Baby lure for months when breastfeeding. We introduce new products in the feeding during breastfeeding.

A nursing mother does not need to rush to the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods to the baby, if everything is fine with mother's milk. The composition of different women is different, because each corresponds to the individual needs of the baby.

From this article, you will learn about the right foods for months. Where to begin the introduction of complementary foods baby by month. What vegetable puree and cereal better first  give the baby and how to cook them. We will also show the scheme of introduction of complementary foods for months with artificial feeding.

The introduction of the first feeding of a newborn baby during breastfeeding

Complementary feeding is the first step towards weaning the infant from the mother. lasts several months after the start of the introduction of solid products.

How will the introduction of complementary foods to the child and his mother

  • Gradually replaces breast milk with other food.
  • Affects the amount of breast milk.
  • Can accelerate the return and fertility.

When to begin to feed the baby during breastfeeding

Begin to enter the infant complementary foods should be 6 months. The signals will be as follows:

  • sitting alone holding his back
  • learned not to push products with the tongue, but to use the most active muscle in order to swallow food,
  • takes things with his thumb and forefinger.
  • showing interest in adult food
  • teeth appeared

If you do not see such signs in a child, it is preferable to wait with the start of the input of complementary foods. Most solid foods in calories are lower than breast milk, and with less nutritional value, they are harder to digest in infants. New food can provoke an unexpected reaction of the body of the baby or cause.

Step-by-step description of the correct start of the introduction of feeding for a child by month?

The baby should be ready to start entering the feeding. If not, then the child's tongue will reflexively repel food, which will only complicate feeding.

In order for the newborn to be mentally and physically ready for complementary feeding, and not just to passively feed, one should observe its reaction to solid food. How much he eats is one of the main signals of satiety and readiness for solid food.

Where to start to enter the first feeding when breastfeeding

Begin to introduce the first baby food with vegetable purees, namely:

  • zucchini
  • cauliflower

It is best to start the first type in mashed zucchini masks, as it does not cause allergies in the child and is perfectly absorbed by the small organism. At 4 months you can start giving juices to a child, but often after tasty juices the baby does not want to eat vegetable puree.

How to cook zucchini for the first feeding


  • First, carefully wash the zucchini and peel it.
  • Cut the zucchini into 5 cm cubes and put in cold water for 30 minutes (Water will take away all the bad substances).
  • put the pieces in boiling water and cook zucchini 10 minutes
  • using a blender, knock down a cooked zucchini in mashed potatoes (a homogeneous slush should be obtained without small pieces).

How much to give the child food from the zucchini

On the first day of squash of mashed squash we begin to give the child one teaspoon each day increasing the portion by 2 times during the week. 7 days give only zucchini  and look at the reaction of the baby. Next, we will introduce cauliflower into baby food.

Baby gets new skills. It will take time before the newborn fully understands how many calories and how much new kind of food he needs in order to be satisfied and provide the body with everything necessary. Therefore, you should experiment a bit with the introduction of complementary foods, but make sure that the introduction of a new one becomes pleasant for you and for the baby.

Mother's milk is still the most nutritious form of food for infants, so continue to breastfeed it and gradually feed the food.

The first acquaintance of the baby with the start of feeding

Babies who receive milk predominantly will get acquainted with new types of food. For this we need strength. Hungry children will not want to go to meet prikorm.

To start feeding during breastfeeding you need:

  • Offer a small amount of new food. The baby will eat and enjoy only if in moderation.
  • Lure only when the baby is in a good mood. To find out for sure whether he liked the new products or not. Attract a child to a family dinner reception, lunch or breakfast.
  • The first introduction of complementary foods takes time, do it no more than once a week. Thus, it will be easier to track the reaction to different types of products.

Problems with feeding during breastfeeding

Such unpleasant manifestations as a skin rash, runny nose, abdominal pain may indicate food allergies.

If you see any of the signs, exclude the product newly added to the diet and look at the reaction. If it seems that the offered food didn’t like the baby, wait a bit and try again after a while. This may be repeated several times before the child tastes the taste of the product or dish.

As with breast milk, the baby independently controls the amount of food eaten (read that). Remember that playing with food is part of the training. A baby makes figures of food, talking to her. Do not leave the baby with food alone.

No need to lure the baby, which lies on the back.

The scheme of the introduction of complementary foods when breastfeeding or artificial feeding

The Women's Breastfeeding Association, the International Book League La Leche, offers complementary foods according to the following scheme, taking breaks between taste and nutritional qualities in new products:

  1. mild, sweet taste of fruits or vegetables:, sweet potatoes (cooked), or avocados, but sliced ​​so that the newborn can eat on its own.
  2. protein-rich foods (meat or beans) cooked and cut into small pieces.
  3. whole grain breads and whole grain cereals.
  4. fresh fruits and dishes from them (canned food, natural juices).
  5. yogurt, of course, cheese and cottage cheese can also be offered to infants at the age of ten months (avoid these products if there are episodes of allergy to dairy products in the family).
  6. whole milk and other dairy products, and citrus products should be fed after one year.
  7. honey is not recommended to be added to the diet until the baby is at least two years old, due to the risk of infant botulism caused by botulism controversy.
  8. traditionally, many pediatricians do not recommend giving babies eggs, peanuts, or any in the first year of their lives.

Let the baby explore the taste of complementary foods without adding spices, flavors, or baking powder (for example, stay away from butter and smoked meats).

Sweeteners of any kind completely unnecessary for feeding during breastfeeding. Most have already passed more than one processing, which completely destroys all useful elements in them.

Correct lure during gv months

Proper nutrition is first and foremost healthy food, balanced and varied diet in its natural form. Modern baby foods add sweeteners and flavors, spices, thickeners and artificial colors. Therefore, read the label carefully. When starting a lure, you should be aware that it will take between three and six months. When the baby begins to eat a varied meal and does not show any signs of allergies and other signs of illness or an adverse reaction of the body, you can safely continue to introduce something new into the diet. As long as he eats food rich in wholegrain products, you will better understand and keep his appetite normal.

Prikorm from 4 months with breastfeeding

What can feed a child in 4 months



If the fruit is soft and does not need to be chewed, you do not need to heat the product. Moreover, certain types of fruits, like bananas and avocados, cannot be offered to a child if they have been cooked in any way.


Vegetables up to 12 months can not be given raw, it can harm children.


During the feeding, you must be cooked, so never give the baby raw meat or fish.

How to feed a baby in 4 months

Do not rush to part with maternal breast milk or formula. Up to 3 months it is strictly forbidden to replace this essential element of the child’s diet, since they contain almost the entire set for the full development of the body. Also, it is not recommended to additionally give low-fat dairy products or skimmed milk to infants. In 4 months only whole milk is acceptable and it is really necessary.

When mom thinks how to give the first lure when breastfeeding, the most practical advice would be - do not look at the monthly calendar. It is important to remember that each reaction to the lure is individual, so the mother should introduce food into the infant's diet and then analyze whether it is suitable for him or not, not focusing on what is written in the book or on the Internet. If you have read somewhere that you can be lured from the age of four months, it does not mean that your option will be suitable for your child to begin the introduction of early feeding.

How much should 4 - 6 month old baby be fed for the first time?

Children at four months can eat only 1/2 tablespoon of servings of feeding. Do not expect the child to immediately eat everything, because this is a new experience and it is possible that the baby will want to play with food, look at it, smell it, even mash it in hand. In addition, remember that complementary foods cannot fully meet all the needs of the developing organism — breastmilk or formula still remains central to providing the necessary elements.

Many parents think about the children that they know better whether the crumb is hungry or not, so they often force the baby to eat a portion of the complementary food. As for the domestication of the new food: if you refuse to feed, then the time has not come yet.

Did you know that the tummy of a newborn is the size of a small fist? Remember this when you feed the baby.

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What to feed, when to feed and how much to give complements when breastfeeding

A newborn baby grows very quickly, its nutritional needs are increasing and changing. Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding is an important period in the life of the nursing infant. Good nutrition and proper feeding methods are the prevention of various disorders in its physical and mental development. To preserve the health of the child, it is important to know when, with what products and in what volume.

Doctors do not advise introducing complementary foods before the baby is 6 months old, because before this time he fully receives beneficial substances from his mother’s milk

The World Health Organization recommends the introduction of complementary foods to a child who receives breast milk, to begin no earlier than 6 months of age. Until this period, there is no need for complementary feeding, since breast milk satisfies all the nutritional needs of the infant. However, each baby is different, so mom needs to pay attention to certain signs in the child's behavior. A baby is ready to receive new food for him if he:

  • doubled your original body weight
  • learned to sit by yourself
  • interested in food for adults, looks in the plates, tries to take pieces of food
  • stops pushing food with tongue
  • may turn away from the spoon if he does not like the proposed food
  • more often asks her mother's breast, sucking milk for hours
  • absolutely healthy, in the near future did not receive vaccinations.

Experts do not recommend introducing adjuvant when breastfeeding before 6 months, since in this case the mother's milk production may decrease, and the baby will not receive the necessary nutrients and protective components. In addition, the intestines of a newborn who has not reached 6 months are not yet ready to accept a new food, therefore there is a risk of allergies and disorders of the digestive process. Later introduction of complementary foods is also undesirable A lack of vitamins and microelements in a growing baby’s body can lead to growth retardation. With long-term breast-feeding only, the child lacks a perception of the new taste of food, which significantly hampers his psycho-emotional development. Detained and very important chewing skills.

Where to start?

Some parents are convinced that the best ─ is fruit and vegetable juices. Modern pediatricians have the opposite opinion: the juice does not need to be introduced into the diet of the baby, until he began to use cereals, meat, fish, vegetables in sufficient quantities. There are several downsides to the early introduction of juices.

  • They are more likely to cause allergies in the newborn.
  • It is a heavy product that is poorly absorbed and irritates the immature digestive system of the infant.
  • Many store juices contain sugar.

If the baby is well gaining weight or is overweight, and also if it is tormented by constipation, the beginning of feeding should be made vegetable.  You can mash your own or choose ready. When buying baby food, give preference to companies that you know of, have good feedback. Zucchini, carrots, cauliflower ─. Later you can enter pumpkin, broccoli, potatoes, green pea. Always offer infants no more than 1 teaspoon of a new product, gradually increasing the volume.

4 weeks after the introduction of the vegetables, you can offer the child a second complementary food ─ porridge. If the baby has a weight deficit or there are any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, after consulting with the pediatrician, start feeding not with vegetables, but with cereal. Choose only dairy-free cereals, not containing gluten: buckwheat, rice, corn. After 8.5–9 months, it is acceptable to include oatmeal, millet, and multigrain cereals in the child’s diet.

Vegetables along with cereals are ideal for starting lures.

After you have added vegetables and cereals to the baby’s menu, gradually offer him other products. Be sure to write down what and in what volume you give to the child, the decorated table is especially convenient. The transition from one complementary food to another should be at least 3 weeks.

  1. Meat This product can be given to a child from 7.5 months. Start with half a teaspoon of mashed turkey, chicken, beef or rabbit. If your baby has low hemoglobin, after consulting a doctor, give him meat from 6.5-7 months. Meat broth children up to a year is not recommended to feed.
  2. Fruits . Puree of one fruit: pear, apple, peach or banana - can be offered to infants at 6-7 months. Calculate the recommended volume of fruit puree for your baby by multiplying its age (number of months) by 10. Such a number of grams of product can be given to a child, provided it is well tolerated.
  3. Dairy products. At the age of 8–9 months, offer the baby cottage cheese or kefir, very slowly increasing their dose. These products are especially useful for children suffering from intestinal disorders. From 10 months, 2-3 times a week, you can give your baby 5 g of cheese.
  4. Eggs Breast feeding with yolk can be administered from 9-10 months. Start with 1/8 part, slowly increasing the volume to 1/2. Leave familiarity with protein at a later time. For babies it is better to choose quail eggs.
  5. A fish . Previously 10–11 months, you do not need to enter this product. If the child is allergic, give him a try fish only after a year. First, offer low-fat varieties without a sharp taste and smell.

In no case do not feed the baby by force - children's body  able to control the amount of food he needs

  1. Introduce the baby to the baby gradually, starting with 1 tsp. Get to the desired volume within 10 days. Always offer infant one-component mashed potatoes and cereals first. Keep a special diary in which you will be entered the scheme of introduction of products. Indicate in it the daily number of foods and the reaction of the baby to him. If your child has an allergy or upset digestion, discard the product being administered for a while.
  2. If you are mashing yourself, carefully select fruits and vegetables. Prefer fruits from local beds. You can make stocks for the winter of cabbage, sweet peppers, carrots, berries, just by freezing them. For cooking vegetables, use a steamer. Feed your baby only freshly prepared dish. Do not add salt, sugar and seasonings to food.
  3. Do not feed your child forcibly. Remember that newborns are able to control their appetite, so they always get the calories they have not received through mother's milk. So that the child has not lost interest in eating, it is necessary to feed him only when he expresses a desire. No need to persistently offer the baby a product that he did not like.
  4. Do not rush to stop breastfeeding. Some mothers, introducing a sufficient amount of new products into the infant's diet, rush to wean him. However, breastfeeding is indispensable for the still weak immunity of the infant. Mother's milk contains many nutrients that can protect even an older baby from infections and alleviate the severity of disease progression. Breastfeed after the proposed feeding, as well as at any time upon request.

Do not be discouraged if the child does not eat up all the food you offer. Breastfed babies usually eat in small portions. Do not forget that babies control the feeling of fullness, which allows them not to overeat. Do not scold the baby if he is trying to eat with his own hands: this is how he meets a new dish with the help of his fingers.

Disputes about when to introduce the first feeding with breastfeeding, do not find a single point of view among specialists and young mothers. More recently, breastfeeding babies started with 2 months of life, offering him as a first meal a small amount of apple juice. At present, the first-feeding scheme for breastfeeding has changed dramatically.

When receiving breastmilk as the main food, the baby does not suffer from a deficiency of trace elements and nutrients that are important for its normal development from birth. But time passes, and the needs of the baby grow. Pediatricians recommend introducing the first feeding with 6 months when breastfeeding.

The introduction of complementary feeding during breastfeeding should be carried out strictly individually. Much depends on the mental and physical development of the child, the general state of his health.

In the recent past, pediatricians have recommended feeding lactation when feeding from 1 month in the form of a few drops of apple juice and 2 months in the form of semolina, if the child has a body weight deficit. Nowadays, this tactic is considered extremely wrong.

According to the WHO recommendation, the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding should have clearer boundaries. A child who is breastfed since birth should receive their first complementary foods at the age of 6 months. Until that time, all beverages and foods other than breast milk should be unavailable to the child. It is necessary to exclude even harmless compotes, children's teas and kissels, since all this is considered to be complementary foods.

The beginning of feeding breastfed babies from 6 months is considered the lower limit of the norm. That is, sometimes it is possible to deviate from this rule and begin feeding the baby on breastfeeding a little sooner or later. For example, if, in addition to breast milk, a child partially receives artificial mixture, the introduction of complementary foods can be shifted up to 2 weeks, that is, the baby can be fed from 5.5 months.

The basic principles of the introduction of complementary foods

The rules for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding do not recommend a sharp start. Regardless of whether the child has reached a certain age limit or not, you need to make sure that he is ready before you start feeding.

Proper breast feeding of a baby should begin with the obligatory consideration of the following five conditions:

  1. The kid learned to swallow solid food and not choke at the same time.
  2. A child is able to express his own attitude towards products: turns his head away if he doesn’t like food or does not want to eat, pushes the dish out of his mouth with his tongue, pulls his hands to food that he likes.
  3. The baby started the process.
  4. The child can sit on his own or sits with minimal assistance from adults.
  5. The digestive tract is ripe enough: regurgitation occurs less and less, colic and bloating are absent, no allergies are noted.

The start of complementary feeding during breastfeeding should be gradual, with small portions. You should not hurry in this matter, because the main task is not to harm the child. Food should be healthy and tasty, with an optimal balance of nutrients and vitamins. This is really important for the healthy growth and development of the baby.

The scheme of introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding should be gradual. New dishes are offered to the baby once in 3 days, before the main feeding, preferably in the morning, in order to better track the reaction to the new product. After feeding, feeding ends with the usual portion of breast milk or formula, if the woman does not breastfeed.

The reaction of the infant in response to a new product is an important criterion for food innovations. The response may lead to a rash on the skin, a violation of the chair, less often - changes in sleep and the habitual biorhythm. That is why it is best to introduce the first feeding of the infant during breastfeeding in the morning and with extreme caution.

If there are signs of trouble, you should immediately stop feeding this product, putting it off for a while.

What products are suitable as complementary foods and how much to introduce them?

According to previous traditions, many parents believe that the ideal first complementary feeding for breastfeeding is juice. This recommendation is now outdated. Juice can be offered to the child only after he learns to eat vegetables, cereal and meat. Juice in early age  can cause serious problems in the body of infants. Most often it is. Juices are hard digested by the digestive tract as a whole.

Of course, in the store you can buy a specially created juice for babies, which, judging by the labels on the label, you can enter as a supplement from 3-4 months when breastfeeding. But most often this product contains an excess amount of sugar, even with the label "for children". As a result of early juicing with juices, the baby will suffer and will start to gain weight quickly. That is why the schedule for the start of feeding during breastfeeding should start with vegetables.

How to enter vegetable food  when breastfeeding and which ones to choose? Preference is better to give vegetables that are most easily digested by the digestive tract: it is zucchini, cauliflower and carrots. Later, when the child adapts to these products, you can offer him potatoes, broccoli and pumpkin. You need to lure with a small amount of vegetable puree - no more than half a teaspoon. In the absence of a negative reaction from the body, the portion volume can be increased.

When breastfeeding should begin after vegetables about a month. But there is one exception - if the child is not gaining weight well or has pathologies of the digestive organs, you can start feeding with cereals, not vegetables. Gluten-free cereals are recommended first. This is buckwheat and corn porridge, which are prepared without milk. Complementary feeding at 8 months with breastfeeding may already include millet, oatmeal and collective porridge, cooked from several cereals.

After cereals and vegetables, other products are gradually introduced. At the same time, it is important to record in a special notebook what kind of a dish and how much the baby received, whether its well-being has changed. The introduction of a new product should be no more than once every 3 days.

As a complementary food for a 7-month-old baby breastfed, meat is allowed. You can offer baby chopped mashed turkey, chicken, veal and rabbit. From meat broths  in the first year of life it is better to abstain completely.

Breastfeeding feeding from 7 months also implies the introduction of a single-component fruit puree - apple, pear, banana or peach. This type of complementary foods can cause indigestion, so you need to start with small portions.

Sour-milk products in the form of cottage cheese and kefir can be given as a supplement during breastfeeding from 9 months. These products are useful for the digestive organs of the child.

The egg is also a baby food, it is recommended to introduce only the yolk from a 9-month-old child. You need to start with 8 parts of the yolk, gradually bringing this amount to half. It is undesirable to give protein to children in the first year of life.

Fish is introduced into the diet of a child from 11 months. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you can enter it later, after a year. Preference should be given to low-fat varieties of fish - hake, pollock, etc.

The scheme of introduction of complementary foods for children under one year:

Child's age Daily calorie Food texture Product A portion
6 months 200 kcal Liquid to the state of sour cream Vegetables: zucchini, carrots, cabbage. Kashi: buckwheat, rice, later - oatmeal. Fruits: apple, pear. Vegetables and cereals 1 time per day, gradually increasing the number of servings. Fruit with ½ tsp. up to 2 tsp. within 5 days.
7 months 200 kcal Mashed potatoes Lean meat Chicken Yolk Dairy products. Meat 3 times a day for 1 tsp., Increasing to 2 tbsp. l Yolk with 1/8 part. Kefir with 3 tbsp. l to 150 ml within 5 days.
8 months 200 kcal Mashed potatoes Lean meat Soft cheese or cheese. 3 times a day
9-11 months 300 kcal Mashed potatoes Lean meat Whole milk. Milk products. 3 times a day
12 months 500 kcal Chopped food Juices without adding sugar Up to 1 time per day starting with a few drops, bringing the volume of juice to 100 ml. The rest of the lures 4 times a day to 250 ml.

The most common myths about lure

What are the most common misconceptions regarding baby feeding?

Myth One: The baby has enough food, you can refuse breastfeeding.

The composition of breast milk uniquely adapts to the needs age features  baby Breastfeeding a baby means giving him the best amount of nutrients, trace elements, hormones, growth factors and immune protection. No complementary food can substitute for mother's milk, including the formula with breastfeeding.

Myth Two: Self-made food made better than factory-made

Vegetable and fruit puree, cereals and other homemade lures are equivalent to shopping. But baby food purchased in the store makes life easier for young parents.

Myth Three: The earlier the feed is introduced, the better the baby will be.

The digestive tract of infants unprepared for complementary feeding may suffer from the premature introduction of food. This can lead to allergies, problems with the work of the intestines, etc. When to start complementary feeding when breastfeeding? Not earlier than 6 months of age of the child. From 5 months breast feeding is introduced under the condition of mixed feeding (with the addition of milk formula).

Myth Four: Since a child can eat everything

Of course, feeding the child for months when breastfeeding will be more limited than the diet of one-year-old baby. But this does not mean that a child can taste adult food. Candy, chips, smoked meats and other harmful products should be prohibited.

Regardless of age, the child should receive healthy food, namely, as the feeding table says for months when breastfeeding, it may be meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals. They are useful for children at any age.

Worrying about how much pedagogical feeding on breastfeeding should be introduced, parents often forget four basic rules: do not rush, do not get involved in the volume of food, do not follow grandma's covenants and do not force the child to eat what he does not like. If you follow these simple guidelines, the introduction of complementary foods will deliver more benefits and positive emotions to both mother and baby.

Useful video about the introduction of feeding

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Complementary feeding is food that is offered to the baby upon reaching a certain age. Introduced products complement breast milk, allowing the child's body to get a larger range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In the first year of life it is very important to form a correct and balanced diet, since it is during this period that the foundations of the child’s health are laid. All parents are concerned about the question of when to introduce complementary foods when breastfeeding, what products to offer to the child, according to which scheme. In this article we will try to answer all these important questions.

When to enter the menu of a six-month baby

Russian pediatricians advise administering to a breastfed baby when he reaches six months of age. It was at the end of the first half of his life that he formed a readiness to accept food other than milk. A pushing reflex of the tongue ceases to function in the child, that is, the kid can swallow something edible offered on a spoon. By this time, the baby learns to sit, bend over the spoon and deflect the body, showing a reluctance to eat. In general, the child becomes more active and agile, so his activity begins to require a more serious "feeding". Six-month-old children already show an interest in food: they watch the parents' meal and show a desire to try their food. It is believed that breast milk at 6 months of age no longer meets 100% of the needs of a growing organism. Nevertheless, even if you notice several signs of readiness to try out new products in your baby, you should discuss the beginning of feeding with breastfeeding with a pediatrician. It is the doctor who will tell you exactly which product will be suitable for the first feeding of your child, and when it is specifically necessary to begin to enrich the infant's diet. So, we considered when to introduce complementary foods when breastfeeding is optimal. Six months is the age which, in the opinion of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, is most suitable for the introduction of the first feed. However, all children are individual, and your specialist will tell you more accurate time for testing new foods.

When should breastfeeding supplement be administered and how? Basic rules for familiarizing a child with a new product

In the sixth month of life, the baby is fed 5 times a day, keeping intervals of 3.5 hours between meals. Night break is 10 hours. It is advisable to offer the first supplements at lunchtime (12-13 hours), or at another time, in addition to the morning and evening. The new product is offered before breastfeeding, it increases the chances that the baby will become interested in food and swallow it with great enthusiasm. Begin to lure with a very small dose - half a teaspoon of porridge or vegetable puree. And over the next 10 days, gradually bring the dose to the volume necessary for the child (about 150 g). For the introduction of food is to buy a special soft silicone spoon, reducing the likelihood of accidental injury to the mouth of the crumbs. Offer food is very careful and patient, in no case can not exert pressure, insist and force the baby. After you have managed to enter one product, begin to “dilute” it with a new type of vegetables or porridges. For example, you can start feeding with squash puree, after 10 days, add half a spoonful of cauliflower puree to it. And gradually increase the amount of cauliflower, while reducing the volume of squash puree. A little later, it will be possible to add vegetable oil - olive, sunflower, etc. to vegetables.

Breast-feeding complementary feeding scheme recommended by Russian pediatricians

There are two main options for the introduction of complementary foods:

  • the beginning of complementary foods with monocomponent gluten-free porridges on water - rice, buckwheat, corn;
  • the beginning of complementary foods with mashed vegetables of one type (green or white color) - zucchini, cauliflower, peas, broccoli, green beans.

The introduction of vegetables is advised to start for a child with signs of rickets, food allergies, anemia. Babies with low body mass, as well as often regurgitating babies, can be offered porridge as the first product of complementary food. It is worth remembering that all cereals are cooked in water, or using breast milk. Whole cow's milk is undesirable to use up to eight months of age. A good alternative to self-cooking are cooked cereals. They are made from high-quality raw materials and are enriched with various vitamins and microelements. In the first times the porridge is diluted to a very liquid state, and then gradually make it thicker, bringing to a consistency of liquid sour cream. Gradually, you can add butter to it.

When to introduce breast-feeding complementary foods: a seven-month baby menu

After getting acquainted with the first type of products, you can proceed to the expansion of the diet. The next step will be the formation of the prototype of the "breakfast" - the replacement of the ten-hour feeding with other products besides breast milk. If at first you fed your child vegetables for lunch, then now the next in line is porridge. The choice of the first cereal depends on your child: if the baby is prone to constipation, it is advisable to start with buckwheat, if diathesis takes place - from rice or corn. Cereals are introduced in the same way as vegetables: starting from half a teaspoon for breakfast and gradually bringing the batch volume to 150 g. In the case of the first meal, these were cereals, at 7 months the baby needs to be offered vegetables. Also at this time the yolk is injected (the chicken egg is boiled hard boiled). Start entering the yolk with a few grains, bringing the total volume of the product to 1 pc. twice a week. The yolk can be ground with breast milk or mixed with porridge or vegetable puree.

How and when to introduce complementary foods when breastfeeding? Meat and dairy products

In the eighth month of life, it's time to introduce your child to meat products. Meat Puree  It is offered by analogy with cereals and vegetables, starting with 1/2 tsp, during the week the volume is adjusted to 40-50 g. All meat dishes should be well chopped so that the baby can easily swallow them and not choke. A good alternative home cooking  are industrial monocomponent canned meat - without salt, seasonings and other unnecessary additives. For the first acquaintance with meat suitable beef, turkey, rabbit. So, the introduction of any product is carried out according to one scheme. First, the baby is offered a very small amount of food, his reaction is carefully monitored. If everything goes well, the volume of food is gradually increased. After the introduction of cereals, vegetables and meat in the diet of the child from the 9th month of life begin to include dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir) and bakery products. And from the 10th month - fruit purees and juices (apple, pear, plum, etc.). At 11 months of life, you can offer the child a fish. Thus, by the year a full-fledged diet and diet are formed, and the baby is attached to adult food, eating variously and efficiently.

The health of your baby is largely determined by its nutrition during the first year of life. The most delicious and healthy food for a child in the first 6 months is breast milk. However, as the baby grows and develops, milk alone will not be enough, so there is a need to provide the growing body with the necessary energy and nutrients with the help of complementary foods.

Tasty mashed squash
Vegetable puree   Foods Waiting for baby
   at different times

What products to enter first?

Often, grandmothers are advised to introduce the first feeding with breastfeeding early - literally from 3 months. But it is absolutely not recommended to do, as the times change, and science does not stand still.

  • the baby does not yet have enough enzymes that should be responsible for digesting new types of food, which is why even if you give a child new food, it will not be absorbed by the body and will be useless;
  • undigested food creates an additional burden on the digestive system, even a few spoons can create an unbearable burden for the stomach;
  • if a child eats the mixture from birth, then his enzymes can ripen somewhat earlier, so you can give new foods from 5 months.

Delicious and healthy broccoli puree

Consider the basic scheme of the introduction of complementary foods during lactation.

  1. Only one new product should be accounted for one calendar month. The first, as a rule, is introduced vegetable.
  2. Exceptions can be children with a lack of body weight - for them they introduce the first porridge.
  3. Puree vegetables give in lunch. The most preferred order of introduction of vegetables is: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots.
  4. Pumpkin and carrots must be introduced most recently, since children most often have allergies to them.
  5. Mashed potatoes must first be single component - this is a must.
  6. It is allowed to mix different types of vegetables only after the child tries them separately and there will be no negative reaction.

The following is the scheme of introducing the first complementary foods by day:

  • 1 - 1 tsp. zucchini puree + milk supplement;
  • 2 - 2 tsp. zucchini puree + milk supplement;
  • 3 - 4 tsp. zucchini puree + milk supplement;
  • 4 - 8 tsp. zucchini puree + milk supplement;
  • 5 - jar of squash puree + milk supplement;
  • 6 - 1 tsp. mashed cauliflower and build up the volume as above.

You can add zucchini to cabbage, if the reaction to it is good. This scheme is suitable for the introduction of all types of complementary foods during breastfeeding.

When to start introducing new products?

There are 4 features of the introduction of the first baby feeding during lactation.

  1. When breastfeeding supplements should be started from 6 months - at this age, the children begin to sit, control their hands, pull everything in the mouth. Their immune and digestive systems are becoming more mature. Simply put, a half year old baby is already able to eat soft and semi-hard foods. Sometimes, for medical reasons (weight loss), lactation can be prescribed from 4 months with breastfeeding.
  2. Do not give lure from 5 months by force - children themselves can regulate the consumption of milk. As soon as new products are added to the dairy “menu”, the child will continue to control his appetite. If the baby doesn’t like certain foods, he will get the necessary calories with his mother’s breast. It is necessary to carefully monitor the infant's food interest, and not try to force-feed him. Interest arises if a child takes part in a joint meal, sees how everyone eats around him, shows interest, and does not use cooked food alone.
  3. Do not cancel breastfeeding when entering complementary foods - breast milk contains anti-infectious factors that protect the baby from diseases, and also soften the degree of their course. Such a powerful protection of the mother is very useful even after the introduction of new products, more than that, the coarser food can “load” the weak immune system of the child with all kinds of disease-causing organisms.
  4. Complementary feeding should not replace mother's milk, but only supplement it - even after 6 months of age, milk remains the main food for the baby, rich in proteins, microelements, minerals and protective factors. It contains much more calories and nutrients than most other foods. As a rule, 6-8 months old babies get about 70% of their energy from breast milk. The main thing is to understand how to feed the child with new products so that they complement mother's milk, and not replace him. Breast milk  must be given on demand, and complementary foods are introduced at meal times - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner.

What does a child eat?

Rules for the introduction of new products

For many young mummies, the time when it is necessary to inject complementary feeding during breastfeeding is associated with many unpleasant symptoms - impaired stool in infants, abdominal distension, allergic reactions, vomiting. But almost always, such consequences arise due to the mistakes of the parents - manifestations of haste and ignorance.

To protect your baby from unnecessary problems, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Introducing new products is only necessary for a completely healthy child; it is not recommended to “get acquainted” with a new food for various diseases, injuries, after prophylactic vaccinations.
  2. It is necessary to give food from a spoon in front of mother's milk, and not with the help of a nipple.
  3. Food is introduced gradually, preferably in the morning, in order to be able to assess the condition of the baby throughout the day (stool disorders, redness, rash).
  4. Begin “acquaintance” with small amounts - half a teaspoon with a gradual (not less than a week) increase in the amount of product to an acceptable.
  5. New food should be crushed as much as possible so as not to cause difficulties for the child when swallowing.
  6. The very first dish should be single-component in order to be able to evaluate the reaction of the baby’s body to this product and to know what caused undesirable consequences if they occur.
  7. If the child has an allergy to any product, it is necessary to stop the introduction of new products and take a break for 2 weeks, then try introducing complementary foods when breastfeeding from another product.
  8. It is allowed to give a new product only after the baby gets used to the first one.
  9. After the baby has mastered the one-component mashed potatoes, you can switch to more complex types of food, but it is desirable that at least one product known to the child is present in their composition.

Possible adverse reactions

Remember that you can not rush during the "dating" of the baby with new products. If you offer a child an “adult” meal as early as 3 months, this can cause very negative consequences, since at that age the children's body is not ready to accept other products besides mother's milk.

Among side effects, most often, are marked:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - loose stools, constipation, intestinal colic, abundant regurgitation, anxiety, sometimes - disruption of the digestive system, which will have to be restored in the hospital;
  • allergic reactions that are caused by unavailability of the immune system, high permeability of the intestinal walls, manifested in the form of a rash on the skin, peeling, redness, dermatitis, delayed development of immunity;
  • violation of the functioning of the internal organs - there is an unreasonably high load on the intestines, kidneys, liver, which will negatively respond during school years: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, upset stool;
  • interruption of lactation, the consequence of which may be a lack of nutrients, trace elements necessary for the active growth and development of the baby.
Introduction of new products by month

Below is a table of the input of complementary foods with acceptable products for each month.

Month Volume in 2-3 weeks, ml What to give
6 70-80 Fruit puree
6 60-80 Vegetable puree
6,5 – 7 100 g Non-dairy porridge
8 – 9 120 g Milk porridge
7 30 g Cottage cheese
7 – 7,5 1/2 Egg yolk
7,5 – 8 3 g Vegetable oil
8,5 – 9 100 Kefir
8 – 9 50 g Meat
8 5 g Butter

It is necessary to strictly adhere to these recommendations when administering complementary foods for months when breastfeeding, in order to prevent possible adverse reactions.

Squash puree

Possible hazards and risks

Very often, when breastfeeding begins prikorm when breastfeeding in 3-4 months, the baby’s body can respond with bad reactions:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • colic;
  • abundant regurgitation;
  • vomiting;
  • impaired stool;
  • if the mother does not know how to properly administer supplements, this can provoke a serious breakdown of the digestive system, which will require a long recovery of impaired functions and even special treatment;
  • violation of the proper maturation of the immune system;
  • a tendency to allergies later, frequent infections;
  • if the baby is not ready to swallow a thicker food - it can choke, regurgitation occurs, the child’s poor attitude to food intake;
  • loss of appetite that causes a decrease in frequency breast feeding  and, accordingly, the termination of breastfeeding;
  • among the long-term consequences is a high load on immature organs: liver, kidneys, stomach, which in adulthood will cause their increased vulnerability and weakness;
  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

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