The meanings of the runes in divination for relationships and love. The meaning and interpretation of the runes in divination: decoding the runes

But what if he just plants the seeds, skipping the next steps? The harvest simply will not appear, i.e. he will have nothing to collect. An important conclusion can be drawn from this: the harvest is a reward for efforts, for the work that has been done. Therefore, the rune Hyera, the meaning, description and its interpretation can be better understood by thinking about the proverb: you cannot easily pull a fish out of a pond. Yera only comes to those who have done well enough to get results. This symbol does not like idlers and lazy people.

Now let's see why this is not only a harvest, but also the completion of something important. Everything is very simple here: harvesting is the final stage of growing something. After the farmer has collected the fruits, he will begin a new cycle - he will wait out the winter, and in the spring he will plow the field again, and then plant new seeds. At the harvesting stage, the previous period ends, this is its final phase, therefore it is quite logical that once the time comes to harvest, the long cultivation stage has come to an end.

Now let's move on to a more "earthly" explanation. If the rune of Hyera falls out, a certain reward for work awaits a person. This can be both material and non-material well-being, for example, a promotion after a long job, a marriage proposal from a partner with whom a person has spent a lot of time and with whom he has built relationships, the location and patronage of some influential person. In short, he tried as best he could, and now, finally, he sees the real result of these efforts.

You can determine what kind of "fruits" Hyera brings to you by the neighboring symbols.

  • - Hyera: The combination clearly speaks of financial well-being
  • Berkana - Hyera: May symbolize the onset of the desired pregnancy
  • - Hyera: The combination speaks of the formation of strong, reliable relationships with a loved one or with a work partner

Reflecting on the meaning of the Hyera rune, it is also important to understand that you should not rush things. Harvesting is impossible ahead of time, after all, it takes a certain amount of time for the seeds to turn into fruits, and this time cannot be shortened solely at will.

Hyera can also act as an indicator of justice, because, as we said above, it represents the result for work, for work, and not just a gift of fate that arrived without a reason. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the one who does nothing receives nothing. So, for example, when unfavorable runes fall out, Yera, who is asked about the reason for this situation, can directly say: you did not try enough, therefore you get the same results!

Note! The rune of Hyeres does not have an inverted meaning, and in itself it is an exclusively positive symbol, in the final position of the alignment of negative signs, its loss may indicate that despite a streak of difficulties, the situation will still improve. But in order for the result to be positive, you will have to try, work, make every effort

What does the rune Hyera mean in fortune telling for work and business?

The value of the Hyera rune in work is, in most cases, a reward for the result and completion of the stage. So, for example, a person worked hard for a long time on a complex project, and now, finally, the work is finished and he gets the result for it: money, praise from his superiors or a promotion. What exactly he will receive, we look at the surrounding runes.

When asked about a new job, Hyera may mean that a person has good prospects, he will definitely achieve what he wants if he makes efforts and shows himself in action. In matters of opening and developing a business, the rune reports the same: at first you have to work hard, but the result will more than pay off these efforts.

  • - Yera: You should be on your guard. The combination indicates that a person is not doing his business
  • (empty rune) - Hyra: Such a neighborhood is a sign that the questioner is tempting his fate, so the results of such work can be completely unpredictable

What does the rune Yera mean in divination for love and relationships?

The meaning of the rune Hyera in love is a favorable outcome of the situation, which is preceded by a difficult period. As you know, relationships will not build themselves, both lovers must work on them. If people really try, make every effort to ensure that their union is happy and reliable, then it will be so as a result.

The meaning of the Hyera rune in a relationship, when a couple has serious problems, suggests that you should not run to the registry office for a divorce: you can still fix it, if, of course, you do not let everything go by itself, but thoughtfully address the issue. Remember that Hyera is always a chance for success, but not for random luck, but for a positive result from your efforts.

If a lonely person asks the runes about love failures, the meaning of the Hyer rune in his personal life may be the following: he himself is to blame.

  • - Yera: A man needs to work on himself, to educate women in himself in order to achieve success with the opposite sex
  • - Yera: A man needs to work on himself, to educate men in himself in order to succeed with the opposite sex

It happens that a symbol falls out when a person, on a subconscious level, is simply afraid of a relationship, and therefore does everything wrong after meeting a potential partner. It may seem to him that everything should go by itself, but in fact this does not happen: even if a spark flashed between people initially, in the absence of any action, it simply fades away. In the "fire of passion" you need to regularly throw up firewood, otherwise you will remain on the ashes.

What does Hyra mean in fortune-telling for health

If we are talking about the meaning of the Hyera rune in fortune-telling on health and well-being issues, then we need to consider two situations. If a person is already sick and asks about the further course of the disease, Yera will delight him: the long, difficult period of recovery is coming to an end, and great health is just around the corner. This is an unambiguously positive outlook.

If the questioner does not feel any problems and just wonders if they exist at all - the rune advises him not to spare money and time and undergo a full examination, visit a highly qualified doctor, since such a diagnosis will help to identify and quickly eliminate hidden signs of the course of the disease. Here it is important to find a good specialist, and not just go to an appointment with an ordinary doctor in an ordinary clinic at the place of residence, as there may simply not be noticed something important, and therefore health may deteriorate. Do not spare time, money, effort, because health is the most important thing!

How is Hyera used in magic?

Very often this symbol is used by magicians to connect with the forces of Nature: it teaches a person to live in harmony with natural cycles. The meaning of the rune Hyera, associated with the cyclical nature of events and the harvest, helps esotericists to successfully complete magical rituals and influences, to get a real tangible result from their magical operations. Often a symbol is used in family magic when it is necessary to influence in some way on the relationship between two people. Hyera is also widely used as part of many runic staves, including love spells.

What is the amulet with the rune Hyera suitable for?

A photo of the Hyera rune or a freehand drawing of it can be used as a talisman that will allow all your endeavors to be completed successfully and fruitfully. Businessmen are advised to take such an amulet with them to important negotiations and transactions, on which the successful course of business depends. But the main thing to remember: those who just want to receive a "gift" from fate, the rune will not work. This symbol, as we already mentioned above, does not like lazy people and idlers, therefore, only those who are ready to work for the desired result should use it as a talisman. You can also use an amulet with this rune in order to achieve justice in legal matters.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the rune of Hyeres?

We can delight lovers of runic tattoos: the meaning of the rune of Hyera is always positive, moreover, this symbol does not have an inverted position, which means that it can be used as a tattoo. The main thing is to be ready not only to dream, but also to make your dreams come true through real actions, then Hyera will help you “reap a rich harvest” in all areas of life. On which part of the body to apply such a tattoo, it does not matter.

Rune of the Day Hyera

As the Rune of the Day, the symbol says that the seeds you have laid have already sprouted - very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. The main thing is not to leave things to chance, take an active part in those issues that concern you - then the result will certainly turn out to be positive.

Jera advises not to rely on chance and luck, but to work fruitfully on what you want to achieve. The result will definitely be, and its "size" will be directly proportional to your work and efforts. But the main thing - do not run ahead of the locomotive, do not rush things: remember that everything has its time. The longer we wait for what we want, the stronger the joy of finding it!

What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on the Hyera rune?

A photo of the rune of Hyera or a hand-drawn symbol will help you look deeper into your soul and clarify important points. Peer into it, drive away unnecessary thoughts and ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do I feel unity and harmony with nature?
  • Do I live according to natural cycles?
  • Do I understand the importance of taking action to achieve what I want?
  • Do I know how to work, make efforts to get what I want?
  • Do I love what I do?
  • Am I willing to wait until the "fruits" of my labor ripen?

The meaning of the rune Yera will tell you the true answers to these questions and help you find inner harmony.

Fehu, which fell out in a personal scenario, suggests that the person who is being guessed at is a wealthy person who does not have material problems. At least, this will be the case in the time frame for which the alignment is being made.
Fehu in this position says that personal relationships will not bring anything but waste. If the alignment is done to people before the wedding, then it would be better if Fehu simply meant wedding expenses. But sometimes, when combined with other runes, the inverted Fehu says that there will be no money in the future family, if not never, then at least for a very long time.
There is such a thing as "disaster man". So, it so happens that a person is not a disaster for everyone, but only for a particular person. And grief will be for both if such people get married! And the inverted Fehu rune may indicate that it was in this marriage that two people came together precisely in a financially disastrous combination for each other.

In this scenario, Uruz says that personal relationships and related problems do not depend on you, but on your partner. And you can't do anything about it. If in the scenario a rune falls out on your partner, indicating the opposite sex, then we can safely say that, for reasons beyond your control, they want to "move" you.
The inverted Uruz rune in this scenario means that the relationship has fizzled out by itself and continues by inertia. Also, the rune can talk about the personal inconsistency of the couple with each other purely psychologically, and they have already "got" each other, but for some reason they still do not want to end their torment. Or they simply do not have enough gunpowder to talk heart to heart and part like ships at sea.


Runa Turisaz says that you and your half have something to talk about in a harsh manner without snot. Just like in business, this rune speaks of a dangerous competitor and a tough struggle in which only one of you will stand. If Turisaz falls out in your personal situation, think, do you need so much headache? Whether the person next to you, or the one you want to be around, deserves a lot of effort. If yes - then fight! And if this is just a momentary romance, then why do you need gangster showdowns or something close to them.
Inverted Turisaz in a personal scenario is not so scary. He tells you that you need to overcome some minor troubles in personal relationships. But you have no global obstacles. Maybe it's even time to seriously rethink personal relationships and take some bold steps to improve them.

When the Ansuz rune falls out in the layout, it is recommended that close people talk to each other and dot the "e" in their relationship. And to speak frankly, without concealment. Ansuz also says that there are true rumors about the relationship of this couple, or the relationship of this couple is being discussed diligently, well, for example, by their parents, and maybe rivals.
Get ready for an information war on your personal front! Thoroughly check all information from all acquaintances and about all acquaintances, or simply ignore it. Especially the one that concerns your personal relationships. Get ready for your partner to come up with a scandal about your behavior. Don't make round eyes - you have been warned by the inverted Ansuz rune.

A joint road through life is provided for you, at least for the time period for which the alignment is made. If you are thinking of buying a car or a motorcycle, then the Raido rune tells you that now is the time and you will be lucky with your purchase.
If you are going to go somewhere together - go ahead! The trip will be great. Also, this rune advises you to move by land transport if the question is about choosing between an airplane and, for example, a train.
Well ... if this rune fell out, then your relationship has no value. Maybe later, or under different conditions.
If we are talking about a family vacation, then it is better either to go not all together, but separately, or to reconsider the place of rest, or, it may change the number of departure. But each new vacation option should be additionally checked with a rune layout. If there is an inverted Raido everywhere, well, it's better not to ride at all.

If a girl lays out on that young man with whom she met a week or so ago, and the Kenaz rune fell out in the scenario, then she can be greatly disappointed - the man is married or lives permanently with some woman. Especially if the Berkan rune fell out in the same scenario. There remains, of course, a small probability that the guy on whom the alignment is being made, in the short time that he knows the fortune-telling girl, decided to marry her. But such a quick decision often indicates some, slightly manic, psychical deviations, such as mania to marry, by all means, to anyone.
If a woman is wondering about her chosen one, then their prospects are very bright, and she was not mistaken in her choice, because such a man does not "steamed" by hammering nails, fixing sockets, going to the bazaar, and other domestic heroism.
If you are guessing at some man, and an inverted Kenaz rune falls out, this means that he has a passive position in life. He deliberately does not decide anything, does not want to decide and believes that it is better for him to do it someone else - it is more convenient for him. This inverted rune can also mean an armless lazy and inept.

The best rune is difficult to imagine for personal relationships. Complete understanding and support for each other. Yes, you are also lucky! If the alignment is for the newlyweds or pre-wedding, then the marriage will be long, happy and fruitful, and they will give any good for the wedding!

Your personal relationship will be just heavenly! All those who know you will envy you in an amicable way. And those who do not know you will simply admire you. And no one can interfere with you in your personal life.
Inverted Vunyo tells you that in your relationship, literally a grain of something is missing to just perfect. And if you think together about this problem, then, most likely, you will find this nasty grain and destroy it in a terrible way. After that, nothing will stop you from raising your relationship to a level unattainable for anyone else.
Most likely, adversity will scatter you so that there will be no point or desire to continue personal relationships further. Serious difficulties will expose all the weak points in your relationship, and will show the personal weakness of each of you. So you can, in a good case, just remain familiar, or, in a bad case, hate each other deeply. But even such hatred passes over the years, remember King Solomon. But on the other hand, remember the meaning of the Hagalaz rune, the hail leaves water behind and helps new shoots to sprout, so you will not be left without a pair.

Naud says that there is a kind of "swamp" stagnation in your personal relationships. You need to somehow reconsider your relationship, since stagnation appeared precisely because of both of you, and not because of some external influences. You may have become bored with each other, but in principle, both of you are in this position and condition for some reason comfortable. Shake yourself up, get new experiences, go to the zoo, see animals and visitors, go to a city or village that is close to your place of residence, go to a museum, invite friends to visit, or go to someone yourself. In general, change your environment.
You don't need anything for your personal relationship. They have stabilized at one point and are moving in a straight line, not improving, but not worsening either. Perhaps this is what you wanted. After all, many dream of a simple and stable relationship, if only without scandals and shakes. Congratulations, if you got an inverted Naud, then they are exactly like that, albeit without a spark. Some just dream after several years of tumultuous romances and intrigues with beating crystal on the heads of infidels, just to live peacefully together.

Isa talks about cooling your senses. Think about what to do next. Maybe it's worth parting, or maybe somehow discuss the problem? The decision is yours, but if the Isa rune fell out, then you, most likely, have long been indifferent to everything.

Your efforts to "cheat" the person you like will be successful. But you will have to apply all your cunning and ingenuity, spend a lot of money and time.
If you have been dating or live together for a long time, then you need to be very careful, perhaps your union will bear fruit. Especially if the Pertro rune appears in the layout. In this case, you just have to be super careful.

It's time for you to change your relationship style. The simplest thing is to either get married if you have not done so yet, or break up if you have already visited the registry office. Maybe it's time to have children, three or four things, otherwise you have already stagnated in place in your relationship. Or is it time to move out from your parents? Maybe go in for sports, or start leaving the house during the daytime, settle down somehow, in the end? Or vice versa, shake it up.

Perth in this aspect can talk about some secrets. For example, about a secret pregnancy, which a young man who recently started dating a girl does not even suspect. And then she can tell him that he is the "culprit" of the occasion. However, if you are waiting for the appearance of offspring and this is your deliberate step, then rejoice! Also, Perth can talk about a secret marriage, or, as it happens now, about an unregistered divorce, which can lead to legal troubles. Maybe they are hiding the presence of a child from you, although this, in my opinion, is not the worst surprise.
In combination with the Laguz Perth rune, it can mean that magical technologies have been applied to you, namely a love spell or a lapel, depending on the specific situation.
"It's not meant to be!" - the inverted Perth tells you in the layout of personal relationships. Or, you will soon find out some important news concerning you personally or your loved one. The nature of the news will tell you the surrounding runes.
If the girl is blackmailing the guy with a possible or allegedly existing pregnancy, then he can calm down, everything will soon become clear. And if an inverted Ansuz fell nearby, then most likely the girl is lying.

If Algiz dropped out, then at least you are being deceived. That is, you have a lucky rival. And you guess quite correctly who it might be. So you have a reason to talk heart to heart.
By the way, it may not be a rival, but simply the girl's parents decided, by all means, to marry her off to the son of very necessary people and now they "vitriol" her brains. But it also happens that the boy's mother (more often it is his mother) begins to gnaw his cranial bones in order to wean him from "this depraved person." But with such parental reversals, girls should remember that the rich also cry, but for very own reasons, and guys should take into account that for a mother, all female persons will be depraved, except for those who are frigid, sterile or already married in another city. Those who have a different family in their family are lucky.
Your brains are "powdered", but you do not notice this very actively. You fundamentally do not react to all signs of betrayal or a change in emotional attitude towards you, believing that no one will leave you anywhere. Inverted Algiz says that you are indulging in complacency instead of opening your eyes and taking facts for granted.
Get together and ask your loved one what has changed in your relationship recently. Maybe you will come to some general opinion and decide what to do next with all this disgrace. Even if you decide to break up, then at least this will untie your hands earlier and allow you to start looking for a normal couple for yourself.

You have achieved the perfect relationship. Everything suits you both, and you think that it simply cannot be better. If the Soul rune fell out, then it really couldn't be better. You are a very harmonious couple, you cannot add or subtract from you. Everyone is happy and congratulates you.

You have to beat off the person you like from other applicants or applicants for his or her heart. If you really need this person, then fight for him. And if you just think to spend time with him, then get ready for the fact that such a vacation may not be good or simply end up unpleasant. Well, for example, unexpectedly, an uninvited ex-boyfriend, or her angry parents with some strange claims, can break into the room where you drink champagne by candlelight. You can, of course, settle all the problems, but if you don't really like a person, then why do you need such "jokes" at all. Moreover, your chosen one or chosen one may be completely innocent of these problems.
You have failed to create a good and long-term pair. Well, losing a battle does not mean losing a war. Do not despair, because you are alive, in the end, and you will still find half of yours. After all, no matter how important victory is, the battle is also pleasant, and especially on the love front.


Berkana directly tells us that the woman is currently married. And it doesn't matter what she herself thinks about this. Again, there is an example with a modern bad habit, after the actual expense and termination of communication, not to formalize a divorce. This, as practice shows, leads to legal difficulties.
If you lay out the runes on some woman, and she falls out with an inverted Berkana, then we can say that she recently divorced or has already been married, despite, perhaps, too young age. In the latter case, it would be nice for you to clarify her biography, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Moreover, the runes do not divide marriages into official and civil ones. Since she lived with a man in his or a common house, it means she was married, and the rune does not show the stamp in the passport. Well, perhaps in response to a direct question, and if the Ansuz rune falls out next to a berkan, straight or inverted.

Your relationship is high and intelligent, for which you can be congratulated.
In the characteristics of the subject being investigated for further personal relationships, this rune indicates his intelligence, well-read, non-standard and depth of thinking. Not bad, as in my subjective opinion. Although people with such brain characteristics are often considered boring by many. In any case, it is simply pleasant and useful to communicate with the person next to whom Eyvas is constantly falling.
If you want to relax with your whole family, and you have Evaz in this situation, then you can fly by plane. Also, the rune Evaz recommends that you relax with excursions in some historical places.
Your chosen one or chosen one is not as smart or well-read as you would like if this inverted rune fell out in fortune-telling at the beginning of personal relationships. It may also be that you are too hasty to make the decision to start dating or end the relationship - think again, perhaps you are missing something.
In general, falling out in the layout of personal life, the inverted rune Ehvats indicates haste in conclusions.
Evaz can also indicate a dry, emotionless, and, therefore, calculating person in his personal life. This warning applies not only to young people, but also to girls. Since a social stratum has already begun to form from young people who meet and marry promising girls from wealthy families.

In a personal scenario, the Mannaz rune may mean that you have finally found the person you need. And if the alignment is done not for a situation, but for a specific person, then the Mannats rune means that "it is he" or "it is she." If you are going to go somewhere or go with the whole family, then, when Mannaz falls out, it is better to go all together and not split into subgroups, like, "my mom and I go to the zoo, you and dad go to the theater, and they go shopping with aunt" , or by some other principle.
If you get an inverted Mannaz - brace yourself, soon your couple will break up, and not through your fault. Your chosen one or chosen one will leave you. And the reasons can be seen from the surrounding runes.
If you make the alignment on a situation in your personal life, and this rune falls out, then perhaps this is advice to disperse before it's too late, or, by the way, to remove some person from your environment. It happens that all sorts of "best friends" or "true friends" interfere with a person's personal life, in accordance with the folklore of their social stratum and / or the so-called "concepts".

If the rune Laguz fell on the girl in fortune-telling, then it can be assumed that she was not married, which is not very important in our time, although for someone how. The rune also warns that the girl is endowed with natural abilities for esotericism, and, possibly, practices some kind of magic. That is, you have to be very careful with her, especially if you yourself are not engaged in esotericism.
Laguz can also mean that your relationship is generally based on esoteric techniques, that is, a love spell is made on you, or something similar. The latter applies to both boys and girls. If you suspect a love spell, do not relax, even if you know for sure that your chosen one or chosen one is not engaged in esotericism. But you cannot vouch for all his or her relatives, or for the fact that you were not "ordered" by some specialist simply by an advertisement in the newspaper. That is, if the rune Laguts fell to you - be on the lookout!
First, get ready for your girlfriend to leave you. Secondly, someone you very seriously stepped on "pet corn", and in terms of personal affairs, and your couple are trying to dissolve by magical methods.
By the way, sometimes the cemetery love spells look like an inverted Laguz.

The direct meanings of the Inguz rune are "breakthrough", "break", so when it falls out, get ready for what they will tell you something like this: "Or we go to the registry office or goodbye, and then as it was, it cannot continue!"
Or you will come to some kind of conscious decision, and everything will change for the better or for the worse, but it will not remain the same as before.

Your relationship is promising and can continue very pleasantly. If the alignment is done on a certain person, then the rune says that this person is promising in principle, and even more so for you personally. The surrounding runes can tell exactly what these perspectives will be. If the Dagaz rune drops out next to the Otel rune, then you have a real chance to create your own home, and, moreover, very harmonious.
If in a personal scenario Dagaz falls out together with Fehu, then your union will bring you not only moral and physical satisfaction, but, most likely, even financial. One elderly witch told me a very wise thing, and I was young enough then and had not yet built for myself an acceptable algorithm for choosing girls from their total mass. So, she told me: "A good woman is the kind of woman who will bring you good luck." As practice has shown, this witch was two hundred percent right. And this, as I understand it, concerns not only the choice of girls. A young man should also bring good luck to a girl. So if Dagaz falls out along with Fehu, this is good sign, and if in the final position of the alignment, Soul also falls out - you can't think of a better one.

Runa Otal tells you that with your chosen one or chosen one, you can safely build a home, that is, create a family. If the alignment is pre-wedding and the Otal rune falls out, then the young are recommended to live separately from their relatives, that is, in their own house, even if they rent an apartment. And with a very good set of circumstances, it is possible that housing will simply be presented to the young, or the housing issue will be resolved in some other way.
Also, the rune Othel can say that the person who is being guessed at has her own home, even if the person is silent about it as a partisan, and, by the way, she does it right.
If you have an inverted Otal in your personal scenario, then you are not yet ready to create a family. Or, indirectly, it can mean a divorce with a division of property. If the distribution is done to another person, then he or she is not ready to conduct a common household.
Also, an inverted Otal rune may mean that your home is not yet "shining" for you, no matter how bright the prospects may seem to you.
A quarrel with your family and leaving can be prophesied to you by an inverted Othel, if he fell out with inverted Mannaz and Otal runes.


Don't beg for love, hopelessly loving

Do not wander under the window of the infidel, grieving.

Like beggar dervishes, be independent

Maybe then they will love you.

Omar Khayyam

The alignment divines love priorities. If there is a so-called love triangle in your love story, seek help from this layout.

The question is asked by a beautiful young angry lady. She suspects that the man is cheating on her with her best friend. Is it so?

This lady is a ballerina, and a very famous one (object 1). Her friend is a pop singer, also quite popular (object 2).

There are 12 runes in the layout (fig. 35). The values \u200b\u200bof the runes in the layout:

pos. 1 - 6 - suspected of treason Casanova;

pos. 1, 2, 3 - its relation to object 1;

pos. 4, 5, 6 - its relation to object 2;

pos. 7, 8, 9 - the ratio of object 1 to casanova;

pos. 10, 11, 12 - the ratio of object 2 to casanova.

For object 1: Casanova's attitude to her is the runes Soulu (16), Isa (11), Hagalaz (9). A sad picture for a ballerina. In fact, his attitude towards her leaves much to be desired, he is experiencing an emotional "recharge". Retreat is one of the tasks of the spirit warrior. The runes speak of egocentrism, the cooling of the Casanova, then of the complete termination of his relationship with the ballerina.

Figure: 35. "Love triangle" layout

Casanova's relation to object 2, the singer, is characterized by the vibrations of the runes Dagaz (23), Vuno (8), Caño (6). The picture is excellent! The relationship of this couple has been going on for a long time, and time plays into their hands - the more time they are together, the better for them.

How do objects 1, 2 relate to Casanova?

Object 1, ballerina. Runes in pos. 7, 8, 9 - Teivaz (17), negative, Evaz (19), negative, Laguz (21). Relationships seem to stumble out of the blue. The struggle to restore them to their previous status is impossible. Changeable emotions, vicissitudes, displeasure. Advice to the ballerina: to reflect on the frailty of life, to think about who is to blame for what happened.

Object 2, singer. Runes in pos. 10, 11, 12 - Raido (5), Eyvaz (13), Berkana (18). The lady realizes that she acted badly by betraying her friend, but we "are not always the ones who decide." In general, the rune of Berkana (18) warns that the time has come to descend from heaven to a sinful earth. Runa Raido (5), coupled with the rune Eyvaz (13) - pleasant romantic dates. However, the connection of these people is also temporary: as long as they are together, they are happy. There is nothing fateful in their relationship. The Casanova man was used to easy victories and could not miss the beautiful singer.

Runes tip: friends should meet, talk heart to heart and throw this casanova at the same time without explaining the reasons. He cannot offer anything serious to either the ballerina or the singer - he has been married for a long time!

Fortune telling on the runes is considered to be the most accurate and truthful. And this can be confirmed by anyone who at least once in his life watched oval pebbles or small wooden planks on which a unique pattern is applied or carved. What is the meaning of the runes in fortune telling?

There are 24 runic symbols in the classical ancient interpretation, but in modern layouts there can be up to thirty-three. Each outline has its own symbolic name, for example: sun, birch, man, God, joy, birch, gift, etc. In addition, the rune can be interpreted both in a positive way and in a negative way (in an inverted position).

The origin of the runes

Translated from the ancient Germanic meaning of the word rune can be translated as "secret". Secret signs were used by the Celtic tribes, and then they spread widely in the Scandinavian countries. The runes themselves, according to one of the versions of scientists, arose in the 1st century among the ancient Goths, who used the Greek and Latin alphabets.

However, in addition to scientific versions, there are also a lot of legends and myths associated with the origin and distribution of runes. So, according to one of the Scandinavian legends, the supreme god Wotan (Odin) saw the runes for the first time when he, having pierced himself with a spear, hung on Yggdrasil (the World tree resembling a huge ash tree, symbolizing the Universe). After hanging on the tree for 9 days, he got off it and wrote the first runes on the tree with his own blood. Since then, runes have come into use by the Scandinavians, with the help of which ancient shamans healed people and predicted the future, they applied runic symbols on pebbles, sticks carved from wood, bark of trees (birches) or the remains of pottery.

In those times runic magic owned by both men and many women.

Today anyone can tell fortunes on the runes, because this can be done even online. Of course, online fortune telling will not replace the mystery of laying out runes from a bag by a specialist, but you can find out the answer to the simplest questions on the network.

The main meanings and description of the runes in a variety of fortune-telling

Currently, there are several types of the most effective layouts: for a situation, a general layout, mini-fortune-telling by one rune, which answers any specific question posed. From one to 7 runes can take part in the layouts, while each one will interpret a separate issue, and in general, a picture of the past, present, etc. will be drawn. Only a rune specialist (oracle) who studies runes can combine all interpretations into one whole and draw a certain conclusion. Such a specialist will also take into account the fact that the meaning of the runes when divining for a relationship may differ in the case of a certain situation.

So, the meanings of each rune are individual and can be interpreted depending on the chosen alignment and the position adopted in the fortune-telling process - direct or inverted. However, of the 24 runes, there are 8 (9, if you count the new Odin rune), which always have a straight position and have one meaning. Such runes are called irreversible. These include:

  • Odin or an empty rune, which appeared not so long ago (in the mid-80s of the 20th century). It is considered optional and even unnecessary; nevertheless, it is often used in layouts. It symbolizes both the beginning and the end, and is conducive to all new beginnings and any changes. Sometimes it is interpreted as a sign of the divine principle. In the context of the situation, it can mean that this issue does not depend on the person. The decision will be made by God.
  • Soulou or the rune of the Sun, denoted in the form of a sign similar to lightning. This is a positive rune, which means a favorable outcome of any business undertaken. She indicates to the fortuneteller on a certain path, which should be followed in order to be in harmony with oneself, but at the same time it is necessary to find time to restore vital energy. There is another meaning of this rune. In some situations, with a certain question, it can mean the recovery of the sick person and his healing.
  • Isa or ice, winter, if it appeared in the layout, means a certain period of stagnation in the life of the questioner. This rune looks like a vertical stick. It does not carry negative energy, however, at the same time it warns that at the moment it is better for a person to "freeze" his plans and wait for a more suitable time. The rune symbolizes slow, latent development, which will surely come at a certain time.
  • Dagaz (day) is a very positive rune, meaning the beginning of any action. This is a breakthrough, a new round in the development of a relationship or situation, a new turn of events. The rune looks like two triangles connected by one vertex horizontally. She literally tells the person that the time has come for active action, for development and new beginnings. The rune is a harbinger of good luck and prosperity.
  • Halaz (hail) - destructive rune. She says that plans for the near future will be destroyed for unforeseen reasons. At first glance, the rune may seem negative, but not all destruction can have a negative meaning. Sometimes development requires complete freedom and liberation from accepted rules and obligations. The appearance of a rune, resembling the Slavic letter H in outlines only with an uneven central line, may mean a break in the old in order to find a new one.
  • Inguz - the rune of fertility. This is a symbol that the time has come to complete what we started. At the moment, the questioner has enough strength to complete. In addition, the rune can mean helping a person from the outside, finding peace by overcoming anxiety. It means a period when you can get out of a state of stagnation and start taking action. In some cases, the appearance of a rune can mean the birth of a child.
  • Eyvaz (protection, World tree) - an unusual rune indicating that obstacles will soon be overcome, however, if you show patience and not succumb to any temptations. She says that there may be delays in the plans that do not depend on the person, therefore, in order for everything planned to come true, you should not take active actions, but wait out the moment a bit and be patient. Sometimes the rune appears at the moment when a person is faced with the most difficult choice in life. In this case, the rune recommends not to rush into making a decision and completely trust your intuition so that a really right decision is made.
  • Hyera (year, harvest) is a rather favorable rune, indicating to a person that any undertaking in his life will be successful. The rune means success in both love and business spheres, however, she warns that you should not expect an instant result. Some time must pass before a person can "reap the fruits of his activities." During this period, you need to be patient and go towards the intended goal, constantly making efforts.
  • Gebo (partnership, gift) - a rune, meaning the appearance of some kind of help to achieve a result. The rune looks like the letter X and appears in the case when a person tries to single-handedly implement a plan. She says that the success of the enterprise will take place in the case of fruitful work of the entire team (friends, loved ones, partners, employees). Moreover, each participant must have a certain freedom. The rune symbolizes the unity of people (partnerships, marriage, agreement). In addition, the appearance of a rune can mean receiving a gift.

Of course, the meaning of the runes when fortune-telling for a situation will depend directly on the situation of the questioner in question. Sometimes, to get an accurate answer, one rune is used with the use of reversible runes, which change their meaning depending on the position. In such cases, the direct position of the rune will mean the answer "yes", and inverted - "no".

The meaning of reversible runes

Reversible are 16 runes that have two meanings:

  • Turiaz, Turisaz (gate) - in an upright position means the beginning of a new stage in life at the end of everything old, and in an inverted position - the weakness of the questioner, the hopelessness of the situation. In the second case, a person needs to pull himself together and completely master the situation.
  • Raido (road, union, path) means harmony and reunion. She indicates the path to follow, trusting only her intuition. In the inverted version, it can mean a break in relations. Such a meaning of runes when divining for love can help maintain a relationship, if you do not focus on the little things, try to smooth out the situation and show patience with your partner.
  • Laguz (water, stream, source) - the rune is a symbol of intuition, which is able to bring a person to the level where he can get what he wants. With an inverted value, the rune speaks of possible overstrain, fatigue. In this case, her appearance suggests that you need to relax a little, calm down and go with the flow.
  • Otil or Otal (separation) - a rune, meaning the abandonment of something important in order to acquire a new one. Her appearance is often interpreted as the help of old or more experienced friends, the acquisition of property or large things for money. The negative value of the rune is a disorder of plans. At the same time, no one will come to the rescue.
  • Uruz (masculinity, femininity) - the rune of power over change. It is associated with new beginnings and acquisitions, although it may seem to a person that this is a loss. In a negative meaning, the rune warns of alarm. She talks about what was missed important point, chance.
  • Perth (dedication) - a mysterious rune that speaks of the strong intuition of the questioner. She portends a rebirth literally from the ashes (like a phoenix). In an inverted position, it indicates that it is necessary to reconsider life priorities, since the chosen path has already exhausted itself.
  • Nautiz (necessity) - a complex rune that predicts the questioner that a period is coming in which they will have to deal with coercion. She tells the person that you need to constantly work on yourself and rethink your plans. Upside down warns of cleansing. The rune warns that the questioner was chosen the wrong path.
  • Algiz or Algiz (protection) - a rune symbolizing a new turn of events. However, new perspectives and opportunities must be taken with caution. In an inverted position, the rune means defenselessness, the impossibility of implementing plans.
  • Feu (property, food, possession) - a rune that portends not only a possible acquisition, but also the fulfillment of dreams, desires, and receiving an award. In an inverted position, it means loss, loss (not only material).
  • Vunyo (joy, light) - a positive rune, foreshadowing the period when it is time to reap the benefits. This is the time when joy comes, and all hardships are behind. Upside down can mean frustration or a predicament. In this case, you need to wait out the time to find a way out of the situation.
  • Kano (disclosure, fire) - the rune used by healers earlier speaks of good health and new beginnings. By the way, in the case of love, it can mean that it's time to start a new relationship. Negative value: worsening of the situation, separation.
  • Teyvaz (warrior energy) - a rune, meaning victory in everything, overcoming difficulties and the beginning of new relationships. In an inverted position means obstacles in business, a break in friendship or relationships.
  • Berkana (birch, growth) - a symbol of prosperity and rebirth. Auspicious rune, indicating the appearance of a new idea, business, and sometimes the birth of a child. Negative meaning: disagreements with loved ones, family problems. Often such problems are associated with the character traits of the questioner.
  • Evaz (movement, progress) - a rune meaning movement: moving, changing activity or place of residence, developing ideas or relationships. In an inverted position, it can mean the appearance of some obstacles in the way.
  • Mannaz (person) - a sign that a person's thoughts are clearing up, he is changing, but at the same time the rune advises to maintain modesty and moderation. In an inverted position, the rune calls for honesty with oneself and a revision of the chosen line of behavior.
  • Anguz (signs) - a magical rune, foreshadowing the receipt of gifts, messages from outside, the acquisition of wisdom. She warns a person to be attentive to the signs received. In an inverted position means lack of clarity, lies, deception, obstacles.

Here are the basic meanings of the runes that can be applied to different situations. Having learned how to combine and interpret different meanings, you can begin to make solid predictions for the future.

In this divination for relationships, 9 runes are used in 9 positions, each position corresponds to a specific goddess. Those runes that will be located on the left will characterize the attitude of a woman, on the right, respectively, a man, but the middle runes will characterize relationships in general.
1st position - the position of Frigga, the main patroness of love and marriage, the wife of Odin. The rune in the 1st position will be the defining rune, so to speak, the loudest note of this our alignment on relationships. All subsequent runes must be interpreted in conjunction with the 1st rune.

For positions 2 and 3, Fulla is responsible - Frigg's maid, who shares her secrets with her. The rune in the 2nd position will show us what is actually on the woman's mind, and in the 3rd position - what is on the man's mind.

The goddess Var is responsible for the 4th position. This is the goddess of truth, honesty and fidelity, the patroness of love vows, she takes revenge for unfulfilled promises, and accordingly, she knows what the man and woman promised each other and whether they promised at all. In my opinion, the rune in the 4th position shows very well the stability and seriousness of the relationship.

For the 5th and 6th positions, Sjöfn (or Sjövn) is responsible - the goddess of love and affection. Accordingly, the rune in the 5th position will show the feelings and emotions of a woman, and the rune in the 6th position will show the feelings of a man.

Snotra, the goddess of wisdom and reason, is responsible for the 7th position. The rune in the 7th position will show in our fortune telling the near future of the relationship.

For the 8th position, the goddess Lovn is responsible, it is she who helps to tie 2 people by marriage in heaven. Accordingly, by the rune that fell in the 8th position, we learn about the prospect of marriage.

Norna Skuld is responsible for the 9th position, she knows the future and weaves a pattern of fate (wird). By the 9th rune, we can determine how the matter will end, i.e. long-term perspective of this relationship.


So, the meanings of the runes in divination for relationships and LOVE:

Rune Fehu direct - often indicates some kind of beneficial relationship, however, as a rule, for one of the parties. Sometimes it can mean a marriage of convenience. As a rune of a new beginning (the Fehu rune, we have the 1st futark rune), it can be interpreted as the fact that the relationship, for example, will resume if the partners are now apart. Sometimes it falls out as a sign of a completely new relationship.
? Rune Fehu inverted - there will be losses. Perhaps the partner is using you in some way, this relationship is beneficial to him. Well, if the direct Fehu speaks of a new beginning, then the inverted Fehu can say that this relationship, alas, is over.

Runa Uruz is direct - physical attraction plays a very important role in this relationship. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then the direct Uruz will say that there is a strong physical attraction. It can also say that you control this relationship (this often happens when your partner likes you more than you like him), i.e. you decide whether to continue this relationship or not.
Uruz rune inverted - most likely, partners no longer physically attract each other. It can also be interpreted as the fact that nothing depends on you in this relationship.

Runa Turisaz straight - scandals, quarrels, conflicts. With smashing dishes, assault. It can often mean that your partner is aggressive towards you. Sometimes it indicates an external danger to the relationship - in the form of ill-wishers, envious people, strong infatuation on the side. But more often than not, there are quarrels. In rare cases, it can mean a strong attraction, an obsession of one partner with another, fraught with dangerous situations. If Desdemona wondered about her relationship with Othello, then the direct Turisaz would surely have fallen out))). As a rule, this rune is not a very good sign, whatever one may say.
Rune Turisaz inverted - surrounded by good runes says no real danger for relationships. Or that there is no external danger to relations, but there are internal problems. Surrounded by bad runes, the prognosis is not very favorable. Sometimes some kind of internal conflicts of one of the partners strongly hinder these relations from developing. Sometimes it means a loss of attraction. Hidden grudges also sometimes mean. It seems that everything looks good from the outside, but inside there are a lot of complaints about the partner, which, of course, is fraught with problems in the future.

Rune Raido is direct - as for me, for a long time I could not understand the meaning of this rune in the context of relationships. Well this is the rune of movement. It can be interpreted as "a long joint journey", you are on the way with this person. If it falls on feelings, it denotes the development of feelings in a positive direction. For example, a girl wonders, the man really likes her, but she doesn't really like him. In the area of \u200b\u200bher senses, the straight Raido falls out. Here you can be sure that over time she will love him, will be carried away too. If advice was needed on how to deal with this relationship, then the direct Raido advises to develop this relationship, to continue to take steps forward.
Rune Inverted Raido - most likely, you and this person are not on the way. Sometimes indicates some wrong actions of partners in relation to each other. If all the other runes are good, then the inverted Raido may advise you to slow down, not to show too much initiative, not to take too many steps towards. This is especially true for girls. After all, too much attention to a man discourages him.

Rune Direct Ansuz - "union consecrated by the gods", ie legal marriage. Not always good, and not a guarantee that people will be together for the rest of their lives. But with a high degree of probability, the couple will want to formalize their relationship. Sometimes direct Ansuz simply means the continuation of communication.
? Rune Inverted Ansuz - a high probability of termination of communication. There is also a chance to be deceived, both in the literal sense and in your expectations.

Runa Gebo - does not have an inverted relationship. A love affair is very likely. More often falls on not very serious relationships, on the relationship of lovers, and not on a strong partnership with the prospect of marriage. Moreover, frivolous does not mean short-lived. Keep this in mind. Those. if you want a family and children, and the Gebo rune always falls out in the relationship with a partner, do not build illusions, you will remain lovers until retirement.

Runa Kenaz is direct - some new, passionate relationship will begin. There will be pain, tears, heart wounds - what a passion without this. It is possible that some kind of karmic relationship has appeared in your life. And, as you know, they have a lot of teaching moments and few pleasant ones. But this is my opinion. The rune Kenaz as a home rune has never dropped out, despite this very popular interpretation of this rune. Well, and often, if there is a direct Kenaz in a situation when someone is missing and does not call, then this person will definitely appear again.
The rune Inverted Kenaz is most likely the end of a relationship. There is no more passion, feelings have faded, indifference. As you know, the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. When there is hatred, continuation is still possible, but indifference leaves no chance.

Rune Direct Vunyo - joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires, such a relationship as you wanted. If you asked about how your partner treats you, then the direct Vunyo will say that he wants you. True, sometimes the Vunyo rune falls on an easy relationship, without obligations. People decided to have some fun. This interpretation is especially likely if the neighboring runes are not very positive.
? Rune Inverted Vunyo - your desires in these relationships will not come true. You will be sad a lot. When guessing about the attitude of a partner towards you, it may mean that the person no longer wants to meet, he does not like you, but if the other runes are positive, then the inverted Vunyo can be interpreted as that the person is sad, for example, because of separation or a quarrel with you ...

Runa Hagalaz - the relationship is likely to collapse. And like the rune of the past, the Hagalaz rune can say that everything is in the past with your relationship. Sometimes, very, very rarely, if the neighboring runes are positive, it can mean the appearance in your life of a person from the past.

Runa Nautiz direct - strong emotional dependence of one partner on another. As a rule, if the direct Nautiz falls out in the hands of a relationship, they will continue, because the partners need something from each other. Sometimes, alas, direct Nautiz falls out when one partner is forced to stay in a relationship for some reason, for example, because of the inability to change housing and move.
Rune Nautiz inverted - there is no more attachment or there is no need to continue this relationship. "This novel is useless, there is no longer any meaning in it," says the inverted Nautiz.

Runa Isa is a bad sign. There is no love and passion, cooling of feelings. Sometimes, however, it indicates stagnation, or that the situation with the relationship is frozen. If subsequent runes are positive, then the cooling is temporary.

The rune of Hyera - as a rune denoting time, can indicate a long-term relationship. Sometimes it means that the relationship will not start immediately, not now, but after a while. It also often falls on unfinished situations, when, for example, people broke up, but if the rune of Hyera appears in fortune-telling, then the relationship has not yet been completed, the partner will most likely return. In general, it often falls out as a rune of return, and in a negative aspect it can symbolize "running in a circle."

Runa Eyvaz - a hanging situation, different difficulties. It also often denotes conflicting emotions - from love to hate and vice versa. The partner will either rush back and forth, or for a long time will not be able to make a certain decision - "leave - stay", "marry or not."

Rune Perto direct - what should happen will happen. Sometimes it means a fateful relationship, like the fact that this person is destined for you. It may show that little depends on you here, it is worth accepting, submitting to fate. Sometimes it means revealing some secrets.
? Rune Perto inverted - sometimes it can be interpreted as "not destiny", not to be this relationship. It also often falls out in a situation where the runes do not want to speak, i.e. you don't need to know the future of this relationship yet. Sometimes it can fall on all sorts of love spells and magical actions performed on this relationship or on one of the partners. Well, it is understandable, in this case someone is acting contrary to fate.

The Algiz rune is direct - if the neighboring runes are favorable, it can mean a good, stable relationship. More often in this aspect, girls fall out, there is such an expression: "with him, like behind a stone wall." If Algiz fell out when you asked about the attitude towards you, then here it can show that a person is cautious, looks closely, is in no hurry to open up.
? Runa Algiz inverted - You are at risk of something in this relationship. Perhaps this person is something dangerous to you. It also often indicates your vulnerability in this relationship. This usually happens when you like your partner much more than he likes you. Well, it usually falls on the relationship of people not free with lovers. Which, in general, is easy to explain. In such a relationship, there is always a risk of "getting burned" and ruining a stable relationship. In addition, a subconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) feeling of guilt, which will seek punishment for you, and in the end will play a not very kind joke.

Rune Sovulo - as a rune of clarity falls out when the situation is either already clear, like daylight, or will soon be completely clear. Most often, the fallen Sovulo gives advice to keep your eyes wide open and not come up with something that does not exist. Because everything is exactly as it is seen and looked. There are no undercurrents or secret motives. Especially girls tend to come up with non-existent feelings in a partner and wishful thinking. In this case, you should remember that men are quite simply arranged - if he likes you, then be sure that he will find a way to show it to you - he will call, give gifts, say good words, etc. And if a man disappears all the time, or you just can't understand how he treats you, most likely, he just doesn't like you, no matter how cruel it sounds. But a clear view of the situation saves time and nerves.
And in a positive aspect, if outwardly everything is fine and Sovulo fell out, then believe, since he says that he loves, then he definitely loves. And with positive runes in the neighborhood it can be interpreted as a sign of a good, warm relationship.

Runa Teivaz is direct - if you asked about how your partner treats you, Teivaz will mean a strong desire for you, supported by actions. If you asked for advice, then this rune recommends fighting for your happiness. If a girl or a woman is wondering, the dropped out Teivaz will mean a significant man for her.
? Runa Teyvaz inverted - the partner does not strive for you, will not take any actions and efforts to develop your relationship. Since the Teyvaz rune in layouts often means a man, in an inverted position it can mean the absence of a man (in female hands). Those. if there was a relationship and suddenly the inverted rune Teyvaz began to fall out - with a high probability the man will leave, disappear.

The Berkan rune is straight - usually a good sign. Relationships will develop with a focus on the family.
? The rune of Berkana is inverted - if a man is wondering, it may mean an unsuitable woman for him. In women's layouts, it often means a rival, and not a mistress, but a woman with whom a man has a serious relationship - civil or official marriage, common children. In a broader sense, an inverted Berkana can speak of negative dynamics in a relationship.

Runa Evaz straight - good, stable, in all aspects a successful relationship. Full sexual and other compatibility. Marriage prospects are good too.
Runa Evaz inverted - unsuccessful relationship, poor compatibility.

Runa Mannaz is direct - most likely, people are intellectually compatible and will communicate. But still, the relationship will be more friendly than loving and passionate. This is from my experience. Although, Batyushkov interprets the straight Mannaz as the appearance of that one, or that one. In general, some important person in your life.
And the straight Mannaz can be dropped as a sign that a person is thinking about you.
The rune Mannaz inverted is a bad sign. This person is more likely to disappear from your life. If Mannaz line means people, then the inverted one can be interpreted as loneliness. Well, and often falls out in situations where people become enemies.

Runa Laguz direct - falling in love, love, happiness and other good emotions. A very favorable rune in divination for relationships.
? Runa Laguz inverted - negative feelings and emotions, tears. If you asked about a person's attitude towards you, he doesn’t like him, or even something worse. It can mean the presence of a mistress, rival. It can also be a sign of negative magical effects. From the same rival, for example.

Runa Inguz - with a high degree of probability indicates that this relationship is over, completed. Sometimes it can show the appearance of children in this couple. Sometimes she points to the appearance of a man much younger than a woman in women's layouts.

Runa Otal straight - good, stable relationship. It is very likely that the couple will live together. Surrounded by negative runes means that everything will remain so, i.e. relations will not develop. Also often falls on already married or married people.
Runa Otal inverted - the couple will disperse, divorce. Unstable, frivolous relationships. Sometimes, however, it can simply say that people live in different cities.

Runa Dagaz - as a rune of transformation, it can indicate that relations will soon change greatly. To find out in which direction, you need to pull the clarifying rune. But from my experience, the Dagaz rune, as a rule, falls out as a completion rune - I consider it the last futark rune. Often means an unstable and unstable relationship. If you recently met, and the Dagaz rune fell out in significant positions, most likely this relationship will not last long.

Many are sure to runes. However, runes, the meaning of which in love relationships gives good truthful results, are often used in love magic.

The meaning of runes for clarifying love relationships

Fleece "Fehu"... Direct means the benefit of one of the partners, possibly a marriage of convenience. If the lovers are currently apart, the relationship will be restored. In the inverted form - losses, communication will completely cease.

Rune "Uruz"... Directly - the partner experiences a strong attraction, but only of the physical plane. Inverted - the couple does not feel physical attraction to each other, or the circumstances do not depend on the will of the fortuneteller.

Fleece "Turisaz"... In the literal sense, it is a sign of scandals with aggression up to and including assault. Inverted - there is no external danger, but there is an internal one. However, even if at the moment there are no special feelings, they will appear in the near future.

Rune "Raido"... The straight line personifies movement together along the path of life. Inverted - partners are not on the way, a stop in a relationship.

Fleece "Ansuz". Direct - further communication, marriage, but not necessarily a long one. Inverted means that the relationship will not last long, one partner will deceive the other.

Rune "Gebo"... When fortune-telling, it falls out if the couple is in a frivolous relationship. Partners are likely to remain lovers for a long time. There is no other meaning.

Fleece "Kenaz".Direct - a new meeting with passion, pain, tears. If it falls on a missing person, he will still appear in the life of a fortuneteller. Inverted - no relationship, complete indifference, no chance.

Fleece "Vunyo"... Straight line - positive meaning with love and passion. The partner loves the fortuneteller. Inverted - the partner no longer wants to be next to the fortuneteller. But if the rune is surrounded by positive signs, perhaps the second half of the downtime is sad.

Rune "Hagalaz"... Sign of the past: relationship will end. Ate the rune in a positive environment, a person from the past may appear.

Fleece "Nautiz"... The straight line is a symbol of dependence. Drops out when one of the partners depends on the other (financially, common living space). Inverted - there is no point in living together, ties are broken.

Fleece "Isa"... Bad sign. The relationship stopped, hung, or stopped altogether.

Rune "Hyera"... The time period after which either the relationship will resume (if the partner has left, then his soon return is in store), or the lover will change.

Rune "Eyvaz". Meaning in love indicates a contradiction. The partner cannot decide in any way - to be together or not. The emergence of either love or hatred.

Rune "Perto". Direct - a fateful meeting that must happen. Inverted - "not destiny", but if the partners are together, it is a sign of magical action (love spell).

Fleece "Algiz".Straight line - the relationship is even, especially if the surrounding runes are in a positive meaning. Inverted often falls on lovers. A risky connection.

Skill Rune "Sovulo"... Everyone understands the current situation, there will be no changes. Love is either there or not.

Rune "Teivaz"... Direct - the partner is positive, so you should not give up happiness. Inverted - the partner does not seek to approach the fortuneteller, or the second half is absent.

Fleece "Berkana". Direct - the time of creating a family. Inverted - negative dynamics of relations. The partner has a family or other partner.

Rune "Mannaz"... Direct - people are incompatible, difficulties in understanding the intelligence of the other. Inverted - the partner will disappear, loneliness.

Rune "Laguz".Direct - falling in love, positive emotions. Inverted - negative impact, tears.

Rune "Inguz". The connection is over. Sometimes indicates the appearance of a young partner.

Fleece "Otal".Direct - stability, the couple will be together for many years, and maybe until the end of life. Usually falls on people who are married. Inverted - divorce, destruction of relationships. Often indicates that partners live in different areas.

Fleece "Dagaz"... Transformation: relationships will become different, transform, but in which direction - depends on the surrounding runes.

Runes - meaning - are considered the most powerful. With their help, you can not only find out the future, but also attract the desired partner. Correct work with the energy of the runes allows you to create a strong family and fulfill your plans.