Diseases for which disability is given. New disability law

What kind of heart diseases are they given a disability group? This question worries the inhabitants of Russia, since 30% of the population suffers from one or another type of cardiovascular pathology. Dysfunction of the circulatory system affects the physical capabilities of a person, including his ability to work.

Who is the disability given to?

Disability is a condition for pathologies that cause dysfunction of vital organs. The list of such heart diseases includes:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Violation leads to insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues, which provokes functional disorders of the heart and the death of its tissues. As a result of diseases, a person's physical inability to perform labor activities is formed. Smoking and coronary heart disease contribute to the progression of the disease.
  2. Stage 3 hypertension. It is accompanied by high blood pressure, crises that affect the blood supply to the brain and lead to paralysis.
  3. Severe heart disease and late stage blood supply disorders.

In addition, people who have undergone complex heart surgeries - bypass surgery, valve replacement, etc., are entitled to disability.

Disability groups

Disability is assigned on the basis of the following signs that determine the general state of health:

  • injuries and damage to the organs of the circulatory system, resulting in the inability to perform elementary household activities;
  • a person's loss of the ability to move independently;
  • congenital defects in the structure of the heart, which led to the inability to carry out labor activities;
  • identifying a person's need for rehabilitation and special care.

There are 3 groups of disabilities:

  • Group 1 - patients need constant care from other people;
  • Group 2 - people partially lose their physical abilities. Assigned for moderate heart disease. These patients are able to serve themselves while creating a favorable environment for them;
  • Group 3 - people are able to serve themselves, but have limitations to work in their specialty.

Groups with ischemic heart disease

People with ischemic disease have contraindications to work:

  • electromechanical installation associated with maintenance;
  • associated with an increased danger to the lives of other people (driver, train driver);
  • taking place in extreme conditions (miners, builders).

  • Disability groups in IHD are presented in the table

    The degree of disability in hypertension

    People with hypertension also have the right to receive disability when it comes to complicated forms of pathology. Receiving benefits is indicated for stage 3 hypertension, accompanied by frequent crises, impaired cerebral blood supply, and damage to internal systems and organs.

    With angina pectoris, as a rule, temporary disability is assigned:

    • for FC 1 (functional class) - up to 10 days;
    • for FC 2 - up to 3 weeks;
    • for FC 3 - up to 5 weeks.

    Groups with CHF (chronic heart failure)

    Depending on the severity, chronic insufficiency is classified into 4 functional classes.

    There are 2 degrees of CHF. At grade 1, the symptoms of the disease are mild and appear at the time a person performs physical activity. The main signs of the disease: an increase in the size of the liver, asthma attacks and a displacement of the left border of the heart.

    With CHF 1 degree, there are bright signs of circulatory disorders: weakness, heart palpitations, inability to stay in the supine position, expansion of the liver.

    Disability in chronic heart failure is related as follows:

    • CHF 1 degree FC 1,2,3 - disability is not established;
    • CHF 1 degree FC 4 - 3 group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 1 - 3 group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 2,3,4 - group 2.

    Disability after heart surgery

    Disability is given after cardiac surgery. The group is determined depending on the complexity of the intervention and how the patient himself underwent the operation.

    After bypass

    After the intervention, the patients are temporarily unable to work. A medical examination decides on assigning a disability group to a person. Group 1 is prescribed to people who have had severe CHF and need care. Group 2 is given to persons who have undergone rehabilitation after CABG with complications. Group 3 of disability is assigned to people with an uncomplicated rehabilitation period with 1-2 FC of heart failure, angina pectoris.

    After valve replacement

    Heart disease ultimately leads to heart failure. Replacing a valve cannot with a 100% probability solve all the problems a person has. The issue of assigning disability is considered in each individual case based on the results of diagnostic measures: stress test, pharmacological tests, ECHO - cardiography and others. According to the results of the examination, specialists determine the degree of "wear" of the heart. The presence of symptoms of CHF is a reason for transferring a person to light work or establishing a disability group for him.

    After ablation

    Earlier, after cardiac ablation, group 2 disability was prescribed for up to 1 year. Modern interventions have simplified RFA surgery and recovery from it.

    Currently, the decision to assign incapacity for work after RFA is made on the basis of the degree of impaired blood supply. With NK of 0.1 degree, disability is not issued. With NK of the 2nd degree, the 2nd group of disability is assigned, with NK of the 3rd degree - 1 group.

    Registration of disability

    Disability registration requires time and medical examination. To get a group, you need to visit a cardiologist and leave with him a statement of intent to get a disability. The doctor performs an examination, enters data into the patient's medical record and gives referrals to specialists of other profiles. A complete examination for an accurate diagnosis is performed in a stationary setting.

    After a complete diagnosis, you can collect a package of documents:

    • referral for passing the commission;
    • the passport;
    • copy of the labor book;
    • medical card;
    • an extract from the institution at the place of examination;
    • statement.


    In case of cardiovascular diseases, disability is issued for a temporary period. Patients need to be examined regularly once a year for groups 1, 2 and once every 6 months for group 3. For disabled children, a second commission is prescribed depending on the severity of the pathology.

    A person may be denied an extension of incapacity for work. This decision must be appealed to the ITU bureau within a month.

    Advice! There is an opportunity for independent examination that is not affiliated with ITU. If there is a discrepancy between the results of the ITU and the independent examination, they apply to the court to resolve the disputed issue.

    Disability benefits

    For cardiovascular diseases associated with dysfunction internal organs and the loss of a person's ability to work, appoint a disability. The disability group depends on the severity of the pathology and associated diseases. ITU gives a disability group after studying all the necessary documents. Regularly, a person needs to be screened to extend benefits and benefits.

    To whom and when they are given an indefinite disability group, as well as a lot of other information, you will find out by reading this article.

    A person who has received a disability and all social benefits attached to this status is obliged to undergo repeated medical examinations at a certain frequency.

    If he refuses to undergo a medical examination, he loses his disabled status and can no longer enjoy the social support that the state provides to citizens with disabilities.

    However, there are cases when disability is granted indefinitely. These rules apply to both adults and children with disabilities.

    When it is possible to get permanent disability

    The law provides for cases when an annual re-examination is not required. In particular, people who have reached a certain age can receive an indefinite disability (for men - 60 years, for women - 55 years).

    As well as disabled people, the term of the next medical commission, which was appointed after reaching this age. Military personnel who have received a disability as a result of hostilities or during service. Disabled people of the Second World War.

    In addition, in order to save disabled people with incurable diseases, from running around in medical institutions and the hassle that invariably accompanies re-examination, a group of diseases was defined in which disability is assigned indefinitely, without the need for re-examination.

    For this purpose, a list of ailments has been created in which the condition of a disabled person cannot improve, regardless of medical or rehabilitation measures.

    When disability is issued indefinitely

    1. Any malignant formations with relapses occurring after undergoing radical treatment. Metastases with an undefined root cause and in the absence of a treatment response. Tumors that do not respond to therapy with a marked change for the worse in the state of health, accompanied by signs of intoxication and tumor decay.
    2. Non-malignant neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord that cannot be surgically removed. In this case, the development of the tumor is accompanied by a violation of speech or motor functions, deterioration of vision and movement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
    3. Surgery to remove the larynx.
    4. Severe mental retardation, acquired, senile or congenital dementia.
    5. Central diseases nervous systemthat cannot be cured and are accompanied by disorders of the motor, visual, and speech apparatus.
    6. Hereditary genetic and developing neuromuscular ailments causing muscle atrophy, complete or partial loss of motor functions.
    7. Degenerative brain pathologies that do not respond to treatment.
    8. Irreversible pathologies of blood vessels and (or) the retina of the eye, as well as the optic nerve. Eye diseases leading to complete loss of vision in both eyes, for which treatment is ineffective. Irreversible diseases leading to a narrowing of the field of vision up to 10 degrees.
    9. Complete deafness, excluding the possibility of installing endoprostheses to restore hearing.
    10. Complete lack of sight and hearing.
    11. Ailments associated with high blood pressure, accompanied by severe lesions of the central nervous system (disorders of visual, speech, motor functions, paralysis). Incurable renal failure of 2 and 3 degrees. Diseases of the heart muscle accompanied by impaired blood supply and coronary insufficiency. Coronary heart disease.
    12. Cirrhosis of the liver, which is accompanied by a significant increase in the size of the liver and spleen, as well as increased blood pressure in the portal vein system of grade 3.
    13. Incurable fecal and urinary fistulas and surgically created holes in the intestines or urinary system.
    14. Immobility of the upper and lower large joints resulting from the fusion of bone endings, in the absence of the possibility of prosthetics. Loss of mobility of the upper or lower limbs as a result of scarring of the skin or tendons (contact).
    15. Complete loss of kidney function.
    16. Congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system with incurable disorders of the musculoskeletal functions excluding the possibility of correction or recovery.
    17. Injuries to the brain and spinal cord as a result of which motor, visual or speech functions are impaired.
    18. Severe defects, deformity or amputation of the upper and lower limbs.

    Video: Prove that it is not a camel: whether disability will become indefinite.

    After what period of time is given an indefinite disability group

    If a medical special commission recognized a person as disabled due to serious diseases that cannot be cured or corrected, while all rehabilitation and medical procedures were not effective, the disability can be recognized as lifelong.

    In the case of serious irreversible pathologies described above, lifelong disability is given no later than two years.

    Not later than four years, an indefinite disability can be obtained if it is revealed that all medical and rehabilitation procedures have not led to the elimination of the disease limiting the degree of a person's life or alleviating the patient's condition.

    No later than six years, they give permanent disability to people who have a recurrence of a malignant tumor or a change for the worse in general condition caused by a complication of the underlying disease.

    Most often, an indefinite disability of any group is also assigned when the patient has been in the same group for five years without improving or worsening.

    When you can lose your permanent disability

    Perpetual disability can be withdrawn if it is revealed that documents, certificates and test results were falsified, when uncertified corrections in diagnoses were identified. And also if the regulatory authorities reveal gross violations in the work of the commission that made the decision on recognizing a person as disabled.

    Video: The government approved the rules for establishing indefinite disability.

    A person suffering from a serious illness, in need of daily care, outside care and material support from our state, can apply for disability registration.

    State authorities, by special acts, approve the list of diseases, list the factors that make it possible, after a medical and social examination, to put a person with a certain disability group.

    The third group of disability - terminology and criteria for disability

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995, social protection of all categories of disabled people is carried out. This document highlights the term “disabled”. Who is a disabled person? This is a person with serious health problems associated with a disorder of the body's functions. This phenomenon is caused by diseases, defects or is the result of injuries that limit normal functioning. All this creates a need for social protection of a sick person. A citizen can acquire a disability at any age, more often this happens after severe illnesses and injuries. There is a relationship between the disorders of the basic functions of the human body and the resulting disability group.

    A disabled person of group 3, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1013n of December 23, 2009, (after passing the MSE - medical and social examination) includes persons with minor health disorders, due to which work activities are limited, normal life activities are reduced, there is a need for social protection and help.

    List of minor disorders of basic body functions:

    1. Speech and language functions.
    2. Circulatory functions.
    3. Statodynamic functions.
    4. Sensory functions.
    5. Mental functions.
    6. Physical deformities.

    A person is recognized as disabled by the decision of a medical and social examination. The main provisions are disclosed in the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ. Medical and social examination examines citizens, determines the degree of limitation of life. The group of disability is also established, the time when the citizen became disabled, the reasons for the disability are identified. At the same time, ITU determines the terms of disability, develops a rehabilitation program and takes measures for the social protection of a person. An individual, for the purpose of his examination, takes a referral from his attending physician for a medical examination. For a medical examination for obtaining a 3rd group of disability, you must prepare and take with you basic documents.

    Documents for passing the medical and social examination (ITU):

    1. Referral to ITU issued by a medical professional.
    2. Identity document (passport, birth certificate), original, plus a copy of the passport.
    3. A photocopy of the work book (it must be certified by the personnel department).
    4. Certificate of income from the main job (issued by an accountant).
    5. Outpatient card; (taken from a medical institution). It is recommended for the convenience of the study by experts to write out all the periods of your disability (the date of opening and closing the sick leave, in order).
    6. Extract from hospitals (make copies of them, certify with three signatures of doctors).
    7. Characteristics from the place of work (for minors from the place of study).
    8. Application for certification.
    9. Act of injury or occupational disease received at work (if any).
    10. Ambulance tickets (if you saved).

    A citizen undergoes a medical commission to receive a disability of group 3 at the place of residence, and the attending physician who issued the referral will tell you the location of the experts. If the patient does not have the opportunity to leave and undergo an examination, but at the same time there is a medical report on this fact, then expert experts can go home to conduct an examination at home.

    During the ITU process, specialists will assess the health of the whole organism, conduct clinical analyzes, get acquainted with the production characteristics of a candidate for disability, get acquainted with his psychological characteristics and the documents provided.

    The results of the ITU are formalized by an act on the basis of which a person is recognized or not recognized as a disabled person of the corresponding group. One copy of the act is sent to the Federal Bureau and to the pension authority. If you have been assigned a disability group, you must issue a certificate of disability and a rehabilitation program drawn up for you.

    If the experts' decision does not satisfy you, you can file a complaint with the ITU for a second examination. ITU's decision can also be reviewed in court and appealed.

    Confirmation of the 3rd group of disability

    Disabled people of the 3rd group are examined annually. For an annual examination (survey), you will need a certificate of your disability group and a rehabilitation program. Citizens of retirement age with a disability can be assigned the appropriate group for an indefinite period, and in such cases it is not required to undergo a re-examination.

    Pension size for disabled persons of the third group

    The social pension for disabled people of the 3rd group is 4,454.58 rubles. (from 01.04.2018) and is appointed regardless of the time of your work (length of service). The amount is paid monthly.

    To get your pension approved, contact the regional pension body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, submit a package of documents. Specialists will consider the possibility of applying for a disability retirement pension if you have grounds for calculating it. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, disabled people of all groups, former minors in concentration camps, people affected by radiation receive EDV, which is indexed annually.

    Additional social benefits for people with disabilities:

    To use the benefits, you must obtain a disabled person's certificate. A disabled person of 3 groups, if necessary, can receive social assistance at home, medicines will be purchased for him, free travel documents to the place of his treatment will be issued, a voucher for recovery will be provided. It is advisable to contact social services for more information about your benefits and opportunities for a normal life.

    So, to summarize: persons wishing to register a disability of the 3rd group must first get a referral for a medical and social examination from the attending specialist doctor. ITU will give you a certificate of disability, a rehabilitation program, then you need to issue a certificate of a disabled person for the right to use benefits.

    The list of diseases that allows you to get 3 group of disability

    In fact, there is no approved list of diseases for which you can get disability group 3. But there are established rules for assigning disability to a person. And there is a certain list of diseases for which re-examination is not required.

    "The list of diseases for which the disability group is established by the VTEK (ITU) without specifying the re-examination period" (approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on August 1, 1956) - this list of diseases is valid, despite the fact that it was approved 50 years ago, in the case of if you suffer from an ailment from this list, you are entitled to an indefinite disability group.

    Clearly stipulated criteria by which you must establish the degree of disability are in the "Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1997 No. 1/30" On the approval of classifications and time criteria used in the implementation of medical and social expertise "and in "Appendix to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1997 No. 1/30 - Classifications and time criteria used in the implementation of the ITU."

    I. Diseases of internal organs

    1. Stage III hypertension (with organic changes in the central nervous system, fundus, heart muscles, kidneys).
    2. Coronary insufficiency, pronounced in persons who have had myocardial infarction, with significant changes in the heart muscle and circulatory disorders of the III degree.
    3. Heart defects (narrowing of the left atrioventricular opening, aortic valve defects, combined defects) in the presence of persistent third-degree circulatory disorders.
    4. Chronic lung diseases, accompanied by persistent respiratory failure of the III degree and heart failure.
    5. Chronic nephritis in the presence of persistent pronounced renal failure (edema, isostenuria, increased blood pressure, changes in the fundus, increased residual blood nitrogen).
    6. Liver cirrhosis with impaired portal circulation (ascites).
    7. Diabetes mellitus is a severe form with acetonuria and a tendency to coma.
    8. Malignant neoplasms are incurable.
    9. Condition after total resection of the stomach.
    10. Condition after removal of the lung.

    * Establishment of a disability group without re-examination is allowed only when observing a disabled person for two years.

    II. Neuropsychiatric diseases

    1. Infectious diseases of the central nervous system with a chronic progressive course: various types of encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis with persistent severe disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (parkinsonism, paralysis, aphasia), with progressive dropsy of the brain.
    2. Progressive paralysis with marked symptoms of dementia in the absence of improvement despite treatment.
    3. Long-term persistent consequences of traumatic brain injury with pronounced movement disorders (hemiplegia or hemiparesis), with aphasia, progressive dropsy of the brain, with pronounced symptoms of dementia. The consequences of traumatic brain injury with the presence of an extensive bone defect or foreign body in the brain substance (without re-examination, only III group of disability is established).
    4. Long-term persistent consequences of traumatic injury or disease of the spinal cord or cauda equina with pronounced movement disorders (paralysis or paraparesis) and severe dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
    5. Severe consequences of cerebral circulation disorders in vascular diseases of the brain with hemiplegia or deep hemiparesis or psychosis with a progressive course and symptoms of dementia.
    6. Epilepsy in the presence of frequent (documented) seizures and severe dementia.
    7. Chronic progressive diseases of the central nervous system: myopathies, myotonia; trembling paralysis in the stage of pronounced disorders of motor functions.
    8. Long-term irreversible consequences of traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves: paralysis of the hand or upper limb, paralysis of the lower limb, severe paresis of the upper or lower limb with trophic disorders.
    9. Inoperable neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord.
    10. Oligophrenia in the degree of imbecility or idiocy.
    11. Bilateral deafness since childhood. (Note - deafness should be considered the lack of perception of loud conversational speech at the auricle - without re-examination, only III group of disability is established).
    12. Initial dementia after suffering schizophrenia.

    For diseases specified in paragraphs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12, the establishment of a disability group without re-examination is allowed after the observation of the VTEK (and the medical institution) for the disabled person for four years.

    III. Surgical diseases and anatomical defects and deformities

    1. Defects and deformities of the upper limb: shoulder stump, forearm stump, absence of a hand; false joint of the shoulder or both bones of the forearm; pronounced contracture or ankylosis of the elbow joint in a functionally disadvantageous position - at an angle of less than 60 degrees or more than 150 degrees, or when the forearm is fixed in the position of extreme pronation or extreme supination; dangling shoulder or elbow joint after resection; absence of all phalanges of four fingers of the hand, excluding the first; three fingers of the hand, including the first; ankylosis or pronounced contracture of the same fingers in a functionally disadvantageous position; absence of the first and second fingers or three fingers with the corresponding metacarpal bones; the absence of the first fingers of both hands (if all the indicated defects of the fingers of the hand are the result of wounds, mutilations received at the front, while performing military service duties or at work).
    2. Defects and deformities of the lower limb; the stump of the thigh or lower leg at different levels; foot stump after osteoplastic amputation (Pirogov type); a vicious stump at the level of the Chopard joint and bilateral stumps at the level of the Lisfranc joint; pronounced contracture or ankylosis of the ankle joint with a vicious position of the foot and significant dysfunction of walking and standing; false joint of the thigh or both bones of the lower leg; dangling knee or hip joint after resection; pronounced contracture or ankylosis of the hip joint; ankylosis of the knee joint in a functionally disadvantageous position at an angle of less than 180 degrees or when the limb is shortened by more than 7 cm after joint resection.
    3. Foreign bodies in the heart muscle or in the heart bag.
    4. Fistulas that cannot be eliminated despite treatment: fecal, urinary, causing untidiness.
    5. Defects of the jaw or hard palate, if the prosthetics does not provide chewing.
    6. Deformation of the chest due to the consequences of the surgical intervention - resection of five or more ribs in the presence of respiratory failure (without re-examination, only the third group of disability is established; in the case of determining the second or first group - on a general basis).

    Note: for more severe forms of lesion and for combined (multiple) lesions, the disability group (first, second) is also established without specifying the re-examination period.

    IV. Ear, throat and nose disease

    1. 1. Absence of the larynx after its operative removal.

    V. Lesions and diseases of the eyes

    1. Complete blindness in both eyes; decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better seeing eye to 0.03 with correction or concentric narrowing of the visual field of both eyes to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes;
      - complete blindness in one eye; decrease in visual acuity in one eye to 0.02 if it is impossible to correct or narrow the field of view to 5 degrees (due to a military or industrial injury);
      - if the disability group, established according to this list, without specifying the re-examination period, increases due to another disease that has joined, then the re-examination is appointed for a period specified by the Regulation on VTEK.

    Vi. Disability group is established indefinitely

    1. Persons with disabilities whose re-examination period begins after men reach 60 years old, women - 55 years old.
    2. For invalids of I and II groups, for whom the disability group has not changed or has been established for the last 15 years, a higher disability group.
    3. Men upon reaching 55 years of age and women - 50 years of age, continuously recognized for the last 5 years before reaching this age group I disabled.
    4. Disabled Patriotic War I and II groups and persons who received a disability of I or II groups during the defense of the USSR before World War II, regardless of the age and time of the onset of the disability.
    5. Persons with disabilities of the Patriotic War of the III group and persons who received a disability of the III group during the defense of the USSR before the Patriotic War, if they were assigned any disability group in the last 5 years in a row.
    6. Disabled servicemen who have become disabled as a result of injury, contusion or injury received during the defense of the USSR or during the performance of other duties of military service, or as a result of an illness associated with staying at the front, for whom the next re-examination begins after men reach 55 years of age, women - 50 years.

    Know your rights, don't be afraid to ask questions, and take care of your health!

    The main condition for registration is if there are contraindications to driving for a disabled person, registered and living with him / her, to whom the right to drive a car can be transferred. If there are none (or they are not registered or do not live with a disabled person), the disabled person is not registered.

    At the same time, there is an opinion among Russians that there is a list of diseases according to which one can obtain a certain disability status. However, not all diseases on this list qualify for disability. So, for example, a person with an oncological disease, after undergoing all courses of long-term rehabilitation therapy, can be sent for examination to obtain the status of a disabled person to a certain degree, and the commission will decide whether to extend the sick leave without establishing a disability group, or determine the status of a disabled person. 2nd group for a period of one year, after which, after re-examination, the disability is removed or extended again. It is believed that the duration of a continuous sick leave should not exceed 4 months, with interruptions - 6 months.

    The list of diseases in which the 3rd group of disability is established

    For residents of Russia, where cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place in the list of common diseases, the issue of obtaining disabled status is especially acute. In this article, we will talk about what diseases are the basis for getting III group of disability, as well as how and where to get it.

    According to the law “On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation”, As well as the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1024 dated December 17, 2020, a person can be recognized as disabled due to certain criteria and diseases that limit his opportunities in work or everyday life.

    General disability

    A general disease, as a cause of disability, is prescribed when a person becomes disabled after an injury that is not related to work (work). When a person has been assigned a benefit for the loss of a breadwinner, then he is prescribed the reason for the disability given to him - for a general illness.

    • when the disability is acquired during the work experience;
    • acquired after the end of work, educational activities in universities, secondary specialized institutions, special schools and courses that train personnel, postgraduate studies, residency, which was simultaneously the result of certain diseases (injuries) and does not depend on occupational diseases, injuries acquired in production places, illness (either injury, contusion, or injury) during military service.

    What diseases belong to the 3rd group of disability

    This or that disability group is awarded only after passing a special examination called "medical and social". Actions in the direction of a citizen for such an examination can be carried out by both a medical institution and pension structures, social protection bodies.

    Degree 1 disability limitation implies, among other things, the inability to perform work of the former qualification. But a person can work with reduced qualifications, and this does not give him any inconvenience. The third degree, in the worst case, implies a complete inability to work.

    How to get a disability group 2 or 3 for a general disease

    1. Disabled by old age. These include women who have turned 50 full years old, and men after 60 years.
    2. 2nd and 1st group of disabilities. If their degree in a citizen does not change or worsens over a 15-year period, they are officially eligible for an indefinite appointment.
    3. 1st, 2nd group of disability of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons who participated in the Great Patriotic War and received partial incapacity before the war.
    4. A soldier who received a status during service due to illness or injury.

    Having received such a status, citizens are automatically equated with veterans. The list of benefits that are relied on for this design correspond to the proposed concessions and payments for participants in the Second World War. The reasons that led to the receipt of disability status in this case are documented. A note, for example, is made in an act drawn up by a special commission, then added to the certificate of the corresponding sample. For reasons of general disease, any group can be assigned. And the resulting category determines the benefits and social pension required for a citizen.

    Disability degree

    1. 1, 2 degree (serious disability) - this is when a person has the opportunity to serve himself independently, while spending a lot of time, and to reduce the volume he cannot do without the help of technical means.
    2. 3 degree - a person practically cannot serve himself, he needs outside help.

    But the presence of one degree or another of the disease does not give a person the right to automatically obtain disability, only the commission, having considered all the documents that confirm the presence of pathology and deformity in the joint, will be able to assign the status of a disabled person or not. Thanks to the most modern diagnostic techniques, today it has become much easier and faster. It will be enough to provide the Commission with an X-ray, which confirms the presence of joint pathology and the results of arthroscopy. After examining the documents, which will also confirm the fact that the patient is unable to self-serve himself and he has disabilities, the commission makes a decision and assigns a second-degree or third-degree disability.

    What diseases give disability (list)

    To answer the question of how to get disability, list of diseases, giving the right to this, you should not look - it simply does not exist. For example, diabetes mellitus - patients with such a disorder of the endocrine system can apply for any of the 3 possible groups of disability, or never get it at all. That is, it all depends on the course of the disease and its consequences.

    The dysfunction of the body in this case is quite moderate - it varies in the range from 40 to 60%. The ability to move independently in group 3 disabled people, as a rule, is fully preserved, but for this they need more time than others. The same applies to other criteria of vital activity - for example, when assessing health by the level of availability of the ability to navigate in space, a disabled person of group 3 is defined as a person who is able to do this, but only in a more or less familiar environment.

    List of diseases due to disability

    A citizen is recognized as a disabled person after passing a special examination. The state of his body is assessed by a medical and social expert commission ( MSEC), which establishes his social, everyday, educational, professional and labor status. The procedure is carried out in absentia, in a hospital or at home.

    • Complete or partial deafness.
    • Oncological diseases accompanied by radiation or chemical therapy.
    • Liver damage with no improvement after treatment.
    • Endoprosthetics of joints.
    • Pulmonary insufficiency in the chronic stage (absence of one lung).
    • Absence of one lower limb and dysfunction of the other limb.
    • Blindness (ptosis in both eyes).
    • Paralysis of one limb.
    • Internal organ transplant.
    • Serious skull defects.
    • Mental health problems that last more than 10 years.

    List of diseases for disability in 2020

    1. Respiratory diseases, developmental pathologies:
    • asthma;
    • the presence of a transplanted lung;
    • sarcoidosis of the lungs;
    • tuberculosis.
    1. Diseases of the circulatory system:
    • hypertension;
    • angina pectoris;
    • coronary heart disease;
    • aneurysm;
    • the presence of implants in the organ;
    • heart rhythm disturbances;
    • atherosclerosis.
    1. Diseases of the digestive system:
    • defects of the jaw, facial bone;
    • ulcers, colitis, enteritis;
    • hepatitis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • chronic pancreatitis.
    1. Diseases of the genitourinary system:
    • pyelonephritis;
    • renal failure;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • lack of a kidney;
    • diseases of male and female genital organs.
    1. Diseases of the blood and other organs of an immunological nature:
    • anemia of various forms;
    • agranulocytosis;
    • the presence of a transplanted organ or tissue;
    • blood clotting disorders;
    • hemophilia;
    • immunodeficiencies;
    1. Connective tissue diseases:
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • systemic lupus erythematosus;
    • sclerosis.
    1. Diseases of the central nervous system:
    • migraine;
    • head trauma, concussion;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • cerebral palsy;
    • parkinson's disease;
    • nerve injuries, spinal cord.
    1. Mental disorders:
    • autism;
    • asperger's syndrome;
    • mental retardation;
    • neurological disorders;
    • schizophrenia.
    1. Diseases of the eye and its adnexa:
    • corrected visual acuity (checked, for example, with hyperopia);
    • narrowing of the visual fields;
    • scotomas in the central visual field.
    1. Ear diseases, speech disorders:
    • hearing loss;
    • deaf-blindness;
    • tracheostomy.
    1. Endocrine system diseases:
    • hypothyroidism;
    • diabetes mellitus with neurological disorders;
    • hyper- and hypoparateriosis;
    • adrenal gland disorders.
    1. Skin diseases:
    • skin infections;
    • pyoderma;
    • dermatitis;
    • eczema;
    • psoriasis.
    1. Diseases of the musculocutaneous tissue:
    • osteomyelitis;
    • short stature;
    • spinal injury;
    • pathology and damage to the limbs.
    1. Neoplasms and Oncology:
    • malignant tumors;
    • some period after the removal of the formations and radiation therapy;
    • leukemia, lymphoma;
    • leukemia;
    • other oncological diseases.
    • Diseases in which disability of group 1 is given - persons with the IV class of severity of diseases and disorders of the body's functions, which belong to the third degree of limitations of the above abilities (they cannot take care of themselves, move around the apartment). For example, categories with significant forms of neuropsychiatric diseases, visual impairments, neurologies, limb deformities are suitable (the full list is presented in Order No. 664n).
    • Diseases in which disability of the 2nd group is given - persons with mild impairments and defects of the body, who periodically require the help of strangers. These violations refer to the third degree of severity of diseases, the definition of which is regulated by regulatory documents and laws on the establishment of disability. The second group is working, but it requires additional conditions for the comfortable work of a disabled person. When hiring such persons on receipt, they are familiarized with the working conditions.
    • Diseases in which disability of 3 groups is given - people who are included in the category with a second degree of severity of defects. At the same time, injuries hinder the normal life of a person, create a restriction on choice and getting a job. As a rule, the establishment of this category is suitable for persons with diseases of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, internal organs, musculoskeletal system and other disorders, the list of which is presented in Order No. 664n.

    List of diseases for disability

    8. The criterion for determining the first group of disability is a health disorder of a person with a persistent, significantly pronounced disorder of body functions caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a restriction of one of the following categories of life activity or their combination and necessitating his social protection:

    Disability is a condition of a person with the impossibility of carrying out mental, physical or mental activity. The procedure for establishing disability in the Russian Federation is carried out by the relevant authorities, and at the same time carries a medical and legal significance. The establishment of disability gives the right to receive a number of benefits and pension payments, while a person who has received a certain degree of disability cannot work in part or in full. In modern society, the concept of "disabled" is considered to be a more correct term "person with disabilities."

    27 June 2018 15348

    The process of registering a disability cannot be called pleasant and easy. In our country, people have to confirm for a long time with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

    But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and documentarily seek the appropriation of disability in order to be entitled in the future to preferential medical services, an increased pension and additional social benefits. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of disability registration.

    Disability is usually called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of the ability to socialize and work capacity, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or trauma.

    The right to assign a disability is given by severe physical disabilities. But not all sick people are eligible for this status and receive the corresponding benefits.

    Formalization of disability is available only when the illness is a serious obstacle to work. This term includes legal and social concepts. The official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or termination of work, as well as the appointment of state social security in various forms.

    The Russian Ministry of Health has established certain criteria and classifications on which the recognition of a person as a disabled person is based. Some have serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to social benefits for disability, but do not take any action to prove it officially. And personal opinion alone is not enough.

    The main criterion is the presence of persistent pathology, which limits the normal life activity (work, independent movement) of people.

    A medical specialist can advise a person to issue a disability, who realistically assesses the patient's health and capabilities. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the disease and its consequences.

    The reason for the appointment of a medical examination will be:

    • Disability.
    • Restriction of some body functions (speech, movement).

    Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not the case if the patient has fully recovered and can continue to work. True, a lot here depends on the type of occupation. If it is associated with excessive physical activity, this fact will be taken into account in the conduct of medical and social expertise.

    The assignment of disability in cancer is a controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not such a serious ailment, since it does not interfere with the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a lifelong disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, leukemia.

    As for the amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here. In determining a person's right to receive benefits for disability benefits, factors such as:

    • Stump condition.
    • The reason for the loss of a limb.
    • Age.
    • Profession.
    • Which part of the limb has been amputated.

    Serious visual impairment, its complete loss necessarily entail the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of visual impairment.

    Mental disorders belong to a separate category of diseases, when diagnosed, a person receives a disability group:

    • Light forms mental disorders - the first group.
    • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
    • The patient is not able to assess himself adequately and lead a normal life - the first group is assigned.

    To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at the place of his registration. The patient can do this as directed by a doctor or at his own discretion.

    Required documents

    You will need to provide the following documents:

    • Passport and its copy.
    • Medical card from the clinic.
    • Completed application.
    • Referral for examination.
    • Sick leave, if any.
    • Extracts on medical examinations carried out.
    • Copy of work book or employment contract.
    • Certificates of injuries or chronic diseases, if any.

    The entire package of documents is handed over to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

    The examination of a bed patient is slightly different. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, therefore, relatives can agree with a doctor to conduct an examination in a stationary setting. There is an option to register a disability in absentia, having received a power of attorney for such actions from a disabled person.

    Procedure and procedure

    Three representatives from the bureau are usually involved in the medical and social examination. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the office. The examination itself includes:

    • Study of medical documents.
    • Examination of the patient.
    • Analysis of various (everyday, social, labor) conditions of a citizen's life.

    On the basis of the data received, the experts issue their verdict. To be awarded a disability, the following conditions must be met:

    • Restriction of life activity;
    • The need for rehabilitation;
    • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

    A person can get a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

    When conducting an examination, it is mandatory to keep a record. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as incapable of work without assigning him a disability. The conclusions of the commission are documented in the form of an act that is handed over to the patient.

    If a person is recognized as disabled, he should be assigned an individual rehabilitation program and issued appropriate certificates. These documents are required to apply to the pension fund and social security authorities.

    The result will be the registration of a disability pension and preferential payments.


    The disability registration process takes place in several stages. Collection of documents and passage of medical specialists takes approximately 7-10 days.

    An examination can be appointed no later than a month after the submission of documents. True, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign a disability must be made on the day of the examination. In case of a positive outcome, the necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

    Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

    It will take three to four months for a child to be assigned a disability. Also, a medical and social examination is carried out, to which the child's attending physician should refer.

    If we are talking about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a conclusion of a genetic examination. A corresponding entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the bureau:

    • Certificate certified by the doctor of the polyclinic.
    • Outpatient card from a medical institution for children.
    • Information about registration.
    • Identity documents of the guardian or parents.
    • Application completed according to the form.
    • Passport or child's birth certificate.

    When assigning a disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as a disabled person without severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for an eighteen-year period without the need for a second examination.

    Conditions for registration of disability

    The assignment of disability is carried out when certain conditions are met, depending on the group.

    First group:

    • Loss of working capacity.
    • Lack of self-service capability.
    • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

    Second group:

    • Persistent violations of vital body functions.
    • Lack of normal working capacity (inability to engage in labor activity for a long time).
    • The need to provide specific working conditions.

    Third group:

    • The creation of special working conditions is required.
    • It is forbidden to admit to the previous work activity due to the fact that harm can be caused to the people around.
    • Lack of opportunity to work at the previous place of work and engage in their professional activities.