Child development in the fourth month of life. Game on the disclosure of the cam and the development of tactile sensations.

What should be able to do a four-month baby? Are there any differences between a boy and a girl at this age? What is the desired height and weight of a newborn at four months? What to do and how to entertain the baby? What games to offer? Consider these questions of interest to parents from the beginning of the fourth month of the infant.

The height and weight of children in four months

Important indicators are the height and weight of the infant, which in a certain way testifies to the harmony of its physiological development. It is believed that by half a year the newborn should double its weight, and in 4 months it is already possible to approximately estimate whether it will fit into this norm. The development calendar of a four-month-old child suggests that it usually weighs from 5 to 8 kg. At the same time, according to WHO standards, the weight of a girl can be in the range of 5-8.2 kg, of a boy - from 5.6 to 8.7 kg. You should be aware that WHO refers to the extremes of weight more loyally than domestic pediatricians, who are more strict and provide a smaller scatter of values. Growth of children at this time - from 58 to 68 cm. It must be borne in mind that height and weight should not be divorced from other physical and mental indicators, that is, you should look at what a child is able to do at 4 months, what is his general level of development.


Have baby  The only food product in 4 months is breast milk, for children on bottle feeding  This function is performed by an adapted mixture suitable for age. No children need to be added to food until six months before breast milk  or a balanced composition of the mixture cover all the needs of the infant organism. Of course, this applies to healthy children who do not have features of development or physical condition.

At this tender age, the children can already begin to cut their teeth, which cause anxiety even when they have not yet appeared above the surface of the gum. Therefore, the whining and irritable behavior associated with a new stage of development - the growth of teeth can replace the infant colic left behind.

What can children in 4 months?

Child development at the age of four months is taking leaps and bounds. Although often children develop in leaps and bounds, and the seeming stop in the acquisition of new skills and abilities soon turns into pleasant surprises for parents. By four months, most innate reflexes fade away and they are replaced by more meaningful actions.

There is no particular difference between boys and girls at 4 months; differences in the level of development are due more to temperament and the individual rate of maturation of the muscles and brain. According to one study, the perception of boys as more active is due to the expectations of observers, and not the actual difference between the behavior of infants of different sexes.

So, what can kids at this interesting age?

  1. Roll over. Not only from a tummy on a flank and a back, but also from a back on a stomach. If all of a sudden this important skill has not yet succumbed to your child, try to induce him to coups with the help of a bright toy, voice, do some muscle training with the help of baby swimming or massage.
  2. Lying to keep the upper body on the elongated handles, leaning on the palms. In this position, the baby can see a lot, he is keenly interested in the outside world.
  3. Keep your head in line with the body, without overstressing the cervical region.
  4. Crawl on their bellies. Usually, a child at this age can already move a little, pulling himself towards an attractive thing for him.
  5. Hold a rattle or other handy thing with a pen. And this is no longer a grasping reflex associated with capturing any object stuck in the palm of your hand, but an arbitrary, volitional process in which the baby’s desire is involved.
  6. Understand how to move or shake a toy to hear the sound.
  7. React to the sound, voice, turning his head in the direction from which it is heard.
  8. Learn your name.
  9. Fuck and babble, pronounce the sounds and syllables "ma", "pa", "ba", similar to the first words. He gladly responds to these sounds repeated by his mother, especially if they are equipped with rich facial expressions and various intonations.
  10. Distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar faces.
  11. See objects at a distance of several meters.
  12. Make sounds of different range and volume, for example, a loud squeal or a quiet purr under his breath.
  13. To object when trying to take a toy from him is what a child can do at 4.5 months, but not always.

Pediatrician EO Komarovsky believes that sitting down children at this age is absolutely not necessary. Although children may for some time maintain a semi-vertical position of the body while in soft pillows, such a seat is not useful for the development of their spine and can turn into problems in the future. The development of the musculoskeletal system goes on as usual, going through a period of crawling, which is sufficiently strengthened the back muscles for further sitting, standing and walking.

Komarovsky’s position on joint sleeping and night feeding is quite categorical. He admits that children of 4 months may be applied to the breast 1 time per night, and after 6 months they do not need nightly feeding at all. The best place to sleep for kids, Dr. Komarovsky considers a separate bed in the parents' room. Not all parents are happy with such recommendations, not every child sleeps separately and eats one by one at such a tender age. In any case, moms and dads have the right to choose.

Educational activities and games for babies 4 months

Do not forget that no cards and developmental materials will not replace live and direct communication with adults. The child develops in the game and communication, communication in the brain arises and strengthens far from not only the intellectual burden, but also from the atmosphere of daily adoption, care and affection. Games and activities complement and enrich simple communication, which is to show the baby objects in the room and on the street, to talk about their properties, colors, sounds made. Babies at 4 months are actively exploring the world and are happy when they are given this opportunity, wearing them in their arms or in a sling. Different activities should be a joy for both the child and mother, they allow to diversify everyday life. How can you play with a four-month baby?

  • encourage him to crawl and grab toys, placing them at a short distance from the baby, so that he can reach an interesting object with a little effort;
  • if the kid has not mastered the technique of the coup, you can give him your finger and help start the movement;
  • start playing finger games with your child under poteshki, for example, a forty-crow, a horned goat, ladies, which develop both motility and emotional sphere;
  • offer new bright rattles, soft balls, ordinary objects of different colors, but do not fill up the baby with toys, it takes time to master;
  • buy or sew for a baby a mat with elements of different texture and color, buttons, zippers, animal figures. To study it is a pleasure for the crumbs.

The four-month baby has already passed the period of adaptation to the environment. He has a turning point when all body systems begin to develop intensively. Baby movements are becoming more confident, individuality is manifested, and their own habits appear. The kid begins to actively explore the world around him.

Physiological indicators of a 4-month-old baby

To this age, the crumb must have the following indicators:

For a month, babies should gain weight up to 700 grams, and grow by 2-2.5 cm. By 4 months, the baby is becoming more active and has already demonstrated its skills.

Physiological indicators of the baby in the fifth month of life are actively developing:

  • Child distinguishes   both objects and their color may long be considered a toy that interested him.
  • Baby appear   the makings of visual memory.
  • He looks   from one object to another, by the beginning of 5 months distinguishes flat and voluminous objects.
  • Hearing aid   almost fully formed. When a sound appears, the baby turns the head in his direction.
  • Baby listens carefully   in the speech addressed to him, distinguishes intonation.
  • Kids react differently   on rhythmic and slow melodies. In the first case, they are enlivened, and under a lullaby song they calm down and calm down.
  • The baby reacts to sharp sounds   wide plowing eyes.
First sounds
  • By 4 months baby starts   actively roar and aguce.
  • He makes some sounds. , for example, "ma", "ba", "pa", which impatient parents perceive as a child's speech.
  • The baby is already able   laugh and cry out loudly.
Wakefulness and sleep
  • Waking time   crumbs increased.
  • He passes imperceptibly   for a 3-day nap, devoting the rest of the time to knowing the world around us.
  • At 4 months the baby should sleep well all night, in extreme cases, interrupting it for 1-2 feedings.

Fine developing baby  in 4 months has enough skills:

  1. Makes an attempt   turn on flank, back and back.
  2. Feeding   he himself supports her mother's breast.
  3. Lying on his stomach , rises on his hands and holds his head well.
  4. Understands that in order to extract the sound from the rattle, you need to shake it.
  5. Holds   items in hand up to 30 seconds.
  6. Can sit when he is lightly pulled by the arms.

Neuro-psychological development of the baby in four months

By 4 months, the baby begins the stage of "revitalization". The kid is actively trying to establish contacts with the outside world, he is happy to communicate with adults and seeks to him.

At this age, the baby actively develops the brain and nervous system:

  • The child appears   more emotional reaction to any event.
  • The kid confidently distinguishes   people close to him from outsiders, first of all, highlighting mom.
  • Baby is actively communicating   with others through sounds and gestures, especially rejoicing when he sees small children.
  • Although the child still does not show   stormy joy at the sound of his name, but already responding to him, turning his head toward the speaker.
  • Four-month baby already shows   feelings such as surprise, curiosity, disappointment or annoyance, although these emotions are fleeting for the time being.
  • Baby can   some time to entertain yourself by practicing with toys.
  • At 4 months the child is actively developing.   tactile sensations. This is manifested in the fact that he drags all the objects next to the crumb into his mouth, thus studying the world. Keep your baby's toys clean.

Feeding a baby at 4 months - is it possible to introduce lactation?

Opinions of experts about the age at which you need to introduce complementary foods, diverge.

Some of them advise starting to feed the baby from 4 months, others say that with enough milk in a nursing woman, it is better to start feeding with 6 months.

Since not all mothers breastfeed their babies, consider what products, except milk formulas, can be given from 4 months. If the baby is gaining weight normally, it is better to use vegetable or fruit juice and mashed potatoes as the first supplementary food. .

Few modern moms cook for themselves - squeeze out juice or grind vegetables. A huge range of food for small children on the shelves makes life easier. For the first feeding, single-ingredient formulations are selected from cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, carrot or apple.

If the baby is not gaining enough weight or the mother doesn’t have enough milk, they start feeding with a porridge. In this case, they use non-milk formula, which is produced as a substitute for breast milk, namely, porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, or rice).

Lure is introduced, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume .. Help the crumbs, if he does not immediately everything turns out. Let him hold the desired toy, then make a turn in the right direction.

Swing A child lying on its back is taken by the handles and lightly smacked by itself. so that the baby slightly raised the body. Carefully return the crumbs to the place. This exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and helps the child to see what is around. Reach for a toy The child must learn to take toys from different positions - lying on his back, tummy or on his side. To do this, they are placed at a small distance in order to induce the baby to reach out to things he liked. Such actions strengthen handles, back and abdominal muscles, help to master crawling skills faster. Practice exciting moves. At first, when a child tries to grab a toy , it makes a lot of unnecessary movements, since from the first time it cannot be taken. To help your child learn how to grip and hold various objects in your hand, they do an easy exercise.

In the hand of the kid put comfortable to capture items . After the crumb learns to hold them tight in their hands, they carefully take the toy from him and give it back.

After the child starts to confidently reach and hold   objects hung above the crib, they are slightly moved away from the baby, forcing him to reach out to them.

Squeeze and unclench toys To train your fingers and hands, show your child how to squeeze a rubber toy. . The sound that she makes will interest the baby, and he will repeat the action of the adults with pleasure. What will receive: Repeating the procedure several times, you consolidate knowledge   child about the sound of the subject. Over time, the baby will learn to relate the names of things with their image and sound. We study the properties of objects Take a few items   of different materials  - wood, plastic, metal and rubber. All things must be small size  and fit comfortably in the baby handle. Offer the crumbs take turns to touch the toys.

What will receive: Having mastered groping actions, the kid gets to know the world better, he develops tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

Know your body At 4 months old baby is interested in his body. , looking at your hands and feet with pleasure. Take the crumb by the hand and touch with his fingers to his nose. Explain what it is called, show where your nose is, let the baby touch it. Repeat the same steps with other parts of the body. Let the crumb touch his ear, pen or leg.

What will receive: Tactile actions in combination with words helps the child to ensure the integrity of perception, combining visual, tactile and auditory sensations.

We develop voice repertoire The baby makes more and more different sounds every day. . He likes to babble, listening to his voice. For the development of voice perception and mastering of various sounds, often talk with the baby, call him by name, tell tales or sing songs.

Give the kid a teddy bear, dog or cat, explain that the bear growls, the dog barks, etc.

What will receive: The kid will connect together visual and auditory sensations and learn to relate the subject with its name.

Inexperienced young parents believe that at the age of 4 months the pussy understands little, and focuses on feeding and hygiene.

In fact, the more adults communicate with the little man, the better it will affect his mental and emotional. Communicate with the baby as much as possible, satisfying his craving for knowledge of the world.

The first year of a child’s life is the most intense, both in terms of the development of emotions, intellectual growth, and in the physical aspect. In the first year of life, the baby cannot be perceived as an object for feeding, washing and sleeping. It is necessary to play with him, because at this time the basic mechanisms of human behavior as a person are laid. Baby is learning different ways  emotional, moral and physical response to external stimuli and events.

  At 4 months, the baby seems quite small and defenseless, but this does not prevent him from actively exploring the world and developing at a tremendous pace.

Education is largely carried out by the method of imprinting, that is, the child unconsciously remembers, and in the future copies the behavior of significant adults, first of all parents - they need to keep this in mind when demonstrating certain reactions in the presence of the infant. The brain is not a muscle, but it needs to be “pumped”, just like the physical body, only by training, it is improved. Educational games are one of the main ways of developing the intellectual sphere of children.

What can be developed with the help of the game in a 4-month-old baby?

  • grasping movements;
  • tactile sensations;
  • muscle corset and, as a result, the ability to keep your head, and in the future to sit down, stand up, walk;
  • the organs of touch and their corresponding brain centers;
  • emotional sphere.

At 4 months, the child really needs toys, because waking time is increasing - it is already possible to usely entertain the kid, play with him at home, offering lessons for the development of the body and mind. By four months, the crumb must learn to take what they put into his hand, grab objects in his field of vision (if he can reach them), and is able to distinguish different surfaces. Hands should be used as much as possible.  and more often, then classes are easy to conduct at home, they allow you to "kill not two, but three birds with one stone":

  • improve tactile capabilities;
  • stimulate centers in the brain associated with the palmar surface of the hand, and this is a large part of the brain;
  • involve biologically active points that normalize the work of the internal organs.

Allow the baby to touch the most different subjects, gnaw them, sort out, then he will grow smart. At the age of 4 months, the baby needs a massage and exercises that will allow him to hold his head - for these purposes, the child should be spread on the tummy.

  Exercises on fine motor skills - the basis of the development of the baby at this age

What toys to offer baby?

  • comfortable for grabbing;
  • suitable for gnawing;
  • quite large and having a different shape;
  • bright, preferably the presence of all the colors of the rainbow;
  • with audio effects (rattles, rustling, bells, tweeters, etc.).

Toys for a baby at 4 months should be suitable in size to its handle, convenient for grasping and holding, that is, with rings, of relatively small diameter, rattles. By this age, the child begins to actively cut into the teeth, so all that you give crumbs, will be in the mouth. Accordingly, the toys should not be paper stickers or lacquer removed, which he gnaws, the size should be such that the little one could not swallow them. At least part of the toy should easily enter the baby’s mouth. Not all children actively gnaw teethers, many use completely unsuitable objects for “scratching” the gums: baby spoons, plastic covers from water cans, etc.

At 4 months, toys can be given to the baby’s handle or hung over the crib so that he can reach them with his hand - these can be rubber, plastic toys (animals, which can be called a baby) or parts from a large designer (parallelogram, cube, ball and etc.)

  Cute fun toys over the crib - not just the decor of the children's room, they help the baby to develop and have a great effect on fine motor skills

General rules for developing games

The general rules for conducting any game with a child in 4 months are reduced to the baby's readiness for them. It should be:

  • healthy;
  • well fed;
  • vigorous, not sleepy;
  • comfortably dressed and in a clean diaper.

Dr. Komarovsky stresses that children of 4-5 months cannot endure hunger, so they won't distract the kid with an interesting activity for a long time - a hungry child will not want to play. You should also not entertain a baby who wants to sleep - it will do more harm than good.

Games for the development of emotional sphere and hearing

"Reading in faces"  will help to take the baby during wakefulness and to establish contact with him at the level of the transfer of emotions in a tone, will encourage the development of the first speech skills. For this game, the mother puts the baby in bed and reads him a fairy tale with an abundance of dialogue. It is necessary to read in persons, expressively, accompanying with mimicry one or other aspects of the emotional state of the characters. The baby will listen to the mother's voice, learning to differentiate intonation. Over time, he will boom in response.

The next game - "bells", very simple to perform. To do this, small bells or rattles are tied to the hands (legs) of the crumbs with the help of ribbons or net gum. Moving the handles, the baby will use the toy, which attracts him with its sound. Firstly, in this way, he learns to understand where his hands (legs) are, secondly, he will train sound sensors and an understanding that it is his movements that cause musical sounds. There are other games that can be found on video.

Games for the development of movements

Is your baby four months old? Time to develop it ability to roll over. For this you need a toy that the baby likes and a wide bed. The child is placed on the middle of the bed and shows him his favorite toy, then put it on the corner of the bed, so that the child has to roll over on the flank to see it. Most likely, the baby does not immediately succeed, for the first time help him - show how to do it. If the kid tried, stretched and tired, move the toy to him, no need to overwork the child.

Exercises and massage in the form of a game not only strengthen the muscles of the baby, remove hypertonus, but also will delight the child. Begin the exercises with a pre-massage - it consists in stroking the arms, legs, tummy. Then do 3 times crossing with arms and legs. Completely exercise is repeated 5 times, then the legs of the baby are pressed in turn. Next, simultaneously raise and lower both hands of the baby, alternately raise, and lower the hands of the child. The exercise is done 5 times each, the complex is repeated once again in full.

  Playing on the bed and massage contribute to the physical development of the baby

You can do this with your baby twice a day. If the crumb does not want, resists every movement, straining his legs, postpone the game for another time.

Game for the development of tactile sensations

Educational game in knots, most likely, will interest the baby and help the development of his tactile skills, as well as stimulate the grasping movements. To conduct it, you will need a ribbon or ribbon with knots tied to it. The total length of the tape is 0.4 m, the knots are tied every 0.1 m.

The prepared tape is given to the child’s hand, then it is slowly pulled, giving the baby a nodule. Movement should be smooth, so as not to injure the skin of the baby. It is important to achieve an understanding of the baby and his reaction to the presence of nodules. At four months he is fully capable of realizing what is happening. If the exercise does not bring visible benefits immediately, do not drop it - over time, the effect will be.

Child development at 4 months is a whole range of new skills and discoveries for the baby. For example, you can play not only with your own hands, but even grab them with your toes. And every toy that fell into the hands, be sure to send in your mouth. What else the baby will learn and what a child must be able to do at 4 months?

At four months, your baby, and you along with it, have already managed to take a break from crying about abdominal pains and entered a new phase of conscious communication. His body is already completely freed from stiffness of muscles, and if the tone is still preserved in the child for 4 months, manifested by clenched fists and handles tightly pressed to the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor. You will be recommended massage and consultation. child neurologistwith which you can find a solution to the problem.

Features of physiological development

Baby in four months, the development of which takes place correctly, becomes very active and sociable. He is interested in everything around, he is happy to examine and suck on toys, and saliva from his mouth flows like a river. For some mothers, this becomes a signal for a quick teething. However, this is not the case, and waiting for the first teeth should be postponed until. Increase the intensity of the salivary glands associated with the care of Mother Nature. So it protects the child from bacteria from the same toys and cams that are in the mouth very often.

Baby's sleep at 4 months becomes deeper. The duration of a night's rest is 8-10 hours, but during the day, a baby can only briefly rest a couple of times in the morning and in the late afternoon. And it is good to sleep during the day, up to 3 hours, after a heavy snack and while walking in a carriage.

If there are no medical indications, it is not necessary to introduce complementary foods at this age. The kid is gaining weight, so he absolutely needs your milk or a mixture. Baby chair at 4 months on breastfeeding  still the same kasheobrazny, regular. Crumbs crumbs 3-5 times a day. Artificiality periodicity may be the same or less. With good health is not scary, even if the child empties the bowel every other day.

In this period, you will again notice how the baby has grown up. The growth of a child at 4 months is quite active, while weight gain is observed within the limits set by the pediatricians. This is due to the fact that babies, as a rule, live according to the established regime and do not overeat. The following table will tell you about the child’s weight in 4 months, height and head circumference.

Basic skills

The skills of a child at 4 months become even more diverse. The most important thing is that he is already trying to sit. If the child sits at 4 months alone, do not hinder him. Only make sure that the sitting position is smoother, with a reclined back or a pillow. Carry a sitting baby in a stroller should not be, but in the car seat with an indirect fit is quite possible.

Other features that characterize proper development 4 month childread below.

  • Raises the head and shoulders, lying on the tummy.  Often the baby relies on the handles and straightens them completely. So you can see everything around better!
  • Turns from tummy to back and sometimes back! If the baby does not turn over for 4 months, try to teach him this: holding an even handle and leg lying on the surface, turn the crumb upside down. Do it smoothly, with a smile and playing, so that he is not afraid. After several days of such training, the child will learn how to make back and forth coups himself!
  • Demonstrates a preference for mom (or another caregiver) over the rest of the family.  At 4 months the psychological attachment of the crumbs begins to grow. The same goes for toys. He has favorite and unloved items.
  • Responds to your name  - The most important skill that a child can at 4 months. Hailing the baby, you will see that he turns his head.

Games and gymnastics

For the development of a baby, 4 months are extremely important games with mom. It can be role-playing fun, for example, with a handkerchief, under which the mother hides, and the child needs to find her. Also among the games with a child, 4 months are useful:

  • "Tumbler": grab the baby for the nights and pens, put them in a bun and roll like a doll on the back;
  • "Turn around"  - Mom hides and calls the child;
  • "Catch me"  - Let the baby stretches and grabs the toy that is in your hands.

It's great when games include gymnastics elements for children 4 months. This includes rolling on the back, and coups on the flank, and, of course, funny popping up in the hands of the pope, who make the crumbs strain all their muscles and straighten up into a “stance”. Playing and practicing, you will help your muscles to get stronger!

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Your child is 4 months old. He became different not only in appearance, but also in behavior. This is not the helpless baby that you brought from the hospital. He can do a lot and every day he acts more and more intelligently and confidently. It is believed that at this age, adaptation to environmental conditions is completed and all body systems change.

General physiological development

By this age, the baby scooped another 750 g, the breast volume increased by 2.5 cm, and the heads - by 1 cm. Now the babies weigh 6-7 kg (plus or minus 1 kg), and the growth rate is 60-63 cm (plus - minus 3 cm).

During this period of life in babies nails and hair begin to grow rapidly. It is necessary to trim the grown off nails in time, since the child still does not know how to control the handles and can greatly scratch himself.

Physical activity of infants increases and periods decrease daytime sleep. Now it takes 14-15 hours a day to sleep, and the waking period between sleep and feeding is 2 hours.

Most babies still eat predominantly breast milk, and today all pediatricians in the world agree that this is the best food for a baby. But if it happened that you cannot breastfeed, then there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to choose the right mix and complementary foods, referring only to well-known brands.

Skills and abilities

In the development of the child in the fourth month, too many new things. He makes the first attempts to roll over from his back to his tummy. Show karapuzu bright toy, let him be interested in her. But do not give it to him in the handles, and put a number. The kid will reach for the toy, groan. This will help him learn to turn to the side, and later on the stomach. By the end of the fourth month, the kids can already lift their upper body in the “tummy position”, while they confidently hold their heads and turn it in different directions. Kids can creep forward a little, pulling the torso in their arms.

4-month-old pipsqueak is already trying to roll over on his tummy, preparing for sitting and active crawling

At this age, the child is prepared for the stage of sitting. He can pull up with handles, clutching at the fingers of an adult. There is a so-called grouping of the child: he pulls up with his head and torso and freely holds in this position.

In the fourth month, the movements of babies become more accurate and confident. They develop eye-hand-mouth coordination function. All that the baby caught in the handle, he grabs and pulls into his mouth. He also pulls in his mouth and his pens.

At this age, the child begins to distinguish the colors and shape of objects, so it is recommended to give the baby toys of various colors and shapes. In addition, the toddler appears favorite toys and those with which he plays reluctantly.

Features of the nervous system

At the four-month baby die out unconditioned reflexes, and instead they form conditional. For example, the grasping reflex: earlier, the kid immediately grabbed the object, and now he looks at it, and only then reaches for it.

The search reflex was expressed in tactile sensations, and now it is also visual. For example, seeing a bottle, the crumb opens his mouth. He is preparing for the act of sucking.

Psycho-emotional development

Spend a simple psychological experiment: stand next to the baby, smiling at him. And he will smile back at you. If you turn away, then the crumb will try to appeal to you with invocatory sounds. If a child at 4 months does not respond in this way, this is a signal - he does not take the initiative to communicate. You need to think about it. Communication and affection is an important characteristic feature of the psychological development of a child at 4 months.

  During this period, children really need to communicate with their beloved mom and dad. When he sees them, he begins to move actively, thereby expressing his joy.

During this period, children have another psycho-emotional feature - the revitalization complex. When a mom or dad comes into view of the child, his hands and feet begin to move actively, he may scream, babble and smile.

Kids of the fourth month of life are very wary of strangers. And even to relatives, whom they rarely see. A crumb can cry if a stranger approaches it. At this age, babies are not yet able to recognize the image of an adult if he has changed a little: if a mother needs to wear, for example, glasses, and the little one does not recognize her. Such a metamorphosis can also scare him.

Intensively develops the visual and auditory perception of the child. In the 4th month of life, the baby does not just see, he is able to follow with his eyes a moving object or object that is not further than a few meters. And if the subject is removed from the field of view, the little one will immediately forget about it and remember if it is shown to him again. On this feature of children of this age are built different games.

Kids at this stage of development make the first attempts to "talk." Of course, they are “talking” in their infant language (walking, babbling), but mummies and daddies are already able to understand them.

Kids smile, laugh out loud, scream. At this moment it is necessary to support your child in his desire to communicate, to talk more with him, to encourage his speech activity.

Call things out loud, comment on your actions (even if you just change the diapers), sing songs to him, read the rituals, play games. You can repeat after baby the sounds that he makes, thereby teaching him the first elements of dialogue. Not understanding the meaning of phrases and words, the baby will listen to the tonality and emotional colors of the voice. All this stimulates the baby to start talking and reading faster.

Nutritional aspects

Juices: give or not give?

Surely there are grandmothers in your family who remember how in their youth children were given juice at 2 months. Indeed, it was. That generation really wanted to feed the children, to give them more vitamins.

  From 4 months you can start feeding. As a rule, it is porridge or vegetables. Fruits and juices are given to the child later.

Today, this tactic was abandoned, as it became clear that there are few vitamins in the number of juices offered to babies. And besides, the juice irritates the intestinal wall of the child. As a result, he not only doesn’t assimilate these vitamins, he doesn’t assimilate what he should get with other nutrition. This is confirmed by the National Program for the Optimization of Feeding Children in the First Year of Life in the Russian Federation - a document signed by two academicians. It says that up to 4 months a baby should receive only breast milk (or adapted milk formula), and you should not feed it with anything.

In general, a 4-month-old baby should receive 1 liter of food per day.



At 4 months, you can begin to introduce the first feed. Traditionally in our country it is porridge. Kashu is recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. Porridge should be gluten-free (rice, corn, buckwheat). It is necessary to choose some kind of one porridge and offer it to the baby first in very small quantities, gradually increasing the portion. Usually they begin to give 1 teaspoon of the finished product and bring the amount to 100 grams.

Most pediatricians do not recommend cooking porridge on their own, it is better to buy ready-made, which are diluted with water or breast milk (mixture). The fact is that industrial porridges are better threshed and crushed, they are enriched with vitamins and trace elements that are necessary for children.

If you cook porridge yourself, then you can not do it with whole milk, which is introduced much later. It is necessary to grind the grits in a coffee grinder and cook it in vegetable broth. If necessary, rub the porridge through a sieve.

It is better to give porridge in the morning - we form breakfast, but it is possible in the evening.

Vegetable puree

One type of complementary foods is given for about 2 weeks, after which you can begin to introduce something else. For example, vegetable puree. In fact, complementary food does not always begin with porridge - you can start with vegetable puree, especially if your child has overweight, constipation, or a tendency to diathesis.

The best vegetables for the first feeding are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Vegetable Lure usually introduced during the day, because with it is formed lunch. Begin to give your baby vegetables with 1 tsp and in 2 weeks bring to 100-150 g.

So, closer to 4.5-5 months, your baby is already eating breakfast and eating porridge (100 g), having lunch vegetable puree  (100-150 g). Supplement - with a mixture or breast milk.

special instructions

  1. Start feeding only if the child is completely healthy and in a good mood, otherwise he will not be able to positively perceive the new taste of food.
  2. The first feed is better to give in the morning or at lunch in the morning. You should have time to observe the reactions of the infant. Focus on the skin (there is no rash, redness), redness around the anus and buttocks also speaks about allergies. Follow the stool, the following reactions should alert you: increased stool, mucus, greens or lumps in the feces.

  Now the kid has become more interactive, it is interesting to spend time with him, to play. Crumb games are not only fun, but also a way to develop various skills and abilities.

Games with the baby in 4 months

With children of this age, you can have fun and play interesting games.

Finger games

An adult puts his fingers, imitating a duckling, and says:

You, duckling, not food,
  Better look for mom.
  Quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack! (the whole poem is sung 2 times).

Over time, the baby will also make this gesture with his fingers.

And now the fly has arrived - WF-W (we show hands how the fly flies). Chase the fly:

Fly, fly away!
  Fly, fly away!
  Fly, fly away!
  Sit quietly do not bother! (hand show how we brush the fly away).

A poem is sung several times.

  Hanging toys help develop fine motor skills and motor coordination

Game on the opening of the cam and the development of tactile sensations

Swipe your toes to your face, opening the cam. Sentence: "Mom is good, good."

Movement Coordination Game

Hang a pacifier or a small toy on the chain and chat in front of the baby. He will pull the little hands and try to grab the subject. Let the chain sway a little from side to side so that the crumb can "fight" before grabbing it. But be sure to make sure that he succeeds in getting the desired toy, reward the kid with a kiss and praise: “You are my good girl!”.

Explore your own body

You can take a cub by wearing bright items of clothing, such as socks. He will be interested in them and will start playing with the legs. He will also like the toy bracelet on the handle.

Games with sounds

Games with sounds are the favorite fun of children of this age. Your task is to make different sounds: here you are a lion, and growl, now you are an engine, and puff. And now you're a kitty. Purr. Soon the child will remember these sounds and start repeating them after you.

These classes will surely bring a lot of pleasure and joy to your tomboy.

  Caring for a child at 4 months is not difficult: as a rule, it is bathing, washing up, processing ears and a peephole, washing the head. It is important during this period to begin to engage in gymnastics for babies.

Care and hygiene

With a 4-month-old baby, it is necessary to do daily gymnastics (provided that it is cheerful and healthy).

Lay the baby on the back:

  • Handles up and down, then in a circle in one and the other side.
  • Cross the handles and spread to the sides, then cross again.
  • Turn the baby on the left, then on the right side.
  • Bend and unbend the legs, make circular motions with them - first with one leg, then with the other, and at the end with both.

Put on your tummy:

  • Bend the legs at the knees, then straighten them, spread them to the side and reduce.

Gymnastics is an important thing at this age, but everything should be in moderation. Baby should not overwork. 5 minutes in the morning is enough for a 4-month-old toddler. During the gymnastics, sing him some funny songs, read the litters, as long as he feels the rhythm. At the end do not forget to praise the cub.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the baby:

  • clean the nose and ears as necessary with special cotton buds with stoppers;
  • bathe the baby every day at the same time;
  • to wash your hair is enough once a week;
  • after the toilet, the baby must be flushed;
  • once a week cut his nails.

When to worry

Child development at 4 months does not always strictly follow the pattern and does not always correspond to a standard. All children are individual. However, the averages are exactly as described above. You can rely on them, but in no case do not panic if your results are slightly different. Worry is only when the baby:

  • does not want to communicate and does not notice the people around them;
  • does not liven up at the sight of mom or dad;
  • does not imitate sounds;
  • does not smile or laugh;
  • not interested in bright toys and pictures.

In these cases, you can talk about suspicion of a slight lag in development, so the child should be shown to the pediatrician.