Dietary meals for a child of 10 years

At this age, children eat almost equally with adults, the same dishes and products. Therefore, in many respects, the healthy nutrition of children depends on the healthy nutrition of the whole seven. Naturally, children can additionally eat at school or on the street with potentially harmful products (chips, crackers, soda).

In rare cases, the nutrition of schoolchildren, who often eat while running, can be called complete and proper. Often, children do not have time to have breakfast at home, at school they do not always eat fully, and after it they rush to additional sections and clubs. Therefore, if you analyze the real menu for a child of 10 years a week, it will be difficult to call him healthy. If the parents are not at home, and there is no one to follow the child’s diet, often the diet of a 10-year-old child may consist of best courses, usually sandwiches and dried meat. Rare children eat daily the first hot meals at school or after it, which eventually leads to the formation of many diseases of the digestive system.

Although it seems that the child is already quite adult, and can eat like all family members, but the menu for a child of 10 years should be complete and balanced for all major nutritional components. These include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral and vitamin components, dietary fiber and other substances. It is a rational combination of components that allows you to cover all the costs of a growing organism in energy and nutrients. At the same time, only good nutrition will support all body systems in a healthy state, will create a positive mood and increase efficiency.

What is included in the concept proper nutrition   for a girl or a boy of 10 years? This is, above all, receiving hot meals at least four times a day. Children at this age should have a full hot breakfast, lunch, snack with dinner. Between main meals children can have a snack with light foods and dishes (salad, buns, yoghurt).

What can cook a 10-year-old child

Often parents do not know that a child needs to eat at 10 years. During this period, it is important that nutrition always has first courses, second courses (hot), full breakfasts, and not sandwiches with tea. Food should be tasty and balanced. It must be meat or fish dishes, a lot of vegetables in various types, fruits and dairy products, cereal dishes.

What can cook a girl or boy 10 years old?

There are many food options, you should avoid fatty, fried and highly salty dishes, pickles and spicy seasonings. Basically the dishes are quite simple - they are soups, borscht, cabbage soup, solyanka, pickle. The second is excellent meat and fish dishes - meatballs, meatballs, stews, vegetable side dishes and casseroles, cereal dishes. Do not forget about cereals, they are useful at any age. If everything is more or less clear in the morning and in the afternoon, children can often eat in school canteens, where they are given hot breakfasts and lunches, often the question arises of what to cook for dinner for 10 years.

There are many food options and products - it can be vegetable stews, meat patties, meatballs, spring rolls, dairy dishes, cereals. Should focus on the preferences of the child and the choice of the rest of the family. If you do not need special food for health reasons, children eat meals prepared for the whole family, it is only important to know that dinner should be full and hot.

You can easily find recipes for children 10 years old, which will be tasty and useful, will enrich the child's diet with necessary substances and will make a variety in the usual menu. These include pies with fillings, different types of vegetable, cottage cheese and cereal casseroles, main dishes and new types of soups. You can bring to the cooking and development of new recipes for the child himself, and then the dishes that you prepare will be used with great pleasure.

What foods are best removed from the diet of a teenager

It is important to completely abandon the food of children from fast food products and the use of shop convenience foods (sausages, dumplings, meatballs) in favor of homemade food. These products contain a lot of harmful components - fats, carcinogens, "food chemistry", which are annoyingly affect the child's digestion. As a result, the systematic reception of such junk food threatens gastritis, liver problems and pancreas.

The main requirement for a healthy growth and development of a schoolchild for 10 years is a diet with a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is impossible to provide good nutrition without the participation of micro and macro elements, a complex of vitamins. A varied menu will offer the child a whole set of useful substances and elements of food.

A full menu of children 10 years old is the basis for their further growth and harmonious development.

About the importance of protein foods

Animal protein

Growth, metabolism, immunity and a number of other functions of the young body are largely dependent on proteins from food. Plant or animal origin, they are equally important for schoolchildren 10 years. The main sources of animal (full) proteins include meat, 100 g of which contains from 19 to 21 g of protein. Of particular value is rabbit meat, beef, veal, chicken and turkey.

Full proteins come with fish dishes, milk, lactic acid products, hard cheese, cottage cheese and eggs. They are absorbed by the body at 70-90%. At the same time, egg protein, which is valuable in the presence of amino acids essential for humans, is absorbed almost 100%.

It should be remembered that the assimilation meat products   requires sufficient time and secretory activity of the digestive system. For this reason, nutritionists advise to include meat on the menu in the morning.

Vegetable proteins

The diet of a junior schoolboy of 10 years should also contain proteins of plant origin (they are sometimes called inferior) - about 40% of all consumed proteins. They are absorbed by only 40-70%. The maximum quantity supplied by leguminous plants:

  • soy (34 g per 100 g of product);
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • peanut.

A high amount of protein (from 11 to 13 g per 100 g of product) contains pasta, rolled oats and buckwheat. Vegetables that have been heat treated by boiling or stewing are distinguished by affordable and more digestible protein.

Insufficient content of protein products in the nutrition of the child of the lower grades leads to growth retardation, inhibition of the functions of the endocrine glands and lag in sexual development from their peers.

Fats - vegetable and animal

Fats are active participants in metabolic processes, assistants in the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins and suppliers of energy for the child. A 10-year-old student’s diet should contain animals (60% of total fat) and plant sources.

The best option would be the menu, where animal fats are presented with butter, and vegetable fats - unrefined sunflower or olive cold pressed. And in the raw form of vegetable oil should be at least 30% (approximately 5 g).

Part of the need for fats can fill the following products:

  • fatty fish;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • egg yolk.

Inadequate amount of fat in the children's menu is the cause of poor weight gain, provokes a number of skin diseases, adversely affects the functions of the digestive system, weakens the immune system and memory.

Carbohydrates - essential energy sources

No process in the body is complete without carbohydrates. Each cell can perform its function only in the presence of energy, be it breathing, muscle work or mental activity. Suppliers of necessary energy - carbohydrates, the amount of which in the diet exceeds the content of proteins and fats by 4 times.

Carbohydrates are:

  • fast (simple);
  • slow (complex).

Simple carbohydrates

It is a sugar that is rapidly converted into glucose and is consumed by the body for life support and physical exertion. If the level of glucose in the blood is increased, then a part of it in the form of glycogen will be deposited in the liver, and a part - “in reserve”, will turn into fat cells.

Among the foods with fast carbohydrates, chocolates, candy, sweet drinks, cakes, and cakes are the most popular with children. Sweet "harm" with regular use lead to overweight and diseases of the pancreas.

It should not be forgotten that simple carbohydrates are able to quickly restore the strength of a child after emotional and physical exertion.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates include polysaccharides with a slow conversion and absorption of glucose in the intestine. The released energy is spent on the needs of the body, in parallel normalized metabolic processes.

In addition, products with a high content of polysaccharides are sources of valuable fiber, necessary for the growth of normal intestinal microflora.

Complex carbohydrates are part of vegetables, pasta made from durum wheat. In sufficient quantities are contained in buckwheat, brown rice, coarse flour and legumes.

Vitamins and minerals

The maximum amount of vitamins, micro-and macronutrients accounted for fruits and vegetables. The diet at the age of 10 years should include these foods raw, after heat treatment, and also in the form of juices.

Calcium needed for bone growth is found in dairy products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses;
  • milk;
  • kefir.

Iodine is necessary for normal development, increase of working capacity and intelligence. It is supplied to the children's menu by fish (tuna, cod, navaga, grouper, flounder) and sea kale. In small quantities, the trace element is present in nuts, eggs, milk, tomatoes, sorrel, and cereals.

Sources of fat-soluble vitamins A and D:

  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • butter;
  • liver;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir.

Vitamin C is rich in vegetables, fruits and leafy greens, wild rose as a decoction.

The main products containing vitamin E are: vegetable oil and legumes.

A few words about balance

Balanced nutrition - the correct ratio of all components of the menu. For competent preparation of the daily diet of a child of 10 years of age, you should use the recommendations of nutritionists:

  • the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily set of products is 1: 1: 4;
  • proteins: animal origin - 50-60%, vegetable - 40-50%;
  • fats: animals - 60%, vegetable - 40%;
  • amount of carbohydrates: 420-430 g per day, of which 15% are simple carbohydrates (sugar 50-60 g, confectionery 10 g);
  • total caloric content: 2200-2300 kcal;
  • breakfast and dinner account for 25%, lunch 35%, afternoon snack 15%.

Regular food intake is a guarantee of health and activity.

Compliance with the hourly intervals between meals in a child of the lower grades contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive organs, adequate production of gastric and intestinal juice, good absorption of beneficial substances and an optimal balance of intestinal microflora. Four meals allows the body to absorb more than 80% of the necessary ingredients from the composition of the products.

The diet of the younger student

When training in the first shift:

  • Breakfast at 8.00 with a predominance of energetically valuable products. Porridge in milk or water with the addition of butter, rye bread, curd casseroles, boiled egg or steam omelet on milk, cereal, muesli with milk, tea with sugar.
  • Breakfast at school from 10.30-11.00 for a quick snack. A small sandwich made of bread and a piece of cheese, baked or boiled meat. Cut into slices hard vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, sweet peppers), fruits (apple, pear), mineral water without gas.
  • Lunch at 14.00 with a full menu of three courses. Soups, pickles, soup, borscht meat broth, fish soup or with meatballs, meat or patties, meatballs, meatballs, liver stewed or baked, mashed potatoes or crumbly cereals, fresh vegetable salads, seasoned with kefir or vegetable oil, wheat bread, fresh fruit compote.
  • Tea time at 17.00 for a sweet snack. Homemade pastries without margarine, homemade cookies, crackers, bread, yogurt, juice, tea with honey.
  • Dinner at 20.00 from easily digestible products. Stewed or steamed fish fillet, fresh vegetable salad with sour cream, vegetable cutlets, curd casseroles, scrambled eggs, rye bread, compote.

In the dietary regime of a 10-year-old schoolchild, who is studying on the second shift, home tea time is represented by a snack at school at 16.30-17.00.

A glass of kefir, drunk just before bedtime, will undoubtedly benefit the child.

AT modern world   nutrition plays a very important role. With the advent of ready-made meals, ready-made meals, chips, it becomes more and more difficult to follow the diet, as there is not much time for cooking.

Schoolchildren nutrition should be given special attention, since in 10 years taste preferences begin to form. Parents should be careful that the child feeds healthy and does not allow himself to be overweight. Excess weight and heart problems are the sad consequences of overeating and malnutrition of the child at this age.

How does a child eat in the absence of parents

When you give a student money to have a snack at school, you do not even think about what he will eat. At this age, it is still difficult for a child to choose something independently, so he recalls beautiful advertisements or takes a cue from friends. In the school canteen or in the store, he will take not some wholesome yogurt, but some kind of delicious muck. It can be crackers, chips, ice cream, candy bars, candy. And when a child comes home after a school day, then there awaits him delicious rewards in the form of cakes, desserts, pies.

If you eat like this every day, you can very quickly damage the baby’s vulnerable gastric system. To solve this problem, it is better not to give money to a 10 year old child, but to independently prepare his food at home. It can be a cheese and butter sandwich that is good for bones, yogurt, or porridge with vegetables that can be put in special food containers.

What you need to eat at this age

For the normal development of the child will need 2300 kcal per day.The most important thing a child should receive - calcium. It can be scooped from any dairy products. In the morning and evening you can give cottage cheese with sour cream, yogurt. If the baby refuses to have such an appetizing snack, then you should work a little in the kitchen. And after some time, these tasteless products turn into cheesecakes, cottage cheese pancakes, milk porridge. The most important thing is not to overdo it with sugar.

Equally important is protein, which is necessary for proper growth and development. The child should not be given sausages and sausages, in which there is very little clean meat, but to cook chops, steaks, chops from meat.

If a child loves meat, but has problems with being overweight, then he should switch to a chicken that can be steamed so that it is healthy. In general, it is better not to use too much fat when cooking.

Carbohydrates are needed for strength, especially since children lead a mobile lifestyle. Healthy for the body carbohydrates should be taken from nuts, cereals, meat.

It is better not to overdo it with fats, because their excess can negatively affect not only weight, but also the stomach.

Required products in the diet

Every day, the child should eat soup. Him beneficial features   were proven long ago. In the soup there are healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, it is best remedy   prevention of many diseases of the stomach, including gastritis. More useful are considered vegetable soupson chicken broth. In spring, it is advisable to do pickle, because it is rich in different vitamins.

As a snack, a good option will be vegetables and fruits. Yes, not all children love them, because they do not understand how useful they are. Parents in this case need to devote a little time to change the opinion of their children about these products.

For example, you can make stews, zucchini fritters, apples, steamed vegetables, and various fruit desserts. Having instilled in a child at that age a love for healthy products, it will be possible not to worry about his health in the future.

Desserts are a favorite word for every child. Your task is to make them healthy and tasty. For tea, instead of large spoons of sugar, offer honey. It is sweet, fragrant and very healthy. The main thing is to check if your offspring is allergic to it. Instead of cakes with chemical fillings, you can make an apple charlotte, which takes only 15 minutes. Chocolate bars can be consumed no more than twice a week. It is better to offer your child to drink cocoa with milk, which will be much more useful.

Stop products

There is such a food that is not advised to use children 10 years:

  1. Corn products. For example, sticks, flakes, which have a negative effect on the pancreas. An exception may be corn cookies, which can be eaten even by those who are on a diet.
  2. Food from fast foods. French fries, cheeseburgers, Coca-Cola - really dangerous health products. Cause obesity, failure in the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to make sandwiches on your own and fry potatoes, even if it is not healthy food, but you can treat your child once a month.
  3. Instant noodles. Since flavor enhancers are added to it, it does not satisfy hunger, but only increases it. It is better to take spaghetti, or pasta.
  4. Sweet Bars. Advertisements say they are made of chocolate. In fact, there is only molasses, which is bad for the body. If the child wanted chocolate, it is better to buy him a real tile and divide it into several days.

Approximate diet

  • In the morning. Oatmeal with fruit, cocoa and milk.
  • Snack. Butter sandwich, apple.
  • Extra breakfast. A piece of cake, kefir.
  • Dinner. Soup with meatballs, boiled egg, porridge with cutlet.
  • Tea time Borsch with meat, fried egg.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad, cottage cheese with sour cream, a cup of milk.

How to teach a child to nutrition

First of all, you need to talk with him, to tell that his body needs help - healthy food. Find online documentaries about how bad food acts on your stomach.

You should know that the whole family should go on a healthy diet, because imagine how hard it will be for a child to eat fruit when his parents cut a juicy cake from a store in front of him.

Proper diet should be observed gradually. This week you will get rid of the bars, next week you will get rid of the semi-finished products.
  A child in 10 years old must instill a love of healthy food. His daily diet should be correct and balanced, since at this age all systems in the body are laid, changes occur.