with the highest service pay for the injured.

The warehouse and the number of medical forces is determined by the nature and scale of the catastrophe, the transfer of sanitary expenses.

In this rank, the first medical help is a complex of the simplest medical entrances, which are congregated in the field of injury, or near the other (in the middle) in the order of self-assistance, a special warehouse of emergency and ryatuval moldings with the help of the assistants and (or) the service records of the medical by the method of usunennya distant infusion of the enemy clerk, we will endure a short life, lowering that advance of the development of heavy complications.

The main meta of the first medical assistance is the order of the life of the victim, the adoption of the influx of the hostile factor, which is triva, and the most recent evacuation of the victim from the zone of injury.

The main principle is to give help to the greatest number of those who suffered from the most simple, even more important methods for saving and supporting the life of those who suffered until they were blessed.

Rational planning and organization of effective medical assistance to those who have suffered a lot in what to lay on the right scale of transferring or overarching situations that happened.

The optimal term for the provision of PMP (first medical aid) is 30 hvilin after an injury. At deyakih camps (zupinka gasping, bloody bleeding), the whole hour is signifi- cantly fast.

For the medical service, the most important indicator of the scale of the dashing is the number of wounded and ailments and the structure of the lesions.

Concretely, come in PMP to fall into the vіd faktorіv, scho dіyut NS, і otrimanih people ushkodzhen.

For other equal minds, in case of mass insurrections, children and pregnant women are given help in the redness of medical help.

Obsyag and see medical help in case of emergency situations.

In case of NS, the following types of medical aids appear in the foci of a mass infection (5 types):

persha is medical help;

dolikarska dopomoga;

first medical help;

qualified medical assistance;

specialized medical help.

The first medical assistance is a type of medical assistance, which includes a complex of the simplest medical entrances, which are vigilantly in the middle of a strike, or near a new one in the order of self-assistance, as well as participants in emergency and ryatuvalnye robits s vikoristannyam service workers and other workers. Include in yourself come in at the expense of factors, building up the camps of the (great) ones, or bring them to a deadly result, taking down the appearances, which without intermediary threaten their lives (bleeding, asphyxia, etc.), ) without suttivogo pogirshennya їhny I will become.

Dolikarska help - without medical help, as an addition to the first medical help. May be at the time of the adoption of that advance of the breakdowns (bleeding, asphyxia, court and other), which threaten the life of the injured (ailments) and prepare them for further evacuation. Dolikarskaya help is provided by a paramedic or a nurse in the middle (zone) of the battle.

The first medical aid is a type of medical aid, which includes a complex of licuval-prophylactic visits, which are treated by doctors (as a rule, at the stage of medical evacuation) that directs to the adoption of inherited injuries (illness), which without a middle threaten them (professionals) simplifies and prepares the mortals (illnesses) for consumption until further evacuation.

Kvalіfіkovana medichna dopomoga - view medichnoї Relief scho vklyuchaє complex vicherpnih lіkuvalno-profіlaktichnih zahodіv scho vikonuyutsya lіkaryami-fahіvtsyami rіznogo profіlyu have spetsіalіzovanih lіkuvalnih mortgages of vikoristannyam spetsіalnogo obladnannya, the main types of spetsіalіzovanoї medichnoї Relief scho nadaєtsya at rіznih Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіyah, Je neyrohіrurgіchna, , toxicological, pediatric and other.

Specialized medical assistance - a type of medical assistance, which includes a complex of vicarial liquor-preventive approaches, as a way to win doctors of a different profile in special liquor mortgages with victories of special possession.

According to the data of the WHO, 20 of 100 dead in the aftermath of unfortunate falls in peacetime could be vryatovani, yakbi medical assistance was given to them in their own time.

In times of guilt of mass sanitary expenses, it is impossible to give the first medical help to all those who suffered at the same time.

After the influx of hostile officials of the disaster until the arrival of the Swedish medical help, I can help the first medical help, I can put the population in order of self- and mutual assistance, and bring the medical personnel of the likuval-prophylactic installations that were saved in the disaster zone. Nadalі won't dopovnyuєtsya for rahunok ryatuvalnyh pіdrozdіlіv, sanitary brigades, brigades of emergency medical aid, who arrived.

The first medical assistance includes:

damage to the victims of the blockages, shovisch, ukrittiv;

extinguishing a burning garment;

the introduction of painkillers for the help of a syringe-tube;

usunennya asphyxiation by the path of the upper dyhal passages into the mucus, blood, soil, possible third-party bodies, the right position of the body (when the tongue sinks, vomited, clear nasal bleeding) and carried out under piece ventilation, mouth at the mouth ) tube ta in);

timchasovu zupinka ovnіshnyoї bleeding with all available methods: application of a tourniquet, bandages, to press, finger pressing of the main vessels;

fight against damaged heart activity (closing massage of the heart);

application of an aseptic dressing on the wound and the opiku surface;

application of an occlusive dressing in case of severe wounded chest with vicarious gummed casing IPP or other handy tools (cellophane, leukoplastir);

immobilization of the poshkodzhenoy kіntsіvka (unruly - time sheets, handymen);

pulling on a protigas when infected with a mystic disease;

the introduction of antidotes in case of damage by bruising and AHOV;

private sanitary facility;

taking antibiotics, sulfanamide drugs, anti-diabetic drugs.

When given the first medical aid, the process of sorting sees such groups of injuries: if you require medical assistance in the zone of trouble (as well as in the case of guilt and vivienne) in the first place, the friend of the black and easily suffered.

Dolikarskaya medical assistance is provided by emergency medical assistance teams (BEDM). Before the warehouse of such a brigade, 4 individuals enter: a senior nurse, a nurse, a vodіy and an orderly. The brigade is equipped with a medical, sanitary state and special lane. Medically, it’s a good idea to help out 50 people who have suffered.

In addition to the first medical aid, the dolikarska aid is transferred:

use of asphyxia (toilet of the mouth emptying and nasopharynx, if necessary, the introduction of an airway, inhalation of acid, piece ventilation of the leg with a manual respiratory apparatus);

control over the correctness and correctness of the application of the tourniquet in case of bleeding, which is trivae;

overlay and correction of the incorrectness of the overlays of bandages;

introduction of painkillers;

reduction of transport immobilization due to wage bills;

re-introduction of antidotes for indications;

dodatkova degassing in the air of the crutches of the shkiri and the clothes of the lads lying down to them;

warming up the wounds at low temperatures again, hot drink (due to the daily injury in life) at the winter hour;

for indications - the introduction of symptomatic cardiovascular diseases and drugs that stimulate the respiratory system.

Starting with the first medical aid in case of a combined injury, the next step is to designate the sequence of the next few admissions. SOMEONE TO WIN THE LIFE OF THE INJURED, ABO TI, WITHOUT ANY IMPOSSIBLE VIKONATY IN THE PRIORITY OF THE FIRST MEDICINES. So, in case of an open wound and obvious arterial bleeding, the cob needs to be unsafe for life, I bleed, then put a sterile bandage on the wound and only then proceed to the immobilization of the rinsing.

Usі priyomi first medical help may be merciful. Rough vtruchannya can hurt the victim and ruin his camp. As I seek medical assistance, I hope not one, but two sprats of osib, the need for children is blessed. In this case, one is quiet, who hopes to help, is to blame but the elders and cheruvati vikonannyam priyomіv.

In this rank, their duty officers and all medical services in NS are forced to work in a very unfriendly environment. For the reversion of Velikovoii Kilkosti Sraphedylih, Yakі requires Naddannye Dop's Dop's Doprosno, at the Pisli's Doprosh, Naughty Kіlkosti Fakhivtsіv, not SII Lіkuvalnі Installing Pronderates to the one-time acquisition of the same kilkosti by the rebounds.

It is important for the heads of the medical service to assign the scale of the supra-extreme situation, the approximate number of victims, the obligation to provide medical assistance in the pits of sanitary vtrata.

The provision of medical assistance was aggravated by significant ruins of the inhabitants, water supply, sewerage, numerical fires, blockages, a large number of corpses, frequent and frequent exit from the fret of likuvalno-prophylactic installations, non-stagnant medical personnel, the adoption of significant workers by tactician radioactivity. .

Supervisory situations affect not only emergency visits to their liquidations, but, smut, knowledge of the skin is clearly understood by them.

2.2 Legal planting of the rights and obov'yazkіv ryatuvalnik when given the first medical assistance.

The legal side of the provision of first medical aid. In criminal law, people's instigations are manifested by deed to idleness.

Diya is contrary to the rule of conduct, as it is superfluous to the rule of conduct prescribed in the norm, and idleness is contrary to vices, as the law punishes children with a singing rank in special situations. Dekіlka articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, introduced by the Federal Law on 13.06.96 No. 63, directly conveys the responsibility for not receiving additional help. So, at st. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Depleted in Nezapezі”, transferring to self-sufficiency for “delayed deprivation without the help of an individual, as if you were in a careless for life and health camp and the opportunity to live, go to self-saving for childishness, old age, happiness, or freedom razі, like wine maw the ability to give additional help to this person and the mother’s goiter about her turbot, having himself put them in a safe life and healthy camp.

In okrem 124, in a dignified KK, it was seen "not giving help to the sick." Under this understanding, "negligence to help the ailing without good reasons, goiters should be given according to the law, or with a special rule, as it caused the negligence of the average severity of the disease to the health of the ailing."

The Federal Law of 08.22.95 No. 151 “On emergency and emergency services and the status of a ryatuvalnik” at article No. 27 “OBOV'YAZKI RYATUVACHA” has to actively conduct a search for the victims, get used to them when they come in, give them the first medical and other. see help. Obov'yazki ryatuvalnikіn professіyno-ryatuvalnyh services vyznachayutsya vіdpovіdnim statutes, povchannyami є warehouse labor contract (control).

The remaining two decades of the past century were characterized for the Russian Federation not only by social and economic shocks, but also by important anthropogenic and natural disasters, which were accompanied by significant material losses and great human sacrifices.

At the beginning of the 1990s, the Russian corps of ryatuvalniks was created on the rights of the Sovereign Committee. Nadali on the basis of the DKNS (State Committee of the National Assembly) was created by the MNS of Russia.

The most mobile and highly organized lankoy of the RSChS is the poshukovo-ryatuvalny zagіn (PZV), the main recognition of which field is in the organization and the operational conduct of the poshukovo-ryatovalny robit (RPR) with the help of the victim.

Based on the statistics, _____ roci in the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia had _____ full-time training and attestation of salvage workers, the social and legal status of which is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On emergency and salvage services and the status of salvage workers".

The Law of the Russian Federation “On emergency response services and the status of rescuers” stipulates:

"Ryatuvalnik is a hulk, preparing and attesting for the conduct of poshukovo-ryatuvalnyh robots."

Cream of that:

Ryatuvalnik is a strong, brave, healthy, easy-going person.

Ryatuvalnik - tse literate, universally prepared, well equipped, good person.

Riatuvalnik - tse good, chuyna, bezkorisliv, honest people.

Ryatuvalnik is a human being, as if ready to come to the rescue, save the body.

The head of the head of the ryatuvalnikov pid the hour of liquidation of the heritage of the National Assembly is the order of the life of people and the need to help them in their own time.

The rights of ryatuvalniks - art. 25 Law of the Russian Federation.

In the course of the work carried out to liquidate the National Assembly, the authorities may have the right to:

exactly the same reliable information, necessary for them to see their obov'yazkiv;

uninterrupted passage to the territory and virobnichii objects of organizations to residential accommodation for carrying out work for the liquidation of the National Assembly;

vykoristannya poryatunkku hromada, and at the time of extreme consumption in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, sobіv vyazka, transport, lane and other expenses of organizations, which are near the zones of the National Assembly.

During the course of the work carried out to eliminate the above-mentioned situations, the repairers are ordered only to the workers of the emergency repair services, emergency repair molding, at the warehouse of which, designated works are carried out.

Ryatuvalniks goiters' yazani - Art. 27 Law of the Russian Federation:

be ready to participate in the work carried out to eliminate the NS, improve your physical, special, medical, psychological training;

to actively conduct a search for the victims, to get used to them when they come in order, to give them the first medical and other assistance;

to explain to the citizens the rules of safe behavior with the method of avoiding over-the-top situations and the order of the day in times of guilt;

unsufferingly dorimuvatisya technologies for carrying out emergency work.

Vidpovіdalnіst ryatuvalnikov - Art. 35 Law of the Russian Federation.

Ryatvalniki, Vinni Nevicoannі obo bodies, put on them to the contract (contract), Umisny Zapodіyanі, with a robіt zh L_kvіdatskії NS Skkodi Skogodya, Shaho ocked, sending Skkodi Natural Hellovichi, Mother's Cultural Center -legal or criminal law is legal before the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vymogi up to the level of professional training of ryatuvalniks.

The diversity of the minds of the robot and the situation that is blamed for the liquidation of the legacy of various NAs, the rise of the vimogi to the level of professional training of ryatuvalniks.

Ryatuvalnik may include:

to prepare to work and operate the procedures for conducting radiation and chemical research, arrange for a call, notification, and medical assistance;

vikoristovuvati sob іndivіdualnogo and collective zakhistu;

to determine the presence of adverse factors and possible paths (options) for the development of NS;

rationally secure your work;

carry out a search for the victims of victims as handymen, as well as special equipment;

for the sake of the victims from the fires of the wounded and transporting them to a safe place;

slap pershu to help the sufferer;

give self-help;

vikonuvati poshukovo-ryatuvalnі and emergency-recovery robots in the minds of practical whether NS of natural and anthropogenic character;

orientate white;

survive in different NS;

organize the evacuation of the injured and the population from the unsafe zone;

methods and methods of priyomi vyznachennya I will suffer from and folding of injuries;

receive the first medical aid;

accept nadannya self-help and self-help;

base vizhivannya in hostile minds;

2.3 Medical triage and evacuation of the injured from the NS

Medical sorting - the same method of rozpodіlu suffered on groups according to the principle of consumption in judicious-preventive pledges and evacuation approaches, according to medical indications and specific minds of the situation.

Metasorting is performed in those who have suffered from their own medical needs, medical assistance and rational evacuation in situations, if the number is quiet, who will require medical assistance (or evacuation), overcome the possibility of medical (or evacuation) health.

At the same time, help is needed only once, if there is a loss of life for the victim, it is ahead of the development of unsafe conditions.

The order of sorting The order of sorting The order of sorting is the appointment of an obligation to predict medical assistance, the number of casualties, as there may be buti given that the inclusion of folding medical hands in the wounds, if they require more than the services of a medical sister, that vibir is quiet, they can be beaten ahead of us.

Hour and place of sorting

Medical sorting - concrete, uninterrupted, repeating and advancing processes in case of suffering from any kind of medical help. It will be carried out, starting from the moment of giving the first medical assistance, in the area of ​​the disaster, in the pre-hospital period - beyond the boundaries of the affected area and at the entrance to the liquor mortgages to remove the full obligation of medical assistance and likuvannya to the residual result (in the nearest territorial, regional mortgages and ) , in all functional subdivisions).

See the medical sorting

Fallow in the rozv'yazuvanih zavdan accepted dotsіlne vidіlne vіdіlennya vіdіshnopunktovogo evakuatsіyno-transport type of medical sortuvannya.

Internal Purpunth Sortannya is accuracted by Methods Rospevilu at the loads Take a lot of feet for the opposite, the character of that litter Uzazhinnya, for the standing of the Nechіdnosti, Naddeda Dopertion of the Doperts of TA ї ї Ukraine, and Torzhennaya Funching Functional Podrozdil Formuvna L_kuvalny Shalada, de Wono Maud Bethoi Nado.

The evacuation and transport sorting is carried out according to the method of distribution of the injured to the same group according to the density of evacuation, according to the type of transport (cars for assistance, parked and unpaid cars, air transport, air transport, water transport), on the first, second, third tier) at the point of passage, evacuation recognition, at which the camp is insured, the degree of severity of the injured, localization and the nature of the injury.

Main sorting marks

In the basis of sorting out, there is a need for care for the lonely, that evacuation sign is exuberant.

Nebezpeka for otochuyuchih stupіnі need the injured in the sanitary (special) obrobtsі chi іzolyatsії. Nebezpeka for otochuyuchih mozhliva zv'yazku z nayavnistyu іnfektsіynogo zahvoryuvannya, I'll become psychomotor zabudzhennya іz infected with a stable type of AHOV. Fallow in vid tsgogo, the victims are divided into groups:

that they will require special (sanitary) private or total processing (go to the sanitary checkpoint for evidence of infection or contamination with RV, persistent hazardous chemicals, soil saw;

how to apply timchasovіy іzolyatsії (infectious, psychoneurological);

do not require special (sanitary) private or new processing and isolation.

A jubilant sign is a step in need of damage from a medical doctor, a callousness and a mischief.

Evacuation signs - the need, the urgency of evacuation, the type of transport and the camp of the victim on transport. Vihodyachi s tsієї signs, the victims are divided by groups:

how to evacuate to other territorial, regional likuvalnye mortgages or centers with the improvement of evacuation recognition, chergovost, method of evacuation (lying down, sitting), mode of transport;

sho p_dlyagayut surplus in this likuvalny mortgage or molded (for the burden of becoming) timchasovo or until the end of the result;

turn around for a place of residence (resettlement) of the population for an outpatient clinic and medical care.

Characteristics of the phases in the process of medical assistance for the injured under the hour of catastrophes


It is characterized by the simultaneous vindication of a large number of defeats, weak protection or total insecurity of the population in the middle of a catastrophe, the presence of “organized” medical assistance (first medical assistance in the order of self-assistance). Depending on the type of catastrophe, її scales, according to the fate and doby, preparation of the rituval services, the trivality of this period can become hvilin or a year (when vibuha at the Arzamas-1 transshipment station, vіn trivav 1.5 years, under the hour of vibration of the product pipeline in Bashkiria - 2 years, during an earthquake in Virmenia - 12 years).


Win the svkutka in the area of ​​catastrophe of the forces І Zaporobіv, signs for the Razzkuchka by Reversing, Vitennika і із pіdlyagayut terms of evacuation. to the point of medical assistance (POMP). The trivality of the period becomes from a few years (Arzamas - 1, Bashkiria) to a long time (Virmenia). The effectiveness of medical-ritual work is determined not only by the number of cases (evacuation), but also by the number of people who were given medical help, and by the final result (the number of quiet, who is alive, the frequency is more complicated), character. High vіdsotok mortal naslіdkіv without middle in the middle of the strike.


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