Scientific research and development of what to enter. Carrying out scientific research in modern minds

Science and research and advanced design work (NDDKR) - the succession of robots, directing to the acquisition of new knowledge and practical application in the creation of a new generation of technologies.

Follow up:

  • carrying out research, development of technical proposals (for the preliminary project);
  • rozrobka tehnіchnogo zavdannya on doslidno-design (technological) work.


  • development of a sketch project;
  • development of a technical project;
  • development of working design documentation for the preparation of the last piece;
  • preparation of a last streak;
  • carrying out a test of the last streak;
  • review of documentation;
  • approval of the working design documentation for the organization of the industrial production of virobiiv.

Delivery of products for production and operation:

  • koriguvannya of design documentation of any revealed attachments;
  • development of operational documentation.


  • development of working design documentation for carrying out repair work.

Knowing about virobnitstva:

  • distribution of working design documentation for disposal.

Butt of stages of vikonannya DKR

The procedure for the stages of the installation of a DKR on an optical-electronic attachment:

  1. Vivchennya іsnuyuchih virobіv this type
  2. Vyvchennya elemental base, adventitious for inducing the necessary choice
  3. Selection of element base
  4. Development of the optical circuit for the prototype virob
  5. Development of a structural electrical circuit for a prototype virobu
  6. Drawing sketches for the case
  7. Uzgodzhennya іz zamovnik actual technical characteristics of that ovnіshny vyglyad virobu
  8. Development of the electrical circuit diagram of the virobu
  9. The development of the manufacturing base and the possibilities of manufacturing other boards
  10. Razrobyka test ї drakovаї pay virobu
  11. Placement of a request for the preparation of a draft payment
  12. Placement of an application on the supply of an elemental base for the preparation of a viroba
  13. Placing a request for soldering a test plate
  14. Wiring test cable
  15. Preparation of test cable virobu
  16. Trying out a test paper
  17. Written software for test-driven payment on a computer
  18. Vibration of the basis of the virobnichestva of optical elements
  19. Razrahunok optical elements virobu z rahuvannyam vozmozhnosti vrobnitstva
  20. Vibration of the virobnicheskoy base and possibilities of virobnichestvo of plastic cases, metal elements and metalworking
  21. Development of the design of the body of the optical box with the improvement of the possibilities of shaping
  22. Placement for the preparation of optical elements and the body of the optical box
  23. Completion of the folding of the optical box with the connection of a test board
  24. Testing modes in robotic test board and optical box
  25. Correction of software, circuit diagram and parameters in the optical part of the machine with a method of deleting the set parameters
  26. Rozrobka corps virobu
  27. Rozrobka drukovanoї pay for the actual rozmіry corps
  28. Razm_shchennya zamovlennya pogotovlennya hull prototype virobu
  29. Placing an order for the preparation of a handmade payment for a prototype of a prototype
  30. Soldering and programming of the other one, pay for it
  31. Concerning the body of the prototype virobu
  32. Prototype cable preparation
  33. Residual folding prototype virobu
  34. Testing all the parameters and reliability of the robot and the prototype
  35. Written technology of virobu production
  36. Written instructions koristuvach to virobu
  37. Transfer of technical documentation, software support and the prototype to the deputy manager with the signing of documents on the completion of the contract

DKR can be carried out in two forms: A and B. DKR for form A is carried out with an one-hour setting for the fertilization of the viroba, which is being virobable, for the form B - an offensive setting for the fertilization of the broken virobu, or without setting for the fertilization.


Vіdpovіdno to normative regulation according to the method of appearance of vitrates NDDKR is subdivided into:

Goods NDDKR(current, replacements) - robots, as they stand for the most important type of activity of the organization, the results of such a recognition of the implementation of the deputy.

Capital NDDKR(initsiativnі, for vlasnyh needs) - work, witrati on yakі є contributions from dovostrokovі aktivі organіzatsії, the results of which vikoristovuyutsya in vlasny virobnіstvі and/or nadayutsya koristuvannya іnshimi persons.

Contract of Vikonanny NDDKR

The procedure for the completion of Commodity NDDKR is regulated by an agreement for the completion of scientific and advanced, advanced design and technological works. The legislation of the Russian Federation sees two types of agreement:

  1. Contract for the vikonannya scientific- previous works(NDR). According to the agreement of the Vice-Chancellor of the NDR, the vikonovets need to carry out a review of the technical directors of the deputy of the scientific researcher.
  2. Agreement on final design and technological work (R&D). Under the R & D contract, there is a need to develop the design of a new generation, design documentation of a new level of technology.

The parties to the agreement are the vikonannya NDDKR є vikonavets that deputy. Vikonavets can conduct scientific research in a special way. To get to the vikonannya of the NDR spіvvikonavtsіv is allowed only for the success of the deputy. For the victory of the ROC, the veteran has the right to receive third honors, unless otherwise stipulated by the contract. Prior to the meeting with third persons, the rules regarding the general contractor and the subcontractor will be enforced by the different persons who have been trained before the NDDKR.

On the basis of other types of goiter, contracts of vikonanny NDDKR are characterized by:

The specific features of the NDDKR are those that for these species work a great risk, objective reasons The result, inserted in the technical manager of the Rizik of vipadkovoї impossibility of vikonnannya agreements vikonannya NDDKR borne zamovnik, as otherwise not transferred by law chi agreement. Vykonavets goiter and inform the deputy about the impossibility of taking the results or about the inadequacy of the work. Obov'yazok prove the fact of the impossibility of taking the transfer of the result to lie vikonavtsya. The decision about the attachment is praised by the deputy.

When vikonannі Kapitalnyh NDDKR, the functions of the deputy and vikonavtsya zdіysnyuyutsya odnієі і ієyu w special that ukladannya contract, otzhe, not necessary. In this rank, wash the victor of the Capital NDDKR, they are appointed by the technical manager and calendar plan (the plan of scientific work), approved by the victorious body of the organization and / or the scientific and technical council. The fact of the completion of the work and the withdrawal of the result is established by the technical act, approved by the governing body of the organization.

Statistical data

Partiality in vitrates on NDDKR in 2013 roci, % of light

Zgidno with tribute pre-slidnitsky institute Battelle Memorial Institute, in 2011, the number of lights on the NDDKR increases by 3.6% and becomes 1.2 trillion US dollars.

The first place for the loan of the NDDKR is borrowed by the USA (385.6 billion; 2.7% of the total GDP)

The structure of financing for the first time of the NDDKR in 1985

Dzherela financing of the NDDKR from the USA

The structure of private investment in the NDDKR in the United States

Pension funds and insurance companies Koshti corporations Other
55 % 10 % 35 %

The role of NDDKR (R&D) in today's business

The role of NDDKR (R&D) is growing in the world in addition, as the main part of the added value in business is shifting from the stage of production to the stage of development. On the basis of the results of the NDDKR, the key solutions for the high-tech business are accepted. Increasingly important is NDDKR (R&D) for marketing, companies are looking at the remaining developments of competitors and consumers in order to match them with the power of follow-up. The growing role of NDDKR in business processes is influencing the settlement, which recently appeared in the majority of great Russian companies - the director or the manager of R&D. The functions of the R&D manager include the formation and implementation of the NDDKR programs, the development of the program for innovative development of the enterprise, the organization of technological processes: the development of technologies, the design. All in all, NDDKR is one of the most promising areas in the eyes of management, because An important feature of the great achievement is the transferability of final results to the achievement of those possible commercialization. As a result, large spending on the NDDKR does not always guarantee a larger profit or a larger share of the market.

Div. also


  1. GOST 15.105-2001 “System for distribution and delivery of products for manufacturing. The order of vikonanny NDR and yogo warehouse parts "; GOST 15.203-2001 “System for distribution and delivery of products for manufacturing. The order of vikonannya DKR zі the creation of virobіv and yogo warehouse parts "
  2. Regulations on the accounting form “The form of bills for scientifically advanced, advanced design and technological work” PBU 17/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 No. 115n.
  3. Clause 1 of Article 769 of the Central Committee of Ukraine.
  4. Paragraph 2 of Article 770 of the Central Committee of Ukraine.
  5. Paragraph 1 of Article 772 of the Central Committee of Ukraine, Article 432 of the Central Committee of Ukraine.
  6. The sun of science descend over China
  7. Knowing, the measure of that nation. Global scientific collaboration in the 21st century. The Royal Society
  8. | Sovereign Internet channel "Rosiya".
  9. Archived copy dated 26 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine | T. A. Tormisheva “What is it possible for Russia to encourage a national innovation system?”.
  10. Nelson R., National Innovation System. New York, Oxford, 1993.
I wrote this article, prac- tsiuyuchi at the sovereign undertaking - scientific and virobnicheskogo character. This article is aimed at the specifics of the in-line mill and the structure of the Russian Federation, please weak sides and to propagate a decision on how to optimize the organization of the development of science on the scale of the State.

1 Inline feed mill

1.1 Development of scientifically advanced work today

Science is accomplished with the help of technology, materials and mechanisms, for the help of such a flock we can create better products, less art, create methods and skills, fight against elemental hardships.

Prote to engage in science є great rozkіshshu, the scale of imitation of the practical result of the results is already small, and the variability of the sustenance can reach colossal values ​​in connection with the need for experimental possession of that serovin. In this manner, allow yourself to take advantage of the wealthy doslidnitsky pіdrozdіl can only have a few commercial companies.

The most important part of scientific research is being financed by the State through various funds (RFFD, Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science) and other major programs (Space program, program for the development of the defense industry and other).

1.2 What is a scientific work

For the whole hour, the foundation of superechok with the drive of what is mathematics science, science literature, history and science of science, was formulated impersonal definitions of the term Science. From the point of view of the authors of this article, the most logical is the appointment of K. Popper, it seems to be a scientific thought, that it is necessary to go through three stages:

1) I will decide nutrition;
2) Formulating the theory;
3) Carrying out an experiment that confirms a simple theory.

This is the function of the state, which is the main source of funding for scientific research to ensure the maximum efficiency of stained boxes. If the robot has passed three designated stages, then the robot calls:

At first glance, those are - on the basis of which problem it is straightened out to the next work (after the item “Formulation of nutrition”);
- to win the theory or the analytical model, as it took away the confirmation of the first hour of the verification experiment (sections "Formulation of the theory" and "Conducted experiment"), in other robots and studies, protecting at the same time on the local studies;
- include the theory and model developed in the course of confirming experiments in the analysis of risks;
- Conquering reports about the results of the experiment (item "Conducting the experiment") when testing other theories and hypotheses, for the cost of conducting duplicating results.

In practice, in our time, the financing of science-based research (NDR) is eliminated, for which it is possible not to talk about the development and, moreover, about the revision of some theories. Thus, NDR can be directed to the systematization of knowledge, the development of research methods, the development of the power of materials and the particularity of technologies. Such NDRs may reflect the fundamentally different nature of the results. Let's try to classify the results, if they can carry PDR:

Dovidkovy result. If, as a result of the previous work, data on specific procedures or materials were taken away. For example, the final result is the value of the physical and mechanical characteristics of any material, or the characteristics of the quality of the part, taken for the first technological parameters;
- Scientific result. If, as a result of the previous work, it was confirmed that it was like a theory. The theory can be in the form of an omitted formula or a mathematical model, which allow estimating analytical results with a high level of efficiency with a real experiment;
- Methodical result. If, as a result of the study, the optimal methodology for carrying out the study, experiments, and research was found. Optimal methods can be vibrated as a secondary product of the development of rational methods in confirming the theory;

1.3 Features

Duplication of results. In connection with this, the formation of themes and topics directly from different funds and agencies is carried out independently one by one, often due to duplication. What does it have to do with duplicating the victorious robots, so about duplicating the results of the achievement. Also, duplication of viconuvannyh robots with robots, vikonanim in the period of the founding of the SRSR, can be used, if a large number of scientific practices were broken.

The importance of the availability of results. The results of the investigation are formalized by technical letters, acts and other official documentation, which, as a rule, are taken from the other person looking at the paper in the archives of the patron of that vikonavtsia. In order to take away that rank of the other name, it is necessary to carry out a trial listing with the Vikonian or the deputy of the zvіtu, and more importantly, information about those that the chi іnshoy zvіt іsnuє in the greater vipadkіv is practically impossible to know. Scientific publications based on the results of studies in specialized journals are not regularly published, but a large number of studies and a wide range of other publications have been accumulated.

Independence of regular financing of shove experiments. For the creation of a long history of innovative technology and development new technologies(Including within the framework of the DKR) the undertaking is always to blame for the mother's results, which confirm the possibility of realizing a new effect. However, in order to carry out the additional financing, it is necessary to cover it with frontal doslids. Prote science departments of VNZ, science institutes and other research enterprises cannot afford regular funding for carrying out previous and search experiments, after which those for the development of new robots are brought to scoop from literature, incl. foreign. Henceforth, the initiation of a similar rank of robots will be behind similar foreign investigations.

Low mutual relations between scientific enterprises. The low level of mutual relations between VNZ and scientific undertakings is swayed by the fact that organizations take one not only as competitors, but also as potential successors - supporting scientific products. Remain viklikane tim, that scientific organizations are still, more importantly, earning money not on the results of scientific activity, but on their work.

Vykoristannya in the creation of new technologies and the solution of various galluses of knowledge of the sciences. Technologies that knowledge, which can be taken away, practiced only in one straight away, even knowing that it is fragmented, you can talk about it with great enthusiasm. Today's new technologies are moving towards the stic of different methods and sciences, which will require mutual cooperation in different areas, but the institutions will not be able to support active labor cooperation between them.

2 Wash up the efficiency of scientific practice

The system of carrying out that organization of scientific work, which is currently in use in the Russian Federation, was set back from the SRSR and from the moment of adoption Russian Federation did not recognize special changes. Today, the following aspects of the modernization of the system of scientific practice are being explored:

Everywhere there is a need for personal computers and the Internet for access to advanced information;
- there is a large number of accumulated scientific discoveries that can be learned from a friend’s eye;
- Vykoristannya access to different galuzes when folding innovative technology;
- Explanation of the market of materials and services, which allows the practical implementation of a prank experiment with small windows, up to the introduction of a full-scale PDR.

3 Optimization of the system of scientific achievements

Vykhodyachi z p.2 you can use such approaches to improve the efficiency of scientific practice:

1) Creation of a single form "Results of scientific research" with a general language publication in the Internet on a special portal after the publication of the NDR.
2) To the technical manager (TK) of the NDR, describe the result, which can be taken away for an hour of work.
3) To improve the structure of the organization of scientifically advanced enterprises, based on the functioning of three projects: the formulation of problems and nutrition, the development of scientific theories/hypotheses and the implementation of experiments (technical science).
4) Periodic sightings of scientific organizations in research experiments.

Below we will describe the report about the skin world.

3.1 Creation of a single form and follow-up result

For the obviousness of the great number of scientific discoveries accumulated in the Radian and post-radian period, the diversity of the foundations and the famous organizations and the ubiquitous network of the Internet, it is rational to create a single portal of results of scientific achievements for healthy research shvidkoy poshuk zvіtіv pro vykonanі roboti, kaki buv bi is accessible both to spіvrobіtniki sієї ї ї skolіdnitskih organіzatsіy, і і to officials, yakі zdіysnyuyut reverіku urgency іієї chi іnshої raboti.

As it was assigned in clause 1.2, the form of the result of scientific research should be rationally folded into three points:

1) On the basis of the problem, the follow-up was straight forward;
2) Yaka hypothesis bula vysunuta;
3) In some way, the hypothesis was overturned.

On the basis of a skin-verified hypothesis, it is possible to develop its own individual form (an okremium file), so, if necessary, it is supplemented with statements about the authors of the follow-up and organization, how to represent the author, keywords for shvidkogo and zruchnogo poshuk. In this case, the system is allowed to deprive the opinions of other scientists about the credibility of that number of further studies and evaluate the rating of authors and organizations. Varto repeat, that the forms of theories will also be of great importance, which have not been confirmed, allowing other successors not to go the hell way.

The form of preliminary investigation, in which it was not a hypothesis that was disproved, but “what we take away” (authority, effect) with the given parameters (powerfulness, regimes, etc.), is the responsibility of the mother in the form, as in the case of demonstrating the characteristics of the bulls were taken away.

When the systems are combined, a great role is played by stimulating the replenishment of the bases of data already viconated and saving in a drought-like appearance. With any formula that model, not confirmed by experimental evidence, does not become of interest to the system.

Supplementing such a base with old classics of physics and mechanics is of great significance.

3.2 Regulation of the result of PDR in TK

The result of the NDR, as a rule, is a summation about a scientifically proven work, which, if necessary, can achieve a sufficient form, and can include 20 to 500 and more sides, so that the analysis of such a summation can be carried out with other methods and practices.

If a single system for shaping the results of NDR is created, described in paragraph 3.1., then in the ToR for NDR it is necessary to show the best possible results to the work and in line with the standard of the system at a glance:

Dovіdkovy result at vzglyadі vznachenih in the course of the work of characteristics, parametrіv, authority of the given object to the process;
- The scientific result of looking at the results of the re-verification of a complex of theories, entrenched in TK or hung by a vykonavtsy in the course of work on a problem (nutrition), we formulate in TK.

With the help of the method of follow-up, that organization does not work correctly to put the final method of NDR. Techniques and programs are the result of the development of qualifications for sim directly fahivtsiv within the framework of organizational work or work of standardization and systematization, or be a by-product of NDR with the achievement of a scientific and scientific result.

Also, in the TK on the PDR, which is financed by a power, we describe the obligatory publication of the results of the research in a single database.

3.3 Optimized the structure of science-based enterprise

Vihodyachi of ratsіonalnostі skladannya naukovoї pillows іz troh Components Connection power-teorіya-perevіrka can zaproponuvati structure organіzatsії NAUKOVO-doslіdnoї organіzatsії scho skladaєtsya of troh mainly pіdrozdіlіv: pіdrozdіli Poshuk relevant zavdan, pіdrozdіli setting teorіy that pіdrozdіli eksperimentalnoї perevіrki.

3.3.1 Updated the request for current tasks

It is the responsibility of this child to be entrusted with the work of looking around and constantly monitoring the current tasks from a given circle or a circle of activity.

Pidrozdil is guilty of victorious work as an analytical work, which is related to the development of special literature, statistical records, applications from enterprises for vikonnannya as a I create a robot scho polagayet in independent search for problems, the solution of which can bring commercial profits and mischief to the society.

Pіdrozdіl can include people with an analytical warehouse of reason with the right to work in different galuzyah.

3.3.2 Development of theories

Dany cited є vidpovіdalnym for the development of solutions and theories, as if it were his fault to give recommendations on the delivery of nutrition, or to propagate options for solving the problems of sounding.

Pidrozdil is guilty of turning on people with a broad outlook for different technologies and great theoretical knowledge. Spivrobіtniki pіdrozdіlu povnіnі postіyno vyvchati naukov_ publications and statti.

The two main types of work that can be reconsidered are the generation of new theories or solutions, that is, the analysis and re-verification of the hanging solutions for duplication with already re-verified or for the destruction of already confirmed theories.

3.3.3 Experimental checklist

Dany vouched for the re-verification: confirming or asking theories about what to find. Pidrozdil is responsible for including laboratory assistants, qualified for work with obvious laboratory skills, as well as a master of model manufacturing and metalworking, building the necessary experimental equipment.

Unification of scientifically advanced organizations according to the principle of accepting the greater cooperation and mutual modality. A re-verification of a scientific theory formulated in one undertaking can be carried out at a later stage of an experimental re-verification of another organization, as may be necessary laboratory possession, for a unified application.

3.4 Financing of stun experiments

Small, but regular funding of scientific organizations for the article "Vikonanny poshukovykh eksperimentiv", which is seen from the government funds under the auspices of the power, to create the necessary foundation for the implementation of experimental ideas and the subsequent revision of hypotheses.

In the course of the course, there are few virtuous field-based experiments, it is necessary to support milk hypotheses, which can be included in the application for the withdrawal of financing for a contract with a grant; as a result of the obtained certificate, new and original solutions are born, which are victorious for the creation of innovative technology.


To improve the effectiveness of the research on the development of scientifically advanced work, it is recommended:

Creation of a single database of data with the results of research, bringing to one form, which includes three divisions: power, for which the theory was proponated, the theory or solution, as it was proponated and the result of re-verification of the theory;
- regulation of the result of NDR in TK in part of the designation of some type of result can be taken away: advanced science;
- direct the organization scientific enterprises to the structure, which includes three details: updated the search for topical issues, updated the formulation of theories and updated the experimental re-verification;
- Carry out regular funding for shove experiments.

Forms of organization of scientific research and development can be different. A characteristic feature of the organization of the NDDKR in the krains of the market economy is the inextricable link between the virobnichoy and the business activities of the firm and scientific achievements. Estimated indications of NDDKR є naming the market, zbutov_ indications, and not just characteristics new technology that technology. Changes are constantly being made in the organization of managing scientific achievements and research. However, it is really low in hot moments. At the highest point of view, you can see several forms of organization of corporate scientifically advanced developments:

1. For companies with a homogeneous single-product sphere of business activity and weakly developed scientific developments, the characteristic organizational principle of centralization is typical. In such firms, the dosledzhennya is congregated in a single center, which is very much the vice-president for the NDDKR.

2. Highly diversified companies (corporations) follow the principle of new decentralization. The skin product product was developed by the company may be an authoritative scientifically advanced product, which functions in close interdependence with virobnicheskih and zbutovym products. Vin is also under order to the vice-president of the NDDKR.

3. In firms, if they conduct an active science and technology policy, the principle of combined centralization of the NDDKR is established. The sphere of business activity of firms is connected with each other by a blatant basic technology. Such a principle affects transnational corporations. Typical є nayavnіst zagalnokorporativnogo scientific and long standing center under the name of the vice-president of NDDKR. All fundamental and applied research and development activities are carried out at the center, and bringing innovations to a halt are carried out by the laboratories of the branches of companies, under the order of the vice-president of this branch.

4. The organization of science at the firm is connected with "innovative enterprises". The main principle is to fill a wide width in 80-year-olds. For the development, industrial development of that primary penetration of the market with a fundamentally new product (serving), special groups are created. Behind the minds of the creation, the stench is subdivided into "internal" and "outward". "Internal groups" are seen from the structure of the corporation for the period of creation of this commercial development of innovation. As a rule, tse 2-river period. For a long period, they do not expand procedures (management, financial and others.), obov'yazkovі іnshih subdivisions of the corporation until the status of independent enterprise. The participants of the group are picked by a ceremonial philanthropist voluntarily. The victory of the great corporations of innovative enterprises allows you to share your advantages with those of a small business. Such a form of organization is effective in galuzahs, the optimal distribution of enterprises and the markets are small, small firms can penetrate the market, and large corporations are small and ineffective; small firms often win the role of specialized post-employees in the production of services to great firms, low level Vitrat.

Let's take a look at the forms of organization of scientific research and development, which will be established in Russia.

Scientific studies and studies include fundamental, applied studies and studies in all areas of science - natural, technical, medical, agricultural, social, and humanitarian. The stinks are vikonuyutsya by undertakings (establishments), the main activity of such vikonannya doslіdzhen and rozrobok independently in their own affiliation to the tiєї chi іnshої galuzі ekonomiki, organizational and legal form and form of power.

The structure of the scientific potential of Russia has two main sectors: sovereign, entrepreneurial, higher enlightenment that private bezpributkovy.

State sector:

1. Organizations of federal (central) ministries and departments, including the Russian Academy of Sciences and Galuze Academy).

2. Organizations of management bodies of the republics, territories, regions, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

3. Organizations of municipalities (municipal authorities).

Primary sector:

1. Galuzev scientific research institutes.

2. Design, design and engineering, technological organizations.

3. Design and design and construction organizations.

4. Promise of business.

5. Dosvіdchenі bases.

6. More.

Higher education sector:

1. Universities and other principal deposits.

2. Research institutes (centers) that provide higher senior pledges and (or) management bodies with higher professional education.

3. Design, design and engineering organizations, under the supervision of the principal pledges and (or) management bodies of the higher professional education.

4. Clinics, hospitals, and other medical institutions are installed at the top level.

5. Dosvіdchenі (experimental) pіdpriєmstva, pіdvіdomchi vyshchim navychnymi mortgages.

6. More.

Non-profit sector:

1. Dobrovіlnі naukovі and professional partnerships and associations.

2. Sustained organizations.

3. Blessed fondies.

4. More.

The main form of organization of legacy in Russia is still the scientific and legacy institutions, the foundations of the most important foundations and businesses. Nearly 70% of all scientific organizations fall before independent scientific and advanced design organizations. A part of the greater primary mortgages and industrial enterprises (and the stench itself dominates the structure of income and distribution in the countries with a developed market economy) does not exceed 10 and 8%.

New for Russia was the emergence of a private, profit-free sector of science. The development of long-term activities in the community organizations, professional scientific partnerships, charitable foundations is strimko. Today, there are close to 60 public academies of sciences, many of which may have regional branches. Approximately 50 scientific partnerships have been united to the Split of scientific partnerships.

promising organizational structureє State Scientific Centers (SSC).

The organization is of great importance at the stages of the life cycle. cob stage the life cycle of the world є NDR (scientific research), which includes a complex of theoretical and experimental studies, as carried out for a single technical task (TK NDR). The scientific and advanced work consists of the following steps:

1. Development of TK NDR.

2. Select direct delivery.

3. Theoretical and experimental studies.

4. Review and evaluation of the results of the NDR.

The technical manager of the NDR determines: meta, cost, order of viconnance works at this stage and the method of realizing the results of the NDR. Tse obov'yazkovy document for cob PDR. Vіn uzgodzhuєtsya іz zamovnik. The NDR has been completed and discussed at the scientific and technical level for the sake of chi її sections. The method of such a discussion is to determine the viability of the work carried out by the TK NDR. Visnochyu Torozh Torzіvіvіv Visnokіv Ta Recompaniya NDR, Given the Otsіnka conducted by the NTR TA VERFORE TELLS LOVE ARE ROBOTING ON THE ACTACK STADIES OF THE LIVE CYCLY: DCR (DRAW-DEVELOUS COMPRISTICS), SHO WILL BE HOUR HOUR HOUR CREATNER VIROBIV: OTR (DELLII-TECHNIKHNI INTROLS) creation of materials, speeches, products, syrovins.

DKR is another stage of the life cycle. At this stage, design documentation is being developed. DKR is composed of the following steps:

1. Technical proposition.

2. Sketchy project.

3. Technical project.

4. Working design documentation.

At the end of OTR, normative and technical documentation (standards and technical minds) and technological documentation are being developed. At the OTR warehouse, DKR can be carried out after the technological adjustment of the preparation of the last batches and batches.

The advancing stage of the life cycle is the preparation of the preparation and the withdrawal for fatigue, which is designated by the standard as the setting of products for the preparation. Here we have a complex of entry into how to organize the production of a new virobu chi mastered by other enterprises.

Exit to tension begins after the completion of the work from the preparation of the fertilization. With whom, the following robots are beaten:

1. Start-up and re-verification of technological equipment.

2. Launching at the planning stage of the series (the first production batch of the production, which is being prepared for the re-verification of the building of this production, to ensure the release of products from the planned obligations, is up to the mark of scientific and technical documentation).

The stages of the life cycle are reviewed, and they are peredirobnichimi. Virob, yogo yakіst, technical riven virobu, yogo progressivnіst are formed there.

The last stage of the life cycle is the promise of the virobable viroba. The final stage is the transfer to the virus of spozhivachev.

5th thursday 2019 , Tetyana Golikova held a meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation of the International Congress of Mathematicians The Congress will be held on April 6–14, 2022 near St. Petersburg.

4 December 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Awarded to the Order of Russia in the field of science and technology for 2019 Order issued on 29 leaf fall 2019 year No. 2846-r. 131 applicants became the laureates of the awards in 2019. Prizes were awarded for work in the fields of medicine, energy, geology, manufacturing technologies, materials science, machine building, transport, information technologies, ecology and the agricultural state.

November 21, 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Tetyana Golikova and Andriy Fursenko held meetings of the presidium for the sake of the implementation of the Federal Science and Technology Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies In the order of the day - discussing the results of the analysis of the software development and development of the centers of genomic success of the light level in order to improve the development of information systems, and also could lead to the development of the adjunct base.

November 12, 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Dmitri Medvedev's trip to the Novosibirsk region is a joy.

November 12, 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Awarded to the Order of Russia in the field of science and technology for young students for 2019 Order issued on July 7, 2019 No. 2323-r. 25 applicants became the laureates of the awards in 2019. Prizes, zokrema, awarded for the development and development of methods and systems for intelligent control of robots of various types and recognition, an integrated system for ensuring the life cycle of life and spores, fore-vacuum plasma electronic tubes for processing and modification of electrical materials.

13 spring 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Tetyana Golikova and Andriy Fursenko held a meeting for the implementation of the Federal Science and Technology Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies The cost of financial security for the creation and support of the centers for genomic research for the period 2019-2024 from the federal budget is 11.2 billion rubles.

9 spring 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development Dmitro Medvedev speaking at the urochist ceremony of opening the door.

7 spring 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Increased the number of awards to the Order of Russia in the gallery of science and technology for young students Decree dated 31 September 2019 No. 1121. Starting from 2020, the penny part of the awards of the Uryad of Russia at the gallery of science and technology for young students was increased from 500 thousand. rubles up to 1 million rubles.

29 April 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Tetyana Golikova held a meeting for the sake of state encouragement of the creation and development of mathematical centers of the world level At the meeting, they appointed winners of the competitive selection and confirmed their program of creation and development.

28 April 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Oleksiy Gordєєv told about the creation of a new complex for wintering the Antarctic station "Skhid" The Narada was celebrated ahead of the 200th anniversary of the day of the opening of Antarctica by Russian seafarers under the command of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev.

23 April 2019 , State policy in the field of scientific research and development Indicators of the implementation of the Strategy for scientific and technological development, the dynamics of which are related to monitoring, have been established. Order dated 15 April 2019 date No. 1824-r. 11 indications were appointed, which reflect the implementation of the Strategy behind the lines: the injection of science and technology into the social and economic development of Russia, including the number of delusions of the transition to the model of great vicissitudes; the standard of productivity in the sphere of science, technology and innovation; the quality of state regulation and service provision of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities.