Scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation for the priority directions of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. Scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation for priority directions of modernization and technological development of the economy

4.1. Stipendії priznachayutsya students SSMSC navchayutsya for spetsіalnostyami abo directly pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti included to perelіku spetsіalnostey that napryamіv pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti scho vіdpovіdayut prіoritetnim napryamkam modernіzatsії that tehnologіchnogo rozvitku rosіyskoї Economy, scho Uryadov zatverdzhuєtsya Rosіyskoї Federatsії.

4.2. Scholarships are awarded to students 2 times on the basis of the criteria for selection, established by paragraph 5 of the Regulations:

  • for the period from 01 February to 31 sickle of streaming rock - for pіdbags intermediate certification the autumn semester, which is held at the current school;
  • for the period from 01 spring of the current year to the 31st day of the upcoming year - for the sub-bags of the intermediate attestation of the spring semester, which is carried out at the red of the current year.

4.3. Applicants for recognition of scholarships from the number of students of another and the next future years of accreditation satisfy the criterion established by subparagraph "a" of paragraph 5 of the 1st Regulation, and one or more of the criteria established by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of the 1st Regulation.

Applicants for recognition of scholarships from the number of students of the first year of education to satisfy the criterion established by subparagraph "a" of paragraph 5 of the 1st Regulation, and one or more of the criteria established by subparagraphs "b", "c" and "d" of paragraph 5 of the 1st Regulation, fallow vіd rіvnya osvіti.

4.4. Scholarship quotas are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in proportion to the number of students who are trained for specialties and direct training, including up to the transfer specified in paragraph 4.1 of this Regulation.

4.5. The Skin Institute sees a quota in proportion to the number of students, who are trained for specialties and direct training, including up to the transfer specified in clause 4.1 of this Regulation. For the presence in the institute of applicants, at the borders of the seen quota, which meet the criteria for selection, the quota is divided for other institutions, de є applicants.

4.6. Students vklyuchenі to list pretendentіv on priznachennya stipendіy Uryadov Russia for prіoritetnimi napryamkami not mozhut Buti odnochasno vklyuchenі to list pretendentіv on priznachennya stipendіy President Rosіyskoї Federatsії for studentіv organіzatsіy, SSMSC navchayutsya for ochnoyu shape of spetsіalnostyami abo directly pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti scho vіdpovіdayut prіoritetnim napryamkam modernization and technological development of the Russian economy

4.7. Scholarships of the Council of the Russian Federation are established for priority directives for two students for a semester and are paid shomіsyatsya.

5. Criteria for selection of applicants

5. The following criteria are established for the selection of applicants for scholarships:

a) taking off by a student not less than 50 hundred marks "highly" depending on the total number of points taken off for the number of marks "pretty good", taking off for the additional bags of the intermediate attestation, in order to be awarded a scholarship;

b) the achievement by the student for 2 years, in order to redeem the recognized scholarship, the upcoming results:

  • otrimannya reward (prize) for conducting scientific research work;
  • the content of the document, which certifies the student's right to attain scientific (scientific and methodological, scientific and technical, scientific and creative) result of intellectual activity (patent, certificate);
  • awarded a grant for the development of scientific and advanced work;
  • recognition of a student as a winner of international, all-Russian, leading regional olympiads and olympiads, which are organized by the organization, competition, promotion, promotion of that other entry, aimed at revealing the initial achievements of students;

c) the achievement by the student of the 1st year, which transfers the recognition of the scholarship, the upcoming results:

the presence of publications in scientific (primary-scientific, primary-methodical) international, all-Russian, leading, regional, prominent organizations. Appointed publication may replace the information provided to the public access;

public presentation by the student of the results of scientific and recent work (in addition to the way with additional support (acknowledgment) at the conference, seminar, other entry (international, all-Russian, leading, regional), as carried out by the organization);

d) the student’s first year of experience in obtaining results, which are taken away by the end of the year, in order to transfer the recognition of a scholarship:

  • ball of one sovereign feeling 80 and more for a sacred object, which is considered a priority entrance test, the established organization, as a result of illumination of activity;
  • a document that confirms that a student is a winner of the Olympiad of schoolchildren final stage All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren, which is held according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the profile of those is responsible for the specializations and (or) direct training. Vkazana vіdpovіdnіst viznachaєtsya director іnstitutu, samostіyno at zarahuvannі of hto navchaєtsya 1 course of urahuvannyam Perelіku napryamіv pіdgotovki that spetsіalnostey UFU іz zaznachennyam Especially the rights scho nadayutsya a winner that the prize winners olіmpіad shkolyarіv, zatverdzhenogo rector unіversitetu that sedate at the time of start up unіversitetu;
  • not less then 50 vіdsotkіv otsіnok "vіdmіnno" od zagalnoї kіlkostі otsіnok for vіdsutnostі otsіnok "zadovіlno" the results of the State pіdsumkovoї atestatsії osvіtnіmi programa poperednogo rіvnya vischoї osvіti for Minds prodovzhennya navchannya for directly pіdgotovki included to perelіku, zaznachenogo in punktі 4.1 tsogo position.

6. The procedure for the selection of candidates

6.1. The next selection of candidates for a scholarship to the Order of the Russian Federation for priority directives to hold a meeting of the institute.

6.2. Candidates for a scholarship from the RF Council of Ministers, on a priority basis, must submit the following documents to the Directorate of the Higher Educational Institute every hour until September 15 and January 15 of the current date:

  • list of publications, reports in the established order;
  • photocopies of diplomas, certificates and other documents that confirm the student's fate at competitions, conferences, olympiads, too.

6.3. I am glad to the institute to review the submitted documents, review the eligibility of a student-candidate to the criteria established by section 5 of the Regulations, and take a decision on submitting a list of applicants for a scholarship to the institute for review by an expert committee of the university.

6.4. To submit applicants for a scholarship for a university degree, the directorate of the institute is required to grant informational and analytical monitoring, licensing and accreditation for the following documents:

  • a hero for the decision to study for the sake of the institute with a recommendation for a scholarship to the Order of the Russian Federation from priority directions;
  • The list of applicants from among the students of the first year of study, who are studying for a full-time form for specialties or directly preparing for a bachelor's degree, in the form of priority directives for modernizing and technological development of the Russian economy (Appendix 1);
  • The list of applicants from among the students of the first year of study, who are trained full-time for the direct preparation of the master's degree, in the priority direction of the modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (Appendix 2);
  • The list of applicants from the number of students of another and impending career, who are being trained for full-time education for specialties and direct preparation of bachelor's and master's degrees, as a priority for modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (Appendix 3).

6.5. An expert committee for conducting a selection of applicants for recognition of scholarships and a commission for the university for the sake of the university's education policy, which includes a representative of the union (trade union committee) of students.

6.6. The expert commission on the selection of applicants for scholarships recommends awarding scholarships to specific students. The head of the committee announces the results of the selection of applicants for the sake of the university. I am very glad to the university and praise the decision about the award of scholarships.

6.7. On the basis of the decision of the university, for the sake of the university, the information and analytical monitoring, licensing and accreditation are prepared for a draft order for granting scholarships.

The order is not protected in the educational sphere: regardless of the short-term budgetary part of the budget, scholarships for students in 2018 and 2019 will be promoted, and their expansion will be indexed by 4.8% and 4.5% depending. Not all VNZ academics, technical colleges and colleges can apply for the award of such payments: obov'yazkova umova for recognition of a penny pidtrimka is a valuable form of education that successfully closes a session without filthy badges and constrictions. Ale, unimpressed on such an exchange, in Russia, at the sight of rich western lands, like before, you can take a cost-free vision of illumination and a penny support of the state with a long term of study.


A student, praised within the framework of the government, can apply for academic scholarships, as students of the budgetary form of education seem to see. Її the minimum amount to become 890–1630 rubles. Install a fallow vіd rіvnya.

At zv'yazku z tim, scho fund viplat osvіtnі set rozprijazhayutsya on rozsud, stink can independently establish rozmіri stipendіy, vyhodyachiy from streaming possibilities that obyagu finansuvannya. But in practice, there are many who intervene with the established minimum for awarding scholarships to their students, which is not protected by specialized legislation. Vtim, є th blame of the th rule: for example, the deakies of Moscow universities should pay 8-10 thousand rubles to the officials. rub., to stimulate them to take part in various conferences, symposiums and scientific research.

The academic scholarship is awarded 2 times per day for the success of the rest of the examination session. All first-year students, who have just come to the budgetary form of education, for promotion can pay for the first semester during the first semester. And yet, from the next semester, such a right to save less from these students, as a matimut high indicators of success.


A student-budget worker of full-time education, who has been transferred to the state security, can apply for social scholarships. Such a right is koristuyutsya:

  • hulks, yakі suffered radioactive abuse due to catastrophic character;
  • orphans;
  • children, like through the singing of the furnishings, were deprived of their fathers’ pikluvanya (non-education, liberation of the father’s rights too soon);
  • children, like lingering with low-income families;
  • disabled, and navit combat veterans;
  • students who have served under a contract for at least 3 years with the FSB, the Armed Forces, the MVS, too.

Thus, pay additionally, obviously, that same student can receive as a sovereign, and social scholarship. In order to obtain recognition, it is sufficient to submit a sufficient package of documents, which would confirm the presence of a clear social status.

As if the scholarship was put at the link with the tim, which I was recognized as low-income, I will learn to need documents, as they will be shown at the same financial camp. Vіdpovidno up to the norms of the orderly law, it is impossible to recognize this, de on the skin member of this іm'ї pridaє dokhіd, the amount of a small amount for the installation of a subsistence minimum. But here it’s important to say that the skin region of the Russian Federation has its own living minimum, wages residents The average value for the country in 2018 is 9.5 thousand. krb.

If an applicant becomes a student of VNZ, a college or a technical school for the obviousness of the situation, which gives him the right to apply for a social scholarship, you should:

  1. Return to your dean's office, which, in the first place, may be able to see documentary confirmation of the fact of the appointment at the indication of the establishment.
  2. Take a note about those who paid were carried out lighting installation for the remaining 3 months (if there were none, such information about the language may be shown in this document).
  3. Build all the current billings from the training, which is the main benefit for the withdrawal of such payments.
  4. Take the statement from the body of the socialist, which confirms the first social status, or take the documents necessary for the recognition of payments (their latest translation can be taken from the deanery).

Zalezhno v_d equal to the initial mortgage, the minimum amount of social scholarships to become 730-2010 rubles.


Gifted academics with initial mortgages can apply for a scholarship awarded by the President of the Russian Federation for students in 2018-2019. The purpose of recognition of such payments is the chain of support of the financial and material become quiet, who in the future can make a great contribution to the development of the economy and science of the country. But through those who have a large number of such scholarships, it is possible to become more powerful only for gaining a whole low mind and power. Zokrema, for whom the student is guilty:

  • learn the 3rd rec (for students) or the 2nd rec (for graduate students) for the full-time form;
  • mother of specialization, which is of strategic importance for the economy of the Russian Federation;
  • add up all the sleep to the "vіdminno" (two remaining semesters are insured);
  • mothers of singing merit, hedges, desire for that high success;
  • actively engage in scientific activity, which transfers the presentation of diplomas for advanced achievements in science;
  • mothers of innovations and reports, information about yaks published in magazines, newspapers and other periodicals.

A student of a foreign VNZ, who is abroad, can apply for the payment of such payments. For whom you need a positive recommendation from the initial mortgage, de vin to undergo training or probation.

The volume of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for graduate students for 2018 and 2019 will be 54 thousand. rub. (4.5 thousand rubles. Schomisyachno), for students - 26.4 thousand. rub. (2.2 thousand rubles. Shhomіsyatsya).


On the authority of the presidential, ryadovu scholarship can take students like high, and middle special lighting installations. Students can apply for such payments:

  • including full-time education;
  • for the obviousness of the songs of the reach of the scientific gallery;
  • with high grades for the results of the rest of the semester, the grades "Vіdmіnno" can be not less than 50%, and the score - "Good";
  • how to take part in conferences, symposiums, presentations until chi behind the cordon;
  • for the rest of the two years, grants were taken away for carrying out various studies, etc.

You can win a regular scholarship in a few grades to win a "very good" entrant, even if you score less than 80 points from ЄDI, having won at school olympiads in professional subjects, and in yogo attestation five times the cost is not less than 50%

Rozmіr vyplat vіd order of the Russian Federation for students and graduate students to become vіdpovіdno 1.44 ths. rub. that 3.6 yew. rub.

2) Scholarships for those who are trained in educational programs for general education in specialties or direct training, priority directions for modernizing and technological development of the Russian economy. Scholarships are awarded to the number of hearers of enlightening organizations, as they train personnel for the sake of defending the security of the state, ensuring the rule of law and law and order. Rosmir scholarships for students (cadets), hearing students - 7,000 rubles, and for graduate students (adjunctives) - 14,000 rubles;

Scholarships are awarded to graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, who are trained for full-time education from the supplementary federal budget, for the quality of academic qualifications and assessments "sufficiently" for intermediate certification. With whom on the back initial rock for the month of completion of the first intermediate attestation, the scholarship is paid to all graduate students, residents, assistant interns of the first year of study.

Rules for recognition and distribution of scholarships to the Order of the Russian Federation

  • Over the course of a semester, students in the halls are guilty of less than a handful of badges, moreover, a part of the assessment of "virtual" is guilty of becoming no less than 50%. Timchasovy vіdrіzok for otsіnyuvannya, scho before the exhibition of grades, semester;
  • Some estimates, of course, zamalo greater interest. Particular merits are due to know one's own vіdobrazhennya at city diplomas, diplomas, voucher sheets, certificates. So it is possible that a student becomes a diploma winner of olympiads, competitions, regional, federal and international scientific olympiads, taking part in creative and professional competitions. І smut - all the benefits can be listed in the student's "baggage" for the second period, which is before the recognition of the scholarship;
  • The fate of the scientifically advanced and technical and design activities of the initial mortgage for the remaining 1.5 years.

To that, the state encourages silence, who can raise new heights and lead Russia to the forefront - students, graduate students of the initial foundations of the previous stages. Let's talk today about the financial support of the student: scholarships to the Russian Federation the order of their recognition.

Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2020

Rozrahunok obyagu budgetary allocations to the federal budget, which are transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the purposes of the federal budget for the Chergovy financial year and the planning period, are assigned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation savage number scho navchayutsya for ochnoyu navchannya Form of Relief budgetary asignuvan federal budget organіzatsіyah scho at vіdannі sub'єktіv Rosіyskoї Federatsії, sotsіalnіy that munіtsipalnih i Private organіzatsіyah i normativіv on formuvannya stipendіalnogo Relief Fund of the Budget asignuvan federal budget zatverdzhenih Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federation.

2. For civoqii Rules of the PID scholarship Foundation for Rahukunov Assigns of the federal budget (Dali - Schipendіalny Foundation) Rose-to-Suti federal budget, Shahly condescribed by the Organization, Scho Zdіysnyuє Ov_yalnіsti for Southweshni Program SEREMNIA OUTO (ABO) on viplatu Reigning akademіchnih stipendіy students Reigning sotsіalnih stipendіy students Reigning stipendіy aspіrantam, residents, The assistant-trainee, іmennih stipendіy, stipendіy President Rosіyskoї Federatsії, stipendіy Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії that stipendіy listener pіdgotovchih vіddіlen in vstanovlenih scho priznachayutsya uchnyam for ochnoyu Form navchannya with the method of stimulating and (or) supporting them in mastering various lighting programs.

Scholarship to the RF Council for students in 2020

Get respect! Which type of payment is assigned randomly and is paid out. However, the owner may be allowed to grant the right to severance pay to the order of the Russian Federation until the completion of the decision for the sake of education for the sake of organization or resuscitation. Zavantage for revisiting that friend:

We hope to support the order on a competitive basis at the link with the quotas. In order to take part in the tender, according to the minds and criteria, the candidate can do the following algorithm:

See the expansion of scholarships from Russia

  • state academic scholarship for students;
  • state social scholarship for students;
  • state scholarships for graduate students, residents, assistant interns;
  • scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and the order of the Russian Federation;
  • nominal scholarships;
  • scholarships that are awarded by legal or physical persons, including those who sent students to study;
  • scholarships for trainees are granted (in the okremy cases of transfers by federal law).

All first-year students who wanted to budgetary area, it is guaranteed to withdraw a scholarship from the first semester, and then from another - they will be awarded indebtedly due to success. The right to social scholarships is granted to state-funded students, as they win state social assistance. All orphans and children, who were left without a father’s death, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, veterans and disabled combatants, individuals who suffered from the disaster at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, students from low-income families and others. Vaughn can’t lie down with success at the navchann.

Rosmir scholarships to the order of the Russian Federation for students for 2020-2020

Candidates for these scholarships are awarded by the teachers of the illuminating institutions of full-time students, as they are studying for budgetary basis, not younger than the other course (for the average professional education), third year (for higher education). PhD students are allowed to participate in the competition, starting from the 2nd year of graduation. Osvіtnі subjects of the Russian Federation vysuvayut their candidacies, first of all the rectors and directors of the installations.

  • high academic success (so the average score is at least 4.5);
  • presence of publications in scientific (scientific and practical) journals;
  • fate (for students) / wins (for graduate students) at various competitions, festivals, conferences of the All-Russian and international level;
  • this situation increases the chance of winning the competition, taking part in grants, regional and all-Russian science exhibitions, as well as the discovery of patents, which confirms the authorship of a scientific paper.

Scholarship in 2020

Scholarships for the Order of the Russian Federation for graduate students, who are studying for a full-time form of education for educational programs, the main priority directions of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. Rozmir scholarships 10,000 rubles at the month. Awarded scholarships will be paid on a random basis from 1 spring to 31 sick days per heading day.

  • Viznannya aspіranta a winner Abo medalist mіzhnarodnoї, vserosіyskoї, vіdomchoї chi regіonalnoї olіmpіadi abo olіmpіadi scho held osvіtnoyu establish NAUKOVO organіzatsієyu, Gromadska that іnshoyu organіzatsієyu, competition, zmagannya, zmagannya that іnshogo sunset, spryamovanogo on viyavlennya The Teaching dosyagnen aspіrantіv scho pereduyut priznachennyu stipendії.
  • I want to be a graduate student for 2 years, to redo the scholarship:
    1. Award (prize) for the results of scientifically advanced work, how to conduct lighting of the installation, scientific organization.
    2. A document that certifies the right of the one who is navchaetsya at the attainment of science (scientific and methodological, scientific and technical, scientific and creative) result of intellectual activity (patent, certificate).
    3. Grant for the development of scientific research work.
  • Appearance in post-graduate publications at the scientific (primary-scientific, primary-methodical) international, all-Russian, leading, regional publishing, at the prominent lighting pledge, scientific and international organization for the future, which is awarded a scholarship.
  • Інше публічненная станная сбора сбоста спірат полого холой ипуль иповаю ипований ипостанию ипендії ї ивива иваровой-длой ипотой ипота (in the number of numerical shlish Vistupe z dops_duyu (riddomlennamy) at a conference room, Semіnar, Іншой саході (І iompublic, Vserosіyskom, Vіdomchoy, reg_onal), usho , scientific, community organization).

Scholarship for students in 2020-2020

  1. academic- I hope to learn full-time education, so that I can pass education for the budget and not be academically frustrated. In other words, for which type of payments can be paid by those who have only “good” and “remarkable” in their books. Even though the residual indicator and score for the award of scholarships may still be different in different higher education institutions, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Promotion academic a scholarship for students starts from the 2nd year, and it means that we, who entered the VNZ in 2020-2020 years, to increase the increase in wages, it is necessary to stretch the first year of training to achieve high results in the first year cultural life of the initial pledge
  3. Social- to be paid to students, as they require material support from the state. Її rozmіr not to lie in the wake of success at the navchannі and narakhovuєtsya on the basis of given documents, which confirm the right of the hunker to help the state. You can apply for a penny form, and th, for example, to pay for a bridesmaid. The list of documents for її registration can be specified at the dean's office.
  4. Social promotion is assigned to socially unprotected students during the period of study at the 1st and 2nd courses. As a socially significant one, such a scholarship cannot be accumulated in the form of grades and is rewarded for a single mind - the essence of academic controversy.
  5. Named ranks and presidential scholarships- pay, for example, they can support academic faculties in priority directions, as they demonstrate high academic achievements.

For graduates Russian schools one of the most difficult periods of my life is coming to an end. Most of the recent schoolchildren successfully completed the EDI, took away the results and submitted documents to the VNZ of the Russian Federation in the specialty, with which they try to improve their lives. In ochіkuvannі ogoloshennya verdict and getting ready for additional trials, obo'yazykovy for zarahuvannya in the budgetary area of ​​the most popular primary mortgages in the region, it's time to chime in, what will be a scholarship for 2020-2020 to the primary role. What is a scholarship for a student? It is not uncommon to find food for the actual survival and the need to look for information. Otzhe, the grant of scholarships without intermediary pours in the light of light on that riven of life.

Scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation: wash out the documents for registration

  • information technologies;
  • electronics and accessories;
  • software engineering;
  • informatics;
  • energy;
  • nuclear power;
  • technical physics;
  • shipbuilding;

By joining the directives, students may have the right to apply for scholarships from the Order of the Russian Federation.

  1. The fate of yoga stretching for the second time in scientific achievements the kind of experiments that are carried out by the lighting installation.
  2. The fate of that award-winning field at various regional, international, all-Russian competitions and olympiads, which are held to reveal talents in science, creativity and sports activity.
  3. Completion of the previous semester only on the second day and good results, for your mind, there will be more good results in the second time.

Scholarship to the Ryad of the Russian Federation for students in 2020: rules for recognition and assistance

  • from the priority subjects of admissions for insurance before the planned VNZ, or the college must score at least 80 points of the educational institution;
  • win at high school olympiads of various equal subjects, as a way to show future specialties at VNZ;
  • at the sub-bag assessment, the student is guilty of taking at least half of the top marks, not allowing the assessment of the final category.

recommendation sheets, characteristics to the dean's office of the faculty or the head of the department to the college. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy є povna deciphering the name of the father of the student and the statement of the current course of study;

  • a copy of the security document;
  • scans of 1-2 sides of the passport;
  • Confirmation of participation in science research, patents, speeches at symposiums, photocopies of diplomas and certificates of a participant in science and creative competitions.
  • The legislator approved the presidential stipend for the first ruler of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. At that time, the won was assigned only to these students and graduate students, who were honored with gifts. Sensation at її viplatі yak odі, so і this day one - a material support of the one who learns.

    Such minds need to be recognized for the recognition of the presidential scholarship

    The candidate was confirmed as a possible scholarship holder, it is necessary to confirm to a few minds:

    • the first purpose is higher - economical priming and importance of specialization;
    • training for full-time form;
    • the student can go through the third research, and the graduate student is different;
    • the mother is guilty of a number of merits;
    • for at least two semesters, it is necessary to graduate from “high-quality” assessments”;
    • take an active part in scientific activity, which is documented (letters, diplomas);
    • mothers of the low power of the innovations in theory, as already placed in other languages.

    The one who is studying, who has already been recognized with such a scholarship, can go through an internship in one of the countries: France, Sweden, Germany. If the applicant is eligible for all the criteria, then they are included in the list of candidates, which is considered very happy with the initial mortgage. It is necessary to submit an application for the payment of no less than 1 semester of academic year for the confirmation of scholarships for the next senior year. It is an order of magnitude more complicated to go through the list of candidates later, as a student / graduate student will study at the out-of-band VNZ. Of course, such a laureate needs a positive characterization from the mortgage, de to pass the training. In this case, the appointment of future scholarship holders is taken care of at once by two departments: the Ministry of Education and the International Coordination Council.

    Rozmir Presidential Scholarship 2018

    What will be the presidential scholarship 2017-2018 for students of the Russian Federation?Її rozmіr directly to deposit in view of rozpodіlu koshtіv rosіyskogo budget on і galuzі, yakі urgently require new developments. Today, the following sumi is voiced:

    The state talks about juveniles, especially talanovites. You want such unique people with good prizes as a scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation, but you still need to deserve it.

    Dear readers! Article rozpovidaє about the typical ways of solving legal nutrition, but also the skin type is individual. How do you want to know, how solve your own problem- contact the consultant:


    Tse shvidko i QUOTE-FREE!

    The state has forever abandoned that development of a noble generation and gave great significance to enlightenment.

    The talented minds of the krai help to bring the economy of the Russian Federation to heights and great achievements. Obviously, the amount of scholarships in our country is significantly lower, lower in European countries.

    Ale, the order does not zupinyaєtsya on what. Therefore, quotas for the number of students and the promotion of payments are carefully carried out.

    Important aspects

    The skin of a new student, whether it be the first mortgage of the country, may have the legal right to receive scholarship payments.

    As a rule, there is a hugely accepted premium for a given hospital to start a budgetary month.

    But don’t forget that such students, if they are orphans, or else, may be on the right. Behind them is an okremium pererakhunok. Possibly, stink motherfucker.

    It's so easy to get scholarships, as you can take them to VNZ, SZ when you enter, just fill up the success and win bad grades.

    Pochatkovі understanding

    We wonder if there are scholarships. Otzhe, distinguish three types:

    If a student shows a significant interest in knowing his own specialty, and also engages in active work in the field of expansion, for example, in the Olympiad, then he may have the right to apply for promotion of scholarship payments.

    For example, earn a scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation.

    Kudi turn around

    In order to win this high scholarship, the student is obliged to write a special form, which is seen at the dean's office of the initial mortgage.

    Having attached to the new necessary documents that confirm your success, you can push up to the Ministry to praise the decision.

    Legal basis

    Varto guess a fragment of history, if, under the clear curiosity of V. Chernomirdin, a banner podium was created, as if continuing until today.

    In 1995 a decision was made about the interest of the talented young people of the country (students), which is called a scholarship to the Order of the Russian Federation


    Depending on the regulation on scholarships, the order of the Russian Federation, students of middle-professional and higher initial mortgages, the order of recognition of the amount of premium scholarships is determined.

    The same procedure for paying premiums is obumovlyuєtsya Art. 36-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012.

    The name of the wine city is worth a penny sum, as we are crying out for the help of the competition. Take the fate of the less student of the hospital.

    How to take a scholarship to the order of the Russian Federation for students

    It's not a secret that a student could apply for a prize in the order of the country, who would have to go through a long and foldable path.

    At this way, you repeatedly need to bring your arrogance, arrogance, and the head of the bazhannya pragnet reach for his profession.

    Golovnі umovi vidachі

    To some minds, a student can be sure that yoga was awarded:

    • By running one or two semesters of the beginning of the year, the success of a student can be 50% at the status of an academician, or rather more. Notes are well tolerated, but in a lesser degree;
    • students from the 2nd year are allowed to the award, until that hour, as soon as I can, the baggage has access to it, but there is an excellent set of merit. These include the appearance of diplomas, zaohochen, winegrowers, preparation and participation in the olympiad, participation in promotions and performances, symposiums, bazhano here at the seen prodrukuvatisya;
    • take part in the scientific activity of the initial pledge of two courses.

    Pokrokovі di design

    In order to withdraw the ordinary award, the student needs to prepare and submit the following package of necessary documents:

    • list-recommendations and characteristics before them. Dean's office departments to issue such documents. Only a student's PIB can be spelled out in full, and I will also accurately name the course of study, specialty;
    • security document (copy);
    • passport of the Russian Federation of the student and scan 1st and 2nd sides;
    • documents confirming (patents, diplomas, certificates, etc.) about the presence of active activity.

    Decisions are accepted by the independent commission under the hour of examination of the applicants. The skin deposit has its own.

    After that, you have adopted a unanimous decision about the candidates, who are to pay premiums, you are filing a complaint with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the rozmir of the payment is to be awarded.

    Main characteristics for selection

    Until now, the moment of submitting a candidate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a student of VNZ, for two semesters, is guilty of:

    • become a laureate and winner of a grant of science;
    • obtain a patent for special wines chi vіdkrittya, as a significant contribution to the economy of the country;
    • hedge at the scientific activity.
    • publish here;
    • to take part in the visits of the regional, federal and international format;
    • in case of mother's supremacy, a banquet ball of 80 ЄDI;
    • be a winner at school olympiads;
    • when the mother's sleep is less than the assessment of the vіdmіnno.

    For vikonannya vsіh pererahovanih vysche kriteriїv steprepravdnitstvo initial pledge of the student.

    Order of recruitment

    The Russian order has adopted an exhaustive list of such specialties, as if in my mind, they can adopt the development of the country and increase the singing contribution.

    Students who have begun to study in such courses can apply for a bursary scholarship.

    Learners who have achieved great success and results can also qualify for a premium. Don't talk about high sums, but for a student it's worth a penny.

    Yakі vomogi to give to the youth for the withdrawal of premiums:

    • superfluous inpatient training;
    • half and more of the subjects due to the mother of the badge "for two semesters";
    • on the confirmation of success and activity, the appearance of diplomas, diplomas, then;
    • new wines are being produced;
    • theories and in.

    Such talented students can invest in further education and practice in the countries of Europe - France, Germany, Sweden.

    If you talk about the first grade of the middle and higher (SUS and VNZ), then students of the 2nd course of the day's higher education can also take the premium in the order.

    In such a time, I can lay the candidacy for a fagot.

    Vіd what to lay rozіr vidachі koshіv

    The student, who is on the list of contenders for the prize, is guilty of giving up some points for the most important points of that mother's list of achievements and merits.

    For 2019, the annual changes have not yet been transferred until the payment is made, the meanings of the past fate are left behind:

    Academic scholarship RUB 1340.00 for a bachelor, specialist, master, 487.00 rubles. for medium light
    PhD student 11 thousand-14 thousand rub.
    student leader 5000-7000 rub.
    PhD student RUB 2637.00 or 6330.00 rub. with technical direct
    Molody vcheniy (postgraduate student) 20 thousand rub. (presidential scholarship)
    Social assistance 730 rub.
    presidential help RUB 2200.00 dobristu, 4500.00 rubles. vodminnik
    Economic direct RUB 4000.00
    Achievement of scientific activity RUB 840.00 students of the middle profile of Lanka, 1440.00 rubles. for a high proflank, 3600.00 rub. graduate students

    Rosemary awards also lie in the type of subject, which you see.

    Without a doubt, your success. The state budget can manage a supply of pennies in its own order, for which payments are made, ale and wines are smarter to coliving from the side of the economic camp in the country.

    That’s why you can pay for it shortly, depending on the average indicators.

    On scho starve special respect

    The modernization of projects and the order of appointment, the selection of candidates for the rank-and-file scholarship of the Russian Federation is carried out soon.

    All the accompanying furnishing is taken from the roses earlier. The order of the strategic development of the country.

    For example, in 2014, a list was adopted that consists of the main translation of significant directives for the country (No. 755-r):

    • technical directing;
    • economic;
    • creative;
    • Viysk;
    • the medicine;
    • more expensive;
    • pedagogy;
    • jurisdiction;
    • social;
    • agrarian and international