Organizational structure of the intelligence services to China. Chinese special services: the structure and vision of the Chinese special services named

The secret operations of the PRC in Russia

China has a political issue. China is the strongest economically, there are more technical developments in China, but there are more investments in China, less in the Russian technological innovations. The Chinese are disciplined people, not Russian, and at the same hour they conduct business in the PRC for wine and business, not for Russia.

Zbignev Brzezinskiy

A lot of scandalous scandals, which were caused by the attempts of Chinese businessmen to vigor and for the help of the people of Russia, to bring to the People's Republic of China the secret documentation that complements, must lie down to the sphere of the Ukrainian business. In three of those who were observed for the last two, in the fall of the Chinese spygunism on the Distant Descent of Russia, they took the part of the Russians, including those in the late military and scientific defense institutes.

What are you afraid of! Do you have a salary? And to proponyuyut three hundred "bucks", and even less for one point of the combat statute of an emergency child! Rizik niyakogo! Tim is bigger, it's not a secret at all! Rozumієsh! Good people think of such pennies, and they received information.

Major Oleksandr Artyukhov died of perekonuvati. Alekapitan Vadim Nikolaev niyak is not at a glance, but he would like to be a friend in service.

Shave. Not zezumіv, - nіyak not mіg zbagnuti Mykolaiv. - What kind of people? Yaki pennies? Who needs a statute?

Artyukhov, trustingly leaning in at once from the style, mayzhe whisper to the other:

Don't be afraid! People are on top. Kidalova Zhodny. I have known for a long time, there have been no problems left. Why are you marveling at me? After hitting the shpigun? Usi shpiguni to sit in Moscow, in the Arbat vіyskovy okruzі! Our secrets have long been sold to the States of China. Stink a penny with a shovel, and my skin is a bit of a rickety! Corrupt the moment, rob the grandmother! Pokey scho є will drink! All dovkola spinning like a can. One of these has become obsolete.

Bagato in chomu Artyukhov mav rats_yu. The village of Kutove, they served the stinks, God will forget the little kuchits. The base of the UPU has been nominated. Zhebratska salary, new prospects for substitution and more for promotion. Capitan Vadim Nikolaev has not seen any of his comrades in service.

I need to think about it, - Mikolaiv dully prompted.

For a few days at the reception of the FSB Directorate of the Primorsk Territory, I made a phone call.

Tse capitan Vadim Nikolaev. I give information of sovereign importance. How can I learn from kimos from officials? ..

This is how the operation came under the code name "Vanya". One in a dozen of them for Chinese spygunism in Russia. Dodamo, with such a measure of the military-industrial spygunism of the Russian special services have not yet been stuck. From the PRC, not only the secret instructions and armchairs were transported, but also the details of the wineries-overlapping missiles. For the rest of the rock, the Chinese military espionage in Russia has re-worked on the problem of truly catastrophic proportions. I invite the FSB spokesmen, as well as invite the streams to everyone who wants to China, please tell me about the seriousness of the problem. Ale about everything in order.

In 1949, the Chinese People's Republic was established as a rosi, which in the region demanded tough development and counter-intelligence services. Mao turned to help up to the "elder" brother - SRCP.

For example, in 1949, for the coordination of the activities of the radio and the Chinese development to Pekin, the colonel of the US resident colonel Rain, who had added a number of problematic warriors to the American nuclear power plant, was sent Having tried it out in the PRC until 1951, in 1953 he turned around again, as the defender of the head guard at the MOB of the PRC and provinces on a whole lot of rockies.

In 1957, he became a senior radar officer, Major General of the KDB Vertiporokh - a collegiate resident in Iran and Izrail, who had taken care of the great triyka in Tehran, and was the head of the sabotage police. 1960, on the thirteenth month, the colonial defender of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, Lieutenant General Pitovranov, arrived.

There is a great number of Chinese military leaders who either came to the CPSR, or they went to the CPSR by the line of the Communist International. The head of the Chinese development Kang Sheng, for example, graduated from the development school near Moscow.

The Chinese minds, how the Russians work and against them. This is the specificity of the development. Todi Mao turned out to transfer to the PRC MDBs to the Radyansky agents. The result has been praised for the best solution. At the sign of brotherly friendship in Moscow, they sent a message to the Chinese with their agent calls. That was a grave pardon. Formerly, since there were first conflicts between two countries, the Radiansk special services were identified without agents. Quiet, whoever was asked, the Chinese were either overturned or shot. Apparently, they asked the government authorities for some good news for the success of the robot, and there they went to the mission.

For example, in the 50s, the KDB actually pinned the robot from China. At the meeting of the Radianskih special services, the PRC development repeatedly tried to recruit agents from the number of Radianskih people who were working in China. They were afraid to try to get your agents on our territory. One of the collegiate sportsmen of the KDB Primorsky Territory sent their agents to penetrate the territory of the SRCR for the collection of information, the secret services of the PRC sent their agents to see the Chinese and Korean interlocutors. There are thousands of them. The first of all the needs of the bulletin board reconversion.

Perebіzhchikіv filtered. From the malicious and adventurers, as well as the agents of the PRC MDBs, they were immediately relieved, passed on to the Chinese parties. They passed over from political motives - they did not pass them on to the Chinese, they were led by verbose conversations and they were illegally transported back during the general preparations.

Quietly, who went through the filtration, or didn’t fit for the secret agents' distribution, they settled in the isolated villages-radgospahs - especially in the Magadan region of the Khabarovsk Territory, the informers of the same middle. On the thought of the spіvrobіtnikіv of the Russian special services, people todіlled from China to the Spіlka "for the sake" of the primus order. Om put the zavdannya osіstі at the singing mіstsevostі, reject the bulkiness, the Radiansky passport and check out for the year "X". Yuriy Ufimtsev at the bottom “Kryz to bamboo dependency. KDB in China ”to direct the response of one KDB athlete, for example, having passed through himself more than one hundred Chinese migrants. “Shodo is inhabited. It’s like before us that the captain of the Chinese MDB was transferred. For me there is a secret document, which is of interest. We spilkuvali with him, Vin told us literally like this:

You will have a chance to get connected with China. Youmu just won't go anywhere. For you will be "oksamitovo" - become friends, settle down. Chinese are kind family.

We got the captain before our robots. And the Bula tsya is still growing at one thousand nine hundred sixty-ninth rotsi ... "

For the collapse of the USSR, the cordon of coli-nal empires came to the fore, and the Chinese rushed to us like an avalanche. All the special settlements, which were on the Distant Descent and the Extreme Pivnichny Descend, were in full swing, having lost their freedom, and destroyed in Russia. At that hour, everyone knew the stench of Russian language, traditions, the mentality of Russians, as they were, they were ready to "settle down" in Russia. Tse buv an ear of total Chinese spying against Russia.

And unimportant to those who are borrowed from Russia by a great territory, the Chinese with their spyguns' activity zoomed to the whole.

The current year of the PRC has the most gold and foreign exchange reserves, for a dummy of fakhivts, close to 610 million dollars. Tse allows China to trim the defense budget for the best price. According to the estimates of the USA, China has purchased from Russia 8 diesel-electric subdivisions (for the NATO classification, type Kilo), will be of the “Song” type, which are effective for the Uzbeks, as well as a set of atomic water drums. Even earlier, 50–75 short-range missiles were fired in the missile system (the Chinese call it another artillery), then 100 at a time.

Such a scope of defense development, massive purchases of defenses from Russia, it is successful to get along with the military spying, the crappy intelligence of the military technology and technical documentation. Unimportant to the publicity of the strategic partnership between the two countries, the MDB of the PRC is leading a great development against Russia. In addition to discouraging unauthorized access to the most advanced high-tech Russian retail outlets, the Chinese development of practice is requested for a robot in the development and specialization of the galusa of the modern technology. Particularly active CSBM of the PRC pratsyuє Russian Distant Descent. Dozens of spyguns' rights are led by counter-intelligence officers against business changes and officers of the Russian army, who are at the helm of the Chinese special services.

Not a long time ago, one of the FSB spіvrobіtnikіv in the Interview ZMІ said:

That stench here is calling out, it’s all over the place, it’s okay to scold, recruit agents and steal everything! Yak? And just go to the soldiers and the officers and seem to be ready to buy either blocks from litak, movlyav, go that wilamay. Let's go all the way to China, where they choose and wonder, what the new equipment is going to see from the old. We are constantly catching on.

Let's turn to the Operation "Vanya". Otzhe, captain Nikolaev turned to the FSB. The counterintelligence sent a message to Major Artyukhov.

Over the years, the FSB was in charge, but that devil is not alone. Shpigunska group, scho lay down, with three ocholuvav capitan Igor Lukin. Apparently before the disintegration of the "legend" of Mikolaev, having confirmed his year for the fate of the Shpigun business, asking for payment for the confidential information provided. Nadal counter-investigators heard the calls of Captain Lukin and they went to his friend. The warning showed that Lukin, having driven partly with his car, in a stocked-up vehicle, had taken two Vladivostok merchants - Biloshapkina and Popov - from the car. If the stench went out from the car, the FSB sprobites were able to write down the rozmov in the distance, they were told in the commerce that the stench was to transport the speeches of the military equipment to China. The Shpigunska group reliably prikhovuvala their interests, for example, the stink missiles were called "riba", the numbers - "tons."

Establishment of control over telephone conversations of merchants from China. "Ribi" and "tons" were steadily figured in rosters with "Vanya", "Oleksiyum", "Valei". Chinese deputies called themselves Tsimi names. Z'yasuvalosya, scho the stench є by representatives of Vyskovyh enterprises, or special services. Even more often it was replaced, from those who saw "Vanya", after a while to take "Oleksiy" and navpaki. Sumi figuruvali ізні - from 5 thousand to 100 thousand dollars.

In 2002, the rock "Vanya" asked the merchants to bring the gas turbine power unit GTDE-117-1 from the Su-27. FSB operatives immediately stood up, having transferred such a dvigun at Viktor Popov's garage at Vladivostots. Oleksandr Biloshapkin and Viktor Popov went to China in 2002, and the vantage was sent to China. In addition to the power plant near the car, the SK-224-05 unit appeared, indications for the launch of jet engines Su-27, and three fighters were built with anti-tank kerovan missiles. Ale without the help of spіvrobіtnikіv mitnitsі viconati, replacement is not possible.

Todi two komersanti posed to shukati there "their" people and knew them at Grodekivsky mitnitsi. Mitnick wait to let the goods through. Alene nezabarom vіn, remembering the call of caution, todі Bіloshapkіn zaspokoіv, movlyav, at the new synopsis at the mite manager, at the new call skryz, go to the FSB. Yakbi followed them with a stitch, the sin bi continued to gain insight.

Power plants of the Su-27 are not guilty of being in China. It is necessary to take a trip to be-yaky way. First FSB operatives were in control of the locomotive on the first haul, the train turned to the station. The vantage was overridden on the road trip Sosnova Pad, and the dispatchers Bioshapkin and Popov were given a phone call about those who arrived at the warehouse to be connected to the locomotive fire. If Oleksandr Biloshapkin and Viktor Popov turned to Russia to sort out, they took one step at once.

For the decisions of the court, Oleksandr Biloshapkin was taken out of 11 years of the colony, and the captain Igor Lukin was sentenced to 10 years because of the mercy of the call. Major Oleksandr Artyukhov was also jailed, and they were sentenced to eight years in good faith. Please, Viktor Popov, before the trial, near the spring of 2002, when someone called him, he put his hands on himself at the next isolator. Zagalom to the criminal appearance of the bulo attracted 7 people - four of them are in service. The teacher of the Grodekivsky Mitnitsa, who brave an unprecedented fate in the whole history, will be victorious around the grave.

China didn’t eat anything, but the operatives continued to destroy Vanya. The FSB has violated, it has been successful in the Chinese special services, and it has agents in Russia. The first operation "Vanya" has gotten a lot of fancy. The next hour of operational-rocket calls to Biloshapkina and Popov, the bulo was set up, but the stench was not by the only agents of "Vani". The FSB sprobatniks paid respect to those who implemented the Vanya project through Pavel Nosik, the Primorsky subdivision.

Viklikaniy is not finished off at the serpentine of 2002 to the rock, the spout of his knowledge of "Vanei" without shutting it down. Ale, for his words, he went, but "Vanya" is deprived of the representative of the company from investment and trade. Actually, at the end of 2002, the rock "Vanya" went to great lengths to bring back some spare parts from Russia to tanks. Ale Nosik, for his words, nachebto vidmoviv. There were also a couple of moments, as they winked at the Nose of the Sumny and the Wan's. As for the Chinese mitts, they trampled the water known to the Nose, which was supposed to be transported to the territory of the Celestial Cassette of the erotic utrimanny. Zerotikoyu in China, duzhe suvoro, and water obstructed inappropriateness.

The nose turned up to "Vanya", well, luckily, it was not far from the mission, and that one, having arrived at the mittsya, having briefly talked to the chief. They let the water go for a bit of hilin, vibrating for the lack of handiness. Viruchav "Vanya" is the same Nosik. As early as 2001, new problems emerged due to stitching when traveling to China. The nose pushed the phone to "Vani", and then for the first time passed the hearing to the Chinese prikordonniki. Sensu rozmovi vіn, slyly, not sensibly, but he was asked to pay a small fine and was allowed to go to Russia.

There were no special messages from Nossik's testimonials, if it’s a little clean, but it’s not easy for you to be at ease. From the spіvpratsі from the spіrbіtniks of the FSB Nosіk was seen without becoming and already in the same time he wrote about the tsіkava new development with "Vanya". Sustrich small dilovy character - the Nose has supplied the company "Vani" with 20 tons of lion. However, cheering on the Russian industry for a good robot, "Vanya" was unsuccessful in proponding to deliver it from Russia close to 20 virobes to the Su-27, and if it’s such a possibility, then it’s all over the place - a whole lot. You can make write-offs, and for a good price - $ 2.5 million.

Yakos "Vanya" proponed Nosikov as a director, who wanted to see him for delivering a lion. From the director was set up in a nearby restaurant. The bezposredniy chief of "Vani" practically didn’t say a word in Russian language, but just one word in his promov. Shchepravda, the very word "Vanya" for Nosik did not shift. In addition, the director of the most possible request for a job to China of the tank repair and industrial enterprises, and at the same time the prospects for the private privatization of the Saratov and Ufa defense and industrial enterprises. Another "sutta detail" - the director practically did not drink, but went into p'yanim. Nasamkіnets navіt by requesting Nosik to himself to continue the fun with the "little girls". The nose has been modified.

The sign of the show is coming, the Nose with these partners in China has been seen in the same place. At the end of the day, Nosik arrives at the Celestial Empire with a batch of woodworking verstats. "Vanya" will remind the Russian partner of the room at an expensive hotel and pay for his accommodation himself. With the nose of the stench, there were two for the day - for the offense that evening, which lasted for 2–2.5 years. At the same time, "Vanya" once again asked the Nose to do something about the look of his character and help him to ensure that it was sent as a gift from a laptop with a special encrypted program.

Aleksei the Russian special services shut up Nosik for adolescence at the "subordinate group". During the hour of the FSB's journey to finish it off, it went to the old well-known service, Viktor Smal, like a sack near the village of Romanivka. They didn’t have any foreign interests, but they didn’t call their nose regularly, as they only turned over to China. For such a chargé, Smal turned up unsuccessfully to his comrade in service Zakharov to transfer documents to his service deyaky on the topic of aviation-related issues. Zakharov obitsyav to think, and the winner of the unsupported thumbs up and immediately added to the coud and slid.

The message has become zerous, but the nose will be pushed to the bottom of the gru, and moreover, on the reproach of the PRC secret services. To take it on the mission, FSB operatives broke through a cycle of operational calls. Termynovo vygotovili yak "secret" document "Delegate of the officer of the anti-military defense."

Tsey "Dovidnik" for example, birch 2003 Smal and photographed at Zakharov's apartment. Usogo for $ 100. Moreover, the photograph is taken with a digital device Olimpus, transferred to youmu Nose. Nosik himself did not suspect the FSB's activity. Having said that the laptop and the camera were sold from the Nakhodtsi of the unfortunate people, they don’t know, the operatives already know if there is a camera and how to take pictures.

Photocopies of the "Delegate of the Anti-Defense Officer" Smal brought the Nose on the day of the last weekend to China. However, no graphics files were sent to them. The mutilations of the Nose are scrutinized on the spot during the hour of passing the mitigation and near-cordon control.

As a matter of principle, it would be a good option for you to get the opportunity to go to China with the help of the "Vanei" But it was a great feeling of being able to spare the nose from oneself that materials that the operatives did not know about. It is vindicated, before the speech, the price of the letting go. In the electronic archives of the Chergov Party of the spyguns, there were close to 10,000 graphic files labeled "ДСП", or "Secret". Quite information The nose was taken out of the names of the first service providers - Krokhmal and Sarkisyan.

Qi just do the Chinese spygunism not adin. Already, if the operation "Vanya" was carried out, for an hour on April 2001, try to cross the cordon with secret documents about the deployment of the Su-27, the captain of the VPS Oleksiy Vetrov. Let's go to the same Distant Descent (zokrem, to Khabarovsk) when trying to bring secret documentation and accessories to China, so that it can be located to the sphere of the aviation aviation and the fleet, take the smack Russian hulks... I know that it’s especially interesting for the development services of the PRC to arrive to the components of the Su-27, which Russia is supplying to China! The attachments of 2003 have been attached to Vladivostots to try the Chinese to correct and carry the armchair of the same Su-27! And the next day has arisen, that the PRC special services should continue to work on tank repairs, tanks and lithuania backwaters, as well as the possibility of privatization to China!

Ale for the Chinese, steal those who smell, nachebto, and so otrimuyut official? Experts vvazhayut, so, in Perche, Chinese vіyskovі summarize in that, what components are supplied from Russia, the identical team, as vikoristovuyu vіsskovіvіy avіatsіy Rossіya. Fakhіvtsі z NVAK perekonanі, scho Rosіya poslishaє sobі most beautifully, and їм is a different sort. In other words, the Chinese market for stealing the documents, the prices are high enough for the official purchases. І give grace to your own stolen goods. So, at Khabarovsk, they were aware of the Chinese trip, because of their secret documents, they were allowed to use the good news of the latest technology a hundred times cheaper for the official purchases. They were prancing around: at the Primorsk Progres plant, a Chinese was caught, who wanted to correct the documentation of the unique Moskit crylate missiles. Viyavilosya, how the stench comes in at the planting of two esmіntsіv, as Rosіya zbuduvala for the PRC. One of the development services of China is simply to lead the total buzz of everything that is tied to the technology of the world, do not wonder at everything.

In response to the FSB's donations, since 2001, the Chinese special services have been activating their activity in the regions of the Primorsky Territory. The statistics are as follows: in 2002, the counterintelligence officers hired a Chinese agent in Khabarovsk, if they were thinking of taking the secret seat from the aviation enterprise, like the Su attack aircraft. Through the Rik UFSB Primor'yam carried out a large-scale operation from trapping a group, in which they were involved in the illegal sale of spare parts to the Chinese for combat technology. In the operation, 11 groups of counter-investigators were taken over, who carried out obshukov for more than 10 addresses in one hour. Mykola Patrushev added the operative's bags to the president.

In 2003, the FSB specialists in the Primorsky Territory have added expensive metals and land-based elements, which are located in the core of the guidance system, as well as in the second on-board equipment and ground electronic circuits and so on. The Chinese bought a lot of technical equipment and started taking them to the PRC. For the purpose of securing the wealth of the sportsmen, the FSB Department of the Federal Security Service (UFSB) has banned the part of the military from the visitor of the official-retrained and advanced civilian faculty.

1991 to rock "Rosozbronnya" sold 46 su-27 vinischuvachivs to China. Russia rozrakhovuvala has not been able to earn money for the supply of spare parts to the number of unique lithal equipment. However, the rozrahunki did not work out, because the Chinese special services entered before the right. The stinks thought and sir: for the most part, you can, if you can steal it, they organized large-scale operations for the smuggling of spare parts for the Su-27 from Russia.

For the last ten years, they sold to China, not without wine. The People's Republic of China has also purchased from us sub-water chapels, rockets, ships. To adapt the technology in the fighting station, a few spare parts are required. By the official way, it’s impossible to buy it by an official way. Axis і illegal market іf sale of components to vіyskovoі technology. There is a special and stylish interest among the Chinese wikklics, all the same, the newest aviation technology: our super-successful helicopters Ka-50 and Ka-52, as well as completing to the rest of the generations of nuclear submarines.

Moreover, the Russian special services may be starting up, since they didn’t sell combat equipment to China, they’re going to be able to do it at their enterprises. You can only explain the meaning of the expanded list of kits and spare parts, as well as an armchair, like the Chinese special services, can be smuggled to Batkivshchyna.

Shvidshe for everything, the price is necessary for the independent production of modern Russian technology at the Chinese defense enterprises. The axis is to support Chinese merchants in defense enterprises of Russia and to buy spare parts, armchairs for universities of defense technology. For the speeches of the FSB spokesmen, there was one over the top of one of the Russian defense factories, which was memorized by the Chinese with a clearly visible correction, as it is miraculous to speak Russian and it is possible to shrug off the eyes, there is no smell of nothing. Officially, the stench was taken into account as vіdryadzhenі fakhіvtsі, as "to follow the contract." I didn’t know, but all the stinks are the officers of the Chinese Vyskovoi development (hocha, mabut, there are bully and the big people from the MDB). And, better for everything, at a vіllny vіd of the main robots for an hour the stench was engaged in undercover approaches, fell in love with armchairs and blocks.

The development of the PRC in the collection of secret views has little specificity, linked to the information view. Blukayuchi on the outskirts of our defensive factories, the stench vyshukuvali slyusar-zabuldig and missed selling this secret part for a dance, and then for the whole screen of the bottle. As a matter of fact to the journalist and to the similarity K.G. Preobrazhensky, even often spratsovuvav with an innocent reception.

Spiymanikh, on the other hand, at the scene, the officials of the Chinese razvidka, as they do it, were let out without a vote. Milyardny contract dearly for the national security. At the birch tree of 2001 in the Khabarovsk airport, FSB officials took a huge Chinese citizen from the secret armchairs of an atomic submarine. After the rapt, the people with the vibrations were allowed to go, and the press releases, which materials, how to use, turned out to be not secret.

Moreover, the Chinese themselves do not venture to ship stolen secret materials across the cordon, but rather roam the robots of the Russian businessmen recruited earlier.

For the tribute of the Russian special services, CSBMs to China, I use these tactics. It can be divided into two stages. Someone to Russia, from the view of the merchants, are invited by the representatives of the special services of the People's Republic of China, aiming at the suggestion of partners, such as baiduzh, nizh torgovati. The recruited Russian merchants were given great pennies, and they asked for shukati and vivosit to China, for example, they threw little land, like, as it seems, mostly stagnant in space and defense technologies. As soon as the contracts were made exactly and immediately, then such people are interested in growing up. Okhni Zusilla generously enjoyed the wine, and the zeal was smoothed over.

It was with them that the bullets were formed into groups, which were engaged in trading in virobs for the following lines: the Navy, land flights, aviation. Apparently, the FSB got involved in the whole business, and for a number of successful operations, the tactics of the suspects changed.

One of these Russian merchants has not long since turned up guilty to the FSB. Vin rozpov, that the Chinese set up a special company "Asia" near the city of Harbin, de-pratsyuv as a resident of the People's Republic of China Liu Deytszyun. Win and Buv bezpossrednim substitute for the provision of virobies from Russia. The well-organized and well-organized technology for the smuggling of spare parts and the possession of the right to take on the fate of the workers of the mitigation service and the border guard of the neighboring land.

During the hour of the meeting, the FSB officials were busy with one of the Ussurian businessmen engaged in the sale of metalwork, which, at the legal service, were brave at the plant for the repair of the Zirka atomic underwater chambers. Like your partner proponuvav trade not just with a crowbar, but with virobs of viyskovoi technology. It’s uncomfortable to vivose from the territory of the virobi plant, obviously, not without the help of the zirka, which were installed from the main workers, and then smuggle it to China by smuggling route. "Pidpryumtsi" was sprinkled by the Chinese with two pumps and re-upgraded from a nuclear powered submarine of the "Kalmar" type.

Unzabarom bulo was stacked for 90 thousand dollars. And in a month, the merchant through the private company of viviz to China, through the metal building of the unit from the atomic subdivision, and the documentation to them. For the service to the Russian people they paid 50 thousand dollars. However, the Chinese were not satisfied with the possession of the old men of the nuclear submarine, who were sent for disposal, and the proponation of delivering units from the new submarines. Aleksandr is angry, but zaishov is far away, and has been guilty to the FSB.

In the first place, the Chinese were enticed to the Russian merchant to transport them through the cordon of write-offs for the second time in China. Obviously, because it stinks on uvaz, it is not a majestic submarine with a nuclear engine, but a small double-sided submarine for subversive purposes, which can be transported across the cordon to important vantazhivts. Ale, it’s a great pity for the Chinese side, the tse of zavdannya appeared nevikonanim.

Not long ago, a huge man of China was sentenced to ten years for spying in the territory of the Irkutsk region. For the FSB's tribute, convictions as a personnel officer. Stretching a few rocky Chinese sacks in the Irkutsk region, de engaged in business. "However, one hour at a time, I picked up information about the Russian missile complexes and the visitor."

When the vicious scandals of the Chinese are low, the tactics are changed. The stench of the year ceased to be seen until Russia, and they began to recruit unruly Russian merchants in their territory. Moreover, the stench of the year does not get mired in the armchair and in the blocks of virobs outside the cordon. Now? The best way to bring the Russian defense workers to China for 2-3 dobies is how to go on a trip. For singing consultations, our vchens got there from 100 to 500 dollars. The most important dzherels were given the secrets of the secret agreements for the greater triviality of spirits.

At the beginning of 2005, the rock was rescued by the patron of the general director of "TsNDIMASH-Export" S. Tverdokhlabov and his assistant A. Rozhkin. The stench took part in the stolen goods from the warehouses of the organized group under the chief executive officer of Igor Reshetin, the general director of the company. S. Tverdokhlibov will be paid from the stolen mayzhe 30 million rubles. To I. Reshetin, in addition to being involved in the organization of the introduction, is about 30 million rubles. from vikoristannyh fіktivnyh fіrms, registered on the included passports, іnkrimіnustvo shpigunstvo on reproach to China. For the version of the succession, I. Reshetin and the two partners - S. Tverdokhlubov and A. Rozhkin - squandered 29 million rubles, reinsured by the Chinese side for the payment of the contract. It's about pennies, like І. Reshetin rendered from the collectives of 13 scientific installations, which were carried out by the company "TsNDIMASH-Export". Pidsumkom courtyard view, which was occupied by the next management of the FSB of the Russian Federation, becoming an issue on 25 June 2005 three figurants in these apartments.

Craft of ammunition and ammunition at the Distant Descent has been put on good time. From the military units of the defense enterprises to pull the mustache, how to trample under the hands: the armchair of the universities and the submarine chambers, the secret attachments of those universities, missiles and others.

So, one time before the Arsenivskyi Myskyi, the UFSB department for the Primorsky Krai received information about those who Muscovite dweller, called yogo Mikolaevim, would like to sell secret electronic blocks of keruvannya from lithuania Su-27. Zrozumіlo, scho behind the merchant of the check they set up a tacit warning. I didn't get enough information about those who appeared in the middle, who were ready to take on the implementation of electronic blocks for the song.

Such a variant of the development of the development of transmissions by the FSB officers, and the stench was also produced by the representatives of the foreign projects, the middleman, the people of Mykolaiv, vtіk. Todi operatives sent a message to Mikolaevim. Zustrich was awarded at the office of the Arsenyevsky GUVS. Mykolaiv prytno nervuvav, obviously wondering about the meta maybutnoy rozmovi. Vіdmovlyatsya vіn without becoming. Yomu explained all the possible inheritance of yogo and proponuvali turn the blocks. Nikolaev after a while. One was prompted by the head of the block.

Ale Mikolaev did not vrahuvav one thing: all the electronic control units are overloaded on the suvor region, and the amount of money stolen from the smell didn’t make any special difficulties. We will remain a martyr of the bouldering of a Vysk part in the Khabarovsk Territory.

China is actively selling naphtha. The ambitions of Chinese naphtha workers have appeared at all beauty for an hour to the auction from Slavnaft of the courtyard long ago, since the Chinese state company of SKRS was represented by structures close to Sibnaft, in order to restore control over the company. The Chinese naphtha company CNPC is negotiating about the purchase of the Canadian company PetroKazakhstan, yak pratsyuє from the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea.

For an hour, the activity of the Chinese special services in Russia is tied to attempts to discredit the Falun Gong in the territory of Russia. Through the official and unofficial channels, through the ЗМІ, in all the ways the Chinese vlada is able to impose information on the false information about Falun Gong in the community's thoughts. With the whole stench of vicarious methods, methods, including counter-legal ones: direct and indirect grip on the organization of power, organizing and organizing just private individuals, opening up the transition for the legitimate to take that in the hands of the Russian "gigantic" people, as practicing

"Falun Gong" is an organization started by Li Hongzhi, a Chinese resident of the United States. A handful of won (organizing) people were enthralled with the dizzy gymnastics of the qigong, which they practice in China for a thousand years. Li Hongzhi, vikoristyuchi terms and technology, suspected from Tsigun, having created the pseudo-theory "the great law of Falun". Win a lot of mirku about "truth, goodness and patience", declares that he sees "the root great law of the cosmos", talking about "vibuh earthly kuli", about "maybutnіy kіnets svіtu". Li Hongchzhi declaring that we can deprive people of guilt. Met a set of mysticism and "philosophy" with a whole mind: create summ'yattya in the heads of people, and then spiritually manipulate your messengers, and the stench has become the earliest sorcerers.

Since 1996, since 1996, Falun Gong ambassadors have been organizing hundreds of counter-legal attacks on the mother’s mortgages, organizing another form, and establishing them. Not obstinate by the law, "Falun Gong" does not blame before blackmail, and does not allow criticism at its address. If Hongzhi organizes large-scale counter-legal campaigns and promotions, they disrupt the enormous order and robberies of state institutions. The meeting is inspected for 10 thousand rubles. Yogo attachments near the Zhongnanhai Uryad Complex near Pekin 1999 p. Tsia aktsіya became yaskravim viyavym yogo political ambitions.

If the Chinese uryad rishuche and firmly protested the illegal logging of the Zhongnanhai complex, it’s not out of control of organizing without ruining its business, but navpaki, having completed the preparation of new shares.

If Hongzhi set up his radio station, TV-stand, got into the Internet, he saw literature and actively publish in foreign countries of mass information. Yogo efficiency negated the mass education and economical help from the side of the low countries and organization.

Representatives of the Chinese special services must see the Falun Gong center in front of the headquarters of the "Falun Gong" center, noting the appearance of the Chinese hulks, in order to extort them back to China and send them to the brutal and illegal punishments. Try to confirm and try the Chinese agents before seeing the "old Chinese scholars" to get in touch with the Russians who practice "Falun Gong". Meta of similar contacts - take information about "Falun Gong" in Russia, in fact, control the movement in the middle and collect information about a new person, which is compromising, for hours do not row by the most unclean methods.

Think of the words of the Chinese captain-relocator about those who can take "oxamite" by Russia - become friends and settle down. The current Russian is overwhelmed by the demographic expansion. In the next course іde, as it does not end, the process of "chinaization" of the Distant Descent. For the words of the commanding officer of the distant near-cordon sector, Lieutenant-General A. Holbakh: ... , Vladivostok, Blagovishchensk, give instructions, how to fit into Russian life ".

Analysts of the Russian Center for Strategic Development went to see the the edge (Grodekivsky and Prikordonny districts), the number of Chinese who permanently live there, reach 10-15 thousand people. Zvidsi visnovok: "The penetration of the Chinese into the Russian territory of the suttau. 1.5 million of the national-power interests of Russia in the whole region" sq. km of Russian lands). Not without reason ministr budivnistva Russian Federation After breaking up the camp, it was going to pay off.

An urgent geostrategic problem for China is the growth of American agents in Russia, and the representatives of the People's Republic of China are beginning to find themselves in an unfriendly situation at the moment, if the Chinese company is facing the growth of the strategic regu- Chinese leaders, who plan to expand their control at the edge of the Great Patriotic Asia, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, are named in the presence of a strong leader in Russia, who will stand up to the American expansiveness. At the same hour, China did not apply to the renewed strategic-strategic potential of Russia, as well as helping to solve the difficulties in the further implementation of the global plans of the PRC.

In addition to the high-end zbroi, the Chinese special services are interested in biological zbroi. The development services of America, Great Britain and Australia are leading the international community about the death of ten people, who were the giants of the native lands, who were engaged in projects in the field of biological development.

For tribute to the London business newspaper Sunday Express, there were 5 microbiologists at the Lithuanian Airlines of the Siberian Air Company, in the history of Israel and in the glory of the catastrophe over the Black Sea near the December 2003 rock. As a result of the Sunday Express magazines, “The Izrailskaya group of people has been involved in these projects in the field of overwhelming biological health. The robots of a group of bullets are laid on a tavern, but they didn’t want to publish those boxes at the scientific stories, and they took them away to the grave with them. Tyzhnevik also didn’t know that a part of the doslidzhen bull was straightened to the vaccine stem, as it could take over the population that army from a biological attack.

The reason for the accident of the litak was named after the inclusion in the new Ukrainian rocket. Ale іsnu another version of the fall of the letters and the bendings of the people. The whole version of the winnickle after the death of the Russian doctor Volodymyr Pishchanik, who went to Britain and was busy there with the roots of antibodies, was able to stand up to the biological development. The Rosvidservice was asked to appreciate the official explanation of the death of Pishchanik, but since then he died in the fall of the leaves in 2001 because of the insult.

According to the Sunday Express, the United States Information Service is reconsidering the causes of death in the breast of 2001 by Dr. Don Willa, a biologist, who was responsible for working calls with Pishchanik. Dr. Vili, the knowledge is dead by the machine; suicide was named the cause of death.

The American people are also aware of the deaths of two biologists who have been hammered in the last hour - Dr. Robert Schwartz and Dr. Benito Ko. And in Australia, investigate the cause of the death of Dr. Seth Van Nagwein, who was a new virus of black pukhirs.

At the chest of 2004, Mikola Patrushev already said in a clear text: the most active in Russia are the secret services of the United States, China and China. Moreover, the Chinese development work has done a better job for the United States.

3 books Swastika over the Volga [Luftwaffe against the Stalinist PPO] the author Zefirov Mikhailo Vadimovich

Chapter 3 Remains of the Nazis of the German special services Unimportant to those that the front saw all the distance to the west, the secret services of the Third Reich were prodding dozens of spyguns and saboteurs at the Radiansk til, incl. that in the Volga region. Agents were given zavdannya

3 books of the Litaki Primari of the Third Reich [Secret Operations of the Luftwaffe] the author Zefirov Mikhailo Vadimovich

Rozdil 9 Luftwaffe airbases in the Radiansky tilu Bring in the tundra 5 leaf fall 1942 p. from the maneuverable aerodrome, which was spreading near the village of Ponoy, for the protection of the Radiansk sea transport, which went to Arkhangelsk from Belushoi Guba, two further

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Rozdil 1 History of the intelligence services of communist China The most recent intelligence reports to China and Russia are one of the most aggressive investigators in the United States for aggressive and protected purposes. Director of the US National Development Adm. Michael McConnell Literally until the middle of XX

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Chapter 2 Strategy and tactics of the PRC's special services They are going to get internal spigons, zvorotny spiguns, spigons of life and spiguns of death. I all Keru sovereign. Sun Ji, a long-standing Chinese theorist

From the book of the Special Service to Bily Ruhu. 1918-1922. Rozvidka the author Kirmel Mykola Sergiyovich

Chapter 4 The special services of the People's Republic of China in Europe Viyna - go to deception. Sun Ji For the last ten years, Chinese spygunism has penetrated not only to the United States and Russia, but to Europe. Europeans, as nikoli did not chuli about the razvidnikov from the Middle Kingdom, I lost my wonder, as shvidko China

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Chapter 6 The action of the special services to China in Africa and on the Blizkoe Goe. The possibility of storing it as a gateway. Sun Ji Bachachi from the United States and Russia of the main opponents, China, with all its spyguns' activity, does not forget about our countries.

3 books of Kursk battle. Offensive. Operation "Kutuzov". Operation "Commander Rumyantsev". Creeper-stick 1943 the author Petro Bukeikhanov

Chapter 7 Operations of the PRC's intelligence services in Australia, India and Afghanistan My maєmo pіdkoriti svit, tse our meta. We will be guilty of seeking Pivdenno-Shidnu Asia, including Pivdenny V'utnam, Thailand, Birma, Malaysia, Singapur. Tsey region of bagati on syruvina,

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THE TAMNI, PIDPILNI І WASTEEN WITH THEM OPERATIONS VІYSKOVO-MORSKЇ ROSVEDENNYA AT THE KORES In the cob monsters of the Korean war, they were coordinated by the UN naval forces and were captured by the secret groups.

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Chastina 3. Taєmni vіyni of special services

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Chapter 1. Preparation of the operation "Kutuzov" (Orel offensive operation of the Red Army) and the operational situation at the front - carried out on the cob of lime 1943 p.

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Chapter 1. Preparation of the operation "The commander of Rumyantsev" (Bilgorodsky-Kharkiv offensive operation of the Chervona Army) and the operational situation at the front and carried out before the ear of a sickle 1943 Unimportant on the cob, think about the battle team and the scale of the battle

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CIA Operations

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As well as "tamnі operatsії" For the first time, when the CIA was exposed to the obov'yasnogo boole, vividly, the development of the meaning of the word; In spite of the glance of the spirits of the household, the routine was routine, as the stench of special emotsiy was wicked - a robot as a robot.

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Rozdil VI. TPP of the zhidnyh special services Vchora you are a hero, you can write yourself, Now you are a blidy boyaguz, you are driven by a trash. Nadson. "Life" In the past period, the most characteristic method for the special services of the enemy's agents was penetration into our

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Rozdil 16 Interests of special services: ancient artifacts and novelties of the Old Waters Dumka about those who, in the last ocean on the bottom of the ocean, could just boil life, this year does not come back to the academy. To that endorsed by the city of the city, not long ago

Development of the People's Republic of China

system of development and counter-inspection bodies of the PRC. It was built on the basis of the special service unit of the Communist Party of China. Has passed the folding path of the historical development, the most characteristic special feature of the wild movement of the revolution in order to secure the national democratic and socialist conquest of the Chinese revolution in the creation of the socialist world bureaucracy

Even before the Chinese revolution and the establishment in China in 1949, the development of the people’s power and counterintelligence was deprived of the warehouse party equipment both at the center and at the sites. The party organ, which, having discussed the investigation and counter-intelligence, will be the Social Newsletter of the CPC Central Committee.

In 1949, the Social Council of the CPC Central Committee and the revised documents of the Party committees were revised. On the basis of the bullets: at the center - the Ministry of the People's Republic of China (MOB of the People's Republic of China); Officially, the counter-intelligence robot became a function of the organs of the people's government, protestably, the organizations of counter-intelligence were deprived of the general control of the CPC Central Committee and the local party committees. Zovnіshnyu rozvіdku spochatku Bulo virіsheno povnіstyu pіdporyadkuvati Vіyskovo-revolyutsіynіy radі for yakoї Bulo target: Bureau vіyskovoї Informácie (vіyskovo-strategіchna rozvіdka) Tehnіchne Bureau (radіotehnіchna rozvіdka that deshifruvalna service) that the Bureau zv'yazku (zovnіshnopolіtichna rozvіdka). In the middle of the 50s, the political development was carried out from the order of the Revolutionary Revolution for the sake of and reorganized from the Viddil Doslidzhen Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Through the whole system of organizing, until the mid-1950s, the PRC was able to reach the string of the system of organizing and counterintelligence organizations, which saved it all the way until the "cultural revolution" of 1965-1969. The central place in the whole system, as in the past, was occupied by the provincial departments of the Central Committee of the CPC and the party committees of all stages, as in the boundaries of their departments and the territorial-administrative units of the government took over the right of middle-class control.

The name of the development of the PRC is represented by the political intelligence bodies, the warehouse party apparatus of the CPC, as well as the authorities of the strategic and strategic

The main organ of the new development of the PRC is the message of the CPC Central Committee.

Krim Viddilu doslidzhen, at the warehouse of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China two more times, clearly connected with the development of the CPC in the international communist rus - the International Brotherhood the performance of the political development according to the number of lines.

Widdil doslidzheny on contact with a strategic development.

The central office Viddilu doslidzhen on the ear of the 60s has the same organizational structure: party committee; office (as a manager); two linear management, established on the basis of the regional principle, - one was occupied with the organization of the development of the countries of Asia and Africa, the other - at the edges of America and Europe; Management of operational technology (radio communication, photo rights, preparation of active documents); Management of vyvchennya and obrobki іsozemnoї presi; viddil information (processing of agent materials); viddil of scientific and technical development; development school.

For the tribute for 1963 at the warehouse of Viddilu, the operative development of robots in the socialist lands was opened.

Head of the Head of the Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: organization and conduct of political development; addition of valuable scientific and technical and secret information, as well as securing the rosciency of the PDA's core competence in the international communal and nationally-visa-free Russian. I saw the rise, the spawn, the organization of illegal travel to China and the visit to China of the children of the pro-Chinese parties and the factions of the pro-Chinese countries, as well as the illegal links with the illegal parties by illegal parties.

All practical operativeness of the message has been received through the peripheral bureaus (seen), the skin of which is developed by the robot of the opposing group of powers. On the ear of the 60s at the warehouse of Viddilu doslidzhen buli: Tian-Tszin Bureau (development against Japan and Pivdennaya Korea); Shanghai Bureau (a robot against the European countries of America); Guangzhou Bureau (robot against the territories of Pivdenno-Skhidnoi Asia); Kunminske (a robot against Birmi) and Kashgarske (a robot against India and Pakistan).

In the foreign lands in the 50s, Viddilom has been blinded by the hedge of "legal" and illegal residencies, which are looking for all the main regions, to become an operational interest for the organs of the Chinese development.

In the provinces, including the PRC, there are diplomatic communications, the organization of all the development work has been transferred to the party committees of the embassies (and missions) of the PRC, since it’s not deprived of a special warehouse of "legal residency" before development. Ambassador є one hour and the secretary of the party committee and the resident.

The main base for organizing the development of the PRC is recruiting agents from the countries of Asia, Europe and America, and the Chinese emigrants, the vast number of which transmits 15 million people. In the mid-60s, representatives of pro-Chinese parties, factions and large organizations became more often victorious.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China introduced its representatives to all the organizations of the PRC, as they robotized behind the cordon. Prior to such organizations, there are: Management of call-outs of the Derzhradi; Information viddil MZS; The committee on the right hand side of the Chinese, as they linger behind the cordon; Committee of Cultural Relations and Zacordon; Ministry of Foreign Trade; Management of radio communications; Xinhua Agency; Chinese suspension from the vivchennya of national diplomacy; The Union of Chinese People's Associations of Cultural Connection from Zakordon; partnerships of friendship from foreign countries; All-China Federation of Chinese, as they turned to Batkivshchyna because of the cordon; Chinese committee for international trade.

Deyakі z cikh organizatіzіy mali so called groups doslіdzhen ", staffed with personnel managers and communists, visions for developmental robots and party committees of departments. The group of small groups was subordinate to the order - the stench was promptly received by the CPC Central Committee, and the foreign camp of the robots carried the message to the party committees of the departments.

The counter-intelligence of the People's Republic of China to enter the warehouse of the central apparatus and the local authorities of the community security.

Organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security of the PRC (MOB) on the ear of 1960 to the rock Bula taka: office, politviddil and the number of fifteen administrations: political protection (1-i) | protect economics (2nd); protect the community order (3-tє); health police (4); vіyskovoї counter-intelligence (5-those - to enter one hour before the warehouse of the Head Political Administration HOAK); protect culture (6-tі); fire protection (7); protect the members of the Uryad and the Central Committee of the CPC (8-i); guard the residence of the CPC Central Committee ta Mao Tse-tung (9-ti); guard vehicles (10); vypravno-labor installations (11-tі); operational technology (12-і - services of PN, radio monitoring, and technical literature); protection of the defense industry and the establishment of the enterprises of the atomic industry (13); in front of the front (14-ones).

The system of community security agencies included the Department of Community Security of Provinces (DOB) of the Community Security Bureau. At the warehouses of the organs of the boules, they have been seen (added, groups, sections): political protection (1st), protection of the economy (2nd), transport, culture, those who have found the defense industry.

The head counter-intelligence body is the Department of Political Protection of the MGB. Vіyskova counterintelligence prodovzhu became immersed in the system of the Head Political Administration of Political Organizations and Z'Udnan NVAK. In all the military bodies of the community security, counter-security robots have been assigned to each section of the political security department (bureau) of the community security of the provinces, the place and the situation.

The management of the political protection of the MGB in the 60s and the organizational development of the period; maintenance of counter-intelligence robots in the middle of the population, more than adjusted to the current regime, with the appearance of the middle agents of alien intelligence (2nd and 3rd); counter-intelligence robot in the middle of the earth (4-a); information-analytical robot (5th); conducting counter-intelligence robots in the middle of emigrants in the middle of the country and Chinese emigrants outside the cordon (6th); Throwing agents of counter-intelligence behind the cordon (7th development); Providing practical help from MOB provinces at the development robots outside the cordon (8th).

The space of the Central Administration of Political Protection, counter-intelligence work in the center and on missions was taken up by all of the "protection" organizations (organizations of protection of the economy, transport too). However, the chief staff members have been deprived of a "security robot" on their own objects. Important information is provided by the authorities of "political protection".

Somehow it was transferred that the entire system of microorganisms of the huge security is small but motivated by the principle of insane ordering of all lower organs to the center, so that the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China. In fact, in fact, all provincial, miscellaneous and state departments and bureaus of the community security were more closely linked with the various municipal party committees.

Organizational developments and counter-forces of the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China settled at the focus of the hostile internal party struggle, as it flared up between the henchmen and opponents of Mao Tse-tung's course in order to overcome the people's revolution. In the course of the struggle, she took on the most important forms in the period of the "cultural revolution" 1965 - 1969 years and even before our days, organizing the new development and the central organization of counterintelligence of the CPC and the PRC service of the ... for the purposes of maoistiv.

The destruction of the so-called "cultural revolution" for all the political overtures of the People's Democratic harmony in the PRC and the replacement of this new-bureaucratic dictatorship of the Mao Tse-tung group with the help of the counterbalancing organ did not lose rocky, and th pre-rooted wickedness and character of their practical activity. The development of the People's Republic of China in its activity in the middle of the country and in the international arena stands on the position of anti-Sovietism and bourgeois nationalism, which is overtaken by great-power chauvinism.

At the call, there are a large number of musical organs of the community's security, which have been closely connected with the local party committees, as they became the objects of the ruinous actions of the initiators of the "cultural revolution", the system of loud , and a large number of personnel officers of counterintelligence were corrected on the basis of the work of the interlocutor. As soon as everything is installed, the huge security equipment has been installed before the control of the NVAK is installed. On the other hand, some representatives of the army, as a rule, did not know the technology of counter-intelligence robots, they found out the personnel and counter-agents of the criminals of the huge security forces, who were deprived of the radar stations for the operational power supply.

Until the ear of the 70s, the renewal and reorganization of the system of muscular organs of the community's security was only slightly overdue. At the same time, the head of respect turned to change the position of the center at the out-of-town systems of security organs and the re-implementation of the MOB to the organ, which was secured operatively by the counter-intelligence organs on a zonal scale.

Try the maoists to enter into life for the additional violence of the reactionary ideas of the bourgeois barracks socialism in the middle of the country to be guided by the actions of the transferred center of gravity by the authorities of the counter-bookers on the counter-bookkeepers. The main object of the business is not so agents of imperialistic development and reactionary anti-social elements of the whole country, as it is called "revision". In the early 1960s, anti-Radianism became one of the main strains of the Chinese counter-forces (and the Radiansk set up that community - one of the main entities).

The principle of the critical role of the party in counter-intelligence robots is based on control over the bodies of the community security from the side of the army. The principle of support ni masi vikoristovutsya as vypravdannya practice of strangling the mass by the way of provoking counterintelligence bodies in the face of some social vernaculars that group of anti-people, as well as mass anti-Radians' actions and demonstrations. Undertaking-operational methods of counterintelligence on the basis of the basis of mass campaigns for detecting and eliminating the missed and "pro-Radian" elements "for the additional mass". With the whole ultra-revolutionary extinguished about the fight against "revizionism" supervised by wide stakes in counter-intelligence activities of the most recent and most recent adoptions and methods for the special services of the Chinese government from the arsenals

The "Cultural Revolution" has given an immediate blow to all systems of organizations of the PRC's new development, and has seriously accelerated its operational activity. Bagato prac_vnik_v development bulo is included in the "black lists" and reprinted. In the case of the "cultural revolution", kerivniks as many as all "legal residencies" were bulo vidklikano from behind the cordon for the relocation. Certainty of communication with other persons.

Antiradianska reorientation of the Chinese policy, as it rejected the official competition at the 9th stage of the CPC (RIC 1969), supervised by a revolving change of basic strains and principles of development of the organisation's The basic principles of the PDA have taken a class approach to the main problems of development, and the principle of proletarian internationalism in the development of robots has risen. Already in the 1950s, in fact, all contacts with the Radiansk development were inaccurate, and in the 1960s, the development of the PRC became intensively victorious in the interests of the political struggle against the CPC and religious communal affairs. The center of gravity of the developmental robots is gradually transferred to the military establishment, which was not connected with the struggle against imperialism, but with the development of the nationalistically insane role of the Russian powers in the interest of China and the winter

Already on the ear of the 60s, some facts began to be recognized, as well as to inform about the planned antirady activity of the organs of the Chinese development on the territory of the SRSR. I would like to vikoristovuyutsya spivrobitniki of the Chinese embassy, ​​the Chinese colony in the USSR and the Chinese community, as they spend hours on our territory. The main strains of the process of activity are: collection of secret information (), collection and fabrication of promotional materials for riveting in the USSR; dominated by the SRSR anti-rady literature; іnspіruvannya antiradyansky provocations; The ideological and political process of students and diplomats from the country, which is developing, and the victorious in antiradian goals.

Since 1961, the Chinese embassy in Moscow has been systematically engaging in anti-Radian propaganda for the middle of the hour, among the Chinese hulks and those without the masses, who are constantly living in the SRSR. The deyak from the cikh got involved in the process of collecting the new information, so that they could be victorious in the anti-youth goals. The embassy also pays great respect to the obrobtsi in the antiradiansky group of students and diplomats from the countries, which are developing. Outskirts of the students of the country, who are developing, are studying before the collection of political and information about the Radiansky Union and about the encampment of the student country.

Since 1963, since 1963, the special propaganda services of the PRC have been repaired to dominate the Radiansky Union with China and anti-Rajansky literature, which can be seen in the PRC. Systematically conduct antiradianska propaganda of Chinese radio. Vikrito vypidannya to our land agents for the sake of perebіzhchikiv.

Anti-Sovietism has become the main political hero of the development of the PRC and in the countries of the social sphere, as well as in the lands of the "third world" and in the capitalist regions of Europe and America. Maoist everywhere vikoristovuyu call for discrediting the policy of the CPRS and weakening the political and strategic positions of the CPRS in the arena of society.

Reconstruction of the new development of the People's Republic of China on the basis of the struggle of the Mao Tse-tung group for hegemony in the communist and nationally-vis-à-vis Russia is supervised to be guided by the Suttus and in tactical operational actions. Already from the end of the 50s, it’s headn’t to embark on the development of legal positions, based on the wide victorious good news. Spiraling on the pre-war connections, the Chinese development is prudent to take into account the necessary positions in the communal and robust parties of the capitalist powers and the democratic organizations of the lands of the "third world". However, the development of the People's Republic of China is not considered as a result of the involvement of agents.

The antiradian activity of the development of the PRC, as well as the development of the United States, has become global in nature. Particularly not safe is the centrality of the pseudo-political activity of the Poles, and in that, for the reason, in the opinion of the old-fashioned activity of the imperialist investigations, it is not carried out in the context of the open-minded anti-communism, but to be masked by the ruku from the mark of pіdіrvati їkh in the middle or reach the political reorientation to China.

Counter-educational vocabulary. - Vishcha chervonopporna school to the Committee of State Security under the Radio Ministries of the SRSR im. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. 1972 .

Marvel at the "Development of the People's Republic of China" in the following dictionaries:

    Rozvidka- Tsey term maє i іnshі meaning, div. Rosvidka (value). Powered by "Rosevidnik" to be redirected here; div. also інші values. Inspection of practice and theory of collection of information about an adversary and a competitor to secure his ... Vikipedia

    The system of organizations of call intelligence, counter-intelligence and political intelligence in Japan. The main organs of development of Japan are: Pre-office bureau (IB) at the office of ministries, which organisationally enter to the warehouse of the office of the prime minister. IB ... ... Counter-educational vocabulary

The structure of the army development at the warehouse of the People's Visible Army to China:
- Another department - agent intelligence, coordination of residencies;
- The third department - radioelectronic development.

The structure of the Ministry of State Security of the PRC (according to the order of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China):

Perche bureau - agent development on the territory of China;
- Another bureau - foreign operations;
- Third Bureau - operations in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan;
- the fourth bureau - operational and technical security;
- P'yate bureau - coordination of regional forms of MDB;
- shoste bureau - counter-intelligence;
- Siome bureau - revision and analysis of presenters;
- the eight bureaus - the Institute of Contemporary International Vidnosin;
- nine bureaus - management of power security, coordination of special services in the army;
- ten bureaus - Zbir of Science and Technology Information;
- eleventh bureaus - radioelectronic development of the bezpeka computer (analogue of the US NSA);
- Bureau of foreign inquiries - official contacts with foreign special services;
- Xinhua - information agency.

Radioelectronic communication

The Chinese faces of the cloak and the dagger marvel at the maybut (and in the closest) with unaccustomed optimism: the power structures of the country are going through the revolution. At all times, technical. The mission of the People's Army of China (NWAC) has been officially recognized that the Chinese army is not able to reach parity with the United States for the extraordinary types of defense. And the first old rabbit for running in the new information methods was introduced to Taiwan, which did not change to another Hong Kong. The Taiwanese scored a blast in their chest, knowing that, since 1999, Chinese hackers have messed with the structures of the island 165 times. The goals of the evil men are the sites of the evil forces, the ministries of justice, the economy and the National Assembly. Dodamo, at the same hour, attacked by the Chinese hackers, they knew the Japanese computers.

Zrozumіlo, the transition to the information rails, bulo went without intelligence services to China. The first voice was broken into radioelectronic communication. So, in 1999, the Ministry of Defense of China and Kubi signed the favor of the Chinese center of radio transmission on the island of Freedom and the step behind American companions. Before the speech, before the whole in Cuba, having deprived of one center of overcrowding - at Lourdes, who is exploiting the Russian special services. Not forgetting and space: in 1999, China launched a couple of photo-capture companions and two radio-crossover companions over Azerbaijan, and in the birch future, Jiang Zemin, at the Central European Commission, was instructed by the new "1-26" including razvіduvalnі satellites.

Ale, see, even earlier, in 1994, China rented three islands near Birmi for the center Indian Ocean, Bengalska inflow and Malakska duct). And in 1995, due to the American tribute, the modernization of all Chinese radio transmission centers in Asia: on one of the Parasel Islands and on the Hainan Islands near the Pivdenno-Chinese Sea. In addition, the Sop-Hau radio transmission center near Laos has been renovated, which is actively functioning in 60-70 rockets. wait an hour at V'atnami.


The Colonial CIA counterintelligence chief Paul Redmond, as if saying from the drive of the United States of America a Chinese spygun: The stench is a long-standing civilization, and there is a lot of rock. " One of the results of such a misdirection was that those who were injected alone from the most recent Asian regions, China, having tried to eliminate the nuclear waste in the SRCP, woke up, didn’t take on the same goiters. Do yourself nice rock The fight against Mao Zedong's regime was not allowed to our visitors in China, and the Chinese propaganda of nicoli was not allowed "on the strengths" of the KDB - to the mind of all of their European communities. The Chinese special services should be given blackmail to the United States, as a lot of rock is brought to actually reconcile themselves to the stealing of secret technologies of the West, and not to allow the breeding of such things. It’s no secret that the Chinese launched a space rocket by sniffing the Americans with the Chinese rocket scientist (indeed, in exchange for cooling, it was the Radiansky Union). Not less phenomenal is the achievement of the Chinese special services - the establishment of control over the largest banks in the land of the Asian tigers. Strictly navigate, which is the most significant organizational unit in Pivdenno-Shidniy Asia - the famous "triad" - being "by the kowpak" because of the Ministry of State of the People's Republic of China.


Because of the power of the Chinese special services, it is best to enlighten the specialties of the enemies of the correspondent's correspondents "Segodnya". For example, it is unlikely that the situation in this country is possible. It was described by a big spy of the GRU, who was sent by a representative in the mid-90s: Ozbroєnoї mіlіtsії (НВМ) Like in one of the deaf places, I took a drink to the bar. At the entrance, two don’t know, they didn’t know, they didn’t know anything, they didn’t have anything to do with it, so I’m going to work. I honestly say I want to drink. We went to the bar at once, at the sign of one of the escorts they called us a table, and the vipivati ​​brought me to the company of two companions. Through pіvgodini to us there is still one Chinese, who spoke miraculously in Russian. The stench of nіtrohi didn’t prikhovuvali, how to serve at NVM. : "And what about children?" Garazd, your name will not be wicked. "

And the axis of the communication of the spyrobite of the new development, which was the last time he served at the residency in China: "The hour of the" cultural revolution ", the Chinese special services created a long-standing system of informing, they thought up a dozen of them to be called. If the senior p'yatіrki "knock" on the members of his family, the senior dozens - on his athletes who are susceptible to the results, they have stuck less often than most of the unwillingness to engage in the agent's majesty in the middle of China, oskіnіt krokom. Moreover, they include children, so in the brigade of the outgoing guard they included pidlitkiv.

Participation in the economy

In the mid-1980s, since Deng Xiaoping was robbing the strategy of Chinese reforms, a global program of adding financial resources and advanced technologies was launched at the MDBs. This program has been so honored by the Chinese leader, who has grasped the strategic decision about the priority financing and improvement of the MDB as an instrument of securing radical reforms in the PRC. The traces of this solution are being seen and now.

For example, nini bagato hto vvazhaє, who turned to the head of the Hong Kong administration in 1996, the owner of the shipbuilding company "Orient Overseas International" Tun Chzhihua, is a sportsman of the MDB. For deyakim danimi, go "dakhom" of the society of the best company (special camp of Tuna Chzhihua to evaluate at the ponad miliard dolariv), the Chinese development has been successful since the end of the 70s. The same todi won "vryatuvala" the ugly Shanghai Tunu from bankruptcy, having accepted a $ 120 million loan from the disallowed pilgrimage. As a result of this CSBM, the uniqueness of the exceptions was extended when Hong Kong was transferred to mainland China.

For such a tsikava post, as a business man in Hong Kong Li Ka Shin. This year, the CIA has received a lot of calls. Forward Li Ka Shin nalyakav the Americans in 1998, since it became apparent that it was more or less that control over the Panama Canal was taken away. In 1996, the company Hutchison Whampoa, which is called Panama Ports Co., rented for 50 years from the Panamanian row of key ports on the canals on the side of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The US State Dept. immediately denounced the "illegal" and "increased corruption". The Pentagon calls out to the Pentagon, de Li Ka Shin gets involved in the fact that the Panama Canal was being seized by the way, "for smuggling technologies from entering China for the purpose of restoring delivery to the United States." It’s really unimaginable why Li Ka Shin made a move on the Chinese development - they played the role of a specialty of a business man with China’s workers, like running one newspaper, which is interested in the occasion of sports. However, the axis is a miraculous fact. In Bereznі 2000 rocky sin Li Ka Shina Richard Li has provided the opportunity to pay $ 38 billion to the Hong Kong telephone operator Cable & Wireless HKT. Even without the permission to rule China, such a please will not be b. According to the ratings of Americans, Nin Li Ka Shin and Yogo Sin control about one third of all shares listed on the Hong Kong stock market. In a big way, it’s not a matter of Li Ka Shin’s spirituality with the rulership of China, to explain to him, he’s, he’s, yak і Tun Chzhihua, maє borg in front of the secret services of the PRC. On the right in that, in 1996-97, two great businessmen were stolen by the gang of the Great Marnotrat in Hong Kong. One of them is Buv Viktor Li, the other Sin Li Ka Shin. Consumer wikup from $ 205 million Bulo was paid, and after the gang of the "Great Marnotratus", as a zennie in China, a national love began to emerge. Nareshti in sichni 1998 rock in the city of Guangzhou, in China, all groups of 35 people have been rescued for the most of the Great Marnotrat, the 43rd resident of Hong Kong, Cheungmo Tze Keung. Hardly, why should Ka Shin forget about such a fond service of the Chinese special services.

Agency rosvіdka

Seemingly, there are twenty years left in the development of the world, more and more respect comes to high technologies. Aze vibiti from the budget of a penny for Chergov's seria of fellow-spyguns, set up radio transmission stations in a simpler way, and not conduct a scrupulous and reliable intelligence robot. Accept the risks of international scandals when the agent is in trouble. However, China has its own way: I’ll sell my bet on the spy robot. The axis of communication of the FAPSI spokesman, which for the ear of the 90s served at the radio transmission station on the Chinese cordon near Blagovischensk: "Chinese encrypted because of the time I will often" give lamals " The Chinese managed to do with the simplest ciphers, obviously, they didn’t read the information, for example, the base on Lake Lobnor, and the Chinese conducted nuclear tests.

Overpopulation China is currently the head of the emigrants. Until the present hour, the number of Chinese diaspora in America has surpassed 1.3 million people, in Russia for the Far Descend and in Siberia, for the last five years, the number of Chinese people has surpassed one million people, the Chinese are actively reaching the number of people. The strategy itself - a robot with agents in all the middle diasporas in the whole world - and brought the third Chinese development laurels for the strength of the light.

But all the same, those who are now the Chinese have decided to warn the development of their countries for technical rivals, it is impossible not to alert the United States and Russia. In protest of Russia, it seems, I know how good things are with China in the vіyskovіy spheres - contacts have been recently introduced on the parish cores of all the provinces of the two countries.

Fix our talk about Guangzhou, and I will again concentrate your respect on the main places, then show the tourist and trochs on the other places about the place. Finest hour for guiding Guangzhou - Zhovten, Listopad; A week and a day will also be good months.

The sculpture "Five goats" is a symbol of the city of Guangzhou for a Russian tourist who can become "even more friendly", but for the residents themselves it is a symbol of good luck. Well, as you say more precisely - tse Kam'yan statue of five rams. It is a place to be fond of one of those who have found not only in China, but in the whole world. For its history (nearly 2500 years), the new boules have a numerical name, one of the most popular - Canton. A small remark: for a long time from Guangzhou, the sea "Shovkovy Shlyakh" was repaired, which pov'yu pivdenny regions and China from India, Pivdenno-Skhidnoyu Azієyu, Close Gathering and Africa. Chinese Guangzhou is the largest trade and industry, sea and cultural and historical center of China. From the facts of the said cities, Guangzhou, we will add not only for tourists, but for ordinary people. There are numerous markets and markets - without any (including special ones), there are more than hundreds of wholesalers. Among them, it is clearly the most popular, you can buy practically everything - Rinok Tsinpin.

About the memorials ... Oskilki Gangzhou I will name one more (unofficial) "Kvіtkovye misto" zvdyaky warm klіmat, perhaps from the "Botanical garden of tropical roses".

The garden, which has grown apart, is located in the mountains of Mosinlin and occupies an area of ​​300 hectares. It is included in up to a dozen of the most significant buildings in Guangzhou and the largest Botanical Garden in the territory of the European Asia. By the moment of falling asleep in 1956, on the thirtieth territory of Bulo Visadzheno, there were 6,000 species of tropical and subtropical roses. On the territory of the garden there is an active "Pivdenno-Chinese Institute of Botany," There are a large number of athletes who are trained and educated.

The Changlong Zoo is one of the largest in the world (borrowing an area of ​​200 hectares). The zoo itself has been updated to the best options ekozakhist (when it’s buoyant, there’s a maximum number of materials of natural walking). The zoo has no more than 200 species of animals. As far as all the creatures are concerned, the zoo should be invited to sleep at night, but at night they could go to the circus for their part.

Orchid Park (Lan pu) is a name for the journey to the summer months. Winning motivation in 1950 and borrowing an area of ​​about 40,000 square meters. On the territory of the park, there are over 100 species of orchids. It’s a wonderfully quiet place with elegant, lively roads and rates. Near the western part of the park there are special pavilions, terasi and vishki, where you can simply drink and drink tea. The price of a ticket is to lay aside what kind of tea you want to drink. Robot hour: 08: 00-18: 00.

- Guangzhou Water Park;
- Yueshu Park;
- Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs;
- Mount Baiyun (Bilikh Khmar);
- Ostriv Arshadao;

Taumna army of the Middle Kingdom

What kind of Chinese communication? What is the scale of Chinese spygunism? How to roam the Chinese distributors at Europe, Afritsa at the Blizkiy Descent? At the same time, we tried to hear in materials about one of the most secret special services, as a part of the interests of the most numerous people.

The history of the development services of the PRC has been keeping its ear since 1928. The same party for the Communist Party of China has been initiated by a party development - a special committee of the CPC Central Committee on the Kshtalt of the Radiansky OGPU. Prior to this, the functions included the protection of the party's core bodies, development, sabotage and information of the robot. The decision of the People's Republic of China in 1949 was established on the basis of the party development, the Ministry of Community Security (MOB) was instituted, and the Ministry of Community Security (MOB) was announced, and it was announced that there was a development
In the mid-50s, special food services were renamed to the Bureau of Development of the Central Committee (Zhunyun Dyaochabu). Let's take the ear of the 80s on the basis of organizing the Ministry of State Security (MDB), which, in the whole world, is sorting out the functions of the international development.
On the current day of the intelligence service of the PRC, there are three main structures: the intelligence service of the People's Army of China (PLA), the Ministry of Community Security and the Ministry of State Security. Whilst, unimportant to those who are the official development agency of China є MDBs, spygunskoy activities, besides, there is a great number of state organizations, which are made of skin from such vicinities.
Organizationally, it is organized in the following way: another department of the General Staff of the NVAK - agent development; the third department of the General Staff of the NVAK - radioelectronic deployment, the fourth department of the General Staff of the NVAK - radioelectronic deployment. Similarly, the structures of the General Political Aid of the National Military Commission and the General Public Administration of International Communications, which is mainly responsible for the propaganda of the enemy's armies. It is impossible not to take into account the dynamics of the development of radioelectronic development of the NVAK, as well as indicators of what for the rest of the rock have gone to a fundamentally new standard, which is based on the standards of the abrupt special services. For іnformatsієyu zahіdnih ekspertіv, іnstitut strategіchnih doslіdzhen Heritage Foundation pіdgotuvav for US Congress dopovіd about dіyalnіst spetsіalnih pіdrozdіlіv People -vizvolnoї armії China in kіberprostorі scho becoming nebezpeku US Analіtiki vidіlyayut two osnovnі napryamki dіyalnostі kitayskih pіdrozdіlіv s Keeping boyovih operatsіy in kіberprostorі "perevіrka on Mint "to get rid of the defense industry and the development of the US industry and the stealing of cutting-edge technologies. NVAK has successfully integrated the control corporations into the American IT industry. Expertise will be able to survive, but in an hour, there will be a number of attacks by the Chinese against the American information and telecommunications infrastructure, which have been improved in three ways. Yak the main facility for the fuel injection of the NVAC, which was earlier, surrounded the computer systems of the United States' armed forces. They were attacked by 80 thousand attacks, they allowed the attack to be sent to their server 20 terabytes of tribute to the closed character from the NIRPNet net, and also to create it in the software for remote security. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the United States has registered the fact of unauthorized copying of confidential information from the government's hedge, which is how the Heritage Foundation's spokesmen are used through the Internet. Canadian scientists have seen the edge of electronic spyguns, as they are roztasovany in China and are seen instead of computers, which are found in uryadovyh installations in all light. According to the words of the officials from the University of Toronto, the virus-shpigun came to the place of 1295 computers in 103 countries.
The Ministry of the People's Republic of China, for the testimonies of experts, is hard to effectively control the situation in the middle of the country. A system of total rooting has been created that allows trimmings from an innocent visual effort of the support of the suspension, while a politically unreliable part of the population is growing.
In the course of fighting with dissidents and thinking of the MOB, practice the development methods. For example, the mainstream of illegal anti-sever organization, kudi yak blizzards on the fire, the potential traitors and dissidents are angry.
In the restless national regions of China, such as the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Okrug or Tibet, the MOB has a complex of operational calls at the best traditions of the Radiansk KDB. Among them are the branches of the MGB supervising national organizations, which are going from the name of the Uyghur insurgents; pіdkup mіscevіh authorities; the oppression of young nationalities between themselves, the horror of the suppression of any manifestations of apparent dissatisfaction.
For carrying out especially secret operations at the MOB, the іsnu elitniy special forces "Chornі bereti". Zagalom the robot of the MOB of the People's Republic of China allows the Chinese currency to adjust the internal stability of the Middle Kingdom.
In 1983, a new special service, MDB (Goanbu), was established in the PRC. This program has been so honored by the Chinese leader, who has grasped the strategic decision about the priority financing and improvement of the MDB as an instrument of securing radical reforms in the PRC. The traces of this solution are being seen and now.
Serving in a state-of-the-art business is one of the most prestigious and most paid in China. The number of sportsmen for the current year is 300 thousand people. MDB has its own ordered preparation of frames, well equipped with new technical means from the USA, Japan and Europe. Itself at the MDB of the PRC pokladautsya vdannya vidobutku new technologies and the influx of financial costs to the economy of the PRC. Moreover, economical and scientific spygunism is a priority. State-of-the-art athletes are engaged in changing China's positions in all important regions for the country. For carrying out especially important visits (both behind the cordon, and in the middle of the country) at the MDB, its own part of the "Narodnaya Varty" and the diversion team Ju No. 5 were opened.
The strategy itself has been broken up in the PRC MDB nadra, based on robots and agents from all over the Chinese diaspora in all its light. According to the strategy, the Chinese development through the large Chinese community penetrated into the state apparatus and the right-wing organizations of the Bagatyokh regions, taking the opportunity to invest in a solution that could be accepted. So, for the data of experts, the MDB of the PRC controls the main information and financial flows, as well as a lot of legal and illegal business in the provinces of Pivdenno-Shidnoy Asia. Qia strategy brought the third Chinese development laurel for the strength of the light.
The PRC MDB has established partnerships with the intelligence services of Nimechchin, Iran, France, Kubi and Izrail. In its operations in the Arabian provinces, the Chinese development of the Zusill coordination and spiraling to the stage of the Israeli development "Mossad" and the Iranian development of MIT.
Of particular interest is the PRC MDB spy from the Cuban intelligence, as I’m distributing agents in the ancient and western states of America and to share information with the Chinese, the US
The robots of the Chinese special services є the global, systemic ideology, the lack of power consumption and the use of key straps, the development of the most important discipline in the residency, is not done by the Chinese forces,
Chinese development quickly enter the club of the Svitov shpigunskih powers, actively participating in the development of warfare. So it is, like the other powers, the PRC to carry out special operations in all its light and fiercely fight for the zone. Today, one can say that the Chinese spygunism has hunted half of the territory of the earth.
One s priority routes robots of the Chinese special services - tse Rossiya. The Chinese literally fall in love with everything that is tied to the Russian military-industrial complex. Moreover, the Chinese spyguns are not surrounded by the Russian Far Gathering, and not even the tamanitsa, but the development of the PRC is happening throughout the entire territory of our country. China is even more active in becoming a Russian naphtha... The scale of the visits of the Chinese development in the halls of the Russian PEK and the dynamics of the growth of activity in the whole sector, so that about the Naftogaz branch, you can also talk about other defense industry strategic Russian direct robots of the Chinese special services.
Nybilsha is actively engaged in Chinese marketing with the United States. Assess the official data of the FBI, it is possible to make a copy, but the United States literally flooded the Chinese spiguns. There is a large Chinese diaspora, there is a great number of students, educators, pupils from the PRC, who permanently live with the United States, and even forgive the development of China. Chinese distributors have been successful in providing agents to the staff of the offices of American companies, at their base and in the national laboratories. So, the Chinese development for the addition of civic buildings is actively vikorystovuyu legal and statutory companies on the territory of America: in 2002 there were two thousand Chinese companies registered there, as for the firm, controlled by the US special services. Central commercial organization with an even more effective tool for economic and social development; only for contacting sportsmen such a number of forces and forces are needed, as counter-intelligence services of the new land are simply not physically not in the context of safety, in order to protect against information.
Over the last ten years, Chinese spygunism has penetrated not only to the United States and Russia, but to Europe. Shpigun_in China, we are going to act as European companies, which are developing new technologies, which are engaged in telecommunications, medicine, finance Development of industrial and economic spygunism on the side of China, the growth of the former middle of the capital of the European industry. In the interests of the European countries, they do not keep up with the widespread voices and recommend their special services to the maximum number of people. The land of Western Europe and Central Europe will be afraid to put a threat to the installation of one-day contracts from China, the spring, delivered to the Middle Kingdom, the ninety superliner A380, which can carry up to 800 passengers. Please ask that person, as a rule, they see him as a deputy, and the stench can often be overpriced by the community and reach the court. The Chinese are good, so the PRC MDBs are all active in Europe.
A special place among the robots of the Chinese special services is to borrow the edges of Africa and Blizky Skhid. The region is large enough to be of the top priority for China's industry. One of the strategic establishments of the MDB of the PRC is the establishment of control over the naphton-bearing regions in advance of the new energy crisis.
Great interest for the intelligence services to China India and Pivdenno-Shidna Asia. India is to compete with China on the Asian continent, and Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia is traditionally viewed by China as a springboard for the strategic consolidation of the Celestial Empire in the region and a further development to the global level.
It's no secret that Zakhid is not in the seizure of the growing Pekin, which is to pursue its own national policy. China is one of the world's nebagatokh delianoks, as the world is not under the control of the "new order". The United States cannot dictate its own minds here, and the PRC did it repeatedly. It’s a matter of water hours to ward China off to the middle of the midst of instability, the rise of ethnic and religious separatism. The special services of the Entry have repeatedly tried to "hang out in the midst" of the Middle Kingdom. However, our efforts ended in failure. Moreover, this year's PRC can be called the land of the highest counter-intelligence regime. Here, the order of, from the traditional straightforwardness of counterintelligence, it is necessary to especially put the power to control the Internet. From the ear of 2006, China has a special police department designated for control over all-inclusive pavutinny. Internet police totally run after online forums and control those that are easy to be found in them. Chinese vlada, in addition to control over the Internet in the middle of the country, sees the politics of zhorystkoy filtering in place of the light Internet resources - most of them are "not visible" from China. All this is the result of the robotic operation of the Chinese capital flow to the PRC. In the unabated world, enter the boules with the “color revolutions” of 2000-2004 years, which have passed on the vast expanse of Europe in Europe.
Years of abundant experts predict the re-incarnation of China on a new headquarters in the arena. Such officials, as a trivial period of high rates of economic development, great opportunities, are expanding, more actively in the implementation of high technologies and a quick increase in the number of population, in their own capacity to increase the economy for
For the sake of justice, demand to say, that є y іnsha theory. Theory about the Maybutny collapse of China. It’s well known from the theory, all the successes of the Great Patriotic War.
For the scenario of the development of the great China, show an hour. It is even more abundant in the name of the policy of the provincial states of the world. However, in a large world, the share of the Middle Kingdom is still lying around in solutions, as it is accepted by the Chinese capital. And in order to ensure that the solutions are strategically correct and as efficient as possible, the services of the PRC are one of the most effective and most effective special services in the world - Chinese intelligence.