When it hurts more in the soul. Why work, if it's bad in the soul and how to turn the harmony of thoughts? Experience the positive emotions of other people

"Without sorrows, there is no order, then they have recognized the Kingdom of Heaven."

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Depression, selfishness, vision in the world ...

How terrible are these words, if the soul hurts. I would like, zvichayno, to help everyone, so that the heart will be bright, so that the joy will live in the new. But there is no earthly life without pain. There will be moments with us, if it's bad in the soul, I want to cry; if you don’t want to talk to anyone, you don’t want to talk to anyone; if there is no bajanna їsti and collapse. Here, the axis lying (-a) b with the rocks and the check (-a) until the soul hurts, and the heart wants to rejoice again. But, as a rule, in life all problems are piled on a person and are transformed into a big snow chest. Possible causes of depression: loss of a close person, unacceptability to work, marriage of friendliness, selfishness, feelings of unkindness, mischief, loss of sense of life, inseparable kohannya, inadequacy, innocence in oneself, dissatisfaction with oneself, welding, unreasonableness , "black smuga", hospitality.

Why work hard, if your soul is bad and you want to cry?

Why work, if your soul is bad and you want to cry? Bootie, cry? So, the main option. Skoda, which is short, and after a new head is broken.

There are still a few ways, yak, it’s possible, you can help, if it’s bad in your soul and you want to cry:

  1. Start correcting the pardons (as a matter of fact, I started talking about them myself, so I should correct them).
  2. Vlashtuvati galaslivy merrily holy.
  3. Go in for sports.
  4. Allow yourself to sleep in style, if you want skilki.
  5. Look over the food. Start getting used to more dark chocolate, syrah, cavi, bananas, oranges.
  6. Relax in the spa, massage, spa, etc.
  7. Get back on the road.
  8. Engage in meditation.
  9. Turn for help to a doctor, a psychologist.
  10. Drink with your head in a folding robot.
  11. Walk more and spend more time in nature.
  12. Start repair.
  13. Get ready for shopping.
  14. Engage in bliss.

Especially I, being an Orthodox person, rajah to speak and take communion. The priests call depression the crying of the soul about її unfortunate. Do not fall into sin under the name of "troubles".

So work, if it's rotten in your soul and you want to cry, you can swear for yourself. Golovne - schos that robiti. Zvichano, the hour is jubilant, be it early. But the very moment, if the spiritual pain is overflowing, it is also necessary to experience it correctly.

It’s not necessary to work, if it’s bad in your soul and you want to cry:

  • Nevpinno analyze your camp, constantly scroll in your head traumatic podії.
  • Ask your own food: “Why me?”, “Why did it happen to me?”. If you can’t get along without food, then think more quickly: “Now (for what purpose) were you sent to try it?”
  • Call yourself or someone else.
  • Explore the plan of self-destruction.

Depression is unsafe in the current manifestations. Remember about tse. I recommend Sinelnikov's book "Love your disease."

So, it’s convenient (because it’s impossible to write) to give recommendations on the topic “What to work, if it’s bad in your soul and you want to cry” in one article. I would like to ask you more than once to take all tests. Stink to rob us of the strongest. Because I really want to believe in you.

And what do you do, if your soul is bad and you want to cry?

Our mood is even less lively. At times, we ourselves can’t say for sure why it became sad. First for everything, it’s necessary to sort out what became vague, and then we’ll guess all the things, like you need to work, if it’s bad in the soul.

Unfortunately, not all days of our life are far away. Sometimes it happens that the light turns its back to you, and everything, as if for evil, is not the way you want to go out. In such situations, we always know that it’s just that the lie got up “not from the same legs.” If you want to cause apathy and a nasty mood, they can be absolutely different. I can say for sure - one of them is negligence. Think, and you will be fine with me. For an hour you sit at home, stupidly marveling at the monitor, and nothing makes you happy. Go and lie down on the sofa, try to fall asleep. Don't come out. You get up and start making a “pendulum”, so you go from hut to hut, not knowing what to take for yourself.

Stop! Such a booty is not guilty. Guess the good child "Tale about spending an hour." Don't you want to spend expensive money on your life for nothing? Obviously, no. In such a state of mind, we start talking about those who work, if it's bad in their souls.

  • Think well.

Often we get hung up on our apathy and get bogged down in it more and more. Not varto aggravate the situation with filthy thoughts and filthy prejudice. Guess some kind of the best moment in your life, moreover, in the most important details, you will live it again. Tse mozhe buti, scho zavgodno: the first kiss, the sister’s or the brother’s national, your national day or the admission to the sea.

With radiant thoughts and with positive thoughts, the garni moods will turn by themselves.

  • Have a laugh.

As soon as the tightness and filthy thoughts have healed you, then go to the mirror and laugh at your own vision. Wait a minute, wondering at such a beauty, you just can’t get enough of the filthy mood?

  • Appreciate what you mean.

From time to time people, through their own egoism, become floorings powerful to themselves and others, which don't value those who think, And everyone is dreaming about the yakіs unswerving peaks. Nі, mriyati - tse, zvichano, good, but you can’t forget about reality. Wait a minute, sometimes you ignore or imitate a close person, thinking about those who, out of joy, would at once confuse him with a sympathy for a “person from the world”. It’s like that, when we spend friendship or love, absolutely not giving it any special meaning, and they’ll realize it too late, if it’s impossible to turn anything around. So it’s not just about reaching out to people.

for example, You've been checking for a long time, and heat, and axis, it's come. However, you have been blamed for some problems, for you have occupied all your thoughts. And what is the result? Missed sleepy days and it’s a pity for the reason that you “didn’t have a good time” and didn’t overtake him. Do not forget that the titmouse is more beautiful in the hands, the crane is lower in the sky. In other words, better to please the right, lower the dream about the future, otherwise your whole life will turn into one single dream about the foggy one.

  • Learn to please dribnitsy.

With the advent of comfort in our life, people's drinks have also changed.

people are trite ceased to please dribnitsy. And even from them, all our life is made up.

So marvel, nareshti, navkol and perekonaytsya, what a beautiful world! For whom it is not necessary to go far, just in the corner of the window. What are you doing? sun? Miraculous - out of sight. Dosh? Tezh not bad - wine to water the earth. Thunderstorm? Vіdmіnno - again to be filled with ozone, in other words, freshness. Wind? Super-mіzki to clean. In the cinema, I, obviously, littered the troch. Ale, in general, it’s so vono and є.

Sometimes you don’t know the reason for your hardship and how to work, if it’s bad in your soul. The axis of the kіlka in a right way effective ways unrest.

  • Call friends.

Just choose a girlfriend, so stay positive. No, I’ll understand that you don’t choose girlfriends, but if you have a sprat, then all the same, follow my joy. Maybe, your very best friend is no longer a cheerful person by nature. And at the same time, you need only POSITIVE, and not boring skarga for one more share of misery.

  • Big stained pennies!

Tse, in my opinion, himself dієviy sposіb get out of the way in a filthy mood. Adzhe for women - tse own faces, and I absolutely do not know how to dislike shopping.

  • Read a book you love or watch an old movie.

Get away from the zasіkіv of the Fatherland’s loves with a blanket, take a book (like you re-read it 100 times, but it’s all the same) or the remote control from the TV, sway your hand in the armchair and get high. Infrequently, at the same time, go out in a right way to relax: forever there are problems and indispensable help. The hour has come and the one you love.

  • Go in for sports or want to clean up.

So, rozumіyu, it's scary to sound the phrase - go in for sports. I’ll say this: if you’re not a sports person after a date (you’re better off for everything), then you want a “lastivka” on the balcony or a “berizka” on the sofa. Garazd, let's leave my dream about sports. Guess what ruh - tse life and break for the ganchirka and the wind. Having cleaned your apartment or room to a shine, and even in such cleanliness, you yourself will simply be ashamed to sum up.

  • Pour yourself "sweets".

Forget about calories for an hour. Buy your favorite tіstechko or a chocolate bar. Lie, that it’s not just my pleasure “out of my head”, but so respect my wife. So listen to the priority thought of serious uncles.

It's bad for the soul through someone

Often we suffer and cannot know our own place through such a singing person. The reasons for this can be dekilka (welding, separation, neglect, etc.). Let's unravel.

  • Let it pass, love today and marvel at hope in tomorrow.

Sometimes we don’t know, like a buti, if it’s bad in the soul, through the need to forget a person dear to the heart and just erase its image from memory. However, since there is no other way out, it is necessary to go through this one. It’s possible that you happen to forget your colossal kohan or reconcile with the appearance of your dear friend in a different place - it’s unimportant, smut, it’s not easy for us to work on our backs.

Guess all those good things that told you about this people Then, forcibly change yourself in what you can’t change already those that have become, just after that, try to reconcile and accept everything as it is.

Think about those who, in the future, check for you a lot of new acquaintances and acquaintances with different people, who can, if necessary, become close to you.

  • Ask for a probation.

If the reason for your sadness lies in welding from your loved ones, and if you are guilty, then hurry up and get out. Think about it, it's time to go, and you will be constantly thinking one about one, you are offended. So is everything needed? Fuck it, nerve cells don't care, it's not good for that. Adje right people ask for forgiveness without shame. Are you a good person?;)

  • Let the situation go.

Sometimes you are obsessed with the problem, or you can’t know what the situation is like, and even thoughts about it become obtrusive. Relax, guess a wise phrase about those who emergency situations don’t buy and give yourself a “repair” for one day. Tell yourself and your problems: "I'll think about it tomorrow."

  • Change the situation.

It’s like you’re bad at heart, maybe, right in the back. Try to change the situation. Neobov'yazkovo їhati from the place, as if there is no such possibility. Live a couple of days with your grandmother, with your aunt, or with a friend. Tse obov'yazkovo dopomomozhe. For this part, you will find yourself bored by your native walls and turn back home absolutely happy.

Know how to fight with a filthy mood, with sumptuous thoughts and make yourself only on the positive!

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Respect, only TODAY!

Our life is a roulette, as we spin it day after day. І don't wait on it for a lucky number. Buvayut days, and navit tizhnі i monsiatsі, if, yes, everything is going wrong. What to work, if it's bad in the soul?

First, you need to understand what these moments are like in the life of the skin. There are no absolutely happy people. In other words, a little insignificant inaccuracy can lead to jealousy. Tim more, in our difficult age with global and simply life problems. To that, try not to give respect to all sorts of small inaccuracies. The stench doesn't want to obsess over them.

In a different way, if the black smuga in your life dragged on, then you don’t need to fall into the vіdcha. Navit it is already lousy at heart, varto know the reason for everything that happens. Analyze the surroundings that have formed and explain why you feel so bad. You can write on the sheet all the unacceptability and problems, as well as those that do not allow you to live peacefully. Pereglyadayuchi tsey list, treba shukati way to solve problems. If you sit with your hands clasped, then the situation may not change for the better. It is necessary to remember that we ourselves are the creators of our share. It’s even richer to lie down in addition, if we want to change our lives and what we do for others.

If the soul is lousy, hands drop. Ale, having gathered all his will into a fist, needed to radically change the situation. Explain what the problem is. If there are financial difficulties, then you can try the verses. You don't have the power to work and pay for your work? Try to know your job. You don't need to sit in one place and waste your life. If you don’t get your qualifications, take care of self-development. Read up or sign up for a course on advanced qualifications. Tse vіdkrіє in front of you dodatkovі mozhlivostі, including material. A good specialist has the right to charge and pay for his work. You can, without changing your work, know the additional income, which you can get along with the main one. There are too many options. Golovna, show initiative.

In the first line, ask your own food "What work, if it's bad at heart?". Tse will be the first step to the end of the problem. Look over your circle of conversation. Possibly, all on the right in people, with whom you spend an hour. Make new acquaintances. Collaborate with a great number of people. Among them there are obov'yazkovo tі, like to infect you with their non-gamous energy and rush to collapse forward.
Looking back at the situation that has developed, look around. Possibly, instructing you to know individuals, they will change in a more twisted camp. Then your problems will be worthless to you. people in the world of your strength. Tse vіdvolіche vіd vlasnyh problems for the next hour. Ale do not swear.

Knowing the answer to food "What work, if it's bad in the soul?" One of the reasons for this will become even more elementary. Guess when you the last time buli at vіdpustsi or just vіdpochival. Go there, de vie you can sort out all the problems. Turn off the telephones so that they do not disturb you. You can see relatives and friends who have not been seen for a long time. Turning back home with new strength and energy, you will solve all the problems that have accumulated, as if they respected you to live peacefully. Mozhe buti, stink will not be so serious.

A good way to deal with depression and nutrition "What work, if it's bad at heart?" You can visit the shops. Treat yourself to an update. I don't care what will be. Golovnya, that the rich was bought brought you satisfaction.

Filthy moods and nervousness traplyatsya at the skin. It is required not to tighten the camp for a trival hour. Get out and solve your problems. It will be more beautiful, like the order to lean good friend otherwise a person is close, who will stretch out a helping hand at the right moment.

In life, the day is not sacred, sometimes pessimistic thoughts, gloominess, and confusion suffocate. In such a state, a person will say "I'm rotten in my soul." In fact, you can be mentally discord, viklikan with the singing behavior of other people, podia, constant failures, or a change. It’s even more foldable to independently heal the spiritual pain, as if step by step it turns into depression. What is work? How do I feel like a happy person again?

Cause an important mental state

You can bring people in with you like this:

  • family conflict . Even more often a person or a squad after welding feels unfeeling, unloved, inappropriate to anyone.
  • Conflict on robots . It is impossible to fit everyone, like a bi ti professional is not a bv, that is often blamed on conflict situations on the robot. The stench can be tied up with the authorities or the team.
  • serious illness . If a person is ill, weak, loses the tone of life, then it’s good that everything is rattling. It is especially important for people who know about their fatal pathology. The stench is recognizing that life is coming to an end, experiencing important mental anguish.
  • Unstable love is blue. To finish the mental state of a person often succumbs to jealousy and kohannya. Through them, a lot of different emotions come out - a little euphoria, tears of sadness, happiness, like a wake up.

transformation causes

Often everything accumulates in life. One problem is to pull others behind you. For example, the conflict on the robot, destroying your peace of mind, you come home, joke around with your dear people, And the wines are not wiser and more boiled with you. If everything accumulates, it’s hard to survive, to the fact that a person lowers his hands, someone shows up, all navkolishniy svit we're going to be baiting. It is especially scary, if a person does not want to fight against anything, he should not talk about it to a critical one.

Transformed the reason for the beginning of the main, through the yak blame other problems. Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to heal the first cause.

What to work with mental pain?

Take relatives and friends

Remind you with positive, turn the spark of life to help only relatives, other people. You can’t get into your own, otherwise you’ll be even hotter. You need to call tim, who will help you and help you. Obviously, it’s not easy to get on the fun, but for a deaky hour, you still need to get lost in the face of negativity. Your evening is to blame for being emotionally charged with cheerful podias. You can go to a disco, club, karaoke bar, cinema, bowling. A good company will help you to improve. Goofy in the whole evening, forget about all your problems, try not to guess what is wrong with your soul.

Unique selfhood

Lyudina is especially irritable if he himself is left with his own problem. In this way, you start to analyze your life, analyze the situation, think about those, as if you could have done it differently. As a rule, people’s own self-destruction “grilled” themselves, ringing in all beads. Deyakі, navpaki, joking wine, put together a plan for revenge, which can be in the camp of the effect of buti implementation.

If you are left out on your own, take care of something: turn on the loud music, clean up, charge up, but don’t hesitate in any way.

Sign up for a gym

It has long been brought to light that whether any kind of sport is an emotional release. Vranci for additional charging you can help yourself, fill up with strength. Before going to bed, you can walk, so you will throw off negative emotions.

The punching bag helps a lot. Get angry? Too much has accumulated? With a new skin blow, get rid of the negative, image, congratulations,.

And the axis after the fitness training you will be aware of yourself in shape, you will know the upliftment, so as to help you get better, be it emotional failures. You have thoughts: “Maybe not everything is so nasty, but still out of the situation.”

Correct your pardon

Sometimes to torment silently, who skoїv kakyis neobachny vchinok. Here it is necessary to remove the “stone” from the soul, the wine itself often becomes the cause of worry. Shvidshe for everything, it’s not bad for you, but simply “torment your conscience”. In certain situations, it has become easier to recognize one's sin. Obviously, other problems may appear, but you will not be lying to yourself.

Effective ways to deal with confusion and anxiety

Buvaє just dosit vlashtuvati sobі holy, and vіdrazu well go through the blues. Perhaps all the problems have accumulated through those that you do not recognize, constantly practice. And in such a regime it is simply impossible to live. Everything is to blame buti in the world and repair, and work. The girl can go to the SPA-salon, solarium, get a beautiful manicure, build up hair, cut her hair, or go shopping. For people, the best way is to watch football, fish, fish with friends, sauna, bath.

Mood booster products

We are statistically happy, serotonin is responsible for vibrating in the brain. For this reason, it is recommended to take the following:

  • Banana.
  • Black chocolate.
  • Orange.
  • Sir.
  • Yalovichi a cookie.
  • soy.

You can drink kava, mitzny tea with lemon.

Remember! What a folding life situation would be, you can’t give up. "Importance in the soul" - tse bar'єr, which zavazhaє gave you a life, you are guilty of repairing yoga and starting all over again. You can’t give in to problems that winick, otherwise you won’t achieve success in a special life, robots, you won’t be able to change your life in a better way.

It's a pity, in case of protracted depression, it will be more difficult, it will be more negatively signified on self-perception, causing various problems in the body. Learn to live life in a different way, be an optimist, live only in the best. You have already brought it to me, you are important, you can change your life as a whole. Do you believe only in the trash? Therefore, the problems do not deprive you. Tell yourself that everything will be good, and it will become so!