Hydrocyanic acid. Cutting off with blue (blue) acid

Hydrocyanic acid (cyanide water, HCN) is a barren, volatile type with a specific smell of girky migdal. Easy to find in water and in organic retail stores.

Dzherelo: depositphotos.com

Tse z'єdnannya often develop, t. K. Enter to the warehouse of nasinnya migdal, peach, apricot, cherry, drain and those of the rosins of the homeland of pink flowers or infusions from їkh fruits. All the nuclei of the sprouts of perekhovannyh roslin replace the glucoside amigdalin, which is metabolized in the body by means of hydrocyanic acid. Most of the amygdalin can be found in the middles, close to 3%, less (up to 2%) is present in the apricot seeds.

Є Dana, you know about the presence of cyanids (hydrocyanic acid salts) in the human body in physiological minds. The cycle of endogenous progression has emerged in certain biological origins, in every day, as it is seen, in the battle. It should be noted that a normal blood plasma level can reach 140 mcg / l.

Hydrocyanic acid and salts (sodium cyanide (NaCN), calcium cyanide (KCN), ammonium cyanide (NH4CN) and to the Silk State... Cyanic water is a viscous component in the production of synthetic rubbers, acrylic polymers, chemical fibers, plastics, fragrances, organic matter, pesticides. The process of stagnation for the extraction of gold and medium from ore, hardening and rare cementing of metals, with electroplating cadmium, zinc and etc., in the production of pharmaceutical preparations, in photography.

In the Silk state government, hydrocyanic acid і і ї і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і іі

The cyanosis of water is extremely toxic: if you take it in a dose of 50 mg, or if inhaled vapors in a concentration of more than 0.4 mg / l of wine vyklica, it will end with a fatal result. If the concentration of speech in the blood is 11 mg / l, then the intoxication with hydrocyanic acid vapors can be brought through the glass. In general, the penetration of the penetration of the middle of the head is the temperature of the worms and the physical stress, so that the blood circulation in the upper balls of the shkiri is increased.

Wide intake of hydrocyanic acid and spoluk in the minds of virobnity, due to its specific characteristics and high toxicity, leading to a high risk of state and chronic toxicity. Most often it is difficult to see in offensive situations:

  • inhalation of hydrocyanic acid vapors and even consumption on a bed with deteriorated technology of baking on a working machine (0.2-0.3 mg / l with a stretch of 5-10 minutes);
  • consumption of concentrated aerosols in the intestinal tract;
  • vykhannya parіv or consuming speeches on a school with robots with herbicides without individual problems to get rid of;
  • implantation of peach, apricot, cherry, migdal, etc .;
  • implantation of homemade infusions, wines, liquors, prepared on fruit spices from pererakhovannye roselin.

When consumed in the body, acid and half of this significantly reduce the activity of enzymes in the tissue reaction - cytochrome and the enzyme catalase, stimulating the breakdown of water peroxide. As a result, the state of hypoxia develops, if the arterial and venous blood is overpopulated with acidic, but the absorption of it by tissues at an adequate level does not seem possible through the blocking of key enzymes. Reducing the degradation of peroxide water until the accumulation and consumption of the tissue and tissue to the body. The greatest sensitivity to tissue hypoxia is manifested by the central nervous system.

withdrawal symptoms

For the intensiveness of the battle, I will develop bliskavichnuyu and will prolong the form of detachment blue acid.

Bliskavichna form develops with a stretch of decilkoh quiline when a large amount of toxin enters the body:

  • mittєva vtrata svіdomosti;
  • superficial pathological dichannya;
  • thread-like arrhythmic pulse;
  • subtle and cloned sudomi;
  • death, as a rule, parallels the dyshal center.

In the case of this form of rejection of a special medical aid, I will help a lot of energy through bursty and shvidkoplinnoy symptoms.

When the forms of clinical manifestations of toxicity develop in an interval of 15 to 60 minutes, at the same time, it can occur in light, middle and heavy steps.

Light foot detachment

Characterized by the following symptoms:

  • unacceptable relish at roti, seeing girkoti;
  • ripening of myazov and initial weakness;
  • zapamorochennya, head b_l;
  • oniminnya mucous membrane of an empty company;
  • p_advishene dreaming;
  • tediousness of blues;
  • zadishka.

Pislya pryinennya dії otrut the appearances spontaneously stop in 1-3 days.

Dzherelo: depositphotos.com

The middle foot of the detachment

With the intoxication of the middle step of the cob, show similar to those with an easy step, and in general the symptoms of a build-up, adhere to:

  • psychoemotsіyne zbujennya, feeling the fear of death;
  • Farbuvannya of mucous membranes і shkіri in intensive red color;
  • the rate of heart rate (HR);
  • p_advischennya arterial vise (AT);
  • superficially unproductive dikhannya;
  • the smell of a loud blinker from the company;
  • short-term neurological symptoms come:

At the right time, additional help will normalize, skargi pass through 4-6 days.

Important steps of the detachment

The importance of the detachment develops last, passing the stage of stages: the stage of the cob, the destruction of the environment, the court and the parallel stage.

  1. Pochatkova stadiya. Symptoms are nonspecific, similar to the manifestations of light or middle gravity. Tsey stan is short, it is very quick to move into the stage of zadishki.
  2. Stage of development Providny є signs of a hostile tissue hypoxia: red color of visible mucous membranes and small curves, weakness, stunnedness, pain in the heart area. Objectively: expansion, enduring restlessness, pulse of acceleration, arrhythmic, unproductive dichotomy, often, inhalation of shortening, strong smell of a heavy blinker from the mouth.
  3. Convulsive stage. Pogershennya zagalnyy camp progresuє, build-up zadishka, pulse is old rіdkіsnym, arterial vise is advancing. Cloning and fine judo develops from the development of the jaw muscles and, often, biting, if parts of the rhythmic meats quickly turn into a trivial strong generalization of the muscular spasm; the testimony of the injured person. Denmark is trivial from decilkoh hilin to decilkoh years, transforming into a terminal parallel stage.
  4. Paralitic stage. Suddenly, a coma develops, a coma develops, a zupinka dikhannya appears, a critical fall of the arterial vise and a heart dichotomy.

Persha help with pruning with hydrocyanic acid

  1. Evacuate the injured person from the mess of trouble (cut off the contact with the otter).
  2. Prevent access to new services (open windows, doors, openings).
  3. If you have patience without witness - if you put your head on your back or on your back with your head turned over, you will be able to aspirate the bloating masses in the case of bloating.
  4. In case of implantation of cyanotic water in the middle - make a slurry (vipiti 1-1.5 liters of warm water, a slight break with potassium permanganate or 1% water peroxide, squeeze on the root of the tongue, provoking the blues).
  5. Take a sorbent (Enterosgel, Polyphepan, polisorb).
  6. With the manifestation of symptoms of clinical death (visibility of testimony, discomfort, pulse on sleepy arteries and reactions of symptoms to light), it is safe to proceed to the basic heart-lung reanimation of the patient, carrying out massages with indirect pulses. Piece ventilation of the legends by the mouth-to-mouth method, or the mouth-to-nis should not be carried out, because it can lead to the development of the ryatuvalnik.

If you need medical help?

Medical additional help is required in 100% vials of hydrocyanic acid. Oscillations of the assessment of the steps in pouring and the severity of the battle on the cob stage does not seem to be possible, the patient is guilty of perebuvati on the cob stage.

Antidotes of hydrocyanic acid є Glucose, sodium thiosulfate, Etylnitrite, Methylene blue with Tetrateiosulfate (alcoholic introduction), Amilnitrite with thiosulfate (alcoholic introduction). Naybіlsh strongly protidіє hydrocyanic acid and ally introduced nitrous acid sodium s thiosulfate.

After the introduction of the antidote to get used to it, go in from the pidtrims of the available systems of life. When the stabilization is reached, I will become farther from the liking - symptomatic.

May inheritance

Tastes of the transferred bran with hydrocyanic acid can be used for styki, in some non-vortex wines in the central nervous systems(Parkinsonism, symptoms of a lesion of the cornsus, a collapse of the emotional sphere, toxic encephalopathy, paresis and parallel diseases), astheno-neurotic conditions, toxic pneumonia, heart failure.


Oskіlki is the main mass of bran with hydrocyanic acid to be of a commercial nature;

  • fixing the technology of safety on the work machine;
  • prevention of damage to the technological process;
  • obov'yazkove vikorystannya іndivіdualnyh zasobіv zaistu (mittens, respirator, protigaz, zhisniy odyag).

It can be unique, remembering about the visually not safe implantation of a great number of small flowers and apricots, cherries, migdal, peaches, etc., and prepared products from them.

Hydrocyanic acid is one of the most toxic ones to remove in the light, it can block access to acidity to the organism. The sphere of storing the speech community is duzhe wide. Salts of cyanic water (cyanidi) are present in the vasos for the destruction of grisons, the change of hydrocyanic acid and is found in the fruit bunches and tyutyun dim.

The reasons and pathogenesis of the detachment with hydrocyanic acid are discernible, as well as help with similar detachment and possible pathogenesis.

For the International Classification of ailment 10 glance (ICD 10), the code is T65.0 "".


Cyanic water (HCN) increases volatility. Yogo kindly glaze water and spirits. Kolir at the chemistry speech is on the day. The smell is similar to the smell of hot migdal. Schob having taught a lethal result, add 0.05 g and unscrew it. Why is hydrocyanic acid so fast?

Drinking into the body, the cyanism of the water is ringing with the gulf and the opening Kisneve hunger... In addition, the head and the spinal cord are ruined, there is a lack of sourness in the tissues, provoking acceleration, then it becomes superficial, and in a day or so you can start to feel like it. So much kisneve hunger is not unbeatable for the heart-vascular system. In addition, there is a change in the warehouse of blood itself: in a large amount of undigested acidity and a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in carbon.

Disintegrating with hydrocyanic acid і її, as well as with acid vapors and for the coming reasons:

  • negligent care of otrutokhіmіkatami: tricks for fighting with comas and greens, as well as chemical stimulants to the growth of roslin, to revenge cyanidi;
  • a lack of baking techniques for the use of hydrocyanic acid salts on the basis of various types of production: videotapes of expensive metals from ore, the preparation of plastic, waste, gumi, the preparation of piece flavors and іnshі;
  • Claying a few fruits: cherry, apricot, sweet cherry, peach, plum. It can also be a non-baked compote on the basis of fruits with brushes, if it is more important;
  • how to inhale the wager of the flying otruynoi speech.

Otrut penetrates into the human body through:

  • grass system;
  • shkodzhennya і pori in shkіri;
  • mucous membranes;
  • dikhalny shlyakhi unscrew to penetrate the best shvidko. Frequent inhalation of acidic acid steam on virobnits to chronic acidic acid.


The line of reflux with hydrocyanic acid and especially the manifestation of symptoms is to lie down as a result of the concentration of the surviving snuff, and also as a way of penetrating the body. At the most important stage, the signs of being removed with hydrocyanic acid are manifested even more quickly, for inhaling highly concentrated branded vapors. Once the penetration of the spirit into the organism of the deadly dose of hydrocyanic acid, the work and lyudin guinea are already in the first place.

It is easy to get rid of hydrocyanic acid through the herbal system, on the cob stage of intoxication to the organism, there are no symptoms:

  • nudota;
  • burr in the area of ​​the slurry;
  • chills;
  • perspiration at the throat;
  • increased sweat and sleepiness;
  • girkuvatiy dimple at roti;

When the concentration is adjusted in the body of the broken people, the onset symptoms of the withdrawal with hydrocyanic acid can be added:

  • strong headache;
  • blues;
  • weakness, spoiled;
  • a shortage of food, bad luck;
  • sudomi;
  • reduction of arterial grip and heart pain;
  • expansion of zinitsi;
  • fever woman;
  • hіperemіya shkіri, won’t old red colorah, slimy also fill up a reddish barn. Such wines are tied because of the unhelpful cytin to acquire molecular muslin;
  • loss of evidence;
  • mimic acts of defecation and secularization;
  • lethal inheritance.

With a great dose of the well-lived priceless water, the sharpness of death is much more important, so it is important not to waste a second, as it is possible to help you better and to carry out the correct therapy.

Persha dopoga

Persha will help with the removal of cyanic acid polyagaє in the offensive actions:

  1. Viklikati will immediately help the shvidka;
  2. I will help the patient who is not very helpful:
  • to prevent the loss of moisture and the visibility of hydrocyanic acid vapors;
  • znyat odyag, so yak in it could get rid of the speech;
  • if you have suffered in svidomosty, to spend the last time the slunker - to give the vipity of the manganese i;
  • date to accept the sorbent preparations, stench the stench of the part, unscrew it і not let the youmu enter to the shelter;
  • as a raptom є in the presence of amyl nitrite, give it a dichati, until the drug arrives.

Upon arrival, the staff of the shvidkoy help will carry out, if necessary, reanimation of the day and hospitalize the sick person for a frivolous addiction.


Disintegration with hydrocyanic acid is easy to use in household minds, so it is obligatory to be carried out in a hospital at a toxicological examination until the patient is renewed again.

Likar to carry out antidote therapy and go in and out of the organism of a sick person with further symptomatic diseases in case of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid.

Yak of the strongest antidote internally vicious antidote - sodium thiosulfate... It is also possible that the power of the ringing of sputum coloidal sirka, sodium nitrite, nitric acid salt, glucose can be heard.

As well as the detachment of the middle and heavy step, there can be a ventilation of the legends and the angels of the inglyatsii. Lіkuvalnі manіpulyatsіy will lie in a number of out-of-the-box speech and classic picture of ailments. In addition to the main treatment, you can use drugs for improving the mental function, for updating AT, vitamins and those.

Storage and inheritance

Otruunnya with cyanic acid in one way to produce it to the shortest possible time and inheritance, as you can save your negative infusion on all life:

  • mental health;
  • zagostrennya earlier than the most obvious illnesses;
  • toxic pneumonia;
  • heart failure;
  • parallich, zupinka dikhannya і robotic heart;
  • death is from the detachment.


Prophylactic come in against the loss of the price of water:

  • dotrimuvatisya technics are safe, efficient with the price of water, good and regularly cleaned up;
  • try to wrinkle your hands and use the shape of a robot with a cyanide acid and a half-line;
  • do not sinister the kurinnyas;
  • not to allow the small ones to prodovtuvannya small pieces of unfinished fruits, especially the price of a great batch;
  • Because of the kernel, it is not recommended to freeze it on the term ponad rik, since the pulp can be sated with blue acid;
  • do not drink the compote on fruits with brushes, if the wine has been standing for more than 1 rock, so it can be filled with hydrocyanic acid;
  • when brewing, boiled from fruits and vegetables.

Chanovny readers to the 1MedHelp site, if you have lost food on these topics because of the radio on them. Sign up your tips, comments, share stories as you survived the detachment and successfully fit in with the inheritance! Your life can be seen in our readers.

It’s a lot to love the rose-colored apricots, and take the kernels to relish. However, I don’t know everything, it’s not safe to shrug in them, and hydrocyanic acid can also be found there.

By virtue of the power of volodya hydrocyanic acid? What kind of shkodi can you get organism? Yak tsyogo unique? Informations at the center of nutritional support. And now about everything in order.

It is hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid і її spoluca (cyanidi) є a natural insecticide, that is, a speech, which preserves the growth of shkidnikiv. They are rich in roslinny light. Smell to revenge in the fruits and to wind the leaves of bagatokh species of roselin. Hydrocyanic acid itself is a barren-free type with the smell of a strong migdal, which can be seen with a low concentration. Vona has high volatility and low power, є high toxic speech.

Hydrocyanic acid in the cysts is a natural cicum. You will be in the warehouse of glucosides, which are low-toxic, so that you can stay clean and dry. As soon as you think about it, you get rid of chemical reactions, how to produce cyanic acid, to make it blue.

Before pouring in vologue, hydrocyanic acid is established in cherry, plum, apricot, peach, mountain bean, sweet cherry, apple, black elderberry, kernels of girky migdal. All the growths of the roses are referred to the family of roses. The very remainder is characterized by the presence of glucosides, which contain hydrocyanic acid.

Okremo treba tell about grapes. It is considered to be up to the family of grapes, and it is not powerfully injected with hydrocyanic acid in the straws. That is why grapes at the viglyadі of whole berries are vicorious for preparing wine, but it is impossible to rob it with pererabotanny "not baked" fruits.

Zmist of hydrocyanic acid in roslin

Is hydrocyanic acid amenable to any amount in the brush?

Pitoma of the vagus amygdalin, which causes toxic speech in the purification of the blood, becomes:

Also, the least amount of hydrocyanic acid is found in apple berries, which is why the rizik is trimmed from the fruits in 4-5 times less, not from the big mushrooms.

Deadly and toxic dose

vidomy tsikaviy fact: Dropsiness to hydrocyanic acid is higher in humans and warm-blooded creatures. At that hour of cold-blooded creatures, they are less sensitive to the moment - the manifestation of the few people in the world is a natural way without the development of a branch.

I think it’s worth seeking out chemical reactions with sulfur-containing speeches. When the cherry cyanic acid in a higher concentration gets into the body from the very same small quantities of cherry hydrocyanic acid, it can be neutralized by the mechanisms of foreign energy, and signs of disenchantment appear.

For a lethal tribute to a lethal or fatal viklicati, a dose can be removed when implanted in 40 grams of girky migdal, or 100 kernels of apricot brushes, or 50-60 grams of kernels, to remove amygdalin. In the case of a pererakhunka for pure hydrocyanic acid, which takes place in the bites of apples and other fruits, the most lethal dose becomes less than 1 mg / kg.

It is also important to remember how to prepare wine on the fruits with sash sprinkles; And the axis of boiled and compote is dumb. Even though in the rest there is plenty of zukru, which is an antidote to hydrocyanic acid, there will not be a detachment.

Intoxication to the body from hydrocyanic acid develops at an increased concentration in the blood of 0.24-0.97 mg / l.

Negative infusion of hydrocyanic acid on organism

To get used to attracting tissue dichotomy, how to wicker in the body with cyanic acid, and how to get used to apricot brushes. The whole process is inevitable in all tissues and in the absence of energy deficiency, so it is hard to think about everything, on the level of the central nervous system, and especially to the brain.

The nervous system is more responsive to the instability of "eating", as a result of the irreversible change in the structure of nerve cells. The development of starvation of nerve cells in normal blood circulation is noted, which is an important component of tissue energy and the leading role in the production of energy molecules. The toxin pereshkojaє is included in the reaction to the reaction, until it is accumulated in the blood. Due to the mechanism of dressing, special callous vigilads died out from the garment: the red colossus of shkiri and mucous membranes are picked up, so as to indicate the presence of sour hunger.

Diya otrut to stimulate the wikid of blood cells from the spleen, which is a legacy of energetic starvation of the brain. Following the results, such a reaction is seen to be taken for a direct reflex injection into the spleen. In other words, the organism thinks, how energetic deficiency of vicissitudes of unsteady sourness, stimulating wikid carriers, to become aware of the problem and bring homeostasis.

At the same hour, life is very important for the organization of the building and its functions. In the case of baked hydrocyanic acid, which is established in the fruit clusters, for example, draining, it means fewer changes in the heart, liver, nirk, in the form of the central nervous system. With trivial diya in the heart, in an hour there may be a lack of acidity for a rakhunok of attaching enzyme systems. Similar changes occur in other organs.

The fabrics embody the quality of vitrachati kissen. The accumulation of the remainder in the blood should be brought to a decrease in arteriovenous growth, and then until the development of arteriovenous growth. When there is a venous roof, an hour of an important detachment will be viglyadati yak arterial.

Hydrocyanic acid is added to weak acids і, at the same hour - reactogenicity with speech. In the body of the presence, you can end up with a lot of z'єdnan, with which you can enter into a reaction. Ale so, the process of interaction is different, and pathological changes develop more quickly, so the toxic speech does not rush to enter into a reaction. The poison is actively infused into the water and is brought to the acidic side to change the pH of the middle, and as a result, nonrespiratory (metabolic) acidosis develops.

Now it’s smart, why is hydrocyanic acid so unsafe and pathological processes occurring when it is cut off.

How can I create a new one? The kernel of the fruit is not cooked from the family of pink flowers. Dumplings, compotes, treba gotuvati wine with fruits without sprinkles. For not shkoduvat on them tsukru. A vinyatk to become a wine: all the grapes, all the berries, and the brother's need without wine. hittrimannya simple rules also help to preserve the health of your own and your family.

Hydrocyanic acid and spoluca

Hydrocyanic acid (cyanic acid) was first synthesized by the Swedish brew Karl Scheule in 1782 r. Somme French vіyski against nіmetski vіysk. The bends of the battle effect did not go into the distance, so as the tolerable strength of HCN vapor was less than 1. Try to stew the steam of hydrocyanic acid and the addition of trichloride mish'yaku, chlorine tin and chloroform concentration did not bring the steam from the atmosphere to the atmosphere.

The acid itself and the salts have grown widely in the Silskoy government (in the quality of the struggle with fruit trees), in the industry (for the preparation of gold and the mixture of ores), in the chemical synthesis of nitrile rubber, synthetic fibers, and synthetic materials.

Yak OV zasosuvannya maloimovirno. You can pick up old hydrocyanic acid in the capacity of sabotage agents.

In a given hour, we see the development of a group of chemical spoluks, where we can replace the CN group in molecules.

250. Hydrocyanic acid boiling point

Among them: nitrile - hydrocyanic acid, dicyan, cyanic calium, cyanogen - CI-CN, propionitrile - C3H7-CN, etc.); izocyanidi - phenylizonitrilchloride; cyanati - feniltsianat; isocyanati - methyl isocyanate, phenyl isocyanate; tiopianati - rhodaniste kaliy; izotyocyanati - methylisotiocyanat. Nimensh toxic (LD50 more than 500 mg / kg) є representatives of cyanates and tiocyanates. Isocyanati and Isocianati can be dashing and suffocating. The general development (for the development of the organism from the general speech of the CN-) appears in the middle of the world. High toxicity is caused by cyanide and hydrocyanic acid and salts, chlorocyanine, bromocyanine, and propionitrile as well, it is 3-4 times less likely to go for the toxicity of cyanide calories.

Hydrocyanic acid is found in roslins in the form of heteroglycosides. Close to 2000 species of roselin to revenge CN-revenge glucosides. For example, in viglyadі amygdalin HCN take revenge in the heart of gіrky mihdalyu, in clusters of peaches, apricots, plums, cherries and іn.

Physicochemical and toxic powers

Hydrocyanic acid - without barren of rіdina gap with the smell of hard migdal. boiling temperature + 25.7 ° С, freezing temperature 13.4 ° С. The bets of hydrocyanic acid and foully glaze over the assets of the worms, or rather get absorbed by the other porous materials.

With the interaction of HCN meadows with salt (calcium cyanide, sodium cyanide, etc.), hydrocyanic acid itself is not used much for toxicity. When the atom is replaced with halogens, galandces (chlorocyanine, bromocyanine, iodocyanine) are established. Hydrocyanic acid and cyanide enter into a relationship with sirkoy (non-toxic genus), as well as with aldehydes and non-tones (low-toxic cyanide). This reaction is the basis for detoxification. In water solutions, acid and salts are dissociated from the statements of CN-. Hydrocyanic acid is a weak acid and can be vitisnated from its salts, but also the weakest, acids (for example, strong).

The main way is the penetration of hydrocyanic acid vapors into the body. The average lethal concentration becomes 2 mg × hv / l, lethally detached with hydrocyanic acid salts and can be carried out when they penetrate into the body from contaminated water or even. When snorted through the mouth with lethal doses for humans є: HCN - 1 mg / kg; KCN - 2.5 mg / kg; NaCN - 1.8 mg / kg.

Mechanism of toxicity and pathogenesis of intoxication

Yak vіdomo, on the whole stage, carriers of protons and electrons є lancinum cytochromes (cytochromes B, C1, C, A and A3). The last transmission of electrons from one cytochrome to the last one is brought to oxidation and renewal to be present in them the balance (Fe3 + "Fe2 +). Kintsevoy lanka of cytochromes є cytochrome oxidase. Installed, the enzyme includes 4 heme units "A" and 2 ones - "A3". The same cytochrome oxidase is transmitted to the electronics, delivered to the tissue by blood. It was established that cytochrome-ion (CN-), razchineni in the blood, reach the tissues, and then enter into the interaction with the trivalent form of cytochrome A3 cytochrome oxidase (from Fe2 + cyanid not interchange). Having found a cyanide, cytochrome oxidase involved in the transfer of electronics to molecular acid.

As a result of the process of oxidation from the kidney lanka, all dystrophic lance is blocked and tissue hypoxia develops. Kisen with arterial blood is delivered to the tissue in sufficient quantity, otherwise it does not take hold and go into an invariable view into the venous bed. The processes of establishing macroerges (ATP and ін.) Will immediately collapse. Activate glycoliz, i.e. exchange from aerobic to anaerobic.

klinika urazhennya

As a result of tissue hypoxia, which develops with the help of hydrocyanic acid, the functions of the central nervous system will be destroyed. Dіyuchi in great doses, speeches wicked together with the stimulation of the central nervous system, and then її driven.

When there are too high doses of toxicants, they develop bliscavic otrunnya form. Patient through a few seconds, I was pouring in uncomfortable. Razvayutsya sudomi. Arterial grip of a short-hour fall. Through a sprinkle of chilin, the dichotomy and the heart’s activity are poured out.

at hopeful interruption In the development of intoxication, you can see a number of periods.

Period of cobs characterized by light tearing of the mucous membranes of the upper dichal noses and conjunctiva of the eyes, an unacceptable gusty gusto and palins in the mouth. The smell of a hot blinker is perceived. Stimulation of sludge, nudity, some blues, blotting, head bulbs, bulbs in the area of ​​heart, tachycardia (one bradycardia), more frequent dysfunctions are promoted. The coordination of the ruins collapses, weakness is seen, and the fear is felt. Pererakhovanі signs z'yavlyayutsya mayzhe immediately after pouring off. The prikhovanny period is practically dumb.

dyspnoetic period characterized by the development of a big zadishka. Sposter on a rapid turn of the increase in frequency and glibini performance. First of all, the development of toxicity in the world of development of toxicity changes in the world. Dikhannya becomes wrong - with a short inhalation and trivial vidih. There is a build-up and feeling of tightness in the breasts. Svidomost is oppressed. Bradycardia, enlargement of zinits, eksophthalmus, blues are more likely to rotate. Shkіrnі pokrivi і slimy shells inflate rye barn. In mild cases, there are some symptoms of і flavored with hydrocyanic acid. After a few years, all the intoxication is manifested.

Dyspnoetic period change period of development by the court... Suddenly have a clone-thin character with a change in the thin component. Svidomost to be involved. Dikhannya rydke, ale signified cyanosis nemaє. Shkіrni pokrivi і mucous membranes of erysipelas. A lot of people were encouraged to trust the heart rhythm, to increase the arterial grip and to improve the heart rate to decrease the arterial grip, to increase the heart rate, to increase the arrhythmia. The development of a hearty-sudinna lack of gosstry. The heart can be zupinka. Corneal, zinichny and іnshі reflexes of diminution. The tone of the musings is significant.

Slide for a short convulsive period, if death does not come, develop parallel period... Wien is characterized by a greater second sensitivity, reflexiveness, weakness of muses, mimic defecation and secularization. Dikhannya is old, overwhelmed. The arterial grip fallsє. Pulse of parts, weak napovnennya, arrhythmic. The development of the committee, in whatever patience, does not insist death because of the zupinka's dedication and heart's activity, it is possible to rebuild a few years, but only one or two. Thin temperature in patients during the paralytic period is lowered.

The reason for the tissue dichotomy is to bring about the change of the clerical, gas and biochemical warehouses of the blood. The worm in the blood of the erythrocytes grows as a result of the reflexive spleen speed and the passage of the blood cells from the depot. The amount of venous blood is old yaskravo-wormonim for the oxyhemoglobin (HBO). Artery-venous growth in sourness changes rapidly. Instead of CO2 in the blood, there is a decrease in the amount of less illumination and improved vision with hyperventilation of the lungs. Such a dynamism of the gas storage can lead to gas alkalosis, which can change by metabolic acidosis. The blood accumulates under-oxidized products from the exchange: it grows instead of lactic acid, grows instead of ketone salts (acetone, acetoacetic and b-hydroxybutyric acid), moves) into the mixture (hyperspace)

The triviality of being overwhelmed by all the detachment, as and about the period of intoxication, is numbed in the significant boundaries (from decilkoh chilin to bagatokh years). It’s impossible to lay it down from a few drops, I’ve consumed it in the body, but I’ll pass it on to the body and other reasons.

heritage of intoxication

The variability, the nature of the acceleration and the inheritance of the rejection is rich in what lies in the triviality of the hypoxic camp, in which the rejection has been overwhelmed. Particularly frequent is the deterioration of the functions of the nervous system. The transfer of a hospitable detachment by stretching out decliners helps to prevent headaches, to the incidence of sickness, and to the loss of coordination. Mova is complicated. In some cases, there are parallels and paresis of some groups of m'yaziv. Moment of destruction of the psyche.

Stirring changes in the functions of the heart-vascular system and myocardial ischemia are promoted. Disruption of the dichotomous system is manifested in the functional labileness of the dichotomous center and in the rapid development of the dysfunctional system in the presence of new options.

Features of halogenated hydrocyanic acid

Chlorzian (CICN) as the otrujna speech for the first time was fixed in the period of the First Holy War in 1916 by the French vіyskami. Chlorocyanine is barren-free, boiling at 12.6 ° C and freezing at -6.5 ° C. Volodya has a fragrant smell (smell of chlorine). The rate of bets by accident is 2.1.

Bromtsian (BrCN) for the first time in the rock of the First World War (1916) by the Austro-Ugric Vijski at the viglyadi sumish: 25% bromocetone, 25% bromoacetone and 50% benzene. Bromtsian is a crystal-free speech, even more flying, with a pungent smell. The boiling point is 61.3 ° C, the melting temperature is 52 ° С.

An offense for a reason (especially C1CN) for toxicity close to hydrocyanic acid.

Chlorocyanine and bromocyanine, diyuchi is similar to HCN, volodyut and subdivided. The stench viklikayut sluzotecha, teasing mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, larynx and trachea. Great concentrations can have a toxic load of legends.

Come to the medicinal zahist:

Special sanitary-hygienic go in:

  • vikoristannya zasobіv zasobіv organіv dikhannya in the middle of a chemically infected;
  • the fate of the medical service in the conducted chemical development, the examination of the supply of food for the infection of THV;
  • fence on the vicoristannya leads the food from non-perevіrenih dzherel.

Specialty go in:

  • antidote intake and pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy;
  • preparation and implementation of evacuation.

Medical aid to the zahist

The antidote for vicorisation when outfeeding with cyanides is divided into 2 groups:

1) methemoglobin-forming agents;

2) how to ring the CN-group.

1) methemoglobins:

As if, having consumed in the body, with hemoglobin, it is possible to be in a bivalent camp, because it does not interfere with the process, and, having penetrated into the tissue, it is connected with the trivalent activity of cytochrome oxidase, which is like its own phytophysiologist in cytochrome oxidase. If an unrefined one is introduced into the necessary number of fabrics with methemoglobin, then it will become methemoglobin (trivalent) if it is to enter into a chemical intercourse with the grains, which are used to knit women and women. Moreover, the concentration of high toxicants in the blood plasma will decrease, and the reverse link of cyan-ion with cytochrome oxidase will be lost.

The statement of the cyan-methemoglobin complex After 1 - 1.5 years, the whole complex will start falling apart step by step. However, there are some indications of the process of dissociation of CNMtHb stretching in the hour of the day. The temperature is not less, with important intoxications, a possible relapse of intoxications. Up to the number of methemoglobin-formers - antidotes to cyanids, include: sodium nitrite, amyl nitrite, 4-dimethylaminophenol, anticyan, methylene blue. As a memory slid, but the methemoglobin does not sound like a sour one, it is necessary to take a strict dose of the preparation, so that it doesn’t exceed 25-30% of the hemoglobin in the blood.

Most affordable methemoglobins є sodium nitrite (NaNO2)... If we give additional help, we will remove sodium nitrite to inject internally (by volume) in the viglyad 1-2% range in the amount of 10-20 ml, before the control of the arterial vise.

amіlnіtrіt Signs for nadannya pershoї medical aid... Ampoule with amilnitrite (1 ml), which is located in a cotton-gauze obgorttsi, then the opening and putting on a mask of protigas. If necessary, you can store it again. In the given hour, the antidote to the power of the drug will explain why it’s not possible to build up methemoglobin formation (it is poorly affected), but to the strength of cerebral blood flow, which develops as a result of a sudden dilatation of speech.

antitianє With one more speech, yak can vikoristovuvati yak antidote. When discharged with cyanic acid, the introduction of anticyanin at 20% viglyad is carried out in a total of 1.0 ml internally or 0.75 ml internally. When injected intravenously, the drug should be diluted in 10 ml of 25-40% glucose or isotonic sodium chloride. The fluidity of the introduction is 3 ml in quiline. If necessary, after 30 minutes, the antidote can be injected repeatedly in a dose of 1.0 ml, or only internally. Even after 30 minutes, it is possible to carry out the third injection in the same dose, as for the whole є indicated.

4-dimethylaminophenol hydrochloride It is dispensed in ampoules at a 15% mark, injected internally with a dose of 3-4 mg / kg of ailing weight in a sum of glucose. Not wiklikaє development of collapse.

Partly methemoglobin-like diyu maє methylene blue... The main thing for the preparation is polyagi in its health, it is active in the tissue. The drug is administered intravenously at the viglyad, 1% in 25% in glucose ( chromosmon) 50 ml each.

2) To tie a CN-group:

sodium thiosulfate(Na2S2O3). Yak has already begun, one of the nobles is the re-transformation of cyanids in the body, the approval of the native people in the interchange of the endogenous to revenge the world with words. Confirmed births, which are seen from the body from the cross, approximately 300 times less toxic, less cyanide.

The true mechanism of the establishment of thiosulfate was not established until the end of the day, but it was shown that, when sodium thiosulfate was introduced, the growth process was 15-30 times faster, and that the antibiotics were taken into account. The drug is administered internally at 30% viglyad, 50 ml each. Sodium thiosulfate by virtue of the number of antidotes. The need for an uncomplicated additional help to repair the methemoglobin formers, and then move on to the introduction of other drugs.

Glucose. The antidote effect of the drug is to bind with the formation of speech, so that the aldehyde group in the molecule is replaced with a cyanic acid of the strong low-toxic spoluki - cyangidrin. The river should be injected internally in 20-25 ml bottles of 25-40% solution. In addition to the healthiness of the toxicant, glucose needs a friendly effect on the energy, the function of the heart and the healthiness of the diet.

Cobalt preparations... Seemingly, cobalt is used to make the connection with the cyan-ion. At the slideshow on the brews of Bula, the effectiveness of hydroxycobalamin (Vitamin B12) for the removal of distilled cyanistim calim was shown. The drug is even more effective, a little toxic, ale expensive, so it stifled the joke of their spoluks. In the middle of viprobayed boules: acetate, gluconate, glutamate, gistidinate of cobalt and two-cobalt sil of ethylene amintetraacetate (EDTA). Naymensh is a toxic and effective residual drug, which is used in many countries in clinical practice. In our country, cobalt preparations do not become stagnant in antidotes.

In the process of providing additional help, the excluded are transferred to the congestion of their pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. Positive effect on hyperbaric oxygenation.

Mechanisms of toxic hydrocyanic acid

The process of reducing oxidative-related processes in tissues, destroying the stop stage of transmission of protons and electrons with a lance of dichlorine enzymes from oxidized substrates to muslin.

Yak vіdomo, on a whole stage, carriers of protons and electrons є lancinum cytochromes (cytochrome b, C1, C, a and a3). The last transmission of electrons from one cytochrome to the last one is brought to oxidation and renewal to be present in them the balance (Fe3 + "Fe2 +). Kintsevoy lanka of cytochromes є cytochrome oxidase. Installed, the enzyme includes 4 heme units "a" and 2 ones - "a3". The same s of cytochrome oxidase is transmitted electronically, delivered to the tissue by blood. It was established that cytochrome a3 (CN-), razchineni in the blood, reach the tissues, and then enter into the interaction with the trivalent form of cytochrome a3 cytochrome oxidase (from Fe2 + cyanidi not interchange). Having found a cyanide, cytochrome oxidase is involved in the transfer of electronics to molecular acid.

As a result of the history of oxidation, the whole dichlorine lance is blocked and grows tissue hypoxia. Kisen with arterial blood is delivered to the tissue in sufficient quantity, otherwise it does not take hold and go into an invariable view into the venous bed. The processes of establishing macroerges (ATP and ін.) Will immediately collapse. Activate glycoliz, so that the exchange from aerobic is overwhelmed by an anaerobic.

Krym without a middle stage of cyanidiv on the fabric, but the role in the formulation of the symptoms of urazhennya, maє reflex mechanism.

Organism is made up of special structures, the sensitivity of which to develop the deficit of macroerges on a richly overturned all the other fabrics. Nybilsh vivchenim with cich solution є carotid glomerulus (glomus caroticum). Carotid glomerulus of rosette in the middle of the bifurcation of the intrinsic sleepy artery for the interior and the call. Through nyogo for quilin, about 20 ml of blood per 1 g of tissue (through the brain - 0.6 ml). Wines are stored in two types of cells (according to Gessov): type I, rich in mitochondria glomus cells, type II, capsular cells. The end of the Gering nerve, which connects the structure of the central nervous system, penetrates the cells of type II and comes into the cells of type I cells. M.L. Bilenky has shown that the reflexes from the glomus show up with changes in PaO2, pH, and other indicators of exchange, which are also indicated in the case of minimal mental impairments, which are necessary for the healthy process of oxide phosphorylation. The most powerful and awkward agent of the chain of structures and prices of calories. Buv of destruction of visnovok, where the main physiological role of the carotid glomerulus is signalization of the central nervous system about the development of damage to the energy exchange. Є steaming, let us start the lanka to form in the gloom of reflex reactions, є decrease in type I cells of the level of ATP. A decrease in the level of ATF provokes the wikid of glomous cells of chemical words, as well as the end of the nerve of Gering. Good sense is the sensitivity of the gloomus to a number of neuroactive people, for example, N-cholinomimetics, catecholamines (Anichkov S.V.). However, there are also those who do not change the sensitivity of the structure to the price.

Hydrocyanic acid

A series of adequate hypotheses on the gloomus supervises the damage of the central nervous system, the development of the arterial vise, bradycardia, the frequent and the loss of the disease, the wikidomatecholamines from the supernatant valleys, etc. This is because of these reactions, which are indicated at the early stages of intoxication by the words of the backbone. Yakim bi chin did not destroy the toxicants by the mechanisms of energy safety, the reaction to the organisms is in general of the same type. Manifest intoxication - the effect of forming a combination of damage and over-excitement of special regulating systems (for example, glomus), and then - the breakdown of bioenergetics without macroscopic reactions in the tissues,

Chief food 5.Klinika, prophylaxis and zagalny principle Providing medical aid during treatment with hydrocyanic acid in the middle and at stages of medical evacuation

Hydrocyanic acid- tse duzhe toxic sputum, spinning with hydrocyanic acid produce to a lethal result. Cyanic acid to take revenge on the "cyanide" salt, there is no barn and a specific smell of girky migdal.

This kind of take away the blockage of enzymatic activity of the organism, in connection with the cym, the metabolism and infusion of sour hunger break down.

Hydrocyanic acid

  1. In some types of fruit-bearing cultures of the family of rosots, tse: cherry, bird cherry, peach, apricot, plum, girky migdal, and nave apples;
  2. In insecticides against grisons and comas;
  3. On small cheeky schoolyards;
  4. At Tyutyunov dimi;
  5. The kernel of the apricot brush can take revenge on hydrocyanic acid.

In order to prevent the removal of blue acid from the nobility, de and in every viglyad there can be created in the haunted life.

You can often feel the myth about the otruunnya old compote(More than 1 rock) from fruit, in which the rank of Bula is of the highest rank, there is at least one brush. As a matter of fact, the acid is active in the middle of the food, so the compote with the brushes can give an unjustified body to the human organism.

Yaksho boiled or stewed fruit to avenge enough tsukru - you won't be spoiled, for that tsukor is an antidote and a block of spilled. The first vipadok is that if in a family we were smashed with apricot brushes and then the smallest nucleus, hydrocyanic acid itself in small doses was taken away. The dose for cutting into such a drop can be about 100 centers of the apricot bunch.

When impregnated with insecticides against children and children, people destroy the technology of safety and give their health to the risk by filthy provoking the impurity of the coffin. Such a thing is unacceptable. It’s a lot of insecticides to take hydrocyanic acid in our warehouses - and it’s a good thing: eating the food off in the cold can wicked death.

It’s not a gift of tyutyunovy dim so negotiate and continue, even in your warehouse to take revenge majestic quantity wiping off, resins and shkіdlivyh speeches, including cіanіdіv. Navi passive currencies can put you on the negative side of a stream of otruynyh words for your body.

Remaining in small contact with cyanic acid can be a chemical enterprise in the processes of such retarding folding process of plastic and ore processing.

Likewise, a similar acid is used in pharmaceutical virobnitstvі. Acid vykorytovuyut in viglyadі cyanide salt. Nestiykі z'єdnannya before an hour contact with sour or water will be transformed into sputum. If you hit it, you can carry with you even more important inheritance.

Yak hydrocyanic acid infused into ludin

Acid mittєvo wiklikє hypoxia (reductions vmіst sisnyu) and іdmirannya living cells. Likewise, take away the central nervous system, the brain, the heart, the heart and the liver.

Patients who have accepted the otrut can take away the lethal result. All to lie down from the step of the infection and the way to the wider branch. The bet of hydrocyanic acid and blocking the sour exchange to the body and patience will be eliminated mittєve sisneve hunger.

If it gets to the shkіrut otrut, the plant gets into the wrong body. In case of contact with tolerant pislya otruunnya - unique tactile dotting in the moment of hitting otrunnya, in the process of prevention, use gum mittens.

Advancing the style of the organisms to the point of turning it off can be done by a piece of individual improvement of the necessary mood in the cell, for which it is recommended to inhale the special tastes of the sum with sour.

In nature, cyanic acid is in the form of an insecticide; This acid is often added to the preparation against comas.

Symptoms of prune sour acid

  1. Nudota, blues, carry;
  2. Dikhannya suffered nagadu smell of burnt migdal;
  3. Collapse of the heart rhythm, sourness of hunger, collapse of dikhannya;
  4. Head b_l, zapamorochennya, perspiration in the throat;
  5. Pain in the chest, tachycardia and weak pulse.

It is possible to fry with cyanic acid when in contact with the grated: through a twist, or a direct contact with a shkeroy. The most effective disservice is infused when acid vapors enter the mental system of people, and it is also often found in the department of disinsection when it is not taken care of the visits of safety and workers in chemical enterprises. With strong infusion mittuviy fatal result.

If you are susceptible to symptoms in the victim - secretly whistle for help and give the first help to the victim. Shvidka deliver the victim to the toxicology department.

The traces of disgust are the loss of svidomosty, coma and death. Do not panic, but vikonite everything strictly according to the points written below:

Persha help with pruning with hydrocyanic acid

  1. Viznachit in the fire of battle and to prevent it from repeated repetition (to bring the victim into a non-baking zone; if the victim was cut off on the shkira - to take one off; as if the patient was to be cut off by the child). Give the sufferer the least warmth and calm.
  2. Vyklikayte shvidku for help, the operator to name the symptoms of withdrawal, to tell, if there is a contact with senile acid. With such a rank of likar, before the trip, there is a necessary preparation;
  3. at kharchove otruєnnya for umovy, scho patience in svidomostі - you need to wick a piece bloat. Promiti the shlunnu having put a klizma with a 1% solution of manganese and a 1% solution to a peroxide of water;
  4. It’s easy to make it easier to avoid it - give the patient a sorbent (aktivnie vugillya, enterosgel) anyway;
  5. If you are patient without witness - it is inaccurate to put him on the bik, such is the pose to put the strangulation on the dyshal channel;
  6. In case of vratі svіdomosі - magate to turn the people to tyami, it is allowed to drink ammonia, masazhuvati lobes vuh.

The antidote to cyanic acid is sodium thiosulfate, zucor and nitroglycerin. Amyl nitrite (Poppers) is often vicious. It is also the practice of inhaling amyl nitrite and putting drip pots / injecting chromosmon at the same time with sodium thiosulfate. Progressively vivodyachi toxins and clean the shelter out of the way.

Yak viclicati I piece the blues

Likuvannya otruunnya protokє to finish it very quickly. So, as the head of the school of the central nervous system is otruta - you can psychologically see the victim.

To secure the detachment of the next step, take advantage of the elementary technology of safety for robots at the factories. Go through all the instructions and on the first try to suck in an individual zaist.

Cyanid is even tough and strong in flavor, so it doesn't need to be put on top of it without a head. When robotic with cyanide, be a saw.

As long as your child has come to live in the middle of the apricot sprinkles - check the winnings. At the same time, a young and unprepared organism can suffer through greed. Remember - for a child, no more than 10 middles of paint for doba, for an older one, no more than 50, but more beautifully. If I still want to - replace them with a liquorice flask. Good luck!