How to cook vegetable puree baby 5 months. Delicious vegetable puree for babies

The first thing you need to teach the crumbs to vegetable puree. If you start with, then it becomes more difficult. Children love fruits much more than vegetables, completely disregarding the fact that the latter are no less useful and are also very important.

First, give carrot, potato or zucchini vegetable puree for infants. When administering, make sure that there is no allergic reaction. If such a reaction has appeared, then be sure to exclude the vegetable that caused it from the baby’s nutrition. After the child gets used to the puree from one type of vegetables, you can include mixed puree in the baby’s menu - carrots with potatoes, carrots with pumpkin, carrots with cauliflower and other mashed potatoes. Vegetable puree for babies begin to give with 1/2 tsp and gradually adjust the dosage to 2 tbsp. spoons for 7 days. 2 weeks after the introduction of complementary foods, he should already completely replace 1 feeding.

How to cook vegetable puree for babies

For the preparation of vegetable puree vegetables should be well washed with warm water. Then clean them, then wash again with hot water. For? To preserve most of the vitamins in vegetables, you need to boil them steamed or under a lid in a small amount of water over low heat. After the vegetables are ready, you need to rub them well through a sieve. According to the recipe, you can add hot boiled milk, vegetable broth, in which vegetables, olive, sunflower or creamy softened butter were cooked at the rate of 1 g, gradually increasing to 1 tsp per day.

Recipes vegetable mashed potatoes for babies. It is necessary to cook vegetable puree right before feeding!

Carrot puree


1 small carrot
  30 ml of milk
  vegetable oil

Brush carrots cleaned with a brush, cut into small pieces and pour over boiling water. Simmer until cooked until the water has evaporated. Then rub through a sieve, add boiled milk, beat and boil for 2 minutes. At the end add vegetable oil. It is recommended to give the baby 4.5-5 months.

Mashed potatoes


2 small potatoes
  30 ml of milk
  1 tsp olive oil

Prepared potatoes boil for a couple, then rub it through a sieve directly hot. Then slowly add hot milk and whip incessantly. Then mix well and bring to a boil. Add vegetable oil at the end. It is recommended to give the baby 5-5.5 months.

Vegetable puree - assorted


25 g of turnip, white cabbage and rutabaga
  30 g carrots
  1 potato
  30 ml of milk
  1 teaspoon butter
  salt solution

Prepare vegetables according to the rules, then chop turnips, turnips, carrots and cabbage and cover with a little water. Close the pot and set on low heat. Steam the vegetables until cooked, but make sure that there is always water at the bottom of the pan. When the vegetables are ready, add sliced ​​potatoes to them, then boil them until cooked. Wipe the vegetables hot, beat the resulting mass, gradually adding milk and salt solution. Warm up the puree again and add the butter at the end. Such mashed potatoes can be given to a child of 6 months.

Potato and carrot puree


1/2 carrot
  1 medium sized potato
  40 ml of milk
  1/2 tsp olive oil
  1/4 tsp salt solution

Cooked vegetables chop and put in a pan. Fill them with boiling water so that the water covers them completely. Close the lid and boil on low heat until tender. Ready vegetables chop blender. In the resulting mixture, add milk, decoction, which boiled vegetables, salt solution and butter. Mix everything well and boil slightly. Such vegetable puree can be given to a baby for 6-6.5 months.

Squash puree


2 little squash of zucchini
  35 ml of milk
  1 teaspoon butter
  salt solution

Zucchini rings dice, put in a saucepan and add a little water. Boil over low heat with the lid closed until ready. Hot cooked zucchini, wipe through a sieve. And, with constant stirring, add hot milk, salt solution and boil again for about 2 minutes. At the end, you need to add butter, whip and serve your baby 7 months.

Cauliflower puree


1/4 egg yolk
  3 g butter
  45 g cauliflower

Divide the cauliflower into small buds and pour boiling water over it. Put the stew in a sealed container until tender and until the water is completely evaporated. Hot cooked cabbage chop blender. Add hot milk to the mixture with constant stirring. Salt a little and mix again. Warm up for 2 minutes and at the end add the pounded yolk (quite a bit) with butter. Mix well and feed your baby for 10 months.

Spinach Puree


90 g of spinach
  1 teaspoon butter
  1 teaspoon flour
  1/4 tsp sugar syrup

Prepared and washed several times spinach put on a sieve to glass the water. Then cut and place in a saucepan. Add 1/4 tsp of oil and some water. Cook until done and then wipe through a sieve. In puree, add, with stirring, milk, flour, which must be mixed with the remaining butter, salt and mix well. Warm up for about 2 minutes with constant stirring. This puree is recommended to give the baby 7-8 months.

Prepare a delicious mashed potatoes for children can one of the parents.

Just learn the secrets of proper cooking.

How to properly mash the baby?

The dish is prepared from vegetables, dietary meat or from a mixture of these products. It is recommended to use zucchini, broccoli, beets, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed in water. Next, peel off the top layer. Then rinse again in boiled water.

Boil the ingredients better in a glass or ceramic pot with a small amount of water. The liquid should cover the products slightly. Each type of vegetable requires a different period of time for cooking. This must be taken into account. It is not advisable to cook different vegetables in the same container. For each fruit is better to choose a separate pan. Then neither flavoring, nor fragrant properties of ingredients will mix.

Once the vegetables are ready, they need to be squeezed through a sieve. A blender is also used to grind the mixture. If the mashed potatoes have too thick texture, you need to add a small amount of milk, vegetable broth or boiled water. At the very end put a small piece of butter or some vegetable oil. In mashed potatoes for children over 12 months, it is recommended to add yolk and carefully chopped greens. In the mash for the first feeding salt and sugar do not need to pour.

How to mash baby meat? For this dish, you must choose lean meat, poultry, rabbit or horse meat. Wash the raw ingredient thoroughly under running cold water. Meat in the water in advance is not necessary to lay. It is necessary to remove the tendons, excess fat and films so that the dish is soft.

The meat must be cut into small pieces across the fibers and placed in a pan with cold water. When the water boils, it must be drained. Next, wash the meat slices and collect new water. Kill the finished product in a blender to a state of mashed potatoes. After complete cooling of the mass, add a little broth in which the meat was cooked. Seasoning is not recommended. To the main product, you can put vegetables, pre-boiled and ground into mashed potatoes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that food for a child older than 1 year does not need to be crushed. After all, the baby needs to learn to chew food.

Before serving mashed potatoes for a child, you should try the treat yourself. This will avoid such troubles as feeding cold food, scalding hot food.

Meat baby puree


salt solution - 2 ml

boiled meat - 170 g

nonfat milk - 12 ml

butter - 6 g

Cooking method

1. Chopped boiled meat in a meat grinder.

2. Dry the flour to a pale cream color.

3. Brew hot milk.

4. Stir the mixture well.

5. Mix the mass with minced meat.

6. Put the required portion of oil.

7. Infuse saline solution.

8. Mass pound to a state of mashed potatoes.

9. Place the dish with the contents in a container of boiling water.

How to make a tasty mashed potatoes vegetable


carrots - 70 gr.

cabbage - 55 gr.

potatoes - 75 gr.

turnip - 190 gr.

milk - 130 ml

sugar - 11 gr.

butter - 7 gr.

sea ​​salt - 3 gr.

  Cooking method

1. Wash the carrots.

2. Remove the top layer.

3. Rinse the cabbage under running water.

4. Cut the skin off of the turnip.

5. Put the vegetables in the pan.

6. Pour a small amount of water there.

7. Pour out half the sugar.

8. Cook the vegetables for 20 minutes. Stir.

9. If necessary, add water.

10. Rind the potatoes. Wash off.

11. Cut into large chunks.

12. Put in a saucepan with a mixture of vegetables.

13. Cook the dish for 30 minutes.

14. Push the cooked ingredients through a sieve.

15. Pour the milk into a separate container. Heat up

16. Pour into mashed potatoes.

17. Add salt.

18. Boil the mixture.

19. Add the specified portion of butter to the finished mash mass.

20. Beat with a whisk to get a mass without lumps.

Mashed potatoes for the smallest


fructose - 8 g

carrot - 65 g

breast milk - 78 ml

zucchini zucchini - 110 g

Cooking method

1. Wash vegetables well.

2. Put in a saucepan.

3. Fully fill with water.

4. Capacity to send on fire.

5. Cook the ingredients until all the liquid has evaporated.

6. Pour boiled vegetables with milk.

7. Add fructose.

8. Beat the mass in a blender.

9. Serve mashed warm.

How to cook baby mashed vegetables with beef


beef - 110 g

new potatoes - 120 g

carrot - 45 g

Cooking method

1. Cut the meat into medium pieces.

2. Boil until cooked. Do not forget to remove the foam.

3. Cut thin skin off potatoes.

4. Chop sticks.

5. Rid carrots from the top layer.

6. Cut into cubes.

7. Add to the container when the meat is almost done.

8. Grind cooked meat in a combine with a special nozzle.

9. Pour out the mass to the vegetables.

10. Grind with tolkushki.

11. When the potatoes cool down, mashed potatoes slightly thicken.

12. Dinner for the child is ready to use.

How to make vegetable puree from 5.5 months


broccoli - 320 g

Cooking method

1. Peel the cabbage.

2. Divide into inflorescences.

3. Pour boiling water.

4. Cook in a small amount of water until soft for about 9 minutes.

5. Pour broth into a separate vessel.

6. Rub the pieces of cabbage in a warm form through a sieve.

7. Dilute too thick mass to the desired consistency by adding decoction.

8. Pour breast milk there.

How to mash the tongue


Boiled beef tongue - 220 g

Cooking method

1. Wash tongue.

2. Send to the pan.

3. Fill with water. Cook for 3 hours.

4. Immerse for 5 minutes in cold water.

5. Rid the ingredient of the skin from all sides.

6. Shred medium sized pieces.

7. Grind to puree.

8. Add boiled water.

9. Serve a dish of delicate texture for dinner.

How to mash baby meat


young veal meat - 65 g

vegetable broth - 55 ml

butter - 12 g

greens - 8 g

Cooking method

1. Clean the meat thoroughly.

2. Cut bones and tendons.

3. Grind the fillet.

4. Fold the pieces into a small container.

5. Stew until tender.

6. Cool the prepared meat.

7. Scroll through a meat grinder with a nozzle for minced meat.

8. Push the resulting mass through a sieve.

9. Add broth.

10. Pour in a pinch of salt.

11. Bring the mixture to a boil.

12. Stir.

13. Put the butter.

14. Add chopped dill and parsley.

15. Aromatic puree for children can be served for lunch.

How to make vegetable mashed potatoes with dietary meat


milk - 26 ml

butter - 2 g

low-fat meat - 55 g

wheat flour - 5 g

potato - 95 g

meat broth - 66 ml

Cooking method

1. Wash meat.

2. Chop into pieces of medium size.

3. Put in a pan with hot water.

4. Cook with the lid closed.

5. Season the onions.

6. Chop the cooked fillet and peeled onions in a meat grinder.

7. Put in pan.

8. Pour broth into it.

9. Boil for 4 minutes with constant stirring.

10. Add the browned flour to the dish.

11. Pour in a small portion of broth.

12. Stir the mixture.

13. Pour into the meat.

14. Cook the dish for 6 minutes.

15. Add butter.

How to make baby mashed potatoes with rice cereal


butter - 13 g

milk - 130 ml

young and fresh meat of veal - 105 g

Cooking method

1. Separate the meat on the film.

2. Cut the pieces into the mullion.

3. Boil in a saucepan with water. Cook 50 minutes.

4. Wash rice in clean water.

5. Boil in a separate vessel.

6. Ready rice grind through a meat grinder.

7. Twist the mince with a meat grinder.

8. Mix the rice with the minced meat to bake with a blender.

9. Put the prepared mass in a deep pan.

10. Pour in the milk.

11. Salt.

12. Stir the ingredients. Bring the mixture to a boil.

13. When the mashed potatoes for children will be ready, put the necessary portion of butter.

14. Delicious dish is ready. You can feed the baby.

    If several kinds of vegetables are prepared in the container, they should be added gradually. After all, each product has a different softening rate.

    For a kid, a dish made from different types of vegetables will be more beneficial.

    Trial portions of mashed potatoes for children is better not to salt.

    In a dish made for children from 7 months, you can pour a few milliliters of sunflower oil.

    Spicy herbs, as well as onion feathers, it is better to finely chop or beat together with other ingredients, using a blender.

    Butter and vegetable oil, and also breast milk are added in mashed potatoes to increase its caloric content.

    Too thick mass can be diluted with boiled water or vegetable broth.

    In the process of preparing mashed potatoes, potato cubes are best put in a container with cold water. When cooking the product immediately in hot water, the outer layer of each slice will be more watery. This will affect the taste of the finished delicacy.

    Mashed cabbage and cabbage puree is low-calorie and more suitable for feeding an overweight baby.

    In the puree for children of the second year of life, you can add iodized salt.

    To improve the nutritional properties of mashed potatoes for children, it is recommended to hammer the yolk. The product must be whipped in a hot liquid, and then put into the dish, not bringing it to a boil.

    It is not recommended to reheat the mashed potatoes that are undernourished. Treats may contain germs.

    Cauliflower retains its grain even after careful grinding.

    Serve mashed preferably immediately after cooking. The longer the meal costs, the less it contains vitamins.

    Dilute too thick puree can be a special children's water.

    Vegetables and meat should be of the highest quality. Ideal - products grown independently.

    For the preparation of mashed potatoes, it is desirable to apply spring or filtered water.

Vegetable puree for babies - this is one of the first complementary foods toddlers. But it is not recommended to start giving it before the child reaches 6 months. By this age, fermentation systems begin to mature, which will be fully formed by about 12 years. That is, from the age of 6 months the child is already able to fully digest simple foods. Pediatricians recommend prescribing one-component mashed complementary foods so that the child’s body does not encounter several unusual substances at the same time. What can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Gradually, you can do more complex vegetable pureewhich will include 2 or more products. Vegetable puree for babies can be bought at the store or cook at home. If you want to feed your baby home-made puree, chop the vegetables well, leading them to an unstable homogenized state.

The first vegetables that need to be included in the child's diet are potatoes, cauliflower and zucchini. Vegetable puree for babies should begin to give half a teaspoon. Gradually, the serving size increases. But do not rush for short term  to accustom the child to large portions of the new product. Another question arises: how long does it take for the baby to get used to the new lure? The interval between the introduction of different products can not be less than 5 days. Later, you can start adding vegetable oil, cream or lean meat to the vegetable puree. Here are the recipes for vegetable puree for babies.

Carrot puree.Take a medium carrot, peel it and chop into small cubes. Pour about 1.5 glasses of water into an enamel saucepan and put carrots in it. Boil it under the lid until the water is completely boiled away and the carrots are soft. While the carrot is hot, it must be rubbed through a sieve. This is the option of mashed potatoes at the initial stage of the introduction of complementary foods. Later you can add milk (2 tbsp. L.) And butter (a quarter tsp.) To this recipe. In this case, it is necessary to boil all the components of the puree, pre-mixing them into a homogeneous mass. After cool.

Take 130 grams of broccoli, wash the inflorescences and separate them. Thick leg of vegetable is also better to chop finely. Boil the water and add the broccoli. Hot vegetable wipe through a sieve, and then whisk in a blender with a few spoons of broth. At the end, add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Vegetable puree for infants combined.  You will need zucchini (50 gr), potatoes (1 pc.), Cauliflower (50 gr), carrots (half of the middle one). Peel the vegetables and rinse in running water. Pour the water into an enamel pot, put all the vegetables there and leave them to soak for 2 hours. Then pour in another pot of clean water and start boiling it. When the water starts to boil, run one vegetable each at a time with an interval of 5 minutes. Start with carrots, then potatoes, then cabbage and zucchini. After the zucchini boil the mixture for another 5 minutes, then turn it off. Pour the broth into the glass, you will need it to give the mixture consistency. You can pour out the rest of the liquid. Beat the cooked vegetables with a blender, gradually pouring in the broth. The consistence as a result should turn out at a mix, as at liquid sour cream.

The recipes for vegetable puree for babies, listed above, help to prepare dishes that are easily digestible by the children's body. They are very useful for any age, and they provide all the nutrients necessary for growth and development to a small organism. In addition, vegetable puree is absolutely not allergenic, which makes it possible to give their children, who often suffer from diathesis. When preparing vegetable puree for a child up to 12 months, try to avoid adding salt to the dish.

When the timing of the introduction of complementary foods to the beloved baby, it would seem that no problems with this arise. After all, today is not a problem to buy the necessary foods for feeding. But you want to feed the baby with something special, useful and most importantly with those products you are sure of.

Thus, in the preparation of complementary foods, mommy is given the opportunity to show her not only culinary abilities, but also creative ones, because it is important not only to cook the dish deliciously, but also to serve it in an interesting way for the baby.

In the feeding, some parents are guided by the information that is indicated on the jars with baby food, however, after the child reaches six months with the problem of cooking. There are a number of simple rules that will help make mom's life easier for feeding.

About products

Today, for some mothers, the difficulty in cooking does not arise, since in the store you can buy various foods intended for children. But most moms still tend to think that you need to eat the baby yourself.

For the preparation of such dishes it is desirable to take the products that were grown in the garden, but it is not always possible to find such. The most important thing in purchasing products is to remember that most likely the vegetables purchased on the market from grandmothers were grown with the help of numerous chemical fertilizers.


The consistency of the first dishes should be homogeneous and liquid-like in consistency, this will contribute to the fact that the baby doesn’t have the urge to vomit. Any vegetables, then the meat must first be drained, maybe steamed, and then with a small amount of broth in which they cooked, mix them, you can use milk for this.

It is not advisable to boil vegetables in a large amount of liquid, since all the vitamins from the product go to the decoction. You can grind a dish using a blender, this will help give it a certain homogenized texture.

Necessary equipment in the kitchen

For cooking your baby, use a separate saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom enameled cast iron, about half a liter in volume. It will not be superfluous to have a separate inventory, like a cutting board, a spoon, a knife, however, preference should be given to a wooden board, the spoon should not be aluminum.

At first, while the eye is being acquired, it is desirable to have a kitchen scale. Also a great helper can be a kitchen timer, he will inform you about the stopping time.

How to store and prepare frozen food?

The important point is not only the proper preparation of products, but also their storage. Many caring mommies prepare different dishes just before using it, this is absolutely correct, but sometimes it is not always possible, given the regimen of walking, bedtime. You need to know that yesterday's portion of food stored in the refrigerator in clean dishes is not a particularly dangerous product. In a number of exceptions, such a product is permissible to give the baby.

But so that such moments do not become frequent, you can use a convenient option - cut meat and vegetables into small pieces and freeze them. This will help to preserve all the valuable properties available in the product.

In order to know how to cook this or that dish correctly and quickly, we offer you a table of cooking products:


How to cook and freeze?


Pumpkin, zucchini

Stew for five to ten minutes. To freeze the pulp you need to cut it into cubes no more than 2 cm.

They can be combined with other vegetables, and at the end of stewing it is permissible to add oatmeal, chopped cereals.

Boil need for five to seven minutes. Before freezing it must be disassembled into inflorescences.

It goes well with various vegetables.

Carrot, turnip

Before freezing, rub with a straw or coarse grater. Stew or boil for ten minutes.

Can be combined with various other vegetables.

This product should be soaked in water, it will reduce the amount of starch, then cut and pour water.

To mashed potatoes was not very thick, it should be diluted with water, in which the products were cooked.

Kashi: buckwheat, rice

It is necessary to boil in water for fifteen or twenty minutes, then chop up with a blender and add butter.


Cooked on water, milky water or poured hot water.

Can be added to vegetable puree.

Rabbit meat

The carcass should be boiled, cleaned of bones, and then chopped with a blender or minced, for consistency, you can add broth, where the rabbit was cooked.

Meat dish, which can be an excellent addition to vegetable dishes, cereals.

Meat: beef, veal, turkey fillet, chicken

Crank twice in a meat grinder and form meatballs or mince bars.

Meatballs or mince bars.

Such homemade semi-finished products will help to facilitate the process of cooking. Thus, the mother relieves herself from the routine processes, besides the creative approach and the correct organization will help to prepare the baby healthy food that will bring him maximum benefit.

Technology of cooking vegetable dishes used as complementary foods

At the beginning of the baby’s acquaintance with mashed potatoes made from vegetables, only one product should be taken, then the diet should be expanded, adding new, but already familiar products that were well transported by the body.

Be sure to wash all the vegetables, but leave, except the potatoes, can not be sliced, because then the possible loss of a large number of vitamins.

The most the best way  cooking products is steamed, because then all the useful vitamins and elements are stored in vegetables. “Steaming” is the function that is found in many kitchen appliances.

If there are no such devices, then it is possible to extinguish the vegetables, for this it is necessary to pour the chopped vegetables with water and cover with a lid, for twenty minutes the products will be cooked.

Potatoes are boiled longer than other vegetables, so you need to put it first, and then add other vegetables. Frozen vegetables do not need to be thawed before cooking. They must be immersed in a small amount of boiling water and cooked under a lid over low heat.

It is necessary to grind vegetables hot, in this a blender will be an excellent helper, with its help you get a homogeneous mashed potatoes without lumps, this will contribute to good digestion, as well as the absorption of food from children.

For older children who already have a few teeth, vegetables can be softened with a fork. Serve the first vegetable dishes you need in its pure form, tucked in with vegetable broth, after two weeks before eating, you can add any vegetable oil. It is also allowed to fill vegetables with mother’s expressed milk or its substitute.

Video recipe zucchini puree for complementary foods:

Proper cooking porridge

Familiarity with cereals, it is desirable to start with cereals that do not contain gluten - rice, corn. Before cooking porridge, you can grind in a coffee grinder to get cereal flour. You can also grind blender ready. These grains need to be soaked in water for a while, then drained and rinsed thoroughly.

When preparing children's porridges it is important to adhere to the correct ratio of water and cereal. Water should be approximately two times more than cereals. Porridge is poured into boiling water, cooked on low heat for fifteen or twenty minutes. In order to make porridge loose, you do not need to stir it while cooking.

The first porridge dishes for babies should be liquid, they are boiled at the rate of one teaspoon of cereals per 100 milliliters of water. Over time, when the baby grows up, taking into account the ripening of the baby’s masticatory apparatus, the porridge should be boiled more thickly and boiled two teaspoons of groats flour in 100 milliliters of water.

For babies up to one year, porridges are cooked in water, with further addition of milk formula or breast milk  already before eating. It is better not to use it until the baby is one year old in order to avoid allergies in the diet.

No sooner than two weeks after the start of feeding in porridges you can add butter. Initially, the rate should be at the tip of a knife, then bring it to the amount corresponding to the age.

Cooking meat

Such a product as meat is the main source of not only iron, but also animal protein. Therefore, after the introduction of vegetables, porridge is recommended to begin to introduce meat. Preference in meat lures should be given to one type of meat, distinguished by its hypoallergenic nature - turkey, rabbit, chicken, horse meat.

If the baby tolerates these products well, then closer to the age of one, you can go to beef, chicken and veal. Before cooking, the meat must be rinsed well, but it is not advisable to leave it in a container with water, since this is fraught with the fact that all useful substances from the product will pass into the water.

A great way to heat treat meat is to steam it. In a double boiler, you can cook the meat in a piece, as well as in the form of minced meat. In the case of cooking meat to lower it should be lowered into the water, which is already boiling, thereby it will help to keep the maximum amount of useful substances in the product.

Dividing the meat into small pieces, you can decompose it into bags, and then freeze. Thus, this will facilitate the further preparation of dishes, because a small piece will defrost faster. In order to quickly defrost the meat, it must be dipped into a container with cold water, but not hot.

In order for all not useful extractives to come out of the meat, the broth must be drained twice during the cooking process. The duration of cooking meat depends directly on the product itself, for example, chicken, turkey and lean pork are boiled faster for half an hour, unlike rabbit meat, beef and veal, which are cooked for about an hour.

Using a blender, a meat grinder, you can chop the meat. In the case when the mashed potatoes turn out to be somewhat dry, then you can add vegetable broth or just boiled water.

Preparation of meatballs can be done as follows - small balls will be made from minced meat, then they should be unfolded on a cutting board, then frozen in a freezer. When the products are already frozen, they should be divided in portions by sachets in order to keep them in the freezer. When children reach the age of one year old, they should receive food not chopped, but they should be given mashed potatoes containing small pieces of food.

How to cook fruit dishes?

Today, children's dietology does not place fruits among the first products that should be introduced when feeding. It is recommended to enter them after vegetables, porridges and meat. Acquaintance with fruits should begin with fruits that are distinguished by their hypoallergenic, such as pears and green varieties of apples.

After that, bananas, apricots, and peaches can be gradually introduced into the diet. Fruits for children are offered fresh in a puree form, they are washed, then peeled, peeled, and crushed using a blender.

Green garden varieties are saturated with vitamin C, pectin, they are characterized by a certain acidity, with the help of roasting can be removed. For this you need a peeled fruit can be left whole or cut into slices. In a container where the apple will be cooked, add a small amount of water, cover with foil, then bake in the oven for fifteen or twenty minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.

The same dish can be prepared in the microwave. To do this, you need a food film in which you need to wrap the apples, make holes in it and within five to seven minutes the dish will be ready. When making fruit puree, you do not need to add sugar.

About dairy products

If the caring mom decided to feed the baby with everything that she cooks herself, then this can be helped by special ferments and corresponding kitchen utensils, for example, a yoghurt maker. The correct preparation of fermented milk products (and other products) is written on the starter box.

When preparing meals for your child, remember that by doing so you give him your energy and positive attitude.

Lovely charming creatures require special care and care from their parents. They want to give the best, but sometimes you don’t know whose advice to follow: pediatricians or parents. Many grandmothers say that they introduced mashed potatoes for babies from the age of 3 months, and meat products  with half a year. In contrast, pediatricians are not advised to decide on a trial of new products earlier than six months. Which of them to believe, you do not know. In order to decide what suits the crumbs in the best way, it is worth knowing the worthwhile information and taking advantage of some of them, for the benefit of your child.

Baby puree: first foods

According to pediatricians, the best for the body of the baby is a vegetable puree. It practically does not contain allergens, and the enzymes contained in the intestine, can already break down light foods with an abundance of fiber. Do not worry that the taste of vegetable puree for babies seem unpleasant. It is necessary to accustom to the correct food in time and for this purpose any approach should be made.

Regarding the time for the introduction of complementary foods - it is almost the same for all babies. Differences exist only in whether or not he is an artificial artist. For the artists, it is quite normal to begin to introduce puree from four months. The digestive tract of babies is already accustomed to coping with difficulties such as baby food, so mashed potatoes will be able to early age. But for kids on breastfeeding, earlier than 6 months to get acquainted with the lures are not worth it. Their intestines have never been exposed to any effects other than breast milk. This means that with lure you need to be very careful.

It is very important to correctly offer complementary foods. Essential is the choice of product. Therefore, the first mashed potatoes for babies should be zucchini or broccoli. They practically do not have allergens in their composition and are well absorbed by the children's body. You should not hope that the baby favorably perceive supplements. Persistently offering him the first spoon, you can up to 10 times. It is best to do this immediately before taking milk. After all, after a sweetish food, more familiar at its stage of development, the kids simply do not want to eat a tasteless, mushy mass. Let not the first day, but the result will be achieved. It is not necessary to demand a lot from the baby. They are trying so hard to the best of their abilities.

How to make mashed potatoes for babies

How to make mashed potatoes for babies, every caring mother knows. There are no secrets in it. If we are talking about vegetables, then you should boil them before full readiness. After that, the blender is used or forgotten by everyone. It is very important that when preparing mashed potatoes there are no lumps left. Children do not really like them, so they readily spit them in all directions. Incompetently cooked mashed potatoes may discourage the child from eating the right food for a long time.

With fruit purees, designed for older kids, the situation is much easier. Boil the fruit previously worth it. The exceptions are apples that require roasting. In the case of them, some mothers refuse to use a blender at all, but simply scrape off the delicious baked pulp with a spoon and give it to the children. Although more readily babies perceive a mixture of fruit (banana and apple, apricot and pear). Only such experiments should be done for children from 9 months, when they have already passed the fruit test for susceptibility to allergic reactions and they will not cause any skin rash. This baby puree is prepared on the same principle: with the help of grinding.

For many, it remains a mystery how to make mashed potatoes for babies: add oil or salt to it, or refuse from such excesses. Both butter and vegetable oil are simply necessary. child's body. Depending on the age of the child, it is worth adding the required amount of oil. They will not only strengthen the body with essential vitamins, but also facilitate digestion. Moreover, when adding oils to food, it becomes richer and more nutritious. Regarding the addition of salt in mashed potatoes for babies, there is a dual opinion. Some pediatricians argue that such supplements are not appropriate and lead to rapid body addiction and fluid retention. According to others, on the contrary, the introduction in the diet of salt can enrich it with essential minerals.

The first mashed potatoes for babies

What should be the first baby puree all mothers know: without allergenic and easily digestible. To achieve this goal it is worth starting a lure with vegetables. In addition, because of their neutral taste, they are better absorbed and contribute to the normal intestinal motility. The fact that it is worthwhile to stock up zucchini and broccoli, it is clear to all. But, unfortunately, not everyone correctly introduces complementary foods, trying to feed the crumbs as large a portion as possible and immediately accustom him to the correct life. And this is the main mistake. In no case should not increase the portions and experiment with vegetable mix. The first mashed potatoes for babies should consist strictly of one vegetable. To be entered daily no more than on one teaspoon. Every day is to increase the portion exactly one teaspoon. Vegetable puree for babies are very useful and over time, he will get used to them. Do not worry if the child refuses to eat. All the same, he will eat vegetables in the right quantity. And let the happy attempt to feed the child does not happen on the first day, but still it will bring its results.

If there is a desire to start feeding on fruit, then there is nothing unnatural about it. The only thing to remember is the difficulty of further introducing vegetables. After the sweet taste of mother's milk and fruit, it will be very difficult to “prove” the baby the benefits of vegetables.

As already mentioned, vegetable puree for infants is preferable to start cooking from neutral vegetables. These include zucchini, zucchini, broccoli and less often potatoes. The main advantage of such complementary foods is the absence of allergens and the body's favorable perception of vegetable components. Do not despair when such a useful and necessary vegetable is at the baby on the bib. This is natural. Few adults agree to use such "ambrosia" of their own accord. It is not necessary to postpone the vegetable puree for infants in the long box. Lure should begin in a timely manner. And what older baby  it becomes, the harder it is to perceive new Product. So, in a timely manner it is worthwhile to offer him this delicacy. If he refuses - it does not matter. Everything is correctable, and even if the tenth attempt is won, it deserves a reward.

Another important point in the introduction of any product is gradualness. Not only that the first tasting should not exceed 10 grams and the daily increase to the portion is an increase of exactly 10 grams, you should carefully monitor the condition of the child. The slightest skin rash suggests that this vegetable should be postponed. But, it’s not worth getting started immediately. After all, it is very important that the manifestations of allergy go away and only try to try a new product. It is worth considering another nuance when introducing vegetable puree for babies. In no case should not give supplements after vaccination, during a weakness or catarrhal diseases. If a child has the slightest deviation in health, they should be waited and cured and only then proceed to tasting a new product.

Introduction of vegetable puree: the benefits of each vegetable

It is necessary to make a gradation of vegetables and decide what effect they have and how they affect the baby’s body.

  1. Tavern.  Leader in digestibility and lack of allergens. Favorably perceived by almost all kids. The only disadvantage of such a baby puree is a small amount of vitamins.
  2. Broccoli. The richness of vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables is indisputable, and the abundance of fiber allows you to establish a normal chair. The disadvantages include a specific taste, rarely appealing to kids.
  3. Potatoes.  Despite the small amount of vitamins, due to their taste, well perceived by children. And because of its nutritional value, it quickly saturates the body.
  4. Cauliflower.  Well digested, and due to the richness of vitamins is very useful for kids. Another advantage is moderate gas formation, which does not interfere with babies. In extremely rare cases, this baby puree is not to your taste.
  5. Carrot.  Despite the sweet taste that children should like, they do not always eat it with pleasure. Therefore, carrot puree should be administered with other vegetables to enrich the body with useful components.
  6. Corn.  Taken with a bang every kid. Despite this, the reception should be postponed to months 9-10. By that time, there are already enough enzymes in the intestines that can easily cope with such heavy food.

Despite all the benefits of mashed potatoes for babies, the introduction of new products should be treated very carefully. If the product is not suitable and causes allergic reactions or discoloration of the skin, then its reception should be abandoned in favor of more suitable vegetables.

Mashed potatoes for babies

If we talk about mashed potatoes for babies, then we can note one indisputable fact - he eats it with pleasure. The pleasant taste of potatoes contributes to the fact that the child favorably treats such a diet and very often requires supplementation. Even in spite of the fact that there are quite a few vitamins in the vegetable and it is well supported, the children react with stormy delight to this particular food.

Making mashed potatoes for babies is quite simple. For this purpose, boil the potatoes until fully prepared, chop it with tolkushki and add oil. Regarding salt, it is better to reduce its consumption. Beating mashed potatoes on a blender is not worth it, as the starch gives the mash a special viscosity, which affects the taste and the baby will soon lose the desire to enjoy the new food.

Pumpkin puree for babies

Kids love this sunny vegetable very much. Despite the fact that pumpkin puree for babies is contraindicated in large quantities, it is perfectly absorbed by the body and contributes to the excellent intestinal motility. The only drawback is the load on the liver. Therefore, it is not recommended to give more than 50 grams. It is preferable to simmer the pumpkin over low heat with other fruits. After cooling, beat thoroughly and give to the baby without any extra additives. He will accept such a delicacy favorably.

If we talk about the ease of introducing new products, the fruit will take a leading position. Fruit puree for babies tasty and healthy. Kids eat it with pleasure and often require supplements. After all, after introducing vegetables into the diet, they finally had the opportunity to try something very tasty. Therefore, mothers should be prepared not to indulge the whims of their little mischievous. For these purposes, it is worth preparing mashed potatoes for babies according to the established norms.

To the safest, for the introduction of fruit can be attributed banana, apple and pear. Due to their neutral colors, they do not have an allergic reaction to the body, they have become leaders. The only thing to be careful about is the chair. If the disorder does not occur, and the skin rash is not evident, then after a few days you can go on to more ambitious experiments. The first fruit puree for infants should be mono-component, but after a couple of weeks you can safely mix different fruits.

The introduction of berries in the diet of infants should be postponed for a while because of their slightly sour taste, which is not always favorably perceived by the kids. But by 10 months, they will treat such a change in diet with favor.

Despite the fact that exotic fruits in the open spaces of our country are represented in a wide range, most parents do not risk taking them. Sometimes in vain. So fruit puree for mango infants is an indispensable storehouse of vitamin K. It is very necessary for children in infancy  and no fruit can make up for it. It is very good to make multicomponent mashed potatoes of this fruit, in combination with other fruits. Baby will be delighted.

Apple puree for babies

Apple is the leader of the first baby food among the fruits. The richness of vitamins, allows you to provide the baby's body with all the useful substances, and the ease of absorption helps to overcome poor digestibility. Apple puree for babies is easy to prepare. You need to take a couple of green apples, rinse well and peel them. Cut into small pieces, put them in a saucepan and pour enough water to cover their surface. As so much water boils, you should turn down the heat and let the apples boil for 5-10 minutes. As soon as the apples boil, let them cool. The apples prepared in this way are perfectly ground both with the help of a fork and with the use of a blender. If the mashed potatoes turned out very sour, you can add a little fructose or sugar. Although nutritional supplements should be postponed until better times, since the baby’s body should be saturated with unsaturated fatty acids and its own sugars, which are enough in the apples themselves.

Apple puree for babies can be made from baked fruit. In this case, the amount of vitamins stored on the fruit, will be many times more, and the saturation of the body with useful substances at times more efficient.

Banana puree for babies

One of the most simple and favorite kids lure. Banana puree for babies to cook in minutes, and eaten even faster. In order to make mashed potatoes, it is only necessary to peel a banana and grind it in a blender. The kid will happily eat this delicacy. Banana is ideal for multi-component fruit puree  and absolutely harmless to the little mischievous.

Plum puree for baby

If you want to make plum mashed potatoes for babies, it is worth considering that it can be introduced only after the child has favorably perceived vegetable and most fruit mashes. Plums do not require heat treatment. Therefore, clearing them from the bones and adding a little natural juice can be well whipped in a blender, give this puree baby. Another indisputable advantage is that it can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

Plum puree for infants should be given very carefully, as it has a great effect on the chair. Therefore, we should not be surprised that the baby has a diaper. If the mashed potatoes caused diarrhea in him, then the use should be abandoned for a certain time.

Pear mashed potatoes for babies

Due to the content of many vitamins, pectins, tannins, carotenes, cellulose, as well as mineral substances, pear puree for babies is almost irreplaceable. Among the fruit foods, it comes first. For the preparation of healthy and tasty dishes are perfect green, but sweet fruit varieties. Well washed and peeled, pear should be cut into pieces and pour filtered water. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes, allow to cool, and then beat in a blender. Pear mashed potatoes do not need any additives, although sometimes it is worth adding a little lemon juice to improve the taste.

Baby soup

If we talk about soup puree for babies, then it is concentrated just a storehouse of vitamins. After all, it includes a lot of vegetables that can have a wonderful effect on the body of the crumbs and saturate it with the necessary elements. Regarding what is going to be mashed in the soup, you can say: “Everything!”. And it's not a joke. This soup is very tasty and includes not only vegetables, but also meat, and sometimes fish (it all depends on what is served today).

So, you can make mashed potatoes soup for babies from potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, onions, cauliflower and of course meat. In the filtered boiling water is to add a few meat balls prepared in advance. For this purpose, you must first twist lean meat and freeze portions. It is very convenient and helps to save a lot of time. After the meat has been turned on for 7-10 minutes, you can add vegetables and cook until cooked. When all the ingredients are ready, let the soup cool. When the soup reaches room temperature, float the blender and chop all the ingredients very thoroughly.

This soup mash for babies will have to taste anyway. It is very tasty and nutritious, and most importantly - healthy.

Mashed potatoes for baby

By the age of 7-8 months, the child has the right to meet meat puree. By this time, his body is ready for more complex components and is able to digest meat. Beef, veal, chicken and turkey fillets, as well as a rabbit, are fully suitable for making mashed meat for babies. They are very well absorbed by the child's body and saturate. It is worth remembering that the meat puree in no case should not be prepared in reserve. And this means that you only need to cook such a piece of meat, which the baby is able to eat today. As is the case with vegetables, it is worth starting a mashed potatoes with one teaspoon. Most likely, no problems with meat puree will arise, as children absorb it with pleasure. In no case should not give children fatty meat. It is very heavy and poorly absorbed by the body.

Puree meat for babies prepare very easy. It should be carefully boiled diet piece of meat, cut it into small pieces and grind on a blender. It is very important that the child does not hit large fibers, as the reaction to such food is well known. Puree meat can be added to vegetables, or pouring a little vegetable oil, to give in this form. The child will surely taste this delicacy and ask for supplements.

Rabbit Puree for Baby

Dietary rabbit puree for babies shown to children from 8 months. To acquaint the child's body with this meat is necessary. There are no difficulties in cooking. Unlike other varieties of meat in the rabbit there is no fat and it is sold without skin, which means that for cooking you can take almost any piece of rabbit and cook it until ready. After the meat is well cooked, separate it from the bones and grind it in a blender very well in order to avoid small pieces.

Rabbit puree for babies can be mixed with potatoes or cauliflower. If you do not want to spoil the taste of meat with other products, you can add one teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil.

Baby Turkey Mashed Potatoes

Everyone knows that turkey mashed potatoes for babies is one of the most beneficial dietary meals  ration. Despite the dryness of the meat, kids are happy to eat turkey. The truth for this is to add a little vegetable or oil to it. Like all foods, giving more than one spoon for the first time is not worth it. Despite the hypoallergenic, the meat may not be suitable for the baby’s immature stomach. Therefore, as with all complementary foods, turkey should be treated with caution. The recipe is the same as other meat purees.

Chicken mash for babies

Like all meat dishes, chicken mashed potatoes for babies is very useful. Babies are very favorably related to this lure. In order to cook mashed potatoes, you must select the fillet, rinse it well in running water and boil it until tender. Cooked fillet can be mixed with both vegetables and a spoon of olive oil. For self-feeding, it is very dry, although some children, without any additional additives, like it very much.

Baby puree, an indispensable component of the diet. The main thing is to cook it and enter it in time. Charming shalunishkam very important to eat properly and caring parents will do everything to ensure that the baby gets the maximum benefit from the food consumed.