What are teenagers and their leisure time. Teen Leisure Project

The importance of this problem is confirmed by the fact that during the 20th century, research was conducted on the adolescent's free time and its impact on personality development.

The aim of the work was to find out how the sixth-graders spend their leisure time and compare it with the way representatives of the older and middle generation did it.

§1. Features of adolescence

Experts believe that adolescence is the most difficult and difficult of all childhood ages, since during this period the formation of a personality takes place. This is the most crucial period, because here the foundations of morality are formed, social attitudes, attitudes towards oneself, towards people, towards society are formed. At this age, character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior are established. A teenager strives for personal self-improvement - for self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation.

In adolescence, all cognitive processes, without exception, reach a very high level of development. In these years, the absolute majority of the vital personal and business qualities of a person are openly manifested. For example, mechanical memory reaches its highest level of development in childhood, forming, together with sufficiently developed thinking, the prerequisites for the further development and improvement of logical, semantic memory. Speech becomes highly developed, diverse and rich, thinking develops.

General and special abilities are formed and developed, including those necessary for future professional activities.

The adolescent period has many contradictions and conflicts characteristic of this particular age. On the one hand, adolescents demonstrate intellectual development (for example, when solving various problems related to school subjects and other matters). This encourages adults to discuss rather serious problems with them, and adolescents themselves actively strive for this. On the other hand, when discussing problems, especially those that relate to the future profession, ethics of behavior, a responsible attitude to their duties, the amazing infantilism of these, outwardly looking almost adults, people is revealed.

In the course of rapid growth and physiological restructuring of the body, adolescents may experience anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, and unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism. A picky attitude towards relatives is combined with acute dissatisfaction with oneself.

The teenager develops a sense of maturity. This sensation is caused by physical maturity. But his social status in school and family does not change. And then the struggle begins for the recognition of their rights, independence, which will certainly lead to a conflict between adults and adolescents.

The result is a crisis of adolescence. The essence of the adolescent crisis is adolescent behavioral reactions characteristic of this age. These include: the emancipation reaction, the peer grouping reaction, the enlargement reaction (hobby).

Emancipation reaction. This reaction is a type of behavior through which a teenager tries to free himself from the care of adults, their control, patronage. This can manifest itself in a refusal to comply with generally accepted norms, rules of conduct, devaluation of the moral and spiritual ideals of the older generation.

Peer grouping reaction. Adolescents are characterized by an instinctive gravitation towards rallying, towards grouping with peers, where the skills of social interaction are developed and tested, the ability to obey collective discipline, the ability to gain authority and take the desired status. In a peer group, the adolescent's self-esteem is worked out more effectively. He values \u200b\u200bthe opinion of his peers, preferring their society, and not the society of adults, whose criticism he rejects.

Infatuation reaction. For adolescence, hobbies (hobbies) are a very characteristic feature. Hobbies are necessary for the formation of the personality of a teenager, since hobbies, interests, and individual abilities of teenagers are formed thanks to hobbies.

They are divided into the following types:

1. Intellectual and aesthetic hobbies (music, drawing, radio engineering, electronics, history, etc.).

2. Cumulative hobbies (collecting stamps, records, postcards).

3. Eccentric (a teenager's desire to be the center of attention leads to a passion for extravagant clothes).

Knowledge of teenage hobbies helps to better understand the inner world and experiences of teenagers, improves mutual understanding between teenagers and adults.

The most common form of teenagers' leisure activities is communication. All researchers in the psychology of adolescence recognize the great importance of peer interaction. One of the main tendencies of adolescence is the reorientation of communication from parents, teachers and, in general, elders to peers, more or less equal in status.

The need to communicate with peers who cannot be replaced by parents arises in children very early and increases with age. Some scientists explain this specific behavior of adolescents as follows:

First, communication with peers is a very important channel of information, through which adolescents learn many things that adults do not tell them for one reason or another.

Secondly, group play and other types of joint activities develop the necessary skills of social interaction, the ability to obey collective discipline and at the same time defend their rights.

Thirdly, this is a specific type of emotional contact. Consciousness of group belonging, solidarity, comradely mutual assistance gives the adolescent a sense of well-being and stability.

The feeling of loneliness and restlessness associated with the age-related difficulties of becoming a personality gives rise to an indefatigable thirst for communication and grouping with peers in adolescents in whose society they are or hope to find what adults refuse them: spontaneity, salvation from boredom and recognition of their own worth. It is important for a teenager not only to be with peers, but, and, most importantly, to occupy a position that satisfies him among them. For some, this desire may be expressed in the desire to take a leadership position in the group, for others - to be recognized, beloved comrade, for others - an indisputable authority in some matter, but in any case, it is the leading motive for the behavior of adolescents, especially younger ones.

§2. Survey of research on leisure time

The importance of the issue of spending free time was noted back in the 20s of the XX century. The first investigations were carried out in the 1920s by Academician S. G. Strumilin, A. Gastev, L. N. Braginsky, V. Mikheev. A significant number of studies on the use of free time, the content of leisure of different groups of the population, including young people, was carried out in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1963-67. Under the leadership of B. Grushin, one of the main studies of the time was carried out on the scale of almost the entire USSR. This was the first attempt at a sociological analysis of the problems of the urban population's free time.

In 1958-65. in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia, research was carried out under the leadership of GA Prudensky and VD Patrushev, as well as research in the city of Pskov.

In the 70s, the work of L. A. Gordon and E. V. Klopov, "The Man After Work", was published, devoted to the analysis of the problems of everyday life and leisure of working families in large cities.

In the 80s, the problems of free time for different groups of the population were investigated by V.A.Artemov and other scientists. Researchers concluded that free time has become increasingly used by the family for passive recreation, watching TV or communicating. The attendance of cultural institutions has decreased, the frequency of newspaper reading has decreased.

Sociological research of young people is becoming more and more popular, and their scope is expanding. The study of the value orientations of young people is now becoming especially relevant.

The development of the personality of a teenager at this stage is very important. Finishing school, he enters a new stage of social activity, moves into the sphere of independent life, where it is necessary to make a choice himself, relying on his own attitudes and value orientations, to evaluate his own behavior, experience, objective possibilities.

Adolescents represent a specific social group. The personality of a teenager is in the process of formation - under the constant influence of various factors: the environment of peers, family, own "I". It is important what kind of activity - promoting development or leading to personality degradation - modern adolescents prefer in their free time, and how much the choice of this activity is free from coercion and limitation by opportunities for recreation.

The concepts of "free time", "rest", "leisure" can be interpreted in different ways. It can be noted that "leisure" is defined through the concepts of "time" and "period", and "rest" - through "state" and "recuperation".

Rest is not limited to physiological recovery of strength and energy. Since a teenager's main social function is study, therefore, the structure of a teenager's free time might look something like this (according to Prudensky):

Study (in addition to the main one - at school, college).

Activities that generate cash income (in addition to the main job or practice).

Self-education (in addition to homework).

Participation in social activities (at school, college and beyond).

Recreation and entertainment.

Creative activity and amateur activities.

Physical education and sports (excluding scheduled lessons at school, college).

§ 3. Correlation between the needs of adolescents and objective opportunities for recreation

People perceive and, therefore, choose different activities as recreation, depending on the kind of needs that determine the form of pastime. The most priority types of leisure activities for a person indicate the development of his needs. In accordance with the nature of the needs, the structure of the activity can be distinguished:

1. Activities aimed at meeting material and everyday needs (including work in the household and additional work for a fee - work in social production (temporary, hourly, seasonal, etc.).

2. Activities to satisfy physiological and hygienic needs (sleep, eating, personal hygiene, treatment).

3. Activities to satisfy spiritual needs (educational activities, participation in the work of public organizations, physical culture and sports activities, artistic, technical creativity, amateur labor (caring for plants, animals, making items for the home, etc.) - organized or independent lessons).

4. Communicative and entertaining activities (consumption of information - reading, listening to the radio, watching television; visiting entertainment establishments - theaters, cinemas, exhibitions; out-of-family communication).

Thus, human needs are determined by objective capabilities. People choose a certain type of activity as a recreation in accordance with the available possibilities, focusing on their needs: physiological, spiritual, social. One and the same need in different objective conditions is satisfied in different ways, in accordance with the available means. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the level of development of the means that provide good rest and personal development during the free time, as well as the degree of organization of adolescents' recreation by the state, family and education system.

§ 4. How teenagers spend their free time

Free time is an important social pedagogical phenomenon and concept that covers a wide range of issues related to the needs, creative capabilities of the individual, the development of abilities, organizational skills, emotional and value attitudes towards the world in general.

Senseless pastime, empty, and at times, inhuman amusements of the young generation have become commonplace in modern society. There are many reasons: social stratification of society, lack of clear moral guidelines; lack of guidance (and control) of children's leisure by adults; reducing the role of parents in the upbringing and socialization of children; paid, and therefore inaccessible to many, clubs, sections; lack of well-equipped sports grounds; underdevelopment of interests, hobbies, etc.

The Pioneer and Komsomol organizations, and with them the "school of organizers", and patronage assistance, and labor landings, and traditions, and folk games, have imperceptibly gone into the past.

Based on a survey of 2,817 secondary school students general education schools in Novosibirsk, held in May 2002, the working day of adolescents is quite "busy". They have little free time. What types of activities do teenagers prefer in their free time?

The greatest interest is attributed to "listening to music" (61.9%), "communicating with friends" (55.0%), "watching TV" (52.4%), "helping parents" (51.9%), "walking in air "(41.5%).

Compared to the results of the 1995 poll, recently girls have increased their interest in such activities as "doing homework", "going to the cinema, theaters", "physical education", "classes in a circle, club, studio"; among young men "physical education", "doing homework", "making money", "doing what they love, hobbies", "communicating with friends". And this is a natural desire, since at this age the leading activity is communication with peers.

In their free time, adolescents most often gather “on the street” (61.8%), “at someone’s home” (44.2%), “at a disco” (40.9%). Among young men, the answers were distributed as follows: "on the street" (60.3%), "at someone's home" (54.8%), "at a disco" (34.9%). Among the girls, the priorities were distributed slightly differently "at someone's home" (64.0%), "on the street" (52.9%), "at a disco" (30.5%).

Gathering in a company, young people, as a rule, conduct conversations, conversations (67.1%), go to discos (42.3%), listen to music (41.9%), smoke, drink beer (26.4%) ... Young people most often read "newspapers, magazines" (59.5%), "detectives, horrors, militants" (22.2%). 27.4% read very rarely.

33% of young people participate in the activities of public youth organizations, of which 15.3% go to sports and tourist clubs, 9.6% - music and creative groups. 67.3% do not participate in the activities of youth organizations.

More than half of adolescents say that they spend their free time with their parents: "at lunch" (60.8%), "talking, talking" (51.1%), "watching TV" (49.9%).

Of the television repertoire, young people prefer to watch "video clips, music programs" (61.7%), "comedies, musical films" (55.4%), "action films, horrors, thrillers" (50.9%).

For comparison, in 2004-2005, a survey was conducted, according to which teenagers' activities were distributed in the following way: 74.2% watch TV, 71.1% communicate with friends, 55.4% prefer to listen to music, 44.9% play computer games %, 28.8% go on dates, 12.8% surf the Internet, 12.2% search for information on the Internet.

Teenagers who are dissatisfied with spending their free time note that they interfere with spending their free time as they would like: lack of free time (32.6%), lack of special places (establishments) for entertainment (29.8%), lack of money (23.7 %).

Thus, children prefer to spend their free time with friends, listening to music. Teenagers began to spend more time in front of the TV. Researchers see this as a big problem.

Moreover, if contacts with the TV in preschool and educational institutions reduced to the minimum recommended by doctors, only parents decide how much the child will watch TV at home.

Researchers note the undoubted harm to health that unrestricted TV viewing causes. Scientists associate delayed development of speech, excess weight, impaired attention and even aggression of preschoolers with excessive obsession with TV. TV takes away from kids the ability to move, play and communicate with peers. For those whose children still stay at home and are asked to turn on the TV, scientists give ten useful tips:

Avoid familiarity with TV for toddlers under two years old. For the child's entertainment, it is better to choose educational activities: talking, playing, reading aloud, singing or listening to music.

If a child is allowed to watch TV, select age-appropriate TV programs.

The maximum TV viewing time is two hours per day, preferably less.

You cannot watch TV while eating.

You cannot use television as a reward for good deeds.

You cannot put the TV in the bedroom.

You should watch TV with your children and actively discuss what is happening on the screen with them.

It is necessary to turn off the TV when the selected TV program ends, or when the child is distracted from it.

One day a week is best done “media-free” for the whole family.

Another problem is the children's enthusiasm for communication by e-mail and SMS. People who spend a lot of time at the computer develop chronic back and neck pain. Diseases of the hands may develop.

The exchange of information via electronic messages has now also come under the scrutiny of specialists. Experts believe that "pulled back shoulders and constant finger movement" can lead to the health problems associated with prolonged computer work.

Researchers see a big problem in how teenagers' club activities are organized. On the one hand, such activities ensure the all-round development of students, provide them with healthy, cultural rest, and educate the skills of the correct use of free time. On the other hand, such work is always associated with the exertion of a teenager's strength. This is especially true for such circles, the classes of which are held in closed rooms (modeling circles, radio, computer, drawing, drama, music, etc.). Experts advise:

Conduct such classes no more than 1 - 2 times a week

Their duration should not exceed 50-60 minutes

A teenager should study in one, less often in two circles

Classes should be conducted only after teenagers have had lunch and rest in the fresh air

Differences in the perception of the optimal spending of free time by adolescents among children and adults also pose a problem. Often, adults force children to attend clubs and sections at their own discretion, without taking into account their interests and needs. The opinions of parents and children about the role of communication with peers do not always coincide. Parents usually feel that socializing with friends is not beneficial and can lead to the child's exposure to bad habits... In this case, experts advise not to prohibit communication (after all, the forbidden fruit is sweet), but to meet the child's friends.

Chapter 2. Researching the Free Time of Sixth Graders

§1. The meaning of the word leisure in Russian dictionaries

The study of the free time of a modern sixth grader began with a search for the meaning of the word "leisure" in various dictionaries.

1. According to the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, leisure is free, unoccupied time, partying, walking time, space from business.

2. According to SI Ozhegov's dictionary, leisure is free time from work.

3. In the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov, such a definition of the word leisure was found - time not busy with work or other business. Separate moments of free time, intervals between work.

4. The modern dictionary of the Russian language defines leisure as a period of time when a person is left to himself in the choice of activities.

5. According to the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary, leisure is free time from work.

Thus, in all the dictionaries reviewed, leisure is defined as free time.

§2. International documents and laws

Of the Russian Federation on the right to rest and leisure

To solve the next problem, the corresponding articles on the human right to rest and leisure were found in the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1. Article 24 of the Universal Declaration states: “Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including the right to reasonable limitation of the working day and to periodic paid leave.” This means that if we are talking about "every person", then the child should have the corresponding rights (by age).

2. Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states:

"1. The participating States recognize the child's rights to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his or her age and to participate freely in cultural life and art. ”

“2. The participating States respect and promote the child's right to full participation in cultural and creative life and shall promote the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural and artistic activities, leisure and recreation. ”

3. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 37, Clause 5 also guarantees: "Everyone has the right to rest."

Thus, the right to rest and leisure is proclaimed in international documents and is enshrined and guaranteed in the laws of the Russian Federation.

§ 3. Results of the survey conducted in the sixth grade

For further research, a questionnaire was developed, the questions of which were asked to answer three generations - the eldest (grandmothers, grandfathers), the middle (moms, dads) and the younger (sixth graders). The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. What is leisure time?

2. Did you have free time as a child?

3. How much free time did you have?

4. Where do you prefer (preferred) to spend your free time?

5. What are your favorite games?

6. Favorite toys?

7. What time do you go to bed?

8. How long have you been doing (doing) homework?

9. Did your parents participate (are participating) in your games?

10. Did your parents help you with your homework?

Of the forty questionnaires handed out to sixth-graders, 22 were filled in. This means that not all children responded to the request to participate in the study.

Answers were received from 14 representatives of the older generation (obviously, not all of them live with their grandparents), 23 representatives of the middle age (one of the children had answers to the questionnaire by both mom and dad) and 22 sixth graders.

To the question of what leisure is, the following answers were received:

This means that, in general, the majority of respondents know what leisure is and define it as free time.

When asked if there was free time in childhood, the answers were as follows:

Thus, more modern sixth-graders have free time than their relatives had in childhood. Perhaps because grandparents grew up in war or post-war times and had to help adults.

Next question. How much free time did you have?

The diagram allows us to say that modern teenagers have more free time. However, it is difficult to draw an objective conclusion, since most of the respondents do not give a specific answer about the amount of free time. And the answer is "a lot" or "little", and these concepts are individual for each.

The answers to the question about where you prefer to spend your free time were as follows:

The diagram shows that representatives of the older generation spent more time on the street, perhaps because there were no conditions to sit at home, and there were still few circles and sections after the war. For example, a column showing parental responses indicates that they were more involved in club activities. And today's young people have fewer opportunities to go to circles, because there are not many of them left and most of them are very expensive. The number of couch potatoes is growing. A new way of spending leisure time appears - visiting.

The answers to the question about favorite games were very varied, and it was difficult to summarize them all in a general diagram. Therefore, age charts were made.

The diagram shows that the popularity of sports games is declining, the popularity of active group games is growing, new games are appearing - computer games, darts, ping-pong. The most varied were the games of the parents.

There were also very diverse responses to the question about favorite toys.

The diagram shows that the most varied were toys from parents (despite the fact that today there is a huge selection of toys on store shelves !!!). The most popular among grandmothers were dolls, homemade toys. The parents have dolls and cars, a ball, soft toys. Modern children most love soft toys and animals, there are many new types of toys (heroes of imported films). It is surprising that 23% of children have no favorite toys at all!

When asked what time you go to bed, the following answers were received:

So, modern children go to bed no earlier than 22.00. The majority of the respondents go to bed (went to bed) at 22.00-23. 00. Facts of violation of the daily routine were revealed (sleep at 24. 00 and later, there is no exact time of rest).

These diagrams show that the time for completing homework is individual and depends on the hard work, perseverance, responsibility, and abilities of the student, but it is obvious that for grandparents this time is on average 2 - 4 hours, and for modern schoolchildren, the time differences increase ...

And, finally, the answers to the question of whether parents participate in children's games and help with lessons were analyzed:

Do your parents participate in your games?

Do your parents help you with your homework?

Thus, the number of parents who participate both in the leisure of their children and in the educational activities of modern sixth graders is growing. Perhaps this is due to the fact that grandparents grew up in the post-war period, and their parents had no time to play with them. Or maybe this is due to the fact that the school curriculum becomes more complicated, and children are not able to cope with the load without the help of their parents.

III. Conclusion

In the course of the study, it was concluded that adolescence has its own characteristics. The personality of young people is still being formed, the body is growing, the psyche is changing, the teenager becomes more irritable, often feels lonely, and is looking for communication with peers. Leisure plays an important role in shaping the personality of a teenager.

A person's perception of this or that activity depends on needs, first of all, on the level of their development. And the development of his needs largely depends on the level of created opportunities, the quality of external conditions. People choose a certain type of activity as a recreation in accordance with the available opportunities, focusing on their needs: physiological, spiritual, social.

Modern research has shown that children prefer to spend their free time with friends, listening to music. Teenagers began to spend more time in front of the TV. Researchers see this as a big problem.

The results of our own research on the issue of leisure activities by students and their relatives in adolescence generally do not contradict the data obtained in the study of studies conducted by sociologists.

According to Russian dictionaries, leisure is free time.

Every person (including a child) has the right to leisure and rest, which is guaranteed by the laws of Russia and international documents.

Despite the availability of free time among modern sixth graders, new technical possibilities and a variety of assortment of toys in stores, children do not always use this time usefully. In addition to television, teenagers are spending more and more time at the computer, using it not for self-education, but for communication and play. The number of couch potatoes is growing. Communication with peers, including with the help of a computer, does not lose popularity. Not everyone follows the daily routine (sometimes you can even trace the continuity). Perhaps this is the reason that children quickly get tired, feel bad, and parents have to help their children with homework.

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List of references


The problem of adolescents' free time is of concern to scientists and practitioners in various fields of life and branches of knowledge.

The sphere of free time and leisure has always been an object of scientific interest. Philosophers consider free time as a space for the implementation of specific social processes, identify the origins of free time and its relationship with workers' time, its social value. Sociology and economics carry out a quantitative and statistical analysis of these processes, investigate the nature and content of a person's free time, the activities of social institutions of leisure to fill it, the axiology of leisure. Psychology pays attention to the needs and motives that determine the behavior and actions of a person in this temporal sphere. Thus, we can conclude that free time is the dominant space in which a person's physical and spiritual development takes place. A significant contribution to the understanding of the essence of leisure was made by scientists such as J. Dumazedier, M.A. Ariarsky, D. M. Genkin, B. A. Grushin, A.A. Gordon, V.G. Davydovich, G.A. Evteeva, V.T. Lisovsky, G.P. Orlov, V.D. Patrushev, B.D. Parygin, V.A. Yadov, A.N. Krotova, B.G. Mosalev, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.E. Triodin, I.A. Novikova, S.N. Lebedeva, L.P. Podoba, A.P. Markov, B.A. Titov, A.F. Volovik, A.D. Zharkov, A.A. Sukalo and others.

Despite all the wealth of theoretical materials, systemic studies devoted to the consideration of cultural and leisure activities as a means of developing social activity. The problem of adolescents' leisure remains insufficiently developed and until now is especially acute not only for theorists, but also for practitioners, since a large amount of unorganized free time of adolescents and the inability to manage it often leads children to social problems. Leisure activities, of course, depend on the age characteristics of the individual. Leisure has a huge impact on all spheres of human life. Its importance is especially great in adolescence, which is a period of intensive development and personality formation. It is known how easy it is to captivate a teenager with something. And it is also known how difficult it is to maintain, maintain and develop this interest. Many researchers, following Rousseau, not without reason call it the age of "the second birth of personality. There are many origins, the beginning of all further life. This fragile, vulnerable, changeable age, it turns out, more than any others, is dependent on real social life, because the teenager first discovers it for himself. In place of the environment that existed for the child, for the teenager there is a world. Today this world is more complex than ever. Noticeable development in adolescence acquire volitional character traits - perseverance, persistence in achieving goals, the ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties Unlike a junior schoolchild, a teenager is capable not only of individual volitional actions, but also of volitional activity. However, showing persistence in one type of activity, a teenager may not detect it in other types. In the intellectual activity of adolescents, the main feature is the growing ability to abstract thinking.An important feature of this age is the mating active, independent, creative thinking.

Leisure culture needs to be taught from childhood. It is possible to master it only with a purposeful, systematic impact on the younger generation. Teaching adolescents the skills and abilities of self-organization is an urgent social and pedagogical task, which is one of the most important stages on the way to mastering the culture of leisure time. In order for the activity of a teenager during leisure time not to lead to thoughtless pastime and not to contribute to the occurrence of criminal situations, it is necessary to develop their skills of introspection, adequate self-esteem, and reasonable management of their behavior. All these skills are acquired in the process of adolescents' successful mastery of self-organization skills. Leisure of adolescents, as already noted, is complex and contradictory. First, having the opportunity to choose leisure activities of their own accord, young people are often not ready for a conscious choice of activities that contribute to the full formation of their personality. Secondly, while striving for independence in the choice of forms of using their leisure time, adolescents, nevertheless, are limited to a certain range of social roles, in comparison with adults. Hence, on the one hand, not having stable interests in terms of spending leisure time, adolescents are more willing to adopt from adults their models of filling it out, and not always positive ones and corresponding to their level of physical and mental development.

There is a contradiction between the needs of adolescents to use their leisure time as a sphere of self-realization, full-fledged communication, active manifestation of independence and inability to realize themselves in leisure due to serious deficiencies in the organization on the part of adults and the inadequacy of creating conditions and environment for teaching adolescents the basics of leisure activities. Schools, clubs, and other out-of-school leisure associations, as a result of the lack of coordination in the implementation of the upbringing of a "cultured person" and the underestimation of new trends in the lifestyle of the younger generation in this process, do not fully realize their objective opportunities to form a culture of leisure. The activities of a social teacher should be aimed at solving these and other problems. By organizing fruitful leisure for adolescents and, in particular, younger adolescents, he, thus, will prevent many possible problems for this category of pupils.

In this regard, we have defined the research topic: "Organization of leisure activities among adolescents."

The object of the course work is the cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

The subject of the research is the organization of cultural and leisure activities among younger adolescents.

The aim of the study is to identify effective forms of work in organizing cultural and leisure activities in younger adolescents.

Give a general description of leisure activities;

Consider the social and psychological characteristics of adolescence;

Show the forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities among adolescents;

Analyze the specifics of the activities of a social teacher in organizing cultural and leisure activities of adolescents;

To develop and implement a program of activities of a social teacher to organize the leisure of adolescents.

1. General characteristics of leisure

cultural leisure teenager social

Leisure is a part of non-working time that remains with a person after fulfilling immutable non-production duties. The first elementary values \u200b\u200bof leisure are rest and movement, which serve to restore physical strength and mental balance. In the life of society, leisure is important for stabilization, relieving tension, preventing social conflicts, strengthening solidarity, interrelation of generations, communication, meeting the needs of the individual for joy, entertainment, etc. ...

Leisure, under certain circumstances, can become an important factor in the physical development of children. Leisure activities that you enjoy keep you emotionally healthy. Leisure helps to overcome stress and petty worries, and, finally, leisure is recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children. The special value of leisure lies in the fact that it can help a child, adolescent, young man to realize the best that is in it.

Max Kaplan believes that leisure is much more than just free time or a list of activities aimed at recovery. Leisure should be understood as a central element of culture, with deep and complex connections with common problems of work and family.

The English word for leisure (LEISURE) originates from the Latin language (LIGERE), which means "to be free." From Latin came (LOISIR) to French, which means "to be permitted", and to English such a word as (LICENSE), which means "to be free" (freedom to reject rule, practice, etc.). All of these words are related, implying choice and lack of coercion. In ancient Greece, the word leisure (SCHOLE) meant "serious activity without the pressure of necessity." The English word (SCOOL) is derived from the Greek word SCHOLE, (leisure), which suggests the ultimate connection between leisure and education.

Since ancient times, leisure has been seen as a goal and a way to satisfy various needs, including cultural ones. Free time from any materially necessary occupations as an integral property of civil status. This is how the greatest philosophical mind of antiquity, Aristotle, will interpret the theme of leisure. Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which a person restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere of labor activity.

Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, not a simple idleness according to the principle: “I do what I want”. This is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. The assimilation of cultural values, learning new things, amateur work, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the level of leisure achieved.

The definition of leisure falls into four main groups.

Leisure as a contemplation associated with a high level of culture and intelligence; it is a state of mind and soul. In this concept, leisure is usually viewed in terms of the efficiency with which a person does something.

Leisure as an activity - usually characterized as an activity not related to work. This definition of leisure includes the values \u200b\u200bof self-realization.

Leisure as free time, time of choice. This time can be used in various ways, and it can be used for activities related to work or not. Leisure is seen as a time when a person is engaged in activities that are not his responsibility.

Leisure integrates the three previous concepts, blurs the line between "work" and "not work", and values \u200b\u200bleisure in terms of human behavior. Includes concepts of time and relationship to time. ...

The social well-being of a person, his satisfaction with his free time in many respects depends on the ability to direct his activities during leisure hours to achieve universally significant goals, the implementation of his life program, the development and improvement of his essential forces.

There is still no complete unity in approaches to understanding the essence of leisure, and at the same time there are three positions:

1) the division of the time period into working and non-working hours, where "leisure" and "non-working" are considered the same;

2) identification of the concepts of "leisure" and "free time",

3) leisure - part of free time, rest and entertainment not related to personal development.

Today in encyclopedias and reference books "leisure" and "free time" are equated with each other.

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V. I. Dal characterizes a person in leisure conditions as "leisure" - able, capable of business, dexterous, skillful. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the concept of "leisure" meant achievement, ability, ability of a person to express themselves in their free time from work.

The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition: “Leisure is a part of non-working time remaining with a person minus the immutable, necessary costs. In the structure of free time, active creative activity is distinguished; study, self-education; cultural consumption; sports and more; amateur activities, games with children; communication with other people

Leisure of a modern person means time that is free from the necessary labor in the sphere of social production, as well as from the reproduction by a person of his vital functions within the framework of the household and social relations.

When people talk about leisure, most often they mean free time from work. However, scientists - researchers and managers working in the field of organizing the leisure of the population, do not identify these phenomena, although they are closely related.

To determine the free time of an individual, the time that he spends should be subtracted from his daily time budget:

· For production and labor functions, including the way to the place of work and back;

Physiological rest ( night sleep);

· Health and sanitary - hygienic needs;

· Buying food, preparing them, eating;

· Purchase of necessary things, consumer goods and durable goods;

A relatively small amount of leisure time in a daily rhythm is typical, as a rule, for representatives of the business world, whose working hours are not standardized, as well as for women employed in production and at the same time raising young children or having a large family. In addition, for many categories of workers, free time is not clearly expressed, for example, among those who are temporarily not employed in public production while looking for work, as well as those who are unstable or perform work under contract at home. These people have the opportunity to choose at their own discretion the time for activities related either to work, family responsibilities, or leisure. Many citizens tend to use these days mainly for recreational and leisure purposes, minimizing daily stress and household chores

In modern conditions, free time is a real value. Value is an everyday reference point by which a person reconciles his thoughts and actions with social reality. This is what prompts him and what he is guided by in his life. Naturally, a person also has value orientations in relation to free time.

Free time belongs to the central values \u200b\u200bof a person, therefore, the question of value orientation leisure. At the same time, today it is necessary to take into account the progressive dynamics of production, the environmental danger of existence and life, the influence of new media, the growing number of opportunities for organizing free time. All this is accompanied by a significant change in life values, which is characterized by a striving for originality, a manifestation of individuality, a striving for independent decisions based on one's own competence.

There are many different typologies of modern leisure. The most significant of them: division of leisure into active; daily, weekly, vacation, holiday; home and out-of-home; individually organized and collectively organized.

Leisure is commonly understood as time free from school work and household chores.

Human activities in free time can be roughly divided into three groups:

a) just relaxation: games, entertainment, contemplation, etc.

b) education: assimilation, consumption of cultural values;

c) creativity: technical, scientific, artistic. ...

The first elementary values \u200b\u200bof leisure are rest and movement, which serve to restore physical strength and mental balance.

The second group of activities in free time is education (in the broad sense of the word: introduction to culture). It includes familiarization with the cultural life of the country, the values \u200b\u200bof science and art. You can read, listen to music, go to the theater for entertainment. It is necessary that a person listen to music not only for pleasure, but strive to understand its features, to get acquainted with the composer's biography, the era in which he lived. Aesthetic education plays an important role in the organization of free time, especially for young people.

Leisure preferences are one of the defining characteristics of the lifestyle of young people. Self-realization of younger adolescents in the field of leisure indicates both personal preferences in the ways of spending free time, and the structure of the personality as a whole. In other words, the way a teenager spends his free time, speaks of his inclinations, interests, reflects the level of his intellectual and spiritual development. The way a teenager realizes herself in her leisure time makes her a special social group. Since the life of a younger adolescent is concentrated around recreation and it is in it that she manifests herself most fully, changes in her lifestyle are best manifested and traced in this area.

The following main characteristics of the leisure time of younger adolescents can be derived:

Leisure has a pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects;

Leisure is based on voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity;

Leisure presupposes not regulated, but free creative activity;

Leisure forms and develops personality;

Leisure contributes to self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of the individual through freely chosen actions;

Leisure forms the adolescents' need for freedom and independence;

Leisure promotes the disclosure of natural talents and the acquisition of skills and abilities useful for life;

Leisure stimulates the creative initiative of adolescents;

Leisure is the sphere of satisfying the needs of the individual;

Leisure contributes to the formation of value orientations;

Leisure acts as a kind of "zone of limited adult intervention";

Leisure contributes to the objective self-esteem of younger adolescents;

Leisure forms a positive “I-concept”;

Leisure provides satisfaction, fun and personal enjoyment;

Leisure contributes to the self-education of the individual;

Leisure forms socially significant needs of an individual and norms of behavior in society;

Leisure is an activity contrasting with complete rest;

Thus, it can be stated that the essence of adolescents' leisure is creative behavior (interaction with the environment) of adolescents in a spatio-temporal environment that is free for the choice of occupation and the degree of activity, determined internally (by needs, motives, attitudes, choice of forms and methods of behavior) and externally (by factors that give rise to behavior)

As you can see, the concepts of "leisure" and "free time" are interchangeable. However, they are not identical in meaning. When they talk about free time, the emphasis is on the potential for variably using it for anything. A person during this period can do housework, household chores. Some people do it ineffectively.

1.1 Socio-psychological characteristics of adolescence

Scientists consider younger adolescence as the most difficult and difficult of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since the foundations of morality are formed here, social attitudes and attitudes towards oneself, towards people, towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior are stabilized. The main motivational lines of this age period, associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement, are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation.

Adolescence is not just one stage in life. Many researchers, following Russo, not without reason call it the age of the "second birth of personality" (BD Parygin, VA Yadov, AN Krotova, BG Mosalev, Yu. A. Streltsov, V. Ye. Triodin, I.A. Novikova, S.N. Lebedeva).

In early adolescence, all cognitive processes, without exception, reach a very high level of development. During these years, the absolute majority of the vital personal and business qualities of a person are openly manifested. For example, direct, mechanical memory reaches the highest level of its development in childhood, forming, together with sufficiently developed thinking, the prerequisites for the further development and improvement of logical, semantic memory. Speech becomes highly developed, diverse and rich, thinking is presented in all its main forms: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. All these processes acquire arbitrariness and speech mediation. In adolescents, they function already on the basis of a formed inner speech. It becomes possible for a teenager to teach a wide variety of practical and mental (intellectual) activities, and with the use of a variety of techniques and teaching aids. General and special abilities are formed and developed, including those necessary for future professional activities.

The adolescent period has many contradictions and conflicts characteristic of this particular age. On the one hand, the intellectual development of adolescents, which they demonstrate when solving various problems related to school subjects and other matters, encourages adults to discuss rather serious problems with them, and adolescents themselves actively strive for this. On the other hand, when discussing problems, especially those that relate to the future profession, ethics of behavior, a responsible attitude to their duties, the amazing infantilism of these, outwardly looking almost adults, people is revealed.

In the course of rapid growth and physiological changes in the body, adolescents may experience anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, and unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism. A picky attitude towards relatives is combined with acute dissatisfaction with oneself.

The central psychological neoplasm in adolescence is the formation of a peculiar sense of adulthood in adolescents, as a subjective experience of the attitude towards oneself as an adult. Physical maturity gives a teenager a sense of maturity, but his social status in school and family does not change. And then the struggle begins for the recognition of their rights, independence, which will certainly lead to a conflict between adults and adolescents.

The result is a crisis of adolescence. The essence of the adolescent crisis is adolescent behavioral reactions characteristic of this age. These include: the emancipation reaction, the peer grouping reaction, the enlargement reaction (hobby).

Emancipation reaction. This reaction is a type of behavior through which a teenager tries to free himself from the care of adults, their control, patronage. The need to free oneself is associated with the struggle for independence, for establishing oneself as a person. The reaction can be manifested in the refusal to comply with generally accepted norms, rules of behavior, devaluation of the moral and spiritual ideals of the older generation. Petty custody, excessive control over behavior, punishment by deprivation of minimum freedom and independence aggravate teenage conflict and provoke adolescents to extreme measures: truancy, leaving school and leaving home, vagrancy.

Peer grouping reaction. Adolescents are characterized by an instinctive gravitation towards rallying, towards grouping with peers, where the skills of social interaction are developed and tested, the ability to obey collective discipline, the ability to gain authority and take the desired status. In a peer group, the adolescent's self-esteem is worked out more effectively. He values \u200b\u200bthe opinion of his peers, preferring their society, and not the society of adults, whose criticism he rejects.

Infatuation reaction. For adolescence, hobbies (hobbies) are a very characteristic feature. Hobbies are necessary for the formation of a teenager's personality, because due to hobbies, tendencies, interests, individual abilities of adolescents are formed. ...

They are divided into the following types:

1. Intellectual and aesthetic hobbies (music, drawing, radio engineering, electronics, history, etc.).

2. Cumulative hobbies (collecting stamps, records, postcards).

3. Eccentric (a teenager's desire to be the center of attention leads to a passion for extravagant clothes).

Knowledge of the hobbies of younger adolescents helps to better understand the inner world and experiences of adolescents, improves mutual understanding between adolescents and adults.

In adolescence, all cognitive processes, without exception, reach a very high level of development. It becomes possible to teach a teenager a wide variety of practical and mental activities.

The main new feature that appears in the psychology of a younger adolescent compared to a child is a higher level of self-awareness, the need to become aware of oneself as a person. L.S. Vygotsky believes that the formation of self-awareness is the main result of the transitional age.

At this age, good conditions are created for the formation of organizational skills, efficiency, enterprise and other useful personal qualities associated with human relationships, including the ability to establish business contacts, agree on joint affairs, distribute responsibilities among themselves, etc. Such personal qualities can develop in almost all areas of activity in which a teenager is involved and which can be organized on a group basis: study, work, play.

The main personality traits of a younger teenager are as follows:

1. Intransigence to evil, emotional rejection of it, on the one hand, is combined with an inability to understand the complex phenomena of life, on the other.

2. A teenager wants to be good, to strive for the ideal, but he does not like to be brought up straightforwardly.

3. The teenager wants to be a person. Do something heroic, romantic, unusual. With the need for action and the desire to assert himself, the teenager does not yet know how this can be achieved.

4. The adolescent has a contradiction between the richness of desires and limited strength. Hence the multiplicity and inconstancy of hobbies. The teenager is afraid to discover his inconsistency, he is too proud and can hide behind ostentatious confidence, decisiveness, which hides helplessness.

5. In a teenager, romantic enthusiasm and rude antics are very combined. Admiration for beauty and a chronic attitude towards it. He is ashamed of his feelings. Such human feelings seem childish to him. He fears that they will be considered overly sensitive, and hides behind rudeness.

The surge of physical strength encourages activity. Not every adolescent has the full range of contradictions, but they cannot be ignored. When working with a teenager, one should take into account the main age and personality characteristics, the main psychological neoplasms of this age.

Adolescence - as adolescence is sometimes called - is the time of the formation of a true individuality, independence in learning and in work. Compared to younger children, adolescents display a belief in the ability to define and control their own behavior, their thoughts and feelings. Younger adolescence is a time of heightened striving for knowledge and assessment of oneself, for the formation of a holistic, consistent image of "I".

With various approaches to the definition of personality and characteristics of its development, developed in modern psychological science (B.G. Ananiev, L.I. Antsyferova, L.I.Bozhovich, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, E.V. Shorokhova and others), the most heuristic formulation was given by A.N. Leont'ev, who showed that personality is a special systemic and therefore “supersensible” quality acquired by an individual in diverse social relations, into which he enters through his activity, becoming a personality, developing as a personality. And although the bearer of this quality is a completely sensual, bodily individual with all his innate and acquired properties that constitute the prerequisites for the formation of a personality, as well as the external conditions and circumstances of life that fall on the individual's lot, in the context of the tasks of upbringing, it is possible to consider personality development as a process that characterized by the degree of formation and saturation of exactly that systemic quality of the individual, c. which expresses the level of his social maturity, integration and deployment of the social essence of man. This is all the more important because, as the data obtained in the process of experimental work show, social development not only outstrips intellectual development, precedes it, but, most importantly, at all inter-age transitions (i.e., turning points in the process of mental development), the initial level is social maturity of a growing person, which determines the possibility of transition to each next stage of ontogenesis. Of course, this process is extremely variable, due to both the individual characteristics of children and the nature of the development of society, the system of educational influences. However, the discovery of the fact that personal formation at each age stage begins and is determined by the level of social development acts as an important regularity that does not correspond to the position of J. Piaget, who argued that the development of intellectual maturity is the start for social maturity. The degree of the child's mastering of social relations, the level of awareness of his role load, place in society, the nature of self-determination, the need and ability to manifest social activity are reflected in two different, in fact, types of social position. Understanding, awareness of oneself as a member of society is expressed in the position that we conditionally called “I in society”, and a certain level of mastering the relations of society is cumulated in the position “I and society”. At the same time, there is a kind of strengthening, dominance of one or the other position. The maximum deployment of each of these (regularly alternating in the process of ontogenesis) positions, which act as integrative nodes of the child's social development, not only fixes his certain level, but also creates conditions for the emergence of a new position, representing a kind of boundary in the formation of the personality.

Purposeful study of two types of social positions, identified on a large experimental material, the appearance and approval of which coincides with certain periods of ontogenesis and is conditioned by the predominant influence of a certain side of activity (subject-practical, associated with the predominant development of socialization, i.e. mastering social experience and assimilation of the norms of human relationships, where individualization is most intensively formed, the acquisition of independence, a certain autonomy), shows that at each stage of personality development, when the dominant of the social position changes, its meaningful change occurs. At the same time, in all cases, the wide deployment of the child's position in relation to society is a necessary condition for the intensification of his mental, including intellectual, development, ensuring openness, focus on society.

The disclosure of patterns in the level change of social maturity, the identification of the main productive moments of this movement, manifested in the character of the child's position in society and in relation to society, the definition of sensitive periods and boundaries of social maturation determine the relevance of considering its characteristics at the microstages of each period of ontogenesis.

In this regard, the study of adolescence, the acute transition from childhood to adulthood, where contradictory trends in social development are clearly intertwined, is of particular importance in this regard. On the one hand, negative manifestations, disharmony in the structure of the personality, the curtailment of the previously established system of interests of the child, and the protesting nature of his behavior towards adults are indicative of this difficult period. On the other hand, adolescence is also distinguished by a mass of positive factors: the child's independence increases, all relations with other children and adults become more diverse and meaningful, his sphere of activity expands and significantly changes, a responsible attitude towards himself, towards other people, etc. etc. The main thing is that this period is distinguished by the child's entering a qualitatively new social position, in which his conscious attitude towards himself as a member of society is actually formed.

It is significant that significant shifts in the social development of adolescents are noted in a retrospective analysis not only of long duration, but also over a historically short distance. For example, the motives of attitudes towards socially useful work have changed significantly among modern adolescents. Thus, in comparison with children of the 1950s, modern adolescents who have developed socially significant motives that determine their attitude to work are more independent in performing various types of socially useful labor, while giving preference to individual socially useful labor over collectivist. We are talking about the individual-social essence of these motives, aimed at self-expression, self-esteem in work, at the desire to participate in it for their own development and improvement, to win a certain position in relation to comrades, to establish their “I”, to develop character traits necessary for independent life.

Undoubtedly, it is valuable that the modern teenager sees the prospect of his usefulness for others, for society in the enrichment of his own individuality. But at the same time, he lacks neither the trust nor the respect of adults, firstly, and, secondly, opportunities are not created for the realization of the need for self-realization.

The discrepancy between the adolescent's aspirations related to the awareness of their capabilities, the assertion of oneself as a person and the position of a schoolchild, dependent on the will of an adult, causes a significant deepening of the self-esteem crisis. Even compared with the beginning of the 70s. 20-25% more adolescents appeared in whom negative self-esteem prevails, which affects the overall vitality of children. The rejection of the assessments of adults is clearly manifested, regardless of their correctness. The reason lies, first of all, in the absence of proper conditions for satisfying the heightened need of the adolescent for social recognition, which turns into an artificial delay in personal self-determination, intensification. From 11 to 15 years old, there is a clearly expressed tendency to develop a preference for a socially-oriented form of communication, which creates real conditions for adolescents to be recognized as socially significant persons. This position is clearly associated with the active desire for a teenager to take a new social position, with his awareness of his “I” and his assertion in the adult world. At the same time, we are not talking about the teenager's desire to imitate adults, but about familiarizing him with their affairs and relationships, the appearance in him of a sense of social responsibility as an opportunity and the need to answer for himself and for others at the level of an adult.

Acting as an important stage in the formation of a personality, younger adolescence is a complex process of personal development, characterized by different-level characteristics of social maturation. The level of the adolescent's capabilities, the conditions and speed of his social development are associated with the adolescent's understanding of himself and his belonging to society, the degree of expression of rights and obligations, the degree of mastery of the world of social things and relations, the richness of long-distance and close ties, and their differentiation. As a teenager grows up, the character and characteristics of his vision of himself in society, the perception of society, the hierarchy of public relations change, his motives and the degree of their adequacy to social needs change.

In accordance with the research of this thesis, we essentially identified the following accentuations:


Adolescents of this type are capable of creatively approaching the task at hand, while shouldering the main burden on themselves. They listen to the opinions of parents, educators and peers, struggling to realize useful tips... They are distinguished by persistence in achieving goals, as well as the ability to correctly assess their own results and the results of their comrades. Positivist adolescents have the necessary work skills, ways to plan their work and coordinate it with the work of the group.

A kind of selective intuition allows them to immediately feel how others are treating them, unmistakably, at the first contact determining who is disposed towards them and who is indifferent. A reciprocal attitude, even overly straightforward, arises immediately, without trying to conceal it.

Self-esteem is distinguished by sincerity and the ability to correctly notice the traits of your character. The result is important for them - recognition from the outside. They strive to gain weight in the community in which they arrive at their leisure, to take leadership positions.

This type of adolescent is characterized by an increased sense of responsibility for themselves, success in the game, and the like, which over time develops into a sense of responsibility for others. Sometimes this feeling is exaggerated, and the adolescent's self-confidence turns into a fear of not justifying the hopes placed on him by himself, friends, teachers, and relatives. In these cases, the manifestation of nervous breakdowns is possible.


This is a type of adolescent characterized by the universal property of showing the ability to everything and everyone. They show academic excellence, good children and friends, and great success in artistic, technical and sports activities.

This type of adolescents are distinguished by deep feelings, sincere affection for those from whom love, care and attention come. This affection persists, despite the ease and frequency of fleeting quarrels. Losses are very difficult to bear and endure for a long time.

Low-motivated mood swings can create the impression of superficiality and frivolity, but in fact they are loyal friends. They are very sensitive to all kinds of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement. They are able to activate and inspire a large group of adolescents to implement a creative idea, but, as a rule, an active positivist intercepts their initiative. Formation of this type occurs with the active support of parents, their regular communication.

Melancholic type (couch potato).

This type is characterized by lethargy. Society annoys him, he avoids company, adventures and risks, so abundant in the leisure of their peers, are not attractive to them. They experience even minor troubles and failures very hard, react painfully to remarks and reproaches, both from peers and adults. Representatives of this type prefer to be friends with those who are able to satisfy their need for empathy. The craving for grouping with peers depends on mood. Almost never pretends to be a leader, being quite content with a shadow position.

Neurotic type.

Adolescents of this type often have a good, even somewhat excessively elated mood, which is often clouded by outbursts of irritation and anger. They are characterized by such character traits as anxiety, social helplessness, negativism. Teenagers of this type are intolerant of losing, supporting roles and the like, getting annoyed when they stay in the shadows for a long time. They are constantly striving for independence and independence. They do not tolerate strict discipline and a strictly regulated regime. Lack of introspection skills and warm companionship, a tendency to conflict give rise to an acute sense of loneliness.

Unstable type.

These are deceitful, impudent, undisciplined adolescents with low self-demands and inability to adequate self-esteem. As a rule, they are distinguished by an egoistic orientation, not oriented towards social norms. In communicating with friends, they are not very attentive to their requests, interests, in a group they are conflicting. In this type, even positive qualities are often transformed into negative ones. Their main feature is extreme variability in mood, which changes too often and excessively abruptly from insignificant and even imperceptible reasons for those around them.

Such adolescents often initiate the asocial behavior of their peers, while they themselves are ready to commit meanness, an offense, actively oppose the educational influence on them. They are characterized by instability, a sharp change in the usual relationships with others, conflicts in the field of leisure communication.

1.2 Forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents

Among the mass of organizations involved in organizing the leisure of adolescents, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions. As practice shows, real activity cultural institutions for the prevention of various asocial phenomena, including crime, are much broader, more diverse and deeper. Almost all categories of the population are involved in it, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are singled out as priorities here.

The competent organization of leisure employment and education by means of culture and art is considered today as an alternative to child and adolescent neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal actions, as one of the components of a great deal of work on the primary prevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, improving and expanding the list of provided cultural services, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

The creation of a positive, attractive image of a cultural institution will attract more children and adolescents to its walls, which will create a certain alternative to idle pastime, which is one of the prerequisites for committing crimes. This is especially true for adolescents in small cities, where the cultural level of the population is much lower than that of the urban population. In small towns and villages, adolescents sometimes have no one to take an example from, they do not know how to usefully spend their free time.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents acquire particular relevance during vacation time, when children have more free time. More close attention is required by adolescents, whose rest is not organized.

Projects and events held within the walls of cultural institutions and aimed at solving these problems should be part of the targeted programs developed and implemented on the territory of municipalities for organizing recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

The main forms of organizing leisure time for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

Organization of work of children's health camps on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

Cultural service of urban and suburban children's health camps, playgrounds (concert, intellectual, educational, competitive, game, entertainment programs, theatrical performances, holidays, film screenings, etc.);

Carrying out cultural and leisure activities and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents;

Conducting Teenager Days (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, vocational guidance meetings, etc.);

Attracting children and adolescents to club associations and groups of amateur folk art;

Organization of touring activities of groups of amateur folk art;

Conducting creative shifts for members of groups of amateur folk art and gifted children ("theatrical shifts", "folklore holidays", etc.);

Participation in the organization and conduct of activities for the employment of adolescents;

Organization of youth actions for the improvement of the city (village), cultural institutions.

One of the options for organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents is the organization of summer camps on the basis of a club institution. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's collective. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite children who are passionate about one idea. The most effective can be the following areas of activity: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activities of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children of different ages.

The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

Direct transfer of the experience of the elders to the younger ones, where the younger ones borrow their demeanor, acquire skills and abilities in specific joint activities;

An opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;

Meeting age-related needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for elders - to establish themselves in the role of a leader;

Cooperation between the elders and the younger ones significantly enriches the attitude of children in such associations; a respectful attitude towards both the elders and the younger is certainly brought up;

Wide social ties that exclude the danger of isolation, isolation from other groups.

In the work on the organization of summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer health camps and camps on the basis of general education schools can be used.

In addition to the aforementioned general principled approaches to defining the strategy of activity, the role and place of governing bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, this is the implementation of projects and the holding of cultural events directly aimed at educating the legal culture of the younger generation, at the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When holding events, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people, to avoid didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of “you can’t” (you cannot commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.) it is better to say “you can” - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for an empty pastime.

Disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

Disco is able to synthesize a variety of types artistic creation, amateur hobby. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of cognitive and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for full meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, it is at the basis of the disco that the communication of young people is laid, through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a versatile youth audience gathers with a wide range of orientations and requirements. And it is known that attending disco evenings exceeds the number of visits to other types of club events. Therefore, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of material resources in the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco clubs and small towns and villages with their disco clubs.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires at the present stage a special study, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the demands of young people for the work of discos are increasing from year to year.

In the light of the problem under consideration, libraries play an important role as institutions that carry out information and educational activities to form a legal culture in the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards committing illegal actions.

Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with adolescents as various thematic evenings (ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and director's move). Specificity of the theme evening:

General interests of the audience;

Festive situation;



Game situation;

A clear and familiar topic;

Understanding the depth of content and then active participation-creativity;

Using information-logical and emotional-figurative moments;

Strict compositional sequence;

Connection with a significant date in the life of society, or a separate collective, a person;

Documentary basis;

Local material;

The presence of a real hero.

The most common genres of thematic evenings: evening-meeting, evening-portrait, evening-meeting, evening-ritual, evening-reportage, evening-story, evening-interview, evening-dialogue, etc. ...

Visiting discos is a kind of distinctive card for young people aged 15 and over. The period of growing up is marked by a characteristic desire for communication with peers and a desire to please the opposite sex. To be always in the center of events, to have fun and have fun is typical of teenagers over 15 years old, especially during their student days.

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A sharp reduction in the number of cultural institutions, the collapse of the system of vocational schools, sports facilities and limited funding of existing ones, the curtailment of educational work in schools and universities, a decrease in sections and circles, health clubs operating on a free basis, the remoteness of leisure facilities from new residential areas, isolated the cases of organizing new clubs in newly built sleeping areas leads to the fact that most adolescents and young people are not included in the system of organized forms of leisure.

At the same time, leisure is perceived by most young people as the main sphere of life, and overall satisfaction with life depends on its satisfaction. Studies show that the leisure characteristics of the youth subculture, common in various social and age cohorts, are distinguished by a general content orientation and varying degrees of its intensity. Among the main features are: predominantly entertainment and recreational orientation of leisure (the favorite pastime of high school students - "doing nothing"), "Westernization" (Americanization of cultural needs and interests), priority of consumer orientations over creative ones, weak individualization and selectivity of culture, extrainstitutional cultural self-realization (outside cultural institutions), lack of ethnocultural self-identification (outside the national culture, traditions, customs, folklore).

The same tendencies are characteristic of the youth culture of St. Petersburg. Statistics show that only 13% of the total number of adolescents and youth in St. Petersburg are engaged in the system of organized leisure activities, the remaining 87% of young St. Petersburgers organize their leisure time independently. Thus, the need of young people in the activities of children and youth centers is satisfied only by one-eighth.

Sociological studies conducted among students studying at universities in our city show that student leisure is characterized by several main trends:

passive-entertaining nature of leisure (up to 45% of respondents), including watching TV, visiting nightclubs, discos, bars, walking with friends;

actively cognitive (up to 25% of respondents), manifested in an active introduction to knowledge, an independent search for the application of one's strength - attending courses, circles, sections, sports events;

the transformation of leisure activities into purposeful activities for a deeper development of professional activity ("half-time") associated with in-depth study of academic disciplines, additional training in certain subjects, additional earnings (up to 20% of respondents);

antisocial manifestations in the sphere of leisure (up to 12%) - drinking alcoholic beverages, hooliganism.

An analysis of the opinions of adolescents and young people revealed two main trends in youth leisure in St. Petersburg: an increase in common features that determine the specifics of the youth subculture of the city for various social groups of young people, and at the same time, deep differences in the leisure orientations of youth groups in districts and even micro-districts of the city.

Research shows that there have been some changes in the structure of student leisure. Compared to 1995, the number of students attending exhibitions, museums, concerts has almost halved, the number of students regularly engaged in sports activities has decreased by half, the number of active library readers has decreased by 15%. The predominance of spontaneous, disorganized forms of behavior in the structure of leisure is confirmed. Gender differences in preference for leisure activities also persist: female students are focused on culturally organized leisure, young men prefer sports and computer games.

The main problem areas in the conduct of youth leisure are also highlighted. Three quarters of the students surveyed are not satisfied with their leisure time. The reasons for dissatisfaction are primarily related to the lack of free time, the commercialization of the leisure sphere and, accordingly, the lack of funds to attend sports activities or concerts and clubs. The growing social and material stratification of young people leads to the differentiation of leisure forms of activity: from rich in content, diverse to soulless and extremely poor. Most of the students - survey participants (up to 80%) are focused on free communication with friends and entertainment in the field of leisure. At the same time, every second survey participant noted that no one is engaged in youth leisure, and every third expressed hope for state regulation and patronage of the youth leisure sphere in the city.

As the analysis of leisure activities of young people in St. Petersburg shows, there are objective and subjective reasons that do not yet allow to change the situation for the better:

Lack of sociological monitoring of the needs, interests, expectations and requests of youth and experts in the field of leisure;

Lack of information about available leisure centers both among young people and their parents;

The low status of the teacher-organizer (low level of remuneration, lack of recognition and respect in society for the socially significant activity of the teacher), the practically exhausted potential of labor resources in the field of leisure and youth education;

Insufficient number of youth centers and clubs;

Scant financing of adolescent and youth infrastructure at the place of residence;

Lack of leisure centers in areas of new residential development;

Dissemination of individualistic and consumer values \u200b\u200bamong both young people and teachers;

Weak opportunities for professional development and retraining for social educators of clubs;

Insufficient introduction of innovative forms of work with youth.

"Free time" comes from the Latin "licere" which means "to be free", the term first appeared in the early 14th century. During the industrial revolution, when workers in factories had to work 18 hours a day, resting only on Sundays. Although by 1870, more modern technology and union led to reduced working hours and allowed for two official days off - Saturday and Sunday.

Affordable and reliable transportation allowed workers to travel during their weekends. The first vacation to the sea was taken in 1870, and the novelty quickly spread in Europe and North America. Workers began to accumulate their wages and collect money for vacations, which led to an increase in organizational work for taking vacations for the working class.

Types of free time

Free time is spent not only physical but also moral strength. A pastime that spends a minimum amount of strength and energy includes walking and yoga, and vice versa, an active form of recreation requires a tremendous expenditure of energy - such as kickboxing and football. Some types of spending free time do not expend physical energy at all, but at the same time they exhaust a person, for example, playing chess or painting a picture. Passive pastime is a time when a person does not expend neither physical nor moral strength, such as visiting cinemas, museums, watching television. Many people consider such a pastime not rational as they believe that all the advantages of "free time" are lost during passive pastime. Although most people still prefer passive pastime.

Examples of free time

People who do "sedentary work" usually spend their free time doing active sports such as ball games, long walks or fishing. On the other hand, people who are engaged in active work prefer to spend their time passively, reading books, magazines, or watching television. Some people find hobbies such as collecting stamps, postcards, or brooches a very relaxing activity.

Free time is organized in many schools and universities. Schools offer a wide variety of recreational activities. Nursing homes also provide free time for meetings and games. A large number of people prefer to spend time with friends, joint dinners or cocktails are a good rest after a hard day at work. For many young people, regularly going out to bars and clubs with friends is part of their free time.

Some people spend their free time with the goal of doing this business as a job in the future, many people take evening courses for the love of learning, and in the hope of career growth.

Varieties in traditions

Capitalist society often evaluated free time very positively, since “free time” included costs from the population, and this improved the country's economy. And at this time, also more importance was attached to rich people, since rich people could afford more free time and, accordingly, they spent more money.

Workaholics are those people who sacrifice their free time for work. They prefer to work rather than rest. Many expect to reach their careers by sacrificing free time.

According to the philosopher Marx Verkha Eve, these are Europeans and Americans who in 1960-1970 became supporters of what in our time can be called "socialism of free time". They believed that if everyone was given a small piece of the pie, then each person's minimum needs would be met. Then people can use their free time for the benefit and development of art, sports, and many other types of free time. The writer Belfort Bach in 1884 wrote the book "Socialism and the question of Sunday", he wanted everyone to have the opportunity to rest. And he focused his attention on the allocation of one universal day of rest.


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See what "Leisure" is in other dictionaries:

    Husband. free, unoccupied time, partying, walking time, space for business. At your leisure, at your leisure. in your free time. Leisure pl. leisure, fun, leisure activities, partying, idleness. A man or a horse with leisure, with leisure, with skill ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    LEISURE, leisure, husband. 1.units only. Time not busy with work or other activity. He has little leisure. "Thoughtfulness ... the flow of rural leisure adorned her (Tatiana) with dreams." Pushkin. 2. Separate moments of free time, intervals between work. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (leisure) Time spent on entertainment. Leisure is part of people's utility functions in addition to their consumption of goods and services. It is difficult to really measure the amount of leisure: it can simply be defined as time spent not on ... ... Economic Dictionary

    leisure - LEISURE, time, rest, outdated. rest, colloquial. decrease rest, razd. decrease respite decrease rest ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

    leisure - (wrong leisure) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    See Free time ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The main elements of a person's free time are leisure and recreation.

Leisure and recreation

Leisure is a collection of various types of human activities that are aimed at meeting their spiritual and social needs and are carried out in their free time. Leisure acts as an element of recreation, as well as a factor in personality development.

If we consider the concept of leisure in a narrow sense, then this word means visiting theaters, cinemas, playing games, dancing and other types of entertaining activities.

Leisure is often identified with the concept of rest. In contrast to leisure, recreation encompasses a larger number of activities: this includes amateur sports, travel, and sleep.

Previously, leisure existed only in an active form, that is, it was an active activity. In our time, leisure is predominantly passive. This is due to the popularization of television and mass performances.

Basic characteristics of leisure

The following main characteristics of leisure are distinguished:

Leisure has strong psychological, social and physical dimensions;

Leisure is based on a person's voluntary choice and personal preferences;

Leisure is not a regulated, but a free form of activity;

Leisure stimulates creativity;

Leisure activities bring a good positive mood.

Also, people who are engaged in leisure, develop faster personally, are able to choose life priorities. Leisure activities increase the purposefulness of people, significantly expanding the range of their perception and worldview.

Rest, its features in different historical epochs among different peoples

Recreation began to take on modern forms back in antiquity. The ancient Greeks took a break from their daily worries, making music and dancing.

Each Greek house had a special room in which friends of the hosts gathered to show their musical talents. It is worth noting that it was the ancient Greeks who first began to travel not only for trade or seizure purposes, but also in order to enrich themselves culturally.

The cult of a healthy body was popular among the ancient Romans. The Romans often rested by visiting thermal baths and baths. A characteristic form of recreation for these peoples was watching sports.

In the Middle Ages, hunting became especially popular. Also during this time, mass performances were common. Theatrical performances were staged right on city squares, so in their free time everyone could visit them.

Circus performances appeared later. With the development of technology, at the beginning of the 20th century, cinema became a popular form of recreation.