Scientific dosages and technological outlets. Organization of scientific reports and boxes

Scientifically-preluded and pre-constructive robots (NDDKR) - the robustness of the robots, focused on the rejection of new knowledge and practical use of the new virob or technology.


  • Carrying out additional information, development of technical proposition (preliminary project);
  • development of a technical plant for pre-design (technological) robots.


  • development of an intricate project;
  • development of a technical project;
  • distribution of the working design documentation for the preparation of the preliminaries;
  • vigotovlennya predlіdnogo zrazka;
  • conducting viprobuvan pre-show;
  • vidpratsyuvannya documentation;
  • solidified working design documentation for the organization of industrial (serial) virobnits.

Delivery of products for production and operation:

  • correcting design documentation for emerging shortcomings;
  • distribution of exploitation documentation.


  • distribution of working design documentation for carrying out repair work.

Signing with virobnitstva:

  • distribution of working design documentation for disposal.

Application of etapiv vikonannya DKR

The order of the stages of the application of the DKR for the optical-electronic attachment:

  1. Vivchennya іnuyuchih virobіv of a similar type
  2. Vivchennya elemental base of the adjunct to induce the necessary virobi
  3. Vibir element base
  4. Optical circuit development for virobi prototype
  5. Distribution of the structural electrical diagram to the virobi prototype
  6. Development of eskiz in the virobi corps
  7. Uzgodzhennya with the deputy of the actual technical characteristics and the last viglyad virob
  8. Development of the virobi electrical principle diagram
  9. Vyvchennya virobnichoi base and possibilities
  10. Dough distribution drukovanoy pay virobi
  11. Distribution of the payment for the preparation of the dough pay virobi
  12. Distribution of a replacement for the supply of an element base for the production of a virob
  13. Distribution of the soldering replacement for the dough dough pay virobi
  14. Distribution of the virobi test cable
  15. Preparing a virobi test cable
  16. Viprobvannya dough drukovanoy platy virobi
  17. Writing software security for a test handy pay virobi and a computer
  18. Vivchennya virobnichoi base and possibilities virobniztva of optical elements
  19. Rozrakhunok of optical elements virobi with urahuvannya of possibilities virobniztva
  20. Vivchennya vyrobnichoy base and possibilities vyrobnitsa plastic housings, metal elements and hardware
  21. Distribution of the construction of the optical box for the virobi with the possibilities of the virob
  22. Distribution of the replacement for the preparation of optical elements in the case of the optical box of the virobi
  23. The selection of the optical box of the virobi with the connections of the test manual payment has been confirmed
  24. Testing robotic test modes
  25. Correction of software security, principle scheme and parameters in the optical part of the virob, by eliminating the specified parameters
  26. Distribution to the virobi corps
  27. Development of hand-made pay for actual sizes for the virobi corps
  28. Distribution of the replacement for the preparation of the hull to the prototype of the virobi
  29. Distribution of a payment for the preparation of a hand-made payment to the prototype of the virobi
  30. Razpayuvannya and programuvannya drukovanoy pay virobi
  31. Zabarvleniya hull prototype virobi
  32. Preparing the cable for the virobi prototype
  33. Remaining folding of the virobi prototype
  34. Testing of all parameters and reliability of the robot and prototype virobi
  35. Written technology virobi
  36. Written instructions for koristuvach to virobu
  37. Transfer of technical documentation, software security and the prototype of the virobi to the deputy with the signed documents about the termination of the contract

OCD can be carried out in two forms: A and B. OCD for form A is carried out with a one-hour setting on virobirobnitstvo virobi, for form B - for a fake setting on virobnitvo cracked virobi or without setting on virobnitstvo.

vidi NDDKR

According to the normative regulations for the method of vitrate NDDKR, it is subdivided into:

commodity NDDKR(Thread, deputy) - robots, tied from the serpentine organization, the results of such characteristics for the implementation of the deputy.

capital NDDKR(Innovative, for power needs) - robots, vitrati according to those invested in the pre-construction activities of the organization, the results of which are victorious in the vlastny vyrobnitsvі and / or hope in the corystuvannya to the other persons.

Agreement on the Victory of the NDDKR

The procedure for vykonannya commodity NDDKR is regulated by an agreement on vikonannya scientific-pre-past, pre-design and technological robots. The legislation of the Russian Federation sees two types of this agreement:

  1. Contract for a vikonannya scientifically-prel_dnich robits (NDR). For the agreement on the execution of the PDR, the viconavets of the gobs will undertake to carry out an exchange of information with the technical staff of the deputy head of science.
  2. Contract for the announcement of pre-design and technological robots (DKR). For the contract for the visit of the DKR, the viconavets zobov will engage in the development of a new virob, design documentation for a new or new technology.

The parties to the agreement for the vison of the NDDKR are the viconavets and the deputy. Vikonavets zobov'yazatelstvo carry out scientific advances especially. To be admitted to the nomination of the People's Democratic Republic of the spіvvikonavtsіv is allowed only for the sake of the deputy. With the Vikonanny DKR, the viconavets has the right to receive the third part, which is not transferred by the agreement. Until the announcement of the third persons in the times of the date before the announcement of the NDDKR, the rules about the general officer and sub-contractors will be fixed.

On the day of the first species of crops, the agreement on the execution of the NDDKR is characterized by:

The specific features of the NDDKR are those that for these species the great Rizik is not adamant about, according to for active reasons, Result, established in the technical department. Rizik vypadkovo ї unhappiness vikonannya agreements on vikonannya NDDKR not a deputy, as it is not transferred by law or by agreement. The vicon of the goiters is inaccurately informing the deputy about the unhappiness of obtaining the results, or about the lack of progress in the robotics. The obligation to report the fact of unhappiness to correct the transfer of the result lies with the viconavtsya. The decision about the pripinennya robot is to become a deputy deputy.

In the case of the capital NDDKR, the function of the deputy and the viconavtsya, it is not necessary to be in the same person and to the agreement. In such a rank, the name of the capital NDDKR is based on the technical staff and the calendar plan (the plan of scientific robots), solidified by the viconious organ of organization and / or by the scientific and technical radiance. The fact of the end of the process and the removal of the result is established in the technical act, solidified by the organisation's organ.

Statistical data

Part of the vitrates on the NDDKR in 2013 rotsi,% of svitovs

good for the data prior to the institute Battelle Memorial Institute, in 2011, the number of vitrati on the NDDKR increased by 3.6% and accumulated USD 1.2 trillion.

The first place for the NDKR debt will be borrowed by the United States (385.6 billion; 2.7% of the government's GDP)

The structure of financing for all types of NDDKR in 1985

Dzherela financing NDDKR in the USA

The structure of private investment in the NDDKR in the USA

Pension funds and insurance companies pick up a corporation Інші
55 % 10 % 35 %

The role of the NDDKR (R & D) in the current business

The role of R & D is growing in the world, as the main part of the added value in business is to substitute for the stage of production from the stage of production. On the basis of the results of the NDKR, the keys to the solution in the high-tech business are accepted. The increasing importance of the NDDKR (R & D) acceptance for marketing, the company is looking at the rest of the competitors and consumers who live with them, so that it’s worthwhile to keep up with them. The role of the NDDKR in business processes has grown up and has recently appeared in the large processes of the great Russian companies; development of technologies, design. At the same time, NDDKR is one of the most important areas from the point of view of management, for the fact that rice has a lot of attention and the importance of transferring the results of the fruit to the public opinion. As a result, great vitrati on the NDDKR do not expect to guarantee a greater influx or a larger share of the market.

Div. also


  1. GOST 15.105-2001 “System for breaking up and delivering products to the production line. The order of issuance of the PDR і th warehouse parts "; GOST 15.203-2001 “The system of crushing and delivery of products to the production line. The order of the registration of the DKR on the stem of the virob and the one of the warehouse parts "
  2. Regulations from the accounting region "Oblik vitrat on scientific-pre-past, pre-design and technological robots" PBU 17/02, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 No. 115n.
  3. Clause 1 of Article 769 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Clause 2 of Article 770 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. Clause 1 of Article 772 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  6. The dream of science to descend over China
  7. Knowledge, networks and nations. Global scientific collaboration in the 21st century. The royal society
  8. | State Internet channel "Rosiya" ".
  9. Archive copy from January 26, 2013 at the Wayback Machine | T. A. Tormisheva "Is it possible to create a national innovation system in Russia?"
  10. Nelson R., National Innovation System. New York, Oxford, 1993.

Order of the Ministry of Health Protection and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 3 lipnya 2008 r N 305n
"About the consolidated professional qualifications groups posad pratsivnikiv spheri scientific doslіdzhen i box "

From changes and additions to:

Professional quality group

high quality

Plant, carry out to high quality ravines


cores of structural podrozdiliv

1 quality standard

State expert of intellectual power, State expert of intellectual power of the II category, young scientific expert, scientific expert

Head of department: technical archives, chair-copying bureaus, laboratories (computer and photo-cinema set-up, office equipment, using a call)

2 quality rivn

State expert of intellectual power of the 1st category, senior scientific expert

Head of the department: postgraduate study, scientific and technical information, senior structural education

3 quality riches

Provincial state expert of intellectual power, provincial scientific expert

Head of the scientific-pre-slate sector (laboratory), which should enter the warehouse of the scientific-pre-slate viddilu (laboratory, viddilennya); chief (kerivnik brigade (group)

4 quality riches

Chief State Expert of Intellectual Power, Chief Scientist

Head of scientific and pre-slidnim (design), expert viddil (laboratory, viddilennyam, sector); Teaching Secretary

5 quality riches

Head (manager) of the office


* Behind a vignette, the settlement of kerivniks of structural podrozdiliv, up to 3 - 5 quality levels

With the help of differentiation of minds, pay for the right to plant specialists in the sphere of scientific education and outlets of subdivisions into 3 professional qualified groups: professional qualification group; professional qualification group posad of science and technology workers of the third level; professional quality group posad naukovykh pratsіvnikіv and kerіvnikіv structural pіdrozdіlіv.

In the morning, before the professional qualifications group, the plantation of scientific and technical workers of another era in the daytime, the plantation of a technician-designer, chair-designer, laboratory assistant-adviser. Planting scientific athletes included in the professional quality group of planting scientific practitioners and cores of structural pedagogies.

The middle skin quality groups are planted in groups for the quality levels.

Professional quality groups are formed on a daily basis professional training and the qualifications necessary for the development of a general professional performance. For professional qualifications groups, the RF Uryad will establish basic salaries (basic salaries) and basic rates pay wages pratsіvnikіv sovereign and municipal institutions.

Order of the Ministry of Health Protection and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 3 April 2008 r N 305n "On the consolidation of professional quality groups for the establishment of workers in the sphere of science education and development"

Restoration N 12001

The whole mandate of recruiting rank after the end of 10 days on the day of the last official publication

This document was introduced by new documents:

Order of the Ministry for the Protection of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 19 December 2008, N 740n

The changes come into force after the end of 10 days on the day of the official publication of the named order

Forms of organizing scientific reports and boxes can be used. A characteristic feature of the organization of the NDDKR in the provinces with the market economy is the unreasonable connection of the viral and spontaneous activity of companies with scientific advances. Estimated indicators of the NDDKR є persh for all rinks, bout indicators, and not only characteristics new technology and technologies. In the organization of management of scientific advances and distributions, changes are gradually introduced. However, there is a number of extravagant moments. In the most important viewer, you can see the chotiri form of the organization of corporate science-pre-old children:

1. For companies with a single-product, single-product sphere of activity and, by far, weakly rooted in scientific products, the characteristic organizational principle of centralization. Such firms have a chance to visit a single center, the victorious vice president of the NDDKR.

2. The highly diversified companies (corporations) are guided by the principle of more decentralization. Skin products pidrozdil firmi is a powerful science-prelude form, which function in the current interconnection with virobny and pre-owned widdles. Win also order to the vice-president for the NDDKR.

3. In companies that conduct an active scientific and technical policy, the principle of combined centralization of the NDDKR is adopted. The sphere of business activity of the companies is tied together with its own backbone basic technology. This principle is typical for transnational corporations. Typically є the visibility of the out-of-the-box corporate science and history center under the official vice-president of the NDDKR. All fundamental and applied NDR are conducted in the center, and the innovations brought up to the end are taken up by the laboratory of the branch of the company, given to the president of the given parent.

4. The organization of science in the company is tied to the "innovative enterprises". Tsey principle has expanded widespread in 80-і rock. For marketing, industrial development and cob penetration into the market, with principally new products or (by service) special groups are being introduced. Behind the minds of the stem, the stench goes to "internal" and "call". "Internal goals of the group" are seen from the structure of the corporation for the period of the start of the commercial development of the innovation. As a rule, the price is 2-day period. For a long period of time, they do not extend the procedures (management, financial, etc.), Requirements for other subsidiaries of the corporation right up to the status of an independent company. The members of the group are selected by the curriculum on a voluntary basis. Victory by the great corporations of "Innovation Enterprises" will allow them to meet their challenges with the merits of the old-fashioned business. Such a form of organization is effective in galuzy, de the optimal size of the enterprise of aborinok is not large, there is little organization of buildings to penetrate into the adjacent markets, or specialized markets, as for great corporations, they are not very effective; small companies often vikonuyuyutsya role of special suppliers in the product or services to the great companies that are low rivnya vitrat.

It is easy to form the organization of scientific dosages and boxes, which can be fixed in Russia.

Scientific research and development include fundamental, applied research and development in all fields of science - natural, technical, medical, agricultural, industrial and human. Smell of vikonuyutsya enterprises (installations), the main activity of which є weekly and retail outlets are right from their accessory to the current level of economics, the organization of formative and legal form.

The structures of the scientific potential of Russia see the following main sectors: great educationі private non-attributable.

Sovereign sector:

1. Organizations of federal (central) ministries and departments, including the Russian Academy of Sciences and Galuzev Academy).

2. Organizations of governing bodies of republics, territories, regions, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

3. Organizatsiya mіstsevyh (municipal governing bodies).

Pidpryumnytskyi sector:

1. Galuzevs of Science and Preceding Institutions.

2. Designers, design and engineering, technological organizations.

3. Design and design-visual organization.

4. Industry promises.

5. Additional information about the base.

6. Інші.

The sector of food education:

1. Universities and institutions and mortgages.

2. Pre-scientific institutions (center), pidvidchі vishchі navchalnyh pledges and (abo) governing bodies of vischіyu professional education.

3. Constructors, design and engineering organizations, pidvidchі vishnym pledges and (abo) governing bodies of our professional education.

4. Clinics, hospitals, and medical establishments with other primary mortgages.

5. Acknowledgments (experimental) enterprises, pidvidchі vischim navchalnyh mortgages.

6. Інші.

Non-attributable sector:

1. Dobrovіlny science and professional spіlki and associations.

2. Community organizations.

3. Grace funds.

4. Інші.

The main form of organization of education in Russia is left from the scientific institutions of the past, from the rest of the main institutions and enterprises. On a part of independent scientific-pre-ancient and design organizations of seizures, close to 70% of all scientific organizations. A few of the households and industrial enterprises (and the stench itself dominates the structures of the early days and stores in the countries with a developed market economy) do not altogether altogether 10 - 8%.

New for Russia was the emergence of a private, non-branded science sector. The development of pre-slidnitsky performance in large organizations, professional science partnerships, beneficent foundations will be shown in a straightforward manner. Today in the new there are close to 60 huge academies of sciences, a lot of regional views. Approximately 50 science partnerships were incorporated into the Union of Science Partnerships.

The promising organizational structure of the State Science Center (DNTs).

Great importance is the organization of work at the stages of the virobu life cycle. cob stage The life cycle of virobi є NDR (scientific and pre-past development), which includes a set of theoretical and experimental doslijen, which is carried out at one technical department (TZ NDR). The scientific-preliminaries of the robot are stored in the next stages:

1. Development of TK NDR.

2. Vibir directly to the touch.

3. Theoretical and experimental dosage.

4. Publication and evaluation of the results of the NDR.

Technical management of the NDR viznachaє: meta, zmist, order of execution of the work at a given stage and methods of realizing the results of the NDR. Tse - a binding document for the cob of the NDR. Vin uzgodzhuєtsya with a deputy. The NDR is finished to negotiate at the scientific and technical radio or section. By means of such a negotiation є the value of the reasons for carrying out the work of the TK NDR. Viznachaєtsya takozh obґruntovanіst visnovkіv i rekomendatsіy PDR daєtsya otsіnka provedenoї PDR i viroblyayutsya napryamki podalshoї robot on the following stadіyah zhittєvogo cycle: OCD (doslіdno-konstruktorskі rozrobki) SSMSC vikonuyutsya at stvorennі virobіv: OTR (doslіdno-tehnіchnі rozrobki) SSMSC vikonuyutsya at stvorennі materіalіv , rechovin, products, syrovini.

OCD is another stage of the life cycle. At this stage, design documentation is being developed. ROC are stored from the onset of stages:

1. Technical proposition.

2. Eskizny project.

3. Technical project.

4. Working design documentation.

When OTP is announced, normative and technical documentation (standards and technical specifications) and technological documentation are developed. At the OTP warehouse, R&D work can be carried out along the line of technological possession for the preparation of previous education and virob parties.

By the onward stage of the life cycle є preparation of virobnstva and decisions on laboriousness, which is the standard as the setting of products for virobration. There is a complex of visits to the organization of a new virob that has been developed by other enterprises.

Go to the urge to fix it after the completion of the work from the preparation of the virobnition. At the same time, attack robots:

1. Start-up and revision of technological ownership.

2. Launching a virobi network from the firm (Persha promislova virobi party, prepare for revision of the given version of the product in order to prevent the promises of the release of products in the planned documents, according to the technical information).

Seeing the stages of the life cycle They form virib, yo quality, technical level of virobi, yo progressiveness.

The transition to the stage of the life cycle є the promislovy virobnity of the opened virobi. The final stage is the transfer to virob spozhivachev.