How tasty to cook lentil soup. Red lentil cream soup.

The first mention of lentils are found in the Old Testament, they are found in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, in ancient Greece it was the main product for the poor. Loved lentils and in Russia. Until the end of the 20th century, our country was the main supplier of lentils on the world market.

About the benefits of the product

Lentils are unique in their set useful properties. Its composition in large quantities includes easily digestible vegetable protein by the human body, and lentils contain a lot of iron. This product is indispensable for women, especially in anticipation of a child, as it contains almost 90% daily allowance  folic acid. In addition, due to the content in the soluble fiber lentil improves digestion and prevents rectal cancer. According to its nutritional properties, it can be a substitute not only for bread and cereals, but also for meat.

Lentils are an excellent way to raise immunity and get rid of bad mood, stress, depression, has a beneficial effect on the heart.

However, lentils have drawbacks. Firstly, it is very high in calories - depending on the variety, it contains from 280 to 310 calories per 100 grams. To keep a good figure with constant use of lentils will be quite difficult. The second, more significant disadvantage is that it is heavily digested by the human body, therefore, people with stomach diseases should take it for food with extreme caution.

It is also worth remembering that, despite the high content of vegetable protein in lentils, it still cannot completely replace animal. Therefore, to get involved in vegetarian lentil soup is still not worth it.

At the moment, lentils are popular all over the world, however, it has received the greatest distribution in India. The whole world knows the Indian dish dhal, which is essentially a soup of mashed red lentils, as well as other legumes.

Indian lentil soup

Ingredients Required:

  • Red lentils - 2 cups;
  • Onion - 1 pc .;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Chili - 1 pod;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. L .;
  • Spices, ginger root, salt, herbs - to taste.

Recipes for soups or cream of red lentil soups are many. One of them is Indian masurdal soup, which is prepared as follows: boil red lentils for 10 minutes in low heat under a lid. After that, add spices to lentils and boil for another 5 minutes, add salt. Onions cut into small cubes and fry until soft in butter.

Mix finely chopped chilli (if you do not like spicy or it is contraindicated, chilli can be replaced with Bulgarian), garlic, grated grated ginger and tomato paste (you can use fresh tomatoes in summer). Put the mixture in the pan to the onions and simmer on low heat for another five minutes.

After that, the braised mixture must be combined with lentil broth, boil. Soup must be steeped in minutes. Then pour it into portions and serve it to the table. For beauty and to add extra flavor to the soup, you can put a bit of finely chopped green onions in each plate.

Turkish spicy soup

This soup is a bright representative of Indian cuisine. But lentils got its spread all over the world. Therefore, recipes of national dishes from this product are numerous. Here is another one of them - Turkish red lentil soup. It will require one and a half cups of red lentils, two onions, four potatoes, a carrot, two tablespoons of tomato paste (you can also use fresh tomatoes) and flour, eight glasses of water, dried mint and spices to taste.

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients - leave for some time well washed lentils in cold water, cut into large cubes potatoes and small onions, rub the carrot on a coarse grater.
  2. In a saucepan with eight cups of cold water, lay out the previously soaked red lentils and prepared vegetables, and cook for one hour over low heat.
  3. After this time, cool and rub through a sieve or grind in a blender. Fold everything back and boil.
  4. In a pan in a heated vegetable oil, fry the flour with the addition of tomato paste, salt and mix everything in a saucepan with lentils.
  5. Report also mint and spices, if there is a need - dosolit soup.
  6. Let it boil for at least five minutes, and tasty soup  from red lentils will be ready.

It is best to serve it with garlic croutons and sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

You can cook different ways. It is made spicy and dietary, with meat and vegetarian. Other beans or cereals are added there, it is ground into mashed potatoes, in general, there are a lot of cooking options for this dish. In most cases, lentil soup, the recipe with a photo of which is described later in several versions, is prepared quite simply, and the result exceeds all expectations. So those who are tired of traditional borscht, kharcho and rassolnik, we can strongly recommend to experiment with this dish.

Recipe with croutons

This vegetarian dish does not require special culinary skills. For its preparation is enough basic skills and the most simple products. At the same time it turns out tasty, healthy and nutritious. For 1 portion of soup you will need half a cup of lentils, a small onion, olive oil for roasting, garlic to taste, salt, a mixture of ground peppers, ½ boiled chicken egg, a teaspoon of flour and a slice of black bread.

First you need to wash and cook lentils, according to the instructions on its packaging. Then it is added to the finely chopped onion and garlic, passed through a press. Cook vegetables until cooked, cool slightly and rub through a sieve (it is better not to use a blender, so as not to turn the mass into a puree, pieces of the ingredients should be felt in the dish). Separately, in a pan, fry the flour in butter until golden in color and mix with the broth. After that, the soup is brought to a boil, salted, sprinkled with pepper and served by adding chopped egg. To make the dish more nourishing, you can fry a slice of black bread in butter or olive oil.

Dal Lentil Soup Recipe (Indian Version)

This spicy and quite spicy dish is quite common in vegetarian cuisine. It is prepared from several thanks to what it turns out very nutritious and quite tasty. 200 gr. red lentils need 100 grams. rice, large onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and ghee (about 100 gr.). From spices curry, red pepper, and zira, dried basil and salt are useful. All spices are added to taste, in the original half a teaspoon, but you can reduce the dosage.

This lentil soup recipe will require advance preparation. Therefore, you should start cooking it in advance. In particular, lentils need to pour cold water for at least 4 hours. Then it is thoroughly washed and boiled with pure rice in 2 liters of salted water for 40 minutes. The fire at the same time should be minimal, so that the mass is not bubbling. Put the baked butter in the frying pan and fry the finely chopped onion with garlic on it, adding spices to the end. After that, both masses are mixed, brought to a boil and removed from heat. When serving, each portion can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese.

Recipe for lentil soup in Turkish

The dish also applies to vegetarian cuisine. It can be served as a soup, mashed the mass with a blender (in the original do it that way), but you can not do this. In both cases, it turns out delicious. A glass of red lentils will require half a liter of water, a small onion, and a couple of spoons of tomato paste. You also need salt, juice, vegetable oil and ground pepper. All spices are added to taste.

Lentils are pre-washed and filled with water for at least an hour, but more is possible. Finely chopped onions are fried by adding a tomato. Then pour 2 liters of water and cook the lentils on low heat until cooked, salt and pepper.

If the lentil cooking is the same, but at this stage the mass is ground by a blender. Next, mint is added to the finished dish, poured over lemon juice and served with tortillas.

Lentil soup, if you believe the many references in the literature on Central Asia, were mainly food for poor families, while it was combined with Arabic recipes, in which the broth was cooked from strange birds, and the serving of red lentil soups should be served exclusively fine china?

Crusaders who passed by fire and sword in the Middle East left no less surprising evidence and enriched Europe not only with sagas, but also with a variety of recipes brought from hikes.

Red Lentil Soup - General Cooking Principles

Red lentils are sifted and washed before boiling, but there is no need to soak it. This will not affect the cooking speed.

Red lentil soups are boiled in broths, purified through water filter or vegetable broths. Although lentils are boiled very quickly, hard, unfiltered water can slow down this process.

Smoked meats, chicken livers, and pasta can be added to soups cooked from red lentils. Red lentils are ideally combined with such products, giving soups based on them a peculiarly sweet taste, peculiar only to this type of lentils.

Add red lentil soups, like regular soups, with sour cream or any other dressings, selecting them to your taste.

When serving, it is advisable to sprinkle each portion with greens.

"Turkish Tomato Soup" made from red lentils

Ingredients for 2.5 liters of soup:

190 grams of lentils, red;

Potatoes - 2 tubers;

White onion head, medium;

50 grams of tomato paste;

For a small pinch of red and black pepper;

One small lemon;

A large spoon of salt, coarse grinding.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lentils in several waters; after the last rinse, do not immediately drain the water. It is better to drain it before you add lentils to the soup.

2. Put a griddle, preferably with a thick bottom on a small fire, pour in about 30 ml of vegetable refined oil and warm it well on medium heat.

3. Put the grated onion in a hot oil and fry for three minutes.

4. Add tomato paste and simmer for 2 minutes. constantly stirring so that the roast is not burnt.

5. In a three-liter saucepan, boil two liters of water (filtered). Put the roast into the still boiling water, add red lentils and, after boiling, reduce the fire level. Boil a quarter of an hour.

6. Add chopped large potato grater and continue to cook, stir well, another quarter of an hour until the potatoes are completely boiled soft.

7. Add the peppers (black and red), table salt, a quarter of a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and lightly whisk the contents of the pan into a homogeneous mass using a kitchen processor (blender).

8. When serving, decorate each plate with the soup with a thin lemon ring. Also near the lemon you can put a few parsley leaves.

Spicy red lentil soup with noodles

Ingredients for half a liter of water:

Red lentils, grains - 250 grams;

80 grams (small head) of onions;

60 grams of pasta, small vermicelli;

Hot peppers - to your taste;

A small bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-sifted, lentil seeds thoroughly washed with running water, cover with cold purified water and leave to soak for two hours.

2. After the specified time, wash the lentils again and boil until ready, pouring one and a half liters of filtered cold water.

3. Cut bitter paprika lengthwise, in half, remove the seeds along with the core and cut the flesh into thin semi-knee. Fry the hot pepper in refined oil together with the onion, chopped into small pieces until golden onion and put the frying in the pan to the lentils.

4. When the lentils are ready, dip the noodles into the boiling soup, stir well, season with black pepper, salt and continue cooking with a slight boil until cooked.

5. Add the chopped branching part of the dill, without stalks, and remove from the stove.

Red Lentil Soup with Chicken Liver


450 grams of lentils, red;

One kilogram of chicken liver;

Five small potatoes;

Two carrots;

A small bitter onion;

Oil "Peasant" - 50 grams;

Pea pepper - 5 pcs .;

Three leaves of laurel.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully inspect when washing the chicken liver for the presence of gallbladders. If they are, gently, so as not to crush and not spoil the liver with bile cut them with a knife. Also cut off excess films and pieces of fat.

2. Cold running, but better filtered water pour the treated chicken liver and cook broth. Intensively formed "var" shoot as it appears.

3. In the finished boiling broth, lower the lentils, and after ten minutes - cut the potatoes into small slices or cubes centimeter-sized.

4. In a pan in the melted butter, fry the coarsely shabby carrots with finely chopped onion and start frying in a simmering soup.

5. Add the washed leaves of Lavrushka and continue cooking with a small boil until the potatoes are cooked. When the potatoes are almost cooked, a little salted.

6. Take lavrushka from the finished soup, cover with a lid and let the soup stand for half an hour.

Red lentil soup with smoked meat and tomato

Ingredients (3 liters of water):

190 grams of red pricked lentils;

Potatoes - two small sized tubers;

200 grams of pork, smoked ribs;

100 grams of smoked, fat ham;

Sweet white onions - 1 pc .;

Medium carrot;

75 grams of tomato;

Greens (parsley).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse smoked ribs with water, scrape a little on all sides with a knife and put in a pan with crushed lentils. Pour cold water into the pot and put it on the fire. The water in the pan should boil quickly, so the heat is maximized. From the boiled broth, remove the foam, reduce the heat to medium, and continue cooking for at least a quarter of an hour.

2. On vegetable oil, slightly fry the onion sliced ​​with small half-rings and shredded short thin carrot sticks. Add small centimeter cubes of ham, potatoes, cut into thin strips, and tomato paste. Mix everything carefully and leave to simmer for five minutes under the lid.

3. Mash the prepared lentils with a crush so that it is only slightly warmed up, but not turned into mashed potatoes. This can be done right in the pan.

4. Add stewed vegetables to the pot with the soup, add table salt and boil. Sprinkle with large greens and turn off the heat.

5. After a quarter of an hour, the soup can be served.

Red lentil soup with milk

Ingredients for 4 full servings:

210 grams of split lentils, red;

250 ml of pasteurized full-fat milk;

One liter of chicken broth;

120 grams of bitter onions (large onion);

Medium-sized carrot;

Two raw yolks;

25 grams of wheat flour;

15 gr. butter;

5 pieces of long loaf for crackers.

Cooking method:

1. In the butter until soft, fry the chopped medium-sized slices of onion. Add flour and stir well to avoid lumps.

2. In a hot chicken broth, lower the lentils, add finely grated carrots. After the lentil broth begins to boil, continue cooking for about half an hour, until the lentil seeds are softened.

3. Transfer the onions fried in flour to the pan with the soup, boil, stirring constantly, especially at the bottom of the pan so as not to burn.

4. When the lentils are fully cooked, add the yolks whipped with milk into the hot, non-boiling soup and stir well, the mass should be homogeneous, and boil for five minutes until thick.

5. Turn off the heat and chop the soup in a puree right in the saucepan, you can not do this, but then the vegetables should be cut into smaller pieces.

Red Lentil Soup - cooking tips and tips

To keep the lentils in the soup whole, not boiled, boil the soup after adding it only with minimal boiling.

Red lentils, laid out ahead of time, will become very popular after cooking, and the soup will look more like mashed potatoes.

Red lentil soups are salted after full preparation, so as not to extend the time required to bring the beans to readiness.

Red lentils go well with turmeric, coriander, black pepper and ginger, both fresh and ground dried. Keep this in mind when choosing condiments for red lentil soup.

recipe with step-by-step cooking photos simple soup  lentils in beef broth

  Simplest recipes lentil soup  It is customary to begin with the following mysterious phrase:

“About lentils, the biblical legend has preserved, perhaps, the most chilling soul of the story - when a bowl of lentil soup managed to influence the fate of an entire nation, and at the same time turned the whole world over”.

It was not I who smarter, this word for word is written on dozens of sites, in issuing our famous fighter for birthright, relevance and uniqueness.
  Contract. From the first lines in search results, and further, and further, and further ... (83 sites - I was not lazy and counted)
  Moreover, none of them really did not say anything, but what is the matter then? Yes, and with the "world revolution"?
  I had to look separately and independently.

In the end, I didn’t find anything like that chilling soul. (if interested - look for details in the "biblical encyclopedia")
  Well, Esau sold out of hunger his birthright to his brother Jacob for a plate of lentil soup. Well?
  Not sold the same soul. Yes, and the body did not trade, which is now fashionable. And the bandits did not lean, which is generally familiar. Even the content is no one stole.
  Sad but not icy. And it has something in common with the struggle for “birthright” and uniqueness on the Internet ...
  Could it be that, in every way condemning Esau, who had made a bad sale, nobody ever said anything about Jacob, who bought this birthright? Cheap?

Actually, nobody said anything about the "bowl of lentil soup" either ...
  Although this lentil soup  should certainly not be left without proper attention to fans of legumes!
  Moreover, it is not just easy and quick to prepare it, but it is very easy and ugly quickly. Therefore, I post the recipe on the site.

The growing popularity of lentils on the background of the general availability of healthy food has long made an advertisement for this leguminous crop and for good reason.
  Dishes from it turn out to be nourishing and simple, at one time it was even considered the dish of the poor for these qualities.
  And when they tasted lentils, she replaced and pressed many familiar dishes in Europe. The same peas, for example.

So let's try to prepare an almost "lentil soup", for which Esau did sell his birthright to Jacob ... (Gen.25: 33)

For the recipe for lentil soup, we need:

Ready beef broth - 3 l .;
  - Tomato (large) - 1 pc .;
  - Onion - 1 pc .;
  - carrots - 1 pc .;
  - potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  - red lentils - 100 gr .;
  - red paprika - 1 tbsp;
  - bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
  - vegetable oil - for roasting vegetables;
  - dill, parsley - to taste;
  - salt - to taste.

Original products for our lentil chowder. (Almost biblical recipe - take care of the birthright. Joke)

Lentil Soup Recipe

  Such soups can be cooked both on vegetable broth, and on meat, from chicken or beef.
  For me, so the most delicious "stew" on beef broth, let's start with it; it is cooked from beef ribs in me.

How to cook beef broth, suddenly needed, with a step by step description of the cooking process, with all the secrets and recommendations.

If you want to cook lean soup  from lentils (very important for people who keep fast), the cooking process is simplified and shortened, and the result is nourishing and tasty.

Vegetables must be prepared for further heat treatment. Wash and peel potatoes, carrots and onions. Wash the tomato, remove the skin at will, by scalding the vegetable with boiling water.

Potatoes cut into medium cubes or slices, as it used to. The finer the sliced ​​vegetables, the faster the soup is cooked.

Wash the red lentils for soup in running water.

Potatoes in soup cooked after boiling water for 10-15 minutes until fully cooked, red lentils cooked for 15 minutes. Therefore, lentils can be safely laid in the broth along with the potatoes.

Do not forget to put bay leaf in lentil soup for flavor.

While the ingredients are boiling in broth, fry the vegetables. To do this, chop the onion into small cubes, grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Heat vegetable oil in a hot frying pan, put carrots and onions in it.

Fry vegetables until half cooked

It took me 15 minutes to roast and stew vegetables in tomato tomato sauce, almost as much as lentil soup itself.
  Therefore, keep this in mind when cooking soup from lentils, if you do not plan to make soup from it.

Beef meat (from broth) is separated from the bone and disassembled into fibers.

Now the soup must be salted. This should be done about 15 minutes before the soup is fully prepared, and if you consider that there is nothing to cook such a soup, then salt it with the laying of potatoes.

Add herbs to lentil soup 10 minutes before cooked.

At the same time, measure a tablespoon of sweet paprika, add to soup.

After 10 minutes, the lentil soup is ready! It is very simple to cook, I have been describing longer.
  On average, the process of cooking this dish takes really 20-25 minutes, provided that the beef broth is ready.
  Let the prepared lentil soup brew for 20-30 minutes and can be served.

The soup turns out very tasty, bright in color and aroma and very much like pea soup. Only tastier.

So much tastier that you can sell the right to firstborn? Hardly.

Enjoy your meal!

Lentil and Tomato Soup Soak lentils in cold water for 4-5 hours. Onion cut into cubes. Scald the tomatoes and, removing the skin, cut into cubes. Combine the onions with lentils, broth, tomatoes and bring to a boil. Add bay leaf, minced cho ...You will need: red lentils - 200 g, onion - 1 head, tomatoes - 2 pcs., Garlic - 2 cloves, chicken broth - 7 glasses, bay leaves - 2 pcs., Sugar - 1 pinch, ground black pepper, salt

  Lentil and chickpea puree soup with tomatoes Our ingredients: Soak chickpeas for the night. The next day, boil it until tender. Can be used and canned. Fry chopped onion + cumin + chilli for 5 minutes in butter. Add lentils, tomatoes and broth to it and cook on low heat until ready ...It will take: chickpeas + - 150 g, red lentils + -150 g, 1 onion, + -2 tsp. cumin, a large pinch of dry chopped chilli, 400 g tomatoes (fresh, peeled from the skin, or in own juice), + - 1 liter of chicken or vegetable broth (I have chicken), 1 tbsp. olive oil,...

  SOUP-PUREE FROM LABOR IN PRACTICAL EVEN BY NEAPOLITANIAN Finely chop the onions and carrots (you can rub them on the grate), fry in a skillet with olive oil for 5 minutes. Add tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper, nutmeg and some water. extinguish it all together for about 5 minutes. wash the lentils in cold water, add ...It will be required: For soup: 1 small onion, 1 small carrot (or 1 \\ 2 big as mine), 1 tbsp. tomato paste, 1/2 tbsp. red lentils, 1 tbsp. melted cheese, olive oil 1 tbsp, salt, sugar, pepper, nutmeg to taste, boiled water 0.5 l., For green ...

“Home-style” - Turkish soup with bulgur, Stuffed zucchini, Maccheroni So "Turkish soup with bulgur". Beautiful mixt from the company "Fair". In fact, you can make it yourself. Take equal parts of red lentils and bulgur, add to them dried tomatoes and onions (you can use fresh). Spices are also available - pepper and turmeric ...Required: TURKISH SOUP: Red lentils, Bulgur, Dried onions and tomatoes, Spices (salt, ground black pepper and turmeric), Stuffed courgettes: Large white zucchini, 700g ground beef, 2 sweet green peppers, 1 white onion, 1 fresh chili, 4 cloves of garlic, Green ...

  Red lentil soup Onions clean and cut into half rings (or quarter rings) and sauté in a saucepan in vegetable oil until golden brown. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, then add to the onions, and continue to pass over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then...Required: Red lentils (1.5 cups), Onions (2 pcs.), Carrots (2 pcs.), Red Bulgarian pepper (3-4 pcs. To taste), Tomatoes in their own juice or tomato paste, Garlic (3 -4 cloves), Olive or sunflower oil (2 tablespoons), Salt, red hot peppers can be ...

  Red lentil soup Boil rich beef broth. Chopped potatoes, lentils, pour in boiling broth. Grate the carrots, chop the onion and mix together in a frying pan. Add to the broth. Cook for 30 minutes. The more you add lentils, the soup will be thicker, because ....Required: Beef bones, Lentils red, Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, Salt, Red Pepper, Sour Cream, Greens

  Red lentil soup Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic. Heat the broth, put the onion, garlic, lentils and curry into it. Stir, cook for 20 minutes. Put the soup in a blender, chop. Add lemon juice (to taste). When serving steal cream and cilantroRequired: 1/4 tbsp. red lentils, lemon juice, 2 onions, 1.5 st. of chicken broth, 1 / 2chl. curry, 1did garlic, 1 tsp low-fat cream for dyeing, cilantro for decoration

  Pumpkin Lentil Cream Soup When serving, decorate the soup with fresh mint, and sprinkle with a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds. Cut pumpkin into small cubes. Chop celery and white onions into cubes a little less than a pumpkin. Rosemary leaves and chopped garlic. At the bottom of the pan add 2 tbsp. olives ...Required: Pumpkin pulp (I like Butternut - pear-shaped) 500g., Celery stalk 4pcs., Green basil 2 sprigs., Rosemary fresh 1 sprig., White onion 1 pc., Garlic 5-6 cloves., Red lentil 125g, Salt, Black pepper., Cream (10%) 100g, Olive m ...

  Red Lentil Soup (Mercimek çorbası) Wash lentils and leave for 30 minutes. in cold water. In a deep pan with a thick bottom, stew finely chopped onion and garlic in butter, add flour and fry a little. Then add hot broth or boiling water and cook until lentils are boiled soft. Beat up ...Required: 1.5 liters beef broth  or boiling water, 1 cup of red lentils, 2 onions, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. flour, salt, black pepper, red,

  Red Lentil Soup with Broccoli Finely chop the onion and garlic, put in the heated olive oil, sauté a little, then add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, fry a little, then add the diced potatoes, then add the washed lentils.It will take: 1 medium onion, 1 carrot, 1 large potato, 3/4 cup of red lentils, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 150-200 g broccoli, 2-2.5 liters of vegetable broth or water, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt , black pepper