If the person needs it? Why is it necessary to "admit" one person? Yakshcho lad wants to be one.

It is possible, if you see happiness lying to the ideal kind, as often grace and the bed of the trojand, alas, it’s a pity, repeating such a hardly possible way, even if we rostemo, snake, and ours consume and bazannyy us winter. I’ll look at the foldability of the problems, it’s easier to fix the problems of the new problems, but it’s easier to fix the problems.

deyaki axis cinnamon please on that type, as your friend needs a lot of space and others need to see you.

Trim to the smartest visitor

Do not forget about pride, і don’t throw everything up to you, as only if you want to turn to you.

Tim do not, do not deceive yourself - you still want to turn to the new, and in the most beautiful way for all the time. Come closer, then go out, - so you will be instructed to come to a smart way, and you will be able to turn you around, understandable for an hour, but not yours.

Trim the links to the minimum

If you see that your collegiate still thinks about you, then trim a short call with him - SMS-prompts, short calls to the stylist and spilkuvannya online mimokhid guess what about your life in the future re-entangling you with your presence, if you need a lot of space for deliberation.

Spend an hour at once

Take a partner's position

If you live in misleading and unmistakable terms, but not showing any reaction, then just take that position. For it’s just that it’s not just that it’s not in you at once, for you just need freedom, and you’re guilty of giving it to you. However, seize the moment - if you have remembered the polish of your day, then you will probably collapse before the awakening of the day.

If you take a break from your heart, your friend will come to know you, you can try to see your heart. Give your mind, mind you, don't worry - if I show you a lot, don't mind seeing it, then it's great to be open. If the navpaks were signaled to inform about the lack of reliability in the advanced ones, then it would be more reasonable to enter and allow life to flow along the natural channel.

Skinny people an hour every hour a special space is required, Shcheb rozіbratisya vlasnoe zhitti. If your boy or a man needs space, then it does not mean not to love you. Shvidhe tse will order for those who will need an hour, then use your thoughts.

Read our site to tell your friends about it!

I'm going! Be glad to help you. Piv rock started with the boy. Win up to ours vіdnosin buv 6 rockіv in shlyubі. Child is dumb. With the squad they parted from the її ії ініціяtivi. I am from him from the small towns. We are 700 km away ... Do not be surprised to see us spend 3-5 days at once. Tobto even more than an hour. Practically we lived at the same time. More in the world. On the very cob, everything was fine. Sea of ​​uvagi, kviti, paying me all the trips before. And tse buv in the main lіtak. Abo my car (gasoline). Knowing with friends, brother. I’m yogi. Immediately saying that I want to be in the closest possible child. Having fed the chi I want. I said I want to. The zagalom attitudes evolved rapidly and appreciated the overgrowth in the family. Ale is not there. At that moment, the lads just got sick. Win having become frowned and not talkative and will be disappointed for a while. Having said a few words, I’m right in the robot. I'm in bed. Please feel free to calm down. Having said that it’s not the same for us, it’s not going to end this way by itself. (Nibito's squad was happy). Alena didn’t squeal, but she didn’t change; Wonderful. Zagalom a couple of tizhn_v pislya ts'go big mensh. Ale in the bag I know the cold. Lack of sex ... more precisely, less presence. I started a rozmova chi want vіn Menchu ​​bachiti in my place ... I didn't go before that time. At the pidsumku, if all the same, I can’t help but frown ... having said I don’t want to torment me, we need to distribute. I went to shoots to pick up speeches ... then after becoming persuaded me to take away all the same keys with you ... having said I need them ... I went ... in tears and with nerves at the boundary (it became disgusting for me and forgiveness and forgiveness and forgiveness ... and asking forgiveness ...). Zagalom zhakh. We were home to me at the place of living and thinking at the same time from cockroaches of yogo ЄAK їm life. And at that hour I got to know what a vagitna ... I wrote to the whole ... Do not torment yourself or me or a child. rob an abortion ... i'm in shots ... all ... read ... ngo ngo to remind. Win ni in yaku. Abortion and speck. Having said that I don’t know anyone I love Menchu ​​or kolishnyu. (For the third day of the separation of the zhodnoy, I never bothered and didn’t get rid of it because I’ve overcame all the channels of the sound). If I’m going to be a people, then I’ll love the child and help me. Let me quote: mi rasmtaemsch. You are alone. " early term ... I have seen you, they say, give me a radiy. Vin having said - downright holy ... (((((((((((in the zagalny, in the bag for the fact, the three were caught up with the fact that it had become. I slept for three days. I saw it. Strimano, in other words, I didn’t send it out. I didn’t send it back. But then I got lost. I couldn’t go out of my head. I wrote: “We’re separated?” I said two years later after reading it at once. “I think so ..”. I seem to be well, fine. Win me: wondering very well, I can tell you: until the rest of the time I didn’t want to stop wondering, I don’t think so. .win saying that it is in the road to Bilorusi to be. and saying that it is all the same for robots, be it all, they will be brought by ale tizhniv for two. I missed. I went to the new poaa yogo dumb. All have arrived, have spent the night and have gone. Youmu called out a message. Winn came back the same evening as I went. Having poured out the visibility of the substance ... having called back and said, forgive me, my son ... I made you sick ... call me back ... just call me back ... just call me back ... in the out-of-town so we parted. I wrote to youmu persha a couple of days at a time. Troches. Nothing special. Ale once zirvala. Has powered youmu more beautifully with me chi without me? Vin wrote: I want to be one at a time. ... well, I'll tell you ... I saw that I saw my phone, but I didn’t talk about it, because everything is one thing. Vin wrote - I didn’t write against it. I say: is it necessary for you? Pishe: without saying that you need to say without saying that don't contradict. I’m looking at me writing: it’s not even necessary for me. Vin me: good. I youmu: I see you. Vin me: yours on the right. Ch mk: dumb on the right is not mine. Tee brewing everything. Thy daughter will grow up to you with a shit and with words - I don’t like to be built! Pishe: do not mean marry. ... leave it all. P.S. I don’t have to invest in my head but that person I knew I knew and with HER I stay together for an hour and the same person ... and I don’t love that person anymore ... but I don’t know why it’s ... I don’t know scho vin not to put the final point. The skin has a "chance" for a continuation. .. ale "not at once" ... chi varto chekati chi nі. Do not know. Thank you for reading ...

Albina, good day!

Tse can mean a lot, for example, those that, with the introduction of new people, we are attracted to them new, the ability to expand your horizons, your own spilkuvannya, replenish your light with new enemies, emotions, knowledge. It’s not like this (it’s the book that’s been read, and here’s everything to lay down on the inner wisdom of the book, or to be put on the police, and to be successful in reading the book).

It is possible to get better, but the process of self-development is often problematic, the spirits of a man for his nature are gracious, repeat his mercy I know, and I know so, as vicorists evoke good knowledge of patterns and models for themselves. The price can be corrected if you look at your model of behavior, your crossings and cleanliness with a fakhivtsi, and you will know at once with him the way to go from the situation, which is right.

It’s a pity that the framework given to the format doesn’t give the opportunity to learn more in detail the essence of what to see and set a table for specifying food, but if you, Albin, would be happy, then you can call me on the phone for a consultation by phone or by phone. Radium will help you. All the best!

Gliniannikov Yuriy Gennadiyovich, online consultant Irkutsk, Bratsk.


If the person needs it?

The statute of the publication was published on the sheet for the feed of one of the readers of the site. Quoted sheet:

“I read your book with great joy:“ Yak Zakokhati is a cholovik in himself for all his life, for Nicholas do not follow the cholovik, let him be with you ”. Obviously, in the world of mastery of material, I am stuck in practice. Everyone will be glad to see the performance just wonderful.

Tilki vinikє food. If, after all, the cholovik will need to be asked for? What do you need to do? For what hour and in what form? Yak here will not miss the wickedness (rely on respect for the wickedness of the cholovіki) and is everything correct? I will be clear to you, as soon as I show up on the side, I want it in a few phrases. "

Briefly I want to nagadat, about what I wrote in the 7th section “Yak utrimati cholovika? Go for a walk and be bored. " I quote a part of the head: “If a man and a woman are constantly, without any fix, they are working at once and are constantly getting used to, then, with special qualities, the woman is not small, it’s early enough for the cholovikov to arrive.

To that, it’s more simple and practical in five not 365 visions of the same squad for a skin day, so that you can save the interest of a man and diminish that, and grow up like that, a man who’s hungry and a vitra of a lot of energy, having not been at all

Yak zrobiti so schob cholovik buv hungry?

The suggestion is obvious, it is necessary, in the first place, to interconnect the spilkuvannya, to give the cholovikovy booties on their own.

In a different way, let the cholovik get a little bit of fun at the meal, so he wins his appetite.

And now there are three more details on the skin point.

It is necessary to enclose the spilkuvannya. Dates the cholovikov by itself and, of course, let the most life be by itself.

As for me to be built, as I have already said, I am one of the basic needs of the people - the need to get by on their own. The demand for the greater part of the world is dominant to the skin head. That and not only cholovіkovі. The demand is clearly visible in children. Such a rich woman vvazhayut for the beautiful self-reliance of a permanent union with people who are desperate.

Let's turn to cholovik_v. Cholovik wants to walk alone in the streets, expand the space, so bi-moviti, designate his territory. If you want to go to the lazuli with friends, sit and talk. If you want to sit stupidly in front of your computer, you don't want to be bothered. Abo z'yzditi on ribalka and so far.

I often want to finish delivering, so that women are repaired to turn to choloviks, if they start to get alone. And if you don’t look like you, then you’ll think to know "please," if you are a cholovik, you shouldn’t be afraid of a woman’s thought.

Arguments are cited to the point: “We have not gone to see relatives for a long time, but to the theater. Vikhidnі, but you can't go to the squad at once. It is necessary to viprati, tidy, vitrusiti, etc. "

(Forgetting ahead, I’ll say that in the homeland they went through the food like this: on Friday they were robustly tidying up, everything was cleaned, mine, vitrush, robustly bought the main things, and those who came out for us are all out of place.)

Women, do not take the needs of a person by themselves on their own account. If a person wants to be alone, this does not mean that you have ceased to be fit. I tse zovsim does not mean that the fault was formed on you, and that they have noticed it. (I want to be sure, ale mi at once about іnshe)

While women were smart about the importance of self-reliance for good people, the stench itself would be at least a couple of times a week drove their people to the street by the way for 4 years.

I am fucking deyaki positive sides self-determination for the living of a person and a woman:

Self-reliance is not the same camp in which person is seen from a woman. Self-reliance is a tseto stan, de cholovik navpaki, starting more money for life. All the intelligence in the world is essential. If you do it once every 2 days, then this kind of splitting may not be enough for the development of business. Infectious we are talking about that period, if you have already started living at the same time. "

As soon as the cholovikov do not let them get on their own from time to time, then they are old-fashioned.

If the cholovikov do not let them be alone, then the stench will fix more of the ailments.

It seems that even if the cholovikov do not let them get on their own from time to time, then we’re getting old.

It seems that if the cholovikov do not let them be alone, then the stench will fix some of the ailments.

It seems that, if you don’t let a person be alone from time to time, then I’ll start to uniculate my beloved woman (draw in her interest) so that you can go to separation.

It seems that if a person doesn’t forget one thing, then he cannot overcome 90% of his problems in the middle of himself and start to sound his life (threads along the way), if such a “hero” is out of harm's way (traces of simplicity).

On the news of the rosm about the Moscow chickens, which give milk (I am encouraged, all I know is the price), all the truth is. If you give the cholov_ch_y psychosis of failures, then your value is in the eyes of the cholov_ka zlіta for a couple of meters up the hill.

I will briefly repeat myself, as well as tips for a man or, more precisely, those who would like to see a tip for a woman.

Perche. Behind the words of my squad, my friends and my relative, we can help a woman to talk to a friend, or a cholovik (if there is no friend close by). For three years, such a balakanini is not about, and the woman saw to herself.

Some children think that this is approximately how it is itself possible to deduce from the cohanim. Tobto talk 3-4 years about those, about that. If a cholovik has "seen" so many years, then often he thinks that it would be more beautiful to be more important than a little one at all hours of vantage. And if the tse buli rose not just about ni, but "zhіnochі rozmovi", then all of them. It is more beautiful to visit a vidryadzhennya for a couple of days, it is necessary to practice for 12 years a day without a visit.

To be found in the bedroom beams for a person is often called and not found. In the world of development of family vidnosin, people who can get more than "basic" in their half and less get overwhelmed. If you want to find one another, you will need more repairs.

To a friend. As a result, for a woman, it is often a problem for a clumsy domestic robot (not for everyone). Tse can be just like tidying up an apartment, picking up clothes (for example, for my squad). Inodi tse can be done by shops for the choice of a choice, or like home speeches, etc. Yak vzhe, melodiously, zoosuly, so the activity of the call is not є for a cholovik by no means. I don’t think that people don’t need to start a home robot, but not for some reason, to find the job is borderline simple. About those, like zrobiti so, who helped the cholovik around the house, read in the book by Anastasia Guy "Yak zmusiti cholovik zlіzti from the sofa 2. Secrets of the happy hundredsunks".

Thirdє. What is it? It’s wonderful, but it’s possible to put a bed on the couch, but it’s not just a piece of furniture for a person. If the cholovik lie on the sofa and the skin 5 chilin the woman digests it for the food, then two years of lying down - there are no problems.

You can think of vibaglivi choloviks that appear. It’s not like that, but not like that. For the most part, everything is simpler. Cholovіki not vibaglivі, the stench is just trochi іnshі. Simplest - the whole sound and intelligence of the individual psychology and everything. And you see how it sounds, but, for example, homemade quiti do not like your monstrous cake. Give me soil, water and sleepy light. Bachish yaki vibaglivi, I don’t want a cake! And the car is also vibrating. Youmu cake, you may not want to. You need gasoline, oil, and everything is not consumed, as it is not immediately.

At the butt with the car and home quotes, it never occurs to you that the stench is vibrating and obviously, and you don't get stuck in the drive. So why should the choloviks be built by the vibrating women? Just because you want to be built, the smell is the same, like you. Ale tse naiglibsha pomilka.

For the part of the people. The stench is not vibaglivi, it is just that those are needed that are needed. Give them to those who are needed and you will be the most beautiful woman, or take half for the whole life. To date the cholovikov those who are in need of it are very simple. It is simply necessary for the nobility, that they sound.

It is permissible that the dermal head needs a donkey who has a lot of money, but they gave carquin instead of it. So let the youmu beat the donkey and don't forget about the carrot. It’s not so neat, yak to be built. So nominate the person to the employees, and then praise, you can more than once. Do not forget and give some praise, if you give an analogue.

Can you come up with an idea? Is it easy to praise? Do you praise for the first time, and then do you praise it again? (Abo vvazhaєte, how to whistle) Well, who said, how will it be easy to call? Vivchennya psychology of cholovikiv - tse including vigaduvannya prokhanya about help, and then morkvin for help. If you don’t come, then don’t marvel if the donkey pishov in the first place, then put on the seat with the vantage, and then, when you send it to you, give the carrot.

Well, I’m three pishov aside. How do you see people? Name the price simply self-reliance and motivation. May be, a whole lot of questions about the right and the wrong thing about routine cheating robots, going to the store for a quick trip to the store, which is borderline simple (for example, buying products from a particular store on the list). However, the main reason is the value of self-reliance.

Self-reliance, in a special way, is necessary for women. However, he is not rich in someone who is ready to recognize such a need and see a few years for a day for those who do not have anything to do. Tobto vzagalі nothing. Do not wonder TV, do not read, do not tidy up, etc. See the hour for self-reliance, i spilne life become more simpler.

All at once, what if the moment, if a person is more beautiful than overlooking one view?

In the first place, go out of the singing minimum, which is absolutely essential for being a human being.

There will be a run-off, but the skin head needs to be done for a long time for a period of time for self-reliance and repair. Ask your own food, what is the minimum for your man?

Yaksho є, that's good. If it’s dumb, then it’s even more important to see in the social graph of life for an hour, if your partner (and at the same time, it’s worth it), stay on its own and for a reason.

Qia is a sign of even simplerness. Viconati yogo is so simple. Crumbs are folding so that the price has faded away.

However, if you want to let the cholovik be alone for a long time, then you will become better cooked and better put up with it. Even at the cholovik, forces and energy are turned on their own, and images are created. I don’t come across it zychayno, ale I want to chastkovo.

And hiba is not about stronger and more energetic cholovikov in the world? And if a person does not appear, and does not tear himself to nausea, is it not great?

On my side there would be a lot of great surpluses of the past, but as soon as the choloviks get one hour, then such a cholovik will become strong, energetic and not edgy. However, it is such a simple matter to increase the strength of a person (psyche, rather than til,) increases by 10-20, or even more. In my opinion, it is better to achieve a good result with a minimum amount of money.

bogey rule also. Skin people, and especially cholovikov, it is necessary to be alone from time to time. If you do not want to be alone, you do not want to be alone, but because of your spilkuvannyam to you, then all the deprivation of a rotten little name, kimos is pinned to the child. Tsya svichka inodi drowns out the real consumer of the psyche.

If it’s drowned out, the stench doesn’t stop growing, and if it’s not satisfied (to consume), then the stench was supposed to be all the same, just in the wrong place.

So, if your love doesn’t want to be self-conscious or self-dependent, then correct it to the full self-determination in a primus order. Samiy minimum is a whole year in a day. Good - tse approximately 30 khvili khvili a day and once a day kіlka years. Calling good - a whole hour of skin day and once a day every year.

You can use the tsi norms. If you don’t show up, then think, like it’s okay.

I spend the whole hour talking about the consumption of choloviks, which is the article in the section "Psychology of choloviks" on the site "Sleepy Hands". Ale tse does not mean that life is not necessary for self-determination. Here it is important to intelligence, as if the choloviks are not at home for an hour, then the woman can often be alone (if for children, then put the children in bed, send for an hour before the grandmother, in the cage, etc.).

In a different way, it can be seen that a person is magical to drink from roses and spilkuvannya.

As soon as there are some reasons for the cholovik - there is a lot of mobility, then the number of movers has been changed, from the view of the sizes - this is a clear sign that cholovik needs to be on their own.

You just need to show three more respect. If a partner is seen from a spilkuvannya, then you need to pin it. As a rule, the repetition and passage of the chogos, if the partner curls up in the spilkuvannya, bezgluzdo and only until the mutual razdratuvannya. You will be razdratovani team, so you will not hear, but your love is tim, but you do not want to see, so it's time to zupinitisya.

Surely, not a fact, but your partner is vtomivsya in the direct sense of the word і want to be alone. It’s possible, but it’s like it’s about your women’s births (according to the day, when you’re wrong, you’ll be wrong), but not in the whole statute.

In other words, if the partner is not going to see you himself, if it’s weak to think about your message about splitting, then it’s more beautiful to lose one.

Thirdly, for an hour for self-reliance and for some reason, try to grow up when the robot graphics are stressed, inappropriateness on robots and in a special life, like the shimmery snakes in life.

Zrozuilo, if a guy is stressed out, if your partner has a disagreement in robotics, or in a special life, it’s very quick to change in life, then it will take an hour to learn all the things, to sound until the next camp of speeches.

If you are in the life of your beloved, then you will see it for more than an hour for recovery and self-help.

I’ll try with more words, ’’ ‘’ ’ As long as your beloved dislike for robots, quick wanderings in life, etc., then this does not mean that he wants to talk to you about it. Tse means deprived of those who need to be on their own and on the way for more than an hour.

If you have such a possibility, then it’s early to come to you sooner and more closely with your ideas. Ale tse poim. And you will need to help a handful of things to help you on your own.

The main rule with the heads of the field is that if the wine does not want to grow it, then it is not necessary to pull it in. Take care of your right, do it yourself, go to the gym to see your friends, etc. And about those who are likely to grow with the cholovik, read in the article "Yak rozmovlyati with the cholovіk, who will win you zrozumіv."

Tse in principle to complete the universal rule. Yaksho ditina, for example, there is one and not a click, short way- do not crawl to the new one, but let yourself be nourished, or just be on your own. Nіkhto nіkudi doesn’t last. All all one to come to the woman anyway.

I would like to know that you are not vicious about those that partners need little to do with themselves. I am not a party notwithstanding that, the partners were rooting for the robots, they were roaming around the small rooms, or they were so caught up in the robots, when they came for a dinner and immediately kicked a spate, or when they went to the robots, the TV watched and did not sleep.

As soon as you see it all the time, it is practically inevitable that it is inevitable that it is inevitable. In an hour, it will become necessary to talk about it. Even in a dozen hour, you can see the baiduzhism and periodically you can see the food about those who rob people here. Well, okay, statty, in the out-of-town, not about tse. It is not necessary to strive from extremes to extremes;

At the same time, let's give the cholovikov (and so very likely) an hour for self-reliance. Do not get mad about him todi, if you need to help him. tsikh simple rules unambiguously prizvede up to polіpshennya your vіdnosin.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to bring it to the point of absurdity. It’s important that people do not sit with friends and children without special principles for implanting alcohol. And, obviously, if it is necessary to work with a term, then it is not up to the change and the reason.

And if you have lost no reason, about what a good idea, read the report in the book "Yak zakhati in yourself a cholovik for all life, for Nicholas do not run for a cholovik, do not hate vin biga for you."


Boy, saying, do you want to be alone, why robiti? - please psychologists

Good afternoon. (For me) I have a difficult situation in my life. Zustrіchaєmosya with a lad 4 rocky. We have a lot of everything, і cooked, і radіli. They were scattered only for a few days, but everything was silly, as if to think at a time, once they left the army, they were separated for 1.5 months, until the end of their service. Upon the arrival of yogo before the day, the zyishlisya, bulo tse 2 fate that. For an hour, everything was okay with us, it was not cooked often. Ale one fine day we boiled, the whole day that bulo. When I asked for some food, I got ready for something, and I said, “Well, I’m all the same before you come at once, I won’t get hung up on me for the price and all at once.” MI has not spilkuvali two days. I wrote to you myself and phoned me, but I didn’t think about it, but I didn’t want to get one hundred percent at a time. The new robot is important. Once I came to talk with me about everything, it’s not so easy to use the Internet. Vin having said that he wants to change his life, he came to life like that, he’s alive to the last, saying already 1.5 times he wanted to grace our life, and welding became a last speck for the new one. Vin having said that I don’t know about the hour of the day, I’m a month, or if I’m ready to see everything, I’m looking after myself, now that I don’t think about it, I’ve said that I’ll start again in a new rap. I can hardly pay homage to it. Axis of yogo quotation - I miss you. I can’t do it. Ale, I can’t do it like that, - I’m vtomivsya. win: still leave є, -I don’t want anything at once, - I don’t want anything yet, -Then forgive me, but I don’t want to do it at once, I just want to be alone, - I’m ready to help you with everything. I don’t want Ale vidnosin, maybe in a day. And maybe through pik. I’m going to turn over - I’ll be ready to get my head into the bitovuha again. But at once it will take me an hour. If you have ob_ynyav on the remains duzhe mіtsno, 2 times. having said scho u now є divchin's friend. in social I don’t tidy up any photos from the avatars, having tidied up only the family’s camp. For a whole hour I learned all my mercy, and I still want to be with him, and I am ready to bring it to you. navit build changed. Іnshy u nyogo mumє, ale in the social network. gradually merge with one girl. I know not to be bothered with her. you live far away. The food is that I do not know how to do it, how to do it and how to do it. What is it all about the raptom is good? We are of the same age at 21 rubles. Do you want to check it out? and the raptom did not see, but I just checked .. I already got used to the posters, help me be a weasel.

Katerina, hello.

Accept the words of the pidtrimka. However, krim people spіvchuttya, I want to brutalize respect for those who see at your stosunki.

On the day in the dialogue that you have prompted, your lad talk about those who, on the other hand, have become so bored with you. As soon as you are close and available, your interest in new is just a matter of fact.

I don’t know, why do I know how to conquer the boy, let’s do it, go to school only.

Your friend talk about those who are your script, screwing bi yo respect - your independence, not just your life, but your own power. To achieve a primitive cholovic instinct - the image of an inaccessible female, as it is necessary to conquer, even the same instinct will help you in the next hour to take respect for a cholovik - someone who is not, so is.

Good luck to you at all.

To the povagoyu, your psychologist Irina Rozanova, St. Petersburg


Yaksho vin having said that you need to be on your own

cholovik inodi want to be alone

It is possible, if you see happiness lying to the ideal kind, as often grace and the bed of the trojand, alas, it’s a pity, repeating such a hardly possible way, even if we rostemo, snake, and ours consume and bazannyy us winter. I’ll look at the foldability of the problems, it’s easier to fix the problems of the new problems, but it’s easier to fix the problems.

Axis deyakі korisnі please on that vypadok, as your friend needs a lot of space and who needs to see from you.

Trim to the smartest visitor

Do not forget about pride, і don’t throw everything up to you, as only if you want to turn to you.

Tim do not, do not deceive yourself - you still want to turn to the new, and in the most beautiful way for all the time. Come closer, then go out, - so you will be instructed to come to a smart way, and you will be able to turn you around, understandable for an hour, but not yours.

Trim the links to the minimum

If you see that your collegiate still thinks about you, then trim a short call with him - SMS-prompts, short calls to the stylist and spilkuvannya online mimokhid guess what about your life in the future re-entangling you with your presence, if you need a lot of space for deliberation.

Spend an hour at once

spend an hour at once

Take a partner's position

If you live in misleading and unmistakable terms, but not showing any reaction, then just take that position. For it’s just that it’s not just that it’s not in you at once, for you just need freedom, and you’re guilty of giving it to you. However, seize the moment - if you have remembered the polish of your day, then you will probably collapse before the awakening of the day.

If you take a break from your heart, your friend will come to know you, you can try to see your heart. Give your mind, mind you, don't worry - if I show you a lot, don't mind seeing it, then it's great to be open. If the navpaks were signaled to inform about the lack of reliability in the advanced ones, then it would be more reasonable to enter and allow life to flow along the natural channel.

Skinny people an hour every hour you need a special space, so go back to your life. If your boy or a man needs space, then it does not mean not to love you. Shvidhe tse will order for those who will need an hour, so please use your thoughts.

skinny people need some special space

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Would it be necessary to give one special space, as people need more strength, less women?

If you read John Gray's book "Choloviki from Mars, Women from Venus," then, melodiously, remember such a term, like "choloviches of the stove." Mіsce, kudi cholovіk inodі yde, learn again, tidy up your thoughts and feel good, and at the same time ask about those who like to love their squad.

What about "Cholovicha of the Pechera" and what is the most important for cholovikov?

Do not expect to see the yak of the stove. Naychastishe, tse as hobі pose at home, or just mіsce, de vin love buvati alone. Mi, slyly, we are not talking about public booths and casinos. Shvidshe, here you go to the business with friends, your office and work time, trips to the conference and go in and visit the office in the booth, where it’s not right to enter.

If there is a crisis in the cholovik - and the cholovikov is constantly entering us without knocking, - the cholovikov importantly settles. Think on your own.

What are the most frequent robims? Let's be honest? Mi namagaєmosya yogo zvidti vidriapati. Z ooimіv tsієї yogo pecheri. Motives can be used as:

  1. Youmu is rotten! I'm guilty of helping you!
  2. And the raptom is not to love me there?
  3. Yogo druzі vplyuyut nogo nogo.
  4. I am guilty of the nobility, I think.

I am so far away. In practice, the cholovika is placed in front of oneself. Inodi is simply namagaєmosya vimaniti - even quietly and innocently. Inodі vlamuyutsya in the middle і vlashtovuєmo scandal. Innocently the hugeness of the bilya at the entrance to the cave, but they all told you that it was impossible to be so robust.

Peresliduvannya buvaє three views:

  1. Physical. For example: "Don't go nikudi!" Or you can just follow him on the heels, follow him to the ribolovle, create a "surprise" by arriving at the conference, or build the kitchen on your robot. Without yogo zgoda
  2. Emotion. So, as I think of myself as negative emotions, then the people of me namagaєmosya will go on with this pigulkoy. “Talk with me! The cholovika is not only not calm, ale draugh.
  3. Moral. To become such an ideal retinue, why shouldn't I go to nicholas without thinking without me kudis poykhati. “Well, yak, you can, I’m bothering everything for you, but you! It's not fair! Tse is not correct! I donated everything to you and didn’t go to the concert. And ty !!! "

Why don't we want to "let go" of one person?

Why is it so unbearable for us to bachiti, like a kohan lyudin living here without us like a wondrous rank? The reasons for this, part of them are in our nature, and part of them - in our child.

  • For a woman, proximity is even more important. Tse one of ours basic needs... If it’s not close, it’s more important for us. The problem is that when you see it, you can only see a little one with a head. We will not be with other people. And even more precisely, it is not appropriate for me to respect the friendship of a woman. And even the girlfriends themselves can give us the style of closeness, so that we need to worry about it.
  • Mi rіznі. We have viral problems with you, you are growing. It’s very important that the heads are wired like that. I help him, not vrahoyuchi, but the stench is іnshi.
  • Often, we simply don’t know what to do if you don’t have to give it to you on your last day. And what about a ritual peer-review of a film and a walk before bedtime? Would you like to go for a walk?
  • The self-reliance of the old and the todians is terrible, since in the children we are already seen. Ditina is not mindful, but it’s about being seen by mothers, and not about. And I repeat all my life after my mother: "Dad threw us both." First, it’s really scary - the axis is at once going to go, and the raptom will be there as well, how did you take mami?
  • If you have already been thrown by some choloviks, bully spirits and ill health, the topic of cholovicheskiy viddalennya will also become a problem.
  • As soon as you were ignored by the dad, you will also be able to bring you beer. So it is, yak in the dynasty. If all of you are all one - how can there be love?
  • As long as you don't have many hobbies and souls that you can take care of for yourself, you may be tormented, even if you don't know what you can take care of. Here it is important to guess, that it’s tsikavo tilki tilki who are already tsikavo with themselves.

H then there will be a cholov_kom, how can you not "let go" into the cave?

  • Win becomes passive. Dovgo lie, falling yogo entusiasm in the robot. Winn’t those feats, he’s not ready, he’s not ready to go for water. There is simply no motivation. To what? That is why the only motivation for cholovich vchinki is love for a woman (or God).
  • Win did not see love before his squad. Bo cholovicha love is cyclical nature. It’s good to be smart, like it’s like to love the squad, the cholovik is needed for their boredom. It is the most beautiful way of renewing the senses. The woman's mechanism is the best - be in touch with your own sentiments, so everything is stable with us. And the cholovikovi need to be done. I know and I know. I would like to once for a month. Come on krill, crowded, and turn the fire. Guess what mode the faces of the past lived in. Chrestoviy pohid - on krill to kohanoy with a video clip - then again chrestoviy pochіd, I will turn again to her, znemagayuchi from love.
  • Often no admittance of the people is old and angry. If I know myself, I’m going to need to take a look at the thought and feel, take it out for yourself. And the price of wine can only be done on its own, in your oven. One can be a friend in a cave. Ale tse call. For the sake of collective self-determination. Have you ever bailed out any fair ribaloks? The stench is spread out far away one from one and to move all day. For a woman, it is best to be built by gods, and for choloviks - by a reference.
  • You can know the uncivilized form at a glance. Alcohol, drugs, computers іgri - tse the same look in the cave, just look like this, the specialness of the cholovіki th family of vidnosini... Allegedly, it’s not a matter of a new option, if it’s just like that, it’s just enough not to go out of the way.

In a word, at all times no admission into the cave of the cholovik becomes not only “not handy”, but ruinous. You can spend your time at the ryvny mice at the brigade for children. It’s almost grisly to blame, just to alleviate the discomfort.

Why would a cholovik want to be alone and robotic of women?

Rozluka nadaє love special relish. Radіsniy relish of zustrіchі, if insults are bored. First and foremost, we are ready to bachiti one in one well. Navi if you are separated for one day, if the person is going to work, in the evening you check your turn. Tom was bored.

Cholovikov is necessary and important for the mother of the special space and the special hour. Ale znazhennyam children are often forgotten about. To that we need additional help. If it’s too much fallow, it’s even scary - if it’s all alone.

For the people of our children, all of our child's traumas become stricken. All those who did not live until the end, took and let go. If we are afraid of attracting a partner, it will be better for everything, we are afraid of attracting our dad (or your mother) into the new one.

As soon as we start a new turbo and opik, replace them with a man of their fathers. This is how it is possible to continue the journey. The very people of the little cholovychka launched the lantsyug reaction of our ancestral and childish memory. If it is within the reach of that person, in which we have become important, we may become important. Call for that with us and get stared at the bazhannya - but at the same time - just when the children appear. Mi zanadto spilled at the moment, but at the same moment on the self. Ale yak bogato mi with a tsomu vtraєmo!

Let's talk about those, but what should you take care of yourself? How can you not go out of your mind and do not support it with the help of links? Options are even more bagato:

  1. Read a book in love
  2. Marvel at a film - the price can be done in itself
  3. Zrobiti general tidying up
  4. Talk to your girlfriends
  5. You can ask your friend for a visit for a couple of days
  6. Go to the seminar abo training
  7. Come on a visit to Batkiv
  8. Go for a massage or a beauty salon
  9. Take part in a volunteer project
  10. Take care of your hobbies
  11. Go to the dance or paint lessons
  12. Vlashtuvati shopping and so far.

Indian women were cooked up to family life, I can tell you this parable:

“At the life of the skin cholov_ once a month є special days, if the guilty party is guilty of drinking at the stove. Tse of yogo sacred obov'yazok, bitisya in tsya cavern with a dragon. It’s not infallible and risky, ale the ties of the skin head.
To that, if you go out, be ready to go. Once a month, your man will go to his cave, we will strain and turn around with her.
In any case, do not marry your yogi. To that end, if you see your vision and you know the cave, and then try to escape all the way - the dragon will attack you and protect your half-minds. "

The history is metaphorical, and even that dragon itself is just a manifestation of the gigantic qualities of a man, which can be thrown onto the head of a nearby friend.

To that, let us take care of one thing and the reasons for being put up to our peculiarities and needs. Having let the cholovik into the cave, do not forget about yourself!

A great friend to John Gray and Ruslan Narushevich for the knowledge about the nature of the cholovichs in the distance!