I work together with a great friend of Kokhan. How to practice with a big lad

Love does not choose the appropriate place, hour and century. "Spalakhnut" a little more like between friends, and between comrades in the service. However, in the last time you have had mercy and now you are tormented, as if you were vibrating from the situation "my colossal - my colleague".

Just annoy me a little, imagine, I feel sorry for you, you shoranka, and go to work.

Now "too much love" is just a work comrade. Sincere "early" has not yet healed, you are constantly brought to bachiti qyu people. The pouch becomes unbearable. How to behave and work with a big lad? Did Robity see that nothing had happened? And what about the post-smiles of comrades in the service and the movchazne “I told you so!” girlfriends?

Let's take a look at the options for the development of the subdivisions.

Outwardly ignoring: why is such behavior unsafe?

The first, and the main pardon of the big girls - tse povne іgnoruvannya "kolishny". A little thought comes to mind that it is necessary to know, to know another job. Ale, after thinking and calling all “for” and “against”, you are left: the temple wages, Teamwork and senior team, knowing their work from "a" to "z", and a lot of other officials are standing up to your mind.

Pratsyuvati at once z kolishnim is not easy. And now you have a new task in front of you: choose the right manner of talking, show that your dreams are over, you are a self-sufficient girl and continue to win your work, do not ruin your thoughts, like a buti, if my number is my colleague. To that, now for you it’s vin deisno - just a colleague, no more.

However, such a behavior has a reverse side: you curl up in yourself, and you can shut yourself up for a long time, having gone through the years of “growth” to new feelings. And even your intellect and intellect can inspire not only the "colossal", but also the "maybe". In this situation, varto understand that a service romance on a robot - tse dosvіd, don't take sums, but priceless dosvid! Now you know what an innocent farewell can bring to? Stand up to the situation philosophically and do not blame yourself for weakness and failure.

Knut with a batog: do you need help for new recruits?

Іsnuє "folk wisdom", scho to help in the wake of the old. Tse fact. Just don’t work all the time “for show”: your new blues don’t take it, like a pomst, afish them, or shout at the robots for everything, which is not serious (otherwise, navpaki, seriously) - you won’t bring anything good.

So, and, who knows, maybe a new hoarding and become our own "right"? There is nothing nasty in the fact that you get bogged down in new clothes, only to understand and respect your partner a little bit, without sacrificing yoga to the point of being a little bit. Ideally, zvichayno, that the new blueprints did not start to take shape on the robots and did not become a devil's office romance.

Do not give respect to gluzuvannya

All people are different, situations are the same, so it is unrealistic to judge the optimal solution of a problem for all situations. It’s a pity, there are such situations, if the “colish” just knows about you, rozumiyuchi, that yours haven’t been chilled to the new one yet. Tse manifests itself in gluzuvannyah, vislovlyuvannya, vismiyuvanni nuances in your vіdnosin with colleagues. Pratsyuvati at once with a lot, with yakim you did not part amicably, maybe we should try it.

Ale not varto react to such a sign and accept everything on your own account. Think more briefly, like a good thing, that this person is lying to you from the possible prospect of becoming enchanted in the new in the distant future. Aje completed with many colleagues - all alone, and parting with the other half - zovsіm іnshe. Reshta spіvrobіtniki do not know in the middle of your conflict and, better for everything, razumіyut, like tse - pratsyuvati with a big lad, it's better to be left out on the sidelines.

Be ready for everything

Life situations - not only positive emotions, A and rozcharuvannya, unacceptable help and unacceptable proof. Ale smut, scho varto understand, dumb emergency situations and irreplaceable people.

As it seems, it’s not dashing without good. Navit in quiet moods, if your life is zhorstoy and unfair, joke ways to fight, scho dasvіd dopomіl you become stronger, mentally prepared for everything. You can calmly practice with a lot of lads, not transforming into testing. You learn to abstract from the sleepy past and don’t remember yourself, as you have ceased to feel the discomfort of dealing with it.

Obviously, it’s better to choose such a tactic, as a friendly friend to wake up after separation. Tse help less painfully endure all the negativity, and in the person of the "colossal" you, you can take one hour. Ale, get into that mood, if you don’t think it’s possible to have a good fortune on a friendly day, put a metaphor in front of you: reach out on a robot, induce a career, if not with a method to bring you to you, but as an opportunity to direct zusilla in the right direction, not spread out on the experience.

Hour vіd hour stench guessing about yourself. Moreover, not only kohantsi, ale th too many perches love, podruzhzhya, cholov_ki, and navіt vipadkovі sex partners. Ring out, stench guess about yourself at the saint. Just send a vital SMS - why not? And how will you punish such a gesture on the receiving side? How is it an attack on those who remember you and do not mind guessing again? Abo yak podyaku for garno holding an hour? Or maybe, just jotting down the number of the other in the phone book, and having scribbled on yours and vipadkovo pressing “repair”?

While in the head the variants of the reasons are scrolling, in the memory they merge the thoughts. Moreover, not those that are caused by the suffering and the pain experienced during separation, but those that seem to try to try emotions again. What about varto?

Let's try to understand what you are turning to, about whom you have long forgotten and understand, what are the advantages of many inspired novels.

Peace of mind with a lot of zavzhda. New - well forgotten old, remember? At the same time, we encourage you to marvel at the situation from the positive side and evaluate the pluses, as you deny, reminiscing the old link.

  • Kolishnіy good tim, scho vin is not a stranger. The best and the worst sides of special features have long been revealed. Companions do not need to strain themselves to recognize their partner anew: to be surprised, to call, to sing, to create the appearance of a “good girl”. Tsey stage already passed.
  • Zabuti almost feel the power to grow. As soon as the partner was zakohana in her covenant, then it would not matter if you try similar things at once. The advantage is that praise and passion show up at the sight of pivobert, without trivial preludes and sumnivivs.
  • It is possible to show and bring, that from the moment of the rest of the sound you have changed - you began to appreciate yourself, for example. When you are hurt, you can work in such a way that you didn’t work before and even start fighting. Hiba not intriguing?
  • The intrigue is that a little more than an hour has passed, the skin of you was in love with each other, insha, okrema each other's life, and it means that you have become “unknown” again and a mystery has appeared in your skin. Know the unknown - always intriguing.
  • A lot of kohantsi ring out the fault. The separation, as a rule, is due to the fact that the wines were so bad and did not dare to drink in the squad. So why don't you have a chance to calmly and tactfully discuss who is right and who is wrong? At the same time, call in the image (in an adequate form). Until then, can you be better, lower man, who tries to make amends? In this situation, you will be the queen.
  • And most of all - as you have long dreamed of remembrance of the blue, but you never dared to ring the big one, then the axis of wines is your chance.

But respectfully, pluses and power can turn into minuses. Like and on the cob of a novel, everything is good here only at first. Ale tse garne more schvidkoplinny, lower in novels, like winding up unknown people. After two or three snakes and a companion, and you will understand that your skin is overwhelmed with a lot, the riddle will appear as a great illusion, and the raging life - just visible. To that it is clear that it will be quick (shvidko, lower sound) to come to that stage, to which you have parted.

What does "Reminder" mean to yourself?

At once, we will analyze a sprig of examples from the real life of beautiful osibs, as if they were stuck with guesswork from the unknown past.

Let's look at the fact that I can tell the reason why you want to turn around.

Possibly, primitively, but the reason is sex. I don’t need to be embarrassed, because you couldn’t achieve emotional prestige as a partner. Just a little bit more saved and you don’t mind strumming again, just win sex in ugly purposes. Don't be embarrassed. People are so powerful that at the moment of conquest of sexual desire, they are ready for anything. Aje the same process of watering, in a rosemary strong state, and that is love itself, like a lady. So don’t give up quickly, enjoy the moment and take away the “mindfulness” of the yakomog more than bagan.

But let's get a little watering and let's move on to deciphering the marvelous behavior of a human being for the help of a psychologist.

Meals: You can call the sound and vibe, but don’t call out too much. What does it mean?

Vidpovid: it means that you check if the girl herself shows the initiative. Tse - a special type of people, like to love, so that the victory was in their hands. Proponuyuchi zustrіtisya, you give you kozir - pomatisya, think, allow yourself to be seduced and by yourself try to control the situation. Everything is simple here - self-love is such a type of power. Vіm, yak і tim cholovіkam, hto brag before the colossal cochantsі their new pasієyu. If the couple parted and the girl knew something else, then the lad simply needs to work the same in the office. And it is necessary that the amount of money was known about it. So you brought it up, that you are worthy of the majestic drink of the middle beauty and that you are beautifully in power (invariably, more beautifully, lowerly). Really, you can’t survive the wine, so you see, so I lost YOGO, now lie down for someone else.

Meals: the person shows signs of respect, but does not ask for care. How to explain such a behavior?

Vidpovid: it is possible, it’s just vvіchlivіst i chnіst. As a breakup, it was painless, such a show of respect is normal. However, you can smear the soil, so that you can clear it up, why don’t you try again? Oskіlki vіdmova will be a blow to vanity, then the partner will choose the tactics of full prosuvannya to the point. If the fault is changed in the fact that the woman is not baiduzha, crush the first crock.

Nutrition: And the axis of the situation, about the yaku was already predicted earlier - the skin of the holy kohanka takes congratulations. Reply or not react?

Vidpovіd: Vidpovіdat varto less than once, like a girl wants, sob turning a big kohanets. Ale, yakshcho bazhannya is dumb - it’s better to ignore it. Is there a guarantee that, without turning on the regime of the criminal charge, and at the same time with you, the same privacy will not take away more squirts of a lot of-right-maybe? A man who wants to turn around the past, tied up with you, can't get by with nothing more than a leaflet. Vіn bude robiti vchinki. And it’s possible to explain in a similar way that the wines are trying to smooth out your separation, like, maybe, it wasn’t even better. Trying to block the filth with such small amenities, show you what is not in the image, supporting yourself, what you see in the same way.

And chi varto steal the past?

To lay everything in the way that you parted, the skils survived alone and how they got out of depression. As if the maiden spent a long time in the emotional "pit", then they converge again just like there is no sense. Guess what a painful recovery period. For choloviks, the troubles are simpler - having cut off one sexual link, the stench is easy to start another. In the emotional plan, stinks are tied only to mothers and squads. Kohanok is rarely if you hang out. To that, taking yoga in a gentle way, you will turn not into too much romance, but into that very point of conflict, for which you parted. There will be a repetition: you will wake up the old wound, you will want to wake up in the image, you will spend anew on the unreasonable, vibuhne welding and so on.

Well, if people rose up amicably, without an image, then you can make a connection. Often you hang out with those who are staying with your partner, you don’t want to be separated, but you don’t want to “enjoy” only the fresh family life.

Likewise, there are more fluctuations. Deyakі cholovіki say about themselves to those who see incompleteness in the past days. Possibly, the call of interruptions for the initiative of the lady, and she knew how to live through the stage of completion, and the partner did not.

The problem is that young people often don't know what they're looking for. The lady, otrimuyuchi "Reminder" in the form of a big one, will be aware of the discomfort and, perhaps, feel sorry for those who took the decision about the expansion independently. Sucking, wounded by provinces, not in his own way in his own sootti. Ajet - Nikho Nikho NICHO NOT WINDEN. Such a vipad is recommended to talk to the partner of Vidkriti і Z'yasuvati, what turned away Kolishniy Kokhanets, Yaku Meta Perevnya? in the fact that it is not comfortable for the skin once to be taught to the zustrіch.

I live! I'm really glad that I knew such a site .. that I can consult with you and understand for myself. I have the same food, so I wanted to consult with you. If you hit me and ate straight to the point. I chatted with the man until recently. We were 4 rocks with him. All 4 years I was with him, we had stoks as a guest option, so like a friend and a friend had a sickness, like a sick man with cancer. In this month, she died. All these fates are in me, saying that you won’t feel a word, and that we are with you, if there is an hour, we will live together. We don’t live at the same time in the bag. At the grassy month, I wrote and said that I can’t do this anymore. You give the words, and then you take it away. Vin is such a person, so important that everyone thought good about him, so that he would be good for everyone, and that which wins wins over to relative people, I praise him the least. After a certain hour, if they parted, I purely vaguely recognize that, it appears, I’m simultaneously talking with others. Mi pratsyuєmo at once, and in the same place zavіv sche іnshiy novel in my eyes. I told you that you have no conscience. The men are secret, who knew about us, calling yoga according to their behavior. In short, seeming, I’m calling on me, that I’m jealous of Yogo, that I’ve been plodding all the time and so far, and the like. And youmu simply said: learn to appreciate and respect people, if they want to be with you and talk about you. Youmu is 52 roki. As I wrote to you before, 2 times I had friends and shackled them. More than that, you know that you are a strong energy vampire. I'm right. Let me tell you how to behave ... so that you won’t be able to call at the next hour ... I told you that I care for you, that you didn’t hurt anything and not hurt me like it hurt me. I helped the youmu more and more. Your advice is important to me, so you always get to the point. Thank you, I'll check your feedback. God bless you.

Julia, Moscow, 32 rocks

Psychologist's advice:

Hello Julia.

Vіn can't be with you, We were casually arrived before the period of spending, the death of the squad. Having lost sweat from you, I couldn’t succumb to my feelings of guilt and pain. Obviously, the call is vigilantly due to your appointment, but such a rehabilitative task - the new partner is to blame for further distances, but in parallel, and you don’t allow yourself to eat, and not try to be cold. You need to adequately reshape those that have become, otherwise you will be left behind by your unfinished injury, as if you would be respectful in the future. Think about it, to individually turn to a psychologist in person or in absentia (Skype).

With respect, Lipkina Arina Yuriivna.

So it turned out that your little girls with a man got tied up in a robot. You parted, but no one wants to part ways. How to practice with a great lad, who is constantly in your eyes?

As it seems, we do not choose the place and the hour of the day with the other half of the future. People get to know each other definitively: on the street, on a trip, on the train or in the afternoon, in a cafe and on a robot. If you don’t have personalities, then you can simply separate and drink in different sides. But if you get to know yourself on a robot, then you won’t go anywhere: you’ll have to spend your money on a leather day. Well, how to work, how to practice with a lot, to talk and vibudovuvat your vision far away?

Obviously, the best thing in principle is not to start any novels on robots. Aja is unknown, you will be in the future at once. As a rule, after separation, there often comes a period of conflicts, which is absolutely not good for a worker. And yet, it has already become so and your fellow is a colleague, be nadali obachna. It is impossible to allow bitter, scandalous strife, so you still break apart. Rozriv is guilty buti peaceful. And don't try to wind up making you hurt more or by fooling, hurting, don't rule the scenes, intelligently play the blues and smoothly complete them. It is not possible to disperse with foes, it will be simply impossible to try it all at once.

You are unlikely to reach, that neutrality is the best, what can be. Even though they parted, it takes an hour to heal the wound. Take a victorious position and guard the next important moments.

  • Seriously go to the food, like practice with a lot, even if you love your job and don’t want to mess around. Yakscho vіdnosiny completed on your іnіtsiativi, throwing kohanets, obviously, images. A civilized person will not be able to show off, but the axis of non-violations and antagonisms will try to demonstrate to you their own foolishness. Tse mozhe turn into Prickly, evil fires. ale too much lad you can also drink and see the salvage - often ignore it. Be ready for this and do not betray respect. Tse pass with an hour, if addictions subside.
  • Be smart, be patient and don't fall for any provocations. Be good-natured and say hello to him; As if you were able to talk alone, win every chance. Pride here is unrewarding, as if you really want to spend money on your beloved work and not go to it like hard labor. If you are left alone, tell the colossal kokhan about those that you are grateful to you for everything and only wish you happiness in the future. Push in conversations on those that you want, so that you will be deprived of friends. A reasonable person is guilty of understanding you.
We are no longer children, it is necessary to understand what everyone is in life. Tim more than those who did not go alone as life partners, do not talk about those who are your nasty colleagues in work. It is necessary to know in one's own strength to transfer one's vіdnosini to a new level, businesslike and more serious.

As if they were deprived of a lot of negative emotions for themselves, it is easy to reveal, as if to practice with a lot, without seeming to sum up the details. Ale single vihіd, if you don’t want to go out of your plant, - know in yourself the strength to know that you had mercy in people, and live far away.

Bula love, bula predilection, bula closeness, but it didn’t work out ... You parted, but even earlier you continue to run around the day. Because you work at once. How to behave in such a situation? Did you look robiti that nothing happened between you and your colleague? Unicati splkuvannya z kolishnim? And maybe, and zovsіm call? Recommendations are given by psychologist Olena Godina.

All people are different, and situations are the same, - it seems fakhivets. - Some of them will be delivered absolutely calmly before the opening, and it will be important for others to marvel at the colossal horse. Let's see, there are situations, if we are separated, so we move, "for the good of the parties", and buva - one of two can not reconcile with him, that they threw him. I realized that in the skin type the recommendations will be individual.

If you “split up” for mutual benefit and continue to work together, then it would be the most logical thing to save good friends with a lot of friends and make friends, respecting Olena Godin.

You are offended by grown-up people, and you are guilty of understanding, that everyone knows. So, like partners in a special life, they didn’t go alone to one, and leather pishov went their own way. Ale, you can see yourself as friends and colleagues. It is necessary to know that your stosunki just switched to a different level. You can, as early as before, work one to one for help and support - within the framework of a robotic and friendly conversation.

If some of you are the boss, and someone is a subordinate, then the situation, obviously, can get better, depending on the psychologist. Close quarters between a kerivnik and helping themselves make life easier on their own. And yakscho stink already ended? Chi varto dotrimuvatisya pіdkresleno official style splkuvannya? Would it be better to think about changing jobs?

In the opinion of Oleni Godin, in the presence of other spivrobitniks, it is best to save subordination, as your company, in principle, does not accept familiarity. Alone, you can continue to click one by one on “ty” and by name, but don’t worry about those who were between you. So you will get rid of the negative emotions.

Ale is alone on the right, as you simply didn’t get along with the characters, and otherwise - as if the novel had left a lot of negativity. Let's say, man, on whom you put great hopes, appearing as a woman, and you were like a black "souvenir" for the collection. Abo wine is rotten before you, znuschavsya, "thrown" zі pochennyami, koristuvavsya your pennies, mine? Nareshti, you were angry with Yogo on the elementary front...

Understandably, as if the blues had lost their mostly negative feelings about themselves, it is important to put them in a good way, - states the psychologist. - And all the same, it is in your power to reach out if you want neutrality. Reconcile yourself, that a bad guy and a health worker is just your colleague, comrade in service, and no more than that. Well, have mercy on you, don’t fight with Kim!

And how buti, how did you want to take a drink, but the partner is not suitable? Abo, navpaki, having taken you out against your will?

If you don’t accept a lot of coaxing from the situation and don’t want to hear your explanations, then you can try a little bit of it, ignore it, or surround yourself with officialdom and work catering, for the sake of Olen Godin. - If the situation is reversible, then you should kindly think about what kind of person you need, as you no longer feel any feelings for you. And wine, better for everything, doesn’t know, since I’m sorry for parting.

You can think about the call, as the situation is unresolved - so that the person will follow you through, vimaging mutuality, or at the same time, as the initiator of the opening of the vine, but you can’t forget it, you’ll be more speechless ... , not obov'yazkovo zvіlnyatisya zovsіm - you can search for the possibility of transferring to another country, or be it another option, if you do, you will stick to the yakomoga rіdshe.

It is possible, first of all, to take a decision, you should discuss your opinion with the "colossal", - respect Olena Godina. - For example, you can cheat, you will be deprived of friends, only colleagues, but after all, some of you would be better off switching to another job.

Remember that the end of a service romance is not yet the collapse of life and your failures are not met. Learn from what has become a lesson and be vigilant for new ideas, for the sake of a psychologist.