Download the article in the newspaper about a good man. Shebalinsky regional newspaper "rural nov".

A woman in the village ... She is a toiler and a hostess, very often, and a mother of many children. She does not seek recognition, does not expect high awards. The rural woman is modest and very hardworking, because the peasant economy does not tolerate lazy people. Everywhere to keep up: get up with the first roosters, manage the household, gather the children to school, and even run to work. So, without city noise and bustle, in difficult rural conditions, in the absence of mechanization and automation, having shouldered a heavy burden of domestic and industrial concerns, year after year the life of a village woman flows unnoticed. In Russia, there are over twenty million. And I would like to tell you about one of such rural workers with the beautiful name Hope on the pages of “Vperedovki”.

"I am a village"

Dakuya resident Nadezhda Volkova, nee Lakhina, is a native Amur woman, born in the 41st military. About his homeland, Ushumune, speaks with special warmth and tenderness ... Her childhood, adolescence, and youth passed away. She has something to remember, what to tell. About military and post-war childhood he says with reluctance: "... It was hard for everyone to live, what could there be to tell?" And about how in the 58th, after graduating from school, she went to study and work, first as an assistant baker, then as an educator in kindergarten, tells with a smile.

You can’t call my carefree life, oh, how hard it was to work, ”recalls Nadezhda Yakovlevna. - Being self-made me life. We had four parents, and when I turned 18, my father died. Therefore, she always hoped only for herself: when she studied at the Sverdlovsk school as a baker, and when Khabarovsk Pedagogical College finished. Country training helped. There was always a beast in the flock, and not one: cows, chickens, pigs. Since childhood, the household was able to manage. And I didn’t read the word to my parents, I respected and honored my elders, because the old people in their lifetime saw a lot of things in life, understood a lot. The bad will not advise. We, the village people, were always taught by our parents to obey, and I brought up children, and I tell my grandchildren about this as well.

Not a minute

In the house of Nadezhda Yakovlevna there is always order, cleanliness, comfort and some kind of special hospitable atmosphere. And dear to her heart guests are certainly waiting for homemade pastries on the table.

At whatever time of the day, whether in the afternoon, in the morning, whether you go to Nadezhda Yakovlevna, there are always hot cakes, cheesecakes, buns on the table, the rural librarian Tatyana Shershneva praises the fellow villager. - And how tasty they are, you can tell half the village! If you chop, so that in the middle of the village was enough, and if the seedlings are planted, and on your garden, and a dozen nearby enough. She is such a person - “golden hands”. And when her grandchildren come to her village for the whole summer, this is where the hospitable grandmother has no equal!

But besides the culinary abilities grandmother can and sew and knit. All grandchildren with her tireless hands at one time had all kinds of booties and socks tied. Blouses, soft pullovers - everything can. One of the granddaughters also went to the needlewoman's grandmother — she was named after her grandmother, Nadezhda.

But Nadezhda Yakovlevna is not only a magnificent hostess in a house. These skills were very useful in the profession when her, a young mother of three children, was invited to the village school to teach the works.

Teaching at school is a difficult and responsible business, says a woman. - Well, if the task before you is to teach a child to work: to sew, cut, cook - and this is a troublesome business. The labor teacher must be able to convince the children that work brings joy to a person. Therefore, he himself must be able to receive this joy from work. Only in this way and not otherwise.

Not once did Nadezhda Yakovlevna doubt her choice of life. In 1972, when she first crossed the threshold of the school, she devoted 22 years of her life to teaching. She also conducted office work and a needlework circle at school. She worked as a laboratory assistant and secretary. Since 1997, Nadezhda Yakovlevna retired.

Among daktutsev pensioner enjoys well-deserved authority and support. More than once she was elected by her fellow villagers as a deputy of the local Council of People's Deputies and a member of the Women's Council, she took an active part in all the activities of her school and village. Repeatedly awarded certificates of appreciation and letters of thanks. And yet the most important thing today in the life of an elderly woman is her children and grandchildren, about whom the caring grandmother is ready to talk all day long.

Together through life

In the family of Nadezhda and Peter Volkov there are three children, three grandchildren, three granddaughters, a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. Parents gave higher education to all children. They have long been "flown away" from their native nest. The elder Andrei and the younger Irina live in Khabarovsk today. Svetlana in Nakhodka. But every year they, along with their children, come to the parental home of their aged father and mother. And again, a large family of Volkovs is gathering around a huge table and having a cup of flavored rustic tea, eating grandmother’s cheesecakes and pies, recalling past events, making plans for the future. For many years they have been living in perfect harmony: honestly, modestly, without showing off. It all began back in 1963.

So spun, spun, - says Nadezhda Yakovlevna. - As Petya and I met at a wedding with friends in the spring, he was then the groom's boyfriend, and since then he has never parted again. Later, he often came to Ushumun to visit and care for me, and in November 1964 they had their wedding. Petya Daktuisky, so they moved to live in Daktui.

Hope with Peter you know what a beautiful couple was, match up to each other, - Tatyana Shershneva recalls. - Both are tall, handsome, beautiful, and even people are good: friendly, friendly.

For fifty years now, Pyotr Mikhailovich and Nadezhda Yakovlevna have been together. And the joys and sorrows - all in half. But for a long time the main burden of household chores lay on the shoulders of his wife. Thanks to her patience and love, Petr Mikhailovich was able to recover and quickly recover from a stroke. Endless care Nadezhda Yakovlevna and today supports the sick spouse, does not allow him to despair and mope. Neighbors call it perpetual motion.

And where to go, because now you have to work hard for two, Nadezhda Yakovlevna jokes about this.

But not a word about what is difficult, from a still strong, energetic woman, no one hears. Since the eightieth year, Nadezhda Yakovlevna and her husband have been living in a large, spacious house, and for more than seven years now a woman has independently maintained order in him and in the garden. She and on the mowing itself is controlled, and the estate of twenty acres, a flowering garden and a vegetable garden rich in all kinds of vegetables, in order contains. In moments of rest he reads newspapers, watches TV and is always up to date with all the events.

"I am happy"

And where does this tireless woman draw strength? How and when does it take time to rest? To this Nadezhda Yakovlevna, smiling, replies:

If I suddenly want to relax, to be alone, I sit down in a chair and start to knit. This calms the nerves, and gives time to think about her. I also like to sew. And sometimes I go to the forest, to the "green oxygen therapy", and alone with nature I rest.

Looking at this woman, one wonders that neither experiences, nor worries in recent years have made her heart callous, not forced to withdraw. Always open, friendly, friendly, “without a stone in his bosom,” she raised children in the same way. Giving them the love and tenderness without a trace, she receives from them in return the same share of attention and care. Children are very friendly, often visit their mother. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren love to drive to the grandmother in the village.

A bright woman, a real rural worker, whose soul is open to people, and her heart is responsive to the pain of others. Kindness and compassion — these are the main traits of Nadezhda Yakovlevna’s character, say the Daktuys in their fellow villager.

And the answer to the question: “Which day of your life do you consider the happiest?” Nadezhda Yakovlevna could not.

I'm just happy, - smiles Nadezhda Yakovlevna. - Every day throughout my life, even if it was not joyful, made it clear that I needed someone. Repeatedly, fellow villagers needed my help, and I was happy if I could help them. My students needed my knowledge and skills in due time, and I gladly taught them everything I could. I still need my husband, children, grandchildren. Is this not happiness? I don’t need more.

Maybe these words are the recipe for a long and happy life?

And not just any text, as many mistakenly think. From other genres, the article is distinguished:

    socially useful, relevant topic;

    deep analysis of phenomena and facts;

    high level of generalization;

    completeness, completeness of the text: after reading it, the reader should receive answers to all their questions.

Most often articles are informative and problem. The task of the first is to convey important information, tell about certain events or events. The purpose of the second is to sharpen a certain problem, to draw attention to it.

Both in the first and in the second case, the author, who “swings” at the article, requires a deep knowledge of the topic, the ability to analyze information, correctly interpret the facts and argue the conclusions.

As for the styles with which articles are written, there are two of them: narrative and descriptive. The first is when the author presents the facts in chronological order. The second is when he talks about the main thing first, and adds details as the topic is revealed.

How to start working on the text

With the idea. Think about what area you are strong in, what topic you care about. This is the first step in journalism.

The second step is finding the right media. Many authors make a mistake: they write texts “at random”, and not for a specific edition. But with the publication it is better to decide in advance. Examine its format, method of submission of publications, the style of the authors. In this case, you do not have to rewrite the article, change its structure, because you will know what criteria for the texts the editorial board puts forward.

The third step is to collect information. Even if you deeply know the topic that you are going to explore, be sure to check your knowledge, find the most new, useful information for their replenishment.

Sources of such information are documents and statistics, press and blogs, interviews, and even accidentally heard conversations. Of course, all obtained information (except, perhaps, official) need to be checked.

The fourth step is to create an article plan. This is an important stage, which even the masters of journalism do not neglect. It is required in order not to forget anything that should be conveyed to the reader. While working on the plan, remember that the article consists of the following fragments:

  Title and Introduction

A good headline should “kill two birds with one stone”: give an idea of ​​the topic and force to read the article.

The saying about the "sister of talent" is best suited to the title. It must be interesting, but short.

Not bad, if the title of the article is presented in the form of a question: in this case, the reader will be sure that he will receive an exhaustive answer to it.

The introduction that follows the heading usually consists of several sentences. In them, briefly, in essence, the author describes the problem that he intends to make out, and justifies its topicality and importance for readers.

Lead - a type of entry, the announcement of the article.

He might be:





Basically, the author reveals the dominant thought of the article, its main message.

In the episodic - one of the episodes of the topic is presented, motivating to read the text.

In the resonance, something intriguing and enticing is taken out in the first paragraph.

In the citation, the role of introduction is performed by an extract from the speech of one of the heroes of the article, for example, a reputable expert.

  Content and final paragraph

After the introduction, adhering to the plan's theses, the author describes the problem (event, fact), analyzes it and offers solutions.

In this segment of work, it is important to ensure that one judgment follows from another, and the facts and conclusions given do not contradict each other.

That the text did not look boring "blanket", it is structured. Every few phrases related sense, make a separate paragraph. And every aspect of the problem is in separate domes.

The chapters (sections) into which the text is divided are preferably entitled. The principle is the same: section headings should give an idea of ​​what the discussion will be about, and encourage reading.

Remember, to create an interesting story - does not mean to win the reader. The text should look presentable, comfortable for the eyes. That is why many editors insist on its clear construction: small paragraphs, the presence of sections and subtitles. Good way   to make the article more readable - these are lists in the form of bulleted lists.

The conclusion should be as compact and capacious as the introduction. It contains the conclusions drawn by the author; summary that concerns the foregoing.

  Writing an article in the newspaper: step by step

Have you studied the topic, collected enough information and are ready to start writing? Here is the instruction.

    Make a plan with a list of theses that will appear in the text.

    Write an introduction, briefly explaining what the value of your article is for the reader.

    According to the plan, clearly following the topic, present the main part of the article.

    Make up the final paragraph with the conclusion.

    Reread the text, correct mistakes, remove the excess of the words with the same root and ... Take a break.

    During the rest, try to abstract from the text, imagine that the article was written by a stranger. Are you interested to read it? Make it "new eyes", read the article out loud. Nothing is in doubt, is everything clear? Is there any jargon, tautology? ..

    Come up with a meaningful headline. Of course, he can “invent himself” earlier, but experience shows that most often the most successful option comes to mind after working on a text.

    Do not rush to send an article to the editor. Morning is wiser than evening: maybe tomorrow you will find a defect, unnoticed today. Or you will see a brilliant idea of ​​the title.

One complete thought - one sentence.

Do not overload the article with details: the details should help to see the essence and not distract from it.

Try not to use verbs at different times.

Do not get carried away by the terms.

Over time, you will not need any instructions or tips to write competitive, high-quality articles.


Essay - one of the most time-consuming journalistic materials. In the center of the portrait essay - personality, character. Starting to write the work, mark for yourself two vectors, two objects of the upcoming biography. The first is the social relationship of your hero with his surroundings, the second is his inner life.

The writing of the essay is preceded by the collection of materials about your hero. Conversations with him and interviews with those who know him well are the main sources of information. The main thing is to understand the person you are going to write about, to feel him, to learn about what he lives with, what he is proud of in this life and what he regards most of all. Select key points.

Without a reference to the main milestones of the biography in the essay can not do, but the main thing here is not to replace the interesting story with the presentation of personal data. The reader is interested in human nature in action. You should tell about the positive traits of your character (honesty, hard work, perseverance, and others) not by simple enumeration, but by facts. Show how he behaved in unusual situations, in the dramatic moments of his life.

Portrait feature article   or a verbal portrait does not have to consist only of the description of your hero’s appearance, his walk and gestures. The characteristics of his appearance can serve as an excellent mirror reflecting his inner world. As they say about the eyes that they are a mirror of the soul, so hands can tell a lot about a person.

But do not limit yourself to describing only your visual impression of the person being portrayed. Connect other channels of perception: hearing, touch, and even smell. What is the voice of someone you are going to write about? How is the character expressed through the character's voice? What is the feel of his handshake? Does he have any special smell?

You can go one more way - to describe some bright case from the life of your character and thereby illustrate how character manifests through the act, give a portrait in action, show your hero in life, and not just framed

Living soul of the spring.

Today in our Klenov - rural gathering. This is a big event for the whole district. Once a year, people gather to discuss vital issues, hear the report of the Head of Administration on work, just to meet with fellow countrymen and learn about their affairs. Here are the inhabitants of distant villages.
- Older people who once worked together, survived difficult times together. And now, having completed their work, they sit in their villages, stove the stove in the winter, and wait for their grandchildren in the summer. Rarely chosen and the central - the estate, where there really is a friend in a nearby village! And here we met - what a happiness, for a whole year there will be enough memories! This joy is reflected in their clear and kind eyes. They sit side by side in the hall, listen to the speeches of fellow countrymen, quietly talking to each other.

The work of the gathering is almost finished. Words are requested by the head of the district N.P. Moskalev: "For many years of work, the headman of the village of Dubovka Nekrasova Zinaida Pavlovna is awarded the Certificate of Honor." Just from this row, where the inhabitants of faraway villages sit, a woman comes out with a friendly, smiling face and rises to the stage. Nikolai Petrovich shakes her hand, hands over a letter, kisses her. He does not forget to remind that the village Dubovka following the results of the regional review-competition " The best village   2003 ”took the 1st place and was awarded the prize of 1 million rubles for the purpose of improvement.

I look after this woman while she goes to her place: “I know Dubovka, we went to mushrooms in those parts. Beautiful places, but what a village: cleanliness, the houses are all painted, the grass is green ”. And it became interesting to me to know what kind of people live there, in this Dubovka, why they love and indulge their village so much. And they will spend the prize, because there they are clean and beautiful.

In a word, I approached Zinaida Pavlovna, introduced myself and asked for permission to come to visit her, to ask her about the work of the elder, about her native village.

And here is a Sunday February day. Yesterday it was snowing, and now the whole earth is covered like a flat carpet, you can’t figure out where the ravine is, where the field is. The birches in the forest powerlessly dropped branches under the weight of a white canopy, and the oaks did their best, with heavy snow caps pulling low. The whole village seems to be wrapped up in cotton wool, and its elegant houses seem from afar. In this white silence you begin to understand why the inhabitants love their native Dubovka so much.

Zinaida Pavlovna’s house is full of people. Here her husband, son came to help with the housework on the weekend, his friend is with him, they come on business and neighbors. And we in this big company are not a hindrance - we are cordially invited to have dinner. The stove is heated, two cats have warmed near it. Good and calm. And the conversation begins by itself. A lot of people who survived tell me about childhood and the hard times of war, about difficult growing up and about the life of the village - and I listen, with bated breath.

Zinaida Pavlovna was born and raised in 1940 in the village of Davydovo. Before her birth, his father died of tuberculosis, and one mother was raised by six children, Lukyanova Vera Sergeevna. During the war years, Zina was quite small, but she remembers how the endless feeling of hunger tormented us and how frozen potatoes were harvested on the field to bake cakes for the family. Mother worked on the farm, all day she was not at home.

Neighbors looked, checked, whether we are live? But whether we ate today or not, we didn’t ask, because no one could help. I will go to the edge of the village, sit on the hillocks, sing a song — somebody will take a piece, _ Zinaida Pavlovna says with a smile, and there are tears in her eyes.

We went to study in Klenovo, I finished 7 classes there. When school director Zinaida Nikolaevna brought a representative to our home who was looking for musically gifted children to study in a special school, she clung to her mother’s hem: “I won’t go!”

She did not let me go anywhere, - Zinaida Pavlovna recalls with a smile. “And in the same way, my daughter did not want to leave when she finished school.” So here we are tied to the house.

So I did not become an artist, - she laughs, - and I sing all my life.

I got married in Dubovka in 1958, two of my children were born here, I've been living here for almost half a century now. She worked in forestry: planted Christmas trees, processed them - all by hand. She worked on a farm in Chirikovo, then in Lukoshkino. The children were with me, but once a three-year-old son nearly drowned in manure. I started to leave them at home - I completely stopped seeing. My husband asked me for a long time to go to another job, and I began to go to the factory to them. Kalinin. She worked there as a machine worker, was a foremost production ....

Among the numerous awards of Zinaida Pavlovna are the signs “Winner of the Socialist Competition of 1977”, “Drummer of Communist Labor”, the medal “Veteran of Labor” - all this is for work at the plant.

Retired to rest, too, was not necessary. We had to help the children. Two cows in the farm, three pigs, chickens, geese. And then there's the headman chosen. “I refused,” Zinaida Pavlovna shakes her head, “but the old women persuaded.”

I ask you to tell more about the work of the elder. And again the slow deliberate speech flows:

Well, what work? Who is sick - run: call the ambulance. A man died - again to me: call a hearse. This is hard work. A lot of things from the elder. Set up lighting, hang lights. Long sought to make the road. Now we have organized more garbage collection, collect it in containers. Constantly need to clean the wells, make sure that there are buckets and a chain in order. In winter, the road must be cleared, in the summer to mow the grass. Do you know how difficult it is to gather people on a Saturday? Here's a deal: tomorrow we go out to mow grass. We mow in the morning - I am two old men. The pond to clean - the same composition of workers. “Everything,” I say, “I'm leaving the elders!” They shout: “Don't leave, we will better help you!” And Gerassimovich, an old man alone, Ivan, said the same: “You will bury me — then leave”. And it’s true, I had to bury him myself, then my daughter came for her inheritance. The whole village wondered where the coffin came from, where the car came from.

Here I am surprised: “Is it true, where does all this come from?” The husband smiles, the son and his friends smile. And now they are already telling how Zinaida Pavlovna finds opportunities and what money she seeks to carry out priority tasks.

In the village of Dubovka there were 28 courtyards, now 53. Mainly Muscovites are built, people with funds. They want to live in a clean and comfortable village, so they willingly respond to the requests of local residents. The elder asks the money for the funeral of lonely old men, as well as the car and, if possible, people, to dig a grave. A lot of things helped to master the new inhabitants of the village. When the passports were changed, the headman gave the bus and took the old men to the city for a photo. They took out all the scrap metal that had been collected in the oak forest for years. Now on a beautiful meadow celebrated holidays.

And about the holidays comes the conversation. It turns out that not only old people can work, but they also haven't forgotten how to sing. For many years they celebrate the whole village and New Year, and Pancake Week with pancakes, and especially - the day of Peter and Paul. For each holiday, wealthy villagers give money, and by the summer A. Yashkin is going to put the church in his village at his own expense and consecrate it in honor of Peter and Paul.

It would seem that only this locality is beneficial to the locals. But no, the “new settlers” are also very pleased. And how respected and appreciated by the headman! But they will never get used to the fact that Zinaida Pavlovna after each event brings them a change and a written report on the money spent. Every time they wonder why? And each time she explains that she has never taken someone else’s. True, there is a refrigerator in her house, donated by a rich neighbor - and she only took it because he bought himself more expensive, and this one was going to be thrown away. The new inhabitants of the village expressed their attitude towards the headman in congratulations on the 60th anniversary. Calling her "an energetic leader, a caring owner of the Russian land," they wish her to continue to "instill in the city dwellers a feeling of respect for nature and the life of the village."

Zinaida Pavlovna tells about her life, where she will wipe away a tear, where she will laugh. And I listen, living with her her hard life, and I understand that she and her native land are one whole, that everything here is precious from childhood and the fate of people, the fate and future of the village cannot be indifferent to her.

Zinaida Pavlovna was awarded the medal in honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, with the Medal of Honor for Services to the Podolsky District, 3rd Degree. And in 2003, the head of the village of Dubovka was awarded the diploma “The winner of the review contest“ The best village of 2003 ”and a prize of 1 million rubles. Finally, the time has come to ask me your question: “And what will you spend this money on?” And the answer came immediately: “To the gasification of the village. For indigenous people, this is the only way to bring gas to their homes, and they deserve it.

I wonder what a great contribution this extraordinary woman has made to the life of her native village and how much she will do for her fellow countrymen. I ask her what kind of person, in her opinion, should be the elder. And again Zinaida Pavlovna thinks for a short time:

To work as a headman is to love people, to be able to listen, sympathize with them. We must strive to help them and spare no time for them.

And adds immediately:

Thankless job. Here I am going to go to the hospital, it is already necessary to go. Look, there is no bucket with a chain on the well. Everyone walks with his bucket and rope. I go to my neighbor, they say, let's fumble "cat" in the well. We got, hung a bucket. Ice must be chipped, you will not go to the well. One grandfather obkolol. He took money for vodka, 70 rubles. I gave my own. I can not account for public money for such an article. No, the elder will not work anymore, my pressure jumps, my eyes hurt, one does not see at all.

And who will be elected?

I do not know, let them elect who they want.

Our conversation is interrupted. Before the windows the car turns around. “Podlesnykh has arrived, the Sackovka elder,” says Zinaida Pavlovna.

Anatoly Nikolaevich asked her about the progress of gasification work and was about to leave, but then she began to ask him questions. And again I was surprised: her lyricism was replaced by such pressure and businesslikeness that I could not have imagined in this person. She asked about the cost of cleaning the reservoir, about the possible time of their holding, about the registration of the necessary documents. Having laid out all the information, Anatoly asked: “What kind of water are you going to clean?” And she told about her dream. The Ryvenka River flowed in Dubovka. And now a spring lives at its source, but it has been overgrown, the river bed has long been dragged out. But old-timers remember their Rovenka, dream of returning her home village. And I thought: “No, Zinaida Pavlovna will not leave her work, she will not be able to live without her already.” And when she told her about it, she laughed: “Probably, it will not be possible to sit idle and not interfere in anything. It happens that they will come to me to call the Ambulance, I will call by phone, but I don’t have enough patience to sit and wait - I am running on the road to meet the car. ”

And again the question, which has long been ready to ask:

Tell me, Zinaida Pavlovna, how do you have so much kindness and desire to help people?

How from? We saw little of our mother, sometimes for months was not at home, but she still raised her. Kind was, sympathetic, cordial. They secured a horse behind her, and everything plows, she plows her field. Punish: do it. It happens, we started to play, we bought - only we saw that she was going - to run home to do our work. She doesn’t scold, just look tired - and lower your eyes, you think: “Today I’m fucking my mother.” It is only through the threshold, they will come to her, they will say: “Break up the garden” - she will not refuse. With the same horse goes to the neighbors to plow. We all understood that we needed to help each other. My eleven-year-old sister was washing and wrapping three small children throughout the war. Namoet us for the night, wash our clothes, and we, naked, on the stove (there was no change of linen) - and try to get dirty! .. I was little, and I remember how the mother brings the coffin to the house of a girlfriend who died of childbirth, and they meet the coffin her six children. Everyone helped raise the kids. So they lived, and otherwise it was impossible to survive without kindness and mutual aid ...

I leave from Dubovka, feeling in myself huge spiritual strength and warmth of the heart. The concepts old as the world: kindness, honesty, selflessness - filled for me with primordial meaning. They rightly say that it is not worth a village without a righteous man. It is he who keeps the living water of the source and the living human soul. And such people are themselves like springs.

Occasionally, everything is gray and gloomy around. And bent over the spring window - in it and the blue sky is reflected, and the sun beam flashed. And you understand: you did not look at the sky for a long time, you did not breathe free air. A sip of that crystal water - and again the winged soul, and love lives in the heart. You take a deep breath and go back to the people, carry them your warmth and participation. So the good on the earth does not end, as the silent song of the spring is endless.

Here it happens the same way: a person works next to you - an ordinary, nothing special, not very prominent, not very noticeable; you see him every day, talk with him, discuss some production problems, joke, tell about your family affairs, about your children, about hunting and fishing, share your impressions about the television programs you saw, you go to smoke breaks together - well, in general , this is a person as a person and there’s nothing special in it ... But he leaves work, and you suddenly find yourself missing someone nearby, some kind of emptiness has formed, which is not so easy to fill to place a novice. And you begin to evaluate your former colleague in a completely different way, his human qualities in your definition grow in value, you rightly start to think of him as a very interesting person. And he is a person.
   Such was the man in our team, Vasily Gennadievich Korobeinikov. He worked at Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg for a relatively short time — only 16 years — he worked as a leading mechanical engineer of the energy-mechanical group of the management of rotational camps. No one ever had any conflicts or problems with him, he was always calm, did not beat his chest, did not brag, spoke sensibly, simply and clearly, did not try to convince him of the importance of his authority figure.

We knew that in the past, on the “big land”, Vasily Gennadievich was the chief designer at the plant “Promgazapparat”. It was there that he designed a mobile unit for warming networks and received an award at the VDNH exhibition in Soviet times for it. By the way, this installation with the elegant name “Stewardess” is still used to heat many facilities, including the runway at Yamburg. Recently, Vasily Gennadievich turned 60 years old, and we honored him to spend his well-deserved rest. And so that he remembers about us, about our team, we decided to give him a joint portrait of his verbal portrait.


By the nature of its activity, - introduces the first dash in the portrait head UEVP S.V. Seleznev, - V. G. Korobeynikov ensured a high degree of reliability of the operation of engineering communications and mechanical equipment installed at the facilities of the subdivisions. He put a lot of work into adjusting and reconstructing old projects, improving support systems. Taking the initiative in solving production problems, equipment modernization, Vasily Gennadievich was constantly engaged in the development of innovation activity. Each manager would like to have such a competent specialist and a responsive person in his team.

Vasily Gennadievich, perhaps, was one of the best specialists of the Company in ventilation networks, trading and elevator equipment. Great experience allowed him to quickly resolve many issues. He was always balanced, light on his feet, he was ready to help and advise at any time, adds colors deputy Head of the Department

Our colleague Vasily Gennadievich Korobeynikov was an active member of the trade union, a participant of sports competitions, intellectual game   "Brain Ring". In the distant past, he was directly related to trade union work, in Soviet times was the uncommitted chairman of the trade union committee. At one time, he even sent a letter directly to the General Secretary of the Communist Party, L. I. Brezhnev, and ... achieved the allocation of apartments for the employees of the plant, at which time he worked. He did not include himself on that list out of modesty, although he needed no less than all the rest in housing. Here he is, Vasily Gennadievich Korobeinikov, caring, reliable, unique. On behalf of our trade union committee, I would like to wish him one thing: that he construct for himself such longevity, which would be enough for the realization of all his ideas and ideas! - this is already Margarita Obukhova, Chairperson of the Center for Professional Education and Education

- Vasily Gennadievich, like all of us, techies, once studied the laws of thermodynamics, hydraulics, matro, but hardly any of us will remember them now, but he remembers and quotes Lagrange's rule, the Lopital rule, the Clapeyron equation. Erudite Korobeynikov in all spheres - stage, geography, sports ... Just ask him, for example, how did the match between Canada and the USSR go in 1972? And he will answer you with all the details, call the names of the players not only of the Soviet national team, but also of Canada, and at what minute the decisive goals were scored. Our hero has such a phenomenal memory. On the other hand, there is a paradox: it would seem that a person who knows everything about cars, never had his own car and did not drive. Amazing man! And by the way, the unsurpassed storyteller! - from the unexpected side highlights the portrait of a colleague mechanical engineer Ivan Demin.

Well, about how Vasily Gennadievich can tell, legends are walking. You know, many people adorn their stories for wit, but Vasily Gennadievich is useless because he remembers absolutely everything that has ever happened to him. Up to names, surnames, dates and even time. You listen - you will not hear enough, and we will laugh as much as in the Theater of Satire they will not amuse, - echoed the colleague leading economist OPTiZ Vadim Malinovsky.

- As a person working with staff, I can add that Vasily Gennadyevich, like no other, has a sense of novelty and innovation. Having a good theoretical background, he applies knowledge in practice, which ensures high efficiency and quality of the functions performed. He is so handsome with his many-sided inner world that, without exaggeration, he can be compared to a kind magician who makes the world   lighter - leaves its touch on the portrait leading Engineer AUP Valentina Kovtunova.

Vasily Gennadievich is an excellent family man - a loving husband, a caring father. He is happy to work in the country and sings Ukrainian soulful songs with everyone. He is a really interesting storyteller. We would love to read his memoirs about the northerners, about us, about his achievements, inventions and adventures, we want to write these memories while being retired, the new direction of activity suggests to the pensioner head of VET Tatyana Pavlova.

I do not remember a single case that Korobeynikov offended someone or upset someone himself. Vasily Gennadyevich, a friendly and easy-to-communicate person, did not really stand out in any way, but we always wanted to be with him, because he turned all rare informal meetings into a celebration of joy and kindness. With his optimism and humor, all troubles were perceived as changeable weather. Great man, real! - briefly summarizes 1st category engineer of the PAh Konstantin Bagin.

   ... Here we have such a collective portrait of Vasily Gennadievich Korobeinikov. It is not painted on canvas or painted, it is written on paper by our hearts. All the words from the heart. Thank you, Vasily Gennadievich, for your work and kind attitude to people!