What should weight 32 weeks. Possible complaints and problems. What is new in the development of the child

Any communication of parents with a child before and after birth, if father and mother are in a good mood or even if they are experiencing a little (but this is definitely not stress and not conflict), has a developing effect. The more often the communication takes place, the stronger the developing effect.

Developmental communication with the Baby before birth is initiated by:

  • mother - usually associated with the current mood, the desire to communicate with the baby and feel like a mother, as well as if the baby does not get in touch for a long time or has hiccups. In the last weeks before the birth of the mother, especially when there is no one around, they are happy to talk with their children out loud, telling what they are doing or are going to do, discuss programs, news, etc. At the same time, the pronoun “we” appears frequently in their speeches: “Let's go for a walk with you,” “Isn't it time for us to have lunch?”, “Dad will come soon, let's look out the window,” etc. The kid becomes their main interlocutor - and the best listener in the world (it makes sense to learn from him);
  • by the Kid himself, his active movements, movements and jolts, as well as somersaults - this feeling is difficult to convey in words (but you know what this is about). The active actions of the son or daughter do not remain without attention of the mother. The very first reaction is to put your hand on your stomach to the place that is closest to the epicenter of the Kid’s activity, the second reaction is to cheer, comfort, rebel the mischievous woman with the help of words. This is unbelievable, but, even without seeing their Baby, mothers are able to determine by their actions, their intensity and tension, whether they are associated with his good mood or discomfort;
  • dad - in the morning or when he comes home from work, as well as in the moments of evening rest or on a day off. Dads are big inventors! And they can do what moms do not succeed or do not come to their heads. For example, your husband may kiss a bulging back, cam, or heel, but you may not. He can put his ear and hear what the Baby hears inside you, as well as how he moves there, but you don’t. Dad can speak very tender words very close to the ears of the Kid, he can easily play with the help of improvised means (book, cigarette lighter, spoon, toy, etc.) a theatrical performance. Dad from the heart can grunt, bark and meow, and also (oh, horror!) Tell non-children's jokes. Dads know how to play hide-and-seek with the Kids and even ... tickle them. And if the little ones could respond to father's actions, then surely they would have squealed with delight. Dad can "spike" Baby and, tired, do something else or fall asleep. And you have to reassure the mischievous - and so all my life. But how nice it is to see that the father loves the child, and the child loves the father!

32 week of pregnancy: video "Future Dad"

At 32 weeks, pregnancy probably makes itself felt by some restriction of the mobility of the woman. It becomes harder and harder to perform usual household chores, and washing floors can become a difficult task. Why are there floors: even lace up your own shoes - and that is the problem.

But in this position there are some positive moments. First, a woman without a twinge of conscience can take the time for herself: read, go for a walk, watch an interesting film. And no one will blame her for this, because she cares primarily about the health of the future baby.

Secondly, no pregnancy has ever lasted forever, and there is not much time left before the birth. Within two months, the woman’s body will regain its former lightness, and the reward for temporary inconvenience will be the birth of a long-awaited child.

Growth and development of the fetus

At 32 weeks the length of the body of the fetus reaches 42 cm, and weight is about 1800 grams. By this time, the body weight of some stout animals reaches two kilograms. In the following weeks, these indicators will largely depend on the genetic predisposition of the baby. If the child’s mom and dad are tall and strong people, then the baby can reach a weight of 4.5 kg or even more by the time of birth, if the parents are thin and short, their heir can weigh, for example, 2.7 kg it will be his norm.

In the body of the fetus at week 32, new changes occur:

  • baby's head becomes more proportional to the size of his body;
  • the position of the baby in the uterus becomes more static, i.e. motionless. This is usually headache previa   (top down). Subsequently, the baby will not be able to change it until birth. However, some experts believe that at 32 weeks you can still help the expectant mother and baby, so they suggest using special methods to remedy the situation. It should be wary of referring only to the recommendations of girlfriends and other low-competent people, because only the doctor who monitors the pregnancy can assess the entire risk of any external influences;
  • wrinkles and wrinkles are smoothed on the face, the skin becomes smoother. The process of accumulation of subcutaneous fat noticeably affects the skin;
  • the heart of the fetus is almost formed. At this stage, it still has a hole between the left and right atrium, which closes immediately after the baby is born;
  • due to the activation of its own immune system, the body of the fetus begins to produce antibodies that will protect it from all sorts of infections in the first days and months after birth.

All organs of the baby are almost ready for autonomous work, therefore, in the case of preterm birth, the child is quite viable. Nevertheless, one should not rush the course of events: it is better to tune in to the fact that childbirth will take place in due time, because in this case the baby will be born healthier and stronger.

The body of a woman at a specified time is subject to the following changes:

  • the abdomen becomes even larger, and the uterus is located 12 cm above the navel. In some cases, the navel on the abdomen is slightly stretched and even becomes convex, but everything will return to normal immediately after birth;
  • a woman may feel quite strong tremors of the baby’s feet, especially in the upper abdomen, if the baby has taken a headache presentation;
  • swelling of the legs, as well as fingers, may appear or increase, so the expectant mother is advised to remove rings and other tight jewelery in advance. If signs of swelling occur within a short period of time, an urgent need to consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of gestosis - a serious metabolic disorder during pregnancy;
  • “Training” contractions of the uterus become more frequent and intense, so it is recommended to listen to your feelings, so as not to miss the possible appearance of signs of beginning labor;
  • the risk of the appearance of polyhydramics increases, which is associated with the presence of certain chronic diseases in a woman. In order to diagnose this condition in time, which is often not accompanied by noticeable symptoms, it is recommended to undergo scheduled examinations in time;
  • some women may have fear of the upcoming birth. To reduce the level of anxiety, you need to communicate more with positive-minded and balanced people, and also visit a good psychologist.

For a period of 32-34 weeks, a woman is usually prescribed a third scheduled ultrasound scan. In the process of carrying out this examination, the specialist draws attention to the presentation of the fetus, the condition of its organs.

Ultrasound examination this term   also called the third prenatal screening. Unlike previous screenings of the first and second trimesters, during the current study, the most attention is paid to ultrasound, and additional procedures (such as Doppler or cardiotocography) are performed when there are separate indications.

In addition to assessing the condition of the fetus, during an ultrasound scan at week 32, the doctor draws attention to the state of the placenta, including determining the degree of its maturity, as well as measuring the volume of amniotic fluid.

Along with an ultrasound scan, at 32 weeks a woman will need to pass a general urine test and undergo another examination by a doctor who will measure the volume of the abdomen, determine body weight, monitor the level of blood pressure and other indicators.

Relevant to future mom   The following recommendations will be made at 32 weeks gestation:

  • it is desirable to slightly reduce the total caloric intake by limiting the consumption of foods that contain “fast” carbohydrates. These types of food include sweets, cakes, buns, jams and so on .;
  • if a woman suffers from insomnia at a late gestation, you will have to help yourself with aids, and not drugs. Fresh air has the best effect on the quality of sleep, therefore airing a room before going to bed in any weather should be the rule that is strictly observed. Also, if necessary, you can buy a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • it is necessary to take all measures to protect against colds and other infections. Respiratory diseases in the third trimester of pregnancy are absolutely useless to the expectant mother, because it is very difficult to fight the disease if it is impossible to take antipyretics, and such a symptom as cough turns into a serious problem;
  • it is highly desirable to have home floor scales and a tonometer. The first device is necessary for regular weighing in the morning, the second - for monitoring blood pressure. It is in the third trimester that excess weight and high blood pressure can lead to a deterioration of the fetus and even cause preterm birth, therefore, it is better to prevent any negative changes than to deal with the consequences. You can find out what weight gain is allowed during each week of pregnancy from special tables, and the indications of normal blood pressure are familiar to, probably, every expectant mother;
  • it's time to start cooking in an apartment or house for your future baby. It is necessary to do general cleaning (of course, not the most expectant mother, but with the involvement of other family members). It is necessary to get rid of excess things, freeing up enough space for a new family member. You may have to rearrange the furniture or perform a light redecoration. All these actions should be carried out in such a way that a woman is not exposed to toxic substances and in no case does she lift weights.

Within 32 weeks and subsequently, it is necessary to be maximally collected and ready for a sudden development of events, because childbirth can happen not only at 40–41 weeks or even later, but much earlier: it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and the effects of various factors. .

All the necessary documents must be prepared and folded in one place, and the telephone of the nearest maternity hospital, or at least an ambulance, all family members should know by heart. In this case, the risk of unpleasant surprises will be minimized, and the process of preparing for childbirth will pass without haste and fuss.

32 obstetric week   pregnancy - fetus weight about 1.7 kg, size from crown to heels 40-42 cm. Every week the fetus gains weight up to 250 g. Sudden movements can cause dizziness and a feeling of faintness in the expectant mother. It's time to think about the possible presence at birth of any of the relatives.

What happens to the fetus

Now the main "occupation" for your child is the growth and weight gain. Some kids grow more intensively than others. This explains such significant differences in the parameters of newborns. Ask your relatives and friends. Someone was born baby weighing 4 kg, and someone - only 2.5. The difference in height is also quite large (45-55 cm, or even more).

In pregnancy, twin babies are always smaller in size than in singleton pregnancies with the same duration. Typically, the weight of twins in the 32nd week reaches 1.5 kg, and height - 38-39 cm.

The body of the fetus begins in its own way to prepare for the upcoming childbirth. Immunity is activated. The fact is that in the womb the fetus is literally sterile, it does not have any microorganisms. Passing through the birth canal of the mother, the child acquires its own microflora. Since far from all the bacteria around the newborn will be beneficial, the activity of immunity should be at its best.

The fetal endocrine system continues to improve, which is responsible for the production of various hormones. This is another crucial process for the life to come.

The skin of the fetus continues to gradually smooth, the fluff on it disappears. In general, your baby now looks like a real newborn, only a small one. The fruit is surrounded by about a liter of amniotic fluid, which is updated every three hours.

Does the baby control the movements of the heart of the mother? No, there is no awareness and coordination right now. All muscle contractions, tremors in the uterus wall, facial expressions, umbilical cord grasping are the result of the most complex brain activity.

How should the fetus be located?

Already at this time, many children are located quite correctly - in the head presentation. There is also pelvic presentation   (buttocks down). It happens that the fetus "settles" across the uterus or with any twist.

Doctors distinguish many types of presentation of the fetus. Some of them are a unique indication for cesarean section.

Now, before birth, there is still quite a lot of time. Do not be afraid of the wrong position of the fetus, it may change more than once. With a headache, a bandage is definitely needed - it will help the kid stay in correct position. In other cases, the bandage will have to be abandoned until the presentation of your fetus becomes the headache. If this does not happen before the birth, the doctor may recommend operative delivery ( cesarean section).

Who to give birth to?

Already, you need to think about the presence of relatives in childbirth. Of course, the first candidate in this case is the father of the child. But in difficult moments there may be a mother, sister or close friend. Is it good or bad?

For example, if you know for sure that the father of your baby does not tolerate the type of blood, then he definitely cannot go to the family chamber. Otherwise, doctors will have to help not only you, but also a dad who collapsed into a swoon. Such cases are not uncommon. However, now there are many courses for preparing for childbirth. They explain to women and men the subtleties of this process, methods of pain relief, breathing techniques. If you attend these classes with the father of the child, a serious attitude to this issue is evident.

Decide together. Perhaps close and dear person   it is worth to be near only in the first stage of labor, when you start regular contractions, but there is still no disclosure of the birth canal. This will help you feel the psychological comfort. A special massage will help ease the pain during labor. Discuss all these questions in advance with your loved ones..

Of course, the presence of relatives in childbirth must fit into the regime of a medical institution or be stipulated in a special contract.

What does the future mother feel - discharge, pain, complications

The third trimester is considered the most difficult time of pregnancy. Now you can experience a lot of discomfort.

Constipation, heartburn and shortness of breath are common occurrences characteristic of the third trimester. However, these undesirable manifestations of your pregnancy can be alleviated or even eliminated. How to do this - read the section "Recommendations".

Edema requires special attention. If they occur on the hands and feet in the evening, but quickly pass, you can not worry. Periodically lift your arms and legs, wear compression socks. Persistent edema is a sign of late toxicosis. A significant increase in weight (more than 0.5 kg per week) may be a sign of internal edema. This is a serious complication of pregnancy, which is important to inform the doctor. Read more about late toxicosis.

Light pains in the lower back, back, thighs, ribs and perineum suggest a gradual separation of the bones and internal organs. You just need to get used to this discomfort, everything will pass after giving birth.

Fetal movements can also be painful. A sharp push of your favorite legs under the ribs may even make you scream.

Normal vaginal discharge - scanty, bright, with a faint odor. For any abnormalities, check with your doctor.

Main threat. Bleeding, watery leaks - a signal of danger of premature birth. In this case, the help of doctors is needed urgently..

The feeling as if pulling the entire stomach (or just below) often occurs during training bouts. They should be rare, without strict periodicity.

Any severe pain   talking about some kind of violation in the body. Always talk about them to the doctor, and if the pain becomes unbearable, call the Ambulance.

Pain in the 31-32 week of pregnancy. Questions and answers:

Preterm labor

If for some reason your child is born on this term, he will get greater chances of survival. However, due to muscular immaturity, such a newborn will probably not be able to suckle on its own. Other development problems are possible. Modern medical equipment allows premature babies to provide optimal conditions for final development. And yet, at the 32nd week of pregnancy, childbirth is still undesirable.

Twins and triplets are almost always born prematurely. The load on the maternal organism is very high, and this often prevents the pregnancy from being fully communicated. Mommies with multiple pregnancy   you must be especially attentive to your health, general well-being and sensations.

Analyzes and surveys

If you have not undergone the next scheduled ultrasound, it can be assigned. It will be checked:

  • the location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • placenta attachment site;
  • physical parameters of the fetus (head circumference, chest and abdomen, limb length);
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

If you still do not know whether you are expecting a boy or a girl, this secret may well be revealed if the baby is in a good position.

Blood and urine tests (general, for protein and sugar) have long been your usual procedure.

Attention. Laboratory control is a very important part of the medical supervision of pregnant women. Do not refuse to conduct tests.!

Photos of tummies

  1. Sometimes, with good health, it may seem that a strict diet is not particularly needed. This is a misconception. Now your body is in a rather fragile balance, which is easily broken. So you will need a diet for a very long time: right up to the birth and for the entire period of breastfeeding.
  2. Meals should be frequent, in small portions. Do not expect a serious feeling of hunger, as it can cause overeating. Set a convenient meal time and keep it.
  3. In the evening, it is desirable to eat dairy products. They will protect you from night heartburn.
  4. If you have not had a bowel movement in a day, it is constipation. Be sure to include prunes and dried apricots in the diet, drink enough fluids.
  5. No sudden movements! If you are lying or sitting, get up very slowly, without “swinging” and jolts. Your haste can lead to dizziness, a feeling of blurred vision, and loss of balance.
  6. Shortness of breath occurs due to the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and due to the overstressing of the heart muscle. Now your heart pumps almost one and a half times more blood than before pregnancy. Daily physical activity without overwork and increased stress will help your heart and breathing.
  7. In case of convulsions, ruin the shin and pull the toes of the injured foot.
  8. Do Kegel exercises, especially if you notice urination when you cough, sneeze or laugh.
  9. Buy your first baby photo album or a special notebook to record your first achievements.
  10. Make several lists: what you need to take to the hospital, what to stock up on, what gifts for the baby to ask from relatives and so on.
  11. Gather positive impressions: go to the cinema for a good, bright film or watch it at home, attend exhibitions, museums (but not kunstkamera!), Concerts. There will be no time later.
  12. Sit as straight as possible - this will ease the discomfort during baby shocks.
  13. If you have shallow water, you are waiting for two children, the doctor noted the low-lying placenta, then sex is prohibited. During an orgasm in the blood of a woman, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which can cause uterine contractions. Another hormone with a similar effect is found in male seminal fluid. If you have the danger of premature birth, you will also have to refuse sex. In other cases, intimate life can remain at the same level. The main thing - avoid violent manifestations, choose a comfortable position.
  14. Some women even in maternity leave   continue to work. If necessary, do not let yourself be overwhelmed.
  15. Do not forget about yoga and swimming. It is not necessary to sign up for some special courses. You can just for your own pleasure and health once a week to visit the pool.

Take care of your health and peace of mind. Very soon you will need a lot of physical and moral strength.

Video guide: 32 weeks of pregnancy, what happens, fetus presentation, nutritional rules, close to childbirth

Future dad

Gained weight just does not add to your elegance, but do not get very upset about this - very soon everything will end, and you will be able to return to your old form.

In the meantime, relax more, plan and implement your plans.

Register for courses for pregnant women and attend them with your baby's dad.

Get all the necessary things for the baby, collect the bag in the hospital - now your position is precarious, you can get into the hospital at any time.

The fruit is already fully formed, it remains only to gain weight and prepare for independent life outside of mom ..

Your baby is as big as ...

1700 grams
400-450 mm
120-160 beats / min

Fetal development

The fetus already hears everything that happens, reacts to sounds by fading, startling or increasing movement. The beat of the mother's heart becomes native sounds, which will calm the baby for a long time even after giving birth.

This is what your baby looks like at week 27

The baby gains weight, it becomes cramped in the uterus, its movements are more constrained, and look more like a warm-up of numb limbs. In 90% of cases, the child takes a headache, this is how it will be easier for him to be born.

Starting from week 32, a pigment accumulates in the iris of the eyes, which will later determine the color of the child's eyes. Pupils dilated.

The immune system is laid, the fetus receives immunoglobulins through the placenta from the mother, and also produces them independently. After delivery, they will perform a protective function until the full activation of the immune system.

Amniotic fluid protects your baby from being squeezed, injured, they are already about a liter, and normally they should be transparent, because updated every hour.

Subcutaneous tissue neutralizes the bright pink color of the skin, it acquires a natural color, the original lubricant is gradually washed off and remains only in natural folds, fluff hair rolls down. Hair growth continues on the head, they have a certain color.

The endocrine glands are actively involved in the work, and perform a regulatory function, responsible for building the body, its maturation and metabolic processes in it.

The formation of furrows and convolutions of the cerebral cortex continues, the connections between the nervous and muscular systems are improved, the swallowing and sucking reflexes are improved.

Ultrasound at 32 weeks gestation

If a disciplined and compulsory pregnant woman and regularly attend a antenatal clinic, then most likely this week you will be sent to undergo the third screening ultrasound. The specialist performs all standard measurements of the fetus, evaluates its position and presentation. A study conducted during this period may help predict its weight and height at birth.

The main task of ultrasound at this time to exclude malformations and assess the state of the placenta - the degree of its maturity, blood flow in it. Any changes in the function of the placenta can lead to delayed development of the fetus, therefore, early diagnosis of placental insufficiency allows you to prescribe treatment and prevent the development of complications.

What happens in your body at week 32?

The large uterus continues to squeeze the intestines, causing constipation and heartburn. In addition, she raises the diaphragm, making it difficult for the woman to breathe, and squeezes the bladder, leading to increased urination.

Anxious dreams prevent a pregnant woman from getting enough sleep - more and more often a childbirth occurs.

The abdomen continues to grow, the navel smoothes or bulges.

The pelvic joints continue to expand under the action of relaxin, preparing for childbirth.

There are discomfort in the ribs - they are also moved apart by a growing uterus.

Before birth, the weight of the mother should increase by no more than 400 g per week, a larger set may indicate edema, both obvious and hidden. Now you weigh 11 kilograms more than at the beginning of the journey.

Your feelings on week 32

Periodically, the uterus comes to tone, which is training fights. These contractions should not be repeated more than 10 times a day. They are painless, not accompanied by secretions, lasting no more than 2 minutes.

A big belly gives the expectant mother a lot of trouble - constant fatigue, back pain, inability to do the usual work.

To tolerate quite a bit, soon you will be able to take the child in your arms, inhale its unique smell - and all the unpleasant feelings will be a thing of the past. Future mothers know this internally and are ready to endure any inconvenience, moving to the cherished dream.

Discharge from the genital tract

Any unusual discharge should alert the pregnant woman. Normal are light, not heavy discharge with a slight sour smell.

The appearance of bloody or purulent discharge is the reason for the immediate appeal for help. Blood indicates the beginning generic activity   or premature placental abruption.

Abundant purulent or yellow discharge may cause infection of the amniotic fluid and the baby. Therefore, require a full-fledged antibiotic therapy. If after the local treatment, the discharge reappears, it is necessary to sow the discharge on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics. According to his results, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs inside.

Fetus anatomy

  • head: the face and brain region of the skull must be formed correctly
  • brain: hemispheres, cerebellum, cisterns, visual cusps, cavity of the transparent septum must be formed correctly
  • width of the lateral ventricles of the brain - no more than 10 mm (if more - a sign of hydrocephalus)
  • face: eye sockets, nasolabial triangle to be evaluated for anatomical defects
  • spine is examined for hernia and spina bifida - spina bifida
  • lungs: size, degree of maturity (in this period should be "1"), the presence of cystic formations, free fluid in the pleural cavity
  • heart: is there exactly 4 chambers there, is there any fluid in the pericardial cavity, are the partitions between the ventricles and atria intact, are the aorta and the pulmonary artery correctly
  • organs of the digestive tract: the location, the size of the stomach and intestines
  • urinary system: shape, size, anatomy, structure of the kidneys and bladder.

Indicators of provisional organs on ultrasound 32 weeks of pregnancy


  1. Localization: can be located anywhere. Normally, its lower edge is 7 cm or more from the internal pharynx.
  2. The degree of maturity of the placenta, normal for this period - "1" (second degree - only from week 34).
  3. Body thickness: 25.3-41.56 (average - 32.2) mm.

Amniotic fluid

Amniotic index: may be 77-269 mm. The normal is considered to be the index: 144-269 mm.

Umbilical cord

It must consist of one vein and two arteries. It is possible to establish precisely whether it is wrapped around the neck of the fetus only from a 3D / 4D study.

If there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord, or there is only one artery, a Doppler study is needed to determine if the child suffers from a lack of oxygen. Normal doppler values ​​will be listed below.


Its length is normal - not less than 30 mm. Both throat - internal and external - should be closed.

Uterine myometrium

The scar condition from the previous cesarean section is evaluated. It is also analyzed whether there is hypertonicity of the uterus.

Appendages of the uterus

Inspect for the presence of cysts in them.

Doppler metric normal

  1. systolodiastolic ratio (LMS) of the umbilical arteries: 2.48-2.52
  2. average speed in this vessel: 32-39 cm / s
  3. resistive index (IR) of umbilical cord arterial vessels: 0.52-0.75
  4. pulse index (CI) of the umbilical arteries: 0.64-0.89
  5. PI arteries of the uterus: 0.4-0.65
  6. LMS of the internal carotid artery (ICA): 4-6.5
  7. IR VSA: 0.79-0.81
  8. In the aorta, LMS: 3.9-8
  9. IR of the aorta of the fetus is on average equal to 0.83. Deviations from this figure to 0.72 in one direction or the other are considered normal.

Thus, an ultrasound scan at 32 weeks of pregnancy is designed to assess the correctness of the development of the fetus, its presentation, the condition of provisional organs (umbilical cord, placenta), the uterus and its appendages. This is necessary in order to choose the tactics of conducting the next few weeks of pregnancy (hospitalization may be necessary) and the tactics of childbirth. Often, this study is carried out in conjunction with Doppler blood flow assessment in the vessels of the uterus, fetus and placenta, in time to take measures to eliminate hypoxia of the developing baby.

On the video you can not only see the process of ultrasound, but also hear the comments of a specialist.

By the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby can take up a stable position in the womb, gradually preparing for its birth. During this period, the movements are not as active as before. This is due to the fact that there is less and less space in my mother's stomach.

Gestational age

With the approach of the long-awaited birth, each woman begins to count the days before their onset. However, not all mothers fully understand the exact term they are in. 32 weeks of the traditional lunar cycle can be equated to 7 months - this will be correct. However, in medicine, this approach to counting is not used. The obstetric month includes 28 days. Consequently, 32 weeks of pregnancy means that mother is at 8 months. It is this period that will be indicated in the card for ultrasound and in the records of doctors. Do not confuse obstetric and common lunar month. Doctors always put the duration of pregnancy and the approximate date of delivery on your calendar. Therefore, until the baby is born, exactly 2 obstetric months remain.

Child's weight on week 32

By this date, the fetus can already reach up to 2000 g, but this is not a good sign in all cases. According to experts, the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy, the norm of which should be within 1800 g, depends on various factors. If during the last trimester, the mother strongly ill and resorted to taking antibiotics, it is worth waiting for minor deviations. In this case, the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks (the norm) will be 1600-1700 g. Such a deviation is not critical for the child, since there is still a lot of time ahead to gain optimal body weight. However, mother should take care of nutrition and vitamin supplements. It is worth noting: if a woman has a large figure and curvy shapes, then the weight of the fetus (32 weeks), the norm of which can vary from 1800 to 2100 g, will be appropriate. If the mother is in itself thin and small, then her child may be a little less than usual. It's all in the order of things. The weight of the fetus is directly dependent on the physiology of the mother.

Also in this aspect, the hormonal background of the woman plays an important role. If its level is deviated from the norm, then the body weight of the embryo will differ from the recommended weight in 1800. The development and growth of the infant is affected by the mother’s lifestyle: her bad habits, hygiene, nutrition, and regimen. In addition, experts note some deviations from the norm in the case when early age   pregnancy occurs (32 weeks): the fetus is more likely to not weigh more than 1400 g, the length of the spine may be less than 35 cm, and the limbs are not very mobile. This applies to cases where conception occurs in girls under 15 years of age.

Fetal development at 32 weeks

At this time, the growth of the baby can reach up to 43 cm, and its weight can be within 1700-1900 g. At 32 weeks, the child is already turned upside down, and his legs are resting on the ribs of the mother. Starting from the 8th obstetric month, the movements of the fetus can bring considerable discomfort to the expectant mother. In this period, the baby is already fully formed. Now he even has his wakefulness and sleep regime. It is worth noting: the closer to childbirth, the longer child   is at rest. According to statistics, he sleeps up to 90% of the time. From the point of view of physiology, by 32 weeks of pregnancy the baby is already proportional. His legs and arms became plump, his wrinkles smoothed out, his skin gained elasticity. It so happened that by this time there is very little space in the mother’s stomach, so the child is forced to remain in the fetal position. For this reason, the newborns often have curves, rounded legs, but in the near future they will straighten themselves. At 32 weeks, the fetus has almost completed its development. The only organ that continues to mature is the lungs. The cerebral cortex is already covered in brains, activity cycles are formed, as well as nerve reflexes. In the case of premature birth, the child will be able to respond emotionally to the environment. At this point, the organs of vision allow it to see relatively well, and the pupils dilate and contract depending on the brightness of the light.

Pregnant weight at 32 weeks

Throughout the period a woman is rapidly gaining pounds. This fact should not be upset, but it is important to distinguish between normal and excessive weight, excessive weight. By the end of pregnancy, the increase in total body weight should not exceed 16-17 kg. As for the 32-33 weeks, the weight of the fetus is already quite large. Therefore, the mother will still recover. So, by this time the optimum increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman is 12 kg. Naturally, it all depends on the original build of the woman. In general, a normal increase in 32 weeks will be from 10 to 15 kg of weight. If there are deviations in this indicator, then you should take care of changing the diet. First of all, it is the food of the mother that has a direct influence on her body shape and fetal development, therefore it is not recommended to overeat. It is better to eat food in small portions, but more often. Also in the diet should include more protein (poultry or rabbit). Nutritionists often prescribe an increase in daily doses of fish and dairy products to expectant mothers.

Belly on week 32

Many women complain of severe irritation and dry skin in the ribs. This is due to the fact that the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy is already essential for the mother's body. Under its weight, the skin may even crack. Stretch marks are most often observed. All this leads to severe discomfort in the abdomen. Stretch marks and cracks are first formed under the navel and on the thighs, and then appear at the ribs and on the back. The more the baby grows, the more the skin will irritate, but you do not need to dwell on it. To help pregnant women will serve a variety of moisturizing and tightening gels and creams.

Feelings at week 32

Discomfort at this time is not limited only to the skin. When pregnancy is 32 weeks, fetal weight plays an important role in the placement of the internal organs of the expectant mother. The heavier the baby, the more pressure on the kidneys and bladder. It often happens that the internal organs of a woman undergo a temporary deformation, and also shift to the side. If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks is above normal, then mommy begins to experience pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, hence shortness of breath and a high need for constant fresh air. Also at this time, the uterus begins to put pressure on the stomach and intestines, so constipation and bouts of heartburn are quite likely. One of the most delicate and common problems in pregnant women in the last trimester is hemorrhoids, which can worsen until delivery.

Norm ultrasound in 32 weeks

By the end of the 8th obstetric month, expectant mothers should have a planned ultrasound examination. On ultrasound, the first step is to assess the overall development of the child, as well as the condition of the placenta. This is the last but one routine examination before the baby is born. During it, the weight of the fetus is assessed (32 weeks - the norm is within 1.8 kg), height (40-43 cm), dimensions of the limbs and internal organs. All pathologies are detected on earlier ultrasounds, and now the general condition of the child and his position inside the womb are examined. By this time, the baby must be in the uterus upside down so that later the childbirth can pass without incident and operations. If the child is rotated incorrectly, the gynecologist recommends the mother to perform special exercises daily. This will help bring the baby to the headache if the average weight of the fetus is observed at 32 weeks. The norm in this situation is up to 1.8 kg. If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks is 1600 grams and less, then there is no need for special exercises, since the child is small and will be able to roll over more than once before giving birth. The situation is worse if the baby has gained too much by this time. If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks more than 2 kg, and the child is upside down, then you need to resort to using special medications that are prescribed only by the attending physician. Otherwise, the woman during childbirth will need such a procedure as a cesarean section. To draw final conclusions on ultrasound at this time is not worth it, because there are still a whole 2 months ahead.

Week 32: early delivery

By this time of pregnancy, the child’s survival ability is extremely high. Therefore, you should not be afraid if the fights suddenly began at week 32. As practice shows, most injuries at birth on early terms   the baby gets due to an oversight of doctors, so it is very important to find good obstetricians. If the weight of a fetus reaches its norm in 32 weeks, then you should not worry about the consequences. At this age, the child is able to survive with a weight of 1.5 kg. If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks is significantly higher than the norm, then you need to prepare for difficult childbirth, which may result in an operation. In any case, it all depends on the qualifications of the medical staff.

What to fear

The main thing that future mothers should worry about is not to get sick. At this time, even a minor infection or virus can lead to miscarriage. Fortunately, all the organs of the infant are already formed, so the disease has practically no effect on their development. The most dangerous diseases that can lead to undesirable outcomes are placental insufficiency, late toxicosis and lack of water.

1. At 32 weeks of pregnancy can not spend a long time lying on your back or one side. It is not recommended to eat spicy and fried foods. In case of illness, it is necessary to undergo a course of herbal remedies.4. At night, the baby in the stomach can be stroked and sing lullabies to it, so that he would get ready for bed and begin to get used to the correct mode.

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The period of 32 weeks is a new frontier, which you and your baby have reached. Behind the seventh month. There is a belief that children who were born at 7 months adapt more easily than those born at 8 months. It is not true! Each week spent in utero is important for a child and increases his chances of being born completely healthy.


32nd week, women in the position brings increasing fatigue. You want to rest more often, you practice daytime sleep. Your feelings are connected with the weight gained, you may have already added 10 kg or more.

From this week, the child's physical activity gradually diminishes, the movements become rare, but more and more sensitive. You may even think that you have twins in your stomach, because you feel the jolts in several places at once. The child is getting closer, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases with each week, so the movement of the fetus is so clearly felt. And of course, the baby has become bigger and stronger.

Your condition

Every week it gets harder for you. Stomach props diaphragm, you feel discomfort and a variety of pain. Many pregnant women have a backache. Periodically, when a child is jolted, you feel a sharp pain in the bladder, perineum, painful jolts in the area of ​​the ribs. Your baby can prevent you from falling asleep in the evenings, and now you are only sitting straight - this is more convenient for your baby. There are problems with sleep. Even if you can fall asleep in the evening, the child doesn’t wake you up at night, and even to the toilet "in a small way", now you want more and more often. Constipation may be disturbing, but they will become a real problem in the last weeks, just before the birth.

It is important now to control your weight, as the risk of late gestosis increases. One of the main symptoms of preeclampsia are edema. You can notice their appearance on your own: shoes become cramped, rings press, fingers swell up and, you feel it clenching the hand into a fist. You should complain to your gynecologist if you add more than 500 grams in a week or notice swelling.

The delicate problem of the last months of pregnancy is hemorrhoids. It happens not at all, but if it happened, it causes a lot of trouble. It is extremely difficult to treat it during pregnancy, since most effective means   hemorrhoids are contraindicated. Easier to prevent than to cure. Take a good habit - thorough care of the perineum; do not use toilet paper after stool, but rinse with cool water.

In the process of nutrition, it is also worth taking measures to avoid constipation. In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of cool, fresh kefir, then, at breakfast, give preference to cereals. In the diet should be a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables are obligatory, it is a source of fiber, which contributes to a normal stool. Even if you really want - do not lean on the sweet.

Sex at 32 weeks gestation, swimming pool, gymnastics for pregnant women, walks in the fresh air - all of these are among your constant needs. Do not deny yourself these pleasures, remember, you are not sick, you will soon become a mother.

your child

The weight of the child reached 1800 grams. If the baby decides to be born on this period, he will survive, although he will have some difficulties with independent breathing at first. Most likely, the fetus has already turned its head down, and its legs have rested against your ribs. When he stretches and activates, it causes some discomfort.

Fortunately, now he has already formed his own mode: when the baby is asleep, he almost does not bother you, and the rest of the time, he either stays awake or reacts to your movements. The child is already quite proportional, his arms and legs are more plump, the skin is smooth and wrinkles disappear. The narrowness of the uterus forces him to remain in the fetal position, as a rule, the baby's limbs are crossed and brought to the body. So its form approaches the ovoid, which is the uterine cavity.

When a child is born, you may be surprised that his legs are completely crooked. Often there is also a deformity of the feet, but it quickly passes, the legs straighten up by the age of one month. The kid has almost completed its development, only the lungs ripen. The brain of the child is fully formed: the crust is covered with convolutions, activity cycles, all nervous reactions and most reflexes are fixed.

A premature baby at 32 weeks gestation is quite capable of emotionally screaming. The child has learned to see well, now his organ of vision, with each passing day, is becoming more and more perfect, the pupils react to light. The level of his neuropsychic development, by this time, is quite high. He clearly reacts to the voice of the mother, this indicates that the baby not only has dreams, but also remembers everything that he hears in utero. We know about this, because children are sometimes born on this term. Births at 32 weeks of pregnancy are no longer so dangerous, even those newborns who were born in not the most favorable conditions survive.

The only significant problem of premature babies is the need for warmth and oxygen therapy. Their lungs, at this time, have not fully matured and will be able to help them by introducing an artificial surfactant, right after birth, right into the trachea. This substance is necessary for the expansion of the lungs after childbirth, and normally produced by the baby, in sufficient quantities, to 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Your tummy

The belly rose 32-34 cm above the womb. It gives you a lot of inconvenience, especially at night, when the little inhabitant scolds him.

Now you are not comfortable lying on your back - dizziness or nausea appears. What happens when this happens? The uterus with all its weight squeezes the inferior vena cava, through which blood from the lower part of the body flows to the heart. It is very harmful, because blood circulation in the mother’s legs and in the placenta suffers; the general blood flow is disturbed. The optimal posture is the position on the left side. The inferior vena cava passes not in the center of the body, but is displaced just to the right of the spine, therefore, in the pose on the left side, it does not feel the pressure of the uterus at all. In this position, putting a pillow under the knee of the upper leg, it is worth sleeping. You will like this pose, so it will be comfortable for you and the fetus.

Some women, especially large and tall, still have a small belly. This is due to the structure of the pelvis, so to say, the uterus has enough space in the abdominal cavity, so as not to stretch the front abdominal wall. But in some cases, if the abdomen is small and the uterus does not meet the time limit, this may be a sign of low water or fetal malnutrition.

Analyzes and surveys

So it's time for your third scheduled ultrasound. The weight of the child and its dimensions do not allow to see it entirely, and most likely, you can not even understand what the monitor shows. Only with a 3D ultrasound, baby parts are perfectly distinguishable for parents and for a specialist.

Ultrasound in 32 weeks gestation is supposed to go through to all pregnant women, and it is of great importance for predicting the outcome of your position. Already, they can tell you how the delivery will take place approximately. Almost all children by this date take the final position in the uterus, the placenta no longer migrates. If the placenta previa is detected on this ultrasound, it is likely to remain until delivery, and a cesarean section will be recommended.

The estimated weight of the fetus is 1800 grams and height is 42 cm, although the weight may be 200 grams more or less.

The measurement parameters of the fetus during ultrasound are called fetometry (fetometry - from the word fetus the fetus). What troubles can be detected with ultrasound?

The placenta should be in the bottom or on the wall of the uterus, not less than 5 cm above the internal os. If its edge is lower, it is called a low placentation, if the edge partially overlaps the internal pharynx - this is a partial placenta previa, when the pharynx overlaps, the full pathology is called full placenta previa. Depending on the severity of presentation, the decision is made on the possibility of independent delivery or cesarean section. In addition to the localization of the placenta, its functional state is assessed. Depending on the presence of calcifications, the thickness of the placenta and the state of blood flow in it there are 3 degrees of maturity of the placenta. The thickness of the placenta is one of the most important indicators, usually exceeding 2 cm. If the degree of maturity of the placenta does not correspond to the gestational age, the question arises about the presence of fetoplacental insufficiency.

On this ultrasound, often revealed fetal umbilical cord. In most cases, there is no threat to the child, but if the entanglement interrupts the blood flow, it can be dangerous.

The discrepancy between height and fetal gestation, gestation, abnormal presentation, developmental abnormalities, tumors are the most frequently detected abnormalities. The weight and size of the fetus may vary in different pregnant women, but there is still a certain limit of the norm, at the intersection of which they speak of intrauterine hypotrophy of the fetus. For evaluation, use the so-called centile tables. If at the 32nd week you were told that the child has pelvic presentation, do not worry ahead of time, there is still time for a reversal, only 3% of babies are left to give birth to the ass down.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tightly closed and has a cylindrical shape. Ultrasounds can see signs of cervical ripening, shortening and smoothing, which may indicate a risk of preterm birth.

The amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and now does not exceed one and a half liters. Ultrasound can reveal both high water and low water. To estimate the amount of amniotic fluid, IAI is used - the amniotic fluid index. The doctor measures the free areas in the uterus (the lumens formed by the amniotic fluid between the baby and the uterus wall) in 4 places, summarizes and divides them into 4. The IAG number of weeks can be found in special tables, including on our website.

6. Pathology of the uterine scar after cesarean section

A transferred cesarean section permanently leaves a scar on the wall of the uterus. In your position, weakening and stretching of the scar is possible, in extreme cases, the threat of rupture of the uterus along the scar is created. Ultrasound assesses the thickness and viability of the uterine scar. The results of the ultrasound are recorded in the protocol, and, as a rule, based on the information received, your obstetrician-gynecologist draws up a delivery plan.

Other tests at 32 weeks of pregnancy are prescribed as usual.

Possible complaints and problems

Pain, in the last months of an interesting position, is a typical case. The enlarged uterus together with the baby causes the center of gravity of the body to shift, and you constantly experience a large load - back and pelvis aches. And the jolts of the child can be a real torment. Sometimes a baby can kick you so accurately that a sharp pain pierces the bladder or liver. But all these pains are not dangerous, caution should be shown only if the stomach pulls. The tone of the uterus, in many women at this time, increases periodically; the stomach becomes stony, and there may be discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen. It should be noted that this is, in most cases, the norm - false contractions. But if they often 5 times in an hour and interfere with their business, it can speak about the threat of premature birth. Urgently call an ambulance.

Another problem you might throw a pregnancy is edema. Often they are localized on the back of the feet, ankles, fingers. Edema can be due to both venous insufficiency and the development of late toxicosis.

Edema - a reason to urgently report them to your doctor.

Nausea at 32 weeks gestation or still worries, or visits many pregnant women for the first time. It begins due to the fact that the uterus props up and displaces the internal organs, making it difficult for them to work. Because of this, there may be shortness of breath. They help fight nausea: a balanced diet, exclusion from the diet of sweets, coffee, soda and other irritating mucous products. If you are constantly sick, you can try the knee-elbow posture after eating, it helps a lot.

And of course, like in any other period, a cold at week 32 can happen to any woman. Now acute respiratory viral infections are almost not dangerous, just remember that you need to be treated under the supervision of a physician. It does not matter, just a runny nose and cough, or a rather high temperature.


Preterm labor usually begins suddenly, often with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Unexpected diarrhea at 32 weeks of gestation, unusual discharge (water can flow as a stream, and literally drip off), complaints that the stomach hurts, and the pain is shingles and more frequent - true signs of a catastrophe, call an ambulance immediately.

Worth the guard in two cases. If there were discharge, which was not previously, for example, brown or bloody. And if training fights violate your state of health, repeating more often 5 times per hour, and their lying position does not stop. So, too, preterm labor often begins.


With multiple babies, you probably already in the hospital. With the twins often have to go to save. Full term gestation with twins is a rarity, twins often rush to the light ahead of time. Now the doctors probably decided on the plan of childbirth. Do not be afraid of cesarean section, and do not be afraid natural childbirth. Sometimes it happens that an independent birth is initially planned, but after the birth of the first child, the second, in a suddenly very free uterus, unfolds across, and then you have to do a cesarean section on the second fetus. Be mentally prepared for anything, and remember, the task of doctors is to preserve the health of all three.

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32 week pregnancy video

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31 weeks of pregnancy

It's time to take care of yourself. You suddenly noticed that your appearance has changed for the better, but you behave awkwardly. Walk carefully because you have not seen your own feet for a long time. Your tummy raised high makes you slightly tilt the body back when walking. This unhurried waddling gait, with its back straight, is typical of all pregnant women. Hair pleases you with its appearance, they have become surprisingly thick.

30 week of pregnancy

Mommies, it's time to think about how to avoid extra pounds, and at the same time, it is important not to miss, if suddenly in the body begins a fluid retention associated with late toxicosis. You need a balanced diet with a restriction of flour and sweet. Now there is an intensive gain of weight and a fruit, adhere, recommended by the doctor, diets. Remember, having a baby weighing 4-5 kg ​​is much more difficult than having a baby with a normal weight of 3.5 kg.
