The best infant formula. Top baby puree rating

Baby food is a specialized product that is made from the highest quality products in a certain way and in compliance with the necessary technology. The body of the baby is especially vulnerable and therefore requires increased attention. Nutrition - the basis of child health. It depends on what the baby eats, how well his entire body is formed, how the bones are strengthened, how it develops nervous system  etc.

Baby food is presented in several forms and is suitable for different ages.

  1. Milk formula is a substitute for mother's milk, which can be used even for newborns. The best of them must be enriched with the necessary for the proper development of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Mashed potatoes in jars - the most common type of baby food, it is administered from 4 months. Such mashed potatoes are made from various vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, etc.), fruits (banana, apple, pear, etc.) with addition of cottage cheese and meat (chicken, turkey, beef, etc.) . There are one-component and consisting of several products at once (for example, berry salad or turkey with vegetables). Packaging of such baby food is the safest, because does not pass air or harmful substances and can be stored in a closed form long enough. One more plus of food in jars is the preservation of nutrients.
  3. Kashi. Suitable for babies (4 months) and for older children. Habitual for adult cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) are subject to special treatment, after which the porridge is perfectly digested by the child's body, saturating it with useful substances.
  4. Juices. Suitable for children from 3 months. Good manufacturers make them from natural fruits and berries and do not add sugar (in products for the smallest). Juice - an important component of the diet of any child.

The choice of quality food for a child is very important moment. For example, milk formulas are used from birth, if the mother does not have the opportunity to breastfeed. Imagine that from the first days your child eats a product of poor quality. Unpleasant, right? Therefore, it is important to know what can and should be acquired, and what will harm the health of the baby. Our rating of baby food manufacturers will allow you to stay at the best and most suitable brand for you.

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The best domestic firms - manufacturers of baby food

3 nutricia

The best quality
  A country: Netherlands (produced in Russia)
Average price: 280 rubles.
Rating (2017): 4.6

Nutricia is a global baby food brand from birth to three years. Specializes in the manufacture of dairy mixes. Offers three product lines: Nutrilon, Baby, and Baby. The first is characterized by the presence of specialized products (for children with low weight, premature, with digestive disorders, diet therapy, etc.). "Baby" is made with the addition of zinc, iron, prebiotics and sugar-free. "Baby", like other brand products, does not contain preservatives and dyes and has an optimal cost. High quality products make Nutricia one of the most sought-after firms in the domestic market.


  • infant formula;
  • excellent composition;
  • presented products for children with disabilities;
  • different price categories;
  • hypoallergenic products.


  • not found.

2 Agusha

Widest range
  Country Russia
Average price: 31 rubles.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Agusha is another domestic baby food company. Differs in the production of a large number of different products of good quality. Offers a choice of three product lines: "First spoon" - food for babies of 4 months of age, includes biokefir, cottage cheese, mashed rabbit, turkey, apples, etc., drinking water and juices; “Agusha” - food from 6 months: viscous and liquid yoghurt with different flavors, fruit curd, milk with vitamins and prebiotics, dry cereals, mashed potatoes in jars, fruit drinks and more; “I myself” is suitable for children over 2.5 years old and consists of a two-layer curd, drinking yogurt and milkshakes. The manufacturer also offers milk formulas that are suitable for children from birth.


  • large selection of goods;
  • suitable for all ages;
  • nice appearance;
  • eat foods for newborns;
  • low price


  • not always a good composition.

1 FrutoNyanya

The optimum ratio of price and quality
  Country Russia
Average price: 33 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.8

One of the most popular russian manufacturers baby food. Included in the average price category, but due to the frequent holding of interesting promotions and special offers products can be attributed to inexpensive. It has a wide range of goods: porridges of different consistency with and without additives (pieces of fruit, milk, etc.); fruit, vegetable and meat puree in jars; juices, nectars and fruit drinks; dairy products, water. There is a special line of hypoallergenic products.


  • wide selection;
  • products for the first feeding (from 4 months);
  • optimal cost;
  • like children;
  • good taste;
  • natural composition.


  • useful ingredients are not in all products;
  • no blends.

The best firms - manufacturers of baby food with impeccable quality

3 HiPP

Best taste
  Country: Germany
Average price: 67 rubles.
Rating (2017): 4.6

The German manufacturer with a long history guarantees the highest quality of its products. Baby food with special technology and natural ingredients provides parents peace of mind, and babies taste good. HiPP produces dry milk formula for healthy children and diet food. They are enriched with vitamins and hypoallergenic. The range also includes fish, meat puree, creamy texture soups and much more.


  • there is everything to feed children from birth to 3 years;
  • good taste;
  • eat goods in case of indigestion;
  • hypoallergenic products.


  • high price.

2 semper

The best assortment
  Country: Sweden
Average price: 78 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.8

For over 70 years, the Swedish company Semper has been producing premium baby food. Due to strict control and high requirements in manufacturing, the company's products meet all standards and have excellent quality. The choice of moms presented a large number of products, adapted to each age separately. Dry milk formulas are suitable for newborns, some of them are intended for use from 6 months. There are even specialized mixtures for constipation. Vegetables are offered for babies from 4 to 6 months. fruit puree  in jars and soft packs, various paps, juices and special children's tea with vitamins. Oat and multi-cereal rallyings (8-11 months) - unusual porridges with tasty natural additives will make eating your baby even more enjoyable. Meatballs, meat and fish puree - a good choice for expanding the diet of your child.


  • adaptation to each age;
  • unique recipes;
  • big choice;
  • european quality.


  • high price;
  • in some products not quite useful composition.

1 gerber

Excellent composition
  Country: USA
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2017): 4.9

The American manufacturer presents baby food from 6 months of age. High product quality is ensured by adherence to technology and compliance with standards. Gerber's many years of experience makes it possible to manufacture reliable baby food products. The range includes single-component and multi-component mashed potatoes in jars of fruit and vegetables, meat products, juices and desserts. The latter are represented by fruit cocktails in soft packaging, cottage cheese delicacies, etc. The child over 1 year old can get a healthy snack - a cereal bar or a cookie.


  • there are products in a convenient soft pack for the child;
  • high quality;
  • good composition with vitamins;
  • large selection of mashed potatoes of one product.


  • high price;
  • not always like children.

The best firms - manufacturers of inexpensive baby food

3 Grandma's Lukoshko

excellent quality
  Country Russia
Average price: 44 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.5

"Grandma's Lukoshko" is characterized by the presence of a sufficiently large selection of baby puree. It is presented both in jars and in soft packages. The choice of moms many options: one-component products; mashed potatoes for the first meat (veal, horse meat, rabbit) and fish (cod and pink salmon with potatoes, salmon with vegetables) menu; cottage cheese with prunes, apricots, etc .; creamy and dairy with different fruits. The manufacturer also offers specialized children's herbal teas with amazing composition. And the meatballs in meat broth  - surprisingly useful and tasty treat for babies from 8 months.


  • natural composition;
  • large selection of mashed potatoes;
  • have healthy teas;
  • low price.


  • not found.

2 Tyoma

Best price
  Country Russia
Average price: 39 rubles.
Rating (2017): 4.6

The domestic company offers baby food for babies from 6 months and has an optimal price. The product range includes juices with pulp; meat and cereal puree in jars of chicken, beef with the addition of rice and vegetables; bio-pills with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, etc .; mashed turkey meat, veal with liver; bioyogurts with various tastes; special baby milk, etc. Kids love delicious treats from "Themes", and parents save money and are always calm about the health of their children.


  • low price;
  • availability;
  • pleasant taste.


  • jars in the form of canned food are not very convenient to use.

1 heinz

Good value for money
  A country: USA (produced in Russia, etc.)
Average price: 51 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Well-known food company occupies a leading position in the production of baby food. Differs in a wide selection of cereals: dairy-free, low-allergenic, drinking and dry, fruit and dairy, etc. The range includes mashed potatoes in jars of vegetables with meat, fish and fruit with the addition of cream. Baby cookies will be a useful snack for babies from 5 months. Heinz offers parents a special vermicelli that is suitable for half year old children and has an easy and fast way of cooking. Fruit and cream puddings will be a great dessert for any child.


  • low price;
  • range;
  • good taste.


  • no products for newborns;
  • not always natural composition.

Gerber (Gerber)

Gerber baby food first appeared in 1927, and 80 years later the brand was purchased by Nestle. Today Gerber is one of the leading and best manufacturers of baby food. Known for its fruit, vegetable and meat puree, suitable for both the first feeding, and for exploring an already grown up baby with new dishes. The product range is constantly growing, its quality is trusted worldwide.

Domestic brand of baby food. Known since 1999. The first product was apple puree; now, under the brand of Babushkina, herbal teas, dried milk mixes and cereals, vegetable and meat purees are produced. The products of the Grandmother's Bin basket have repeatedly been marked by the quality mark of the Russian National Best for Children Program.

Frutonyanya - a domestic manufacturer of baby food. Has established itself as a high quality product and affordable prices. For a long time, the main products were fruit and vegetable purees, now the range has been replenished with dairy products - liquid cereals, milk and dairy desserts. All recipes are developed with the participation of the Institute of Nutrition.

Heinz (Heinz)

Popular American brand, known since 1869. One of the recognized experts in the field of baby food. Known for its dry mixes, cereals, mashed potatoes and biscuits, also in the list of products juices, vermicelli and much more. All Heinz products are enriched with minerals and vitamins for the health and growth of babies.

German company specializing in the production of dairy mixes and baby food. In the first place puts environmental friendliness of products used. Known for its hypoallergenic lures and products for children with anemia. Hipp product range is very large, the company does not get tired of offering parents new tastes.

Vitacare nanny (Nanny)

Manufacturer of goat milk based dry milk formulas. Nanny products are recommended for parents of allergic children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. The company was founded in the UK about a quarter of a century ago, now its plants are not only in Europe, but also in Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, the exclusive distributor of Nanny mixtures is the company Bibikol.

Nutricia (Nutricia)

A Dutch company specializing in the production of powdered milk formulas and cereals for children. It was founded at the end of the XIX century. Now the company owns 21 baby food production plants, including in Russia. Nutricia specialists are constantly working to improve the formula of their product, enriching it with useful minerals and vitamins.

Beech Nut

The American manufacturer of baby food, on the market for about 120 years, the most popular products - fruit and vegetable canned mashed potatoes. Beech Nut focuses on the naturalness of the product and its hypoallergenicity, for example, only dietary meat is used in meat purees. The company does not use GMOs, its slogan is “We do not manufacture baby food, we prepare food for children.”

Russian manufacturer, which appeared on the domestic market in 2001. Food supplier to free dairy kitchens. The range of products is very wide - from dry milk mixes to canned mashed potatoes and baby cookies. In the manufacture of products, it closely cooperates with specialists from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Union of Pediatricians of the Russian Federation.

The owner of the brand is Unimilk company. The brand appeared on the Russian market in 1998. Tyoma specializes in the production of food for children from 0 to 2 years. Offers a diverse selection of products - blends, juices, teas, purees and dairy products. The company complies with environmental standards for the production of baby food.

You can also watch the Test Purchase program. They also identified the best baby food manufacturer.

Test purchase of baby food Video

All lactating mothers will need to think about what food to replace. breast milk after it ends. Since the child cannot eat food in the same way as adults, their food system is not yet so developed, it is necessary to have individually selected mixtures. Unfortunately, not all baby food jars contain useful components that can strengthen the baby’s immune system and ensure its healthy development. Often they contain preservatives, coloring agents, stabilizers and other harmful substances that adversely affect the children's body. Therefore, to help parents feed the child with only natural, the best components of their babies, a rating of baby food manufacturers was created. This list has absorbed only the best manufacturers in the world, whose products have been tested for components and their safety more than once. Also taken into account reviews of buyers of these products, the popularity of sales of goods.

Top baby food for newborns

With 10th place baby food ranking control purchase opens the brand "Nutricia". It is an infant formula that contains only natural ingredients that benefit. child's body  and supply it with the necessary elements for growth and development.

The 9th place goes to the HiPP brand, which has been justifying the exceptional quality of products for many years. The organization produces a variety of dairy mixes, herbal teas for babies, cereals, fruit purees. For the manufacture of their products, they use only the best fresh vegetable and fruit products.

8th place is occupied by the best baby food in jars in the test purchase - the brand of the manufacturer “Agusha”. This manufacturer supplies to the market a large variety of its products, which are of good quality without the presence of harmful substances. This product is not just tested the Russian laboratories at the highest level.

7th place goes to the brand "Heinz". Baby food from this manufacturer is one of the most delicious for babies. They produce a variety of mixes, mashed potatoes, juices. Use only environmentally friendly products that are amenable to careful processing, while maintaining useful substances.

On the 6th place in the baby food rating for newborns in the test purchase includes children's products from the brand “Humana”. Such nutrition is very necessary for babies, whose immunity is prone to the manifestation of allergies, rashes. This brand from the German manufacturer has the best quality, and uses the latest technology in the manufacture of children's food.

5th place is occupied by the brand of the Swiss manufacturer “Semper”. Jars with their mixtures, mashed potatoes, dairy products contain only natural, safe ingredients and bring the maximum benefit to the child's body.

On the 4th place in the rating of the best baby food for newborns is the brand from the domestic manufacturer “Tyoma”. They produce one of the best mixes, mashed babies throughout Russia and abroad. Buying their products, you get a quality guarantee for your child at a fairly low price. In the assortment there are products for children from birth to 2 years.

The third place in the ranking is taken by the best baby food for newborns - “Grandma's Basket”. In the composition of this product you will not find even starch. It does not contain any harmful substances and preservatives, therefore it is absolutely safe for even the smallest.

2nd place rightfully goes to the brand "Gerber". For many years this company has maintained a stable high reputation among manufacturers of baby food, and at a decent level has passed a series of serious checks and tests for its components. Therefore, for the reviews of several magazines - this is the best baby food for infants. This food will provide the child's body with good nutrition for normal development.

1 place is the best baby food from birth - "Fruto Nanny". They produce a variety of vegetable and fruit mixes, mashed potatoes, juices for newborns, which include only natural, pure fruits. This trademark has earned the trust of customers with high-quality products, which for many years successfully passes all tests and tests of the composition of products.

High-quality food is a prerequisite for the health of your baby, so choose only the best and safe products.

Every mother wants to feed the baby only the best products. Of course, your favorite baby should be the most the best mixture , the best juice  and best baby porridge.

Despite the fact that food for children are subject to the most careful control, parents are not always happy with the contents of bright packs and jars.

It includes trademarks under which food is produced for babies up to three years.

10. Semper (Semper)

- a recognized leader in the production of baby food in Sweden. Under the Semper brand, more than 90 different food products are made for children from birth.

9. Friso (FrieslandCampina)

- This is a wide range of infant formula, subjected to rigorous quality control. Among the Friso mixes, there are products for completely healthy babies, as well as those that are suitable for people with allergies and children with gastrointestinal problems.

8. FrutoNyanya (Progress OJSC)

- This juice, puree, puddings and cereals for kids, as well as drinking water for children. The brand is known in the Russian market since 2000 and is very popular among parents. "FrutoNyanya" awarded the title of "People's Brand 2011".

7. Tyoma (Unimilk)

- inexpensive and high-quality baby food: mashed potatoes, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk and juice. In the line "Tyoma" has everything you need for the competent introduction of complementary foods, including hypoallergenic products for children.

6. Gerber (Nestle)

- a brand known in the baby food market since 1927. More than 80 Gerber products are sold in Russia. Today, the brand belongs to a large holding Nestle, which provides the highest control over the level of quality.

5. Grandma's Lukoshko (Sivma)

- These are mashed potatoes, juices, milk formulas and herbal teas for children. Products do not use preservatives, dyes and flavors. Food products under the brand name of “Babushkino Lukoshko” were developed jointly with the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

4. Celia (Lactalis)

- These are milk formulas and baby cereals, beloved by parents in 40 countries around the world. All products under the brand name “Celia” are manufactured and packaged in France.

3. Humana (DMK)

- a brand owned by one of the largest dairy producers in Europe, the concern DMK. Humana mashed potatoes, cereals, drinks and baby formula are popular with parents throughout Europe.

2. Heinz for children (Heinz)

- This is a wide range, including products such as high-quality milk formula, vegetable, fruit and meat purees, cookies, juices and milk. The modern laboratory of the Heinz plant in Georgievsk provides continuous quality control of products. Cookies, mashed potatoes, vermicelli and tea are made in Italy.

1. Nanny (Vitacare)

best milk powder  based on goat milk, produced in New Zealand. Products "Nanny" is ideal for children with intolerance to cow protein. Mixtures of this brand are great for solving problems such as prophylaxis children's colic  and atopic dermatitis.

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When choosing baby puree, be sure to consider the age of the baby. Mashed potatoes are both fruit and vegetable, and even meat. Yoghurt, milk, cereals and cottage cheese are sometimes added to this product. It is only pediatricians advised to use applesauce in baby food as a supplement only from 3 months. This is the only food that most children have. early age  does not cause allergies. After getting used to this product, gradually add to the diet of the baby and other fruit purees: banana, pear, plum. And from 4-5 months feed already vegetable and meat purees, and also mashed potatoes with various additives.

Pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the cap, to the integrity of the package and to age recommendations. Prefer those berries and fruits that grow in the area where the child was born. Because he got used to these products in the womb and he is less likely to have an allergy. The label should also indicate the shelf life of the product from the moment it is opened.

Carefully study the composition of baby puree. Ideal would be mashed potatoes, cooked without added sugar, preservatives, dyes and other artificial combinations. This will tell the description of the composition of the product on the label mashed potatoes. Baby food can be approved by the Institute of Nutrition RAMS. For example, the composition of baby puree should look like this: apple sauce, vitamin C. In this case, the addition of vitamin C to the product is a preservative that is permitted and beneficial to the child, which also has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immunity of the infant.

Baby puree is usually sold in glass jars and multi-layer cartons. If the jar is completely transparent, the content of vitamins in it under the influence of light decreases with time. While in a carton the product saves its taste and taste less. beneficial features. Therefore, give preference to glass jars, the contents of which are protected from light by a dense label.

Many baby food brands have proven to be credible. Surveys of the population have shown that parents prefer to buy baby puree  Russian manufacturers, and more precisely the following trademarks, like “Theme”, “Winnie”, “Frutonian”, “Agusha”. However, experts from the well-known “Test Purchase” program proved that the best apple sauce It turned out to be “FrutoNyanya”, because it does not contain starch, and the share of dry substances in it is the highest of all the above brands - 15.4%, which is a high indicator of the naturalness of the product. According to the parameters of "Theme" and "Agusha" slightly lagged behind the puree "Frutonyanya." While the “Vinni” puree has gone down from the competition because of the presence of starch in its composition.

The baby is growing, and with it the needs of his body in a variety of useful substances are growing: mineral salts, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. At the age of 4-5 months, the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods: juices, fruit and vegetable mashed potatoes, cottage cheese. How to choose a quality baby mashed potatoes?