Nutrition nursing mothers after birth in the first month. What should be the diet after childbirth - what do nursing moms eat after birth?

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To help a newborn baby to quickly get used to life outside of my mother's tummy can be one main way - to provide him with proper and timely feeding, in addition to regular hygiene and good sleep. The first months of life are the most difficult for both mother and child. Their most important task is to get used to each other and work out the correct mode of the day.

Mom will have the hardest time, because between the cares of the crumbs and the house, she will have to deny herself both her favorite dishes and pleasant activities. Let's consider what you can eat after giving birth without consequences for the baby's health and well-being in the first weeks after discharge.

Nutrition of the nursing mother in the first 1.5-2 months

No doctor with 100% accuracy can say the safety of certain products for the body of a newborn baby. But the practice of pediatricians shows that mom's food after childbirth should consist only of cooked foods, raw fruits and vegetables are unacceptable, this is one of the distinguishing features of a nursing mother's diet.

The fact is that the baby’s digestive system will mature in the next few years, so only the simplest foods can be used for food. From not proper nutrition  mothers often have food allergies, manifested by atopic dermatitis and even obstructive bronchitis. In second place are digestive problems, frequent constipation, bloating and colic.

List of Foods Acceptable for Nursing Mothers:

  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • dairy products;
  • bread and bakery products;
  • apples, bananas;
  • dried fruits;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable soups and broths;
  • meat;
  • eggs, cheese, biscuits;
  • a fish.

For each and these products there are rules for its preparation and the amount permitted for consumption. None of the products should be abused and eaten more often 3-4 times a week. Composing a diet, doctors recommend to start a diary of observations, consisting of 2 graph. The first indicates the input ingredient, the second - the reaction of the baby to him. It is more correct to have new “dishes” in the morning, so that by the evening the negative consequences of the small tummy are gone and the whole family sleeps peacefully.

Any porridge boiled in water with a minimum amount of salt and oil. Buckwheat is pre-soaked for several hours, then the water is drained, washed swollen grits and cooked. They also do it with rice, but it is strong, therefore it can cause constipation in crumbs. You can season the porridge with olive, sunflower unrefined and butter. This is the most simple and useful food for the whole family.

From fermented milk products preference should be given to yogurt, yogurt, ryazhenka. Sour cream, cream and, of course, milk is desirable not to use. The first two products are too high in fat, and milk can be characterized as one of the most powerful allergens, no diet accepts these ingredients. Of course, the degree of allergenicity of milk decreases after boiling, but you should not experiment. You can drink up to 500 ml of fermented milk products per day. You can eat yogurt, but only if it is cooked at home without additives and dyes. Dairy products should be considered as food, not an addition to the morning and lunch menu. Let them form the basis of a second breakfast or snack.

A separate article is always meat. This product is rich in protein, necessary for the full growth and development of the child. It is preferable to feed after birth to build on the use of rabbit, turkey or lean pork. Meat must be cooked or baked until tender. A garnish for such a dish can be potato (boiled or baked), steamed vegetables. Potatoes are soaked for 8-10 hours to remove excess starch and possible nitrates. You can boil pasta from durum wheat.

Eggs, like milk, belong to strong allergens. They can be eaten boiled (soft-boiled) 2-3 times a week. If the child responded poorly to them, you can try again in 2-3 weeks. Perhaps an allergic reaction has developed to protein, then the yolk can be consumed boldly.

Low-fat fish, such as hake or pollock better bake. River fish are considered more allergenic. Other seafood such as crabs and shrimp are unacceptable. By the way, fish can be cooked with spices, such as pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, dill. They improve digestion.

Nutrition nursing mothers after childbirth can be varied fruits and vegetables. From fruit it is apples and bananas, and apples only in baked form. Baked apples - a unique product, it contains easily digestible pectin and vitamin C, as well as a mass of useful trace elements. In addition, the flesh of a baked apple improves the intestinal microflora, promoting good local immunity, and it is weakened after mothers in mothers too. Bananas are consumed in small amounts raw.

Vegetables are allowed zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets. You can start with zucchini and potatoes. They digest well and the degree of allergenicity is the lowest. You can cook vegetable soup from these vegetables by adding a little dill. Caviar is prepared from beets and carrots and consumed in very small quantities. Cabbage often causes bloating, so it is introduced in boiled form in small doses, it is good if it is broccoli. Often, pediatricians recommend mom after childbirth to enter into their diet children vegetable puree. It is both canned food and cooked on its own from fresh vegetables.

The diet of the nursing mother includes whole-grain bread, with bran. It is better to prefer products from rye flour. Not prohibited and baking. Let it be the usual loaf, the simplest biscuit, devoid of baking powder, flavor enhancers and fillings. You can bake oatmeal cookies at home.

What can you drink?

It is drinking non-carbonated water, green and black tea, compote from dried fruits. Compote of dried apples with a small amount of raisins and rosehips is useful. If the child suffers from constipation, you can add a little prune and dried apricots. Drinking a lot is good. Milk arrives from a sufficient amount of liquid, toxins are eliminated, the intestines are quickly cleared. Especially a lot to drink in the first weeks after birth, to remove the remnants of drugs from the body and minimize their ingestion of crumbs.

It is believed that the menu of a nursing mother should not be very different from what she ate during the period of carrying a baby. Theoretically, one can agree. In practice, there is a different picture. Previously, the baby did not feel the effects of the environment, as it was securely hidden in my mother's tummy. After birth, numerous microbes, viruses, unstable ambient temperatures, etc., are attacked by his weak organism.

If you complicate this situation with aggressive nutrition, the baby will have to be very hard, and the consequences may be the most unpredictable. Parents are obliged to take care of their own child so that their mistakes do not lead to illnesses, sleepless nights, worries and failures. This question, highlighting the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can be considered closed, although there is still a group of products, the prohibition of the use of which every woman should know.

Prohibited Products

The nutrition of the mother of a newborn is a strict diet consisting of a huge number of prohibitions. But what can't you do for the health of your own baby. In addition, it is useful for the figure. So, the list of prohibited products includes:

  • fast food and any convenience foods;
  • canned food and pickles;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • barley and semolina;
  • caviar;
  • coffee, cocoa and spirits;
  • sugar, halva;
  • garlic and onions;
  • legumes;
  • ice cream;
  • berries, pears, watermelon and other "overseas" fruits;
  • radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • tomato sauce and mayonnaise.

Based on this list, we can conclude that the menu of a nursing mother should include fresh, healthy and neutral foods. It is impossible to include fried, too salty, sweet or seasoned with a lot of spices in the diet. Food after childbirth should be light, but complete, to provide the baby and your own body with all the necessary set of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

All of the above products either cause allergies, are difficult to digest, or contain a large amount of preservatives and other additives. Mom can be a little reassured by the fact that her diet will come to an end in about 4-6 months. It is by this time that the child is allergic to certain products or lack thereof, and the small tummy begins to get used to the changing composition of mother's milk.

When should I expand my diet?

Asking what you can eat after giving birth, at first glance it seems that almost nothing. But this is a temporary diet that can be significantly relaxed in six months or even earlier. Many mothers are so accustomed to restrictions that they observe them for a very long time. This is good, as the principles of proper nutrition have not been canceled.

If up to 3 months the baby responded well to a changing diet and rarely bothered parents with scarlet cheeks and colic, mom may well begin to make a new menu. Now in her diet may appear barley and pshenka, boiled beans or soup from it, boiled milk, cheese, sour cream, boiled pear, compote of blueberries, currants, cherries and other tasty food. You can treat yourself to chicken and veal, homemade jam, nuts, fresh juices. Again, all products of the new menu are introduced gradually, no more than 1-3 per week. Still banned alcohol, coffee and canned food. Each mother should remember that only after familiarizing the child with the common table she will be able to return to her previous menu, if his recipes are still remembered, and the taste is “in language”.

Food after childbirth sometimes resembles the most rigid diet. But one thing distinguishes it from similar diets developed by experts. This is a stimulus or expected result, which means the health of the most expensive person in the world. Follow the principles of good nutrition and raise healthy babies.

Useful video about nutrition principles

Having given a life to a child, not every mother can give him another priceless gift - feed him breast milk for at least 1 year.

But a good lactation depends on how much nutrition the nursing mother in the first month after the baby is born will be full and balanced. No less significant than the quantity is the quality of mother's milk, and the presence of nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for the child in it directly depends on the mother's diet.

General nutritional requirements for nursing mothers

  1. Nutrition during lactation should be as varied as possible regarding the quantity and quality of nutrients, contain a sufficient amount of different mineral salts and vitamins.
  2. Caloric intake of daily food increases by a maximum of 1000 kcal.
  3. Overeating can cause worsening of lactation.
  4. Feeding diet baby  for the purpose of losing weight is contraindicated, since it can cause a decrease in the concentration of beneficial substances in milk, which often leads to the child's refusal from mother's milk and switching to artificial nutrition.
  5. Sufficient drinking regime.
  6. Rejection of the use of allergenic products.
  7. The gradual introduction into your diet of foods that can cause allergies or increase colic in a child.

Since the body of each woman is individual, you need to monitor your well-being and the reaction of the child in the use of certain products mom, in time to correct their menu.

Daily caloric intake of nursing mothers

During lactation, a nursing woman should receive 3200-3500 kcal per day, since milk production and infant feeding is a rather energy-intensive process. Every day, the child sucks from 800 to 1200 ml of milk, which deprives the mother's body of up to 15 g of protein, 40 g of fat, 70 g of carbohydrates, or 650 kcal.

To replenish the resources of the body, the nutrition of a nursing mother, especially in the first month, should consist of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, the concentration of protein in food should be increased by 30-40 g, since 2 g of protein from food is spent on the formation of 1 g of milk to reach 110-120 g. The daily dose of fat increases to 120 g, and carbohydrates - to 520 g.

It is important that 60-70% of proteins are of animal origin, and 20% of fats - of vegetable origin.

Daily nursing mother's need for vitamins and trace elements

Vitamins for your height baby  extracts from the maternal organism, therefore, to prevent avitaminosis in the mother is one of the most important tasks in the organization of nutrition of the nursing mother.

The daily need for vitamins is as follows:

  • vitamin A - 1500 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.9 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 2.2 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg;
  • vitamin B12 - 4 mg;
  • vitamin C - 120 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 21 mg;
  • vitamin D - 500 IU;
  • vitamin E - 15 IU.

Receipt of microelements must be provided in such volume:

  • calcium - up to 2 g;
  • phosphorus - 3.8 g;
  • magnesium - 1.25 g

In winter and spring, when access to fresh vegetables and fruits is limited, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations designed specifically for nursing mothers. But it is impossible to prescribe them yourself, because only a doctor can determine which particular composition of vitamins and microelements a woman needs at the moment.

Do not worry about the potential threat of hypervitaminosis of the child, since most of the vitamins do not pass into breast milk.

Diet nursing mom in the first month after childbirth

Everything that mom eats is definitely displayed on her baby. Immediately after birth, it is important to limit the use of foods that can cause allergies and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn, whose body is not used to new foods. Therefore, for the healthy state of health of the child, it is necessary to carefully adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother in the first month after birth.

  • Buckwheat, oatmeal, corn porridge cooked in water. It is better to wait with rice porridge, because it causes constipation in infants.
  • Turkey, rabbit or veal, cooked without the use of fat: boiled, stewed, baked. Chicken and eggs in the first month should not be eaten, as they can cause allergies.
  • From fermented milk products, preference should be given to kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, ryazhenka, homemade yogurt, yogurt. At the same time closely monitor the reaction of the baby, because such food can cause flatulence. But from cow's milk you need to refrain, because for a newborn, it can cause severe allergies.
  • Baked apples of green varieties.
  • Stewed and boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower.
  • Vegetable soups without the addition of cabbage and legumes.
  • Unrefined vegetable oils (not more than 15 g / day).
  • Butter (not more than 25 g / day).
  • Bread of any kind, but preferably of wholemeal flour and bran.
  • Pasta from durum flour.

To facilitate the calculations of the required caloric intake, consider the approximate daily set of products for a nursing mother for the entire lactation period, which can be easily adjusted to feed the nursing mother for the first month after delivery, taking into account the above recommendations.

A young mother should ensure that her daily meals while nursing a baby include:

  • meat products - 120 g;
  • fish products - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • milk - 300-400 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • kefir and other dairy products - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • butter and vegetable - 15 g and 30 g, respectively;
  • sugar, jam - 60 g;
  • wheat and rye bread - 120 and 100 g each;
  • flour products - 120 g;
  • pasta and cereals - 60 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, etc.) - 500 g;
  • fruit - 300 g;
  • fruit juice, berry - 200 g;
  • nuts - 3-4 pieces

Drinking regime should be about 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day, including all types of drinking - tea, fruit juice, milk, vegetable decoctions, herbal infusions. But you should not exceed this figure, because it is fraught with a deterioration in the quality of milk and an increase in swelling in a nursing mother.

Regardless of the season, the daily diet should contain a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries, greens (fresh or fresh frozen), juices or fortified beverages of industrial production for lactating women.

  1. Meals during lactation obliges to exclude from the diet alcoholic drinks, carbonated sugary drinks, coffee, strong tea. You should forget about fatty, spicy, salty, smoked food during the feeding of an infant.
  2. Caution should be used onions and garlic, as they impair the taste and reduce the amount of milk. Do not recommend to use cucumbers, tomatoes, raw and sour white cabbage, mushrooms, legumes, melons, oranges, tangerines. Mint can also reduce milk production.
  3. Consumption of grapes, sugar, confectionery products should be limited due to their ability to cause fermentation in the intestines.
  4. The strongest allergens for the newborn in the mom's menu are chocolate, peanuts, strawberries, crayfish, and shrimp.
  5. Allergies in babies can provoke homemade red apples, so preference should be given to green varieties.
  6. Under the ban are all industrial products containing preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives: mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages, canned goods, sweets and more.

Recommendations for the introduction of new products in the menu of a nursing mother

During the entire period of breastfeeding, and especially in the first month after birth, the introduction of each new product into the mother’s diet should be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. A new product is eaten in small quantities before lunch, in time to notice a negative reaction in time. child's body  and take appropriate action. Most often, a new product from a child has increased gas formation, which will have time to pass before the onset of night rest.
  2. If the child does not have an undesirable reaction to new ProductThe next day, the dose of the product is doubled.
  3. You can not enter several new products at the same time, because it will be difficult to determine which of them hurt the baby. Therefore, products are administered one by one not earlier than three days after the previous one.

Products that stimulate milk production

No matter how balanced the nutrition of the nursing mother is, the first month after birth can end in a lactation crisis when the amount of milk produced drops sharply. Such crises most often pursue nulliparous women and can be repeated every 28-30 days, due to the cyclical nature of the hormonal activity of the female body.

And although the best way out of this situation is to more frequently lug the baby to the breast and decant the remaining milk, the adjustment of nutrition will help strengthen the production of milk.

15 minutes before feeding, it is recommended to drink a glass of rosehip broth, kefir, juice or weak milk tea, heated to body temperature. For making juice, it is better to use black currants, radish or carrots, and medicinal herbs drinks - fennel, dandelion, nettle, oregano and lemon balm. By the way, fennel well helps newborns to eliminate colic, which begins to torment a child from the third week after birth.

In specialized stores today you can find a wide range of food products for lactating women who have little milk production. Many of them contain lactogenic supplement - galega herb extract. But packaged herbal teas are the most convenient to use, because in them medicinal herbs are collected in optimal proportions.

When composing the daily ration, the main thing is not to go to extremes: do not overeat, in order to provide the child with the necessary nutrients and not to abstain too much from food, for fear of causing allergies in the newborn. Excessive worrying about the nutrition of the nursing mother in the first month can provoke a deterioration of health and cause stress, which decreases lactation. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the above recommendations in a meaningful way, keeping calm and enjoying the feeding of your little miracle!

Throughout your pregnancy, you studied what can and can not be in your position. You have learned a lot about anatomy, various diseases, medicinal preparations, folk methods  treatment. You most likely have often limited yourself in certain foods for various reasons, waiting for these restrictions to be lifted. And finally the baby was born.

Childbirth was not the end of the establishment of many taboos and studies of complex medical theory. This is just the beginning. After all, now you are a nursing mother, and the child is still very dependent on you. And let him breathe on his own, but feeding and caring for the baby is entirely entrusted to her mother's shoulders. Now you will learn new sores - children. But in order for such a need to arise as little as possible, the child should be given good health.

Of course, you laid the foundation at the planning stage, and later - conceiving and carrying a baby. But even now, after his birth, you are able to influence his health in the direction of improvement or vice versa. And first of all - the right postpartum nutrition.

Why is it important?

Nutrition after childbirth is important in the sense that all the food you eat will certainly go to the baby along with breast milk. They can have very different effects on the baby, often - very undesirable and even extremely negative. From many of them the child will become stung, many cause allergies, pain, cramps, and discomfort in the infant. Without exception, all form the taste of milk, which may not really like the little eater. Even nervous system  The newborn is under the influence of food that comes with her mother's milk. Do not forget that the first food will populate the intestinal microflora of the little man - and this is generally the basis of health in general for life.

In addition, during the birth you have done the hardest work, tired and exhausted. You have not eaten for a long time, are weakened and, possibly, sewn after breaks. Therefore, nutritional advice after childbirth is also important for your health.

Well, not the most important, but also important: in 9 months you, most likely, gained a couple of extra pounds. Several of them will go away on their own during the first days after birth. But with the rest you have to figure it out on your own. And nutrition to this issue is most relevant.

So, how should a woman eat after giving birth? What can, what can not? What is needed and why? How to get back in shape without breastfeeding? And how to feed the baby so that he does not experience discomfort? First things first.

The first three days after delivery

The most important rule now: the minimum of everything. It is ideal to eat as if you are going out of a prolonged fast - extremely carefully and slowly.

From the very first days of life, the intestines of a newborn child are put into operation. Start eating with lighter foods so as not to burden the digestive tract of the crumbs.

As a drink, warm sweet tea, herbal infusions and decoctions (nettle, shepherd's purse, burnet) are suitable. If you have stitches, chicken broth is useful for quicker healing. By the way, the absence of solid food will also help to avoid the formation of a chair, which is very important if you are sewn.

By the end of the third day, gradually begin to introduce food "more serious."

End of first week after delivery

Already on the fourth day, you can start eating porridge. Best of all - oatmeal. You can buckwheat, wheat and wheat. But they must be boiled in water and without added sugar. You can quite a drop of salt or, but very carefully.

Also allow yourself two baked apples, but no more than twice a day. The same time you can eat vegetables stewed in vegetable oil: turnip, turnips, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, eggplant. Especially useful for nursing women beets.

You can still vegetable or fruit soup - also twice a day. And we still keep drinking unchanged.

First month after delivery

Starting from the second week, start drinking and eating more. Gradually bring the amount of daily liquid to two liters, but still do not get drunk enough. Enter into the diet bread crumbs, sea lean fish and beef (preferably boiled). Although it is preferable to do some vegetables and cereals. You can also nuts (except for walnuts) and cheese. But with dairy products be careful. It is better to abandon animal milk and all its derivatives: the calcium content in it exceeds the norm for a newborn 6 times. In addition, animal milk contains hormones for building muscle and rapid growth of a physically strong and large calf. Appointment of breast milk is completely different: to supply the necessary nutrients to the baby’s brain. Therefore, within 8-9 months, "milk" should be used very carefully and infrequently.

As for vegetables, fruits and berries. In addition to the fact that many of them are allergenic (be careful in the choice), it is strictly forbidden to use them fresh. No extraneous microorganisms in the children's intestines are now needed. Therefore, all products designed to supply Mommies, must undergo heat treatment.

There is also a list of products that must be eliminated at first. And then enter very carefully and gradually. This, besides the mentioned milk and fresh vegetation, pastries; everything sweet, salty, fermented, sour, spicy, spicy and so on; eggs; canned food; any cabbage and beans, regardless of the method of cooking; carbonated drinks; strong tea; coffee; alcohol; chocolate and citrus.

Breastfeeding period

Gradually, you will enter into your diet all the new products, very carefully tracking the reaction to them the child. First, allow yourself an egg (but not often), a chicken once a week, a fish. But it is better to get vegetable protein from legumes. Even a month later and more still (and this applies to all its types, including beer), use chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries. Sharp, smoked, fried, it is desirable to exclude for the entire period of breastfeeding for at least six months.

From the flour can be bread, pasta (without harmful sauces). Be sure to eat soups (only without cabbage), the above mentioned fresh porridge, baked and steamed vegetables. Gradually add cheese and sour cream. Be sure to raw vegetable oil.

Fresh vegetables begin to enter from onions and beets.

Of course, all this is only indicative tips and advice. For complete peace of mind, consult with your doctor and listen to your own mind and well-being.

Do not rush to lose weight

No matter how impatient you are to quickly return to the previous norms and come out in the light of a beautiful, fresh and stylish, but already in new roleDo not rush to go on a diet. Moreover, they are now contraindicated to you. And forget about this for at least 6 weeks.

However, you still have to count calories, but now not to control their maximum threshold, but vice versa. The fact is that for the production of milk, the female body needs 800 kilocalories daily. 300 of them he receives from stocks accumulated during pregnancy, and the rest should come from the outside. But do not forget that you are exhausted and "devastated", because many resources are spent on childbirth, as well as on the launch of vital functions in the children's body and their maintenance. And even if you feel well (although, if you are extremely honest with yourself, then you know that in fact you are very tired and squeezed out), the body's biological resources must still recover. And for this you need to consume at least 2700 calories a day. Otherwise, lactation will rapidly decline. So what about malnutrition will have to forget for a long time.

However, this does not mean that the mother who gave birth should eat oatmeal and buns. Just gradually begin to eat balanced and correct. Do not introduce fried and spicy dishes into the postpartum diet and generally forget about them forever for your own good. Eat sweets if you can't live without them, but give preference to dried fruits rather than cakes. Eat often and a little bit. Do not overeat, even if it is steamed fresh vegetables. And do not forget about drinking: at least 2 liters per day.

Remember that breastfeeding is already the key to a quick return to normal. And a nursing woman is much easier and faster to restore the former forms, than not nursing. Therefore, your thoughts should be directed in the first place in this direction. Try to maintain and extend lactation. But, of course, do not cross the line and keep yourself in the framework. Do not eat more than necessary and form healthy eating habits. If you provide yourself a healthy diet, then you just do not have to think about losing weight.

Especially for  - Elena Kichak

Mom and her baby are one organism.

Everything that a woman consumes is passed on to a child along with milk.

It is for this reason that it is very important to monitor the consumed products.

The mom's diet in the first days after birth should consist of vitamins and mineral trace elements, exclude allergens.

After all, we should not forget that the body of the newborn is still very weak and its reaction to food can be unpredictable.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after birth: principles of organization of the diet

The most important thing in organizing a daily diet is getting milk safe for the children. It is important to follow the basic rules so that the baby is healthy and does not get food allergies.

1. When breastfeeding  in no case can not drink alcohol, smoking is strictly prohibited.

2. If you want fruit, they must be sorted by color. Yellow is desirable in the first month after birth to exclude, red is strictly prohibited, the most useful and safe - green.

3. In the first days after birth, fish and meat can be eaten only in boiled form, low-fat varieties.

4. Cereals are very useful, as they promote lactation.

5. In order for the milk to arrive evenly, it is necessary to eat in moderate portions every 3-4 hours.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after birth should be as dietary as possible.

Compliance with drinking regime

First day after generic activity The fair sex needs to focus on restoring water balance. It is for this reason that it is recommended to drink no less than 2.5 liters of liquid. It can be not only water, but also kefir or herbal tea.

In the following days, the amount of water consumed should be reduced, since this will lead to a decrease in fat content. breast milk, and the child will not gorge. Instead, kefir and special lactation teas are recommended, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. On average, the female body needs approximately 1.5 liters of water during the day.

What products can be after delivery and what can not

What question is interested in all new mothers? It is in the products. Namely, how to eat, so as not to harm the health of his offspring. Those who eat everything, make a big mistake. An unorganized diet can lead to severe food allergies in the baby, which will provoke unpleasant consequences.

What products after childbirth can be:  names and methods of processing foods for nursing mothers

1. Low-fat poultry or livestock. This category includes rabbit, beef, chicken (but without skin), turkey. In the first month after the birth of a baby, a woman is recommended to eat dishes from the listed types of poultry and cattle once every 2-3 days. You can not fry and bake, because for this you need butter - just boil or bake. With this method of heat treatment, the product retains the beneficial nutrients that are beneficial to the children's body.

2. Dairy products. They are recommended to use every day, but carefully approach the choice. For example, cottage cheese and yogurt should be with a minimum shelf life (homemade). Ryazhenka and kefir must be fresh. Dairy products with sweeteners are not desirable, as they lead to gas formation in the baby. If a woman wants diversity, you can make for yourself cheesecakes from homemade cottage cheese. However, it is recommended to fry them with a minimum addition of oil.

3. Cereals in the first days after giving birth, absolutely everything is possible - this is the safest food for new-made mummies and their children. The main thing is to cook porridge on the water, not milk, with a minimum addition of spices and sweeteners.

4. The eggs contain protein, which is useful for the microflora of the body. After giving birth in the first days it is recommended to eat one quail egg. Chicken is also possible, but once a week.

5. Vegetables. Vegetables are allowed to stew. For example, it will be useful to stew from potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, carrots. Preparing a dish on the water without adding butter and frying. Be careful with raw vegetables. For example, a cucumber is possible, but only without peel.

6. Fish - in its composition there is phosphorus and other useful trace elements. This product must be included in the diet of a woman in the first days after birth, when she needs to recover. Preference is given to pike perch, codfish, pollack - low-fat varieties.

7. Fruit must be very careful, especially in the first few days after birth. In no case can not eat them on an empty stomach, only after it takes 2-3 hours after breakfast. Apples are allowed, but without peel. Can be both fresh and baked. Citruses, kiwi and bananas in the first days after birth are not desirable, they are introduced into the diet a little later.

8. In moderate quantities will be useful nuts. It enriches the body with vitamins and promotes lactation.

9. Black and white bread is allowed in dried form.

10. Pasta is allowed, but without egg additives.

What products are not after delivery

A woman in the first few days and the first month after birth, it is important to understand that she can not afford to eat everything that she wants. All consumed food is transmitted to the baby through milk, so you need to be extremely careful with the diet. You need to know what products after birth can not be so that the child does not have an allergy is not food and colic.

The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

Coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages;



Sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise);


Canned food and pickles;

Semi-finished products.

Sample menu for the first 7 days of natural childbirth

1. Day 1, 2. Chicken broth (secondary), oatmeal on water with a small amount of vegetable oil is allowed. You can also eat a few slices of hard cheese.

3. Day 7. You can begin to introduce a little new products. For example, eat a piece of boiled fish or 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Sample menu for the first 7 days after cesarean section

1. Day 1. The first day after cesarean section a woman is forced to stay in the intensive care unit. Unfortunately, the child is given artificial milk at this time (pharmaceutical mixtures). This does not mean that the new mother can afford a varied diet. She is only allowed to drink water with lemon.

2. Day 2. If the surgical intervention passed without difficulty, on the second day, the mother can already be transferred to the general ward. She can eat chicken broth and porridge cooked in water. Meals should be fractional - in small portions every few hours.

3. Day 3. Allowed some home low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken meat without skin. Meals are the same as on the second day - fractional.

4. Day 4, 5, 6. Diet can be expanded to normalize stools. You can enter the same products that are presented in the menu for natural childbirth during this period.

Meals in the first month after birth

1. The intestinal microflora of a child’s body begins to form as early as 21 days after its birth. During this period, it is allowed to add new products to the diet. For example, it can be low-fat pilaf or steam cutlets.

2. With the introduction of a new product, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby. Doctors recommend mothers to keep a diary to record everything in it. This approach will help to normalize the diet in the first month after birth.

3. The process of introducing a new product

4. The baby can be given a new product in the first half of the day and just a few grams. Next, you need to wait 24 hours to see the reaction of the child.

5. Special attention is paid to feces. It should be noted whether mucus appeared in the stool or greens.

6. Draws attention to the skin. If a child has a rash on the face and other parts of the body, the product is temporarily excluded from the diet.

What can be included in the diet in the first month after birth

7. Vegetable and chicken broths - without cabbage, beans, fried.

8. Seasonal fruits - very carefully.

9. Fresh apple juice, you can try carrot.

10. Honey - on the tip of a spoon. If there is no allergic reaction, it is allowed to wet the nipple with honey.

11. Sweet tooths can be pampered with marshmallows or vanilla waffles.

12. Fish and chicken cutlets. Steam is desirable, but in extreme cases you can fry them on a small amount of oil.

13. Baked fish. It is necessary to add as little as possible spices, it is allowed to sprinkle it with lemon juice.

14. Tea with lemon, sweet yogurt, you can also try.

Vitamins that need attention

During labor, the female body is under severe stress. It is for this reason that at first it is still very weak. If she does not regain her strength, she will not be able to give immunity to her child. For this reason, be sure to eat those foods that contain important vitamins and minerals.

1. Vitamin C. He does not like strong heat treatment. You can get it from cauliflower and rosehip decoction.

2. Vitamins B1 and B2. Contained in cheese, chicken eggs and cottage cheese.

3. Vitamin PP. It can be obtained from chicken liver, wheat and buckwheat porridge.

4. Folic acid. Contained in larger quantities in parsley and beef liver.

5. Vitamin A. Can be obtained from butter, adding a small amount of it to the porridge.

6. Beta-carotene. The main source is carrots. Also vitamin contained in parsley greens.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after birth does not always allow the body to get all the necessary substances to recover and give immunity to the child. In this case, it is recommended to drink the pharmacy complexes of vitamins, the same ones that the woman took during pregnancy.


Breastfeeding plays an important role not only for the child, but also for the mother, because it is an excellent prevention for the breast.

Also, in order for the baby to be healthy, you need to maintain not only the diet, but also to get enough sleep, not to be nervous.

Knowing what products can be after birth and what cannot be, what to eat in the first days after a cesarean section or when the baby naturally appeared, you can correctly build your daily menu and protect your child from allergies and colic.

One of the important periods for the baby and mother are the first days after birth. At this time, a woman must follow her diet. She needs to know that you can eat after giving birth to a nursing mother in the first three days. It is on food that you should pay attention so that the baby does not suffer from abdominal pain, colic and accumulating gases.

A woman needs to quickly recover her strength in order to care for her child. The quantity of milk and its quality will depend on the food taken. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that the intestines of a baby are not able to digest most of the biologically active substances that come from food through milk. Therefore, a nursing woman should limit herself and eat only what is possible.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first 3 days depends on how the delivery took place, whether there were difficulties and complications. When childbirth pass naturally without complications, doctors are allowed to eat in the first hours. At this time there are restrictions in the admission of certain products.

What is better to eat a nursing mother after natural childbirth?

The first day

  • Breakfast.  Porridge cooked in water, preferably oatmeal or buckwheat.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup  (you can put potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, a little onion) preferably unsalted.
  • Dinner.  Baked apple or fresh banana. You can add macaroni and cheese.

On the first day, it is advisable to take a heavy drink (about 1.5 liters per day). This is a compote with dried fruits, fruit juice made from sour berries (currants, cranberries), it is possible to have a weak tea.

  Second day

You can repeat everything that was said about the first day, add 100 grams of boiled lean beef and fruit.

  Third day

On the third day milk begins to arrive, it is necessary to limit yourself in the intake of fluid. It is not recommended to drink more than 700 ml. High fluid intake can cause problems with lactation and can cause.

If a woman is tormented by the feeling of thirst on that day, then the water should be drunk in small sips. Well helps to quench the thirst of lemon juice. Cut a small slice, put it in your mouth and gradually squeeze the juice out of it. Thirst can remove parsley root.

  • Breakfast.  Oatmeal porridge on water is allowed, where you can add a little butter.
  • Dinner.  Boiled steamed fish with pasta.
  • Dinner.  Boiled steamed vegetables or vegetable stew (the same vegetables are allowed as on the first day). Instead of vegetables, you can drink a glass of ryazhenka.

Women after childbirth are constipated. Doctors advise to stimulate the digestive tract by adding bran to soups.

These tips are good only for women who have natural childbirth  passed without complications. If you have stitches in the crotch, then vegetables and fruits are best not to eat. Do not eat and bran, eat only porridge on the water and drink ryazhenka.

What can you eat and drink after cesarean section?

Not every woman is able to give birth to a baby on her own, many do cesarean section. After him, doctors restore the digestive tract. In the first 24 hours after surgery you can not eat anything. You can drink, but very little, if you are thirsty, you are allowed to suck on a piece of lemon. On the second day, drink kefir or low-fat broth. Starting from the third day, you can eat porridge on the water.

The doctor usually gives a list of products that relatives can bring to the hospital. For a quick recuperation, you must follow all recommendations. So a nursing mother will avoid complications and recuperate.

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