When a child begins to understand where mom is. How does a child relate to mother, relatives and strangers, depending on age (from birth to one year)

Already in the prenatal period, the fetus develops a nervous system, the main senses and movement. A child is born already with formed hearing, visual sensations and necessary elementary reflexes. The newborn does not yet accurately perceive the colors and shapes of the objects around it, but vividly reacts to large and bright, moving and luminous objects. And he can start to listen carefully if mom starts talking to him in a whisper.

When does a baby start recognizing mom? Identification reflexes begin to develop rapidly in him closer to four weeks: he begins to liven up when he feels the approach of a person, and smiles with the so-called “angel smile”, that is, purely reflexively. Scarce does not yet understand who approached him, but already in his own way reacts to a person.

At three months of age, babies are already starting to fix their gaze on an object for a while and are able to look at a space within a radius of up to 4 meters. They also carefully consider items that have fallen into their pen and actively respond to them. If such a child is raised in an upright position, he will carefully examine the face of the person in front of him.

At this age, he gets the ability to see both at the same time - this is called binocular vision. However, at three months, children still guess the arrival of loved ones more intuitively - with the help of hearing and smell, although the process of face recognition is already beginning. The kid "gulits" when she is happy about the arrival of her mother, and when she realizes that she is not there, she can be very upset.

A month later, when the child begins to recognize the mother and other familiar people, he is frightened if a stranger appears. At this time, vision develops intensively, and the child already distinguishes colors and shapes. If a mother wants to play with him, he can give her full attention for 5 minutes, and then switch to a toy that she gives him. This is the period when the baby responds with pleasure to the voices of adults, and can even sing along with a familiar song in a peculiar way, giving out vowels. He has already remembered all the people who often communicate with him, and always joyfully meets their arrival.

At 5 months, children do not just react to the appearance of the mother - they sensitively catch her mood. On the face, the baby is able to distinguish the main feelings on the face of adults: fear or joy, anger or kindness. He already freely looks from the subject to the subject and back, temporarily fixing the attention. The child now understands why a breast or bottle is needed, and accordingly responds to dressing for or bathing in the bath - rejoices or.

In addition, he already understands that his mother gives him a toy, and willingly grabs it. The kid pulls the toy into his mouth, knocks her and shifts it from place to place. That is, at this time he uses almost all the visual, auditory and motor functions inherent in this age.

The birth of a new man is the greatest miracle. Parents are ready to look at each line of the face of their baby indefinitely, to be happy if he smiled in response. But does the baby do it consciously? How to find out what happens in a tiny head? When does a child start to recognize mom? Many parents draw a parallel between this ability and vision. But after all, the possibilities of exploring the world are not limited to this.

A newborn baby does not immediately recognize his mother, but he learns it very quickly.

It has been scientifically proven that while still in the mother’s belly, children already have a sufficiently developed nervous system. They can hear, but the sounds will be somewhat muffled. Mom's voice perceives the fetus during her pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with a little man even before his birth. Already at this stage an emotional connection is established.

First, the baby begins to recognize the mother only by voice.

In how many months will he distinguish native intonations from the world of other people's sounds? When does a child recognize mom by voice? Depends on individual development. Most often - in three months. But there may be deviations from the norm.

If the child reacts poorly to sounds, after three months does not turn the head when his mother calls him - you should consult with your doctor. Perhaps the cause is a hearing loss.

How tasty and pleasant

In the first minutes of life, when the baby touches the mother, new sensations are added. Her smell, soft skin, warm milk make him happy. The little man recognizes mom through tactile and taste experience. Up to one month, he can look for a breast, being on hands at the grandmother. Then, when the newborn begins to recognize the mother, he no longer confuses its smell with anyone. Some pediatricians say that his sense of smell develops very early. The baby begins to feel the closest person by smell on the third day of life.

You can use this feature in order to calm it down. Suitable scarf dipped in mom's milk. It should be put on the pillow next to the newborn.

Early developed sense of smell allows the baby to recognize his mother.

The world is wonderful

Most important moment  It comes when the little man is already watching his mom. No parent will doubt that the baby has begun to recognize him. Although the vision is formed during pregnancy, for a newborn it has limited capabilities that develop gradually.

When showing objects to the child, it is necessary to keep them at a distance of 25 cm, not closer, directly in front of the face. Otherwise, squint begins to develop.

Many are concerned about the question: "How many months must pass before the start of visual recognition of mom?" To do this, you can compare some data. Age is given in months.

  • First second . The ability to briefly focus on large, close objects. The world is seen in a black and white gamut.
  • Third . The gaze focuses on both near and far objects. There are different facial features in people, bright colors (especially red and yellow). Binocular vision is finally formed - two eyes see simultaneously.
  • Third fourth. Recognizing parents by their faces.
  • Fourth fifth. Interest in moving objects. Tracking them.
  • Fifth - the sixth. The ability to distinguish between primary colors and shapes, emotions and mood of others.
  • Seventh - Ninth. Selection of signs of objects in shape, color, size.
  • Eighth - tenth.  Recognition of people who are often in the house.

After this age threshold, children clearly draw the line "friend - foe". And the smile of a stranger uncle can answer with a loud cry.


Now it is very easy to understand when a baby can begin to recognize a mom. This usually happens closer to the fourth month. And after another three or four weeks, her image becomes complete. Smiling baby sends greetings not to the whole world, but to the only, closest person. He does it consciously. Although many women are confident that the very first smile of a newborn has its addressee. Who knows…

For a long time it was believed that the newborn does not feel, see or hear anything, despite the fact that the child has all the senses. At present, this hypothesis has been refuted as a result of numerous scientific studies that have been proven.

Here are the abilities of the newborn:
  1. Smell. The sense of smell of a newborn child functions at a subconscious level and, when giving strong odors, for example, ammonia, it will immediately give an adequate response.

2. Touch. A newborn baby feels like being approached, parents are talking to each other. If mom pats him on the head, he calms down and falls asleep. But if parents swear, he strains and refuses to sleep. Children whose parents often swear are more susceptible to illness. Studies have shown that the newborn responds more to the voice of the mother than to the voice of the father. In the first case, his heartbeat slowed, and in the second - remained unchanged. Through touch, the baby can feel the gentle touch of the mother, warmth, cold and pain. Therefore, an intense bodily contact with parents is very important for a newborn child; do not be afraid to take it in your arms. Stroking, carrying on hands is especially important at first, as they contribute to the healthy development of the child. Studies have shown that children who were constantly picked up by their parents are intellectually more developed and are ahead of their peers in height. It turned out that the gentle touches of parents contribute to the formation of hormones that affect the growth and mental development of the child.

3. Sight. The baby sees from birth, just his eyesight is 20 times worse than that of adults. He sees only the outlines of objects at a distance of 25-30 cm from his eyes. The child clearly reacts to too bright light, is inconvenient, blinks or closes his eyes. He also distinguishes between shiny and red objects, can follow the movement of the red rattle. The research results showed that the child is more attracted to objects with an oval shape, since they most closely match the human face. However, the newborn still does not recognize the people around him. Also, scientists have found that the newborn is more interested in complex drawings than simple ones. For this, a newborn child was shown two sheets of paper - one in a black and white cell, and the other - a gray one. The kid looked at a sheet with a black and white pattern.

4. Hearing. A child has more developed hearing than vision. Already in the womb, the baby hears and gets used to the noise. That is why he does not flinch when there is a loud noise or a door slam. He had already learned in the womb to distinguish where the noise was coming from. If the noise is close and quiet, then even when he sleeps, he begins to turn and blink. If the quiet conversation continues, he wakes up. The newborn baby recognizes human speech, it is more sensitive to higher sounds, so it hears the voice of the mother better. Researches of scientists have revealed an interesting feature, when around a child it’s noisy, the child isolates himself from the environment, as if he “covers his ears”.

5. Taste. A newborn baby can distinguish between sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Sweet taste soothes him, and sour and bitter annoying. If you drop a newborn on the lips of sweet water, the baby is satisfied and makes his lips suck movements, and if you wet your lips with lemon juice, then he makes a face. A nursing mother should take into account the taste preferences of the baby and try to improve the quality of milk. So if you add dill, green anise or cumin to food, then the child will suck such milk with pleasure.

Despite the fact that she has breast milk  will have a taste of these substances, the newborn child will consume with appetite what he is used to in the mother's womb.

When a child begins to recognize his mother - this question is interesting to all women, without exception, who know the happiness of motherhood. On this subject there are many psychological works. We will talk about the average time of child development and how to accelerate them.

It is believed that the very first emotional connection is formed between the mother and the child immediately after birth, if the baby is put on the mother’s belly. The child instinctively tries to reach the nipple, feels the smell of the mother for the first time and remembers it. This first communication is also important from the point of view that a woman’s mother’s instinct appears faster and colostrum appears, and then breast milk. In order not to deprive of this first contact, now even cesarean section  in most cases it is performed under, that is, the woman remains conscious during and after the operation, and is ready to caress the baby.

However, the child begins to recognize mom and dad and much later. Indeed, in the first days after birth, he sees rather poorly, that is, he sees only those objects that are close to his eyes. And the main and most frequent object in his field of vision is his mother's face. He remembers him and soon, literally in a month, he begins to liven up when he sees a familiar person next to him. And at 3 months, the child can already see with both eyes at the same time (binocular vision begins to work). At the same 4 months, the child already knows well not only the mother, but also the father and other close people, whom he often sees. And on the contrary, strangers start to be afraid, they might cry because of their presence. If you want to speed up the process of remembering your face - you can hang your portrait in the baby’s crib, only at such a distance and angle that it is comfortable to view.

As for the sounds, then the acquaintance with the baby can be carried out before his birth. The baby, though bad, still hears the voice of its mother and other sounds through the amniotic fluid. Psychologists recommend listening to classical music from the third trimester of pregnancy, as it has a good effect on mental development  baby But it is good to distinguish the sounds of the child learns closer to 3-4 months of life. It is believed that at this age the child can already distinguish the voice of the mother from the voices of other family members and turn her head towards the source of the sound.

Childbirth is a miracle in family life. Nine months of waiting, ideas about him, dreams, and now in the hands of happy parents a long-awaited baby. Every mother wants the child to immediately see, hear and recognize her. But at first, the newborn does not react to the world around, and it is believed that the child does not see anything. Is it really? Let's see when a newborn baby begins to see.

Doctors and psychologists for a long time arguing about what level of development of the sense organs a child is born with, how long the child begins to see and hear. It was assumed that a child is born blind and over time his vision begins to develop. Another opinion completely convinced in the developed vision of the child from birth. Now science recognizes the fact that a person is born with an already developed vision. But despite this, his vision of the world around is different from what adults see. The reason for this is that several concepts are embedded in the concept of “seeing”: the analyzer, sensations and perception.

Eye structure

A person has several analyzers. Each of them perceives its own spectrum of phenomena and frequencies on the physical level: sight, hearing, touch, smell.

The concept of “analyzer” was introduced by academician I.P. Pavlov. He defined the analyzer as “an apparatus that distinguishes external stimuli”.

Each analyzer consists of three parts:

  1. The peripheral part is represented by receptors - nerve endings that perceive stimuli.
  2. The second part is a conductive path: from the periphery to the center.
  3. The third part is the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for recognizing the stimulus.

Simplified, the process looks like this: the eyes “photograph” the picture and transfer it along conductive paths to the brain, where recognition and formation of a specific image takes place.

There are no major or unimportant parts in this structure. Damage to any area leads to a lack of perception of information, and hence to a lack of vision. Damage to the eye analyzer can be acquired, usually with age. And it can be congenital, due to pathologies during pregnancy.

How vision is formed

Process physiology

Formation of the eyes of a person occurs at the 18th week of pregnancy. Previously on the sides, on the 18th week they occupy correct position  in front. On the 26th week, the eyelids begin to open and the retina is formed. Scientists at the University of California conducted a series of studies, trying to figure out at what age the fetus has the ability to see. It was revealed that already at the 27th week the baby reacts to flashes of light aimed at the mother's belly, turns his head in this direction and can even move forward or backward towards the beam of light.

At week 31, eye color is determined, but real color will be determined 6–9 months after birth, since eye pigmentation requires exposure to light in order for the eye to develop. But the eyes continue to prepare for life after birth. The pupils are already able to expand, reacting to the light, and the eyelids are open while awake and closed during sleep.

What does the newborn see?

When many months a newborn begins to see, the question is not quite correct. Light is what the child reacts to before birth. The first visual sensations of the child, which he receives in the mother's belly, are divided into "light" and "dark." So, after his birth, the child sees the light or its absence. That is why many toys for newborns are black and white.

The world around it is perceived by him as the presence and absence of light, the world of shadows. The baby sees objects and people slightly vaguely without clear outlines, as if in a fog. The reason for this is the inability to focus your eyes.

So, a newborn baby sees what is happening around and even reacts to what is happening. The eye of the newborn is accustomed to the twilight in the womb of the mother and begins to squint from a very bright light. He is more comfortable in a muffled atmosphere, but this does not mean that it should always be like this. The baby must get used to the light for a variety of reasons:

First of all, in bright light, shades of colors are better seen, the number of waves perceived by the eye becomes larger, and this means that edges appear at the outlines, and objects gradually take shape.

SecondlyIt is thanks to the light that the formation of the eyeball is completed.

Here's how the vision of a newborn is described by Dr. Ann Dinz, a certified pediatrician, a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the UK: He can see you quite well, but focuses best at a distance of 20-25 cm from the subject. Interestingly, this is the approximate distance between the mother and the baby when she holds him at the breast. ”

So, we found out that the newborn sees. Does this mean that he recognizes his mom? To answer this question you need to consider the concept of perception.

Visual perception

Visual perception is a person's ability to see and recognize.

The brain always has a stock of images, it always has something to compare. But the newborn does not have such a stock.

Let's give an example. Mom in the hospital feeds the child dressed in the same blue robe with flowers. A newborn gets several sensations: the smell of milk, the smell of mother, dark flowers on the robe, tactile sensations  (places where mother's hands touch when feeding), milk taste, feeling of satiety. That's the way the image. But one day, the mother changes her dressing gown and something changes: the smell of milk and mother is interrupted by the smell of washing powder and the fragile image of mother starts to break down. When feeding, the baby behaves restlessly.

This simple example suggests that the child does not recognize the mother, but perceives the totality of sensations. The change of two sensations (smell and color) leads to the destruction of the holistic image.

The brain of a newborn is just beginning to accumulate its own experience. Therefore, mother is just a set of certain sensations: auditory (voice), tactile (touch), visual (eyes, nose, smile).

Over time, these sensations will accumulate, relate to each other and with a comfortable feeling of satiety and warmth and develop into a complete image - the image of a mother. The baby will learn not only to see, but to recognize the mother, and the first smile of the baby will confirm this.

Eye development in an infant

The child's vision gradually develops, accumulating images, the experience of focusing the gaze, increasing the ability to distinguish different light waves - color shades.

AT first 2-3 weeks  the child is not able to capture everything around and focuses his eyes on large objects, and this is normal. The main thing is not to bring objects to the face of the child closer than 25 cm, otherwise strabismus may develop.

By the end of the first month  the child begins to discern silhouettes. By 1.5-2 months, the baby already distinguishes flat objects from bulk ones, and by three months, the crumb already clearly sees the surrounding reality and can focus on distant and near objects.

Three month  kids love to look around in the arms of their parents while sitting face forward. During this period of time, the baby begins to discern those around him. He begins to recognize mom and dad and can repeat their facial expressions.

The perception of colors is also undergoing development. At birth, the baby distinguishes between light and shade, which means black and white. Three-month children can consider contrasting patterns and complex two-color patterns for a long time. By the age of three months, the ability to recognize faces with distinction of bright colors comes to the child.

Best of all, children emit yellow and red. That is why these colors are most often present in rattles.

The baby begins to distinguish other colors later.

In more detail the development of visual perception in a child is presented in the table.

Neoplasms development of vision   Months of life

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Concentration (unstable) + +
Focusing on moving objects + + +
Tracking moving objects + + + +
Examination by subject
at close range
+ + + +
Distinguishing shapes and primary colors + + +
Ability to distinguish objects well
different in shape, size and color
+ + +
Recognizing the closest people by person + +
Recognition of loved ones + + +

These periods are not very accurate. Each child is individual, and the periods of development of his visual perception may differ by 1-2 months. However, if the difference is greater, then you should start worrying about the development of the infant and consult a doctor.

What parents need to know about the development of the child's vision

In order for vision to develop properly, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Pay attention to the condition of the eyes of the child; Do not allow the presence of foreign bodies: lint, cilia, mucous formations.
  2. Any light acts as an irritant, forcing the eye muscles to work actively, developing vision, so do not hide the child’s eyes from the bright light, but avoid direct sun hitting the eyes of children.
  3. For a quieter state before bedtime, use a muffled light. At night, you can leave the diffused light from the lamp.
  4. Children's vision needs to be developed. For this, it is useful to hang toys at a distance of 20–30 cm from the child’s face, periodically changing them (different shape, size and color).
  5. Often take the child in his arms, showing objects around.
  6. Change the location of the child in the crib so that he does not squint in one direction all the time.
  7. Use moving objects to teach the child to focus on the subject in motion.
  8. Change your facial expressions with your child more often.

In conclusion, it should be said that with the help of sight a person receives 80% of information about the world around him. The ability to see develops with the ability to recognize. But we must remember that the child sees the world  otherwise.

The famous philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau said that "A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel."

The task of adults is to do everything to enable the child to see and perceive the world around us, to create conditions for its normal development.