Summary of NOD for drawing in the preparatory group. Russian flag. Summary of NOD for applications in the middle group “Beautiful flags

  Karina Petrosyan
  Summary of NOD for applications in medium group  “Beautiful Flags”

Summary of NOD for applications in the middle group

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge", "Security", " Artistic creativity"," Communication ".

TOPIC: “Beautiful Flags”

Purpose:   develop the creative abilities of children, foster interest in state symbols.


1. To acquaint children with the state flags of different countries and cities, with the emblem of our region.

2. Continue to teach children to work with scissors.

3. Continue learning to work properly with glue.

Demonstration material:   Flags of different countries and cities, the emblem of our region and Russia.

Materials:   colored paper for the background and for cutting, scissors, glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins.

Working process:

Educator: Guys, do you know what a flag, anthem and coat of arms is? (children's answer is "No"). Now I will tell you: all these words mean state symbols. The anthem is music, but not simply - it is a solemn musical and poetic work. This is a symbol of our state. Every state has its own anthem. And here is another symbol of the state - this is the coat of arms. The national emblem of Russia is a shield, the lower corners of which are rounded, and the tip is pointed. Let's look at the flag of our country and other countries, you see that they are all different, different colors and images, they all mean something.

For example, the flag of our state is white, blue and red. White is the color of purity of intentions, peace and wisdom. Blue - the color of the sky, water, sea - a symbol of freedom. Red is the color of courage, strength, power and life.

But not only countries have flags, flags, emblems and anthems exist in various organizations, for example, in medicine. You have noticed such a symbol: a snake is wrapped around a bowl. Or MES.

Today I offer you to make your own flag, it will not be like any flag, make it the way you imagine it. You can stick different stripes or circles, you can cut out flowers and decorate your personal flag with them. As your fantasy tells you.

And so, choose for yourself the background of your future flag, then take colored paper and start cutting, but do not forget that you have a dangerous object in your hands, you should use scissors very carefully, do not twist them and do not put them open. Cut out carefully, after your blanks are ready, you can proceed to their gluing. Do not be afraid, fantasize. Just do not forget how to use glue. Brush should be dipped in glue and gently smear the surface to be glued, then wipe it off. I wish you good luck!

Teacher: well, your work is finished, everyone has got excellent flags, you have pleased me with your ability to use scissors and glue.

Let's knead a little our pens and legs.

Come all to me.


On a flat track

Along the level path (Children walk in steps)

On a flat track

Our feet are walking,

One, two, one, two,

Pebbles, pebbles, (jumping on two legs)

Pebbles, pebbles.

In the pit - boo! (squat on his haunches)

And now I suggest you make an exhibition, let's hang our flags, they will delight us. You and our guests will admire them.

Summary of classes on application in the middle group

on the topic: “Beautiful Flags”

Purpose:  to form the ability to work with scissors: to hold them correctly, to compress and unclamp the rings,

cut the strip on the narrow side into equal segments - flags; fasten the neat tricks

sticking, the ability to alternate images by color; develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color;

cause a positive emotional response to the created images.


Educational:   to form the ability to correctly place an object on a sheet of paper, to distinguish and

correctly name colors; to form the ability to work with scissors: to hold them correctly, to compress and

unclamp the rings, cut the strip on the narrow side into equal lengths - flags; fasten the tricks

neat sticking, the ability to alternate images by color.

Developmental:   develop creative imagination, eye, sense of composition; develop

constructive abilities of children; develop memory, logical thinking and attention; develop

the ability to gently use glue, spread it on the whole form.

Educational:   to cultivate self-confidence, accuracy, perseverance; bring up

the ability to enjoy the overall result.

Integration of educational areas:  "Art and aesthetic development", "Speech development".

Materials for the lesson:  sheets of white paper about 1/2 the size of a landscape sheet with a drawn thread for

sticking checkboxes, four strips of two colors for each child (on different tables, prepare

strips of different, but well-matched colors), scissors, glue, napkin, oilcloth (for each


Lesson progress:

Children sit at the table.

Educator:  “Children guess riddle:

He has many names:

Tricolor tricolor -

With the wind drives away the alarm

White-blue-red ... "

Answers children.  (flag)

Educator: "Right. Each country has its own flag. But what a beautiful flag in our country

Of Russia. "(Paragraph images of the Russian flag). And flags are used to decorate areas in

kindergarten. Saw what beautiful flags hang on our site? "

Answers children.  (Yes).

Educator:  “What are the flags attached to?”

Children:  (on a thread).

Educator:  “What shape is a box?” (Showing a pre-made box of paper)

Answers children.  (square).

Educator:  “Look, each of you has a leaf with a thread drawn on the table. What not

grab your thread? "

  Answers children.  (checkboxes).

Educator: "So let's decorate your threads with beautiful and bright flags. ”

  “Guys, you have plates on the table with strips of colored paper; choose yourself any

color that you like. Colored stripes should be cut into 2 squares. To do this, take one

colored stripes. You should have two squares like mine. "

The teacher demonstrates how to do it (how to bend the colored stripes, cut it along the line).

Children cut colored stripes.

Educator:  "Now take the glue and glue the cut-out colored squares to a thread on your

leaflet. Glue gently, carefully, so that the works are beautiful and bright. ”

D babies stick .

During all the work with colored stripes of paper and scissors, pay attention and

correct the actions of each child, motivating to praise.
Educator:  “Look at how we worked together in a friendly way, what wonderful work you have done.

Consider them together? What an interesting job Vanya turned out to be. Everything is glued very carefully.

Just great checkboxes. ”

To praise the guys for the accuracy of the work, put the work.

  Galina Lisina
  Summary of NOD for drawing in non-traditional equipment in the middle group “Multi-colored flags”

purpose: Continue to introduce children to nonconventional equipment  drawing  foam sticks (makovki)


*To teach children paint  objects of square and rectangular shaped poppies.

* To teach children to make a linear composition of checkboxesalternating in shape and color.

* Develop aesthetic perception, accuracy, autonomy, creativity.

Preliminary work:

* Examination flags of different shapes.

*Didactic games and exercises in drawing patterns from geometric shapes.

* Reading a poem by V. Shipunova « Flags are so different»


* Strips of paper size 10/20, with a thread.

* Foam sticks (maki) different size: in length and width.

* Jars of water

* Paint plates

* Napkins

*Flags on a string(multicolored)

Lesson progress:

Guys look around you (children inspect the group)

What's new in group? (bilateral checkboxes  on a string in several places)

The teacher with the children are considering checkboxeswhat color they are, shape.

« Flags are different

Yellow and red

And white and blue

there is any flags.

There are striped,

There are painted,

Triangles, squares,

With a fringe there is shaggy.

In the wind swaying

Blow-flutter! "

Outdoor game "Find your checkbox»

Guys, what do you think, why in our group checkboxes? / children express their opinion /

Today our Masha has a birthday party! / Children dance and sing a song “Let them run awkwardly, pedestrians through puddles”/

Guys and in there are many or few checkboxes? / children respond /

And what should be done to group of flags hung everywhere? / listen to children /

-We will draw flags, poppies / invite, wishes of the child to the blackboard, and he draws poppy seeds checkboxes. We recall the method of obtaining the image, consider what color checkboxes, we specify the sequence drawing /.

I invite the children to sit at the tables and paintI go to the children, verbally helping.

Ready made we hang out flags on group, Masha gives treats to children, and the guys for Masha sing a song "As on the name day machine, we baked loaf!"

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the GCD for depict. Activities (non-traditional drawing technique - “dry brush”) with children of the second youngest group.  Objectives: 1. To teach children the knowledge of poultry (cockerel, chickens); draw with a brush in the “dry brush” technique; use the brush correctly.

Dear colleagues, I suggest you heed the summary of the NOD, which I showed to the administration and educators: Tasks: Educational: to expand.

Summary of classes on the visual activity in the middle group "Colorful houses"  Program content: 1. Tell children about warm and cold colors through a fairy tale. 2. Fix the ability to wash the brush well. 3. Develop.

  Fluffy Chickens Objectives: Expand children's perceptions of poultry. To fix the names of poultry and their young. To teach children.

Summary of drawing lessons with fingers in the first younger group "Autumn Tree" Summary of finger painting classes in I younger group « Autumn tree»Goal: - to teach children to draw in the technique of" Drawing with a finger. "

I draw - hands in paint, it's a small thing for me, I draw with bright paint, look at me. In the garden we draw paint, ears, noses and eyes ,.

NOD for graphic activities (non-traditional drawing technique Subject: "Fish" ...)  Objective: To acquaint children with non-traditional drawing technique, to develop aesthetic perception, to improve children's skills in work.

Lesson 51. Drawing "Decorate the strip flags"

Software content.   To fix the ability of children to draw rectangular objects, to create the simplest rhythm of images. Exercise the ability to carefully paint over a picture using the technique shown. Develop aesthetic feelings; sense of rhythm, composition.

The method of conducting classes.   Consider with the children a few samples of the decoration of the stripes with flags, and then offer each child to decorate their stripes. Show children the technique of painting: slow, careful movements at the contour and fast - in the middle.

All together enjoy the resulting beautiful flags, decorate with them the lobby, group room, hall.

Materials  Album sheets cut in half horizontally; colored pencils (for each child).

To draw children's attention to the aesthetic developmental environment that surrounds them; to distinguish in the setting that decorates it (indoor plants, vases of flowers, children's drawings and applications, etc.).

Lesson 52. Modeling "Round Dance"

Software content.   To teach children to depict a human figure, correctly conveying the ratio of parts in size, their location in relation to the main or largest part. Teach to combine their work with the work of other children. Develop figurative perception. Continue to develop figurative representations. To acquaint with the Dymkovo doll.

The method of conducting classes.   Offer the children to all together make puppets for the dance. Remember how recently they sculpted a girl in a long fur coat and say that you also need to sculpt a doll in a long dress for a round dance. Together with children to clarify the sequence of actions.

At the end of the lesson, put all the fashioned dolls in a round dance on a previously prepared stand, joining their hands. Enjoy the overall composition.

When the figures dry up, you can offer the children to color them (in free time) - get a colorful round dance.

Materials  Clay, board for modeling (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Round dance games, dancing in music classes and in everyday life.

Lesson 53. Drawing "Girl is dancing"

Software content.   To teach children to draw a human figure, passing the simplest ratios in magnitude: the head is small, the body is large; the girl is wearing a dress. To teach to depict simple movements (for example, a raised hand, hands on a belt), to fix methods of painting with paints (smooth continuous lines in one direction), felt-tip pens, colored chalk. Encourage imaginative image evaluation.

The method of conducting classes.   Show the children the doll and the simple movements of the dance: hands on the belt, one hand on the belt, the other holding the skirt, etc. Suggest 2-3 children to show at the blackboard how to convey the hand movement pattern. To draw the attention of children to the ratio of parts in size. Discuss the location of the figure on the sheet. Offer materials for drawing on the choice of children.

In the process, remind painting techniques.

Materials  Illustrations depicting a dancing girl. Gouache, white paper with a size of 1/2 album sheet, brushes (felt-tip pens, colored chalk), cans of water, napkins (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Participation of children in dances at music classes, modeling of a girl in motion.

Lesson 54. Flying Aircraft Application (Collective Composition)

Software content.   To teach children how to make images of parts correctly, to find the place of one or another part in the general work, to stick them neatly. To fix the knowledge of the form (rectangle), to learn to cut its corners smoothly. To cause joy from the picture created by all together.

The method of conducting classes.   Consider with children a toy plane. Ask what parts the aircraft has, what form they are. As the children finish cutting out the parts of the plane, they suggest that they approach the table on which lies a sheet of paper for collective composition. To help children locate and stick planes links of 3-5 planes.

To consider with children a ready-made collective composition, to enjoy its beauty.

Materials  Toy plane Paper rectangles for the body, tail and wings, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child). Large sheet of paper blue  for collective composition.

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Learning poems about the Russian army, using toy planes in games, looking at illustrations.

Lesson 55. Modeling "The birds flew to the trough and pecking grains" (Collective composition)

Software content. Teach children to pass a simple posture in sculpture: head and body downward. To fix the techniques of modeling. Learn to combine your work with the work of a friend to convey a simple plot, a sketch. To cause a positive emotional response to the result of joint activities.

The method of conducting classes.   Consider a toy bird or a picture of a pecking bird with children, clarify the position of the bird’s body and head, the modeling techniques and its sequence. Remind about the need to achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of the shape of the bird, the size of its parts. Those who cope with the image of a bird should be invited to fashion another bird.

Materials  Plasticine, board for modeling, stack (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Birdwatching on a walk, in a corner of nature. Reading books, viewing illustrations, learning poems, singing songs.

Lesson 56. Drawing "Beautiful Bird"

Software content.   To teach children to draw a bird, passing the shape of the body (oval), parts, beautiful plumage. To exercise in drawing paints, brush. Develop figurative perception, imagination. Expand ideas about beauty, figurative ideas.

The method of conducting classes.   Consider a toy bird with children. Refine the tricks of her image, causing the guys to show to the board. In the process of work to draw the attention of children to the accurate painting of the bird, so that it turns out beautiful. Encourage additions to the drawing that correspond to the content of the image (grass, seeds, sun, etc.).

Consider all the drawings with the children, choose the most beautiful birds, clarify why they liked them (color, decoration of the head, tail, etc.).

Materials  Colored pencils (colored wax crayons or felt-tip pens), paper 1/2 the size of an album sheet (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Bird watching during a walk, viewing illustrations, sculpting birds. Examination of folk toys depicting birds.

Lesson 57. Modeling "We dazzled the snowmen"

Software content.   To fix the ability of children to transfer in modeling objects consisting of balls of different sizes. Learn to transfer the relative size of parts. Develop a sense of form, aesthetic perception. Fix learned methods of modeling.

The method of conducting classes.   Consider with children a doll consisting of four balls. Check the size of the balls. Recall that children sculpted from the snow for a walk; ask about the shape and size of the snowballs, their sequential arrangement. Clarify how best to separate a lump of clay (plasticine).

Materials  Clay, board for modeling, stack (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Games and fun for a walk. Making snowmen out of snow.

Software content. Develop aesthetic perception. Continue to acquaint children with Dymkovo toys, learn to celebrate their characteristics, highlight the elements of the pattern: circles, rings, dots, stripes. To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the bright, elegant, festive coloring of toys. Fix the drawing techniques with a brush.

The method of conducting classes.   To consider Dymkovo toys with children, to cause children a joyful, emotional attitude towards them. Highlight more simple, playable decoration items. Offer the children to paint with a pattern a duck and ducks (in the free time, paint white figurines of dried figurines beforehand). In the process of training to encourage the creative manifestations of children.

Materials  Album sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Acquaintance with Dymkovo products, their painting. Sculpting toys.

Lesson 59. Application "Cutting and sticking a beautiful flower as a gift to mother and grandmother

Software content.   To teach to cut and stick a beautiful flower: to cut parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding or skewing), to make a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imaginative representations, imagination. Raise attention to relatives and friends.

The method of conducting classes.   Remind the children what beautiful flowers they saw, clarify the parts of the flower (middle, petals, stalk), remind cutting techniques, call the children to show to the board. The children who will quickly cope with the work, give an additional sheet of paper, offering to stick another beautiful flower (grandmother, nanny in kindergarten, etc.). Encourage the search for a diverse solution.

When considering the work, enjoy the overall result with the children. Mark the variety of petal shape, a beautiful selection of colors.

Materials  Illustrations depicting beautiful flowers. White paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Relationship with other occupations and activities.   Preparing for the holiday of March 8: learning poems, singing songs, viewing pictures of flowers. Didactic games on the consolidation of knowledge about the form, colors.

Session 60. Sculpting by Design

Software content . Continue to develop independence, imagination, creativity. Fix molding techniques, the ability to carefully use the material.

Software content.  To teach to transmit the distinctive features of different fish, having the same shape, but slightly different from each other in proportions. Fix previously learned methods of modeling.

  Lesson 28. Drawing "Little Dwarf"

Software content. To teach children to convey the image of a little man - a forest gnome - in drawing, making an image of simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing in a simplified way the ratio in magnitude. Fix the ability to paint and paint with a brush. Summing up the figurative assessment of finished works.

  Lesson 29. Molding "Duck" (According to Dymkovo toy)

Software content.  To acquaint children with Dymkovo toys (ducks, birds, goats, etc.), pay attention to the beauty of a smooth streamlined shape, specific color, painting. Develop aesthetic feelings. Learn to convey the relative size of parts of the duck. To fasten methods of applying, smoothing, flattening (duck's beak).

  Lesson 30. Drawing "Fishes swimming in an aquarium"

Software content.  To teach children to depict fish swimming in different directions; correctly transfer their shape, tail, fins. To fix the ability to paint with a brush and paints, using strokes of a different character. To cultivate independence, creativity. Learn to mark expressive images.

  Lesson 31. Sculpting on the concept of “Pick out any vegetables or fruits you want to play in the store”
  (Option. Sculpture "Blind what you want beautiful")

Software content.  To teach children to choose the content of their work from a circle of certain subjects. To cultivate independence, activity. To consolidate the ability to transfer the form of vegetables and fruits, using a variety of modeling techniques. Develop your imagination.


  Lesson 32. Drawing "Who lives in what house" ("Who Has What House")

Software content.  Develop children's ideas about where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live. Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel, booth). Tell children how to take care of animals.

  Lesson 33. Applique "Cut out and stick what you want to build."

Software content.  To form in children the ability to create various images of buildings in the application. Develop imagination, creativity, a sense of composition and color. To continue to exercise in cutting strips in a straight line, squares on a diagonal, etc. Learn to think through the selection of parts in shape and color. Secure techniques neat sticking. Develop your imagination.

  Lesson 34. Modeling "Girl in winter clothes"

Software content. Make children want to convey the image of a girl in a stucco. To teach to single out parts of a human figure in clothes (a head, a fur coat extending downwards, hands), to transfer them with respect to proportions.

  Lesson 35. Drawing paints "Snow Maiden"

Software content. To teach children to depict the Snow Maiden in a fur coat (the fur coat is extended downwards, arms from the shoulders). To fix the ability to paint with a brush and paints, apply one paint to another after drying, when decorating a fur coat, rinse the brush clean and dry it, wetting it with a cloth or napkin.

  Lesson 36. Modeling "Big duck with ducklings"
  (Collective composition)

Software content.  Continue to acquaint children with Dymkovo products (duck with ducklings, rooster, turkey and others). Learn to highlight the elements of the decoration of toys, notice the beauty of the form. Make you want to sculpt toys. Learn to sculpt figures on a stand, transfer the difference in the size of objects and individual parts, divide the clay in an appropriate proportion.

  Lesson 37. Drawing “New Year Greeting Cards”

Software content.  To teach children to independently determine the content of the picture and to depict their plans. Fix drawing techniques (use the paints correctly, rinse the brush well and dry it). To cultivate initiative, independence. To develop aesthetic feelings, fantasy, desire to please loved ones, positive emotional response to the self-created image.

  Lesson 38. Application "Beads on the Christmas tree"

Software content.  Strengthen children's knowledge of the round and oval shape. Learn to cut corners from rectangles and squares to get oval and round beads; alternate beads of different shapes; stick neatly, exactly, in the middle of the sheet.

  Lesson 39. Drawing "Our elegant Christmas tree"

Software content.  Teach children to transfer to the image of the image of the Christmas tree. To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extended downwards. Learn to use paints of different colors, gently apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to the emotional evaluation of work. To cause a feeling of joy in the perception of the created drawings.

  Lesson 40. Sculpting on the plan "Blind what you want"

Software content.  Continue to develop self-reliance and creativity, the ability to create images according to one’s own plan. Fix a variety of modeling techniques.


  Lesson 41. Drawing "Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter"

Software content.  Teaching children to pass on a simple plot to the drawing, highlighting the main thing. Learn to draw a Christmas tree with branches elongated downwards. To fix the ability to paint. Develop figurative perception, figurative representations; desire to create a beautiful picture, give it an emotional assessment.

  Lesson 42. “Bird” Modeling

Software content. To teach children to sculpt a bird out of clay, conveying an oval-shaped body; take off and pinch small parts: beak, tail, wings. Learn to celebrate the diversity of the resulting images, rejoice in them.

  Lesson 43. Application “Beautiful Pyramids Brought to the Store”

Software content.  Exercise children in cutting round shapes from squares (rectangles) by smoothing round corners. Secure the techniques of possession of scissors. Learn to pick colors, develop color perception. Learn to position the circles from the largest to the smallest.

  Lesson 44. Drawing “Spong Tree”

Software content.  To teach children to use different pressure on the pencil for the image of a tree with thick and thin branches. To cultivate the desire to achieve a good result. Develop figurative perception, imagination, creativity.

  Lesson 45. Modeling "Break out what you want a toy animal"

Software content. Teach children to independently determine the content of their work. Fix the ability to sculpt, using different methods of modeling. To cultivate independence, activity. Develop imagination, the ability to talk about the created image.

  Lesson 46. Bus Application
  (Option. Application "Cart with toys (balls, bricks, cubes)")

Software content.  To fix the ability of children to cut the necessary parts to create an image of the object (object). To fix the ability to cut off the corners of the rectangle, rounding them out (bus body), cut the strip into identical rectangles (bus windows). To develop the ability to compositionally make out your plan.

  Lesson 47. Modeling "Girl in a long fur coat"

Software content.  To teach children to transmit in sculpture a human figure, respecting the ratio of parts in size. To fix the ability to roll the clay between the palms; to sculpt with fingers, to give the shape the desired shape; connect the parts, tightly pressing them together, and smooth the bonding points.

  Lesson 48. Drawing "Draw what you want a toy"

Software content.  Develop the ability to conceive the content of the picture, create an image, conveying the shape of the parts. Fix paint drawing skills. Learn to look at pictures, choose the ones you like, explain what you like. Raise autonomy. Develop creativity, imagination, ability to talk about the created image. To form a positive emotional attitude to the created drawings.

  Lesson 49. Decorative drawing "Handkerchief decoration" (Based on Dymkovo painting)

Software content. To acquaint children with the painting of Dymkovo toys (young ladies), to learn to select the elements of the pattern (straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes). To teach to cover the sheet evenly, with continuous lines (vertical and horizontal), in the formed cells to put strokes, dots and other elements. Develop feelings of rhythm, composition, color.

  Session 50. Sculpting by Design

Software content.  To consolidate the ability of children to conceive the content of their work, using the learned ways of creating an image, to bring the conceived to the end. To cultivate independence, activity, creativity. To make you want to admire your works, to talk about them.


  Lesson 51. Drawing "Decorate the striped flags"

Software content.  To fix the ability of children to draw rectangular objects, to create the simplest rhythm of images. Exercise the ability to carefully paint over a picture using the technique shown. Develop aesthetic feelings; sense of rhythm, composition.

  Lesson 52. Mode “Round Dance”

Software content.  To teach children to depict the human figure, correctly conveying the ratio of the parts in size, their location in relation to the main or largest part. Teach to combine their work with the work of other children. Develop figurative perception. Continue to develop figurative representations. To acquaint with the Dymkovo doll.

  Lesson 53. Drawing "Girl is dancing"

Software content.  To teach children to draw a human figure, passing the simplest ratios in magnitude: the head is small, the body is large; the girl is wearing a dress. To teach to depict simple movements (for example, a raised hand, hands on a belt), to fix methods of painting with paints (smooth continuous lines in one direction), felt-tip pens, colored chalk. Encourage imaginative image evaluation.

  Lesson 54. Flying Aircraft Application
  (Collective composition)

Software content.  To teach children how to make images of parts correctly, to find the place of one or another part in the general work, to stick them neatly. To fix the knowledge of the form (rectangle), to learn to cut its corners smoothly. To cause joy from the picture created by all together.

  Lesson 55. Modeling "The birds flew to the trough and pecked grains" (Collective composition)

Software content.  Teach children to pass a simple posture in sculpture: head and body downward. To fix the techniques of modeling. Learn to combine your work with the work of a friend to convey a simple plot, a sketch. To cause a positive emotional response to the result of joint activities.

  Lesson 56. Drawing "Beautiful Bird"

Software content. To teach children to draw a bird, passing the shape of the body (oval), parts, beautiful plumage. To exercise in drawing paints, brush. Develop figurative perception, imagination. Expand ideas about beauty, figurative ideas.

  Lesson 57. Modeling “We dazzled the snowmen”

Software content.  To fix the ability of children to transfer in modeling objects consisting of balls of different sizes. Learn to transfer the relative size of parts. Develop a sense of form, aesthetic perception. Fix learned methods of modeling.

  Lesson 58. Decorative drawing "Decorate your toys"

Software content.  Develop aesthetic perception. Continue to acquaint children with Dymkovo toys, learn to celebrate their characteristics, highlight the elements of the pattern: circles, rings, dots, stripes. To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the bright, elegant, festive coloring of toys. Fix the drawing techniques with a brush.

  Lesson 59. Applique “Cut and Stick a Beautiful Flower as a Gift to Mother and Grandmother”

Software content.  To teach to cut and stick a beautiful flower: to cut parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding or obliquely), to make a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imaginative representations, imagination. Raise attention to relatives and friends.

  Session 60. Sculpting by Design

Software content. Continue to develop independence, imagination, creativity. Fix molding techniques, the ability to carefully use the material.


  Lesson 61. Drawing “Bloomed beautiful flowers”

Software content.  To teach children to draw beautiful flowers, using a variety of formative movements, working with the whole brush and its end. Develop aesthetic feelings (children should carefully take the color of paint), a sense of rhythm, ideas about beauty.

  Lesson 62. Application “A beautiful bouquet as a gift to all women in kindergarten” (teamwork)
  (Option. Decorative appliqué on the square)

Software content.  To cultivate the desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. To expand the figurative representations of children, to develop the ability to create images of the same objects in different ways, in various ways. Continue to shape the skills of collective creativity. To cause a feeling of joy from the created image.

  Lesson 63. “Bowl” molding

Software content.  Teach children to sculpt using already familiar techniques (rolling the ball, flattening) and new ones - pressing and pulling the edges, leveling them with your fingers.

  Lesson 64. Applique “Cut out and stick what happens to be round and oval”
  (Option. Application "Cut out and stick what you want a toy")

Software content. Teach children to choose a topic of work in accordance with certain conditions. To cultivate the ability to bring your plan to the end. Develop creativity, imagination. To exercise in cutting corners at a rectangle and a square, rounding off them. Secure the skills neat sticking.

  Lesson 65. Decorative painting "Decorate the doll dress"

Software content.  Teach children to make a pattern of familiar elements (stripes, points, circles). Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination.

  Lesson 66. Modeling "Goat"

Software content.  Teach children to sculpt a quadruped animal (oval body, head, straight legs). Fix the modeling techniques: rolling between the palms, attaching parts to the animal's fashioned body, smoothing the bonding points, pinching, etc. Develop sensorimotor experience.

  Lesson 67. Drawing "Goatlings ran out for a walk on a green meadow"

Software content.  Continue to teach children to draw four-legged animals. To consolidate the knowledge that all four-legged animals have an oval-shaped body. Learn to compare animals, see the general and the different. Develop imaginative representations, imagination, creativity. Learn to transmit fabulous images. Fix the methods of work with a brush and paints.

  Lesson 68. Sculpting "The bunnies jumped out into the clearing to pinch the green grass"

Software content. Teach children to sculpt animal; transfer the oval shape of his torso, head, ears. Fix the methods of modeling and joining parts. Develop the ability to create a collective composition. Develop imaginative representations, imagination.

  Lesson 69. Drawing “How we played the game“ Homeless Bunny ””

Software content.  Develop the imagination of children. To form the skill with the help of expressive means (form, position of an object in space) to transmit in the picture the plot of the game, the images of animals. Continue to generate interest in a variety of creative activities.

  Lesson 70. Modeling “Blind What You Like”

Software content.  Develop the ability of children to evaluate their impressions, to determine their attitude to what they saw, to learn. Generate a desire to reflect the received impressions in artistic activities. To consolidate the desire of children to create interesting images in modeling, using previously learned techniques.